Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
1. The Basics
2. The Email + CRM Solution
Built-In Option for Emails
Zoho Mail Integration
3. SalesInbox
4. Sending / Receiving Emails
Zoho CRM Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook
Zoho CRM Plug-in for Gmail
BCC Dropbox
Zoho SalesSignals
Email Templates
Emails in a Record
Organization Emails
5. Email Insights
6. When to Use What?
7. How Many Emails per Day?
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
We bring email and CRM together. You close more deals.
Email is still as important a medium for business communication (if not more so) as it was a
decade ago. There are a fair share of critics who say that the emergence of social media and
other instant forms of communication has led to email losing its charm. Those critics are wrong.
Organizations continue to send plenty of emails: companies to their customers, employees to
their managers, sales reps to prospects, one team member to another and so on!
Email is here to stay as the first and most powerful medium of communication for salespeople, for
a long time to come.A majority of people still use email as their preferred mode of communication
because they find it more professional.
Emails are also the best method of documenting conversations, as opposed to real-time chat or
talking over the phone, because these conversations can be preserved and checked at a later
Not only is email a more professional form of communication, it is also the most eective medium
when it comes to conversions.
A study byMarketing Sherpafound that
72% of customers prefer to be
contacted by companies through email,
while less than 20%prefer in-person meetings or phone calls.
The Basics
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
Picture some common practices in organizations.
1. Sales reps prospect to find out how likely a lead is to convert to a deal. They also send
an ocial email to keep colleagues up to date about any progress. The lead, in the
mean time, gets an email confirmation of all the details that were discussed over
the phone.
2. A company sends emails to targeted customers, informing them about exciting new
products or inviting them to a trade show.
3. Email newsletters are a common sight in your inbox. If you subscribe to a company’s
blog or have signed up to be on their mailing list, you’ll often see newsletters in your
inbox oering you various discounts, inviting you to read about new features and so on.
You can imagine many such situations in your daily work life where email is the best-suited option
for communication.
Research by Campaign Monitor shows that you are
Six times more likely to get prospects or contacts to click
through to your website if you reach out to them through email
than you are through Twitter or Facebook.
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
You might face a few complications when it comes to managing, organizing, and keeping track
of the emails that clutter your inbox.If you don’t keep your inbox organized, you will end up
missing out on the really important emails.
Also, when you have the emails in one place and customer records in your CRM, you can’t
quickly access the communication you’ve had with your customer. You’ll end up wasting time
and eort switching between tabs. Your emails and customer details need to be better con-
nected.There definitely needs to be a connection to eliminate any loopholes in email
Don’t waste time switching between emails and CRM. Keep acopy of your emailattached to all
your customer records withZoho CRM.
Did you send an email to Liza, a qualified lead, to schedule a product demo? It will be right there
in your CRM account, along with other important details about her.
Email + CRM Solution
Having acopy of the emailattached to your customer records is the solution
thatZoho CRMprovides.
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
Read further to:
1. Discover the various email options Zoho CRM oers when it comes to sending emails.
2. Choose the email option best suited for you.
3. Find out the major benefits of having your emails organized around your customers’ data.
Built-In Option For Emails
Zoho CRM comes with a built-in option to send emails to your leads and contacts. Without any
email account configured, you can send email to your contacts from within your CRM account
and also have them associated to the contacts or leads.
That way, you don’t have to necessarily search through your inbox to locate the email
communications you had with a customer.
How the Built-In Option Works
The built-in email option is available in all your Zoho CRM modules including Leads, Contacts,
Potentials, Quotes, Invoices,Sales Orders, and more.
In these modules, each record gives you an option to send emails and store a copy of that same
email inthe record.
Let’s take the example of Amanda, a sales rep at Zylker Corp.
Zoho CRM creates avirtual email account with Amanda’s email address. Now when Amanda
sends emails, her messages will be coming from that virtual account and will automatically
associate to customer records in her CRM.
Although Amanda is not an Administrator of Zylker Corp’s
CRM account, she is one of the sales executives, who has signed
up using her ocial email address,
When Amanda sends an email to her contacts, the From
address will be auto populated as
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
These emails are public. So everyone at Zylker can access them. If you’re able to access the
record, you can also check the associated emails.
