Immigration Law Group LLP 2019
Form DS-160 Questions & Answers
Surname: Enter your surname as it appears in your passport. Your surname is your last name
(or family name). If your surname consists of multiple names, please enter them all.
Given Names: Enter your given name as it appears in your passport. Given name includes both
your first and middle name. Please enter the exact spelling and name in the order indicated in
your passport.
Full Name in Native Alphabet: Click “does not apply” if your native language utilizes the
Have you ever used other names (i.e. maiden, religious, professional, alias, etc.)?
If not, select ‘No’. If you used any other names in the past, select ‘Yes’ and list them here. If there
are different variations of your name in different documents, you can enter those variations here.
Do you have a telecode that represents your name? If yes (i.e., your native language does
not utilize the alphabet), you will need to list it here.
Sex: Self-explanatory.
Marital Status: Self-explanatory.
Date of Birth: Enter in the order of ‘day, month, year’. Make sure this date matches your passport.
Place of birth: Place where you were born. Write down the city (village/town), state/province and
country you were born. Use the current city name (e.g., use “Ho Chi Minh City” and not “Saigon”).
State/Province of birth: If State/Province is not applicable, check “does not apply”.
Country of birth: Use the current country name.
Country/Region of Origin (Nationality): Your nationality is your citizenship country, which may
be different from your birth country.
Do you hold or have held a nationality other than the one you have indicated above: Answer
“yes” or “no”. If you answer “yes”, enter the following details about each nationality you had:
Immigration Law Group LLP 2019
Form DS-160 Questions & Answers
Other Nationality: Select from list
Do you hold a passport for the nationality above? Answer “yes” or “no”. If yes, provide the
following information: Passport Number.
National Identification Number: If your country has such number, write it here. For India, check
“does not apply”.
US Social Security Number (US SSN): If you were ever issued a US SSN, enter it here.
Otherwise, check “does not apply”.
US Taxpayer ID #: If you were issued an ITIN number or any other US taxpayer ID #, enter it
here. Otherwise, check “does not apply”. Do not enter US SSN here.
Please enter complete home address, including apartment #, street, city, state or province, postal
code and country. This address should be the one you have been residing for the past six months.
It can differ from your permanent address mentioned in the passport. If you currently reside in the
US, please list your foreign home address here. Note: Online system does not allow a forward
slash “/” as part of the address. You can write it as a dash “-“ in its place.
Mailing Address
Is your mailing address the same as your home address? If you answer “no” you will be asked
to enter your entire mailing address here. Your passport with the visa stamp will be sent to this
Primary phone #: You can enter a land line or cell number, whichever you are most likely to be
Secondary phone #: If you have an additional land line or cell phone number, please list here. If
you don’t have one, click “does not apply”.
Work phone #: Type in your work phone # if you have one. Otherwise, click “does not apply”.
Email Address: Type your email address here. If you do not have one, click “does not apply”. If
you provide one, this email may be used by the consulate to send a confirmation of appointment
or other communication.
Immigration Law Group LLP 2019
Form DS-160 Questions & Answers
Passport/Travel Document Type: Select the appropriate document type from the list: regular,
official, diplomatic or other.
Passport Number: List the number from your current passport number, not from previous
passports. This must be the same passport you will be using when traveling to the US. It should
be a valid unexpired passport of at least six months or longer.
Passport Book Number: This is also commonly known as the inventory control number. You
may or may not have a passport book number on your passport. Please contact your passport
issuing authority if you are unable to determine whether or not your passport contains a passport
book number. Click “does not apply” if not applicable to you. Indian passports do not have a
passport book number.
Country/Authority that issued passport: This should be the country you are a citizen of even
though you may have received your passport while you were in another country.
Where was the passport issued?
City: City where the passport was issued. Write in the city name where you applied for your
passport. For example, if you applied for your Indian passport in San Francisco, CA. Write “San
Francisco” here.
State/Province: State where the passport was issued. For example, if your Indian passport was
issued in San Francisco, CA, write “California” here.
