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s a sports dietitian that special-
izes in fueling young athletes,
I’m asked the same questions
over and over again. Parents and coaches
want suggestions for what to feed ath-
letes before, during and after activity.
While game-day fueling is important,
adequate hydration sits at the top of the
priority list for young athletes.
There is no easier, effective or more
economical way to help performance and
protect health than staying hydrated during
exercise. Water is the most vital nutri-
ent and plays a key role in how well ath-
letes perform. In adults, a loss of 2 percent
body weight in fluids has been shown to
have adverse effects on performance.
children, those same negative effects are
thought to occur sooner, with just 1 percent
decrease in body weight.
This is especially
true when exercising in hot and humid
conditions. The negative side effects asso-
ciated with dehydration in children leads
to decreased endurance and performance
by negatively affecting the cardiovascu-
lar system, thermoregulation and central
fatigue or perceived exhaustion.
hydration increases a young athlete's risk
for exertional heat illness.
How Much Water is Enough?
As with nutrients, the Dietary Reference
Intakes’ (DRI) recommend
how much
water is needed daily:
9-13 2.4 liters =
10 cups
2.1 liters =
9 cups
14-18 3.3 liters =
14 cups
2.3 liters =
10 cups
Healthy adolescents can generally regu-
late their fluid intake and avoid dehydration,
but active young athletes need to pay closer
attention. As with nutrient recommenda-
tions, adequate water intakes for athletes
are much more researched in adults than
in children and adolescents. DRI is a great
place to start, but young athletes need
more. How much more depends on a lot of
things. Intensity and duration of training,
environmental conditions (heat/humid-
ity) and equipment (uniform/pads) all
play a role in how much fluid is lost during
activity. Sweat loss varies from one athlete to
another and should also be considered.
Ideally, athletes would be able to drink
enough fluid during activity to keep pace
with their sweat rate, but unfortunately,
that’s not always possible. Not all ath-
letes know their sweat rate and may not
realize how much fluid they lose when
exercising. Maintaining fluid equilibrium
during activity is especially difficult for
athletes who are heavy sweaters.
One way for athletes to learn how much
fluid they lose during activity is to weigh
themselves before and after training ses-
sions. Knowing how much fluid is lost
during activity will help to individualize
a hydration plan. To determine fluid loss,
athletic trainers can help young athletes
complete this simple formula (Figure 1).
Not only will completing the chart help
identify youth athletes who may be at
increased risk of dehydration, it also shows
them how much you prioritize fluid status.
In addition to calculating the fluid
losses during activity, athletic trainers can
help youth athletes become familiar with
evaluating their urine. When possible,
Ways to Prevent Fluid Loss From Becoming Detrimental
Photo © iStock/krystiannawrocki
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hang a urine chart in workout areas that
is visible for athletes. Also, make sure that
young athletes know the general rule of
thumb: pale yellow urine (like lemonade)
indicates being fairly well-hydrated, while
darker yellow (like apple juice) indicates
potential dehydration. The more emphasis
athletic trainers put on hydration status, the
more likely young athletes are to prioritize it.
Knowing the Signs of Dehydration
Symptoms of dehydration can be vague,
but the earlier we educate young athletes
on what to look for, the easier it will be for
them to identify the signs. Some warning
signs include: headache and lightheaded-
ness, noticeable thirst, irritability, nausea,
muscle cramping, dark yellow urine, dif-
culty paying attention, weakness and fatigue
resulting in decreased performance.
The most recent hydration recom-
mendations, released in 2011 from the
American Academy of Pediatrics,
can be
found in Figure 2.
Talking to Teens about Hydration
Notice the recommendation from the
American Academy of Pediatrics to educate
children and adolescents on the importance
of getting adequate hydration. As the face
of the sports medicine team, athletic train-
ers play a key role in helping youth athletes
understand why hydration is important. But
telling them they need to drink is not enough.
A study by Cleary and colleagues assessed
the hydration status and behaviors of ado-
lescent athletes both before and after a one-
time education intervention, then compared
it to a prescribed hydration intervention.
The outcome showed that a one-time educa-
tion session alone was not enough to change
hydration behaviors of the young athletes, but
prescribing individualized hydration protocols
for adolescents improved their fluid intake.
This study supports the need to go above and
beyond simply telling teenagers they should
drink more fluid. They need to be shown how
to do it.
In addition to encouraging athletes to
drink during activity, helping adolescent
athletes develop their own hydration sched-
ule is also useful. Scheduling fluid intake
will help athletes get in the habit of drink-
ing at regular times throughout the day.
The following is an example of a basic fluid
hydration schedule. Use this as a guide to
help athletes understand the purpose, but
have them tailor the times to their school,
work and training schedule changes:
6:30 AM (wake up) Drink 8 ounces
of water
8:30 a.m. (or
between classes)
4 ounces
10:30 a.m. (or
between classes)
4 ounces
Noon (with lunch) 4 ounces
1:30 p.m. (or
between classes)
4 ounces
2:30 p.m. (after
8 ounces
3:30 p.m. (or before
8 ounces
During practice Drink breaks—
about 4-12 ounces
every 15 minutes
After practice Drink 8-16 ounces
of fluid
7:30 p.m. 8 ounces of fluid
9:30 p.m. 8 ounces of fluid
Tip: 4 big gulps from the drinking
fountain is about 4 ounces of fluid
Special Considerations
Certain situations and conditions may
require additional fluids. Athletes compet-
ing in extreme weather conditions, wearing
heavy equipment or competing at altitude
will need to pay extra attention to fluid
intake. Recent illness, especially if it involved
gastrointestinal distress or fever, athletes
taking medications or an athlete with a
known medical condition also may require
additional fluids. For the safety of all youth
athletes, athletic trainers should have water
or other appropriate fluids readily available,
and athletes should be given regular oppor-
tunities throughout practice and events to
hydrate and offset sweat losses.
