ETSI TS 123 272 V8.3.0 (2009-03)
Technical Specification
Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+);
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);
Circuit Switched (CS) fallback in
Evolved Packet System (EPS);
Stage 2
(3GPP TS 23.272 version 8.3.0 Release 8)
ETSI TS 123 272 V8.3.0 (2009
3GPP TS 23.272 ve
rsion 8.3.0 Release 8
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ETSI TS 123 272 V8.3.0 (2009
3GPP TS 23.272 version 8.3.0 Release 8
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ETSI TS 123 272 V8.3.0
3GPP TS 23.272 version 8.3.0 Release 8
Intellectual Property Rights................................................................................................................................2
1 Scope........................................................................................................................................................6
2 References................................................................................................................................................6
3 Definitions and abbreviations...................................................................................................................7
3.1 Definitions..........................................................................................................................................................7
3.2 Abbreviations .....................................................................................................................................................7
4 Overall Description..................................................................................................................................7
4.1 General Considerations ......................................................................................................................................7
4.2 Reference Architecture.......................................................................................................................................7
4.2.1 Reference points ...........................................................................................................................................8
4.3 Functional entities ..............................................................................................................................................8
4.3.1 UE.................................................................................................................................................................8
4.3.2 MME.............................................................................................................................................................8
4.3.3 MSC..............................................................................................................................................................9
4.3.4 E-UTRAN.....................................................................................................................................................9
4.3.5 SGSN............................................................................................................................................................9
4.4 Control plane......................................................................................................................................................9
4.4.1 MME - MSC Server......................................................................................................................................9
4.5 Co-existence with IMS services.......................................................................................................................10
4.6 Emergency Calls ..............................................................................................................................................10
5 Mobility Management............................................................................................................................10
5.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................10
5.2 Attach procedure ..............................................................................................................................................10
5.3 Detach procedure..............................................................................................................................................11
5.3.1 UE-initiated Detach procedure ...................................................................................................................11
5.3.2 MME-initiated Detach procedure ...............................................................................................................12
5.3.3 HSS-initiated Detach procedure .................................................................................................................13
5.3.4 Administration of the MME - MSC/VLR Association...............................................................................13
5.4 TA/LA Update procedure.................................................................................................................................14
5.4.1 Combined TA/LA Update Procedure .........................................................................................................14
5.4.2 Periodic TA and LA Update Procedure......................................................................................................14
5.4.3 Non-EPS Alert procedure...........................................................................................................................15
6 Mobile Originating Call .........................................................................................................................15
6.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................15
6.2 Mobile Originating call in Active Mode - PS HO supported ...........................................................................16
6.3 Mobile Originating call in Active Mode – No PS HO support in GERAN......................................................18
6.4 Mobile Originating call in Idle Mode...............................................................................................................19
6.5 Returning back to E-UTRAN...........................................................................................................................19
7 Mobile Terminating Call........................................................................................................................20
7.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................20
7.2 Mobile Terminating call in idle mode..............................................................................................................20
7.3 Mobile Terminating call in Active Mode - PS HO supported..........................................................................23
7.4 Mobile Terminating call in Active Mode - No PS HO support in GERAN.....................................................25
7.5 Roaming Retry for CS fallback........................................................................................................................27
7.6 Returning back to E-UTRAN...........................................................................................................................28
7.7 Interaction with ISR .........................................................................................................................................28
7.7.1 General........................................................................................................................................................28
7.7.2 Mobile Terminating Call when ISR is active and SGs is active between MSC/VLR and MME ...............29
7.7.3 Mobile Terminating Call when SGs is not active .......................................................................................30
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8 Other CS Services ..................................................................................................................................30
8.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................30
8.2 Short Message Service (SMS)..........................................................................................................................30
8.2.1 General........................................................................................................................................................30
8.2.2 Mobile originating SMS in Idle Mode........................................................................................................30
8.2.3 Mobile originating SMS in Active Mode ...................................................................................................31
8.2.4 Mobile terminating SMS in idle mode........................................................................................................31
8.2.5 Mobile terminating SMS in Active Mode...................................................................................................32
8.2.6 Co-Existence with SMS over generic 3GPP IP access...............................................................................32
8.3 Location Services (LCS) ..................................................................................................................................32
8.3.1 MO-LR procedure ......................................................................................................................................32
8.3.2 MT-LR procedure.......................................................................................................................................33
8.3.3 NI-LR procedure.........................................................................................................................................33
8.3.4 Returning back to E-UTRAN .....................................................................................................................33
8.3.5 Co-Existence with Other Location Services...............................................................................................34 Co-Existence with SUPL ......................................................................................................................34
8.4 Call Independent Supplementary Services.......................................................................................................34
8.4.1 Mobile-Initiated Call Independent SS procedure........................................................................................34
8.4.2 NW-Initiated Call Independent SS procedure ............................................................................................34
8.4.3 Returning back to E-UTRAN .....................................................................................................................35
Annex A: Void........................................................................................................................................36
Annex B (normative): CS Fallback to 1xRTT...................................................................................37
B.1 Overall Description ................................................................................................................................37
B.1.1 General Considerations ....................................................................................................................................37
B.1.2 Reference Architecture.....................................................................................................................................37
B.1.2.1 Reference points .........................................................................................................................................37
B.1.3 Functional entities ............................................................................................................................................38
B.1.3.1 UE...............................................................................................................................................................38
B.1.3.2 MME...........................................................................................................................................................38
B.1.3.3 E-UTRAN...................................................................................................................................................38
B.1.4 Co-existence with IMS services.......................................................................................................................38
B.2 Procedures..............................................................................................................................................38
B.2.1 Mobility Management......................................................................................................................................38
B.2.1.1 1x RTT CS Pre-Registration over EPS Procedure......................................................................................38
B.2.1.2 S102 Tunnel Redirection ............................................................................................................................40
B.2.2 Mobile Originating Call ...................................................................................................................................40
B.2.3 Mobile Terminating Call..................................................................................................................................41
B.2.4 Short Message Service (SMS)..........................................................................................................................43
B.2.4.1 General........................................................................................................................................................43
B.2.4.2 Mobile originating SMS .............................................................................................................................43
B.2.4.3 Mobile terminating SMS ............................................................................................................................45
B.2.5 Emergency Calls ..............................................................................................................................................46
Annex C (informative): Change history...............................................................................................47
ETSI TS 123 272 V8.3.0 (2009
3GPP TS 23.272 version 8.3.0 Release 8
This Technical Specification has been produced by the 3
Generation Partnership Project (3GPP).
The contents of the present document are subject to continuing work within the TSG and may change following formal
TSG approval. Should the TSG modify the contents of the present document, it will be re-released by the TSG with an
identifying change of release date and an increase in version number as follows:
Version x.y.z
x the first digit:
1 presented to TSG for information;
2 presented to TSG for approval;
3 or greater indicates TSG approved document under change control.
y the second digit is incremented for all changes of substance, i.e. technical enhancements, corrections,
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z the third digit is incremented when editorial only changes have been incorporated in the document.
ETSI TS 123 272 V8.3.0 (2009
3GPP TS 23.272 version 8.3.0 Release 8
1 Scope
This document defines the Stage 2 architecture and specification for the CS Fallback for EPS. The scope of this
document includes the architecture enhancements for functionality to enable fallback from E-UTRAN access to
UTRAN/GERAN CS domain access and to CDMA 1x RTT CS domain access, and functionality to reuse of voice and
other CS-domain services (e.g. CS UDI video / SMS/ LCS / USSD) by reuse of CS infrastructure.
The architecture enhancements to support CS fallback for CDMA 1x RTT CS domain access are specified in Annex B.
2 References
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present
• References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or
• For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.
• For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including
a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same
Release as the present document.
[1] 3GPP TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".
[2] 3GPP TS 23.401: "GPRS Enhancements for E-UTRAN Access".
[3] 3GPP TS 23.060: "General Packet Radio Service (GPRS); Service description; Stage 2".
[4] 3GPP TS 44.018: "Mobile radio interface layer 3 specification Radio Resource Control (RRC)
[5] 3GPP TS 23.018: "Basic call handling; Technical realization".
[6] 3GPP TS 48.008: "MSC-BSS interface layer 3 specification; Protocol specification".
[7] 3GPP TS 25.331: "Radio Resource Control (RRC); Protocol specification".
[8] 3GPP TS 23.271: "Functional stage 2 description of Location Services (LCS)".
[9] Open Mobile Alliance, OMA AD SUPL: "Secure User Plane Location Architecture",
[10] 3GPP TS 23.090: "Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD); Stage 2".
[11] Void.
[12] 3GPP TS 44.060: "MS-BSS interface; RLC/MAC protocol ".
[13] 3GPP TS 24.010: "Supplementary services specification; General aspects".
[14] 3GPP TS 23.040: "Technical realization of the Short Message Service (SMS)".
[15] 3GPP TS 23.204: "Short Message Service (SMS) over generic 3GPP Internet Protocol (IP)
[16] 3GPP2 A.S0008-C: "Interoperability Specification (IOS) for High Rate Packet Data (HRPD)
Radio Access Network Interfaces with Session Control in the Access Network".
[17] 3GPP2 A.S0009-C: "Interoperability Specification (IOS) for High Rate Packet Data (HRPD)
Radio Access Network Interfaces with Session Control in the Packet Control Function".
ETSI TS 123 272 V8.3.0 (2009
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[18] 3GPP2 A.S0013-C: "Interoperability Specification (IOS) for cdma2000 Access Network Interfaces
– part 3 Features".
[19] 3GPP TR 36.938: "Improved Network Controlled Mobility between E-UTRAN and
3GPP2/Mobile WiMAX Radio Technologies".
[20] 3GPP TS 23.216: "Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC); Stage 2".
[21] 3GPP TS 24.008: "Mobile radio interface Layer 3 specification; Core network protocols; Stage 3".
[22] 3GPP2 X.S0042-0: "Voice Call Continuity between IMS and Circuit Switched System".
[23] 3GPP TS 23.236: "Intra-domain connection of Radio Access Network (RAN) nodes to multiple
Core Network (CN) nodes".
[24] 3GPP TS 43.055: "Radio Access Network; Dual Transfer Mode (DTM); Stage 2".
3 Definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in TR 21.905 [1] apply. A term defined in the
present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in TR 21.905 [1].
1xCS: The 3GPP2 legacy circuit Switched signalling system as defined in 3GPP2 X.S0042-0 [22].
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in TR 21.905 [1] apply. An abbreviation defined in
the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in TR 21.905 [1].
1xCS IWS Circuit Switched Fallback Interworking solution Function for 3GPP2 1xCS.
NEAF Non-EPS Alert Flag.
4 Overall Description
4.1 General Considerations
The CS fallback in EPS enables the provisioning of voice and other CS-domain services (e.g. CS UDI video/ SMS/
LCS/ USSD) by reuse of CS infrastructure when the UE is served by E-UTRAN. A CS fallback enabled terminal,
connected to E-UTRAN may use GERAN or UTRAN to establish one or more CS-domain services. This function is
only available in case E-UTRAN coverage is overlapped by either GERAN coverage or UTRAN coverage.
CS Fallback and IMS-based services shall be able to co-exist in the same operator"s network.
4.2 Reference Architecture
The CS fallback in EPS function is realized by using the SGs interface mechanism between the MSC Server and the
The SGs interface functionality is based on the mechanisms specified for the Gs interface, TS 23.060 [3].
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Figure 4.2-1: CS fallback in EPS architecture
NOTE 1: The MGW is not shown in the figure 4.2-1 since the CS fallback in EPS does not have any impacts to the
U-plane handling.