Emails to Leads, Contacts and Prospects
When it comes to leads and contacts, the process of sending emails with the built-in option is
pretty simple. Their email addresses are already available inside the record, along with other
important details. It is not quite the same case for the Deals module, however.
Deals are either transactions with organizations (B2B) or with people (B2C), that generate
revenue for your organization. Deals usuallydon’t have an email address associated with them
but they do have contacts associated to them.For every opportunity, there is a contact person
who is involved in the buying process.
So what happens when you want to send an email regarding a deal in Zoho CRM?
When you send an email to the contact associated to a deal, Zoho CRM notes down the contact’s
email address and saves a copy of the email with the contact and the deal records.
Quotes, Invoices, and Sales Orders
In most sales processes, quotes, invoices, and sales orders are important documents that sales
reps exchange to keep a record of each sale. This exchange is always done through emails,
which, after they’ve been approved by a sales manager, are sent to the customer or contact
person. Just like deals, in Zoho CRM, quotes, invoices and sales orders also have a contact
associated to them.
Purchase Orders
The case with purchase orders is slightly dierent.Purchase Orders are legally bound
order-placement documents for procuring products or services from vendors. Each purchase
order will have the details of a contact and vendor.
When you click on the Send Email option, you are basically sending an email
to the contact with the quotes/invoices attached as a PDF.
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
Each purchase order has the details of a contact and vendor. So the purchase
order can be sent either to the contact or the vendor.
When you send an email, you can send it either to the contact or to the vendor with the purchase
order attached as a PDF.
There is one thing that this built-in option does not provide - you cannot keep a full history of the
email communication, as the incoming emails do not get associated to the CRM records.For this,
you need the Zoho Mail Integration.
Zoho Mail Integration
The Zoho Mail integration allows you to access your email account inside Zoho CRM. The email
account you add will be accessible under a new tab in CRM:Email.This integration is not just
limited to users who have an account with Zoho Mail. If you use Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail or
other mail clients, that will not stop you from using this feature. You can still use this integration
and configure your mailbox within Zoho CRM.
Who should set up a mailbox in Zoho CRM and why?
The Zoho Mail add-on is a great tool for sales reps. A typical day includes finding qualified
prospects, making calls, completing tasks,meetings with those prospects, and collecting more
details about their leads. These activities also involve sending emailsand receiving replies.
The Zoho Mail integration makes a copy of both outgoing and incoming emails, and associates
them to the corresponding CRM records. This gives sales repsa full history of email communication
to work with. Using this integration, you can not only keep customer-specific emails associated
to CRM data but also getyour entire inbox accessible inside Zoho CRM.
Email Sharing Options
Emails associated with records in CRM can be shared with other users in the organization’s CRM
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
Administrator driven email sharing gives you the power to decide with whom emails can be shared,
what permissions should be given to whom, which domains can be excluded whilesharing and
more. It letsyou control how eachuser shares email conversations with his/her team.
Admins can change the sharing permissions that have been set, or leave it to the choice of the
team mates to decide their email sharing permissions byselecting“User’s choice”.
These are the sharing options:
Private - You cannot share emails with your colleagues.
Custom Sharing - Share emails only from selected leads and contacts.
Complete Sharing - Share emails from all leads and contacts.
POP/IMAP Configuration
Zoho CRM gives you two integrations to choose from for your email communication: POP and
IMAP. Post Oce Protocol Version 3 (POP3) is supported by virtually all email clients and servers.
ThePOP protocol downloads all emails from your provider’s server. This means you can only
read email messages in that particular email client and that server. If you decide to make changes
to that email, those changes will be visible only on one device.
Let’s say you have mistakenly deleted an important email from a contact on your phone, and you
need to access that email again.Since that email has been downloaded from the server, you can
still see it on your laptop.
Similarly, let’s say you’ve made changes to an email campaign on your laptop but want to revert
to the previous version of the campaign at a later stage. Through POP, you can continue to
access the old version of the email on your phone or tablet.
