Fruit and Vegetable
University of Kentucky • Lexington, Kentucky 40546
Grants from the Agricultural
Development Board through the
Kentucky Horticulture Council have
allowed an expansion of the eld
research and demonstration program to
meet the informational and educational
needs of our growing vegetable and fruit
Important note to readers:
The majority of research reports in this
volume do not include treatments with
experimental pesticides. It should be
understood that any experi-mental
pesticide must rst be labeled for the
crop in question before it can be used by
growers, regardless of how it might have
been used in research trials. The most
recent product label is the nal authority
concerning application rates, precautions,
harvest intervals, and other relevant
information. Contact your countys
Cooperative Extension oce if you need
assistance in interpreting pesticide labels.
This is a progress report and may
not reect exactly the nal outcome
of ongoing projects. Please do not
reproduce project reports for distribution
without permission of the authors.
2013 Fruit and Vegetable Crops Research Report
Edited by Shubin K. Saha, John Snyder and Chris Smigell
Robert L. Houtz
Doug Archbold
Shubin K. Saha
John Snyder
John Strang
Patsy Wilson
Area Extension Associates
Ty Cato, Shelbyville, Louisville metro area
Chris Smigell, Lexington, central Kentucky
(small fruits)
Dave Spalding, Lexington, central Kentucky
Horticulture Farm Manager
Mark Williams (Interim)
Horticulture Organic Farming Research
and Education Unit and CSA Manager
Tiany Thompson
Horticulture Professional Sta assisting
with projects included in this report
Dave Lowry
Sean Lynch
Joseph Tucker
Je Wheeler
Neal Wilson
Dwight Wolfe
Lucas Hanks
Ric Bessin
Graduate Students
Amanda Skidmore
Rachelyn Dobson
Plant Pathology
Kenny Seebold
Nicole Ward
Professional Sta
Julie Beale
Brenda Kennedy
Sara Long
Nutrition and Food Science
Pam Sigler
Food Systems Innovation Center
Angela Anandappa
Extension Agents
Agriculture and Natural Resources and
Horticulture (county research sites)
Caldwell Co., Shane Bogle
Campbell Co., DJ Scully, David Koester,
Clark Co., David Davis
Fayette Co., Nick Carter, Jamie Dockery
Franklin Co., Keenan Bishop, Lora Bailey
Gallatin Co., David Hull
Garrard Co., Jay Hettmansperger
Jeerson Co., Wayne Long, Sarah Stolz
Madison Co., Brandon Sears, Amanda Sears
Oldham Co., Tracy M. Missun
Shelby Co., Corinne Kephart
Spencer Co., Bryce Roberts
Kentucky State University
College of Agriculture Food Science and
Sustainable Systems
Dr. Teferi Tsegaye
George F. Antonious
John D. Sedlacek
Maifan Silitonga
Kirk Pomper
Professional Sta
Jon Cambron
Karen Friley
Sherry Crabtree
Irina Howard
Jeremiah Lowe
Joni Nelson
Anthony Silvernail
Berea College
Agriculture and Natural Resources Program
Sean Clark
Assistant Farm Manager
Janet Meyer
Cover: Trellised seedless cucumbers grown in
a high tunnel.
Several of the research reports presented in
this document were partially funded by the
Kentucky Agricultural Development Board
through a grant to the Kentucky Horticulture
Mention or display of a trademark,
proprietary product, or rm in text or gures
does not constitute an endorsement and
does not imply approval to the exclusion of
other suitable products or rms.
e 2013 Fruit and Vegetable Crops Research Program ................................................................. 3
On-Farm Commercial Vegetable Demonstrations ...........................................................................4
On-Farm Commercial Vegetable Demonstrations ...........................................................................6
Diagnostic Laboratory
Fruit and Vegetable Disease Observations
from the Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory—2013 ......................................................... 7
Tree Fruits
Rootstock Effects on Apple and Peach Tree Growth and Yield ...................................................9
Feasibility Study of Organic Apple Production in Kentucky ...................................................... 11
Small Fruit and Grapes
e ‘Prime-Jan®’ and ‘Prime-Ark®45’ orny
Primocane-fruiting Blackberry Trial ...................................................................................... 13
Organic Grape Cultivar Evaluation Trial in Kentucky .................................................................. 14
Leafhoppers Associated with Newly Established
Primocane Blackberry and Raspberry Plantings in Central Kentucky ....................... 16
Wine and Seedles Table Grape Cultivar Evaluation Trial ........................................................... 18
Rabbiteye Blueberry Variety Evaluation, 2013 ................................................................................. 21
Advanced orny and ornless
Primocane-fruiting Blackberry Selection Trial ................................................................... 22
Bell Pepper Bacterial Spot Variety Trial, Central Kentucky ........................................................ 23
Spring Red and Savoy Cabbage Variety Evaluation ....................................................................... 25
Managing Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
using Selective Exclusion Screening Materials .................................................................... 29
Developing More Resilient Cantaloupe Production Systems .................................................... 30
Financial Comparison of Organic Potato Production Using
Different Integrated Pest Management Systems ................................................................. 33
Effect of Municipal Refuse Compost and Chicken Manure
Applications on Kale and Collard Green Yields and Quality.......................................... 37
Asparagus Variety Evaluation ................................................................................................................ 40
Appendix A: Sources of Vegetable Seeds .......................................................................................... 41
1. C ampbell
2. Caldwell
9. Madison
10. Oldham
7. Gallatin
8. Jeerson
3. Clark
4. Fayette
11. Shelby
12. Spence
5. Franklin
6. Garrard
Fruit and vegetable research
sites in 2013.
The 2013 Fruit and Vegetable Crops Research Program
Shubin K. Saha, Department of Horticulture
Fruit and vegetable production in Kentucky continues to
grow. e 2013 Fruit and Vegetable crops research report in-
cludes results for more than 15 field research plots and multiple
demonstration trials. is year fruit and vegetable research and
demonstration trials were conducted in more than 12 counties
in Kentucky (see map, right). Research was conducted by fac-
ulty and staff from several departments within the University
of Kentucky College of Agriculture including: Horticulture,
Plant Pathology, and Entomology. is report also includes
collaborative research projects conducted with faculty and staff
at Kentucky State University and Berea College.
Variety trials included in this years publication include:
cabbage, asparagus, bell peppers, blueberries, blackberries,
raspberries, apples, peaches, and grapes. Additional research
trials include organic management of cucumber beetles, finan-
cial comparison of organic potato integrated pest management
systems, and effect of organic fertilizer materials for production
of kale. Variety trials provide us with much of the information
necessary to update our recommendations in our Vegetable
Production Guide for Commercial Growers (ID-36). However,
when making decisions about what varieties to include in ID-
36, we factor in performance of varieties at multiple locations
in Kentucky over multiple years. We may also collaborate with
researchers in surrounding states to discuss results of variety
trials they have conducted. Only then after much research and
analysis will we make variety recommendations for Kentucky.
e results presented in this publication often reflect a single
year of data at a limited number of locations. Although some
varieties perform well across Kentucky year after year, others
may not. Here are some helpful guidelines for interpreting the
results of fruit and vegetable variety trials:
Our Yields vs. Your Yields
Yields reported in variety trial results are extrapolated from
small plots. Depending on the crop, individual plots range from
8 to 200 plants. Our yields are calculated by multiplying the
yields in these small plots by correction factors to estimate per-
acre yield. For example, if you can plant 4,200 tomato plants per
acre (assuming 18” within row spacing) and our trials only have
10 plants per plot, we must multiply our average plot yields by a
factor of 420 to calculate per acre yields. us, small errors can
be greatly amplified. Furthermore, because we do not include
factors such as drive rows in our calculations, our per-acre yields
are typically much higher than what is found on an average farm.
Due to the availability of labor, research plots may be harvested
more often than would be economically possible. Keep this in
mind when reviewing the research papers in this publication.
Often yield or quality data will be presented in tables
followed by a series of letters (a, ab, bc, etc.). ese letters
indicate if the yields of the varieties are statistically different.
Two varieties may have average yields that appear to be quite
different. For example if tomato variety 1 has an average yield
of 2000 boxes per acre and variety 2 yields 2300 boxes per acre
one would as-sume that variety 2 had a greater yield. However,
just because the two varieties had dierent average yields, does
not mean that they are statistically or significantly different. In
the tomato example, variety 1 may have consisted of four plots
with yields of 1800, 1900, 2200, and 2100 boxes per acre. e
average yield would then be 2000 boxes per acre. Tomato variety
2 may have had four plots with yields of 1700, 2500, 2800, and
2200 boxes per acre. e four plots together would average
2300 boxes per acre. e tomato varieties have plots with yield
averages that overlap, and therefore would not be considered
statistically dif-ferent, even though the average per acre yields
for the two varieties appear to be quite different. is example
also demonstrates variability. Good varieties are those that not
only yield well, but have little variation. Tomato variety 2 may
have had similar yields as variety 1, but also had much greater
variation. erefore, all other things being equal, tomato variety
1 may be a better choice, due to less variation in the field.
Statistical significance is shown in tables by the letters that
follow a given number. For example, when two varieties have
yields followed by completely different letters than they are
significantly different; however, if they share even one letter
then statistically they are no different. us a variety with a yield
that is followed by the letters ‘bcd’ would be no different than
a variety followed by the letters ‘cdef,’ because the letters ‘c’ and
d’ are shared by the two varieties. Yield data for followed by the
letters ‘abc’ would be different yield data followed by ‘efg.
Lastly when determining statistical significance we typically
use a ‘P’ value of 0.05. In this case, P stands for probability and the
0.05 means that we have a 5% chance that our results are real and
not simply due to chance or error. Put another way, if two variet-
ies are said to be different at P<0.05, then at least 95% of the time
those varieties will be different. If the P value is 0.01, then 99% of
the time those varieties will be different. Different P values can
be used, but typically P < 0.05 is considered standard practice.
is may be confusing, but without statistics our results
wouldn’t be useful. Using statistics ensures that we can make
more accurate recommendations for farmers in Kentucky.
On-Farm Commercial Vegetable Demonstrations
Ty Cato, Department of Horticulture
Five on-farm commercial vegetable production demonstra-
tions were conducted in the north central part of the state, in
Oldham, Jefferson, and Spencer Counties. ese locations were
chosen due to the recent surge in commercial vegetable pro-
duction to supply the Louisville area demand for locally grown
food. ree growers in Jefferson County, one grower in Spencer
County, and one grower in Oldham County were chosen for
this demonstration. e Oldham County grower produced
mixed vegetables on 0.62 acres for local farmers markets and
a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture.) e growers in
Jefferson County grew 1.53 acres, 1.54 acres, and 0.87 acres of
mixed vegetables, respectively. e first grower operated a CSA
and sold to farmers markets. e second grower provided his
Louisville-based restaurant with produce from the plot. e
third grower sold at an on-farm store and farmer’s markets, as
well as producing value added products for sale, such as salsas
and sauces. e Spencer County grower grew 0.43 acres of
mixed vegetables and sold at a farmers market.
Materials and Methods
e growers were provided with plastic mulch and drip tape
for up to one acre of production. e University of Kentucky
Horticulture Department also provided a bed-shaper/plastic
layer, a water-wheel transplanter, and a plastic mulch lifter to
remove the mulch at the end of the growing season. All other
inputs including fertilizer, pesticides, irrigation pumps, and
labor (both manual and mechanical) were provided by the
grower. e grower recorded basic information such as yield
data, input costs, etc. An extension associate from the Depart-
ment of Horticulture made weekly visits to provide assistance
with disease management, harvesting practices, and any other
production issue needing attention. e extension associate was
also involved in setting up demonstration field days to display
commercial vegetable production techniques to other growers
interested in producing vegetables.
Conventional, certified organic, and all natural growing
practices were used in the demonstration plots. ree plots
were conventional, relying on synthetic fertilizer, herbicides,
insecticides, and fungicides. One plot was certified organic and
the last plot was maintained using organic practices, without
organic certification. e five demonstrations used raised beds
with plastic mulch sealed on top of the beds. e height of the
beds ranged from six to eight inches and the plastic used was
either black 1 mil for early season crops or white on black 1 mil
for late season crops. e black plastic provides transplants with
the heat that they need early in the growing season, whereas the
white on black plastic reflects the heat of the sun away from the
bed, reducing heat stress on transplants set in the heat of the
Results and Discussion
e 2013 growing season presented some problems for com-
mercial producers in north central Kentucky. e first problem
was very cool spring temperatures that delayed the transplant-
ing date of early spring crops. While not a huge problem, it did
delay yields on certain crops by one to two weeks.
Second, a period of heavy rain, lasting approximately five
to seven days in early June promoted the development of
Septoria leaf blight on tomatoes. e disease did not become
Table 1: Costs and prots for mixed vegetable plots, Jeerson, Oldham, Spencer Counties, 2013
Conventional 1 Oldham All Natural
Conventional 2 Jeerson Organic
Plot Acreage 0.9 0.6 0.4 1.5 1.5
Plants and Seeds $1013.00 $280.00 $112.26 $2534.42 $700.00
Fertilizer 487.00 82.76 43.75 120.00 1100.00
Plastic Mulch 189.00 86.40 69.30 204.00 180.00
Drip Lines 126.00 57.60 46.20 136.00 119.00
Fertilizer Injector and Irrigation Fittings 728.00 N/A 841.14 175.00 N/A
Herbicide N/A N/A N/A 100.00 N/A
Insecticide 110.00 8.00 N/A 100.00 110.00
Fungicide N/A 20.00 N/A N/A N/A
Water 900.00 154.80 Pond 200.00 900.00
Manual Labor 1450.00 2024.29 1240.00 1218.10 8000.00
Machine Labor (Fuel cost) 125.00 38.25 74.25 1488.55 1400.00
Marketing N/A 166.50 109.75 2086.39 N/A
Total Expenses 5128.00 2918.60 2536.65 8362.46 12509.00
Yield * * * * *
Revenue 4744.00 10140.75 483.50 14540.00 8600.00
Prot -$384.00 $7222.15 -$2053.15 $6177.54 -$3458.00
Yields for mixed vegetable production varybased on crops
a significant problem until another soaking rain about a week
later, in which the disease spread rapidly, as the Septoria fungus
spreads by splashing rain. Combined with early blight, Septoria
severely damaged tomato plants, thus limiting yields. Organic
growers tried to prevent the spread by removing infected foliage
from the field and applying preventative fixed copper sprays.
Conventional growers tried to slow disease development and
dispersal of inoculum using fungicides such as azoxystrobin,
within a rotational schedule including chlorothalonil.
Powdery mildew became a problem later, affecting pump-
kins, summer squash, and cucumbers primarily. is disease
could be managed with a myclobutanil fungicide, in a rotation
of other preventative sprays. Most heavily damaged summer
squash plantings were removed and replanted, because of rapid
plant growth and quick fruit set.
One of the biggest problems for the cooperating growers this
season was deer feeding damage. One Jefferson County grower’s
entire tomato crop was devastated by deer. e Spencer County
grower lost all of his sweet potatoes and most of his bush beans
to deer damage. is onslaught of deer was limited by installing
various types of fencing around the plots. Some of the fencing
was far more effective than others. Eight foot tall mesh fencing
seemed more effective than various heights of stranded fishing
line spaced four to five feet apart. e organic grower installed a
twelve foot tall barbed wire fence around his entire farm. While
this was by far the most effective, it was also cost prohibitive for
most growers.
Weed pressure was only a major problem with one grower,
due to a miscommunication regarding what herbicides can be
applied between the beds. is issue was rectified mid-summer
and the weeds were no longer at an unacceptable level for the
remainder of the season.
Other issues reduced the profitability of the demonstra-
tion plots. Whether it was not having access to a market soon
enough, delayed and/or greatly diminished yields due to abiotic
and biotic factors, or post-harvest loss due to bacterial soft rot,
all of these contributed to low profits by some of the growers
(Table 1). Labor issues affected growers as well. Not having
enough help for harvest caused some crops to be lost with no
profit seen. Initial start-up costs for conventional growers greatly
reduced profitability as well. ese initial costs were for one time
investments (e.g. equipment) that could be amortized over the
useable life of the product, thus leading to increased profits in
the years to come.
On-Farm Commercial Vegetable Demonstrations
Dave Spalding, Department of Horticulture
Four on-farm commercial demonstra-
tions were conducted in central and northern
Kentucky in 2013. Grower/cooperators were
from Campbell, Clark, Gallatin, and Garrard
counties. e grower/cooperator in Campbell
County grew 0.50 acre of mixed cut flowers
and fall vegetables (including squash, gourds
and pumpkins) for local farmers markets. e
grower/cooperator in Clark County grew ap-
proximately 1.0 acre of mixed vegetables for the
local farmers market. e grower/cooperator in
Gallatin County grew 3.0 acre of tomatoes, 1.0
acre of cantaloupe, 1.0 acre of watermelon, 1.0
acre of pumpkins and 3.0 acres of sweet corn
for the local wholesale and retail markets. e
Garrard County grower/cooperator grew about
0.50 acre of mixed vegetables for a local CSA
market. Two demonstration plots, one in Clark
and one in Madison County were abandoned in
mid-summer due primarily to a lack of available
Materials and Methods
Grower/cooperators were provided with black plastic
mulch and drip lines for up to 1 acre and the use of the University
of Kentucky horticulture department’s equipment for raised–
bed preparation and transplanting. e cooperators supplied
all other inputs, including labor and management of the crop.
In addition to identifying and working closely with cooperators,
county extension agents took soil samples from each plot and
scheduled, promoted, and coordinated field days at each site.
An extension associate made regular weekly visits to each plot
to scout the crop and make appropriate recommendations.
e plots were planted into raised beds covered with black
plastic mulch and drip tape under the plastic in the center of the
beds. e mixed vegetable plots were planted at the appropri-
ate spacing for the vegetable being grown (i.e. tomatoes were
planted in a single row 18 inches apart; beans were planted in
double rows 12 inches apart, etc.). e bell pepper only plot
was planted into raised beds with the bell peppers planted in
double rows 18 inches apart in the row. Except for the organic
plots, the others were sprayed with the appropriate fungicides
and insecticides as needed, and cooperators were asked to fol-
low the fertigation schedule provided.
Results and Discussion
Weather conditions in 2013 were less than ideal for veg-
etable production. An abnormally wet and cool spring gave way
to a wet and mostly cool summer for much of Central Kentucky.
Despite the wet conditions, most crops were planted at typical
times. After most crops were planted and growing, the weather
stayed relatively cool and wet for most of the summer. e cool
and wet conditions that persisted for most of the growing season
were conducive to increased disease and fertility problems.
However the biggest problem for most growers, particularly
the organic growers, was weeds.
e grower/cooperator in Gallatin County used a white
plastic mulch for part of his production. White plastic use in
early season production did not appear to perform as well as
the traditional black plastic. is is likely a result of the black
plastic warming the soil for good early season establishment of
transplants. However, when used in later plantings the results
were better with most of the improvement coming from a higher
survival rate of transplants, as a result of maintaining cooler
soil temperatures. ese findings were essentially the same as
observed the previous year.
Table 1. Costs and returns of grower/cooperators, Central Kentucky, 2013.
(0.50 acre)
(1.0 acre)
(3.0 acre)
(0.50 acre)
Plants and Seeds $210.00 $400.00 $3,300.00 $110.00
Fertilizer 300.00 431.00 1,800.00 240.00
Black Plastic 86.00 186.00 558.00 86.00
Drip Lines 81.00 162.00 486.00 81.00
Fertilizer Injector 0 60.00* 60.00* 0
Herbicide 0 31.98 120.00 0
Insecticide 0 56.22 475.00 0
Fungicide 0 179.08 581.00 85.00
Water 105.00
( 80,00 gal )
(186,000 gal)
(550,000 gal)
(70,000 gal)
Labor 0 0 18,210.00 0
(300 hrs)**** (327 hrs )**** (29,450 hrs)*** (240 hrs )****
Machine 230.40
(24 hrs)
(13 hrs)
(420 hrs)
(9.50 hrs)
Marketing 250.00 977.10 3,350.00 25.00
Total Expenses 1,262.40 3,030.69 36,640.00 839.12
Income 1,950.00 11,942.00 72,279.45 900.00
Net Income 687.60 8,911.31 35,639.45 60.88
Net Income/Acre 1,375.20 8,911.31 11,879.82 121.76
Dollar Return /Dollar Input 1.54 3.94 1.97 1.07
Costs amortized over three years.
Cost of electric usage and 5 year amortized cost of pump.
Includes unpaid volunteer or family labor.
All unpaid family labor.
Fruit and Vegetable Disease Observations
from the Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory—2013
Julie Beale, Paul Bachi, Brenda Kennedy, Sara Long, Kenny Seebold, and Nicole Ward, Department of Plant Pathology
Plant disease diagnosis and formulation of disease man-
agement recommendations are the result of U.K. College of
Agriculture Research (Agricultural Experiment Station) and
Cooperative Extension Service activities through the Depart-
ment of Plant Pathology. We maintain two branches of the
Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory (PDDL), one on the U.K.
campus in Lexington, and one at the U.K. Research and Educa-
tion Center in Princeton. Two full-time diagnosticians and a
full-time diagnostic assistant are employed in the PDDL; exten-
sion specialists Drs. Kenny Seebold and Nicole Ward provide
diagnostic and disease management expertise in vegetable and
fruit crops, respectively.
Most plant samples are submitted to the PDDL by county
extension agents on behalf of their local growers and home
gardeners. Fruit and vegetable samples comprised roughly one-
third of the approximately 3,500 plant specimens examined in
2013. One-half of fruit and vegetable samples were from com-
mercial growers (1).
Materials and Methods
Fruit and vegetable disease diagnosis involves a great deal
of investigation into the possible causes of disease symptoms.
Most visual diagnoses include microscopy to determine plant
parts that are affected and to identify the pathogen(s) involved.
In addition, many specimens require specific tests such as moist
chamber incubation, isolation onto culture media, enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), polymerase chain reac-
tion (PCR) assay, nematode extraction, or soil pH and soluble
salts tests. Fruits and vegetables are high value crops for which
a high proportion of diagnostic samples require specialized
testing and/or consultation with U.K. faculty plant pathologists
and horticulturists. Computer-based laboratory records are
maintained to provide information used in conducting plant
disease surveys, identifying new disease outbreaks, and formu-
lating educational programs. All diagnoses of plant diseases are
reported to a national repository.
Results and Discussion
Abundant rain throughout much of the 2013 growing
season and generally cool temperatures favored development
of many plant diseases, particularly those caused by fungi and
oomycetes. e following summary includes the predominant
diseases submitted as diagnostic samples, as well as a description
of several unusual or significant diseases of fruit and vegetable
New, Emerging, and Problematic Fruit and
Vegetable Diseases in Kentucky
Phytophthora root rot on blueberry (Phytophthora
cinnamomi) has been seen more and more frequently in
Kentucky in recent years and was a serious problem for blue-
berry producers in 2013. Wet soils favor disease development
and spread, and the pathogen can survive in soil for extended
periods. Extension programs to educate growers on disease
prevention and management were initiated in response to this
increasing problem.
Strawberry viruses were a source of concern for some
growers in Kentucky and elsewhere in the eastern U.S. this
spring. Plants with dual infections of strawberry mottle virus
(SMoV) and strawberry mild yellow edge virus (SMYEV) were
released from a Nova Scotia nursery. Symptomatic plants from
this source that had been planted on a Kentucky farm were
sent to the USDA-ARS Horticulture Crops Research Unit in
Corvallis, OR, for testing, and presence of the two viruses was
confirmed. Infected plants exhibited symptoms of stunting,
slight leaf distortion and mild yellowing, particularly at leaf
margins. General recommendations for management were
removal of infected plants in order to reduce the risk of spread
to nearby healthy plants, implementation of an insect-control
program to reduce the aphid vector and weed management to
minimize risk of virus carryover in weed hosts.
Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) was not observed
as commonly as in 2012 but was still an important disease in
tomato. Incidence was typically low in a given field, but when
the virus was detected in tomatoes in greenhouse/high tun-
nel structures, incidence tended to be quite high. A range of
symptoms was observed.
Late blight (Phytophthora infestans) was not widespread
in Kentucky but was diagnosed in tomato in four counties and
did cause significant plant loss where it occurred. Kentucky
isolates of P. infestans were submitted for strain identification
as part of a regional project at Cornell University and were
determined to belong to clonal lineage US-23.
Cucurbit downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora cubensis)
developed earlier than usual this year (first confirmation in
Kentucky on July 25) and resulted in severe canopy loss in some
Tree Fruit Diseases
Pome fruits. Cedar-apple rust (Gymnosporangium
juniperi-virginianae) occurred at high levels on susceptible
apple varieties; frequent rains in spring favored infection.
Levels of scab (Venturia inaequalis) and frogeye leaf spot
(Botryosphaeria obtusa) were moderate. Although fire blight
(Erwinia amylovora) was seen, cooler temperatures during
bloom reduced incidence of infections. Fruit rots—especially
bitter rot (Glomerella cingulata)—were common in late sum-
mer. read blight (Corticium stevensii) was diagnosed on pear.
is disease is rarely seen except in wet years and in humid/
shaded locations.
Stone fruits. Brown rot (Monilinia fructicola) was the
most commonly observed stone fruit disease and affected
peach, nectarine and cherry. Limited incidence and severity of
bacterial leaf spot (Xanthomonas campestris pv. pruni) and
scab (Venturia carpophila) were recorded on peach.
Small Fruit Diseases
Grapes. Anthracnose (Elsinoe ampelina) and black rot
(Guignardia bidwellii) were common. Bitter rot (Melanco-
nium fuligineum) was also diagnosed several times in western
Kentucky on ‘Cabernet Franc’ from commercial vineyards and
Concord’ from home fruit plantings. Superficial symptoms of
this fruit rot are similar to those of black rot or Phomopsis fruit
rot. Downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) was first diagnosed
in July, which is fairly typical in our area, and was a full month
later than in 2012. Several cases of leaf blight (Isariopsis clav-
ispora) were diagnosed as a late-season foliar disease.
Brambles. Cane and leaf rust (Kuehneola uredinis) was
diagnosed on multiple blackberry samples, as well as a few cases
of cane blight (Leptosphaeria coniothyrium) and spur blight
(Didymella applanata). Raspberry ringspot virus (RpRSV)
was confirmed via ELISA on both black raspberry and black-
Blueberries. Root and collar rot (Phytophthora cinna-
momi) was extremely common on blueberry. Various fungal
stem canker/blight diseases were also seen (Botyrosphaeria
sp., Phoma sp., Phomopsis sp.)
Strawberries. Leaf blight (Phomopsis obscurans) was
seen frequently on strawberry. Strawberry mottle virus (SMoV)
and strawberry mild yellow edge virus (SMYEV) were con-
firmed in Kentucky (see above).
Vegetable diseases
Beans and peas. Foliar/pod diseases, including angular leaf
spot (Phaeoisariopsis griseola) and anthracnose (Glomerella
lindemuthiana), were common due to frequent rains. Com-
mon bacterial blight (Xanothomonas campestris pv. phaseoli)
on bean and bacterial blight (Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi)
on pea were both diagnosed on home garden samples.
Cole crops. Few diseases were observed on cole crops.
White leaf spot (Mycosphaerella capesllae) was diagnosed
on turnip and Chinese cabbage in autumn.
Cucurbits. Bacterial wilt (Erwinia tracheiphila) was a
problem on cantaloupe early in the season in areas where striped
cucumber beetle pressure was high. Angular leaf spot (Pseudo-
monas syringae pv. lachrymans) also developed on melon and
squash in early summer. Downy mildew (Pseudoperonospora
cubensis—see above) and powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca
fuliginea) became a problem later in the season on cucumber
and pumpkin. Gummy stem blight (Didymella bryoniae) was
diagnosed frequently, particularly on watermelon. A few cases
of Phytophthora blight (Phytophthora capsici) were diagnosed
on pumpkin and winter squash.
Peppers. Bacterial spot (Xanthomonas campestris pv.
vesicatoria) was common on pepper. Few other pepper diseases
were observed.
Tomatoes. e foliar diseases early blight (Alternaria
solani) and Septoria leaf spot (Septoria lycopersici) were com-
mon in field production and home gardens. ese diseases plus
leaf mold (Fulvia fulva) were prevalent in greenhouse/high
tunnel systems. Timber rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) and
tobacco mosaic virus and tomato spotted wilt virus (see above)
were also common in structures. Late blight (Phytophthora
infestans) affected tomato plantings in certain areas (see above).
Other vegetables. Root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne
incognita) was seen frequently on potato, and severe scurf
(Monilochaetes infuscans) was diagnosed on sweet potato
from several locations.
Fruits and vegetables are high value crops. Because many
of them are new or expanding crops in Kentucky and involve
production systems unfamiliar to Kentucky growers, disease
diagnosis and management are even more critical. e PDDL
is an important resource for extension agents and the growers
they assist. e PDDL encourages county extension agents to
include in their programming the importance of accurate dis-
ease diagnosis and timely sample submission. e information
gained from diagnostic analyses will help improve production
practices and reduce disease occurrences and epidemics.
e PDDL relies on funds from the National Plant Diagnostic
Network and IPM grants to help defray some of the laboratory
operating costs.
Literature Cited
Bachi, P., J. Beale, D. Hershman, B. Kennedy, S. Long, K. Seebold,
P. Vincelli and N. Ward. 2014. Plant Diseases in Kentucky -
Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory Summary, 2013. U.K.
Department of Plant Pathology (in press).
Rootstock Eects on Apple and Peach Tree Growth and Yield
Dwight Wolfe, Doug Archbold, June Johnston, and Ginny Travis, Department of Horticulture
Although apple and peach are the principal tree fruits grown
in Kentucky, the hot and humid summers and heavy clay soils
make their production more difficult here than in some neigh-
boring tree fruit producing regions. e hot, humid summers
lead to high disease and insect pressure in Kentucky orchards.
Despite these challenges, orchards can offer high per-acre in-
come and are suitable for rolling hills and upland soils.
Identification of improved rootstocks and cultivars is
fundamental for advancing the Kentucky tree fruit industry.
For this reason, Kentucky cooperates with 39 other states and
three Canadian provinces in the Cooperative Regional NC-140
Project entitled “Improving Economic and Environmental Sus-
tainability in Tree Fruit Production through Changes in Root-
stock Use.” e NC-140 trials are critical to Kentucky growers,
allowing access to and testing of new rootstocks from around
the world. e detailed and objective evaluations allow growers
to select the most appropriate rootstocks for Kentucky.
e NC-140 orchards are research trials that also serve as
demonstration plots for visiting fruit growers, extension person-
nel, and researchers. e data collected from these trials helps
establish baseline production and economic records for the
various orchard system/rootstock combinations that can be
used by Kentucky fruit growers.
Materials and Methods
Grafts of known cultivars on the various rootstocks were
produced by nurseries on the West Coast and distributed to
cooperators. Kentuckys NC-140 rootstock plantings are lo-
cated at the UK Research and Education Center (UKREC) at
Princeton. ey are:
1. e 2009 peach rootstock trial compares fourteen root-
stocks with ‘Redhaven’ as the scion cultivar. Eight trees of
each rootstock were planted in a randomized complete
block design with eight replications (blocks). Trees were
planted in March 2009 on a 16 ft x 20 ft spacing.
2. e 2010 apple rootstock trial is a planting of ‘Aztec Fuji
apple on thirty-one different rootstocks with four blocks
per rootstock and up to three trees per rootstock per block.
It was planted in March 2010. e experimental design was
a randomized complete block design, and trickle irrigation
was installed a month after planting. Heavy spring rains
resulted in many of the graft unions sinking below ground
level. Many of the trees were dug up, reset, and allowed to
resettle through the summer. e heights of the graft unions
above the soil line now average five inches with a range of
from three to seven inches.
Orchard floor management for these trials consists of
6.5 ft bare ground, herbicide-treated strips with mowed sod
alleyways. Trees are fertilized and sprayed with pesticides
according to local recommendations (1, 2). Yield and trunk
circumference measurements are recorded for both trials and
trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) is calculated from the trunk
circumference measurements taken 12 inches above the graft
union for apple, and six inches above for peach. Cumulative
yield efficiency is the cumulative yield (total of all the annual
yields) divided by the current year’s trunk cross-sectional area
of the tree. e TCSA is an indicator of the proportion of nutri-
ent resources a tree is putting into fruit production relative to
vegetative growth. Tree height and canopy spread (the average
of the within-row and across-row tree widths) are recorded at
the end of the fifth and the final (usually the tenth) seasons of
each trial. Fruit size is calculated as the average weight (oz) per
fruit. All data is statistically analyzed using SAS v.9.3
Results and Discussion
e 2013 growing season in Kentucky started late with be-
low normal temperatures and above normal rainfall. Monthly
temperature averages were 6
F and 5°F above normal for
December and January, respectively. Temperatures were 6°F
below normal for March and 2°F below normal for July and
August. Princeton had 16 days at or above 90°F compared to
54 in 2012. Monthly precipitation averages across the state for
2013 were above normal for all but February and May. June and
July monthly averages were 1.6 and 1.8 inches above normal,
respectively. In Princeton, temperatures dipped to 29
F on the
mornings of April 2, 3, and 5, and just below freezing on April
20 and 25. Peaches bloomed and matured about 25 days later
than in 2012.
1. 2009 Peach Rootstock Trial
e first year yield data was collected from this trial was
in 2011 (4). e yield in that year was poor due to weather
conditions (hail damage, etc.) and the emergence of the cicada
brood XIX. Most of the peaches harvested would not have
been considered commercial quality even though they met
the commercial size requirements for this trial. In 2012, a crop
that was of commercial size and quality was harvested, in spite
of the early season and season-long drought. In 2013, the third
crop of peaches from this trial was harvested.
Mortality, Julian date of 90% bloom and 10% fruit maturity,
cumulative yield (2011-2013), yield (2013), size, number of
root suckers, trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA), and cumula-
tive yield efficiency varied significantly among the fourteen
rootstocks in this trial (Table 1). Trees on Bright’s Hybrid and
Viking have had the highest mortality rates, 50% and 25%, re-
spectively. e date of 90% bloom averaged less than two days
from first to last with scions on Bright’s Hybrid and Krymsk
86 being the earliest and those on P. americana and Controller
5 being the latest to reach 90% bloom. Fruit maturity was the
latest for scions on Lovell, and earliest by about six days for
scions on Krymsk1 and P. americana. Scions on P. americana
and Krymsk1 averaged the greatest number of root suckers, as
Table 1. 2013 results for the 2009 NC-140 peach rootstock planting, Princeton, KY.
(% lost)
Julian Date
of 90%
Julian Date
of 10%
of Root
(sq. in)
Cumulative Yield
(lbs/ sq in TCSA)
Microbac 0 99.6 192.6 113 55.7 6.7 9.6 17.9 6.39
Guardian 0 99.6 191.9 121 72.8 6.5 0.5 16.8 7.24
Krymsk 86 0 99.5 192.0 111 59.8 7.1 0.1 16.5 6.81
Viking 25 100.2 193.2 118 65.6 6.7 0.2 16.2 7.24
Bright’s Hybrid 50 99.5 191.3 77 27.5 6.6 0.5 15.9 4.83
Lovell 0 99.9 196.1 131 76.1 6.9 0.3 15.7 8.37
KV010-127 0 99.9 194.5 118 68.0 6.5 1.0 14.9 7.95
Atlas 0 100.0 190.8 144 89.3 7.1 0.0 14.8 9.37
KV010-123 12.5 100.3 192.6 126 77.4 7.0 0.4 14.4 8.80
HBOK 32 12.5 100.1 194.7 103 62.0 6.5 0.0 12.6 8.23
HBOK 10 0 100.0 192.6 104 65.8 7.0 0.0 11.4 8.94
Controller 5 0 100.9 190.6 87 46.0 6.3 0.0 10.5 8.52
P. americana 12.5 100.9 190.2 71 32.8 6.1 14.0 9.2 7.66
Krymsk 1 12.5 100.3 190.1 38 13.0 6.4 12.7 5.8 6.81
Mean 8.9 100.0 192.4 105 58.1 6.7 2.8 13.7 7.66
LSD (5%) 26.5 0.8 1.66 33 26.0 NS 4.5 2.3 2.13
Arranged in descending order of trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) for each rootstock.
Table 2. 2013 results for the 2010 NC-140 apple rootstock trial, Princeton, KY.
of Trees
(% lost)
Cumulative Yield
Number of
Root Suckers
(sq. in.)
Cumulative Yield
(lbs/sq in TCSA)
PiAu 9-90 4 0 15.0 7.7 5.1 2.9 9.5 2.04
B.70-20-20 12 0 16.7 10.6 5.1 3.8 9.4 1.80
PiAu 51-11 11 0 22.9 11.0 5.4 0.6 7.2 3.18
B.70-6-8 12 0 22.4 9.0 5.4 0.0 6.8 3.21
B.7-3-150 12 0 26.4 14.7 5.1 0.2 6.6 4.07
B.67-5-32 12 0 20.0 13.2 4.7 1.3 6.5 2.87
G.202 N 8 0 37.4 20.2 6.0 1.0 6.0 6.32
B.64-194 7 0 18.0 9.0 5.1 1.0 5.4 3.29
M.26 EMLA 11 0 27.9 15.2 6.0 0.1 5.3 5.21
G.5222 8 0 39.5 19.8 5.2 3.0 5.3 7.76
G.935 N 10 0 39.6 20.5 6.0 0.3 5.1 7.81
G.4814 4 0 31.0 16.3 5.2 6.5 5.0 6.05
G.3001 3 0 24.2 11.2 5.9 0.1 4.6 4.73
G.4004 4 0 27.5 20.7 5.2 1.3 4.5 6.12
M.9 Pajam2 9 11 24.0 15.2 5.8 8.7 4.4 5.17
G.935 TC 4 0 20.9 12.1 6.0 0.9 4.3 4.93
G.11 8 13 31.7 17.4 6.7 0.4 4.2 7.57
G.202 TC 12 0 26.8 13.2 5.7 0.7 4.2 6.56
Supp.3 5 0 30.4 18.3 7.8 0.5 4.0 7.74
M.9 NAKBT337 12 17 27.1 13.0 6.1 1.6 4.0 6.56
B.10 1 0 16.9 8.4 5.8 0.0 3.6 4.85
G.4013 2 0 6.1 4.4 4.3 0.0 3.2 1.89
G.4214 2 0 13.0 8.6 5.4 0.6 3.1 4.66
G.5087 4 0 20.2 12.1 4.9 0.2 3.0 6.07
G.41 TC 12 0 12.8 12.8 6.0 0.3 2.8 4.44
G.4003 7 0 18.7 9.9 5.7 0.2 2.3 8.19
G.41 N 3 0 9.0 5.9 5.0 0.4 2.1 4.30
B.9 12 8 6.2 3.1 5.9 2.1 1.5 3.87
G.2034 2 0 10.6 7.0 6.1 0.1 1.5 5.32
B.7-20-21 12 0 1.8 1.1 4.9 0.2 1.3 1.28
B.71-7-22 10 20 0.7 0.2 5.2 0.7 0.8 0.33
Means NA 3 20.7 11.7 5.6 1.3 4.4 4.78
LSD (0.05) NS NS 13.9 9.0 NS 3.3 1.7 2.77
Arranged in descending order of the fall trunk cross-sectional area (TCSA) for each rootstock.
they did in 2012. Microbac continues to be the most vigorous
rootstock and Krymsk 1 the least vigorous in this trial. Yield
per-tree was highest for scions on Atlas and lowest for scions on
Krymsk 1. Cumulative yield was highest for Atlas, but was not
significantly different from that of Lovell, KV010-123, Viking,
Guardian, KV010-127, Microbac, or Krymsk86. Scions on Atlas
also had the highest cumulative yield efficiency. Fruit size did
not differ significantly among rootstocks.
2. 2010 Apple Rootstock Trial
In 2013, no significant differences were observed for mor-
tality or average weight per fruit, but cumulative yield per tree
(2012-2013), yield per tree (2013), number of root suckers,
TCSA, and yield efficiency varied significantly among the 31
rootstocks (Table 2). Trees with PiAu 9-90 and B70-20-20 root-
stocks are the largest, and trees with B.7-20-21 and B.71.7-22
are the smallest. is was the second year that these trees were
harvested, and yield was greatest for scions on G.4004, G.935N,
and G.202N and lowest for B.7-20-21 and B.71-7-22. Root sucker
growth was highest for M.9 Pajam 2, followed by G.4814 and
B.70-20-20. G.4003, followed by G935N, G.5222, Supp.3, and
G.11 had the highest cumulative yield efficiency.
Literature Cited
1. Bessin, R.T., J.G. Strang, S. Wright, and N. Ward. 2013 Mid-
west Tree Fruit Spray Guide. University of Kentucky College
of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service, Publication
2. Midwest Tree Fruit Pest Management Handbook. Uni-
versity of Kentucky College of Agriculture Cooperative
Extension Service, Publication ID-93.
3. SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA.
Feasibility Study of Organic Apple Production in Kentucky
Doug Archbold, Mark Williams, John Strang, Department of Horticulture; and Ric Bessin, Department of Entomology
Nationally, there is a growing market for organically grown
apples. However, there are no research studies from the mid-
South that extension specialists can refer to that have identified
the challenges that organic apple growers in Kentucky might
face, or that have assessed currently recommended techniques
to address those challenges. Organic apple production tech-
niques (Hinman and Ames, 2011) have never been assessed
under Kentucky growing conditions. e challenges to organic
apple production in Kentucky and the mid-South need to be
clearly identified, so that solutions can be studied, developed,
and recommended. Existing and especially newly emerging
technologies may make organic apple production increasingly
To determine the feasibility of, and identify the challenges to
organic apple production in Kentucky, a high-density, certified
organic apple orchard was established in 2007 on the University
of Kentucky Horticultural Research Farm in Lexington. is
orchard was managed using organically certified techniques
and materials for disease and insect control since its inception.
is report summarizes the performance of the maturing trees
from 2011 through 2013.
Materials and Methods
Trees of the apple scab resistant cultivars ‘Redfree’, ‘Crimson
Crisp’ and ‘Enterprise’ on B9 rootstocks were planted in April
2007 in three rows. Each row contained four blocks of three
trees of each cultivar per block with border trees at both ends
of each row and a guard row of trees on both sides of the group
of three research rows. Trees were set at a 6 ft by 18.5 ft spacing
within and between rows, respectively. ere are a total of 215
trees on about a half acre. Trickle irrigation was installed soon
after planting. A grass groundcover was established between
rows, and the ground beneath the rows was periodically tilled
with a Weed Badger 4000-NST (Weed Badger Division, Marion,
ND 58466).
Each tree was staked to a metal pole in year 1. Trees were
pruned to a slender spindle until year 6 (2012). However, lower
branches were often pulled downwards due to their fruit load,
impeding weed tillage. us, in 2012 a low wire at 3 ft above the
ground was attached to the poles, and the lower branches and
trickle irrigation line were tied to it. In 2013, an upper wire was
attached at 5.5 ft above the ground and upper branches were
tied to it.
Trees were fertilized with Nature Safe fertilizer at 100 lb
N/A each spring and were sprayed with organically-approved
compounds which were reported and/or recommended for
controlling the major apple diseases and insect pests (Table 1).
Fruit were thinned by spraying a mixture of lime-sulfur plus
Organocide (fish oil/sesame oil), each at 2.5% v/v, at petal fall
across cultivars, followed by hand thinning.
Table 1. Organically approved compounds used for disease and insect
control, 2011-2013.
Diseases Compounds
reblight xed copper, streptomycin
apple scab, rusts, fruit rots,
sooty blotch, yspeck, leaf
spots, powdery mildew
Microthiol sulfur, lime sulfur, xed
copper, Regalia, Kaligreen
Insects Compounds
scale dormant oil
plum curculio, codling
moth, oriental fruit moth
Entrust, Surround, Carpovirusine, Neem
oil, codling moth pheromone mating
disruption lures
aphids, tarnished plant
bugs, leafrollers, stink bug
dogwood borers nematodes (Heterohabditis
e total and marketable yield and fruit count were recorded
for each tree. Fruit were considered marketable if they had no
significant disease or insect injury and were of acceptable size.
A spring freeze during bloom in 2012 reduced the expected
Results and Discussion
Total yield. e total yields included all fruit on the tree,
whether marketable or not. e total 2013 yields were higher
than those in 2011 and 2012. However, the lighter crop in 2012
due to the spring freeze likely contributed to a greater bloom
intensity in 2013 and thus a higher yield than in the previous
years. Enterprise had the greatest yield each year. Redfree yield
increased appreciably in 2013, while that of Crimson Crisp
did not.
Marketable yield. A portion of the crop was not market-
able each year, due to both insect and disease damage. Redfree
yielded the highest marketable percent of the total crop, around
70%. Crimson Crisp and Enterprise ranged from 40-55% and
42-48% over the three-year period, respectively. It is worth not-
ing that Redfree was the first cultivar harvested each season, in
early August, with the shortest time for exposure to diseases and
insects, and had the highest marketable yield each year. e data
suggest that disease resistant cultivars with earlier harvest dates
like Redfree may be more appropriate for organic production.
e marketable yields of Crimson Crisp and Enterprise must be
appreciably increased to make organic production with them
economically sustainable.
Fruit size. Fruit size was comparable within each cultivar in
2011 and 2013. However, the thinning effect of the spring freeze
led to a light crop with larger fruit for Redfree and Enterprise in
2012. Generally, Enterprise was the largest, followed by Crimson
Crisp, then Redfree.
It is clear that economically significant marketable organic
apple yields will not be easy to achieve, but critical limiting fac-
tors have been identified. As expected, the major limitations are
diseases and insects. Brown marmorated stink bug movement
into the area is expected to present problems as currently there
are no organically certified pesticides that effectively control
this insect. Fruit thinning with lime sulfur/fish+sesame oil plus
hand-thinning was successful. Weed management under the
trees with periodic, shallow tillage was successful once the lower
limbs were pulled up and away from the path of the equipment.
However, vole damage has continued to be a problem despite
cultivation to remove habitat. Fertility was sufficient. e proj-
ect will continue for a few more years to determine if total and
marketable yields can be increased as the trees age and with
modified and/or new insect and disease control strategies.
Hinman, T. and G. Ames. 2011. Apples: Organic Production
Guide. National Sustainable Agriculture Information Ser-
vice, National Center for Appropriate Technology, 40 pp.
e authors would like to thank Delia Scott, Neil Wilson,
and Nicole Ward for their hard work and assistance in this
Funding for this project was provided by a Kentucky Department of
Agriculture Specialty Crop Block Grant.
