Getting Started
This guide will help you craft your resume. There is no prescribed method for creating a resume
however, there are certain guidelines that need to be followed in order to ensure you have a strong
What is the Purpose of a Resume?
A resume is a one-page document that highlights your educational and professional
accomplishments and qualifications that are relevant to your desired internship/job/experience.
Employers ask for resumes to get a summarized overview of your experience in order to
determine whether you are qualified for the position and whether they are interested in
interviewing you.
A resume does not need to list everything you have ever done but rather highlight the experiences
most relevant to the internship/job/experience you are applying for.
Your resume is dynamic; you will edit your resume and add/remove categories, experiences etc.
and/or change the order of categories, as you submit it for different purposes.
How do I Start?
There are many ways to start the resume writing process. One way is to write everything you have
done over the last five years from education, study abroad, jobs, activities, publications,
honors/awards. Write full descriptions of your work/activities and do not worry about order, at first.
After writing everything down, then, if you already have an ideal internship/job in mind, look at the
description for that position. What are the qualifications the employer is seeking? Does your resume
highlight what they are looking for? With that position in mind, keep the most relevant items on your
resume and edit the descriptions to include key buzz words the employer is looking for. Organize your
resume using the Sample Resumes in this document as guides and the Resume Templates in the
Resource section of Handshake. Come into the Gordon Career Center if you want help getting started
or to have a draft of your resume reviewed by a Peer Career Advisor.
Resume Don’ts
1. Don’t lie
2. Don’t use unusual font in order to stand out, you want your accomplishments to stand out, not the
3. Don’t send a resume to an employer without having it reviewed, spell check alone is not enough
4. Don’t list everything you have ever done on your resume
How to Make Your Resume Standout
1. Have a consistent, professional format that is easy to read
2. List measurable results/accomplishments in your descriptions whenever possible (i.e. “increased user
base by 20%”, “was the only intern selected to present in front of the CEO”)
3. Use Limited White Space
4. Targeted—tailor your resume to each position and employer you are applying to
5. Error Free!
Gordon Career Center Resume Approval Check-List
In order to have your resume approved by the Gordon Career Center and be able to apply for positions
posted on Handshake, your resume must meet the following criteria:
Resume is formatted to fit on one page, single-sided
Font is clear, readable, consistent; Font is black and is no smaller than point 10
Margins are no smaller than point 0.5 on all sides of the page
The content of your resume is separated into different sections
TIP: Organize your content by grouping similar experiences/activities together. Consider using
section titles such as, “Experience,” “Leadership Experience,” “Related Experience,” “Honors and
Awards,” “Activities,” “Research,” “Volunteer Work,” and “Skills and Interests”
After the header, the first (top) section of your resume is “Education”
Overall, the format and content of your resume is consistent with punctuation, dates, font type, format,
section headers, locations, etc. (e.g. if you write out the state for the location of one experience it should be
written out for all; if you write your dates Month, Year then they should all be Month, Year)
Resume is free from typos, spelling, and punctuation mistakes, as well as any glaring grammatical errors
The header of your resume includes your contact information including your name, phone number, and
email address (preferably your Wesleyan.edu email)
TIP: Other information to include in your header could be your home and/or Wesleyan address as
well as the custom URL to your LinkedIn profile page or other professional website or portfolio
The “Education” section of your resume includes the following:
Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT
Your Expected Graduation Date (ex. May, 2017)
Bachelor of Arts
TIP: Other items to consider including are your major (if declared), GPA and/or your Major GPA
written out of 4.00 to match your transcript (you can round down (i.e. 3.48 to a 3.4), but you cannot
round up (i.e. 3.48 to 3.5)), coursework that is related to the position you’re applying to, study
abroad, honors/scholarships/awards, and the title & short description of your thesis
Every experience listed in the body of your resume is accompanied by a brief description about your
accomplishments and/or skills you gained through that role either written in bullet point format or in very
brief paragraphs. See the “Accomplishment Statements” section of our resume guide for help
Each bullet point (or sentence) begins with an action verb. Action verbs are in the present tense if you are
currently still involved in the position or in past tense if the experience has concluded If you include a
