Sensitivity: Public
CSRconnect Email Library
Sensitivity: Public
Table of Contents (TOC)
Basic email components
Request Email Verification Code (AC001)
Request Email Authentication Code (AC002)
Pull Report Complete (GC001)
Export Notification (GC002)
Password Reset Request - V1 - Basic Login (GC003)
Password Reset Request - V2 - SSO (GC004)
Engagement Elements
Vote Confirmation (EE001)
Fundraiser Donation Alert (P2P001)
Fundraiser Submitted for Approval (P2P002)
Fundraiser Approved (P2P003)
Fundraiser Declined (P2P004)
Fundraiser Approvals Pending (P2P005)
Donation Confirmation (G004)
Donation Confirmation Giving Campaign (G005)
Payroll Deduction Changes due to Pay Frequency Change (G007)
In Honor of Email (G012)
Give Continued
Edit Donation Confirmation (G013)
Cancel Donation Confirmation (G014)
In-transit/Deposited Donation Notification (G017)
Send Message to Group (GR001)
Group Member Added Default Text (GR002)
Group Member Added Custom Text (GR002)
Group Member Removed (GR003)
Group Request to Join (GR004)
Group Join Request Approved (GR005)
Group Join Request Denied (GR006)
Group Message Posted (GR007)
Group Membership Update (GR009)
Reply to Group Message Post (GR010)
New Opportunity Added (GR011)
Group Member Activity Digest (GR012)
Group Admin Activity Digest (GR013)
New Membership Request (GR014)
Human Resources
Invalid SFTP Settings (HR001)
Import Job Failed (HR002)
Import Job Succeeded (HR003)
Community Opt Out (HR004)
Sensitivity: Public
Table of Contents (TOC)
International Vetting
Vetting Request Confirmation (IV001)
Vetting Request Canceled (IV004)
Vetting Request Denied (IV002)
Vetting Request Approved (IV003)
Proxy Request Initiated (PR001)
Proxy Request Declined (PR002)
Proxy Request Accepted (PR003)
Proxy Relationship Cancelled (PR004)
Proxy Access Deactivated (PR005)
Reward Programs
Incentive Redeemed Confirmation (IN001)
Incentive Manual Issuance (IN002)
Incentive Approved Employee Notification (IN003)
Incentive Denied Employee Notification (IN004)
Incentive Expiration Reminder (IN005)
Incentive Redeemed Approval Exists (IN006)
Incentive Redeemed Charity Compliance Exists (IN007)
Incentive Eligibility Update (IN010)
Incentive Redemption Revoked (IN010)
Volunteer Grant Denied (I001)
Reward Programs Continued
Volunteer Grant Resubmit (I002)
Volunteer Grant Approved (I003)
Match Request Denied (I004)
Match Request Resubmit (I005)
Match Request Approved (I006)
Stranded Funds Automation
30 day before Void Alert Email (SC009)
Redirect Needed 30 Day Notice (SC011)
Redirect Needed - 14 Day Notice (SC001)
Redirect Request - 7 Day Notice (SC002)
Charitable Contribution + Match Redirection Confirmation (SC003)
Charitable Contribution Redirection Confirmation (SC004)
Charitable Contribution Redirected (SC005)
Contribution Redirected Due to Inaction (SC006)
Charitable Contribution Automatically Redirected (SC007)
Ineligible Charity Notification (SC010)
Volunteer - Events
Participant Messaged (V001)
Participant Added (V002)
Participant Added From Waitlist (V003)
Participant Removed (V004)
Participant Leaves Event (V007)
Sensitivity: Public
Table of Contents (TOC)
Volunteer Events Continued
An Event Is Full (V008)
An Event Occurrence Is Full (V009)
An Event Shift Is Full (V010)
Guest Added (V011)
Guest Removed (V012)
Individual Activity Logged (V013)
Participation Confirmation (V014)
Event Removed (V015)
Waitlist Participation Confirmation (V016)
Event Cancelled Recurring (V017)
Participation Reminder (V019)
Post Event Reminder (V020)
Participation Update (V021)
Event Submitted for Approval (V023)
Event Review Approved (V024)
Event Review Declined (V025)
Events Approvals Pending (V026)
Event Update Summary (V027)
Required Questions to Answer (V029)
Organizer Added (V030)
Organizer Removed (V031)
Volunteer Events Continued
CRA Requests Pending (V032)
Recurring Individual Activity Reminder (V033)
Employee Invitation (V034)
Volunteer NPOconnect Events
Participation Confirmation (NPO001)
Event Deleted (NPO002)
Participation Removed (NPO003)
Participation Reminder (NPO004)
Post-Event Reminder (NPO005)
Participation Update (NPO006)
Volunteer - Projects
Sign Up Confirmation (P001)
Express Interest Confirmation (P002)
Participant Confirmed For Role (P003)
Participant Invited to Project (P004)
Participant Removed from Project (P005)
Custom Email from Organizer (P006)
Project Cancelled (P007)
Organizer Added (P008)
Organizer Removed (P009)
Project Started (P010)
Project Closed (P011)
Sensitivity: Public
Table of Contents (TOC)
Volunteer Projects Continued
Participant Left Project (P012)
Project Participation Summary (P013)
Participant Added to Project (P014)
Participant Role Reassigned (P015)
Project Review Approved (P016)
Project Review Denied (P017)
Project Submitted for Approval (P018)
Project Approval Pending (P019)
Volunteer Recommendation Email (TBD)
Volunteer Time Off (VTO)
Confirm VTO Request (VTO001)
VTO Request Manager Approval (VTO002)
VTO Request Approved (VTO003)
VTO Request Denied (VTO004)
Sensitivity: Public
Basic email components
1. Calendar file attachment (when relevant)
2. Client logo
3. Header
4. Link to clients YourCause community
5. Footer with clients community name and addressee
Sensitivity: Public
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to user when they log in with Single Sign-On (SSO)
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: When a user logs in with SSO
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee user
Subject line: Verify Your Preferred Email
Email header: Email Verification
Email text:
{First name},
To use this email address as your preferred email for your community,
click the button below and enter the following code when prompted.
Verification Code:
{4-digit code}
Request Email Verification Code (AC001)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to a user when they log in with SSO + MFA
(Single Sign-On and Multifactor Authentication)
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: When a user logs in with SSO + MFA
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee user
Subject line: Verify Your Preferred Email
Email header: Email Verification
Email text:
Hello {Users email address},
We have received a sign in request for this email address, but verification is
required in order to protect your privacy. To regain access, please enter the code
below on the login page.
Verification Code:
{6-digit code}
If you have not attempted to sign in, please change your password to ensure
your account is secure.
Request Email Authentication Code (AC002)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email notification that a report pulled in V1 Client Admin Panel is completed
Sender: System
Recipient: Client admin
Trigger: When a client admin pulls a report in the V1 Client Admin Panel AND the report
is ready to be retrieved
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To client admin
Subject line: Report Complete
Email header: Your Report is Ready
Email text:
{First name},
Your report is now ready.
Report Name: {Name of report}
Date: {Date report was pulled}
Time: {Time report was pulled}
Name: {Client admin full name}
Email: {Client admin email}
Pull Report Complete (GC001)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email notification that a report pulled in V2 Client Admin Panel is
Sender: System
Recipient: Client admin
Trigger: When a client admin pulls a report in the V2 Client Admin Panel AND the
report is ready to be retrieved
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To client admin
Subject line: Export Complete
Email header: Your Recent Data Export is Ready
Email text:
{First name},
This is an update on your recent export. The job has completed. See below for
status information.
Export Type: {Type of export}
Build Date: {Date report was pulled}
Your Recent Data Export is Ready {Name of report}
Description: {Optional description of the report}
Status: Completed
Export Notification (GC002)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to employee user when they reset their password
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: Employee user selects Reset Password
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee user
Subject line: Password Reset Request
Email header: Reset Request
Email text:
{First name},
You’re almost there!
Please copy and paste the following text into your web browser to reset
your password:
Password Reset Request - V1 - Basic Login (GC003)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to user as part of the password reset workflow
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: CHECK: user requests a password reset AND has SSO login
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee user
Subject line: Password Reset Request
Email header: Reset Request
Email text:
{First name},
You’re almost there!
Use the button below to return to the site and complete your request.
Password Reset Request - V2 - SSO (GC004)
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Sensitivity: Public
Engagement Elements
Sensitivity: Public
Engagement Elements
Description: Notification to an employee user that their vote has been registered
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: User selects choice(s) within a Voting Engagement Element (EE)
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes Client Admin can add custom text see note below
Customization note: Client Admin Panel, Engagements, Create New,
Voting Engagement Element, Voting EE Settings, Email Message
To employee user
Subject line: Thank you for participating
Email header: Submission Saved
Email text:
{First name},
{Optional custom text}
This email confirms your selection.
Program Name: {Voting Engagement Element name}
Selection: {Option(s) selected by user}
Visit the program to make changes to your selection.
Vote Confirmation (EE001)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Notification that someone has donated to a fundraiser
Sender: System
Recipient: Fundraiser creator
Trigger: Someone completes a donation on the Fundraising page
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To fundraiser creator
Subject line: Fundraising Page Activity
Email header: Someone Donated to Your Fundraiser
Email text:
{First name},
Congratulations! You have received a donation to your fundraiser.
Fundraiser Name: {Name of fundraiser}
Donation Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Visit My Fundraising to learn more about the activity on your Fundraiser.
Fundraiser Donation Alert (P2P001)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Confirmation that fundraiser has been submitted for admin review
Sender: System
Recipient: Fundraiser creator
Trigger: Fundraiser created and submitted for admin review
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To fundraiser creator
Subject line: {Fundraiser name} was submitted for review
Email header: Your Fundraiser is Pending Review
Email text:
{First name},
Thank you for submitting your fundraiser. It will be reviewed soon, and you will receive an
email letting you know the status of your fundraiser.
Visit My Fundraisers to view your fundraiser details.
Fundraiser Submitted for Approval (P2P002)
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Sensitivity: Public
Description: Notification that fundraiser was approved
Sender: System
Recipient: Fundraiser creator
Trigger: Client admin approves fundraiser
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? Yes, client admin may enter custom text when approving fundraiser
To fundraiser creator
Subject line: {Fundraiser name} was approved and published
Email header: This Fundraiser was Approved
Email text:
{First name},
Good news! Your fundraiser was reviewed and approved. It is now published and available
for participants.
Fundraiser Name: {Name of fundraiser}
Organization Name: {Name of organization}
{Custom text entered by client admin in Fundraisers Manager}
Visit My Fundraisers to view your fundraiser details.