Table 2. Yield per tree and fruit size (mean ± SE) of organically-grown
apples at the Horticultural Research Farm, Lexington, Kentucky, 2011-
Cultivar Year
Yield (lbs/tree)
All MarketableTotal
(% of total)
Redfree 2011 4.9 ± 1.1 3.6 ± 0.7 (73) 4.1 ± 0.1 4.3 ± 0.1
2012 3.0 ± 0.5 2.0 ± 0.4 (67) 6.6 ± 0.3 7.0 ± 0.4
2013 13.4 ± 1.5 9.9 ± 1.2 (74) 4.1 ± 0.1 4.2 ± 0.1
2011 4.7 ± 0.9 1.9 ± 0.5 (40) 5.2 ± 0.2 5.7 ± 0.2
2012 7.1 ± 1.0 3.3 ± 0.5 (46) 4.8 ± 0.2 5.4 ± 0.2
2013 8.0 ± 0.7 4.4 ± 0.4 (55) 5.2 ± 0.1 5.4 ± 0.1
Enterprise 2011 9.1 ± 0.9 4.4 ± 0.7 (48) 6.8 ± 0.2 7.3 ± 0.2
2012 8.1 ± 1.1 3.5 ± 0.6 (43) 9.0 ± 0.4 9.4 ± 0.4
2013 18.4 ± 1.4 7.8 ± 0.8 (42) 7.7 ± 0.3 7.8 ± 0.2
The ‘Prime-Jan®’ and ‘Prime-Ark®45’ Thorny
Primocane-Fruiting Blackberry Trial
Kirk W. Pomper, Jeremiah D. Lowe, and Sheri B. Crabtree, College of Agriculture, Food Science, and Sustainable Systems, Kentucky State University;
John R. Clark, Department of Horticulture, University of Arkansas; and John G. Strang, Department of Horticulture, University of Kentucky
e climate of Kentucky is well-suited for blackberry pro-
duction Blackberry plants are unusual among fruit crops in
having perennial root systems but having biennial canes. ere
are two cane types: primocanes, or first year canes, which are
usually vegetative, and floricanes, which are the same canes and
flower and produce fruit the next growing season. Floricanes
then die after fruiting and need to be removed. Primocane-
fruiting blackberries can produce two crops per year, with a
normal summer crop (floricane) and a later crop on the current
season primocanes. Primocane-fruiting blackberries flower and
fruit from mid-summer until frost, depending on temperatures,
plant health, and location. Growers can reduce pruning costs by
mowing canes in late winter to obtain a primocane crop only.
is also provides anthracnose, cane blight and red-necked cane
borer control without pesticides. Relying only on a primocane
crop also avoids potential winter injury of floricanes.
e thorny primocane-fruiting blackberry varieties, ‘Prime-
Jim®’ and ‘Prime-Jan®,’ were released by the University of Arkan-
sas in 2004 (Clark et al., 2005; Clark, 2008). In Kentucky trials,
‘Prime-Jan®’ has higher yields and larger fruit than ‘Prime-Jim®’.
‘Prime-Ark®45’ was recently released for commercial produc-
tion, but has not been tested in Kentucky (Clark and Perkins-
Veazie, 2011). Fruit size and quality of primocane-fruiting
blackberries can be affected by the environment. Summer
temperatures above 85°F can greatly reduce fruit set, size and
quality on primocanes. is results in substantial reductions
in yield and fruit quality in areas with this temperature range
in summer and fall (Clark et al., 2005; Stanton et al., 2007). e
objective of this study is to compare yields and fruit quality of
‘Prime-Ark®45’and ‘Prime-Jan® under Kentucky growing condi-
tions. Here we report the results of the trial in its third year after
Materials and Methods
In April 2010, plants of the commercially available, thorny,
primocane-fruiting cultivars ‘Prime-Jan®’ and ‘Prime- Ark®45,
were planted at the KSU Research and Demonstration Farm,
in Frankfort, Kentucky. Plants were arranged in a randomized
complete block design, with four blocks, including five plants
of each cultivar per block (total of 20 plants of each cultivar) in
a 10 foot plot. Spacing was two feet between each plant, and
five feet between groups of five plants, with each row 125 feet
long. Rows were spaced 14 feet apart. is trial was planted on
certified organic land and managed with organic practices fol-
lowing the National Organic Program standards. Weeds were
controlled by placing a six- to eight-inch-deep layer of straw
around plants, adding straw when necessary, and hand weed-
ing. Plants were irrigated weekly with t-tape laid in the rows.
In 2013, dormant canes were mowed in mid-March. erefore,
only primocane fruit were harvested in 2013. Primocanes began
producing fruit in late July. ey were harvested each Monday
and ursday until a killing frost of 26°F on October 25.
Results and Discussion
Primocane fruit were harvested from late July until frost
in late October (Table 1). Primocane production of ‘Prime-
Ark®45’ out yielded ‘Prime-Jan®’ by almost a threefold margin,
and berry size was also larger for ‘Prime-Ark®45.’ Growing
conditions in 2013 were mild compared to 2012; there were
40 out of 122 days with a high temperature above 85°F from
June through September. e average high in July was 81.9°F.
In June 2012 there were three days that the temperature was
over 100°F and only five days with high temperatures below
85°F. e lower temperatures in 2013 led to a higher yield for
both varieties compared to 2012. e University of Arkansas
Blackberry Breeding Program already recommends that pro-
ducers plant ‘Prime-Ark®45’ instead of ‘Prime-Jan®,’ due to the
superior shipping quality of the firmer fruit of ‘Prime-Ark®45.
Year-to-year yield characteristics will need to be further evalu-
ated; however, the 2013 data suggests that in Kentucky ‘Prime-
Ark®45’ yields should be higher than ‘Prime-Jan®’ and similar to
some floricane varieties. ‘Prime-Ark®45’ should be considered
by commercial growers interested in producing primocane
fruiting blackberries.
Table 1. Yields and berry weights for
from the University of Arkansas Blackberry Breeding
Program at the Kentucky State University Research Farm, 2013.
Fruit Weight
‘Prime-Jan®’ 3.50 b
3305 b 7/18-10/22
‘Prime-Ark®45’ 4.69 a 8812 a 8/1-10/22
Numbers followed by the same letter are not signicantly dierent
(Least Signicant Dierence P ≤ 0.05)
Literature Cited
Clark, J.R., J. N. Moore, J. Lopez-Medina, C. Finn, P. Perkins-
Veazie. 2005. ‘Prime-Jan’ (‘APF-8’) and ‘Prime-Jim’ (‘APF-12’)
Primocane-fruiting Blackberries. HortScience, 40:852-855.
Clark, J.R. 2008. Primocane-fruiting Blackberry Breeding.
HortScience, 43:1637-1639.
Clark, J.R. and P. Perkins-Veazie. 2011. ‘APF-45’ Primocane-
fruiting Blackberry. HortScience April 2011 46:670-673.
Stanton, M.A., J.C. Scheerens, R.C. Funt, and J.R. Clark. 2007.
Floral Competence of Primocane-fruiting Blackberries
Prime-Jan and Prime-Jim Grown at ree Temperature
Regimens. HortScience, 42: 508-513.
Organic Grape Cultivar Evaluation Trial in Kentucky
Jeff Wheeler, Sean Lynch, Kristi Durbin, and Patsy Wilson, Department of Horticulture
Little if any grape acreage is dedicated to organic produc-
tion in Kentucky largely due to climatic conditions conducive
to recurring pest problems during the growing season. Grape
growers have expressed interest in organic production; however,
there are limited resources and recommendations for this type
of production system. Although organic grape production
methods have been developed in other regions, they have not
yet been tested under the climatic conditions of Kentucky. is
project has been initiated to study the challenges and limita-
tions to organic grape production in Kentucky and attempts
to identify crop protection strategies to maximize vineyard
outputs and vine health.
Materials and Methods
Two identical 0.5-acre experimental blocks were planted in
a randomized complete block design in the spring of 2011. One
block was treated with only OMRI-certified products (organic
block), while the other block (conventional block) received
a spray program consisting of non-OMRI-certified products
currently used to control vineyard pests in most commercial
Kentucky vineyards. Cultivars used in this experiment were
chosen due to their reduced susceptibility to black rot and tol-
erance to sulfur-based fungicides traditionally used to control
powdery mildew in organic production systems. Initial vineyard
site preparation consisted of spading a 4-foot-wide area directly
under each vine row, while allowing natural vegetation to serve
as a ground cover in the row middles. Immediately following
spading in the spring of 2011 vines were established at a vine-
row spacing of 10 feet between rows and 8 feet within each row.
Vines were trained to a 6-foot-high bilateral cordon training
system during the 2011 and 2012 seasons. All but the strongest
cane developed during the 2011 season was removed during
dormant pruning in March 2012 with this cane serving as the
newly established vine trunk. e two strongest shoots arising
from this newly established trunk were trained to the fruiting
wire in 2012.
Herbicides were used to control weeds in the conventional
block; mechanical tillage was used to control weeds in the or-
ganic block using a Weed Badger. Two applications of glyphosate
were applied as an in-row banded spray to the conventional
block in both May and July to prevent the herbicide spray from
contacting the vine foliage; grow tubes were applied around
each vine immediately before spraying and were then removed
the following day. Five tillage passes per year were required to
adequately control weeds directly under each vine row of the
organic block. Although more passes were required to control
weeds in the organic block, this block did not require the appli-
cation or removal of grow tubes used in the conventional block,
thus resulting in a significant savings in both labor and materi-
als required to control in-row weeds. Weed control through
mechanical cultivation generally resulted in a more uniform
and pleasing appearance; the herbicide application appeared
scorched and less uniform. Fertilization was not necessary in
either the conventional or organic grape planting.
In order to reduce vine stress during initial vineyard es-
tablishment, all flower clusters were removed as soon as they
appeared in both 2011 and 2012. Cluster thinning was done
shortly after fruit set in 2013. Vines showing sufficient vigor
were allowed to carry one cluster per shoot on shoots derived
from canes tied to fruiting wire.
Results and Discussion
Between treatment blocks there were few dierences in
vine vegetative vigor when considering either average shoot
length or average number of nodes per shoot in 2011. After the
first vintage, the average length of the newly established trunk
measured 43 inches at dormant pruning in both the organic
and conventional blocks. Differences in vine vigor were more
apparent during the 2012 growing season with organically
treated vines appearing to have significantly higher vigor than
the vines in the conventional block. is increase in vine vigor
allowed for nearly full establishment of the fruiting wire, while
many vines in the conventional block failed to completely fill
the same space. Differences in vine vigor during the 2012 season
can likely be attributed to the effectiveness of the mechanical
weed control as compared to the herbicide control used in the
conventional block.
Improved vine vigor and vine size expressed by vines in the
organic block during the 2012 season should have resulted in a
larger yield in 2013, the third growing season. However, due to
above average spring and summer rainfall, fruit yield was sub-
stantially limited by black rot infections that occurred on fruit
in the organic block during the 2013 growing season (Tables 1
and 2). Although harvested fruit from the conventional block
expressed marked reductions in cluster rot incidence and sever-
ity, vines were less vigorous than vines in the organic block and
required higher level of cluster thinning which reduced the total
number of clusters and total yield per vine (Tables 1 and 2).
Fungicides were applied prophylactically to the Conven-
tional vines during the 2011-2013 seasons, according to the
protocols established in the Midwest Commercial Small Fruit
and Spray Guide (ID-94). No fungicides were applied to vines
located in the organic block in 2011-2012; copper and sulfur-
based fungicides were used to control powdery and downy
mildew in 2013. ere were no visual signs of fruit or foliar
diseases on vines planted in the conventional block during the
2011-2013 seasons (Table 3). Likewise, there were no significant
signs of foliar disease observed in the organic block during the
relatively dry seasons of 2011 and 2012 (Table 3). During the
2013 season frequent early rains resulted in commercially unac-
ceptable levels of black rot infections on fruit of several cultivars
planted in the organic block including Traminette, Villard blanc,
Mars, Noiret, Corot Noir, and Valvin Muscat (Table 2). Less
black rot was observed on cultivars: Brianna, Cayuga White,
Edelweiss, Vanessa, and Villard Noir; however, fruit damage
caused by June beetles on these cultivars was substantial (Table
is study has shown the potential advantages of using
organic production practices during establishment of disease
resistant cultivars adapted to the climate of Kentucky. Although
there was a limited need for fungicide application to treat com-
mon foliar diseases during the relatively dry 2011-2012 seasons,
control of foliar and fruit diseases was less than ideal on some
vines receiving organic fungicide treatments in the wet 2013
vintage. Of the cultivars used during this experiment, Brianna,
Cayuga White, Edelweiss, Vanessa, and Villard Noir appear to
be the most promising cultivars for organic grape production in
Kentucky. Further investigation will need to be done to monitor
the long-term performance of such cultivars to determine the
economic potential these may have for Kentucky vineyards.
Table 1. Yield components for the 2013 organic winegrape cultivar
trial, UK Horticulture Research Farm.
Yield per
Foot of
08/07 0.2 0.1 3.7 - 0.12
08/26 2.8 1.3 3.4 69 0.32
Corot Noir 09/06 1.3 0.7 3.6 85 0.22
08/07 0.3 0.1 3.6 - 0.14
Mars 08/16 0.0 0.0 4.1 100 -
Noiret 08/19 0.0 0.0 3.7 100 -
Traminette/101-14 09/25 0.0 0.0 3.9 100 -
Valvin Muscat/5C
09/25 0.0 0.0 4.3 100 -
Vanessa 08/16 0.0 0.0 3.3 100 -
Villard Blanc 09/25 0.0 0.0 4.2 100 -
Villard Noir
09/07 0.7 0.5 3.7 73 0.28
08/07 0.5 0.3 3.7 - 0.17
08/15 1.2 0.8 3.5 17 0.67
Corot Noir 09/06 1.4 0.8 3.7 5 0.62
08/06 0.7 0.5 3.9 - 0.38
Mars 08/13 1.0 0.9 4.1 45 0.48
Noiret 09/16 0.8 0.5 4.2 2 0.48
Traminette/101-14 09/06 0.4 0.5 5.0 38 0.40
Valvin Muscat/5C
- - - 4.3 - -
Vanessa 08/16 0.0 0.0 3.2 100 -
Villard Blanc 09/17 1.5 1.1 4.7 0 0.73
Villard Noir
09/20 1.0 0.7 4.0 16 0.49
Yield per acre calculated using 8ft x 10ft vine/row spacing, with 545 vines
per acre.
Total yield divided by the total length of cordon = yield per linear foot of
Total number of shoots divided by the total length of cordon = shoots
per linear foot of cordon.
Percentage of harvested clusters having ≥ 30% damage
Guard row varieties
Table 2. Fruit damage rating August 21st, 2013, organic cultivar
trial, UK Horticulture Research Farm.
Black Rot June Beetle
Cayuga 10 20 18 58
Corot Noir 93 38 30 36
Traminette/101-14 100 98 2 8
Valvin Muscat/5C 98 98 0 0
Villard Blanc 100 88 2 9
Villard Noir 11 9 20 27
Instance: Percentage of all clusters with any amount of damage
Severity: Percentage of damage on individual clusters
Table 3. Foliar disease rating September
28th, 2013, organic cultivar trial, UK
Horticulture Research Farm.
Cultivar Severity
Corot Noir 1.8 2.0
Mars 2.4 3.9
Noiret 1.7 1.5
Traminette 1.1 1.4
Vanessa 2.4 3.7
Villard Blanc 1.0 1.0
Corot Noir 1.0 1.0
Mars 1.5 1.0
Noiret 1.0 1.0
Traminette 0.5 0.5
Vanessa 1.5 1.5
Villard Blanc 1.0 1.0
Severity: 0 to 5 (O = No Damage à 5 =
Leaves Completely Damaged (chlorotic/
Percentage: 0 = 0%, 1 = 1-25%, 2 = 26-
50%, 3 = 51-75%, 4 = 76-99%, 5= 100%
Leafhoppers Associated with Newly Established
Primocane Blackberry and Raspberry Plantings in Central Kentucky
John D. Sedlacek, Jeannie M. Haak, Karen L. Friley, Kirk W. Pomper, Jeremiah D. Lowe and Sheri B. Crabtree, College of Agriculture, Food Science, and
Sustainable Systems, Kentucky State University
Growing blackberries and raspberries can be profitable in
Kentucky due to the long summers, warm temperatures and
the demand for locally produced fruit. One of the limiting
factors for high yields is insect pest damage. Some insects and
mites that damage foliage include leafhoppers, spider mites,
raspberry aphids, leaf rollers, climbing cutworms, blackberry
psyllid, western winter moth, raspberry sawfly, stink bugs, scale
insects, white flies, and thrips (Pritts 1991).
Leafhoppers (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) damage the plants
by feeding on their leaves, causing shoot tip distortion, leaf
margin curling, and yellowing leaves. Leafhoppers can also be
vectors of plant pathogens, causing a variety of diseases. Rubus
stunt is a leafhopper-transmitted disease found in wild and
cultivated Rubus plants in Europe, the Middle East, and Russia
(Converse 1991). It has not been found in North America, but
the primary leafhopper vector Macropsis fuscula occurs in
the western United States (Converse 1991).
Kentucky State University (KSU) horticulture personnel
are examining the suitability of newly released primocane
fruiting blackberries and raspberries in central Kentucky. is
study quantifies leafhoppers during a five-week period in mid-
summer 2012 in central Kentucky.
Materials and Methods
Bushes of six varieties of blackberry and raspberry were
obtained from Indiana Berry and Plant Company (Plymouth,
Indiana). e varieties were Black Magic™, Caroline, Fall Gold,
Heritage, Nantahala, and Prime Ark 45
. ese plants were given
to growers in early June at five sites in three Kentucky counties:
Fayette, Franklin, and Shelby. All varieties were also planted
and sampled at the KSU Research Farm (Frankfort, KY). Each
site had 15 plants of each variety except the Montessori school
which had 10 total plants.
Insects for sampling were caught on sticky traps. irty-one
6 x 6 inch yellow sticky traps were stapled to tobacco stakes close
to the main cane of the blackberry or raspberry plants. Traps
were removed from stakes and placed into one gallon plastic
storage bags and labeled with location name, sample number,
date, and variety. ey were then placed into a freezer for a
minimum of 24 hours to kill live insects. Samples were taken
weekly at each site and each variety at each location.
Traps were inspected with a Bausch & Lomb lighted mag-
nifier and Nikon binocular dissecting microscope. Species
and species groups (i.e., unidentifiable species within a genus)
were assigned a reference number, counted, and recorded.
Dr. Paul Freytag, Professor Emeritus, University of Kentucky
Department of Entomology, was consulted concerning species
identifications. e leafhoppers of Illinois, (Eurymelinae-
Balcluthinae)and e Nearctic leafhoppers (Homoptera:
Cicadellidae)were used as taxonomic keys (DeLong 1948;
Oman 1949).
irty-nine species and species groups were found over
the five-week period (Table 1). A total of 20,818 leafhoppers
were caught. Four leafhoppers comprised 90% of the total
catch. Agallia constricta was most abundant (68%), Cuerna
costalis represented 9% of the total, Graphocephala spp. (7%),
and Draeculacephala spp. (6%) (Figure 1). KSU Farm had the
most leafhoppers trapped. is may be because the bramble
test plot was near other blackberry and raspberry plantings that
were previously established, and these could have contributed
to the larger number of leafhoppers trapped at this location.
Agallia constricta is a light brown, straw to greenish-tinged
leafhopper 3.4 – 3.8 mm in length (Amgueddfa Cymru 2010a).
It can be distinguished by two spots on its vertex and two spots
on its pronotum. It can be a vector for the potato yellow dwarf
virus and is commonly found in the Southeastern United States
(Amgueddfa Cymru 2010a).
Table 1. Leafhopper species/species
groups caught in/near brambles in
three central Kentucky counties.*
Cuerna costalis
Agallia constricta
Graphocephala spp.
Draeculacephala spp.
Endria/Flexamia spp.
Erythroneura spp.
Scaphoideus spp.
Paraulacizes irrorata
Novellina seminuda
Stirellus bicolor
Empoasca spp.
Deltocephalus spp.
Polyamia sp.
Balclutha sp.
Chlorotettix sp.
Scaphytopius frontalis
Paraphlepsius sp.
Aceratagallia sp.
Tylozygus bidus
Collandonus sp.
Gyponana spp.
Japananus spp.
Flexamia spp.
Spangbergiella sp.
15 additional species were unidentied.
Cuerna costalis has a yellow or white stripe on the sides,
red and black legs, and grows to about 8.4 mm in length
(Amgueddfa Cymru 2010b). It has two generations per year
and overwinters in Kentucky (Amgueddfa Cymru 2010b). is
leafhopper feeds on the xylem fluid of plants and is a known vec-
tor for phony peach disease and Pierce’s disease (grape) and has
been found in the United States in the northern, southern, and
mid-western states. It has also been found in Ontario, Canada
(Amgueddfa Cymru 2010b).
Graphocephala spp. are 6.7 to 8.4 mm long, striped leaf-
hoppers, commonly known as “sharpshooters.” ey may have
stripes in varying shades of red, green, blue, and yellow, with
no more than two colors present (Amgueddfa Cymru 2010c).
Similar to Draeculacephala spp. in size and coloration, it has
been found in southern and midwestern United States. Feeding
by large numbers can cause leaf scorch (Amgueddfa Cymru
Draeculacephala spp. are commonly called “dragon
heads” because of their long, conical heads. ey range from
5.5 – 9 mm in length and are green and bright to faded blue.
Draeculacephala can live for about 100 days and are abundant
throughout the United States and Canada (Amgueddfa Cymru
Fortunately, Macropsis fuscula was not collected in this
study. However, it is important to continue to survey leafhop-
pers in Kentucky to determine if this vector of rubus stunt has
become established. We will continue sampling blackberry
plantings for this insect.
Figure 1. Percentages of the four most abundant leafhopper species by overall trap count .
Draeculacephala spp., 6%
Agallia constricta, 68%
Graphocephala ssp., 7%
Other spp., 10%
Cuerna costals, 9%
Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales. 2010a.
Species Account: Agallia constricta. http://naturalhis-
Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales. 2010b. Species
Account: Cuerna costalis.
Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales. 2010c. Species
Account: Graphocephala versuta. http://naturalhis-
Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales. 2010d. Spe-
cies Account: Draeculacephala crassicornis. http://
DeLong, D. M. 1948. e leafhoppers of Illinois (Eurymelinae-
Balcluthinae). Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 24
Oman, P. W. 1949. e Nearctic leafhoppers (Homoptera:
Cicadellidae). A generic classification and check list. Wash-
ington Entomological Society Memoirs 3: 1-253.
Pritts, M.P. 1991. Introduction. Ellis, M.A., R.H. Converse, R.N.
Williams, and B. Williamson (Eds.) Compendium of Rasp-
berry and Blackberry Diseases and Insects. APS Press, 1-2.
Wine and Seedless Table Grape Cultivar Evaluation Trial
Jeff Wheeler, Sean Lynch, Kristi Durbin, and Patsy Wilson, Department of Horticulture
e climate in Kentucky is well suited to produce a variety
of wine and table grape cultivars. However, spring frosts, winter
temperature fluctuations and long, warm, humid summers pose
challenges to growing grapes in Kentucky. Successful produc-
tion requires proper cultural practices and matching cultivar
and rootstock to a specific site. e primary types of grapes
grown in Kentucky are Vitis vinifera (European), interspecific
hybrids, and Vitis aestavalis (Norton). V. vinifera cultivars of-
ten produce more desirable wines than the interspecific hybrids
and Norton and potentially have the highest economic gain for
grape growers and wine makers. However, V. vinifera cultivars
are more susceptible to winter injury and diseases, often result-
ing in a lower yield and increased labor inputs. A cultivar trial
consisting of table, interspecific hybrid, and V. vinifera grape
cultivars was conducted to assess and improve fruit and wine
quality through cultural management, and rootstock and clone
selection. e following research update provides the 2013
season production and cultivar performance results.
