Chiara Veneroni,
Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
Gabi Mueller,
Swiss Paraplegic Research, Switzerland
Kristi Streeter,
Marquette University, United States
Ranu Jung
RECEIVED 03 April 2023
ACCEPTED 20 June 2023
PUBLISHED 07 July 2023
Adury RZ, Siu R and Jung R (2023)
Co-activation of the diaphragm and external
intercostal muscles through an adaptive
closed-loop respiratory pacing controller.
Front. Rehabil. Sci. 4:1199722.
doi: 10.3389/fresc.2023.1199722
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Co-activation of the diaphragm
and external intercostal muscles
through an adaptive closed-loop
respiratory pacing controller
Rabeya Zinnat Adury
, Ricardo Siu
and Ranu Jung
Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States,
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Florida International University, Miami, FL, United States,
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH,
United States,
Department of Biomedical Engineering, The Institute for Integrative and Innovative
Research (I
R), University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, United States
Introduction: Respiratory pacing is a promising alternative to traditional
mechanical ventilation that has been shown to signicantly increase the survival
and quality of life after the neural control of the respiratory system has been
compromised. However, current pacing approaches to achieve adequate
ventilation tend to target only the diaphragm without pacing external intercostal
muscles that are also activated during normal inspiration. Furthermore, the
pacing paradigms do not allow for intermittent sighing, which carries an
important physiological role. We hypothesized that simultaneous activation of
the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles would improve the efciency of
respiratory pacing compared to diaphragm stimulation alone.
Materials and Methods: We expanded an adaptive, closed-loop diaphragm pacing
paradigm we had previously developed to include external intercostal muscle
activation and sigh generation. We then investigated, using a rodent model for
respiratory pacing, if simultaneous activation would delay the fatigability of the
diaphragm during pacing and allow induction of appropriate sigh-like behavior
in spontaneously breathing un-injured anesthetized rats (n = 8) with pacing
electrodes implanted bilaterally in the diaphragm and external intercostal
muscles, between 2nd and 3rd intercostal spaces.
Results: With this novel pacing system, we show that fatigability of the diaphragm
was lower when using combined muscle stimulation than diaphragm stimulation
alone ( p = 0.014) and that combined muscle stimulation was able to induce
sighs with signicantly higher tidal volumes compared to diaphragm stimulation
alone ( p = 0.014).
Conclusion: Our ndings demonstrate that simultaneous activation of the
inspiratory muscles could be used as a suitable strategy to delay stimulation-
induced diaphragmatic fatigue and to induce a sigh-like behavior that could
improve respiratory health.
closed-loop system, ventilatory control system, stimulation, respiratory pacing, sighs,
augmented breaths, stimulation-induced fatigue
Following acute cervical cord injury, brainstem disease, or stroke, autonomic control of
respiration may be compromised (1). Though mechanical ventilation has a prominent role as
a lifesaving tool in the intensive care unit and for acute respiratory assistance, as little as 18 h
TYPE Original Research
PUBLISHED 07 July 2023
DOI 10.3389/fresc.2023.1199722
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of diaphragm inactivity and mechanical ventilation can result in its
atrophy (2). Electrical stimulation of the phrenic nerve or the
diaphragm has been considered as an alternative to mechanical
ventilation both in the acute setting and for long-term use (37).
Contrary to the natural muscle ber recruitment order during
muscle contraction, direct electrical stimulation of the nerves or
intramuscular simulation of the neuromuscular junction results
in recruitment of muscle bers in the reverse order, recruiting
larger highly excitable fast fatigable bers rst, followed by
smaller slower fatigue resistant bers (8). The rate of activation
of ber units during functional electrical stimulation is also
much higher (2575 Hz) compared to voluntary ber unit
recruitment (510 Hz) (9). Thus, because of both reverse
recruitment and the increase in ber unit recruitment rate,
electrical stimulation can result in muscle fatigue at a faster rate
than under natural conditions.
In ord er to mai ntain sufcient muscle contraction to
maintain a desired f unctional outcome, e.g., breath volume f or
adequate ventilation, with the onset of fatigue, the electrical
stimulation intensity would have to be adjusted. A closed-loop
adaptive control system could compensate for the fatigue by
increasing stimulation without requiring constant manual
tun in g . However comm e rciall y availa b l e paci n g system s do not
offer this a bility. Also, during di aphragm muscle pacing alone,
diaphragmatic contraction causes inward movement of the rib
cage due to inactivity o f the intercostal muscles, reducing the
intrathoracic volume. This reduction in volume diminishes the
efcienc y of diaphragm stimulation, leading to a lower tidal
breath volume (10). Canine studies have indicated that
combining upper thoracic stimulation in conjunc tion wit h
diaphragmatic stimulation can ameliorate this and elicit a tidal
volume greater than the sum of the volume elicited by
stimulating each respiratory muscle alone (10, 11).