Fundraiser Approved (P2P003)
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Sensitivity: Public
Description: Notification that fundraiser was declined
Sender: System
Recipient: Fundraiser creator
Trigger: Client admin declines fundraiser
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? Yes, client admin may enter custom text when declining fundraiser
To fundraiser creator
Subject line: {Fundraiser name} was reviewed and declined
Email header: This Fundraiser was Declined
Email text:
{First name},
We regret to inform you that your fundraiser was reviewed and declined.
The administrator has stated the following reason:
{Custom text entered by client admin in Fundraisers Manager}
Fundraiser Declined (P2P004)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Notification that there are pending fundraisers to review
Sender: System
Recipient: Client admin
Trigger: Pending fundraisers waiting for review. Can be configured to send daily, weekly, or
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To fundraiser creator
Subject line: Pending Fundraisers to be Reviewed
Email header: Pending Fundraisers to be Reviewed
Email text:
{First name},
There are pending fundraisers that are ready for your review. Please visit the Fundraiser
Manager panel to review these pending fundraisers.
Total Pending Fundraisers: {Number of pending fundraisers}
Click here to view pending Fundraisers
Fundraiser Approvals Pending (P2P005)
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Sensitivity: Public
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Confirmation email for donations managed through the Give feature
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Employee donor completes a donation through the Give cart checkout
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes ask your Customer Success Manager (CSM*) for help
*CSM customization note: CSRconnect Admin Portal, Give Settings, Cart Flow Settings,
Donation Confirmation, Cart Donation Confirmation Email Text
To employee donor
Subject line: Donation Confirmation
Email header: Thank you for your generosity
Email text:
{First name},
{Optional custom text}
Below is a summary of your recent donation activity:
Summary Total: {Amount in local currency}
{Organization name}
{Donation type}
{Designation} {Amount in local currency}
Amounts may be subject to applicable service fees.
For more information, view My Giving
Donation Confirmation (G004)
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Sensitivity: Public
Description: Confirmation email for donations managed through a Giving Campaign
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Employee donor completes a donation through a Giving Campaign cart checkout
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes ask your Customer Success Manager (CSM*) for help
*CSM customization note: Features, Giving Campaign, New Campaign, Additional
Customizations, Campaign Donation Confirmation Email
To employee donor
Subject line: Donation Confirmation
Email header: Thank you for participating in {Campaign name}
Email text:
{First name},
{Optional custom text}
Below is a summary of your recent pledge activity:
Summary Total: {Amount in local currency}
{Organization name}
{Donation type}
{Designation} {Amount in local currency}
Amounts may be subject to applicable service fees.
For more information, view My Giving.
Donation Confirmation Giving Campaign (G005)
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Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email notification sent to employee when pay frequency changes
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Employee’s pay frequency changed
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Payroll Deduction Change due to Pay Frequency Change
Email header: Payroll Deduction Change due to Pay Frequency Change
Email text:
Hello {Employee Name}
Your ongoing active payroll deduction(s) have been deactivated due to a change in
your pay frequency with your employer. Your contributions are valuable to the
agencies you support! We encourage you to update your contribution settings to
continue giving if your community allows for changes or additional pledges
throughout the year. You can review and, if allowed, make changes to your
contribution here {link}.
Organization: {Organization name}
If you have any questions, please contact Customer Support {link}.
Payroll Deduction Change due to Pay Frequency Change (G007)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Optional email that a donor can choose to have sent to an honoree
Sender: System
Recipient: Honoree
Trigger: Employee donor completes a donation through the Give cart checkout, AND donor
selects “In Honor Of” as the designation, AND donor selects the option to send an
email to the honoree
Option to turn email on/off? Yes donor chooses to send
Option to customize email? Yes donor may add a custom message during checkout
To honoree
Subject line: A Donation Has Been Made in Your Honor
Email header: A Donation was made in your honor
Email text:
{Optional custom text}
Donor Name: {Donor name}
Organization: {Organization name}
Donation Amount: {Amount in local currency}
In Honor of Email (G012)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to an employee donor when they edit an active donation
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Employee donor confirms an edit to an existing donation managed through
Give or through a Peer-to-Peer Fundraiser
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Edit Confirmation
Email header: Edit Confirmation
Email text:
{First name},
Your edits were received. A summary of your updated transaction is below.
Charity: {Organization name}
Donation Type: {Donation type}
Designation: {Designation}
Donation Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Match Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Visit My Giving to further review, edit, or cancel your activity while available.
Edit Donation Confirmation (G013)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to an employee donor when they cancel an active donation
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Employee donor confirms a cancellation of an existing donation
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Cancellation Confirmation
Email header: Cancellation Confirmation
Email text:
{First name},
Your cancellation request was received. Below is a summary of your updated transaction.
Charity: {Organization name}
Donation Type: {Donation type}
Designation: {Designation}
Donation Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Visit My Giving to further review your changes while available.
Cancel Donation Confirmation (G014)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Summary email sent to an employee donor when funds are sent to their designated nonprofit
recipient(s) and/or designated nonprofit recipient(s) deposited the funds. Notifications are sent on a nightly basis.
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Funds are sent to the designated nonprofit(s) and/or designated nonprofit(s) deposit the funds
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Donation(s) status update summary
Email header: Thank you for your generosity
Email text:
{First name},
The transactions listed below have an updated status.
Note: You will only receive in-transit notifications when transactions are sent either by paper check
or to international processors. Transactions sent via ACH will not receive the in-transit notifications.
{Organization name} {Amount in local currency}
Donation Designation: {Designation}
Donation Date: {Donation date}
Donation ID: {Donation ID}
In-transit/Deposited Donation Notification (G017) - 1 of 2
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Summary email sent to an employee donor when funds are sent to their designated nonprofit
recipient(s) and/or designated nonprofit recipient(s) deposited the funds. Notifications are sent on a nightly basis.
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Funds are sent to the designated nonprofit(s) and/or designated nonprofit deposits the funds
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Email text (continued):
Recently deposited donation(s):
{Organization name} {Amount in local currency}
Donation Designation: {Designation}
Donation Date: {Donation date}
Donation ID: {Donation ID}
For more information, view My Giving.
In-transit/Deposited Donation Notification (G017) - 2 of 2
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent from a group’s admin to all group members
Sender: Group admin
Recipient: All group members
Trigger: Group admin uses Message All Members in My Groups
Option to turn email on/off? Yes group admin chooses to send
Option to customize email? Yes group admin writes the content in Groups,
My Groups, Message All Members
To all group members
Subject line: {Group name}: {Custom subject text entered in Send Message}
Email header: {Custom subject text entered in Send Message}
Email text:
{Custom text entered by group admin in Send Message}
Send Message to Group (GR001)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to a new group member
Sender: System
Recipient: New group member
Trigger: A user joins a group or is added to the group by the group admin
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes group admin(s) can choose to customize text.
Default text: You have been added to a group.
To new group member
Subject line: Welcome to the group, {Group Name}!
Email header: Welcome to {Group name}
Email text:
{First name},
You have been added to a group.
Group Name: {Group name}
Program Name: {Program name}
Visit My Groups to learn more and manage your involvement in this group.
Group Member Added Default text (GR002)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to a new group member
Sender: System
Recipient: New group member
Trigger: A user joins a group or is added to the group by the group admin
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes group admin(s) can choose to customize text.
Default text: You have been added to a group.
To new group member
Subject line: Welcome to the group, {Group Name}!
Email header: Welcome to {Group name}
Email text:
{First name},
{Optional custom text}
Group Name: {Group name}
Program Name: {Program name}
Visit My Groups to learn more and manage your involvement in this group.
Back to TOC
Group Member Added Custom text (GR002)
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to an employee when they are removed from a group
Sender: System
Recipient: Group member
Trigger: A group member is removed by the group admin
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To group member
Subject line: You have been removed from a group
Email header: You Have Been Removed from {Group name}
Email text:
{First name},
You have been removed from {Group Name}.
Visit {Community name} to learn about other available groups.
Group Member Removed (GR003)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to an employee user who requests to join a closed group
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: An employee user requests to join a closed group
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee user
Subject line: You have requested to join a group
Email header: Group Membership Pending
Email text:
{First name},
You have requested to join a group. You will be notified once the request has
been reviewed by the group administrator.
Group Name: {Group name}
Visit My Groups to learn more and manage your involvement in this group.
Group Request to Join (GR004)
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Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to a newly approved group member
Sender: System
Recipient: New group member
Trigger: Group admin approves a users request to join the closed group
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To new group member
Subject line: Your request to join a group has been approved
Email header: Group Membership Approved
Email text:
{First name},
Welcome! Your request to join {Group name} has been approved.
Visit your group page to learn more.
Group Join Request Approved (GR005)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent when an employee is denied admission to a closed group
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: Group administrator declines a users request to join the closed group
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee user
Subject line: Your request to join a group has been declined
Email header: Group Membership Declined
Email text:
{First name},
Your request to join {Group name} has been declined.
Visit {Community name} to learn about other available groups.
Group Join Request Denied (GR006)
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Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent when a message is posted on the group page
Sender: System
Recipient: Group member (formerly only admin)
Trigger: A group member posts a message on the group page
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? Yes group member writes the content in Groups,
My Groups, Group Page, Message Posts
To group admin
Subject line: {Group name} A new message has been posted
Email header: New Group Message
Email text:
{First name},
A new message has been posted in your group.
Group Name: {Group name}
Message: Date - {Customized content entered by member}
Posted By: {Name of member who posted message}
Group Message Posted (GR007)
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Sensitivity: Public
Description: Digest email sent when group members join or leave a group
Sender: System
Recipient: Group admin
Trigger: A group member joins or leaves a group
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To group admin
Subject line: {Group name} Membership Update
Email header: Group Membership Update
Email text:
{First name},
Membership for this group has changed. Here is a summary:
Group Name: {Group name}
Joined: {Number of members added or 0 if no change}
Departed: {Number of members departed or 0 if no change}
Visit your group page to view your current membership list.
Group Membership Update (GR009)
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Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent when a group member replies to a message page on the group page
Sender: System
Recipient: Group member
Trigger: A group member posts a reply to a message post on the group page
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? Yes group member writes the content in Groups,
My Groups, Group Page, Message Posts
To group members
Subject line: {Group name} New Reply
Email header: Someone Replied to Your Message
Email text:
{First name},
Someone replied to your message in your group.
Group Name: {Group name}
Your Message: Date - {Customized content entered by member}
Their Reply: {Customized content entered by member}
Posted By: {Name of member who posted message}
Reply to Group Message Post (GR010)
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Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent when a new project or event is added to the group
Sender: System
Recipient: Group member
Trigger: An event or project is added to the group
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To group members
Subject line: {Group name} New Opportunity
Email header: New Opportunity
Email text:
{First name},
A new opportunity has been added to your group.