Materials and Methods
Two research vineyards were planted in the spring of 2006
at the University of Kentucky Horticulture Research Farm in
Lexington, Kentucky. Vineyard one consists of five table-grape
and 20 American/hybrid cultivars. Each cultivar in vineyard one
has four replications with three vines per replication (12 vines
total) in a randomized complete block design. All cultivars were
planted at 545 vines/acre (8 ft between vines and 10 ft between
rows) and trained to a 6-foot single high wire bilateral cordon.
Vines were planted as own-rooted vines with the exception of
Chambourcin, Chardonel, Vidal bBlanc and Traminette that
were additionally planted on the rootstocks 101-14, 3309 and
5C, respectively. In 2008 own-rooted Chambourcin, Frontenac
Gris, and Marquette were added to this planting. Vineyard two
was established in 2006 and consists of 15 European cultivars
(Vitis vinifera) and 21 different clones. Each cultivar and clone
has four replications with four vines per replication (16 vines
total) in a randomized complete block design. All vines were
planted on the rootstock 101-14, spaced at 622 vines/acre
(7 ft between vines and 10 ft between rows) and trained to
bilateral cordons located 36 inches from ground level. Shoots
were trained to a modified ballerina system with downward-
positioned shoots allowed to grow on the east side of the trel-
lis. In 2008 the V. vinifera cultivars Cabernet Sauvignon #8,
Malbec, Petite Verdot, Rkatsitelli, Touriga, Tinto Cao, and Pinot
Noir were added to this planting.
Standard commercial cultural management practices
were used in both vineyards. In March 2013 vines were spur
pruned to retain approximately six count buds per linear foot
of vineyard row. No herbicide or tillage was utilized to control
winter annual weeds. Summer annual weeds were controlled
with a single banded application of post-emergent herbicide
(glyphosate) in July and followed by a single spot spray where
necessary. Vines expressed normal to high vigor and no fertilizer
was applied during the 2013 growing season. Disease and pest
control were in accordance with the Midwest Commercial
Small Fruit and Grape Spray Guide (ID-94).
Crop and vine balance were achieved by shoot thinning to
four to six shoots per foot of cordon (V. vinifera) and five to
seven shoots per foot of cordon (hybrid) in mid-May and cluster
thinned to appropriate crop loads post-fruit set (berries bb size).
Bird netting was only applied to the hybrid block in the 2013
growing season due to reduced bird feeding. Fruit maturity and
harvest dates were determined by taking 100-berry samples
starting at veraison to monitor the progression of total soluble
solids (TSS) (Atago Digital Refractometer), pH (Hannah 222
pH meter) and titratable acidity (TA) (end point titration of pH
8.2 using 0.100 N sodium hydroxide) until harvest. Each vine
was harvested separately to determine the number of clusters
and yield/vine. A final 100-berry sample was taken at harvest to
determine fruit chemistry (TSS, pH and TA) and berry weight.
Results and Discussion
e 2013 vintage was largely defined by cooler temperatures
and above average rainfall, especially during June, July, and
August in which rainfall totals were nearly twice the historical
average. Above average rainfall required diligent canopy man-
agement and timely fungicide applications to reduce damage
caused by fungal pathogens. Downy mildew was especially
difficult to control on late ripening cultivars carrying a larger
than average crop. For most cultivars both cluster size and the
number of clusters per shoot were larger than average resulting
in large yields despite appropriate shoot and cluster thinning
(Tables 1-3). Although the average yield for all white hybrid
cultivars was nearly 7.5 tons per acre, fruit composition values
were held within a commercially acceptable range (Tables 1 and
4). Larger than average yields, cool temperatures, and above
average rainfall delayed harvest dates and led to lower than
average sugar accumulation and higher than normal Titratable
Acidity (Tables 4-6). Cool weather also delayed veraison, which
seemed to reduce the severity of fruit damage caused by June
beetles typically attracted to soft ripening fruit. Cooler, slower
ripening conditions produced white wines with exceptional
aroma and acid structure; however these conditions also led
to less than ideal phenolic maturity of late ripening red grape
cultivars, especially on cultivars suffering from over-cropping
and intense downy mildew pressure. Despite larger than aver-
age rainfall, cluster rot severity was low for all cultivars except
Riesling, which had nearly 30% culled clusters (Table 3). e
only other yield loss to vineyard pests was bird damage to early
ripening red cultivars Frontenac, Foch, GR7, and Marquette,
where yields were reduced from 45% to 73% (Table 1).
e effects of rootstocks on vine performance are becom-
ing more apparent as vines become older and are subjected to
more stress. When compared to corresponding own rooted
vines, Chardonel, Traminette, and Vidal blanc vines planted on
rootstock have all maintained larger overall vine size resulting in
larger berry size, cluster size and yield per acre (Tables 1 and 4).
is increase in productivity has not been detrimental to fruit
composition at harvest, suggesting that rootstocks may help
maintain long-term vine productivity in Kentucky vineyards.
e vineyards at the University of Kentucky Horticulture Re-
search Farm are planted in an excellent site where most varieties
can reach full production potential. Not all sites in Kentucky will
be able to consistently produce an economically viable crop of all
varieties. It is imperative to evaluate each grape growing site and
match variety and rootstock to that specific site.
This project was funded by the Kentucky Agriculture Development
Board through a grant to the Kentucky Vineyard Society.
Table 1. Yield components for the American/hybrid winegrape cultivar
trial, UK Horticulture Research Farm, Lexington, KY, 2013.
Cultivar /Rootstock
Yield per
Foot of
NY76.084 08/23 6.7 3.3 5.5 4 0.37
Cayuga 08/26 8.5 4.2 5.3 2 0.56
Seyval blanc 09/04 5.5 4.6 5.2 19 0.93
Vignoles 09/04 2.8 1.4 5.6 14 0.23
Chardonel/C-3309 09/09 11.4 5.7 5.1 2 1.00
Chardonel/OR 09/09 7.0 3.5 4.6 5 0.75
Vidal blanc/5C 09/30 10.3 5.3 4.5 6 0.87
Vidal blanc/OR 09/30 8.5 4.2 4.5 5 0.78
Villard 09/16 8.9 4.6 4.8 0 0.68
Traminette 09/11 6.0 3.0 5.6 0 0.34
Traminette/5C 09/11 7.1 3.6 5.4 3 0.41
Frontenac Gris 08/30 1.8 0.9 5.3 30 0.21
Marquette 08/30 1.9 1.0 5.6 47 0.15
Foch 09/04 1.0 0.5 5.7 73 0.10
Corot Noir 09/04 9.2 4.5 4.4 2 0.69
Frontenac 09/23 1.4 0.7 4.9 71 0.19
GR7 09/09 2.4 1.2 5.4 45 0.20
Chancellor 09/20 7.1 3.5 5.7 4 0.41
Noiret 09/16 4.0 2.0 4.1 3 0.36
Chambourcin/101-14 10/14 8.1 4.4 4.2 2 0.72
Chambourcin/OR 10/14 2.1 1.4 5.2 0 0.49
Norton 10/21 8.6 4.1 6.6 1 0.29
St. Vincent 10/14 11.3 5.6 5.2 0 0.73
Yield per acre calculated using 8ft x 10ft vine/row spacing, with 545 vines per
Total yield divided by the total length of cordon = yield per linear foot of
Total number of shoots divided by the total length of cordon = shoots per
linear foot of cordon.
Percentage of harvested clusters having ≥ 30% damage.
Table 2. Yield components for the seedless table grape cultivar trial,
UK Horticulture Research Farm, Lexington, KY, 2013.
Yield per
Per Foot
of Cordon
Einset 08/06 2.0 1.1 4.7 51 0.24
Reliance 08/13 3.3 1.9 5.7 61 0.56
Jupiter 08/13 2.3 1.2 5.8 80 0.30
Marquis 08/30 3.9 2.0 4.9 14 0.62
Neptune 09/11 6.1 3.2 5.1 0 0.75
Yield per acre calculated using 8ft x 10ft vine/row spacing, with 545 vines
per acre.
Total yield divided by the total length of cordon = yield per linear foot of
Total number of shoots divided by the total length of cordon = shoots
per linear foot of cordon.
Percentage of harvested clusters having ≥ 30% damage.
Table 4. Fruit composition for the American/hybrid winegrape cultivar trial,
UK Horticulture Research Farm, Lexington, KY, 2013.1
Cultivar/Rootstock 100 Berry Wt. (lb) TSS
(%) Juice pH TA
NY76.084 0.44 16 3.0 0.90
Cayuga 0.75 18.3 3.2 0.82
Seyval blanc 0.49 20.3 3.4 0.67
Frontenac Gris 0.23 24 3.4 0.67
Vignoles 0.42 23.4 3.2 1.29
Chardonel/C-3309 0.58 19.5 3.2 1.18
Chardonel/OR 0.57 21.0 3.2 0.77
Vidal/5C 0.55 19.2 3.7 0.78
Vidal/OR 0.42 20.4 3.6 0.77
Villard 0.66 21.8 3.3 0.72
Traminette 0.46 20.8 3.4 0.67
Traminette/5C 0.45 20.7 3.5 0.83
Marquette 0.23 26.5 3.2 0.64
Foch 0.30 22.1 3.4 0.66
Corot Noir 0.59 16.4 3.6 0.58
Frontenac 0.26 24.5 3.6 1.47
GR7 0.41 21.1 3.5 0.67
Chancellor 0.47 21.8 3.5 0.75
Noiret 0.51 19.2 3.4 0.81
Chambourcin/101-14 0.62 22.7 3.7 0.76
Chambourcin/OR 0.57 22.5 3.7 0.86
Norton 0.32 22.0 3.8 1.28
St. Vincent 0.82 20.3 3.4 0.95
Fruit samples were collected and analyzed on harvest dates listed in Table 1.
TSS = total soluble solids measured as °Brix in juice.
TA = Titratable acidity measured as grams of tartaric acid per liter of juice.
Table 3. Yield components for the vinifera winegrape cultivar trial, UK Horticulture
Research Farm, Lexington, KY, 2013.
Yield per
Per Foot of
Pinot Grigio #146 09/01 4.6 2.7 5.3 6 0.33
Pinot Grigio #152 09/01 4.9 5.6 9.4 7 0.34
Pinot Grigio #4 09/01 5.3 2.8 5.1 3 0.34
Chardonnay #15 09/18 5.8 3.3 4.8 0 0.37
Chardonnay #37 09/18 4.5 2.6 4.8 2 0.34
Chardonnay #4 09/18 7.0 3.9 4.7 1 0.52
Chardonnay #43 09/18 6.2 3.1 4.9 3 0.37
Chardonnay #76 09/18 4.6 2.6 5.1 6 0.35
Viognier 09/17 8.5 4.9 5.4 0 0.49
Rkatsiteli 09/23 5.0 3.8 5.2 0 0.59
Riesling #12 09/20 4.7 2.6 5.1 25 0.36
Riesling #17 09/20 4.1 2.3 4.9 31 0.39
Riesling #9 09/20 4.6 2.4 4.8 33 0.38
Limberger 09/30 9.1 5.0 4.5 0 0.62
Petite Verdot #2 09/30 4.3 3.0 4.9 1 0.28
Tinto Cao 10/15 6.6 4.5 4.6 0 0.46
Touriga 09/20 6.0 3.4 5.2 0 0.29
Cabernet Franc #214 10/15 8.9 4.6 5.5 2 0.49
Cabernet Franc #312 10/15 8.6 4.6 5.3 18 0.61
Cabernet Franc #4 10/15 6.6 3.7 5.7 21 0.51
Cabernet Franc #5 10/15 10.0 5.4 5.6 7 0.60
Cabernet Sauvignon #337 10/15 8.1 3.9 5.0 2 0.46
Cabernet Sauvignon #8 10/15 7.7 4.0 5.4 0 0.40
Yield per acre calculated using 7ft x 10ft vine/row spacing, with 622 vines per acre.
Total yield divided by the total length of cordon = yield per linear foot of cordon.
Total number of shoots divided by the total length of cordon = shoots per linear foot
of cordon.
Percentage of harvested clusters having ≥ 30% damage
Table 5. Fruit Composition for the seedless table
grape cultivar trial, UK Horticulture Research Farm,
Lexington, KY, 2013.1
Einset 0.60 20.6 3.3 0.57
Reliance 0.57 17.7 3.1 0.85
Jupiter 0.97 19.3 3.5 0.67
Marquis 1.30 18.6 3.5 0.65
Neptune 1.10 20.7 3.4 0.80
Fruit samples were collected and analyzed on
harvest dates listed in Table 2.
TSS = total soluble solids measured as °Brix in juice.
T.A. = Titratable acidity measured as grams of
tartaric acid per liter of juice.
Table 6. Fruit Composition for the vinifera winegrape
cultivar trial, UK Horticulture Research Farm, Lexington,
KY, 2013.
Cultivar/Clone #
Wt. (lb)
Pinot Grigio #146 0.26 18.3 3.4 0.59
Pinot Grigio #152 0.27 18.0 3.5 0.57
Pinot Grigio #4 0.28 18.2 3.3 0.56
Chardonnay #15 0.40 20.4 3.8 0.72
Chardonnay #37 0.41 20.5 3.8 0.68
Chardonnay #4 0.42 20.8 3.7 0.89
Chardonnay #43 0.41 20.5 3.9 0.69
Chardonnay #76 0.40 20.6 3.9 0.65
Viognier 0.28 19.9 3.9 0.65
Rkatsiteli 0.47 17.8 3.4 0.71
Riesling #12 0.42 19.7 3.5 0.57
Riesling #17 0.41 17.2 3.6 0.56
Riesling #9 0.44 17.0 3.3 0.56
Limberger 0.46 17.4 3.6 0.62
Petite Verdot #2 0.28 22.0 3.6 0.65
Tinto Cao 0.41 20.3 4.0 0.51
Touriga 0.48 19.8 3.6 0.51
Cabernet Franc #214 0.45 21.6 4.0 0.45
Cabernet Franc #312 0.46 21.4 4.1 0.47
Cabernet Franc #4 0.48 21.5 4.0 0.44
Cabernet Franc #5 0.50 20.7 4.0 0.42
Cabernet Sauvignon #337 0.41 19.8 4.0 0.51
Cabernet Sauvignon #8 0.41 20.7 3.9 0.53
Fruit samples were collected and analyzed on harvest
dates listed in Table 3.
TSS = total soluble solids measured as °Brix in juice.
T.A. = Titratable acidity measured as grams of tartaric acid
per liter of juice.
Rabbiteye Blueberry Variety Evaluation, 2013
Chris Smigell, John Strang and John Snyder, Department of Horticulture
is trial was established to evaluate rabbiteye blueberry
(Vaccinium ashei Reade) and southern highbush blueberry
(V. corymbosum L.) variety adaptation to central Kentucky
growing conditions. ese blueberry types typically have
shorter chilling requirements and may bloom earlier than
highbush blueberries, making them more prone to spring
frost injury. Rabbiteye blueberries are less winter hardy
than highbush and most southern highbush blueberries.
However they are less sensitive to higher soil pH and fruit
later in the season allowing for fruit season extension.
Materials and Methods
e blueberries were planted at the Horticultural Research
Farm in Lexington in the spring 2004. Plants were acquired from
Fall Creek Nursery, Lowell, OR; Finch Nursery, Bailey, NC; De-
Grandchamps Farm, South Haven, MI; and Dr. Jim Ballington
at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Most of the
highbush and southern highbush varieties were removed from
the trial in 2011.
Plants were set on raised beds of Maury silt loam soil
into which peat and composted pine bark mulch had been
incorporated and the soil pH had been adjusted from 5.6 to
4.6 by applying 653 lb of sulfur per acre. Seventy pounds of
phosphorus, as triple super phosphate was applied per acre and
incorporated into the field prior to bed shaping and planting.
Five replications of individual plant plots were set in rows run-
ning east to west in a randomized block design. e southern
highbush and highbush plants were randomized together at
one end of the planting and spaced 4 ft apart in the row with
12 ft between rows. e rabbiteye blueberries were planted at
the other end with 6 ft between plants and 12 ft. between rows.
All plants were mulched with a three-foot-wide, six-inch-deep
layer of wood chips. Plants have been fertilized yearly with
Scott’s Osmocote Plus 5-6 month controlled release (15-9-12)
fertilizer that contains six trace elements and magnesium at
the rate of 1 oz per plant in March, April, May, June, and July.
Fungicide applications included lime sulfur, Rally, and Captan.
Herbicides for weed control included Surflan, Roundup, and
Rely. All chemicals were applied as per recommendations in
the Midwest Small Fruit and Grape Spray Guide (ID-94).
Fruit were harvested on 23 June, 6 July, and 11 July. Twenty
five berries from each plant were weighed to determine aver-
age berry size at each harvest, and fruit were rated for taste and
appearance several times during the season.
Rainfall was above normal in January, below normal in
February and March, and above normal in April and May.
Monthly temperature averages were 6 and 5°F above normal
for December and January, respectively. e average tem-
perature in March was 6 degrees below normal, and for the
rest of the season temperatures generally ran below normal.
A freeze occurred on the morning of 2 April 2013. e
Kentucky Mesonet weather station, located 100 feet from
the planting, recorded a minimum temperature of 28.°F five
feet above ground. e freeze eliminated the entire crop on
all rabbiteye varieties except for the ‘NC-1827’ selection
(Table 1). e highbush variety, ‘Spartan’ and the southern
highbush variety, ‘Lenore’ both had crops, although not large
ones. e smaller crops on the ‘Spartan’ and ‘Lenore’ were at
least partially due to a delay in erecting bird nets on the plant-
ing. Other non-replicated highbush and southern highbush
varieties in the planting had good crops, and commercial
highbush blueberry growers had full crops across Kentucky
in 2013. ‘Spartan’ and ‘Lenore’ had higher yields than the
NC-1827, but the yield differences were not statistically
significant. One of the reasons for establishing this trial was
to compare the effect of frosts on rabbiteye varieties versus
highbush and southern highbush varieties. is is the first
year that the rabbiteye blueberries have mostly frosted out
and the highbush and southern highbush have not.
Highbush and southern highbush varieties produce
fruit earlier in the season than rabbiteye varieties as shown
by the difference in first harvest dates (Table 1). Previous
data shows that ‘NC-1827’ has consistently been one of the
earliest producing and highest yielding rabbiteye varieties
in this trial.
ere were no significant differences in berry taste
between varieties. ‘Spartan’ had a significantly higher
individual berry weight than the ‘Lenore’ and ‘NC-1827’.
Berry weight or size was considerably larger in 2013 than
2012. e rabbiteye ‘NC-1827’ had a significantly higher
appearance rating. Rabbiteye fruit were nearly spherical,
had a very heavy, attractive bloom, and were very uniform
in appearance, compared to ‘Spartan’ and ‘Lenore’.
e authors would like to thank Grant Clouser, Paul Dengle,
Dave Lowry and Joseph Tucker for their hard work and assistance
in the successful completion of this trial.
Funding for this project was provided by a grant from the Agricultural
Development Board through the Kentucky Horticulture Council.
Table 1. Highbush, southern highbush, and rabbiteye blueberry yield,
fruit size, taste, appearance ratings and rst harvest dates, Lexington,
KY, 2013.
Variety Type
Berry wt
Spartan HB 1529 a 1.7 a 4.2 a 4.1 b 28 June
Lenore SH 1229 a 1.3 b 4.5 a 4.2 b 28 June
NC-1827 R 861 a 1.3 b 4.3 a 4.6 a 11 July
Climax R - - - - -
Columbus R - - - - -
Ira R - - - - -
Powderblue R - - - - -
Tifblue R - - - - -
Type: HB = highbush; SH = southern highbush; R = rabbiteye
Means followed by the same letter are not signicantly dierent
(Walter-Duncan Multiple Range Test LSD P = 0.05)
Berry taste: 1 = poor; 5 = excellent
Berry appearance 1=poor, 5=excellent
Advanced Thorny and Thornless
Primocane-fruiting Blackberry Selection Trial
Jeremiah D. Lowe, Kirk W. Pomper, and Sheri B. Crabtree, Department of Plant and Soil Science, Kentucky State University;
John R. Clark, Department of Horticulture, University of Arkansas; and John G. Strang, Department of Horticulture, University of Kentucky
Blackberry plants are unusual among fruit crops in that they
have perennial root systems, but have biennial canes. ere are
two cane types, primocanes, or first year canes, which are usually
vegetative, and floricanes, which are the same canes and flower
and produce fruit the next growing season. Floricanes then die
after fruiting and need to be removed. Primocane-fruiting black-
berries have the potential to produce two crops per year, with a
normal summer crop (floricane) and a later crop on the current
season primocanes. Primocane-fruiting blackberries flower and
fruit from mid-summer until frost, depending on temperatures,
plant health, and location. Growers can reduce pruning costs by
mowing canes in late winter to obtain a primocane crop only.
Mowing also provides anthracnose, cane blight and red-necked
cane borer control without pesticides. Relying only on a primo-
cane crop also avoids potential winter injury of floricanes.
e first commercially available primocane-fruiting black-
berry varieties, ‘Prime-Jim®’ and ‘Prime-Jan®,’ were released by the
University of Arkansas in 2004 (Clark et al., 2005; Clark 2008).
‘Prime-Ark®45’ was released for commercial use in 2009. Fruit size
and quality of primocane-fruiting blackberries can be affected by
the environment. Summer temperatures above 85°F can greatly
reduce fruit set, size and quality on primocanes, resulting in
substantial reductions in yield and fruit quality in areas with this
temperature range in summer and fall (Clark et al., 2005; Stanton
et al., 2007). All currently available primocane-fruiting blackberry
selections are thorny and erect. e objective of this study was to
determine if thorny and thornless advanced selections developed
by the University of Arkansas (UARK) Blackberry Breeding
Program have better yields and fruit quality than ‘Prime-Ark®45’
under Kentucky growing conditions.
Materials and Methods
In June 2011, plants of the commercially available primo-
cane-fruiting cultivar ‘Prime-Ark 45®’ (thorny erect, primocane-
fruiting) and the Arkansas Primocane-fruiting (APF) selections
of thorny or thornless (T) advanced selections (APF-153 T,
APF-156 T, APF-158, APF-172, APF-185 T, APF-190 T, and
APF-205 T) from the UARK blackberry breeding program,
were planted at the Kentucky State University (KSU) Research
and Demonstration Farm in Frankfort, Kentucky. Plants were
arranged in a randomized complete block design, with four
blocks, including five plants of each cultivar per block (total of
20 plants of each cultivar) in a 10 foot plot. Spacing was two feet
between each plant, and five feet between groups of five plants;
with each row being 70 feet in length. Rows were spaced 14
feet apart. is trial was planted on certified organic land and
managed with organic practices following the National Organic
Program standards. Weeds werecontrolled by placing a 6-8 in.
deep layer of straw around plants, adding straw when necessary
and hand weeding. Plants were irrigated weekly with t-tape
laid in the rows. Floricanes of most selections began producing
fruit in June 2013, and fruit were harvested each Monday and
ursday until a killing frost (26°F) on 25 October.
Results and Discussion
is year floricanes began producing fruit in June. Primo-
cane fruit production began in late June for all selections. Fruit
production continued until frost (Table 1). APF-158 had the
highest yield at 7146 lb/acre. . Yields of other selections in this
trial were much lower, ranging from 5636-760 lb/A. Prime-
Ark 45® had a yield of 3795 lb/acre. APF-153 T had the largest
average berry weight at 6.26 g. APF-172, APF-185T, and APF-
190T had the smallest berry weights, which were below 4.5 g.