NOTE 2: SGSN and S3 have additional functionality related to CS fallback with ISR. If ISR is not used with CS
fallback, this functionality is not required.
4.2.1 Reference points
SGs: It is the reference point between the MME and MSC server. The SGs reference point is used for the
mobility management and paging procedures between EPS and CS domain, and is based on the Gs
interface procedures. The SGs reference point is also used for the delivery of both mobile originating and
mobile terminating SMS. Additional procedures for alignment with the Gs reference point are not
S3: It is defined in TS 23.401 [2] with the additional functionality to support CS fallback with ISR as defined
in this specification.
4.3 Functional entities
4.3.1 UE
The CS fallback capable UE supports access to E-UTRAN/EPC as well as access to the CS domain over GERAN
and/or UTRAN. It supports the following additional functions:
- Combined procedures specified in this document for EPS/IMSI attach, update and detach.
- CS fallback and SMS procedures specified in this document for using CS domain services.
A UE using CS fallback supports ISR according to TS 23.401 [2]. In particular a UE deactivates ISR at reception of
LAU accept or at reception of combined RAU/LAU accept.
There are no other CS fallback ISR-specifics for the UE compared to ISR description in TS 23.401 [2], i.e. if ISR is
active the UE can change between all registered areas and RATs without performing update signalling. The UE listens
for paging on the RAT it is currently camped on.
4.3.2 MME
The CS fallback enabled MME supports the following additional functions:
- Deriving a VLR number and LAI from the GUTI received from the UE or from a default LAI.
- Maintaining of SGs association towards MSC/VLR for EPS/IMSI attached UE.
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- Initiating IMSI detach at EPS detach.
- Initiating paging procedure specified in this document towards eNodeB when MSC pages the UE for CS
- Supporting SMS procedures defined in this document.
- Rejecting CS Fallback call request (e.g. due to O&M reasons)
An MME that supports CS Fallback uses the LAI and a hash value from the IMSI to determine the VLR number as
defined in TS 23.236 [23] when multiple MSC/VLRs serve the same LAI. The same hash value/function is used by
SGSN to determine the VLR number.
4.3.3 MSC
The CS fallback enabled MSC supports the following additional functions:
- Maintaining SGs association towards MME for EPS/IMSI attached UE.
- Supporting SMS procedures defined in this document.
4.3.4 E-UTRAN
The CS fallback enabled E-UTRAN supports the following additional functions:
- Forwarding paging request and SMS to the UE.
- Directing the UE to the target CS capable cell.
4.3.5 SGSN
If the SGSN supports ISR, SGSN shall follow the rules and procedures described in TS 23.401 [2] and TS 23.060 [3]
with the following additions and clarifications:
- The SGSN shall not send the ISR activated indication at combined RAU/LAU procedure.
An SGSN that supports Gs uses LAI and a hash value from the IMSI to determine the VLR number as defined in
TS 23.236 [23] when multiple MSC/VLRs serve the same LAI. The same hash value/function is used by MME to
determine the VLR number.
4.4 Control plane
4.4.1 MME - MSC Server
MSC Server
SGsAP: This protocol is used to connect an MME to an MSC Server based on the BSSAP+.
Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP): This protocol transfers signalling messages.
Figure 4.4.1-1: SGs Interface
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4.5 Co-existence with IMS services
If a UE is configured to use IMS voice services it shall, if registered to IMS, initiate voice calls over IMS, even if it is
EPS/IMSI attached.
NOTE 1: The home operator has to be able to activate/deactivate the UE configuration to use IMS voice services by
means of device management in order to allow alignment with HPLMN support of IMS voice services.
If a UE is configured to use SMS over IP services it shall, if registered to IMS, send SMS over IMS, even if it is
EPS/IMSI attached.
NOTE 2: The home operator has to be able to activate/deactivate the UE configuration to use SMS over IP by
means of device management in order to allow alignment with HPLMN support of SMS over IP.
In special cases when the IMS registered and EPS/IMSI attached UE can not initiate an IMS voice session or SMS
(because e.g. IMS voice services are not supported by the serving IP-CAN or UE) CS fallback should be applied for
voice calls and/or SMS.
4.6 Emergency Calls
When UE is performing CS fallback procedure for Mobile Originating Call for the purpose of emergency call, it shall
indicate to the MME that this CS fallback request is for emergency purpose. MME also indicates to the E-UTRAN via
the appropriate S1-AP message that this CS fallback procedure is for emergency purpose.
NOTE: E-UTRAN may use the emergency indication for selecting a particular radio access network (2G or 3G)
for CS emergency handling.
5 Mobility Management
5.1 General
The CS fallback in EPS is realized by using the SGs interface mechanism between the MSC Server and the MME.
5.2 Attach procedure
The attach procedure for the CS fallback in EPS is realized based on the combined GPRS/IMSI Attach procedure
specified in TS 23.060 [3].
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1. Attach Request
3. Derive VLR number
4. Location Update Request
5. Create SGs association
7. Location Update Accept
8. Attach Accept
2. Attach as specified in TS 23.401
6. Location update in CS domain
Figure 5.2-1: Attach Procedure
1) The UE initiates the attach procedure by the transmission of an Attach Request (parameters as specified in
TS 23.401 [2] including the Attach Type) message to the MME. The Attach Type indicates that the UE requests
a combined EPS/IMSI attach and informs the network that the UE is capable and configured to use CS fallback.
2) The EPS Attach procedure is performed as specified in TS 23.401 [2].
3) The VLR shall be updated according to the combined GPRS/IMSI Attach procedure in TS 23.060 [3] if the
Attach Request message includes an Attach Type indicating that the UE requests a combined EPS/IMSI attach.
The MME allocates a default LAI, which is configured on the MME and may take into account the current TAI
and/or E-CGI. The MME derives a VLR number based on the allocated LAI and on an IMSI hash function
defined in TS 23.236 [23]. The MME starts the location update procedure towards the new MSC/VLR upon
receipt of the first Insert Subscriber Data message from the HSS in step 2). This operation marks the MS as EPS-
attached in the VLR.
The MME sends a Location Update Request (new LAI, IMSI, MME address, Location Update Type) message to
the VLR. MME address is an IP address.
The VLR creates an association with the MME by storing MME address.
The VLR performs Location Updating procedure in CS domain.
The VLR responds with Location Update Accept (VLR TMSI) to the MME.
8) The MME sends an Attach Accept (parameters as specified in TS 23.401 [2], LAI, VLR TMSI) message to the
UE. LAI as allocated in step 3 above. The existence of LAI and VLR TMSI indicates successful attach to CS
NOTE: The case of unsuccessful attach to CS domain is documented in stage 3 specifications, taking into account
reachability for CS services of UEs that have the user preference to prioritize voice over data services and
are not configured/supporting to use IMS voice services.
5.3 Detach procedure
5.3.1 UE-initiated Detach procedure
The UE-initiated Detach procedure for the CS fallback in EPS is realized based on the MS-Initiated Detach Procedure
specified in TS 23.060 [3].
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1. Detach Request
3. IMSI Detach Indication
4. Remove SGs
5. Detach Accept
2. UE-initiated detach as specified in TS 23.401
Figure 5.3.1-1: UE-initiated Detach Procedure
1) The UE initiates the detach procedure by the transmission of a Detach Request (parameters as specified in
TS 23.401 [2], Detach Type) message to the MME. Detach Type indicates which type of detach is to be
performed, i.e., IMSI Detach only or combined EPS and IMSI Detach.
2) If EPS detach is indicated in step 1, the EPS Detach procedure is performed as specified in TS 23.401 [2].
3) The MME sends an IMSI Detach Indication (IMSI) message to the VLR.
The VLR removes the association with the MME.
The MME sends a Detach Accept message as specified in TS 23.401 [2].
5.3.2 MME-initiated Detach procedure
The MME-initiated detach procedure for the CS fallback in EPS is realized based on the SGSN-Initiated Detach
Procedure specified in TS 23.060 [3].
3. Remove SGs association
1.MME-initiated detach as specified in TS 23.401
2. IMSI Detach Indication
Figure 5.3.2-1: MME-initiated Detach Procedure
1) The MME-initiated Detach procedure is performed as specified in TS 23.401 [2].
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2) The MME sends an IMSI Detach Indication (IMSI) message to the VLR.
The VLR removes the association with the MME.
5.3.3 HSS-initiated Detach procedure
The HSS-initiated detach procedure for the CS fallback in EPS is realized based on the HLR-Initiated Detach Procedure
specified in TS 23.060 [3].
3. Remove SGs
1. HSS-initiated detach as specified in TS 23.401
2. IMSI Detach Indication
Figure 5.3.3-1: HSS-initiated Detach Procedure
1) The HSS-initiated Detach procedure is performed as specified in TS 23.401 [2].
The MME sends an IMSI Detach Indication (IMSI) message to the VLR.
The VLR removes the association with the MME.
5.3.4 Administration of the MME - MSC/VLR Association
The MME - MSC/VLR association is created at the following occasions:
- Combined EPS/ IMSI attach in clause 5.2.
- Combined TA/LA Update in clause 5.4.
The association is updated on the following occasions:
- When an UE changes MME.
The MME - MSC/VLR association is removed at the following occasions:
- UE-initiated Detach in clause 5.3.1.
- MME initiated Detach in clause 5.3.2.
- HSS initiated Detach in clause 5.3.3.
- Gs association establishment in 2/3G, see TS 23.060 [3].
- MSC/VLR receives an LA update via the A or Iu interface.
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5.4 TA/LA Update procedure
5.4.1 Combined TA/LA Update Procedure
NOTE: The combined TA/LA Update procedure for the CS fallback in EPS is realized based on the combined
RA/LA Update procedure specified in TS 23.060 [3].
2. TAU Request
4. Location Update Request
6. Location Update Accept
7. TAU Accept
new MME
5. Location update in CS domain
1. UE determines to
perform TAU
old MME
3. TAU as specified in TS 23.401
Figure 5.4.1-1: Combined TA / LA Update Procedure
1) The UE detects a change to a new TA by discovering that its current TAI is not in the list of TAIs that the UE
registered with the network or the UE's TIN indicates the need for a TAU when re-selecting to E-UTRAN.. The
combined TA/LA Update Procedure is also performed in order to re-establish the SGs association.
2) The UE initiates the TAU procedure by sending a TAU Request (parameters as specified in TS 23.401 [2]
including the Update Type) message to the MME. The Update Type indicates that this is a combined Tracking
Area/Location Area Update Request or a combined Tracking Area/Location Area Update with IMSI attach
3) The EPS TAU procedure is performed as specified in TS 23.401 [2].
4) If there is an associated VLR in the MM context, the VLR also needs to be updated. If the association has to be
established or if the LA changed, the new MME sends a Location Update Request (new LAI, IMSI, MME
address, Location Update Type) message to the VLR. New LAI is determined in the MME based on the received
GUTI from the UE. If this GUTI is mapped from a P-TMSI/RAI, the LAI is retrieved from the GUTI without
any modification by the MME. Otherwise, the MME allocates a default LAI, which is configured on the MME
and may take into account the current TAI/or E-CGI. The MME retrieves the corresponding VLR number from
the determined LAI. If multiple MSC/VLRs serve this LAI an IMSI hash function is used to retrieve the VLR
number for the LAI as defined in TS 23.236 [23]. The Location Update Type shall indicate normal location
update. The MME address is an IP address.
5) The VLR performs Location Update procedure in CS domain.
6) The VLR responds with Location Update Accept (VLR TMSI) to the MME.
7) The MME sends a TAU Accept (parameters as specified in TS 23.401 [2], LAI, VLR TMSI) message to the UE.
The VLR TMSI is optional if the VLR has not changed. LAI is determined in step 4 above. The presences of the
LAI indicate to the UE that it is IMSI attached.