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
Multiple Device Sync
Unlike POP, IMAP allows you to access your emails wherever you are, from any device.When
you read an email message using IMAP, you aren’t actually downloading or storing it on your
computer, but reading it from the email service instead. In other words, your email activity
gets synced automatically across your laptop, mobile phone and tablet. So, you can essentially
check your email from dierent devices, anywhere in the world: your phone, a computer or a
friend’s computer.
Let’s say you’ve received some important emails from your contacts. Once you’ve set up your
account with IMAP, you can go to anycontact’s record and see all the emails related to that
contact under the Email tab.
IMAP’s two-way sync means that your email activities are updated both in your CRM and email’s
inbox at the same time.
So you can reply to emails from that contact, either from your CRM or your inbox itself. You will
also know instantly if that contact has read or replied to that email.
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
Gmail API
Let’s say you’re a Gmail user who is not keen on configuring POP or IMAP for your emails. In
this case, theGmail API is your best alternative. When you use POP/IMAP protocols, your emails
get stored in the CRM database. But when you use theGmail API, they’re not stored in CRM,
but called directly from the Gmail servers through APIs, giving your emails greater privacy and
When you set up your Gmail account using the Gmail API, you can:
You can set up the Gmail API in Zoho CRM by clicking Setup > Chanels > Email and click
Get Started to connect your email inbox.
Segregate emails based on three categories in
your Gmail account - Deals Closing This Month
(CTM), Open Deals, and Customers.
Send and receive emails
Share your emails with
other users of Zoho CRM.
Contextually view your emails
along with the contact’s details.
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
The right sales context in your inbox
As a sales rep or manager, you get hundreds of emails from leads, contacts, and prospects every
day. You have to stay on top of the most important emails that come from your customers and
prospects.Since your traditional mailbox puts your latest emails on top, there’s always a possibility
that you’ll end up missing an important email from a contact who is looking for information on the
pricing of a product. Such a miss could be costly.
When your inbox is not organized or contextually integrated, you can easily end up losing several
prospective deals. You need to get those emails organized in columns through contextual
integration in SalesInbox.
Closing this Month
Top customers
David Miller
Request for sample logo de..
Adam Johnson
Web design deal- confirmat...
Martin Taylor
Reg: Price plans
Valarie Thomas
Clarification in pricing
Jul 12
Jul 12
Jul 02
$ 4000.00
$ 3000.00
$ 10,000.00
Jeremy Watson
Product tour!
Maria Thomas
Demo request
Steve Johnson
Plans and benefits
Sandra Evans
Latest upgrade?
Jul 6
Jul 4
Donna Baker
Regarding product features
Sandra Evans
Tradeshow on 12/7/2016
Follow James Carter on Twitter!
Charles Jones
Interested in your product
11:58 AM
10:20 AM
9:47 AM
7:40 AM
Jul 11
Jun 13
Jun 6
Robert Yonker, Me (2)
Re: Final Attempt
Jennifer from Zylker
Choose the right plan
Elizabeth Leon.Me (2)
Re: quick question
Manish Sharma
New contact?
George Faulkner
Demo request
Patrick John Smith
Need business cards desig..
Sharon Glaze
Product Demo
Jun 31
Jun 21
Jun 13
$ 4000.00
$ 4000.00
$ 4,500.00
Warren Hastings
Re: Welcome onboard!
James Carter
Clarification in the design process
John Dykes
Reminder: Portfolio
Jul 3
Jun 22
Jun 22
Nancy Parker
Webinar registration
Deborah Smith
Loved your tradeshow
Veena Trivedi
Like to know more
Jun 2
Jun 30
Jun 30
Rose Edward
Trying to connect
Elizabeth Leon.Me (2)
Re: quick question
Manish Sharma
New contact?
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
SalesInbox is an intelligent tool for email, which seamlessly integrates with Zoho CRM to combine
email and CRM information in one place.It automatically populates work email into the respective
columns based on CRM data, which helps in keeping mailboxes organized for salespeople.
SalesInbox will:
Automatically organize your emails based on your sales pipeline and the stage each deal is
in. In other words, emails from leads or contacts will make their way to theContacts & Leads
column, emails from prospects will be in theDeals column and emails from your colleagues
(using the same domain) will be found in theColleagues column.
Give you the entire history of your organization’s communication with leads, contacts and
prospects, ranging from previous emails and support tickets they sent to their latest social
media posts.
