Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School Admissions
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Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School
June 21, 2017
Amended February 21, 2018
Amended August 25, 2021
Amended June 22, 2022
available online at: www.oldcolony.us
En caso de necesitar esta política de admisión en otro idioma, por favor, póngase en contacto con
la oficina central al 508-763-8011.
Que você deve exigir esta política de admissão em outro idioma, entre em contato com o
escritório principal em 508-763-8011.
An admission process is necessary in vocational technical schools where space is a limiting factor.
Vocational technical laboratories (shops) are designed and equipped to serve a specific maximum
number of students safely. Consequently, a complex of such laboratories lacks both the space and
flexibility to accommodate the possible needs and/or interests of all applicants. Therefore, a
selection process is necessary to determine which applicants may most benefit from such
educational opportunities. All applicants to grades nine through eleven at Old Colony Regional
Vocational Technical High School will be evaluated using the criteria contained in this Admission
Policy. The District School Committee of Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School
approved this policy on August 25, 2021.
Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School admits students and makes available to
them its advantages, privileges, and courses of study without regard to race, color, sex, gender
identity, religion, national origin, housing status, sexual orientation, limited English proficiency,
or disability as defined and required by state and federal laws.
If there is a student with limited English proficiency, a qualified representative from Old Colony
Regional Vocational Technical High School will assist the applicant in completing the necessary
forms and assist in interpreting during the entire application and admissions process.
Disabled students may voluntarily self-identify for the purpose of requesting reasonable
accommodations during the entire application and admission process.
Information on limited English proficiency and disability submitted voluntarily by the applicant,
for the purpose of receiving assistance and accommodations during the entire application and
admission process, will not affect their admission to the school.
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Any eighth or ninth grade student who is a resident of Acushnet, Carver, Lakeville, Rochester or
Mattapoisett who expects to be promoted to the grade they seek to enter by his/her local school
district is eligible to apply for fall admission or admission during the school year provided that
space is available. Resident students will be evaluated using the criteria contained in this admission
policy. Priority for admission will be given to residents (students from Acushnet, Carver,
Lakeville, Rochester or Mattapoisett) according to the District Agreement and meeting all of the
application and criteria selection.
Non-resident students will be evaluated using the criteria contained in this Admission Policy
and pursuant to M.G.L. c. 74 s. 7S and 8A. Resident students who meet the minimum
requirements for admission shall be admitted prior to acceptance of any non-resident students
seeking the same course of study. The Guidelines for Vocational Technical Education Program
Nonresident Student Tuition Process Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 74 are located at
Transfer students from other vocational technical schools are eligible to apply for fall admission
or admission during the school year to grades 9-11 at Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical
High School provided they expect to be promoted to the grade they seek to enter by their current
school. Transfer students will be evaluated using the criteria contained in this Admission Policy.
Home-Schooled Applicants may apply for admission to grade nine or ten at Old Colony Regional
Vocational Technical High School, including admission during the school year, provided all
admissions policy criteria are followed. The home schooled student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) must
submit a copy of the Home School Approval Letter from the sending school superintendent. Home
schooled students will be accepted to Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School
according to the selection criteria contained in this admission policy. Please refer to Section VI -
Application Process for additional information regarding selection criteria.
Homeless Applicants will be accepted to Old Colony according to the selection criteria contained
in this admission policy per Homeless Education Advisory 2015-9.
Students who have been expelled from school pursuant to General Law Chapter 71, Section 37H
of the Educational Reform Act of 1993, are not eligible to apply for admission to the school.
Old Colony does not participate in School Choice.
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Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School is located on an eighty (80) acre
campus in Rochester, the geographic center of the five (5) member town school district which
includes: Acushnet, Carver, Lakeville, Mattapoisett and Rochester.
Accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Old Colony Regional
Vocational Technical High School is committed to providing quality vocational technical and
academic programs.