Sports Drink vs. Water
Another common question is whether
water is enough or should sports drinks
be considered. The answer depends on
the individual athlete, the intensity and
duration of activity and the conditions
in which the activity is occurring. When
used properly, sports drinks can be bene-
ficial for youth athletes.
As athletes perspire, they lose electro-
lytes, especially sodium and chloride. In
addition to water, those electrolytes need
to be replaced to prevent fluid imbalance.
In addition to its role in maintaining fluid
balance, adequate sodium may help pre-
vent muscle cramping and help maintain
hydration status.
Although water is often sufficient to main-
tain adequate hydration, a sports beverage
can help replace electrolytes. Activity of
longer duration (more than one hour), higher
intensity and/or repeated same-day exercise
sessions that result in a greater sweat loss can
be supported by electrolyte supplementation.
This is especially true for athletes who have
high sweat rates or are salty sweaters.
The purpose of a sports drink is to
provide fluid, fuel (as carbohydrates) and
electrolytes to offset the losses that occur
during and after activity. For other times
of the day, water is the beverage to drink.
The goal of hydration is the same for
all youth athletes: prevent dehydration
and optimize performance. Maintaining a
healthy hydration status is the first priority
when putting a performance plan in place.
About the Author: Heather Mangieri, RDN,
CSSD, is a nationally recognized expert in nutri-
tion, wellness & human performance, a registered
STEP 1 Weigh nude* immediately before
starting exercise
Record Weight=
STEP 2 Keep track of exactly how much fluid is
consumed during the exercise session
Record Fluid Consumed=
STEP 3 Weigh nude* immediately after exercise Record Weight=
STEP 4 Subtract post-exercise weight from pre-
exercise weight to determine pounds lost.
Pounds Lost=
STEP 5 Multiply pounds lost X 3 to determine how
much fluid to replace after exercise
Cups of fluid to replace
* While best practice would be a nude weight, it is understandable that this is not always feasible or
ethically prudent. In practicality, at least have your athlete weigh themselves in the exact same
clothes as to try to account for any potential variable which may cause an error in accuracy. Also,
please note, that dry clothes at the start of practice may be “heavier” sweat soaked clothes at the
completion of a practice and can also account for an error in measurements.
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(800) 527.4923
dietitian-nutritionist, a board-certified specialist
in sports dietetics and the author of Fueling Young
Athletes (Human Kinetics, 2017). She has more
than 18 years of professional experience in well-
ness, sports nutrition/adolescent sports nutrition,
weight management and disordered eating.Her
company, Heather Mangieri Nutrition, provides
food, fitness and nutrition consulting services for
organizations, companies and clients.
Rosenbloom, Christine, et al. 2012. Sports nutrition: A
practical manual for professionals, 5th ed. Academy
of Nutrition and Dietetics. Chicago, Illinois.
Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness and
Council on School Health, Bergeron MF, Devore
C, Rice SG; American Academy of Pediatrics.
Policy Statement- climatic heat stress and exer-
cising children and adolescents. Pediatrics. 2011;
128(3): e741-e747.
Dietary Reference Intakes for Water, Potassium,
Sodium, Chloride, and Sulfate. This report may
be accessed via www.nap.edu.
Arnaoutis, G., Kavouras, S.A., Angelopoulou, A., et
al. 2015. Fluid balance during training inelite young
athletes of different sports. Journal of Strength and
Conditioning Research 29 (12): 3447-3452.
Cleary, M.A., Hetzler, R.K., Wasson, D., et al.
2012. Hydration behaviors before and after an
educational and prescribed hydration interven-
tion in adolescent athletes. Journal of Athletic
Training 47 (3): 273-281.
Provide and promote consumption of readily accessible fluids at regular intervals before,
during and after activity to oset sweat loss and maintain adequate hydration while
avoiding overdrinking.
Encourage children to drink during activity to minimize sweat induced body-water
deficits during exercise as long as pre-activity hydration status is good.
-9 to 12 years: 3-5 ounces every 20 minutes
-Older athletes: Up to 34-50 ounces per hour (9-13 ounces every 15 minutes)
Pre- and post-activity body weight measurements can provide more information for
individual rehydration needs.
Electrolyte-supplemented beverages that emphasize sodium may be warranted during
long duration (≥1 hour), repeated same-day sessions of strenuous exercise, sports
participation and hot weather.
Educate children and adolescents of the merits of ample hydration.
Youth sports governing bodies, tournament directors and other event administrators
should provide adequate rest and recovery periods of two or more hours between same
day contests in warm to hot weather to allow sucient recovery and rehydration.
REFERENCE: Council on Sports Medicine and Fitness and Council on School Health, Bergeron MF,
Devore C, Rice SG; American Academy of Pediatrics. Policy Statement- climatic heat stress and
exercising children and adolescents. Pediatrics. 2011; 128(3): e741-e747.