Introduction ..........................................................................5
ulletin Board Space ............................................................6
Contracting Out ....................................................................6
Discipline and Discharge......................................................6
Discrimination (Non-) ........................................................7
Dues Checkoff........................................................................7
Evergreen Clause....................................................................8
Grievance Procedure ............................................................9
Management Rights ............................................................13
Personnel Records (Review Of) ........................................14
Personnel Reduction ..........................................................15
Preamble ..............................................................................17
Prevailing Rights/Maintenance of Benefits ......................17
Savings Clause......................................................................17
Successor Agreements ........................................................20
Union Activities ..................................................................20
Union Business ....................................................................21
Union Recognition..............................................................22
Union Security ....................................................................23
Waiver of Further Bargaining/Expressed Waiver ............24
Call Back Pay........................................................................26
Compensation at Resignation or Retirement ..................26
Cost of Living Allowance....................................................26
Detail Pay..............................................................................27
DROP Retirement Plans ....................................................27
Educational Differential......................................................27
EMS ......................................................................................28
Fair Labor Standards Act ....................................................28
Compensatory Time
Paid Leave counted as hours worked
FIREPAC ..............................................................................29
Food Allowance ..................................................................30
Health Insurance..................................................................30
Holiday Pay/Leave ..............................................................38
Hours of Work ....................................................................39
Incentive Pay ........................................................................40
Bilingual ..............................................................40
Confined Space/Technical Rescue ....................40
Dive Team ............................................................41
Driver Pay ............................................................41
Education Differential........................................41
Associates Degree
Bachelors Degree
Masters Degree
EMS ......................................................................42
EMT ................................................................43
HazMat ................................................................43
Job Related Medical Leave of Absence ..............................44
Job Related Physician Visits................................................45
Legal ......................................................................................45
Life Insurance ......................................................................46
Longevity Pay ......................................................................47
Maintenance Allowance......................................................47
Mileage Allowance ..............................................................47
NFPA 1710............................................................................48
vertime ..............................................................................49
Paid Leave ............................................................................49
Blood Donor........................................................49
Court ....................................................................50
Jury Duty..............................................................51
Maternity ............................................................51
Military ................................................................52
Parental (FMLA) ................................................53
Paternity ..............................................................53
Voting ..................................................................58
Parity With Police ................................................................59
Pension and Retirement......................................................59
Promotion ............................................................................61
Rank for Rank Overtime ....................................................64
Salary Progression
Section 125 Plan
Severance Pay at Layoff or Dismissal ................................65
Shift Differential ..................................................................65
Sick Leave Incentive ............................................................66
Staffing ................................................................................66
Tuition Reimbursement......................................................67
Uniform Allowance ............................................................68
Working Out-Of-Classification ........................................69
ADA/ADEA Language........................................................70
Contagious Disease ............................................................70
Drug/Alcohol Testing ........................................................70
Employee Assistance Program ..........................................73
Extreme Weather ................................................................74
Health and Safety Committees ..........................................75
IAFF Financial Corporation (Deferred Comp) ..............78
Labor/Management Committees......................................78
Light Duty Assignment ......................................................79
Outside Employment..........................................................81
Polygraphs ............................................................................81
Presumptive Language........................................................82
Printing and Supplying Agreement ..................................82
Residency Requirements ....................................................82
Rest Periods ..........................................................................83
Shift Exchange......................................................................83
Smoking Policies..................................................................84
Station Maintenance ..........................................................84
Turnouts ..............................................................................86
Unpaid Leave of Absence....................................................87
Vacancies (Filling Of)..........................................................88
Volunteering ........................................................................88
Wellness-Fitness Initiative ..................................................89
GLOSSARY ..........................................................................90
IAFF Model Contract Language Manual
he negotiation of the terms and conditions of employ-
ment is the application of democratic principles in the
workplace. Collective bargaining is a rational and ap-
propriate means for Fire Fighters to participate in the decision
aking process regarding their hours, wages and working con-
ditions. The culmination of this process is the written
agreement which formalizes the intentions and understandings
between management and labor during the negotiating process.
The intention of this manual is to provide actual examples of
contract language extracted from IAFF local union agreements
to assist IAFF affiliates in preparing their contract proposals
and drafting collective bargaining agreements. Sample language
contained within this book is broken down into three cate-
gories: (1) boiler plate language (2) economic and benefit
language and (3) miscellaneous language. Boiler plate language
may be defined as language which ensures the individual em-
ployee protection by the continuing existence of the union.
Such language is inclusive, but not limited to issues such as:
dues checkoff; seniority; union recognition; grievance proce-
dure; savings clause and union activity provisions. Economic
and benefit language may be defined as language which ad-
dresses benefits to be received by employees. Such language is
inclusive, but not limited to issues such as: health insurance;
hours of work; overtime; and paid leave. Miscellaneous lan-
guage may be defined as language which addresses employee
working conditions. Such language is inclusive, but not limited
to issues such as: ADA/ADEA; drug testing; labor-management
committees; and shift exchange.
n addition to actual examples of contract language, we have
also incorporated model contract language developed by the
IAFF where applicable. It should be noted that the model lan-
guage is a starting point during the negotiating process and the
“finished product” will most likely resemble the actual exam-
ples provided in this manual.
It is not the intention of this book to advocate the verbatim use
of the attached contract language. Rather, it is intended to pro-
vide a tool for developing and adapting language to suit the
local’s need. It is necessary to check applicable laws to ensure
contract language is in compliance with any state or local col-
lective bargaining statutes.
When the Employer and the Union have arrived upon mutually
acceptable provisions, the final clauses should reflect the un-
derstanding reached at the table with language in clear,
non-legal and non-technical terms meant to accomplish the
intent of the parties. Many disputes arise during the life of an
agreement because the language did not clearly express the in-
tent of the parties.
Bulletin Board clauses are negotiated so that pertinent infor-
ation about the union (meetings, conferences, changes in
working conditions impacting union employees, etc.) can be
circulated in an efficient manner.
Model contract language:
The Employer shall provide (amount) of space on bulletin
boards for the use of the Union in the fire house at convenient
locations accessible to employees.
Provided below are three sample bulletin board space clauses:
Clause 1:
The City agrees to install notice boards for the sole use of the
Association, in suitable locations easily accessible to the em-
ployees for the purpose of posting notices of interest to the
Clause 2:
The Union shall be permitted to maintain, at each station house,
one bulletin board to be used exclusively for union business. In
those stations where two bulletin boards presently exist, the City
will give one to the Union, or where feasible, the City will per-
mit the Union to utilize an area of an existing bulletin board for
union business. The bargaining unit shall purchase additional
bulletin boards at its expense which it deems necessary.
Clause 3:
The Employer will maintain suitable bulletin boards in each
fire station which may be used by the Union for information
concerning union activities.
Contracting out clauses are negotiated to ensure job security
for union members. Contracting out clauses generally provide
for notice of contracting out, a ban on contracting out beyond
the current practice, or a total ban on any contracting out.
Model contract language:
1. The Employer shall not contract out bargaining unit work.
2. The Employer shall not contract out bargaining unit work
beyond that which is currently contracted out.
3. The Employer shall not contract out work if there are em-
ployees at work or on layoff who can perform the work in
Provided below are three sample contracting out clauses:
Clause 1:
Except where an emergency situation exists, during the term of
this Memorandum, the City will not contract out work
presently performed exclusively by Bargaining Unit employees
without advance written notice to the Union where it is prac-
ticable to do so and, if it would result in a displacement of em-
ployees, with full discussion, if requested, of the impact of such
decision on Bargaining Unit employees. It is understood that
otice and discussion of the impact of any subcontracting de-
cision shall not delay implementation of the decision to
subcontract, even though discussion of the impact may still be
pending or ongoing.
While studies may constantly take place, the City, at this time,
has no formulated plans for the additional contracting out that
would cause the displacement of Bargaining Unit employees.
It remains that the City’s general policy to utilize bargaining
unit employees to perform work they are qualified to perform.
Clause 2:
The City agrees that Fire Suppression functions shall not be
contracted out to private companies.
Clause 3:
The Village of ________ agrees that effective upon the signing
of this Agreement, in no event shall the Village contract or sub-
contract out for the provisions of any services currently
performed by members of the bargaining unit, including but
not limited to fire suppression, fire inspections, fire investiga-
tions, fire public education, and emergency medical services
during the term of this Agreement.
The right to discipline and discharge an employee is consid-
ered to be a management prerogative. Contract language on
discipline and discharge ensures however that due process and
rights of the employees are defined in order to provide protec-
tion against arbitrary actions by the Employer.
Model contract language:
No employee shall be disciplined or discharged without just
A hearing shall be held to investigate the charges prior to the
imposition of discipline or discharge. At least _____ days be-
fore the hearing, the employee and Union shall be notified in
writing of the charges, and the time and place of the hearing.
The employee shall have the right to be accompanied and rep-
resented by the Union and/or legal counsel.
The employee and Union shall be entitled to a copy of the
transcript from the hearing at no cost.
Failure to conform with the requirements of this clause shall
render the discipline or discharge null and void.
Provided below are three sample discipline and discharge
Clause 1:
The City shall not discipline or dismiss any permanent employee
bound by this Agreement except for just cause and the only ex-
Boiler Plate Language
eption to this provision shall apply to a probationary employee
who has not been appointed as a permanent employee.
Clause 2:
It is agreed that the Fire Department has the right to discipline
r discharge employees for just cause. Disciplinary matters
shall be subject to the grievance procedure, including binding
Clause 3:
Section 1. During the first three (3) months of their employ-
ment with the Fire Department, all employees are
considered to be probationary, meaning in part that
they are subject to discipline, up to and including
dismissal, without recourse to the Grievance and Ar-
bitration process.
Section 2. The following is a non-exclusive list of cause which
shall be deemed just reasons for severance of the em-
ployment relationship:
Drinking or being under the influence of intoxicants, nar-
cotics, controlled substances or hallucinogens during duty
Fighting on duty.
Willful violation of a publicized employment rule or regula-
Failure to abide by prescribed standards as to personal ap-
Habitual tardiness.
Section 3. Discipline shall be accomplished in a constructive,
progressive manner, so as to rehabilitate and correct
an offender, if at all possible.
Section 4. The types of disciplinary actions that may be taken
will include documented verbal counseling, written
reprimand, suspension with pay, suspension with-
out pay, probation or termination. The type of
disciplinary action taken shall be consistent with the
severity of conduct and whether it is a repeat offense.
It is common for contracts to contain a clause prohibiting dis-
crimination by the Employer against the employee. Prohibited
grounds for discrimination may include race, religion, creed,
age, sex and marital status. The inclusion of this language also
creates another means for resolving discrimination through the
grievance procedure.
Model contract language:
The parties to this Agreement agree not to discriminate
against any employee because of race, color, creed, sex, na-
tional origin, marital status, or sexual orientation.
Provided below are three sample non-discrimination clauses:
Clause 1:
The Employer and the Association accept their responsibility to
nsure non-discrimination in all aspects of employment for all
qualified persons regardless of race, creed, religion, color, na-
tional origin, age, mental and physical disability, sex, marital
status, family relationships, membership or non-membership
in the Association.
Clause 2:
The provisions of this Agreement in accordance with applica-
ble Federal and State Laws shall be applied equally to all
employees without discrimination as to sex, marital status, race,
color, creed, national origin, age, religion, handicaps or politi-
cal affiliation, governed only by the limitation of the law
regarding bona fide occupational qualifications. The Union
shall share equally with the City the responsibility for applying
this provision of the agreement.
No department supervisor or representative of the City shall
discriminate against any employee because he or she has
formed, joined or chosen to be represented by the Union or be-
cause he or she has given testimony or taken part in any
grievance procedure or other hearings, negotiations or confer-
ences as part of the Union recognized under the terms of this
Clause 3:
The parties to this Agreement agree that they shall not dis-
criminate against any employee because of race, creed, color,
sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, physical or mental
If dues checkoff is in place, the Employer deducts union dues
from the wages of employees. The money that is collected is re-
mitted to the union each month. An authorization form must
be completed by the employee in order for dues to be deducted
by the employer. Administrative costs for dues checkoff may be
paid by the Employer, the employees or paid jointly. Dues
checkoff should be contained within the collective bargaining
agreement to ensure that the process continues in the absence
or modification of a state law on dues checkoff.
Model contract language:
The Employer agrees to deduct, once each month, dues and
assessments in an amount certified to be current by the Sec-
retary-Treasurer of the Local Union from the pay of those
employees who individually request in writing that such de-
ductions be made. The total amount of deductions shall be
remitted each month by the Employer to the Treasurer of the
Provided below are three sample dues checkoff clauses:
Clause 1:
Upon receipt of a lawfully executed written authorization form
from an employee (the form now in use which is approved by
the County), the County agrees to deduct the regular union
dues of such employee from his/her bi-weekly pay and remit
such deductions to the duly elected Treasurer of the Union
within ten (10) working days from the date of the deduction.
The Union will notify the County in writing ____ days prior to
any change in the regular union dues structure.
n employee may, at any time, on forms provided by the Union
(approved by the County), revoke his/her union dues and de-
duction and shall submit such revocation form to the County
with a copy of such revocation form to the Union. The County
shall only stop Union dues deductions on the first pay period
n each calendar month.
The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the County harmless
against any and all claims, suits, orders, and judgments brought
and issued against the County as a result of any action taken
or not taken by the County under the provisions of this
Clause 2:
It is agreed that union dues and such other deductions as may
be properly requested and lawfully permitted shall be deducted,
in accordance with the provisions of applicable State law,
monthly by Management from the salary of each employee
covered hereby who files with the County a written authoriza-
tion requesting that such deduction be made.
Remittance of the aggregate amount of all dues and other
proper deductions made from the salaries of employees cov-
ered hereunder shall be made to the Union by Management
within ____ working days after the conclusion of the month in
which said dues and deductions were deducted.
Clause 3:
The City shall, at no expense to the Union, deduct union dues
weekly upon receipt of authorization of members of Local ____
who sign lawful deduction form cards to be supplied by the
Local, and members must continue to pay dues for the duration
of this Contract. Authorization of dues deduction by a mem-
ber of the Union may be revoked by ____ days’ notice, in
writing, to the City Controller and to the Secretary-Treasurer of
the Union such deductions in each month following the month
of deduction. Dues deducted shall be forwarded by the City to
the Secretary-Treasurer of the Union.
The Union agrees to indemnify the City and hold it harmless
for any and all claims, liabilities, and costs incurred by the City
as a result of the City’s compliance with this Article, provided
that this indemnification by the Union shall not apply in the
event of the City’s noncompliance with this Article.
A contract clause on duration is important because it specifies
the term of the Agreement.
Model contract language:
This Agreement shall be effective as of the _____ day of _____,
20__, and shall remain in full force and effect until the _____
day of _____, 20__ . It shall automatically be renewed from
year to year thereafter, unless either party shall have notified
the other in writing, at least _____ days prior to the anniver-
sary date that it desires to modify the Agreement.
Provided below are three sample duration clauses:
Clause 1:
Except as this Agreement shall otherwise provide, it shall be-
ome effective upon passage by the City Council of the City of
_________ and shall commence January 1, 20___, and con-
tinue in effect until December 31, 20___. This Agreement shall
continue in full force and effect until superseded by another
Agreement provided both sides mutually agree.
Clause 2:
This Agreement becomes effective as of January 1, 20___, and
shall remain in full force until December 31, 20__. It shall be
automatically extended for successive 1 year periods, unless ei-
ther party shall give the other written notice not later than July
1 in the year of expiration of its desire to terminate, modify,
amend or change the Agreement for the subsequent year. The
notice to modify shall specify the Articles that will be subject to
negotiation. Negotiations will be handled in accordance with
the Guidelines for City’s Relationships with Unions.
Clause 3:
This Agreement shall be effective as of the 1st day of January
20__, and shall be binding upon the City and the Union and
shall continue in full force and effect until midnight June 30,
Evergreen clauses ensure that the current Agreement will re-
main in full force and effect during negotiations for a new
Provided below are three sample evergreen clauses:
Clause 1:
This Agreement will automatically be renewed for one (1) year
periods after the initial term, unless either party gives to the
other party written notice of intention to terminate or modify
the Agreement one hundred and fifty (150) days prior to its ter-
mination date. However, the non-compensation provisions of
this Agreement shall be considered automatically opened in the
event that one of the parties provides the applicable statutory
notice that it is seeking to terminate or modify the compensa-
tion provisions of this Agreement.
In the event that Local ___ serves upon the ______ Govern-
ment a timely notice to modify the provisions of this
Agreement, but the parties have not negotiated a successor con-
tract as of the expiration date of this Agreement, it is hereby
agreed that all of the provisions of this Agreement shall remain
in full force and effect until a successor agreement is achieved
through collective bargaining or through the applicable “im-
passe” resolution procedures of the ____ Government
Comprehensive Merit Personnel Act.
Clause 2:
This Agreement shall be effective as of the first day of July, 20__
or upon execution, except as otherwise noted in the Agreement,
and shall remain in full force and effect until the 30th day of
June, 20__. It shall be automatically renewed from year to year
thereafter unless either party shall notify the other in writing
not later than March 1 prior to the date of termination that it
wishes to terminate or modify this Agreement for any reason.
Notification of intent to modify shall include the substance of
the modifications desired. In the event that such notice is given,
those provisions not reopened shall automatically renew from
ear to year. Negotiations shall begin not later than March 15.
This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect during the
period of negotiations.
Clause 3:
f no agreement is reached by __________, this Agreement
shall remain in effect until a new agreement is reached.
The purpose of a grievance procedure is to provide a framework
for the fair and orderly adjustment of grievances. The purpose
of a grievance clause is to bring Management and the Union to-
gether in an effort to resolve disputed matters. In order to
expedite grievances it is necessary to have a grievance procedure
with time limits and a series of steps within the grievance pro-
cedure which involves progressively higher levels of Union and
Management representatives. In addition, a successful grievance
procedure should have a final step which is final and binding.
Model contract language:
Grievances or disputes which may arise, including the inter-
pretation of this Agreement, shall be settled in the following
Step 1. The employee concerned may, in the presence of a rep-
resentative of the Union, submit a grievance in writing
to the employees immediate supervisor. The supervi-
sor shall attempt to adjust the grievance at that time
and render a written decision within _______ working
Step 2. If the grievance is not settled at Step 1, the grievance
shall be submitted to the Fire Chief within ____work-
ing days who shall render a written decision within
_____working days after the receipt of the grievance.
Step 3. If the grievance is not settled at Step 2, the grievance
shall be submitted within ______ working days to the
(Personnel Director, City Manager, City Council, etc.)
who shall render a written decision within _____ work-
ing days after the receipt of the grievance.
Step 4. If the grievance is not settled at Step 3, the grievance
shall be submitted to arbitration by either of the par-
ties upon notice to the other party.
Step 5. (Select the appropriate phrase[s].)
A. An impartial arbitrator shall be selected from a panel
supplied by the American Arbitration Association or
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service upon the
request of either party. The parties shall, within five (5)
working days of receipt of the panel, make a selection
of an arbitrator. In the event the parties cannot agree,
the American Arbitration Association or the Federal
Mediation Conciliation Service shall render a decision
within thirty (30) working days after the case has been
heard. The decision of the arbitrator will be final and
binding upon both parties.
. The Arbitration Board shall consist of a representative of
the Employer, a representative of the Union and a repre-
sentative appointed by the (Director of the State
Department of Labor and Industries, or Minister of Labour
of the Provinces or other appropriate agency). A majority
f the Board shall constitute a quorum.
C. The Arbitration Board shall consist of:
1. Appointee of the Employer.
2. Appointee of the Union.
3. The above two appointees shall select the third member of
the Arbitration Board who shall be the Chairman. Failing
to reach an agreement, within _____ working days as to who
the Chairman shall be, the matter shall be referred to
_______________ who shall make the appointment of the
Chairman of the Arbitration Board within ______ working
D. The majority of the Arbitration Board shall render a deci-
sion and failing to reach a majority, the decision of the
Chairman shall prevail.
E. The findings of the Arbitration Board shall be final and
binding upon both parties.
F. The arbitrator’s expenses and compensation shall be borne
equally by both parties.
G. If the Employer does not respond within the prescribed
time limits, the grievance shall be settled in favor of the
H. The expenses and compensation of the arbitrators selected
by the parties shall be borne by the respective parties, and
the expenses and compensation of the Chairman of the
Board of Arbitration shall be borne equally between the
Provided below are three sample grievance procedure clauses:
Clause 1:
(A) Definition - A grievance is a complaint, dispute or contro-
versy in which it is claimed that either party has failed in an
obligation under this Agreement and which involves the
meaning, interpretation or application of this Agreement.
(B) Both parties agree that all grievances should be dealt with
promptly and every effort should be made to settle
grievances as close to the source as possible.
Should the City fail to comply with the time limits herein,
the Union may appeal immediately to the next step. Should
the Union fail to comply with the time limits herein, the
grievance shall be considered abandoned. Time limits may
be extended by mutual consent.
(C) The word day” shall mean calendar day, excluding Satur-
days, Sundays and legal holidays, for the purpose of this
Article. The following procedure shall be utilized when a
grievance is initiated by an employee, a group of employ-
ees, or the Union:
tep 1: A grievance must be presented orally to the appropriate
immediate supervisor within ____ working days of oc-
currence or within ___ days after it has become known
to the employee. The supervisor shall have ____ days
following such presentation to submit his/her oral re-
ponse. The employee shall be accompanied by a union
representative if he/she so requests.
Step 2: If the grievance is not settled at the first step, the Union
or the aggrieved may reduce the grievance to writing.
The written grievance must be presented to the District
Chief within ___ working days after receipt of the Step
1 answer. The District Chief shall reply in writing within
___ working days after receipt of the written grievance.
Step 3: If the grievance is not settled at Step 2, the Union may
appeal in writing to the Fire Chief. Such appeal must be
submitted within ___ days after receipt of Step 2 reply.
The Fire Chief or his/her designee shall reply in writing
within ___ working days after receipt of the appeal.
Step 4: If the grievance is not settled at Step 3, the Union may
appeal in writing to the Deputy Mayor for Labor Rela-
tions. Such appeal must be submitted within _____ days
after receipt of the Step 3 reply. The Deputy Mayor or
his/her designated representative shall meet within ___
calendar days with the Union to attempt to resolve the
grievance. The Deputy Mayor shall reply to the Union
in writing within ___ days following such meeting.
Step 5: If the grievance is not resolved at Step 4, either party
may within ___ days after the decision of the Deputy
Mayor, certify in writing to the other party its intent to
submit the grievance to arbitration.
(D) Any time limits herein may be extendedby mutual agreement.
(E) Arbitration
(1) Selection
The parties shall have ____ working days to select an arbi-
trator by mutual agreement. If such agreement is not
reached, a joint request shall be made to the Federal Medi-
ation and Conciliation Service to submit a panel of ___
arbitrators to both parties. The parties shall meet within
___ days of receipt of said list for the purpose of selecting
the arbitrator by alternately striking names from the list
until one (1) name remains. The last remaining name shall
be the arbitrator.
(2) Hearing Time
The arbitrator shall schedule a hearing within ____ days
of notification at a time and place convenient to the parties.
(3) Jurisdiction
The arbitrator shall be expressly limited to the meaning,
intent, or application of the provisions of this Agreement.
He/she shall have no power to add to, detract from, or alter
in any way the provisions of this Agreement.
(4) Binding on both parties
The decision of the arbitrator shall be in writing and bind-
ing on both parties.
5) Cost Sharing
All expenses involved in the arbitration proceedings shall
be equally shared between both parties. However, expenses
relating to the calling of witnesses or the obtaining of dep-
ositions shall be borne by the party at whose request such
itnesses or depositions are required.
Clause 2:
Step 1. (a) Informal discussion. The bargaining unit member
or the Union representative may present the grievance
orally to the immediate supervisor within ____ calendar
days from such time as the bargaining unit member or
the Union should reasonably have been aware of the oc-
currence of the incident giving rise to the grievance. The
supervisor shall provide his/her response within ____
calendar days following the informal discussion.
(b) Formal submission. Should the grievance remain un-
resolved, the bargaining unit member or Union
representative may submit the grievance, in writing, to
the Chief, or his or her designated uniformed represen-
tative. The formal submission shall be made within ____
calendar days of the supervisors response to the infor-
mal presentation of the grievance, or, if no response is
received, at the conclusion of the ____ day period pro-
vided for informal discussion. If the grievance is not
submitted within these timeliness, the grievance shall be
considered resolved. The grievance shall state the spe-
cific Section of the Memorandum of Understanding, the
Personnel Rules, or Departmental Rules alleged to be vi-
olated, or the disciplinary action taken, and the proposed
solution. The Chief, or his or her designated uniformed
representative, shall render a decision in writing to the
bargaining unit member and/or Union within ____ cal-
endar days of receipt of the formal submission of the
grievance. Copies of all written grievances filed by em-
ployees shall be provided to the Union within a period
not to exceed ____ calendar days. Copies of responses
thereto shall also be provided to the Union.
Step 2. Appeal to Department Head. Should the grievance re-
main unresolved, the bargaining unit member or Union
representative may, within ____ calendar days after
receipt of the Deputy Chiefs decision, submit the griev-
ance in writing to the Fire Chief. The Fire Chief (or
designated sworn uniformed representative) shall
respond to the grievance in writing within ____
calendar days after receipt of the grievance.
It is understood that nothing shall preclude the Union
from presenting a grievance to the Fire Chief if it is
deemed that such action is warranted by the nature or
circumstances of the grievance.
Step 3. Bargaining Unit Member Relations Officer - Union
Representative. Except for a grievance concerning a
verbal or written reprimand which may not be ap-
pealed beyond Step Two of this procedure, should the
grievance remain unresolved, the bargaining unit
member or Union representative may, within ____
calendar days after receipt of the department head re-
sponse, submit the grievance in writing to the
Employee Relations Officer. The Employee Relations
fficer, or a designated representative, shall investi-
gate the case and either respond to the grievance in
writing within ____calendar days of receipt of the
grievance or meet with the bargaining unit member
and/or assigned Union representative within ____ cal-
ndar days of submission and attempt to resolve the
Step 4. Conflict Resolution Team Process.
The City and the
Union encourage the grievant and the city to partici-
pate in the Joint City-Local ____ conflict resolution
process. If mutually requested or agreed upon by the
grievant and the city, the conflict resolution team (CRT)
shall schedule a conflict resolution meeting. The Union
shall appoint two members of the conflict resolution
team, the Office of Personnel shall appoint one member
of the conflict resolution team, and the Department
shall appoint one member. The CRT shall work with
the grievant and the City in an attempt to resolve the
grievance or disciplinary matter. While the CRT is
meeting with the grievant and the City, the Union and
the City may agree to extend applicable time limits. The
CRT may request the assignment of a mediator from
the State Conciliation and Mediation Service.
Step 5. Civil Service Board - Arbitration. Should the grievance
remain unresolved, either the City or the Union
may, within ____ calendar days of said meeting
submit the grievance to an impartial arbitrator
who shall be selected by mutual agreement.
If the grievance concerns a disciplinary discharge or dis-
ciplinary action, the bargaining unit member or Union
may elect to submit such grievance to the Civil Service
Board, or the Union may elect to submit the grievance
to arbitration, but only one such avenue of redress may
be selected. Provided, however, that in accordance with
the Civil Service Rules, disciplinary action can be ap-
pealed to the Civil Service Board only in the case of
suspension, fine or discharge. The Civil Service Board
may elect to use a Hearing Officer for such appeals.
In the event that the bargaining unit member or Union
representative elects to submit such grievance to
the Civil Service Board, the filing of the written
grievance in accordance with Step 1(b) above shall
satisfy the requirement of the Personnel Ordinance
that the employee shall give notice of intent to
appeal a discharge or disciplinary action.
If arbitration is selected, it is agreed that the decision of
the arbitrator shall be final and binding on all parties
and that the arbitrator’s fees shall be borne equally by
the parties. The arbitrator shall have no power to add
to or subtract from the provisions of this Agreement,
the Personnel Rules, or Departmental Rules.
Time limits. Time limits prescribed in Section 2 above
may be extended by mutual agreement of the parties.
Failure by the employee or the Union to follow time
limits, unless so extended, shall nullify the grievance.
Failure by the City to follow the time limits, unless so
odified, shall cause the grievance to move to Step 2 or
Step 3, whichever is the next level.
Concurrent grievances alleging violation
of the same provision shall be consolidated for the pur-
ose of this procedure as a single grievance.
Consolidated Grievance and Interest Arbitration.
a grievance is filed and the following occurs: (1) the
matter goes to a grievance arbitration; (2) the arbitrator
determines that the dispute in question is not otherwise
covered by the Agreement; but (3) the matter is subject
to interest arbitration, then the arbitrator shall have the
same authority as if selected as the neutral arbitrator
under the provisions for mediation/arbitration. The ar-
bitrator shall conduct “mediation/arbitration and
follow the provision outlined within the City Charter.
Immediate Dispute Resolution. In the event there is a
dispute regarding the interpretation or application of
this Agreement that imminently affects the City’s inter-
ests, the Union, or a substantial number of members
represented by the Union, either the City or the Union
may request suspension of the grievance process as de-
scribed in Section 10.3 of this Article and proceed to
immediate resolution discussions with the Fire Chief,
the Employee Relations Officer, and a Union represen-
tative. Such discussions shall be concluded within ____
days of the date of the initial request for same and
the action which prompted the request for immediate
dispute resolution shall be stayed, pending discus-
Should the dispute still not be resolved, it may be sub-
mitted directly to an arbitrator selected in accordance
with the procedure detailed below.
An arbitrator to hear such case shall be selected by the
parties from a panel of ___ professional neutral arbi-
trators, ___ submitted by each party when proceeding
to arbitration pursuant to this Section. The first arbi-
trator, selected at random, available within a forty-eight
(48) hour period shall be selected.
In any such case the arbitrator shall have no power to
add to or to subtract from the provisions of this Agree-
ment, the Personnel Rules, or departmental rules or
orders in rendering his/her award. Pending prompt and
immediate decision of the arbitrator, the stay of
intended action giving rise to the dispute shall continue
in effect.
It is expressly understood and agreed that the provisions
of this Section shall not be invoked for actions involv-
ing individual bargaining unit disciplinary actions or
Clause 3:
Section 1. Scope of Grievance Procedure. Any disputes or griev-
ances which may arise between the City and the Union or an
individual employee shall be resolved as provided in the fol-
lowing grievance procedure, excepting only those disputes
remaining within the jurisdiction of the Civil Service Com-
ission as created by Chapter ____ or Article ___ of this
Section 2. Right to Present Grievance; Union Presentation
. Any
employee may present a grievance to the City on a form pro-
ided by the City and such grievance will be processed in
accordance with the grievance procedure outlined herein.
When requested by the employee and agreed to by the Union,
the Union may represent and act for the aggrieved employee at
all levels of the grievance procedure.
Class Action Grievances. Grievances affecting two (2) or more
members of the bargaining unit shall also be processed in ac-
cordance with the procedure outlined herein.
Section 3. Procedure for handling grievances.
Step 1. Within ____ days of the incident giving rise to the
grievance, or within ___ days of constructive knowledge
of the event the employee shall file a written grievance
with the Fire Chief. The written grievance shall be filed
on the Grievance Form provided by the City and shall
contain the following information:
(1) A statement of the grievance and the facts upon
which it is based;
(2) Shall point out the provisions of the agreement con-
sidered applicable or alleged to have been violated, if
any; and where prevailing rights or a past practice is
a basis of the grievance, the specific right or practice
must be identified;
(3) Shall state the remedy or adjustment sought; and
(4) Shall be signed by the aggrieved employee.
The Fire Chief or Deputy Chief shall meet with the em-
ployee, discuss the grievance, and shall respond in writing
within ____ calendar days after receiving the grievance.
The written response at this step, and the management
responses at all steps thereafter, shall contain the follow-
ing information:
An acceptance or rejection of the facts upon which the
grievance is based;
An explanation of the provisions of the agreement con-
sidered applicable;
A statement of the remedy or adjustment, if any, to be
The signature of the appropriate management represen-
Step 2. If the Fire Chief response at Step 1 is rejected, the griev-
ance shall be submitted to the Union Grievance
Committee within ____ calendar days of the Chiefs re-
sponse. If the Union Grievance Committee decides that
no grievance exists or that the Fire Chiefs response is
satisfactory, no further action is required and the Fire
Chiefs response shall be final and binding. If the Union
rievance Committee decides that a grievance does
exist and the response is unsatisfactory, it shall, within
____ calendar days of receiving the grievance, forward
the grievance to the City Manager at Step 3.
tep 3. If the grievance is submitted to Step 3, the City Man-
ager shall meet with the employee to discuss the
grievance and shall make a response within ____ calen-
dar days following the receipt of the grievance from the
Union Grievance Committee.
Section 4. Arbitration of Grievance.
A. If the grievance has not been resolved at Step 3, the Union
may request that the grievance be submitted to arbitration
within ____ days after receiving the City Manager’s response.
B. Mandatory arbitration: Upon request by the Union, arbitra-
tion is mandatory on the part of the City with regard to those
grievances or disputes involving the application, interpreta-
tion and enforcement of the terms of this Agreement and
which are limited to incidents involving individual employ-
ees or employee groups rather than matters affecting the
entire bargaining unit as a whole. The refusal to submit a dis-
pute to arbitration where arbitration is made mandatory by
this section, shall be deemed an action or omission pertain-
ing to the rights, duties and obligations provided by Article
_____, and the parties requesting arbitration shall be enti-
tled to the remedies allowed by Section ___ of that Act,
subject to judicial determination.
C. Voluntary arbitration. Any other disputes, including con-
tract interpretations on application as they might possibly
or otherwise affect the bargaining unit as a whole, may be
submitted to voluntary arbitration only upon the mutual
agreement of the City and the Union.
D. Arbitration Procedure: Within ___ business days after a re-
quest for mandatory arbitration or an agreement for
voluntary arbitration, the City and the Union shall meet to
begin the arbitration procedures provided herein.
(1) Expedited or conventional arbitration: Upon agreement be-
tween the City and the Union, such arbitration shall be
conducted according to the expedited labor arbitration rules
of the American Arbitration Association (AAA). In absence
of such an agreement, the arbitration shall be conducted ac-
cording to the conventional Voluntary Labor Arbitration
Rules of the AAA. Provided, however, in case of conflict be-
tween AAA rules and this Contract, the Contract shall control.
Choosing the arbitrator: A list of ____ qualified neutrals shall
be requested immediately from the American Arbitration As-
sociation. Within ____ business days after receipt of the list,
the Union and the City shall alternatively strike names from
the list and the last remaining name shall be the arbitrator.
(3) Various Rules Applicable to Arbitration Proceedings:
(a) The hearing on the arbitration shall be informal and the
strict rules of evidence or pleadings shall not apply. The ar-
bitrator shall not have the power to add to, subtract from,
r modify the applicable provisions of this agreement in ar-
riving at a decision on the issue or issues presented but shall
confine his/her decision to the interpretation, application
or enforcement of this Agreement as applicable to the facts
and circumstances presented. The arbitrator shall confine
imself/herself to the issues submitted for arbitration, and
shall have no authority to determine any issue not submit-
ted to him/her. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final
and binding upon the aggrieved employee, the Union and
the City, subject to judicial review as provided by Sec-
tion____ of the _______ Local Government Code.
(b) The parties, during arbitration hearings, shall have the fol-
lowing rights: to exchange the names of witnesses to be
called and the nature of their testimony prior to the hear-
ings; to require the arbitrator to subpoena witnesses; to be
represented by legal counsel; to present evidence, testify and
argue the evidence; to confront and cross-examine adverse
witnesses (subject to the reasonable discretion of the arbi-
trator to admit hearsay evidence); to have discovery
appropriate to the nature of the case prior to hearing, sub-
ject to rules of discovery in civil cases. Judicial rules of
evidence need not be strictly followed; witnesses may be
placed under the rule, and all hearings shall be public un-
less otherwise agreed by the affected parties. The rules of
the American Arbitration Association shall govern the con-
duct of hearings except where in conflict with this contract.
The arbitrator shall render a decision in writing setting
forth the reasons for his/her decision. The conclusion
reached by the arbitrator shall be based solely on evidence
presented at the hearing. The arbitrator shall not commu-
nicate with parties or witnesses relating to the facts or
subject matter of the case without giving all parties notice
and the opportunity to attend. Arbitration hearings may be
continued or recessed by the arbitrator in the interest of
justice or when mutually agreed by the parties.
(c) It is hereby agreed that witness fees shall not be considered
as arbitration fees or expenses, and arrangements to com-
pensate witnesses, whether such witnesses be fire fighters or
not, shall be made by the party calling the witnesses, and nei-
ther party shall be required to pay for witnesses of the other
party. All such hours which are over the regular scheduled
work week will be paid at the rate of time and a half. Pro-
vided, however, that nothing herein shall require the grievant
or the Union to compensate witnesses called by them.
Nothing in this agreement shall prevent the Association
from charging non-members a reasonable fee and expenses
for representation, in accordance with its by-laws and other
applicable law.
Section 5. Payment while Participating in Grievance and
Arbitration Procedures.
Union officials and members participating in the grievance and
arbitration procedure in an official capacity shall receive full
pay while performing the duties required under the previous
sections. This shall include the union representative of the ag-
grieved employee at Steps 1 through 3 and the Union President
and Chairman of the Union Grievance Committee and such
other Union officials equal in number to the size of the City’s
arbitration team, if more than ___, excluding legal counsel.
ection 6. Appeals from Promotional Bypass
An employee who is bypassed for promotion pursuant to
Chapter ___, Section ___, may appeal such decision to arbi-
tration within ten days of receiving written notice thereof. The
otice of bypass shall state the Chiefs reasons for such bypass.
The employees appeal shall be in writing and shall be filed with
the Director of Human Resources. Said appeal shall be decided
by arbitrator chosen in accordance with this policy. The City
and the employee shall share equally the arbitration fees and
expenses, except where the Association represents the employee
it shall pay his/her share. With respect to promotional bypass,
the employee shall have such right to appeal the arbitrator’s de-
cision to district court as he/she is given in Chapter ____ to
appeal the Commissions decision, and no greater right.
This clause will be proposed by management. Special care
should be given to the extent of this clause. Many “manage-
ment rights” clauses are vastly restrictive to the Union and
could, in the end, nullify a major share of the benefits set out
in the rest of the Agreement. Two opinions prevail in man-
agement regarding the contents of a management rights
clause. One group contends that management’s prerogatives
should be spelled out and the absence of such seriously hin-
ders the effectiveness of management. The other group is of
the opinion that the rights of management are inherent and
that it is unnecessary to set out these rights in order to retain
them. Under this principle, the only rights that management
might not retain are those not addressed in the Agreement.
Model contract language:
The parties agree that it is the exclusive right of the Employer,
subject to, and in accordance with, the terms of this Agreement
and applicable laws and not inconsistent therewith to:
1. Maintain order, discipline and efficiency.
2. Hire, direct, transfer, promote, discharge, suspend or other-
wise discipline employees for just and proper cause.
3. Generally, to operate and manage the undertakings of the
Department and without restricting the generality of the
foregoing to select, install and require the operation of any
equipment, plant and machinery necessary for the efficient
and economical carrying out of the operations and under-
takings of the Department.
Provided below are three sample management rights clauses:
Clause 1:
The employees’ representative agrees that the Employer has
complete authority over policies and administration of the Fire
Department which it exercises under the provisions of law and
in fulfilling its responsibilities under this Agreement, including
all statutory and inherent managerial rights, prerogative and
functions. Any matter involving the management of depart-
ment operations except as expressly modified or restricted by a
specific provision of this Agreement remains within the exclu-
sive province of the Employer. This provision is not intended to
cover, however, a fixed and established past practice of the par-
ties that has been unequivocally accepted by both parties over
reasonable period of time but has not been reduced to writing
in this Agreement. Should the union object to any work rule or
regulation as being in violation of this Agreement, it may resort
to the Grievance Procedure outlined in this Agreement.
lause 2:
Except as herein otherwise provided, the Management of the De-
partment and the direction of the working forces, including the
right to hire, promote, demote, layoff, suspend without pay, dis-
charge for proper cause, transfer, determine the number of
employees to be assigned to any job classification, and to deter-
mine the job classifications needed to operate the Employer’s
jurisdiction is vested exclusively in the Employer.
It is further agreed, except as herein otherwise provided, that the
responsibilities of Management include, but are not limited to
those outlined in this Agreement. In addition to any specified
herein, the Employer shall be responsible for fulfilling all nor-
mal managerial obligations, such as planning, changing or
developing new methods of work performance, establishing nec-
essary policies, organizations and procedures, assigning work
and establishing work schedules and of applying appropriate
means of administration and control. Provided however, that the
exercise of the foregoing rights by the City will not be used for
the purpose of discrimination against any member of the Union
or be contrary to any other specific provisions of this Agreement,
and provided that nothing herein shall be construed to abrogate
the provisions of the grievance provision.
Clause 3:
All the functions, rights, powers and authority which are not
specifically abridged, delegated or modified by this Agreement,
are recognized by the Association as being retained by the Em-
ployer. These rights include but are not limited to the following:
(1) To maintain efficiency and to make, alter and enforce rea-
sonable rules and regulations to be observed by employees,
provided such rules and regulations are not contrary to the
terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement;
(2) To direct, hire, promote, demote, transfer and for just and
reasonable cause suspend, discipline or dismiss employees;
(3) To evaluate jobs, classify positions, establish qualification re-
quirements of employees and specify the employees’ duties;
(4) To manage and operate the service in all respects and with-
out restricting the generality of the foregoing, to determine
the number and location of establishments, the services to
be rendered, the methods, the work procedures, the kinds
and locations of instruments and equipment to be used; to
select, control and direct the use of all materials required in
the operation of the services to be provided and performed;
to schedule work; to make, alter and enforce regulations gov-
erning the use of materials, equipment and services as may be
deemed necessary by the Employer, provided that such reg-
ulations are not contrary to the terms and conditions set
forth in this Agreement.
Employee access to personnel records is necessary. Employees
will be aware of adverse comments and will be able to refute such
comments. In addition, an employee will want to review per-
onnel records to ensure that formal reprimands have been
properly expunged after the designated length of time.
Provided below are three sample personnel records clauses:
lause 1:
The Deputy Chief, Administration or designee shall maintain
one official personnel file for each member. Members or their
authorized representatives have the right to examine the con-
tents of their official personnel file maintained by the Deputy
Chief, Administration during business hours Monday through
Friday excluding legal holidays. Adverse comments may not be
placed in a member’s official personnel file unless and until the
member has been informed that such comments are to be placed
in his or her file and a notation has been made on the face of the
document of the date and time when the member was so in-
formed. Members may cause to be placed in their official
personnel file all such responses as they deem appropriate to ad-
verse material inserted therein. Members may also request to be
placed in their official personnel file a reasonable amount of cor-
respondence as determined by the Deputy Chief, Administration
originating from other sources directly related to their job per-
Only persons authorized by the Deputy Chief, Administration
or designee may review a member’s master personnel file in com-
pliance with the Citywide Employee Personnel Records
Formal reprimands without further penalty more than ___
year(s) old, and those with additional penalty more than ___
year(s) old, will not be considered for purposes of promotion,
transfer or special assignments. All members shall have the right
to review their official personnel file to identify all such docu-
ments. Upon concurrence of the Deputy Chief, Administration
that such documents have been appropriately identified, they
will be placed in an envelope, sealed and initialed by the mem-
ber. The envelope will be placed in the member’s personnel file
and will be opened only in the event that the member is in the fu-
ture subject to discipline or access is deemed by the City to
pertain to investigations, EEO compliance, Consent Decrees or
other legal or administrative proceedings.
Clause 2:
In order to give the employee notice and an opportunity to be in-
formed and for possible refutation, the Fire Chief or his/her
designee shall provide the employee with a copy of any non-rou-
tine material which is being placed in the employees personnel
file. Non-routine material shall include memorandums docu-
menting counseling or verbal reprimands, Employee Notices,
letters of commendation or any other material which is not gen-
erally associated with day to day administrative maintenance
The Employer agrees that an employee shall have the right to in-
clude in the employee’s official personnel record a written and
signed refutation (including signed witness statements) of any
material the employee considers to be detrimental.
lause 3:
The Personnel Department shall retain each Employee’s offi-
cial personnel file. The Fire Department shall retain each
Employee’s departmental file. All employees shall be able to
view their personnel file or their departmental file in the Fire
hiefs office during normal office hours (in the presence of
an administrative staff member).
A lay-off procedure is essential because it provides some form
of job security. In the event of a reduction in force, collective
bargaining agreements provide that work force reduction be
carried out in reverse order of seniority, and that laid off em-
ployees shall have recall rights.
Model contract language:
In the case of a personnel reduction the employee with the
least seniority shall be laid off first. Employees shall be recalled
in the order of their seniority. Time in the Fire Department
shall constitute total seniority. No new employee shall be hired
until all laid-off employees have been given ample opportu-
nity to return to work.
Provided below are three sample personnel reduction clauses:
Clause 1:
(1) The Employer shall notify the Union of the need to reduce
the number of employees who are on payroll within the bar-
gaining unit at least ___ days before the effective date of a
layoff. Such notice shall be given in writing addressed to the
Union by certified mail. The notice shall disclose the num-
ber of positions affected, the rank or classification of each
position so affected, and the unit or units, if any, which are
to be disbanded. Immediately after issuing the notice, the
Employer shall give the Union a reasonable period of time,
of no less than ___ days, within which it shall meet and con-
fer with the Union to discuss such action. The Employer
shall respond to any proposals which the Union may make
in response to the subject matter of notice.
(2) Each employee who is to be reduced in rank or laid off as a
consequence of a reduction in force or the disbandment of
any unit shall be given written notice, at least ___ days be-
fore such action is to occur, of the date, purpose and nature
of the action that is to be taken with regard to him or her.
The notice shall state the reasons for the action, and any
rights which the employee may have under the Administra-
tive Manual and Department of Personnel Rules or this
Memorandum with regard to his or her employment. A
copy of the notice also shall be timely delivered to the Union.
