Units Required for Graduation
Students must complete 86 units to graduate
At the end of the first year, students will have 33 units.
Typically, upper-level students sign up for one
semester of 14 units and three semesters of 13 units
to graduate on time.
You should consider signing up for two semesters of
14 units so that you can take the minimum load (12
units) the semester you are enrolled in your clinic.
There’s no extra charge for exceeding 86 units
Units in a Semester
The maximum number of units/semester = 16
Need special permission from Dean of Students
to take 17 (ABA maximum)
Must file Academic Rules Petition (on-line under “Forms”)
Granted if student is applying summer externship credits to
fall semester
The minimum number of units/semester = 12
Course Registration
Two-step process:
Bid on classes with enrollment caps of 24 or under
Done through Symplicity (be sure to set up a Symplicity account)
Enroll in all classes, including successful bids
Done through LawReg
Students are responsible for the accuracy of their enrollments. Be
sure to check your on-line study list to ensure that you:
Enrolled in the correct courses
Enrolled for the correct number of units in a class that offers variable
Have accurately chosen to take the class for a grade or S/U
*****Watch the on-line Registration Videos!!*****
On-Line Registration Videos
Are There Any Mandatory
Upper Level Classes?
Must fulfill the ULWR and a core clinic
As a practical matter, to be certified by the
State Bar to represent clients in a clinic, you
must have completed or be concurrently
enrolled in Evidence.
Exceptions: Appellate Litigation and International
Justice Clinics do not require Evidence
Upper Level Writing Requirement
Upper level writing requirement (ULWR)
Frequent feedback from faculty member
Multiple drafts
Substantial original analysis and research
Certified by faculty member as meeting the requirement.
Can be fulfilled by
Taking a class that meets the requirement
Writing a paper in an Independent Study class
Usually 2 or 3 units of credit
Student makes arrangements with a faculty advisor
Typically done in the spring semester of 2L year but can be fall semester of 2L or 3L year
Re-drafting moot court brief
It is up to the faculty advisor, but typically students earn 0-1 units of credit
Arranging to re-write a paper turned in for credit in a class that did not meet the ULWR
It is up to the faculty advisor, but typically students earn 0-1 units of credit
Does not have to be an academic-style paper as long as criteria are met
Deadline to complete is the first working day on or after February 1 of third year
**YOU** are responsible for submitting the ULWR sign-off form to the faculty member and turning it in to the Law School
Registrar. Even if you are taking a class that fulfills the ULWR it is YOUR responsibility to get the form signed and turned in.
How Can I Tell Which Classes Fulfill the
Upper Level Writing Requirement?
Sample of Spring 2014 Courses That
Fulfill the ULWR
Where Do I Find the Independent Study and
ULWR Sign Off Forms?
All forms are on-line in the Student Portal
Students must complete at least 6 units of clinical education through
A core law school clinic (such as the Community and Economic Development,
Environmental Law, or Appellate Litigation clinics, to name a few)
OR in an Alternative Field Placement approved to meet this requirement
The Associate Dean for Clinical Education and Service Learning approves alternative
clinical placements.
Core clinics are typically completed in Fall or Spring of 2L, or Fall of 3L year
2Ls and 3Ls may enroll in elective clinics that are not required for
graduation (such as the DFEH clinic)
A student cannot enroll in an elective clinic or an externship at the same time
s/he is enrolled in a core clinic.
Add/Drop/Change Period
Up through the second week of the semester you can add
or drop a class, or change from a grade to S/U (or vice
Without charge
Without getting anyone’s permission
From the third week of the semester through the end of
the sixth week you can:
Add or drop a class with the instructors written permission.
Must file an Academic Rules Petition.
Change from a grade to S/U (or vice versa). Does not require
instructors permission. Must file an Academic Rules Petition.
Charge of $3 for each change (will appear on ZotBill).
Watch out for special Drop deadlines.
Summer Externship Credit
Externships completed in the summer will
appear on the fall semester study
Summer Externships are 4 units of credit
Do the math!
No externship units:
Units needed for graduation = 86
1L units - 33
2L and 3 L units needed 53
(one semester of 14 and three semesters of 13 units)
…With Externship Units
Units needed for graduation = 86
1L units - 33
2L and 3 L units needed 53
Externship units -4*
2L and 3L units needed 49
(one semester of 13 and three semesters of 12 units)
*Appears on fall transcript. Students with summer
externships can enroll in up to 17 units in the fall, but 4 of
those units will already have been completed!