Country: Country where the passport was issued. For example, if your Indian passport was
issued in the U.S., select “United States” here.
Issuance date: Date the passport was issued.
Expiration date: Date the passport expires.
In most cases, your passport must have at least six months of validity beyond the date of your
visa application and/or arrival in the US. Some countries are exempt from this rule. See link
more information.
Have you ever lost a passport or had one stolen: Answer “yes” or “no” accordingly.
Immigration Law Group LLP 2019
Form DS-160 Questions & Answers
If yes, enter the passport number or “do not know,” the country/authority the passport was issued,
and provide an explanation if needed. If you had more than one passport lost or stolen, you can
click on “add another” and enter the information.
Please note: The visa will be issued in the name as it appears in your passport. If you want a
different name (e.g. your married name), you must first change your passport.
No First/Last Name: If your entire name is written in the field for surname, and the given name
field is left blank, the consulate will treat your entire name as your surname and write “FNU” (First
Name Unknown) in the first name section (or write “LNU” if you leave the surname field blank). If
you have more than one name but they are all written as either your surname or given name, and
you do not want “FNU” or “LNU” as part of your name on your visa, you should get your passport
changed before applying for the visa.
Purpose of Trip to the US: Pick the category that is appropriate for you.
Specify: Pick the category that is appropriate for you.
Dependent visas: You will be asked the surname and given name of the primary applicant.
Application Receipt/Petition Number: Applicable for CW/E2C, H, K, L, O, P, R, T or U visas.
Principal Applicant’s Company Name: Only used if applicant is not the Principal applicant and
trip purpose is Treaty Trader/Investor (E1, E2).
Intended Date of Arrival: If unsure of travel plans, provide an estimate date.
Intended Length of Stay in US: Select accordingly.
Address where you will stay in the US
It can be a hotel if you don’t know where you will be staying upon arrival in the US. Provide specific
hotel address and not just “any hotel”. If you are employed in the US and maintain an apartment
in the US, provide that address and telephone number.
Person/Entity Paying for Your Trip
Immigration Law Group LLP 2019
Form DS-160 Questions & Answers
If you choose “Self” or “U.S. Petitioner”, no further questions regarding it will be asked. If you
choose “other person,” you will be asked to provide the name of the person who has agreed to
support you financially while you are in the US.
Are there any other person traveling with you? Answer “yes” if you have family members
traveling with you. You will need to know their full names and relationships to you.
Are you traveling as part of a group or organization? If you answer “yes,” you will need to
provide the group or organization’s name. If you answer “no,” you will need to provide the
surnames/last names, given names and relationship to person traveling with you. Click “add
another” if you have more than one person traveling with you. You can prepare a family/group
application once you are done with the first applicant’s application. All of you will be interviewed
at the same time.
Have you ever been in the US? If you answer “yes,” provide the date of arrival and length of
stay for each of your last five visits. If you are unsure about the dates of prior visits, provide your
best estimate. The consulate will look at your answer to see whether you have violated any visas
terms during your last visits.
Did you ever hold a US driver’s license? If “yes”, please provide the driver’s license number or
check “do not know.” Click “add another” if you have had more than one US driver’s license.
Have you ever been issued a US visa? If “yes,” you will have to provide date your last visa was
issued, the visa number (click “do not know” if appropriate). The visa # is the red color number
towards the lower right side of the visa stamp. For lost or stolen visa, select “do not know.”
Are you applying for the same type of visa? Answer “yes” or “No.”
Are you applying in the same country where the visa above was issued and is this country
your principal country of residence? Answer “yes” or “no.”
Have you been ten-printed? Answer “yes” or “no.” Ten-printed means that you have provided
fingerprints of all your fingers, as opposed to only two fingerprints.
Immigration Law Group LLP 2019
Form DS-160 Questions & Answers
Has your US visa ever been lost or stolen? If you answer “yes”, you will need to provide the
year it was lost or stolen.