(3) All reductions in force shall be established by seniority in the
Department.Departmental seniority shall be established from
the date that the employee was hired into the Fire Depart-
ment. Seniority in rank or classification shall be established
from the date that the employee was promoted into the rank
or classification which he or she currently occupies.
In the event of a tie in seniority, the tie shall be broken on the
basis of the Fire Academy final standing or score upon gradu-
ation from the Fire Academy.
here shall be no preference granted for subjective evaluation
of performance, skill or ability when determining who to re-
duce from rank to rank, or who to layoff.
(4) For purposes of determining either seniority in rank or de-
artmental seniority, the following additional rules also shall
apply for layoffs and reductions in rank within the Fire De-
partment. First, should an employee who formerly was
employed by the Fire Department return to the service of the
Department after a break in service due to an injury or illness
causing disability, all time which intervened shall be counted in
the employee’s favor as if the employee lost no time away from
work. Second, should an employee return to the Department
after having resigned from City service or voluntarily trans-
ferred from Fire Department service for more than six months,
his or her seniority shall begin anew; if less than six months,
then the employee shall regain previous service time.
(5) In the event a reduction in force is necessary, the reduction
shall proceed in the following order:
(a) Employees shall be laid off in reverse order of departmen-
tal seniority; the most junior employees within the
Department shall be laid off first, without regard to rank or
(b) In the event that a reduction in force results in the need for a re-
distribution of employees from superior ranks to lesser ranks,
such reductions in ranks shall be accomplished by reducing in
rank those employees with the least tenure in the affected rank
counting from the employees date of promotion.
(c) An employee who is laid off shall be paid for all accrued but
unused leave time, including vacation, holiday and retire-
ment leave (employee must be eligible for service
retirement), based on the employee’s total annual salary as
of the date of separation.
(d) All employees who are reduced in rank or laid off shall not
suffer any loss in benefit or entitlement accrued prior to the
date of the action, e.g., holidays, vacation, personal leave,
pension, and overtime, earned, accumulated and unused at
the time of reduction in rank or layoff.
(e) Each junior employee who is bumped out of rank or clas-
sification shall, in turn, be reduced only one rank, to the
rank or the classification immediately junior. This shall not
pertain to layoffs, which shall be consistent with Depart-
mental seniority rights.
(6) Any employee who is reduced in rank and involuntarily
transferred into a new unit shall be entitled to acting out-
of-title compensation based on the employee’s acting
certification. Any employee who at first received acting cer-
tification in rank and then was promoted, upon return to
that rank or classification after demotion, shall retain his or
her original acting certification and approval date, and shall
enjoy the right to exercise the same.
(7) If the current salary is the same as or greater than the max-
imum of the lower grade, the employee shall receive the
maximum salary for the lower grade. If the current salary is
less than the maximum of the lower grade, the employee
shall receive the closest salary rate of the lower grade.
(8) The Department of Personnel shall prepare and maintain a
list, known as a“Reemployment List”, of all persons who are
reduced in rank or laid off, by rank or classification. In the
event that vacancies occur within the Department while per-
ons remain on the Reemployment List, the order of recall
shall be determined by reference to the Reemployment List.
The Reemployment List(s) shall remain in effect for 24
months after the date of a layoff (unless extended by the De-
partment of Personnel) and shall be used to offer
employment opportunities that may become available by
seniority to all persons who have been reduced or laid off,
before any employees are promoted from one rank to an-
other or any persons are hired or transferred (from other City
agencies) to become new employees of the Fire Department.
No person may be hired, nor may any person be transferred
from another City agency, while any person in that rank or
classification remains in a reduced rank or on the Reem-
ployment List.Any persons who are returned to their former
positions shall be placed in the pay grade of their former
rank, restored to the level of total annual compensation that
they would currently receive had they not been reduced in
rank or placed on the Reemployment List. The employee
shall receive no credit for longevity while on layoff.
(9) Notice of recall to the employee’s former position shall be
given to the employee in writing at his or her last known
post office address, it being the employees obligation to no-
tify the Personnel Administrator, or other designated agent
of the Fire Department, of any change in address while laid
off, or reduced in rank. The notice shall be by certified mail,
return receipt requested. The employee shall be given
_____days to accept an offer of reinstatement, in which case
written acceptance shall be sufficient if filed in any form
with the Personnel Administrator.
(10) Any employee who is reduced in rank, pursuant to this Ar-
ticle, and is on a promotional list when demoted shall
remain on the list and remain eligible for promotion until
the list expires, subject however to the recall or reinstate-
ment rights of any laid off or demoted employee under
the terms of this Article.
(11) The provisions of this Article shall govern to determine
the rights of any employee who is demoted or laid off on
or after July 1, 20___.
(12) In addition to the rules generally applicable to layoffs, the
following additional rule shall apply to the Emergency
Medical Service Division. For purposes of layoff and
reemployment, Employee Layoffs defines “organizational
unit”. The Fire Department has three (3) or more organi-
zational levels, the level immediately below the agency is
normally designated as a bureau. The organizational level
immediately below a bureau is normally designated as a
division. Organizational unit refers to a division. In this
instance, the Emergency Medical Service Division is an or-
ganizational unit.
All Emergency Medical Service personnel who are to be
laid off shall first be offered an opportunity to fill any va-
cant position(s) in the Fire Department for which the
mployees are qualified or for which they may be quali-
fied after a period of training. In the event a reduction in
force is necessary in the Emergency Medical Service, but
there are fewer vacant positions remaining in the Fire De-
partment than the number of employees to be laid off, the
acancies shall be offered in the order of seniority going
first to the most senior personnel to be laid off from the
Emergency Medical Service.
Clause 2:
In the case of a personnel reduction the employee with the least
seniority shall be laid off first. Employees shall be recalled in
the order of their seniority. For the purposes of this Article,
time in the Fire Department shall constitute total seniority. No
new employee shall be hired until all laid-off employees have
been given ample opportunity to return to work.
Clause 3:
Section 1. Because of changes in programs,lack of funds,decrease
in work, or for any other legitimate reason making it
necessary for the Employer to reduce the work force, a
standard reduction-in-force procedure will be followed
to carry out the layoff in a fair and orderly way.
Section 2. The employees termination under this article is to
be considered as a result of the reduction-in-force
and not discipline and in no way shall affect the em-
ployees COBRA, unemployment compensation, and
other statutory rights and benefits.
Section 3. In the event of a reduction-in-force, the following
procedure shall be adhered to:
ORDER OF LAYOFF: Upon determination that a layoff is
necessary a list of employees ranked in the order in which
they are laid off will be prepared and posted. The procedure
for developing the layoff list is as follows:
Employees in each classification will be rank ordered ac-
cording to department seniority and veterans preference
points with the least senior employee listed first. Initial pro-
bationary employees shall be laid off first and promotional
probationary employees will be returned to former class.
Department seniority is defined as 1 point for each full
month of service with _________Fire Rescue.
An employee designated for layoff may be entitled to bump
an employee in a lower classification in the department if the
employee has:
more seniority than the employee to be bumped;
is qualified for the position;
is capable of performing the duties of the lower classification.
A bumped employee can also exercise the same bumping
privilege into a lower classification.
A preamble definesthe parties who areentering into the agreement.
In addition, this clause promotes good will between the parties.
odel contract language:
This Agreement is entered into by and between _______ here-
inafter referred to as the Employer and Local # _____,
International Association of Fire Fighters, hereinafter referred
o as the Union. It is the purpose of this Agreement to achieve
and maintain harmonious relations between the Employer and
the Union; to provide for equitable and peaceful adjustment of
differences which may arise, and to establish proper standards
of wages, hours, and other conditions of employment.
Provided below are three sample preamble clauses:
Clause 1:
(1) This Agreement is entered into between the
_____________ Government and the Fire and Emergency
Medical Services Department (the“Department”), (jointly
referred to as the “Employer”), and International Associa-
tion of Fire Fighters, Local ____, AFL-CIO (the “Union”)
(2) The Employer and the Union recognize the need to provide
efficient service to the public and to maintain the quality
of service. Further, both parties agree to the need for estab-
lishing and maintaining a sound labor-management
relationship and mutually agree to continue working to-
ward this goal. Each side has been afforded the opportunity
to put forth all its proposals and to bargain in good faith
and both parties agree that this Agreement expresses the re-
sults of their negotiations.
Clause 2:
It is the general purpose of this Agreement to promote the mu-
tual interests of the Employer and the Union; to provide for
equitable and peaceful adjustments of differences which may
arise; to establish proper standards of wages, hours and other
conditions of employment which will provide and maintain a
sound economic basis for the delivery of public services; to pro-
vide for the operation of the services delivered by the City
under methods which will ensure economic and efficient op-
eration. The parties to this Agreement will cooperate fully to
secure the advancement and achievement of these purposes.
Clause 3:
This Memorandum of Agreement (hereinafter “Memoran-
dum”) is entered into by and between the City of __________
(hereinafter “Employer”), and Local ___, International Associ-
ation of Fire Fighters (hereinafter “Union”).
It is the purpose of this Memorandum to achieve and main-
tain harmonious relations between the Employer and the
Union; to provide for equitable and peaceful adjustment of dif-
ferences that may arise, and to establish proper standards of
wages, hours and other conditions of employment.
Prevailing rights/maintenance of benefits clauses are negoti-
ated to provide for the continuation of existing working
conditions that may not be included in the contract.
Model contract language:
All rights, privileges, and working conditions enjoyed by the
employees at the present time which are not included in this
greement shall remain in full force, unchanged and unaf-
fected in any manner, during the term of this Agreement
unless changed by mutual consent.
Provided below are three sample prevailing rights/maintenance
of benefits clauses:
Clause 1:
The following rights, privileges and benefits enjoyed by em-
ployees prior to February 20___ will be maintained for the
duration of this Agreement and shall not be diminished, mod-
ified or eliminated during the term of this Agreement unless
changed by mutual written consent.
Clause 2:
Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as abridging,
amending or waiving any rights, benefits or perquisites
presently covered by statutes, existing rules and regulations or
past practices recognized as being legitimate and having general
and uniform applicability, except as expressly superseded by
the terms of this Agreement. Said rights, benefits or perquisites
which pertain to subjects which are negotiable under the pro-
visions of chapter ___, shall not be modified or terminated
except by agreement of the parties.
Clause 3:
All standards, privileges and working conditions enjoyed by the
City of _______ Fire Fighters at the effective date of this Agree-
ment, which are not included in this Agreement shall remain
unchanged for the duration of this Agreement.
Savings clauses ensure that if a provision is declared invalid by
court action or legislation, only that provision is null and void
and that the remaining portions of the negotiated Agreement
are in full force and effect.
Model contract language:
If any provision of this Agreement, or the application of such
provision, should be rendered or declared invalid by any court
action or by reason of any existing or subsequently enacted
legislation, the remaining parts or portions of this Agreement
shall remain in full force and effect.
Provided below are three sample savings clauses:
Clause 1:
It is not the intent of either party hereto to violate any laws, rul-
ings, or regulations of any governmental authority or agency
having jurisdiction of the subject matter of this Agreement.
Should any provision of this Agreement be found to be in con-
travention of any Federal or State law or by a court of competent
jurisdiction, such particular provision shall be null and void,
but all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full
force and effect until otherwise canceled or amended.
hould any party fail to give notice to the other party that it de-
sires to commence negotiations with regard to the provision
that was held or determined to be illegal or void within ___
days of said party having knowledge that a provision was held
or determined to be illegal or void, the party shall lose the right
o commence negotiations concerning the substance thereof.
The Agreement is the entire Agreement of the parties, termi-
nating all prior Agreements.
Clause 2:
Should any part hereof or any provision herein contained be
rendered or declared invalid by reason of any existing or sub-
sequently enacted legislation or by any decree of a court of
competent jurisdiction such invalidation of such part or por-
tion of this Agreement shall not invalidate the remaining
portions thereof, and the remaining parts or portions remain
in full force and effect.
Clause 3:
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Agreement to the
contrary, in the event that any Article, or Subsections thereof,
of this Agreement shall be declared invalid by any court of com-
petent jurisdiction, or by any applicable State or Federal law or
regulation, or should a decision by any court of competent ju-
risdiction or any applicable State or Federal law or regulation
diminish the benefits provided by this Agreement, or impose
additional obligations on the City, the parties shall meet and
confer or negotiate on the Article or Subsections thereof af-
fected. If they are unable to come to an agreement on the
matter, the provisions of Section ____ of the Charter shall
apply. All other provisions of this Agreement not affected shall
continue in full force and effect.
Seniority gives priority to employees based on length of serv-
ice. In most agreements, seniority is a criteria in layoffs, recall,
promotion and transfers. In addition, benefits such as vacation
leave are based on seniority or length of service.
Model contract language:
Seniority shall be determined by continuous service in the Fire
Department calculated from the date of employment. Con-
tinuous service shall be broken by only resignation, discharge
or retirement. Employees with the same employment date
shall be assigned to the seniority list in order of their ranking
on the (Civil Service) Eligibility List.
Provided below are three sample seniority clauses:
Clause 1:
Seniority is defined as length of continuous employment with
the City, Division of Fire as herein defined, including military
service as defined by Federal and State laws. Any City employee
transferring to the Division of Fire shall not include in any sen-
iority computation any prior service with any other
Department or Agency of the City of _______.
Seniority of an employee shall commence on his or her first
day of employment and shall continue for as long as the em-
ployee is a member of the Division or on an approved leave of
eniority shall prevail with respect to the choosing of house
watch, vacations and such other matters within the jurisdiction
of the Agreement.
The Department shall establish a seniority list of all employees
n the bargaining unit to include 56-hour employees and 40-
hour employees, and such list shall be brought up to date and
a complete new list be provided and posted by February 1 of
each year on the bulletin boards provided by the Union and all
Department Fire Units and Properties for a period of not less
than thirty calendar days, and a copy of said seniority list or
any revised list shall be furnished to the Secretary-Treasurer at
the unions business address. Any objection to the seniority list,
as posted, shall be reported to the personnel officers of the De-
partment within ten calendar days from the first day of posting,
or the seniority list shall stand approved.
Once each year, the Employer shall post on the bulletin boards
in the areas where 40-hour personnel work, a seniority list
showing the names, job classifications and their seniority dates.
In the event more than one employee goes on the payroll of the
Department on the same date, their Civil Service grading scores
shall govern said seniority standing, the employee with the
highest Civil Service score taking precedence shall be consid-
ered to have the greatest seniority.
An employees seniority shall be continuous unless terminated
for any of the following reasons:
(a) discharge for cause;
(b) voluntary resignation;
(c) lay-off for more than one year for the convenience of the
(d) failure to report to work for three days without just cause;
(e) failure to return to work within thirty calendar days with-
out just cause, following recall subsequent to a lay-off;
(f) re-enlistment in the armed services.
Clause 2:
Section 1. (Seniority List)
The City will annually provide a current alphabeti-
cal seniority list to the Union. In addition, the City
will annually provide a current alphabetical senior-
ity list by battalion or division to such battalion or
division. Errors in such seniority lists shall be re-
ported in writing to the Fire Chief, who shall cause
such lists to be corrected if they are erroneous.
Section 2. (Seniority of Fire Fighters)
The seniority of a Fire Fighter will be determined
by the employees date of permanent appointment
as a Fire Fighter. In the event two or more employ-
ees have the same date of permanent appointment,
their seniority will be determined by their numeri-
cal position on the Civil Service list from which they
were appointed.
A member of this unit who leaves ________ Fire De-
partment employment, and who is subsequently
re-appointed within two years, shall have his/her
seniority calculated from the original date of ap-
ointment, and adjusted for time not employed by
the Department, after one year of continuous serv-
ice from the date of re-appointment.
A member of this unit who leaves _________Fire
epartment employment, and who is subsequently
re-appointed after more than two years, shall have
his/her seniority calculated from the date of re-ap-
The seniority of all employees permanently ap-
pointed to the position of fire fighter by any means
other than appointment off a competitive fire fighter
civil service list shall be the first day of said employ-
ees’ entry into the fire academy. When said
employees share a date of entry into the fire acad-
emy, they shall be differentiated from one another
on the basis of their qualifying scores (where appli-
cable) and, if said employee’s seniority requires
further differentiation due to equivalent scores, said
employees order of seniority shall be decided by the
date of application to any program (where applica-
Section 3. (Seniority of Officers)
The seniority of fire officers within ranks will be de-
termined by the date the employee was promoted
to the title he/she holds. In the event that two or
more employees have the same date of permanent
promotion, their seniority will be determined by
their numerical position on the Civil Service list
from which he/she was last appointed.
Section 4. (Seniority in Shifting)
(A) When routine shifts or details must be made within
the Fire Department, the Fire Fighter with the least
seniority will be used unless the commanding offi-
cer has a valid reason for selecting someone else.
(B) Shifting or details cannot be used as a form
of discipline.
Clause 3:
Section 1. Seniority shall be of two (2) types: Department Sen-
iority and/or Rank Seniority. Department Seniority
shall consist of the total accumulated service of the
employee with the Fire Department. Rank Seniority
shall consist of the relative length of accumulated
service of each employee, in his/her respective rank
or classification, with the Fire Department.
An employees length of service shall not be reduced
by the time lost due to sick or injury leave or au-
thorized leave of absence, or layoff, for a period not
to exceed _____ months or length of service,
whichever is less, or demotion.
For the purpose of this Article, the terms, classifica-
tion (or rank), shall mean and include the following:
Fire Fighter (for the purposes of this Article, Proba-
tionary Fire Fighters shall be considered to have the
rank-classification of Fire Fighter), Fire Lieutenant,
ire Equipment Mechanic, Fire Captain, Battalion
Chief and Deputy Chief. Employees who have the
same length of service in their classification shall be
placed on the Rank Seniority List in the order that
their names appeared on the Eligibility List or if not
ppointed from an Eligibility List, they shall be
placed in the order that they were appointed to such
classification. If the situation is still not resolved, it
shall be determined by lot.
Section 2. In the event of a layoff of one or more employees,
the employee with the least Departmental Seniority,
as defined in Section 1 hereof, shall be laid off first.
Successive layoffs shall be affected on a similar basis
of Least Departmental Seniority.
Section 3. During the layoff process or otherwise, if the need arises,
an officer (i.e. Lieutenant or above), shall be demoted,
rather than immediately laid off, as follows: the officer
with the least Rank Seniority, as defined in Section 1
hereof, shall be the first employee to be demoted. When
this occurs,the demotedofficer shall beentitled tobump
the least senior employee in the next lower grade if the
said demoted officer has actually served in that classifi-
cation (or rank), and if he/she possesses more time in
grade than the least senior employee. For the purpose of
the previous sentence, the phrase time in grade” shall
mean Rank Seniority in the classification into which the
demoted officer is bumping, plus all rank seniority held
by the said demotedofficer inhigher officer ranks and/or
classifications. Any officer affected by the bumping
process referred to in this Section may avail himself of
the same process against a lower ranking officer, in order
that the affected officer may be demoted rather than laid
off. When the demotion-bumping process is complete
and the fire fighting rank is attained, then the employee
with the Least Department Seniority shall be laid off as
per the provisions of Section 2 hereof.
Section 4. When an employee has been laid off, or an officer has
been demoted because of layoff, position elimination,
or “bumping”, the name of such employee shall be
placed on a preferred reemployment list for the ap-
propriate grade for a period of _____ months or
length of service, whichever is less. In filling any va-
cancy in any such grade, the preferred re-employment
list shall have priority over any other list. All names
shall remain on any preferred re-employment list until
each laid off employee is offered the opportunity for
re-hire or each such demoted officer is offered the op-
portunity for restoration to his/her former rank.
When a laid off employee is re-hired or an officer de-
moted because of layoff or otherwise is restored to the
prior higher grade, he/she shall be credited with De-
partmental Seniority and Rank Seniority as if he/she
had not been laid off or demoted. Laid off employees
or employees demoted because of layoff or otherwise
shall be notified of their re-hiring, or restoration, at
their last address on file with the Fire Department
and/or the Personnel Department.Any such employee
shall forfeit his/her right of re-hire or restoration to
the previous higher grade if he/she does not report to
the Fire Chief his/her willingness to return to work
ithin ______ days after notification, in writing, of
his/her eligibility to return to work, or having reported
such willingness, he/she does not in fact return to
work within _____ days after notification.
Both clauses are negotiated to ensure thatdifferences between Man-
agement and theUnion are resolved without interruption of work.
Provided below are three sample no strike/no lockout clauses:
Clause 1:
The City and the Union subscribe to the principle that differ-
ences shall be resolved by peaceful and appropriate means
without interruption of work. During the term of this Agree-
ment, neither the Union nor its agents or any employee, for any
reason will authorize, institute, aid, condone or engage in a
slowdown, work stoppage, strike, or any other interference with
the work and statutory functions or obligations of the em-
ployer. During the term of this Agreement, neither the
employer nor its agents for any reason shall authorize, insti-
tute, aid or promote any lockout of employees covered by this
Clause 2:
There will be no strikes, work stoppages, picket lines, slow-
downs, boycotts, or concerted failure or refusal to perform
assigned work by the employees of the Union and there will be
no lockouts by the County for the duration of this Agreement.
The Union supports the County fully in maintaining normal
operations. Any employee who participates in or promotes a
strike, work stoppage, picket line, slowdown, boycott, or con-
certed failure or refusal to perform assigned work shall be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.
It is recognized by the parties that the County is responsible for
and engaged in activities which are the basis of the health and
welfare of our citizens and that any violation of this Section
would give rise to irreparable damage to the County and to the
public at large. Accordingly, it is understood and agreed that in
the event of any violation of this Section, the County shall be
entitled to seek and obtain immediate injunctive relief. Pro-
vided, however, it is agreed that the Union shall not be
responsible for any act alleged to constitute a breach of this Sec-
tion if it can be shown that neither the Union nor any of its
officers instigated, authorized, condoned, sanctioned, or rati-
fied such action, and further, that the Union and its officers
have used every reasonable means to prevent or terminate such
Clause 3:
During the life of this Agreement no work stoppages, strikes,
slowdowns, or picketing shall be caused or sanctioned by the
Union, and no lockouts shall be made by the County.
In the event any employees covered by this Agreement, indi-
vidually or collectively, violate the provisions of this Article and
the Union fails to exercise good faith in halting the work inter-
ruption, the Union and the employees involved shall be deemed
in violation of this Article and the County shall be entitled to
seek all remedies available to it under applicable law.
Successor clauses protect the rights contained in the collective
bargaining agreement, for its duration, regardless of a change
in management.
Model contract language:
This Agreement shall be binding upon the successors and as-
signs of the parties hereto, and no provisions, terms, or
bligations herein, contained shall be affected, modified, al-
tered, or changed in any respect whatsoever by the
consolidation, merger, annexation, transfer or assignment of
either party hereto, or by any change geographically or other-
wise in the location or place of business of either party.
Provided below are two sample successor agreement clauses:
Clause 1:
This agreement shall be binding upon any employee organiza-
tion that, during the term of this agreement, succeeds the
Union as the recognized employee organization to represent
the employees covered by this agreement.
Clause 2:
The City agrees that in the event of a transfer of the Fire De-
partment or its functions to ____ County, all the rights and
benefits of the transferred employees guaranteed under this
Agreement shall be continued for the term of this Agreement.
Union activities clauses prohibit discrimination because of
union activity or membership. Language on union activities
permits the use of the grievance and arbitration process as an
avenue to remedy discrimination based on union activity.
Model contract language:
There shall be no discrimination, interference, restraint, or co-
ercion by the Employer against any employee for his/her
activity on behalf of, or membership in, the Union.
Provided below are three sample union activities clauses:
Clause 1:
No employee covered by this Agreement will be discriminated
against with regard to any job benefits or other conditions of
employment accruing from this Agreement because of race,
creed, national origin, union membership or sex.
Clause 2:
Employees shall have certain inherent rights as individuals
which shall include, among other things, the right to form, join
and participate in the activities of the Union of their own
choosing. Employees shall also have the right to refuse to join
or participate in activities of any Union. It is the right of an em-
ployee to seek relief to any problem as specified in the grievance
procedure and the filing of a grievance shall not adversely affect
the employee filing the grievance.
Clause 3:
No Fire Fighter shall be discharged, disciplined or discrimi-
nated against because of activity on behalf of the Union which
oes not interfere with the discharge of his/her duties or any
assignments, or violated any provisions of the Agreement.
Employees elected to union office are given leave to perform
equired duties. Leave for union business may be used for at-
tendance at regular and special meetings, conventions,
seminars, conferences and other activities. Union leave is also
used for contract negotiations and processing of grievances.
Such leave may be granted using a variety of methods such as
Union Officers being placed on full-time administrative leave
or being given a pool of hours to be utilized at the discretion of
the union representatives.
Model contract language:
Employees elected or appointed to represent the Union shall
be granted time to perform their union functions including,
but not limited to attendance at regular and special meetings,
conventions, seminars, conferences, and activities related to
grievance procedures without loss of pay.
# _____ members of the Union Negotiating Team shall be al-
lowed time off for all meetings which shall be mutually set by
the Employer and the Union.
Provided below are three sample union business clauses:
Clause 1:
Upon ___ days advance written notice the Employer agrees to
grant a leave of absence for not more than ____ year(s) with-
out pay to not more than two employees who may be elected to
a full-time union position with the Local or International
Union. While on such leave the employee shall not incur a
break in continuous service. An employee on leave shall not be
eligible for any other fringe benefits except for the specific pen-
sion provision applicable to the Union President under the
State of _____ Pension Code.
In addition to the foregoing, _____employees covered by the
Agreement shall upon _____ days written notice, be granted
leave from their duties, but shall remain on the payroll, for the
purpose of performing full-time duties on behalf of the Union.
During such leave said employees shall continue to accumulate
seniority and shall be eligible for and shall receive all benefits as
if they were fully on duty, including, but not limited to, pension
accruals. Effective ______, 20___, the Union will reimburse
the City in an amount equal to the cost of the salaries and fringe
benefits contributions for employees on Union leave. The Em-
ployer shall remain responsible for its portion of the pension
Subject to the need for orderly scheduling and any emergency
needs, and upon _____ days advance written notice, the Em-
ployer agrees to release from work without loss of pay Union
officials and representatives in order to attend bargaining ses-
sions, membership meetings, executive board meetings, state
conventions, national conventions, seminars, conferences or
symposiums. It is provided, however, that this shall be limited
to a maximum of ______ hours annually.
he Union shall supply the Employer with a list containing the
names, Union office, rank and permanent assignment of all
Union officials and representatives. Prior to any scheduled bar-
gaining session, membership meeting or executive board
meeting, the Union shall notify the Fire Department Labor Re-
ations Chief, in writing, of the names of its officials or
representatives requiring paid time off, and the anticipated
length of the scheduled session or meeting. Union officials or
representatives receiving paid time off to attend the session or
meeting must return to work at the conclusion of said session
or meeting.
One person designated by the Union shall be released from work
to attend sessions of the _____ State Legislature as Legislative
Representative under the following terms and conditions:
(1) Said person must notify the Fire Commissioner or his/her
designee, through channels, ___ days in advance of his/her
attendance at any such session.
(2) Said person, upon request, shall promptly provide the Fire
Commissioner with a report of the matters of interest con-
sidered by the legislature during the session attended.
(3) If said person receives his/her authorized per diem al-
lowance from the Union, his/her absence from work shall
be without loss of pay.
(4) The Union will provide the Fire Commissioner or his/her
designee with satisfactory evidence concerning the payment
of per diem allowance.
When needed, a second person designated by the Union shall
be allowed to exchange work shifts and Kelly days to attend ses-
sions of the ______ State Legislature as Legislative
Clause 2:
Employees who are union officials (________officers and
______directors who constitute the unions executive board)
shall be granted time off without loss of pay to conduct union
business if a replacement of an equivalent rank or, at the dis-
cretion of the affected Battalion Chief, other employee is
arranged for by the Union. The cost of such replacement shall
be paid by the Union. Such employees may be granted time off
without pay to conduct union business at the discretion of the
Chief of the Fire Department. Upon written approval of the
Chief, the Union President, Vice President and/or Secre-
tary/Treasurer may be granted a reasonable amount of time off
per year with pay to conduct official Union business, excluding
all State legislative lobbying or activities.
All requests and arrangements for the time off shall be made by the
Union official at least one shift prior to the proposed time off
whenever possible. In emergencies, the request may be submitted
orally and later confirmed in writing. The Union will maintain a
log of the actual time spent pursuing approved Union business.
Union business may be conducted in the fire stations with per-
mission of the Chief of the Department. While working on
shift, Union officials agree not to transact union business that
interferes with Department functions or normal routine.
The Union agrees that any City property or facilities, includ-
ing department apparatus, shall not be used for any non-duty
related activities unless expressly approved by the Fire Chief or
his/her designee in writing. Such approval may be made orally
nd later confirmed in writing.
Clause 3:
The President of the Union shall be granted administrative
leave up to ____ hours per year for the purpose of discharging
his/her official representational duties as Union President pro-
vided that the President and designees are not simultaneously
covered by administrative leave.
Members of the Union Executive Board, when scheduled to
work, shall be granted_____ hours administrative leave to attend
executive board meetings, not to exceed ____ hours per month.
All requests for administrative leave as defined in this Article
shall be submitted in writing by the Union to the Fire Admin-
istrator or his/her designee no later than ____ calendar days
prior to the requested date. This advance notice period may be
waived under extenuating circumstances by mutual agreement.
Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied.
In addition, members of the bargaining unit shall be assessed
___ hours compensatory leave or annual leave per year (at the
option of the Employee) which shall be contributed to an ad-
ministrative leave bank for the purpose of providing additional
administrative leave to the President and/or other officers and
officials of the Union.Administrative leave identified in this Ar-
ticle shall be the sole source of leave for the Union President and
shall result in the President being placed on administrative leave
full-time, except that the President shall continue to use annual
and sick leave pursuant to applicable regulations and the provi-
sions of this Agreement. Any surplus in this leave bank at the
end of any leave year shall not carry over to the next year.
The President and two Vice Presidents of the Union shall be
provided with one pager each of a type and design selected by
the Employer to assist in their representational duties.
An administrative leave bank of _____ hours shall be created
for use by Union officers and officials to attend workshops,
seminars, conferences, and conventions related to the conduct
of their duties in the Union.
Bargaining unit employees who are members of the Union Ne-
gotiations Committee shall receive reasonable Administrative
Leave in connection with contract negotiations and preparations.
It is essential that a collective bargaining agreement contain a
clause recognizing the union as the exclusive bargaining agent
for the employees within a defined bargaining unit. It is im-
portant that a union recognition clause mention specific
classifications (i.e., fire fighter, lieutenant, captain, etc.). As a
result, all changes impacting the designated classifications
would have to be discussed with the Union.
Model contract language:
The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive
bargaining agent for (choose appropriate phrase):
A. All employees of the Fire Department.
B.All employees of the Fire Department except (list positions).
. The positions of fire fighter, lieutenant, captain, assistant
chief, and district chief.
D. All employees of the _______________ Fire Department
as certified by the_________ Department of Labor Order #
__________ Date __________.
Provided below are three sample union recognition clauses:
Clause 1:
The City hereby recognizes the International Association of Fire
Fighters, Local ____,as theexclusive representative for the purpose
of collective bargaining with respect to wages,hours,and terms and
conditions of employmentforall employees in the bargaining unit.
The bargaining unit for which this recognition is accorded includes
personnel in the classifications of firefighter, fire driver-operator,
fire lieutenant, fire inspector employed in the Fire Department of
the City, and specifically excludes Fire Department Chief, Deputy
Chief, Division Chief, Captain, Training Officer, Fire Prevention
Officer, Health and Safety Officer,and FireArson/Investigative Of-
ficer employed by the Fire Department of the City and all other
employees in all other classifications of the City not specifically in-
cluded in the unit, professional employees, managerial employees,
and confidential employees, as set forth in the order issued by the
State Public Employees Relations Commission.
Clause 2:
The City, during the term of this Agreement, recognizes the
Union for the purpose of collective bargaining as the sole and
exclusive bargaining agent for employees of the Fire Depart-
ment in the following Civil Service Classifications, which are
hereby defined as the Bargaining Unit:
Fire Fighter
Fire Apparatus Operator
Fire Captain
Fire Prevention Inspector
Fire Alarm Dispatcher
Probationary Fire Fighters who have served a ___ month pe-
riod as a Probationary Fire Fighter shall also be eligible to
belong to the Bargaining Unit.
The City agrees not to sign or otherwise enter into any agree-
ment of any kind with any other organization or group within
the Fire Department during the term of this Agreement, which
covers any work rules, wages, or any other item or condition
whether or not covered by this Agreement. These conditions
may be waived by mutual agreement.
If the official class title of any classification enumerated in this
Agreement is changed or altered by action of the Civil Service
Commission, the incumbents in such case would still be cov-
ered by the provisions of this Agreement. If any new
classifications are created within the Fire Department, those
new classifications shall be included in the bargaining unit as
long as the functions are less than the current functions of the
position of Fire District Chief. Any disagreements shall be sub-
itted to the Grievance Procedure for resolution.
Employees shall have the right to join or not to join the Union.
The Union agrees that Fire Recruits shall be eligible for Union
membership after ____ days of employment. Provisional Fire
District Chiefs and provisional Deputy Fire Chiefs shall not be
n the bargaining unit.
Except as provided herein, all other employees of the Fire De-
partment are specifically excluded from the provisions of this
Clause 3:
The City hereby recognizes the Union as the sole and exclusive
representative for the purpose of collective bargaining for all
uniformed employees of the Division of Fire excluding the Fire
Chief and the Assistant Fire Chiefs.
Union security provisions ensure that an employee who is not
a member of the Union shall, as a condition of employment,
pay a monthly service charge equivalent to the dues and as-
sessments paid by a member to the Union. Union security
provisions also have religious objection provisions. In some in-
stances, an individual employee may object to union dues based
on bona fide religious tenets or teachings of a church or reli-
gious body of which he or she is a member. In such case, the
employee has to meet with representatives of the Union and
establish a satisfactory arrangement for distribution of a mon-
etary contribution equivalent to union membership dues,
initiation fees and assessments to a non-religious charity. The
employee must furnish written proof to the Employer and the
Union that this has been done.
Model contract language:
(Select the appropriate phrase[s].)
A. Agency Shop: Any employee who is not a member of the
Union shall pay a monthly service fee to the Union.
B. Religious Objection Provision: Any individual employee
objection based on bona fide religious tenets or teachings
of a church or religious body of which such employee is a
member, will require such employee to inform the Em-
ployer and the Union of his/her objection. The employee
will meet with representatives of the Union and establish a
satisfactory arrangement for distribution of a monetary
contribution equivalent to union membership dues, initia-
tion fees and assessments to a non-religious charity. The
employee shall furnish written proof to the Employer and
the Union that this has been done.
C. Save Harmless: The Union shall indemnify, defend, and
save the Employer harmless against any and all claims, de-
mands, suits, or other forms of liability that may arise out
of or by reason of action taken or not taken by the Employer
in fulfilling the obligations imposed on the Employer under
this Article.
Provided below are three sample union security clauses:
Clause 1:
A current employee in the unit, employed as of July 1, 20___
nd any new employee in the Unit, as a condition of continu-
ing employment with the City, shall execute a payroll deduction
authorization form as furnished by the Union, and thereby
shall become and remain a member in good standing in the
Union. New employees shall execute an authorization under
his paragraph within ___ calendar days of employment. In the
alternative to membership, the employee shall execute a pay-
roll deduction authorization form as furnished by the Union,
and thereby pay to the Union an initial fee equal to the regular
initiation fee and, thereafter, a monthly service fee equal to the
regular monthly union dues; or, in the case of employees who
certify that they are members of a bona fide religion, body or
sect which has historically held conscientious objections to
joining or financially supporting public employee organiza-
tions, execute a payroll deduction form as furnished by the
Union, and thereby pay sums equal to union dues, initiation
fees, or service fees to only the (1) International Association of
Fire Fighter’s Burn Foundation; (2) Special Olympics, or (3)
Muscular Dystrophy Association.
Upon ___ days’ notice to the City from the Union that an em-
ployee described above has failed to maintain the bargaining
unit member’s membership in good standing or has failed to
maintain the bargaining unit member’s current service fee pay-
ments or has failed to maintain the bargaining unit member’s
charitable contribution payments to one of the three (3) char-
ities designated above, then the City shall (1) counsel the
employee regarding the bargaining unit member’s obligation
under this provision, and (2) inform the employees that fur-
ther failure to maintain the appropriate payments shall subject
the employee to discharge.
Annually, the Union will provide an explanation of the fee and
sufficient financial information to enable the service fee payer
to gauge the appropriateness of the fee. As a condition prece-
dent to deducting the service fee or taking any action against an
employee for failure to authorize service fee payments, the City
must receive certification from the Union that the Union has
provided all fee payers with the financial disclosure required by
law, including an independently audited financial disclosure of
the Unions chargeable expenses. The Union will provide a rea-
sonable, prompt opportunity to challenge the amount of the
fee before an impartial decision maker not chosen by the Union
and will make provision for an escrow account to hold amounts
reasonably in dispute while the challenges are pending.
The Union shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its of-
ficers and employees, from and against any and all loss,
damages, costs, expenses, claims, attorney fees, demands, ac-
tions, suits, judgments, and other proceedings arising out of
any discharge action resulting from this provision.
Clause 2:
(a) It shall be a continuing condition of employment that all bar-
gaining unit employees: (1) shall become and remain
members in good standing of the Union, or (2) pay a service
fee effective July 1, 20___. Within ____ days of obtaining
merit status and receipt of notification from the Union a bar-
gaining unit employee shall exercise one of the choices above.
(1) Semi-annually the Employer shall provide the Union with
an updated list of all employees of the Division of Fire and
Rescue Services who at the time are in a probationary sta-
us. Such list shall contain the following information for
each probationary employee: name, home address, current
station assignment, and date of hire. These semi-annual re-
ports will be provided to the Union by March 1 and
September 1 each calendar year.
(b) The union dues and service fees shall be set by the Union.
These amounts may be subject to change each year of this
Agreement as a result of notice given by the Union to the
Employer at least ____ days prior to the effective date of
the change, which shall be the first full pay period follow-
ing July 1 of each year.
(c) The Union shall comply, in the administration of this Arti-
cle, with Section _____ of the ________ County Code, as
amended; specifically, the Union shall adhere at all times to
all federal constitutional requirements in its administration
of any agency shop system maintained by it.
(d) The Union shall indemnify and hold the Employer harm-
less against any and all claims arising from actions taken by
the Union with regard to the collection of agency service fees
or the resolution of disputes concerning agency service fees.
Clause 3:
(1) The City will deduct from the biweekly earnings of all employ-
ees represented by the recognized bargaining unit IAFF Local
______,AFL-CIO,hereinafter referred to asAssociation,who
have not authorized dues deduction by duesdeduction cards,an
amount that is equal to the proportionate share of the cost of
the collective bargaining process and contract administration
measured by the amount of dues uniformly required of all
members of the Association and pay said amount to the Treas-
urer of the Association within ____ calendar days after the
payday from which such deduction was made.
(2) The City will not deduct the dues of any employee in any
two week pay period unless said employee is a member of
the Association recognized bargaining unit for at least seven
calendar days that pay period.
(3) The City reserves the right to stop, withhold, or modify fair-
share deductions for employees or positions in question
until resolved by mutual agreement or by the Employment
Relations Commission.
(4) The City will honor only dues deduction cards which au-
thorize dues to the recognized bargaining unit which
represents the employee. No dues or fair-share deduction
will be made from earnings of managerial, supervisory or
confidential employees.
(5) Changes in dues or fair-share amounts to be deducted shall
be certified by the Association at least __________ calendar
days before the start of the pay period the increased deduc-
tion is to be effective.
(6) Fair-share deductions for new employees in the Associa-
tions recognized bargaining unit will be made from the
new employees first paycheck. The City will provide the As-
sociation with a list of employees from whom dues or
fair-share deductions are made with each biweekly remit-
tance to the Association.
7) The Association will fully and fairly represent all members
of the bargaining unit regardless of whether they are mem-
bers of the Association.
(8) The Association shall, at its sole cost and expense, fully in-
emnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents
and employees against any and all claims, suits, actions or li-
ability of judgments for damages (including, but not limited
to, expenses for reasonable legal fees and disbursements of the
City, if any) arising from any objections to or contesting of
the validity of any dues or fair-share deductions or the inter-
pretation, application or enforcement of this provision.
Management will introduce this clause in an effort to prevent
the Union from bargaining on contract items during the life of
the Agreement.
Model contract language:
The parties agree that during negotiations each had an unlimited
right and opportunity to make demands and proposals with re-
spect to any subject not precluded by law regarding the
employees covered by this Agreement and that the understand-
ings and agreements arrived at by the parties is set forth in this
Agreement. Therefore, the Employer and the Union, for the du-
ration of this Agreement each voluntarily and unqualified waives
its right, and each agrees that the other shall not be obligated to
bargain collectively with respect to any subject or matter whether
or not specifically referred to or covered by this Agreement,even
though the subject may or may not have been within the knowl-
edge of either or both of the parties during the negotiations or
signing of the Agreement.The parties further agree that any mu-
tual agreements or understandings which are reached during the
term of this Agreement shall be reduced to writing.
Provided below are three sample waiver of further bargain-
ing/expressed waiver clauses:
Clause 1:
The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which re-
sulted in this Agreement each had the unlimited right and
opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to
any subject or matter not removed by law from the area of col-
lective bargaining and that the understandings and agreement
arrived at by the parties after the exercise of that right and op-
portunity are set forth in this Agreement. Therefore, the
Employer and the Union for the life of this Agreement each vol-
untarily and unqualifiedly waives the right, and each agrees that
the other shall not be obligated to bargain collectively with re-
spect to any subject or matter not specifically referred to or
covered in this Agreement, even though such subject or matter
may not have been within the knowledge and contemplation of
either or both of the parties at the time they negotiated or signed
this Agreement and nothing, however, shall abridge the right of
any duly authorized representative of the Union to present views
of the Union which affect the welfare of its members.
Notwithstanding the above, the parties recognize the obliga-
tion to negotiate regarding any contemplated change which will
significantly affect a term or condition of employment not con-
tained in this Agreement.
lause 2:
The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which
resulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and
opportunity to make demands and proposals with respect to
any subject or matter appropriate for collective bargaining. The
nderstanding and agreements arrived at by the parties after
the exercise of that right and opportunity are set forth in this
Therefore, the City and the Union, for the life of this Agree-
ment, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right and
each agrees that the other shall not be obligated to bargain col-
lectively with respect to any subject or matter without mutual
consent, even though such subjects or matters may not have
been within the knowledge or contemplation of either or both
of the parties at the time that they negotiated and signed this
Agreement. All terms and conditions of employment not cov-
ered by this Agreement shall continue to be subject to the City’s
direction and control.
Clause 3:
The parties agree that this Agreement constitutes the entire
Contract between them governing the rates of pay and work-
ing conditions of the employees in the bargaining unit during
the term hereof and settles all demands and issues on all mat-
ters subject to collective bargaining, including any demands
made by the Union during negotiations. Nothing herein shall
limit the parties’ right to agree to a Memorandum of Under-
standing which may be made an addendum to this Agreement
provided that the Memorandum of Understanding specifically
states that it shall have such effect.
Contract language on call back pay guarantees minimum earn-
ings to an employee called into work outside his/her regularly
scheduled hours.It provides some compensation for the disrup-
ion of an employee’s schedule and deters the Employer from
disrupting an employees schedule unless there is sufficient work.
Provided below are three sample call back pay clauses:
lause 1:
Employees shall be paid premium rates of pay equal to one and
one-half times his/her regular rate of pay when:
A. The employee is held over beyond the end of his/her regu-
larly scheduled work shift in which case the employee shall be
entitled to a minimum of ___ hours premium pay, and/or:
B. The employee is required to report in early for his/her regu-
larly scheduled shift in which case the employee shall be
entitled to premium pay or,
C. The employee is called in to work at a time not immediately
preceding his/her regularly scheduled shift in which case the
employee shall be entitled to a minimum of ____ hours
premium pay.
Clause 2:
In the event a Fire Fighter is called back outside their regular
shift and after having logged out, he or she shall be paid a min-
imum of ____ hours pay at the time of reporting. Said pay shall
be calculated at the rate of time and one-half. In the event the
Firefighter is required to work any period in excess of ____
ours, he or she shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half
for all hours actually worked. In the event a Firefighter is called
in early”, i.e., ordered to report earlier than the starting time for
the next regular shift, they will be compensated ____ hours at
the rate of time and one-half. It is the discretion of the Chief of
ire to determine which shift to call out.
Clause 3:
When a member of the Fire Department is called for duty at a
time he/she is off shift, the member shall be paid for such serv-
ice at two (2) times his/her basic hourly rate for all hours
worked. The time such member is to be paid will be calculated
from the time he/she is notified by the Communication Con-
trol Dispatcher, and such time will end when member is
dismissed by the senior officer in charge. If the senior officer
considers it necessary for the person called out to clean up, an
additional ____ minutes will be added for such purpose. It is
understood that any member called while off shift but used for
standby duty, will not be allowed time for clean up. Minimum
pay to be allowed for any one (1) shift call-out shall be ____
hours pay at two (2) times his/her basic hourly rate.
Contract language on compensation at resignation or retire-
ment is negotiated to ensure that an employee does not lose
any accumulated pay or leave upon separation or retirement
from the Fire Department.
Model contract language:
An employee who resigns, retires, dismissed or laid-off is eli-
gible and shall be compensated accordingly for all his/her
accumulated overtime, compensatory time, holiday time and
vacation time, including pro-rata pay due for the current year
at his/her current rate of pay.
Provided below are three sample compensation at resignation
or retirement clauses:
Clause 1:
Pay for accrued annual leave,previously banked holiday, compen-
satory time and the balance of any remaining Kelly Day
entitlement not taken shall be granted to each employee upon ter-
mination, layoff, retirement or death of an employee. Such
accumulated leave shall be paid to the employee or to the next of
kin as designated by the appropriate retirement system respectively.
