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International Banking Center Regulatory Act
Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended
(Contains amendments incorporated by:
Act No. 121 of August 11, 1996
Act No. 13 of January 8, 2004
Act No. 7 of March 9, 2009
Act No. 37 of July 10, 2009
Act No. 110 of September 23, 2013
Act No. 105 of July 2, 2015
Act No. 187 of November 17, 2015
Act No. 81 of July 22, 2016
Act No. 208 of December 28, 2016)
[Amendments non-incorporated:
Act No. 45 of February 16, 2024 (amended Sects. 2-23)]
To regulate the organization, incorporation, operation and regulation of International
Banking Entities in Puerto Rico by the Office of the Commissioner of Financial
Institutions; provide tax benefits; repeal Act No. 16 of July 2, 1980, as amended;
and establish penalties.
Act No. 16 of July 2, 1980, as amended, known as “International Banking Center
Regulatory Act” was originally conceived as an adequate instrument to convert Puerto Rico into
an important international banking center. Neither said Act nor the amendments made thereto in
1985, have achieved the expected results.
Considering that current conditions are favorable for Puerto Rico to really become the
international banking center, which was always desired, it is necessary and convenient, that the
legislation which regulates that economic activity be made even more attractive. To that end, the
aforementioned Act No. 16 is repealed and the approval of a new Act that will allow international
banking entities to undertake the business activities authorized by this Act in a more competitive
and efficient manner, is hereby proposed.
The new Act significantly increases the number of persons and entities that may participate
and the scope of the business activities that may be undertaken. It also increases the economic
incentives to make it more attractive and consolidates in one legislative bill all the rights and
obligations which affect the international banking entities, including, specifically, all tax
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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Explicitly individuals and entities from the United States are permitted to participate in the
business activities of the international banking entities; new financial activities are permitted to
such entities; their organization is made more flexible and the distribution of dividends and profits
to foreign persons and entities is exempted from taxation.
This Act is intended to expand the potential market for Puerto Rico’s international banking
center and will significantly enhance the knowledge and promotion of Puerto Rico through the
worlds financial community.
The principal benefits of an international banking center in Puerto Rico are the expansion
of the service sector, the direct and indirect creation of jobs and the increase of the island’s
economic activity.
Puerto Rico offers many favorable conditions for carrying out international banking
transactions, such as its political stability, the soundness of its banking system, the close economic
ties with the United States, the high degree of professionalism, bilingualism and technical capacity
of its human resources, a unified monetary market and system, its privileged geographical location,
and a well-developed communications network.
In order to comply with the purposes stated herein, this Act provides for the establishment
of international banking entities under the supervision and regulation of the Commissioner of
Financial Institutions.
Be it enacted by the Legislature of Puerto Rico:
Section 1. Short Title. (7 L.P.R.A § 232 note)
This Act shall be known as the “International Banking Center Regulatory Act”.
Section 2. Definitions. (7 L.P.R.A § 232) [Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended this Section but the official
translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
For purposes of this Act, the following terms are defined as set forth below:
(a) Bank Secrecy Act. means the Bank Secrecy Act, as amended, 31 U.S.C. §§ 5311 et
seq. and 12 U.S.C. Sections l8l8(s), l829(b), and 1951-1959, or any law succeeding or amending it.
(b) Commissioner. means the Commissioner of Financial Institutions of Puerto Rico.
(c) International Banking Entity. means any person, other than an individual,
incorporated or organized under the laws of Puerto Rico, the United States, or a foreign country,
or a unit of such person, to Which a license has been issued pursuant to Section 7 of this Act.
(d) United States. means the United States of America, any state of the United States, the
District of Columbia, and every possession, territory, political subdivision, and agency thereof,
excluding Puerto Rico.
(e) Insolvency. refers to the financial condition in which an international banking entity
may find itself or the person of which an international banking entity is a unit, when it is unable to
pay its debts when they become due or when its paid-in capital has been reduced to less than one-
third (1/3).
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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(t) OFAC. means the Office of Foreign Asset Control of the United States Department of
the Treasury
(g) Person. means an individual, corporation, partnership, association, unit, trust or estate,
syndicate or enterprise of any kind, government or political subdivision or agency thereof.
(h) Domestic Person. means any natural person who is a resident of Puerto Rico or a person
incorporated or organized under the laws of Puerto Rico, or a person whose principal place of
business is located in Puerto Rico, and the Government or any political subdivision or agency of
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(i) Foreign Person. means any person other than a domestic person.
(j) Puerto Rico. means the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and every political subdivision
and agency thereof.
(k) Resident of Puerto Rico. any person established in Puerto Rico with a defined purpose
or interest, the nature of which requires a lengthy stay on the Island, shall be deemed to be a
resident of Puerto Rico for purposes of this Act. Such person must make Puerto Rico his/her home
temporarily, even when his/her intention is to return to his/her domicile outside of Puerto Rico
after the purpose or interest that originally brought him/her to Puerto Rico has been terminated or
abandoned. Such person shall be deemed to be a resident of Puerto Rico as of the day he/she
establishes his/her residence in Puerto Rico, even though temporarily.
An essential requirement for any person to be deemed a resident of Puerto Rico pursuant
to the previous paragraph is to be subject to the Puerto Rico income tax law as if he/she were a
resident of Puerto Rico.
(l) Unit. includes any subdivision or branch of any person other than an individual, whose
business and operations are segregated from the other business and operations of such person, as
required by this Act.
(m) USA Patriot Act. means the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing
Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act,as amended, 115 Stat. 272
Section 3. Authority and Duties of the Commissioner (7 L.P.R.A § 232a) [Note: Act No. 45-
2024 amended Subsection 3(a) but the official translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
(a) The Commissioner shall:
(1) Adopt, and may thereafter, from time to time, repeal, amend, or supplement rules and
regulations in order to comply with the provisions of this Act;
(2) Collect fees for examinations and audits, receive monies and make disbursements
according to its budget or as otherwise provided by law or regulations; Provided, That for
Fiscal Year 2015-2016, of the funds collected on this account or any other in accordance
with this Act, the sum of two million, seven hundred thousand dollars ($2,700,000) in
account number 0750000238-779-1998, or in any other created for the same purposes in
the Department of the Treasury’s accounting system shall be transferred to the 2015-2016
Legal Liability Fund”. Provided, further, That for Fiscal Year 2016-2017, the sum of one
million dollars ($1,000,000) shall be transferred from account 0750000-238-779-1998 or
any other account created for the same purposes in the Department of the Treasury’s
accounting system to the “Elections Support Fund”.