5.4.2 Periodic TA and LA Update Procedure
When the UE is camped on E-UTRAN, periodic LA updates shall not be performed, but periodic TA updates shall be
performed. In this case, an SGs association is established and the MSC/VLR shall disable implicit detach for EPS-
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attached UEs and instead rely on the MME to receive periodic TA updates. If periodic TA updates are not received in
the MME then the MME may implicitly detach the UE as specified in TS 23.401 [2]. This MME implicit detach does
not affect any SGSN attach status. At an implicit detach, the MME also releases the SGs association with the
MSC/VLR. The MSC continues to maintain the registered LA for the UE. The MSC changes to supervise LA updates
and pages in the still registered LA when mobile terminated services arrive.
When the UE camps on GERAN/UTRAN it may perform combined RA/LA updates. The combined RA/LA update
procedures and the conditions for their usage are described in TS 23.060 [3]. A CSFB capable UE initiates any TA
update procedure as a combined TA/LA update.
5.4.3 Non-EPS Alert procedure
The MSC/VLR may request an MME to report activity from a specific UE. In this case, the MSC/VLR shall send a
SGsAP Alert Request (IMSI) message to the MME where the UE is currently EPS-attached.
Upon reception of the SGsAP Alert Request (IMSI) message, the MME shall set NEAF (Non-EPS Alert Flag). If NEAF
is set for an UE, the MME shall inform the MSC/VLR when the next activity from that UE (and the UE is both IMSI-
and EPS attached) is detected, and shall clear NEAF.
If the activity detected by the MME leads to a procedure towards the MSC/VLR, the MME shall just follow this
procedure. If the activity detected by the MME does not lead to any procedure towards the MSC/VLR, the MME shall
send an UE Activity Indication (IMSI) message towards the MSC/VLR.
6 Mobile Originating Call
6.1 General
This clause describes the mobile originating call procedures for the CS Fallback in EPS.
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6.2 Mobile Originating call in Active Mode - PS HO supported
2. Optional Measurement Report Solicitation
4. A/Iu-cs message (with CM Service Request)
4. CM Service Request
Location Area Update or Combined RA/LA Update
5. CM Service Reject
5. CM Service Reject
If the MSC
is changed
3. PS HO as specified in 23.401 [2] (preparation phase and start of execution phase)
6. CS call establishment procedure
1a. Extended Service Request
CS Fallback indicator
7. PS HO as specified in 23.401 [2] (continuation of execution phase)
Figure 6.2-1: CS Call Request in E-UTRAN, Call in GERAN/UTRAN
NOTE 1: DTM is not mandatory for CS Fallback to work and is not linked to PS HO.
1a. The UE sends an Extended Service Request (CS Fallback Indicator) to MME. Extended Service Request
message is encapsulated in RRC and S1-AP messages. CS Fallback Indicator indicates MME to perform CS
Fallback. The UE only transmits this request if it is attached to CS domain (with a combined EPS/IMSI Attach)
and can not initiate an IMS voice session (because e.g. the UE is not IMS registered or IMS voice services are
not supported by the serving IP-CAN, home PLMN or UE).
1b. The MME sends an S1-AP Request message to eNB that includes a CS Fallback indicator. This message
indicates to the eNB that the UE should be moved to UTRAN/GERAN.
2. The eNodeB may optionally solicit a measurement report from the UE to determine the target GERAN/UTRAN
cell to which PS handover will be performed.
3. The eNodeB triggers PS handover to a GERAN/UTRAN neighbour cell by sending a Handover Required
message to the MME. In the following an inter-RAT handover from E-UTRAN to UTRAN or GERAN as
specified in TS 23.401 [2] begins. As part of this handover, the UE receives a HO from E-UTRAN Command
and tries to connect to a cell in the target RAT. The HO from E-UTRAN Command may contain a CS Fallback
Indicator which indicates to UE that the handover is triggered due to a CS fallback request. If the HO from E-
UTRAN Command contains a CS Fallback Indicator and the UE fails to establish connection to the target RAT,
then the UE considers that CS fallback has failed. Service Request procedure is considered to be successfully
completed when PS Handover procedure is completed successfully.
NOTE 2: During the PS HO the SGSN does not create a Gs association with the MSC/VLR.
NOTE 3: Service Request procedure supervision timer shall be sufficiently long considering the optional
measurement reporting at step 2.
4. Target RAT is UTRAN or GERAN Iu mode: If both, the UE and the new cell support enhanced CS
establishment in DTM a RR connection may be established while in packet transfer mode without release of the
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ase 8
packet resources, see TS 43.055 [24] clause 6.1.3. Otherwise the network releases all TBFs allocated in the PS
Handover Command message and moves the UE to Packet Idle mode, see TS 44.060 [12]. The UE establishes
CS signalling connection by sending an RRC Initial Direct Transfer message as specified in TS 25.331 [7] that
contains a CM Service Request. The CN Domain Indicator is set to "CS" in the Initial Direct Transfer message.
Target RAT is GERAN A/Gb mode: The UE establishes an RR connection by using the procedures specified in
TS 44.018 [4] (i.e. UE requests and is assigned a dedicated channel where it sends a SABM containing a layer 3
Service Request message to the BSS and the BSS responds by sending a UA). Upon receiving the SABM
(containing CM Service Request message) the BSS sends a COMPLETE LAYER 3 INFORMATION message
(containing the CM Service Request message) to the MSC which indicates CS resources have been allocated in
the GERAN cell. After the establishment of the main signalling link as described in TS 44.018 [4] the UE enters
either Dual Transfer Mode or Dedicated Mode and the CS call establishment procedure completes.
5. In case the MSC serving the 2G/3G target cell is different from the MSC that served the UE while camped on
E-UTRAN, the MSC shall reject the service request, if implicit location update is not performed. The CM
Service Reject shall trigger the UE to perform a Location Area Update as follows:
- If the target system operates in Network Mode of Operation (NMO) I the UE shall perform a combined
RA/LA update, as defined in TS 23.060 [3]. In this case, the SGSN establishes a Gs association with the
MSC/VLR as specified in TS 23.060 [3], which replaces the SGs association with the MME.
- If the target system operates in NMO II or III the UE performs a Location Area Update towards the MSC. In
this case, the MSC will release the SGs association with the MME.
6. The UE initiates the CS call establishment procedure.
7. After the UE moves to a cell in the target RAT, the inter-RAT handover from E-UTRAN to UTRAN or GERAN
as specified in TS 23.401 [2] is completed. At the end of this handover the UE may trigger the Routing Area
Update procedure when the sending of uplink packet data is possible. The detailed steps performed are as per
TS 23.401 [2].
When the target system operates in Network Mode of Operation (NMO) I then, if the UE is still in UTRAN/GERAN
after the CS voice call is terminated, and if a combined RA/LA update has not already been performed (e.g. in step 5),
the UE performs a combined RA/LA update procedure. This procedure is used to create a Gs association between the
MSC/VLR and the SGSN, and to release the SGs association.
When the target system operates in Network Mode of Operation (NMO) II or III then, if the UE is still in
UTRAN/GERAN after the CS voice call is terminated, and if a LA update has not already been performed (e.g. in
step 5), the UE performs a LA update procedure. This procedure is used to release the SGs association between the
MSC/VLR and the MME.
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6.3 Mobile Originating call in Active Mode – No PS HO support
2. Optional Measurement Report Solicitation
9. CS MO call
10b. Location Area Update
10a. Service Reject
In case MSC is
10c. CS MO call
6. Location Area Update or Combined RA/LA Update
5. S1 UE Context Release
1a. Extended Service Request
4. S1-AP: S1 UE Context Release Request
1b. S1-AP message with CS Fallback indicator
7a. Suspend (see 23.060)
8. Update bearer(s)
7b. Suspend Request / Response
11. Routing Area Update or Combined RA/LA Update
Figure 6.3-1: CS Call Request in E-UTRAN, Call in GERAN
1a. The UE sends an Extended Service Request (CS Fallback Indicator) to the MME. Extended Service Request
message is encapsulated in RRC and S1-AP messages. CS Fallback Indicator indicates MME to perform CS
Fallback. The UE only transmits this request if it is attached to CS domain (with a combined EPS/IMSI Attach)
and can not initiate an IMS voice session (because e.g. the UE is not IMS registered or IMS voice services are
not supported by the serving IP-CAN, home PLMN or UE).
1b. The MME sends an S1-AP Request message to eNB that includes a CS Fallback Indicator. This message
indicates to the eNB that the UE should be moved to UTRAN/GERAN.
2. The eNodeB may optionally solicit a measurement report from the UE to determine the target GERAN cell to
which the redirection procedure will be performed.
3. The eNodeB triggers an inter-RAT cell change order (optionally with NACC) to a GERAN neighbour cell by
sending an RRC message to the UE. The inter-RAT cell change order may contain a CS Fallback Indicator
which indicates to UE that the cell change order is triggered due to a CS fallback request. If the inter-RAT cell
change order contains a CS Fallback Indicator and the UE fails to establish connection to the target RAT, then
the UE considers that CS fallback has failed. Service Request procedure is considered to be successfully
completed when cell change order procedure is completed successfully.
NOTE 2: Service Request procedure supervision timer shall be sufficiently long considering the optional
measurement reporting at step 2.
4. The eNodeB sends an S1 UE Context Release Request (Cause) message to the MME. Cause indicates that the
UE is not available for the PS service.
5. S1 UE Context in the eNodeB is released as specified in TS 23.401 [2].
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6. The UE moves to the new cell in the 2G RAT and establishes an RR connection using legacy procedures. If the
UE obtains LA/RA information of the new cell (e.g. based on the system information) and the LA/RA of the new
cell is different from the one stored in the UE, it performs a Location Area Update or a Combined RA/LA
Update procedure in case the target system operates Network Mode of Operation (NMO) I. Alternatively, in
NMO I the UE may perform LA over the RR connection instead of combined RA/LA over the packet access, as
defined in TS 24.008 [21], clause, unless enhanced CS establishment in DTM is supported.
7. When the target GERAN cell does not support DTM, the UE starts the Suspend procedure specified in
TS 23.060 [3], clause This triggers the SGSN to send a Suspend Request message to the MME. The
MME returns a Suspend Response to the SGSN, which contains the MM and PDP contexts of the UE.
8. The MME starts the preservation of non-GBR bearers and the deactivation of GBR bearers.
9. The UE continues with the MO call setup procedure.
10a. In case the MSC serving the 2G cell is different from the MSC that served the UE while camped on
E-UTRAN and if the Location Area Update / Combined RA/LA Update was not performed in step 6, the MSC
shall reject the call setup service request, if implicit location update is not performed.
10b. A UE detecting that the MSC rejected the service request shall perform the Location Area Update according
to existing GERAN or UTRAN procedures.
10c. After completion of the Location Area Update the UE continues with a MO call setup procedure.
11. After the CS voice call is terminated and if the UE is still in GERAN, then (as specified in TS 23.060 [3]) the UE
shall resume PS services by sending a Routeing Area Update Request message to the SGSN. The Update Type
depends on the mode of operation of the GERAN network, e.g. in mode I a Combined RA/LA Update is used
and in mode II or III Routeing Area Update is used.
When the target system operates in Network Mode of Operation (NMO) I then, if the UE is still in UTRAN/GERAN
after the CS voice call is terminated, and if a combined RA/LA update has not already been performed, the UE
performs a combined RA/LA update procedure. This procedure is used to create a Gs association between the
MSC/VLR and the SGSN, and to release the SGs association.
