International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 167 No.2, June 2017
Web Service Testing Automation using SoapUI Tool
Meenakshi Garg
Department of MCA
Mumbai, India
Niveta Lavhate
Department of MCA
Mumbai, India
In today’s world, web services have become an integral part
of web. A web service is a service offered by one device to
another device electronically, for communicating with each
other over the World Wide Web. The web services can be
also act as an API which facilitates various services for
devices over network. Today majority of web applications
which keep running makes the use of web services and use
service-oriented architecture. A service-oriented architecture
(SOA) is a way of designing software where services are
provided to the other components by application components,
through a communication protocol over the network. The
testing of these web services should be considered as an
important factor now. Testing the web service manually
becomes complicated. The solution is test automation! Web
services can be tested by using test automation frameworks.
SOAPUI is such an open source tool which can be used for
testing of web services. SOAPUI provides a variety of testing
facilities. This tool provides the web service tester a modern
way through which he can save his time and perform testing
SOAP, SOAPUI, REST, Automation testing, Web Service
Test automation has become a trend in today’s world.
Automation tests are more efficient and exact when contrasted
with the manual testing. [1] There are various open source
tools available for web service testing. SOAPUI is one most
commonly used tool for web service testing. It can discover
the imperfections which can be easily missed out while
manual testing. It can be used for web service and API
testing. [2] It can provide instant and accurate results. Testing
is a basic necessity of any application since it gives chance to
measure the quality of programming. There is no other way to
check if the web service is serving its purpose or not. The web
service is not used only by a single system; it is used widely
by multiple systems. [3] It becomes necessary to test the web
services efficiently as they serve a large number of software
systems in order to guarantee the reliability. Web services do
not have any user interface which becomes another obstacle
in testing of web services. [4] Web service testing includes
functional testing, regression testing, load/stress testing and
monitoring. In any scenario, manual testing requires excessive
human efforts and it is prone to fail due to human mistakes.
[5], [6] whenever the programming code changes everything
needs to be retested. Manually testing it again and again
becomes tedious and unreasonable.
The SOAPUI appeared in 2005. The person behind its
existence is Ole Lensmar. [7] He was working in Eviware
software’s as an architect of a huge SOA project and he
realized that there is no test tool available for testing agile
development process and he decided to develop it. He worked
on SOAPUI in his free time and when Ole and his colleagues
realized what SOAPUI can do they made it available to other
people working with SOA and result was the open source
SOAPUI version got released. [7] Eviware Software was
acquired by SmartBear later in 2011.The open source
SOAPUI tool is licensed under European Union Public
License. This tool is downloaded 2,000,000 times since its
initial release. SoapUI NG Pro is a commercial version of
SAOPUI which focuses on additional functionalities and
enhanced productivity. The SOAPUI tool is completely
developed using Java platform which makes it cross-platform.
It makes use of Swings framework for user interface. IDEA,
Eclipse and Net Beans are also supported by SOAPUI at
today’s date. SOAP, REST web services, JMS, AMF can be
tested by using SOAPUI and it can also be used for making
HTTP(S) and JDBC calls.
There will be a lot of reasons available for choosing SOAPUI
tool. SOAPUI is an open source tool which means it is freely
and easily available for use by anybody. This tool is also
available in a commercial version called SoapUI NG Pro with
extra functionalities for mission critical web services.
SOAPUI is considered as a standard for API testing in today’s
world. With this tool, functional testing, load testing,
regression testing, performance testing, interoperability
testing and many more things are possible. [8] It aims on
testing to be easy. For instance, we can just right click on
functional test and run it as a load test, it is that simple to use.
Web services can be simulated by using this tool. Test
recording and later reusing are most convenient features
available in SOAPUI. Code stubs from WSDL can be created
using it. Even the creation of the REST specifications
(WADL) from recorded communication is possible.
3.1 Platforms supported by SOAPUI
As the SOAPUI is java based tool, it can be easily run across
various operating systems, it has been tested with multiple
Windows versions, Mac and multiple Linux dialects. So, the
operating system will not be an issue for those who are
willing to make use of this tool. The basic requirements are
1.6+ versions of the JRE (Java Runtime Environment), at
least 1GB memory and 100MB of disk space which are again
not difficult to be available. [8]
There is multiple ways for implementing the web services.