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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(3) open and maintain such bank accounts as may be necessary and appropriate for his
(4) review and carry out investigations with regard to all applications for licenses to operate
international banking entities;
(5) approve, grant conditional approval, or deny applications for permits and licenses to
operate international banking entities; Provided, that any person whose applications has
been denied or conditionally approved may request a hearing pursuant to the regulations
provided in Section 21 of this Act [Note: Current Section 23 renumbered by Act 110-2013, Art. 9].
(6) supervise, inspect, and audit international banking entities and require from them
periodic reports and other information specified in the regulations of the Commissioner;
(7) require periodic auditing of the accounts of each international banking entity at least
once a year, which shall include an audit of the nancial condition of each international
banking entity, its compliance with the terms of this Act and the regulations of the
Commissioner, and such other matters as the Commissioner may deem appropriate;
(8) ascertain the financial security and operating soundness of international banking entities
and ensure that they comply with applicable laws and regulations and with any other
provision or requirement which the Commissioner may require by order or regulation;
(9) revoke or suspend a license to operate an international banking entity or impose any
sanctions he may deem necessary and convenient pursuant to regulations; Provided, That
any person whose license has been revoked or suspended, or to whom any other sanction
has been imposed, shall have the right to request a hearing pursuant to the regulations
provided in Section 21 of this Act [Note: Current Section 23 renumbered by Act 110-2013, Art. 9];
(10) suspend, dismiss, or otherwise sanction any director, official, employee, agent, or
individual acting in a similar capacity for an international banking entity, who violates, or
voluntarily or negligently allows another person to violate this Act, its regulations, order,
or any provision of the certificate of incorporation, partnership agreement or any written
document establishing the international banking entity; Provided, That any individual who
is suspended, dismissed, of sanctioned may request a hearing pursuant to the regulations
provided for in Section 21 of this Act [Note: Current Section 23 renumbered by Act 110-2013, Art. 9];
(11) conduct studies and investigations, on petition of any interested party or on his/her
own motion, of authorized matters or on apparent violations of this Act or the regulations
of the Commissioner, and in doing so, he/she may require the necessary, pertinent, and
critical information to achieve such purposes, as well as any other investigations as are
necessary for the proper administration of the act or the regulations of the Commissioner.
For purposes of this subsection, the applicant or licensee shall be responsible for defraying
the costs of any special investigation ordered by the Commissioner. Any examination or
investigation shall be kept confidential except as provided in Section 21 of this Act [Note:
Current Section 23 renumbered by Act 110-2013, Art. 9], and
(12) take actions and grant remedies as are necessary to enforce the provisions of this Act
or the regulations thereunder.
(b) In the evaluation, analysis, consideration, award, renegotiation, and revision of any incentives
or benefits granted under this Act, the Commissioner of Financial Institutions shall be required to
oversee and ensure compliance with all the provisions of this Act. The Commissioner shall be the
official responsible for verifying and ensuring that international banking entities meet the
eligibility requirements established in this Act.
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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The Commissioner shall be required and responsible for preparing a Certificate of
Compliance every two years, once the international banking entities validate, in the judgment of
said official, that they meet the requirements of this Act. Every two years, the Commissioner shall
verify the information submitted by international banking entities so that the Certificate of
Compliance is issued not later than on the fifteenth (15th) day of the second (2nd) month after -the
close of the taxable year of the applicant.
The Certificate of Compliance shall include, in turn, the following information regarding
international banking entities: the name of the entity; the cadastre number of the property or
properties connected to the entity; the merchant registration number; the account connected to the
business as required in the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code; the employer identification
number; and the information required by Act No. 216-2014, better known as the “Fiscal
Information and Permit Control Act”, as applicable. .
The Certificate of Compliance shall be issued by the Commissioner through the
Interagency Validation Portal for the Granting of Incentives for the Economic Development of
Puerto Rico, to the agencies, public corporations, and municipalities responsible for awarding
benefits or incentives under this Act. However, during the period in which the Portal is still not
operating, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner to issue a Certificate of Compliance to the
agencies, , public corporations, ‘and municipalities responsible for awarding the benefits or
incentives under this Act following the ordinary procedure. The filing of the Certificate of
Compliance by an international banking entity shall be an essential requirement for the agency,
public corporation, or municipality to grant the benefit or incentive provided for in this Act.
Actions taken by the Secretary of the Department of the Treasury, the Executive Director
of the Municipal Revenues Collection Center (CRIM), or any other government official or body,
or public corporation concerned, in connection with the qualification process for the granting of
the benefits or incentives under this Act shall be limited to the taxation aspects of the granting of
the benefit or incentive in question, upon the issuance of the Certificate of Compliance in effect,
as provided in this section. The Commissioner shall be responsible, first and foremost, for
overseeing eligibility under any and all provisions of this Act. However, the Secretary of the
Department of the Treasury, the Executive Director of the Municipal Revenues Collection Center
(CRIM), or any other‘ government official or body, or public corporation concerned with any of
the benefits or incentives granted under this Act may contact the applicant and the Commissioner
should further information be needed to validate the data on the Certificate of Compliance, and
shall notify and request the applicant to supply such information in order to-rectify the situation.
The Secretary of the Department of the Treasury or the Executive Director of the Municipal
Revenues Collection Center (CRIM) may deny any tax incentives or benefits requested if, in their
judgment, the information requested has not been supplied. Moreover, the provisions of this Act
shall not preclude in any manner the power conferred to the Secretary of the Treasury under
Section 6051.02 of Act No. 1-2011, known as the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011”;
and, if necessary, the power to revoke any incentives previously granted by virtue of a Certificate
of Compliance, in accordance with the corresponding act; or the power to refer the case to the
pertinent agency or public corporation for the corresponding action.
(c) The Commissioner shall be empowered to summon witnesses and request the production of
such documents as he may deem necessary to carry out any investigation which, in his judgment,
shall be required to comply with the provisions of this Act: The information obtained through this
process shall be kept confidential.
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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(d) If a person fails to comply with a summons issued by the Commissioner, the latter may seek
whatever remedy may be legally applicable, from the Court of First Instance of Puerto Rico;
Provided, That the court with jurisdiction may order such person to comply with the summons of
the Commissioner, under admonition of contempt of court. ' ,
(e) Within the term of ninety (90,) days after the closing of each fiscal year of the Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico, the Commissioner shall remit to the Treasury Department, to be covered into the
General Fund of the Government of Puerto Rico, fifteen percent (15%) of the net income obtained
from his functions related to this Act for such fiscal year.
Section 4. Interest Rates and Reserves (7 L.P.R.A § 232b) [Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended this
Section but the official translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
The Commissioner may not establish interest rates to be paid or charged by an international
banking entity, nor require that deposit reserves be kept.
Section 5. Organization (7 L.P.R.A § 232c) [Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended Subsection 5(b) but
the official translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
(a) An international banking entity may be:
(1) Any person, other than an individual, incorporated or organized under the laws of
Puerto Rico, of the United States, or of any other country, or
(2) constituted as a unit of another person, other than an individual, incorporated or
organized under the laws of Puerto Rico, of the United States, or of any other country.
