Originating Component: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and
Effective: March 2, 2018
Change 2 Effective: April 3, 2019
Releasability: Cleared for public release. Available on the Directives Division
Website at
Approved by: Robert H. McMahon, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics
and Materiel Readiness
Change 2 Approved by: Dee Reardon, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics
Purpose: This manual is composed of several volumes, each containing its own purpose. In
accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5134.12 and DoD Instruction 4140.25:
This manual implements policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for the
supply chain management, quality assurance and quality surveillance, and storage of energy
commodities and related services.
This volume assigns responsibilities and provides procedures to prepare and administer
government fuel card (GFC) programs, including the DoD Fleet Card, U.S. Government
Aviation Into-Plane Reimbursement (AIR) Card®, and the DoD Ships’ Bunkers’ Easy
Acquisition (SEA) Card®, including the Swipe SEA Card®.
DoDM 4140.25, Volume 3, March 2, 2018
Change 2, April 3, 2019
SECTION 1: GENERAL ISSUANCE INFORMATION .............................................................................. 4
1.1. Applicability. .................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Information Collections. ................................................................................................... 4
1.3. Summary of Change 2. ..................................................................................................... 4
SECTION 2: RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Director, DLA. .................................................................................................................. 5
2.2. DoD Component and Participating Agency Heads. ......................................................... 5
SECTION 3: GFC ............................................................................................................................. 6
3.1. General. ............................................................................................................................. 6
3.2. GFC PMO. ........................................................................................................................ 6
3.3. CPM. ................................................................................................................................ . 7
3.4. A/OPC. .............................................................................................................................. 8
3.5. Alternate A/OPCs. .......................................................................................................... 11
3.6. CO. .................................................................................................................................. 11
3.7. AO. .................................................................................................................................. 11
3.8. Card Users. ...................................................................................................................... 12
3.9. Billing Offices. ................................................................................................................ 12
3.10. Management Controls. .................................................................................................. 13
3.11. Fraud. ............................................................................................................................ 13
3.12. POCs. ............................................................................................................................ 14
SECTION 4: DOD FLEET CARD PROGRAM ..................................................................................... 15
4.1. General. ........................................................................................................................... 15
4.2. Authorized Supplies and Services. ................................................................................. 15
4.3. DoD Administrative Control........................................................................................... 17
4.4. Establishing a DoD Fleet Card Account. ........................................................................ 18
4.5. Obtaining, Replacing, and Cancelling DoD Fleet Cards. ............................................... 19
4.6. Disputed or Erroneous DoD Fleet Card Billings. ........................................................... 19
SECTION 5: DOD SEA CARD® PROGRAM ..................................................................................... 22
5.1. General. ........................................................................................................................... 22
5.2. Deployed Vessels. ........................................................................................................... 22
5.3. Billing for Allowable Purchases. .................................................................................... 23
5.4. Establishing a DoD SEA Card® Account. ..................................................................... 23
5.5. Disputed or Erroneous DoD SEA Card® Billings. ........................................................ 25
SECTION 6: SWIPE SEA CARD® PROGRAM ................................................................................... 27
6.1. General. ........................................................................................................................... 27
6.2. Authorized Purchases...................................................................................................... 27
6.3. Establishing a Swipe SEA Card® Account. ................................................................... 27
6.4. Controls. .......................................................................................................................... 28