An employee eligible to receive such pay on separation as pro-
vided above will be given the following options:
1. A one-time payment of the full amount; or
2. Annual payments of equal amounts up to five years. Pay-
ments will be provided in January of each year; or
3. At the time that an employee is selecting either option 1 or
option 2 above, the employee may also elect to designate a
specific portion of the full amount due him/her, which por-
tion shall be held by the City for the purpose of maintaining
that employee’s health insurance programs.
4. If death would occur during the utilization of options 2 or 3,the
balance remaining will be paid to the appropriate beneficiary.
Clause 2:
mployees shall be compensated in cash at their regular rate of
pay for any unused accumulation of vacation when they are
permanently separated from the City.
At the time of retirement an employee may convert accumu-
lated sick leave and vacation to early retirement leave or be
compensated in cash at their regular rate of pay.
Clause 3:
When an employees leaves City employment, he or she shall be
paid in full on the payroll covering the last day he or she actu-
ally worked for his/her salary due, plus the value of
accumulated vacation time, and unused compensatory time off
earned, such value to be calculated based on his/her basic
hourly rate at the time of his/her termination.
Contract language on cost of living guarantees automatic wage
adjustments based on the increase in the cost of living.
Model contract language:
(Select the appropriate phrase[s].)
A. The wage rates shall be adjusted quarterly to reflect the
change in the Consumer Price Index, All Cities Average, for
All Urban Consumers, published by the Bureau of Labor
Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Statistics Canada.
hereinafter referred to as the Index.
The quarterly adjustments shall be made effective January
1, 20__; April 1, 20__; July 1, 20__; and October 1, 20__.
When necessitated by changes in the Index, the rates for
the respective job classifications shall be adjusted by con-
verting said changes to a percentage basis and shall be
calculated to the nearest one cent.
B. In addition to the basic wage rates, a cost of living allowance
shall be paid to each employee. The cost-of-living allowance
shall be determined in accordance with increases in the
Consumer Price Index, for All Urban Consumers, (1982-84
= 100) in the (city)_____ area. published by the Bureau of
Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Statistics
Canada, hereinafter referred to as the Index.
Provided below are two sample cost of living clauses:
Clause 1:
CPI Salary Adjustment – Maximum - ____%
Effective ________, 20___ through _______, 20___, all the
classifications in the unit shall receive salary increases above
each classifications current assigned salary range which was
II. Economic and Benefit Language
n effect in the salary range schedule on ________, 20___,
as determined by the following conditions: Classifications
in this unit shall receive salary adjustments based on the
nearest rounded one quarter percent (.25%) increment
change of the Consumer Price Index (CPI), All Urban Con-
umers Index (U) for the _____________ area (1982-1984
= 100) for the period of _________20___ through
_______ 20___ to a maximum salary increase not to ex-
ceed __________ percent (____%).
CPI Salary Adjustment Minimum - _____%
Should the Consumer Price Index (CPI) All Urban Con-
sumer Index (U) for the ________________area
(1982-1984 = 100 base) for the period of
__________20___ through __________20___ be less than
______%, all unit employees shall receive a ____% salary
adjustment in lieu of CPI.
Clause 2:
Section 1. There will be a cost of living allowance if and when
and to the extent the cost of living exceeds ____%
during the contract year subject to a maximum pay
out of ___% of an employee’s base salary for the
quarter in question. The method and basis for com-
puting the allowance will be as follows:
All computations will be based on changes in the
revised Consumer Price Index (CPI-W) published
by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department
of Labor, Urban and Clerical Wage Earners, U.S.
Cities, 1982-84=100.
The base index month shall be ______for FY___,
______for FY___, and _______ for FY___.
Cost of living computations will be made quarterly
to determine the percent difference between the
CPI-W for the base index month and for August,
November, February and May of each applicable
fiscal year.
Quarterly cost of living allowance pay adjustments
will be made effective the first day of the month fol-
lowing the month in which it is determined that the
cost of living has increased in excess of ____%.
However, these quarterly cost of living payments
are limited to a maximum of ____% of an em-
ployee’s base salary for the quarter in question.
Furthermore, any payments made under this Arti-
cle for the final quarter described in Section (c)
shall not be included in the base salary of any em-
ployee but shall be paid on a one-time,
non-recurring basis. Payments made for the re-
maining three (3) quarters, if any, shall be included
in the employee’s base salary.
No cost of living adjustment will have the effect of
reducing the salary schedules set forth in Article
_____, Compensation to this Agreement.
Contract language on detail pay provides compensation for
those employees who report to duty and are detailed to another
ire station. This compensation is usually used for travel and
food expenses incurred by an employee. In addition, some con-
tracts contain detail pay provisions for non-civic details.
Provided below are three sample detail pay clauses:
Clause 1:
Any Fire Fighter who reports for duty and is detailed to work
at a station other than the station to which he/she is assigned
and provides his/her own transportation or participates in the
meal at the other station will be compensated at a rate of $___
per detail. Longer term assignments (those exceeding ____
tours of duty on any one assignment) shall not be eligible for
detail pay after the ____ tour.
Clause 2:
Any fifty-six(56) hour employee who reports for duty and is
detailed to another engine house shall receive ($_____) detail
compensation. This detail compensation will not be paid for
certain other assignments such as voting relief details, and court
appearances when subpoenaed; but, in those cases, if the em-
ployee is required to use their personal vehicle for
transportation to the assignment, they will be entitled to com-
pensation in accordance with the City Mileage Policy.
No employee will be required to use their personal vehicle to re-
port to a ruins detail or to relieve at a fire scene.
All other employees shall be governed by the City Mileage Policy.
lause 3:
Section 1. All details related to the responsibilities and opera-
tions of the _______Fire Department shall be
performed by employees at the rate of $________
er hour. Officers working details in a supervisory
capacity shall be compensated at the rate of ____%
above that of the regular firefighter detail rate. Em-
ployees assigned to work a detail on the night before
a holiday or on the day or night of a holiday shall be
compensated at double their detail rate of pay. “Nor-
mal hourly rate of pay” does not refer to the detail
rates as established under this Section but rather to
hourly rates as determined under Article _____,
wages and compensation.
Section 2. The City shall establish a Special Fund out of which it
shall make payments for details worked. Payment shall
be made for all details within ____ days of the next reg-
ular pay day thereafter, after the detail is worked.
Section 3. The City shall supply two-way radio equipment to
employees working fire watch and paid details.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) clauses define the EMS du-
ties of the Fire Department [First Responder, Basic Life Support
(BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS)].
Provided below are three sample EMS clauses:
Clause 1:
New employees and those hired after a break in continuity of
service will be regarded as probationary employees for their
____ year(s) of service and will receive no continuous service
credit during such period. A probationary Fire Fighter must
successfully complete the prescribed fire fighting training
course as required by the State of ___ prior to the completion
of their probationary period. As a condition of employment, a
new Fire Fighter must successfully complete the prescribed fire
fighting training course and the prescribed Emergency Med-
ical Technician training course, as required by the State of ___
prior to the completion of ____ years of service.
Clause 2:
Section 1. EMT Certification
All employees hired on or after January 1, 20__ who
are required to have a Fire Fighter certificate shall be
required to maintain State of ____ EMT certification
in accordance with State of ______ requirements.
Section 2. Promotions
All employees promoted to the classifications of
Driver Operator, Lieutenant or Captain, or District
chief, on or after Jan. 1, 20__, shall maintain at least an
EMT level of medical certification.
Section 3. Fire Safety Inspector
All District Chiefs, currently certified as such, shall be
required to maintain Fire Safety Inspector certifica-
tion, in accordance with State of ______
Section 4. Recertification
The County shall pay State of ____ recertification fees
for full-time Fire Safety Inspector (including District
Chiefs), Paramedic and EMT recertification and shall
lso provide tuition reimbursement for employees
who take required recertification courses if such
course is not offered by the County. Any recertifica-
tion course required by the State of ____, and which
is not available to the employee while on duty, will be
taken by the employee while off duty and shall not be
considered as time worked. Any recertification course
required by the County, but which is not required by
the State of ______, and not available to the employee
while on duty, will be taken by the employee and shall
be considered as time worked.
Section 5. Paramedic Sponsorship
Any employee who accepts a position in the Para-
medic program under the Countys sponsorship
arrangement shall sign an agreement indicating that
the employee will remain certified and function as a
Department Protocoled Paramedic as a condition of
employment for a period of ___ years unless unable to
do so due to illness, injury, or other reasonable con-
dition. No employee will be required to give up
his/her bid position to attend the Paramedic program
and shall remain until the employee bids out, subject
to reassignment as a Paramedic on a temporary basis.
Additionally, these employees shall remain employed
for at least ____ years or repay the cost for the spon-
sorship as follows: if the employee voluntarily leaves
employment less than ____ year after completion, the
employee will repay the entire cost of the sponsorship;
if the employee voluntarily leaves employment within
____ years after completion, the employee will repay
___% of the cost of the sponsorship; if the employee
voluntarily leaves employment less than ____ years
after completion, the employee will repay ____% of
the cost of the sponsorship.
Clause 3:
The Department may require any employee to become certified
or to re-certify as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). The
Department will pay for the cost of the employees salary, re-
quired textbooks, and required fees and approved expenses.
The Department will pay for or provide EMT recertification
training where it initially required EMT certification or a pre-
vious recertification. Payment shall be for the employee’s salary,
required textbooks, and required fees and approved expenses.
Provisions on the Fair Labor Standards Act are negotiated to
provide a compensatory time option to the employee for over-
time earned under FLSA. In addition, provisions are also
negotiated to ensure that paid leave is counted as hours worked
for purposes of computing overtime under FLSA.
Provided below are three sample clauses on both compensa-
tory time under the Fair Labor Standards Act and paid leave as
hours worked under the Fair Labor Standards Act.
ompensatory Time:
Clause 1:
The employee may, in lieu of cash payments for all actual hours
worked in excess of ___ hours in a ___ day period for employ-
ees assigned to the three-platoon system, and hours worked in
xcess of 80 hours per bi-weekly pay period for employees as-
signed to a 40-hour work week, utilize compensatory time
calculated at one and one-half (1 1/2) times the excess hours
worked. Thereafter, accumulated compensatory time may be
taken off by the employee with the approval of the Fire Chief.
Accumulated compensatory time off shall be taken off within
a reasonable period of time after it is earned and shall in no
event necessitate an overtime situation nor create an undue
hardship in scheduling or maintaining operations. If compen-
satory time cannot be taken off within a reasonable period of
time after it is earned, the employee may elect to be paid the
overtime compensation or to allow the time to carry-over not
to exceed a maximum of ___ hours of accumulated compen-
satory time.
Employees who wish to be paid for their accumulated com-
pensatory time may request such payment from the Employer
up to a maximum of _____ hours per year payable at such em-
ployee’s 40-hour base rate of pay. Payment for accumulated
compensatory time shall be made pursuant to procedures mu-
tually agreed upon by the Employer and the Union.
Clause 2:
Hours worked in excess of ___ hours, shall be compensated at
1 1/2 times the regular rate as defined by the FLSA.
The method of compensation shall be as follows:
(1) Cash or compensatory time at the employees option for all
hours worked in excess of the regular schedule during the
work period shall be compensated at the rate of one hour
for each hour worked plus
(2) At the conclusion of the work period, cash for the hours
over _____, shall be paid at 1/2 times the regular rate, except
hours which have already been compensated at 1 1/2 time
(e.g., emergency recalls and court time).
Employees may request conversion of banked compensatory
time to cash at any time during the year. Such conversion shall
be granted subject to the availability of budgeted funds.
Such compensation shall be paid at the regular rate at the time
such payment is made. It will not be made during any period
in which the regular rate is increased due to special compensa-
tion (e.g., court standby or non-regularly assigned bonuses).
This provision shall not preclude the City from converting
banked time to cash. No employee shall lose banked compen-
satory time under any circumstances.
Clause 3:
Any time worked in excess of the regularly scheduled work
week as defined in previous paragraph, shall be considered
overtime. All employees except the Chief of the Department
shall be compensated for authorized overtime work in cash or
compensatory time as indicated by the Employee. Employees
lecting to receive compensation for overtime work in cash,
shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half of their regular
hourly rate. Employees electing to receive compensatory time
off shall be granted it at a rate of double time. Effective ______,
20___, employees shall be granted compensatory time off at
he rate of time and one-half. Employees hired after ________
and prior to _______, shall have a maximum accumulation
total equal to their compensatory time off bank as of ________
plus 750 hours. When compensatory time is desired, the Em-
ployee will determine, subject to the approval of the Chief,
when it shall be taken. All compensatory time must be taken in
a minimum block of ______ consecutive hours when requested
between the hours of ____-______.
Paid Leave as Hours Worked:
Clause 1:
Overtime is defined as all hours worked in excess of the regu-
larly scheduled work week. All overtime shall be reported in
increments of _____ minutes and is non-accumulative and
non-payable when incurred in units of less than ______ min-
utes. Holiday leave, sick leave, vacation leave and court time
shall be considered as time worked for purposes of computing
overtime compensation.
Clause 2:
All benefit time, such as holidays, sick leave, vacation, etc., shall
be counted as hours worked for overtime purposes. Benefit
time is compensated leave time for which an employee does
not actually work.
Clause 3:
Any 24/48 hours employee required to work more than 212
hours during the employees’ scheduled 28-day work period
shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half(1 ½) times his/her
regular rate of pay for said additional hours, however, all other
hours shall be paid pursuant to the provisions of the FLSA or
in accordance with any applicable section of this agreement.
Sick hours shall be counted as hours worked for the purpose
of calculating overtime.
Vacation days shall be counted as hours worked for the pur-
pose of calculating overtime.
FIREPAC is the IAFF’s political action committee (PAC) and
an integral part of the IAFF’s efforts to promote the legislative
and political interests of all professional fire fighters and
paramedics at the federal level. FIREPAC’s mission is to educate
members of Congress about issues important to fire fighters
and emergency medical personnel and to help elect candidates
to office that support those issues.
FIREPAC contributions may be addressed in a collective
bargaining agreement similarly to a dues checkoff.
Clause 1:
The City will also provide payroll deduction to members for
FIREPAC (or other political action committee identified by the
Food allowance clauses are negotiated because there is a re-
quirement that Fire Fighters eat at the fire house which
necessitates reimbursement for meals.
Model contract language:
The Employer shall grant each employee a food allowance of
$_____ payable (monthly, quarterly, annually, etc.).
Provided below are three sample food allowance clauses:
Clause 1:
Employees covered hereby who are on a twenty-four (24) hour
duty schedule shall receive an annual food reimbursement per
employee of $_______.
Employees who serve less than _____ months of regular full
time duty during any fiscal year shall receive a pro-rated share
of the annual food reimbursement. Such pro-rated share shall
be computed to the nearest full month of completed regular
service. Food reimbursement amounts shall be paid by the City
during the first _____ weeks of August of each fiscal year.
Clause 2:
The meal allowance shall be $_____ for every shift worked (___
shifts per pay period).
Clause 3:
Meal Allowance – Shift employees shall be paid $____ per 24-
hour shift scheduled or $_____ for each 12-hour period worked.
Health insurance clauses are negotiated so that a detailed ex-
planation of benefits is provided to the employee in the
Collective Bargaining Agreement. Health insurance clauses in-
clude: employer/employee contributions for both single and
family health insurance plans, and employer/employee contri-
butions for retiree insurance. In addition to general health
insurance benefits, detailed information is often provided on
dental, vision and prescription benefits.
Model contract language:
The Employer shall pay 100% of the cost of the premium for
the employee and his/her dependents for (list insurance plans).
The following are the major types of health care insurance that
may be included in a medical insurance program:
HOSPITALIZATION - This type of insurance covers the
daily room and board charged while an employee or
his/her dependents are in the hospital. It covers other
charges made by the hospital for medical care, such as the
use of operating room, x-rays, anesthesia, laboratory ex-
aminations, medicines, etc.
If the fire fighter or dependents are not confined to a hos-
pital, charges made by the hospital for emergency care or
surgery are covered.
SURGICAL - This insurance is to help meet the expense of
a surgical procedure and the fee charged by the surgeon.
EDICAL EXPENSE Covers the cost of medical treat-
ment by a physician as a result of an injury or sickness
while confined to a hospital or a home visit.
MAJOR-MEDICAL Major-medical insurance is in ad-
ition to a basic plan and includes benefits for the
so-called catastrophic or disaster type of illness or injury.
It reimburses the employee or dependents for expenses
in excess of benefits received under a basic plan.
DENTAL - This insurance covers charges by a dentist for
an examination for checkup purposes as well as for in-
juries, dental defects or disease and may include the
Routine Oral Exams
Oral Exam
Services or treatment which may include the following
may be covered:
Dentures & Bridges
Extractions and Other Oral Surgery
Periodontal Treatment
Root Canal Therapy
Orthodontic Treatments
PRESCRIPTION DRUG - Covers the expense for the
drugs prescribed by a physician because of an injury or
VISION - Covers charges for examination, lenses, in-
cluding contact lenses, tinted lenses and sunglasses and
eyeglass frames.
Provided below are three sample health insurance clauses:
Clause 1:
Section 1. Health Insurance
A. Effective July 1, 20___, Management agrees to con-
tinue to expend a monthly sum not to exceed
$_____ per month toward the cost of any City spon-
sored insurance plan approved by Management and
the Union. The amount applied to the employee-
only coverage will be the actual amount required,
not to exceed $_____ per month.
B. Management will apply the subsidy first to the em-
ployee’s coverage. Any remaining balance will be
applied toward the coverage of the employee’s de-
pendents under the plan. The definition of a
dependent shall include the domestic partner or an
employee and the dependents of such domestic part-
ner. Any employee claiming a domestic partner
and/or dependents of such domestic partner shall
complete a confidential affidavit to be filed with the
Employee Benefits Office, Personnel Department,
which shall be signed by the employee and the do-
mestic partner, declaring the existence of that
domestic partnership. By extending to an employee
he specific benefits defined by this Article, the City
does not intend to confer or imply any other un-
specified benefits to such employee, or to the
employees domestic partner, or to the dependents of
such domestic partner.
C. During the term of the Memorandum of Under-
standing the City will increase the maximum
monthly contribution by an amount equal to the
whole dollar amount increase in the three-party
rate, except for employee-only coverage. Increases in
this monthly contribution shall be effective at the
beginning of the payroll period in which the City
yearly premium rate change is implemented.
D. During the term of the Memorandum of Under-
standing, the City will increase its monthly
contribution for employee-only coverage by the
whole dollar increase in the City single-party rate.
Increases in this monthly contribution shall be ef-
fective at the beginning of the payroll period in
which the City yearly premium rate change is im-
E. The City shall provide funds to subsidize the cost of
health plan premiums for the spouse, minor, de-
pendents and dependent children of any employee
who dies while on active duty from injuries incurred
while performing his or her job duties or who dies as
a direct cause of such injuries. The maximum
amount of the subsidy shall not exceed the amount
provided to active members covered by this Memo-
randum of Understanding. These provisions are not
applicable to members who are not on duty or who
have not completed Drill Tower training at the time
of the injury which results in their death. The sub-
sidy to the spouse shall cease upon remarriage of the
spouse, and for minor dependents the subsidy shall
cease upon their attaining the age of 18 years, or for
dependent children when they cease to be dependent
as defined in Charter Section _____. Only a spouse
and/or dependents covered under a member’s plan
at the time of death shall be eligible for the subsidy.
Upon application by a spouse or dependent for this
benefit, a Committee comprised of representatives
of the Personnel Department, the Fire Department,
and City Administrative Officer shall jointly deter-
mine whether the circumstances of the member’s
death qualify the member’s spouse/dependents for
the benefit provided under this Section. The deci-
sion of this Committee shall be final and binding,
and not subject to further appeal.
F. Management will retain all duties and responsibili-
ties it has had for the administration of the Citys
Health Insurance Plans. ___________ hereby agrees
to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and
its departments, officers, employees and agents from
and against all suits and causes of action, claims,
losses, demands and expenses, including attorneys
fees and costs of litigation, damage or liability of any
nature that may arise out of or result from the pay-
ment made by the City pursuant to this
emorandum of Understanding or for any action
or failure to act by the _______________ Fire-
fighter’s Relief Association or any other carrier
regarding or related to the coverage or services pro-
vided by such carrier described by the agreement
etween the carrier and its members.
G. Special Retiree Health Subsidy
Upon effective date of the enabling ordinance,
members who retire on a service or service-con-
nected disability pension who are at least age 55 shall
receive the following benefit:
Years of Service Benefit
___ - ___ years $____ per month
___ - ___ years $____ per month
___ & over $____ per month
For employees who retire after July 1, 20___, the fol-
lowing benefit shall be provided:
Years of Service Benefit
___ - ___ years $____ per month
___ - ___ years $____ per month
___ & over $____ per month
This benefit subsidy amount shall not, in any case,
exceed the cost of the health plan option selected by
the retiree. To receive this subsidy, the retiree must be
in a City approved health plan. A retiree, who accepts
another City job after retirement from the Fire De-
partment and receives a City health insurance
subsidy through that job, is ineligible for this sub-
sidy. This subsidy shall be administered through the
Pension Department and will not be governed by the
Rules and Regulations of the City Health Insurance
Plan subsidy for active members.
H. Should either State or Federal statute(s) mandate
that the parties to this Agreement participate in a
National or State Health Care Plan or System, the
parties agree that the level of health care benefits
currently provided to the employees covered by this
Agreement will not be diminished nor will the em-
ployee’s cost for the maintenance of those benefits
be increased beyond that provided in this Agree-
Section 2. Dental Insurance
A. The City agrees to provide for each employee in the
Unit, who has filed with the City the appropriate
documentation of enrollment, the City-sponsored
dental insurance program. The full cost of the em-
ployee-only coverage will be borne by the City.
B. Effective at the beginning of the payroll period
following July 1, 20__, the City agrees to expend up
to $___ per month or the full cost of employee only
coverage, whichever is less, for employees enrolled
in any one of the following dental insurance
(a) ____________ Dental Plan
b) Group Dental Services
(c) Any other plan submitted by the Union and ap-
proved by Management for which an employee is
C. During the term of this Memorandum of Under-
standing, Management’s monthly contribution shall
increase by the dollar amount increase in the
________________ General Dental Plan one-party
rate. Increases in this monthly contribution shall be
effective at the beginning of the payroll period in
which the ________________ General Dental Plan
yearly premium rate change is implemented. The
amount expended by the City will first be applied to
the employee’s coverage. Any remaining balance will
be applied toward the coverage of the employees de-
pendents, if any, if the employee is enrolled in one of
the Union plans. The definition of a dependent shall
include the domestic partner of an employee and the
dependents of such domestic partner. Any employee
claiming a domestic partner and/or dependents of
such domestic partner shall complete a confidential
affidavit to be filed with the Employee Benefits Of-
fice, Personnel Department, which shall be signed
by the employee and the domestic partner, declar-
ing the existence of that domestic partnership. By
extending to an employee the specific benefits de-
fined by this Article, the City does not intend to
confer or imply any other unspecified benefits to
such employee, or to the employees domestic part-
ner, or to the dependents of such domestic partner.
D. If the employee is receiving a subsidy on the opera-
tive date of this Memorandum of Understanding,
the employee will continue to receive the subsidy for
that dental plan, unless the employee submits a new
payroll deduction card.
E. The City subsidy for employees who change enroll-
ment or who enroll for the first time in any of the
Union sponsored plans will be applied toward in-
surance plan premiums scheduled for payroll
deduction in the first payroll period following the
employee’s enrollment.
F. The City will remit to the Union, at an address to be
specified by the Union, an aggregate amount equal
to the sum of the subsidy paid for those employees
enrolled in Union plans who are on the payroll dur-
ing each payroll period for which the subsidy is paid,
together with a list of those employees for whom the
subsidy is paid during said payroll period. Remit-
tance of this aggregate amount will be made within
thirty (30) working days after the conclusion of the
payroll period in which the subsidy was paid.
G. For those employees enrolled in Union-sponsored
plans, who authorize the City Controller to make a
payroll deduction to cover any additional costs of
such plans, the City will remit to the Union a sepa-
rate amount and an appropriate deduction list at an
address to be specified by the Union, in accordance
ith the provisions of Article ___, Payroll Deduc-
tions and Dues.
H. The City shall provide funds to subsidize the cost of
dental plan premiums for the spouse, minor depend-
nts and dependent children of any employee who dies
while on active duty from injuries incurred while per-
forming his or her job duties or who dies as a direct
cause of such injuries. The maximum amount of the
subsidy shall not exceed the amount provided to active
members covered by this Memorandum of Under-
standing. These provisions are not applicable to
members who are not on duty or who have not com-
pleted Drill Tower training at the time of the injury
which results in their death. The subsidy to the spouse
shall cease upon remarriage of the spouse, and for
minor dependents the subsidy shall cease upon their
attaining the age of 18 years, or for dependent children
when they cease to be dependent as defined in Charter
Section _____. Only a spouse and/or dependents cov-
ered under a member’s plan at the time of death shall
be eligible for the subsidy. Upon application by a
spouse or dependent for this benefit, a Committee
comprised of representatives of the Personnel Depart-
ment, Fire Department, and City Administrative
Officer shall jointly determine whether the circum-
stances of the member’s death qualify the member’s
spouse and/or dependents for the benefit provided
under this Section. The decision of this Committee
shall be final and binding, and not subject to further
I.The City shall not be responsible for, nor expected to
provide any additional accounting, administrative,
bookkeeping, clerical or other services except as pro-
vided for in this article, and that the Union assumes all
responsibility for any services which may arise out of
the administration of these plans.
J. The Union shall indemnify, defend and hold the City
harmless against any and all claims, demands, suits or
other forms of liability that shall arise out of or result
from any action taken by the City for purposes of com-
plying with this Article, or failure of the Union or its
dental carriers to provide the coverage and services
agreed to between the Union and the carriers.
K. Management will retain all duties and responsibili-
ties it has had for the administration of the Citys
Dental Insurance Plans.
Clause 2:
Section 1. The City shall provide and pay for health benefits for
all employees and their enrolled dependents as follows:
(A) Medical Benefits in accordance with the City of
____________Board of Educational Medical Plan (including
“Section V Schedule of Benefits), which shall be incorporated
by reference to this agreement and attached as an Appendix
(B) Drug Prescription family plan with a ___ dollar co-pay-
ment per prescription and an annual maximum of _______
er enrolled member per plan year. For additional prescrip-
tion drug charges, ____% will be paid under the plan and
____% will be paid by the employee without annual maximum.
The “Drug Prescription Plan” shall be incorporated by refer-
ence to this agreement and attached as an Appendix ____.
(C) The _______ dollar deductible “CIGNA Dental Plan, or
its equivalent, excluding orthodontia, in accordance with
the City of __________Dental Plan (“Plan 25”) which shall
be incorporated by reference to this agreement and at-
tached as an Appendix ______.
(D)The “Vision Service Plan, or its equivalent, in accordance
with Vision Care Benefits for the City of __________ Vi-
sion Plan which shall be incorporated by reference to this
agreement and attached as Appendix _____.
(E) The City may offer a plan option that enables employees to
receive improved benefits and administration through a
network of participating providers.
Section 2. The City shall provide and pay for the cost of a
Group Life Insurance Policy and shall be rounded to
the nearest one thousand dollars ($1,000) which
shall be equal to the highest top grade of Fire
Fighter’s wages listed during the last year of this
Section 3. Whenever an employee covered by this agreement is
suspended, the premium on all insurance policies shall
be paid throughout the period of suspension,all health
benefits provided under Section ____ and insurance
provided under Section ____. Whenever an employee
covered by this agreement is terminated, such benefits
and insurance shall be provided throughout the pe-
riod of termination by the City of _______, provided
that the employee has appealed or grieved the termi-
nation within the time limits set forth in the
disciplinary and/or grievance procedure of this agree-
ment, and for that period of time until a final decision
on such grievance has been rendered by the arbitra-
tor(s). Any termination that is sustained by the appeal
or grievance process shall result in the employee in-
curring a debt, promptly due, for the Premium and
insurance premiums paid during such period of ter-
mination. For the purposes of this Section (and
wherever applicable elsewhere in this Article), “Pre-
mium Cost shall be defined as either the actual
premium cost paid for such coverage or if the City does
not pay an actual premium cost, then the pseudo pre-
mium cost as developed by an independent third party
administrator for purposes of establishing premiums
pursuant to the Comprehensive Omnibus Budget Re-
duction Act (COBRA). Such pseudo premium cost
shall not include the two percent (2%) administrative
fee permitted under COBRA.
Section 4. The City shall be permitted to substitute insurance
arrangements from any source for the Plans pro-
vided for in Section ____. Such substitutions shall
be permitted if the substituted coverage offers ben-
efits and methods of administration, processing and
payment of claims at least equal to those specifically
rovided for in Section ____. Before the City may
substitute, it must negotiate the substitution with the
Union. If the union does not agree to the substitu-
tion, the City must claim the matter for arbitration
in accordance with the single member panel rules for
he American Arbitration Association. The Arbitra-
tor will order the substitution, if after weighing the
total benefits and methods or administration, pro-
cessing and payment of claims offered by the City’s
proposal against the total benefits and methods of
administration, processing and payment of claims
offered by the plans specified in Section _____, the
arbitrator finds that the average bargaining unit
member will, on an overall basis, benefit at least as
well under the proposed substituted coverage. Noth-
ing herein shall require the City to propose total
substitutions for the coverage provided in Section
____ of this Article and substitution may be pro-
posed for any one or more of the specified coverages.
Section 5. The City shall provide a payment in lieu of health ben-
efits provided under Section ____ for employees that
waive such coverage in the amount of ______ dollars
per year, which shall be paid twice a year in equal por-
tions during the months of July and December.
Section 6. The parties shall continue to work through the
Labor-Management Cooperate Committee on
health care, which may modify but not substantially
change the health coverage as provided herein.
Section 7. Each active employee and each employee who has
retired or will retire on or after the execution date of
this agreement shall contribute toward the Premium
Cost for the medical coverage (not including life, vi-
sion or dental coverage) by a weekly payment in
accordance with the following schedule:
Date Date Date
Employee $_____ $_____ $______
Two Persons $_____ $_____ $______
Family $_____ $_____ $______
Section 8. The City has implemented and shall maintain a cafe-
teria plan pursuant to Section 125 of the Internal
Revenue Code for all active employees so as to facil-
itate deduction of the amounts contributed for
insurance from the gross income of the employee for
tax purposes.
Section 9. Retirees prior to the execution date of this agreement
and their surviving spouses, if any, will receive bene-
fits for health care as defined in the plans in existence
under the contract which governed their retirement
and make contributions to coverage, if any, in accor-
dance with such contract. Nothing herein shall
prohibit the City from modification of such coverage
by agreement with the individual retiree.
For employees who retire subsequent to the execu-
tion date of this agreement and prior to _____, 20__,
and their surviving spouses, if any, the City will pro-
vide and pay for benefits under their Medical Plan or
edicare Part B and the supplemental plan to
Medicare Part B offering benefits equal to Medical Plan.
Such retirees and their surviving spouses, if any shall
make the employee contribution to coverage provided
herein. Coverage for surviving spouse shall terminate
pon remarriage. Benefits and contributions shall be
set forth or as said benefits and contributions may be
changed by agreement of the City and the retirees.
For employees who retire on or after _____, 20__,
and their surviving spouses, if any, the City shall pro-
vide and pay for the same benefits for medical care
as provided for the active employees as the same may,
from time to time, be modified under collective bar-
gaining agreement or, if appropriate due to age,
Medicare Part B and Medicare Supplemental Plan to
the extent required. Retired employee contributions
shall be equal to the amount of such contributions at
If any employee who retires on or after _____, 20__,
shall have available a health care plan through sub-
sequent employment of the retiree or through the
retirees spouse, such retiree shall apply for, and if el-
igible for primary coverage under such plan, obtain
such coverage, provided such coverage shall not ex-
ceed in premium cost and/or contribution for the
retiree the cost which the retiree would have paid to
the City for a health care plan except as provided
below. The retiree shall not take advantage of any
buy-out program in such alternative plan. The retiree
and the retiree’s spouse shall remain in the City’s plan
even if other coverage is obtained but the City’s cov-
erage shall be secondary so long as such other
coverage is available. In the event that the retiree’s
premium cost and/or contribution for such alterna-
tive plan would be more than the retiree’s payment
for the City’s plan, and the City shall not have exer-
cised an option to reimburse the retiree, or surviving
spouse for such additional cost, the health care plan
provided by the City of ______ shall become primary
for the retiree and the retirees spouse.
Clause 3:
Section 1. Insurance Program. The City shall continue to pro-
vide all full-time employees with comprehensive
major medical, prescription drug, vision care, den-
tal care and life insurance. Employees shall become
eligible for medical, prescription drug and life in-
surance benefits on the first of the month following
their hire date. If hired on the first day of the month,
the employee’s coverage will begin immediately.
Employees hired on or after November 1, 20__ must
complete one (1) year of continuous City service be-
fore qualifying for dental and vision benefits.
The pre-existing Prepaid Legal Services Plan appli-
cable to employees shall remain in effect until
February 1, 20__, at which time it shall be discon-
tinued for all employees.
ection 2. Employee Benefit Booklet.
he City shall provide an
updated Employees Benefit Booklet to all employ-
ees which will explain and list all services covered by
this Article as negotiated in bargaining leading to this
Section 3. Liability Coverage
. The City recognizes that Chapter
____ of the State Revised Code is applicable to all
uniformed personnel of the Division of Fire and
provides liability protection for such personnel when
engaged in the operation of a motor vehicle in the
performance of a governmental function.
Section 4. Life Insurance. The City shall provide term life in-
surance in the amount of one times the employees
annual salary in effect at that time, for all eligible
full-time employees less than 65 years of age. Full-
time employees sixty-five (65) to seventy (70) years
of age shall receive term life insurance in the amount
of sixty-five percent (65%) of the employees annual
salary in effect at the time of death. Full-time em-
ployees seventy (70) years of age and over shall
receive term life insurance in the amount of thirty-
nine percent (39%) of the employee’s annual salary
in effect at the time of death.
Section 5. Cost Containment. The term “employee” as it per-
tains to this Section shall mean the employee and all
of his/her eligible dependents.
(A) 1. The following modifications will be effective January 1,
20__, or three (3) months after settlement of the Contract,
whichever occurs later, unless otherwise specified:
a. A $____ annual deductible with an 80/20 percent coinsur-
ance of the next $_____ in UCR charges or $____, for a total
out-of-pocket maximum of $____ per single contract per
year. Covered charges above $_____ will be paid 100% by the
Plan under the usual, customary and reasonable standard,
subject to Plan limitations.
b. A $_____ annual family deductible with an 80/20 percent
coinsurance of the next $______ of UCR charges or $____,
for a total out-of-pocket maximum of $____ per family con-
tract. Covered charges above $_____ will be paid 100% by
the Plan under the usual, customary and reasonable stan-
dard, subject to Plan limitations.
c. For new hires and eligible dependents, a pre-existing condi-
tion clause will apply. In the event medical care or
consultation is sought or received within six (6) months prior
to the employee’s effective date of coverage, the medical con-
dition will not be payable for twelve (12) months from the
effective date with the City.
d. Provide coverage for routine mammogram up to a maxi-
mum of $___, subject to the deductible, coinsurance and
out-of-pocket maximums according to the following fre-
-one baseline exam for women 35-39 years old;
-one exam every 2 years for women age 40-49;
-one exam every year for women age 50 and over.
e. Prescription drug deductible charges are not payable under
this medical contract.
f. Subject the outpatient surgery payments to the deductible,
o-payments and out-of-pocket maximums.
(B) Limitations. The following limitations apply:
1. Inpatient alcohol or drug treatment (substance abuse) lim-
ited to one confinement per calendar year, per individual,
with no more than 35 calendar days per confinement.
2. Inpatient psychiatric treatment limited to a 60 day maximum
per calendar year.
3. Outpatient alcohol or drug treatment (substance abuse) pay-
ments limited to 50% of $_____ in charges per calendar year
per individual.
4. Outpatient psychiatric payments limited to 50% of $____ in
charges per calendar year per individual.
5. The $_____ supplemental accident insurance provision will
no longer be in effect.
(C) Pre-Admission Certification. If an employee or a depend-
ent is informed that a non-emergency inpatient admission
is necessary, including psychiatric/substance abuse treat-
ment, the admission must be pre-certified by the City’s
medical utilization review administrator. If no pre-certifi-
cation is made or the inpatient admission is determined
not to be medically necessary, a ten percent (10%) penalty
will be applied to total charges in addition to the de-
ductible, coinsurance, and out-of-pocket maximum
provisions. In the event the care is determined to be med-
ically unnecessary, the employee will be responsible for all
charges for medically unnecessary care.
(D) Emergency Admissions. Emergency inpatient hospital con-
finements including inpatient psychiatric treatment must
be certified within 48 hours of admission or a ten percent
(10%) penalty will be applied to total charges in addition
to the deductible, coinsurance and out-of-pocket maxi-
mum. In the event the care is determined to be medically
unnecessary, the employee will be responsible for the cost
of all medically unnecessary care.
(E) Assigned Length of Stay (Concurrent Review). Once an
elective admission has been pre-certified, a length of stay is
assigned. Written notification of the certified stay should
be sent to the employee, hospital and attending physician.
If the hospital stay extends beyond the assigned length of
stay, the employee will be responsible for all additional
charges of medically unnecessary care, in addition to the
deductible, coinsurance and out-of-pocket maximum pro-
visions. Medically necessary care will constitute
justification for certification of a length of stay extension
by the utilization review administrator.
(F) Mandatory Second Surgical Opinion. For all inpatient and
outpatient non-emergency surgeries, a second surgical
opinion may be required as directed by the Utilization Re-
iew Administrator. This second opinion shall be covered at
one hundred percent (100%) of the usual, customary and
reasonable (UCR) charges. If the first two opinions conflict,
a third opinion shall also be covered at one hundred percent
(100%) of UCR charges. If a second opinion is not obtained
or the surgeries, a ten percent (10%) penalty of total
charges shall be applied, in addition to the deductible, coin-
surance and out-of-pocket maximum provisions.
(G) Based on medical information obtained prior to the sur-
gery, the City’s medical utilization review administrator
may waive the mandatory second surgical opinion re-
quirement in specific cases.
(H) Continued Treatment and Technological Review. Certain
outpatient non-emergency therapy, outpatient continued
treatment, and advanced technological treatments recom-
mended by an employees attending physician will require
the City’s medical utilization review administrator’s ap-
proval. These treatments will include:
1. Therapy
a. Physical Therapy
b. Occupational Therapy
2. Advanced Technological Procedures
a. Cesarean section
b. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
c. Lithotripsy
d. Ultrasound imaging during pregnancy
e. Angioplasty
3. Treatment
a. Chiropractic
b. Podiatric
Once the employee’s physician informs the employee that it is
medically necessary for the employee to receive physical ther-
apy, occupational therapy, chiropractic treatment or podiatric
treatment on an ongoing basis, the employee must contact the
City’s medical utilization review administrator to obtain con-
tinued treatment authorization. Also, if the employee’s
physician instructs the employee to receive any of the listed ad-
vanced technological procedures, it is necessary for the
employee to contact the City’s utilization review administrator
to obtain pretreatment authorization.
In the event the employee does not obtain authorization for
continued therapy, treatment, or technological review, the em-
ployee will be responsible for 10% of the total charges, in
addition to the deductible, coinsurance and out-of-pocket
maximum. In the event the care the employee receives is de-
termined to be medically unnecessary, the employee will be
responsible for the cost of all medically unnecessary care.
(I) Medical Case Management. This program allows a consult-
ant to review a patient’s medical treatment plan to
determine whether the covered person qualified for alter-
nate medical care. The determination of eligibility for a
patient’s medical case management will be primarily based
upon medical necessity and appropriate medical care. Rec-
ommendations will be made to the family and health care
providers; however, the decision to receive alternate med-
cal care rests with the employee and the physician. The uti-
lization review administrator will recommend alternate
medical treatment on a case-by-case basis. Alternate medical
treatment benefits refer to expenses that are approved before
they are incurred, which may not otherwise be payable as
overed expenses under the medical plan.
(J) Planned Discharge Program. In the event an employee or
dependent is hospitalized and it is determined that hospi-
talization is no longer needed, this program allows the
patient to receive care in the most medically appropriate
setting. The decision to receive alternate medical care rests
with the employee and the physician.
(K) Home Health Care and Hospice Care. Establishment of a
hospice care program to be paid 100% by the City subject
to the usual, customary and reasonable standard. Home
Health Care will be paid at 100% of UCR charges. Services
rendered by a hospice care program will be covered up to
a maximum of sixty (60) days.
(L) Hospital Bill Review. If an employee reviews his/her hospi-
tal bill and discovers overcharges by the provider, he/she
will receive 50% of the reimbursed overcharges up to a
maximum of $____ per employee per confinement, upon
verification of such overcharges by the third party admin-
(M) Prescription Drugs.
1. Under the prescription drug ID card program a $____ de-
ductible will apply to generic prescription drugs or brand
name drugs if no generic substitution is available. Brand
name drugs, if a generic substitute is available, are not cov-
ered under the program, unless a brand name drug is
medically necessary.
2. Limit dispensing amount to a 34 day supply.
3. Mail order prescription drugs will be limited to a ___ day
minimum and ___ day maximum. Under the mail order
program, a $____ deductible will apply to generic drugs or
brand name drugs if no generic substitution is available.
Brand name drugs, if a generic substitution is available, are
not covered under the program.
4. Maintenance drugs will be required to be obtained through
the mail order program. The original prescription with no
refills may be purchased locally but subsequent refills must
use the mail order program.
5. Additional Services Not Covered:
Drugs deemed not medically necessary
Misuse of Prescription Drug Program. Misuse or abuse of the
prescription drug program, verified by the appropriate law en-
forcement agency, may result in suspension of the employee’s
prescription drug card for a period of twelve (12) months. As
used herein, verification of misuse or abuse of the prescription
drug program occurs when the appropriate law enforcement
agency files criminal charges against the employee or depend-
ent, or refers (diverts) the employee or dependent to a
ounseling and rehabilitation program in lieu of criminal
charges. If the employee/dependent is found not guilty, the pre-
scription drug card shall be reinstated.
(N) Dental Pretreatment Review. The City will enter into, and
ay 100% of the cost of, a contract with a Dental Pretreat-
ment Review Administrator. The program will operate, as
follows: The employee’s dentist recommends certain den-
tal care and then submits to the insurance carrier a
pretreatment review form furnished to the dentist by the
employee. The form is submitted to the Administrator and,
within three (3) to nine (9) days, the Administrator mails
the results of its review to the patient, the dentist and the
insurance carrier. The patient and dentist then schedule a
date for the approved dental care. If the employee elects to
have the dental work performed without, or contrary to
the review, the standard deductible and 75%-25% co-pay-
ment provisions will not apply. Instead, there will be a
straight 50%-50% co-payment from the first dollar of
charges also based upon the usual, customary and reason-
able standard. Such pretreatment review will cover the
following dental procedures:
(1) Crowns
(2) Inlays or onlays
(3) Bridges
(4) Partial or full dentures
(5) Impactions
(6) Periodontal surgery exceeding $250.00
(7) Orthodontic treatment
(8) Oral surgery
(9) Temporomandibular joint treatment
(10) All dental claims exceeding $250.00
(11) All major medical dental claims exceeding $250.00
(O) Awarding Contracts. Every effort will be made by the City
to award the contracts for Medical Utilization Review and
Dental Pretreatment Review to local companies. If this is
not feasible, the City will require that companies awarded
the contracts will maintain a local representative. This is
to ensure that all forms will be reviewed at a local level.
Section 6. Physical Examinations
(A) For eligible employees, the City will pay 90% of $___ in
UCR charges for routine physicals. For dependents, the
City will pay 80% of $____ in UCR charges. A stress test
will not be payable under the physical examination bene-
fit unless deemed medically necessary. If a stress test is
deemed medically necessary, the City will pay 80% of
$____ in UCR charges for the stress test and stress test in-
(B) Annual physical examinations shall exclude routine check-
ups such as, but not limited to, eye examination, pap
smears and immunizations.
(C) The above physical examination benefits are not subject to
the deductible, and coinsurance provisions under Section
5 (A) and (B).
ection 7. Dental
(A) Dental general anesthesia administered by the dentist is a
covered service.
B) The maximum amount this contract will pay for covered
dental expenses, except orthodontics, for one person in one
benefit year is $_____.
(C) Dependent orthodontia will be payable at 75% of the UCR
allowance, up to a maximum payment of $_____.
Section 8. Vision
. The following non-panel reimbursement
schedule will apply:
Professional Fees
Examination, up to $____
Materials (Pair)
Single Vision Lenses, up to $____
Bifocal Lenses, up to $____
Trifocal Lenses, up to $____
Lenticular Lenses, up to $____
Frames, up to $____
Contact Lenses
(In place of all other benefits for the benefit period.)
Necessary $_____
Cosmetic (elective) $_____
Increase panel wholesale frame allowance proportionately.
Section 9. Communicable Disease Testing. At no charge to the
employee, the City shall contract with a twenty-four
(24) hour medical facility to test Fire Fighters who
may have been exposed to communicable diseases
while in the performance of their duties.
Section 10. Premium Contributions. Effective June 1, 20__,
employees will be charged a monthly premium for
participating in the City’s insurance program of
______ dollars ($___) per month for single cover-
age and ______ dollars ($____) per month for
family coverage. Such premiums shall be paid
through an automatic payroll deduction.
Section 11. Pre-tax Benefits. Effective no later than January 1,
20__, an initial enrollment will be offered to full-
time employees who choose to participate in a
Pre-tax Dependent Care and Pre-tax Insurance Pre-
mium Program offered by the City or its appointed
Administrator. Subsequent enrollments will be of-
fered to new employees at the time of hire; existing
employees may enroll during Open Enrollment
month each year.
Insurance Premiums. Each participant who elects
to pre-tax the monthly insurance premium must
complete the necessary election form which au-
thorizes the City payroll to pre-tax that premium.