(b) The articles of incorporation, the partnership agreement or any other written document
establishing an international banking entity shall specify: ,
(1) The name by which it is to be known.
(2) The street, number and town where its principal place of business shall be established
in Puerto Rico.
(A) In the case of a corporation, the amount of its authorized capital stock, which
shall not be less than ve million dollars ($5,000,000) and of which at least two
hundred and fty thousand dollars ($250,000) shall be fully paid at the time the
license is issued in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 of this Act [7
L.P.R.A. § 232e]; Provided, That the Commissioner may authorize a lesser
authorized and/or paid-in capital, by request of the interested party, when the type
of business or powers that the international banking entity intends to exercise or
other circumstances thus merit it, in the criterion of the Commissioner; the number
of shares into which it shall be divided and the par value of each share. If the shares
are to be issued in series, the date of issue of each series, as well as the manner and
term in which payment thereof shall be made.
(B) In the case of a person other than an individual or a corporation, the amount of
the proposed capital, which shall not be less than five million dollars ($5,000,000)
and of which at least two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) shall have
been fully paid at the time the license is issued in accordance to the provisions of
Section 7 of this Act [7 L.P.R.A. § 232e]; Provided, That the Commissioner may
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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authorize a lesser proposed and/or paid-in capital, by request of the interested party,
when the type of business or powers that the international banking entity intends to
exercise or other circumstances thus merit it, in the criterion of the Commissioner;
the name and address of its partners and other owners.
(4) The term of its existence, which in the case of a corporation, may be perpetual.
(5) The purposes for which it is organized, including a specific limitation of its operations
to carry out only those services authorized in Section 12 of this Act [7 L.P.R.A. § 232j]
[Note: Current Section 13 renumbered by Act 110-2013, Art. 4].
(6) Any other provisions which may be convenient for the proper operation of the business.
Such provisions shall not be in conflict with other laws of Puerto Rico.
(7) Any other provisions required by the regulations of the Commissioner.
(c) An international banking entity that intends to operate as a unit shall provide a certification
executed by the person of which it is a unit and in the form prescribed by the regulations of the
Commissioner, which shall specify:
(1) The name by which the unit shall be known.
(2) The street, number, and town where its principal place of business in Puerto Rico shall
be established.
(3) The amount of the authorized or proposed paid-in capital of the person of whom the
international banking entity is to be a unit, whose capital shall not be less than five million
dollars ($5,000,000), of which at least two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000)
shall have been fully paid at the time the license is issued; Provided, That the Commissioner
may authorize a lesser authorized, proposed, and/or paid-in capital, by petition of the
interested party, when the type of business or powers that the international banking entity
intends to exercise or other circumstances thus merit it, in the criterion of the
(4) The purposes for which the unit is organized, including a specific limitation of its
operations to carry out only those services authorized in Section 12 of this Act [7 L.P.R.A.
§ 232j] [Note: Current Section 13 renumbered by Act 110-2013, Art. 4]
(5) such other provisions as may be required by the regulations of the Commissioner.
Section 6. Application for Permit. (7 L.P.R.A § 232d)
(a) Any person may apply to the Commissioner for a permit to organize an international banking
entity. The application shall be in writing, in the form specified by the regulations of the
Commissioner and shall be accompanied by:
(1) The proposed articles of incorporation, partnership agreement or other written
document establishing the international banking entity or the certification required by
Section 5 of this Act;
(2) a nonrefundable application fee of five thousand dollars ($5,000), and
(3) such other documents as may be specified or required by the regulations of the
(b) Every application shall include, in the form required by the regulations of the Commissioner:
(1) The identity and business history of the applicants;
(2) the city or town in Puerto Rico and the street and number or any other address where
its principal place of business in Puerto Rico shall be maintained;
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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(3) the identity and business and credit history of any person who, directly or indirectly,
possesses or controls or intends to possess or control ten percent (10%) or more in the
capital of the proposed international banking entity;
(4) a statement of the assets and liabilities of any applicant and of any person who possesses
or controls or intends to possess or control ten percent (10%) or more of the interest in the
capital of the international banking entity, or of the person of which the proposed
international banking entity shall be a unit, for each of the three (3) years preceding the
(5) the identity and background of all proposed directors, and officials or persons who
intend to act in a similar capacity in the international banking entity, and
(6) such additional information as may be required by the regulations of the Commissioner.
(c) Upon receipt of the sworn application, all the required documents and the application fee, the
Commissioner shall carry out all the necessary investigations of the applicants and of the
application, including a review of:
(1) The financial solvency, credit, banking experience and business integrity of the
applicants, their directors and officers, or persons who intend to act in a similar capacity in
the proposed international banking entity;
(2) the adequacy of the capital available for the operations of the proposed international
banking entity;
(3) the adequacy of the articles of incorporation, partnership agreement or other written
document belonging to any applicant and, when appropriate, of the articles of
incorporation, partnership agreement or other written document establishing the proposed
international banking entity, and
(4) the impact that the proposed international banking entity shall have on the economy of
Puerto Rico.
(d) The expenses incurred by the Commissioner for the above indicated investigation shall be
defrayed by the applicants. The Commissioner shall claim said investigation expenses from the
(e) Should the Commissioner determine that the results of his investigation are favorable, he may,
at his sole and exclusive discretion, and after payment of the investigation expenses as established
in subsection (d) of this section, issue to the applicants a permit to organize an international
banking entity, subject to such conditions as the Commissioner may establish.
(f) When the Commissioner issues a permit pursuant to the provisions of this section, the interested
party shall file with the Department of State of Puerto Rico the articles of incorporation,
partnership agreement or other written document establishing the proposed international banking
entity, or those of the person of which the international banking entity shall be a unit, as well as
the certification provided for in Section 5 of this Act in the case of a unit, and the permit issued by
the Commissioner. The Department of State shall issue under its official seal, a certification of the
filing of the stipulated documents.