Growing conditions in 2013 were mild compared to 2012. e
average high in July was 81.9°F. ere were 40 out of 122 days
with a daily high temperature above 85°F from June through
September. In June, 2012 there were three days that the tempera-
ture was over 100°F and only five days in that month had high
temperatures that were below 85°F. e lower temperatures in
2013 and increased age and size of plants led to a higher yield
for all varieties compared to 2012. Berry weights were larger
in 2013 than in 2012. Overall, APF-158, and APF-190T had a
superior yield to Prime-Ark 45® and APF-153T and APF-205T
had greater average berry weights. Year to year yield and fruit
quality characteristics will need to be further evaluated. APF-
153T has been released as Prime-Ark Freedom®.
Literature Cited
Clark, J.R., J.N. Moore, J. Lopez-Medina, C. Finn, P. Perkins-
Veazie. 2005. ‘Prime-Jan’ (‘APF-8’) and ‘Prime-Jim’ (‘APF-12’)
Primocane-fruiting Blackberries. HortScience, 40:852-855.
Clark, J.R. 2008. Primocane-fruiting Blackberry Breeding.
HortScience, 43:1637-1639.
Stanton, M.A., J.C. Scheerens, R.C. Funt, and J.R. Clark. 2007.
Floral Competence of Primocane-fruiting Blackberries
Prime-Jan and Prime-Jim Grown at ree Temperature
Regimens. HortScience, 42: 508-513.
Table 1. Yields and berry weights for seven advanced primocane-
fruiting selections and ‘Prime-Jan®’, from the University of Arkansas
Blackberry Breeding Program, at the Kentucky State University
Research Farm, 2013.
Fruit Weight
(lb/acre) Harvest Date
Prime-Ark 45 0.17 cd
3795 c 6/24-10/22
APF-153 T 0.22 a 760 d 6/27-10/22
APF-156 T 0.17 cd 1976 d 6/27-10/22
APF-158 0.18 bc 7147 a 6/24-10/22
APF-172 0.15 e 3507 c 6/24-10/22
APF-185 T 0.15 e 868 d 6/24-10/22
APF-190 T 0.16 de 5636 b 6/24-10/18
APF-205 T 0.19 b 1329 d 6/27-10/22
Numbers followed by the same letter are not signicantly dierent (Least
Signicant Dierence P ≤ 0.05)
Bell Pepper Bacterial Spot Variety Trial, Central Kentucky
John Strang, Chris Smigell, Lucas Hanks, and John Snyder, Department of Horticulture; and Kenny Seebold, Department of Plant Pathology
Bell peppers currently account for roughly 500 acres of
Kentucky fresh market vegetable production according to the
2012 Kentucky Produce Planting and Marketing Intentions
Grower Survey and Outlook (
ingsurvey2012.pdf ). Seventeen bell pepper Capsicum annuum
varieties with resistance to a number of races of Xanthomonas
campestris pv. vesicatoria (Xcv), the causal agent of bacterial
spot, were evaluated for yield and bacterial spot resistance in a
replicated trial. A number of the varieties were selected based
on fruit quality and yield performance in a 2012 non-replicated
screening trial. e intent of this study was to evaluate variety
performance following inoculation with the races of Xcv cur-
rently found in Kentucky.
Materials and Methods
Varieties were seeded on 20 March 2013 into 72-cell plastic
plug trays (Landmark Plastics Corp., Akron, OH) filled with
ProMix BX general growing medium at the UK Horticultural
Research Farm in Lexington. Greenhouse-grown transplants
were set into black plastic-covered, raised beds using a water
wheel setter on 30 May. All transplants were watered in with
approximately a pint of starter solution (6 lb of 10-30-20 in
100 gallons of water). Each plot was 15 ft long and contained
30 plants set 12 inches apart in double rows spaced 15 inches
apart in the bed. Beds were 6 ft apart. Plots were replicated four
times in a randomized block design.
Sixty pounds of nitrogen per acre as 19-19-19 was applied
and tilled in prior to plastic laying. Beginning 14 June a rotation
of urea, 20-20-20, and calcium nitrate was applied weekly via
fertigation at a rate of 6 lb 4 oz nitrogen per acre for a total of
13 applications totaling 81 lb of nitrogen per acre. Following
this, four weekly nitrogen maintenance applications of 2 lb
nitrogen per acre as urea were made for a total of 8 additional
lb of nitrogen per acre. Dual II Magnum herbicide was applied
on 9 June between beds at a rate of 1.0 pt per acre. No fungicide
or bactericide applications were made to the planting. Coragen
was applied through the drip lines on 16 July at a rate of 5 fl oz
per acre for insect control. Five Mustang Max sprays were ap-
plied at two week intervals beginning 6 August for corn borer
control. Stakes were driven along the outer row of the double
row of plants on each bed and two levels of tomato twine were
used to support the plants and reduce fruit sunscald.
Two pepper plants in each plot were inoculated on 30 July
with Xcv isolated from peppers from the Somerset, KY, area.
One leaf on each plant was infiltrated with a suspension of Xcv
at 10
colony-forming units per ml. Severity of bacterial spot
was assessed four times (9 August, 16 August, 27 August, and 5
September) by estimating the percentage of diseased leaf area (%
DLA). Values for % DLA were used to calculate the area under
the disease progress curve (AUDPC), an indicator of cumulative
disease severity for the season.
e plot was harvested four times during the season (2 Au-
gust, 27 August, 13 September and 8 October). Marketable fruit
were graded and weighed into the categories of jumbo, extra
large and large (all fruit >3 inches diameter), total marketable
yield (all fruit >2.5 inches diameter) plus misshapen but sound
fruit, which could be sold as “choppers” to food service buyers,
and cull fruit.
Lexington received eight more inches of rainfall than nor-
mal from June through September; temperatures were 1 and
1.6°F warmer than normal in June and September and 1.7 and
0.4°F cooler than normal in July and August. Drip irrigation
was applied shortly after transplanting and all varieties showed
good survival rates. e cool season was not conducive to the
development of bacterial spot, and overall severity was low
throughout the trial.
Varieties are ranked in Table 1 based on the percentage of
jumbo, large and extra large fruit (by weight) since growers make
most of their income from these size classes.Excursion II’, ‘Alli-
ance’, ‘Lafayette’, ‘Currier, ‘Revolution’ and ‘Declaration’ were the
best performing varieties in this trial based on percentage and
tonnage of at least 30.4 tons per acre of jumbo, extra large and
large fruit, low amounts of silvering and cull fruit. ‘Excursion
II’, ‘Lafayette’ and ‘Alliance’ produced at least 40 tons per acre of
marketable fruit. ‘Excursion II’ fruit had a very low percentage
of silvering, and was rated high for fruit shape uniformity and
overall fruit appearance, however fruit size was not maintained
at the last harvest. ‘Lafayette, ‘Declaration, and ‘Revolution’ also
rated high for fruit shape uniformity. ‘Declaration, ‘Revolution,
‘Islamorada, and ‘Lafayette’ rated highest for overall fruit ap-
pearance. ‘PS09941819 X5R’ had the highest total marketable
yield, at 46 tons per acre, but a very large percentage of fruit
displayed silvering. ‘Red Knight’ and ‘HMX 2641’ had some
of the lowest yields in the trial but had the highest percentage
of four-lobed fruit. ‘Aristotle, one of the primary bacterial spot
resistant varieties planted over the last 10 years, showed lower
yields of jumbo, extra large and large fruit and high levels of fruit
silvering. Fruit cullage was primarily due to corn borer injury
and a slight amount of sunscald. Table 2 provides information
on the seed sources, days to harvest, fruit color and reported
bacterial spot race resistance.
Symptoms of bacterial spot were observed on ‘Red Knight’
before plants were inoculated, and likely resulted from infection
by Xcv present in seeds. Severity of bacterial spot was greatest
on ‘Red Knight’ and ‘Excursion II’, which had 10.25% and 9.25%
DLA, respectively, at the last evaluation made on 5 September
(Table 3). Disease severity did not exceed 2% DLA in any of the
other varieties. Cumulative severity of bacterial spot (AUDPC)
was highest for ‘Red Knight’, followed by ‘Vanguard’ (Table 3).
e AUDPC values for ‘Excursion II’ and ‘Aristrocrat’ were not
significantly different from ‘Vanguard’.
e authors would like to thank Grant Clouser, Paul Dengle,
Dave Lowry and Joseph Tucker for their hard work and assis-
tance in the successful completion of this trial.
Funding for this project was provided by a grant from the
Agricultural Development Board through the Kentucky Horticulture
Table 1. Yield data and fruit characteristic ratings, 2013.
+ XL +
Fruit Shape
Fruit Size
Fruit Comments
Excursion II 85 a
40.9 ab
2.7 0.4 4.1 4.3 45 3.1 Attractive; large, but few XL in early harvests; one fruit
with bacterial spot
Islamorada 83 ab 33.0 cd 4.1 8.9 3.8 4.1 58 3.5 Attractive, good size, last harvest; one fruit with
bacterial spot, some pointy fruit
Lafayette 81 abc 40.5 ab 2.5 8.7 3.9 4.1 53 3.4 Attractive; fair no. of XL fruit in rst harvest; size held
up throughout season
Alliance 81 abc 40.6 ab 3.0 2.9 3.8 4.0 47 3.8 Attractive; very little silvering; a lot of XL at rst
harvest; size held up through season
Currier 79 a-d 38.6 bc 2.4 12.5 3.8 3.9 55 3.1 Attractive; a lot of XL at second harvest; fair amount
of small & medium fruit the last harvest; one fruit with
bacterial spot
Revolution 78 bcd 39.0 bc 3.1 7.1 3.9 4.4 37 4.4 Attractive; very large rm blocky fruit; lots of XL fruit
the last harvest
Karisma 76 cd 38.4 bc 2.8 11.8 3.7 3.8 55 3.0 Size held up through second harvest; mostly medium
size at last harvest
Clifton No. 1 76 cd 36.9 bcd 5.2 14.7 3.3 3.6 58 2.9 Very rm, thick wall; many with silvering
Declaration 76 cd 40.0 b 3.0 3.6 4.3 4.5 50 3.1 Lighter green than other varieties; size held up well
through second harvest; had more small short fruit
PS09941819 X5R 73 de 46.3 a 3.0 28.2 3.6 3.5 55 4.8 Attractive; a lot of XL, at rst harvest and size very
large at last harvest; extreme silvering rst two
Vanguard 72 de 36.2 bcd 3.6 13.6 3.5 4.0 65 4.4 Attractive; a lot of XL throughout the season
Archimedes 72 de 39.4 b 2.0 11.0 3.4 3.8 63 3.6 Fair no. of XL; some fruit elongated; very little fruit
silvering; many small misshapen fruit at last harvest
Aristotle 68 ef 40.5 ab 2.1 29.5 3.9 3.6 43 3 Fair no. of XL at rst two harvests, extreme silvering;
medium size fruit at last harvest
Tomcat 66 ef 34.3 bcd 2.4 42.4 3.5 3.1 55 3 Medium sized very rm fruit; not many XL fruit;
excessive silvering
Aristocrat 64 f 35.8 bcd 1.9 45.4 3.1 3.1 53 2.6 Large blocky fruit rst two harvests and size dropped
o for last harvest; excessive silvering
HMX 2641 63 f 31.6 d 2.4 47.1 2.9 2.7 75 2.3 Medium sized fruit; mostly small fruit at last harvest;
excessive silvering
Red Knight 54 g 31.4 d 1.9 37.7 3.3 3.0 70 2.6 XL very rm fruit at rst harvest; small size at last
harvest; excessive silvering
Percent of total marketable yield weight that was graded as jumbo, extra large and large (all fruit >3 inches diameter)
Total marketable yield included jumbo, extra large, large and medium fruit (all fruit >2.5 inches diameter) plus misshapen but sound fruit which could be sold as choppers’ to food
service buyers.
Percent of total marketable yield weight that showed slivering or very ne, light colored streaking in harvests 1, 2 and 4.
Fruit shape uniformity at rst harvest: 1=poor, 5=excellent
Fruit appearance at rst harvest: 1=poor, 5=excellent
Fruit size maintenance at last harvest: 1=poor, 5=excellent
Means in column followed by the same letter are not signicantly dierent (Waller-Duncan Multiple Range Test LSD P≤0.05).
Table 2. Bell pepper days to harvest, seed source and fruit
Days to
Fruit Color
Excursion II RU 75 med red
Islamorada SW 72 med red
Lafayette CL 70 lt-med yellow
Alliance HM 74 lt-med red
Currier SW 73 lt-dk red
Revolution SW 72 lt-med red
Karisma CL 71-75 med red
Clifton No. 1 CL 75 med-dk red
Declaration HM 70-75 lt-med red
PS0994-1819 X5R RU 73-75 med red
Vanguard ST 75 med red
Archimedes X3R SW 76 med red
Aristotle X3R ST 70-75 med-dk red
Tomcat CL 75 med red
Aristocrat CL 75 med red
HMX 2641 CL 65 med red
Red Knight X3R RU 64 med red
Days to harvest from seed catalogues and websites.
Green fruit color: med=medium, lt=light, dk=dark
Table 3. Bacterial spot severity on 17 varieties of bell pepper and Xcv
race resistance
Bacterial spot severity
Spot Race
% disease
(5 September)
Red Knight X3R RU 10.3 a
384.5 a
Vanguard ST 2.0 b 126.4 b 1-5
Excursion II RU 9.3 a 103.3 bc 1,2,3
Aristocrat CL 1.0 b 63.3 bcd unknown
Tomcat CL 1.0 b 38.3 cd 1-5,7-9
Currier SW 1.3 b 36.0 cd 1,2,3
Lafayette CL 0.8 b 17.5 d 1,2,3
Alliance HM 0.3 b 15.5 d 1,2,3,5
Aristotle X3R ST 0.8 b 14.6 d 1,2,3
Karisma CL 0.5 b 13.5 d 1,2,3
Clifton No. 1 CL 0.3 b 12.4 d unknown
Archimedes X3R SW 0.5 b 8.5 d 1,2,3
Islamorada SW 0 b 7.9 d 1-5
Revolution SW 0.3 b 4.3 d 1,2,3,5
HMX 2641 CL 0 b 3.1 d 1-4
Declaration HM 0 b 2.3 d 1,2,3,5
PS0994-1819 X5R RU 0 b 2.3 d 1-5
Percentage of diseased leaf area with symptoms of bacterial spot on the last
evaluation of the trial (5 September).
Total severity of disease calculated from ratings taken on 9, 16, and 27
August, and 5 September as the area under the disease progress curve
(AUDPC, showing cumulative disease severity for the season.
Bacterial spot race resistance from seed catalogues and websites.
Means in column followed by the same letter are not signicantly dierent
(Fisher’s Least Signicant Dierence, LSD P≤0.05).
Spring Red and Savoy Cabbage Variety Evaluation
Chris Smigell, John Strang, Lucas Hanks, and John Snyder, Department of Horticulture; Pam Sigler, Program and Staff Development; and Elizabeth
Buckner, Family and Consumer Sciences
irteen red and eight savoy cabbage varieties were evalu-
ated in a replicated trial to evaluate their performance under
central Kentucky conditions. Culinary evaluations were con-
ducted to assess consumer varietal preferences.
Materials and Methods
Varieties were seeded on 12 February 2013 into 72 cell plas-
tic plug trays filled with ProMix BX general growing medium
(Premier Horticulture, Inc.) at the UK Horticulture Research
Farm in Lexington. Greenhouse-grown transplants were set
into the field on 16 April 12 inches apart in single rows with
36 inches between rows. Each plot row was 10 feet long and
contained 11 plants. Varieties were replicated four times in
a randomized complete block design. Dacthal (14 lb/A) and
Devrinol (4 lb/A) herbicides were mixed into the soil, and Goal
(2 pt/A) was applied to the soil surface prior to planting. Select
Max (16 fl oz/A) was applied for post-emergence grass control
on 3 June.
Sixty pounds per acre of nitrogen, phosphorus and potas-
sium were applied as 19-19-19, prior to planting, and tilled in.
Approximately one cup of starter solution (6 lb of 10-30-20 in
100 gallons of water) was applied at transplanting. e plot was
drip-irrigated and fertigated weekly with 10 lb of nitrogen per
acre beginning on 31 May for a total of 7 fertigations and 70 lb
of nitrogen per acre. ese fertigations used a rotation of cal-
cium nitrate, urea and 20-20-20. Coragen insecticide (5 fl oz/A)
was applied 3 June through the drip lines, and Danitol (1pt/A),
Brigade (5 oz/A) and Mustang Max (4 oz/A) were sprayed for
insect control.
All marketable heads were harvested when firm and were
evaluated for total marketable yield, number of heads per acre,
head weight and size. Harvesting began on 2 July and continued
on a roughly weekly basis through 21 August. One head from
each replication was evaluated for core length, head firmness,
internal and external appearance, color, and raw product taste.
Culinary evaluations were conducted on two heads of each
variety by two Family Consumer Science panels. e first panel
rated the red varieties for visual appeal, and flavor and texture
when prepared raw, steamed or roasted. e second panel rated
the savoy varieties for visual appeal, and flavor and texture in
the raw form only. Both panels commented on the attractive
appearance of all cabbage varieties, regarding cut cabbage color,
leaf texture, internal design and core appearance.
Steamed cabbage was chopped into bite-sized pieces. Two
cups of chopped cabbage were placed in a steamer basket that
was placed into a covered stainless steel pan holding one cup of
water. Cabbage was cooked over medium heat (7-9) for 10 min-
utes. Cabbage to be roasted was cut into 1-inch-thick rounds.
ese were placed in a single layer on a baking sheet covered
with parchment paper that had been coated with one table-
spoon of extra-virgin olive oil. e cabbage was then brushed
with olive oil and was roasted in a preheated 400°F oven for 42
minutes until the cabbage was tender and the edges had turned
Results and Discussion
e growing season was cool, wet and ideal for cabbage
production. Harvest and head evaluation data for red and
savoy cabbage are shown in Tables 1 and 2. One head from
each of four replications was measured (length, width and
core length), tasted, and rated for color and appearance by two
horticulture department personnel. Varieties are ranked based
on total marketable yield in Tables 1 and 2. Family Consumer
Science taste panel evaluations are ranked based on cut head
visual appearance and are shown in Table 3. In Kentucky total
marketable yield is not the primary grower consideration used
for selecting a variety. Since specialty cabbage types are generally
sold directly to consumers, appearance and quality are primary
concerns for obtaining repeat sales.
e top red varieties based on Horticultural Research Farm
and Family Consumer Science evaluations were Scarlet King,
Rondale and Rio Grande Red. e top savoy varieties were Savoy
King, Savoy Ace Improved and Savoy Blue.
Horticultural Research Farm Evaluations
Scarlet King, Super Red 80, Red Dynasty, Rondale, Kosaro
and Rio Grande Red were the best performing red varieties
(Tables 1 and 2). Rondale and Rio Grande Red were rated lower
than most other varieties for internal appearance because sev-
eral heads showed some core browning. Growers should select
varieties that produce heads in their most marketable size range.
Rio Grande Red had larger heads averaging 4.0 lb. while Kosaro
heads averaged 2.9 lb. Kosaro had a relatively small core length.
All red varieties were very firm.
e top savoy varieties were Savoy King, Savoy Ace Im-
proved, Clarissa, Savoy Blue and Miletta. Head firmness was
lower for Savoy King because in retrospect this variety was
harvested too early, although the heads looked very good at
the time of harvest. Heads left longer in the field became very
large without splitting. Savoy Blue and Taler were rated lower
for internal appearance because several heads displayed inter-
nal tip burn, which is associated with calcium deficiency. Raw
savoy cabbage tended to be not as sweet as the red cabbage and
a little dry. Savoy cabbage heads are less dense as compared with
conventional cabbage.
Family Consumer Science Evaluations
All of the cabbage consumer panel participants ate cabbage
regularly with 50% of red cabbage panelists, and 76% of the
savoy cabbage panelists eating it monthly or more frequently.
Participants most frequently ate cabbage raw in salads or slaw.
e majority of both red cabbage panelists and savoy cabbage
panelists purchased cabbage from grocery stores (88% and 82%,
respectively), and farmers markets (50% and 41%, respectively).
Participants rated the red cabbage for appearance, flavor
and texture in a variety of preparation styles (raw, steamed and
roasted) on a Likert Scale of 1 to 5 (1 = not at all appealing and
5 = very appealing). All varieties of raw red cabbage received
an average or appealing rating (mean > 3.0) for appearance
and texture with the exception of Primero (visual appeal mean
= 2.75). Flavor of the raw cabbage varied from not appealing
(mean = 2.86 for Super Red 80 and Super Red 90) to very ap-
pealing (mean > 4 for Scarlet King, Rondale, and Rio Grande
Steamed and roasted cabbage ranked as average or less
appealing visually. Scarlet King and Rondale were the only
varieties receiving an appealing (mean = 4) rating for flavor
when steamed. Rondale received the highest rating for texture
when steamed (mean = 4.5). Scarlet King, Rio Grande Red
and Rondale received appealing ratings (mean > 4) for flavor
and texture when roasted. None of the participants had eaten
roasted cabbage prior to the panel but all indicated that they
would roast cabbage in the future.
Participants rated the visual appeal, flavor and texture of raw
savoy cabbage. All varieties received a mean score greater than
3.0 on a 5 point Likert Scale with 5 being very appealing. Savoy
King (mean = 4.06) and Savoy Blue (mean = 4.53) received the
highest rating for visual appeal. Savory Blue received the highest
mean score (4.06) for flavor with Taler, Miletta, and Primavoy
receiving less than appealing ratings (mean < 3.0). Taler is the
only variety that received less than appealing (mean < 3.0) for
e authors would like to thank Grant Clouser, Paul Dengle,
Dave Lowry, Joseph Tucker and Mark Williams for their hard
work and assistance in the successful completion of this trial.
Funding for this project was provided by a grant from the
Agricultural Development Board through the Kentucky Horticulture
Table 1. Variety yield data, head dimensions, split head number, rmness and taste ratings, and comments.