Dependent Care Program. Each participating em-
ployee who elects to enroll in the Dependent Care
Program will determine an amount to be pre-taxed
biweekly through payroll deduction. The annual
pre-tax limit, determined by each participant, shall
not conflict with IRS limits identified in Internal
Revenue Code. Amendments to the annual pre-tax
maximum can only occur during Open Enrollment
month, on the annual plan renewal date, or when a
change in status occurs. Participants will submit al-
lowable claims to the Citys Plan Administrator.
Remittance from the participant’s Dependent Care
account will be sent directly to each plan partici-
pant. Amounts for which a participant does not
have an eligible claim will be forfeited at the end of
each plan year.
These Pre-tax plans will remain in effect so long as
they continue to be authorized by the
Internal Revenue Code.
Section 12. PPO. The City intends to implement medical and
prescription drug Preferred Provider Organiza-
tion(s) (PPO’s) City-wide effective on or about
February 1, 20__. The Union reserves its right to
bargain about such PPO’s, utilizing the procedure
of Mid-Term Bargaining as set forth in this Con-
tract. If the Union exercises that right following
notice from the City under this Contract, no PPO
will be implemented with respect to employees in
this bargaining unit or their dependents until that
mid-term bargaining process is completed and in
accordance with its results. The IAFF will be in-
cluded in any labor-management committee that
may be formed to survey PPO options and/or pro-
vide input to Risk Management. Such participation
in any labor-management committee shall be in ad-
dition to, not in lieu of, the bargaining rights
specifically reserved by the Union in this Article.
The number of holidays and compensation either in cash
and/or time off received for holidays, is specified within the
collective bargaining agreement.
Model contract language:
The following Holidays are those which shall be recognized
and observed: (Select the appropriate holidays).
New Year’s Day; Lincolns Birthday; Washingtons Birthday;
Good Friday; Easter Sunday; Easter Monday; Memorial Day;
Independence Day; Labor Day; Columbus Day; Veterans Day;
Thanksgiving Day; Christmas Day; Victoria Day; Civic Holi-
day; Remembrance Day; Dominion Day; Boxing Day;
Birthday of Reigning Monarch, and any other holiday declared
by the Federal, State, Provincial and Municipal Governments.
(Choose the appropriate phrase[s].)
A. In the event a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Fri-
day shall be observed. In the event a holiday falls on a
Sunday, the following Monday shall be observed.
B. Employees who actually work on a holiday shall be com-
pensated at a rate of (formula) for the entire shift.
Employees who are not scheduled to work on the holiday shall
be compensated at the rate of (formula).
C. Employees shall receive annually _____ compensatory
hours in lieu of paid holidays.
D. Employees shall receive $ _____ paid in a lump sum on
January 1 of each year in lieu of paid holidays.
E. Employees who work overtime on a holiday will be paid
(formula) time for all hours worked on overtime.
F. In addition to the described holidays, two (2) floating holi-
days shall be observed which shall be added to the
employee’s holiday leave.
Provided below are three sample holiday clauses:
Clause 1:
(A) Members of the bargaining unit in the fire fighting and fire
alarm divisions whose shift begins on the following named
holidays and who actually work on that holiday shall be
compensated at the rate of _____ the hourly rate for the
first ____ hours of the shift which starts on the holiday.
(B) Members of the bargaining unit in the fire fighting, fire
alarm, and fire academy divisions who are not scheduled
to work on the holiday shall be paid ____ hours of straight
time pay at their regular rate, provided they are on pay sta-
tus for their regularly scheduled work day before and their
regularly scheduled work day after the holiday. Other bar-
gaining unit employees shall be paid at the rate of ____
hours for the unworked holiday provided they meet the re-
quirements of this Subsection.
(C) All members of the bargaining unit who work overtime on
holiday will be paid double time for all hours worked on
The holidays are:
ew Year’s Day, January 1
Martin Luther King Day, 3rd Monday in January
George Washingtons Birthday, 3rd Monday in February
Memorial Day, last Monday in May
Independence Day, July 4th
Labor Day, first Monday in September
Veteran Day, November 11
Thanksgiving Day, fourth Thursday in November
Christmas Day, December 25
If any new holiday not presently granted to other City em-
ployees, either on a continuing basis or for a special event, is
granted to all other city employees it shall be deemed to be a
holiday under this Memorandum. The City further agrees that,
in the event that the State of ________ or the Federal Govern-
ment formally recognizes September 11
(9/11) as a State or
National Holiday, September 11
will be added to the above list
of holidays.
Clause 2:
The City agrees to incorporate into this Memorandum the ben-
efits provided under Administrative Regulation ___ as
amended, indicating the following holidays:
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther Kings Birthday
President’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Friday after Thanksgiving
Christmas Eve Day (__ hours for 56 hour employees
and __ hours for 40 hour employees.)
Christmas Day ___ Personal Leave Days*
* After ___ months of continuous service, personal leave days
shall be credited to the employee’s compensatory time.
Employees working a 56 hour schedule shall receive ____ hours
pay per each holiday.
(B) Employees will continue to receive holiday pay while on in-
dustrial leave.
(C) Effective January 1, 20___, vacation accrual for employees
with less than ____ years shall be increased to _____hours
per month, or the forty (40) hour equivalent. Vacation ac-
crual for all other employees shall remain the same as
currently authorized.
lause 3:
Recognized Holidays
The following holidays are those which shall be recognized and
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther Kings Birthday
Lincolns Birthday
Washingtons Birthday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Flag Day (June 14
Holidays will be observed on the day designated by the City for
*Flag Day (June 14
) for Platoon employees and the second
Friday in June for all forty (40) hour employees.
An employee scheduled to work an eight (8) hour day forty
hour (40) week schedule will normally be released from work
without loss of salary for recognized holidays, provided the em-
ployee has worked the last full scheduled work days
immediately preceding and immediately following the holiday.
A 40 hour employee who works on a recognized holiday shall
be paid time and one-half for all hours worked in addition to
his/her regular pay, (i.e., one and one-half (1 ½) times the em-
ployee’s hourly rate of pay plus his/her regular pay).
Platoon Employees – Fire Suppression and Rescue
1. Working as Regularly Scheduled on Holiday
Platoon employees who work as regularly scheduled on any of
the _______ recognized holidays shall be paid double time for
all hours worked (i.e., at the straight time hourly rate of pay for
all hours worked plus regular pay). For platoon employees,
only such employees who work the shift beginning at 8:00 a.m.
on the day the holiday is observed shall be considered as work-
ing on the holiday.
Holiday on Furlough
If a holiday falls on one of the ______ furlough days of any pla-
toon employee, he/she shall be paid for that day as if he/she had
worked on the holiday (i.e., one (1) duty day, twenty four (24)
hours of pay, at the straight time hourly rate of pay in addition
to his/her regular furlough pay).
Holiday on a Kelly Day
If a holiday falls on a Kelly Day of a platoon employee who does
not work on that day, the employee shall be paid for that day as
if he/she had worked on the holiday (i.e., one (1) duty day,
wenty four (24) hours of pay, at the straight time hourly rate
of pay in addition to his/her regular pay).
Hours of work clauses prescribe the hours and shift schedules
f the employee.
Model contract language:
Choose the appropriate phrase(s).
A. Fire suppression personnel shall work a ____ platoon 24
hour shift.
B. The 24 hour shift shall commence at 0700 hours and con-
tinue through to 0700 hours the following day.
C. Fire suppression personnel shall work a _____ hour average
work week.
D. Fire prevention personnel shall work an 8 hour shift and a
_____ hour average work week. Work hours shall be as fol-
lows: Monday through Friday; 0800 hours to 1700 hours.
E. The following shall be the recognized shift for fire suppres-
sion personnel: 10 hour day shift and a 14 hour night shift
with _____ Kelly days off every _____ shifts.
Provided below are three sample hours of work clauses:
Clause 1:
(A) The basic schedule for combat personnel shall be 24 hours
on duty followed by 48 hours off duty, with reporting relief
time of ___ a.m., with the following exception:
(1) Battalion Chiefs shall have reporting and relief time of 0630
(2) The hourly rate to be used for overtime calculations for per-
sonnel assigned to a 24/48-hour schedule shall be calculated
by dividing their designated annual salary plus scheduled
longevity by 2912 hours.
(B) The basic work week shall be forty (40) hours per week for
all members assigned non-combat duties, with the follow-
ing exceptions:
(1) The basic work schedule for Fire Investigators shall be 24
hours on duty followed by 48 hours off duty.
(2) The basic work schedule for other non-combat personnel
shall be forty hours per week. The reporting and relief
times may be set as best satisfies the duties of the divisions
or the positions.
(3) The hourly rate for overtime calculations for personnel as-
signed to a 40-hour schedule shall be calculated by dividing
their designated annual salary plus scheduled longevity by
2080 hours.
lause 2:
Suppression employees shall work shifts of twenty-four (24)
hours on duty followed by forty-eight (48) hours off duty. Each
employee working such shifts shall receive one (1) twenty-four
(24) hour shift off during each three (3) weeks.
“Suppression employees”are those employees permanently as-
signed to a piece of fire apparatus and the Deputy Chiefs. This
provision shall not prevent the permanent or temporary as-
signment of any employee to a forty (40) hour work week so
long as the employee is not at the same time assigned to a piece
of fire apparatus.
Clause 3:
The normal workday shall be either a ten (10) hour day shift
beginning at ___ a.m., or a fourteen (14) hour night shift be-
ginning at ___ p.m., except in the case of employees assigned to
Fire Prevention or the Training Academy.
The normal work week shall average forty-two (42) hours. The
normal schedule shall be sixteen(16) calendar days and shall
consist of four (4) day shifts followed by four (4) pass days off
and four (4) night shifts followed by four (4) pass days off, ex-
cept in the case of employees assigned to Fire Prevention or the
Training Academy.
The following incentive pays are examples of additional com-
pensation that may be given to members of the bargaining unit.
These can be based on skills, certifications, education, etc.
ARFF refers to Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting. These indi-
viduals may also be responsible for additional fire protection
and suppression, emergency medical and other emergency re-
sponse within the boundaries of the airport facility.
Clause 1:
Members assigned to the ARFF Division, including Certified
Eligibles, who achieve and maintain the required ARFF train-
ing and certification shall receive incentive pay of ____% above
what their salary would otherwise be, except for the Training
Officer, who shall receive incentive or premium pay of ____%
above what his/her salary would otherwise be.
Clause 1:
Effective _____, 20___, such second language incentive pay
shall be available for Hispanic, Vietnamese and Sign Language
proficiencies. Second language incentive pay shall be cumula-
tive. Provided that the parties develop a language proficiency
review/testing process, approved by the Mayor prior to _____,
20___, employees who meet the established proficiency re-
quirements prior to _______, 20___ shall receive the second
language incentive retroactive to ______. Thereafter, employ-
ees shall receive the second language incentive effective the
beginning of the pay period following the successful comple-
tion of the language proficiency process.
lause 2:
fire fighters, Fire Engineers and Fire Captains who are certified
by the Civil Service Commission as having oral and/or written
bilingual skills, and who regularly and frequently use such skills,
will receive $___/hour.
Clause 3:
Bargaining unit members who are occasionally required to use
multilingual or sign language skills on the job may receive a pay
differential in accordance with the criteria presented in this Sec-
The language skills for which a multilingual differential is paid
will be determined by the Employer, based on the numbers of
County residents who speak a language other than “spoken
English. Languages, other than English, that are spoken by
substantial numbers of County residents will be determined el-
igible for pay differential eligibility. If a language is spoken by
a substantial number of County residents, then there is a sig-
nificant likelihood that bargaining unit members will have
occasional need to communicate in that language.
A pay differential will be paid to all bargaining unit members
who pass a proficiency examination in basic multilingual or
signing skills in a language, other than “spoken English,” that
has been determined eligible for receipt of pay differential. All
bargaining unit members will be afforded an opportunity to
qualify for the multilingual pay differential. This program shall
not be administered in an arbitrary, capricious or discrimina-
tory manner.
Basic multilingual or signing skills are defined as those skills
primarily required for signing or oral communication and
comprehension, such as those used in conversation with citi-
zens to whom fire and rescue services are provided.
Proficiency examination: Prior to becoming eligible for the pay
differential, the bargaining unit member must pass a language
proficiency examination administered by the
___________County Office of Human Resources in a language
that has been determined eligible for receipt of the pay differen-
tial. Testing will consist of an oral communication performance
examination administered to those bargaining unit members
who seek the multilingual pay differential. This examination will
be designed to assess basic oral communication skills.
Compensation: Compensation is paid for all hours actually
worked during the pay period. Employees certified as possess-
ing basic skills will receive $____ per hour for all hours actually
worked. If a language is removed from the list of eligible lan-
guages, a bargaining unit member receiving a multilingual
certification pay differential for proficiency in that language, will
immediately cease to receive the multilingual certification pay.
Clause 1:
Heavy Rescue Team
The city will pay a maximum of _____ bargaining unit mem-
bers a ___% premium above their base pay upon completion of
raining and certification for “operation level” Rope Rescue,
Technical Rescue, and Confined Space Rescue. These individ-
uals must maintain the certification and continue to complete
training requirements, as determined by management, in order
to continue to receive the premium.
In the event the Department becomes a Heavy Rescue Regional
Response Team, the City of _______ will pay an additional
___% premium to bargaining unit members who complete the
training and are certified at the Technician Level”. These in-
dividuals must complete and maintain the certification and
continue to complete training requirements, as determined by
management, in order to receive the additional ____% pre-
The Labor/Management committee will select the initial team
members. After the initial selection, Management retains all
rights to select and assign personnel to the Heavy Rescue Team
and to Heavy Rescue Team stations. Individuals will not be al-
lowed by bid into core team positions and/or stations. If the
Heavy Rescue Team is discontinued for any reason all premium
pay will end.
Clause 2:
Technical Rescue Team Incentive.
Effective _________, 20___, employees initially assigned to the
Technical Rescue Team shall receive $___ per month until such
time the employee is deemed qualified by the Fire Chief. The
employee must be assigned for more than one-half of the
month to qualify for this incentive. No partial payment shall be
made for working one-half (1/2) or less of the calendar month.
Each Fire Fighter assigned to the Technical Rescue Team deter-
mined to be qualified by the Fire Chief shall receive a $____
per month incentive during his or her active assignment.
Clause 3:
Technical Rescue Team In order to be eligible for T.R.T. As-
signment Pay, employees must possess a current diver
certification or such certification as required by the Fire-Rescue
Employees shall be eligible to receive an additional ____% as-
signment pay after being assigned to a T.R.T. team for a
minimum of a ____ hour shift. Such pay shall be paid in in-
crements of _____ hour shifts.
Clause 1:
Firefighting personnel who are certified Department author-
ized divers in accordance with rules, regulations and protocols
established and maintained by the _____________Fire Rescue
Department will be eligible to receive an underwater rescue pay
supplement of $______ bi-weekly. The County Manager and
Director of the ____________Rescue Department shall retain
the authority and discretion to determine the number of em-
ployees who will receive this pay supplement.
Driver pay clauses ensure that fire fighters that drive fire-pump-
ing and aerial lift apparatus in response to alarms; operate pump
at the incident scene, and regulate water pressure through hose
ines will receive incentive pay for assuming those duties.
Clause 1:
fire fighters who are duly certified by the ___________Fire Res-
cue Department and who are assigned full-time duties as
“Driver Operators on fire apparatus shall be paid at a rate one
step above their regular rate of pay, except employees at the
maximum step of the salary range shall receive ____% above
their regular rate.
Educational differential clauses are negotiated to provide an
employee additional compensation for improved skill and ex-
pertise gained through education.
Model contract language:
In addition to the wage rates established by this Agreement,
the Employer shall pay premium pay for successful comple-
tion of credit hours and degrees offered in fire science.
$_____ per month for each three (3) credits earned.
$ _____ per month for an Associate Degree with a concentra-
tion in Fire Administration, or Fire Prevention Technology, or
Fire Science/Engineering.
$ _____ per month for a Bachelor Degree with a major in Fire
Administration, or Fire Prevention Technology, or Fire Sci-
Provided below are three sample educational differential
Clause 1:
Unit employees who have completed all required basic training
courses and probationary periods shall be entitled to the fol-
lowing monthly allowances according to the educational degree
held by such Unit employees:
Doctorate………..$___ per month
Masters…………. $___ per month
Bachelors……….. $___ per month
Associate………... $___ per month
An employee shall be eligible for incentive pay hereunder fol-
lowing submission of his/her diploma evidencing completion
of degree requirements at a fully accredited college or univer-
sity to the Fire Chief or designee.
The foregoing notwithstanding, no employee shall be entitled
to compensation for an educational degree which qualifies the
employee for his/her position of employment; or for any de-
gree which is not specifically related to the employee’s actual
employment duties.
lause 2:
1. Educational bonus pay shall be established for successful
completion of credit hours and degrees offered in Fire Sci-
ence and related fields, by the following:
A. $____ per college credit hour earned towards a degree in the
Fire Sciences.
B. Employees who become certified as a Fire Fighter III shall re-
ceive a stipend of ______ per year in addition to base salary.
C. Employees who have become state certified as a Paramedic
shall be deemed to have earned ___ college credit hours.
D. The maximum college credit hours to which an employee may
be compensated shall not exceed ___ college credit hours.
Compensation for Required Class
Employees holding any EMT license or equivalent shall be
compensated for their attendance at any recertification or con-
tinuing education course approved by the Project Medical
Director. Such compensation shall be at the rate of 1-1/2 times
their regular straight time hourly rate for each continuing ed-
ucation unit attended at times outside their regular work shift
up to a maximum of ____ hours per year.
Any employee attending any other fire department related
classes approved by the Fire Chief shall also receive compensa-
tion at 1-1/2 times their regular straight time hourly rate for all
classes attended at times outside their regular work shifts up to
a maximum of _____ hours per year.
Reimbursement shall be made in accordance with Section
These provisions shall be effective ______, 20__ and shall be
applied uniformly to all bargaining unit employees.
2. Advisory Committee & Course(s) Approval. Approval of the
schools, courses and curriculums related to the fire services,
shall be subject to the prior approval by the Fire Chief, with
the advice of an “Educational Advisory Committee” of __
members, __ members appointed by the Union, ___ mem-
bers appointed by the Fire Chief, and the Fire Department
Training Officer, who shall be the chairman.
3. Employees who upon receipt and verification of satisfactory
completion of an approved and creditable courses of study,
by attaining a passing grade of “C” or better, shall also be re-
imbursed for tuition, books, and necessary fees attached to
the courses. Verification of report cards and receipts shall be
made by the Fire Chief, and shall then be forwarded to the
City Comptroller for immediate reimbursement.
4. Payment shall be made after the first council meeting in Sep-
tember for credit hours accumulated up to the previous
August 1. The payment for credit hours shall be deemed as
earned and pro-rated if necessary, for the one year period
running August 1st through July 31st that precedes the Sep-
tember payment.
lause 3:
1. Effective July 1, 20__ upon satisfactory completion of a de-
gree program in Fire Technology or Fire Administration at
an accredited institution, eligible employees shall receive the
ollowing payments once annually. These payments shall not
be cumulative for employees with more than one degree:
Associate Degree in Fire Science Technology
Fire Administration $___ per annum
Bachelor’s Degree in Fire Science Technology
or Fire Administration $___ per annum
2. Eligibility
(a) In order to be eligible for the educational incentive, em-
ployees who are enrolled in degree programs must notify
the Department at the beginning of the academic year in
which they expect to receive their degree.
(b) Upon successful completion of a degree program, the em-
ployee must provide proof of same to the Department in
order to receive payment.
(c) Employees who already possess a degree shall present ac-
ceptable documentary evidence of same to the Department.
3. Educational incentive pay shall be made in a lump sum during
the month of August and said lump sum shall be the amount
due each eligible employee for the preceding year. In order to
qualify for the educational incentive the employee must be a
Firefighter 1st Grade.Any employee who is discharged shall not
be entitled to the educational pay he/she would otherwise have
received subsequent to the date of the discharge.
4. The educational incentive shall not be subject to pension de-
ductions nor shall it be computed as part of annual wages
for pension benefit calculation.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) incentive pay clauses are
negotiated to provide compensation to an employee who has
improved skill and expertise gained through EMS certification
and recertification.
Provided below are three sample EMS incentive pay clauses:
Clause 1:
(1) All bargaining unit personnel who obtain and maintain
EMT-D certification shall receive $___ per pay period as
incentive pay. The incentive pay will begin when proof of
certification is furnished to and approved by the Fire Chief.
An employee must have a current certification on file to be
eligible for continuing EMT-D incentive pay. State guide-
lines will be used.
(2) All bargaining unit personnel who obtain and maintain
Basic EMS Instructor certification or Paramedic EMS In-
structor certification shall receive $___ per pay period as
incentive pay. The incentive pay will begin when proof of
certification is furnished to and approved by the Fire Chief.
n employee must be an active instructor for the Fire De-
partment and have a current certification on file to be
eligible for continuing EMS Instructor incentive pay. State
guidelines will be used.
asic EMS Instructors shall be limited to seventy five (75)
instructors. Paramedic EMS Instructors shall be limited to
thirty (30) instructors. The incentive pay will begin when
proof of certification is furnished to and approved by the
Fire Chief. An employee must be an active instructor for
the Fire Department and have a current certification on file
to be eligible for continuing either EMS Instructor incentive
pay. State guidelines will be used.
(3) All bargaining unit personnel who obtain and maintain
EMT-Paramedic (EMT-P) certification shall receive $___
per pay period as incentive pay. The incentive pay will begin
when proof of certification is furnished to and approved by
the Fire Chief. An employee must have a current certifica-
tion on file to be eligible for continuing EMT-P incentive
pay. State guidelines will be used.
Employees receiving this level of incentive pay shall not also
draw EMT-D incentive pay.
Clause 2:
The premium pays as defined in this Article shall be limited to
employees covered by this agreement who have at least ____
years of service with the Department. The Employer reserves
the right to pay such premiums to employees with less than
_______ years of service in the Department providing such
employee holds the required certification.
Premium Pay for Paramedic
Any employee who is assigned to an advanced life support unit
as a Paramedic shall be paid a differential of ___% of his/her
regular base rate.
Only employees who have satisfactorily completed all required
paramedic training shall be eligible for such assignment and
pay differential.
The following amendment is added to this section:
____% after ____ years in program
____% after ____ years in program
____% after ____ years in program
Premium Pay for EMT
All employees in all titles will be required to become certified as
an EMT and to maintain such certification as a term and con-
dition of employment. However, any employee originally
appointed to a title covered by this Agreement prior to January
1, 20__, who is not certified as an EMT shall not be required to
become certified. Such employees may choose to become cer-
tified. Once certified such employee must maintain their EMT
certification as a term and condition of employment.
Any employee who was originally appointed prior to January 1,
20__ to a title covered by this Agreement who is certified as an
EMT must maintain their certification as a term and condition
of employment.
ny employee who is assigned to an advance life support unit
or a basic life support unit as an Emergency Medical Techni-
cian-Assigned (EMT-A) shall be paid a differential of ___% of
his/her regular base rate.
mployees certified as an EMT but who are not assigned to an
ambulance unit shall receive a differential of ___% of his/her
regular base rate.
Only employees who have satisfactorily completed all required
EMT training shall be eligible for such assignment and pay
Any employee who is assigned to a unit as an EMT-I/D shall
be paid a differential of ___% of his/her regular base rate.
Effective ____, 20___, Fire Fighter, Fire Equipment Operator
and Captain EMT’s with ____ consecutive years assigned to a
paramedic engine company, shall be paid a differential of
____% of his/her regular base rate. Article ____ shall not apply
to this ____% differential.
Clause 3:
EMT Incentive
Employees who possess and maintain a valid State of _______
EMT certificate will receive an incentive of $_________annu-
ally. EMT incentive will be paid $____ per two-week pay
period. Employees may not receive both the EMT Incentive
and the Dual Certification Incentive.
Clause 1:
Effective with the pay period including ______, 20__, a maxi-
mum of ______ positions who are primarily assigned to rescue
and who are HazMat trained and certified will receive a ____%
differential in addition to their base salary. This differential
does not apply to minimum staffing replacements.
Clause 2:
Hazardous Materials Technician Assignment Pay – In order to
be eligible for Hazardous Materials Technician Pay, the
employee must possess a Hazardous Material Technician
Certification or such certification as required by
_________County Professional Fire Administrators Hazardous
Materials Committee.
Employees shall be eligible to receive an additional ___% as-
signment pay after being assigned to a Hazardous Materials
Technician Team for a minimum of a _____ hour shift. Such
pay shall be paid in increments of _____ hour shifts.
The City shall provide a yearly physical examination for em-
ployees receiving Hazardous Materials Technician Assignment
Pay. A copy of this physical examination shall be made avail-
able at all times in case of emergency. The City will also provide
hazardous materials training as required by the
_________County Professional Fire Administrators Hazardous
Materials Committee and federal law.
lause 3:
Personnel assigned to the Hazardous Material (Haz-Mat) Team
shall receive a $______ per month incentive during their ac-
tive assignment.
Clause 1:
Urban Search and Rescue Team. Employees designated and as-
signed by the Fire Chief to the Urban Search and Rescue Team
(USRT) shall be paid a special payment of $____ per bi-weekly
pay period. Payment shall be provided in accordance with Sec-
tion ______.
Job related medical leave of absence clauses are negotiated to
ensure continuation of all contractually provided compensa-
tion and benefits during the recovery period of a Fire Fighter
who has suffered a line-of-duty injury.
Model contract language:
Any employee unable to work because of a job-related dis-
abling condition shall be entitled to a leave of absence at
his/her regular rate of pay for the duration of the time for
which he/she is medically certified as being unable to work.
During such leave of absence, the Employer will maintain reg-
ular payments into medical and pension plans to ensure
continued coverage for the employee and any dependents. Sen-
iority, vacation benefits and pension credits shall be given for
the time spent on such a leave of absence.
Provided below are three sample job related medical leave of
absence clauses:
Clause 1:
In the event that an employee suffers an illness or injury in the
line of duty, in the course of employment, or as a result of
his/her employment, he/she shall be compensated at full pay
for a period not to exceed ____. A Medical Review Board shall
be created for the purpose of examining all matters pertaining
to sick and/or injured members of the Fire Department. Any
employee may be required to present to this Board a doctor’s
certificate to the effect that an illness or injury specified above
required extended convalescence.
In the event that any illness or injury sustained by an employee
is not service connected, said employee shall have his/her in-
jury or illness reviewed by the Medical Review Board for the
purpose of determining whether or not such occurrence is of
a major nature, thereby rendering the employee eligible for ad-
ditional sick leave compensation in excess of the yearly _____
working hours, or accumulated sick leave which he/she may
have exhausted. However, in no event shall any Fire Fighter who
shall have attained the commencement of his/her _______ year
of employment not be compensated if he/she is sick or injured
and requires convalescence, notwithstanding the nature of the
illness or injury or whether or not said employee has exhausted
his/her yearly or cumulative sick leave.
All excuses and notification of illness or injury shall be submitted
to the Medical Review Board for its determination. The Medical
Review Board shall consist of the Mayor, or his/her designate, ei-
her of whom may act as Chairperson; the Fire Surgeon or his/her
medical designate; the Union President or his/her designate; and
one (1) superior officer selected by the Union and his/her desig-
nate. The Personnel Officer or his/her designate shall be an
ex-officio non-voting member of the Medical Review Board.
Clause 2:
(a) In the event an employee is injured in the performance of
his/her duties or incurs a sickness clearly attributable to and
unique to his/her occupation, such employee shall be entitled
to sick leave pay not to exceed _____ consecutive calendar days
to the extent required by law, but such benefits shall be no
more than required by law; such compensation to be reduced
by the amount of compensation insurance received by said
employee, as pertaining to City employment and City com-
pensation only, if any. Any time off granted by this Section
shall be computed on an hourly basis and shall be contingent
upon said employee filing for workers compensation bene-
fits immediately upon filing for the leave of absence. Any
variance or special consideration to this Section shall be sub-
ject to review by the City. The employee shall provide written
notification to the Fire Chief before the expiration of the ____
consecutive calendar day leave of absence if he/she is physi-
cally unable to return to work at the conclusion of the leave.
(b) The above stated leave is subject to the following conditions:
(1) The employee must pass a medical examination by the City
Physician and complete the Minimum Physical Performance
Evaluation as outlined in Appendix ____before he/she will
be permitted to return to work. For extended leaves he/she
will be required to furnish a current report from the at-
tending doctor at the end of every ___ calendar day interval;
(2) The employee may not take his/her vacation immediately fol-
lowing this leave unless the period of time consumed by the
vacation and this leave equals ____ consecutive days or less,
except in those instances where the vacation was scheduled
prior to said injury and the granting of the vacation period
does not disrupt the normal operations of the Department.
(3) Upon written request, the Fire Chief shall have the author-
ity to allow earned, unused vacation periods to carry over
into the next calendar year at his/her discretion for those
employees unable to use their vacation while on an ap-
proved leave of absence. The City may, at its discretion, pay
the employee for unused vacation in lieu of allowing vaca-
tion time to accumulate into next year.
(4) If the employee accepts new employment elsewhere or be-
comes self-employed subsequent to his/her on-the-job
injury or occupational disease leave, the City’s portion of
the compensation benefits shall cease;
(5) If the employee fails to provide written notification to the Fire
Chief before the end of his/her leave that he/she wants an ex-
tension, he/shewill be terminatedat the conclusionof the leave;
(6) Any special consideration for an extension of an on-the-
job-injury paid leave of absence in excess of ____ consecutive
calendar days shall be applied for through the Office of the Fire
Chief and must be reviewed and approved by the City. The City
hall extend the leave and approved benefits until the status of
the application for extension has been determined.
(c) Employees who are granted leave for IOD purposes under Sub-
section (a) above shall cease to accumulate sick leave after the
ompletion of a ____ consecutive calendar day leave of absence
period, until they return to work.The employee shall not begin
to re-accumulate sick leave until he/she returns to work.
(d) Sick leave pay for IOD purposes shall be computed at the
straight-time rate the employee would have been paid had
the employee been working for that period of time.
Clause 3:
A. An employee receiving injury time loss payments because of
an injury arising from employment with the City shall be
paid the difference between the employees regular monthly
salary and injury time loss payments. Such injury leave pay
shall continue for so long as the employee continues to re-
ceive injury time loss payments, but in no event longer than
____ calendar days following the injury or illness.
However, for the purposes of this section, an injury or illness
which is determined to be an aggravation of a prior injury or
illness under ______ workers compensation laws or regula-
tions will not be considered a new injury or illness and
benefits under this Section will be paid only to the extent
they are available to the employee under the original injury.
An employee may utilize any remaining injury leave under
this subsection if an aggravation or deterioration of the orig-
inal condition occurs, regardless of the amount of time that
has passed since the original injury.
B. If a claim is denied by the insurer, and such denial is upheld
following appeal, any injury leave paid under this section
prior to such denial shall be converted to hours and charged
against the employees accrued sick leave, accrued vacation,
and/or holiday leave.
If an employee is off work beyond ____ days as a result of a
work injury, the employee shall be eligible to apply for long-
term disability insurance benefits as provided in this contract.
The employee may use any remaining accrued sick leave, hol-
iday time and vacation time after ____ days, and must use such
in situations governed by Article ____. Medical progress re-
ports may be required prior to the approval of such payments.
Job related physician visit clauses are negotiated to provide an-
nual physical examinations for Fire Fighters and to provide
medical care to Fire Fighters that have sustained line-of-duty
Model contract language:
Employees suffering injuries or illnesses due to job-related activi-
ties shall be paidfor all time lost from workwhilereceivingmedical
treatment and examination at their regular rate of pay and such
employees shall be provided with the necessary transportation to
and from the doctor’s office at no cost to the employee.
rovided below are three sample job related physician visit
Clause 1:
1) The Employer shall provide current infectious disease in-
oculations against Hepatitis B and flu, and testing for
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) as part of
the base-line physical and thereafter whenever the employee
has been exposed to AIDS in a work situation.
(2) The County will provide a base-line physical examination
of each Fire Department employee.
Physical examination to include:
(a) complete medical history and general physical examination.
(b) urine analysis (dipstick only)
(c) complete blood count
(d) chemistry and lipid profile
(e) audiogram
(f) electrocardiogram with interpretation and report
(g) chest x-ray
Further physical examinations will be provided whenever ex-
posure warrants.
Clause 2:
The City will assume and pay, directly from its own funds or
through the proceeds of insurance procured by the City, or a com-
bination thereof, medical and hospital expenses (in excess of or
not otherwise paid by all applicable hospital, medical, and work-
mens compensation insurance) required for the treatment of
in-line-of-duty injuries and service-connected disabilities sus-
tained by Employees of the City. Any Employee of the City
covered under this Agreement sustaining an in-line-of-duty in-
jury or a service-connected disability may select the doctor and
hospital of his/her choice for such required treatment. Such treat-
ment shall be paid for, for the duration of injury and/or treatment.
Clause 3:
It is understood that in the event a member is injured on duty
which injury by reason of its severity requires that said mem-
ber be attended by a physician with a specialty, then and in that
event the City shall be responsible for the expenses incurred as
a result of said attendance. All other expenses incurred by a
member by the attendance of a physician of his/her own choice
shall be at the expense of the member.
Clauses of this nature are negotiated to provide protection to a
Fire Fighter while performing required duties. This goal is ac-
complished through the purchase of a policy or liability
Provided below are three sample legal clauses:
Clause 1:
The City shall provide for insuring Fire Fighters within the per-
formance of their duties against liability to third persons arising
out of the operation, maintenance or use of any motor vehicle
owned or leased by the City.
lause 2:
The City agrees to defend and pay any settlement, claims or
judgments brought against or recovered against any member of
the Bureau of Fire arising from the Bureau member’s activities
in the performance of duty only, including but not limited to,
he operation of Bureau fire vehicles or apparatus, where such
defense and payment is mandated as a City obligation by law.
Clause 3:
(a) The City agrees to indemnify an employee in respect of any
claim made against such employee resulting from the per-
formance of such employee’s duty, except where it is
established that such action arose out of a willful or wanton
dereliction of duty by the employee. In the event that such
proceedings result in any judgment or monetary award
against such employee, the City will indemnify such em-
ployee in respect of payment made pursuant to such
judgment or monetary award, and such indemnification
shall include the assumption of the costs of any legal pro-
ceedings incurred by any employee resulting from the
performance of such employee’s duties.
(b) In the event that the City shall provide such protection to
the employee by the purchase of a policy or liability insur-
ance, it is agreed that indemnification shall be restricted to
the liability provided by such policy of insurance and sub-
section (a) hereof shall be amended as required to conform
to the provisions of the liability so provided. The Union
shall be advised annually of the amount of liability insur-
ance so provided by the policy.
Life insurance provisions are negotiated to provide benefits to
an employees dependent(s) in instances of death and acciden-
tal death and dismemberment.
Model contract language:
The Employer shall provide $ _____ life insurance protection for
each employee. The Employer shall pay __% of the premium.
Provided below are three sample life insurance clauses:
Clause 1:
The Employer shall pay the full cost of $_________ group term
life insurance for each eligible employee. All employees shall
receive such life insurance coverage on the first day of the cal-
endar month following completion of six (6) months service.
Such insurance terminates on the last day of the month in
which an employee terminates his/her employment. Employees
are responsible to contact the Auditor’s office at least ___
month(s) prior to retirement to verify any insurance benefits
due after termination.
While an employee is entitled to receive long-term income pro-
tection pursuant to this Agreement, the Employer shall
maintain such life insurance coverage for such employee as it
does active employees.
The Employer shall pay full cost of term life insurance for any
employee who retires from employment with the City after ap-
proval of this contract, after having been employed by the City
or such total time so as to be qualified by such employment to
receive retirement benefits from the Public Employees Retire-
ment Association, the ______ Firefighter‘s Relief Association,
or the ________ Police Pension Association. The amount of
the insurance coverage shall be $_________.
Clause 2:
The City shall provide term life insurance coverage in the
amount of $__________ for each employee. Additional term
life insurance may be purchased in $_____ increments up to
an additional maximum of $________ by each employee at
cost through a payroll deduction system. The City shall pro-
vide each employee a certificate of coverage.
Clause 3:
The following benefits relating to death, accidental death and
dismemberment, shall remain in effect as follows for the dura-
tion of the Memorandum:
(1) The face amount of the death benefit shall be an amount
equivalent to the deceased employees current total annual
salary on the date of the employees death plus $________.
In the event of the death or accidental death of an employee
so covered, the amount of the benefit shall be paid to such
beneficiary as the employee shall have, from time to time,
specifically designated, or in the event there is no named ben-
eficiary, then the amount shall be paid to his/her estate. In
the event of the accidental death of such employee, such des-
ignated beneficiary or his/her estate shall receive double the
said amount in indemnity benefits. The maximum amount
provided for double dismemberment shall likewise be in-
creased to an amount equivalent to the injured employee’s
total annual salary on the date of the employee’s injury.
(2) The additional accidental death benefit provided for in para-
graph (1) immediately above shall not apply to accidental
death or dismemberment of an employee in line of duty.
(3) The benefits and coverage provided for in paragraph (1)
above shall be converted upon retirement to a $_________
death benefit with double the same amount of indemnity
benefits in the event of accidental death, payable to the des-
ignated beneficiary or his/her estate as in paragraph (1)
above. The maximum amount provided for double dis-
memberment shall likewise be converted to $__________
with one-half (1/2) of said sum payable for a single dis-
(4) All retirees currently protected by the coverage described
herein shall continue to receive same in the amount of
$________ with double indemnity and dismemberment
benefits as provided for in paragraph (3) above.
(5) Present retirees who are not covered under (3) or (4) above
shall receive a death benefit with double the said
amount in indemnity benefits in the event of accidental
death, payable to the designated beneficiary, or his/her es-
tate, as in paragraph (1) above, in the amount of $
The provisions outlined above shall continue in full force and
Longevity provisions are negotiated so that an employee is
compensated for his/her increased knowledge and ability
gained through length of service. Rates of pay and eligibility
equirements should be specified.
Model contract language:
The Employer agrees to the following longevity pay which shall
e added to the monthly salary and wages of each employee.
(Select the appropriate phrase[s].)
A. Each employee shall receive 1% of his/her
salary per year for every year of service.
B. Each employee shall receive 5% of his/her
salary per year for each five (5) completed
years’ of service.
Each employee shall receive $____ per year for every four (4)
completed years’ of service.
Provided below are three sample longevity pay clauses:
Clause 1:
All members who presently qualify shall receive longevity pay
as follows:
Years Service Percent of Annual Salary
Beginning of ___ year through end of ___ year ___%
Beginning of ___ year through end of ___ year ___%
Beginning of ___ year through end of ___ year ___%
Beginning of ___ year and following ___%
Payments shall be paid in two semi-annual installments; one-
half of the annual amount on the payday for the pay period
in which June 1 falls, and one-half on the payday for the pay
period in which December 1 falls.
Clause 2:
In consideration of long and faithful service, the City shall, in ad-
dition to regular salary, pay longevity pay to long-term employees.
To receive longevity pay, the employee must have completed ____
years total accumulative service with the City. The monthly
amount of this pay shall be $______ per month times the total
years accumulative service of the employee with the City.
Clause 3:
Employees who are on the payroll as of ______________ who
have completed at least _____ years of continuous employment
with the City are eligible to receive an annual longevity award
which is paid after ______________ of each year.
Continuous employment is defined as the period of employ-
ment not interrupted by resignation, dismissal, or quitting
without notice.
An eligible employee is given credit for any period of tempo-
rary or limited term status if employment with the City has
been continuous.
n eligible employee who works full time at least forty hours
per week is awarded:
or Service of at Least But Less Than The Amount Is
___ years ___ years __% but not less than $___
___ years ___ years __% but not less than $___
___ years ___ years __% but not less than $___
___ years __% but not less than $___
Maintenance allowances are negotiated so that the employee
will be reimbursed for costs incurred for cleaning of work
Provided below are three sample maintenance allowance
Clause 1:
That each employee of the City coming within the Local Unit
shall be provided with a cleaning allowance of $____ to be
payable once annually.
Clause 2:
Each Fire Fighter required to wear a uniform shall be paid a
cleaning and maintenance allowance of $____ , payable in
December of each year.
Clause 3:
All employees of the _________ Fire Department covered by
this Agreement shall be entitled to an annual clothing main-
tenance allowance of $_____. This payment is to be made on
the first non-pay Friday in December.
Mileage allowance clauses are negotiated to provide compen-
sation if employees are required to use their automobile for
Model contract language:
Employees required to use their private automobiles for Fire
Department business or as a necessity in changing stations
shall be compensated at the rate of $ _____ per mile.
Provided below are three sample mileage allowance clauses:
Clause 1:
Whenever employees are involuntarily required to use their
personal vehicles to move between assignments during their
shift on more than one (1) occasion, they shall receive a pay-
ment of $ ________ in addition to the normal mileage
entitlement for each day on which this occurs.
Clause 2:
Employees who are authorized in advance to use their personal
vehicles for County business shall be reimbursed for each mile
driven on County business. Said reimbursement shall be at the
ate per mile exempted by the Internal Revenue Service for re-
porting of income and shall not exceed the mileage costs
charged for County non-emergency vehicles.
Clause 3:
he Village shall not require employees to use personal vehi-
cles for business purposes except with the consent of the
employee who shall be compensated at the rate of ____ cents
per mile.
NFPA 1710
In 2001 the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) took
an essential step in our campaign to improve fire fighter and
public safety when it passed Standard 1710. NFPA 1710 Stan-
dard for the Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression
Operations, Emergency Medical Operations, and Special Opera-
tions to the Public by Career Fire Departments sets minimum
standards for fire fighter deployment, response times and other
factors involved in determining service delivery of fire fighting
and emergency medical systems.
The following is a sample NFPA 1710 clause:
Clause 1:
Section 1. The City agrees to provide staffing sufficient to
maintain the operations of the ___________Fire Di-
vision at an effective level. The authority having
jurisdiction through its Fire Division shall work to-
ward implementation/compliance with the NFPA
1710 Standard. There shall be a joint committee
composed of management representatives and labor
representatives. IAFF Local _____ , Union repre-
sentatives shall be selected by the Union.
_____________Fire Division representatives shall be
appointed by the Chief of Public Safety.
The purpose of the committee will be to evaluate the
Fire Divisions compliance with the minimum criteria
addressed in NFPA 1710 regarding the effectiveness,
efficiency and safety of fire suppression operations,
emergency medical service, and special operations de-
livery in protecting the public and fire division
employees. Where applicable, the joint committee
evaluation will also include a review of relevant
local/state/provincial policies, regulations and statutes
that address fire suppression operations, emergency
medical service and special operations delivery.
Upon completion of the evaluation, the joint com-
mittee will recommend a written plan and schedule
for compliance with the operational criteria identi-
fied within NFPA 1710. Division evaluation and
development of a written plan and an implementa-
tion schedule will be completed within a time period
determined by the Committee for Union Manage-
ment Cooperation.
Overtime provisions are negotiated to provide premium rates
of pay for overtime work.
rovided below are three sample overtime clauses:
Clause 1:
(A) Any employee covered by this Agreement who is scheduled
n straight day work and who is authorized to and who
works in excess of ____ hours in a pay period, or any em-
ployee covered by this Agreement who is scheduled on shift
work who is authorized to and who works in excess of
_____ in a pay period shall have the option of receiving pay
at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) hours for each over-
time hour or receiving compensatory time at the rate of
one and one-half (1 1/2) hours for each overtime hour
worked. Any employee entitled to be granted compensa-
tory leave shall be granted such leave by the Fire Chief.
Compensatory leave in excess of ____ hours shall be used
within ____ calendar days subsequent to it being earned.
(B) Employees ordered to complete an annual physical exami-
nation during normal off-duty hours shall be paid at one
and one-half (1 ½) times their regular rate of pay and shall
not be subject to the Call-Back Pay article contained within
this Agreement.
(C) Calculation of Overtime
Each hour of overtime shall be compensated as follows:
__-__ minutes no compensation
__-__ minutes compensatory leave at rate of 1 1/2 times
of time worked
__-__ minutes one half hour wages at 1 1/2 times plus
compensatory time for actual time
worked over 30 minutes
__-__ minutes one (1) hour of wages at 1 1/2 times
Clause 2:
Employees shall be paid premium rates of pay equal to one and
one-half (1 1/2) times his/her regular hourly rate of pay when:
(1) The employee is held over beyond the end of his/her
regularly scheduled work shift in which case the employee shall
be entitled to a minimum of ___ hours premium pay, and/or,
(2) The employee is required to report in early for his/her
regularly scheduled shift in which case the employee shall be
entitled to premium pay or,
(3) The employee is called in to work at a time not im-
mediately preceding his/her regularly scheduled shift in which
case the employee shall be entitled to a minimum of ___ hours
premium pay.
lause 3:
Section 1. All employees shall be paid at the rate of time and
one half (1-1/2) that of their regular rate of pay for
all hours worked over their regular scheduled work-
ng hours.
Section 2. All employees who are called back to work when they
are off duty shall be paid a minimum of ____ hours
at time and one-half (1-1/2) and shall be paid at the
rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) for all hours
worked over _______ hours.
Section 3. All Fire Suppression employees who are assigned a
_________hour work week schedule shall receive
time and one-half (1-1/2) their regular rate of pay
for all hours worked in excess of ____________
hours per __________ day work cycle. Accordingly,
for each additional hour, or portion thereof, actually
worked by said employee in excess of _______ dur-
ing the ____________ day cycle, that employee shall
receive overtime pay based on the following: 1.5
times the number of hours actually worked in excess
of ____________hours times the quotient of
__________, divided into the employee’s three week
gross regular salary.
Paid leave is an earned benefit commonly addressed within the
collective bargaining agreement. Paid leave encompasses: blood
donor leave, compassionate leave, court leave, educational leave,
leave for jury duty, maternity leave, military leave, parental
leave, sick leave and vacation leave, etc.
Blood Donor Leave:
Blood donor leave clauses ensure that the Employer gives ade-
quate time to an employee for the purposes of donating blood.