Can I Take a Class S/U?
You may take up to 8 self-selected units S/U
The 8 self-selected units applies to classes normally taken for a grade
The 8 self-selected units are in addition to classes offered only for S/U,
such as:
Research Fellowships
Classes designated by faculty as S/U
A small number of classes must be taken for a grade (including core
Must earn a minimum of a C- to pass
The Course Catalogue lists whether a class is offered only S/U or
only for grades in the notes section of the course description.
Should I Take a Class S/U?
Be honest with yourself about your study habits.
Will you do the same amount of work anyway?
Will you slack off in a subject that is important to learn (especially heavily tested
bar topics)?
Are you trying to raise your GPA?
S/U units count toward graduation requirements, but will have no effect on your
Is this class that is important to your career goals (i.e., Patent Law if you
want to be a patent lawyer)?
You are responsible for keeping track of your eligibility for graduation
honors (summa cum laude, magna cum laude, cum laude):
To be eligible, at least 75% of law studies must be in graded courses
(64.5 units if you graduate with 86 units)
Can I Take a Class Outside the
Law School?
Classes through ABA approved summer programs
Count toward graduation units but grades will not count in your UCI Law GPA
Discuss financial aid options with Nasreen Zia
Upper division and graduate level classes at UCI
Count toward graduation units but grades will not count in your UCI Law GPA
unless the instructor has a joint appointment with the Law School
Need permission of the instructor and Law School Dean of Students
Law students cannot enroll themselves in main campus classes must go
through Law Registrars Office
No additional charge for Fall, Winter, Spring quarters
Pay fees for Summer quarter; check with Nasreen Zia on financial aid options
See Academic Rules for specifics
Non-Regularly Scheduled Law Classes
Students may take up to 18 units of non-
regularly scheduled law classes
Independent Study
Non-law classes on main campus
Research Fellowships
Externships (other than those deemed Alternative
Field Placements)
Advanced Clinics
What Classes Should I Take?
Take the classes that interest you, even if you never intend to practice in that field.
Take classes from professors you would like to study with, even if the subject matter is not
one you think will appeal to you. There are practice fields you have not considered that will
actually capture your interest.
Take classes from professors you enjoyed and whose teaching style matches your learning
Take classes that will give you a strong foundation in the practice field you intend to enter.
Takes classes with a mix of different methods of evaluation (e.g., exams, papers, in-class
Take a mix of skills and doctrinal courses.
Take a broad range of classes. Life is unpredictable. You may discover you do not enjoy the
work you do, or business in your practice area may dry up. Choose courses that will expose
you to various methodological approaches to the law and that prepare you to be a well-
rounded lawyer able to take advantage of opportunities as they appear.
Faculty Have Prepared Course Selection Guides by
Practice Areas:
I offer individual, half-hour academic advising sessions with each
Begins March 18
Available Cesar Chavez Day if enough student interest
Two lunch-time panels scheduled
Full-time Faculty/Adjuncts Panel -- March 19 at noon
Business Law Panel April 13 at noon
Read the course descriptions and prerequisites in the course
Course evaluations from previous years are available on line.
Tentative Registration Schedule
March 18: Course Catalogue goes live
March 30: Notification of clinic assignments
March 31: Pre-enrollment bidding for small
classes opens*
April 6: Bidding ends
April 10: Students notified of winning bids
April 16: Rising 3Ls begin to enroll
April 17: Rising 2Ls begin to enroll
*It is an Honor Code violation to “game” the bid
Subjects Tested on Every Bar Exam
MBE – Multi-State Bar Exam
Civil Procedure - Federal
Constitutional Law (including First Amendment)
Contracts (including the UCC)
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure
Real Property
Subjects Tested on the
California Bar Exam
MBE and Essay Essay Only
Civil Procedure Fed’l
Constitutional Law (incl. 1
Contracts (including the UCC)
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure
Real Property
Business Associations (incl.
Agency/Partnership and Corporations)
Civil Procedure CA and Federal
Community Property
Evidence CA and Federal
Professional Responsibility
Wills and Succession