Section 7. License (7 L.P.R.A § 232e) [Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended Subsection 7(a) but the official
translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
(a) At his discretion, the Commissioner may issue to the applicants a license to operate an
international banking entity upon receipt of:
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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(1) the certification by the Department of State referred to in Section 6 of this Act;
(2) the payment of five thousand dollars ($5,000) as an annual fee for the license to operate
an international banking entity. This license fee shall be paid annually within fifteen (15)
days following each anniversary date of the issuance of the original license;
(3) a certified copy of the articles of incorporation, partnership agreement or other written
document establishing the international banking entity or the certification of the person of
which the international banking entity shall be a unit;
(4) a copy of the bylaws or internal governing agreements adopted by the Board of
Directors or similar governing body of the international banking entity, which shall be
certified by its Secretary or an individual acting in a similar capacity, before a notary public;
(5) evidence, in the form required by the regulations of the Commissioner, that the capital
of the international banking entity has been subscribed to, issued and paid-in, to the extent
and under such conditions as the Commissioner may establish at his sole discretion;
(6) a statement, in the form required by the regulations of the Commissioner and
authenticated before a notary public, by the Secretary of the Board of Directors or the
person acting in a similar capacity for the international banking entity, or for the person of
which the international banking entity shall be a unit, to the effect that the international
banking entity has complied with the provisions of this Act and of the regulations of the
Commissioner and that it is ready to commence operations; Provided, that a license shall
not be issued if the Commissioner believes, or has reason to believe, that the applicants
have violated the provisions of this Act or of the regulations of the Commissioner;
Provided, further, that any person to whom a license has been denied, may request a hearing
pursuant to the regulations provided in Section 21 of this Act [Note: Current Section 23 renumbered
by Act 110-2013, Art. 9].
(b) No international banking entity shall commence operations unless it has been previously issued
a license in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
Section 8. License Renewal. (7 L.P.R.A § 232e-1) [Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended Subsection
8(b)and 8(c) but the official translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
(a) Every license shall remain in effect until its expiration, which shall be on the anniversary date
of the original license.
(b) Every license renewal application shall be submitted within thirty (30) days before the
expiration date of each license. It shall contain:
(l) A description of any material change in the information provided to OCIF in the initial
license application;
(2) Evidence that the licensee maintains the capital required by the Commissioner as
provided in Section 5 of this Act, computed in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles;
(3) A statement, as provided in the Regulations of the Commissioner, undersigned by the
chief executive officer or any other executive officer expressly authorized by the Board of
Directors of the concerned institution, certifying:
a) That the international banking entity has implemented the necessary and
appropriate procedures and systems to comply with the provisions of the Bank
Secrecy Act’;
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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b) A statement acknowledging the entity’s management responsibility to establish
in such entity, and to maintain and comply with the Bank Secrecy Act Compliance
c) That the necessary policies and procedures have been adopted in the entity to
comply with the provisions of OFAC, as applicable; and
d) Any other related information that the Commissioner may require by regulations.
(c) Annual license fees totaling five thousand dollars ($5,000) for each office, by cashier’s check,
certified check, postal or bank money order, payable to the Secretary of the Treasury. The
Commissioner may extend the license renewal period.
(d) If the licensee fails to file the license renewal application and/or fails to pay the applicable fees
within the established term or during any additional term that the Commissioner authorizes, if any,
it shall be understood that the licensee intends to surrender the license to operate an international
banking entity, and shall follow the process established therefor by Regulations, and may not
continue operating such business.
Section 9. Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation (7 L.P.R.A § 232f) [Note: Act No.
45-2024 amended this Section but the official translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
(a) No amendment whatsoever shall be adopted to the articles of incorporation, partnership
agreement or other written document establishing an international banking entity or to any
certification executed in accordance with Section 5 of this Act, unless such amendment has been
previously approved, in writing, by the Commissioner.
(b) After the due adoption of any amendment to the articles of incorporation, partnership
agreement or other written document establishing an international banking entity or to any
certification executed in accordance with Section 5 of this Act, the same shall be led with the
Department of State.
Section 10. Unencumbered Assets, Capital, Shares of Capital Stock (7 L.P.R.A § 232g)
[Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended Subsection 10(a) but the official translation is not available. Please consult the
Spanish version]
(a) Every international banking entity shall possess not less than three hundred thousand dollars
($300,000) of unencumbered assets or acceptable nancial securities, or that lesser sum that, by
request of the interested party, the Commissioner authorizes, when the type of business or powers
that the international banking entity intends to exercise or other circumstances thus merit it, in the
[judgment] of the Commissioner: The unencumbered assets shall be physically located in Puerto
Rico and subject to the requirements regarding the same provided by the regulations of the
(b) The capital of, or assigned to an international banking entity shall not be reduced without the
prior written approval of the Commissioner.
(c) Without the prior written approval of the Commissioner, no international banking entity may
(1) additional shares of capital stock or other securities convertible into additional shares
of capital stock, in the case of a corporation; or
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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(2) additional capital or other securities convertible into additional capital, in the case of a
person other than a corporation;
(3) notwithstanding the above, in the case of a corporation, it may issue additional shares
of capital stock or other securities convertible into shares of capital stock, and in the case
of a person other than a corporation, issue additional capital or other securities convertible
into additional capital, without the prior written approval of the Commissioner, provided
such additional shares or capital are issued directly to the shareholders of the international
banking entity previously identified pursuant to Section 6(b)(3) of this Act. In such event,
the international banking entity shall notify the Commissioner of all the particulars of such
issuance within the ten (10) business days following said date of the issue.
Section 11. Transfer of Capital or Control of an International Banking Entity (7
L.P.R.A § 232h) [Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended this Section and added Subsection 11(d) but the official
translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
(a) Except as provided in the regulations adopted by the Commissioner, no sale, encumbrance,
assignment, merger, barter, exchange or other transfer of shares, interest or participations in the
capital of an international banking entity may be initiated without the previous written
authorization of the Commissioner, if by way of such- transaction, a person could acquire, directly
or indirectly, control of ten per-cent (10%) or more of any class of stock, interest or participations
in the capital of an international banking entity.
(b) Every sale, encumbrance, assignment, merger, barter, ex- change or other transfer of shares of
capital stock, interest or participation in the capital of an international banking entity, as set forth
in subsection (a) of this section, shall be null “ab initio" if the written authorization of the
Commissioner has not been obtained.
(c) The international banking entity shall notify the Commissioner, thirty (30) days in advance, the
transfers referred to in subsection (a) of this section, the identity of the transferor and of the
transferee and the nature of the transaction. The Commissioner may require such additional
information as he deems necessary to determine if the transfer would be detrimental to the security
or financial solvency of the international banking entity or if it would violate any law, rule or
regulation governing the international banking entity, in which case the Commissioner may deny
the authorization for such transaction; Provided, that any person to whom such authorization is
denied shall have the right to request a hearing pursuant to the regulations provided in Section 21
of this Act [Note: Current Section 23 renumbered by Act 110-2013, Art. 9].
Section 12. No Transfer of License (7 L.P.R.A § 232i) [Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended this
Section but the official translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
No license issued in accordance with this Act may be sold, assigned, transferred, pledged,
used as security, or otherwise encumbered.