“Skills” section on your resume, only include hard skills (e.g. computer, language, certifications); no soft
skills (e.g. detail-oriented, creative, hardworking)—showcase soft skills in the descriptions of your
Does not contain personal pronouns such as “I”, “my”, “we”
Does not contain an “Objective” or “Summary” section
Does not contain any personal information such as race, salary information, age, gender, nationality
Does not list references on resume or write “Available Upon Request”; employers know they can ask for
Action Verbs to Consider Using
Research Skills
Assessed, Clarified, Collected, Correlated, Critiqued, Defined, Detailed, Determined, Diagnosed, Discovered,
Dissected, Evaluated, Examined, Found, Highlighted, Identified, Interpreted, Interviewed, Investigated,
Proposed, Proved, Reviewed, Simulated, Studied, Summarized, Surveyed, Systemized, Tested
Teaching/Helping Skills
Adapted, Advised, Advocated, Aided, Alleviated, Answered, Arranged, Assessed, Assisted, Clarified, Coached,
Collaborated, Contributed, Cooperated, Coordinated, Counseled, Demonstrated, Developed, Diagnosed,
Educated, Encouraged, Ensured, Evaluated, Expedited, Facilitated, Familiarized, Furthered, Guided, Helped,
Informed, Inspired, Insured, Instructed, Intervened, Listened, Motivated, Prevented, Provided, Referred,
Rehabilitated, Represented, Resolved, Showed, Simplified, Sparked, Supplied, Supported, Taught, Trained,
Tutored, Volunteered
Technical Skills
Applied, Assembled, Built, Calculated, Computed, Constructed, Debugged, Designed, Developed, Engineered,
Fabricated, Fortified, Installed, Maintained, Operated, Overhauled, Programmed, Rectified, Remodeled,
Repaired, Restored, Solved, Specialized, Standardized, Strengthened, Troubleshot, Upgraded, Utilized
Communication Skills
Addressed, Advertised, Arranged, Articulated, Authored, Clarified, Collaborated, Communicated, Composed,
Condensed, Consulted, Contacted, Conveyed, Convinced, Corresponded, Debated, Defined, Directed, Discussed,
Drafted, Edited, Elicited, Enlisted, Explained, Expressed, Facilitated, Formulated, Furnished, Incorporated,
Influenced, Interacted, Interpreted, Interviewed, Involved, Joined, Judged, Lectured, Listened, Marketed,
Mediated, Moderated, Negotiated, Observed, Outlined, Participated, Persuaded, Presented, Promoted,
Proposed, Publicized, Reconciled, Recruited, Referred, Reinforced, Reported, Resolved, Responded, Sold,
Solicited, Specified, Spoke, Suggested, Summarized, Synthesized, Transcribed, Translated, Wrote
Leadership Skills
Administered, Appointed, Assigned, Attained, Authorized, Chaired, Controlled, Coordinated, Decided,
Delegated, Developed, Directed, Enforced, Enhanced, Established, Executed, Facilitated, Generated, Governed,
Handled, Headed, Hosted, Improved, Incorporated, Initiated, Instituted, Led, Managed, Motivated, Navigated,
Organized, Originated, Overhauled, Oversaw, Planned, Presided, Prioritized, Restored, Scheduled, Secured,
Selected, Supervised
Creative/Entrepreneurial Skills
Acted, Adapted, Combined, Composed, Conceptualized, Condensed, Created, Customized, Designed,
Developed, Devised, Directed, Displayed, Drew, Entertained, Established, Fashioned, Formulated, Founded,
Illustrated, Imagined, Initiated, Innovated, Instituted, Integrated, Introduced, Invented, Modified, Originated,
Performed, Photographed, Pioneered, Planned, Repurposed, Revised, Revitalized, Shaped, Visualized, Solved.
Organizational/Administrative Skills
Adjusted, Approved, Arranged, Catalogued, Categorized, Classified, Collected, Compiled, Controlled,
Coordinated, Copied, Dispatched, Distributed, Filed, Generated, Grouped, Improvised, Implemented, Indexed,
Inspected, Logged, Maintained, Monitored, Operated, Ordered, Organized, Planned, Prepared, Prioritized,
Processed, Provided, Purchased, Recorded, Retrieved, Reviewed, Scheduled, Screened, Specified, Submitted,
Supplied, Systemized, Updated, Tabulated
Data/Financial Skills
Administered, Adjusted, Allocated, Analyzed, Appraised, Assessed, Audited, Balanced, Budgeted, Calculated,
Compared, Computed, Conserved, Corrected, Determined, Developed, Earned, Estimated, Evaluated,
Examined, Financed, Forecasted, Inspected, Interpreted, Investigated, Managed, Measured, Planned,
Prepared, Programmed, Projected, Quantified, Qualified, Reconciled, Rectified, Reduced, Researched,
Retrieved, Reviewed, Slashed, Sliced, Surveyed, Verified
Accomplishment Statements
Accomplishment statements demonstrate your achievements, skills and strengths in the experience section of
your resume. These statements are meant to be succinct, yet powerful and can set you apart from other
candidates applying for the same opportunity.
Use the APR (Action + Problem/Project + Result) Formula to brainstorm and write your accomplishment
statements. Think about a project you completed, a problem you solved, or a need you filled at the specific
job/internship/volunteer opportunity/club/organization you’re describing. Review the list of action verbs and
choose an action verb that best describes the actions you took to complete a project/solve a problem and
the results you achieved. Remember to quantify your results whenever possible.