Another feature that is unaccounted for is the ability to
induce periodic sighs. Sighing has profound physiological and
psychological benets (12, 13). An adult human being sighs
approximately once every 5 min (12). Sighs can reset regular
breathing, improve gas exchange, and prevent the progressive
collapse of alveoli by expanding them during a long, deep
breath (14). In acute respiratory failure patients, mechanical
ventilation incorporated with periodic sighs can decrease
lung strain, ventilation heterogeneity, and increased gas
exchange (13, 15), but the shortcomings associated with
mechanical ventilation, such as the risk of muscle atrophy,
impairment in mobility, and the necessity for tracheal
intubation remain.
We recently developed an adaptive closed-loop intramuscular
diaphragm (Dia) pacing system that can adapt the stimulation
parameter to automatically personalize stimulation patterns and
adapt to achieve adequate ventilation for meeting metabolic
needs (16, 17). To delay the onset of diaphragm muscle fatigue
during long-term pacing and include sigh-like augmented breaths
periodically, we have expanded the capabilities of the system by
the addition of external intercostal (EIC) muscle stimulation that
supports thoracic stabilization and expansion of the upper rib
cage to prevent inward thoracic movement. Adding adaptive
external intercostal stimulation could lower the stimulation
charge required for diaphragm contraction to attain the desired
tidal breath volume, thus delaying stimulation-induced fatigue of
the diaphragm. Additionally, sighs could be induced with lower
charge delivery to the diaphragm.
Thus, we have introduced a novel approach to personalized
pacing that can counteract stimulation-induced diaphragmatic
fatigue during respiratory pacing, induce sigh-like behavior, and
that has the potential to adapt to changes in metabolic needs.
Such a control system offers the ability to signicantly enhance
the use of respiratory pacing systems for weaning patients from
mechanical ventilation and for long-term chronic use.
Materials and methods
Study design
Experiments were conducted on n = 8 anesthetized,
spontaneously breathing, adult male Sprague Dawley rats
weighing 400 ± 80 g. Rats were maintained under anesthesia with
subcutaneous urethane (50 mg/kg) injection followed by
supplementary isourane (0.5%3%) inhalation. Toe pinch reex
and respiratory rate were used as an indicator of the proper level
of anesthesia. The body temperature was maintained around 37°
C with the help of a closed-loop thermal pad (TCAT-2DF
controller, Physitemp instruments Inc., NJ, USA) and a rectal
thermometer. 30G stainless steel electrodes were inserted
subcutaneously in chest muscles to record the electrocardiogram
and monitor heart rate. A chest-mounted respiratory belt was
utilized to monitor the breathing pattern and breathing rate of
the animal. To avoid dehydration, a lactated ringer solution was
injected subcutaneously every 23h.
Ethics statement
Rats were housed individually in the university animal care
facility with a 12-hour light/dark (reverse with natural cycle)
cycle with food and water ad libitum. All the procedures were
approved and are in accordance with the guidelines established
by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at Florida
International University.
Tracheostomy and intramuscular electrode
implantation in the diaphragm, external
intercostal muscle
After tracheostomy and placement of a custom tracheal tube, a
small pneumotachometer (PTM type HSE-73-0980) was directly
connected to the tracheal tube to measure airow. This ow was
integrated (PI-1000, CWE Inc. Ardmore, PA, time constant =
0.2 s) to obtain the breath volume on a breath-by-breath basis. A
capnograph (CapStar-100, CWE Inc., Ardmore, PA) measured
end-tidal CO
) throughout the experiment to ensure
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normocapnic etCO
(3545 mmHg) was maintained. To implant
pacing electrodes in the diaphragm muscle, a 22.5 cm incision
along the linea alba was made caudal to the xiphoid process. A
hand-operated stimulator (DigiStim 3 plus, Neuro Technologies),
providing a single monophasic pulse at 1 Hz, was used to map
the motor point location in each hemidiaphragm. Custom-made
stainless-steel wire electrodes [Diameter 0.002 (bare), 0.0045
(coated), with a 23 mm active region] were implanted bilaterally
approximately 1 mm from the point of stimulation that elicited
the strongest diaphragm contraction. A study in the adult canine
model showed that the most substantial increase in inspiratory
volume could be induced by pacing 2nd intercostal spaces
compared to stimulation of other intercostal spaces (10). Hence,
after an incision was made along the midline of the chest,
muscle layers (trapezius and latissimus dorsi) were removed by
blunt dissection to identify the 2nd intercostal space and the
external intercostal muscles exposed. The hand-operated
stimulator was used to map the muscles and bilateral electrodes
were implanted intramuscularly.
Diaphragm, external intercostal muscle
The twitch threshold current (the minimum current required
to elicit visible muscle contraction) was determined for each
electrode. Stimulation pulses were sent using a programmable
constant-current stimulator (FNS-16, CWE Inc., Ardmore, PA)
delivering cathodic rst, biphasic current pulses of 80 μs/phase at
75 Hz (18), varying the current amplitude. The maximum
current amplitude was set as 1.52 times the twitch threshold of
the muscle, resulting in a stimulation current limit of 24 mA.