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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Section 13. Permitted transactions; Prohibited Transactions (7 L.P.R.A § 232j) [Note:
Act No. 45-2024 amended this Section but the official translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
(a) Upon receipt of a license to operate an international banking entity in accordance with Section
7 of this Act, an international banking entity may:
(1) Accept deposits from foreign persons in checking accounts as well as demand or fixed
term deposits and interbank deposit of funds, or otherwise borrow money from
international banking entities and from any foreign person pursuant to the regulations
adopted by the Commissioner.
(2) Accept properly collateralized deposits or otherwise borrow duly secured money from
the Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico and the Economic Development Bank
for Puerto Rico.
(3) Make or place deposits in, and otherwise give money as a loan to, the Government
Development Bank for Puerto Rico, in the Economic Development Bank for Puerto Rico,
in any international banking entity, or in any bank, including banks organized under the
laws of Puerto Rico, and branches in Puerto Rico of banks that are foreign persons.
(4) Make, procure, place, guarantee, or service loans; Provided, that none of such loans
may be granted to a domestic person, except as provided in subsection (3)(a) of this section
and in the cases of financial securities for debt issue transactions in Puerto Rico.
(A) Issue, confirm, give notice, negotiate or refinance letters of credit; Provided,
That the client and the beneficiary requesting the letter of credit is not a domestic
person, or;
(B) issue, confirm, give notice, negotiate, or refinance letters of credit in
transactions for the financing of exports, even if the beneficiary is a domestic
(6) Discount, rediscount, deal or otherwise trade in money orders, bills of exchange and
similar instruments, provided that the drawer and the original debtor, is not a domestic
(7) Invest in securities, stocks, notes and bonds of the Caribbean Basin Projects Financing
Authority, in securities of the Government of Puerto Rico, its public agencies and
instrumentalities, its municipalities, and its political subdivisions, or in other local
securities, if there should exist any, exempted from the payment of taxes in Puerto Rico.
(8) Carry out any banking transactions permitted by this Act in the currency of any country,
or in gold or silver, and participate in foreign currency trade.
(9) Underwrite, distribute, and otherwise trade in securities, notes, debt instruments, drafts
and bills of exchange issued by a foreign person for final purchase outside of Puerto Rico.
(10) Engage in insurance brokerage for risks or objects that reside, are located or that will
be executed outside of Puerto Rico, subject to the regulations established by the
Commissioner of Insurance of Puerto Rico.
(11) Underwrite insurance for risks or objects that reside, are located or that will be
executed outside of Puerto Rico, subject to the regulations established by the Commissioner
of Insurance of Puerto Rico.
(12) Engage in trade financing of import, export, barter and exchange of raw materials and
finished products activities with domestic persons, when the Commissioner has determined
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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through regulations or order, that the international aspects of the underlying transaction
override any involvement of the local nancial and business community, and that such
activities would be appropriate for the international banking entity; Provided, that these
transactions allowed by exception shall not enjoy the exemption granted by subsection (25)
of Section 9 of Act No. 113 of July 10, 1974, as amended [21 L.P.R.A. § 651h].
(13) Engage in any activity of a financial nature outside of Puerto Rico which would be
allowed to be done, directly or indirectly, by a bank holding company or by a foreign office
or subsidiary of a United States bank under applicable United States law.
(14) After obtaining a special permit from the Commissioner, act as duciary, executor,
administrator; registrar of stocks and bonds, property custodian, assignee, trustee, attorney-
in-fact, agent or in any other fiduciary capacity; provided, that such fiduciary services shall
not be offered to, nor inure to the benefit of domestic persons.
(15) Acquire and lease‘ personal property at the request of a lessee who is a foreign person,
pursuant to a financial lease agreement which complies with the regulations of the
(16) Buy and sell securities outside Puerto Rico, on the order of, or at its discretion, for
foreign persons and provide investment advice in relation to such transactions or separate
therefrom, to such persons.
(17) Act as a clearinghouse in relation to financial contracts or instruments of foreign
persons, as authorized by regulations adopted by the Commissioner.
(18) Organize, manage and provide management services to international financial entities
such as investment companies and mutual funds, provided that the stock or participation in
the capital of such companies is not distributed directly by the international banking entity
to domestic persons.
(19) Engage in such other activities as are expressly authorized by the regulations or order
of the Commissioner, or are incidental to the execution of the services authorized by this
Act and the regulations of the Commissioner.
(20) Participate in the granting and securing of loans that originate and/or are secured by
the Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico and the Economic Development Bank
for Puerto Rico.
(A) Finance, through loans or financial securities, projects in those areas of priority
for the Government of Puerto Rico in those cases designated as extraordinary by
the Secretary of the Treasury and the Commissioner.
(B) The Commissioner shall adopt the pertinent regulations to implement this
provision. However, said regulations shall require, in all cases, the prior
authorization of such loans by the Secretary of the Treasury and the Commissioner.
(A) Establish, with the Commissioner’s authorization, branches outside of Puerto
Rico, in the United States mainland and its possessions, or in other foreign
countries. The Commissioner of Financial Institutions is hereby empowered to
provide, through regulations, the procedure to obtain said authorization, and the
amount payable for application investigation expenses and annual quota fees for
each one of said branches.
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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(B) The Commissioner is hereby empowered to authorize an international banking
entity to establish a service unit or office in Puerto Rico, in which only specific
operations related to the services of the international banking entity shall be
conducted, in the manner and form provided through regulations, but by no means
shall said service unit or office constitute a branch.
(23) With the prior authorization of the Commissioner, provide to other international
banking entities or to foreign persons or entities outside of Puerto Rico, those services of
financial nature, as these are defined and generally accepted in the banking industry of the
United States and Puerto Rico and which are not listed in this section.
(b) The international banking entity shall not:
(1) Accept deposits nor borrow money from domestic persons, except from the
Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico, the Economic Development Bank for
Puerto Rico and the international banking entities.
(2) Make, procure, place, secure, or service loans, unless all loan proceeds are to be used
outside of Puerto Rico, with the exception of the cases permitted in clauses (20) and (21)
of subsection (a) of this section.
(3) Issue, confirm, or give notice of letters of credit, unless all proceeds of the letter of
credit are to be used outside of Puerto Rico, and that both the issuer and the beneficiary are
foreign persons, with the exception of export financing transactions in which the
beneficiary is a domestic person.
(4) Discount bills of exchange, unless all the proceeds of the bills of exchange would be
used outside of Puerto Rico and that both, the drawer and the beneficiary, are foreign
(5) Purchase or hold any of its own capital stock, or the capital stock of or the interest in
the capital of the person of which it is a unit, except when previously authorized by the
(6) Grant any kind of financing or credit to any of its directors, officers, employees or
stockholders, except when previously authorized in writing by the Commissioner.
(7) Directly or indirectly place, underwrite, insure or reinsure risks or objects that reside,
are located or will be executed in Puerto Rico, or participate in reciprocity or retrocession
arrangements or agreements covering or relating to such risks or objects, or assign
insurance to, or assume reinsurance from any insurer authorized to do or who is doing
insurance business in Puerto Rico.