Before: vague, generic statement
Writer, Wesleyan Argus, Wesleyan University
Write articles for the student newspaper
After: strong, detailed statement
Writer, Wesleyan Argus, Wesleyan University
Regular contributor for the Wesleyan Argus Food Section writing for over 50 issues detailing
contemporary food culture
Sample A-P-R Formula:
Action: Coordinated
Project/Problem: dynamic monthly programs for first-year residents
Result: to improve their awareness of important campus resources
Accomplishment Statement: Coordinated dynamic monthly programs for first-year residents
to improve their awareness of important campus resources
Action: Led
Project/Problem: weekly residence hall meetings
Result: to foster a greater sense of community among residents
Accomplishment Statement: Led weekly residence hall meetings to foster a greater sense of community
among students
Action: Organized
Project/Problem: a fundraising event for a local animal shelter
Result: which raised $3,000 (20% over goal) and increased community
engagement =
Accomplishment Statement: Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter which raised $3,000
(20% over goal) and increased community engagement
Formatting/Layout/Design Tips
The layout and design of your resume is just as important as the content. Employers often review hundreds of
resumes at a time so it is essential to highlight your education, accomplishment, and skills in a format that is
easy and appealing to read. Please check out the Resume Templates under the Resource Section of Handshake.
Your font choice sets the tone of your resume and can even be a subtle way to convey information about your
style and personality to an employer. Choose a typeface that is clear and easy to read. While Times New
Roman, Arial, and Helvetica are classic standbys, experiment with some of the suggested fonts below to change
the look and feel of your document. Garamond is a smaller typeface that’s great to turn to if you’re short on
space, while Verdana is a larger font that’s easy to read and an especially good option when you’re looking to fill
the page.
A few tips:
Be sure to choose a typeface that is standard across operating systems
Typeface should be consistent throughout your resume; limit yourself to two typefaces maximum
(though one is generally preferred)
Text should be black; avoid using color
Body text should be no smaller than point 10
Suggested Fonts
Arial Gill Sans
Bakersville Helvetica
Cambria Lato
Constantia Tahoma
Didot Times New Roman
Garamond Trebuchet
Georgia Verdana
Page margins should be between no smaller than 0.5 inches and no larger than 1.5 inches all-around.
Whitespace and Spacing
A well-designed resume has a balance of content and white space. Too much white space might indicate that
you haven’t flushed out your content enough. However, an overcrowded resume can be difficult to read and
your accomplishments might become lost. A balance of white space helps the employer to easily find the most
important information on your resume and is more appealing to read than a resume that is crammed with
Try adding space between each section, and potentially between each position on your resume. You can change
the font size of the blank lines on your resume to create whitespace without sacrificing too much of the page.
For example, add a space between each section by hitting return or enter, put your cursor on the blank line,
and then change the font size to point 5. Make sure your spacing is consistent throughout (i.e. the same size
between each section/position).
Emphasis (Bold, Italics, Underlining, Capitalization)
There are a number of ways to create emphasis on a resume by using bold, italics, underlining, and
CAPITALIZATION. However, it’s best to use emphasis selectively and not all at once. Overusing emphasis
styles will make your resume hard to read and limit their effectiveness. It’s best to avoid using underlining in a
resume as underlining can make text difficult to read. Be sure to keep your use of emphasis consistent
throughout—if you capitalize one section header, capitalize all of your section headers.
Good items to use emphasis for include your name, section headers, position titles, and organizations. Look
through the resume templates to see examples of proper uses of emphasis.
The header of your resume tells the employer who you are and how to contact you. The font size of your name
should be larger than the rest of the text on your resume.
Sample Headers:
000-000-0000 • [email protected]
Your Name
Your Address, City, State Zip • 000-000-0000 • emailaddress@wesleyan.edu
Your Address, City, State Zip
000-000-0000 • [email protected]
Your Address, City, State Zip 000-000-0000 [email protected]u
Your Name
Section Headers and Dividers
Organize your content by grouping similar experiences and activities together. The first (top) section of your
resume should always be “Education.” Other section titles to consider include: “Experience,” “Leadership
Experience,” “Related Experience,” “Honors and Awards,” “Activities,” “Research,” “Volunteer Work,” and
“Skills and Interests.”
Consider using a larger font size and emphasis to make your section headers standout. You may choose to
divide the sections of your resume using lines. Rather than drawing a line with the shape tool, use Word’s
auto- format feature.
On a blank line type the 3 characters in a row that correspond with the desired line style and press
return/enter. The line will appear across the page.
The last line option should be reserved for headers only.