The stimulation amplitude was determined by the adaptive
controller whereas the twitch threshold facilitated us to set the
maximum allowed amplitude for each muscle during the
stimulation. Adaptive pacing used the same stimulation
parameters as described above. The previously designed
controllers capability [developed by Siu et al. (16)] was
expanded by adding two independent stimulation channels while
keeping the original conguration consisting of a pattern
generator for setting the respiratory rate and a pattern shaper to
set the breath volume pattern same (Figure 1). The single
Pattern Shaper thus allowed simultaneous adaptive control of the
stimulation of the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles.
Experimental protocol
The adaptive controller modulates the stimulation parameters
to match the desired breath volume on a breath-by-breath basis
with a xed breath duration (cycle period). Each trial consisted
of at least 1 min of spontaneous breathing, followed by at least
5 min and at best 15 min of adaptive stimulation. For each trial,
the desired breath volume pattern and cycle period during pacing
were obtained by averaging the pre-stimulation recorded breath
cycles except for non-breathing behavior cycles, i.e., sighs. As
intact rats have an intrinsic breathing pattern, successful
entrainment of the stimulation-assisted breath with the intrinsic
breath requires the stimulation-assisted breath to have a larger
tidal volume. Hence, the desired breath volume needed was set at
The adaptive neuromorphic controller architecture. Electrodes were implanted bilaterally in the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles and
controlled using an adaptive controller following a pattern generator (PG)/pattern shaper (PS) scheme. The PG is a xed oscillator that generates a
xed breath duration (cycle period) for each breath. The PS is an articial neural network that adapts stimulation output (current amplitude) to all
muscles based on the instantaneous error between the desired and measured breath volume. The maximum allowed current amplitude for
stimulating each muscle is independent and accounts for differences in individual muscle activation properties and electrode impedances.
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an ad-hoc 120% of the baseline volume (16). Experimental trials
were spaced 2030 min apart in order to allow the inspiratory
muscles to recover from stimulation-induced fatigue. We
recorded one trial for each type of stimulation and the order of
the trials was randomized across animals.
We performed a separate set of trials for eliciting a targeted
breath volume pattern with sighs ( Figure 2). The evoked sigh
was set t o occur after every 30 breaths cycles. For inducing
sighs, the controller stored the PS outputs (time-shifted
weighted summation of neuronal output ) of each update for
the previous breath cycle and sent out twice the magnitude of
PS output to the c ontroller. The adaptive learning in the
controller was paused automatically every 30 cycles, during the
insertion of the sigh and the following cycle. The doubling of
the amplitude of stimulation on each time step (every 40 ms)
caused the inspiratory muscles to contract by an additional
Strength-duration curve determination
In order to assess the optimal pulse width for stimulation,
strength duration (SD) curves were generated by plotting
the twitch threshold current required (strength levels) versus the
pulse widths (duration of the stimulating pulse). The stimulation
frequency was kept the same for both diaphragm and external
intercostal muscle pacing. Decreasing pulse widths from 500 to
100 µs in steps of 100 µs and 100 µs to 10 µs in steps of 10 µs
were used (8). We allowed a 60s rest period between consecutive
pulse stimuli to prevent carryover effects of the stimulation on
muscle recruitment. In general, from the SD curves, we
determined the rheobase (twitch threshold current at innite
pulse duration; here 500 µs) and a range of chronaxie (stimulus
duration at the point where the twitch threshold current is twice
the rheobase) in order to assess the excitability of the muscle.
The PG/PS controller
The controller was originally developed by Abbas and
Chizeck (19), used in an incomplete spinal cord injury (iSCI)
rodent model for cyclic limb movement (18),andinaniSCI
rodent model for functional stimulation of the diaphragm
muscle to attain a desired breath volume pattern (16, 17). The
controller is a neural network system that can provide
automated customization of the stimulation parameters to
drive the desired action. It has two components: a pattern
generator (PG) and a pattern shaper (PS). The PG has a
pattern-generating capability based on neurophysiological
models and se ts the timing of the breath. In this study, a
frequency oscillator was used to produce a xed respiratory
frequency, with a xed period (16). The PS is a single-layer
adaptive articial neural network that modulates the current
amplitude to elicit a desired breath volume trajectory. This
adaptation is driven by the instantaneous error across the
breath cycle between the measured breath volume and
the desired breath volume. For a more detailed description of
the PG/PS controller please refer to Siu et al. (16). For ou r
experiments, one PS unit was used to stimulate both sets o f
muscles (Diaphragm and external intercostal ) with the output
to each muscle being modie d by an in dependent gain factor
determined via twitch threshold as described above.
Experimental sequence diagram. The arrows indicate consecutive steps of experiment. One trial for each stimulation type was recorded. Separate color
schemes have been used for different stimulation approaches.