When the target system operates in Network Mode of Operation (NMO) II or III then, if the UE is still in
UTRAN/GERAN after the CS voice call is terminated, and if a LA update has not already been performed, the UE
performs a LA update procedure. This procedure is used to release the SGs association between the MSC/VLR and the
6.4 Mobile Originating call in Idle Mode
Mobile Originating call in Idle Mode procedure is specified by reusing the Mobile Originating Call in Active mode
procedure with Extended Service Request (CS Fallback Indicator) to the MME. The UE is transited to ECM-
CONNECTED mode by following the applicable procedures specified in TS 23.401 [2].
6.5 Returning back to E-UTRAN
Once CS service ends in CS domain, existing mechanisms can be used to move the UE to E-UTRAN, no specific CS
Fallback mechanisms are needed.
When the UE moves to E-UTRAN, if the EPS service was suspended during the CS service, it is resumed according to
the procedure shown in the figure 6.5-1 below.
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1. NAS message
4. Handling NAS message
2. Resume Request
3. Resume Request Ack
Figure 6.5-1: Resume Procedure returning from CS fallback no PS HO
1. The UE sends a NAS message, e.g. Service Request or TAU, to the MME.
2. If the UE context in the MME indicates that UE is in suspended status, the MME sends a Resume Request
(IMSI) message to the S-GW that requests the resumption of EPS bearers for the UE.
3. The S-GW acknowledges the Resume Request and clears the UE's suspending status.
4. The NAS message is processed accordingly.
7 Mobile Terminating Call
7.1 General
This clause describes the mobile terminating call procedures for the CS Fallback in EPS.
7.2 Mobile Terminating call in idle mode
The procedure for Mobile Terminating Call in idle mode is illustrated in figure 7.2-1.
I TS 123 272 V8.3.0 (2009
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1. IAM
3. IAM
4. Paging
5. Paging
6. Paging
8a. PS handover
8b. eNB assisted cell change
8d. Paging Response
9a. Establish CS connection
2. SRI procedure in TS 23.018
Location Area Update and Roaming Retry for CS Fallback (clause 7.5)
9b. RRC Release
Option 2:
MSC is
Option 1:
MSC is not
9b. Connection Reject
8d. Paging Response
8c. Location Area Update
7a. Extended Service Request
7b. Initial UE Context Setup
Figure 7.2-1: Mobile Terminating Call in idle mode
1. G-MSC receives IAM.
2. G-MSC retrieves routing information of the terminating UE by Send Routing Info procedures as specified in
TS 23.018 [5].
3. G-MSC sends IAM to the MSC on the terminating side as specified in TS 23.018 [5].
4. The MME receives a Paging (IMSI, VLR TMSI, Location Information) message from the MSC over a SGs
interface. The TMSI (or IMSI) received from the MSC is used by the MME to find the S-TMSI which is used as
the paging address on the radio interface If location information is reliably known by MME (i.e. MME stores the
list of TAs), the MME shall page the UE in all the TAs. If the MME does not have a stored TA list for the UE,
the MME should use the location information received from the MSC to page the UE.
NOTE 1: This procedure takes place before step 3, immediately after MSC receives MAP_PRN from HSS, if pre-
paging is deployed.
5. The MME sends a Paging (as specified in TS 23.401 [2]) message to each eNodeB. The Paging message
includes a suitable UE Identity (i.e. S-TMSI or IMSI) and a CN Domain Indicator that indicates which domain
(CS or PS) initiated the paging message. In this case it shall be set to "CS" by the MME.
6. The radio resource part of the paging procedure takes place. The message contains a suitable UE Identity (i.e.
S-TMSI or IMSI) and a CN Domain indicator.
7a. The UE establishes an RRC connection and sends an Extended Service Request (CS Fallback Indicator) to
MME. The UE indicates its S-TMSI in the RRC signalling. The Extended Service Request message is
encapsulated in RRC and S1-AP messages. The CS Fallback Indicator indicates to the MME that CS Fallback
for this UE is required.
7b. MME sends S1-AP: Initial UE Context Setup (UE capabilities, CS Fallback Indicator and other parameters
specified in TS 23.401 [2]) to indicate the eNodeB to move the UE to UTRAN/GERAN.
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8a. Target RAT has PS HO capability: Upon receipt of the Initial UE Context Setup message with a CS Fallback
Indicator the eNodeB may optionally solicit measurement reports from the UE to determine the target cell to
which PS handover will be performed. A PS handover is then performed as specified in TS 23.401 [2]. As part of
this PS handover, the UE receives a HO from E-UTRAN Command that may contain a CS Fallback Indicator,
which indicates to UE that the handover is triggered due to a CS fallback request. If the HO from E-UTRAN
Command contains a CS Fallback Indicator and the UE fails to establish connection to the target RAT, then the
UE considers that CS fallback has failed.
8b. Target RAT has no PS HO capability. Upon receipt of the Initial UE Context Setup message with a CS Fallback
Indicator the eNodeB may optionally solicit measurement reports from the UE to determine the target cell to
redirect the UE to. After that, the eNB releases the RRC Connection with a redirection info to change to CS
capable RATs (RAT, frequency, cell info). As an option the inter-RAT system information might be provided by
the eNodeB using the NACC procedure for GERAN. In this case the UE receives in inter-RAT cell change order
that may contain a CS Fallback Indicator which indicates to UE that the cell change order is triggered due to a
CS fallback request. If the inter-RAT cell change order contains a CS Fallback Indicator and the UE fails to
establish connection to the target RAT, then the UE considers that CS fallback has failed.
8c. If the UE obtains LA/RA information of the new UTRAN/GERAN cell (e.g. based on the system information or
redirection info) and the LA/RA of the new cell is different from the one stored in the UE, it performs a Location
Area Update or a Combined RA/LA procedure if the target system operates in Network Mode of Operation
(NMO) I, according to TS 23.060 [3].
8d. The UE responds with a page response message to the MSC as follows:
- If Target RAT is UTRAN or GERAN Iu mode, the UE establishes an RRC connection and responds to the
paging in an RRC Initial Direct Transfer message as specified in TS 25.331 [7]. The CN Domain Indicator is
set to "CS" in the Initial Direct Transfer message. When received at the RNC, the Paging Response message
is sent in an RANAP Initial UE message to the MSC.
- If Target RAT is GERAN A/Gb mode: the UE establishes an RR connection by using the procedures
specified in TS 44.018 [6] (i.e. UE requests and is assigned a dedicated channel where it sends a SABM
containing a layer 3 Service Request message = PAGING RESPONSE to the BSS and the BSS responds by
sending a UA). After the establishment of the main signalling link as described in TS 44.018 [4] the UE
enters either Dual Transfer Mode or Dedicated Mode and the CS call establishment procedure completes.
When received at the BSC, the Paging Response message is sent in a BSSAP COMPLETE LAYER 3
INFORMATION message to the MSC as specified in TS 48.008 [6].
NOTE 2: The BSS should be prepared to receive a PAGING RESPONSE even when a corresponding PAGING
REQUEST has not been sent by this BSS. Also, the MSC should be prepared to receive a paging response
after a relatively long time from when the CS Paging was sent (step 4).
9a. In case the MSC serving the 2G/3G cell is the same as the MSC that served the UE while camped on LTE, it
shall stop the paging response timer and establish the CS connection.
9b. If the MSC that receives the paging response is different from the MSC that sent the paging request and if the
Location Area Update / Combined RA/LA Update was not performed in step 8c, the MSC shall reject the page
response by releasing the A/Iu-cs connection. The BSC/RNC in turn releases the RRC/RR connection. The
RRC/RR release shall trigger the UE to perform a Location Area Update as follows:
- If the target system operates in Network Mode of Operation (NMO) I the UE shall perform a combined
RA/LA update, as defined in TS 23.060 [3].
- If the target system operates in NMO II or III the UE performs a Location Area Update towards the MSC.
The Location Area Update triggers the Roaming Retry for CS Fallback procedure as defined in clause 7.5.
When the target system operates in Network Mode of Operation (NMO) I then, if the UE is still in UTRAN/GERAN
after the CS voice call is terminated, and if a combined RA/LA update has not already been performed, the UE
performs a combined RA/LA update procedure. This procedure is used to create a Gs association between the
MSC/VLR and the SGSN, and to release the SGs association.
When the target system operates in Network Mode of Operation (NMO) II or III then, if the UE is still in
UTRAN/GERAN after the CS voice call is terminated, and if a LA update has not already been performed, the UE
ETSI TS 123 272 V8.3.0 (2009
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performs a LA update procedure. This procedure is used to release the SGs association between the MSC/VLR and the
7.3 Mobile Terminating call in Active Mode - PS HO supported
2. Optional Measurement Report Solicitation
4. A/Iu
cs me
ssage (with
Paging Response)
Paging Response
Location Area Update or Combined RA/LA Update
5. RRC/RR Release
5. Connection Reject
If the MSC
is changed
3. PS HO as specified in 23.401 [2] (prep
aration phase and start of execution phase)
6. CS call establishment procedure
1b. Extended Service Request
with CS Fallback indicator
7. PS HO as specified in 23.401 [2] (continuation of execution phase)
1a. CS Paging
1a. CS Paging
1c. CS Paging Reject
Figure 7.3-1: CS Page in E-UTRAN, Call in GERAN/UTRAN – Preparation Phase
1a. The MSC receives an incoming voice call and responds by sending a CS Page (IMSI or TMSI, optional Caller
Line Identification and Connection Management information, CS call indicator) to the MME over a SGs
interface. In active mode the MME has an established S1 connection and the MME reuses the existing
connection to relay the CS Page to the UE. The MSC only sends a CS Page for an UE that provides location
update information using the SGs interface.
The eNB forwards the paging message to the UE. The message contains CN Domain indicator and Caller Line
Identification if available and needed.
NOTE 1: The pre-configured policy may be used by UE to avoid being disturbed without Caller Line Identification
display and the detailed handling is to be decided by CT1 and CT6.
NOTE 2: This procedure can also take place immediately after MSC receives MAP_PRN from HSS, if pre-paging
is deployed. Caller Line Identification and CS call indicator are also provided in the case of pre-paging.
1b. UE sends an Extended Service Request to MME. Extended Service Request message is encapsulated in RRC and
S1-AP messages. CS Fallback Indicator indicates to the MME to perform CS Fallback. The UE may decide to
reject CSFB based on Caller Line Identification. The UE sends an Extended Service Request (CS Fallback
Indicator, Reject or Accept) message towards the MME.
1c. Upon receiving the Extended Service request (CSFB, Reject), the MME sends CS Paging Reject towards MSC
to stop CS Paging procedure and this CSFB procedure stops.
1d. MME sends an S1-AP Request message to eNB that includes the UE Radio Capabilities and a CS Fallback
Indicator. This message: indicates to the eNB that the UE should be moved to UTRAN/GERAN.
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2. The eNodeB may optionally solicit a measurement report from the UE to determine the target GERAN/UTRAN
cell to which PS handover will be performed.
3. The eNodeB triggers PS handover to a GERAN/UTRAN neighbour cell by sending a Handover Required
message to MME. In the following an inter-RAT handover from E-UTRAN to UTRAN or GERAN as specified
in TS 23.401 [2] begins. As part of this handover, the UE receives a HO from E-UTRAN Command and tries to
connect to a cell in the target RAT. The HO from E-UTRAN Command may contain a CS Fallback Indicator
which indicates to UE that the handover was triggered due to a CS fallback request. If the HO from E-UTRAN
Command contains a CS Fallback Indicator and the UE fails to establish connection to the target RAT, then the
UE considers that CS fallback has failed.
NOTE 3: During the PS HO the SGSN does not create a Gs association with the MSC/VLR.