Has your US visa ever been cancelled or revoked? If “yes,” provide an explanation.
Have you ever been refused a US visa, been refused admission to the US or withdrawn
your application for admission at the point of entry?
If you answer “yes,” provide an explanation here. If your visa was refused under Section 221(g)
and later you received the visa, it is, nonetheless a refusal and, therefore, you must respond “yes”
to this question and explain reason for refusal and outcome here.
Has anyone ever filed an immigrant petition on your behalf with the United States
Citizenship and Immigration Services?
If a company has filed an I-140 petition on your behalf, select “yes.” In the explanation box, list
the petitioner’s name, EB category, and Alien # if applicable.
Your US point of contact can be any individual in the US who knows you. If you do not know
anyone in the US, you may enter the name of the company or organization you plan to visit during
your trip.
Contact person: You can provide last name and given name or enter “do not know.”
Organization Name: You can specify the organization name or click “do not know.” If you do not
have any contact in the US, enter the name of the hotel where you will be staying.
Relationship to you: Select from the drop-down menu.
Address and phone # of point of contact: Self explanatory.
Email Address: Provide email address or click “do not apply.”
Choose “yes” or “no” and indicate that person’s status in the US (i.e., US legal permanent resident,
US Citizen, visiting, studying, working, etc.). If the relative is in the Adjustment of Status process,
the legal status selected should be “non-immigrant.”
Immigration Law Group LLP 2019
Form DS-160 Questions & Answers
Do you have any immediate relatives, not including parents, in the US? This includes
fiancé/fiancée, spouse, child or sibling. You can add multiple relatives by clicking “add another.”
Family Information Spouse:
This section may or may not show up depending on how you answer your marital status in
“personal information” section.
Enter your current spouse’s information. If divorced, enter your previous spouse’s
information. This information is required even if your spouse is not traveling with you or applying
for a visa with you.
Primary occupation: Choose from the list provided. If you choose other, you will be asked to
Present employer or school name: Self-explanatory.
Present employer or school address: Self-explanatory.
Monthly Income in local currency: List income if employed. If not, check “does not apply.”
Briefly describe your duties: Look to the H-1B/L-1 support letter.
Were you previously employed? If “yes,” provide employer name, complete address, telephone
number, job title, supervisor’s name, date of employment and briefly describe your duties. You
can add multiple employers by clicking “add another.”
Do you belong to a clan or tribe? If “yes,” list name of clan or tribe.
Have you traveled to any countries within the last five years? If “yes,” list all countries visited
in the past five years.
Have you belonged to, contributed to, or worked for any professional, social or charitable
organization? If “yes,” provide a list of organizations.
Do you have any specialized skills or training, such as firearms, explosives, nuclear,
biological or chemical experience? If “yes,” explain in detail and expect delays as a background
check is likely required.
Immigration Law Group LLP 2019
Form DS-160 Questions & Answers
Have you ever served in the military? If “yes,” provide the country you served, branch of
service, rank/position, military specialty, and date of service.
Have you ever served in, been a member of, or been involved with a paramilitary unit,
vigilante unit, rebel group, guerrilla group, or insurgent organizations? If “yes”, explain in
detail, and expect delays as a background check is likely required.
If you check “yes” to any of these questions, you may be denied the visa. Please seek advice
from an immigration attorney should you have questions regarding this section.
If you indicated that the purpose of your trip to the US is to work temporarily, provide the additional
information about your employer.
Click on the “Upload Your Photo” button. Your photo must be in JPEG image format and the file
size should be 240 KB or less. If your photo is accepted, it will indicate so. If not, it will display
the specific error messages regarding what is wrong with the photograph and you may choose to
update another photo that meets the requirements, or you can proceed without a photo. If you
proceed without a photo, you will have to submit a regular photo at the time of interview or in
advance in some cases depending on the procedures at that consulate/embassy.