All this communication is visible in the inbox itself, so there’s no way you’ll miss out on closing
your next deal!
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
Zoho CRM Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook
For those users who would rather continue using Microsoft Outlook, Zoho CRM has a plug-in for
you as well. If you’re sending and receiving emails through MS Outlook,you can have all those
emails associated to your Zoho CRM account through the Zoho CRM Plug-in for MS Outlook.
Note: This plug-in is available for Mac OS and Windows.
When you use the MS Outlook plug-in, you can:
Download and install the Plug-in based on the MS Outlook version (32 bit or 64 bit).
Go toSetup > Marketplace > Microsoft > Outlook and download the plug-in based on the MS
Outlook Version (32 bit or 64 bit).
Sending / Receiving Emails
Associate inbound and
outbound emails in
Microsoft Outlook with Leads,
Contacts or Deals in
Zoho CRM.
Add emails as cases to
Zoho CRM.
Modify your email
message and add attachments
to the Lead or Contact in
Zoho CRM without modifying
the original message in
Microsoft Outlook.
Synchronize contacts,
calendar events and tasks
automatically from Microsoft
Outlook to Zoho CRM.
Resolve conflicts while
synchronizing contacts,
calendar and tasks with Zoho
CRM so there is no duplication
of customer data.
Export your contacts,
calendar (events) and tasks
from Microsoft Outlook to
Zoho CRM.
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
Zoho CRM Plug-in for Gmail
If you’ve been a regular Gmail user, you can now view all your customer information with the right
context right in your inbox, without having to switch between Gmail and CRM.
The Gmail plug-in for Zoho CRM lets you view all the contact information of your customers
without having to open Zoho CRM. You can convert leads to contacts, log calls, add tasks and
events, and keep track of your prospective deals and customers regularly, from Gmail itself, and
add notes and tasks to keep your CRM updated at all times.
Every sales rep needs to have regular email communication and follow-ups with leads, contacts
and prospects. They all know how important a timely response to an email from a prospect is. But
is it practically possible to keep tabs on all emails that come from your prospects and customers?
This is where MailMagnet comes to the rescue.MailMagnet provides instant notifications when
you receive those important emails in your inbox that need immediate attention.
It intelligently scans your inbox and noties you of the emails from your
prospects and customers in CRM.
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
That’s not all; you can reply to emails, add follow-up tasks and add notes, all from within
MailMagnet. Along with this, you also have the option to filter the emails into separate folders or
labels in your inbox.
MailMagnet works as an add-on to Zoho Mail Integration. So, if you have configured your email
account within Zoho CRM using theZoho Mail Integration, MailMagnet will instantly inform you
about the important emails from your customers.
BCC Dropbox
Most employees within organizations use multiple email accounts for communication. There can
be many reasons for using multiple email accounts.
When you are involved in a big project, like a real estate project, that is likely to be completed in
a few months’ time or when you have to handover that project to someone else at a later stage,
it becomes a lot easier to communicate when you create a designated email account for this
purpose. Some businesses set upmultiple mailboxes for separate product lines, with each division
selling products to a dierent audience. Similarily,organizations with multiple departments often
create mailboxes for each department:customer support, sales, PR, and marketing, for instance.
When you have just one mailbox for business communication, you can go ahead and use the Zoho
Mail Integration.But when it comes to multiple mailboxes for managing email communication
with your contacts, customers, andprospects, how can you associate all those emails to records
in Zoho CRM?This is when BCC Dropbox comes in handy.BCC Dropbox provides a unique email
address for each user in your Zoho CRM account. Insteadof using the standard organization
email ID, the BCC Dropbox email address can be used for all your correspondence in future.
All you need to do is BCC this unique email addresswhen you send emails to your customersand
you’ll get a copy of that email associated to the correspondinglead or contact in your Zoho CRM
With this unique email address, you can automatically pull in all the emails
sent to your leads and contacts in Zoho CRM.
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
If the lead/contact does not exist in Zoho CRM, based on your BCC Dropbox settings a new
lead/contact can also be created.
(NOTE) For users with Administrator or Standard profiles, the BCC Dropbox permission will be
enabled. In case you want to restrict permission, you can always do so by editing the profile.