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Performance measures
To evaluate performance of the controller, a percent inspiratory
root-mean-squared error was calculated based on the desired
breath volume and the measured breath volume at a given
instant (16). Charge delivered per cycle was calculated as the
summation of the product of the width and amplitude of each
pulse sent during one cycle. We conducted a Wilcoxon signed
rank test comparing the average charge delivery per cycle to the
diaphragm muscles among the animals for both Dia and Dia +
EIC stimulation. As electrical stimulation or the charge delivered
to the muscle is responsible for fatigability, a metric for
measuring fatigability, fatigue index (FI) was measured that
represents relative changes in charge delivered to the muscle.
Fatigue index for each trial was calculated as the difference in the
average initial charge delivered per cycle and nal charge
delivered per cycle, normalized by the initial charge per cycle
(18). As muscles get fatigued during the time course of trials,
higher level of charge is delivered during stimulation to maintain
the same functional level. This relative increase in charge delivery
or fatigue index was used as a measure of muscle fatigability
during the stimulation in a given trial. For calculating the fatigue
index, we chose the initial and nal cycle sets, each consisting of
50 cycles and approximately 400 cycles apart. These sets were
considered in such a way that there is a minimal number of
cycles without entrainment. We considered the initial set of
cycles when the measured breath volume and desired breath
volume started to achieve entrainment with a minimal phase
difference. The initial charge per cycle set and the nal charge
per cycle set was approximately 400 cycles apart. For animal 1
and animal 2, the number of available cycles for analysis was not
sufcient, hence the fatigue index was not calculated for these
animals. Thus, the fatigue index analysis includes n = 6 animals.
Since the desired tidal volume varied among all animals and
sometimes for different trials for the same rat, we normalized
the sigh tidal volume with the targeted tidal volume for each
trial. We denoted t his normalized value as the sigh tidal
volume fa ctor. For animal 7, only trials for inducing regular
breat h patterns could be recorded, but trials for inducing sighs
could not be recorded and were not included in the data
analysis. Thus, the sigh tidal volume data ana lysis included n =
Data acquisition and data analysis
Each recording trial was 515 min long, consisting of at least
60 s of intrinsic breathing, followed by stimulation-augmented
breathing. At least a 2030-min rest period was allowed between
trials. Data recording included EKG, breath volume, charge
delivered, and PS output (Normalized simulation output). All the
data from the PG/PS controller were collected at 25 Hz, and
other recorded data were collected at 10 kHz, which later was
down-sampled to 25 Hz. A one-way Wilcoxon signed rank
analysis, that assumes non-normal distribution of the dataset and
accounts for small sample sizes, was conducted in SPSS on
fatigue index data with α = 0.05 signicance level to test if the
charge delivered per cycle to the diaphragm muscle was
signicantly lower with Dia + EIC muscle stimulation. Besides,
we performed one way Wilcoxon signed rank test on the average
charge delivered per cycle across the animals for Dia and Dia +
EIC stimulation trials. The tidal volume factor of sighs was
averaged across all the sighs for each observation for Dia + EIC
muscle stimulation and Dia muscle stimulation separately. The
one-way Wilcoxon signed-rank test was performed on the
averaged tidal volume factor for Dia and Dia + EIC to test if tidal
volume generated for the sighs was signicantly larger in Dia +
EIC muscle stimulation than Dia muscle stimulation.
Overall, the following sections present data from n = 8 animals.
In 2 animals the trials were short (5 min long) therefore for the
fatigue index analysis, data from n = 6 animals were included in
the analysis. We could not run the trials for inducing sigh in one
animal. Hence, data from n = 7 animals were included for the
sigh tidal volume analysis. Our results indicate that adding
adaptive external intercostal stimulation could lower stimulation
required by the diaphragm to attain the desired tidal breath
volume, thus delaying stimulation-induced fatigue of the
diaphragm. Besides the addition of external intercostal muscle
pacing could facilitate induction of periodic augmented breaths.
The following sub-sections report details.
Determination of pulse width of stimulation
by strength-duration curve parameters
Strength duration curves were generated by plotting the
minimum intensity (amplitude) of an electrical stimulus required
to produce a twitch with different pulse width durations up to
500 µs. Figure 3 shows a nonlinear hyperbolic relationship
between the minimum stimulus strength at each pulse width of
stimulation. The optimum stimulus pulse width was dened by
the chronaxie value determined from the SD curves. For all four
muscles of both the animals, rheobase value ranged from 0.35 to
1.3 mA, and the chronaxie values ranged from 35 to 100 µs. The
average chronaxie value across all the muscles for both animals
were calculated to be 80.75 ± 27.52 µs. Based on this calculated
chronaxie guideline, we used 80 µs as our stimulation pulse width.