4. Target RAT is UTRAN or GERAN Iu mode: The UE establishes an RRC connection and responds to the paging
by sending an RRC Paging Response as specified in TS 25.331 [7]. The CN Domain Indicator is set to "CS" in
the Initial Direct Transfer message.
Target RAT is GERAN A/Gb mode: The UE establishes an RR connection and responds to paging by using the
procedures specified in TS 44.018 [6] (i.e. UE requests and is assigned a dedicated channel where it sends a
SABM containing a Paging Response to the BSS and the BSS responds by sending a UA). Upon receiving the
SABM (containing a Paging Response message) the BSS sends a COMPLETE LAYER 3 INFORMATION
message (containing a Paging Response message) to the MSC which indicates CS resources have been allocated
in the GERAN cell. After the establishment of the main signalling link as described in TS 44.018 [6] the UE
enters Dual Transfer Mode and the CS call establishment procedure completes.
NOTE 4: The BSS should be prepared to receive a Paging Response even when the corresponding Paging Request
has not been sent by this BSS.
5. If the MSC serving the 2G/3G target cell is different from the MSC that served the UE while camped on
E-UTRAN, the MSC shall reject the page response message by releasing the Iu connection for UTRAN or the
A/Gb connection for GERAN. The BSC/RNC in turn releases the RRC connection for UTRAN or the RR
connection for GERAN. The RRC/RR release shall trigger the UE to perform a Location Area Update as
- If the target system operates in Network Mode of Operation (NMO) I the UE shall perform a combined
RA/LA update, as defined in TS 23.060 [3]. In this case, the SGSN establishes a Gs association with the
MSC/VLR as specified in TS 23.060 [3], which replaces the SGs association with the MME.
- If the target system operates in NMO II or III the UE performs a Location Area Update towards the MSC. In
this case, the MSC will release the SGs association with the MME.
The Location Area Update triggers the Roaming Retry for CS Fallback procedure as defined in clause 7.5.
6. The CS call establishment procedure is initiated.
7. After the UE moves to a cell in the target RAT, the inter-RAT handover from E-UTRAN to UTRAN or GERAN
as specified in TS 23.401 [2] is completed. At the end of this handover the UE may trigger the Routing Area
Update procedure when the sending of uplink packet data is possible. The detailed steps performed are as per
TS 23.401 [2].
When the target system operates in Network Mode of Operation (NMO) I then, if the UE is still in UTRAN/GERAN
after the CS voice call is terminated, and if a combined RA/LA update has not already been performed (e.g. in step 5),
the UE performs a combined RA/LA update procedure. This procedure is used to create a Gs association between the
MSC/VLR and the SGSN, and to release the SGs association.
When the target system operates in Network Mode of Operation (NMO) II or III then, if the UE is still in
UTRAN/GERAN after the CS voice call is terminated, and if a LA update has not already been performed (e.g. in
step 5), the UE performs a LA update procedure. This procedure is used to release the SGs association between the
MSC/VLR and the MME.
ETSI TS 123 272 V8.3.0 (2009
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7.4 Mobile Terminating call in Active Mode - No PS HO support
9a. Connection Reject
1a. CS Paging
1a. CS Paging
If the
MSC is
10. CS Call Establishment procedure
6. Location Area Update or Combined RA/LA Update
5. S1 UE Context Release
2. Optional Measurement Report
9. Paging Response
9b. Location Area Update or Combined RA/LA Update
9a. RRC Release
4. S1-AP: S1 UE Context Release Request
1b. Extended Service Request
1d. S1-AP message with CS Fallback indicator
1c. CS Paging Reject
7a. Suspend (see TS 23.060)
8. Update bearer(s)
7b. Suspend Request / Response
Figure 7.4-1: CS Page in E-UTRAN, Call in GERAN without PS HO
1a. The MSC receives an incoming voice call and responds by sending a CS Page (IMSI or TMSI, optional Caller
Line Identification and Connection Management information) to the MME over a SGs interface. In active mode
the MME has an established S1 connection and the MME reuses the existing connection to relay the CS Page to
the UE. The MSC only sends a CS Page for an UE that provides location update information using the SGs
The eNB forwards the paging message to the UE. The message contains CN Domain indicator and Caller Line
Identification if available and needed. Note that the pre-configured policy may be used by UE to avoid being
disturbed without Caller Line Identification display and the detailed handling is to be decided by CT1 and CT6.
NOTE 1: This procedure can also take place immediately after MSC receives MAP_PRN from HSS, if pre-paging
is deployed. Caller Line Identification is also provided in the case of pre-paging.
1b. UE sends an Extended Service Request (CS Fallback Indicator) to the MME. Extended Service Request message
is encapsulated in RRC and S1-AP messages. CS Fallback Indicator indicates MME to perform CS Fallback.
The UE may decide to reject CSFB based on Caller Line Identification. The UE sends Extended Service Request
(CS Fallback Indicator, Reject or Accept) message towards the MME.
1c. Upon receiving the Extended Service Request (CSFB, Reject), the MME sends CS Paging Reject towards MSC
to stop CS Paging procedure and this CSFB procedure stops.
1d. The MME sends a Service Accept message encapsulated in an S1-AP message that also includes the UE Radio
Capabilities and a CS Fallback Indicator. This message: indicates to the eNB that the UE should be moved to
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2. The eNodeB may optionally solicit a measurement report from the UE to determine the target GERAN cell to
which the redirection procedure will be performed.
3. The eNodeB triggers an inter-RAT cell change order (optionally with NACC) to a GERAN neighbour cell by
sending an RRC message to the UE. The inter-RAT cell change order may contain a CS Fallback Indicator
which indicates to UE that the cell change order is triggered due to a CS fallback request. If the inter-RAT cell
change order contains a CS Fallback Indicator and the UE fails to establish connection to the target RAT, then
the UE considers that CS fallback has failed. Service Request procedure is considered to be successfully
completed when cell change order procedure is completed successfully.
NOTE 2: Service Request procedure supervision timer shall be sufficiently long considering the optional
measurement reporting at step 2.
4. The eNodeB sends an S1 UE Context Release Request (Cause) message to the MME. Cause indicates that the
UE is not available for PS service.
5. S1 UE Context in the eNodeB is released as specified in TS 23.401 [2].
6. The UE moves to the new cell in the target RAT, establishes an RR connection using legacy procedures. If the
UE obtains LA/RA information of the new cell (e.g. based on the system information) and the LA/RA of the new
cell is different from the one stored in the UE, it performs a Location Area Update or a Combined RA/LA
Update procedure in case the target system operates Network Mode of Operation (NMO) I. Alternatively, in
NMO I the UE may perform LA over the RR connection instead of combined RA/LA over the packet access as
defined in TS 24.008 [21], clause, unless enhanced CS establishment in DTM is supported.
7. When the target GERAN cell does not support DTM, the UE starts the Suspend procedure specified in
TS 23.060 [3], clause This triggers the SGSN to send a Suspend Request message to the MME. The
MME returns a Suspend Response to the SGSN, which contains the MM and PDP contexts of the UE.
8. The MME starts the preservation of non-GBR bearers and the deactivation of GBR bearers.
9. The UE responds to the paging by sending a Paging Response message as specified in TS 44.018 [4]. When
received at the BSS/RNS, the Paging Response is forwarded to the MSC.
NOTE 3: The BSS should be prepared to receive a paging response even when a corresponding paging request has
not been sent by this BSS. Also, the MSC should be prepared to receive a paging response after a
relatively long time from when the CS Paging was sent (step 1a).
9a. If the MSC that receives the paging response is different from the MSC that sent the paging request and if the
Location Area Update / Combined RA/LA Update was not performed in step 6, the MSC shall reject the page
response by releasing the A/Iu-cs connection. The BSS/RNS in turn releases the RR/RRC connection. The
RR/RRC release shall trigger the UE to perform a Location Area Update as follows:
- If the target system operates in Network Mode of Operation (NMO) I the UE shall perform a combined RA/LA
update, as defined in TS 23.060 [3].
- If the target system operates in NMO II or III the UE performs a Location Area Update towards the MSC.
The Location Area Update triggers the Roaming Retry for CS Fallback procedure as defined in clause 7.5.
10. The CS Call Establishment procedure is initiated.
After the CS voice call is terminated and if the UE is still in GERAN, then (as specified in TS 23.060 [3]) the UE shall
resume PS services by sending a Routeing Area Update Request message to the SGSN. The Update Type depends on
the mode of operation of the GERAN network, e.g. in mode I a Combined RA/LA Update is used and in mode II or III
Routeing Area Update is used.
When the target system operates in Network Mode of Operation (NMO) I then, if the UE is still in UTRAN/GERAN
after the CS voice call is terminated, and if a combined RA/LA update has not already been performed, the UE
performs a combined RA/LA update procedure. This procedure is used to create a Gs association between the
MSC/VLR and the SGSN, and to release the SGs association.
When the target system operates in Network Mode of Operation (NMO) II or III then, if the UE is still in
UTRAN/GERAN after the CS voice call is terminated, and if a LA update has not already been performed, the UE
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performs a LA update procedure. This procedure is used to release the SGs association between the MSC/VLR and the
7.5 Roaming Retry for CS fallback
The procedure in this section is applied for mobile terminated calls where the MSC, to which the UE sends the LAU, is
different from the MSC that sent the paging message to the UE. The procedure is based on the 'Mobile Terminating
Roaming Retry Call' procedure defined in TS 23.018 [5] and there is an only minor adaptation of the procedure to
support CS fallback.
PRN (call ref.,GMSC@, Roaming retry)
Authentication Procedure
Update Location
Cancel Location
Cancel Location Ack
RCH (call reference, roaming retry)
Insert Subscriber Data (multiple)
Insert Subscriber Data (continued)
Update Location Ack
Further procedures
related to location
update. e.g.
ciphering, TMSI
New VMSC/VLR may delay setup until
location update procedure finishes
LocUpdate Accept
Normal MT call procedure follows.
Old MSC stops paging timer
and inform GMSC
2nd SRI (B, basic call interrogation)
HLR delays the sending of
PRN until location update
procedure finishes
Paging response
SRI (B, GMSC@,call Ref.,Roamingretry)
Figure 7.5-1: Roaming Retry for CS fallback
There are only 2 differences in this procedure compared to the 'Mobile Terminating Roaming Retry Call' procedure
defined in TS 23.018 [5]. The first difference is that the paging message triggers the CS fallback including a location
update in the new RAT. This functionality is already supported in the CS fallback flows for terminating calls and no
additional functionality is needed. The second difference is that the UE may send a page response message after
receiving Location Update Accept message. The new MSC will ignore or reject the page response message.
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7.6 Returning back to E-UTRAN
Once CS service ends in CS domain, existing mechanisms can be used to move the UE to E-UTRAN, no specific CS
Fallback mechanisms are needed.
When the UE moves to E-UTRAN, if the EPS service was suspended during the CS service, it is resumed as specified
in clause 6.5.
7.7 Interaction with ISR
7.7.1 General
In relation with CSFB, ISR is activated only when a SGs association exists between MME and MSC/VLR. Once ISR is
activated, the UE follows regular ISR behaviour. It may reselect between E-UTRAN and GERAN/UTRAN without a
need to update the CN. When a mobile terminated service arrives, the MSC/VLR sends a paging message via SGs to the
MME. The MME pages in the TA(s) registered for the UE, and the MME requests the SGSN via S3 that has an ISR
relation with the MME for that UE to page in the RA. When the UE is already connected with the MME, the MME
forwards the paging request only to the UE via the established signalling connection.
CSFB enabled UE includes the CSFB capability indication as part of the "MS Network Capability" in the Attach, RAU
or combined RAU/LAU Request message, if the UE has been configured to use CSFB service by operator policy.