(c) An international banking entity which is a unit of another person shall segregate and keep
separated all transactions made or conducted by such unit, from every other transaction made or
conducted by the person of which the international banking entity is a unit.
Section l4. Responsibilities of the Holders of a License to Operate an International
Banking Entity (7 L.P.R.A § 232j-1) [Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended this Section but the official
translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
Every holder of an International Banking Entity license shall:
(a) Adopt written business policies and procedures to ensure that the international banking entity
complies with the applicable state and federal laws, including this Act, the Bank Secrecy Act, and
the USA Patriot Act;
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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(b) Faithfully comply with the applicable state and federal laws and the regulations applicable to
the international banking entity, including this Act, the Bank Secrecy Act, and the USA Patriot
(c) File currency transaction or suspicious activity reports required by the Bank Secrecy Act and
the USA Patriot Act, when necessary;
(d) Follow the practice rules and procedures that are necessary in the business to meet the
requirements of OFAC, as applicable.
Section 15. Personnel. (7 L.P.R.A § 232k) [Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended this Section but the official
translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
(a) The international banking entity shall employ on a full-time basis a minimum of four (4)
persons at its business office or offices in Puerto Rico. Provided, That the Commissioner may
authorize a lesser number of employees upon request of the interested party, for which
authorization the Commissioner shall evaluate factors such as the powers conferred by the license
granted under this chapter, the nature and complexity of its operations in Puerto Rico, and those
other criteria established in the regulations of the Commissioner.
(b) The full-time employees of a person of which an international banking entity is a unit which
render some services to such entity, shall be deemed to be full-time employees of such entity for
purposes of the employment requirements set forth in subsection (a) of this section.
Section 16. Accounts and registers (7 L.P.R.A § 232l) [Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended
Subsection 16(a) but the official translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
(a) The original of the account books and registers of the international banking entity shall be kept
in its main business office in Puerto Rico and shall reflect such details and be kept in such a manner
as may be required by the regulations of the Commissioner.
(b) Such account books and registers have to be segregated and kept separately from the account
books and registers of any other person.
(c) The originals of the account books and registers of an international banking entity shall be
deemed as belonging to such international banking entity regardless of Whether such entity is a
person or constitutes a unit of another person, and a duplicate thereof may be kept and maintained
in its country of origin.
Section 17. Reports (7 L.P.R.A § 232m) [Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended this Section but the official
translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
Every international banking entity shall submit to the Commissioner all such reports as
may be required by the regulations of the Commissioner, including an annual financial statement
prepared by certified public accountants, licensed to practice in Puerto Rico, as well as interim
financial statements.
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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Section 18. Revocation, Suspension or Surrender (7 L.P.R.A § 232n) [Note: Act No. 45-2024
amended this Section but the official translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
(a) The license issued under Section 7 of this Act shall be subject to revocation or suspension by
the Commissioner, upon previous notice and hearing pursuant to the regulations provided in
Section 21 of this Act [7 L.P.R.A. § 232s] [Note: Current Section 23 renumbered by Act 110-2013, Art. 9] if:
(1) An international banking entity or the person of which said international banking entity
is a unit, contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this Act, any
regulations of the Commissioner, or any of the terms and conditions of the license to
operate an international banking entity.
(2) An international banking entity fails to pay the annual license fee of ve thousand
dollars ($5,000).
(3) The Commissioner finds that the business or affairs of an international banking entity
are conducted in a manner that is not consistent with the public interest.
(b) An international banking entity or the person of which said international banking entity is a
unit, may at any time, and in the manner provided by the regulations of the Commissioner,
surrender its license to operate an international banking entity.
Section 19.Dissolution (7 L.P.R.A § 232o) [Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended Subsection 19(a) and
19(c) but the official translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
(a) The Commissioner may appoint a receiver and order the dissolution of an international banking
entity if the license of said international banking entity or of the person of which the international
banking entity is a unit, is revoked or surrendered pursuant to Section 16 of this Act.
(b) The receiver appointed shall be a person of recognized moral qualities, with vast experience in
the field of banking or finance, and his performance with the international banking entity shall be
secured by an adequate bond, to be paid by the international banking entity itself.
(c) The receiver shall manage the international banking entity in accordance with the provisions
of this Act and shall:
(1) take possession of the assets and liabilities, books, records, documents and files which
belong to the international banking entity;
(2) collect all loans, charges and fees owed to the international banking entity;
(3) pay all obligations and debts of the international banking entity, after having paid the
necessary costs of the receivership; and (4) supervise the dissolution and liquidation of the
international banking entity.
Section 20. Penalties (7 L.P.R.A § 232p) [Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended Subsections 20(a), 20(b)
and 20(e) but the official translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
(a) If any director, official or individual acting in a similar capacity of an international
banking entity or of a person of which the international banking entity is a unit, violates, or
voluntarily or negligently permits any director officer, agent, or employee of the international
banking entity or of the person of which the international banking entity is a unit, to violate this
Act, the regulations of the Commissioner, or any provision of the certificate of incorporation,
partnership agreement or other written document establishing the international banking entity, the
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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Commissioner shall schedule and summon the interested parties to an administrative hearing
pursuant to the regulations provided in Section 21 of this Act [Note: Current Section 23 renumbered by Act
110-2013, Art. 9]. Once the hearing is held and after the Commissioner determines that a provision
mentioned in this subsection has been violated, he shall take the corresponding action, including
the suspension or dismissal of such director, officer or individual.
(b) Any official or employee of an international banking entity, or of a person of which it
is a unit, who on behalf of such international banking entity receives any deposit or contract for a
loan with the knowledge that the international banking entity or the person of which it is a unit is
insolvent, shall commit a felony and, if convicted, shall be punished with imprisonment for not
less than three (3) years nor more than seven (7) years, or with a ne of not less than five thousand
dollars ($5,000) nor more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or with both penalties at the
discretion of the Court.
(c) Any director, official or employee of the international banking entity or of the person
of which the international banking entity is a unit, who illegally appropriates, embezzles, removes
or voluntarily misuses any moneys, funds, credits or securities of an international banking entity,
or who, without due authorization, issues or draws any certificate of deposit, draws any order or
bill of exchange, carries out any type of acceptance or assignment of a note, bond, money order,
bill of exchange, and any person who, with the same intention, aids or abets any director, official
or employee to violate any provision of this section, shall commit a felony and, if convicted, shall
be punished with imprisonment for a term of not less than ten (10) years nor more than twenty (20)
years, or with a fine of not less than fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) nor more than thirty
thousand dollars ($30,000), or with both penalties at the discretion of the Court.