Adaptive closed-loop control can achieve
desired tidal volume pattern
To assess the effect of synergistic muscle activation by
respiratory pacing, trials in which only the diaphragm was
stimulated and trials in which both the diaphragm and 2nd
intercostal muscles were stimulated were carried out. Figure 4
shows the outcome during the stimulation of respiratory muscles
with the adaptive closed-loop controller. The stimulation output
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initially starts at zero when the controller is turned on for the
diaphragm-only stimulation (Figure 4A), and combined muscle
stimulation (Figure 4C). The controller adapts stimulation
output to match the stimulation assisted breath volume pattern
with the desired breath volume pattern by increasing the charge
delivered. After approx. 15 min of pacing, the assisted breath
volume pattern continues to match the desired breath volume
pattern for both the diaphragm-only stimulation (Figure 4B) and
combined muscle stimulation (Figure 4D). Figure 4E shows an
example of the controllers pattern-shaping capability for the rst
100 s of a 15-minute-long trial for combined muscle stimulation.
The vertical light blue dashed line at the beginning of the trial
indicates turning on of the controller. The inspiratory root mean
square error (iRMSE) value increases to account for the
difference in volume between the stimulation-assisted breath and
the desired breath. Based on the error value in each instance, the
stimulation amplitude adapts to match the desired breathing
pattern. Once the stimulation-assisted breath volume pattern
starts to match the desired breathing pattern, iRMSE, as well as
the stimulation output, starts decreasing. For our investigations,
when the iRMSE value decreased to 10% or less and remained
there for at least 20 pacing cycles, the controller was considered
to have adapted, which is indicated in Figure 4E by the second
vertical dark blue dashed line.
Combined muscle stimulation reduces
diaphragmatic fatigue
Figure 5A shows the average charge per cycle delivered (mC)
to the diaphragm muscle during Dia stimulation (in blue) or
Dia + EIC stimulation (in red) across all animals for the rst 550
cycles. These traces show that charge delivered per cycle to
diaphragm muscle increases in the later cycles of the trial (cycles
300550), suggesting that to attain the desired volume pattern
more charge is required to maintain a similar breath volume.
One way Wilcoxon signed rank test showed that the average
charge per cycle delivered to the diaphragm muscle during Dia +
EIC stimulation was signicantly lower compared to Dia
stimulation (p < 0.001). The decrease in charge delivered per
cycle to attain the desired volume pattern indicates that the
diaphragm muscles susceptibility to fatigue decreases when
paired with intercostal stimulation, thus the results suggest that
Dia + EIC stimulation leads to a slower onset of fatigue.
Figure 5B shows %iRMSE averaged over the six animals for the
rst 550 cycles of Dia stimulated and Dia + EIC muscle
stimulated trials (blue and red in color, respectively). It shows
that initially, %iRMSE was high, but once the controller
facilitates matching the desired breathing pattern, %iRMSE value
decreased. Although, because of occasional loss of entrainment,
the %iRMSE cycled between a high and low value from one
breath to the next. In order to assess whether combined muscle
stimulation facilitates faster entrainment and better alignment
between the stimulation-induced breath volume and the desired
breath outcome compared to single muscle stimulation, we
quantied the number of breath cycles required to achieve
entrainment. For the analysis, we set ad-hoc criteria for the
iRMSE to be less than 20% for at least 20 breaths. There was one
animal who didnt achieve entrainment for Dia stimulation and
another animal who didnt achieve entrainment for Dia + EIC
stimulation, these two animals were excluded from the analysis.
Thus, we conducted statistical analysis to determine the number
of cycles needed to achieve entrainment for each condition for
the remaining 6 animals. A Wilcoxon signed rank test showed
that in combined muscle stimulation, number of cycles required
to achieve entrainment were signicantly lower than for
diaphragm stimulation [51 ± 20 vs. 114 ± 47 cycles needed
(average ± standard error) to achieve entrainment, p = 0.04].
Figure 5C shows the fatigue index (FI) plotting for the
diaphragm muscle during diaphragm muscle stimulation and
combined muscle stimulation for six animals. The diagonal blue
line through the origin (0, 0) represents the line where the
Strength-duration curves for bilateral stimulation of the diaphragm and external intercostal muscles. The panels show strength duration curves for two
different animals. Rheobase refers to the lower limit of stimulus intensity needed to excite the muscle ber at a very long stimulus duration (500 µs here).
Chronaxie refers to pulse duration at which the threshold is twice the rheobase value. Strength duration curves for stimulation of the left or right
diaphragm, or the left or right external intercostal muscles are shown for two animals. Also illustrated are horizontal dashed lines that identify the
rheobase value and vertical dashed lines that identify the chronaxie for the Right EIC Strength duration curves; blue = Dia left, orange = Dia right,
yellow = EIC left, violet = EIC right.