SGSN stores the CSFB capability indication for ISR operation. If the UE has not been configured to use CSFB, the
CSFB capable UE shall not include the CSFB capability indication in the Attach, RAU or combined RAU/LAU
Request message to SGSN.
ISR remains activated until the CSFB enabled UE performs a combined RAU/LAU procedure (e.g. a UE in NMO I
moves to a new RA or LA) or separate LAU procedure (e.g. a UE moves to a different LA in NMO II or III). Normal
re-selection between registered RA/TA(s) does not cause ISR deactivated condition. When the UE needs to perform a
combined RAU/LAU, the SGSN checks the CSFB capability bit in MS Network Capability and if it indicates that
CSFB is enabled then SGSN deactivates ISR by not indicating ISR activated in the RAU Accept message, which is a
regular ISR functionality as specified in TS 23.401 [2]. So an SGSN in a CSFB configuration never indicates ISR
activated in combined RAU procedures for CSFB enabled UEs. After a combined RA/LA update procedure, the MSC
pages via Gs for mobile terminated services. When Gs is not used, the MSC/VLR pages in the LA via Iu/A for mobile
terminated services.
If ISR is deactivated and the UE re-selects to E-UTRAN with the TIN indicating "P-TMSI", it initiates a TAU
procedure, which is a regular ISR functionality as specified in TS 23.401 [2], and ISR can be activated again. The CS
fallback enabled UE shall perform this TAU procedure as a combined TA/LA Update Procedure.
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7.7.2 Mobile Terminating Call when ISR is active and SGs is active
between MSC/VLR and MME
Figure 7.7.2-1: Mobile Terminating Call when ISR is active and SGs is active between MSC/VLR and
1) G-MSC receives IAM.
2) G-MSC retrieves routing information of the terminating UE by Send Routing Info procedures as specified in
TS 23.018 [5].
3) G-MSC sends IAM to the MSC/VLR on the terminating side as specified in TS 23.018 [5].
4) The MSC/VLR sends a Page message to the MME via SGs (details on the Page message can be found in
clauses 7.2 or 7.3).
5a) The MME receives the Page message from the MSC/VLR. If the UE is in ECM-IDLE state, the MME sends a
Paging (as specified in TS 23.401 [2], and CN Domain Indicator) message to each eNodeB serving the TA list
the UE is registered to as specified in clause 7.2. If the UE is in ECM-CONNECTED, the MME relays the CS
Page message to the serving eNodeB over the S1 interface as specified in clause 7.3.
5b) The eNodeBs receive CS paging messages from the MME, and the procedures take place as specified in
clause 7.2.
6a As ISR is active and the UE is in ECM_IDLE state, the MME forwards the CS paging message received from
the MSC/VLR to the associated SGSN. The MME gets the SGSN information in the regular ISR activation
6b) The SGSN receives the CS paging message from the MME, the SGSN sends paging messages to RNS/BSSs,
which is described in detail in TS 23.060 [3].
6c) When RNS/BSS nodes receive paging message from the SGSN, paging is initiated as described in detail in
TS 23.060 [3].
NOTE: If ISR is not active or the UE is in ECM-CONNECTED state, the MME does not send the CS paging
message to the SGSN. That means, the steps of 6a, 6b, 6c are not needed in the MT call procedure.
7) Upon receipt of a Paging Request message for a circuit-switched service, the CS Fallback (as defined in this
specification) or Cell Reselection (as defined in TS 23.060[3]) take place, and the UE accesses CS domain from
8) When the CS Fallback or Cell Reselection completes, the UE responds to the CS paging request and returns the
CS paging response as described in detail in this specification and TS 23.060 [3] to the RNS/BSS.
9) When received at the RNS/BSS, the CS Paging Response message is sent to the MSC/VLR as described in detail
in TS 23.060 [3]. The MSC/VLR receives CS paging response contained in corresponding message which shall
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then stop the paging response timer and establish the CS connection, then the MT call process as described in
detail in TS 23.018 [5].
7.7.3 Mobile Terminating Call when SGs is not active
Regular pre-R8 MSC procedures are performed without any ISR or SGs specifics.
8 Other CS Services
8.1 General
8.2 Short Message Service (SMS)
8.2.1 General
The procedures for SMS in this specification apply only if the UE is EPS/IMSI attached and the CS access domain is
chosen by the UE and/or the home PLMN for delivering short messages.
This clause describes both the mobile originating and mobile terminating SMS procedures for CS Fallback in EPS.
SMS support is based on the connectionless SGs reference point between the MME and the MSC Server and use of
NAS signalling between the UE and the MME.
The SMS protocol entities are reused from the existing MS/UE and MSC implementations. This means that the SMS
procedures for CS Fallback reuse the different protocol layers as defined in TS 23.040 [14].
8.2.2 Mobile originating SMS in Idle Mode
The following sequence flow shows the delivery of mobile originating SMS in idle mode.
1. CS fallback attach procedure
3. Uplink NAS Transport
4. Uplink Unitdata
5. Forward Short Message
6. Message transfer
7. Delivery report
8. Delivery report
9. Downlink Unitdata
10. Downlink NAS Transport
2. UE triggered Service Request
Figure 8.2.2-1: Mobile originating SMS in idle mode
1. The CS Fallback attach procedure as described in clause 5.2 has been performed earlier.
2. A mobile originating SMS is triggered and the MS/UE is in idle mode. The MS/UE initiates the UE triggered
Service Request procedure, which is defined in TS 23.401 [2]. The UE indicates its S-TMSI in the RRC
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3. The MS/UE builds the SMS message to be sent as defined in TS 23.040 [14] (i.e. the SMS message consists of
CP-DATA/RP-DATA/TPDU/SMS-SUBMIT parts). The SMS message is encapsulated in an NAS message and
sent to the MME.
4. The MME forwards the SMS message to the MSC/VLR in an Uplink Unitdata message.
5.-8. These steps are performed as defined in TS 23.040 [14]. The SMS message is forwarded to the SC that
returns a delivery report message.
9. The MSC/VLR forwards the received delivery report to the MME associated with the MS/UE in a Downlink
Unitdata message.
10. The MME encapsulates the received delivery report in an NAS message and sends the message to the MS/UE.
After this point, the MME may release the resources associated for the SMS transfer.
8.2.3 Mobile originating SMS in Active Mode
Mobile Originating SMS in active Mode procedure is specified by reusing the Mobile Originating SMS in Idle Mode
with the following modification:
- The established signalling connection between the MS/UE and the MME is reused for the transport of the SMS
message and the delivery report (i.e. the UE triggered Service Request procedure defined in step 2 is skipped).
8.2.4 Mobile terminating SMS in idle mode
The following sequence flow shows the delivery of mobile terminating SMS in idle mode.
2. Message transfer
3. SendRoutingInfoForShortMessage
4. ForwardShortMessage
5. Paging
6. Paging
7. Paging
9. Downlink NAS Transport
10. Uplink NAS Transport
11. Uplink Unitdata
13. Delivery report
12. Delivery report
8. Service Request
1. CS fallback attach procedure
9a. Downlink Unitdata
8a. Service Request
Figure 8.2.4-1: Mobile terminating SMS in idle mode
1. The CS Fallback attach procedure as described in clause 5.2 has been performed.
2-4. The SC initiates transfer of mobile terminating SMS. The HLR is requested for routing number for SMS
services and the SMS message is forwarded to the MSC/VLR where the MS/UE is CS attached.
5. The MSC/VLR sends a Paging (IMSI, VLR TMSI, Location Information, SMS indicator) message to the MME.
6. The MME initiates the paging procedure by sending the Paging (as specified in TS 23.401 [2]) message to each
eNodeB with cells belonging to the tracking area(s) in which the UE is registered. The UE is paged with its
7. The MS/UE is paged by the eNodeBs.
8. The UE sends a Service Request message to the MME. The UE indicates its S-TMSI in the RRC signalling.
8a. The MME sends a Service Request message to the MSC.
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9a. The MSC/VLR builds the SMS message to be sent as defined in TS 23.040 [14] (i.e. the SMS message consists
of CP-DATA/RP-DATA/TPDU/SMS-DELIVER parts). The MSC/VLR forwards the SMS message to the MME
in a Downlink Unitdata message.
9. The MME encapsulates the SMS message in a NAS message and sends the message to the MS/UE.
10. The MS/UE returns a delivery report as defined in TS 23.040 [14]. The delivery report is encapsulated in an
NAS message and sent to the MME.
11. The MME forwards the delivery report to the MSC/VLR in an Uplink Unitdata message.
12-13. These steps are performed as defined in TS 23.040 [14]. The delivery report is forwarded to the SC.
8.2.5 Mobile terminating SMS in Active Mode
Mobile terminating SMS in Active Mode procedure is specified by reusing the Mobile Terminating SMS in Idle Mode
with the following modification:
- There is no need for the MME to perform Paging of the MS/UE after step 5. MME continues with step 8a (i.e.
steps 6 to 8 are skipped). The MME immediately sends a Downlink Unitdata to the UE.
8.2.6 Co-Existence with SMS over generic 3GPP IP access
If the home operator has deployed SMS over generic 3GPP IP access and/or SMS-Instant Messaging Interworking as
defined in TS 23.204 [15], and has configured the network and the UE for using SMS over IP or SMS-Instant
Messaging Interworking, then an SMS or IM will be delivered over EPS in any visited network whether or not the
visited network supports SMS over generic 3GPP IP access.
If the home operator has not deployed SMS over generic 3GPP IP access and the UE fails to successfully complete the
combined EPS/IMSI attach procedure in the visited network (i.e. the visited network supports SMS over generic 3GPP
IP access and does not support CS fallback for SMS capability), then the UE cannot execute MT or MO SMS
procedures in the visited network.
8.3 Location Services (LCS)
8.3.1 MO-LR procedure
MO-LR procedure in the CS fallback in EPS is performed as specified in TS 23.271 [8].
When UE is in active mode, UE and the network follows the procedure in clause 6.2 "Mobile Originating Call in
Active-Mode". After UE changes its RAT from E-UTRAN to UTRAN/GERAN, it performs CS-MO-LR procedures as
specified in TS 23.271 [8].
When UE is in active mode but there's no need for PS-Handover, then UE and the network follows the procedure in
clause 6.3 "Mobile Originating Call in Active Mode - No PS HO Support in GERAN". After UE changes its RAT from
E-UTRAN to UTRAN/GERAN, it performs CS-MO-LR procedure as specified in TS 23.271 [8].
When UE is in idle mode, UE follows the procedure in clause 6.4 "Mobile Originating Call in Idle Mode". After UE
changes its RAT from E-UTRAN to UTRAN/GERAN, it performs CS-MO-LR procedure as specified in TS 23.271 [8].
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ase 8
8.3.2 MT-LR procedure
Figure 8.3.2-1: MT-LR procedure
1. MSC receives a PROVIDE_SUBSCRIBER_LOCATION message due to CS-MT-LR (TS 23.271 [8],
clause 9.1.2).
2. MSC sends Paging (LCS Client Identity, LCS indicator) message to MME.
3. MME sends Paging (parameters as specified in TS 23.401 [2], CN Domain Indicator, LCS Client Identity, LCS
indicator) message to UE. LCS indicator is used to inform the UE that this paging if for MT-LR request. LCS
Client Identity and LCS indicator are only included in CS Page if UE is in active mode.
4. UE responds with Paging_Resp message in UMTS/GERAN. Service based redirection/reselection or PS
Handover may take place as specified in clause 7.
5. MSC continues with the CS-MT-LR procedure as defined in TS 23.271 [8], clause 9.1.2.
8.3.3 NI-LR procedure
NI-LR procedure takes place during emergency calls, and is thus performed in GERAN/UTRAN during the Mobile
Originating call procedure.