It is the responsibility of the Old Colony Superintendent to supervise the administration of the
policies and procedures required to admit and enroll applicants in conformity with this Admission
Old Colony has an Admissions Committee appointed by the Superintendent. The committee
consists of representatives of the Administration, Guidance, Special Education, Vocational
Technical, and Academic Departments. Responsibilities of the Admissions committee include:
a. determination of standards for admission
b. development and implementation of admission procedures
c. processing of applications
d. ranking of students
e. acceptance of students according to the procedure and criteria in the admission policy
f. establishment and maintenance of a waiting list of acceptable candidates
A member of the Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School Admissions Team is
responsible for disseminating information about the school through visits to local middle/junior
high schools, local school assemblies and press releases. Applications should be submitted to Old
Colony using the online application program. In the event that access to technology is an issue,
information may also be submitted to a member of the Old Colony Regional High School
Admissions Team. The Admissions Policy is approved by the Old Colony District School
Committee prior to filing with the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School disseminates information about the
school through a variety of methods.
a. Old Colony hosts an annual luncheon for area Guidance Counselors to review the
Admission Policy and procedures.
b. In the fall or early winter, an Old Colony representative visits the District towns to
conduct a presentation of the programs available at Old Colony. This includes discussion
of opportunities for students to pursue non-traditional careers.
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c. In the fall, Old Colony provides transportation for all 8
grade students from member
schools to attend a vocational exploration day at Old Colony.
d. Students are encouraged to tour the school. The tour includes presentations about
vocational-technical programs including academic offerings, athletic programs, extra-
curricular activities and clubs.
d. In the fall, a Career Awareness Open House is held for parents, guardians, and interested
members of the surrounding communities.
e. Articles are published, using various mediums, about specific accomplishments of Old
Colony students in traditional and non-traditional programs, cooperative education, and
the school in general.
f. The Old Colony website contains pertinent up-to-date information about the school,
student accomplishments, academic, vocational-technical, student clubs, and athletic
g. Additional meetings and tours for parents/guardians and applicants are arranged upon
request through the Guidance department.
consideration in the first round of admissions, applications must be submitted by the second Friday in
a. Students interested in applying to Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School
for fall admission to the ninth, tenth, grades must:
Obtain an application from their sending school Guidance Counselor or from the
Old Colony Guidance Office, or apply online from the Old Colony website.
Return the completed application to Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical
High School at which time their respective Guidance Department will be contacted
by Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School for supporting
Attend a scheduled interview with an Old Colony representative at their sending
school or Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School.
*Protocol for Interview Process
Old Colony staff members who interview students as part of the Admission Policy
requirements will adhere to the following protocol.
Participate in a training for interviewing techniques;
Maintain confidentiality;
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Ask only the questions on the interview form;
Score the interview based on the Admission Policy criteria;
Submit all scoring and interview documentation to the Guidance Department
to ensure safe and confidential storage; and
Documentation will be reviewed by the Admissions Team.
Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School interviews students
without regard to race, color, sex, gender identity, religion, national origin, housing
status, sexual orientation, limited English proficiency, or disability as defined and
required by state and federal laws.
b. It is the responsibility of the sending school counselors to:
1. Complete their portion of the application form.
2. Forward the completed applications to the Admission Team at Old Colony
Regional Vocational Technical High School by the second Friday in February.
Complete applications include:
i. Completed application form (including required signatures).
ii. Transcripts are required for all applications. For fall admission, the final
grades of the previous school year along with mid-year grades for the
current school year in English language arts, social studies, math and
science from the local school report card/transcript are required. For
applications to grade ten (fall admission) the average of the previous school
year and terms one & two of the current school year marks in English
language arts, social studies, math and science from the local school report
card/transcript are required.
iii. Attendance records are required for all applications. For applications to
grade nine (fall admission), the sum of grade seven and terms one & two
grade eight unexcused absences from the local school report card/transcript
are required.
iv. For applications to grade ten (fall admission) the sum of the previous school
year and terms one & two current school year unexcused absences from the
local school report card/transcript is required.
v. Disciplinary records are required for all applications. For applications to
grade nine (fall admission), the average of grade seven and terms one & two
grade eight assessments of behavior from the local school report card or
from the local school guidance counselor's assessment are required. For
applications to grade ten (fall admission) the average of the previous school
year and terms one & two of the current school year assessments of behavior
from the local school report card or from the local school guidance
counselor's assessment are required.
vi. For applications to grades nine and ten (fall admission), the local school
guidance counselor's recommendation is required.
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c. Applications are considered complete when all required application materials are received
by Old Colony.
d. If incomplete applications are received, the following procedures will be followed:
1. The Admission Team at Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School
will notify the sending school counselor responsible for submitting the application
and the applicant's parent(s)/guardian(s) that the application is incomplete and will
request completion.
2. If after notifying the local school guidance counselor and parent(s)/guardian(s), the
problem is not resolved and the application remains incomplete for ten school days,
the application may be voided.
a. Applications for grade nine will be accepted throughout the course of the school year.