Bullet Points
Bullet points are a great way to make your key skills and accomplishments standout and easy to read. The most
related to the role you’re applying to/significant positions on your resume should have the most bullet points.
Consider the following format for jobs, internships, fellowships, volunteer work, and activities:
Title, Organization, City, State Start Date – End Date Accomplishment statement
Accomplishment statement
Dates should be right-justified on the page (in line with the right page margin)
May 2020
January 2017 – Present
June – August 2017
September 2016 – May 2017
Final Thoughts:
Print out a copy of your resume and hold it 3 feet in front of you. Does the most important information
stand out first? Is your resume visually appealing? Easy to scan?
Resume Overview
Make your name pop; type it in big bold letters
Write out Bachelor of Arts (not BA)
List your GPA out of the 4.00 scale, either 4.00
or 4.0. For example, GPA: 3.76/4.00 or 3.7/4.0
You can include high school if you are a first
year or sophomore, or if your high school is well
known and could help for networking purposes.
The “Relevant Coursework” section is optional.
If you choose to include this section, be selective
about the courses (i.e. if you are Psychology
major, it is apparent that you took Intro to
Psychology). The courses you list should
complement the position you are applying for
and the skills you aim to showcase.
Experiences should be ordered in reverse
chronological order. Place the most recent
experience at the top of the section.
Write at least one bullet point for each
experience you list. Certain experiences can
have longer descriptions than others, if needed.
Begin your bullet points with an action verb in
first person, but leave out the personal
pronouns. If the experience is still in progress,
write the verb in present tense, otherwise, use
past tense.
Bullet points can be written in the following
format: Action, Project/Problem, Result.
This is called the APR formula. Additional
information can be found in the
“Accomplishments Statements” section.
The Leadership section could also be titled:
“Volunteer Experience”, “Research Experience”,
Date format should be consistent. Dates being
aligned at the right-hand side margin is a
common style.
For computer skills, be specific. Rather than
indicating “Social Media”, list the social media
platforms you are familiar with. Same with
Microsoft Office.
The “Interests” section is a great way to inform a
potential employer of your hobbies or to indicate
you are a well rounded individual. This can be a
great conversation starter.
Your Name
Wesleyan University, 45 Wyllys Avenue, WesBox 11111, Middletown, CT 06459
[email protected] • (860) 6852180
Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT May 2017
Bachelor of Arts, Double Major: Psychology, Economics; GPA: 3.35/4.00
Relevant Coursework: Quantitative Methods in Economics, Economy of Japan,
Econometrics, Social Psychology, Applied Data Analysis
Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH June 2013
Diploma; GPA: 3.97/4.00; Awards: Illinois State Scholar, 2012
Wesleyan University, House Manager, Middletown, CT September 2015 –
Monitor the Psi Upsilon home and ensure the safety of residents to create
a healthy and conducive living environment
Promote awareness of the community standards and enforce university
policies to hold residents accountable to the student code of conduct
Communicate frequently with the House Advisor and Faculty advisor to
organize campus wide events
Wesleyan University, Research Intern, Middletown, CT September 2014 –
Communicate data at weekly meetings and analyze results with a team of
10 students and advisors
Compiled and analyzed data to include in a poster presentation and
published paper
Cross Cultural Solutions, Volunteer, Rochelle, NY June – August 2015
Tutored six middle school students in mathematics to improve their
understanding of course material
Assisted in teaching English, Math, and Spanish courses at two elementary
schools to improve students’ classroom experiences
Computer: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe
Language: Spanish (fluent), French (conversational)
Interests: Fringe Theater, Backpacking, Classic Rock
Common Resume Experiences
These are sample ways to describe common experiences that Wesleyan students tend to include in their resumes.
Do NOT copy these bullets directly.