Provided below are two sample blood donor leave clauses:
Clause 1:
Employees may be granted a reasonable time off during their
work shift for the purpose of donating blood when participat-
ing in a City authorized and/or sponsored blood donation drive
or special need. All such absences shall be scheduled with the
employee’s supervisor. In no event shall an employee be eligi-
ble for overtime as a result of donating blood.
Clause 2:
Employees who volunteer as blood donors to contribute to a
City supported Blood Donor Organization will be authorized
the absence necessary to accomplish this purpose. The Blood
Donor Organizations personnel will determine what amount
of time the donor will need from the point of donation till the
City donors are released to go back to work.
Compassionate Leave:
Compassionate leave clauses ensure that the Employer pays for
time lost due to death in the immediate family.
odel contract language:
An employee shall be allowed _____ days (or shifts) off with
pay in the event of death in the immediate family which shall
be limited to spouse, child, or parent, including foster parent,
tepmother, stepfather, or any other blood relative living under
the same roof as the employee.
Employees shall be allowed ______ days (or shifts) compas-
sionate leave with pay in the event of death in the immediate
family which shall be defined as mother-in-law, father-in-law,
grandmother, grandfather, grandchildren, sister, or brother.
In addition, necessary time off for travel purposes shall be
granted upon request of the employee when, in the Employer’s
judgment, such additional time is warranted.
Provided below are three sample compassionate leave clauses:
Clause 1:
The City agrees to provide each employee of the Union, com-
passionate leave as follows:
1. ___ calendar days compassionate leave for the employee for
the death of the spouse of the employee.
2. ___ calendar days compassionate leave for the employee for
the death of the father or mother of the employee or of the
employee’s spouse.
3. ___ calendar days compassionate leave for the employee for the
death of the son, daughter, sister or brother of the employee.
4. ___ calendar days compassionate leave for the death of the
son or daughter of the employee’s spouse.
5. ___ calendar days compassionate leave for the death of a per-
son who has been placed by authority of law under the care
of the employee as guardian.
6. ___ calendar days compassionate leave for the employee for
the death of the stepfather, stepmother, stepson or step-
daughter of the employee, provided such person resided in
the employee’s immediate household at the time of death.
Such compassionate leave shall not be available for the death
of such stepfather, stepmother of the employees spouse.
7. ___ calendar day compassionate leave for the death
of the brother or sister of the employee’s spouse.
8. ___ calendar day compassionate leave for the death of the
blood aunt or blood uncle of the employee. Such compas-
sionate leave shall not be available for the death of the blood
aunt or blood uncle of the employee’s spouse.
9. ___ calendar day compassionate leave for the death of the
grandmother, grandfather, grandson or granddaughter of the
employee or of the employees spouse.
It is agreed that an employee taking compassionate leave on a
holiday shall be entitled to holiday compensation as provided
in this Agreement.
lause 2:
An employee shall be granted reasonable leave without loss of
pay, in the event of a death in his/her immediate family. Im-
mediate family shall mean: wife, husband, son, daughter,
mother, father, sister, brother, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sis-
er-in-law, brother-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren and
common-law spouse.
Compassionate leave may be granted, with pay, at the sole dis-
cretion of the Fire Chief or his/her designate.
Clause 3:
In the event of the death of a mother, father, legal guardian,
step-children, step-parents, spouse, or child of the employee,
such employee will be entitled to a leave of absence with pay
from and including the day of death and including the day of
the funeral. In the event of the death of a brother, sister, father-
in-law, mother-in-law, grandparent or grandchild, the
employee will be entitled to a leave of absence with pay for the
day of such death and the day of the funeral (up to ___ days),
whether such employee be working on a day or night shift. The
Fire Chief or Deputy Chief may grant an additional leave of
absence in the event of the death of any of the aforementioned
classes of persons, not exceeding ___ days, in cases involving
extensive travel out of town.
Court Leave:
Court leave clauses require an Employer to pay for time an em-
ployee spends in court.
Model contract language:
The Employer shall grant leave with pay to an employee for
the period of time he/she is required to appear before a court,
judge, justice, magistrate or coroner as a plaintiff, defendant or
Provided below are three sample court leave clauses:
Clause 1:
Any Fire Fighter on duty, or on vacation, or on a day off, who
attends as a witness for the Commonwealth in a criminal mat-
ter in any case pending in the District Court, Juvenile Court,
or in a Superior Court, or before any Grand Jury proceedings,
shall be allowed time off from duty or shall be paid therefore if
not on duty. When appearing as a witness, a minimum of
_____ hours shall be allowed, but when appearing only to sign
a complaint, etc., the present practice of _____ hour shall be
allowed. The rate of pay for court time shall be at time and one-
half (1 1/2) rate. This Article also is applicable to civil court
matters relating to Fire Department affairs providing the Em-
ployer is a participant in such matters.
Clause 2:
Members shall be excused for all judicial duties without any
loss of pay only when job connected. Unless an employee is re-
quired to serve, and does in fact serve, jury duty on a regularly
scheduled working day, he/she shall receive his/her regular pay
less the jury fees that he/she receives. Off-duty employees shall
be compensated for hearings, inquests, trials, etc., when job
connected, receiving a minimum of ___ hours per day.
lause 3:
If an employee is required to appear in court due to events that
occurred while on duty or for job-related matters, and the court
date is not during working hours such employee shall be com-
pensated for the time actually worked in accordance with this
rticle, and one hour of travel time.
Educational Leave:
Educational leave clauses ensure continuation of pay while on
leave to attend conferences, seminars and other instruction
which will improve, maintain or upgrade the individual’s cer-
tifications, skill and professional ability.
Model contract language:
Employees shall be granted leave with pay for educational pur-
poses to attend conferences, seminars, briefing sessions, or
other functions of a similar nature that are intended to im-
prove, maintain or upgrade the individual’s certifications, skill
and professional ability.
Provided below are three sample educational leave clauses:
Clause 1:
Employees shall be granted time off with pay to attend educa-
tion conferences, seminars, or other functions of a similar
nature to improve or upgrade the employees skill and profes-
sional ability in the fire service. Educational opportunities shall
be classified as mandatory (i.e., education that is a condition
of employment), or optional. (Aurora, IL - Local 99)
Clause 2:
A. Employees may be granted leave to attend courses at
the high school, vocational school, or college. Requests for
leave will be judged on the basis of job performance and
the Department work load. Such leave will not be granted
if the course is offered during an employee’s regular
non-duty hours.
B. Employees required by the City to attend educational or in-
structional courses shall be paid their regular rate of pay for
the hours spent in attendance and such time shall be con-
sidered time worked. It is understood that whole shifts may
be rescheduled subject to a minimum of ___ hours prior no-
tice to the Fire Fighter.
Any time required by the City which is less than a complete
shift will not be subject to rescheduling but will be considered
time worked for the purposes of computing overtime.
C. The existing policies regarding laws, mileage, and/or per
diem for courses offered outside the City shall remain in full
force and effect for the duration of the Agreement.
D. Fire fighters who are required to attend educational or instruc-
tional courses during their regularly scheduled days off shall
have proportionate days off rescheduled prior to attendance.
Clause 3:
All employees covered by this Agreement, who are ordered to
attend off-duty courses by the Fire Department shall be paid
s provided for in the Overtime Article of the Agreement for
all time spent in attendance.
Jury Duty:
eave for jury duty clauses ensure that no compensation will
be lost due to jury duty.
Model contract language:
An employee required to be available for jury selection or serv-
ice shall receive his/her regular daily wage for each day which
would have been worked but for such jury participation.
Provided below are three sample jury duty clauses:
Clause 1:
Employees on jury duty will receive their normal pay for regu-
lar work days spent on a jury panel. The employee shall submit
the payment received from the Court to the City Treasurer’s
Office, less any amount included for travel allowance or ex-
pense reimbursement. Such time off shall be counted as time
on duty.
Clause 2:
With permission of the Fire Chief or his/her designee, a mem-
ber of this unit who is required to report for and does report for
jury duty may not be required to report for regular duty prior
to jury service if such report is impractical or would cause the
member to be late for jury duty. If the employee is required to
report for jury duty on the day following a duty shift, the fire-
fighter may be released up to one hour prior to the shifts end,
if necessary, to assure timely attendance at jury duty. fire fight-
ers shall not be required to refund to the City any mileage
reimbursement received as a result of jury duty.
Clause 3:
Each employee shall be paid his/her full wages for a period of
jury service provided that he/she shall deposit with the Corpo-
ration Treasurer, the full amount of compensation, less
traveling, meals and other expense, received for his/her service
from the Sheriff or other authorized persons. Should any em-
ployee be subpoenaed or summoned to appear as a witness in
a court within the Province of ______, then the Corporation
will pay the employee’s full regular pay per day provided that
the employee pays the employer all or any monies, less travel-
ing, meals, and other expenses, received for such service as a
witness. Pay for any time used during the employees regular
work week for travel to and from places outside the corporate
limits of Metropolitan _______ will not be recognized.
Maternity Leave:
Maternity leave clauses guarantee an employees job, seniority
and benefits will be maintained for the time unable to work
due to pregnancy.
Model contract language:
Every employee who becomes pregnant shall be granted a leave
of absence without pay commencing at any time during her term
of pregnancy and ending not later than fifty-two (52) weeks after
the date of termination of her pregnancy. The employee shall
ontinue to accumulate seniority and be entitled to medical ben-
efits as prescribed by the Agreement during her leave.
Provided below are three sample maternity leave provisions:
lause 1:
Section 1. Pregnancy leave shall only be authorized for periods
when the employee is unable to perform her regularly assigned
duties due to pregnancy disability or medical complications
arising out of pregnancy. Such leave shall require prior approval
of the Fire Chief or his/her designee and may not be utilized
for child rearing purposes.
Section 2. The employee must comply with the Citys request for
information concerning the status of the pregnancy
disability and the anticipated date that she will be able
to return to work. The Personnel Director may require
further determination of physical fitness by a physician
or physicians designated by the Personnel Director.
Such additional medical examinations shall be at no
expense to the employee. An employee returning to
work after such leave shall maintain seniority or other
benefits as provided in this Agreement.
Section 3. In the event there is a difference of opinion between
the physician designated by the Personnel Director
and the employee’s physician regarding the em-
ployee’s physical fitness to perform the work in
which employed, a third physician shall be desig-
nated by the City’s and employees physicians, whose
decision shall be final and binding.
Section 4. When submitting a request for pregnancy leave, the
employee shall designate the number of paid hours
(sick, vacation, compensatory leave, or any combina-
tion thereof) she wishes to bank for future use. With
the exception of banked paid leave, the employee must
utilize all paid leave before going on unpaid pregnancy
leave. Once the employee goes on approved unpaid
leave, the banked paid leave shall not be utilized until
the employees return to work. Nothing in this Sec-
tion shall limit the Fire Chiefs or designee’s sole
discretion to permit the disabled employee to utilize
her banked paid leave for an unforeseen medical cir-
cumstance or emergency. Requests for donated leave
must disclose the amount of sick, vacation, and com-
pensatory time the employee has banked.
In the absence of a physicians statement certifying
that the employee is disabled due to conditions aris-
ing out of pregnancy, the employee shall be
considered fit for duty and will be expected to be
able to return to duty beginning the ninety-first
(91st) calendar day following the date of delivery.
Clause 2:
Section 1. Any employee covered by this Agreement shall be en-
titled to take unpaid maternity leave for a period not
to exceed ___ months, commencing no later than
the day of birth. An employee who becomes preg-
nant shall furnish the City with a statement from the
employees physician stating the approximate date of
delivery. Any requests for maternity leave shall be in
riting to the Fire Chief and the Civil Service Com-
mission, with copy of the physician’s statement,
stating the dates that such maternity leave is to com-
mence and terminate.
ection 2. Any employee taking a maternity leave under these
maternity leave provisions shall be eligible, during
the period of disability resulting from pregnancy, to
receive paid maternity leave benefits for a period of
up to ___ calendar weeks following the birth.
Section 3. Any employee receiving maternity leave pursuant to
these maternity leave provisions, is entitled to paid or
unpaid maternity leave benefits in excess of the above
limits, before or after the day of birth, provided such
employee’s physician certifies to the City that an ex-
tension of maternity leave is necessary for reasons of
the employee’s health. The City may, in the event of a
request for extended benefits, require an additional
opinion from a doctor designated by the City.
Clause 3:
Maternity/Paternity Leave. The employee shall be granted
________ continuous working hours of paid maternity/pater-
nity leave. Such leave shall be taken immediately upon relief
of work. For purposes of this subsection, such leave may be
also taken immediately upon the placement of the adopted
child in the home. In either instance, neither a previously
scheduled vacation day or Kelly Day shall be included as part of
the maternity/paternity leave. A previously scheduled vacation
day may be moved to an open vacation slot. If a vacation slot
is not available during the calendar year, the vacation day may
be scheduled as an extra slot. If the Employer determines the
extra slot is not feasible, the employee shall be compensated for
the vacation day.
Military Leave:
The law requires an Employer to grant a leave of absence for
military duty. Clauses on military leave guarantee that an em-
ployee’s benefits will be maintained during military duty.
Model contract language:
Any employee, who is a member of a reserve force of the
United States, Canada, or of the State of _________ and who
is ordered by the appropriate authorities to attend a training
program or perform other duties under the supervision of the
United States, Canada, or of the State of _________, shall be
granted a paid leave of absence during the period of such ac-
tivity but not to exceed ____ calendar days in any calendar
year. Such paid leave shall not reduce the employees seniority
status, vacation, sick leave or other benefits.
Provided below are three sample military leave clauses:
Clause 1:
Section 1. Leave of absence with pay may be granted to per-
manent employees for the purpose of attending the
customary ___ week(s) tour of duty with either a
National Guard or Reserve Unit. Employees shall be
excluded from duty on presentation of their orders
nd shall receive the normal rate of pay for the pe-
riod of time which they are required to serve as a
member of the Military Forces during this normal
summer training period. Time spent in active duty
for training shall not exceed ___ days or as specified
y State law. Time absent from employment may be
counted as vacation time if the employee so desires.
Section 2. Employees who enter military duty shall be rein-
stated to their former classification upon release by
honorable discharge within ___ days from the date
of discharge. All benefits shall accrue in accordance
with applicable Federal Law and City Ordinance.
Section 3. Vacation and/or Bonus Days when approved in ad-
vance by Fire Division Personnel, may be utilized for
weekend drills.
Clause 2:
Section 1. Employees who are duly enrolled members of the
Reserve components of the Armed Forces of the
United States shall be granted a leave of absence not
to exceed ___ week(s) in the calendar year for the
purpose of attending duly ordered field camps of in-
struction or instruction from school.
Section 2. Employees who are called to duty by reason of civil
disobedience, disorder or insurrection, shall be
granted a leave of absence not to exceed _____ cal-
endar weeks.
Section 3. Employees granted leave under Sections 1 and 2 will
be entitled to payment when their military salary is
less than their regular salary in an amount equal to
the difference.
Section 4. The leave granted under this Section shall not be
deemed a part of any leave granted or authorized by any
other provisions of City Ordinances.For the purpose of
determining seniority pay or salary advancement, the
status of the employee shall be considered as though not
interrupted by periods of military leave.
Clause 3:
Any employee who is a member of the organized National
Guard or forces of the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps,
Air Force or Coast Guard, shall be given leave of absence with
pay, after ___ months of employment, for attending regular en-
campments, training cruises, and similar training programs, not
to exceed ___ working days per calendar year under military or-
ders properly issued by military authorities. Such absence shall
be charged against training cruises and similar training pro-
grams. Inactive duty training (IDT) weekend drills are
documented by training schedules rather than orders, however,
the right to time-off for training without loss of benefit applies
for IDT as well as active duty training and annual training. Re-
servists and Guardsman shall be given the opportunity to take
vacation time to fulfill their IDT requirements. Personnel shall
provide the Employer with their military training schedule.
arental Leave (FMLA):
Parental leave clauses ensure that an employee will be able to
utilize leave for the purpose of childbirth, adoption or foster
care of a child. In many instances, the continuation of benefits
uch as health insurance while on parental leave is detailed.
Provided below are three sample parental leave clauses:
Clause 1:
The following family leave provisions shall be operative during
the term of the Memorandum of Understanding:
A. Authorization for Leave
Up to ___ months of family leave shall be provided for the pur-
pose of childbirth, adoption or foster care of a child, or serious
health condition of an immediate family member, upon the re-
quest of the employee, notwithstanding any other provisions
of this Memorandum of Understanding or the Administrative
Code to the contrary.
An employee may take family leave if the employee him-
self/herself has a serious health condition (either job-related or
non job-related) that makes him/her unable to perform the
functions of his/her position.
Family leave shall be limited to ___ months during a ___
month period, regardless of the number of incidents. A ___
month period shall be measured forward from the first day of
leave for each individual taking a leave. The next ___ month
period would begin the first time family leave is taken after
completion of the previous ___ month period.
B. Eligibility
1. The provisions of this Article shall apply to employees who
have been employed by the City for at least ___ months and
who have worked at least ____ hours during the ___ months
immediately preceding the beginning of the leave.
2. A husband and wife who both work for the City may take
leave at the same time to care for a new child by birth or
adoption, or foster care of a child, or to care for a sick parent,
but the aggregate period of time to which both are entitled is
limited to the time normally allowed for one employee. Each
employee must notify their employing department at the
time the leave is requested of the name and department of
the second family member who is requesting leave for the
same incident. Such notification must include the time pe-
riod for which each employee is requesting leave.
C. Conditions
1. The start of family leave for childbirth shall normally begin on
the date of birth of the child. At the employees discretion, the
start of the family leave for childbirth may be at the beginning
of the period of disability that a doctor certifies is necessary.
2. The start of a family leave for adoption or foster care of a child
shall begin on a date reasonably close to the date the child is
placed in the custody of the employee.Leave may also be granted
prior to placement for adoption or foster care of a child if an
bsence from work is required (i.e., counseling, court appear-
ance, consultation with an attorney, physical examination, etc.)
3. The start of a family leave fora serious health condition of a fam-
ily member shall begin on the date requested by the employee.
4. The start of a personal medical leave for the employee’s own
serious health condition shall begin on the date requested by
the employee.
A serious health condition is defined as:
a. Incapacity or treatment with inpatient care in a hospital, hos-
pice or residential medical facility; or
b. A period of incapacity requiring an absence of greater than
three days involving continuing treatment or supervision by
a health care provider; or
c. Continuing treatment or supervision by a health care
provider for a chronic or long-term health condition that is
incurable, or a condition that is so serious that if left un-
treated, would likely result in a period of incapacity of more
than three days, or for prenatal care.
5. The start of leave due to a job related illness or injury that
results in a serious health condition as defined in this article
shall begin on the date the employee begins receiving any
temporary worker’s compensation benefits (either IOD or
the rate provided in Labor Code) provided in accordance
with Section _____ of the Administrative Code. An employee
who meets the eligibility requirements in Section B (1) of
this Article shall automatically be considered to be on fam-
ily and medical leave.
6. All leave granted under this Article shall normally be for a
continuous period of time for each incident. However, an
employee may be permitted to take intermittent leave to take
care of a family member with a serious health condition or
his/her own serious health condition when it is medically
necessary. Management may require the employee to trans-
fer temporarily to an available alternative position (with
equivalent pay and benefits) for which the employee is qual-
ified and that better accommodates recurring leave periods
than the employee’s regular position.
7. If any employee requires another leave for a separate inci-
dent under the provisions of this Article during the same 12
month period, a new request must be submitted.
8. Management has the right to verify the circumstances in-
volving a family leave.
9. A personal leave of absence beyond the ___ month family
leave may be requested, subject to the approval of the ap-
pointing authority and, if required, the Personnel
Department, as provided under other City leave provisions.
D. Applicable Time Off
Employees who are granted family leave in accordance with this
Article shall take time off in the following order:
. Childbirth
a. Accrued sick leave for the entire period of disability that a
doctor certifies is necessary, (including prenatal care or the
mother’s inability to work prior to the birth) may be taken at
he employee’s discretion.
b. Accrued vacation and compensatory time off available at the
start of the leave shall be used prior to the use of time under c.
and d. below.
c. Accrued sick leave; all 100% sick leave shall be used first, fol-
lowed by the use of all 75% sick leave, followed by the use of
all 50% sick leave. The use of sick leave under this Subsec-
tion is at the employees discretion.
d. Unpaid leave.
2. Adoption, Foster Care or Family Illness
a. Annual family illness sick leave up to ___ days may be used at the
employees discretion. Such leave may be taken before or after
the vacation and compensatory time off described in b. below.
b. Accrued vacation and compensatory time off available at the
start of the leave shall be taken. Such time must be used prior
to the use of time under c. and d. below.
c. Accrued sick leave; all 100% sick leave shall be used first, fol-
lowed by the use of all 75% sick leave, followed by the use of
all 50% sick leave. The use of sick leave under this Subsec-
tion is at the employees discretion.
d. Unpaid leave.
3. Personal Medical Leave
a. Accrued sick leave may be used at the employees discretion.
Such leave may be taken before or after the vacation and
compensatory time off described in b. below.
b. Accrued vacation and compensatory time off available at the
start of the leave shall be taken. Such time must be used prior
to the use of time under c. below.
c. Unpaid leave.
E. Sick Leave Rate of Pay During Family Leave
Payment for sick leave usage under D1c and D2c shall be at the
regular accrued rate of 100%, 75% or 50%, as appropriate.
F. Medical Subsidies During Family and Medical Leave
For those employees who are on family leave under the above
provisions of this Article, Management shall continue the City’s
health and dental plan subsidies. Employees shall be eligible for
such continued subsidy for a maximum of four (4) months from
the qualifying date of the family or medical leave, including the
paid and unpaid portion of the leave. The employee must have
enrolled in a health or dental plan authorized in accordance with
this Memorandum of Understanding prior to the beginning of
the leave to be eligible for such subsidy continuation.
n accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
(FMLA),employees on unpaid family or medical leave shall not be
required to repay the City subsidy (1) upon return to work, or (2)
if they terminate City employment followingthe leavedue to a con-
tinuing serious health problem or other extenuating circumstances
eyond the control of the employee.Should an employee fail to re-
turn to work for any other reason, then they shall be required to
reimbursethe City forthesubsidy provided during the unpaid por-
tion of their leave.Such reimbursement shall be deducted from any
compensationowedto the employee upon termination of City em-
ployment.Any employee who desires to be covered by these health
subsidy continuation provisions must make the appropriate request
to the Employee Benefits Office of the Personnel Department.
G. Monitoring
Management shall maintain such records as are required to
monitor the usage of family leave as defined in this Article. Such
records are to be made available to the Union upon request.
Clause 2:
Section 1. Grants of Parental Leave
A bargaining unit employee must be allowed to use up to ____
hours, if working a 2,496 hour work year. ____ hours if working a
2,184 hour work year or ____ hours if working a 2,080 hour work
year,of any combinationof sick,annual,or compensatoryleave and
leavewithout payduring any twenty-four month period to care for:
A. A newborn child of the employee, or
B. A newly adopted child of the employee.
Section 2. Use of Parental Leave
All leave taken under this Section shall be consistent with es-
tablished policy and procedure and:
A. Must be used within 12 months of the birth of the child or
placement with the employee for adoption.
B. At the election of the employee, may be used on a continu-
ing basis.
C. With the approval of the supervisor, may be used:
1. Under a method involving a reduced workday or workweek,
2. On an intermittent basis, or
3. Any combination thereof.
D. May be in addition to any other leave taken under these reg-
E. Is subject to a ____ day advance notice of requirement.
F. The use of parental leave under this Section for a Family and
Medical Leave Act (FMLA) purpose will be considered to be
FMLA leave and count towards the FMLA entitlement of 12
weeks of leave in a leave year. However, compensatory time
used as parental leave cannot be counted as FMLA leave.
. An employee who has exhausted the parental leave provided
under this Section (___ to ___ hours in a 24-month pe-
riod), may still be entitled to use up to 12 weeks of FMLA
leave in a leave year in accordance with this Agreement.
ection 3. Relation to Other Benefits
A merit system employee who uses leave without pay under this
section will retain all health and life insurance benefits for the en-
tire period.
Section 4. Limitations on Sick Leave Usage
A. Any use of sick leave for either medical reasons or for the
purpose of attending the immediate family at the time of
birth or adoption of a child must be deducted from the
___________ hours, as applicable.
B. Sick leave donations may not be used to cover absences oc-
curring under this section.
Clause 3:
The employee shall be granted special leave with pay up to a max-
imum of _____ working days/shifts on the occasion of the birth
or adoption of a child. Under special circumstances the City may
extend this period to a maximum of _____ working days/shifts.
Sick Leave:
Sick leave entitlements and protection for the period that the
employee must be out of work are specified within the collec-
tive bargaining agreement.
Model contract language: [Select phrase(s)]
A. Any employee incurring a non-duty related sickness or dis-
ability shall receive sick leave with full pay. On-duty sickness
or disability shall not be charged to the accumulative sick
leave of the employee.
B. Employees shall earn _____ hours or days of sick leave for
each month of service.
C. Employees shall accumulate sick leave without limitation.
D. Employees shall accumulate sick leave to a maximum of
_____ hours or days.
E. Employees shall be compensated in cash at their regular rate
of pay for any unused accumulation of sick leave when they
are permanently separated from the service by resignation,
death, retirement, or discharge.
Provided below are three sample sick leave clauses:
Clause 1:
Section 1. Each Fire Fighter shall be credited with ____ hours of
sick leave monthly for each month of service for a max-
imum annual accumulation of ______ hours per year
of sick leave. If a Fire Fighter is employed only part of a
month,he/she will be credited with sick leave for the full
month only if he/she started on or before or terminated
fter the fifteenth (15th) day of the month. If a Fire
Fighter is employed after or terminated before the fif-
teenth (15th) day of the month,he/she shall be credited
with ____ hours of sick leave. Any unused portion of
such sick leave shall be accumulated until said Fire
ighter shall have a reserve of ____ hours of sick leave.
Section 2. Any sick leave takenby a Fire Fighter with _____ hoursor
less of accumulated reserve shall be first charged against
the currentyear’s accumulation of sick leave to date of ab-
sence. If the current years accumulation of sick leave is
exhausted, any sick leave taken shall be charged against
the Fire Fighters accumulated reserve of sick leave.
Any sick leave taken by a Fire Fighter with more than
_____ hours of accumulated reserve shall be first
charged against the accumulated reserve.
Section 3. When a Fire Fighter uses sick leave due to off-duty in-
jury or sickness,the Fire Fighter will be charged one (1)
hour sick leave for each hour the Fire Fighter misses
rounded to the nearest quarter hour. On February 1st
each year, each Fire Fighter shall receive a written re-
port of his/her accumulated sick leave reserve.
Section 4. On December 31st of each year, after the Fire Fighter
has accumulated his/her reserve of _____ hours of
sick leave, unused sick leave of a Fire Fighter for that
year shall be allocated as follows:
(a) Each Fire Fighter may take unused sick leave accumulated in
the previous year not to exceed ____ hours as cash payment,
if approved by the Chief or his/her designated representative,
to be paid at the regular rate of pay in effect at the time of
payment on or before February 1st of each year.
(b) Each Fire Fighter may take all or any part of unused sick
leave as vacation, if approved by the Chief or his/her desig-
nated representative. Sick leave converted to vacation may
only be used in full shifts. Any sick leave not taken as vaca-
tion shall be taken as cash payment at the Fire Fighter’s
regular rate of pay in effect at the time of payment.
Each Fire Fighter must exercise his/her option before reg-
ular vacation and sick leave converted to vacation for the
following year are selected.
Section 5. Fire Fighters who have an accumulated reserve of
more than _____ hours of sick leave as of December
31, 20____, will maintain that accumulated reserve
balance unless used for sick leave pursuant to the
provision of Section 2 above. Such Fire Fighters shall
continue to be credited with sick leave pursuant to
the provisions of Section 1 above. This credited sick
leave shall be either paid for or taken as vacation in
accordance with the provision of Section 4 above.
Section 6. At the termination of a Fire Fighter’s term of service
with the Fire Department for any reason, the said Fire
Fighter shall receive compensation in full at his or her
regular rate of pay at the time of such termination for
all accumulated sick leave and vacation time due to him
or her in hours at the termination of his or her service.
ection 7. Upon the death of a Fire Fighter, all monies due such
Fire Fighter by reason of unpaid salary, accumulated
unused vacation time, sick leave reserve or from other
sources, at the time of his or her death shall be paid to
his or her surviving spouse, or if there be no surviv-
ng spouse, then to the Fire Fighter’s estate; provided
however that if the Charter is amended the payment
will be made as required by the Charter as amended.
Clause 2:
Section 1. Accrual of Sick Leave
All regular fulltime employees of the Fire Department shall be
credited with sick leave at the rate of ____ hours per month or
____ work days per year. Unused sick leave shall be cumulative
and available for future use. Sick leave accumulation shall be
unlimited for fulltime employees of the Fire Department from
and after May 1, 20__. An employee who leaves the service of
the City and is off the payroll for ninety (90) days (except when
on lay-off) or more, loses any sick leave which may be accrued
during the time of his/her employment. Should such employee
be rehired within ninety (90) calendar days, he/she may receive
a credit for any sick leave which he/she previously accrued.
Section 2. Conditions of Sick Leave
1. Employees of the Fire Department shall not be paid sick leave
unless they notify their immediate supervisor, when able to
do so, before the employees scheduled starting time on the
first day of the absence on account of sickness. If the em-
ployee’s immediate supervisor cannot be reached, the Safety
Department Medical Bureau is to be notified.
2. The Medical Bureau and/or the Personnel Department may
require a written statement from the employee justifying the
request for paid sick leave and/or a certificate from a physician
verifying the nature of the claimed sickness or injury provided
that such a Medical Bureau certification must be submitted for
any sickness or injury extending beyond ___ calendar days. The
validity of all medical excuses and certifications are subject to
review by the Medical Bureau of the Department and if refused
by the Medical Bureau, the matter shall be subject to the griev-
ance procedure. Falsification of either a written signed
statement, request for sick leave pay, or a physicians certificate
may be grounds for disciplinary action, including dismissal.
3. Sick leave with pay shall be granted only for: (1) actual sickness
or injury; (2) confinement by reason of a contagious disease;
(3) emergency visit to a doctor or dentist for emergency med-
ical or emergency dental care by a member of his/her
immediate family; or (4) serious illness of a member or of the
employees immediate family (emergency). When sick, an em-
ployees accumulative sick leave shall be decreased as follows:
8 hour personnel: __ hours for each 8 hours off sick
10 hour personnel: __ hours for each 10 hours off sick
24 hour personnel: __ hours for each 24 hour shift off
sick or
__ hours for each __ hour increment.
Sick leave with pay shall not be granted for any sickness result-
ing from moral turpitude, intoxication or use of narcotics,
xcept that sick leave will be granted for treatment or rehabili-
tation as approved by the Director of Personnel on the same
basis as granted for any other illness.
5. New employees will accumulate sick leave credit, but cannot
se sick leave until satisfactory completion of the ini-
tial probationary period of ___ days.
An employee found to be using a leave of absence for a pur-
pose other than for which it was granted may result in the
discharge of the employee.
6. An employee shall not be required to report to the Medical
Office when returning to duty under the following conditions:
(1) A forty (40) hour employee absent no longer than ___ con-
secutive work days with no record of absence during the
previous ___ weeks.
(2) A twenty-four (24) hour shift employee absent for no
longer than _____ normally scheduled shift with no record
of absence during the previous ___ weeks.
(3) Any employee other than those in 1 and 2 may be requested
to report to the Safety Department Medical Bureau at the
discretion of the Medical Office or authorized officer of the
Fire Department.
Section 3. Sick Leave Conversion
Upon retirement an employee shall have the right to convert
his/her accumulated paid sick leave into a cash bonus at the rate of
___ day(s) pay for each ___ days unused accumulated sick leave.
The pay rate used shall be the same ___ month average as used
under the Police and Firefighters Disability and Pension Fund.
Section 4. Light Duty
When a Fire Fighter is examined by the Department Medical
Officer and found to be fit to return to duty in a capacity less
than normally performed, he/she shall be returned to light duty
provided the Department can provide appropriate light duty.
Any Fire Fighter or Company Officer placed on light or re-
stricted duty, ___ calendar days or more, shall work an eight (8)
hour schedule, forty (40) hours per week, beginning at 0830.
Section 5. Sick Time Bank
Any employee who has used up his/her accumulated sick time
and is not covered elsewhere in this Memorandum shall be el-
igible to apply for use of the Sick Time Bank.
The Sick Time Bank shall be funded by employees depositing
___ hours of sick time in the Sick Time Bank.
1. Employee soliciting pledges of sick time must agree in writing to:
a. Repay all pledges upon return to duty.
b. Sign appropriate letter to the Chief of Division indicating (a)
above, and give copy of same to each person signing pledge.
2. Employees must solicit pledges of sick time from employees of
his/her company unit, station, battalion, or bargaining unit in
___ hour increments.
. Employees pledging sick time must do so by sending the ap-
propriate form to the Fire Department Personnel Chief
stating, This ___ hour pledge of sick time is for use by
(name of person to whom time is pledged) who has agreed
to repay time as accumulated upon his/her return to payroll.
4. Pledges received will be used by reverse seniority (the most
senior pledges time repaid first).
5. Unused sick time will be refunded.
6. Sick time shall be repaid by seniority (the most senior
pledgee’s time repaid first).
7. Any time pledged is to be considered a donation if recipient
does not return to duty.
Clause 3:
Section 1.Sick leave shall accrue at the rate of ___ hours per month
with no maximum accrual amount. Sick leave shall be
charged on the basis of 1 hour for each hour used.
Section 2. In the event that sick leave isrequired for personalillness,
theemployee shall notify theBattalionChief at least one-
half hour prior to his/her required starting time.
Section 3. Sick leave becomes effective upon the completion of
one months employment.
Section 4. All sick time accumulated prior to the effective date
of this Agreement shall be retained by the employee.
Section 5. Sick leave shall be charged only against an employee’s
regular work day, and shall not be charged for ab-
sences on pre-arranged overtime work and
unscheduled call-in overtime work days. Sick leave,
once taken, may not be converted to vacation leave.
Section 6. Employees with a sick leave accumulation of _____
hours or more may convert ____ hours of sick leave to
______ hours of vacation leave once per quarter as long
as no sick leave has been used during that quarter. For
the purpose of this article, the first quarter starts on Oc-
tober 1 and ends on December 31.
Section 7. Any employee covered by this Agreement who works
a full year and does not use any sick leave within that
period (October 1 through September 30) will be al-
lowed to convert an additional ____ hours of sick
leave to ____ hours of vacation leave.
Vacation Leave:
Vacation leave benefits are specified within the collective bar-
gaining agreement.
Model contract language:
(Select the appropriate phrase[s].)
A. Each employee shall be eligible for vacation with pay after
(time) service with the Employer.
. Employees shall earn vacation allowances as of their first
date of employment.
C. Vacation allowance shall be earned annually based on the
following schedule:
Less than ___ years ___weeks or number of hours
Less than ___ years ___weeks or number of hours
Less than ___ years ___weeks or number of hours
___years or more ___weeks or number of hours
D. Method of Selection: Selection of vacations shall be on a sen-
iority basis. Employees’ vacation requests shall be submitted
by (date) of each year and approval of such requested vacation
schedules shall be received by the employee within thirty (30)
calendar days thereafter.After an employees vacation schedule
has been approved, it can only be changed by mutual consent.
E. It is agreed that an employee can carry forward from year to
year a maximum of _____ weeks vacation leave.
F. If a holiday occurs during the time in which a vacation is
taken by an employee, the employee shall be granted one (1)
extra day. (Describe when this time is to be taken.)
Any employee who is separated from the service (resignation,
death, retirement, or discharge) shall be compensated in cash
for all unused vacation leave accumulated at the regular rate of
pay at the time of separation.
Provided below are three sample vacation leave clauses:
Clause 1:
A. To be eligible for a vacation in any calendar year during the
term of this Contract an employee must have continuous
service from the date of first employment with the City as set
forth below, and must work during the year in which his/her
vacation is scheduled.
B. Continuous service shall be broken by:
(1) Resignation
(2) Discharge for cause
C. Any otherwise eligible employee who has attained the years
of continuous service indicated in the following table in any
calendar year during this Contract shall receive a vacation
corresponding to such years of continuous service as follows:
Years of Continuous Service Tours of Duty of Vacation
_____ through _____ _____
_____ through _____ _____
_____ through _____ _____
_____ or more _____ _____
In no event shall a vacation or vacation pay to which an em-
ployee may be entitled be carried over or accumulated from
one calendar year to the next. A tour of duty shall be ___ con-
secutive scheduled workdays followed by ___ consecutive
scheduled days off, except for employees in Fire Prevention or
the Fire Academy.
. Vacation Selection
(1) Employees will determine vacation preference by drawing
lots within each company. Prior to December 1 each year
each employee shall submit his or her vacation preference for
he following year in accordance with the Rules and Regula-
tions of the Bureau. All vacations will start on the first day of
the scheduled work tour. Vacations for those employees who
fail to submit written vacation preference in accordance with
this procedure shall be assigned vacation periods.
(2) No later than January 1 of each year, notice of vacation pe-
riod scheduled shall be posted. The City has final discretion
to reasonably allot vacation periods throughout the calendar
year and to change such allotments in order to meet the needs
of the public safety.
(3) TheCity will allowan employee who requests a vacationchange
in writing at least ___hours prior to the time the employee is
scheduled to begin his or her vacation to reschedule such vaca-
tion if the employee is unable to report for work because of
illness or disability for three or more days immediately prior to
his or her scheduled vacation and if the employee does not take
his or her vacation during the scheduled period. An employee
who contracts an illnessor is disabled sothat heor sheisunable
to work ___ hours or less prior to his or her scheduled vacation
will be eligible for a vacation change upon immediate written
request to the City, if the employee does not take his or her va-
cation during the scheduled period.Such rescheduling is limited
to one tour of duty of vacation unless the illness continues.
(4) Should an employee’s scheduled vacation fall in a period
during which he/she is disabled, the employee may elect to
reschedule the vacation or accept pay in lieu of taking va-
cation time off.
(5) An employee transferring from one company to another may
retain and exercise his/her original vacation selection to the ex-
tent that the periods he/she selected are available in his/her new
company.Thisrule willapplyregardless of thetime of yearwhen
the employee transfers.The availability of a vacation period will
be determined solely by application of the rules governing the
maximum numbers of people permitted to be on vacation at
various times in the year as set forth in Memorandum no. ___,
dated November 10,20__.Existing practices of reschedulingva-
cations when an employee leaves a unit will continue in effect
and will apply in the months of July and August.
Clause 2:
Section 1. Vacation Accrual.
Non Forty-Hour Employees: The following is a vacation ac-
crual schedule which shall be implemented for non forty-hour
employees covered by this Agreement: Employees will have ac-
crued vacation days according to the following schedule, minus
any vacation days previously borrowed.
Beginning of Probation through ___ years of
completed service___ days
Beginning ___ year through ___ year completed service___ days
Beginning ___ year of service___ days
In the future should the number of vacation days provided to
olice Officers increase, the amount of vacation days will in-
crease to match police department schedules for department
seniority, taking into account Association Business Leave hours
on both sides.
orty-Hour Employees: The following is a vacation accrual
schedule which shall be implemented for forty-hour employees
covered by this Agreement: Employees will accrue vacation days
according to the following schedule, minus any vacation days
previously borrowed.
Beginning of Probation through ___ years of completed service:
Beginning ___ year through ___ year completed service___ days
Beginning ___ year of service___ days
Section 2. Additional Vacation Hours.
In addition to the vacation accrual amounts outlined in Sec-
tion __ of this Article, beginning the first full pay period after
____________, 20__, each employee shall receive an additional
___ hours of vacation each fiscal year.
Section 3. Floating Vacation Shifts (FVS).
A. Except as provided in Section ___, Perfect Attendance Leave,
an employee may request from his/her accrued vacation
leave, up to _____ shifts. This leave is to be taken from
his/her scheduled vacation.
An employee must apply in writing prior to the shift being
taken. Selection will be made on a first-come, first-served
basis, by log date and time entry at a location to be desig-
nated by the Division Head.
There will be a maximum of ____ employees allowed off on
FVS per shift (____ in Fire Suppression and _____in EMS, and
____ additional FVS per year per paramedic), with the excep-
tion of holidays or the day before or after a holiday. If a person
requests a floating vacation shift and is denied and the employee
calls in sick for that shift,he/she must provide a physicians cer-
tificate signed by a physician upon his/her return to duty.
Clause 3:
Fire Fighters with less than ___ years of service shall be entitled
to ___ working days vacation a year which shall accrue on the
basis of 26 biweekly pay periods per year. Fire Fighters with ___
years to ___ years of continuous service shall accrue ___ work-
ing days vacation a year which shall accrue on the basis of 26
pay periods a year. Fire Fighters with ___ years of continuous
service or more shall accrue ___ working days of vacation a year
which will accrue on the basis of 26 biweekly pay periods a year.
For 24 hour shift Fire Fighters, ___ scheduled working hours
shall be counted as one working day for determining the accrual
of vacation leave. For those Fire Fighters scheduled to work 40
hours a week, regardless of whether worked in shifts of eight (8)
hours, ten (10) hours, or such other shifts may be authorized
under this Agreement, eight (8) hours shall be counted as one
working day for determining the accrual of vacation leave.
Voting Leave:
Clause 1:
Any employee entitled to vote in any public election shall be
fforded the necessary time off to do so, in accordance with the
provisions of the _____________Statutes, or any other means
that is satisfactory to the City and the Union. No employee
shall receive compensation for replacing a person while voting.
mployee shall observe strictly all rules of the Fire Department
relating to political activity insofar as they are applicable only
to hours spent on duty.
Clause 2:
The Fire Chief may grant an employee leave with fullpay forany ab-
sence necessary for serving on a jury, attending court as a witness
under subpoena on a work-related matter or voting in an election.
Employees performing above activities on a workday must re-
port back to their job within a reasonable time after release
from their obligation above.
Clause 3:
Any employee entitled to vote in any public election shall be af-
forded the necessary time off to do so in accordance with the
provisions of Section _____ of the _________Statutes or by any
other means thatis satisfactory to theCity,the Chief and theUnion.
Parity clauses acknowledge that fire fighting is regarded as more
physically demanding andhazardous than police work and ensures
that fire fightersare compensatedat the same level as police officers.
Provided below are three sample parity clauses:
Clause 1:
The monthly rates paid employees covered by this Agreement
shall not be less than the monthly rates paid comparable ranks
of the _______ Police Department. The comparable ranks are
as follows:
Fire Fighter Police Officer
Fire Lieutenant Police Sergeant
Fire Captain Police Lieutenant
Chief Fire Officer Police Captain
It is clearly understood that parity extends only to wages be-
tween the foregoing classifications of employment and that
wages are those that are identified by the official City of
________ pay plan. It is further agreed and understood that par-
ity exists exclusively with wages and does not include other
terms and conditions of employment.
Clause 2:
The Union shall havethe right to require an adjustment to equal an
increase subsequently negotiated in wages or shift differential paid
to the employees of the Police Department of comparable rank.
Clause 3:
Traditional police-fire pay parity means that the full time Police
Officer and the full time Fire Fighter, whose base salaries are the
same, will experience identical salary rate changes with identical
effective dates throughout the fiscal year so that the total base
pay of a Police Officer is equal to that of a Fire Fighter in any fis-
cal year covered by this Agreement. Similarly, the Fire Sergeant
and Fire Engine Operator will have parity with the Police Inves-
tigator, the Fire Lieutenant has parity with the Police Sergeant,
the Fire Captain with the Police Lieutenant, the Battalion Chief
ith the Police Inspector, and the Chief of the Fire Department
with the Police Deputy Chief - Operations.
If there is established for 20__-20__ by arbitration, negotiations
or otherwise different compensation or cash benefits for non-
ivilian employees or officers of the ______ Police Department
than are found in this Agreement, this Agreement shall be ad-
justed to conform thereto so as to maintain the traditional
relationship for all corresponding ranks, of fire-police parity.
Pension clauses provide specifics on pension and benefits on
retirement, disability and death. Benefits outlined in the col-
lective bargaining agreement often include retirement pension,
surviving spouse pension, disability pension.
Provided below are three sample pension and retirement
Clause 1:
(A) Every covered employee who is at least ___ years of age may
make application to retire after ___ years of continuous
service and shall be eligible to collect a pension.
(B) Every covered employee less than ___ years of age may
make application to retire after ___ years of continuous
service and shall be eligible to collect a pension after he/she
has made pension contributions (1) for ___ continuous
years regardless of age or (2) until reaching age ___. Such
pension contributions shall be determined by the annual
salary the covered employee would have received if he/she
had continued in active City service at the same rank which
he/she held at the time he/she left City employment.
(C) Every covered employee who has served for a continuous
period of ___ years but fewer than ___ years and who has
reached the age of ___ years shall be entitled to be retired
and shall be eligible for pension at the rate of ___ % [__%
on or after January 1, 20___] of his/her salary of the date
of retirement.
(D) Every covered employee who has served for a continuous
period of ___ years and who has not reached the age of ___
and who: (1) has contributed for ___ continuous years re-
gardless of age; or (2) continues contributing until
reaching the age of ___ shall be entitled to be retired and
shall be eligible for pension at the rate of ____% [___%
on or after January 1, 20___] of the annual salary he/she
would have received if he/she had continued in active City
service at the same rank which he/she held at the time
he/she left City employment.
(E) Every covered employee with at least ___ years of continu-
ous active service shall receive service increments for each
full year of service beginning with the ___ up to and in-
cluding the ___ year of continuous service at the rate of
____% [___ percent (___%) on or after January 1, 20___]
per year of the annual salary. The maximum number of
service increments shall be ___. However, every covered
employee retiring with at least ____ but fewer than ____
years of continuous service shall receive credit for ____
service increments.