Group Name: {Group name links to group}
Opportunity Title: {Opportunity title links to opportunity}
Date: {Opportunity date(s) and time(s)}
Location: {Address or virtual}
Sign Up Now {links to the opportunity sign up page}
New Opportunity Added (GR011)
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Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent weekly or monthly providing an overview of group activity. Email is only sent when
there is recorded activity.
Sender: System
Recipient: Group member
Trigger: Weekly or monthly recurring date
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To group members
Subject line: {Weekly/Monthly} Activity for {group name}
Email header: {Weekly/Monthly} Activity for {group name}
{Date range}
Email text:
{First name},
Here’s what {group name links to group} has been up to this past {week/month}.
{#} New Opportunity/ies (exclude if none)
{Opportunity title links to opportunity page}
{#} New Organization(s) (exclude if none)
{Organization title links to charity profile}
{#} New Message Post(s) (exclude if none)
{First 50 characters of message}…Read More
{#} New Document(s) (exclude if none)
{Document title and link to document}
(#) New Photo(s) (exclude if none)
{Link to new photo(s)}
(#) New Member(s) (exclude if none)
{Link to new member list}
Visit Your Group {link to group}
Group Member Activity Digest (GR012)
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Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent weekly or monthly providing an overview of group activity. Email is only sent when
there is recorded activity.
Sender: System
Recipient: Group admin
Trigger: Weekly or monthly recurring date
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To group admins
Subject line: {Weekly/Monthly} Member Activity for {group name}
Email header: {Weekly/Monthly} Member Activity for {group name}
{Date range}
Email text:
{First name},
Here’s what your {group name links to group} members have been up to this past
{#} New Member(s) (exclude if no new members)
{Join date} - {member name, member email}
{total # of members participated in events} Participated in Events (exclude if none)
{# Participants} for {opportunity title and link to page}
{#} New Message Posts (exclude if none)
{First 50 characters of message}…Read More
{#} Members Left Group (exclude if none)
{Left date} {member name, member email}
Visit Your Group {link to group}
Group Admin Activity Digest (GR013)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to the group admin of a closed group when there is a new member request
Sender: System
Recipient: Group admin
Trigger: Weekly or monthly recurring date
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To group admins
Subject line: New Membership Request for {group name}
Email header: Group Membership Pending
Email text:
{First name},
You have a new membership request for:
Group Name: {group name}
Potential Member: {name, email}
Manage Membership Requests button links to Requests tab on Manage Members page for
the group.
New Membership Request (GR014)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Human Resources
Sensitivity: Public
Human Resources
Description: Email sent to user when the SFTP settings are invalid and the import file cannot
be retrieved from the SFTP server
Sender: System
Recipient: Support team, other users added to HR Import notifications
Trigger: SFTP settings are invalid during an HR import
Option to turn email on/off? Yes Remove users receiving notifications
using CSRconnect Admin Portal, Jobs and Imports, HR Imports, Notifications
Option to customize email? No
To Support Team
Subject line: HR Settings Failed: {community name}
Email header: HR Settings Failed: {community name}
Email text:
The file acquisition settings have failed for the following community: {community name}.
Go to the HR Import section of the CSRconnect Admin Panel to revise these settings.
Invalid SFTP Settings (HR001)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Human Resources
Description: Email sent to user when an HR file import fails
Sender: System
Recipient: Support team, other users added to HR Import notifications
Trigger: An HR file import fails
Option to turn email on/off? Yes Remove users receiving notifications using CSRconnect
Admin Portal, Jobs and Imports, HR Imports, Notifications
Option to customize email? No
To Support Team
Subject line: HR Import Failed: {community name}
Email header: HR Import Failed: {community name}
Email text:
The HR manual import process has failed for the following community: {community
name}. Go to the HR Import section of the CSRconnect Admin Panel to review the
status of this job.
HR Import Failed (HR002)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Human Resources
Description: Email sent to user when an HR file import succeeds
Sender: System
Recipient: Support team, other users added to HR Import notifications
Trigger: An HR file import is uploaded and successfully imported
Option to turn email on/off? Yes Remove users receiving notifications
using CSRconnect Admin Portal, Jobs and Imports, HR Imports, Notifications
Option to customize email? No
To Support Team
Subject line: HR Import Success: {community name}
Email header: HR Import Success: {community name}
Email text:
The HR automated import process has completed successfully for the following
community: {community name}. Go to the HR Import section of the CSRconnect Admin
Panel if you wish to review the status of this job.
HR Import Succeeded (HR003)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Human Resources
Description: Email sent to employee user when they request to delete their personal data
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: Employee user selects Request to Delete Your Data
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee user
Subject line: You have opted out of {community name}
Email header: You have opted out of {community name}
Email text:
{First name},
Your access to the YourCause application and all data associated with your account has
been removed. The process may take up to 30 days.
{First name} {Last name}
{Employee email}
Please contact your data controller / HR provider and request that your information
stop being shared with the YourCause application.
Community Opt Out (HR004)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
International Vetting
Sensitivity: Public
International Vetting
Description: Notification that the vetting process has started for a selected organization
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: A user requests vetting for an organization that has not been vetted.
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Vetting Request Confirmation
Email header: Vetting in Progress
Email text:
{First name},
Thank you for starting the vetting process. We are working to establish communication with this
organization and obtain the necessary documentation required to meet our vetting standards. You
will receive an email once our process is complete. We do our best to expedite this process. A
majority of these requests are completed in 7-10 days. If we cannot establish communication or the
organization does not have the proper documentation readily available, this process can take much
Request Summary
Date Of Request: {Date and time of vetting request}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Donation Type: {Donation type}
Designation: {Designation or None}
Vetting Request Confirmation (IV001)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
International Vetting
Description: Notification that an organization selected for vetting was not vetted
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: A user requests vetting for an organization that has not been vetted AND the
vetting process could not be completed.
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Vetting Request Canceled
Email header: Vetting Canceled
Email text:
{First name},
We regret to inform you that your vetting request for the organization listed below was canceled.
Vetting Request Summary
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Date Of Request: {Date and time of vetting request}
We canceled the vetting application because:
Reason: {Cancelation reason}
Comment: {Cancelation comment}
Unfortunately, we cannot currently process charitable donations to this organization. Depending on
the reason listed above, there may be applicable vetting and eligibility follow-up actions available.
Vetting Request Canceled (IV004)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
International Vetting
Description: Notification that an organization selected for vetting was not approved
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: A user requests vetting for an organization that has not been vetted AND the
NPOconnect vetting process denies approval for the organization
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Vetting Request Denied
Email header: Vetting Declined
Email text:
{First name},
We regret to inform you that your vetting request for the organization listed below was declined.
Vetting Request Summary
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Date Of Request: {Date and time of vetting request}
This organization submitted a vetting application, but it did not meet our vetting standards or could
not be vetted at this time.
We declined the vetting application because:
Reason: {Reason for declined vetting}
Comment: {Comment on declined vetting}
Unfortunately, we cannot process charitable donations to this organization. We encourage you to
identify an alternative nonprofit organization that you would like to support.
Vetting Request Denied (IV002)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
International Vetting
Description: Notification that an organization selected for vetting was approved
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: A user requests vetting for an organization that has not been vetted
AND the NPOconnect vetting process approves the organization
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Vetting Approved
Email header: Vetting Approved
Email text:
{First name},
We are pleased to inform you that the organization below responded and submitted a vetting
We have reviewed the vetting application, approved it, and can now process charitable donations
to this organization.
Please select the link below to review.
Vetting Request Summary
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Date of Request: {Date and time of vetting request}
Vetting Request Approved (IV003)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Request for action sent to an employee to serve as proxy for another
Sender: System
Recipient: Proxy requestee
Trigger: Employee user selects Send Request in the Assign a Proxy workflow
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To proxy requestee
Subject line: Proxy Request Action Required
Email header: Accept Your Proxy Request
Email text:
{First name},
{First and last name of requester} has granted you access to their account as their Proxy. Please visit
{Community name} to review and finalize the request.
Proxy Request Initiated (PR001)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Notification that proxy request has been declined by requestee
Sender: System
Recipient: Proxy requester
Trigger: Proxy requestee selects Decline in response to a proxy request
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To proxy requester
Subject line: Proxy Access Declined
Email header: Your Proxy Request was Declined
Email text:
{First name},
{First and last name of requestee} has declined their proxy assignment.
Please visit {Community name} to view details.
Proxy Request Declined (PR002)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Notification that proxy request has been accepted by requestee
Sender: System
Recipient: Proxy requester
Trigger: Proxy requestee selects Accept in response to a proxy request
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To proxy requester
Subject line: Proxy Access Accepted
Email header: Your Proxy Request was Accepted
Email text:
{First name},
{First and last name of requestee} has accepted their proxy assignment.
Please visit {Community name} to view details.
Proxy Request Accepted (PR003)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Notification to the proxy parent that the proxy child has deactivated their own
Sender: System
Recipient: Proxy parent
Trigger: Proxy child removes the proxy parent from Accounts You Can Access
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To proxy parent
Subject line: Proxy Access Deactivated
Email header: Proxy Access has been Deactivated
Email text:
{First name},
{First and last name of proxy child} has deactivated proxy access into your account.
Please visit {Community name} to view details.
Proxy Relationship Cancelled (PR004)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Notification to the proxy child that their account access has been deactivated
by the proxy parent
Sender: System
Recipient: Proxy child
Trigger: Proxy parent removes the proxy child from People Authorized to Access Your Account
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To proxy child
Subject line: Proxy Access Deactivated
Email header: Your Proxy Access has been Deactivated
Email text:
{First name},
{First and last name of proxy parent} has deactivated your proxy access.
Please visit {Community name} to view details.
Proxy Access Deactivated (PR005)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Description: Confirmation sent to an employee user when they redeem an incentive
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: User redeems an incentive through My Incentives
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes Client Admin can add custom text
Customization note: Client Admin Panel, Incentives, Programs, Rules,
Edit Rule/New Rule, Communication Settings
To employee user
Subject line: Redemption Confirmed
Email header: {Amount in Local Currency} - Redeemed
Email text:
{First name},
Your redemption is complete.
{Reward program name}
Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Redemption Date: {Redemption date}
Organization: {Organization name}
Registration ID: {Organization registration ID}
Designation: {Designation or None}
Incentive Redeemed Confirmation (IN001)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Description: Notification to a user that they have a new incentive available
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: Admin issues an incentive to an employee user through Incentive Management
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No, however, admins can include an optional custom message (up to
2000 characters) and use HTML to format text.