Two of the most common approaches are
a) SOAP - (Simple Object Access Protocol)
b) REST-(Representational State Transfer architecture)
XML format is used by SOAP for sending and receiving
request and data is platform independent. Exchange of
messages between SOAP provider applications and receiving
applications happens in the form of SOAP envelopes. [9]
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 167 No.2, June 2017
SOAP messages do not get block by the firewall because it
makes use of simple http transport protocol. In case of REST,
its architecture runs over HTTP. REST uses simple URL in
some cases instead of using XML requests. REST requests are
faster and hence used in mobile and web applications. In
order to understand SOAPUI, it is necessary to have
knowledge about WSDL. WSDL is Web Service Description
Language. It is based on XML and used for describing the
services provided by the web service. All the operations
provided by a particular web service are described in a XML
format by WSDL. It also specifies that how the services can
be called i.e. what is the value for input and what response we
should get for each type of service.
So, in addition with functional testing SOAPUI also provides
non-functional testing such as performance and security
4.1 SOAPUI Features
Commonly used features of SOAPUI are listed below
4.1.1 Functional Testing
Testers are allowed to write functional API tests using
SOAPUI. It has drag and drop feature which makes the script
development faster. [10] SOAPUI allows test debugging. It
also provides support for data driven tests. It supports more
than one environment hence it is not difficult to switch
between QA, Production or Dev environment. It supports
advanced scripting which makes easy for testers to develop
their own custom code in necessary scenarios. Using SOAPUI
tester can use a large number of features. Some of them are
listed below Drag and Drop
It is the best feature in perspective of new testers for building
test automation. [11] It speeds up the script development for
test automation. Custom Scripts:
SOAPUI allows custom test script writing for test automation
scripts development which is an advance scripting option that
provides flexibility for writing the scripts for test automation. Environment Switching
SOAPUI allows testing the web API by switching in
multiple environments such as UAT (User Acceptance
Testing), QA (Quality Assurance), SIT (System Integration)
etc. Test Debugging
SOAPUI helps tester in debugging the test scripts and
allows user to write data driven tests. Tester can put
multiple check points to check that the test is getting executed
as expected or not. Robust Tool
By considering all the above scenarios SOAPUI is a robust
testing tool for sure.
4.1.2 Compliance Testing
SOAPUI allows tester to validate the compliance tests and
automate those test scripts. Compliance testing consists of the
tests related to the source and the data authentication by using
license and certificates etc. It is also related to various service
level agreements.
4.1.3 Regression Testing
Regression testing is performed to analyze any
malfunctioning happening within the web services after any
new change is introduced. It is carried out to find out if new
changes are causing any problems in expected working of the
web service. [11] Using SOAPUI tool tester can execute the
test suits to check if the existing functionalities are working
4.1.4 Security Testing
SOAPUI can perform complete vulnerability scan set.
SOAPUI ensures authorization and authentication for request
and response web service model. Features that SOAPUI
supports under Security testing are listed below Cross Site Scripting
It scans as well as detects any exposure related to service
parameters in structure message during cross site scripting. Securing database
SOAPUI scans for any potential l SQL injection that could
cause possible harm to the database. Hence provides the
secure database. Stack overflow
SOAPUI can scan and detect large documents and can find
out the stack overflow related defects. Lifesaving scans
These scans are done to support unsteady behavior of some
APIs. SoapUI NG Provides fuzzy scans, boundary scans etc.
4.1.5 Load Testing
SOAPUI can be used to distribute the Load Tests across
multiple numbers of LoadUI Agents. It can simulate real
world and high volume load testing easily. To capture
performance parameters, it provides advanced custom
reporting options. End to end system monitoring is also
enabled by SOAPUI. The features provided by load testing
are: LoadUI Agent
SOAPUI NG has something called LoadUI agents in large
number on which load can be distributed and performance
analysis, server monitoring and visualizations can be done. Performance
SoapUI NG provides advance reporting system for
capturing various performance parameters in load testing.
Apart from this it also provides performance monitoring
for end-to-end system load testing.