8.3.4 Returning back to E-UTRAN
Once CS service ends in CS domain, existing mechanisms as specified in TS 23.401 [2] can be used to move the UE to
E-UTRAN, no specific CS Fallback mechanisms are needed.
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8.3.5 Co-Existence with Other Location Services Co-Existence with SUPL
There is no race condition between OMA AD SUPL [9] and CS Fallback for LCS. When network initiated SUPL
procedure takes place, the paging message does not contain CN Domain Indicator by default. This prevents CS Fallback
for LCS to take place. For SET initiated SUPL procedure, changing of RAT does not take place.
8.4 Call Independent Supplementary Services
8.4.1 Mobile-Initiated Call Independent SS procedure
When UE is in active mode, UE and the network follow the procedure in clause 6.2 "Mobile Originating Call in
Active-Mode". After UE changes its RAT from E-UTRAN to UTRAN/GERAN, it performs Mobile-Initiated Call
Independent Supplementary Service procedure as specified in TS 24.010 [13].
When UE is in active mode and network initiates NACC procedure, then UE and the network follow the procedure in
clause 6.3 "Mobile Originating Call in Active Mode - No PS HO Support in GERAN". After UE changes its RAT from
E-UTRAN to UTRAN/GERAN, it performs Supplementary Service procedure as specified in TS 24.010 [13].
When UE is in idle mode, UE and the network follows the procedure in clause "Mobile Originating Call in Idle Mode".
After UE changes its RAT from E-UTRAN to UTRAN/GERAN, it performs Supplementary Services procedure as
specified in specifications such as TS 23.090 [10].
8.4.2 NW-Initiated Call Independent SS procedure
2. Paging
3. Paging
5. Paging Response
4. Procedures Defined in Clause "M
bile Terminating Call"
Call Independent Supplementary Services procedure continue
1. Trigger
Figure 8.4.2-1: NW-Initiated Call Independent Supplementary Service procedure
1. MSC/VLR receives a trigger for NW-Initiated Call Independent SS procedure.
2. MSC/VLR sends Paging (optional Caller Line Identification, SS service ID) message to MME.
3. MME sends Paging (parameters as specified in TS 23.401 [2], CN Domain Indicator, optional Caller Line
Identification, SS service ID) message to UE. SS service ID is used to indicate the type of the supplementary
service (e.g. USSD) to the UE. Caller Line Identification and SS service ID are only included in CS Page if UE
is in active mode.
4. The mobile terminating call procedure then takes place as specified in clause 7 "Mobile Terminating Call
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5. Once the paging is successfully returned to MSC, Supplementary Service procedures continues as specified in
specifications such as TS 23.090 [10].
8.4.3 Returning back to E-UTRAN
Once CS service ends in CS domain, existing mechanisms as specified in TS 23.401 [2] can be used to move the UE to
E-UTRAN, no specific CS Fallback mechanisms are needed.
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Annex A:
I TS 123 272 V8.3.0 (2009
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Annex B (normative):
CS Fallback to 1xRTT
This annex describes a CS Fallback to 1xRTT solution for dual mode 1xRTT/E-UTRAN terminals.
B.1 Overall Description
B.1.1 General Considerations
The CS fallback for 1xRTT in EPS enables the delivery of CS-domain services (e.g. CS voice, SMS) by reuse of the
1xCS infrastructure when the UE is served by E-UTRAN. A CS fallback enabled terminal, while connected to E-
UTRAN may register in the 1x RTT CS domain in order to be able to use 1xRTT access to establish one or more CS
services in the CS domain. This function is only available where E-UTRAN coverage overlaps with 1xRTT coverage.
CS Fallback to 1xRTT and IMS-based services shall be able to co-exist in the same operator's network.
B.1.2 Reference Architecture
The CS fallback in EPS function is realised by reusing the S102 reference point between the MME and the 1xCS IWS.
The reference architecture described in figure B.1.2-1 is similar to the SRVCC architecture for E-UTRAN to 3GPP2
1xCS described in TS 23.216 [20], with the additional aspect that the S102 session is long-lived (similar to
pre-registration for S101).
S11 S1-MME
Tunnelled 1xRTT messages
Figure B.1.2-1: Reference architecture for CS fallback to 1xRTT CS
B.1.2.1 Reference points
S102: It is the reference point between the MME and the 1xCS IWS. The S102 reference point provides a tunnel
between MME and 3GPP2 1xCS IWS to relay 3GPP2 1xCS signalling messages. 1x CS signalling
messages are those messages that are defined for A21 interface as described in 3GPP2 A.S0008-C [16]
and 3GPP2 A.S0009 [17].
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NOTE. It is up to stage 3 to determine whether the tunnelling protocol for S102 can be defined as exactly as in
A21. If so, S102 is then equivalent to A21.
B.1.3 Functional entities
B.1.3.1 UE
The UE capable of CS fallback to 1xRTT supports access to E-UTRAN/EPC as well as access to the 1xCS domain over
1xRTT. It supports the following additional functions:
- 1xRTT CS registration over the EPS after the UE has completed the E-UTRAN attachment;
- 1xRTT CS re-registration due to mobility;
- CS fallback procedures specified for 1xRTT CS domain voice service;
- Procedures for mobile originated and mobile terminated SMS over E-UTRAN.
B.1.3.2 MME
The MME enabled for CS fallback to 1xRTT supports the following additional functions:
- It serves as a signalling tunnelling end point towards the 3GPP2 1xCS IWS via S102 interface for
sending/receiving encapsulated 3GPP2 1xCS signalling messages to/from the UE, which are encapsulated in S1-
MME S1 Information Transfer messages, as defined in TR 36.938 [19];
- 1xCS-IWS (terminating S102 reference point) selection for CSFB procedures;
- Handling of S102 tunnel redirection in case of MME relocation;
- Buffering of messages received via S102 for UEs in idle state.
B.1.3.3 E-UTRAN
The E-UTRAN enabled for CS fallback to 1xRTT supports the following additional functions:
- Provision of control information that causes the UE to trigger 1xCS registration;
- Forwarding 1x RTT CS paging request to the UE;
- Forwarding 1x RTT CS related messages between MME and UE;
- Release of E-UTRAN resources after UE leaves E-UTRAN coverage subsequent to a page for CS fallback to
B.1.4 Co-existence with IMS services
Clause 4.4 of this specification also applies here.
B.2 Procedures
B.2.1 Mobility Management
B.2.1.1 1x RTT CS Pre-Registration over EPS Procedure
This clause describes how the UE in an E-UTRAN system establishes and maintains pre-registration in the 1xCS
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Figure B.2.1.1-1: 1xRTT CS registration procedure
UE attaches to E-UTRAN as specified in TS 23.401 [2];
2. Based on a radio layer trigger (e.g. an indication from the E-UTRAN when the UE is in connected state or an
indication over the broadcast channel), the UE decides to register with the 1xRTT CS domain;
3. If the UE is in idle state, in order to create a signalling connection with the MME, it performs the Service
Request procedure.
4. The UE generates a 1xRTT CS registration request.
4a. The 1xRTT CS message is transferred from the UE to E-UTRAN.
4b. E-UTRAN forwards the 1xRTT CS message to the MME including the CDMA2000 Reference Cell ID.
4c. The MME selects a 1xCS IWS node based on the CDMA2000 Reference Cell ID. The IMSI is used to
distinguish S102 signalling transactions belonging to different UEs. The MME sends a S102 Direct Transfer
message (IMSI, 1xCS message) to the 1xCS IWS node.
1xRTT CS registration is then performed by the 1xCS IWS node based on 3GPP2 A.S0008 [16].
6a. 1xRTT CS registration response is tunnelled back to the MME in a S102 Direct Transfer message (IMSI, 1xCS
6b. The MME forwards the 1xRTT CS message to the E-UTRAN.
6c. The E-UTRAN forwards the 1xRTT CS message to the UE.
If the triggers for 1xCS registration change over time, the UE (both in idle or connected state), uses this information to
update the 1xCS registration via the tunnel.
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B.2.1.2 S102 Tunnel Redirection
S102 Tunnel Redirection Procedure is used when the UE perform Tracking Area Update with MME change (as
specified in TS 23.402 [2] in case of S101 tunnel redirection) while the UE is registered with the 1xRTT CS domain as
described in clause B.2.1.1 and the S102 session exists between the MME and the 1xCS IWS.
B.2.2 Mobile Originating Call
This clause describes the mobile originating call procedures for the CS Fallback to 1xRTT.
Figure B.2.2-1: CS MO call using fallback to CDMA 1x RTT network
1. UE is E-UTRAN attached and registered with 1xRTT CS as defined in clause B.2.1.1.
2. UE makes a decision to perform a mobile originated CS call.
3. UE sends an Extended Service Request (CS Fallback Indicator) to the MME.
4. MME sends S1-AP: UE Context Modification (UE capabilities, CS Fallback Indicator) to indicate the
E-UTRAN to move the UE to 1xRTT.
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3GPP TS 23.272 version 8.3.0 Release 8
5. E-UTRAN may optionally solicit a measurement report from the UE to determine the target 1xRTT cell to which
the CS Fallback will be performed.
6. E-UTRAN triggers RRC connection release with redirection to 1xCS.
7. E-UTRAN sends an S1 UE Context Release Request (Cause) message to the MME. Cause indicates that the S1
UE Context Release was caused by CS fallback to 1xRTT.
8. MME sets the UE context to suspended status and sends to the S-GW a Suspend Request (IMSI) message that
requests the suspension of EPS bearers for the UE. The S1-U bearers are released for all EPS bearers by the
MME and all GBR bearers are deactivated. The non-GBR bearers are preserved and are marked as suspended in
the S-GW.
9. S-GW acknowledges the Suspend Request message and marks the UE as suspended. When a downlink data
arrives at the S-GW, the S-GW should not send a downlink data notification message to the MME if the UE is
marked as suspended.
10. S1 UE Context in the E-UTRAN is released as specified in TS 23.401 [2].
11. UE moves to 1xRTT and performs the procedure for mobile originating call as specified in
3GPP2 A.S0013 [18].
Once CS service ends in the 1xCS domain, the UE returns to E-UTRAN by performing reselection. The EPS service is
resumed as described in clause 6.5.
B.2.3 Mobile Terminating Call
This clause describes the mobile terminating call procedures when the UE accepts CS paging for the CS Fallback to
When the 1x MSC receives a registration from a UE, it makes note of the RAN equipment from which it received the
registration. Subsequent paging activities may thus be directed toward that RAN equipment. However, paging activities
by the 1xMSC are not limited to the single RAN equipment from which the registration was received. The MSC may
choose to page a wider area, including inter-system paging. If the 1xMSC has direct interfaces to 1xCS IWS, as well as
to 1xRTT access, the MSC may choose to do direct paging activities to both E-UTRAN and 1x RAN equipments in its
attempts to contact the UE.
The 1x paging request sent by the 1xMSC to the 1xCS IWS is delivered to the UE via the tunnel. The UE tunes to
1xRTT access, acknowledges the 1x page and performs the 1xCS procedures for mobile terminated call. When the UE
receives a page message, it may not want to accept it based on Caller Line Identification or pre-provisioned local policy.
In that case, the UE sends the 1x Release Order to 1xCS IWS over a tunnel in E-UTRAN and EPC.
The detailed procedure is described in figure B.2.3-1.