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The ability of the adaptive PS controller to assist attaining the desired breath volume pattern in intact animal during diaphragm muscle stimulation or
combined muscle stimulation. (A,C) Response to adaptive closed-loop control of diaphragm muscle stimulation or combined muscle stimulation
respectively in a rat. Stimulation output progressively increases to counteract the mismatch between the measured stimulation assisted breath
volume trajectories (solid line) and the desired breath volume trajectory (dotted line). The vertical light blue dashed line shows when the controller
was turned on. (B,D) Continuation of A and C respectively showing the last 10 s of the trial for diaphragm muscle stimulation and combined muscle
stimulation. In both cases, the stimulation assisted breath volume pattern overlaps the desired breath volume pattern. (E) The adaptive closed-loop
controller implementation for the combined muscle stimulation (same animal, same trial as C,D) for rst 100 s. In the beginning, iRMSE was high; to
match the stimulation elicited instantaneous volume with the desired instantaneous volume, stimulation output adapted and initially increased cycle
by cycle. The second vertical dark blue dashed line shows where the stimulation assisted breath volume started to match the desired volume. iRMSE
value decreased to <10%, and the stimulation output remained stable for the duration of the trial.
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fatigue index is the same for the diaphragm-only stimulation (FI
or combined stimulation of the diaphragm and external intercostal
Dia + Eic
). A positive fatigue index indicates that greater charge
delivery was required during the latter part of the trials, while a
negative fatigue index indicates that a lower charge delivery was
required for the latter part. The region under the straight line
represents the area where the fatigue index was higher when only
the diaphragm muscle was stimulated. Figure 5C illustrates that
all the data was under the diagonal line, which suggests that the
diaphragm muscle was more fatigued during diaphragm-only
muscle stimulation than during combined muscle stimulation.
The statistical test showed that FI values of the diaphragm
muscle were signicantly lower during combined muscle
stimulation (p = 0.014).
Pacing can be used to elicit sigh-like
To assess the controllers ability to induce sighs, we performed
Dia muscle stimulation and Dia + EIC muscle stimulation
separately as in the previously described trials, however,
stimulation at twice the value of the previous cycle was delivered
every 30 cycles to induce augmented breaths, or sighs.
Figures 6AC shows intrinsic sighs, sighs induced with
diaphragm-only stimulation, and sighs induced via combined
stimulation, each compared to the previous non-augmented
breath. Fig ure 6D shows the sigh tidal volume factor
(measured sigh tidal volume/desired non-sigh t idal volume)
obtained during diaphragm-only muscle stimulation (in blue)
and combined muscle stimulation (in red) for seven rats. Even
though the trial duration was the same during Dia + EIC or
Dia stimulation, th e number of sighs co uld be different
because of different respiratory rates. For the mean ± SD
calculation, within one animal, the smaller number of sighs
between the two trials (Dia + EIC or Dia)wasutilized.One-
tailed paired sample t-test for within subject average tidal
volume factors shows that in 5 out of 7 cases, average tidal
volu me f ac t ors were sign i cantly large r in combined muscle
Wilcoxon signed rank test for between subject average ti dal
volume factor indicated that the volume factor for combined
muscle pacing was signicantly higher than that f or
diaphragm pacing -only (p = 0.014).
Averaged charge delivered per cycle to the diaphragm muscle and averaged %iRMSE over the animals and fatigue index representation during combined
muscle pacing and diaphragm pacing. (A) Averaged charge delivered per cycle to the diaphragm muscle for diaphragm-only muscle stimulation (in blue)
and combined muscle stimulation (in red). (B) Averaged %iRMSE over the breath cycles of six animals for diaphragm muscle stimulation alone (in blue) or
combined muscle stimulation (in red). At the beginning of a trial, %iRMSE was high, but once the desired volume trajectory was obtaine d, the %iRMSE
value decreased. (C) Fatigue index for diaphragm-only muscle stimulation (FI
) and combined muscle stimulation (FI
Dia + Eic
). The diagonal line going
through origin presents the ratio of FI = 1; any point below the line (the light blue area) suggests less fatigue susceptibility and the points above the
line (the light red area) suggests greater fatigue susceptibility of the diaphragm muscle to stimulation.
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Elicitation of sighs can reset
synchronous entrainment
Figure 7A illustra tes the ability of sighs to reset synchronous
entrainment when the intrinsic breathing pattern and that elicited by
inspiratory stimulation were not synchronous. If there were at least 3
breaths where the measured and desired breath initiation was out of
phase, we considered that as loss of synchrony before a sigh. During
stimulation assisted breathing, sighs aided in the alignment and
synchroniza tion between the desired and measured tidal volume
patterns. In our experiments, in 12 sighs during different trials in all
animals, we observed 11 sighs (91%) reset the alignment.
instances of loss of synchro ny after the induced sigh ( Figure 7B)
during combined muscle stimulation. As combined muscle
stimulation induced a larger sigh volume compared to single muscle
stimulation, the expira tion (downw ards phase in a breath cycle)
takeslongertocompletethanthedesired expiration, resulting in a
phase mismatch between the volume pattern of the induced and
desired breaths. Synchrony took several breaths to reoccur, in some
cases lasting until the following induced sigh.
This investigation presents the viability of a novel approach to
ventilatory pacing by simultaneous diaphragm and external
intercostal muscle stimulation using an adaptive closed-loop
Eliciting sigh-like behavior by diaphragm muscle stimulation and combined muscle stimulation. Representative breath volume traces showing a regular
breath followed by an intrinsic sigh during spontaneous breathing (A), a paced sigh using diaphragm-only stimulation (B), and a paced sigh using
combined muscle stimulation ( C). (D) Average tidal volume factors for sigh in diaphragm-only muscle stimulation (in blue) and combined muscle
stimulation (in red) for all the animals, where *indicated p < 0.05.