(1) Every covered employee may make application to retire
after ____ years of continuous service and shall be entitled
to be retired and eligible for pension at the rate of ___%
[___% on or after January 1, 20___] of the annual salary
e/she would have received if he/she had continued in City
employment at the same rank he/she held at the time he/she
left City employment if he/she has (1) reached the age of at
least ___ years; or (2)makes pension payments equal to
____ years of service regardless of age.
(2) Every covered employee may make application to retire
after ____ years of continuous service and shall be entitled
to be retired and eligible for pension at the rate of ___%
[___% on or after January 1, 20___] of the annual salary
he/she would have received if he/she had continued in City
employment at the same rank he/she held at the time he/she
left City employment if he/she has (1) reached the age of at
least ___ years; or (2) makes pension payments equal to
____ years of service regardless of age.
(3) Every covered employee regardless of age having served for a
continuous period of ____ years shall be entitled to be retired
and eligible for pension at the rate of ___% [___% on or after
January 1, 20___] of his/her salary on the date of retirement.
(4) Every covered employee regardless of age having served for
a continuous period of _____ years shall be entitled to be
retired and eligible for pension at the rate of ____%
[____% on or after January 1, 20___] of his/her salary on
the date of retirement.
(5) Every covered employee regardless of age having
served for a continuous period of ____ years shall be entitled
to be retired and eligible for pension at the rate of ____%
[____% on or after January 1, 20___] of his/her salary on the
date of retirement.
(6) Every covered employee regardless of age having served for
a continuous period of _____ years shall be entitled to be
retired and eligible for pension at the rate of ____%
[____% on or after January 1, 20___] of his/her salary on
the date of retirement.
(F) Effective January 1, 20___, every covered employee hired
before _______, 20___, shall pay into the Firefighter‘s Pen-
sion Fund the amount of ____% of base pay, longevity,
holiday pay, and shift differential. ____% of the ____%
shall be applied to widows’ payments. Every covered em-
ployee hired after ________, 20___, shall continue to pay
into the Firefighter’s Pension Fund the amount of ____% of
base pay, longevity, holiday pay, and shift differential. One
percent (1%) of the ____% shall be applied to widows’pay-
ments. Effective _________, 20___ every covered employee
shall pay into the Fire Pension Fund the amount of ____%
of base pay, longevity, holiday pay, and shift differential.
____% of the ____% shall be applied to widows’ payments.
(G) Every covered employee who served in the Armed Forces of
the United States subsequent to _______, 20___, and who
was not a member of the covered Fire Department prior
to such military service, shall be entitled to have full credit
for each year or fraction thereof, not to exceed ____ years
f such service, upon his/her payment to the Fire Pension
Fund of an amount equal to that which he/she would have
paid had he/she been a member during the period for
which he/she desires credit, and his/her payment to such
fund of an additional amount as the equivalent of the con-
ributions of the City on account of such military service.
All purchased military time shall be credited as Active
Service for pension purposes.
Clause 2:
Pension Rights
Except as provided in thisAgreement,the City agrees not to change
or diminish employee pension benefits provided by Chapters __ or
__ of the City Charter. Employees covered by this Agreement, in-
dividually and collectively, expressly consent and agree to the
changes in pension benefits specified in this Agreement even
though their implementation by subsequent legislation may be
considered a diminishment or impairment of annuities and other
benefits within the meaning of Section ____ of the ERS Act.
Pension Benefits
Pension benefits for an employee covered by this Agreement
who is a member of the Employees Retirement System (ERS)
shall be those benefits defined in Chapter ___ of the City Char-
ter that are applicable to a fire fighter. These pension benefits
shall continue unchanged during the term of this Agreement.
Solely for purposes of the global pension settlement, employ-
ees who are on a medical leave of absence on ___________,
20___, and other like situations as mutually agreed to by the
City and the Union, shall be considered to be in active service
on ___________, 20___. Creditable service for active military
service, as provided in _______, shall be extended to employ-
ees represented by the Association who participate in the
combined fund and who retire on a service retirement on and
after _________, 20___. Effective for employees hired after the
execution date of the 20___-20___ City-Association Agree-
ment, when a retirement application is filed by an employee
covered by this Agreement who seeks a Duty Disability Retire-
ment Allowance based upon a mental injury, the application
shall be referred to the Medical Council established under
_____ of the City Charter, in lieu of the Medical panel, which
Medical Council shall determine and certify whether the ap-
plicant is permanently and totally incapacitated for duty as a
result of such mental injury in accordance with the require-
ments of Chapter ___ of the City Charter. In any
re-examination authorized by Chapter ____ of the City Char-
ter of such retired beneficiary, the beneficiary shall be referred
to the Medical Council, in lieu of the Medical Panel, for reex-
amination and such Medical Council shall make the
determination and certification required under the provisions
of Chapter ____ of the City Charter for reexaminations.
Clause 3:
Pension Benefits. All regular sworn full-time employees shall
apply for coverage in the ____________Fire Fighters Pension
Fund. If the employee is accepted, an amount shall be deducted
from each employee’s paycheck for his/her contribution to this
plan. In addition, the District shall contribute appropriate
funds for each employee. The Employer agrees under
______________Pension Code, to pick up the employees con-
tributions under ________________ of the same Code.
Promotion clauses outline standards and procedures to be uti-
lized by management when a promotional decision is made.
odel contract language:
1. The following procedure shall govern all promotions within
the Fire Department: (Choose appropriate clause[s].)
. All examinations shall be impartial and shall relate to those
matters which will test fairly the candidate to discharge the
duties of the position to be filled. Eligibility for promotion
to the positions of (specify) shall be used on: (Choose ap-
propriate requirement[s].)
1. Length of Service ______ %
2. Written Examination _____%
3. Oral Examination _____%
4. Performance or Physical Test _____%
5. Education _____%
B. Examination material shall consist of (specify) . Text and
reference materials that may be used for studying purposes
will be given to employees #____ working days prior to the
C. The oral examination shall be given by a #_____ member
panel consisting of (specify). Questions shall be in keeping
with knowledge and requirements for the rank considered.
D. Promotional examinations shall be held (specify).
E. Announcements for promotional examinations shall be
posted in each fire station # _____ days prior to the closing
date for applications. Applications received after the clos-
ing date will not be considered.
F. All applicants will be notified of their final score and their
relative standing. The period of eligibility of the promo-
tional list shall be for (specify).
G. If a vacancy exists, it shall be filled within # _____ work days.
H. Promotions shall be made in rank order from the top of the
promotional standing list.
I. An employee shall serve a probationary period of # _____
months.If,duringthat period,the employee fails toperform sat-
isfactorily the duties of the newposition,he/she willbe permitted
to return to his/her original position without loss of seniority.
All promotions shall be made in accordance with Civil Service
Rules (specify) as last amended.
Provided below are three sample promotion clauses:
Clause 1:
Section 1. Seniority in the Department shall be recognized. In
making promotions up to and including the Fire
Fighters 1st Class in the Department, such promo-
tions shall be made from the permanent staff in
accordance with the provisions of Section ____.
ection 2. All promotions within the Department shall be sub-
ject to a one year probationary period.
Seniority in the non-fire fighting positions will not
apply as seniority in the fire fighting positions.
embers transferring to other branches, other than
Fire Prevention and Training, will retain their re-
spective positions on the former division
throughout the probationary period of ___. During
this period, requests in writing for transfer back to
their former division will be honored. Such transfer
will be made without prejudice as vacancies permit
in the respective divisions.
After the probationary period expires, members wish-
ing to transfer back to their respective division will
apply in writing. Such applications will be honored as
vacancies permit. Such members will assume their
former classification and for a period of ___ following
the date of transfer will not be eligible for promotion.
After the ___ period expires, the member shall assume
his/her proper seniority less the time spent in the for-
mer division. Seniority in a division will be recognized
for promotions within that division.
Members transferring to Fire Prevention will retain
their respective positions in their former division for
a period of ____.During this period, requests in writ-
ing for transfer back to their former division will be
honored. Such transfer will be made without preju-
dice as vacancies permit in the respective division.
After the ___ period expires, members wishing to
transfer back to their respective division will apply in
writing. Such members will assume their former clas-
sification and for a period of ___ following the date
of transfer will not be eligible for promotion.After the
___ expires, the member shall assume his/her proper
seniority less the time spent in the former division.
Members transferring to the Training Division will
retain the option to return at any time to the posi-
tion they held in their former division. Requests in
writing for transfer back to their former division
will be honored without prejudice as vacancies per-
mit. Such members will assume their former
classification and for a period of ___ following the
date of transfer will not be eligible for promotion.
After the ___ expires, the member shall assume
his/her proper seniority. The ___ waiting period
shall not apply in cases where the period in the
Training Division has been less than ___.
Section 3. Members shall not be transferred from shift to shift
to fill a temporary vacancy. In cases where senior po-
sitions are required to be filled temporarily or where
it is necessary to have a temporary assistant, firstly
the senior officer, or secondly the senior member on
the eligibility list on the platoon concerned shall be
used to fill the vacancy.
In the event the member, in accordance with the above,
is not available, firstly the next officer or secondly the
ext member available on the eligibility list on the pla-
toon concerned will be used to fill the position. The
member so used shall be paid at the rate of pay for the
actual time worked in the temporary position.
n the event of a temporary absence from the station
of a Platoon Chief and/or Station Captain, the sen-
ior officer and/or senior member on the eligibility
list at the station concerned will be used in this
higher position and shall be paid at the higher rate
for the actual time worked.
Section 4. The promotions above that of Fire Fighter 1st Class
shall be made on the following basis:
(a) Written examination ___%
Oral examination ___%
Practical examination ___%
Records ___%
(b) The records shown above are to be divulged to the exami-
nation board prior to the writing of the examinations.
(c)Examinations shall be based on the training received in the
__________ Fire Department and general fire fighting pro-
cedures and supervisory ability.
(d) To qualify, a candidate must receive a passing mark of ___%
of the combined examinations outlined in Section 4(a).
(e) Applicants who have failed to pass shall, if they elect to do
so, be allowed to write the supplemental examinations as
shown in Section 4(a) after expiration of ___ months. If
they should fail, they must wait until the next eligibility ex-
amination is held.
(f) For the promotion to the rank of Lieutenant an eligibility
list consisting of ___ members shall be established. If the
list falls below ___ people, an examination shall be held in
accordance with procedures established for examinations.
In filling these vacancies up to a maximum of ___ mem-
bers of the Department will be allowed to write, based on
their seniority and with at least ___ years service in the Fire
Fighting Division.
(g) Successful candidates shall be placed on the eligibility list
in order of seniority. This includes any candidate added to
the list through supplementary examinations.
(h) Promotions from the rank of Lieutenant to Captain will be
made solely on seniority on the eligibility list and passing a
satisfactory medical examination. No additional examina-
tion will be required.
(i) Where a candidate desires to write the examination but is
unable to do so because of illness, accident or for compas-
sionate reasons, the exams may be postponed at the
discretion of the Board of Promotion.
(j) Any member who is next in line for promotion, but who for
any cause declines or refuses in writing to accept such pro-
motion, shall retain his/her seniority and shall be eligible
for subsequent promotions.
k) Persons eligible to apply for the position of Chief Training
Officer will be first those who have attained the rank of As-
sistant Training Officer, and if no applications are received,
members holding the rank of Platoon Chief shall be eligi-
ble to apply, and if no applications are received, members
olding the rank of Captain in the fire fighting force shall
be eligible to apply; and if no applications from Captains
are received, members holding the rank of Lieutenant in
the fire fighting force will be eligible to apply.
Applications for the position of Assistant Training Officer
shall first be accepted from those who have attained the rank
of Platoon Chief in the fire fighting force; and if no appli-
cations from Platoon Chiefs are received, members holding
the rank of Captain in the fire fighting force will be eligible
to apply; and if no applications are received, members hold-
ing the rank of Lieutenant in the fire fighting force will be
eligible to apply.
Personnel eligible to apply for the position of Chief Fire
Marshall shall be those members who have attained the po-
sition of Fire Prevention Officer III. If no applications
received from members then position will be open to mem-
bers holding the rank of Fire Prevention Officer II.
Subsequently, if no applications are received from members
holding the rank of Fire Prevention Officer II, then appli-
cations will be accepted from any member in the rank of
Fire Prevention Officer I.
Personnel eligible to apply for the position of Platoon Chief
shall be those members who have attained the rank of Cap-
tain in the fire fighting force. The person selected for all of
the positions referred to in Section 4(k) must have a suitable
personality, ability and background for the position. When
applicants for these positions are assessed, it is agreed that
two members appointed by Local ___ will participate in the
assessment process excluding the final selection of the suc-
cessful candidate.
Section 5.
(a) The Board of Promotion shall consist of:
___ Employer’s representatives, the Fire Chief
___ Captains or Lieutenants appointed by the Union
(b) The duties of the Board of Promotion shall be to establish
standard examination and examination procedures; to ap-
point supervisors for examinations; to determine and select
successful candidates as a result of such examinations.
(c) No member appointed to the Board of Promotion by either
side shall have any direct family relationships to any candi-
date participating in the examinations.
Section 6.
(a) Examination papers shall be so handled as to ensure that
the candidates identification of each examination paper is
not available until they have all been marked.
(b) Examination papers shall be handled so as to ensure strict
secrecy prior to writing, and members of the Board shall
keep the contents confidential.
ection 7. Each candidate shall be notified of his/her results by
letter immediately after the examination schedule is
completed. The eligibility list shall be posted on the
otice Board ___ days after the examination sched-
uled is completed.Any candidate may review his/her
results with the Board. Candidates wishing to con-
test the Board’s ruling must do so in the ___ days
between the completion of the schedule and the
posting of the eligibility list.
Section 8. Any employee promoted to a higher rank shall act in
that rank and be on probation for a period of ___
from the time of such promotion.
Section 9. Fire Fighter 2nd Class, 3rd Class, and 4th Class shall
write annual and perform practical examinations set
by the Chief or Deputy Chief, Training Officer or As-
sistant and ___ Officers appointed by the Union, and
shall pass such an examination before receiving pro-
motion to the next higher group. In the event of failure
to pass such an examination, a supplemental exami-
nation shall be set within ___ days of the results of the
first examination and failure of the supplemental ex-
amination shall mean no increment or promotion in
that year but such failed candidate shall one year later
be eligible to rewrite his/her promotional examina-
tions, a passing mark of ___% or better is required.
Clause 2:
Criteria for promotion and promotional testing within the bar-
gaining unit, excluding Fire Equipment Mechanic, shall be as
Fire Apparatus Operator
1. All candidates must have a minimum of ___ years service
with the Fire Department as a Fire Fighter.
2. All candidates must hold current certification by SFFR to the
following standard: NFPA 1002 – Fire Apparatus Driver/Op-
erator Professional Qualifications; General Requirements,
Apparatus Equipped with and Attack or Fire Pump, and Ap-
paratus Equipped with an Aerial Device.
3. All candidates must have a satisfactory service rating.
Fire Captain
1. All candidates must have a minimum of ___ years service
with the Fire Department as a Fire Fighter, Fire Apparatus
Operator, and/or Fire Inspector.
2. All candidates must either hold the rank of Fire Apparatus
Operator or Fire Inspector to be eligible for promotion to
3. All candidates must hold current certification by SFFR to the
following standards: NFPA 1021 Fire Officer I, NFPA 1041-
Fire Service Instructor I
4. In addition to the certifications in Section above, candidates
who are Inspectors must also hold current certification by
SFFR to the following standards: NFPA 1002 – Fire Appara-
tus Driver/Operator Professional Qualifications; General
Requirements, Apparatus Equipped with an Attack or Fire
Pump, and Apparatus Equipped with an Aerial Device.
5. By ______, 20__, any employee seeking to promote to the
position of Fire Captain must have held the rank of Fire Ap-
aratus Operator to be eligible.
6. All candidates must have a satisfactory service rating
Fire Inspector
1. All candidates must have a minimum of ____ years experi-
nce with the Fire Department as a Fire Fighter, Fire
Apparatus Operator, and/or Fire Captain.
2. All candidates must hold current certification by SFFR to the
following standards: NFPA 1031 Fire Inspector I, NFPA
1033 – Fire Investigator I.
3. All candidates must have a satisfactory service rating.
D. The department will offer the following certification classes
at the ________Training Center and/or other locations in the
city to candidates for promotion who do not possess neces-
sary certifications before promotional testing is provided:
1. NFPA 1002- Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator Professional
Qualifications; General Requirements, Apparatus Equipped
with an Attack or Fire Pump, and Apparatus Equipped with
an Aerial Device for candidates for Fire Apparatus Operator.
2. NFPA 1021- Fire Officer I for candidates for Fire Captain.
3. NFPA 1041- Fire Service Instructor I for candidates for Fire
4. NFPA 1031 Professional Qualifications for Fire Inspector
and Plan Examiner.
5. NFPA 1033 – Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator.
Section 1. A permanent vacancy is created when the City de-
cides to increase the work force and fill a new
position(s) or when there is a termination, promo-
tion, demotion, or discharge and the City decides to
replace the previous incumbent. The City retains sole
discretion in determining whether vacancies exist.
Section 2. Promotional examinations shall be conducted on a
biannual basis starting in 20___. However, interim
examinations may be conducted if deemed necessary
by management to meet the needs of the depart-
ment, and upon approval of the Civil Service Board.
Section 3. Return to Former Position. During the first six
months immediately following the date of promo-
tion, the promotional employee may request to be
returned to his/her former position. Requests of this
nature will result in a return to the former position
with the return date to be determined by the Fire
Chief or his/her designee.
Holidays, vacation time, and sick leave shall not be
considered a break in continuous time for purposes
of this article.
Section 4. When an employee is promoted in rank, the em-
ployee shall be placed into the pay grade of the new
rank commensurate with his/her years of service.
Clause 3:
All promotions in the Fire Bureau shall be made within the
ranks of the paid members of the Fire Bureau, and shall be
made by competitive examinations administered by the ap-
propriate Civil Service Board, and, to the extent practicable,
examinations shall test applicants relating to materials taken
rom an approved fire service manual prescribed for use in the
Fire Bureau at least ___ months prior to the date of examina-
tion. The final score for promotional examinations shall be
determined by adding seniority points to the score from the
written test. Any individual who fails to score at least ____%
n the written examination will not be eligible for promotion.
The City will interview candidates for promotion but will not
utilize oral examinations as a graded component in the pro-
motion process. Seniority points shall be determined in the
following manner:
___ full point(s) for each of the first ___ years of service and
___ point(s) for each year of service after ___ years.
Civil Service promotional examinations shall be held no less
frequently than _________. To the extent practicable, a mem-
ber of the Civil Service Board shall be present when written
tests are being conducted, and Union shall have the right to
designate a monitor to be present.
Beginning ___________, 20___, all promotional exams shall
be given every other year rather than every year, and that the re-
sultant promotional list shall remain in effect for ___ years, or
until a new examination is given and a new list created,
whichever occurs first. An employee shall be eligible to take
promotional examinations in the month of November of the
year prior to his/her eligibility. He/she shall then be eligible for
promotion at any time during the years the promotional list is
valid. A Lieutenant shall have at least ___ completed years of
service, and certification as a Driver/Operator, Fire Fighter 2. A
Captain shall have at least ___ years of service as a Lieutenant
and a Battalion Chief shall have at least ___ completed years of
service as Captain.
All eligible candidates shall be notified of the test at least ___
days prior to _______________.
A rank for rank overtime clause ensures that all overtime will
be filled by an employee who is in the classification that regu-
larly performs the work for which overtime is required.
Provided below are three sample rank for rank overtime
Clause 1:
All overtime shall be filled by an employee holding an equal
rank as the work assignment which has been vacated as a result
of an absence whenever possible. The Shift Commander may
give consideration to the qualifications of the employees to fill
the position on said overtime list. (i.e., if a Fire Fighter has been
or agreed to be temporarily upgraded to fill a Fire Apparatus
Operators work assignment, and such upgrade causes over-
time as a result of an absence, that position shall be filled by a
Fire Apparatus Operator).
Clause 2:
Overtime work shall be assigned only to those employees who
are within the range and/or classification that normally per-
form the work for which such overtime is required.
Clause 3:
All overtime shall be worked on a rank for rank basis, if avail-
ble, i.e., Fire Fighters work in Fire Fighter vacancies, Operators
work in Operator vacancies, etc. Hiring rank for rank shall be
suspended if this procedure would result in hiring personnel
in excess of minimum staffing.
Clause 1:
Step Advancement in Rate of Compensation
Salary Steps
Step 1. Firefighter Recruit shall be entry level step for new
unit employees in the classification of Firefighter Re-
cruit and shall be advanced to Step 1.
Step 1. Firefighter A unit employee in the classification of
Firefighter Recruit shall advance to Step 1 of Firefighter
Step 2. A unit employee who receives an evaluation that meets
standards or above shall receive this step after the com-
pletion of six (6) months of service in Step 1 in the same
Step 3. A unit employee who receives an evaluation that meets
standards or above shall receive this step after comple-
tion of one (1) year of service in Step 2 in the same
Step 4. A unit employee who receives an evaluation that meets
standards or above shall receive this step after comple-
tion of one (1) year of service in Step 3 in the same
Step 5. A unit employee who receives an evaluation that meets
standards or above shall receive this step after comple-
tion of one (1) year of service in Step 4 in the same
Step 6. A unit employee who receives an evaluation that meets
standards or above shall receive this step after comple-
tion of one (1) year of service in Step 5 in the same
Below Standards Evaluation – a unit employee who receives an
evaluation that is below standards shall not be advanced to the
next step until they receive an evaluation that meets standards
performance or above. Unit employees so affected shall be re-
evaluated within 6 months. Any employee denied a step
increase shall be notified in writing of reasons for denial.
Clause 2:
Fire Fighter Rank Step Schedule
Step A. Fire Fighters, from Probation through eighteen (18)
months after date of employment.
Step B. Fire Fighters, from the 19
month after date of em-
ployment through completion of 60
month after date
of employment.
Step C. Fire Fighters, from the 61
month after date of em-
ployment until eligible for Fire Fighter Step D.
Step D. Fire Fighters with at least ten (10) years seniority in
rank and an Associates Degree or higher or Fire Fight-
ers with fifteen (15) years seniority in rank shall be
eligible for Fire Fighter Step D.
Step E. Fire Fighters with at least fifteen (15) years seniority in
rank and an Associates Degree or higher or Fire Fight-
ers with twenty (20) years seniority in rank shall be
eligible for Fire Fighter Step E.
An IRS Code Section 125 Flexible Benefit Plan allows an em-
ployee to choose benefits that best fit their personal situation.
It makes it possible for the employee to make any of the con-
tributions to their fringe benefits on a “Pre-Tax”basis, and also,
to set aside via voluntary deduction additional “Pre-Tax” dol-
lars to pay for out-of-pocket Dependent Care and/or Medical
Expenses through separate Flexible Reimbursement Spending
The Section 125 Plan allows an employee to spend their bene-
fit dollars for the benefits
that they choose.
Provided below are two sample Section 125 clauses:
Clause 1:
Section 1. The City will make available a Section 125 plan on a
group basis to bargaining unit employees to the same
degree that such a plan is provided to other non-
managerial City employees.
Section 2. Eligible participating bargaining unit employees will
pay the full administration cost for their participa-
tion in the plan.
Section 3. The City reserves the right to terminate or alter pro-
visions of the Section 125 plan or any part thereof
for unit members on the same terms as all other City
employees, with prior notice.
Section 4. The wages of employees for pension contributions
and pension benefit purposes will be based on the
gross wages, before the Section 125 redirection.
Section 5. Nothing herein, nor in the Section 125 plan, except
requirements established by the Internal Revenue
Service governing the administration of such plans,
shall affect the provisions for Health and Life Insur-
ance under Article _____.
Clause 2:
The Town shall maintain a Section 125 Plan to which employ-
ees will be entitled to make contributions to cover the
employees proportionate share of the cost of medical, hospital,
major medical and dental insurance coverage. Contributions
under this Section may be made in the form of a payroll de-
duction authorized in accordance with the provisions of
Section ____ of this Agreement.
Severance pay clauses are negotiated to provide a Fire Fighter
who is laid off or dismissed compensation for accrued vaca-
tion, sick leave and holiday pay. In addition, an employee may
e entitled to severance pay in the form of salary for an estab-
lished time frame.
Model contract language:
n employee, after completing a probationary period of
_______, shall receive
severance pay at the rate of _____ months pay for each year
of service, or major
fraction thereof. Such severance pay shall be based on the
highest monthly salary
received during employment.
Provided below are three sample severance pay clauses:
Clause 1:
An employee of the Fire Department separated from the serv-
ice of the Fire Department because of involuntary termination,
except for employees terminated for misconduct, shall receive
severance pay in addition to any other compensation that may
be due him/her.
Said separated employee shall receive as severance pay ____
weeks (____ hours) pay computed at the employees regularly
hourly rate of pay based on a ____________hour work week.
An employee will be eligible for severance pay _______ months
after his/her date of hire.
Clause 2:
If an employee with _____ or more continuous years of full-
time employment is terminated for reasons beyond the
employee’s own control (e.g., reduction in force, abolishment
of the position, etc.), the employee shall be paid _____months
severance pay. An employee who terminates his employment
on his/her own volition or who is terminated for disciplinary
reasons shall not be paid any severance pay.
Clause 3:
Except for cause, when a permanent member of the Local is re-
lieved of his/her position, he/she shall be given ___ days notice,
or in lieu thereof, ___ month(s) pay, or any longer notice spec-
ified by the Employment Standards Code.
Shift differential pay clauses are negotiated to compensate an
employee for working non-traditional hours.
Model contract language: [Select phrase(s)]
In addition to the established wage rates, the Employer shall
pay an hourly premium of $_____ to employees for all hours
worked on shifts worked between _____ P.M. and _____ A.M.
In addition to the established wage rates, the Employer shall
pay an hourly premium of $_____ to employees for all hours
worked on Saturdays and Sundays.
rovided below are three sample shift differential clauses:
Clause 1:
(1) Night differential shall be paid at the rate of ___% of the
fire fighter’s annual base salary plus longevity. This differ-
ntial shall be paid only to fire fighters who are regularly
scheduled to work rotating tours that include the ___ p.m.
to ___ a.m. night tour, and only to fire fighters actually
working that night tour.
(2) Payments shall be made in February and August of each year
for the preceding __________ pay periods. Fire fighters who
qualify for night differential pursuant to Section 1 above, for
any part of a bi-weekly pay period,shall receive the night dif-
ferential payment for that entire bi-weekly pay period.
(3) Night differential payments shall continue to be paid in ac-
cordance with the conditions as provided above during
periods of paid absence such as: vacation, sick leave and
personal leave days. During absence due to non-job-
related illness or accident, night differential shall be
included only at the discretion of the Commissioner of the
Department, subject to review by the City Manager. During
non-paid leave of absence, fire fighters shall not receive
night differential payment.
Clause 2:
A permanent employee who works a regularly scheduled shift,
which has hours, the major portion of which fall between the
hours of ___ and ___ a.m. shall be paid a shift premium of
$________ per hour for all hours worked on this shift effective
January 1, 20___.
Clause 3:
In addition to all other compensation provided, employees as-
signed to shifts on Sunday shall receive a shift differential of
Sick leave incentive clauses are negotiated to discourage sick
leave usage and to reward those who use minimal sick leave.
Provided below are two sample sick leave incentive clauses:
Clause 1:
In the event that an employee uses no sick leave during a contract
year, the employee shall receive from the Village the sum of
$________ which,shall be contributed by the Village to the PEHP
(Post-Employment Health Plan) plan on behalf of the employee. If
the employee uses one day of sick leave the contribution shall be
$_______ and if the employee uses two days it will be $________.
Clause 2:
Any employee covered by this Agreement who works a full year
and does not use any sick leave within that period will be al-
lowed to convert an additional __________ hours of sick leave
to ________ hours of vacation leave.
Clauses on staffing are negotiated to ensure sufficient person-
nel are maintained on duty and available for response to
alarms. In addition, staffing provisions ensure that sufficient
personnel are placed on all units.
odel contract language:
Sufficient personnel shall be maintained on duty and available
for response to alarms. Sufficient fire fighter personnel shall be
available to provide a minimum of four (4) fire fighters and
ne (1) officer per unit of response. By definition, a unit is
an engine company or a ladder company.
If sufficient personnel are not available to meet the minimum
staffing requirements, fire fighters shall be retained or recalled
on overtime.
Provided below are three sample staffing clauses:
Clause 1:
The City agrees to provide the following staffing levels at all
Each single piece Engine Company shall have a minimum of
________ line personnel.
Each Engine Company with a hose wagon shall have a mini-
mum of ________ line personnel.
Each three piece Engine Company shall have a minimum of
_________ line personnel.
Each Truck Company shall have a minimum of ________ line
Each Battalion shall have a minimum of ______ Battalion
Chief or person acting in his or her capacity per shift.
At the Fire Chiefs discretion, and notwithstanding the above
provisions, the following vacancies need not be filled: (a) a total
of _______ employees absent for four and one-half (4.5) hours
or less, regardless of the reason for the absence occurring; and,
(b) a maximum of ______ employees absent for four and one-
half to nine (9) hours for training, as defined in Section ____
of the Department’s Official Action Guide.
Clause 2:
No more than _____ Task Force Companies will be staffed with
less than _______ employees during the term of this contract.
Staffing of other fire suppression apparatus will continue to be
_______ employees in accordance with the practices existing
on the date of ratification of this Contract. For purposes of
this Article, the fireboat and Engine 2 will be considered to be
a single apparatus.
These provisions are not intended to affect the general rights of
the City to determine staffing and the number and location of
companies, except as expressly provided in this Article.
If the City intends to reduce the number of suppression com-
panies, the Union will be notified in advance and consulted.
Clause 3:
A. Fire Suppression and Rescue
1. The vehicle and equipment staffing complements which are
currently maintained shall continue to be maintained at those
evels (i.e., _______ members on all trucks and engines) ex-
cept as set forth for the balance of this Contract term.
2. At each airport on each shift the city shall maintain _______
fire engineer(s) and ______ firefighter(s) on each crash fire
pparatus and also _______ company officer(s) per shift at
each airport for all crash fire apparatus; except no firefighter
need to be maintained on the crash fire apparatus to which a
company officer is assigned that day. These minimum staffing
requirements shall not be waived under the provisions of Sec-
tion 16.4D which shall not be applicable to this Section 16.4A2.
3. The number of fire companies and apparatus shall continue to be
maintained at no less than those levels maintained on _______,
20___ (for example,________ engine companies,______ truck
companies, ______ squad companies,the Haz Mat Unit and the
Fire Boat), as well as the number of battalions on said date.
4. The City shall continue to maintain a minimum of ________
platoon employees on duty on each of the _______ platoons
at the Fire Department shops; and shall use a Firefighter as a
Lieutenant when the Lieutenant is absent on his/her Platoons
scheduled work day, in which case the Firefighter will receive
Lieutenant’s pay.
B. EMS and Ambulance Staffing
Effective upon contract ratification, Emergency Medical Serv-
ices and ambulances shall be staffed as follows:
1. ______ EMS Field Officer(s) per EMS District on a daily
basis with a minimum of _________ EMS Field Officers on
a daily basis.
2. a. _____ Paramedic and ________ Paramedic in Charge or
_________ Ambulance Commander in each of ________or
more ambulances on average on a daily basis over a one week
period (Monday-Sunday), but no less than _____ ambu-
lances on a daily basis; provided that if due to exceptional
circumstances on a given day __________ or more ambu-
lances cannot be maintained in service, or if ________ or
more ambulances per day by weekly average cannot be main-
tained in service, the Union shall be notified in either or both
instances, and the Union and the Employer shall meet on the
next regular business day to discuss the reason for the prob-
lem and steps to be taken to avoid a repetition; and
b. ______ EMT-B employees in each of _______ or more
additional ambulances on a daily basis.
3. The EMT-B employees shall be detailed to the ambulances ref-
erenced above. The most senior EMT-B employee on each of
these ambulances for the day shall be paid at the employees next
pay step and shall be in charge and responsible for any necessary
documentation. It is provided that no EMT-B employee shall be
detailed to any of these ambulances more than _______ of the
employees duty days in a calendar quarter (January-March,
April-June, July-September, October-December).
4. When required, an EMT-P and/or an EMT-B on anALS Engine
Company shall assist on an ambulance, in which case the ALS
Engine shall accompany the ambulance to the hospital.
Tuition reimbursement clauses ensure that costs associated with
the employees education process are reimbursed by the Employer.
odel contract language:
The Employer will reimburse all employees for any cost in-
curred for books, fees, and tuition upon successful completion
of courses related to the fire service area and for all courses
ecessary to complete degrees in fire service areas.
Provided below are three sample tuition reimbursement
Clause 1:
The City agrees to reimburse the employees for any approved
job related course upon satisfactory completion of said course.
The amount of reimbursement shall be the cost to the member
for each credit hour of that approved course; the cost of books,
laboratory fees, parking and other related fees shall not be paid
by the City. Satisfactory completion of any course shall mean a
grade of “C” or better. In order to qualify for tuition reim-
bursement, the course must be approved by the Fire Chief and
the Human Resources Director before the course is taken.
Clause 2:
It is the desire of the __________ Fire Department to encour-
age higher education of their employees in the hope that they
will be better prepared to perform their ever changing and
complex duties.
All regular status Fire Fighters qualify for education expense
reimbursement for approved courses, budget permitting, as
outlined herein.
The Department will budget and administer reimbursement
for the courses through the Training Division. Expenses for tu-
ition, books, lab fees, and applicable insurance, from any
regionally accredited colleges or schools will qualify for reim-
bursement to a maximum of $____ per employee per fiscal
year, provided a grade of “C” or better is achieved. The final
grade report and receipts for expenses must be submitted be-
fore the processing of expense reimbursement.
It is understood that the City may advance tuition payment
arrangements with individual institutions for the convenience
of employees. Where advance tuition payment has been made
by the City, the employee agrees to reimburse the City when a
grade of incomplete, D or F is received.
All employees must register their intent to pursue continuing edu-
cation during the budget planning process for the intended year of
training and obtain approval on the proper department form from
the Training Division Chief prior to the enrollment in classes. This
is to ensure the availability of course materials and budgeted funds.
The following courses of study will be considered for expense
reimbursement: Fire Science, Public Administration, Business
Administration, Human Resource Management, Emergency
Medical Management, Computer Science, Education, Fire Serv-
ice Management, Nursing and Psychology. The Fire Chief may
approve other courses of study that will enhance the ability of
employees to perform their duties.
lause 3:
Subject to the provisions of this Article, the District shall provide
for 100% reimbursement of tuition and course-related textbooks
up to a maximum of $________ per fiscal year for all upper divi-
sion and graduate courses and up to a maximum of $_____ per
iscal year for all upper division and graduate courses and up to a
maximum of $______ per fiscal year for all other courses.To qual-
ify for reimbursement, the courses must be job related and must
have been taken while the employee was off duty. Employees shall
be eligible for reimbursement under this section for job-related
courses, conferences, and seminars approved by the Fire Chief,
which are offered by approved organizations and societies.A list of
such organizations and societies shall be reviewed and approved by
the Fire Chief and the Director of Human Resources.
Costs Not Covered: In terms of both time and money, the fol-
lowing costs are not covered by this program:
A. Courses must be taken on the employees own time, on com-
pensatory time, combination leave, educational leave, or
administrative leave approvedin advance by the Fire Chief. Chief
Officers are encouraged to adjust schedules whenever possible
to allow employees to attend classes and make up any time lost.
B. However, costs not specifically covered in this program (in-
cluding transportation, parking fees, lodging and meals) will
not be paid by the District, unless such costs are incurred
while attending classes approved by the Fire Chief at the Na-
tional Fire Academy or the ___________State Fire Academy,
up to the limits of Sec. ______.
C. Costs for which reimbursement is received from other sources.
Except that portions not covered from other sources will be paid
by the District up to the maximum provided by this Article.
D. Conventions and conferences are not covered by this reim-
bursement program.
The Fire Chief is responsible for the administration of this pro-
gram. Applications for reimbursement should be received by the
District prior to the first class session. Prior approval of the class
to be taken must be obtained by the employee as a condition of
reimbursement. An official record of grades and receipts must be
received by the District within ___ days after the last class session.
Reimbursement will be made to the employee within ___ weeks
after grade cards and receipts have been received by the District.
New employees, however, will not be reimbursed until they have
completed ________ hours of compensable service with the Dis-
trict. The County Director-Human Resources may develop such
forms and additional procedures which he/she deems necessary
to accomplish the intent of this textbook and tuition program.
Uniform allowance clauses are negotiated to cover the cost of
required uniforms and/or maintenance of uniforms.
Model contract language:
A. All uniforms required of employees in the performance of
their duties shall be furnished without cost to the employees
by the Employer and maintained in good, safe condition.
. The Employer shall maintain all uniforms of the employees.
C. Each employee shall receive a uniform allowance of $
______ per year, payable (monthly, quarterly, annually,
biannually, etc.).
D. Each employee shall receive $ ______ per month for cloth-
ing maintenance.
E. Whenever the uniform, including civilian clothing when the
assigned duties require the wearing thereof, of the employee
is damaged or stolen while performing those duties he/she
shall be reimbursed for the full amount of the loss suffered.
Provided below are three sample uniform allowance clauses:
Clause 1:
All sworn members of the Fire Division, entitled to a full uni-
form allowance, shall be entitled to a sum of money not to
exceed $______ per annum. This allowance shall be in addi-
tion to any compensation paid for initial uniforms or as a
reimbursement for uniforms damaged in line of duty and shall
be used for normal maintenance and replacement of uniforms
and for the cost of laundering fire house linens borne by mem-
bers stationed at fire houses. The allowance shall be paid in
semi-annual installments.
Every member shall receive from theCity,without cost,his/her first
official uniforms, summer and winter, and two sets of fatigue uni-
forms and one fatigue jacket with liner. Each member shall also
receive, without cost to themselves, their original personal official
equipment.Upon leaving the Fire Divisionpersonal officials equip-
ment shall be returned to the Fire Division.
Whenever the uniform, including civilian clothing when the
assigned duties require the wearing thereof, or other official
equipment of a member, including personal equipment used
in the performance of his/her duties, is damaged or stolen while
so performing those duties he/she shall be reimbursed to the
extent of the loss suffered in any sum not in excess of $______.
In case of death, retirement, dismissal, layoff or resignation, the
employee shall be paid a uniform allowance on a pro-rated basis.
Clause 2:
The present uniform allowance policy shall be continued, ex-
cept as may be otherwise provided herein. Employees assigned
to work 40 hours and 4 or 5 days per week shall be entitled to
allowances for 1 set of uniforms for each work day of the week.
All other employees shall be entitled to allowances for 1 set of
uniforms for each work shift of their respective work periods,
but not less than 3 sets. It is further provided that uniform
items include duty T-shirts and other uniform items currently
authorized and/or as established by mutual agreement between
the Union and the respective Fire Chief.
Employees qualified to receive a uniform allowance shall be en-
titled to a replacement allowance of ___ percent of the actual
item cost of a purchased uniform.
All employees who are required to use and maintain uniforms shall
receive a uniform allowance of $___ per month. Such allowance
for each fiscal year shall be paid once annually on or about June
30th of the fiscal year. If the employment of the employee com-
ences or terminates during the fiscal year, the sum paid shall be
adjusted on a prorated basis. No allowance shall be payable during
periods of suspension of more than ___ consecutive working shifts
or over a period of ___ or more consecutive calendar days and
when the employee is on LeaveWithout Pay for ____ days or more.
No employee shall be required to keep more than ___ complete
sets of uniform clothing items (in addition to the clothing in
use) in the employees station or work base at any one time.
Except in cases of gross negligence or improper use and care
on the part of the employee, the Employer shall replace per-
sonal clothing or prescription eyeglasses which are lost or
damaged in the performance of the employee’s duties.
The purchase and use of a full dress (formal) uniform shall not
be required. If full dress (formal) uniforms are required in the
future, the Employer shall furnish or fully reimburse all em-
ployees for the cost of the uniform.
The employer shall furnish a bed, mattress and a pad for each
bed where appropriate. If a bed spread or cover is required by
the Employer, it shall be furnished at no cost to the employee.
Employees who use beds shall provide a sheet, pillow, pillow-
case and blanket for use with an assigned bed during sleeping
hours. No employee shall be required to keep more than two (2)
sets of such bedding in the station or work base at any one time.
The Employer shall provide suitable locker space for storage of
all uniforms and equipment owned or issued to each employee.
Each locker shall be equipped with a lock and the key issued to
the employee to whom the locker is assigned.
Clause 3:
A. Subject to the rules of the Fire Department, the City of
_________ shall provide the original complete uniform for
those members of the Fire Department required to wear a
uniform and such shall remain property of the City. There-
after, the City of ____________ shall contribute 100% of
the annual uniform expense of any member required to wear
a uniform, but not to exceed $_______ in 20__ and
$______in 20__. This amount may be accumulated. The
maximum accumulation shall not exceed $___________.
B. In lieu of the uniform provision provided by this Article, em-
ployees assigned to Fire Investigation shall receive a clothing
allowance of $_______per monthin 20___ and $_____ in 20___.
C. The City of _____________shall replace uniform articles
damaged in the performance of emergency duties.
D. Upon retirement, employees may convert up to ___% of un-
used uniform allowance to cash.
Working out-of-classification clauses provide additional com-
pensation for work performed in a higher rank.
Model contract language:
An employee who is required to accept responsibilities and
arry out the duties of a position or rank above that which
he/she normally holds, shall be paid at the rate for that posi-
tion or rank while so acting.
Provided below are three sample working out-of-classification
Clause 1:
(1) Whenever any employee has been assigned to work in a
higher classification other than his/her regular classifica-
tion, such employee shall receive the salary called for as if he
or she were permanently promoted.
(2) Fire Fighters acting or promoted to the rank of Fire
Fighter/Engineer shall be paid at the top step of Fire
Fighter/Engineer’s rate.
(3) Fire Fighters or Fire Fighter/Engineers acting or promoted
to the rank of Fire Captain shall be paid at the fourth (4th)
step of Fire Captains rate.
(4) Fire Captains or Fire Inspectors acting or promoted to the
rank of Assistant Fire Marshal shall be paid at the top step
Assistant Fire Marshal’s rate.
(5) Fire Captain or the Assistant Fire Marshal acting or pro-
moted to the rank of Assistant Fire Chief or person placed
in charge of the Fire Prevention Division by the Fire Chief
shall be paid at the third step Assistant Fire Chiefs rate.
Clause 2:
The selection of a fire fighter to work out of rank shall be gov-
erned by seniority and approved by the Chief. Fire fighters on
each apparatus will be given first consideration by seniority
within that company. Any fire fighter so selected shall be paid
at the higher of his/her base pay or the base pay of the tempo-
rary assignment (plus his/her existing longevity increments)
commencing with the effective date of assignment. Pay out of
rank is only payable for hours worked.
Clause 3:
(1) Any person covered by this Agreement who is assigned the
responsibilities and carries out the duties incidental to a po-
sition or rank senior to that which the employee normally
holds shall be paid at the rate for the senior position or rank
while so acting.
(2) When acting in such higher capacity for a minimum of ___
days prior to vacation, such person shall receive the higher
rate of pay for vacation pay. If an employee is acting and has
been acting for a continuous period of ___ duty shifts prior
to vacation or sickness, such person shall receive the higher
rate of pay for vacation pay or sickness pay, whichever ap-
plicable. Increments shall be granted for acting service after
the accumulation of ___ service in the acting rank.
(3) Employees working flexible hours or compressed hours
shall receive acting pay only for authorized leave of absence.
The generic ADA/ADEA language prepared by the IAFF and
reproduced below ensures that the Employer will comply with
the statutory provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act
and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). In
omplying with the provisions of ADA or ADEA the Employer
will not violate the terms of the collective bargaining agree-
ment. In addition, the language requires the Employer to notify
the Union if it needs to change any policy or practice in order
to comply with ADA or ADEA.
It is recognized that the Employer must comply with the statu-
tory provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).
However, in complying with the provisions of the ADA or
ADEA the Employer agrees not to violate any Federal or State
Statutes, Local ordinances or the terms of this Collective Bar-
gaining Agreement [Memorandum of Understanding].
Should the Employer need to change any current policy or
practice in order to comply with the provisions of ADA or
ADEA, the Employer will provide to the Union _____ days no-
tice of any change prior to its implementation. Such
notification shall also be accompanied with appropriate legal
memoranda and supporting legal documentation stating the
basis necessitating the change in a current practice or policy.
(Language prepared by IAFF)
Contract language on contagious disease is negotiated to educate
union members on contagious disease and to provide employees
the benefit of vaccination for contagious diseases such as Hepatitis.
Provided below are three sample contagious disease clauses:
Clause 1:
It shall be presumed that any Operations Division employee
who contracts Hepatitis-B or meningitis shall have contracted
the disease while on duty.
The Employer shall provide a one-time immunization during
the life of this Agreement for all employees who want to be im-
munized, as follows:
Hepatitis (Type B)
Rubella (for females of child bearing age)
Employees who refuse to be immunized for Hepatitis-B and
who later contract the disease shall not be presumed to have
contracted the disease while on duty.
TB Screening - The Employer shall provide a tuberculosis
screening annually for all bargaining unit employees.
Clause 2:
At the bargaining unit member’s option and at no cost to the
unit member, the City agrees to provide Hepatitis B inocula-
tions to any unit member whose medical plan does not provide
such immunization without cost.
Bargaining unit members who have elected to receive Hepati-
is B inoculations may request a follow up examination with
the City Physician to determine whether or not the inocula-
tions were effective. Such follow up examination shall be
conducted at no cost to the unit member.
lause 3:
The City will provide training and equipment to assist in rec-
ognizing and/or preventing the communication of AIDS,
Hepatitis and other infectious diseases. The City and the Union
will work together to establish a system whereby employees
shall report, in a timely manner, all instances of on-the-job con-
tact with bodily fluids, used needles or other possible sources of
The goal of a negotiated drug policy is to eliminate or absolve
illegal drug usage through education and rehabilitation of the
affected personnel.
Provided below is the IAFF suggested drug testing policy:
The procedures outlined in this document for drug and alco-
hol testing shall be covered by all other applicable Articles of
the Labor Agreement between the _____ Fire Department and
the _____ Fire Fighters, Local _____, IAFF.