To employee user
Subject line: {Reward program/rule name}: {Amount in local currency}
Email header: {Amount in local currency} Redeem Now
Email text:
{First name},
See below for program related information and redemption details.
{Manual issuance job name}
{Manual issuance job description}
{Rule name}
Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Eligible to redeem until: {Last date of redemption period}
{Optional custom message}
Incentive Manual Issuance (IN002)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Description: Notification that a redeemed incentive was approved
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: User redeems an incentive AND admin approval is required AND incentive is
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee user
Subject line: Redemption Approved: {Reward program/rule name}
Email header: Redemption Approved
Email text:
{First name},
Your redemption was approved by an admin. See below for more information.
Rule Name: {Reward program/rule name}
Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Redemption Date: {Redemption date}
Organization: {Organization name}
Registration ID: {Organization registration ID}
Designation: {Designation or None}
Incentive Approved Employee Notification (IN003)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Description: Notification that the incentive an employee redeemed has been denied
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: User redeems an incentive AND admin approval is required AND incentive is denied
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes Client Admin can add custom text to the individual email
when they decline each redemption request
Customization note: CSRconnect admin portal, Incentives, Incentive Management, Decline
To employee user
Subject line: Redemption Denied: {Reward program/rule name}
Email header: Redemption Denied
Email text:
{First name},
Your redemption was denied by an admin. If the admin provided any additional information, you can
view their comments below.
{Optional custom text}
Rule Name: {Reward program/rule name}
Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Redeemed on: {Date of attempted redemption}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Registration ID: {Organization registration ID}
Designation: {Designation or None}
Incentive Denied Employee Notification (IN004)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Description: Notification that an employee’s incentive is about to expire
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: 10 days before expiration date of reward program/rule
Option to turn email on/off? Yes Client Admin can activate - see note below
Option to customize email? No
Email setting note: CSRconnect admin portal, Incentives, Programs, Rules,
Edit Rule/New Rule, Communication Settings,
Expiration Reminder
To employee user
Subject line: Expires in 10 Days: {Reward program/rule name}
Email header: Expiration Reminder
Email text:
{First name},
The following opportunity will expire in 10 days. See below for a summary and
redemption options.
{Reward program/rule name}
Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Expiration Date: {Expiration date}
Incentive Expiration Reminder (IN005)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Description: Notification that an admin must approve before the redeemed incentive can be
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: User confirms redemption of an incentive through My Incentives AND the client’s
program settings require Client Admin approval
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes Client Admin can add custom text see note below
Customization note: Client Admin Panel, Incentives, Programs, Edit Rule/New Rule,
Communication Settings
To employee user
Subject line: Redemption Confirmed - {Incentive rule name}
Email header: Redemption Complete. Pending Approval
Email text:
{First name},
Your redemption is complete. However, there is still an admin approval process before we can create
the transaction. Please allow some time for this process to take place. You will receive an email when
an admin has addressed your request.
Approval Process Explanation: {Custom text provided by Client Admin}
Rule Name: {Rule name}
Program Name: {Reward program name}
Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Redemption Date: {Date of attempted redemption}
Organization: {Organization name}
Registration ID: {Organization registration ID}
Incentive Redeemed Approval Exists (IN006)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Description: Notification that an organization must clear a compliance review before the
redeemed incentive can be applied
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: User confirms redemption of an incentive through My Incentives AND the client’s
program settings require a compliance review
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee user
Subject line: Redemption Confirmed. Pending Compliance {Incentive rule name}
Email header: Redemption Complete. Pending Compliance
Email text:
{First name},
Your redemption is complete. However, the recipient organization has not agreed to one or more
required compliance statements for this program. This may delay or prevent our ability to process this
redemption. You will be notified when the organization has handled this compliance issue.
If you know someone at this organization, you can send them the following instructions to expedite
the process.
{Text continues. Refer to email image for additional text.}
Incentive Redeemed Charity Compliance Exists (IN007)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Description: Notification to an employee that they have earned an incentive
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: User becomes eligible for an incentive by meeting the rule requirement(s)
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee user
Subject line: Eligibility Update: {Reward program name}
Email header: Eligibility Update
Email text:
{First name},
Your existing participation has now made you eligible for the following program:
Program Name: {Reward program name}
Rule Name: {Rule name}
Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Incentive Eligibility Update (IN010)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Description: Notification to an employee that their redeemed incentive was revoked
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: Client Admin revokes the redemption of an incentive
Option to turn email on/off? Yes Client Admin can choose not to send
Option to customize email? Yes Client Admin can add custom text when they revoke
the redemption
Customization note: CSRconnect admin portal, Jobs and Imports, Revoke Incentives
To employee user
Subject line: Incentive Status Updated: {Reward program name}
Email header: Incentive Status Updated
Email text:
{First name},
Unfortunately, your redemption has been revoked for the following reason:
{Custom text}
Program Name: {Reward program name}
Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Original Issued Date: {Date incentive was issued}
Date Revoked: {Date incentive was revoked by admin}
Incentive Redemption Revoked (IN010)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Description: Notification to an employee that their application for a volunteer grant was
Sender: System
Recipient: Volunteer grant applicant
Trigger: Client admin selects Decline in response to a volunteer grant request
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes client admin can add text when they decline the request
To volunteer grant applicant
Subject line: Grant Declined
Email header: Your Request has been Declined
Email text:
{First name},
Unfortunately, the request you submitted cannot be approved, and has been declined.
Additional Information: {Any additional information added by client admin}
Program Name: {Reward program name}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Request Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Date Requested: {Date of grant request}
Date Declined: {Date client admin declined request}
View My Volunteering to review the status of this request.
Volunteer Grant Denied (I001)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Description: Notification to an employee that they need to resubmit their application for a
volunteer grant
Sender: System
Recipient: Volunteer grant applicant
Trigger: Client admin selects Resubmit in response to a volunteer grant request
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes client admin can add text within the Resubmit modal
To volunteer grant applicant
Subject line: Please re-submit your Grant application
Email header: Your Request Needs Attention
Email text:
{First name},
It looks like your request needs to be updated and re-submitted.
Additional Information: {Any additional information added by client admin}
Program: {Volunteer grant program name}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Request Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Date Requested: {Date of grant request}
Resubmission Requested: {Date client admin requested the resubmission}
View My Volunteering to review the status of this request.
Volunteer Grant Resubmit (I002)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Description: Notification to an employee that their application for a volunteer grant was
Sender: System
Recipient: Volunteer grant applicant
Trigger: Client admin selects Approve in response to a volunteer grant request
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To volunteer grant applicant
Subject line: Grant Application Approved
Email header: Grant Application Approved
Email text:
{First name},
Congratulations! Your request has been approved.
Program: {Volunteer grant program name}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Request Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Date Requested: {Date of grant request}
Resubmission Requested: {Date client admin requested the resubmission}
View My Volunteering to review the status of this request.
Volunteer Grant Approved (I003)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Description: Notification to an employee that their request to match a donation was
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor who applies for a matching gift
Trigger: Client admin declines the users match request
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes client admin can add text when they decline
the request
To employee donor
Subject line: Match Declined
Email header: Your Request has been Declined
Email text:
{First name},
Thank you for submitting a request. Unfortunately, the request has been declined for
the following reason:
Additional Information: {Any additional information added by client admin}
Program: {Reward program name}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Request Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Date Requested: {Date of match request}
Date Declined: {Date client admin declined match request}
View My Giving to review the status of this request.
Match Request Denied (I004)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Description: Notification to an employee that they need to resubmit their request to
match a donation
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor who applies for a matching gift
Trigger: Client admin selects Resubmit in response to a matching gift request
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes client admin can add text when they request
the resubmission
To employee donor
Subject line: Please Re-submit Your Match Application
Email header: Your Request Needs Attention
Email text:
{First name},
Your match application needs to be updated and re-submitted. To resubmit your
donation, please visit your “My Giving” page, click “Edit” on the donation you’re
resubmitting, and update the donation details as requested.
Additional Information: {Any text added by client admin}
Program: {Reward program name}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Request Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Date Requested: {Date of match request}
Resubmission Requested: {Date of resubmission request}
View My Giving to review the status of this request.
Match Request Resubmit (I005)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Reward Programs
Description: Notification to an employee that their request to match a donation was
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor who applies for a matching gift
Trigger: Client admin approves the users match request
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Match Request Approved
Email header: Your Request has been Approved
Email text:
{First name},
Congratulations! Your match request was approved. You can view the status of this donation
on your “My Giving” page.
Program: {Reward program name}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Request Amount: {Amount in local currency}
Date Requested: {Date of match request}
Date Approved: {Date client admin approved the request}
View My Giving to review the status of this request.
Match Request Approved (I006)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
Emails sent when a recipient organization's
charitable contributions remain uncashed/undeposited
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
Description: Notification alerting the donor that the uncashed check will expire in 30 days
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Check date = 30 days until void
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Charitable Contribution for {org charity name} - Deadline Approaching -
Uncashed Check
Email header: Response Needed for Charitable Contribution
Email text:
Hello {First name},
On {date of donation}, you used {Community Name} to send a monetary donation to
{org charity name}.
YourCause (LINK) helps to manage {insert company/foundation name}'s charitable giving
We sent a paper check containing your charitable contribution to your
selected charitable organization on {Check Date} but they haven't cashed it during
the last 90 days. If no action is taken, we'll void the check in 30 days.
30 day before Void Alert Email (SC009) - 1 of 2
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
To employee donor
Email text (continued):
Since we haven't heard from {org charity name}, we're now asking for your help. If you know someone
within the charitable organization, please ask them to deposit the check within 30 days or advise that
they request a new check by visiting our {Nonprofit Portal}.
Your selected charitable organization must take action in the next 30 days or we'll void the check.
If we void the check, we will ask you to choose another eligible charitable organization to receive
your contribution.
If your contribution included matching funds, you will be able to redirect those funds.
Original Transaction Information
Organization: {Organization Name}
Address: {Disbursement Address}
Registration ID:
Original Payment Date: {Check Date}
Transaction Amount:
Transaction ID:
Back to TOC
Description: Notification alerting the donor that the uncashed check will expire in 30 days
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Check date = 30 days until void
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
30 day before Void Alert Email (SC009) - 2 of 2
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
Description: Notification alerting the donor to reissue or redirect funds within 30 days
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Hold reason triggered
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Charitable Contribution Redirect Needed 30 Day Notice
Email header: Redirect Request 30 Day Notice
Email text:
Hello {First name},
You used {Community Name} to send a monetary donation to {org charity name}.
YourCause (LINK) helps to manage {Company/Foundation Name}'s charitable giving program.