6.5. Disputed or Erroneous DoD Swipe SEA Card® Billings. ............................................. 29
SECTION 7: U.S. GOVERNMENT AIR CARD® PROGRAM ............................................................... 32
7.1. General. ........................................................................................................................... 32
7.2. U.S. Government AIR Card® Usage. ............................................................................. 32
DoDM 4140.25, Volume 3, March 2, 2018
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7.3. Unauthorized Use of the U.S. Government AIR Card®................................................. 34
7.4. Fuel Purchases at DLA Energy Into-plane Contract Locations and Non-contract
Locations that Accept the U.S. Government AIR Card®. ................................................ 35
7.5. Lost or Stolen U.S. Government AIR Card®. ................................................................ 36
7.6. Establishing a U.S. Government AIR Card® Account. .................................................. 36
7.7. Disputed or Erroneous U.S. Government AIR Card® Billings. ..................................... 37
SECTION 8: SF 44 FUEL PURCHASES ............................................................................................. 41
8.1. SF 44 Fuel Purchases Where Merchant Agrees to Invoice DLA Energy. ...................... 41
8.2. SF 44 Fuel Purchases Where the Merchant Requires Cash Payment. ............................ 42
8.3. SF 44 Data Requirements. .............................................................................................. 43
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................... 47
G.1. Acronyms. ...................................................................................................................... 47
G.2. Definitions. ..................................................................................................................... 48
REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 50
Table 1. DLA Energy-QEVK GFC PMO E-mails and Website ................................................. 14
Table 2. CPMs ............................................................................................................................. 14
Table 3. MCCs ............................................................................................................................. 28
Figure 1. Declaration of Receipt Correction ................................................................................ 21
Figure 2. SF 44 Example ............................................................................................................. 46
DoDM 4140.25, Volume 3, March 2, 2018
Change 2, April 3, 2019
1.1. APPLICABILITY. This volume applies to:
a. OSD, the Military Departments (including the Coast Guard at all times, including when it
is a Service in the Department of Homeland Security, by agreement with that Department), the
Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant
Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense
Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities within DoD (referred to
collectively in this manual as the “DoD Components”).
b. Federal departments and agencies participating in DoD supply chain management of
energy commodities with the DoD Components, referred to collectively in this manual as
“Participating Agencies,” but only when and to the extent they adopt the terms of this volume.
1.2. INFORMATION COLLECTIONS. The suspected fraudulent or improper use of
Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Energy-sponsored fuel cards report, referred to in Paragraphs
3.4.f. and 7.3.d. of this volume, does not require licensing with a report control symbol in
accordance with Paragraph 1.b.(8) of Enclosure 3 of Volume 1 of DoD Manual 8910.01.
1.3. SUMMARY OF CHANGE 2. This change is administrative and updates references and
organizational titles in accordance with the reorganization begun by the July 13, 2018 Deputy
Secretary of Defense Memorandum.
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2.1. DIRECTOR, DLA. Under the authority, direction, and control of the Under Secretary of
Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment, through the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Sustainment, the Director, DLA:
a. Administers the GFC programs: DoD Fleet Card and Swipe SEA Card Task Order under
the General Services Administration (GSA) SmartPay® contract and the U.S. Government AIR
Card®, SEA Card®, and Swipe SEA Card® contract.
b. Provides energy commodity support to authorized customers.
c. Administers the GFC programs in accordance with Subpart 213.3(4) of the Defense
Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS).
d. Coordinates with the Office of Charge Card Management on guidance for the GSA
SmartPay® 2 Program.
Component and Participating Agency heads:
a. Establish GFC programs for using the procedures in the DoD Government Charge Card
Guide Book for Establishing and Managing Purchase, Travel, and Fuel Card Programs (referred
to in this issuance as the “DoD Government Charge Card Guide Book”) as directed by the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A-123.
b. Appoint a component program manager (CPM) for each GFC service according to the
procedures in the DoD Government Charge Card Guide Book.
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3.1. GENERAL. The Director, DLA, designates the DLA Energy Fuel Card Program
Management Office (DLA Energy-QEVK) as the GFC Program Management Office (PMO) to:
a. Provide the DoD Components and Participating Agencies with comprehensive energy
commodity solutions.
b. Negotiate energy commodity discounts.
c. Review various energy commodity supply and service contracts.
d. Prepare and administer the DoD Fleet Card and Swipe SEA Card® Task Orders under the
GSA SmartPay® contract and the U.S. Government AIR Card®, and SEA Card® GFC programs
in accordance with Subpart 213.301(4) of the DFARS.
e. Provide energy commodity support to authorized customers.