Elicitation of sigh can reset synchrony. (A) Shows an example of sigh functioning as a re-setter to restore synchrony between desired breathing and
induced breathing. (B) Represents an example whe re after a sigh elicitation, loss of synchrony occurred between the desired and induced breath pattern.
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controller to achieve a desired respiratory breath pattern including
sighs. We showed that it is possible to attain a targeted breath
volume pattern using this synergistic approach of combined
muscle stimulation, that the target could be reached earlier, that
this strategy leads to a reduction in diaphragmatic fatigue onset,
and that the strategy allows for inclusion of efcient sigh-like
augmented breaths within the breathing pattern. Combined,
these factors could lead to improved respiratory health in
individuals that depend on diaphragmatic pacing.
Diaphragmatic fatigue can occur due to electrical stimulation
and hence a need to modulate the stimulation parameters to
achieve the desired effect on ventilation has previously been
identied (20). Besides changing stimulation parameters to
overcome diaphragmatic fatigue, one can also activate additional
inspiratory muscles to attain the desired ventilation, thereby
reducing the need for stronger diaphragmatic contractions.
Indeed, when we combined diaphragmatic and external
intercostal muscle stimulation and used the adaptive controller,
we found that the fatigue index of the diaphragm muscle
calculated during the long trials (>550 cycles) of stimulation was
signicantly lower during combined muscle stimulation while
also being able to achieve the desired volume pattern. The lower
charge delivery utilized for diaphragmatic contraction likely
resulted in fewer diaphragm muscle bers being recruited by
electrical stimulation and hence reduced overall diaphragm
muscle fatigue. Presumably, the contraction of the external
intercostal muscle allowed the expansion and stabilization of the
upper rib cage during the combined muscle stimulation. The
additional expansion of the upper rib cage increases the volume
of the thoracic cavity and decreases intra-alveolar pressure and
more air is drawn into the lungs. Thus, the external intercostal
muscle pacing facilitates inhalation and enhances respiratory
mechanics, thereby reducing the need for higher charge delivery
to the diaphragm to achieve the desired volume. Hence, this
approach can be used to reduce stimulation-induced fatigue of
the diaphragm muscle.
Since the animals were anesthetized with isourane, a
respiratory depressant, the respiratory rate decreases and results
in an elevation of the PaCO
. The increased breath volume not
only assists in triggering the Herring-Breuer reex and
promoting entrainment, but also alleviates the increased PaCO
that results from slower breathing. During this study, we did not
observe signicant deviations from normative end-tidal CO
) values, and thus did not study the relationship between
and stimulation parameters. The second aim of our
investigation was to assess the closed-loop controllers ability to
generate sigh-like behavior by diaphragm-only or combined
diaphragm and external intercostal muscle stimulation. Currently,
some mechanical ventilation systems incorporate periodic sighs
for the re-aeration of collapsed alveoli (15). However, the
shortcomings of mechanical ventilation persist. Aside from
mechanical ventilation, available phrenic nerve pacing systems
can also be used to provide sigh breaths by an intermittent
increase of stimulus frequency (5). However, since all the phrenic
nerve pacing systems are open-loop systems, manual adjustment
of stimulus parameters is needed for inducing sighs. Our results
indicate that combined muscle stimulation can produce a larger
tidal volume than diaphragm-only muscle stimulation. Periodic
breaths with larger volume can help inate more alveoli and thus
might prevent atelectasis (13, 21). Following the sigh, the
adaptive controller adjusted the stimulation parameters
automatically to return the ventilatory pattern to the desired
ventilatory pattern (5, 15). Thus, our approach provided an
automatic cyclic increase in stimulation amplitude to elicit a
large tidal volume without the need for human intervention.
Another benet of including periodic sighs into the pacing
paradigm is related to the entrainment of the paced breaths to
the intrinsic breaths. When diaphragmatic pacing at a xed cycle
period is implemented over an underlying spontaneous breathing
rhythm then the two rhythms must entrain themselves;
introduction of sighing was found to improve this synchrony.
When a loss of synchrony between the intrinsic breathing and
stimulation assisted breathing occurred before a sigh, the sigh
helped in resetting the intrinsic breathing pattern and aligning
the desired and measured volume patterns. Previous studies also
indicate that sighs function as a re-setter for intrinsic breathing
by restoring lung resistance and compliance back to a normal
level (21). The intrinsic central pattern generator gets feedback
during sighing since the large breath during a sigh activates
pulmonary stretch receptors. While we were able to induce
augmented breaths, we did observe instances of loss of synchrony
after the induced sigh. This occurred possibly due to the shorter
expiratory time in the induced sigh compared to the intrinsic
sighs. It may be possible to prevent this loss of synchrony by
extending the duration of the sigh, as entrainment with
mechanical ventilators has been associated with longer breaths
with lower ow rates and higher volumes (22). Further
experiments are required to assess if post sigh loss of synchrony
is observed in animal models that have impaired breathing such
as after incomplete spinal cord injury, and if a longer induced
sigh duration would be benecial for re-synchronization.