We could not process your donation to the charitable organization you selected.
{Reason for the stranded fund}
Please sign into CSRconnect to resolve this matter by using the button below. You have the option to
resend the funds to the same organization or select a new organization to receive your charitable
Redirect Request - 30 Day Notice (SC011) - Pg 1 of 2
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
Description: Notification alerting the donor to reissue or redirect funds within 30 days
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Hold reason triggered
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Redirect Request - 30 Day Notice (SC011) - Pg 2 of 2
Back to TOC
Email text (continued):
If you do not take an action in the next 30 days, we will automatically redirect your donation to {Company’s
selected alternate organization}. This transaction cannot be reversed.
If an automatically redirected donation is part of a recurring payroll pledge, the pledge and any deductions
scheduled for a future date will be canceled. You can set up a new payroll pledge in CSRconnect.
Original Transaction Information
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
Description: Notification alerting the donor to reissue or redirect funds within 14 days
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Hold reason triggered and redirect deadline is in 14 days
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Charitable Contribution Redirect Needed 14 Day Notice
Email header: Redirect Request 14 Day Notice
Email text:
Hello {First name},
You used {Community Name} to send a monetary donation to {org charity name}.
YourCause (LINK) helps to manage {Company/Foundation Name}'s charitable giving program.
We could not process your donation to the charitable organization you selected.
{Reason for the stranded fund}
Please sign into CSRconnect to resolve this matter by using the button below. You have the option to
resend the funds to the same organization or select a new organization to receive your charitable
Redirect Request - 14 Day Notice (SC001) - Pg 1 of 2
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
Description: Notification alerting the donor to reissue or redirect funds within 14 days
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Hold reason triggered and redirect deadline is in 14 days
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Redirect Request - 14 Day Notice (SC001) - Pg 2 of 2
Back to TOC
Email text (continued):
If you do not take an action in the next 14 days, we will automatically redirect your donation to {Company’s
selected alternate organization}. This transaction cannot be reversed.
If an automatically redirected donation is part of a recurring payroll pledge, the pledge and any deductions
scheduled for a future date will be canceled. You can set up a new payroll pledge in CSRconnect.
Original Transaction Information
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
Description: Notification alerting the donor to reissue or redirect funds within 7 days
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Hold reason triggered and redirect deadline is in 7 days
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Charitable Contribution Redirect Needed 7 Day Notice
Email header: Redirect Request 7 Day Notice
Email text:
Hello {First name},
You used {Community Name} to send a monetary donation to {org charity name}.
YourCause (LINK) helps to manage {Company/Foundation Name}'s charitable giving program.
We could not process your donation to the charitable organization you selected.
{Reason for the stranded fund}
Please sign into CSRconnect to resolve this matter by using the button below. You have the
option to resend the funds to the same organization or select a new organization to receive
your charitable contribution.
Redirect Request 7 Day Notice (SC002) - 1 of 2
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
To employee donor
Email text (continued):
If you do not take an action in the next 7 days, we will automatically redirect your donation to
{Companys selected alternate organization}. This transaction cannot be reversed.
If an automatically redirected donation is part of a recurring payroll pledge, the pledge and any
deductions scheduled for a future date will be canceled. You can set up a new payroll pledge in
Original Transaction Information
Back to TOC
Redirect Request 7 Day Notice (SC002) - 2 of 2
Description: Notification alerting the donor to reissue or redirect funds within 7 days
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Hold reason triggered and redirect deadline is in 7 days
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
Description: Notification confirming the donor's choice to redirect donation(s) with matches.
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Donor redirected donation
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Charitable Contribution with Match Redirection Confirmation
Email header: Donation Redirected
Email text:
Hello {First name},
You used {Community Name} to send a monetary donation to {org charity name}.
YourCause (LINK) helps to manage {insert company/foundation name}'s charitable
giving program.
This message confirms your choice to redirect your donation(s). Please allow 12-24
hours for the system to reflect these changes in your account.
Original Transaction Information
Registration ID:
Charitable Contribution + Match Redirection Confirmation (SC003) - 1 of 2
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
To employee donor
Email text (continued):
Employee Donation Redirected To
Registration ID:
Employer-sponsored Donation Redirected To
Registration ID:
Back to TOC
Description: Notification confirming the donor's choice to redirect donation(s) with matches.
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Donor redirected donation
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
Charitable Contribution + Match Redirection Confirmation (SC003) - 2 of 2
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
Description: Notification confirming the donor's choice to redirect donation(s).
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Donor redirected donation
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Charitable Contribution Redirection Confirmation
Email header: Donation Redirected
Email text:
Hello {First name},
You used {Community Name} to send a monetary donation to {org charity name}.
YourCause (LINK) helps to manage {insert company/foundation name}'s charitable
giving program.
This message confirms your choice to redirect your donation(s). Please allow 12-24
hours for the system to reflect these changes in your account.
Charitable Contribution Redirection Confirmation (SC004) - 1 of 2
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
To employee donor
Email text (continued):
Original Transaction Information
Registration ID:
Redirected To
Registration ID:
Back to TOC
Description: Notification confirming the donor's choice to redirect donation(s).
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Donor redirected donation
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
Charitable Contribution Redirection Confirmation (SC004) - 2 of 2
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
Description: Notification advising donor that a donation payment was redirected based on their original organization selection.
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Donation redirected
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Charitable Contribution Redirected
Email header:
Email text:
Hello {First name},
You used {Community Name} to send a monetary donation to {org charity name}.
YourCause (LINK) helps to manage {insert company/foundation name}'s charitable giving
There were multiple transactions in transit for a previously redirected donation. We could not
process one of these payments.
{Reason for the stranded fund}
We redirected this payment based on your original charitable organization selection.
Charitable Contribution Redirected (SC005) - 1 of 2
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
To employee donor
Email text (continued):
To view the status of this donation, log in to your community.
Original Transaction Information
Registration ID:
Redirected To
Registration ID:
Back to TOC
Charitable Contribution Redirected (SC005) - 2 of 2
Description: Notification advising donor that a donation payment was redirected based on their original organization selection.
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Donation redirected
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
To employee donor
Subject line: Charitable Contribution Redirected Due to Inaction
Email header: Donation Redirected
Email text:
Hello {First name},
You used {Community Name} to send a monetary donation to {org charity name}.
YourCause (LINK) helps to manage {insert company/foundation name}'s charitable giving program.
We recently contacted you because we could not process your donation to the charitable organization you selected.
{Reason for the stranded fund}
There was a 14-day period during which you could resend the funds to the original charitable organization, or you could
choose another charitable organization to receive your donation.
Since we did not receive instruction on how to proceed, we automatically redirected your donation to {your employers
alternate organization}. In addition, we stopped any multiple deductions that applied to this donation.
Contribution Redirected Due to Inaction (SC006) - 1 of 2
Back to TOC
Coming Soon
Description: Notification alerting donor of 14-day expiration and fund redirect to alternate organization
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Donation automatically redirected after inaction
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes Client Admin can add custom text see note below
Customization note: CSRconnect Admin Portal, Transaction Redirects, Stranded Funds Automation, Auto Redirect
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
To employee donor
Email text (continued):
Please allow 12-24 hours for the system to reflect these changes in your account.
{Optional custom text}
Original Transaction Information
Registration ID:
Redirected To
Registration ID:
Back to TOC
Contribution Redirected Due to Inaction (SC006) - 2 of 2
Coming Soon
Description: Notification alerting donor of 14-day expiration and fund redirect to alternate organization
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Donation automatically redirected after inaction
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes Client Admin can add custom text see note below
Customization note: CSRconnect Admin Portal, Transaction Redirects, Stranded Funds Automation, Auto Redirect
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
Description: Notification advising donor that a donation payment was redirected to their employers alternate organization.
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Donation automatically redirected
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee donor
Subject line: Charitable Contribution Automatically Redirected
Email header: Donation Redirected
Email text:
Hello {First name},
You used {Community Name} to send a monetary donation to {org charity name}.
YourCause (LINK) helps to manage {insert company/foundation name}'s charitable giving
You previously chose to redirect your {donation type} donation. We could not process your
donation to the charitable organization you selected for redirection.
{Reason for the stranded fund}
For this reason, we automatically redirected your donation to {your employers alternate
Charitable Contribution Automatically Redirected (SC007) - 1 of 2
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
To employee donor
Email text (continued):
Original Transaction Information
Registration ID:
Redirected To
Registration ID:
Back to TOC
Description: Notification advising donor that a donation payment was redirected to their employer’s alternate organization.
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee donor
Trigger: Donation automatically redirected
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
Charitable Contribution Automatically Redirected (SC007) - 2 of 2
Sensitivity: Public
Stranded Funds Automation
Description: Notification advising admin that a default organization for Stranded Funds Automation became ineligible for giving.
Sender: System
Recipient: Admin
Trigger: A default organization is not eligible for giving, requires vetting, or is removed from the
communitys charity bucket
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To admin
Subject line: Stranded Funds Automation - Action Required
Email header: Ineligible Charity Notification
Email text:
Your community selected {Organization Name} as the default charity where stranded funds are
automatically redirected if donors do not select an alternate organization within the time
period allowed. Unfortunately, this organization is not currently eligible or is no longer an
option in your community's Give program.
You must log into CSRconnect to update your community's default charity.
Ineligible Charity Notification (SC010)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Email sent from event creator/organizer to participant(s)
Sender: Event creator/organizer
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Event creator/organizer sends a message to participants in Manage
Option to turn email on/off? Yes event creator/organizer can choose whether to
send a message to participants
Option to customize email? Yes the event creator/organizer adds custom text
for the Subject and Message fields
To participant
Subject line: Message from {Event name}
Email header: New Event Message
Email text:
{First name},
You have received a message from the coordinator of the following event:
Event Name: {Event name}
Coordinator: {Event coordinator name}
Subject: {Custom text}
Message: {Custom text}
The Reply to Coordinator button links to the coordinator/contacts email address.
Participant Messaged (V001)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Email sent when an event creator adds a participant
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Event creator adds a participant to an event in Manage Participants
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Calendar (.ics) file is attached to the email
To participant
Subject line: You have been added to a volunteer event: {Event name}
Email header: You’ve Been Added to an Event
Email text:
{First name},
{Event creator full name} added you as a participant to the following event:
Event Name: {Event name}
Organization Name: {Charity name}
Location: {Event location}
Shifts {Total hours}
{Shift name}
{Shift date(s) and time(s)} {Hours} Hrs.