(d) Any director, official, or employee of an international banking entity or of the person
of which the international banking entity is a unit, who voluntarily misrepresents the financial
condition of an international banking entity or about any transaction to be carried out by, or carried
out by the international banking entity, or who declines to provide information legally requested
by the Commissioner, shall commit a felony and, if convicted, shall be punished with
imprisonment for not less than ve (5) years nor more than ten (10) years, or with a fine of not less
than eight thousand dollars ($8,000) nor more than seventeen thousand dollars ($17,000), or with
both penalties at the discretion of the Court. (e) The preceding provisions of this Section shall not
be construed in any manner whatsoever to limit the power of the Commissioner to impose
administrative fines for violations of this Act or the regulations of the Commissioner.
Section 21.—Confidentiality (7 L.P.R.A § 232q)
(a) The information that the international banking entity provides to the Commissioner under the
provisions of this Act and the regulations adopted by the Commissioner pursuant to the same, shall
be kept confidential, except: (i) when disclosure of such information is required by law or judicial
order, or (ii) through a formal petition of a domestic or foreign government agency in the course
of the exercise of its supervisory function, when the Commissioner has grounds to believe that it
is in the best public interest. In such case, the information shall be delivered under a binding
agreement with the concerned government entity of maintaining the confidential nature of said
information. Provided, That the exception under the preceding clause (2) shall under no
circumstances be extended to information regarding clients of the international banking entity.
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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Section 22.Transitional Provisions (7 L.P.R.A § 232r) [Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended this
Section but the official translation is not available. Please consult the Spanish version]
An international banking entity, to which a license was issued pursuant to Section 10 of
Act No. 16 of July 2, 1980, as amended, known as “International Banking Center Regulatory Act”
herein repealed, shall be deemed on the effective date of this Act as an international banking entity
organized pursuant to this Act and shall enjoy all the rights, privileges, powers and authority and
shall be subject to the duties, obligations, penalties, responsibilities, conditions and limitations
provided in this Act.
Any regulations adopted pursuant to said Act No. 16 not in conflict with this new Act, shall
remain in effect until amended or repealed.
Section 23. Administrative Hearings, Adjudication Proceedings and Judicial Review
(7 L.P.R.A § 232s) [Note: Act No. 45-2024 amended this Section but the official translation is not available.
Please consult the Spanish version]
All matters related to administrative hearings procedure, adjudicatory proceedings and
judicial review shall be set forth by regulations to be promulgated by the Commissioner pursuant
to the provisions of Act No. 170 of August 12, 1988, known as “Uniform Administrative
Procedures Act of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico [Note: Repealed and replaced by Act No. 38-2017].
Section 24.Inapplicabi1ity of Existing Laws.
The provisions of Act No. 55 of May 12, 1933, as amended, known as the “Banking Law”,
nor the provisions of Act No. 1 of October 15, 1973, which fixes the maximum interest rates or
charges permitted on loans, nor Article 1649 of Act No. 5 of August 17 ,-1933, as amended, which
fixes the interest rates in the absence of an agreement and the maximum interest rates that can be
fixed by special agreements. Notwithstanding the above, nothing in this Act shall be understood
to be a limitation of the powers of the Governor of Puerto Rico or of the person designated by him,
conferred in Section 42 of Act No. 55 of May 12, 1933, as amended; Act No. 2 of March 21, 1933,
as amended; Act No. 17 of April 18, 1933; Act No. 12 of July 15, 1935, and in Act No. 10 of May
7, 1951, shall not be applicable to the inter- national banking entities created by this Act.
Section 25.Property Tax Exemption (7 L.P.R.A § 232u)
The real and personal property belonging to an international banking entity duly authorized
under this Act, shall be exempt from the levying of property taxes.
Section 26.Municipal License Tax Exemption (7 L.P.R.A § 232v)
The international banking entities duly authorized by this Act, shall be exempt from the
payment of municipal license taxes levied by Act No. 113 of July 10, 1974, as amended, known
as the “Municipal License Tax Act” [Note: Repealed and replaced by Act No. 107-2020, “Municipal Code”.
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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Section 27.Income Tax Exemption (7 L.P.R.A § 232w)
(a) Income derived by the international banking entities duly authorized under this Act, from
activities described in subsection (a) of Section 12 of this Act [7 L.P.R.A. § 232j], shall not be
included in the gross income of said entities and shall be exempt from the tax imposed by Act No.
120 of October 31, 1994, [13 L.P.R.A. §§ 8006 et seq.], known as the “Puerto Rico Internal
Revenue Code of 1994” or its preceding law, except for the provisions of subsection (b) of this
(b) General Rule.
(1) Excess net income derived in the taxable year by every international banking entity
subject to taxation, as said term is defined in paragraph (A) of this clause, shall be subject
to the tax rates established in the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 1994, as amended
[Note: Repealed and replaced by Act No. 1-2011, known as the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of
2011”], for corporations and partnerships. For the purposes of this subsection, the following
terms shall mean:
(A) Taxable international banking entity. Means an international banking
entity that operates as the unit of a bank organized under the Puerto Rico Banking
Act, whose net income derived from activities described in subsection (a) of Section
12 of this Act [7 L.P.R.A. § 232j] exceeds twenty percent (20%) of the net income
derived in the taxable year by said bank (including income derived by said unit).
Said net income shall be computed pursuant to the provisions of Subchapter B of
Chapter 2 of Subtitle A of the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 1994as
amended [13 L.P.R.A. §§ 8421-8428 et seq.] [Note: Repealed and replaced by Act No. 1-
2011, known as the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011]
(B) Excess net income.Means the net income, computed pursuant to the
provisions of Subchapter B of Chapter 2 of Subtitle A of the “Puerto Rico Internal
Revenue Code of 1994” as amended [13 L.P.R.A. §§ 8421-8428 et seq.] [Note:
Repealed and replaced by Act No. 1-2011, known as the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of
2011”], derived by the taxable international banking entity from the activities
described in Section 13(a) [7 L.P.R.A. § 232j], which exceeds twenty percent (20%)
of the total net income derived in the taxable year by the bank of which it operates
as a unit (including the income derived by said unit).
(2) The income generated by the international banking entities that, as determined by the
Commissioner, function as an affiliated unit or entity of a business that operates under the
industrial incentive laws, as said terms are defined in Act No. 135 of December 2, 1997, as
amended [13 L.P.R.A. §§ 10101 et seq.], known as the “Tax Incentives Act of 1998”, or
any preceding or successor act thereof, shall not be included in the gross income of said
entities and shall be exempt from the tax imposed in clause (1) of this subsection (b) and
in Act No. 120 of October 31, 1994, as amended, known as “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue
Code of 1994” [Note: Repealed and replaced by Act No. 1-2011, known as the “Puerto Rico Internal
Revenue Code of 2011”].