Applications for grade ten or eleven (from another Chapter 74 program) must be submitted
no later than September 20
. The following steps should be taken for those interested in
transferring to Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School:
1. Obtain an application from their sending school Guidance Counselor or from the
Old Colony Guidance Office, or apply online from the Old Colony website.
2. Return the completed application form to their local school guidance counselor by
the deadline set by the guidance counselor
3. Attend an interview at the Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High
School. If the applicant or parent/guardian cannot provide transportation, a
representative from Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School will
go to the local school to interview the applicant.
4. Applications for transfer students should be completed and received by September
b. It is the responsibility of the local school guidance counselors to:
1. Complete their portions of the application form.
2. Forward the completed applications to the admission recruiter at Old Colony
Regional Vocational Technical High School. Complete applications include:
i. Completed application form (including required signatures).
ii. For applications to grades nine, ten & eleven (admission during the school
year), the current school year to the date of the application marks in
English language arts, social studies, math and science from the local
school report card/ transcript are required.
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iii. For applications to grades nine, ten & eleven (admission during the school
year), the current school year to the date of the application unexcused
absences from the local school report card/transcript are required.
iv. For applications to grades nine, ten, & eleven (admission during the
school year), the current school year to the date of the application
assessments of behavior from the local school report card or from the local
school report card/transcript are required.
v. For applications to grades nine, ten and eleven (admission during the
school year), the local school guidance counselor's recommendation is
c. If incomplete applications are received, the following procedures will be followed:
1. The Admission Office at Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School
will notify the local school guidance counselor responsible for submitting the
application and the applicant's parent(s)/guardian(s) that the application is
incomplete and will request completion.
2. If after notifying the local school guidance counselor and parent(s)/guardian(s),
the problem is not resolved and the application remains incomplete for ten schools
days, the application may be voided.
Applications received after the second Friday in February will be evaluated using the
same criteria as other applications and their composite scores will be evaluated using
the criteria contained in this admission policy.
Applications from students who are enrolled in a state-approved (Chapter 74)
vocational technical high school program in another school (transfer students) will be
considered for admission (including admission during the school year) if they relocate
away from their current school and wish to pursue the same program of study at Old
Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School provided that space is available in
the technical program of enrollment. All transfer applicants must attend an
informational meeting at Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School. If
the applicant or parent/guardian cannot provide transportation, an official from Old
Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School may arrange to go to the local
school to meet with the applicant. Transfer applications will be evaluated according to
the provisions of this Admission Policy.
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Students who withdraw from Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School
and who are attending, or not attending another high school, may re-apply following
the procedures contained in this Admission Policy and will be evaluated using the
criteria contained herein.
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The Admission Board will use weighted admissions criteria to processes completed applications. Each
applicant will be assigned a score derived from the sum of the sub scores of the following criteria:
A. Attendance: Cumulative Unexcused Absences - Maximum 30 points (15 points each year)
15 points - 0 to 3 days absent
10 points - 4 to 6 days absent
5 points - 7 to 9 days absent
0 points - 10 or more days absent
B. Conduct: Maximum 20 points (10 points each year)
10 points - Zero suspensions or incidents imposed pursuant to MGL c.71 37H, 37H½, 37H¾
0 points - One or more incidents resulting in suspension imposed pursuant to MGL c.71 37H,
37H½, 37H¾
C. Counselor recommendation: Maximum 5 points
5 points - Excellent candidate
4 points - Above average candidate
3 points - Average candidate
2 points - Below average candidate
0 points - Poor candidate/Not recommended
D. Academic Record: Maximum 20 points (10 points each year)
[taken from English, math, social studies and science grades]
10 points - A/A- average (90-100%)
8 points - B/B- average (80-89%)
6 points - C/C- average (70-79%)
4 points - D/D- average (60-69%)
0 points - F average (below 60%)
E. Interview: Maximum 25 points
25 points – Excellent candidate
20 points – Above average candidate
15 points – Average candidate
10 points – Below average candidate
0 points – Poor candidate
After points are given in each area, the points are totaled for each applicant. A maximum total of one
hundred (100) points can be earned. In the event that scores for acceptance and wait list are the same point
total, high scores in the following areas will be utilized as tie-breakers: 1
Interview, 2
Academic Record,
Conduct, 4
Attendance, 5
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The Admission Board at Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School will examine,
discuss, and make recommendations for action on the applicants. The Board considers scholastic
achievement, attendance, conduct, local guidance counselor's recommendation, and interview
results. Applications are reviewed, processed, and assigned points by grade level.