Participant Added (V002)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Email sent when an event creator adds a participant
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Event creator adds a participant to an event in Manage Participants
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Note: Sent for each shift
To participant
Subject line: You’ve been added from the waitlist: {Event name}
Email header: You’ve Been Added from the Waitlist
Email text:
{First name},
Good news! You have been added as a participant to the following shift:
Shift: {Shift name} ({Total hours} Hrs.)
{Shift date(s) and time(s)}
Event Name: {Event name}
Organization Name: {Charity name}
Location: {Event location}
Participant Added From Waitlist (V003)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Email sent when a participant is removed from an event, shift, or occurrence
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Event creator deletes a participant from an event, shift, or occurrence in Manage
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Calendar (.ics) file is attached to the email
Note: When a participant is removed, so are any guests. The guests will also receive emails
about the removal. Recipients receive an email for each shift they are removed from.
To participant
Subject line: Participation Removed: {Event name}
Email header: Participation Removed
Email text:
{First name},
The following participation was removed by the coordinator. Please contact the event coordinator if
you have any questions about why you were removed.
Event Name: {Event name}
Shift Removed: {Shift name}
{Shift date(s) and time(s)}
Coordinator: {Event contact’s first and last name}
Coordinator Email: {Event contacts email address}
Visit My Volunteering to view your events and participation information. View My Volunteering
Participant Removed (V004)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Email sent to creator when a participant leaves a shift or event
Sender: System
Recipient: Event creator
Trigger: Participant leaves a shift or event in My Volunteering or in Participate
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Note: Any guests of the participant are also removed from the shift or event when a
participant leaves. The event creator does not receive emails about guests.
To event creator
Subject line: A volunteer has left your event - {Event name}
Email header: Participant Update
Email text:
{First name},
We would like to inform you that a participant has left your event.
Event: {Event name}
Participant: {Participant full name}
Visit Manage Events to edit your event and manage participants.
Participant Leaves Event (V007)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Notification that an event is full
Sender: System
Recipient: Event creator
Trigger: The last spot is filled for an event with one start/end time AND a capacity has
been set for the event
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To event creator
Subject line: {Event name} is full
Email header: Event Update
Email text:
{First name},
Good news! The last spot for your event is now full.
Event: {Event name}
Visit Manage Events to increase your event capacity or edit other event details.
An Event Is Full (V008)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Notification that an occurrence of an event is full
Sender: System
Recipient: Event creator
Trigger: The last spot is filled for an occurrence of an event with one start/end time AND a
capacity has been set for the event
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To event creator
Subject line: An occurrence for your event is full
Email header: Event Update
Email text:
{First name},
Good news! The last spot for your event occurrence is now filled.
Event: {Event name}
Occurrence Date: {Date of occurrence}
Visit Manage Events to increase your event capacity or edit other event details.
An Event Occurrence Is Full (V009)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Email sent to creator when an event shift has been filled
Sender: System
Recipient: Event creator
Trigger: The last spot is filled for a shift with a capacity set (one-time or recurring)
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To event creator
Subject line: A shift is full in {Event name}
Email header: Event Update
Email text:
{First name},
Good news! One of your shifts is now full.
Event Name: {Event name}
Shift Name: {Shift name}
Visit Manage Events to increase your event capacity or edit other event details.
An Event Shift Is Full (V010)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Confirmation of a guests upcoming participation
Sender: System
Recipient: Guest of an event participant
Trigger: A participant adds a guest and confirms the guests participation in Sign Up
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
Calendar (.ics) file is attached to the email
To participants guest
Subject line: You have been invited to a volunteer opportunity with {Community name}
Email header: We are Excited for you to Join Us
Email text:
{First name},
{Participants full name} has added you to a volunteer event through the {Community name}
volunteering community:
Event Name: {Event name}
Organization Name: {Charity name}
Location: {Event location}
Shifts {Total hours}
{Shift name}
{Shift date(s) and time(s)} {Hours} Hrs.
Guest Added (V011)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Notification of removal from an event, shift, or occurrence
Sender: System
Recipient: Guest of an event participant
Trigger: Guests participant is removed from or leaves an event, shift, or occurrence
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To participants guest
Subject line: Participation Removed: {Event name}
Email header: Participation Removed
Email text:
{First name},
The following participation was removed by either the event coordinator or the individual that
added you to the event.
Event Name: {Event name}
Shift Removed: {Shift name}
{Shift date(s) and time(s)}
Guest Removed (V012)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Confirmation that a participant logged volunteer activity
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: Employee enters individual activity in Record Individual Activity
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes
To employee user
Subject line: Thank you for entering your volunteer activity
Email header: Individual Activity Recorded
Email text:
{First name},
Thank you for entering your individual volunteer activity.
Activity Name: {Activity name}
Organization Name: {Charity name}
Location Name:
{Activity location}
Entries Total Hours: {Total hours}
{Shift date(s)} {Hours} Hrs
Individual Activity Logged (V013)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Confirmation of an employee’s one-time or recurring participation
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Employee confirms participation through Sign Up
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Calendar (.ics) file is attached to the email
To participant
Subject line: Thank you for signing up for: {Event name}
Email header: You Signed Up! {Event name}
Email text:
{First name},
Thank you for signing up to volunteer. Here is a summary of your participation:
Event Name: {Event name}
Organization Name: {Charity name}
Meetup Instructions: {Meetup details only appears when text is added to the events Meetup Instructions
Location: {Event location}
Shifts Total Hours: {Total hours}
{Shift name}
{Shift date(s) and time(s)} {Hours} Hrs.
Participation Confirmation (V014)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Email to a participant announcing the removal of a volunteer event
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Event creator deletes an event or cancels all shifts for a one-time event
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To participant
Subject line: There’s been a change to {Event name}
Email header: Your Event has been Removed
Email text:
{First name},
Your event has been removed or cancelled.
Hours you may have logged in connection with this event have also been removed. Please contact the
event coordinator if you have any questions as to why your event was removed.
Event Name: {Event name}
Event Coordinator Email: {Email address of event coordinator}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Location: {Event location}
Event Summary {Total hours}
{Shift name}
{Shift date(s) and time(s)}
Visit Search Opportunities to find more volunteer events that interest you.
Event Removed (V015)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Email to a participant confirming their inclusion on the waitlist
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Participant expresses interest in participating in a full event
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To participant
Subject line: Thank you for your interest in {Event Name}
Email header: You're on the waitlist! {Event Name}
Email text:
{First name},
Thank you for your interest in this event. You are currently registered on the waitlist for the shifts listed
below. You will receive a separate email if a spot for a shift becomes available and you will automatically be
added as a participant. Here is a summary of your waitlist participation:
Event Name: {Event name}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Location: {Event location}
Waitlist Shifts {Total hours}
{Shift name}
{Shift date(s) and time(s)}
Waitlist Participation Confirmation (V016)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Recurring event deleted/canceled (all occurrences canceled)
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Organizer/creator deletes or cancels a parent event in a series
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To participant
Subject line: There's been a change to your recurring event - {Event Name}
Email header: Your Event has been Removed
Email text:
{First name},
A recurring event that you signed up for has been cancelled.
Hours you may have logged in connection with this event have also been removed. Please
contact the event coordinator if you have any questions as to why your shift was removed.
Event Name: {Event name}
Event Coordinator Email: {Event coordinators email address}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Location: {Event location}
Event Summary {Total hours}
{Shift name}
{Shift date(s) and time(s)}
Event Cancelled Recurring (V017)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Participation reminder (48 hours before participation start time)
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Organizer/creator deletes or cancels a parent event in a series
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Calendar (.ics) file is attached to the email
To participant
Subject line: Reminder for {Event Name}
Email header: You have a Volunteer Event Soon
Email text:
{First name},
This is a reminder for your upcoming event.
Event Name: {Event name}
Event Coordinator Email: {The first contact on the list}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Meetup Instructions: {Meetup details only appears when text is added to the events Meetup Instructions
Location: {Event location}
Total Hours: {Total hours}
{Shift name}
{Shift date(s) and time(s)}
Participation Reminder (V019)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Post event reminder (24 hours after shift end time)
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Sent 24 hours after the shift's end time (UTC)
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To participant
Subject line: {Event Name} - Did you attend?
Email header: Thank You for Volunteering
Email text:
{First name},
Thank you for your participation.
If applicable, visit My Volunteering to edit your volunteer participation details. If you did not
participate, please delete or remove the event from My Volunteering.
Post Event Reminder (V020)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Participation update based on date changes made to the event
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Date changes made to the event
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To participant
Subject line: There has been a change in your participation for {Event Name}
Email header: Participation Update
Email text:
{First name},
The event organizer has made changes that affect your participation. See below for a summary of
those changes:
Change Summary:
{Change details}
Visit My Volunteering to view your events and participation information.
Participation Update (V021)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Event creator submitted an event for approval
Sender: System
Recipient: Event creator
Trigger: Event creator submits an event draft for approval
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To event creator
Subject line: {Event Name} was submitted for review
Email header: Your Event is Pending Review
Email text:
{First name},
Thank you for submitting your event. It will be reviewed soon, and you will receive
an email letting you know the status of your event.
Visit Event Management to view your event details.
Event Submitted for Approval (V023)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Event draft approved and published by admin
Sender: System
Recipient: Event creator
Trigger: Event creator receives approval for their draft
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To event creator
Subject line: {Event Name} was approved and published
Email header: This Event was Approved
Email text:
{First name},
Good news! Your event was reviewed and approved. It is now published and
available for participants.
Event Name: Take a Hike for Animal Rescue
Organization Name: Cleveland Animal Protective League
{Optional custom text}
Visit Event Management to view your event details and manage your event
Event Review Approved (V024)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Event draft reviewed and declined by admin
Sender: System
Recipient: Event creator
Trigger: Admin declines event
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes
To event creator
Subject line: {Event Name} was reviewed and declined
Email header: This Event was Declined
Email text:
{First name},
We regret to inform you that your event was reviewed and declined.
The administrator has stated the following reason:
{Custom text}
Event Review Declined (V025)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Pending events waiting for admin review
Sender: System
Recipient: Admin
Trigger: Event(s) pending approval
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To admin
Subject line: Pending Events to be Reviewed
Email header: Pending Events to be Reviewed
Email text:
{First name},
There are pending events that are ready for your review. Please visit the Event
Manager panel to review these pending events.
Total Pending Events: {Total number of events)
Events Approvals Pending (V026)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Event update summary (roll-up email) sent to the event creator
Sender: System
Recipient: Event creator
Trigger: Sent once each day there is an applicable update.
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To event creator
Subject line: Event Update: {Event Name}
Email header: Things are happening with your event!
Email text:
{First name},
See below for a summary of recent changes to this event.