Teaching or Tutoring:
Peer Tutor, Dean’s Tutoring Program, Middletown, CT October 2021 – Present
Tutored 3 students for 2 hours a week each, clarifying concepts and providing robust study techniques for calculus
course, resulting in 100% of students improving academic performance by at least one letter grade
Tutor, Wesleyan Middle School Tutoring Program, Middletown, CT March 2020 - February 2021
Served as a tutor at Woodrow Wilson Middle School, providing friendship and extra attention to struggling students
by creating a safe environment that was conducive to learning and good habit formation
Designed a unique curriculum focused on the fundamentals of calculus to respond to student’s knowledge gaps,
leading to increased performance by one letter grade within one semester
Violin Teaching Assistant, Keigwin Middle School, Middletown, CT November 2019 – April 2020
Worked with groups of 6 students ages 8-12 to improve technique and facilitate their learning, supplementing in
class instruction and resulting in students reporting greater enjoyment in class
Designed a unique curriculum to fit the needs of each student, demonstrating significant improvement within one
month of lessons
Retail or Service Jobs:
Sales Associate, American Eagle Outfitters, Middletown, NE July 2019 – April 2020
Provided personalized style recommendations to customers to facilitate warm and helpful experience
Stocked and folded clothes hourly, maintaining neat displays and keeping shelves filled with all sizes
Worked in a team of 4 other sales associates per shifted, managing weekly work schedules for team
Sales Associate, Abercrombie & Fitch, Middletown, MA September 2018 – June 2019
Surpassed management’s expectations for the units of clothing sold and membership sign-ups required of
employees by over 50% for three consecutive months, awarded Employee of the Month five times
Anticipated and responded to customer needs whilst demonstrating a keen awareness of the store environment by
maintain approachable and warm demeanor, ensuring exemplary customer service
Worked the cash register and rand up sales, operated the Abercrombie & Fitch computer system while assisting
customers with alternative payment options
Server, Northampton Country Dining Club, Northhampton, ME October 2017 – April 2018
Served members at a private country club during a variety of shifts including busy dinners, happy hours, and early
breakfasts, responsible for taking orders, serving food, and bussing tables
Successfully organized and facilitated private parties of 75+ to provide members exceptional experiences and folded
clothes hourly, maintaining neat displays and keeping shelves filled with all sizes
Strived to provide a personalized experience by familiarizing and memorizing members’ individual names, member
numbers, and preferences to anticipate their needs
On-Campus Jobs:
Resident Advisor, Office of Residential Life, Wesleyan University July 2019 – May 2019
Fostered a safe living environment on the university’s residence hall floor with 21 diverse residents
Facilitated monthly events (e.g., game nights, 1:1 drop in hours) to promote socializing within roster
Budgeted and allocated a $100 fund to execute 3 community-building events; only 2 are required
Research Assistant, Sleep Adjustment Lab, Wesleyan University August 2019 – Present
Conduct one-hour interviews with 10 undergraduate students for the study of how COVID-19 affect differently to
individuals with diverse socio-economic, cultural, religious, and sexual backgrounds
Conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis of data obtained from interviews and questionnaires to inform
research about student sleep habits and how it impacts academic performance
Summarize 20 pieces of research related to the relationship between sleep and physical and psychological health,
culminating in a 10-page literature review used to inform future research methods
Student Athletes & Coaching:
Assistant Coach, Elite Lacrosse, Basking Ridge, CT March 2019 – April 2020
Coordinated and facilitated training and practice plans for team of 8
grade female lacrosse team of 25
Assisted the head coach with all aspects of team management: player and parent communication, game strategy,
substitution, and player performance feedback
Managed team equipment to ensure organization and preparedness
Student Athlete, Women’s Lacrosse, Wesleyan University August 2018– April 2020
Finished top-4 in the NCAA Division III lacrosse tournament 2019
Participated and facilitated National Women and Girls in Sports Day which engages young females in the local
community to promote athletics and to teach them about the positive influence sports can provide
Team Representative, Student Athletic Advisory Committee, Wesleyan University May 2018– May 2020
Active Women’s Lacrosse representative for the student athletic advisory committee to spearhead and promote
participation of the whole team in SAAC events
Serve as communication liaison between Women’s Lacrosse Team, Athletic Board, and the Wesleyan Community to
create a constant flow of information between each organization
Manage committee Instagram accounts, posting motivational content weekly, increasing followers by 3x
TA or CA positions:
Teaching Assistant, Elementary Statistics, Wesleyan University September 2017 – April 2018
Led weekly help sessions to assist 7 students with problem set and content issues, provided mastery of experimental
designs, statistical tests, and probability
Graded and corrected weekly problem sets for 20 students, collaborating with professor to address potential
learning gaps based on frequently incorrect problems
Assisted professor with technical processes such as setting up zoom calls, troubleshooting issues and grade entry to
ensure the smooth running of the class
Course Assistant, Elementary Statistics, Wesleyan University November 2017 – December 2017