Section 1 Policy: The _____ Fire Department and the ______
Fire Fighters, Local ____, IAFF, recognize that drug
use by employees would be a threat to the public wel-
fare and the safety of department personnel. It is the
goal of this policy to eliminate or absolve illegal drug
usage through education and rehabilitation of the af-
fected personnel. The possession, use or being under
the influence of alcoholic beverages or unauthorized
drugs shall not be permitted at the Employer’s work
sites and/or while an employee is on duty.
Section 2 Informing Employees About Drug and Alcohol Test-
ing: All employees shall be fully informed of the Fire
Department’s drug and alcohol testing policy. Em-
ployees will be provided with information concerning
the impact of the use of alcohol and drugs on job per-
formance. In addition, the Employer shall inform the
employees on how the tests are conducted, what the
test can determine and the consequences of testing
positive for drug use. All newly hired employees will
be provided with this information on their initial date
of hire. No employee shall be tested before this infor-
mation is provided to him/her. Prior to any testing,
the employee will be required to sign the attached
consent form and release form. Employees who vol-
untarily come forward and ask for assistance to deal
with a drug or alcohol problem shall not be disci-
plined by the Employer. No disciplinary action will be
taken against an employee unless he/she refuses the
opportunity for rehabilitation, fails to complete a re-
habilitation program successfully, or again tests
positive for drugs within ___ year(s) of completing an
appropriate rehabilitation program.
Miscellaneous Language
ection 3 Employee Testing: Employees shall not be subjected
to random medical testing involving urine or blood
analysis or other similar or related tests for the pur-
pose of discovering possible drug or alcohol abuse.
If, however, objective evidence exists establishing
robable cause to believe an employee’s work per-
formance is impaired due to drug or alcohol abuse,
the Employer will require the employee to undergo
a medical test consistent with the conditions as set
forth in this policy.
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ssuussppiicciioonn ddeeffiinniittiioonn wwiitthh ddeeffiinnaabbllee ssiittuuaattiioonnss aass ffoolllloowwss::]]
Section 3 Employee Testing: Employees shall not be subjected
to random medical testing involving urine or blood
analysis or other similar or related tests for the pur-
pose of discovering possible drug or alcohol abuse.
If, however, there is a reasonable suspicion to believe
an employee’s work performance is impaired due to
drug or alcohol abuse, the Employer will require the
employee to undergo a medical test consistent with
the conditions as set forth in this policy. This rea-
sonable suspicion may be based on the following:
Involvement in a fatal or serious bodily injury acci-
dent or in an accident involving substantial damage
(exceeding $_________); or an observable phe-
nomena, such as direct observation or drug/alcohol
use or the physical symptoms of being under the in-
fluence of a drug/alcohol; or
A pattern of abnormal conduct or erratic behavior;
An arrest and conviction of a drug related offense;
Information provided by reliable and credible
sources that have been independently corroborated.
Section 4 Sample Collection: The collection and testing of the
samples shall be performed only by a laboratory and
by a physician or health care professional qualified
and authorized to administer and determine the
meaning of any test results. The laboratory per-
forming the test shall be one that is certified by the
National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA). The lab-
oratory chosen must be agreed to between the
Union and the Employer. The laboratory used shall
also be one whose procedures are periodically tested
by NIDA where they analyzed unknown samples
sent to an independent party. The results of em-
ployee tests shall be made available to the Medical
Review Physician.
Collection of blood or urine samples shall be con-
ducted in a manner which provides the highest
degree of security for the sample and freedom from
adulteration. Recognized strict chain of custody
procedures must be followed for all samples as set
by NIDA. The Union and the Employer agree that
security of the biological urine and blood samples is
bsolutely necessary, therefore, the Employer agrees
that if the security of the sample is compromised in
any way, any positive test shall be invalid and may
not be used for any purposes.
lood or urine samples will be submitted as per
NIDA standards. Employees have the right for
Union or legal counsel representatives to be present
during the submission of the sample.
A split sample shall be reserved in all cases for an in-
dependent analysis in the event of a positive test
result. All samples must be stored in a scientific ac-
ceptable preserved manner as established by NIDA.
All positive confirmed samples and related paper-
work must be retained by the laboratory for at least
____ months or for the duration of any grievance
disciplinary action or legal proceedings, whichever
is longer. At the conclusion of this period, the pa-
perwork and specimen shall be destroyed.
Tests shall be conducted in a manner to ensure that
an employee’s legal drug use and diet does not affect
the test results.
Section 5 Drug Testing: The laboratory shall test for only the
substances and within the limits for the initial and
confirmation test as provided within NIDA stan-
dards. The initial test shall use an immunoassay
which meets the requirements of the Food and Drug
Administration for commercial distribution. The
following initial cutoff levels shall be used when
screening specimens to determine whether they are
negative for these five drugs or classes of drugs:
• Marijuana metabolites100 ng/ml
• Cocaine metabolites 300 ng/ml
• Opiate metabolites [1] 300 ng/ml
• Phencyclidine 25 ng/ml
• Amphetamines 1,000 ng/ml
[1]: If immunoassay is specific for free morphine the initial
test level is 25 ng/ml.
If initial testing results are negative, testing shall be discon-
tinued, all samples destroyed and records of the testing
expunged from the employees file. Only specimens identi-
fied as positive on the initial test shall be confirmed using
gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GS/MS) tech-
niques at the following listed cutoff values.
• Marijuana metabolites [1] 15 ng/ml
• Cocaine metabolites [2] 150 ng/ml
• Opiates
Morphine 300 ng/ml
• Codeine 300 ng/ml
• Phencyclidine 25 ng/ml
• Amphetamines
Amphetamine 500 ng/ml
Methamphetamine 500 ng/ml
[1] Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-caraboxylic acid
[2] Benzoylecgonine
If confirmatory testing results are negative all samples shall
be destroyed and records of the testing expunged from the
employee’s file.
ection 6. Alcohol Testing: A breathalyzer or similar test
equipment shall be used to screen for alcohol use
and if positive shall be confirmed by a blood alcohol
test performed by the laboratory. This screening test
shall be performed by an individual qualified
through and utilizing equipment certified by the
________ State Police. An initial positive alcohol
level shall be .10 grams per 210 L. of breath. If ini-
tial testing results are negative, testing shall be
discontinued, all samples destroyed and records of
the testing expunged from the employee’s file. If ini-
tial testing results are positive, the test shall be
confirmed using a blood alcohol level. Sampling
handling procedures, as detailed in Section 4, shall
apply. A positive blood alcohol level shall be .10
grams per 100 ml of blood. If confirmatory testing
results are negative all samples shall be destroyed
and records of the testing expunged from the em-
ployee’s file.
Section 7. Medical Review Physician: The Medical Review
Physician shall be chosen and agreed upon between
the Union and the Employer and must be a licensed
physician with a knowledge of substance abuse dis-
orders. The Medical Review Physician shall be
familiar with the characteristics of drug tests (sen-
sitivity, specificity, and predictive value), the
laboratories running the tests and medical condi-
tions and work exposures of the employees. The role
of the Medical Review Physician will be to review
and interpret the positive test results. The Medical
Review Physician must examine alternate medical
explanations for any positive test results. This ac-
tion shall include conducting a medical interview
with the affected employee, review of the employees
medical history and review of any other relevant
biomedical factors. The Medical Review Physician
must review all medical records made available by
the tested employee when a confirmed positive test
could have resulted from legally prescribed med-
Section 8. Laboratory Results: The laboratory will advise only
the employee and the Medical Review Physician of
any positive results. The results of a positive drug
or alcohol test can only be released to the Employer
by the Medical Review Physician once he/she has
completed his/her review and analysis of the labo-
ratory’s test. The Employer will be required to keep
the results confidential and it shall not be released
to the general public.
Section 9. Testing Program Costs: The Employer shall pay for
all costs involving drug and alcohol testing as well as
the expenses involved of the Medical Review Physi-
cian. The Employer shall also reimburse each
employee for their time and expenses, including
travel incurred, involved in the testing procedure.
Section 10. Rehabilitation Program: Any employee who tests
positive for illegal drugs shall be medically evalu-
ated, counseled and treated for rehabilitation as
recommended by E.A.P. counselor. Employees who
omplete a rehabilitation program will be re-tested
randomly once every quarter for the following
_____ months. An employee may voluntarily enter
rehabilitation without a requirement or prior test-
ing. Employees who enter a program on their own
initiative shall not be subject to re-testing. The
treatment and rehabilitation shall be paid for by
the employees insurance program. Any costs over
and above the insurance coverage shall be paid for
by the Employer for initial treatment and rehabil-
itation. Employees will be allowed to use their
accrued and earned leave for the necessary time off
involved in the rehabilitation program. If an em-
ployee tests positive during the _____ month
period they shall be subject to disciplinary action
as per the Department Rules and Regulations, the
employee will be re-evaluated by an
E.A.P. counselor to determine if the employee re-
quires additional counseling and/or treatment. The
employee will be solely responsible for any costs, not
covered by insurance, which arise from this addi-
tional counseling or treatment. If an employee tests
positive during this subsequent _____ month period
which in effect will be the employee’s third chance
for rehabilitation, the employee will be subject to dis-
cipline as per the Department Rules and Regulations.
Section 11. Duty assignment after treatment: Once an em-
ployee successfully completes rehabilitation, they
shall be returned to their regular duty assignment.
Once treatment and any follow-up care is com-
pleted, and ___ years have passed since the
employee entered the program, the employee’s
personnel file shall be purged of any reference to
his/her drug or alcohol problem.
Section 12. Right of appeal: The employee has the right to
challenge the results of the drug or alcohol tests
and any discipline imposed in the same manner
that any other Employer action under the terms of
this Agreement is grievable.
Section 13. Union held Harmless: This drug and alcohol test-
ing program was initiated at the request of the
Employer. The Fire Department assumes sole re-
sponsibility for the administration of this policy
and shall be solely liable for any legal obligations
and costs arising out of the provisions and/or ap-
plication of this Collective Bargaining Agreement
relating to drug and alcohol testing. The Union
shall be held harmless for the violation of any
worker rights arising from the administration of
the drug and alcohol testing program.
Section 14. Changes in Testing Procedures: The parties recog-
nize that during the life of this Agreement, there
may be improvements in the technology of testing
rocedure which provide more accurate testing. In
that event, the parties will bargain in good faith
whether to amend this procedure to include such
improvements. If the parties are unable to agree
on the amendments they will be submitted to im-
asse procedures as outlined in the grievance
procedure of this Contract.
Section 15. Conflict with Other Laws: This Article is in no way
intended to supersede or waive any constitutional
or other rights that the employee may be entitled
to under Federal, State or Local statutes.
Consent and Release Form for Drug/Alcohol Test Program:
I acknowledge that I have received a copy of, have been duly in-
formed, and understand the Fire Department’s drug and
alcohol testing policy and procedures. I have been provided
with information concerning the impact of the use of alcohol
and drugs on job performance. In addition, I have been in-
formed on how the tests are conducted, what the test can
determine and the consequence of testing positive for drug use.
I have been informed of the Fire Department’s Employee As-
sistance Program. I understand that if I voluntarily come
forward and ask for assistance to deal with a drug or alcohol
problem through the Employee Assistance Program, that I will
not be disciplined by the Employer.
I understand how drug/alcohol tests are collected and further
understand that these are medical tests that are conducted
under the auspices of a Medical Review Physician. I under-
stand that the Medical Review Physician will review and
interpret any positive test results, and that I will have an op-
portunity to be interviewed by the Medical Review Physician
to review my status, my medical history and any relevant bio-
medical factors prior to the Fire Department being informed
whether I passed or failed the test.
I understand that a confirmed positive drug or alcohol test re-
sult will result in my referral to the Fire Department Employee
Assistance Program and that I will be required to complete a
rehabilitation program. No disciplinary action will be taken
against me unless I refuse to take a drug/alcohol test, refuse
the opportunity for rehabilitation, fail to complete a rehabili-
tation program successfully, or again test positive for
drugs/alcohol within _____ years of completing an appropri-
ate rehabilitation program. I understand that such disciplinary
action, as described herein, may include dismissal from the
Fire Department.
Printed or typed name of employee
Signature of employee
Employee assistance program clauses are negotiated to provide
assistance to an employee or a member of an employees fam-
ily with problems such as: substance dependency, mental or
motional distress and marital problems.
Provided below are three sample employee assistance program
lause 1:
The City of __________, the ___________ Fire Department
and Local ______ recognize that an employee or members of
an employee’s family can develop personal problems, not di-
rectly associated with the employees job functions, that may
adversely affect the employee’s job performance and efficiency.
These problems may be successfully resolved provided they are
identified early and referral is made to the appropriate care and
treatment facility. Such problems may involve substance de-
pendency, including alcohol, tobacco, drugs or chemicals;
mental or emotional distress; marital or familial problems; or
financial or legal problems.
Management and the Union support an Employee Assistance
Program to aid in identifying such problems and to provide ap-
propriate referral to a resource able to successfully treat the
identified problem. In accordance with the terms and condi-
tions of the Agreement between the parties concerning an EAP,
the City agrees to provide funds to the EAP the Union has es-
tablished. These funds are to be used (1) to train EAP
Committee members to identify the source of personal prob-
lems of an employee or members of the employees family, (2)
to identify such problems, (3) to refer an employee or member
of the employee’s family to appropriate agencies for the treat-
ment of those problems, and (4) to pay operating and
administrative costs associated with carrying out these func-
tions. Funds may also be expended to assist the Fire Department
in training staff and supervisors concerning the operation of
the EAP, and the identification of personal problems.
During each of the 20__-__ and 20__-__ fiscal years, the City
shall pay $________ to the EAP in four equal installments of
The above payments to be made by the City during the term of
the Memorandum of Understanding shall constitute the City’s
total commitment to the EAP for the Fire Fighter and Fire Cap-
tain bargaining units.
The Union agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the
City against all claims, demands, suits, including cost of suits
and reasonable attorney fees, and/or other forms of liability
arising from the implementation of these provisions and the
operation of the EAP.
Clause 2:
The Employer shall request all recruits to bring their families
with them to Employee Assistance Program (E.A.P.) orienta-
tion classes at the training academy.
E.A.P. counselors shall not release any information regarding
an employee’s personal, emotional, or health problems to any-
one without the written permission of the employee, except as
provided by law.
he E.A.P. staff shall not provide anyone with the name of any
employee, family member, or dependent who uses E.A.P. serv-
ices, without the written permission of the employee, except as
provided by law.
henever the Employer determines that it will consider en-
trance into the E.A.P. as part of any disciplinary action, the
Union will be advised so that it may participate and advise the
employee at the conference at which the employee elects that
option. If the employee elects to participate in the E.A.P. as part
of any such disciplinary action, the only information about
such participation which may be presented before the Civil
Service Board or before any arbitrator in any subsequent pro-
ceeding will be a stipulation that the Employer has previously
given the employee an opportunity to take corrective action.
The fact of the employees prior participation in the E.A.P. shall
not be otherwise disclosed to the Civil Service Board or to
any arbitrator, and both the Civil Service Board and any arbi-
trator shall be prohibited from any further inquiry beyond the
The Employer shall appoint a part-time Fire Department
Chaplain selected by Employer. The Employer shall provide the
Chaplain with a pager or cell phone for his/her motor vehicle.
A committee comprised of the Director/Fire Chief, E.A.P. Di-
rector, Fire Department Chaplain, and Union President or
his/her designee shall recommend to the Employer further
policies which may govern the E.A.P. for the bargaining unit.
The recommendation shall be advisory only. The subject mat-
ter which may be included in such recommendation may
include but is not limited to:
(a) Drug abuse
(b) Alcohol abuse
(c) Critical incident stress debriefing
(d) Immediate family loss counseling
(e) Financial problems
(f) Stress
(g) Marital problems
(h) Infectious disease exposure
Clause 3:
The Fire District and the Union recognize that an effective em-
ployee assistance program is a crucial component of the Fire
District’s substance policy. Accordingly, the Fire District has
contracted with the ____________________ program to pro-
vide this service. Employees with substance abuse programs
are strongly encouraged to voluntarily seek self help through
the EAP. Employees with substance abuse problems who vol-
untarily participate or are referred to the program shall be
subject to the conditions as set forth below.
The Fire District recognizes that an employee assistance pro-
gram handles many problems in addition to that of substance
abuse and that the EAP provides information, guidance and
treatment for problems and illness on a confidential basis. The
relationship between the employee and the EAP is and contin-
ues to be of a confidential nature except as specifically provided
Extreme weather clauses are negotiated to reduce the proba-
bility of fire fighter injury or illness by prohibiting the
performance of non-emergency duties during extreme weather
Model contract language:
Employees will not be required to perform non-emergency du-
ies outdoors when elements are of extreme conditions.
Extreme conditions represent temperatures equal to or below
___ degrees and equal to or above ___ degrees. In addition,
such duties will not be performed under conditions of rain,
snow or extreme winds.
Further, indoor non-emergency duties will not be required
when the extreme temperature conditions are present and
there is an absence of indoor controlled temperature (i.e., air
conditioning and heating).
Provided below are three sample extreme weather clauses:
Clause 1:
There will be no outside activity when the summer temperature
exceeds ____ degrees or the humidity exceeds ____ percent,
and when the winter temperature is less than ____ degrees or
the wind chill factor* is less than ____ degrees.
* Wind chill factor shall be determined by average wind speed
deducted from temperature.
Outside activity shall include multi-company drills, field ap-
paratus inspections, and company training and evaluations, but
shall not include building inspections, public assemblies or
other inspections of a similar nature.
Clause 2:
The Department and the Union agree to mutually establish
guidelines and rules covering outside training including specif-
ically tower drills and hose testing and other outside non
emergency duties during extreme weather conditions. Extreme
weather conditions will be defined to be temperatures of ___
degrees Fahrenheit or higher or below ____ degrees Fahren-
heit, or ____ degrees Fahrenheit wind-chill, including
moderate to heavy rain, thunderstorms, sleet or snow. Equiva-
lent heat index will also be considered. Where testing or
evaluations are necessary during extreme weather conditions,
every reasonable precaution will be taken to limit the duration
of such testing or evaluation.
Clause 3:
(a) Training and inspections are a regular and normal part of
the duties of employees in the bargaining unit. However, fire
fighting units will not be required to engage in certain activi-
ties under the conditions set forth below:
(1) Fire fighting units shall not be required to make routine fire
hydrant inspections or engage in training activities where
such inspections or training will require them to get wet
when the outside temperature is below ___ degrees Fahren-
heit or above ___ degrees Fahrenheit.
(2) Outside training activities will not be required of fire fight-
ng units during periods of precipitation at the training site
or when the temperature is below ___ degrees Fahrenheit or
above ___ degrees Fahrenheit.
(3) Routine inspections will be deferred during periods of the
ay when the temperature is above ___ degrees Fahrenheit
or below ___ degrees Fahrenheit if it is reasonably possible
and does not interfere with the mission of the department.
(b) The above temperature limitations may be suspended by
the Fire Director when temperatures above or below the
designated limits continue for an unusually long period of
time or when the mission of the Fire Department would be
impaired by a continued suspension of training or inspec-
tion activity. The temperatures mentioned above are official
National Weather Service outside temperatures recorded at
the _______ Downtown Airport.
This clause is negotiated to provide local union participation in
processes such as: inspection of fire department facilities and
investigation of accidents, deaths, injuries and illnesses of fire
fighters. The objective of this type of clause is to ensure a safe
work environment. In addition, many health and safety com-
mittee clauses also require any unresolved issues to be subject
to the grievance procedure.
Model contract language:
There shall be a joint safety and health committee composed
of an equal number of Employer and Union representatives.
The Union representatives shall be selected by the Union.
The joint committee shall:
1. Meet at least once each month at established dates.
2. Make periodic inspections of fire department facilities and
apparatus, protective equipment, protective clothing and
devices to review work methods and conditions, including
training procedures at least once every _____ months.
3. Make written recommendations for the correction of haz-
ardous conditions or unsafe work methods which come to
its attention. All recommendations shall be forwarded to the
fire department officials responsible for providing a safe and
healthy workplace and include a target date for abatement of
the hazardous conditions or unsafe work practice.
4. Keep minutes of all committee meetings. A written report
shall be prepared for review and adoption at the next com-
mittee meeting.
5. Review and analyze all reports of accidents, deaths, injuries
and illnesses. Make immediate and detailed investigation of
each accident, death or injury to determine fundamental
cause. Make written recommendations that include a date of
implementation to modify or add rules and procedures to
further promote the avoidance of such incidents in the future.
6. Review and make written recommendations on the care and
treatment of injured fire fighters so that a standardized
medical protocol can be initiated with medical facilities that
re designed to treat fire fighters on an emergency basis. In
carrying this review of medical care and treatment, the con-
fidentiality of any individual’s medical records shall not be
violated by the Committee.
. Review and make written recommendations during the de-
velopment of a systematic medical testing program for
potential work-related illnesses or disabilities by the fire de-
partment. Review and make written recommendations of the
systematic testing program _____ months after the estab-
lishment of such program and every _____ months
thereafter. In carrying out this review of the fire departments
medical testing program, the confidentiality of any individ-
uals medical records shall not be violated by the Committee.
Copies of all records and reports, including all reports re-
quired by any governmental agency, under any applicable
federal, state or provincial safety and health law, shall be made
available upon request to each member of the safety and
health committee.
The committee may ask the advice, opinion and suggestions of
experts and authorities on safety matters. The committee’s
union representatives at their own request shall have the right
to call on such experts and authorities, including representa-
tives from the International Union, to make such
examinations, investigations and recommendations as shall
be reasonably connected with the purpose of the committee.
The Employer shall pay Union members of the committee at
their regular rate for all time spent on committee business, in-
cluding time spent in inspections, handling of safety problems,
accompanying inspectors and in meetings or training semi-
nars related to safety and health.
Additional Optional Clause:
The committee shall be considered an adjunct of, and subor-
dinate to, the regular grievance procedure. All disputes and
disagreements arising under the safety and health clause of
this Agreement shall be referred to the safety and health com-
mittee, but if not disposed of by the safety and health
committee within _____ days, shall be subject to the grievance
procedure and shall be introduced at a level immediately pre-
ceding arbitration.
Provided below are three sample health and safety committee
Clause 1:
(1) The City shall provide a reasonably safe and healthy work-
ing environment in accordance with applicable State and
Federal laws and regulations. The Union agrees that where
safety devices or protective equipment is required or fur-
nished, its use shall be mandatory.
(2) A Safety Committee shall be established and composed of
___ members; ___ members to be designated by the City
Manager and ___ members to be designated by the Union.
The ___ member shall be the City of ______ Safety Officer
who shall be the Chairman of the Safety Committee. The
Safety Committee shall meet not less than once each quar-
er, or more frequently if requested by the Chairman or a
majority of the Committee. The Safety Committee shall re-
view the safety standards and procedures for the Fire
Department and shall report to the parties at least quarterly
with such recommendations it deems proper. The Depart-
ent will promptly respond in writing to any formal,
written recommendations of the Committee.
(3) Safety issues which employees wish to submit to the Com-
mittee must be submitted in writing, via a committee
member, on a form provided by the Department. The em-
ployee shall indicate the nature of the problem, any known
safety standards that are applicable, and a proposed solu-
tion to the problem.
Clause 2:
The Employer will establish an internal occupational safety
committee to which the Union will appoint ___ members from
the fire fighters-Captains bargaining unit and a member from
the Fire Chiefs bargaining unit. The Union will notify the Em-
ployer of their assigned representatives, including any changes
during the life of this Agreement. With prior notice to all mem-
bers, the Safety Committee shall meet from time to time to
research, develop and make recommendations to reduce and
eliminate the most frequent and costly occupational injuries
and to study and review matters relating to health and safety
equipment. Committee recommendations shall be furnished
in writing to the Director/Fire Chief and to the IAFF. Such rec-
ommendations may provide the basis for improvements in
safety practices, procedures, and equipment.
Clause 3:
(A) It is the desire of the Employer and the Union to maintain
the highest standards of safety and health in the Fire De-
partment in order to eliminate as much as possible
accidents, death, injuries, and illness in the fire service.
(B) The Employer and the Union shall each appoint ___ mem-
bers to the Joint Occupational Safety and Health
Committee. This Committee will meet at least quarterly
and discuss safety and health conditions. Said meetings
shall be on the first Monday of February, May, August and
1. The Joint Occupational Safety and Health Committee will
investigate serious injury or death to determine the funda-
mental causes, consistent with the Fire Department accident
review policy.
2. The Joint Occupational Safety and Health Committee will
schedule annual inspections of Fire Department facilities,
apparatus, protective equipment, protective apparel or de-
vices. The Joint Occupational Safety and Health Committee
and/or its designee will complete inspection report form(s)
and will make recommendations for correction and/or im-
provement including target date(s) for abatement of any
hazardous conditions.
3. The Employer and the Office of Safety and Risk Management
will work jointly with the Joint Occupational Safety and
Health Committee members in reference to concerns re-
garding safety and health of its Employees.
. The Office of Safety and Risk Management will administer
OSHA training to conduct facility inspection to the Joint Oc-
cupational Safety and Health Committee.
(C) The Employer will continue to develop policies and pro-
edures in accordance with the various state and federal
regulations and/or mandates.
1. The Employer will continue to review reasonable Guidelines
and recommendations from the NFPA.
2. The Joint Occupational Safety and Health Committee will
continue to make recommendations concerning the care and
treatment of injured Employees so that a standardized med-
ical protocol can be initiated to treat Employees on an
emergency basis.
3. The Employer shall continue to use and mandate the use and
provision of Coast Guard approved personal flotation de-
vices in all water-related activities.
(D) The Employer will continue to make reasonable provisions
for the safety and health of the Employees and will con-
tinue to furnish Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in
accordance with the (insert State)OSHA Standard(s).
1. The Employer will continue to encourage the participation
of the Joint Occupational Safety and Health Committee in
submitting reasonable recommendations in reference to Per-
sonal Protective Equipment (PPE) and related equipment.
2. The Committee will recommend changes or additions to
protective equipment, protective apparel or devices for the
elimination of hazards of fire fighting.
(E) The City of ___________ Safety and Risk Management Of-
fice will meet with the Joint Occupational Safety and Health
Committee to review (insert State)OSHA 200 Log Report,
quarterly Workers Compensation Reports, Facility Inspec-
tion Reports, Industrial Hygienist Reports, Quarterly Loss
Control Reports, Regulatory Standards, Vehicle Accident
Reports, and other health and safety related reports to re-
view and analyze all reports of accidents, deaths, injuries
and illness, and investigate and recommend rules and pro-
cedures for the promotion of health and safety of the
Employees. Copies of all such reports shall be provided
upon request unless prohibited by law. The Employer shall
immediately notify the Union of any injury or accident re-
quiring hospital treatment.
(F) The Employer will continue to make reasonable provisions
for the safety and health of the Employees by providing
medical screening in accordance with the various federal
and state regulatory standards including but not limited to
Blood Borne Pathogens, Hearing Conversation, and Respi-
ratory Clearance; and to develop data to indicate accident
sources and injury rates in a uniform reporting procedure.
(G) The Joint Occupational Safety and Health Committee
members will be granted reasonable time off with pay
when meeting with management and for any inspection or
investigation of safety or health problems in the Fire De-
. The Employer will grant reasonable time off with pay for in-
spections and/or special investigations by the Committee
2. The Committee and/or its designees will complete a written
eport of inspections and/or investigations in a timely man-
(H) The Employer may provide clerical assistance to the Joint
Occupational Safety and Health Committee in the prepa-
ration of Committee meeting minutes, reports of
inspections and/or investigations.
1. The Joint Occupational Safety and Health Committee will
elect a recording secretary from its membership.
2. The Joint Occupational Safety and Health Committee min-
utes must be reviewed and approved by the Committee by
the next Committee meeting.
3. Minutes of the Joint Occupational Safety and Health Com-
mittee will be readily available for review by each Committee
member, the Fire Chief, and the City of ______ Safety and
Risk Management Office.
(I) The Employer will not restrict the Joint Occupational Safety
and Health Committee members from any Fire Department
facility and equipment, when the Committee is investigat-
ing health and safety conditions.
(J) The Joint Occupational Safety and Health Committee will
continue to promote safety and health programs through-
out the Fire Department.
(K) The Employer and the Union will promote safety and first
aid training for Committee members and fire fighters and
will begin to develop a Joint Occupational Fire and Safety
1. The Employer will continue to make reasonable provisions
for Safety Education and Training programs in accordance
with federal and/or state regulations or mandates.
2. The Employer will continue to build joint partnership train-
ing programs with the public and private sectors.
3. The Employer will continue to enhance its training programs
for all levels of management, fire suppression, emergency
medical services, and special operation units.
4. The Employer will provide an ALS unit with staffing during
live fire training, field training for confined space rescue, high
angle line rescue, building collapse, dive team training, haz-
ardous materials team training and swiftwater rescue team
training. Trainees who are ALS members shall be counted
as filling ALS staffing.
5. The Employer will continue to implement specialized train-
ing including but not limited to the following programs;
. Master Fire Fighter Hazardous Materials
b. State of ____ River Rescue Instructors Certification
c. State of ____ River Rescue School Certification
d. Basic Emergency Rescue Technicians Trench Rescue
e. Confined Space Rescue
. High Angle Line Rescue
g. Building Collapse
h. Incident Command
i. C.P.R. Re-Certification
j. Hazmat First Responder
k. Rookie School
l. Emergency Vehicle Operation State Certification
m. Self Contained Breathing Apparatus and Personal Alert
Safety System Devices
n. New Firefighter
o. Annual Hose Testing
p. Dive Team Training
q. Swiftwater Rescue
The Employer shall provide for the rest and rehabilitation of
Employees operating at training sessions where the Employees
are exposed to temperature extremes, inclement weather, or
when the members must perform physically demanding tasks.
(L) The Employer will continue to develop new training pro-
grams during the duration of this Contract and will seek
the recommendations of the Joint Occupational Safety and
Health Committee.
(M The Employer and the Union will continue to develop a
comprehensive Occupational Health and Wellness Program
during the term of this Contract with the Labor/Manage-
ment Committee being responsible for making all such
recommendations. The Employer and the Union will in-
corporate various resources, such as information and
guidance from a licensed physician with expertise in the
area of occupational safety and health, as they relate to
emergency service.
(N) The Employer will continue to conduct service testing in
accordance with the various state and federal regulations
and/or mandates.
1. All fire pumps or apparatus shall be service tested in accor-
dance with the applicable requirements of NFPA 1911,
Standards for Service Tests of Pumps on Fire Department
2. All aerial devices shall be inspected and service tested in ac-
cordance with the applicable requirements of NFPA 1914,
Standard for Testing Fire Department Aerial Devices.
3. All ground ladders shall be inspected and service tested in
accordance with the applicable requirements of NFPA 1932,
Standard on Use, Maintenance, and Service Testing of Fire
Department Ground Ladders.
4. All fire hose shall be inspected and service tested in accor-
dance with the applicable requirements of NFPA 1962,
Standard for the Care, Use and Maintenance of Fire Hose In-
cluding Couplings and Nozzles.
. All fire extinguishers shall be inspected and tested in accor-
dance with the applicable requirements of NFPA 10,
Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers.
(O) The City agrees to repair reasonably and promptly any
afety hazards, health hazards or Code violations in its fa-
(P) All disputes arising under this article and not resolved by
the Committee shall be considered proper subjects for ad-
justments under the grievance procedure. Any such
grievance shall be investigated and when filed by the Union
in accordance with Article ___ of this Agreement shall be
introduced at a level immediately preceding the Board of
Public Safety.
The City shall make available, no later than ________, all train-
ing necessary to enable all present Employees to achieve First Class
Firefighter status pursuant to the State Fire Marshals Office.
In the interest of furthering the promotion and maintenance of
the highest standards of safety and health, all sworn members
shall be evaluated annually on a standardized form which shall
address a yearly physical which may include but not be limited to:
a basic exam, blood work, chest x-ray, hearing examination, pul-
monary function test, EKG, vision test and a cardiac stress test.
The IAFF Financial Corporation (IAFF-FC) is a for-profit cor-
poration whose only shareholder is the International
Association of Fire Fighters. The IAFF-FC provides numerous
financial services, insurance protection products, and home
mortgage programs, all with competitive pricing.
The following is a sample clause referencing the IAFF Financial
Clause 1:
Savings Plan. The City will offer to all members of the bar-
gaining unit, a deferred compensation plan through the IAFF
Financial Corporation called the Frontline deferred compen-
sation plan at no cost to the member of the Local.
Labor/Management committees are established to provide a
forum for the Union and the Employer to discuss and resolve
problems on an on-going basis.
Model contract language:
There shall be a labor-management committee consisting of #
_____ Union representatives and # ______ Employer repre-
sentatives. The Committee shall meet on request of either
party and at least once a month to discuss all matters of mu-
tual concern. The Committee shall have the authority to make
recommendations to the Union and the Employer.
Provided below are three sample labor/management commit-
tee clauses:
lause 1:
(A) There shall be a Labor-Management Committee consist-
ing of ___ representatives of the Union and ___
representatives of the City. The purpose of the Committee
s to facilitate improved labor-management relationships
by providing a forum for the free discussion of mutual con-
cerns and problems which may include discussion of the
implementation of major new department programs or
substantial modifications of existing major department
programs that will have a significant impact on work
schedules or duties.
(B) The Committee shall meet quarterly at mutually scheduled
times, and at any other mutually scheduled times.
(C) The Chairmanship of the Committee shall be rotated
amongst the members. The members shall, in advance of a
meeting, provide the Meeting’s Chairman with proposed
agenda items, and the Chairman shall provide the mem-
bers with the meeting agenda in advance of the meeting.
(D) Representatives of the Union on the Committee shall not
lose pay or benefits for meetings mutually scheduled dur-
ing their duty times.
(E) The Committee may be supplemented by representative(s)
of the City Manager if it is proposed to discuss mutual aid
or fire protection contract matters.
(F) The Committee may, if it deems proper, suggest recom-
mendations to the Fire Chief and the City Manager for their
consideration and determination.
(G) Any matter referred to in this Article may be discussed by
the Committee at the request of any member of the Com-
(H) It is understood by the parties that the benefits granted by
this Article shall not be interpreted or applied as requiring
the employer to count as time worked any hours or frac-
tions of hours spent outside the employee’s work shift in
pursuit of benefits provided by this Section. The employer
shall count as paid leave any hours or fractions of hours
spent within the employees regular work shift in pursuit of
benefits provided in this Section.
(I) The City will provide to the Union the professional services
of a secretary for the labor-management process. The sec-
retary will be assigned to the community affairs division of
the ____________Fire Department and will work at the di-
rection of the Union President and the Assistant Chief of
Community Affairs.
Clause 2:
(1) The Employer and the Union recognize that cooperation
between labor and management is indispensable to the ac-
complishment of sound and harmonious labor relations
and agree to jointly maintain and support a Labor-Man-
agement Committee.
2) The Committee shall consider and may recommend to the
Fire Commissioner changes in the working conditions of
the employees, including, but not limited to, health and
safety issues. Matters subject to the grievance procedure
contained in this Agreement shall be appropriate items for
onsideration by the Committee, but submission of a mat-
ter to the Committee shall not affect the right to grieve the
(3) The Committee shall consist of ___ members. The Fire
Commissioner and the President of the Union shall each
select ___ members, and may designate an alternate for
each member authorized to act in the absence of a member.
Members shall serve for the term of this Agreement, pro-
vided, however, that the appointing party may remove
members he/she has appointed at any time. Vacancies shall
be filled by the appointing party.
(4) The Committee shall select a Chairman from among its
members at each meeting. The Chairmanship of the Com-
mittee shall alternate between the members designated by
the Fire Commissioner and the members designated by the
President of the Union. A quorum shall consist of a major-
ity of the total membership of the Committee. The
Committee shall meet at the call of either the Union mem-
bers or the City members at times mutually agreeable to
both parties. A written agenda of the matters to be dis-
cussed shall be provided by the party calling the meeting or
at least one week in advance of the meeting, and the other
party shall provide any additions to the agenda at least one
day in advance. Minutes shall be kept of each meeting with
responsibility for keeping minutes alternating between the
members designated by each of the parties. Copies of the
minutes shall be typed and promptly distributed to all
members of the Committee. The Committee shall make its
recommendations to the Fire Commissioner in writing.
Clause 3:
The parties agree that there shall be a Joint Fire Fighter-City
Liaison Committee established for purposes of facilitating dis-
cussions concerning matters of mutual concern. The
Committee shall consist of ___ representatives from the fire
fighters and ___ representatives from the City and shall meet
upon the request of either party, but shall not meet more often
than once every month, unless some urgent matter shall arise.
At least ___ days prior to any meetings of the Committee, each
party shall deliver to the other party a Notice of the matters to
be discussed at the said meeting and the matters referred to in
the said Notices shall form the agenda for the said meeting.
The City agrees that prior to changing any existing or intro-
ducing any new policy, practice or procedure with respect to
conditions of work, the City will first discuss the same with the
Fire Fighters at a meeting of the Fire Fighter-City Liaison Com-
mittee as provided above and shall otherwise conduct itself in
a fair and reasonable manner.
Light duty assignment clauses are negotiated to provide an em-
ployee that is temporarily unable to perform fire fighting duties
the option of alternative duty.
odel contract language:
Upon submission of medical documentation that an employee
is unable to temporarily perform fire fighting duties due to an
injury or illness, the Fire Department will provide, at the em-
loyee’s request, alternative duty. Alternative duty shall be
limited to that which is medically appropriate and which con-
tributes in a meaningful and identifiable way to the function
and mission of the Department. The parties agree that alter-
native duty assignments are to be of a temporary nature, not
exceeding _______ calendar days.
Once an employee has been medically certified as fit for duty,
that employee will be returned to the position and unit to
which the employee was assigned prior to the temporary dis-
ability, unless in the interim the employee has been promoted.
(Language prepared by the International Association of Fire
Provided below are three sample light duty assignment clauses:
Clause 1:
1. Establishment
There shall be established a maximum of _____ light duty
positions, which positions shall not affect the minimum
staffing levels of the Department. These positions shall be
filled by employees whose prognosis has been determined by
a physician that said employee is expected to fully recover
and return to full fire fighting duties or other normal duties,
subject to the provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agree-
ment. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to entitle
an employee to a light duty assignment or a specific light
duty task.
2. Type of Work
The light duty positions shall be in Fire Prevention, Training
Division, or other divisions of the Fire Department as se-
lected by the Chief of the Department, assisting the Training
Officer, assisting the Supply Officer and performing other
similar tasks involved in the ordinary course of business of
the Fire Department.
3. Hours of Work
The light duty work shall be performed on a five (5) day, eight
(8) hour per day basis, Monday through Friday, during nor-
mal business hours.
4. Length of Light Duty Assignment
A person may not be assigned to light duty for longer than
_____ months commencing on the date of his/her assign-
ment to light duty, provided however that if a person applied
for a disability pension based upon a doctor’s report that the
person is permanently disabled, then that person may be as-
signed to light duty for a period no longer than _____
calendar days while the prognosis on whether he/she will be
returning to full firefighting or normal duties is being estab-
lished. In either case, an employee shall not be assigned to
light duty during the first _____ calendar days following the
date of his/her injury on duty. All time periods for assign-
ment to light duty shall follow this initial _____ calendar day
period. If the persons disability pension application is de-
nied by the Board of Public Safety based upon all medical
eports submitted to the Board, then the person shall be sub-
ject to normal light duty assignment time period.
5. Employee’s Eligibility for Light Duty
An employee who is injured and subsequently unable to per-
orm his/her normal duties, may be assigned to light duty
upon examination and report by a doctor, selected by the
City, or, the employees own physician, subject to the approval
of the City that the person is capable of performing light duty.
6. Salary
A persons salary while on light duty shall not be less than
that which he/she would have received had he/she continued
to perform the regular and ordinary duties assigned to
him/her prior to the injury or disability.
7. On-the-Job Injuries
Light duty shall first be assigned to employees who are dis-
abled as a result of an on-the-job injury and these
assignments shall be by Department wide seniority, regard-
less of rank, with the junior person being assigned first.
Persons with on-the-job injuries, who are medically certified
to be capable of light duty, must accept a light duty assign-
ment if one is available.
8. Non-Job Related Injuries
Light duty shall secondly be offered to employees who are
disabled as a result of non-job related injuries and these as-
signments shall be by seniority. Persons with non-job related
injuries who are medically certified to be capable of light
duty may elect to take a light duty assignment, then he/she
must serve in said assignment on a full time basis as long as
he/she is medically certified and until such time that the light
duty assignment is terminated pursuant to the terms of this
Section or placed on the pension rolls and the employee may
not choose to work light duty on a part-time basis.
9. Priority Assignment
Seniority shall only apply within each classification of dis-
abled employees and in the event that light duty has been
assigned to an employee with a non-job related injury and
an employee with a job related injury then becomes available
for said assignment, the light duty position shall be assigned
to the employee with the job related injury.
Clause 2:
For an employee on injured-on-duty status:
1. If an attending physician agrees or recommends that an em-
ployee who has been injured on duty is able to perform
limited duties, that employee will be required to work a lim-
ited duty assignment. Such assignment may be to the
employee’s regular assigned shift (day hours only), or em-
ployee shall become temporarily assigned to a forty (40) hour
2. If an employee is off on sick leave longer than _____ calen-
dar days, and his/her attending physician recommends or
agrees that said employee is able to perform limited duties,
the employee may apply for, and shall be granted, temporary
assignment, which assignment would be limited duty.
. In either of the above light duty situations the assignment
shall be to duties determined solely by the Department Head.
It is understood by, and between the parties that such as-
signment may be to any work the employee is qualified to
perform notwithstanding that such work may not be con-
idered traditional Fire Fighter work and may not fall within
the employees job description. Such work assignment may
be either a twenty-four hour shift or a forty hour work week
(with either 5, eight-hour days or 4, ten-hour days) and may
be in any City Department. If the employee is assigned to
limited duty within the Fire Division, such employee shall
work the hours normally worked by the Bureau to which
he/she is assigned. If an employee is assigned to other City
Department or Division duties, the employee may be as-
signed to eight hour days.
Clause 3:
An employee who is unable to fully perform the duties of their
classification because of medical reasons may be returned to
work temporarily in a light duty status, with the concurrence of
the Chief, when a doctor certifies that he/she can be returned to
light duty and identifies the appropriate limitations for such duty.
Light duty when allowed will be allowed for a maximum of ___
days. Under extreme circumstances the Fire Chief may extend
these limits. A physician’s status report shall be submitted to
the Fire Department’s Personnel Office bi-weekly. Light duty
shall not be unreasonably withheld from any employee. Em-
ployees on light duty shall not suffer a reduction of pay or
benefits, with the exception of FLSA overtime and holiday pay
which will only be paid if appropriate hours are worked.
Jurisdictions enter into regional mutual aid agreements that are
tailored to meet specific needs, address likely threats, and make
available a full range of existing resources that can be brought
together quickly in times of emergency. Mutual aid clauses pro-
vide specific details on these arrangements.
The following is a sample mutual aid clause:
Clause 1:
a. When Mutual Aid is requested from _________ by another
community or when Mutual Aid is requested by
_________________from another community, the Fire
Chief or designee shall evaluate the needs of the Town and
may, at their discretion, order the call back of the appropri-
ate number of additional personnel. It is understood that
the Battalion Chief has no authority to recall any outside per-
sonnel unless directed by the Fire Chief or his/her designee.
b. When there is a Mutual Aid response into _____________
from another town, and such company is actively engaged in
structural firefighting or if such mutual aid request lasts
longer than _______ hours from the time of that mutual aid
company’s arrival at a _____________fire station, the Fire
Chief or designee shall institute a call-back sufficient to staff
a corresponding number of reserve apparatus if such reserve
apparatus is available and the on-coming shift Fire Battalion
Chief will be recalled.
. When providing Mutual Aid to any town or city, and such com-
pany is actively engaged in structural firefighting, all outgoing
apparatus shall be replaced with similar apparatus, if such re-
serve apparatus is available and if the Fire Battalion Chief is
involved, the on-coming Fire Battalion Chief will be recalled.
Outside employment provisions ensure management that no
Fire Fighter works a part-time job which conflicts with his/her
position as a member of the fire service.
Provided below are two sample outside employment clauses:
Clause 1:
The City hereby gives permission to employees to obtain part-
time employment, other than fire fighting work, subject to the
following qualifications:
(1) No employee shall accept employment which is in conflict
with his/her position as a member of the Fire Service. No
employee shall work such hours per week or engage in such
physical employment as will hinder the performance of
his/her duties in the department.
(2) An employee shall notify the City as to any injuries received
in said “outside employment.
(3) The conditions above set forth shall be the criteria con-
cerning the right to outside employment.
Clause 2:
Employees covered by this Agreement, may upon prior written
application and approval by the Employer, accept outside em-
ployment, provided that no such outside employment conflicts
with the employees duties as may be assigned and required from
time to time by the Employer, interferes with the availability of
the employee for such duties, and does not constitute a conflict
of interest. Continued efforts by the City to cooperate with em-
ployees in permitting outside employment will not be construed
as a waiver of the City’s right to require unscheduled overtime
and to require that its employees be available for emergency
services and other required duties during off-duty hours.
Employees currently engaged in outside employment shall re-
port such employment to the City Manager within thirty (30)
days of effective date of this Agreement.
Disputes concerning approval or disapproval of outside em-
ployment shall be subject to the grievance/arbitration procedure.
Parking clauses are negotiated to ensure that Fire Fighters have
access to parking spaces either at the fire house or relatively
close to the fire house. This provision is of particular impor-
tance to those Fire Fighters employed in dense urban areas.
Model contract language:
The Employer shall provide, without cost to employees on
duty, adequate parking spaces adjacent to all Fire Department
facilities, fire stations and work sites.
rovided below are three sample parking clauses:
Clause 1:
Employees shall be allowed to park personal vehicles in fire sta-
tions provided that there is available space and such parking
oes not impede normal departmental operations, as deter-
mined by the Superintendent of Fire.