{Event Details}
Event Update Summary (V027)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Participant added to event by an event creator/organizer but must answer required
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Creator/organizer manually adds a participant (individually or in bulk) and there are required
questions applied.
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To participant
Subject line: Action Required for {Event Name}
Email header: You have required questions to be answered.
Email text:
{First name},
As part of being a participant for {EVENT NAME}, there are required questions that
must be addressed.
Visit My Volunteering to view this participation and answer all required questions.
Required Questions to Answer (V029)
Back to TOC
Coming Soon
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Organizer added by event creator/another organizer
Sender: System
Recipient: Organizer
Trigger: Event creator/organizer adds an organizer
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To organizer
Subject line: You've been added as an Organizer {Event Name}
Email header: Event Update
Email text:
{First name},
{Event creator/organizer name} has added you as an Organizer for the following
Event Name: {Event Name}
Visit Manage Events to edit your event and manage participants.
Organizer Added (V030)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: Organizer removed by event creator/another organizer
Sender: System
Recipient: Organizer
Trigger: Event creator/organizer removes an organizer
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
To organizer
Subject line: You've been removed as an Organizer - Event Name
Email header: Event Update
Email text:
{First name},
{Event creator/organizer name} has removed you as an Organizer for the following
Event Name: {Event Name}
Organizer Removed (V031)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
Description: CRA participations pending review
Sender: System
Recipient: Admin
Trigger: Participant(s) answer CRA survey questions that provide detail on their event participation
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To admin
Subject line: CRA Participations Pending Review
Email header: CRA Participations Pending Review
Email text:
{First name},
There are new CRA participations that are ready for your review. Please visit the
CRA Request Manager panel to review these pending participations.
Total Pending Participations: {Total pending number of participations}
CRA Requests Pending (V032)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
To participant
Recurring Individual Activity Reminder (V033)
Back to TOC
Description: Recurring individual activity participation reminder
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Recurring individual activity sent on the day of scheduled participation
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Subject line: {Event name} Did you participate?
Email header: Thank you for Volunteering
Email text:
{First name}
Thank you for the following participation:
Hours: {Number of hours}
If applicable, visit My Volunteering to edit your volunteer participation details.
If you did not participate, please delete or remove the activity entry from My
Go to My Volunteering {hyperlink}
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
To participant
Employee Invitation (V034) 1 of 2
Back to TOC
Description: Employee invitation sent by another employee for a one-time event
Sender: System
Recipient: Invited employee
Trigger: Sent when another employee selects them from a list of employee search results
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
Subject line: You have been invited to {event name}
Email header: Your coworker has invited you to {event name}
Email text:
{First name},
{Employee name} invited you to participate in the following event.
Event Name: {Event name}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Event Description: {Event description}
Location: {Location of the event}
Register {hyperlink}
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Events
To participant
Employee Invitation (V034) 2 of 2
Back to TOC
Description: Employee invitation sent by another employee for a recurring event
Sender: System
Recipient: Invited employee
Trigger: Sent when another employee selects them from a list of employee search results
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
Subject line: You have been invited to {event name}
Email header: Your coworker has invited you to {event name}
Email text:
{First name},
{Employee name} invited you to participate in the following event.
Event Name: {Event name}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Event Description: {Event description}
Event Date: For details, review event dates and register.
Location: {Location of the event}
Review event dates and register {hyperlink}
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer NPOconnect Events
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer NPOc Events
Description: Email to a participant confirming their registration for a volunteer event
created through NPOconnect
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: User signs up for shift(s) through Search Opportunities, Sign Up
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
Calendar (.ics) file is attached to the email
To participant
Subject line: Sign-Up Confirmation: {Event name}
Email header: You signed up! {Event name}
{Event name}
Email text:
{First name},
Thank you for signing up to volunteer. Here is a summary of your participation:
Event Name: {Event name}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Location: {Event location}
Event Summary {Total hours}
{Shift name}
{Shift date(s) and time(s)}
Participation Confirmation (NPO001)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer NPOc Events
Description: Email to a participant announcing the removal of a volunteer event
created through NPOconnect
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Event creator deletes an event through NPOconnect
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To participant
Subject line: Event Update: {Event name}
Email header: Your Event has been Removed
Email text:
{First name},
Your event has been removed or cancelled.
Any hours recorded for this event have been removed. Please contact the event
coordinator if you have any questions as to why your event was removed.
Event Name: {Event name}
Event Coordinator Email: {Email address of event coordinator}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Location: {Event location}
Event Summary {Total hours}
{Shift name}
{Shift date(s) and time(s)}
Event Deleted (NPO002)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer NPOc Events
Description: Email to a participant notifying them that their participation was removed
from an upcoming volunteer event created through NPOconnect
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Event creator removes the participants shift from the event OR the event
creator removes the participant from the event
Option to turn email on/off? Yes within the NPOconnect platform
Option to customize email? No
To participant
Subject line: Participation Removed: {Event name}
Email header: Participation Removed
Email text:
{First name},
The following participation was removed by the coordinator. Please contact the event
coordinator if you have any questions about why you were removed.
Event Name: {Event name}
Shift Removed: {Shift name}
{Shift date and time}
Coordinator: {Name of event coordinator}
Coordinator Email: {Email address of event coordinator}
Visit My Volunteering to view your events and participation information. {View My Volunteering
Back to TOC
Participation Removed (NPO003)
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer NPOc Events
Description: Email to a participant reminding them of their registration for an
upcoming volunteer event created through NPOconnect
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: 48 hours prior to shift start time
Option to turn email on/off? Yes within the NPOconnect platform
Option to customize email? No
Calendar (.ics) file is attached to the email
To participant
Subject line: Event Reminder: {Event name}
Email header: You have a Volunteer Event Soon
Email text:
{First name},
This is a reminder for your upcoming event.
Event Name: {Event name}
Event Coordinator Email: {Email address of event coordinator}
Organization Name: {Organization name}
Location: {Event location}
Event Summary {Total hours}
{Shift name}
{Shift date(s) and time(s)}
Participation Reminder (NPO004)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer NPOc Events
Description: Email to a participant reminding them of their registration for an
upcoming volunteer event created through NPOconnect
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: 24 hours after shift end time
Option to turn email on/off? Yes within the NPOconnect platform
Option to customize email? No
To participant
Subject line: {Event name} - Did you participate? - {Event name}
Email header: Thank you for Volunteering
Email text:
{First name},
Thank you for the following participation:
Date: {Date of participation}
Hours: {Total hours}
If applicable, visit My Volunteering to edit your volunteer participation details.
If you did not participate, please delete or remove the activity entry from My
Go to My Volunteering {hyperlink}
Post-Event Reminder (NPO005)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer NPOc Events
Description: Notification to the coordinator of an event created through NPOconnect
that a participant has removed their participation
Sender: System
Recipient: Event coordinator
Trigger: User selects Edit Participation, Remove Participation for the event
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To event coordinator
Subject line: A volunteer has left your event - {Event name}
Email header: Participant Update
Email text:
{First name},
We would like to inform you that a participant has left your event.
Event: {Event name}
Participant: {First and last name of participant}
Visit Volunteer Events to edit your event and manage participants.
Participation Update (NPO006)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
To participant
Subject line: Thank you for signing up for - {Project name}
Email header: You Signed Up!
Email text:
{First name},
Thank you for signing up to volunteer. Here is a summary of your participation:
Project Name: {Project name}
Organization Name: {Charity name}
Location: {Project location}
Confirmed Role: {Project role}
Sign Up Confirmation (P001)
Back to TOC
Description: Applies to “Join” registration. Sent when a participant signs up for a project
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Participant signs up for a project
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
To participant
Subject line: Thank you for Expressing Interest in {Project name}
Email header: Thank you for expressing your interest to {Project name}
Email text:
{First name},
Thank you for your interest in this project. Your participation is currently pending review
by the project organizer. If confirmed for a role, you will receive a separate email to
confirm that participation. Here is a summary of your pending roles:
Project Name: {Project name}
Organization Name: {Charity name}
Location: {Project location}
{Project role}
{Role description}
Express Interest Confirmation (P002)
Back to TOC
Description: Applies to “Express Interest” registration. Sent after a participant expresses interest in a
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Participant expresses interest in a project
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
To participant
Subject line: You have been confirmed for a volunteer project - {Project name}
Email header: You've Been Confirmed for a Project
Email text:
{First name},
Good news! You have been confirmed for the following role, in which you had previously expressed
Role Name: {Project role}
Role Description: {Role description}
Role Skills: {Role skills}
Note: Any additional pending roles for this project have been removed by the organizer.
Project Name: {Project name}
Organization Name: {Charity name}
Custom Message: {Custom message}
Visit My Volunteering to view your projects and participation information.
Participant Confirmed For Role (P003)
Back to TOC
Description: Sent after a project organizer confirms a participant who had expressed interest in a role.
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Project organizer confirms a participant
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? Yes
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
To participant
Subject line: You have been invited to a Project {Project name}
Email header: You have been invited to participate in a Project: {Project name}
Email text:
{First name},
The organizer of this project thinks you would be a good fit for the following role:
Role Name: {Project role}
Role Description: {Role description}
Role Skills: {Role skills}
Project Name: {Project name}
Organization Name: {Charity name}
Custom Message: {Custom message}
Visit the project page to learn more about the project and to confirm your participation.
Participant Invited to Project (P004)
Back to TOC
Description: Sent when a project organizer invites a participant to join a project based on their skills,
interests, or location.
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Project organizer invites a participant to join a project.
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? Yes
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
To participant
Participant Removed from Project (P005)
Back to TOC
Description: Sent when a project organizer removes a previously-confirmed participant from a project and
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Project organizer removes a participant from a project and role.
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? Yes
Subject line: You have been invited to a Project {Project name}
Email header: You have been invited to participate in a Project: {Project name}
Email text:
{First name},
You have been removed from the following project by the organizer. Please contact the organizer if
you have any questions about why you were removed.
Project Name: {Project name}
Organizer: {Organizer name}
Organizer Email: {Organizer email address}
Custom Message: {Custom message}
Roles Removed:
{Project role}
Note: Any hours logged against this role have been removed as well.
Visit My Volunteering to view your projects and participation information.
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
To participant
Custom Email from Organizer (P006)
Back to TOC
Description: Custom message sent from a project organizer to participants
Sender: Organizer
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Organizer sends a message to participants. This can either be sent automatically or scheduled for
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? Yes
Subject line: Message From: {Project name}
Email header: New Project Message
Email text:
{First name},
You have received a message from the organizer of your project.
Project Name: {Project name}
Project Organizer: {Organizer name}
Message: {Custom message}
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
To participant
Project Cancelled (P007)
Back to TOC
Description: Sent to a participant when a project organizer removes or deletes a project. Removes hours
the participant logged against the project.