After a point total for each applicant has been determined, all applicants are placed in descending
order based on their point total. Applicants are then accepted in order of the point total they have
achieved. The applicant with the highest point total is accepted first, the applicant with the second
highest point total is accepted second, and so on until all seats are filled. All applicants are
accepted, declined, or placed on a waiting list.
If openings occur, the seats are filled by accepting applicants from the waiting list. These
applicants are accepted in the order of their positions on the waiting list as determined by the total
points given according to the selection criteria.
Applications received after March 1
will be evaluated using the same criteria as all other
applications and their composite scores will be integrated in rank order on the established waiting
Upon notification from Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School indicating that
the applicant was not accepted, the applicant may request a review of the decision by sending a
letter to the principal within ten working days of the notification. The principal will respond in
writing to the letter with the findings of the review within ten working days. If after the review,
the parent(s)/guardian(s) wishes to appeal the findings of the review, he/she can do so by
submitting a request in writing to the superintendent/director within ten working days. The
superintendent/director’s decision will be final and will be communicated in writing to the
parent(s)/guardian(s) within ten working days of the notification of the appeal.
In order to enroll at Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High School for the fall, applicants
must have been promoted to the grade they wish to enter by their local school district. Students
who are accepted and intend to enroll must notify Old Colony Regional Vocational Technical High
School of their intention by the notification date identified in their acceptance offer. Students who
do not respond by the notification deadline may be placed on the waiting list.
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All ninth graders are exposed to an exploratory program that lasts eight weeks in duration. Each
student rotates through all thirteen vocational programs. Five exploratory shops are selected by the
student to gauge initial interest and potential changes for data collection purposes. The rotations
are such that each student is in each vocational area for approximately three days and no less than
two days.
After the conclusion of the eight week exploratory phase, each of the ninth grade students
completes a Vocational Program Selection Sheet. At that time, each is asked to select the
vocational programs of interest in rank order. The selections are made in order from 1
choice to
Program assignments are made based on the cumulative score that each student has earned
during the exploratory phase in each of the thirteen areas of exploration. The Vocational grade
average will account for 85 points of the cumulative score. The related grade average will
account for 15 points of the cumulative score. Scores are calculated using the following criteria:
Students are evaluated by the instructors daily in related and in shop. Students may earn a
total of up to 100 points per program. A grade is calculated for each exploratory program.
After completing the exploratory programs, an overall exploratory average will be
Related (15 points maximum)
Applied Academic Foundation
Shop (85 points maximum)
The categorical criterion are listed below:
Advanced 5 points
Proficient 4 points
Approaching Proficiency 3 points
Needs Improvement 2 points
In addition to the grade averages, attendance and discipline are factored into the ranking score.
Points are subtracted from the score for excessive unexcused absences, tardies/dismissals or
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excessive disciplinary infractions based upon the rubric below. For the purpose of this rubric, a
disciplinary incident is defined by an event resulting in a write up with a consequence of a warning
or detention.
0-3 days/tardies/dismissals unexcused 0 points deducted
4-6 days/tardies/dismissals unexcused 1 point deducted
7-9 days/tardies/dismissals unexcused 2 points deducted
9+ days/tardies/dismissals unexcused 5 points deducted
0-3 incidents 0 points deducted
4-6 incidents 1 point deducted
7-9 incidents 2 points deducted
9+ incidents or suspension 5 points deducted
Once the ranking score has been determined, students are placed according to their choices. Once
a program is filled, students are given their second choices, then third choices, etc. until all
vocational programs are filled.
All incoming tenth grade and transfer students are placed in vocational areas based on available
space. The availability of vocational spots is a factor in accepting/placing these students. Transfer
requests are accepted from all students as space allows. Students are encouraged to place their
names on waiting lists. After enrolling, any transfer student may request that his/her name be added
to an existing waiting list for a given program. Current Old Colony transfers will take priority over
late acceptance transfers as space permits.
The applicant’s parent(s)/guardian(s), upon notification from Old Colony Regional Vocational
Technical High School indicating that the applicant was not accepted in a particular program or
placed on a waiting list for a particular vocational program, may request a review of the decision
by sending a letter to the principal within ten working days of the notification. The principal will
respond in writing to the letter with the findings of the review within ten working days. The
principal’s decision will be final.
Adopted: January 18, 2006
Amended: February 21, 2018
Amended: August 25, 2021
Amended: June 22, 2022