Participated in weekly course readings to successfully craft sample literary abstracts for 30+ students
Graded students’ weekly literary abstracts and assisted with grade book to provide students with quick and direct
Volunteer Experience:
Volunteer, Cross Cultural Solutions, New Rochelle, NY September 2017 – April 2018
Assisted and led English, Math, Spanish, Science, and Physical education classes at two elementary schools
Worked with kindergarten through sixth grade with the number of students per class ranging from 7-40
Hospice Volunteer, Middlesex Hospital, Middletown, CT February 2017 – April 2019
Ensured visitors receive excellent service and support to create a positive customer experience
Provided care to 4 patients, responsibilities included feeding, pathing, reading, speaking, and sitting with
Responsible for making sure all patients rooms were stocked and well kept, working alongside a team of 5 other
volunteers to maintain 15 rooms
Volunteer, Shining Hope for Communities, Middletown, CT March 2017 – April 2018
Raised awareness about girl's education in Nairobi, Kenya by putting up flyers and hosting events at Wesleyan
Arranged a fundraising weekend event with a local restaurant in which proceeds went to SHOFCO; raised $2K
Fundraised by selling beaded bracelets and bags to Wesleyan students, raising over $500 to support cause
Continue below for full resume examples
Your Address, City, State Zip
[email protected] ● (000) 000-0000
Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT May 2017
Bachelor of Arts, Major: Psychology, GPA: 3.66/4.00
The Next Step Realty, Head Brand Ambassador, Middletown, CT September 2015 – Present
Plan and organize sponsored social events for seniors who are looking for city housing after graduation
Market company to students through extensive use of social media techniques, such as Facebook and Twitter
Recruit qualified representatives from Wesleyan and other universities to be Brand Ambassadors
Lead team of Wesleyan Brand Ambassadors to accomplish outreach goals
Rafanelli Events, Production and Set Up Intern, Boston, MA June August 2015
Sourced and priced specialty décor for upcoming events and created PowerPoint presentations to capture findings
Created decorations for events in the supply warehouse
Set up and broke down numerous events including non-profit events, corporate events, and special events
Interacted with vendors and clients and supported event teams in the office and onsite at events
Tory Burch, University Sales Representative, Middletown, CT March June 2015
Promoted special sales for Wesleyan students
Marketed products to students by wearing Tory Burch products, sending mass emails, and creating Facebook events,
resulting in $10K additional sales for Tory Burch.
Psychology Research Laboratory Research Assistant, Middletown, CT March 2014 Present
Conduct experimental research in social psychology with an emphasis on prejudice and stereotypes
Design and carry out research projects, analyze data, and present findings
Woodrow Wilson Middle School Tutor, Middletown, CT September 2014 Present
Tutor two 7th and 8th grade students twice a week in Math, English, History, Spanish, and Science
Mentor students who are having social issues at home or in school
Shining Hope for Communities (SHOFCO) Volunteer, Middletown, CT September 2013 March 2015
Raised awareness about girl's education in Nairobi, Kenya by putting up flyers and hosting activities at Wesleyan
Arranged a fundraising weekend event with a local restaurant in which proceeds went to SHOFCO; raised $2K
Fundraised by selling beaded bracelets and bags to Wesleyan students
Vivi G. Shoes Retail Sales Associate, Nantucket, MA June August 2014
Operated cash register, store computer, fax machine, and telephone to ensure smooth daily operations
Created window displays for specific holidays and seasons
Self Employed Child Care Provider, Nantucket, MA June August 2013
Supervise young children’s safety, activities, and nutrition
Design creative games for the children to learn while having fun
Computer: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Language: Proficient in Written and Spoken Spanish, Elementary Swedish
Activities: Wesleyan University Class Council, Class of 2015 and Varsity Women's Soccer (2014)
Your Address, City, State Zip
(000) 000-0000 | yourname@wesleyan.edu
Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT May 2017
Bachelor of Arts, Major: Government
New Hyde Park Memorial High School, New Hyde Park, NY June 2013
Advanced Regents Diploma with Honors
Columbia University Internship in Building Community, New York, NY June – August 2015
Community Outreach Intern and Resident Advisor
Organized and led community service projects for children in local hospitals
Facilitated TED-Style Talks and ethics discussions on topics such as Income Inequality, Political Party Lines
Oversaw the well-being of ten students from around the globe; completed two weeks of sensitivity training
Anti-Defamation League, New York, NY July – August 2013, 2014
Intern, National Leadership Department
Facilitated diversity training exercises for middle school students in the area
Authored a letter cosigned by all program interns urging New York senators to oppose SB-1070
Represented the organization on an Anderson Cooper special on cyber-bullying
Performed clerical work in the office of National Director Abraham Foxman
Shining Hope for Communities (SHOFCO), Middletown, CT January 2014 – May 2014
Organized Valentine’s Day Fundraiser to support SHOFCO’s goal of providing tuition free education to impoverished girls
in Africa’s largest slum
Raised $2K in funds by selling bags, bracelets and kangas from Kibera, Kenya in Wesleyan’s Campus Center
National High School Model United Nations Conference, New York, NY September 2013 – Present
United Nations Environment Programme, Assistant Director