ETSI TS 123 272 V8.3.0 (2009
3GPP TS 23.272 ve
rsion 8.3.0 Release 8
6b. Extended Service Request
Figure B.2.3-1: CS MT call using fallback to CDMA 1x RTT network
1. UE is E-UTRAN attached and pre-registered with 1xRTT CS as defined in clause B.2.1.1.
2. 1xMSC sends a paging request to the 1xCS IWS node with Caller Line Identification if available.
3. 1xCS IWS node forwards the 1x RTT CS paging request with Caller Line Identification if available via the S102
tunnel to the MME.
4. If the UE is in idle state, the MME performs the network initiated Service Request procedure in order to bring
the UE to active state prior to tunnelling of the 1x RTT CS paging request toward the UE.
5. MME forwards the 1xRTT CS paging request to the UE.
6a. If the UE decides to reject CSFB based on e.g. user decision by Caller Line Identification or UE locally pre-
provisioned policy, then the UE rejects the 1x CS paging by sending an 1x Release Order to the MME. The
MME forwards the 1x Release Order in an S102 Direct Transfer message to the 1xCS IWS and the 1x IWS
sends a Rejection to the 1x MSC. This completes the procedure.
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3GPP TS 23.272 version 8.3.0 Release 8
6b. If the UE accepts CS paging for the CS Fallback to 1xRTT, the UE sends an Extended Service Request (CS
Fallback Indicator) to the MME and proceeds with step 7 to step 15 below.
7. MME sends S1-AP: UE Context Modification (UE capabilities, CS Fallback Indicator) to indicate the
E-UTRAN to move the UE to 1xRTT.
8. E-UTRAN may optionally solicit a measurement report from the UE to determine the target 1xRTT cell to which
the CS Fallback will be performed.
9. E-UTRAN triggers RRC connection release with redirection to 1xCS.
10. E-UTRAN sends an S1 UE Context Release Request (Cause) message to the MME. Cause indicates that the S1
UE Context Release was caused by CS fallback to 1xRTT.
11. MME sets the UE context to suspended status and sends to the S-GW a Suspend Request (IMSI) message that
requests the suspension of EPS bearers for the UE. The S1-U bearers are released for all EPS bearers by the
MME and all GBR bearers are deactivated. The non-GBR bearers are preserved and are marked as suspended in
the S-GW.
12. S-GW acknowledges the Suspend Request message and marks the UE as suspended. When a downlink data
arrives at the S-GW, the S-GW should not send a downlink data notification message to the MME if the UE is
marked as suspended.
13. S1 UE Context in the E-UTRAN is released as specified in TS 23.401 [2].
14. UE tunes to 1xRTT and acknowledges the page by transmitting a 1xRTT Paging Response message over the 1x
Access Channel.
15. Subsequently UE performs the procedure for mobile terminated call establishment as specified in 3GPP2
A.S0013 [18].
Once CS service ends in the 1xCS domain the UE returns to E-UTRAN by performing reselection. The EPS service is
resumed as described in clause 6.5.
B.2.4 Short Message Service (SMS)
B.2.4.1 General
The procedures for SMS in this annex apply only if the UE is 1xRTT CS Registered and the CS access domain is
chosen by the UE and/or the home PLMN for delivering short messages.
This clause describes both the mobile originating and mobile terminating SMS procedures for CS Fallback in EPS.
SMS support is based on the S102 reference point between the MME and the 1xCS IWS, use of RRC Information
Transfer message between the UE and the E-UTRAN, and use of S1 cdma2000 Tunnelling message between the
E-UTRAN and the MME.
B.2.4.2 Mobile originating SMS
The following sequence flow shows the delivery of mobile originating SMS sent via the 1xMSC while in E-UTRAN.
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3GPP TS 23.272 version 8.3.0 Release 8
Figure B.2.4.2-1: Mobile originating SMS sent via the 1xMSC while in E-UTRAN
1. The 1xRTT CS Registration procedure as described in clause B.2.1.1 has been performed earlier.
2. A mobile originating short message is triggered. If the UE is in idle state, the UE performs the UE triggered
Service Request procedure, which is defined in TS 23.401 [2].
3. The UE builds the SMS message to be sent as defined in 3GPP2 A.S0008 [16] and 3GPP2 A.S0009 [17].
3a. The 1xRTT SMS message is transferred from the UE to the E-UTRAN.
3b. The E-UTRAN forwards the SMS message to the MME.
4. The MME forwards the SMS message to the 1xCS IWS in an S102 Direct Transfer message.
5. The 1xCS IWS acknowledges the message.
6. The 1xCS IWS sends an ADDS Transfer message to the 1xMSC containing the SMS message as defined in
3GPP2 A.S0008 [16] and 3GPP2 A.S0009 [17].
7. The 1xMSC forwards the SMS message to the Message Center (MC). If an acknowledgement was requested by
the UE, the MC responds with an acknowledgement.
8. The 1xMSC forwards the SMS acknowledgement to the 1xCS IWS in an ADDS Page message.
9. The 1xCS IWS forwards the SMS acknowledgement to the MME in an S102 Direct Transfer message.
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10. The MME forwards the SMS acknowledgement to the UE.
11. The MME sends an S102 Ack message to the 1xCS IWS. This occurs immediately after step 9 if the MSC has
not requested an acknowledgement from the 1xCS IWS.
12. If the MSC requested an acknowledgement, the 1xCS IWS sends an ADDS Page Ack message to the 1xMSC.
B.2.4.3 Mobile terminating SMS
The following sequence flow shows the delivery of mobile terminating SMS sent via the 1xMSC while in E-UTRAN.
Figure B.2.4.3-1: Mobile terminating SMS sent via the 1xMSC while in E-UTRAN
1. The UE is E-UTRAN attached and registered with 1xRTT CS as defined in clause B.2.1.1.
2. The 1xMSC receives the SMS message from the MC and sends an ADDS Page message to the 1xCS as defined
in 3GPP2 A.S0008 [16] and 3GPP2 A.S0009 [17]. The ADDS Page contains the SMS message.
3. The 1xCS IWS sends the SMS message in an S102 Direct Transfer message.
4. If the UE is in idle state, the MME performs the network initiated Service Request procedure to bring the UE to
active state prior to tunnelling of the SMS message toward the UE.
5. The MME forwards the SMS message to the UE.
6. The MME sends an S102 Ack message to the 1xCS IWS. This occurs immediately after step 3 if the MSC has
not requested an acknowledgement from the 1xCS IWS.
7. If the MSC requested an acknowledgement, the 1xCS IWS sends an ADDS Page Ack message to the 1xMSC.
8. After receiving the SMS message at step 5, the UE sends an SMS acknowledgement toward the MC.
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9. The MME forwards the SMS acknowledgement in an S102 Direct Transfer message to the 1xCS IWS.
10. The 1xCS IWS sends an S102 Ack message to the MME.
11. The 1xCS IWS forwards the SMS acknowledgement to the 1xMSC. The 1xMSC then forwards the SMS
acknowledgement to the MC.
B.2.5 Emergency Calls
When UE is performing CS fallback procedure to 1xRTT for the purpose of emergency call, it shall indicate to the
MME that this CS fallback request is for emergency purpose. MME also indicates to the E-UTRAN via the appropriate
S1-AP message that this CS fallback procedure is for emergency purpose.
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3GPP TS 23.272 version 8.3.0 Release 8
Annex C (informative):
Change history
Change history
Date TSG # TSG Doc. CR Rev
Cat Subject/Comment Old New
2008-06 SP-40 SP-080357 - - - MCC Editorial update for presentation to TSG SA for Approval 1.2.0 2.0.0
2008-06 - - - - - MCC Editorial update after TSG Approval to version 8.0.0
2.0.0 8.0.0
2008-09 SP-41 SP-080600 0005 2 F Correction of flows for call origination in active mode 8.0.0 8.1.0
2008-09 SP-41 SP-080600 0006 2 F Correction of flows for call termination in active mode 8.0.0 8.1.0
2008-09 SP-41 SP-080600 0008 1 B SMS Support in 1XRTT Solution for CS Fallback 8.0.0 8.1.0
2008-09 SP-41 SP-080600 0009 2 F Correction of flows for call termination in idle mode 8.0.0 8.1.0
2008-09 SP-41 SP-080600 0012 1 F CS Fallback with Pre-Paging 8.0.0 8.1.0
2008-09 SP-41 SP-080600 0014 2 F Terms alignments and other misc. correction in 3GPP TS
8.0.0 8.1.0
2008-09 SP-41 SP-080600 0015 2 F SMS handling 8.0.0 8.1.0
2008-09 SP-41 SP-080600 0017 - F Clarification of ISR in 3GPP TS 23.272 8.0.0 8.1.0
2008-09 SP-41 SP-080600 0019 2 F Aligning CS fallback for 1xRTT with CS fallback for GSM 8.0.0 8.1.0
2008-09 SP-41 SP-080600 0020 - F UE behaviour when it hands over to a non-DTM GERAN cell 8.0.0 8.1.0
2008-09 SP-41 SP-080600 0021 1 F Correction of the Attach procedure 8.0.0 8.1.0
2008-09 SP-41 SP-080600 0023 1 F Clarification on the case when access class control is applied
in the legacy access
8.0.0 8.1.0
2008-09 SP-41 SP-080600 0024 2 F Service indicator for LCS and Call Independent SS 8.0.0 8.1.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0007 4 F Release of SGs after fallback to UTRAN/GERAN 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080817 0027 2 F Registration for CS-Fallback to 1xRTT 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0040 1 F Non-EPS Alert procedure in SGs. 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0043 1 F CSFB MT Flow Correction - Active Mode 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0044 1 F Correction to Roaming Retry for CSFB 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0047 - F Void Informative Annex A 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0048 1 F Aligning TAU procedure with Attach 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0049 7 F Clarification of ISR usage for CSFB 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0050 - F Removal of the Change Cell Order option for 1xCSFB 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0051 - F Corrections to Mobile Originating Call and Mobile Terminating
8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0052 1 D Minor corrections against 23.272 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0054 - F Additional SGs procedures. 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0055 1 F Support of CS Fallback in EPS for Emergency Calls 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0056 - F Correction to MT SMS in CSFB 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0057 - F Correction to the resumption in CSFB with no PS HO support 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080817 0058 1 F Clarification on Suspend Procedure 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0060 1 F UE behaviour at inter-RAT change due to CS fallback 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0061 1 F SGs association removal due to Gs establishment or LAU 8.1.0 8.2.0
2008-12 SP-42 SP-080831 0062 1 F Mobile originating call in idle mode 8.1.0 8.2.0
2009-03 SP-43 SP-090122 0063 1 F Correction to the ISR deactivation in CSFB 8.2.0 8.3.0
2009-03 SP-43 SP-090122 0064 - F Correction to the MT Call in Active Mode in CSFB 8.2.0 8.3.0
2009-03 SP-43 SP-090122 0065 2 F Corrections to PS HO based procedures in CSFB 8.2.0 8.3.0
2009-03 SP-43 SP-090122 0067 1 F Emergency Indication usage in CSFB 8.2.0 8.3.0
2009-03 SP-43 SP-090122 0068 2 F ISR deactivation based on UE's CS Fallback capability 8.2.0 8.3.0
2009-03 SP-43 SP-090122 0069 - F Deletion of unnecessary MSC functionality 8.2.0 8.3.0
2009-03 SP-43 SP-090113 0070 2 F MT 1xCS call fallback rejection 8.2.0 8.3.0
2009-03 SP-43 SP-090122 0073 1 F Use of Extended SR 8.2.0 8.3.0
ETSI TS 123 272 V8.3.0 (2009
3GPP TS 23.272 version 8.3.0 Release 8
Document history
V8.0.0 November 2008 Publication
V8.1.0 November 2008 Publication
V8.2.0 January 2009 Publication
V8.3.0 March 2009 Publication