(3) Taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008, and before January 1, 2012.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Subtitle A of the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code
of 1994” as amended [13 L.P.R.A. §§ 8401-8697] [Note: Repealed and replaced by Act No. 1-
2011, known as the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011”], and this Act, during each of the
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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taxable years beginning after December 31, 2008, and before January 1, 2012, every
international banking entity shall be subject to a special five-percent (5%) tax on the
amount of its net income for the taxable year, to be computed in accordance with the
provisions of Subtitle A of the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 1994” as amended
[13 L.P.R.A. §§ 8401-8697] [Note: Repealed and replaced by Act No. 1-2011, known as the “Puerto
Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011”], but only to the extent that said net income does not
constitute an excess net income for the purposes of clause (1) of this subsection. Unless
otherwise provided by the Secretary of the Treasury by regulation, circular letter or other
administrative determination or communication of a general nature, such tax shall be
reported, paid, and collected in such form and manner as established in Subtitle A of the “
Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 1994” as amended [13 L.P.R.A. §§ 8401-8697]
[Note: Repealed and replaced by Act No. 1-2011, known as the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of
2011”], for corporations to pay general income taxes.
(c) The interest, finance charges, dividends or shares in partnership profits received by international
banking entities duly authorized by this Act shall not be deemed gross income from sources in
Puerto Rico for the purposes of Section 1123(a)(1) and (2) of the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue
Code of 1994” as amended [13 L.P.R.A. §§ 8523] [Note: Repealed and replaced by Act No. 1-2011, known
as the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011”], or of any analogous provision from any preceding
or subsequent Act.
(d) The provisions of Section 1147 of the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 1994” as
amended [13 L.P.R.A. §§ 8547] [Note: Repealed and replaced by Act No. 1-2011, known as the “Puerto Rico
Internal Revenue Code of 2011”], or of any analogous provision from any preceding or subsequent act,
which imposes the obligation to withhold income taxes at source in the case of payments made to
nonresident individuals, shall not apply to interest, finance charges, dividends or shares in
partnership profits received from international banking entities duly authorized by this Act.
(e) The provisions of Section 1150 of the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 1994” as
amended [13 L.P.R.A. §§ 8550] [Note: Repealed and replaced by Act No. 1-2011, known as the “Puerto Rico
Internal Revenue Code of 2011”], or of any analogous provision from any preceding or subsequent act,
which imposes an obligation to withhold income taxes at source in the case of payments made to
resident or foreign corporations and partnerships which have not received income actually
connected with a trade or business in Puerto Rico, shall not apply to interest, finance charges,
dividends or shares in partnership profits received from international banking entities duly
authorized by this Act.
(f) Income derived by a nonresident foreign individual consisting of interest, finance charges,
dividends or shares in partnership profits received from international banking entities duly
authorized by this Act, shall not be subject to the tax levied by Section 1221(a)(1) of the “Puerto
Rico Internal Revenue Code of 1994” as amended [13 L.P.R.A. § 8605(a)(1)] [Note: Repealed and
replaced by Act No. 1-2011, known as the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011”], or by any analogous
provision from any preceding or subsequent Act.
(g) Income derived by a foreign corporation or partnership consisting of interest, finance charges,
dividends or shares in partnership profits received from international banking entities duly
authorized by this Act, shall not be subject to the tax levied by Section 1231(a)(1)(A) of the “Puerto
Rico Internal Revenue Code of 1994” as amended [13 L.P.R.A. § 8615(a)(1)(A)] [Note: Repealed
and replaced by Act No. 1-2011, known as the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011”], or by any
analogous provision from any preceding or subsequent Act.
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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(h) The provisions of Section 1232 of Act No. 120 of October 31, 1994, as amended [13 L.P.R.A.
§ 8616], known as the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 1994” [Note: Repealed and replaced by
Act No. 1-2011, known as the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011”], or any analogous provision from
any preceding or subsequent act, shall not be applicable to international banking entities duly
authorized by this Act.
(i) The interest and other income derived from [finance] granted to projects in areas of priority for
the Government of Puerto Rico, that have been designated as extraordinary by the Secretary of the
Treasury and the Commissioner pursuant to Section 12 of this Act [7 L.P.R.A. § 232j] , shall be
treated as [non-exempt] for the exclusive purpose of assigning deductions to income exempt under
Sections 1018, 1023 and 1024 of Act No. 120 of October 31, 1994, as amended [13 L.P.R.A. §§
8418, 8423, and 8424], known as the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 1994” [Note: Repealed
and replaced by Act No. 1-2011, known as the “Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011]. Furthermore, the
obligations resulting from said financing shall not be considered exempted obligations for the
purposes of the above indicated sections of the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 1994.
[(j)] None of the provisions of this section shall be construed as a limitation to the power of the
Secretary of the Treasury to apply to the international banking entity or to any other person the
provisions of Act No. 120 of October 31, 1994, as amended known as the “Puerto Rico Internal
Revenue Code of 1994” [Note: Repealed and replaced by Act No. 1-2011, known as the “Puerto Rico Internal
Revenue Code of 2011”], or of any analogous provision from any preceding or subsequent act.
Section 28.-Effect of Existing Legislation (7 L.P.R.A § 232x)
(a) Insofar as the laws of Puerto Rico are not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, the laws
of Puerto Rico shall prevail.
(b) Insofar as the provisions of this Act are inconsistent with any other laws of Puerto Rico, the
provisions of this Act shall prevail.
Section 29.Severability of Provisions (7 L.P.R.A § 232 note)
The provisions of this Act are independent and severable; should any of its provisions be
declared unconstitutional by a Court of competent jurisdiction, the other provisions of this Act
shall not be affected, and the Act so modified by the decision of such Court shall continue in full
force and effect.
Section 30.Construction (7 L.P.R.A § 232 note)
This Act shall be liberally construed in order to achieve its objectives in view of its benefits
for the People of Puerto Rico.
Section 31.Repeal (7 L.P.R.A § 232 note)
Act No. 16 of July 2, 1980, as amended,3 is hereby repealed.
“International Banking Center Regulatory Act” [Act No. 52 of August 11, 1989, as amended]
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Section 32.Effective Date This Act shall take effect immediately after its approval.
Note. This compilation was prepared by the Puerto Rico Office of Management and Budget staff
who have striven to ensure it is complete and accurate. However, this is not an official compilation
and may not be completely free of error. It contains all amendments incorporated for reading
purposes only. For accuracy and exactitude please refer to the act original text and the collection
of Laws of Puerto Rico Annotated LPRA. The state links acts are property of Legislative Services
Office of Puerto Rico. The federal links acts are property of US Government Publishing Office
GPO. Compiled by the Office of Management and Budget Library.
See also the Original version Act, as approved by the Legislature of Puerto Rico.