Served on committee to direct a conference on behalf of the education NGO International Model United Nations
Association (IMUNA)
Published a 43-page research-based report: Background Guide on Latin American Prison Conditions and Organized
Criminal Networks in West Africa
Wrote a solution proposal and an update paper in regards to providing environmental sustainability in urban cities;
assessed the role of the environment in conflict
Co-ran a blog that kept delegates up to date on environmental issues pertaining to the debate topics
Future Business Leaders of America, New Hyde Park, NY September 2010 June 2013
Chapter President
Prepared chapter’s “Dress to Impress Breakfast” which procured cans to be donated to the Long Island Harvest
Competed in the State Leadership Conference in Rochester, New York
Wesleyan Student Assembly (WSA) Member At-Large Communicate student concerns to WSA Executive Board
Invisible Men Member Support programs to encourage open communication with men of color on campus
Shakti Member Promote cultural awareness amongst South Asians and the greater Wesleyan community
Bollywood Dance Group Member Participate in dance performances at campus-wide events
Languages: Proficient in Spanish
Interests: Theater, Singing, Soccer
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000-000-0000 | yourname@wesleyan.edu | www.linkedin.com/pub/your-name
Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT May 2017
Bachelor of Arts Major: Graphic Design Dean’s List: Fall 2015 GPA 3.90/4.00
Recipient: Creative Design Scholarship – for completion of 300 studio hours during junior year
King’s College London at University of London, London, England Spring 2016
Study Abroad Experience, took classes in English, Theatre
Digital Photography, Editing and Color Correction Adobe Photoshop for the Gaming
Industry Advanced Illustration and Design Flash Design and Animation
The Creative Corner, Zebulon, NC June August 2016
Graphic Design Intern
Created website for a small software company focusing on social media with a web 2.0 look and feel
Developed and presented alternative artwork elements for a logo for a large pharmaceutical company
Edited monthly internal newsleer; assisted in proofing process for five websites, and worked directly with
developers to ensure that there were no wording or graphic issues in various browsers
Received Best InternAward for the season out of six interns
Raleigh Area Youth Soccer League, Raleigh, NC July August 2015
Website Designer
Re-designed league website to reflect new organizational vision; increased site traffic by 30% in 6 months
Administered survey to collect feedback about new design options and styles
Staples, Raleigh, NC March 2013 Present
Utilize graphic and design skills at copy center to assist customers with projects
Assist clients in paper selection and printing to achieve optimal outcome
Raleigh Art Society, Raleigh, NC September 2013 – June 2015
Commiee Chairperson
Identified new events to aract additional members, planned the annual North Carolina Artists Exhibition
Habitat for Humanity, Raleigh, NC Summer 2014, 2015
Helped build new homes in Wake County neighborhoods
Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and Creative Suite, Flash, Acrobat, Dreamweaver
Highly Proficient Spanish, Conversational French
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Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT May 2017
Bachelor of Arts, Major: Biology, GPA: 3.63/4.00
School of the Holy Child, Rye, NY June 2013
Diploma, National Honors Society, GPA: 3.70/4.00
Work Experience
Seniors of Wesleyan Annual Gift, Class Director, Wesleyan University September 2014 – Present
Raise a substantial and meaningful gift from the graduating senior class to support the Wesleyan Fund. Recruit, select, and lead
volunteer Class Committee members. Create and hold events for the senior class in aims of not only raising money but also
educating the students on the importance of the annual gift.
Usdan University Center, Information Desk Staff Coordinator, Wesleyan University September 2014 – Present
Collaborate with the Facilities Event Manager and Operations Graduate Intern. Lead and support a group of twelve student
employees. Create and manage sta’s work schedule. Create and maintain a supportive work environment.
Oce of Residential Life, Resident Advisor, Wesleyan University August 2014 – Present
Provide support to and act as a resource for all residents. Hold bi-weekly hall meetings. Enforce and maintain community
standards. Handle conicts and provide appropriate aid. Create and facilitate events designed to develop community. Establish a
fun and safe environment for residents.
Usdan University Center, Information Desk Staff, Wesleyan University September 2013 – Present
Provide excellent customer service to and attend to the needs of all visitors, students, and university sta. Utilize knowledge of
events, policies, and procedures in Usdan and Fayerweather to ensure smooth operation. Answer questions in person and via
phone, make room reservations, assist student manager, assure that events within the buildings occur as planned, assist in time of
emergencies, and maintain a safe work environment.
Rye Physical Therapy, Therapist Aid & Receptionist, Rye, NY October 2011 – Present
Support physical therapist by assisting patients with their exercises. Maintain a clean and safe work environment. Answer and make
phone calls, schedule appointments, handle payments, le, and provide excellent customer service.
Volunteer Experience
Cross Cultural Solutions, Volunteer, New Rochelle, NY August 2013
Volunteered in Cartago, Costa Rica for three weeks. Assisted and led English, Math, Spanish, Science, and Physical education
classes at two elementary schools. Worked with kindergarten through sixth grade with the number of students per class ranging
from 7-40.