Days to
X Width
Rio Grande Red SI 73 62,944 a
15,609 4.0 6.8X6.6 3.8 4.8 0 3.9 Crunchy, slightly to not sweet, a
little core browning
Scarlet King SI 70 62,109 a 15,972 3.9 6.7X7.2 3.6 4.5 0 4.5 Mild, crunchy, slightly sweet
Super Red 80 JO 82 54,740 ab 16,698 3.3 6.2X6.1 3.0 4.9 0 4.7 Mild, crunchy, sweet
Rondale ST 75 50,711 abc 15,246 3.3 6.9X6.1 2.9 4.8 0 4.4 Mild, crunchy, slightly to not
sweet, some with core browning
Red Dynasty SI,S 72 47,843 bcd 14,157 3.4 6.9X5.9 3.8 4.9 0 4.7 Mild, crunchy, sweet
Kosaro SW 74 43,669 bcd 15,246 2.9 6.0X5.9 2.7 5.0 0 4.4 Mild, crunchy slightly sweet
Azurro SW 78 43,306 bcd 13,794 3.1 6.5X6.7 3.1 4.5 0 3.1 Some sulfur notes, nice
iridescent wrapper leaves
Integro JO 85 41,201 bcd 14,520 2.8 6.6X5.4 3.3 5.0 0 4.6 Mild, very crunchy, slightly
sweet, a few with core browning
Cairo SW 85 39,785 cde 14,157 2.8 5.6X6.0 2.5 4.6 0 4.0 Crunchy, dry, slightly bitter and
Primero SW 72 36,590 cde 15,972 2.3 5.2X5.8 3.0 4.9 363 4.1 Mild, crunchy, slightly sweet,
some core browning, nice waxy
Super Red 90 CL Mid late 35,102 de 12,705 2.8 6.6X5.4 4.0 4.8 0 4.6 Mild, crunchy, slightly sweet
Red Jewel CL,SK 75 34,360 de 14,157 3.1 5.4X5.4 2.8 4.7 0 3.4 Crunchy, sulfur notes, slightly
bitter and sweet
Ruby Perfection JO 86 26,463 e 11,253 2.4 6.5X4.7 3.7 5.0 0 4.5 Mild, very crunchy, slightly
sweet, large core for size
Savoy King CL 80 70,458 a 15,609 4.5 5.9X9.3 3.9 3.6 0 3.9 Mild, slightly dry, not sweet;
heads get very large and at if
left in eld
Savoy Ace
RU 73 58,842 ab 13,794 4.3 7.7X7.7 4.0 4.1 0 3.9 Mild, crunchy, not sweet
Savoy Blue ST 80 56,810 ab 12,705 4.5 6.3X7.9 3.1 3.7 0 4.4 Mild, slightly sweet, tip burn
Clarissa SW 78 51,183 ab 18,150 2.8 6.4X6.5 3.1 4.0 0 4.3 Crunchy, slight sulfur note,
slightly sweet
Alcosa SW,JO 62 46,500 ab 14,520 3.2 6.7X6.8 3.3 3.5 6,534 3.1 Dry, some sulfur notes, not sweet
Primavoy ST 98 45,266 ab 13,431 3.4 7.1X7.2 5.0 3.8 0 3.3 Mild, dry, not sweet, slightly
tough, large core, heads did not
ll well
Miletta ST 88 45,121 ab 15,246 3.0 6.3X7.4 3.3 3.9 0 4.5 Mild, crunchy, slightly sweet
Taler ST 85 38,587 b 13,794 2.8 6.6X6.9 5.1 3.7 0 3.0 Dry, not sweet, some tip burn,
large core, did not mature
Days to harvest from seed catalogues
Head Firmness and Raw Taste: 1= poor; 5= excellent
Means in column followed by the same letter are not signicantly dierent (Waller-Duncan Multiple Range Test LSD P≤0.05)
Table 2. Red and savoy cabbage head appearance and color, 2013.
Internal Color
Rio Grande Red 4.6 3.6 3.8 Rose purple
Scarlet King 4.5 4.3 4.0 Rose purple
Super Red 80 4.6 4.5 4.2 Reddish purple
Rondale 4.4 3.7 4.5 Dark purple
Red Dynasty 4.4 4.5 4.4 Rose purple
Kosaro 4.5 4.5 4.8 Dark purple
Azurro 4.7 4.3 4.2 Reddish purple
Integro 4.7 4.1 4.8 Dark purple
Cairo 4.3 4.5 4.5 Dark purple
Primero 4.0 4.0 4.3 Purple
Super Red 90 4.5 3.8 4.2 Rose purple
Red Jewel 4.4 4.2 4.1 Rose purple
Ruby Perfection 4.6 4.0 5.0 Dark purple
Savoy King 4.6 4.4 Cream to green
Savoy Ace Improved 4.8 4.6 Cream
Savoy Blue 4.8 2.7 Cream to yellow
Clarissa 4.6 4.6 Yellowish green
Alcosa 4.1 4.2 Cream to green
Primavoy 4.7 3.0 Cream to green
Miletta 4.7 4.7 Cream to green
Taler 4.0 2.5 Cream to light green
External appearance: 1=poor; 5=excellent
Internal appearance: 1=poor; 5=excellent
Color intensity: 1=light; 5=dark purple
Table 3. Family Consumer Science red and savoy cabbage visual appearance, avor and texture evaluations, 2013.
Visual Appeal
Visual Appeal
Visual Appeal
Super Red 80 4.4 2.9 4.4 3.3 3.3 3.7 2.8 3.0 3.5
4.3 3.5 4.6 3.3 3.7 3.5 2.3 3.2 3.3
Rio Grande Red
4.1 4.1 4.3 3.0 3.8 3.8 3.2 4.5 4.7
Scarlet King
4.1 4.1 4.1 3.3 4.0 4.0 3.3 4.2 4.0
Red Jewel
4.1 3.6 4.1 2.2 3.5 4.0 3.0 3.2 3.8
4.0 3.6 4.0 2.2 2.8 3.5 3.2 3.3 3.8
4.0 3.1 3.7 2.5 3.2 3.8 2.5 3.0 3.8
4.0 4.1 4.3 3.0 4.0 4.5 3.3 4.3 4.3
3.9 3.9 3.8 2.2 2.8 3.0 3.3 2.8 3.7
Red Dynasty
3.8 3.4 3.6 2.3 2.5 3.3 3.0 2.5 3.3
Super Red 90
3.8 2.9 4.0 2.3 2.7 3.5 2.8 3.0 3.8
Ruby Perfection
3.1 3.6 3.7 2.8 3.7 4.2 2.3 2.5 3.8
2.8 3.3 3.4 2.2 2.5 3.3 3.5 3.3
Savoy Blue
4.5 4.1 3.8
Savoy King
4.1 3.7 3.7
4.0 3.2 3.5
Miletta 3.8
2.7 3.6
3.5 3.5 3.8
3.5 2.3 2.9
3.4 2.9 3.6
Savoy Ace Improved
3.1 3.8 3.9
Appearance, avor and texture mean ratings: 1 = poor; 5 = excellent. Red cabbage was rated by six and the savoy cabbage by 17
Managing Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
using Selective Exclusion Screening Materials
Rachelyn Dobson, Chelsea Berrish, and Ric Bessin, Department of Entomology
Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB), Halyomorpha halys
(Stål) is a new invasive pest in Kentucky. It was first confirmed in
Boyd, Jefferson, and Fayette counties in the fall of 2010. BMSB
is increasing in Kentucky rapidly and is likely to be a key pest
of most field crops, most fruit crops, and many vegetable crops
including tomatoes, peppers, beans, eggplant, sweet corn, and
okra. In states that have had BMSB for a longer time, BMSB has
become the primary pest of many crops and has been particu-
larly problematic with organic production. While conventional
producers have several insecticides that provide satisfactory
BMSB control, organic producers have had very limited results
with OMRI-approved materials. Coordinated research studies
in a dozen states are investigating management of BMSB on
certified organic farms. Tactics being evaluated include the
use of OMRI-approved insecticides, trap crops, and selective
exclusionary netting.
While the finest screening materials should exclude all stages
of BMSB, they are also likely to exclude natural enemies of the
BMSB and other pests, and other beneficial insects. is pepper
trial was conducted in a transitional organic plot to evaluate the
impact of three types of exclusionary screening materials on
BMSB damage to the peppers, productivity of the plants, and
natural enemies of insect pests.
Materials & Methods
Untreated bell pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) seeds (‘Ar-
istotle’, Seedway, Hall, NY) were grown in 72-cell trays using
Organic Grow Mix in an organic greenhouse. Seedlings were
planted in the field on May 14, on the University of Kentucky
Horticultural Research Farm in Lexington. Prior to bed prepa-
ration, 100 units of organic nitrogen (Fertrell 4-2-4) were culti-
vated into the soil and incorporated to a depth of 6 inches with
a rotary tiller. Four pairs of plant beds 120 feet in length were
established. Each pair of beds had an 18 inch furrow between
the beds and there were 48 inches between pairs of beds. Pepper
plants were set as double rows on black plastic with 18 inches
between staggered rows and 15 inches between plants in a
row. Landscape fabric was laid to suppress weeds in alleyways
between replicates and secured with landscape staples. A dome
like cage was created using a two ½ inch diameter, 15-foot re-
inforcing construction rods (Lowes, Lexington, KY). e rods
were driven eight inches into the soil on a bed and extended
from one corner of one plastic bed to the opposite corner of the
other bed to create the frame to support the netting materials.
e two rods were secured in the center where they crossed
with wire for stability. Each frame enclosed a 6.5 ft section of
the paired beds and was approximately 4.5 ft in height. Cage
fabric was draped over the frames and secured around the
base of the cages with a total of 16 paving stones. Treatments
were: 1) unscreened control plots; 2) ⁄-inch mesh (Indus-
trial Netting, Minneapolis, MN); 3) ⁄-inch mesh (Industrial
Netting, Minneapolis, MN) and 4) a fine mesh 30% woven shade
cloth (Shade Cloth Store, Libertyville, IL). Treatments were
randomized and exclusionary netting materials were placed
over pepper rows prior to fruit initiation stage; a total of 24
pepper plants were covered by each cage. Yellow sticky cards
were attached to 18-inch wooden stakes, placed in the center
of each cage and collected every week for a total of six weeks.
Cards were put out on June 6, 13, 20, and 27; July 3, 11, 18, and
25; and August 1, 8, 15, and 22. Sticky cards were placed inside
clear plastic bags, labeled at collection, and refrigerated for
later insect identification. Insect categories identified were lady
beetles, hover flies, lacewings, big-eyed bugs, and damsel bugs.
Peppers were harvested in the mature green stage and graded
according to USDA size categories of “Fancy,” “No. 1” and “No.
2” (USDA 2005). Stink bug damage and sunscald were recorded
along with the number of other culls. Harvest dates were 15 July,
30 July, and 12 September. Brown marmorated stink bug was
counted in each cage at time of harvest.
Barrier fabrics influenced yield and marketability of bell
peppers (p < 0.05). ere were more marketable fruit per cage
and increased fruit weight per cage in the uncovered, ⁄-inch
and ⁄-inch netting treatments than the fine mesh shade cloth
(Table 1). e ⁄-inch and ⁄-inch treatments did not increase or
decrease marketable fruit yield as compared to the uncovered
control. e uncovered control had more fruit that graded
USDA Fancy than did the ⁄-inch screen or the fine mesh netting
(Table 2). Barrier fabrics influenced fruit damage to bell peppers
(Table 3). All screens reduced damage by piercing sucking in-
sects, green stink bug and BMSB, with the fine mesh providing
more protection than the ⁄-inch netting. e ⁄-inch and fine
mesh also significantly reduced the number of sunscald fruit.
e fine mesh had significantly fewer cull fruit than the other
treatments. All of the barrier fabrics reduced the percentage
of piercing-sucking damaged fruit compared to the uncovered
control, and the fine mesh had proportionally less piercing-
sucking damage than other netted treatments (Table 4).
Physical barriers are used to prevent plant damage by ex-
cluding insect pests from accessing plants, although beneficial
insects may also be excluded. Barrier fabrics reduce the num-
bers of lady beetles and hover flies captured on sticky cards
compared to the uncovered control (Table 5). Fewer hover flies
were collected on yellow sticky cards in the fine mesh than the
more course barrier fabrics. No stink bugs were found in the
cages at the end of the study.
e number of BMSB and native (green and brown) stink
bugs were low in this study. e barrier nettings were able to
reduce damage by piercing-sucking pests, with the fine mesh
fabrics providing a higher level of protection. e barrier fab-
rics also provided protection from sunscald. However, barrier
fabrics also reduced fruit yield, likely due to plant shading. e
finer barrier mesh provided the least number of marketable
fruit despite having less fruit damage from insects. e barrier
mesh fabrics also reduced the number of beneficial insects as
compared to the no-barrier control treatment, but the trend
was for the more open mesh treatments to have more beneficial
insects than those with a tighter weave. ere may be a yield
cost with using barrier fabrics to exclude BMSB that may not
be recovered with low densities of BMSB.
USDA. 2005. United States Standards for Grades of Sweet Pep-
Table 1. Total Yield and fruit weight (lb) and number of
marketable bell peppers Aristotle’ grown in cages with barrier
fabrics at the UK Horticultural Farm, 2013
Total fruit per
Total fruit wt
(lb) per cage
Marketable fruit
per cage
Fine mesh 108.0 c 43.7 b 89.2 b
1/8” 138.2 b 54.8 a 110.2 a
1/6” 144.6 ab 56.3 a 113.2 a
No screen 153.6 a 55.2 a 123.2 a
P; d.f. P = .0001; 3, 16 P = .0059; 3, 16 P = .0019; 3, 16
Means within the same column followed by the same letter are not
signicantly dierent (ANOVA, LSD P ≤ 0.05).
Fruit were harvested from all of the 24 plants in each cage.
Table 2. USDA Grade distribution of marketable bell peppers
Aristotle grown in cages with barrier fabrics at the UK
Horticultural Farm, 2013
USDA Grades of Marketable Fruit
No. Fancy
No. 1 No. 2
Fine mesh 49.2 b 34.2 5.8 c
1/8” 58.4 ab 37.6 14.8 ab
1/6” 50.2 b 42.2 20.8 a
No screen 66.8 a 43.3 13.0 b
P; d.f. P =0.01; 3,16 P =0.15; 3,16 P =0.0012; 3,16
Means within the same column followed by the same letter are
not signicantly dierent (ANOVA, LSD P ≤ 0.05).
Table 3. Number of culled fruit within damage type categories of
bell peppers Aristotle’ grown in cages with barrier fabrics at the UK
Horticultural Farm, 2013
Fruit Damage Category
damage Total
Fine mesh 0.0 c 2.4 c 16.4 a 18.8 b
1/8” 1.4 bc 12.6 b 13.2 ab 27.2 a
1/6” 2.6 ab 8.8 bc 20.0 a 31.4 a
No screen 3.4 a 24.6 a 2.4 b 30.4 a
P; d.f. P = 0.0048; 3,16 P = 0.0001; 3,16 P = 0.03; 3,16 P = .018; 3,16
Means within the same column followed by the same letter are not
signicantly dierent (ANOVA, LSD P ≤ 0.05).
Table 4. Percent piercing-sucking
damage on bell peppers Aristotle’
grown in cages with barrier fabrics
from 30-July to 10-Sept. at the UK
Horticulture Research Farm, 2013
Fine mesh 2.2 c
1/8” 9.2 b
1/6” 6.0 b
No screen 16.2 a
P; d.f. P = 0.0002; 3,16
Means in the same column
followed by the same letter are not
signicantly dierent (ANOVA, LSD
P ≤ 0.05).
Table 5. Number of benecial insects identied on yellow sticky cards
placed in cages with barrier fabrics enclosing bell peppers Aristotle’
from 6-Jun to 27-Aug. at the UK Horticultural Research Station, 2013
Treatment Lady Beetles
Hover Flies
Fine mesh 0.4 b 0.2 c 0.2 b 0.0
1/8” 2.4 b 2.0 bc 0.0 b 0.0
1/6” 3.0 b 3.2 b 0.0 b 0.4
No screen 8.8 a 13.4 a 0.8 b 0.0
P; d.f. P = 0.0001; 3,16 P = 0.0001; 3,16 P = 0.027; 3,16 P = 0.09; 3,16
Means in the same column followed by the same letter are not
signicantly dierent (ANOVA, LSD P ≤ 0.05).
Developing More Resilient Cantaloupe Production Systems
Amanda Skidmore, Tim Coolong, Mark Williams, Department of Horticulture; and Ric Bessin, Department of Entomology
e key to successful cantaloupe production in Kentucky
has relied upon effective management of insect pests and the
pathogens they may vector. Cucumber beetles, striped and
spotted, are key pests of all cucurbit crops and they also vec-
tor Erwinia tracheiphila (Smith), the pathogen that causes
bacterial wilt of cucurbits. Management of this disease relies
on preventing the beetles from feeding on cucurbit plants,
particularly prior to fruit set when the plants are small. Many
producers have been using systemic neonicotinoid insecticides
as a transplant drench to provide the first three weeks of control
of cucumber beetles when the plants are first set in the field.
After three weeks they monitor for cucumber beetles and use
one of several pyrethroids to reduce beetle numbers as needed
(Bessin 2004).
However, use of some insecticides with cucurbit production
has the potential to interfere with insect pollinators upon which
cucurbit crops are entirely dependent. Without pollinators
there will be no fruit set. ere has been national concern over
the loss of honey bee colonies since Colony Collapse Disorder
(CCD) was first recognized in 2006. While insecticides were
not directly implicated in a recent USDA/EPA report on CCD
(USDA 2013), the report did indicate that neonicotinoid insec-
ticides may play a role in terms of colony health.
Another factor we are addressing in this study is soil health.
Vegetable production systems employing raised plastic beds
require intense soil manipulation. Excessive tillage can have
negative effects on soil structure through reduction of organic
matter and breaking the structure of soil (USDA NRCS 2013).
With this study we begin evaluating strip tillage as an alternative
to the traditional raised plastic bed system.
Materials and Methods
is study was conducted at the UK Horticultural Research
Farm in Lexington, KY. In the fall of 2012, a cover crop consist-
ing of winter rye, field pea, and radish was established for all
plots. Fungicide-treated cantaloupe (Cucumis melo L.) seeds
(‘Athena, Seedway, Hall, NY) and grown in 72-cell plastic trays
until four weeks of age. In the spring of 2013, half of the plots
had the soil completely prepared with a rotary tiller and raised
beds with black plastic and trickle irrigation established. In the
other plots, the cover crop was flail mowed as the rye began to
produce a seed head. A strip eight inches wide was then tilled
in each plot for the plant bed. is study used a split plot design
with tillage practice treatments arranged in the main plots as a
randomized block design and with or without row cover treat-
ments in the split plot. Transplants were set in the field on May
21, 2013, in conventionally managed plots on the UK Horticul-
tural Research Farm. Each main plot was forty feet in length
and consisted of two outer border rows and two center rows
for data collection (on six foot centers), one with a row cover
over wire hoops and one without a row cover. e 6-foot-wide
spunbond polypropylene row covers (Agribon AG- 30) were
held down with lose soil in plots with raised beds and paving
stones every 2 to 3 feet in the strip till plots. In-row plant spacing
of 2 feet resulted in 21 plants per row. Row covers were removed
with the initiation of female flower formation on June 18, 2013.
e plants in the rows without a row cover received ⁄ fl oz of
a water-diluted drench of imidacloprid (Macho 2F) at a rate of
16 fl oz/A. Prior to transplanting and bed formation, 100 units
of nitrogen/A in the form of calcium nitrate was incorporated
in the soil and was tilled to a depth of 6 inches with a rotary
tiller. Drip tape was laid on top of the row in the strip till plots
and held in place with landscape fabric staples approximately
every ten feet.
On a weekly basis, insect pests and natural enemies of pests
were recorded from three 3.28 by 3.28-foot samples in each
uncovered sub plot. While female flowers were present, weekly
pollinator survey was conducted in each plot with three one-
minute observations. A single yellow sticky card attached to a
12-inch stake was placed in each subplot and changed weekly to
monitor for natural enemies (data yet to be processed). A single
pitfall trap was also placed in each subplot row and changed
weekly to monitor ground associated arthropods (data yet to be
processed). Plots were harvested and graded according to USDA
standards (USDA 2008) and causes for culling were identified.
Soil core samples were collected from each plot before planting,
post-planting, mid-season, and at the end of the season (data
yet to be processed).
Data were subjected to analysis or variance using a split-plot
randomized block design. Prior to analysis of the percentile data,
these data transformed by arcsine of the square root to account
for non-homogeneity of the variance amongt the means (SAS
2012). Means presented in the table are of the raw data.
Results and Discussion
e 2013 growing season at the UK Horticultural Research
Farm can be characterized as excessively wet and cool. Weekly
counts of striped cucumber beetles averaged over the season
indicated significantly higher numbers in the subplots without
the early season row cover treatment than in those plots with
early season row covers without insecticide (Table 1). is dif-
ference was more pronounced in the plasticulture system. No
significant dierences were observed with average numbers of
spotted cucumber beetles. Significantly more lady beetles were
observed in the strip-till plots compared to the plasticulture
plots and this effect was similar with and without row covers.
is difference may be due to the increased shelter and struc-
tural complexity of the strip till plots or may be in response to
alternative food items.
Weekly counts of pollinators found no significant differ-
ences in visitation rates of honey bees, bumble bees or other
bees with respect to tillage practices, early season row covers, or
the interaction between these factors (Table 2). However, there
was a significant effect of the row cover on the mean number
of female cantaloupe flowers, with the plants that were under
the row covers early season having more female flowers. Plants
grown under the early season row covers appeared larger and
more vigorous and the number of female flowers reflected these
Tillage practices significantly influenced the total number
and total weight of cantaloupes produced (Table 3) and this
effect was more pronounced without the row cover. On av-
erage, the raised bed with black plastic produced about 40%
more cantaloupes than did the strip tillage plots. ere were
significantly more marketable cantaloupes produced with the
plasticulture system than with the strip tillage.
All treatments exhibited a large number of culled fruit; the
majority were culled due to effects of the very wet weather,
which resulted in fruit splitting. e mean number of culled
fruit due to insect feeding was significantly higher in the plasti-
culture plots than the strip tillage plots while the row cover had
no detectable effect on insect damage (Table 4). e numbers of
poorly pollinated fruit resulting in culling were not significantly
different among treatments. e percentage of insect damaged
fruit relative to the total number of fruit produced was signifi-
cantly higher in the plasticulture plots.
In terms of fruit production, the plasticulture system out-
performed the strip tillage system in this study. Some of this
may be due to the raised bed providing more drainage in this
excessively wet year or the combination of black plastic and
raised bed heating the soil more rapidly with the prolonged
cool conditions during the growing season. Early-season row
covers reduced the average number of striped cucumber beetles
throughout the season compared to a systemic insecticide
treatment. Strip tillage, with greater structural complexity due
to cover crop residue on the soil surface, had a beneficial effect
on the numbers of lady beetles. Visitation rates of pollinators
did not differ much among our treatments, although it may
be difficult to see differences among treatments in plots of
this size. ere was an effect of tillage on the number insect
damaged fruits with strip tillage plots having much less insect
damage. is difference may be the result of increased levels of
natural enemies in the strip till plots or possibly temperature or
moisture differences affecting the cucumber beetles. Some of
these answers may become available as the remainders of the
samples collected during the summer are processed.
Bessin, R. 2004. Cucumber beetles. University of Kentucky,
Department of Entomology, Entfact 311. http://www2.
SAS institute. 2012. SAS 9.3. Cary, NC.
USDA 2008. United States Standards for Grades of Cantaloups.
USDA 2013. Report on the national stakeholders conference on
honey bee health: National honey bee health stakeholder
conference steering committee.
USDA NRCS. 2013. Soil Quality/ Soil Health Management.