The BCC Dropbox email address can only be used for the Leads and Contacts modules.
This lets you associate allyour sent emails only to the corresponding leads or contacts.
Go toSetup >Channels >Email >BCCDropbox to find your unique email address.
Other BCC Dropbox Options let you:
Instruct CRM on what records to search and associate emails to it.
Generate the email address whenever you need, for security reasons.
Download the email address as a vCard and store the BCC Dropbox email address elsewhere
to access whenever required.
Add up to 5 dierent email addresses and associate emails sent only from them to the
leads/contacts in Zoho CRM.
Note that with the BCC Dropbox option, youcannot keep a full history of your email communication
because the received emails do not get associated to the correspondingCRM records.
Zoho SalesSignals
Customers don’t communicate with brands only through relationship managers anymore. There
are many other channelsthat they actively use to stay in touch with your organization. They
might fill up survey forms, raise support tickets, post about your brand on Facebook or tweet
about it. When customers are using all possible means to talk about your company, how will
you stay in the loop?
Use Zoho SalesSignals and get real-time notifications from your leads, contacts, or potential
customers. You can keep track of all the customer interactions across various channels and
follow-up with them from one central place, your Zoho CRM account.
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
Say you have scheduled a demo with a lead during the end of the week. The lead has just
visited your website to know more about your products and theirpricing. SalesSignals will notify
you as soon as the lead visits the website, tell you about how much time the lead spent on a
particularpage and all the information he/sheis interested in.Armed with this information, you
are all set to prepare a killer demo!
Email templates
Are you sending monthly emails to your customers reminding them to renew their subscription,
or sendingfollowup emails to a new set of leads that you met at a trade show? Have you been
sending monthly sales reports to your teams?
Use email templates and put an end to the task of sending redundant emails. You can send one
message to multiple recipients through templates. Whether it is sending a mass email to leads
and contacts, or email notifications to the users of Zoho CRM when a workflow rule has been
triggered, templates are available for every situation.
12:37 PM
12:16 PM
11:54 AM
09:16 AM
Jan 20
Melinda Anderson
Venture Capitalists
Opened - Thank you for visiting...
George Smith
Treble Notes Inc
Gray Davis
Treble Notes Inc
Sent a Message
Joe Hackett
H I D Corporation
Responded - Premium Store - Fee...
Michael Wright
Smithson Publication
Mentioned @zylker
Michael Wright @m_wright Following
Michael Wright @m_wright Following
@patricia_zylker I found your webinar today very informative and engaging. I look forward to
attending the upcoming one on Thursday. Cheers!
@m_wright Thank you very much. Hope this Thursday’s webinar can add
more value to your business.
09 May
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
You can create templates for each record type in Zoho CRM, such as leads and contacts. Here
are the other things you can do through templates:
Design your own templates by dragging and dropping text, images, tables and buttons. You
can also make your templates more attractive by choosing your own layouts for text and
add colors to the background of your template.
Personalize communication with your leads, contacts, prospects and colleagues by choosing
a template from the gallery and customizing it.
Merge fields to your template. Use a hashtag which will give you a drop-down menu with a
list of all the available merge fields.
Add headers and footers to the templates. Justclick on the location where you want the
headers and footers to be, and type away!
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Inventory Mail Merge
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
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Emails in a Record
After you’ve sent out emails, you would definitely like to know where emails associated to your
records have been listed.
In each record, you have a section called theRelated Lists. This lists out those records that are
associated to the main record. For example: tasks, events, calls, attachments, emails, contacts,
products and more. The email section is one such related list, which will let you check all the
email communication.
When you’ve enabled the Zoho Mail Integration, a drop-down in the Related List gives you two
options to filter youremails.
Sent Emails from CRM – Only the emails that are sent from Zoho CRM using the built-in email
option will be listed.
Zoho Mail Shared Users – This section lists the name of the users who have shared their emails.
Select the name of a user and you will see the emails shared by the user.
Organization emails
When you want to send emails to several prospects and customers, sending them using an
organization email IDrather than your own is a more practical option. This can be a common
email address that all members of your team can use.