Middlesex Hospital, Hospice Volunteer, Middletown, CT February 2012 – Present
Ensure visitors receive excellent service and support to create a positive customer experience. Help feed and bathe patients. Read to,
speak with, and sit with patients. Bake and/or cook for residents, visitors, and sta. Provide nurses with support. Make sure all
patient rooms are stocked and well kept. Maintain kitchen and family/reading area clean.
Port Chester Middle School, Summer Enrichment Counselor/Office Assistant, Port Chester, NY June 2011 – Present
Tutor and mentor students ages 10-14. Assist the math, science, history, and English teachers. Facilitate afternoon activities such as
physical education and art. Act as a resource to the students. Enforce and maintain school policies and regulations. Worked 1:1 with
the director of the program. Take attendance, book and conrm Friday trips, handle nances and payment conrmations, le, and
create documents such as permission slips and notices.
Skills & Interests
Computer: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Publisher; experience with Macintosh and Windows
Languages: Fluent in Spanish, Intermediate French
Interests: Running; Jazz Guitar; Figure Drawing
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Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT May 2017
Bachelor of Arts Double Major: Economics and Mathematics
GPA: 3.98/4.00 Freeman Asian Scholar: Full-tuition scholarship granted to one student from each of 11 Asian
countries based on academic and leadership achievement
Relevant coursework: Microfinance/Understanding Global Markets
Saint Andrews Junior College, Singapore June 2012
Humanity Scholarship Program
Economics Department- Research Assistant Wesleyan University May 2014 – Present
Analyze automobile accident data using Stata to evaluate the impact of crash testing on vehicle safety
Dean’s office – Economics Tutor Wesleyan University January 2014 – Present
Provide one-on-one assistance to students on Economics coursework
Southeast Asian Student Association - Co-chair Wesleyan University October 2014 – Present
Organize cultural shows, festivals and forums to introduce the cultures of Southeast Asian nations to wider
student community and to create a platform for Wesleyan students to resolve cultural barriers
Model United Nations – Financial Head Wesleyan University September 2014 – Present
Attend conferences on international topics such as world trade and International disputes
Apply for funding and organizing fundraising events
Freeman Asian Scholarship Association - Financial Head Wesleyan University September 2014 – May 2015
Oversaw financial aspect of the organization, including applying for funding, allocating resources reaching out to
potential donors and organizing fundraising events
Raised USD 1,500 for Freeman Asian Scholarship funds
Economics Department – Course Assistant Wesleyan University September – December 2014
Provided professor with feedback on students’ progress to improve the learning experience
Conducted student information sessions and graded assignments
QuantitativeAnalysis Center- Tutor Wesleyan University September – December 2014
Assist students who need help with statistical analysis using EViews, R, SAS, SPSS and Stata
Quantitative Analysis Center Apprenticeship Program- Participant Wesleyan University May – August 2014
Attended classes and workshops in statistical analysis and statistical software
Worked full-time on research project with the Economics Department for ten weeks and presented data to
other students and faculty
Computer: Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Stata, R, SAS, Python, SPSS, EViews
Languages: Vietnamese - fluent
Interests: Soccer, macroeconomics, politics, public policy and monetary policy
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Wesleyan University Middletown, CT
Bachelor of Arts, Major: Economics; Minor: Data Analysis May 2023
Cumulative GPA: 3.68/4.00; Major GPA: 3.75/4.00
Relevant Coursework: Multivariable Calculus, Vectors and Matrices, Elementary Statistics
Global Investors, Inc. New York, NY
Private Equity Summer Analyst Summer 2021
Researched investment opportunities in Southeast Asian manufacturing markets
Identified eight private companies ready for investment capital and expansion
Wrote and presented analytical reports to senior management
Recommended three companies; all three recommendations accepted by CEO
Institutional Investment Bank, Ltd. New York, NY
Summer Analyst Diversity Program (remote) Summer 2020
Attended multiple training classes on finance, banking, and professional ethics
Participated in group activities involving spreadsheet design and PowerPoint presentations
Learned and utilized MS Excel to track incoming data on prospective European clients
Gap Kids, Inc. Bronx, NY
Assistant Floor Manager Summer 2019
Supervised four Sales Representatives, overseeing shelf stocking and customer service
Trained and mentored new staff; ensured a collaborative and respectful work environment
Attended regional sales training sessions; accompanied Store Manager to monthly meetings
Exceeded sales quotas over June, July and August, 10%, 13% and 16% respectively
Road to Finance: run meetings; plan and coordinate weekly discussion topics; manage website
Wesleyan Investment Group: research and present growth stocks; particular focus on tech
Wesleyan Club Soccer: captain; arrange inter-college competition; plan social dinners
Technical: MS Office Suite, SAS, Stata, MATLAB, Python, R, SQL; proficient in all social media
Language: proficient Spanish
Interests: global equities markets, crypto, soccer, international relations
Updated: 2/11/22