Our empirical study in an animal model showed that the
synergistic approach of combined muscle stimulation of multiple
inspiratory muscles can be used to reduce diaphragmatic fatigue
onset, and for efcient sigh-like breath elicitation. During the
implementation of diaphragm stimulation in clinical
environments for partients, the range of stimulation frequencies
typically spans from 20 Hz to a maximum of 50 Hz (23).
However, a stimulus frequency of 20 Hz is often preferred. When
diaphragm pacing is prolonged, it becomes necessary to readjust
the stimulation parameters to prevent fatigue caused by
stimulation. Typically, a decrease in stimulation frequency is
employed as a preventive measure against fatigue since higher
frequencies have the potential to induce muscle fatigue (24).
Low-frequency stimulation has been found to enhance the
endurance properties of electrically stimulated muscles by
transforming the composition of muscle bers from a mixture of
types to a predominantly type I ber population. However, this
transformation also leads to a notable decrease in
ber diameter
as well as decreases the capacity for maximum force generation
(23). Consequently, the ability to generate maximum inspired
volume is compromised.
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In our study, to optimize the ability to generate maximum force, a
stimulation frequency of 75 Hz was selected. Furthermore, to mitigate
fatigue induced by stimulation, incorporating additional pacing to the
external intercostal muscles has shown to be effective. This approach
enables the generation of higher tidal volumes while reducing the
amount of charge delivered to the diaphragm muscle. Besides, the
inspiratory cycle tidal volume was augmented by muscle pacing,
whereas expira tion was passive. As a result, expir ation-muscle-
assisted beha viors like coughing that are essential for clearing the
airway s of mucus, dust and germs, cannot be inuenced. Hence, an
abdominal muscle stimulation paradigm could be an additional
component to the controller. This additional component would
allow pacing to offer a complete set of desired ventilatory behaviors
that included regular breaths, periodic sighs, and user triggered
coughs to assure good respiratory health.
The combined respiratory muscle pacing could be a promising
option for ventilator-dependent individuals with spinal cord injury.
In patients with a functional phrenic nerve, combined external
intercostal and diaphragm pacing might maintain full-time
ventilatory support. Abdominal muscle pacing would offer on-
demand cough. The adaptive controller with multiple muscle
pacing could also provide support by supplementing inspiratory
volumes in individuals with partial phrenic nerve lesions. Clinical
trials with human participants will be required to validate the
closed-loop adaptive control for respiratory pacing and verify the
benets of this novel approach.
Author summary
Restoration of ventilation through respiratory muscle pacing has
been shown to be a promising alternative to traditional mechanical
ventilation. Though there are multiple muscles involved in our
regular breathing, currently respiratory pacing only targets the
diaphragm muscle. The pacing is associated with diaphragm
muscle fatigue. Additionally, the pacing does not allow
intermittent sighs like in natural breathing. Here, we present an
adaptive respiratory pacing scheme that combines diaphragm
pacing with the pacing of external intercostal muscles, which also
contributes to inspiration. We investigate this system using a
rodent model and demonstrate that the fatiguability of the
diaphragm is signicantly lower when the diaphragm and external
intercostal muscle are paced together than diaphragm pacing
alone. Besides, this multiple-muscle pacing scheme assists in the
production of signicantly larger sigh-like breaths. Our approach
could be a promising option for long-term ventilation-dependent
individuals to improve overall respiratory health by delaying
respiratory muscle fatigue and introducing a sigh-like behavior.
Data availability statement
The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article will be
made available by the authors, without undue reservation.
Ethics statement
The animal study was reviewed and approved by Institutional
Animal Care and Use Committee at Florida International
Author contributions
All work was developed and conducted at the Adaptive
Neural Systems Laboratory at Florida International University.
RA conduct ed the animal studies and processed and analyzed
all data. RS developed the computational model and provided
critical input on the design of the study. RJ supervised
the whole study and provided crucial feedback. RA, RS, and
RJ contributed to the manuscript writing and editi ng. All
authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted
The work was supported by the National Institutes of Health
R01-NS086088 and the Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR-
13-NEUC-0001 under the US-French Collaborative Research in
Computational Neuroscience program.
The authors would like to acknowledge Zachary C. Danziger
and Jacob McPherson for their suggestions and feedback during
the study, and Jefferson Gomes for his assistance during
Conict of interest
The authors declare that the research was conducted in the
absence of any commercial or nancial relationships that could
be construed as a potential conict of interest.
Publishers note
All claims expressed in this article are s olely those of
the a uthors and do not necessarily represent those of their
afliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the
editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be
evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by
its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the
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