Configuring a unique organization email address to send/receive mails in Zoho CRM, also makes
it easier for prospects and customers to communicate with you. You can addupto ten organization
email IDs with a single subscription.
Let’s say Diana is a sales rep who works for Zylker Corp. and is looking to send emails to her
customers. Instead of using, which is her individual email address, she can
use, She can send and respond to emails from prospects and customers
using this email ID.
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
Email communication doesn’t just end with sending, receiving and sharing emails. How will you
know whether your leads and prospects have read your emails, clicked on any of thelinks or
ignored them completely? You can only write a better email when you have the right statistics.
You don’t want to be in the dark about how your emails have performed. Unless emails are
combined with the right context and analytics, you will not know how they have performed.
So with CRM, track the emails you sent. Get daily, weekly or monthly reports on their open, click,
response and bounce rates,and get a clearer idea of what worked and what you need to work
Email Insights
Home Projects Leads Contact P otentials Accounts Activities Reports
Email Analytics
Summarize ByG roup By Date Range
Export to PDF Duplicate
Date DayL ast 7 Days Filter
All Entities All Emails All Users
Summary Report
63897 3.65% 2331 29.3% 18665 4.60% 2491 18665 987
Summary Report
11/07/2016 2173 3.45% 75 21% 450 2.71% 48 5165 91
10/07/2016 6914 3.57% 247 22.03% 1517 3.18% 191 6313 15
09/07/2016 6305 3.73% 235 23.06% 1454 3.5% 192
08/07/2016 8762 3.73% 327 30.07% 2597 5.12% 317 11237 382
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
Insights help you
Identify templates with highest open rates and share them with your
Create new versions of templates and compare them with previous versions.
Find out which version had higher open and click rates.
Find out how your contacts have responded to your emails. Get details on
when the emails were sent, delivered, opened and clicked, and how many
times they were opened or clicked.
Use advanced filters and find out which leads haven’t responded within a
certain time frame.
Get individual reports on every salesperson based on the number of emails
they’ve sent, and find out who your star performer is, and who needs to
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
Not every email will be suited for your use. Choose only that email feature
that will suit you best:
Zoho Mail Add-on
When you want to associate both incoming and outgoing emails from your
email account to the records in Zoho CRM. It could be a Zoho Mail account or
any other email client that facilitates POP or IMAP account configuration.
BCC Dropbox
When you manage multiple email accounts for business and want to
associate outgoing emails from your email accounts to the records in
Zoho CRM.
Zoho CRM Plug-in for Microsoft Outlook
If you are using Microsoft Outlook for all your business communications yet
want to associate your emails with your Zoho CRM account.
When you want your emails prioritized according to your sales pipeline,
SalesInbox does the job for you.Columns, folders, and filters will reflect your
sales priorities, so you stay on top of the deals that matter most.
Plug-in for Gmail
When you’re using Gmail for your business communications and want to view
all the customer information without switching between email and CRM.
When to use what?
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
Zoho CRM places a limit on the number of emails that you send every day. You can send either
bulk emails or individual emails but the following limit applies based on the CRM Edition. Note
that email limits will be set based on the organization’s time zone.
For Individual Emails
The email limit for the organization will be calculated based on the total number of confirmed and
active users in the account.
For Mass Emails
You can send mass emails based on your Zoho CRM Edition.
How many emails
can we send per day?
250 per day. 500 per day. 1000 per day.
Standard Professional Enterprise
Emails + Zoho CRM for Your Business
Zoho CRM Resources
12 AM to 11.59 PM in your organization’s time zone is considered as one day, to calculate the email
(NOTE) The mass emails per day, per company includesAutoresponders, active
emailSchedulers,Macros andMass emails.
(NOTE) You can also increase the mass email limit up to 2250 per day, per organization for an
additional cost. Please write to us at [email protected] to increase your mass email limit.
Also, check out the Zoho Campaigns Integration with Zoho CRM. Campaign management
allows you to manage your entire marketing process by which marketing campaigns are planned,
produced, distributed and analyzed. The built-in synchronization with Zoho Campaigns helps you
to export leads and contacts from CRM to Campaigns and easily plan & execute newsletters,
welcome emails, customer surveys, etc. What’s more, tracking responses to these emails is also
made easy within CRM.
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