Members shall not be required to use a personally owned vehi-
cle for official Fire Department or City business.
Clause 2:
On-duty personnel may garage their privately owned vehicles
on the apparatus floor where space is available each day after
____ hours or earlier, if approved by the House Captain. Pri-
vately owned vehicles shall not impede the movement of fire
apparatus nor significantly affect personnel’s access to the ap-
paratus. Personnel who choose to garage their privately-owned
vehicles on the apparatus floor do so at their own risk and the
City shall not be responsible for any damage to such vehicles.
At most fire stations, everyone is able to garage their privately
owned vehicles, but occasionally, circumstances might reduce
the available room for privately owned vehicles; whereby, it is
suggested that job seniority then determine which cars are
brought in or left out. Personnel may choose to keep their pri-
vately owned vehicles outside. The House Captain has the final
authority to decide which vehicles are brought in.
Once the privately-owned vehicles are brought in, either keys
should be left in the ignition or in a specified place, so the ve-
hicles can be easily moved.
Do not perform incapacitating repairs or maintenance on pri-
vately-owned vehicles while they are in the Fire Station.
Garaging privately-owned vehicles in the Fire Station is a priv-
ilege, not a right.
Clause 3:
Employees in represented classes assigned to Civic Center or adja-
cent work locations shall be entitled to free parking in the Civic
Center garage, or a commute incentive which will be subject to meet
and confer. Employees hired after ________ may initially receive
a parking permit for another downtown lot, subject to availability
of space at the Civic Center Garage. Light duty employees assigned
to the Civic Center will receive Civic Center parking temporary per-
mits for the duration of the light duty assignment.
Contract language on polygraph testing prohibits or restricts
the use of polygraph testing during the course of employment.
The following are two samples of polygraph testing language:
Clause 1:
(A) No member shall be compelled to submit to a polygraph
examination against his/her will.
(B) No disciplinary action or other recrimination shall be taken
against a member for refusing to submit to a polygraph ex-
(C) Testimony regarding whether an employee refused to sub-
mit to a polygraph examination shall be confined to the
fact that, “_________(City) does not compel fire safety
personnel to submit to polygraph examinations.
Clause 2: Rights of Employees
It shall not be mandatory for the firefighter to submit to a lie-
detector test, psychological stress evaluation test, or any other
mechanical or physical device or test for the purpose of deter-
mining veracity.
Presumptive Laws
A presumptive disability law is a law that links a particular oc-
cupation with a disease or condition that has been shown to be
a hazard associated with that occupation. As a result of this
linkage, if an individual employed in the occupation covered
by the presumption contracts a disease or condition that is
specified in the presumptive law, then that disease or condition
is presumed to have come from that occupation. In this case,
the burden of proof shifts from the employee to the employer
to demonstrate that the condition was not in fact associated
with the occupation but with another cause.
In the case of fire fighters and emergency medical responders,
scientific evidence has demonstrated an increased risk for heart
disease, lung disease, cancer, and infectious diseases. At this
time, most of the U.S. States and Canadian Provinces have
some form of presumptive law that applies to fire fighters and
emergency response personnel. These laws vary greatly be-
tween different states and provinces.
The following is a sample of a presumptive language clause:
Clause 1:
Notwithstanding any provision of the law to the contrary, it
shall be presumed that any employee who contracts HIV, the
AIDS virus, all forms of Hepatitis, Tuberculosis, or any other
contractible virus has done so as the result of a work-related
incident or event, provided there is an existing log or record(s)
or events which support such a presumption.
It is the policy of the City, notwithstanding any provision of
law to the contrary, that any condition of impairment of health
caused by any disease of the heart, lungs or respiratory tract,
resulting in total or partial disability or death to an employee,
shall be presumed to have been suffered in the line of duty as a
result of noxious fumes or poisonous gases, unless the contrary
be shown by competent evidence.
The provisions of this paragraph shall apply to all employees
commencing employment on or after ________, 20___, pro-
vided that the employer may require that the employee
successfully pass a physical examination as a condition of em-
ployment with the Department, and that any such examination
fails to reveal such disease. This paragraph shall apply to em-
ployees whose date of employment precedes ________, 20___,
upon the filing by such employee of a statement in writing,
electing that these paragraphs shall apply, certifying that said
employee has not, within the twelve (12) months previous to
the date of filing said statement, engaged in smoking cigarettes,
igars, pipes or any other tobacco product, either on or off duty,
and electing that the provisions of these paragraphs shall apply
henceforth to said employee. Furthermore, before said election
shall be deemed effective, the employer shall have the right to
require by notice in writing given within fifteen (15) days of
he employee’s election, that the employee submit to a physical
examination, which examination fails to reveal the existence of
such disease.
This clause is negotiated so that employees are aware of their
rights and benefits. The cost incurred by printing the agree-
ment is negotiable.
Model contract language:
This Agreement and any future Agreement shall be printed
and supplied to each employee by the Employer within
#______ working days at no cost to the employee.
Provided below are two sample printing and supplying agree-
ment clauses:
Clause 1:
The Union may obtain copies of this Agreement from the City
by reimbursing the City for their cost. The City will provide ___
copies to the local at no expense and will supply each fire station
with one copy. The City shall print and publish this Memoran-
dum of Understanding within ___ days of final approval of draft
document. In addition, the City shall provide to Local ___ a
copy of this Memorandum of Understanding on disk.
Clause 2:
The City shall provide all present and future employees a
copy of this Agreement.
Management may attempt to negotiate a clause that addresses
residency requirements. If an IAFF jurisdiction does have this
clause, it should be made as lenient as possible.
Model contract language:
There shall be no residency requirement for employees in the
classification represented by Local ___.
Provided below are three sample residency clauses:
Clause 1:
The City and the Union agree residency within the boundaries
of the City or any other areas served by the employer with
emergency services shall not be required and or considered as
a condition of employment.
Clause 2:
All current and future employees of the _________ Fire De-
partment, shall as a condition of employment, maintain a
bona-fide residence within a ___ mile radius. If this radius shall
bisect a City or Town, that entire Town shall be considered as
being within the accepted radius. It is also understood that no
community outside the State of ______ shall be considered as
within the accepted radius.
lause 3:
All employees covered by this Agreement shall be actual resi-
dents of the City of ______.
In an arbitration, the Union may not challenge the validity of
he residency law or requirement. However, it may assert that
an employee discharged for failure to meet the residency re-
quirement was not discharged for just cause, if it can be
shown that other City employees similarly situated who also
fail to comply with the residency requirement were either not
discharged or suffered lesser penalties. In that circumstance,
the factual questions together with the question of just cause
and whether the discharge was discriminatorily based are mat-
ters for the arbitrator.
Rest period clauses are negotiated to define the amount of time
which can be spent on break, mealtime and sleeptime.
Provided below are three sample rest period clauses:
Clause 1:
All employees not working a ________ hour duty shift, shall
be entitled to ______ rest periods per shift, excluding a lunch
period. When employees are working, they shall be allowed a
rest period every ___ hours and such periods may be taken
within each ___ hour period. These periods shall be taken one
before and one after lunch. Length of rest periods shall be ___
minutes per period.
When Fire Department platoon personnel are not participating
in alarms, training, station duties, or apparatus maintenance,
coffee shall be available if so desired.
Clause 2:
The use of beds will be permitted for all employees after ___
hours. When there has been a demonstrated problem or activ-
ity requiring immediate attention, such duties as exit checks or
other inspections may be performed at any hour.
Hurricanes, riots, flood or emergencies that demand extended
tours of duty or recall to duty will permit use of beds at the dis-
cretion of the Division Commander.
Any time an employee becomes ill while on shift, his/her im-
mediate Supervisor may permit the employee to use the bed.
Between ___ hours and ___ hours no employee will be required
to engage in routine station maintenance or clean up.
Night training will be conducted between ____ and ____
hours. Night training sessions shall be limited to _____hours
in duration and no more than ____ times a fiscal year unless
additional night training is required by ISO Rating Service.
On those occasions when night training is scheduled, the
scheduling of other work activities shall continue as per cur-
rent practice.
Those combat members who are scheduled to work on a rec-
ognized holiday (excluding employee birthday) will not be
required to participate in or attend any training sessions.
lause 3:
Section 1. Meal Times - 24 Hour Shift
The Employer agrees to provide reasonable time
(not more than ___ per meal) for lunch and dinner
eal periods. Such meal periods shall not be unrea-
sonably denied.
Section 2. Meals When Working Beyond the 24 Hour Shift
Employees who are held over and required to work
more than ___ hours beyond their regular schedule
shall be given reasonable time, consistent with Sec-
tion 1, to eat meals while on duty.
Section 3. Rest Period
Following the third daily activity period, for any em-
ployee working shift work, bed rest shall normally
begin at ___ hours. This provision shall not, how-
ever, impede the performance of work based upon
operational needs as required and deemed appro-
priate by the Employer.
Shift exchange provisions are negotiated to permit fire fighters
flexibility with their work schedule.
Model contract language:
Employees shall have the right to exchange shifts when the
change does not interfere with the operation of the Fire De-
Provided below are three sample shift exchange clauses:
Clause 1:
A Fire Fighter has the option to exchange time of shifts with a
fellow Fire Fighter no more than ___ hours in any single cal-
endar year taken in ___ hour minimums with the prior
approval of his/her superior officer. Under no circumstances
shall the use of this option create any additional cost, through
overtime or otherwise, to the City.
Clause 2:
Time exchanges may be voluntarily undertaken between two
(2) employees upon approval of the employeesimmediate su-
pervisors and Battalion Chief prior to such exchange of time.
Responsibility for arrangement for the repayment of such time
rests with the employees involved.
No obligation shall be placed upon the Authority for repay-
ment of time voluntarily traded or repaid between employees.
Clause 3:
The officer in charge of a Company, Battalion or Bureau shall
grant the request of any two (2) members of the Company, Bat-
talion or Bureau to exchange time, as long as the two (2)
employees are of the same rank and as long as the time block
is at least ___ hours, except for hold over trades. For purposes
of this Article, Lieutenants and Captains shall be considered
equal and apprentice Fire Fighters, regardless of pay scale, shall
be considered equal. The Chief may approve trades between
members of different ranks and shall not unduly restrict trad-
ng time unless there is disparity in ability between the parties
to trade, which means inability to perform the required tasks.
Any disapproval shall be subject to the grievance procedure.
The officer in charge of the Company or Unit shall be advised
in writing of the trade prior to the start of the shift and a record
f the exchange shall be kept in the Company or Unit files. The
exchange of time shall be repaid within one (1) year of the date
of the trade. If the time period for the repayment elapses, the
officer in charge of the Battalion or Bureau shall assign a date
for repayment of the exchange within ___ days, provided that
the repayment date is acceptable to the member who is owed
Employers have been taking steps to restrict smoking for health,
comfort and cost reasons. Policies negotiated in the fire service
generally restrict smoking for newly hired employees for the
duration of their employment. In addition, smoking cessation
programs are offered to current employees who wish to quit
Provided below are three sample clauses on smoking policies:
Clause 1:
Section 1. The Surgeon General of the United States has deter-
mined that smoking tobacco contributes to the
development of a number of heart and lung diseases.
Section 2. As of ________, 20___, the City will hire as fire
fighters only those individuals who do not smoke,
and such individuals will continue to not smoke for
the duration of their employment. As of
___________, 20__, the City will hire as fire fighters
only those individuals who do not use tobacco prod-
ucts, and such individuals will continue to not use
tobacco products for the duration of their employ-
Section 3. All bargaining unit employees who were hired be-
fore ________, 20__ will not be affected by the no
smoking condition of employment which will apply
to the new hires, but current employees will smoke
only in designated smoking areas while on duty.
After meeting and conferring with the Union, the
City retains the right to designate smoking areas in
each fire station.
Section 4. The City agrees to make reasonably available courses
to stop smoking for those employees wishing to quit
Clause 2:
Smoking shall be prohibited in all City vehicles. Smoking shall
be prohibited in all City facilities except in a designated “smok-
ing permitted” area, of which there shall be no more than one
(1) in any Fire Division facility. Except for facilities where spe-
cial considerations require that smoking be prohibited entirely,
City representatives shall designate no more than one (1)
“smoking permitted” area in each facility of the Fire Division
after consultation with Union representatives and after con-
sultation with at least one non-smoker and one smoker (if any)
assigned to each facility.
lause 3:
Section 1. All fire fighters hired on or after ___________, shall
be non-smokers at the time of hire as a condition of
employment and shall be required, as an absolute
ondition of continued employment, to refrain from
smoking cigarettes, cigars, pipes, or tobacco prod-
ucts of any kind at all times, whether on or off duty.
Any firefighter hired on or after ______________
who violates this provision will be subject to disci-
plinary action up to and including discharge.
Section 2. The parties further agree to cooperate to persuade
and encourage fire fighters hired before
_____________ to stop smoking tobacco products.
Section 3. All fire fighters hired before ______________ shall
be permitted to smoke tobacco products in the en-
gine room and outdoors only. No smoking of
tobacco products of any kind shall be permitted in
any other locations including, but not limited to: the
Station house and Department vehicles and appara-
tus. Any firefighter who violates this provision will
be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
These clauses define the station maintenance and upkeep re-
sponsibilities of the Fire Fighters and the Employer.
Model contract language:
The Employer agrees to supply and make available all materi-
als required in the day-to-day maintenance and upkeep of all
fire houses. The Employer furthermore agrees to supply all
items necessary to maintain satisfactory sanitary conditions
of all quarters within all fire houses.
Provided below are three sample station maintenance clauses:
Clause 1:
No employee in the fire fighting force shall be assigned to per-
form any duty which is unrelated to fire fighting, fire
prevention (including inspections), Emergency Medical Serv-
ices or rescue work or for the care and maintenance of fire
fighting equipment and apparatus, or to the normal cleaning
required to maintain the quarters and areas in which he/she is
employed, in a clean and sanitary manner. Nothing herein pro-
hibits the Chief from assigning personnel to work on special
projects relating to department business on a day-to-day basis
on their assigned shift.
Clause 2:
Fire Fighters shall be required to clean their living areas, the
watch desk, and office area as part of annual spring cleaning,
but shall not be responsible for cleaning apparatus rooms, stor-
age rooms, basements, or attics as a part of the annual spring
cleaning. These latter rooms shall be cleaned, however, on a
daily or regular basis.
Ambulances, fire trucks and other fire fighting equipment shall be
washed only once daily in the morning if the Captain deems it nec-
essary or as it is required to maintain the safety of the Fire Fighters.
lause 3:
Station Duties
No member shall be required to perform any duties other than
those related to fire fighting and medical care procedures for
hich he/she is trained. This is not to be interpreted that a
member may neglect routine housekeeping tasks for a clean,
sanitary and safe work place. However wall washing, painting
fixed or unfixed surfaces unrelated to fire service, construction
work, and any type of extraneous building maintenance is ex-
pressly prohibited.
Transfer provisions mandate a procedure by which all transfers
will be made.
Model contract language:
In the event of a job opening due to the promotion, transfer,
demotion, retirement or demise of an employee, which should
be filled by a lateral transfer, such transfer shall be made in ac-
cordance with the following provisions:
1. All positions to be filled by lateral transfer shall be an-
nounced by bulletin which shall be posted in convenient
locations accessible to all employees for a period of at least
____ days. Such positions shall be considered open for written
bid for this ____ day period.
2. In the event more than one employee submits a written bid
to the Employer for the position, the position shall be filled by
the bidding employee with the greatest seniority.
3. In the event no bid is received for a posted position, the Em-
ployer has the right to offer the position to any employee.
Provided below are three sample transfer clauses:
Clause 1:
Section 1. Whenever a vacancy occurs in an assignment, and
such vacancy is going to be filled by the Division of
Fire, an announcement of the existence of such va-
cancy shall be posted. Employees desiring a change
of assignments may make a written request on the
designated Fire Division form for such change.
When a vacancy occurs in any ____ hour assign-
ment, the assignment to the vacant position will be
made on the basis of rank seniority unless the skill,
ability, and work performance of a less senior bid-
der is greater. Upon the request by the Local Union
and/or the member(s) in question, the Fire Division
shall substantiate, in writing, why it considers the
skills, ability and work performance of the less sen-
ior bidder to be greater. Should a grievance be filed
contesting (1) a posted vacancy or (2) the employee
selected to fill a vacancy, the vacancy which is the
subject of the grievance shall not be filled by perma-
nent transfer until the grievance is resolved. In
addition, if any bidder with seniority higher than the
person who the city otherwise intends to select for
the grieved position is also the bidder with the high-
est seniority for another posted vacancy (i.e., an
affected vacancy”), such affected vacancy shall not
be filled by permanent transfer until the grievance is
resolved. When there is no qualified bidder for the
vacancy, and the vacancy has been advertised, the
least senior qualified unassigned person in the rele-
ant rank with proper certification shall be so
transferred. The least senior (rank) officer in the rel-
evant rank shall be determined on the closing date
of the vacancy list. The least senior officer in the rel-
evant rank on the closing date (deadline for
submission of bids) of any vacancy list shall be the
officer subject to force filling.
Section 2. When any employee is about to be permanently
transferred from a forty (40) hour per week schedule
to the three (3) platoon shift, or vice versa, he shall be
given, except in extraordinary circumstances, at least
forty-eight (48) hours notice of such change. This
same provision shall apply in the case of permanent
transfers from one unit to another.
Section 3. Permanent Transfers
The following procedures shall be followed for all permanent
(a) The permanent transfer list shall precede and be distributed
before the next vacancy list is posted.
(b) The vacancy and the permanent transfer list shall reflect the
position being vacated and the position being filled by
name, rank and position.
(c) On the permanent transfer list the “date to be determined
later” shall be noted as a projected date on that transfer list
and any subsequent transfer list, until such time the actual
transfer is made.
(d) No vacancy shall be considered to be force transferred until
the vacant position has been advertised on at least one va-
cancy list as set forth in Section 1. above.
(e) The vacancy list shall be advertised for _____ days.
(f) The permanent transfer list must state the exact vacancy
(g) Any newly created position shall be advertised as a vacancy
on the first vacancy list following the creation of said position.
(h) Any employee on approved leave desiring a change in as-
signment must submit a written request on the form
designated by the Fire Division. Such request shall be kept
on file and shall be worked with all other written requests
desiring changes in assignment.
(i) Whenever a vacancy is created by promotion, retirement,
resignation, termination or any other action, and such va-
cancy is going to be filled by the Division of Fire, it shall be
advertised on the next vacancy list following the actual cal-
endar date of the occurrence.
lause 2:
(1) The City shall compile a list of permanent vacancies every ___
weeks and shall post such list in each unit or company not less
than ___ days before the end of the current pay period.
(2) Each employee will have ___ days from the day of posting
to submit a bid on the authorized form, on posted vacan-
cies of rank equal to his or her own.
(3) Each employee may submit no more than ___ bids in the
order of preference. If an employee is the senior qualified
bidder on any one of the bids submitted, said employee
must accept the position so bid.
(4) The senior employee bidding for a vacancy as determined
below, shall be transferred to such vacancy at the close of
the current pay period.
(5) If all positions of equal rank are filled, an employee, with
the permission of the Chief, may submit his or her own po-
sition for bid in accordance with this Section. The employee
so doing shall be transferred to the vacancy created by the
employee successfully bidding on the posted position.
(6) Seniority
(a) Seniority for the purpose of bidding on transfers shall be
determined by continuous service in the Bureau.
(b) Continuous service shall be calculated from the date an em-
ployee was sworn into the Bureau.
(c) Employees sworn in at the same time shall be assigned in the
order that their names appeared on the eligible list of the Civil
Service Commission at the end of their probationary period.
(d) Continuous service shall be broken by resignation or dis-
Clause 3:
Employees may request a transfer into a district at anytime on
a form provided by the Employer. Such requests must be ap-
proved by the Chief, but will be given priority consideration
when filling vacancies within that district, subject to the fol-
lowing limitations:
(a) Transfers will be made based on the date of submission of
the request. (In the case of a tie, departmental seniority will
be the determining factor.)
(b) Only one request can be active at any time.
(c) If this transfer system is utilized, the employee cannot re-
quest another transfer for one (1) year unless an
Administrative Transfer occurs moving them out of the re-
quested district.
Clauses on turnouts define what fire fighting gear and work
uniforms are to be furnished. In addition, many clauses on
turnouts also specify that nationally recognized standards are to
be followed when purchasing turnout gear and work uniforms.
odel contract language:
The Employer shall furnish and thereafter maintain at no cost
to the employee all respiratory apparatus, gloves, helmets, pro-
tective clothing and other protective equipment, such as
ersonal alarm devices, or personal floatation devices, neces-
sary to preserve and protect the safety and health of fire
All protective clothing and equipment shall meet the standard,
whether existing or promulgated during the term of this agree-
ment, that provides the highest level of worker protection
from among federal, state, provincial or voluntary consensus
The Employer agrees to convert present self-contained breath-
ing apparatus to open circuit positive pressure type within
_____ months and that all new purchases shall be only of
open-circuit positive pressure self-contained breathing appa-
Only personnel who have been trained and certified by the
manufacturer or applicable federal agency shall be permitted
to perform maintenance and/or repairs on self-contained
breathing apparatus.
The Employer shall provide and thereafter maintain at no cost
to the employee station uniforms that meet the non-flamma-
bility criteria for char length and after flame time in
accordance with the provision set forth in 29 CFR 1910.1S6
(e) (3) (ii) (B), OSHA Fire Brigade Standard.
Provided below are three sample turnout clauses:
Clause 1:
The City agrees to furnish, upon need, necessary protective fire
fighting gear and work uniforms. All uniforms and gear, as
phased in for purchase, shall meet the minimum standards set
forth by NFPA. Uniforms and protective gear will be replaced
by the City when said uniforms and protective gear are pre-
sented by the employee as no longer fitting or are worn to such
a degree as they are no longer presentable for wear.
Clause 2:
(A) The County shall supply to each employee and replace on
an as needed basis:
1. One (1) turnout coat
2. One (1) helmet
3. One (1) adjunct with a check valve
4. One (1) pair of turn-out pants with suspenders
5. One (1) pair of leather structural fire fighting 14” high
slip on boots. EMS-only personnel shall be issued an 8
side-zip EMS boot, NFPA certified or be afforded
$___________ in shoe replacement allowance
6. Two (2) pairs of turnout gloves
7. A hood that meets or exceeds NFPA standard 1971
8. One (1) set personal hearing protectors
9. One (1) gear bag to each member assigned to Emergency
Operations for the purpose of carrying turn-out gear
when members are detailed from one location to another.
B) The County shall supply, and replace on an as-needed basis:
1. One (1) pair of muff-type hearing protectors for each truck,
and two (2) pairs of muff-type protectors for each Medic
2. One (1) NFPA approved P.A.S.S. device for each position
. One (1) pair of communication headsets for each riding po-
sition on all newly purchased apparatus
(C) Full turn-out gear shall be worn on all calls for structure
fires, rescue assignments, vehicle fires, Haz Mat incidents
and other appropriate calls. Full turn-out gear shall not be
required on heart related or medical incidents unless rescue
is involved.
(D) The County, Fire Department, and Association shall con-
tinue to work in concert and consider all State and Federal
Grant Avenues to obtain enhancements for the fire serv-
ice, including but not limited to the following:
1. A second turn-out coat, a second pair of turn-out pants and
suspenders, and second hood for each member.
2. One (1) Portable Radio and Two (2) Batteries for each riding
position on every Engine, Truck, and Medic
3. Fifty foot (50’) piece of personal search and rescue rope and
a carrying bag.
4. Face piece amplifier to enhance radio communications when
wearing Breathing Apparatus in a hazardous atmosphere.
5. One (1) Air Compressor within each Division for the use in
the air cascade systems in the career stations.
Clause 3:
The City agrees to replace damaged, lost or stolen station uni-
forms and replace all firefighting protective equipment as
needed, whether destroyed, damaged, lost, stolen or worn in
the line of duty. Protective equipment shall be considered to be
boots, helmets, gloves, night hitches and fire coats. The City
shall endeavor to furnish members uniforms and protective
equipment within ___ days of said written request and if un-
able to do so will furnish said applicant with a reasonable
explanation as to the cause of any delay.
The City agrees to issue one station uniform, except shoes,
yearly to all members. The station uniform will consist of a
shirt and pants and shoes. Members whose station uniform
consists of black pants, white shirt and black tie shall be issued
the required clothing. Said uniforms to be issued on July 1st.
Unpaid leave of absence clauses permit an employee to go on
unpaid leave for: personal reasons, military duty, sickness or
injury, education and maternity and parental leaves. An unpaid
leave of absence clause is negotiated to ensure job security, sen-
iority and continuation of employee benefits.
Provided below are three sample unpaid leave of absence
Clause 1:
Section 1. Personal Leave
A personal leave of absence in excess of ___ days may be
granted at the request of the member of the bargaining unit
upon the approval of the City. Leaves of absence for ___ con-
ecutive days or less may be granted and need not be covered by
a formal leave of absence. Requests for such leaves shall be in
writing and submitted at least ___ days prior to its start when-
ever practicable. If it becomes necessary for a member to
request a short term emergency leave during a scheduled tour
f duty, such member shall be allowed to complete his/her tour
of duty upon conclusion of said emergency.
Section 2. Thirty Day Leave and/or Extension
A leave of absence may be granted for up to ___ calendar days
in any calendar year without loss of position by the employee.
When an employee returns from an approved leave of absence,
he/she shall return to the position in the service from which
the leave was granted.
A leave of absence for more than ___ calendar days may be
granted, but the employee granted the leave of absence for
more than ___ calendar days shall not be entitled to be re-
turned to the position from which the leave was granted but
will be placed in an open position in the same class or in a class
at the same salary group provided a vacancy exists. However,
any employee who is on an industrial injury leave in the City
program will be entitled to return to their position.
Those fire fighters on an approved FMLA (Family Medical
Leave Act) leave may hold three (3) weeks vacation and 15 days
sick time in abeyance for later use.
In no case shall a leave of absence be granted for a period of
more than ____, except as otherwise provided herein.
Section 3. Fringe Benefits During Leave
An employee on an approved leave of absence shall continue
to accumulate seniority during the period of his/her absence.
An employee on an approved leave of absence of ___ calendar
days in any calendar year or less shall have his/her hospitaliza-
tion and surgical insurance and death benefit continued in
force by the City. An employee on an approved leave of absence
for more than ___ calendar days in any calendar year shall not
receive his/her fringe benefits during the period of such leave
exceeding the first ___ days, however, the employee may
arrange to prepay through the Division of Accounts the pre-
miums necessary to continue the employee’s hospitalization
and surgical insurance in force during the period of time the
employee is on leave.
Section 5. Sick or Injury Leave
When an employee is sick or has been injured, and the em-
ployee has no sick days or injury pay left, and extended Sick Pay
has not been granted, then the employee may apply for a Leave
as provided in Section _____. The request must be accompa-
nied by the Statement of Attending Physician verifying the
necessity for such leave. The Leave may be granted for periods
of ___ days or more, depending on the condition of the em-
ployee, not to exceed ____ from the date the employee’s sick or
injury pay has been exhausted.
Clause 2:
Section 1. Definition. An absence without pay (“AWP”) is an
authorized absence for any part of a work day which is ap-
proved in writing.
ection 2. Use of Absence Without Pay.
n absence without
pay is only to be administered on an emergency basis. It may
not be used to cover repeated tardiness nor when an employee
has accrued annual leave.
n the event that an employee has exhausted annual and/or sick
leave balances, the District Chief or immediate supervisor may
authorize an absence without pay for legitimate purposes up
to a maximum of ____ hours in a calendar year. Additional
absences without pay may be authorized at the discretion of
the Fire Chief, however, no employee may be authorized more
than ____ hours of absence without pay in a calendar year.
Additional absences without pay for extraordinary circum-
stances may be authorized by the Fire Chief provided that
contiguous periods of ____ or more hours of absence shall re-
quire the applicable Leave of Absence status per Article ____.
Absences without pay shall not be credited towards the accrual
of sick or annual leave.
Clause 3:
Leave of absence without pay may be granted for a period not
to exceed one year in cases of illness not covered by sick leave;
in cases of personal emergencies, including childbirth; for tem-
porary employment by the Union; for education and training;
or when such absences would not be contrary to the best in-
terests of the City. Any authorization for leave of absence
without pay shall be made in writing by the Personnel Officer
and the Department Head.
The employee may elect to use earned sick leave (provided el-
igible for sick leave) and vacation prior to commencement of
the leave or retain the earned sick leave and vacation for use
upon return to employment.
Absences from duty without pay for a period not exceeding ___
calendar days for satisfactory reasons may be granted by the
Department Head.
Any employee who does not return to his/her employment on
or before the date of such expiration of his/her leave shall be
deemed separated from the service as of such date of expira-
tion, subject to due process.
An employee who is on leave without pay shall not accrue va-
cation or sick leave.
Vacancy clauses establish posting, time limits and procedures to
be followed by the employer when filling vacancies.
Provided below are three sample filling of vacancies clauses:
Clause 1:
(1) Permanent vacancies - A permanent vacancy is one that oc-
curs as a result of such things as the death, resignation,
removal, reassignment, transfer, promotion, or permanent
disability of a member. This list is merely descriptive and
not limiting.
2) Vacancies that are permanent shall be put out for bid by
seniority. Where the vacancy is in a special unit, including
without limitation, such examples as paramedics and arson
investigators, who are required to have special qualifications
beyond those attaching to the standard duties of a Fire
ighter, the Employer’s posting of a job opening shall de-
scribe the opening and shall list in detail the specific,
objectively verifiable criteria which the Employer requires
to fill the position. Seniority shall prevail among the appli-
cations meeting the criteria listed.
(3) Posting of vacancies - Notice of any permanent vacancy
which the Chief intends to fill shall be posted in all houses.
The notice shall be posted for ___ calendar days prior to
the date when the vacancy shall be filled. Any employee
wishing to bid on such a vacancy shall submit this request
in writing during the posting period. A member may only
rescind a bid up to ____ hours prior to the time the bid is
awarded. Once a bid has been awarded, it shall be deemed
Clause 2:
The Fire Chief will endeavor to permanently fill vacancies in
regular positions, that are duly authorized to be filled, expedi-
tiously within limitations imposed on him/her by
administrative and operational factors, and thereafter, consis-
tent with applicable Civil Service Rules, based on length of
service by classification when fitness and qualifications of in-
terested employees for the particular vacancy are deemed to be
equal by the Fire Chief. When requested, departmental man-
agement shall indicate the reason(s) why an employee was or
was not transferred into a vacancy as part of Labor-Manage-
ment Committee proceedings. “Vacancy” hereunder is defined
as a regular opening in any position created by death, retire-
ment, dismissal, promotion, demotion, creation of a new
regular position or transfer, provided, however, that with the
filling of staff positions, all applicants shall be considered, and
the Fire Chief shall make the final determination.
Clause 3:
The Fire Department shall recognize the importance of sen-
iority provided the senior applicant has the ability and
qualifications to perform the work involved. However, the De-
partment’s decision shall be final.
The IAFF Constitution and By-Laws state that Any member of
the Association found working a secondary job as a paid-on-call
fire fighter or an employee of a public employer, nonprofit cor-
poration, or a private contracting firm providing fire protection
or emergency medical services to a city, county, municipality, or
a fire protection district as a volunteer, reserve, part-time, part-
paid, police officer, police reserve, or public safety officer may be
subject to charges being filed against that member.
Provided below is a sample volunteering clauses:
Clause 1:
Employees hired on or after _________, will be prohibited
from performing firefighting or emergency medical services for
municipalities or private entities operating a paid, part paid,
paid on call, or volunteer fire department or EMS service other
than the City of _____________.
The Fire Service Joint Labor Management Wellness-Fitness Ini-
tiative is a historic partnership between the IAFF and the IAFC
to improve the wellness of fire department uniformed person-
el. Ten U.S. and Canadian public professional fire
departments participated. Each of these departments have
committed themselves to this Wellness-Fitness Initiative by re-
quiring the mandatory participation of all of their uniformed
personnel in this program. This bold move to commit labor
nd management to the wellness of their uniformed personnel
will carry the fire service into the 21st century.
Each year, IAFF Death and Injury Surveys demonstrate that fire
fighting remains one of the most dangerous occupations in the
United States. Research has repeatedly shown the need for high
levels of fitness to perform safely in the fire service. The fire
fighters’ long hours, shift work, sporadic high intensity work,
strong emotional involvement, and exposure to human suffer-
ing places fire fighting among the most stressful occupations
in the world. High levels of stress, intense physical demands,
and long term exposure to chemicals and infectious disease
contribute to heart disease, lung disease and cancer— the three
leading causes of death and occupational disease disability.
Wellness is a personal commitment that all uniformed person-
nel must make to survive and to sustain a career in the
professional fire service. When uniformed personnel are ill or
injured, malnourished or overweight, over stressed or out of
balance, it affects their ability to effectively do their job.
Provided below is a sample Wellness-Fitness clause:
Clause 1:
The Fire Department will develop and implement a Wellness
and Fitness program consistent with the recommendations of
the IAFC/IAFF Joint Labor Management Wellness Fitness Ini-
tiative. The program will be a voluntary, non-punitive program
provided however that prior to beginning the program, each
employee must have taken the physical examination specified
in Article ____ and receive a written evaluation from the physi-
cian before beginning the fitness program. The program shall
include baseline fitness evaluation, individual fitness and train-
ing goals, follow-up fitness re-evaluations as needed by
determination of the Fitness Team, educational in-service
training and written materials on wellness topics, and quarterly
and annual group and individual achievement awards. This
program shall not substitute for nor impact the Incentive Leave
Ability To Pay A contention made by an employer during
collective bargaining negotiations that it is not possible to bear
he cost of the wage increase demanded by the union. Ability to
pay is a common criteria considered by fact finders and arbi-
trators in making their awards.
Across The Board Increase A raise in wages, in terms of dol-
ars or a percentage given at one time to all workers in a
bargaining unit.
Agency Shop A union security provision that requires all
bargaining unit employees to pay a fee or dues. This fee is pre-
sumed to offset the cost to the union of representing the
employees in negotiations and contract administration.
American Arbitration Association — A private, nonprofit or-
ganization established to promote arbitration as a method of
resolving labor disputes. The AAA can provide a list of qualified
arbitrators to the employer and the union. The AAA also has es-
tablished rules of procedure for the arbitration process.
American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organ-
izations — A federation of craft and industrial unions, as well
as unions of a mixed structure created by a merger in 1955. Its
primary functions are education, lobbying and helping con-
stituent unions.
Arbitration Dispute resolution in which neutral third party
or panel hold a formal
hearing, take testimony and render a decision. There are two
major types of arbitration: grievance arbitration and interest
Advisory arbitration — The terms of settlement rendered
by the arbitrator are in the nature of recommendations
which the parties are not obligated to accept.
Binding arbitration The parties are required to accept
and follow the terms of the arbitrator’s award. Binding ar-
bitration is enforceable in court.
Compulsory arbitration Mandated by statute for the
resolution of impasses.
Conventional arbitration A form of interest arbitration
in which an arbitrator or panel is able to fashion an award
as deemed appropriate.
Final-Offer “total package” arbitration A form of inter-
est arbitration in which an arbitrator or panel must choose
either the management or labor proposal.
Final-Offer “issue-by-issue arbitration A form of in-
terest arbitration in which an arbitrator or panel after
reviewing management and labor proposals can break
down a decision on an issue-by-issue basis.
Grievance arbitration A method of resolving disputes
over the interpretation and application of the collective
bargaining agreement.
nterest arbitration A method of resolving disputes that
arise during the course of contract negotiations. The arbi-
trator or panel must determine what will be contained
within the agreement.
rbitrator A neutral third party to whom disputing parties
submit their differences for a decision.
Bargaining Agent An organization which is the exclusive
representative of all workers in a bargaining unit, both union
and nonunion. An employer may voluntarily recognize a par-
ticular union as a bargaining agent for the workers or the
question of representation may be settled by a secret ballot elec-
tion conducted by a State or Federal administrative agency.
Bargaining Unit A group of employees which the employer
has recognized and/or a State or Federal administrative agency
has certified as appropriate to be represented by a union for the
purpose of collective bargaining.
Bidding A procedure for enabling employees of an agency or
company to make known their interest in a vacant position.
After notice of the vacancy has been posted on bulletin boards
and in other public places, persons may bid for the position by
applying for the opening. The filling of the position may de-
pend on seniority and other factors that the employer and
bargaining agent have agreed upon.
Bureau Of Labor Statistics (BLS) — A Bureau within the U.S.
Department of Labor which collects, analyzes and publishes in-
formation on cost of living changes, labor force participation
rates, unemployment rates, industrial disputes and other eco-
nomic data relevant to labor relations.
Call Back Pay Compensation for workers called back on the
job after completing their regular shifts, usually for a minimum
number of hours at the appropriate premium rate regardless
of the number of hours they actually work.
Certification The formal determination by an appropriate
administrative agency that a particular union has been selected
by a majority of employees in a bargaining unit to be the exclu-
sive bargaining agent of all employees in the unit. The
determination usually follows a secret ballot election. Certifica-
tion usually carries with it an election bar for a set period of time.
Closed Shop A union security arrangement whereby the
employer is required to hire union members only. Membership
in the union is also a condition of continued employment.
Collective Bargaining The continuing institutional relationship
between an employer entity and a labor organization representing
exclusively a defined group of employees of said employer (appro-
priate bargaining unit) concerned with the negotiation,
administration, interpretation and enforcement of written agree-
ments covering joint understandings as to wages, salaries, rates of
pay, hours of work and other conditions of employment.
Collective Bargaining Agreement A document that results
from negotiations between an employer and a union. The col-
lective bargaining agreement defines the conditions of
employment (wages, hours, fringe benefits, etc.) and provides
dispute resolution procedures.
onsumer Price Index (CPI) (Cost of Living Index) Statis-
tics issued monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics measuring
the average change in prices of goods and services purchased by
moderate income families and describing shifts in the pur-
chasing power of the consumer’s dollar. The Index is widely
sed in collective bargaining agreements.
Contracting Out — The use by employers of outside contrac-
tors whose employees are not covered by the same collective
bargaining agreement to do work which has been or could be
performed by unit employees.
Costing Out — The process of determining the actual cost of
a contract proposal or agreement.
Counter Proposal — An offer made by one party in collective
bargaining negotiations in response to a proposal by the other
party. Agreement is usually reached after a series of proposals
and counter proposals have reduced the range of disagreement.
Dues Checkoff — A union security provisions, usually stipu-
lated in the collective bargaining agreement, that allows union
dues, assessments and initiation fees to be deducted from the
pay of the union members of an employer. The employer makes
the payments to the union on a scheduled basis.
Duty To Bargain The mutual obligation of the employer
and the representative of the employees to meet at reasonable
times and confer in good faith with respect to wages, hours and
other terms and conditions of employment. Such obligation
does not compel either party to agree to a proposal or require
the making of a concession.
Duty Of Fair Representation — Unions duty to represent all
members of a bargaining unit that the organization has been
designated to represent.
Evergreen A provision in the collective bargaining agree-
ment that ensures the current agreement will remain in full
force and effect during negotiations for a new collective bar-
gaining agreement.
Exclusive Recognition The type of recognition which provides
that the recognized labor organization is the sole representative
for all employees in the bargaining unit without regard to mem-
bership in that labor organization and which prohibits the
employer from dealing with any other labor organization.
Exclusive Representative — The employee organization which
has been accorded exclusive recognition.
Fact-Finding A method of resolving contract negotiations
disputes where a neutral or neutral tripartite panel hears the
parties’ arguments supporting their positions and issues, find-
ings of fact, and recommendations to resolve the dispute. The
report is generally made public after a period of time if the par-
ties have not yet reached agreement. Fact finding generally
follows mediation.
Fringe Benefits Compensation in addition to direct wages,
such as paid vacations and holidays, overtime premiums, med-
ical insurance and pensions.
rievance An employee complaint; an allegation by an em-
ployee, union or employer that a collective bargaining
agreement has been violated.
Grievance Procedure A method of dealing with a complaint
ade by an individual or by union or management which al-
lows the work place to continue operating without
interruption. The procedure generally provides for efforts to
resolve the grievance at progressively higher levels of manage-
ment authority, with arbitration typically being the last step.
Impasse The point in collective bargaining negotiations at
which either party determines that no further progress can be
made toward reaching an agreement.
Labor Relations Board State or federal agency which pri-
marily administers labor relations statutes. These boards
usually handle unfair labor practices and supervise represen-
tation elections. At the State level these agencies are generally
known as Public Employment Relations Board (PERBs) and
also provide mediation and fact finding services.
Maintenance of Membership A union security provision
which states that no worker has to join the union as a condition
of continued employment, but that all workers who voluntar-
ily join must maintain their membership for the duration of
the contract. Most maintenance of membership clauses pro-
vide for an escape period either annually or at the expiration of
the agreement when employees may withdraw from the union
without penalty.
Management Rights Certain rights that management feels are
intrinsic to its ability to manage and therefore are not subject to
collective bargaining. These rights are often expressly reserved to
management in the management rights clause of the agreement.
They include the right to hire, promote suspend or discharge em-
ployees; to direct the work of employees; and to establish policy.
Mediation — An attempt by an impartial third party, called a
mediator, to bring the parties in a labor dispute together. The
mediator has no power to force a settlement but rather operates
primarily through persuasion to help the negotiating parties
reach an agreement.
Mediator An individual - either conciliator or mediator -
who acts as an impartial third party to help settle collective bar-
gaining disputes. May be appointed by an administrative
agency or be chosen by both parties. The mediator’s role is to
meet with the parties, act as a go-between and help the parties
discover areas of agreement in order to reach a settlement in
negotiations without a strike.
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) A board created
by the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) in 1935 and con-
tinued by the Taft-Hartley Act. The Board is the administrative
agency for the NLRA and its primary duties are to hold elec-
tions to determine union representation and to interpret and
apply the law concerning unfair labor practices.
Negotiation The process by which representatives of em-
ployee and management try to reach agreement on conditions
of employment, such as wages, hours, fringe benefits and for
handling grievances.
Negotiator The person who represents the employer or
union in collective bargaining negotiations. Often committees
or “teams” represent each party and one of the committee’s
members acts as chief negotiator or spokesperson for the
Neutral An individual who acts as conciliator, mediator,
fact-finder or arbitrator; a disinterested third party who inter-
venes into negotiation disputes in order to facilitate settlement.
No-Lockout A provision in the collective bargaining agree-
ment in which the employer agrees that the operation will not
be closed down in order to force the employees to accept cer-
tain terms for a collective bargaining agreement.
No-Strike A provision in the collective bargaining agree-
ment in which the union promises that during the life of the
contract the employees will not engage in strikes, slowdowns
or other job actions.
Parity An equality between groups of employees pay. Parity
is often sought between fire fighters and police officers.
Past Practice A clause in the collective bargaining agreement
stating that previous practices of the employer will continue
except as modified by the contract.
Premium Pay Additional money which is paid to an em-
ployee for certain types of work. Examples: night shifts,
overtime, hazardous duty pay. Premium pay is paid in addition
to the regular pay to compensate employees for the special ef-
fort required, the unpleasantness of the work or for the
inconvenience of the time during which the work takes place.
Ratification Formal approval of a newly negotiated agree-
ment by vote of the union members.
Recognition — The employer’s acceptance of an employee or-
ganization as the bonafide and legitimate collective bargaining
representative of group of employees for the purposes of col-
lective bargaining.
Savings Clause A provision in the collective bargaining
agreement that ensures if a contract provision is declared in-
valid by court action or legislation, only that provision is null
and void and that the remaining portions of the negotiated
agreement are in full force and effect.
Scope of Bargaining The range of issues that is made bar-
gainable by the labor relations statute or by the agreement of
the parties.
Seniority An employees status in relation to other employ-
ees according to the years of employment. Seniority is related
to an employee’s job security and advancement. Seniority
clauses make an individual’s years of employment determine
for example, rights to layoff, recalls, choice of vacation time,
overtime, work shifts, transfer and promotion and other items.
Shift Differential Added pay for second or third shift ex-
pressed as a percentage of base pay or as extra cents per hour.
teward — The union representative of a group of co-workers
who carries out the duties of the union within an operation,
such as handling grievances, collecting dues or recruiting new
members. Stewards are either elected by other union members
or appointed by a higher union official.
Successor A provision in the collective bargaining agree-
ment that ensures and protects the rights contained in the
collective bargaining agreement, for its duration, regardless of
a change in management.
Unfair Labor Practice A practice on the part of either union
or management which violates the provisions set forth by State
of Federal labor relations statutes. Examples on the part of
unions are: 1) controlling or interfering with unions, 2) dis-
criminating against working for their union support or activity,
3) retaliating against workers for complaining to an adminis-
trative agency, and 4) refusing to bargain collectively with the
exclusive representative.
Union Security Negotiated contract clause requiring the es-
tablishment and continuance of union shop, agency shop,
maintenance of membership, dues checkoff or similar provi-
sions which assures the union of its revenues during the life of
a collective bargaining agreement.
Union Shop A provision in which the employer may choose
to hire anyone, but in which all workers must join the union
within a specific period of time after being hired and must re-
tain membership as a condition of continued employment. The
courts have refined this obligation to mean only paying the
normal dues and fees that a union member would pay.
Unit Determination — The process by which certain employ-
ees are grouped into a unit to select a single bargaining agent to
represent them in collective bargaining negotiations. Such de-
termination is based upon several criteria, such as community
of interest, employee desires, collective bargaining history and
the administrative organization of the employer.
Waiver Of Further Bargaining/Expressed Waiver A provi-
sion in a collective bargaining agreement that specifically states
that the written agreement is the complete agreement of the
parties and that anything not contained therein is not agreed to
unless put into writing and signed by both parties following
the date of the agreement. This clause is intended to stop ei-
ther party from demanding renewed negotiations during the
life of the contract.
Working Out-Of-Classification A provision in the collective
bargaining agreement that provides additional compensation
for employees who perform duties in a higher rank.
1750 New York Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20006
(202) 737-8484