4.2 Supported Protocols/Technologies
SOAPUI supports most comprehensive set of protocols which
is depicted in Fig 1.
Fig 1: SoapUI Supported Protocols
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 167 No.2, June 2017
SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
WSDL Web Service Description Language
REST Representational State Transfer
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure
AMF Action Message Format
JDBC Java Database Connectivity
JMS Java Messaging Service
4.3 SOAP-Integration
SOAP can be integrated with many tools like Maven, Hudson,
Junit, Apache Ant and many more. Few of them are described
as under -
4.3.1 Maven
Apache Maven is a tool for project management that can
manage the builds of project, documentation and repository
from a central location. SOAPUI tests can b e executed using
Maven with simple command.
Hudson is a java based continuous integration tool which
integrates with CVS, Subversion, Git, Perforce and RTC.
SOAPUI integrates with Hudson to find out the bugs that any
developer commits while developing the software.
SOAPUI test flow can be controlled by Junit testing
framework which is used for testing modules.
It is a command-line tool used for software building. Using
SOAPUI’s command line Ant automated tests can be
4.4 SOAPUI Overview
A brief overview of SOAPUI features is provided here which
includes [12] Menu Bar, Navigator, Interface Viewer, Request
and Response Panel, Test Suit, Properties Windows and
various types of Logs maintained by SOAPUI
4.4.1Menu B ar
The File menu which is depicted in Fig 2 has various options
for creating new projects for SOAP or REST requests. It also
has options to import existing project. Apart from this it
allows to open, close and save projects. [12] The file menu
provides us an option for setting global SOAPUI preferences.
All the menus in SOAPUI has tool tip text which tells what an
option does by hovering over it.
Fig 2: SOAPUI Menu Bar
The Project menu on the menu bar has various options
regarding projects. It allows to add WSDL and WADL (Web
Application Description Language) to an existing project. It
also provides an option for adding new rest service from URI.
This menu allows user to create the SOAP and REST Mock
Services. Apart from this it also allows to launch Test Runner,
LoadTestRunner, HTTP Monitor and Security Test Runner.
Suite, Case and Step menus are specific to a Test Suite, Test
case and Test Step respectively. They become active only on
selecting the Test suit, Test case or Test Step.
Tools menu allows doing required configurations for the
project. Finally, the Help menu provides address of helpful
resources privacy related terms of use and about the version
of software.
As shown in Fig 3, SOAPUI tool has a visual and handy
structure of the File menu. Below the Menu bar there is
shortcut for File which allows single click solution for all
options present under the File menu. User can directly use
these options by clicking on it instead of going into File menu
again and again.
Fig 3: SOAPUI shortcut for File
4.4.3 Navigator
The Navigator filed on SOAP UI tool allows navigating
across various projects. Fig 4 shows a snapshot of SOAPUI
Navigator. Navigator allows switching between the projects
and services of the project.
Fig 4: SOAPUI Navigator
4.4.4 Interface Viewer
It provides the important information about SOAP/REST
service. It also provides details about WSDL, Service
endpoints and WSDL content.
Fig 5: Interface Viewer
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 167 No.2, June 2017
Interface Viewer is depicted in Fig 5. This can be opened by
double clicking on the SOAP/REST service.
The Request panel has various options. The first green run
button is used for hitting the request. The required input value
is given in the inputs fields which initially contains the
question mark(?) sign. As soon as the request is hit, the
response is shown in the response panel. The response then
can be validated. The request and response can be viewed in
two formats that are Raw and XML. Both tabs can be used to
see the different versions of same request. The bottom line
fields on these panels are Authorization, Headers,
Attachments, WS-Addressing and WS-Reliable messaging.
These fields are used for authentication and other security or
header related settings.[11]
Fig 6: Request and Response Panel
4.4.5 Test Suit
The Test Suit in SOAPUI can be created by right clicking on
the project. After creating Test Suit, Test cases are added into
it. Each test case can contain multiple test steps. The test step
can be a SOAP request, REST request, HTTP request, AMF
request or JDBC request as shown in the Fig 7.