Table 1. Mean number (SE) of spotted and striped cucumber
beetles and lady beetles during weekly square meter observation
of cantaloupe, Athena, grown in strip tillage or plasticulture plots
with and without row covers at the UK Horticultural Farm, 2013
beetle Lady beetles
No row cover
8.33 (1.5) 0.83 (0.2) 7.83 (0.4)
With row Cover
3.67 (1.3) 0.92 (1.6) 14.17 (2.7)
Strip tillage
No row cover
4.25 (1.6) 0.92 (1.6) 4.75 (0.9)
Strip tillage
With row cover
4.17 (1.4) 0.75 (1.6) 5.00 (0.9)
Row cover eect p = 0.03; 1,6 p = 0.54; 1,6 p = 0.09; 1,6
Tillage eect p = 0.37; 1,3 p = 0.89; 1,3 p = 0.04; 1,3
Interaction p = 0.03; 1,6 p = 0.10; 1,6 p = 0.11; 1,6
Table 2. Mean number pollinators (SE) and female owers observed
during one minute observations of 1 m of row of cantaloupes, Athena,
grown in strip tillage or plasticulture plots with and without row
covers at the UK Horticultural Farm, 2013
Treatment Honey bees
bees Other bees
No row cover
5.25 (1.0) 0.30 (0.2) 0.25 (3.0) 1.67 (0.4)
With row Cover
5.7 (1.4) 0.67 (0.5) 0.33 (3.7) 3.83 (0.4)
Strip tillage
No row cover
10.8 (0.7) 0.42 (0.2) 0.42 (4.6) 1.67 (0.1)
Strip tillage
With row cover
8.3 (0.4) 0.50 (0.3) 0.91 (2.1) 2.25 (0.9)
Row cover eect p = 0.18; 1,6 p = 0.39; 1,6 p = 0.29; 1,6 p = 0.04; 1,6
Tillage eect p = 0.06; 1,3 p = 1.0; 1,3 p = 0.17; 1,3 p = 0.26; 1,3
Interaction p = 0.08; 1,6 p = 0.56; 1,6 p = 0.44; 1,6 p = 0.19; 1,6
Table 3. Mean number and weight of fruit (SE) and number of
marketable cantaloupes, Athena, grown in strip tillage or plasticulture
plots with and without row covers at the UK Horticultural Farm, 2013
Number of
Weight of
Fruit (lb)
Number of
Marketable Fruit
No row cover
80.8 (4.1) 375.4 (15.1) 32.3 (3.0)
With row Cover
69.0 (3.2) 290.9 (20.3) 24.3 (3.7)
Strip tillage
No row cover
44.0 (2.5) 176.9 (8.7) 7.5 (4.6)
Strip tillage
With row cover
49.8 (9.3) 182.2 (23.4) 4.5 (2.1)
Row cover eect p = 0.47; 1,6 p = 0.07; 1,6 p = 0.09; 1,6
Tillage eect p = 0.03; 1,3 p = 0.01; 1,3 p = 0.02; 1,3
Interaction p = 0.06; 1,6 p = 0.05; 1,6 p = 0.40; 1,6
Table 4. Mean number harvested cantaloupe, Athena, fruit (SE) in
various cull classes grown in strip tillage or plasticulture plots with and
without row covers at the UK Horticultural Farm, 2013
of Insect
Damaged Fruit
of Poorly
Pollinated Fruit
Percent Insect
Damaged Fruit
No row cover
7.5 (3.0) 1.25 (0.5) 8.9 (3.3)
With row Cover
8.8 (2.7) 0.5 (0.5) 12.3 (3.4)
Strip tillage
No row cover
1.3 (0.6) 0.0 (0.0) 2.7 (1.3)
Strip tillage
With row cover
0.5 (0.5) 1.0 (0.7) 0.8 (0.8)
Row cover
p = 0.90; d.f.= 1,6 p = 0.84; d.f.= 1,6 p = 0.70; d.f.= 1,6
Tillage eect p = 0.05; d.f.= 1,3 p = 0.32; d.f.= 1,3 p = 0.06; d.f.= 1,3
Interaction p = 0.64; d.f.= 1,6 p = 0.19; d.f.= 1,6 p = 0.12; d.f.= 1,6
Financial Comparison of Organic Potato Production Using Dierent
Integrated Pest Management Systems
Sean Clark and Janet Meyer, Berea College Agriculture and Natural Resources Program
Potatoes are one of the least expensive fresh vegetables to
buy, though organic price premiums can be relatively high, as
much as 80% or more than conventional retail prices (Lin et al.
2008). Producing organic potatoes therefore can be profitable for
market gardeners and small farmers selling direct to customers,
even when yields are low and input costs high, as is often reported
(e.g. Mäder et al 2002, Maggio et al. 2008, Varis et al. 1996).
Scaling up small-scale, organic potato production can be
risky, in large part due to weeds, insects, and diseases, and the
limited management options and/or high costs. An organic
grower seeking to sell potatoes to wholesale distributors or
institutional consumers, like schools or hospitals, cannot afford
to depend exclusively on labor-intensive, market-gardening pest
control practices, such as hand-cultivating weeds or hand-picking
Colorado potato beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata). Less
labor-intensive production practices, through mechanization and
other technologies, are necessary for economic viability. Here we
report the results of field trials comparing the cost-effectiveness
and practicality of four pest management systems for growing
organic potatoes to sell through regional wholesale markets.
Materials and Methods
In 2010 a 0.8-acre, transitional organic field with silty loam
soil was planted with two potato cultivars under four different
organic pest management systems (0.10 acre for each cultivar X
system combination). e four systems were: 1) clean-cultivated
with hilling; 2) clean-cultivated with hilling followed by straw
mulch; 3) raised beds with white plastic mulch; and 4) raised
beds with white plastic mulch and floating row covers (Agribon
15). Approved fertilizer (NatureSafe, 13-0-0) was applied at
planting to provide 125 lbs of N per acre.
Potatoes were planted on April 29. Due to an extreme rain
and severe flooding of the site several days after planting, all
clean-cultivated” plots were deemed a total loss. e field
received over eight inches of rain in 48 hours (May 1-3, 2010)
and was washed out by substantial surface runoff from higher
elevations. e plots on raised beds with plastic mulch survived
relatively intact.
‘e raised beds covered in white plastic mulch were on
6-ft centers with two rows per bed spaced 2 ft apart. ey were
hand planted through holes in the plastic, made with a water
wheel, to a depth of about 4 to 6 inches at 1-ft spacings within
the row. Beds were prepared with a tractor-mounted bed shaper
and plastic-mulch layer with drip irrigation installed as a single
line down the center of each bed. e cultivars were ‘Désirée’
and ‘Peanut.’ All variable production costs (labor and material),
yields, and returns were recorded throughout the production,
marketing and sales period. Fixed costs per-acre were estimated
based on equipment, land and storage.
In addition to weeds, Colorado potato beetle was anticipat-
ed to be the most important pest to manage and was therefore
monitored with weekly scouting. Economic thresholds of two
larvae per plant or 0.5 adult per plant (Dwyer et al. 2001) were
used to justify a spinosad treatment (Entrust® SC). e scouting
data indicated that the floating row covers did protect the plants
to some degree early in the season, but the peak densities of
adult beetles per plant were nearly identical with and without
floating row covers. An unanticipated pest, diagnosed by the
University of Kentucky Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
as black dot disease caused by the fungus Colletotrichum coc-
codes, resulted in extremely poor stands of ‘Peanut’.
In 2011, a few changes were made to the trial. In an effort
to avoid pathogen contamination from the first-year site, the
trial was moved to another transitional organic field on the
farm nearly a half mile from the previous site–one also with
silty loam soil. e floating-row-cover production system was
dropped from the trial due to the high costs (material and
labor) and lack of clear benefits. us, the trial included three
potato production systems: 1) clean-cultivated and hilled; 2)
clean-cultivated and hilled followed by straw mulch; and 3)
raised beds with plastic mulch. A single cultivar, ‘Red Pontiac,
was grown in three 0.10-acre plots. Potatoes in the two clean-
cultivated systems were grown in single rows and planted into
non-bedded furrows for ease in cultivation and hilling. Because
the site had been in grass/legume pasture, we assumed some
N credit and only applied 75 lb of N (NatureSafe, 13-0-0). All
systems were on drip irrigation.
Seed potatoes were planted in the plastic-mulched raised
beds on March 25, but in the other two systems planting could
not occur until May 11 due to wet soil. As in in the previous
year, heavy rains and poor drainage were a problem early in
the season. Standing water was common and the plants were
severely affected by charcoal rot, a disease caused by the patho-
gen Macrophomina phaseolina (diagnosed by the University
of Kentucky Plant Disease Diagnostic Laboratory). e disease
was more severe in the clean-cultivated plots than in the one
with plastic-mulched, raised beds.
Based on weekly scouting for Colorado potato beetle and
using the thresholds in Dwyer et al. (2001), a single spinosad ap-
plication was made to the plastic-mulch system, while two were
applied to the straw-mulch system, and three to the bare-ground
system (Table 1). e additional applications in the latter two
treatments were deemed necessary as the number of larvae per
plant reached the threshold while plants in the plastic-mulch
system, which were planted earlier, were senescing.
Weeds in the plastic-mulch system were managed by
cultivating between the plastic beds twice with a rototiller
(BCS walk-behind tractor, 12-hp). e other two systems each
received two cultivations–once with a tine weeder (Lely USA,
Pella, IA) and once using a Williams tool system (Market Farm
Implement, Friedens, PA)–and a single hilling. After the second
cultivation and hilling, straw was manually applied to the clean-
cultivated, straw-mulch system sufficient to cover the soil.
Results and Discussion
Potato yields were poor to marginal in both years of the trial.
We expected weeds and Colorado potato beetle to be the most
important pests to manage. However, plant pathogens and ex-
cessive wetness were by far the most important factors limiting
yield in both years. e only production system demonstrating
even minimally acceptable yields was that using raised beds
and plastic mulch (Table 1). e plastic mulch, however, was
not without some drawbacks. e inability to hill the potatoes
resulted in many green tubers that were unmarketable. e
plastic mulch also provided an appealing habitat for rodents,
which damaged some of the tubers. Finally, although the plastic
mulch is financially justifiable because it reduces hand weeding
and/or machine cultivation costs, it does generate a significant
amount of non-recyclable plastic waste. e floating row cover
provided no benefits. In fact, it added material and labor costs
and may have reduced yield due the fabric limiting the amount
of light reaching the plants.
We expected higher production costs in this trial compared to
the large farms of the western U.S. since we lacked the economy
of scale and mechanized field operations. Furthermore, costs of
organic insect pest and weed control are generally higher than for
conventional pesticide-based methods. Indeed, the costs of produc-
tion in this trial were considerably higher than those for large-scale
production in the western U.S., which are reported to be about
$2,000 per acre (Bohl and Johnson 2010; Painter et al. 2010). Our
total costs averaged nearly $6,000 per acre (range: $3,807-$7,226)
due in large part to high manual labor costs (Table 2).
ough most ground preparation and weed management ac-
tivities, as well as lifting the tubers at harvest, were accomplished
with tractor-driven implements, other activities relied heavily on
human labor. Harvesting, cleaning, sorting, storing, and selling the
potatoes contributed significantly to manual labor costs–and the
greater the yield, the higher the cost. Manual labor costs ranged
from 42% to 65% of total costs (Table 3), while in large-scale opera-
tions they are less than 10% of total costs (Bohl and Johnson. 2010,
Painter et al. 2010).
Using straw mulch in 2011 contributed significantly both to
material and labor costs in that system (Table 2). e intended
purposes of the straw were to suppress weeds, prevent greening
of growing tubers at the soil surface, provide habitat for predators
of Colorado potato beetle, minimize soil splashing onto the leaves
during rain and conserve moisture during any droughts. A longer-
term function of the straw mulch is the addition of organic matter
to the soil. Depending on how plastic and straw mulch costs are
allocated (pest management vs. soil conservation), total pest man-
agement costs (for weeds and Colorado potato beetle) accounted
for 10 to 20% of total production costs per acre. e straw mulch
added nearly 40% more in costs over simple clean-cultivation-plus-
hilling and generated no increase in yield, and at most only a slight
reduction in scouting and spraying costs (Table 2). Seed potatoes
accounted for 20 to 50% of material input costs and 10 to 15% of
total production costs across the systems. Sources for certified
organic seed, largely produced in Colorado and Maine, are limited,
making acquisition a challenge both logistically and financially.
Based on the costs and yields measured in this trial, the raised
bed/plastic mulch system has potential as long as diseases can
be managed by: 1) crop rotation; 2) use of well-drained sites; 3)
planting later in the season when conditions are dryer and warmer;
and 4) readily available pathogen-free, certified-organic seed. e
costs and yields recorded for this system can be used to determine
a break-even point and assess the feasibility of producing organic
potatoes under a range of market conditions. Dividing the yields
by the costs of production gives us a break-even point of about
$0.75-0.90 per pound (Figure 1). Since these were transitional
organic fields and not yet certified, the potatoes were sold through
wholesale markets at $0.50-0.75 per pound, which does not quite
meet the break-even price. Retail prices for fresh potatoes at the
local farmers market during the same period (late summer and
fall) were $1.50-2.00 per pound, which would theoretically allow
for a reasonable profit, assuming sufficient market demand. us,
this production system could be sustained by selling retail but not
likely via wholesale.
Securing a price of at least $1.20-1.40 would likely be neces-
sary to justify the risk of growing potatoes organically instead of
some more profitable and less risky crop. Production costs per
pound could be reduced by improving yields and/or investing
in equipment to substitute mechanization for manual labor.
It’s important to note that the pest management systems in
this study did not adequately address potato diseases. Clearly,
finding reliable means to minimize losses to disease and extreme
weather is critical. In summary, this trial demonstrates some of
the risks of producing potatoes organically in central Kentucky
and provides some estimates of production costs.
Literature Cited
Bohl, W.H., and S.B. Johnson. [eds.] 2010. Commercial po-
tato production in North America.Potato Association of
America Handbook.
Dwyer, J.D., J.F. Dill, and H.S. Carter. 2001. Field scouting: A tool
for potato pest management. Maine Potato IPM Program
Fact Sheet 209.
Lin, B.H., T.A. Smith, and C.L. Huang. 2008. Organic premiums
of US fresh produce.Renewable Agriculture and Food
Systems 23: 208-216.
Mäder, P., A. Fliessbach, D. Dubois, L. Gunst, P. Fried, and U.
Niggli. 2002. Soil fertility and biodiversity in organic farm-
ing.Science296: 1694-1697.
Maggio, A., P. Carillo, G.S. Bulmetti, A. Fuggi, G. Barbieri, and S.
De Pascale. 2008. Potato yield and metabolic profiling under
conventional and organic farming.European Journal of
Agronomy28: 343-350.
Painter, K., J. Miller, and N. Olson. 2010. Costs and returns
for irrigated organic Russet Burbank potato production
in southern Idaho. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin
876. Available at:
Varis, E., L. Pietilä, and K. Koikkalainen. 1996. Comparison of
conventional, integrated and organic potato production in
field experiments in Finland.Acta Agriculturae Scandi-
navica B-Plant Soil Sciences46: 41-48.
Table 1. Potato yields in organic production trials on the Berea College Farm,
Cultivar Production system Year
(lbs per acre)
Désirée Plastic mulch 2010 9,825
Désirée Plastic mulch + oating row cover 2010 6,534
Peanut Plastic mulch 2010 2,952
Peanut Plastic mulch + oating row cover 2010 2,130
Red Pontiac Clean-cultivated + hilled 2011 1,887
Red Pontiac Clean-cultivated, hilled + straw mulch 2011 1,694
Red Pontiac Plastic mulch
2011 6,098
Table 2. Costs of production for potatoes produced organically in transitional organic elds, 2010 and 2011.
Cultivar Désirée Peanut Red Pontiac
Production system, year
mulch + row
cover, 2010
mulch + row
cover, 2010
cultivated +
hilled, 2011
hilled + straw
mulch, 2011
Plastic mulch,
Variable costs ($/acre)
Manual labor
Ground prep and plastic laying 80.00 $80.00 $80.00 $80.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cutting seed potatoes 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 400.00 400.00
Planting 280.00 280.00 280.00 280.00 300.00 300.00 300.00
Fertilizing 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Row cover installation 0.00 280.00 0.00 280.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Straw mulch application 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 850.00 0.00
Hand cultivating/weeding 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Scouting and spraying 160.00 200.00 160.00 200.00 550.00 400.00 130.00
Harvesting 1600.00 1065.04 481.18 347.19 307.58 276.12 993.97
Cleaning, sorting, storing, and selling 1970.00 1306.80 590.40 426.00 377.40 338.80 1219.60
Plastic removal and disposal 240.00 240.00 240.00 240.00 0.00 0.00 240.00
Manual labor subtotal
4730.00 3851.84 2231.58 2253.19 1934.98 2564.92 3283.57
Machine operation
Ground preparation and plastic laying
160.00 160.00 160.00 160.00 30.00 30.00 130.00
Fertilizing 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.00 30.00 30.00
Cultivation and hilling 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 20.00 20.00 50.00
Harvest 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00
Plastic removal and disposal 160.00 160.00 160.00 160.00 0.00 0.00 160.00
Machine operation subtotal
470.00 470.00 470.00 470.00 130.00 130.00 420.00
Material costs
Seed potato
730.00 730.00 938.00 938.00 600.00 600.00 600.00
450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 274.00 274.00 274.00
62.00 62.00 62.00 62.00 234.00 156.00 78.00
Irrigation 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00
Plastic mulch 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 0.00 150.00
Straw mulch 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1800.00 0.00
Row cover
0.00 390.00 0.00 390.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Materials subtotal 1692.00 2082.00 1900.00 2290.00 1408.00 3130.00 1402.00
Total variable costs 6892.00 6403.84 4601.58 5013.19 3472.98 5824.92 5105.57
Fixed costs 334.00 334.00 334.00 334.00 334.00 334.00 334.00
Total costs
7226.00 6737.84 4935.58 5347.19 3806.98 6158.92 5439.57
manual labor costs at $10 per hour
machine operation at $20 per hour to account for labor, fuel, and maintenance
certied organic with shipping in 2010 and conventional, untreated in 2011
NatureSafe, 13-0-0, 125 lbs N in 2010, 75 lbs N in 2011
oating row cover amortized over two years
Spinosad (Entrust® SC)
0.50 0.70 0.90 1.10 1.30 1.50 1.70 1.90
Net returns ($ per acre)
Sell price ($ per lb)
Red Pontiac
Figure 1. Net returns for potatoes produced organically on raised beds with plastic mulch at
sell prices from $0.50 to $2.00 per pound. Break-even prices were within the range of $0.75
and $0.90 per pound.
Table 3. Percentage of total production costs attributed to manual labor, machine operation and purchased materials, 2010-11.
Costs ($/acre)
% of Total Production Costs
mulch, 2010,
Plastic mulch+row
cover, 2010,
mulch, 2010,
Plastic mulch+row
cover, 2010,
Clean-cultivated +
hilled, 2011, ‘Red
clean-cultivated, hilled
+ straw mulch, 2011,
‘Red Pontiac’
Plastic mulch,
2011, ‘Red
Manual Labor
65 57 45 42 51 42 60
7 7 10 9 3 2 8
23 31 38 43 37 51 26
Eect of Municipal Refuse Compost and Chicken Manure
Applications on Kale and Collard Green Yields and Quality
George Antonius, Eric Turley, Regina Hill, Division of Environmental Studies, Kentucky State University; and
John Snyder,
Department of Horticulture, University of Kentucky
In the United States, about 317 million tons of animal
manure is produced annually from about 238,000 animal feed-
ing operations [1] and nearly 90% of about 11 million tons of
poultry litter produced annually is applied as fertilizer. [2, 3] e
rapid growth in the poultry industry has resulted in significant
manure generation. [4] Chicken manure (CM) contains all es-
sential plant nutrients and has been documented as an excellent
fertilizer. [5] In addition, the United States produces nearly 15
million dry tons of municipal sewage sludge (SS) each year.
[6] e use of CM and SS as farm soil amendments provides a
constructive means of waste disposal and a viable method for
improving soil fertility and physical properties. [7] Using SS
has shown promise for some field crops (e.g., maize, sorghum,
and forage grasses) and vegetables (e.g., lettuce, cabbage, beans,
potatoes, and cucumbers). [8]
e effects of organic soil amendments on the antioxidant
contents of plants have received very little attention by sci-
entists. Most studies have focused only on crop yield and soil
properties after the addition of organic amendments, with little
attention to crop nutritional composition. Vegetables contain
numerous bioactive compounds known as “phytochemicals.
Phenolic compounds are the largest category of phytochemicals
and the most widely distributed in the plant kingdom. Many
these compounds are antioxidants.
Ascorbic acid (vitamin C),
also an antioxidant, is the most important vitamin in fruits and
vegetables for human nutrition. More than 90% of the vitamin
C in human diets is supplied by fruits and vegetables.
e main objective of this study was to assess the impact
of soil amendment with SS and CM on kale and collard green
marketable yields, total phenols and ascorbic acid contents.
Materials and Methods
e study was conducted during the summer of 2012 on
a Lowell silty-loam soil (2.5% organic matter, pH 6.7) on the
Kentucky State University Research Farm, Franklin County,
Kentucky. e experimental design consisted of a randomized
complete block design replicated three times and included three
soil treatments, amendment with SS CM, or unamended soil
(no mulch-NM), and two crops, kale and collard greens. e
soil in six plots was mixed with SS obtained from the Metro-
politan Sewer District, Louisville, KY, and at 15 tons/A on a dry
weight basis. Six plots were mixed with CM obtained from the
Department of Animal and Food Sciences of the University of
Kentucky in Lexington at 15 tons/A on a dry weight basis. e
SS and CM were tilled into the topsoil to a depth of six inches.
e native soils in six plots were used as a no-mulch control
treatment (roto-tilled bare soil) for comparison purposes.
e plots were hand transplanted on 24 May 2012 with
45-day old kale (Brassica oleracea cv. Winterbor) and collard
greens (Brassica oleracea cv. Top Bunch) seedlings. Plants
were spaced 16 inches apart in rows two feet apart. At harvest,
five representative plants from each plot were collected at
random from each of the 18 field plots (six replicates for each
soil treatment) and categorized as U.S. No.1, U.S. Commercial,
or unclassified grades (plants that did not meet the other two
grades) according to the USDA Standards grades for kale
and collard greens
Representative kale and collard leaf samples (20 g) were
ground and treated chemically to extract phenolic compounds
and vitamin C. e concentrations of these compounds were
measured. Soil pH, organic matter percent, and nitrogen, phos-
phorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc levels were
also determined. Yield, quality, total phenols, ascorbic acid, and
soil parameters tested under the three soil management prac-
tices were statistically analyzed using the ANOVA procedure.
Means were compared using Duncans multiple range test.
Results and discussion
e number of U.S. No. 1 collard plants was significantly
greater in CM and SS mixed soil compared to NM soil, whereas
the number of unclassified plants was greater in NM soil com-
pared to the other two soil treatments (Figure 1, upper graph).
e total yield of U.S. No. 1 collard greens from the CM-mixed
soil was not significantly different from that obtained from SS-
mixed soil but had a greater yield than that of the NM soil (Figure
1, lower graph). e numbers of U.S. No. 1 kale plants obtained
from SS- and CM-amended soil were also greater compared
to the NM soil (Figure 2, upper graph). e total yield of kale
from the CM-amended soil was significantly greater than the
total yield from the SS-treated soil. e total yield of kale clas-
sified as commercial grade was greater in the NM treatment
compared to the CM and SS treatments (Figure 2, lower graph).
Overall, collard greens and kale yields obtained from CM- and
SS-amended soils were greater than the yields obtained from
NM soil (Figure 3). ese increases in U.S. No. 1 and total col-
lard green and kale yields from CM and SS treatments might
be due to improved soil fertility, nutrient retention, soil poros-
ity, and water-holding capacity associated with the addition of
soil amendments. Increased crop yields are often attributed
to increased organic matter content and improvements in
the physical properties of the soil such as increased aggregate
stability, increased moisture holding capacity and reduced soil
bulk density. e effects on yield of amending native soils with
compost are also derived from availability of nutrients in the
compost. [12]
The concentrations of total phenols were significantly
greater (400 and 350 µg g-1 fresh weight) in collard leaves
of plants grown in the CM and SS treatments, respectively,
compared to plants grown in the NM soil (270 µg g-1 fresh
weight) (Figure 4). Similarly, concentrations of total phenols in
kale leaves of plants grown in NM (410 µg g-1 fresh weight) were
significantly lower than in plants grown in CM and SS amended
soils (580 and 520 µg g-1 fresh fruit, respectively).