Preparer of Application: If the application was prepared by another person on your behalf,
answer “yes” and ask that person to fill out this section. However, note that you must be the one
to click the “submit” button since it serves as your electronic signature.
Signature: If the applicant is under 16 or is unable to electronically sign the form for any reason,
their parents, guardians or other individuals who have legal custody over them must submit the
form on their behalf.
Confirmation Page: Once you complete the online form, carry the printout of the confirmation
sheet with a barcode. That will allow the consular officer to access the information contained in
Immigration Law Group LLP 2019
Form DS-160 Questions & Answers
the DS-160. You must print the confirmation page with a laser printer so the barcode can be
properly read.
If the confirmation page includes the image of your photograph, the photo was uploaded
successfully. If you see an “x” in the box where the photo should be, it means that the photo
upload has failed, and you will need to submit one printed photograph along with the confirmation
page of the online DS-160.
You do not need to take the printout of the DS-160 form itself. You can save the DS-160 form
data for your own records.
Before you close the application, you should click on the “email confirmation” button to have a
confirmation emailed to you for your records. You may also save a backup copy by hitting the
“back” button on your web browser after you have printed the barcode confirmation page. You
can email yourself a backup copy of the Form DS-160 for your records.
Explanations of the following terms contained in the online DS-160 form are available to you as
help topics while you complete the DS-160 and are also provided below.
Help: Surnames
Enter all surnames (or family names) exactly as they are written in your passport. If only one
name is written in your passport, enter that as your “Surname.”
Help: Given Names
If your passport does not include a first or given name, please enter 'FNU' (meaning “first name
unknown”) in the space for “Given Names.”
Help: Other Names
Other names used include your maiden name, religious name, professional name, or any other
name by which you are or have been known.
Make sure to enter the other names you have used in full. Thus, if you have only used another
surname, enter it along with your usual given name. If you have only used another given name,
enter it along with your usual surname.
Help: Telecode
Immigration Law Group LLP 2019
Form DS-160 Questions & Answers
Telecodes are four-digit code numbers that represent characters in some non-Roman alphabet
Help: Date of Birth
Enter as shown in your passport.
Help: Place of Birth
Please choose the name currently used for the place where you were born.
Help: Phone
You must provide a primary phone number. The primary phone number should be the phone
number at which you are most likely to be reached; this could be a land line or a cellular/mobile
number. If you have an additional land line or a cellular/mobile number please list that as your
secondary phone number.
Help: Identification Numbers
Your National ID Number is a unique number that your government may have provided. For
example, the U.S. Government gives unique numbers to people looking to work or who pay taxes.
Help: Other Nationality
Enter all nationalities you currently hold and all nationalities you have previously held (including
United States, if applicable), regardless of whether you have formally and/or legally relinquished
the nationality. If the country where you previously held nationality no longer exists, choose the
name of the country that is currently used for that location. (For example, if you used to be a
citizen of the former East Germany, choose “Germany.”)
Help: Passport/Travel Document Number
Enter the number of the passport or travel document you will use to travel to the United States.
This passport/document must still be valid, and must identify you and your nationality.
Help: Passport Book Number
The Passport Book Number is commonly called the inventory control number. You may or may
not have a Passport Book Number on your passport. If you do, the location of the Passport Book
Number on your passport may vary depending on the country that issued your passport. Please
contact your passport issuing authority if you are unable to determine whether or not your passport
contains a Passport Book Number.
Immigration Law Group LLP 2019
Form DS-160 Questions & Answers
Help: Expiration Date
In most cases your passport or travel document must be valid for at least six months after your
arrival in the United States.
Help: Application Receipt/Petition Number
If you are applying for a petition-based visa, your application receipt/petition number was given to
you by the Department of Homeland Security’s U. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
(USCIS) after you filed your petition application at a USCIS Service Center. The application
receipt/petition number is 13 characters long and the first three characters are letters.
Help: Previous Employer
Please enter information regarding your previous two employers only. Applicants may choose to
bring along a separate written list of all previous employers to the visa interview for reference.