Fig 7: Adding Test step in test case
The major role in test step is played by Assertions. SOAPUI
allows user to add assertions of various types. By double
clicking on the test step, test step is opened in new window
which has a green ‘+’ sign and it can be used for adding
4.4.6 Assertions
Assertion means act of affirming or stating something[12] it
can be seen as a check point or a validation point. Window for
adding Assertion is shown in Fig 7. Assertions have many
types like Property Content, Compliance, Status and
Standards, Script, SLA, JMS and Security. Each assertion has
its description given in SOAPUI. So, the user can go and
select the appropriate assertion.[12]
Fig 7: SOAPUI Assertions
4.4.7 Properties
At the end of the Navigator there is a tab called Properties.
Properties tab is shown in Fig 8. This field provides the
details of Name, Description, file address, Resource Root,
Cache Definitions, Project password, Script Language and
Hermes Configuration.[13]
Fig 8: Properties
4.4.8 Logs
SOAPUI displays various logs like SOAPUI log, http log, and
memory log at the bottom of the tool interface. These logs are
depicted in Fig 9, Fig 10 and Fig 11 respectively. SoapUI log
The SoapUI log is used for displaying the information of
response from the web server. This information is stored
inside the soapui.log file which is stored under the SoapUI
installation folder under the ‘bin’ directory.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 167 No.2, June 2017
Fig 9: SoapUI Log Http Log:
It is used for displaying the HTTP packet transfer. The
information is shown in RAW format in HTTP Log.
Fig 10: Http Log Memory Log
The memory log monitors the memory consumption and
displays it in the form of the charts. When any memory
intensive operation is performed this type of log plays an
important role.
Fig 11: Memory Log
Apart from all these SoapUI also provides the operations of
jetty log, error log and wsrm log also.
4.5 SOAPUI NG Pro features
SoapUI NG Pro has additional features such as more number
of views like HTML, JSON, Outline and Overview including
basic XML and Raw view tabs. It also has more number of
assertions.[14] Its additional features are listed below -
It provides the data driven testing to save time for
checking numerous real-world conditions.
SoapUI NG Pro manages the multiple environment
related configuration at one central location which
makes it easy to witch between environments
without much overhead.
It provides test coverage which can be used for
positive and negative tests and non-functional tests.
SoapUI NG Pro provides the API refactoring, API
discovery and API monitoring.
It provides test history, test debugging and result
comparison. It gives functionality of Point-and-
click testing, Code completion, Global events.
SOAPUI has got certain drawbacks also . Some of them are
listed below -
SoapUI gives issues when working with JSON
response if it contains special characters. So, it is
not easy to add assertion on JSON response.
Work flow testing and Load testing are difficult to
SoapUI is easy for testing but difficult for
It is also observed that the SoapUI customer support
response is late.
SoapUI is an open source tool which is easily available for
everybody to use. It also has a commercial version with the
additional features. Continuous improvement of the SoapUI is
going on and making it stronger day by day. As it is an open
source tool various intelligent people are contributing towards
it and making it more efficient to use. Due to existence of
such tool it has become easy to test the web services and web
APIs. A lot of time and efforts required by manual testers are
saved due to this. SoapUI can be seen as a solution for
automation of API testing. Going forward more and more
people will start making use of it and it will become an
inseparable part of automation testing of web services. Rather
we can say that it has already become an integral part of the
web service and API testing.
[1] Shariq Hussain, Paper on Web Service Testing Tools: A
Comparative Study
[2] Ravi Kumar, Research article on A Comparative Study
and Analysis of Web Service Testing Tools
[3] Evan Martin, Paper on Automated Robustness Testing of
Web Services
[4] Mustafa Bozkurt, Testing Web Services: A Survey
[5] Vinod Patil, Introduction to Testing Web services
[6] Tanuj Wala, A Comparative Study of Web Service
Testing Tools
[7] SmartBear Software Further Expands by Acquiring
World’s Most Widely Used Web Services Testing Tool
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887)
Volume 167 No.2, June 2017
[8] Getting Started With SoapUI
[9] Understanding SOAP and REST Basics And Differences
[10] Why use SoapUI Pro for Functional Testing?
[11] API Testing Features
[12] Introduction for the SoapUI Newbie
[13] Installation and Configuration of SoapUI
[14] Advanced SOAP and REST API Functional Testing with
SoapUI NG Pro