Ascorbic acid concentrations in the leaves of collard and
kale plants grown in NM soil were lower compared to those
in the plants grown in CM- and SS-amended soils. Ascorbic
acid concentrations in collards grown in soil amended with
CM and SS were not significantly different, though they were
greater than that found in plants grown in NM soil (Figure 5). In
contrast, ascorbic acid concentrations differed between the CM
and SS treatments for kale. Regardless of soil treatments, total
phenols and ascorbic acid concentrations were significantly (P<
0.05) greater in kale than in collard (Figure 6).
Considerable emphasis has been placed on the effect of ni-
trogenous fertilizers on crop nutritional value. We investigated
the chemical and physical properties of the three soil treatments
used in this study that might explain variability among treat-
ments and the impact on yield, phenols and ascorbic acid con-
Chicken ManureSewage Sludge No Mulch
Soil Treatment
Collard Yield
Number of plant acre
US #1
Figure 1. Yield of collard expressed as number of plants (upper graph)
and lbs acre
(lower graph) grown under three soil management
practices. Bars accompanied by dierent letter(s) in each class are
signicantly dierent (P ≤ 0.05) using Duncans multiple range test.
Chicken ManureSewage Sludge No Mulch
Soil Treatment
Collard Yield, lbs acre
Chicken ManureSewage Sludge No Mulch
Soil Treatment
US #1
Kale Yield,
Number of plants acre
Figure 2. Yield of kale expressed as number of plants (upper graph)
and lbs acre
(lower graph) grown under three soil management
practices. Bars accompanied by dierent letter(s) in each class are
signicantly dierent (P ≤ 0.05) using Duncans multiple range test.
Chicken ManureSewage Sludge No Mulch
Soil Treatment
Kale Yield, lbs acre
Chicken ManureSewage Sludge No Mulch
Soil Treatment
Total Yield, lbs acre
Figure 3. Yield of collard and yield of kale grown under three soil
management practices. Bars accompanied by dierent letter in
each crop are signicantly dierent (P ≤ 0.05) from each other using
Duncans multiple range test.
Chicken ManureSewage Sludge No Mulch
Soil Treatment
Total Phenols,
µg g
Fresh Weight
Figure 4. Concentrations of total phenols in collard and kale plants
grown under three soil management practices. Bars for each crop
accompanied by the same letter are not signicantly dierent (P ≤ 0.05)
using Duncans multiple range test.
Chicken ManureSewage Sludge No Mulch
Soil Treatment
Ascorbic Acid,
µg g
Fresh Weight
Figure 5. Concentrations of ascorbic acid in collard and kale plants
grown under three soil management practices. Bars for each crop
accompanied by the same letter are not signicantly dierent (P ≤0.05)
using Duncans multiple range test.
Table1. Chemical characterization of chicken manure and sewage sludge
amended soils, and no-mulch soil used for growing collard and kale at
Kentucky State University Research Farm, Franklin County, Kentucky, 2013.
N (%)
CM 7.01 b 1210 a 480 a 11525 b 598 a 62 b 0.32 a 6.37 a
SS 7.14 a 1164 b 152 c 17105 a 531 b 65 a 0.26 b 4.13 b
NM 6.55 c 919 c 270 b 10535 c 622 a 45 c 0.20 c 2.55 c
Each value in the table is an average of six samples. Values within a column for
each parameter followed by the same letter(s) are not signicantly dierent
(P≤ 0.05).
tents of kale and collard green grown with CM and SS. e CM
treatment contained 6.4% organic matter (OM), whereas, the
SS treatment contained 4.1% OM compared to 2.6% in the NM
soil (Table 1). Concentrations of total nitrogen in soil amended
with CM and SS were greater (0.32 and 0.26%, respectively)
compared to 0.20% nitrogen content in the NM soil. Guertal
and Edwards
found that collard yield was increased with
increasing rates of soil nitrogen application. is might explain
the increased yield of collard greens and kale grown in CM- and
SS-amended soils compared to NM soil as indicated in Figure 3.
Additional research on the impact of CM and SS on crop yield
and crop nutritional composition of plants grown under these
practices is under investigation by our research team.
SS and CM were mixed with native soil to study their impact
on kale and collard green yields and quality. Plants grown in CM
and SS amended soil produced the greatest number of U.S. No.
1 grade collard and kale greens compared to NM soil. Across all
treatments, concentrations of ascorbic acid and phenols were
generally greater in kale than in collards. CM and SS enhanced
total phenols and ascorbic acid contents of kale and collard
compared to NM soil.
We thank Dr. Tim Coolong for his assistance in providing
kale and collards seedlings, and Mr. Hank Schweickart for
preparing the field plots. is investigation was supported by
a grant from USDA/NIFA to Kentucky State University under
agreement No. KYX 10-13-48P.
[1] USDA-NRCS. Manure nutrients relative to the capacity
of crop land and pasture land to assimilate: Spatial and
temporal trends for the United States, Publication No. nps
00-559, p. 18.
[2] Cabrera, L.M; Sims, J.T. Beneficial use of poultry by-products:
Challenges and opportunities. In: Power, J.F.; Dick, W.A.
(Eds.). Land application of agricultural, industrial, and mu-
nicipal by-products. Soil Sci. Soc. Am., 2000, Madison, WI.
[3] Jackson, B.P.; Bertson, M.L.;Cabreta, J.J.; Camberto, J.C.;
Seaman, C.W. Wood, trace element speciation in poultry
litter. J. Environ. Qual. 2003, 32, 535–540.
[4] Payne, J., and Zhang, H. Oklahoma State University, Poultry
litter nutrient management: A guide for producers and
applicators, Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service,
Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources,
Publication # E-1027. Date accessed 10/16/2013.
[5] Subramanian, B.; Gupta, G. Adsorption of trace elements
from poultry litter by montmorillonite clay. J. Hazard Ma-
terials 2006, B128, 80–83.
[6] U.S. EPA. Environmental Fact Sheet: Yard Waste Compost-
ing, EPA/530-SW-91–009; USEPA, Office of Solid Waste,
Washington DC: 1991.
[7] Antonious, G.F.; Silitonga, M.R.; Tsegaye, T.D; Unrine, J.M.,
Coolong, T.; Snyder, J.C. Elevated concentrations of trace
elements in soil do not necessarily reflect metals available
to plants. J. Environ. Sci. Health 2013, 48, 210-225.
[8] Shiralipour, A.; McConnell, D.B.; Smith, W.H. Uses and Ben-
efits of MSU compost: A review and assessment. Biomass
and Bioenergy 1992, 3, 267-279.
[9] Shahidi, F. Antioxidant factors in plant foods and selected
oilseeds. BioFactors 2000, 13, 179 - 185.
[10] United States Standards for Grades of Kale, July 21, 2005:
[11] United States Standards for Grades of Collard Greens or
Broccoli Greens, April 16, 1953:
[12] Swiader, J.M.; Morse, R.D. Influence of organic amend-
ments on phosphorus requirement. J. American Soc. Hort.
Sci. 1984, 109, 150–155.
Total Phenols
Ascorbic Acid
µg g
Fresh Weight
Figure 6. Overall concentrations of total phenols and ascorbic acid (in
collard greens and kale grown under three soil management practices.
Bars for each crop accompanied by the same letter are not signicantly
dierent (P ≤ 0.05) using Duncans multiple range test.
Asparagus Variety Evaluation
Lucas Hanks, Shawn Wright, Tim Coolong, and John Snyder, Department of Horticulture
ere are currently about 65 acres of asparagus being grown
in Kentucky. Since asparagus plantings are typically harvested
for 20 or more years it is important to evaluate newer varieties to
enable informed planting decisions. Eight varieties of asparagus
are being grown in a long-term replicated trial to assess their
yields under Central Kentucky growing conditions.
Materials and Methods
One-year old crowns were purchased from Walker Broth-
ers Plant Company and transplanted on 31 May 2011 at the
UK Horticulture Research Farm in Lexington. Six-inch-deep
furrows were dug in planting rows and crowns were planted
at a 14 inch in-row spacing, with five feet between rows. is
spacing is equivalent to a planting density of 5,808 plants per
acre. Varieties are replicated four times in a randomized com-
plete block design. Plot rows consist of 10 plants of a particular
variety, for a total of 40 plants of each variety.
Four hundred pounds of 19-19-19 fertilizer per acre were
applied in-furrow prior to transplanting. Drip irrigation was
installed to aid plot establishment for the first growing season.
Prior to spear emergence, Sandea herbicide was applied to the
field at a rate of 1 oz/A. No asparagus spears were harvested
during the 2011 growing season.
In early spring 2012, prior to spear emergence, plant residues
were mowed off. Two hundred pounds per acre of 19-19-19
fertilizer were broadcast on the plot. Chateau herbicide was
applied at a rate of 6 oz/A. After spear emergence in late spring,
Sandea herbicide was applied at a rate of 1 oz/A, and again in
mid-summer at the same rate. Again, no asparagus was har-
On 28 March 2013, plant residues were mowed and an
herbicide mixture of Gramoxone at 4 pt/A and Chateau at 6
oz/A were applied to the plot. At this time 19-19-19 granular
fertilizer was broadcast at a rate of 100 pounds of nitrogen per
acre. Spears initially emerged on 10 April. Harvest began on 13
April and continued until 5 June. Spears were harvested two or
three times per week. Marketable spears, those 5 to 12 inches in
length, were harvested and measured for weight and diameter.
During this time weeds were controlled by hand cultivation
as needed. On 15 June, Select Max herbicide was applied at a
rate of 16 oz/A to control perennial grasses. Carbaryl 4L was
applied on 5 May at a rate of 1 oz/A to control asparagus beetles.
is single application suppressed insect pests and no other
pesticides were applied
Results and Discussion
Harvest data for the eight asparagus varieties can be found
in Table 1. ere were no significant differences in spear width
among varieties. Jersey Supreme, Grande and Atlas were the
top performers for the first harvest year. Purple Passion yielded
the least amount of marketable spears, nevertheless its unique
coloration may allow for increased marketability. Overall, yields
for all varieties were lower than expected, but crown productiv-
ity should increase over the next few growing seasons.
e authors would like to thank Paul Dengel and Joseph
Tucker for their hard work and assistance in this evaluation.
Funding for this project was provided by a grant from the
Agricultural Development Board through the Kentucky Hor-
ticulture Council.
Table 1. Asparagus yield results, 2013.
per plant
per acre
per spear
per plant
Jersey Supreme 0.54 a
3136 0.39 22.2 0.39
Grande 0.53 a 3078 0.42 20.1 0.39
Atlas 0.50 ab 2904 0.43 18.6 0.41
Jersey Giant 0.43 abc 2497 0.36 20.3 0.36
Apollo 0.38 bcd 2207 0.38 15.9 0.38
UC-157 0.34 cd 1975 0.35 15.7 0.36
Jersey Knight 0.32 cd 1859 0.36 14.2 0.36
Purple Passion 0.24 d 1394 0.43 8.9 0.37
Average yield per plant for the entire season
Season-long average yield per plant x 5808 plants per acre
Average wt. per spear for the entire season
Average season-long wt. per plant divided by average season-long
weight per spear
Means in column followed by same letter are not signicantly dierent
(Waller-Duncan Multiple-Range Test (P≤0.05)
AAS ................ All America Selection Trials, 1311 Buttereld Road,
Suite 310, Downers Grove, IL 60515
AS/ASG ........ Formerly Asgrow Seed Co., now Seminis (see “S”
AC ................... Abbott and Cobb Inc., Box 307, Feasterville, PA 19047
AG................... Agway Inc., P.O. Box 1333, Syracuse, NY 13201
AM .................. American Sunmelon, P.O. Box 153, Hinton, OK 73047
AR ................... Aristogenes Inc., 23723 Fargo Road, Parma, ID 83660
AT .................... American Takii Inc., 301 Natividad Road, Salinas, CA
B ...................... BHN Seed, Division of Gargiulo Inc., 16750 Bonita
Beach Rd., Bonita Springs, FL 34135
BBS ................. Baers Best Seed, 154 Green St., Reading, MA 01867
BC ................... Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds, 2278 Baker Creek Rd.,
Manseld, OH 65704
BK ................... Bakker Brothers of Idaho Inc., P.O. Box 1964, Twin Falls,
ID 83303
BR ................... Bruinsma Seeds B.V., P.O. Box 1463, High River, Alberta,
Canada, TOL 1B0
BS.................... Bodger Seed Ltd., 1800 North Tyler Ave., South El
Monte, CA 91733
BU ................... W. Atlee Burpee & Co., P.O. Box 6929, Philadelphia, PA
BZ ................... Bejo Zaden B.V., 1722 ZG Noordscharwoude, P.O. Box
9, The Netherlands
CA ................... Castle Inc., 190 Mast St., Morgan Hill, CA 95037
CF ................... Cliftons Seed Co., 2586 NC 43 West, Faison, NC 28341
CG ................... Cooks Garden Seed, PO Box C5030 Warminster, PA
CH ................... Alf Christianson, P.O. Box 98, Mt. Vernon, WA 98273
CIRT................ Campbell Inst. for Res. and Tech., P-152 R5 Rd 12,
Napoleon, OH 43545
CL ................... Clause Semences Professionnelles, 100 Breen Road,
San Juan Bautista, CA 95045
CN ................... Canners Seed Corp., (Nunhems) Lewisville, ID 83431
CR ................... Crookham Co., P.O. Box 520, Caldwell, ID 83605
CS ................... Chesmore Seed Co., P.O. Box 8368, St. Joseph, MO
D ..................... Daehnfeldt Inc., P.O. Box 947, Albany, OR 97321
DN .................. Denholm Seeds, P.O. Box 1150, Lompoc, CA 93438-
DR ................... DeRuiter Seeds Inc., P.O. Box 20228, Columbus, OH
EB .................... Ernest Benery, P.O. Box 1127, Muenden, Germany
EV ................... Evergreen Seeds, Evergreen YH Enterprises, P.O. Box
17538, Anaheim, CA 92817
EX ................... Express Seed, 300 Artino Drive, Oberlin, OH 44074
EW ................. East/West Seed International Limited, P.O. Box 3, Bang
Bua Thong, Nonthaburi 1110, Thailand
EZ.................... ENZA Zaden, P.O. Box 7, 1600 AA, Enkhuisen, The
Netherlands 02280-15844
FED ................. Fedco Seed Co., P.P. Box 520 Waterville, ME, 04903
FM .................. Ferry-Morse Seed Co., P.O. Box 4938, Modesto, CA
G ..................... German Seeds Inc., Box 398, Smithport, PA 16749-
GB ................... Green Barn Seed, 18855 Park Ave., Deephaven, MN
GL ................... Gloeckner, 15 East 26th St., New York, NY 10010
GO .................. Goldsmith Seeds Inc., 2280 Hecker Pass Highway, P.O.
Box 1349, Gilroy, CA 95020
GU .................. Gurneys Seed and Nursery Co., P.O. Box 4178,
Greendale, IN 47025-4178
HL/HOL ......... Hollar & Co. Inc., P.O. Box 106, Rocky Ford, CO 81067
H/HM ............. Harris Moran Seed Co., 3670 Bualo Rd., Rochester, NY
14624, Ph: (716) 442-0424
HMS ............... High Mowing Organic Seeds, 76 Quarry Rd., Wlacott,
VT 05680
HN .................. HungNong Seed America Inc., 3065 Pacheco Pass
Hwy., Gilroy, CA 95020
HO .................. Holmes Seed Co., 2125-46th St., N.W., Canton, OH
HR ................... Harris Seeds, 60 Saginaw Dr., P.O. Box 22960,
Rochester, NY 14692-2960
HS ................... Heirloom Seeds, P O Box 245, W. Elizabeth PA 15088-
HZ ................... Hazera Seed, Ltd., P.O.B. 1565, Haifa, Israel
JU .................... J. W. Jung Seed Co., 335 High St., Randolf, WI 53957
JS/JSS ............ Johnnys Selected Seeds, Foss Hill Road, Albion, MA
KS.................... Krummrey & Sons Inc., P.O. 158, Stockbridge, MI 49285
KU ................... Known-you Seed Co., 26 Chung Cheng 2nd Road,
Kaushiung Taiwan, 80271
KY ................... Known-You Seed Co., Ltd. 26 Chung Cheng Second
Rd., Kaohsiung, Taiwan, R.O.C. 07-2919106
KZ ................... Kitazawa Seed Co., PO Box 13220  Oakland,
CA 94661-3220
LI ..................... Liberty Seed, P.O. Box 806, New Philadelphia, OH
LSL .................. LSL Plant Science, 1200 North El Dorado Place, Suite
D-440, Tucson, AZ 85715
MB .................. Malmborg’s Inc., 5120 N. Lilac Dr., Brooklyn Center, MN
MK .................. Mikado Seed Growers Co. Ltd., 1208 Hoshikuki, Chiba
City 280, Japan 0472 65-4847
ML ................. J. Mollema & Sons Inc., Grand Rapids, MI 49507
MM ................. MarketMore Inc., 4305 32nd St. W., Bradenton, FL
MN ................. Dr. Dave Davis, U of MN Hort Dept., 305 Alderman
Hall, St. Paul, MN 55108
MR .................. Martin Rispins & Son Inc., 3332 Ridge Rd., P.O. Box 5,
Lansing, IL 60438
MS .................. Musser Seed Co. Inc., Twin Falls, ID 83301
MWS .............. Midwestern Seed Growers, 10559 Lackman Road,
Lenexa, Kansas 66219
NE ................... Neuman Seed Co., 202 E. Main St., P.O. Box 1530, El
Centro, CA 92244
NI .................... Clark Nicklow, Box 457, Ashland, MA 01721
NU .................. Nunhems (see Canners Seed Corp.)
NS ................... New England Seed Co., 3580 Main St., Hartford, CT
NZ ................... Nickerson-Zwaan, P.O. Box 19, 2990 AA Barendrecht,
The Netherlands
OE ................... Ohlsens-Enke, NY Munkegard, DK-2630, Taastrup,
ON .................. Osbourne Seed Co., 2428 Old Hwy 99 South Road
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
OS ................... Outstanding Seed Co., 354 Center Grange
Road, Monaca PA 15061
OLS ................. L.L. Olds Seed Co., P.O. Box 7790, Madison, WI 53707-
Appendix A: Sources of Vegetable Seeds
We would like to express our appreciation to these companies for providing seeds at no charge for vegetable variety trials. e
abbreviations used in this appendix correspond to those listed after the variety names in tables of individual trial reports.
OT ................... Orsetti Seed Co., P.O. Box 2350, Hollister, CA 95024-
P ...................... Pacic Seed Production Co., P.O. Box 947, Albany, OR
PA/PK ............. Park Seed Co., 1 Parkton Ave., Greenwood, SC 29647-
PARA .............. Paragon Seed Inc., P.O. Box 1906, Salinas CA, 93091
PE .................... Peter-Edward Seed Co. Inc., 302 South Center St.,
Eustis, FL 32726
PF .................... Pace Foods, P.O. Box 9200, Paris, TX 75460
PG ................... The Pepper Gal, P.O. Box 23006, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
PL .................... Pure Line Seeds Inc., Box 8866, Moscow, ID
PM .................. Pan American Seed Company, P.O. Box 438, West
Chicago, IL 60185
PR ................... Pepper Research Inc., 980 SE 4 St., Belle Glade, FL
PT .................... Pinetree Garden Seeds, P.O. Box 300, New Gloucester,
ME 04260
R ...................... Reed’s Seeds, R.D. #2, Virgil Road, S. Cortland, NY
RB/ROB ......... Robson Seed Farms, P.O. Box 270, Hall, NY 14463
RC ................... Rio Colorado Seeds Inc., 47801 Gila Ridge Rd., Yuma,
AZ 85365
RE .................... Reimer Seed Co., PO Box 236, Mt. Holly, NC 28120
RG ................... Rogers Seed Co., P.O. Box 4727, Boise, ID 83711-4727
RI/RIS ............. Rispens Seeds Inc., 3332 Ridge Rd., P.O. Box 5, Lansing,
IL 60438
RS .................... Royal Sluis, 1293 Harkins Road, Salinas, CA 93901
RU/RP/RUP .. Rupp Seeds Inc., 17919 Co. Rd. B, Wauseon, OH 43567
S ...................... Seminis Inc. (may include former Asgrow and Peto
cultivars), 2700 Camino del Sol, Oxnard, CA 93030-
SE .................... Southern Exposure Seed Exchange, P.O. Box
460Mineral, VA 23117
SHUM ............ Shumway Seed Co., 334 W. Stroud St. Randolph, WI
SI/SG .............. Siegers Seed Co., 8265 Felch St., Zeeland, MI 49464-
SIT ................... Seeds From Italy, P.O. Box 149, Winchester, MA 01890
SK.................... Sakata Seed America Inc., P.O. Box 880, Morgan Hill,
CA 95038
SN ................... Snow Seed Co., 21855 Rosehart Way, Salinas, CA
SO .................. Southwestern Seeds, 5023 Hammock Trail, Lake Park,
GA 31636
SOC ................ Seeds of Change, Sante Fe, NM
SST ................. Southern States, 6606 W. Broad St., Richmond, VA
ST .................... Stokes Seeds Inc., 737 Main St., Box 548, Bualo, NY
SU/SS ............. Sunseeds, 18640 Sutter Blvd., P.O. Box 2078, Morgan
Hill, CA 95038
SV ................... Seed Savers Exchange, 3094 North Winn Rd., Decorah,
IA 52101
SW .................. Seedway Inc., 1225 Zeager Rd., Elizabethtown, PA
SY .................... Syngenta/Rogers, 600 North Armstrong Place (83704),
P.O. Box 4188, Boise, ID 83711-4188
T/TR ............... Territorial Seed Company, P.O. Box 158, Cottage Grove,
OR 97424
TGS ................. Tomato Growers Supply Co., P.O. Box 2237, Ft. Myers,
FL 33902
TS .................... Tokita Seed Company, Ltd., Nakagawa, Omiya-shi,
Saitama-ken 300, Japan
TT .................... Totally Tomatoes, P.O. Box 1626, Augusta, GA 30903
TW .................. Twilley Seeds Co. Inc., P.O. Box 65, Trevose, PA 19047
UA ................... US Agriseeds, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401.
UG .................. United Genetics, 8000 Fairview Road, Hollister, CA
US ................... US Seedless, 12812 Westbrook Dr., Fairfax, VA 22030
V ...................... Vesey’s Seed Limited, York, Prince Edward Island,
VL .................... Vilmorin Inc., 6104 Yorkshire Ter., Bethesda, MD 20814
VS ................... Vaughans Seed Co., 5300 Katrine Ave., Downers
Grove, IL 60515-4095
VTR ................. VTR Seeds, P.O. Box 2392, Hollister, CA 95024
WI ................... Willhite Seed Co., P.O. Box 23, Poolville, TX 76076
WP ................. Woodpraire Farms, 49 Kinney Road, Bridgewater, ME
ZR ................... Zeraim Seed Growers Company Ltd., P.O. Box 103,
Gedera 70 700, Israel
The College of Agriculture is an Equal Opportunity Organization
Mention or display of a trademark, proprietary product, or rm in text or gures does not constitute
an endorsement and does not imply approval to the exclusion of other suitable products or rms.