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Project organizer removes or deletes a project
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Subject line: There's been a change to {Project name}
Email header: N/A
Email text:
{First name},
Your project has been removed or cancelled.
Project Name: {Project name}
Organization Name: {Charity name}
Organizer Email: {Organizer email address}
Location: {Project location}
Any pending or confirmed roles, along with any hours you may have logged in
connection with this project have also been removed. Please contact the project
organizer if you have any questions as to why your project was removed.
Visit Search Opportunities to find more volunteer projects that interest you.
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
To participant
Organizer Added (P008)
Back to TOC
Description: Sent when a project creator/organizer adds a participant as a secondary project organizer.
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Project creator/organizer adds a participant as a secondary project organizer.
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Subject line: You've been added as an Organizer - {Project name}
Email header: Project Update
Email text:
{First name},
{Project creator/organizer} has added you as an Organizer for the following project:
Project Name: {Project name}
Visit the project management panel to edit the project and manage participants.
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
To participant
Organizer Removed (P009)
Back to TOC
Description: Sent when a project creator/organizer removes a participant from a secondary project organizer
Sender: System
Recipient: Participant
Trigger: Project creator/organizer removes a participant from a secondary project organizer role.
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? Yes
Subject line: Removed from Project: {Project name}
Email header: Project Update
Email text:
{First name},
You have been removed from the following project by the organizer. Please contact the organizer if you have any
questions about why you were removed.
Project Name: {Project name}
Organizer: {Organizer name}
Organizer Email: {Organizer email address}
Custom Message: {Custom message}
Roles Removed:
{Project role}
Note: Any hours logged against this role have been removed as well.
Visit My Volunteering to view your projects and participation information.
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
To organizer
Project Started (P010)
Back to TOC
Description: Sent when someone selects Start Project for the listed project. Sent to organizers who are set to
receive email notifications (Receive email notifications? check box selected in CSRconnect admin portal,
Project Administrators).
Sender: System
Recipient: Organizers
Trigger: Sent when someone selects Start Project for the listed project.
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Subject line: The following project has been started - {Project name}
Email header: Project Update
Email text:
{First name},
The following project has been started:
Project Name: {Project name}
Started By: {Email address}
Visit the project management panel to edit the project and manage participants.
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
To organizer
Project Closed (P011)
Back to TOC
Description: Sent when someone selects Complete Project for the listed project. Sent to organizers who are set
to receive email notifications (Receive email notifications? check box selected in CSRconnect admin portal,
Project Administrators).
Sender: System
Recipient: Organizers
Trigger: Sent when someone selects Complete Project for the listed project.
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Subject line: The following project has been closed - {Project name}
Email header: Project Update
Email text:
{First name},
The following project has been closed:
Project Name: {Project name}
Closed By: {Email address}
Visit the project management panel to edit the project and manage participants.
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
To organizer
Participant Left Project (P012)
Back to TOC
Description: Sent when a confirmed participant left the project by navigating to My Volunteering,
Edit Participation. Sent to organizers who are set to receive email notifications (Receive email
notifications? check box selected in CSRconnect Admin Portal, Project Administrators).
Sender: System
Recipient: Organizers
Trigger: Sent when a confirmed participant left the project by navigating to My Volunteering, Edit
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Subject line: A volunteer has left your project - {Project name}
Email header: Participant Update
Email text:
{First name},
We would like to inform you that a participant has left your project.
Project Name: {Project name}
Role: {Project role}
Participant: {Participant name}
Participant Email: {Participant email address}
Visit the project management panel to edit the project and manage participants.
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
To organizer
Project Participation Summary (P013)
Back to TOC
Description: Roll-up summary email lists project participation updates. Sent to organizers who are set
to receive email notifications (Receive email notifications? check box selected in CSRconnect Admin
Portal, Project Administrators).
Sender: System
Recipient: Organizers
Trigger: Sent once each day there is an applicable update
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Subject line: Project Update: {Project name}
Email header: Things are happening with your Project! {Project name}
Email text:
{First name},
See below for a summary of recent changes to this project.
{Project Details}
For more information, visit your project management panel.
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
To participant
Participant Added to Project (P014)
Back to TOC
Description: Sent when a project organizer adds a participant to a project and role.
Sender: System
Recipient: Participants
Trigger: Sent when a project organizer adds a participant to a project and role.
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Subject line: Participation Added: {Project name}
Email header: Participation Update
Email text:
{First name},
The organizer of this project has added you to the following role:
Project Name: {Project name}
Organization Name: {Charity name}
Role Added: {Project role}
Organizer: {Organizer name}
Organizer Email: {Organizer email address}
Visit My Volunteering to view your projects and participation information.
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
To participant
Participant Role Reassigned (P015)
Back to TOC
Description: Sent when an organizer moves a participant from an originally confirmed role to a new
Sender: System
Recipient: Participants
Trigger: Sent when an organizer moves a participant from an originally confirmed role to a new role.
Option to turn email on/off? Yes
Option to customize email? No
Subject line: Participation Update: {Project name}
Email header: Participation Update
Email text:
{First name},
The project role you were previously confirmed for has been changed by the organizer. See below for
a summary of those changes:
Project Name: {Project name}
Previous Role: {Previous project role}
New Role: {New project role}
Note: Any hours logged against your previous role will remain with that role.
Organizer: {Organizer name}
Organizer Email: {Organizer email address}
Please contact the organizer if you have any questions about why this change was made.
Visit My Volunteering to view your projects and participation information.
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
Description: Email sent from client admin to event creator/organizer
Sender: Client admin
Recipient: Project creator
Trigger: Client admin selects Approve Project on the CSRconnect admin portal,
Opportunity Manager, Projects Manager
Option to turn email on/off? Yes YC admin can toggle setting in YC admin, New
Volunteering, Communication Settings
Option to customize email? Yes the client admin can add custom text to the Message
To project creator
Subject line: {Project name} was approved and published
Email header: N/A
Email text:
{Project creator's first name},
Good news! Your project was reviewed and approved. It is now published and available
for participants.
Project Name: {Project name}
Organization Name: {Charity name}
Message: {Custom text}
Visit Opportunities Management to view your project details and manage your project
Project Review Approved (P016)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
Description: Email sent from event creator/organizer to participant(s)
Sender: Client admin
Recipient: Project creator
Trigger: Client admin selects Decline Project on the CSRconnect admin portal, Opportunity
Manager, Projects Manager tab
Option to turn email on/off? Yes YC admin can toggle setting in YC admin, New
Volunteering, Communication Settings
Option to customize email? Yes the client admin can add custom text to the Message
To project creator
Subject line: {Project name} was reviewed and declined
Email header: This Project was Declined
Email text:
{Project creator's first name},
We regret to inform you that your project was reviewed and declined.
The administrator has stated the following reason:
Message: {Custom text}
Project Review Denied (P017)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
Description: Email sent from client admin to event creator/organizer
Sender: System
Recipient: Project creator
Trigger: Project creator/organizer submits a project request for approval
Option to turn email on/off? Yes YC admin can toggle setting in YC admin, New
Volunteering, Communication Settings
Option to customize email? No
To project creator
Subject line: {Project name} was submitted for review
Email header: Your Project is Pending Review
Email text:
{Project creator's first name},
Thank you for submitting your project. It will be reviewed soon, and you will receive an
email letting you know the status of your project.
Visit Opportunities Management to view your project details.
Project Submitted for Approval (P018)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
Description: Reminder email sent from system to client admin
Sender: System
Recipient: Client admin
Trigger: Client admin has pending reviews and chooses to receive reminder emails set up
through the CSRconnect admin portal (CSRconnect admin portal, Volunteer, Opportunity
Manager, Projects Manager, Manage Email Settings). Client admins can receive daily
messages at 11:59 p.m. UTC.
Option to turn email on/off? Yes YC admin can toggle setting in YC admin, New
Volunteering, Communication Settings
Option to customize email? No
To project creator
Subject line: Pending Projects to be Reviewed
Email header: Pending Projects to be Reviewed
Email text:
{Client admin's first name},
There are pending projects that are ready for your review. Please visit the Opportunity
Manager panel to review these pending projects.
Total Pending Projects: 1
Project Approval Pending (P019)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer - Projects
Description: Bi-weekly volunteer recommendation email with up to five projects that contain
at least one of the employee’s skills listed in their profile.
Sender: System
Recipient: Employees with skills that match volunteer opportunities
Trigger: Volunteer projects that match the skills listed in the employee’s profile
Option to turn email on/off? Yes Employees can choose to opt-out using Volunteer
Recommendation Email located on My Account, Communication Settings.
Option to customize email? No
To employee user
Subject line: {Employee’s first name}, you have new opportunities waiting for you
Email header: Looking to Volunteer? Check out these new opportunities!
Email text:
{Employee's first name},
We have matched you to the following volunteer opportunities related to your skills:
{Project link}
{Organization name}
{Project dates}
Cause Area: {Cause Area}
Skills: {Employee’s identified matching skills}
Looking for more ways to volunteer?
Volunteer Recommendation Email (TBD)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Volunteer Time Off (VTO)
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to employee user to confirm their VTO request was submitted
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: Employee submits VTO request
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee user
Subject line: Request Submitted
Email header: {VTO feature name} - Submitted
Email text:
{First name},
This message confirms you successfully submitted your request.
Request Summary Total Hrs: {Total hours}
{Organization name} - {Event name}
{Date of event} {Total hours}
Confirm VTO Request (VTO001)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to the manager of a user who submitted a VTO request
Sender: System
Recipient: Manager of employee user who submitted VTO request
Trigger: Employee submits VTO request
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To manager
Subject line: Request needs attention
Email header: None
Email text:
{First name},
An employee has submitted a request for: {VTO feature name}. This request requires
your approval.
View Your Request {hyperlinked}
VTO Request Manager Approval (VTO002)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to employee user to confirm their VTO request was approved
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: Client admin approves users VTO request
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee user
Subject line: Request Approved: {VTO feature name}
Email header: None
Email text:
{First name},
Your request has been approved for: {VTO feature name}.
View Requests {hyperlinked}
VTO Request Approved (VTO003)
Back to TOC
Sensitivity: Public
Description: Email sent to employee user to confirm their VTO request was denied
Sender: System
Recipient: Employee user
Trigger: Client admin declines users VTO request
Option to turn email on/off? No
Option to customize email? No
To employee user
Subject line: Request Denied: {VTO feature name}
Email header: None
Email text:
{First name},
Your request has been declined for: {VTO feature name}
VTO Request Denied (VTO004)
Back to TOC