3.2. GFC PMO. The GFC PMO:
a. Implements and integrates GFC program initiatives, guidance, and oversight; electronic
enterprise integration efforts; and improves the DLA Energy fuel card processes.
b. Advocates and coordinates the GFC program extensively within the DoD Components
and Participating Agencies.
c. Serves as the primary point of contact (POC) and best practices focal point for the GFC
d. Provides business rules, interim guidance, and identifies innovations for the GFC
program, including Participating Agencies.
e. Develops policy, procedures, and training with regard to the GFC programs.
f. Provides GFC program support to CPMs when needed.
g. Performs delinquency management and fraud or audit analysis.
h. Ensures that fuel card system processes are functional, operational, and optimized.
i. Coordinates all contract actions through the DLA Energy Mobility Fuels Card Programs
Division (DLA Energy-PH) contracting office. Sponsors and coordinates fuel card technical
reviews, proposed system change requests, interface agreements, testing, remediation of
performance issues, and other contract related actions with the applicable contracting office.
j. Provides management oversight and maintains centralized operational control for all DLA
Energy-sponsored fuel card programs.
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k. Develops a comprehensive, outcome-based metrics collection and management program.
l. Works directly with the DoD Purchase Card and DoD Travel Card PMOs, the GSA
SmartPay® 2 Program Office, and OMB representatives to coordinate all government-wide
charge card guidance.
m. Notifies the applicable offices and activities in cases of GFC misuse.
n. Provides fuel charge card contractors with file transfer protocol formats and applicable
data fields to receive transaction files.
3.3. CPM. Each DoD Component and Participating Agency that is a GFC program participant
will have a CPM who:
a. Ensures continuity and accountability of the GFC program in compliance with the DoD
Government Charge Card Guide Book and OMB Circular No. A-123.
b. Develops, coordinates, publishes, and disseminates supplemental procedures and training
materials for each fuel card program.
c. Provides access to agency-specific training sites and customer technical assistance.
Ensures accountable officials (AOs) complete the DLA Energy AO training found on the DLA
Energy website at unless superseded by completion of comparable
Service-specific training in accordance with Section 3.4 of OMB Circular No. A-123.
d. Ensures that agency or organization program coordinators (A/OPCs), AOs, and certifying
officers (COs):
(1) Are properly appointed in writing, capable of performing their respective duties
sufficiently to meet the DLA Energy-sponsored fuel charge card requirements or respective CPM
(2) Are trained before their appointment.
(3) Complete refresher training every 3 years.
(4) Certify training compliance; and understand the applicable regulations, procedures,
and consequences for inappropriate actions.
e. Performs delinquency management as required.
(1) Ensures that responsible POCs and respective chains of command are aware of the
delinquent account status.
(2) Analyzes data that may identify patterns of delinquency or misuse and notifies all
involved parties. Takes all required actions to resolve fuel card delinquencies and misuse.
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f. Notifies the DLA Energy-QEVK promptly when positions become vacant or filled by new
g. Provides fraud or audit analysis to:
(1) Identify questionable transactions or patterns of suspicious activities.
(2) Research suspected fraudulent transactions or activities and contact the appropriate
audit or investigative agencies.
(3) Coordinate and cooperate with formal internal or external audits and inspections of
fuel card programs.
h. Notifies the DLA Energy-QEVK of Service-initiated audits or investigations of potential
fraud, misuse, or abuse of DLA Energy-sponsored fuel charge cards.
i. Notifies the DLA Energy-QEVK account manager when a GFC program is under
investigation for misuse or abuse.
j. Develops and submits recommended program or systems changes to the DLA Energy-
QEVK along with justification and impact statements.
k. Helps the DLA Energy GFC PMO account managers and charge card contractors resolve
issues of mutual interest.
l. Ensures that GFC program participants have access to adequate guidance, training, and
assistance with routine program matters and assists in relevant aspects of program execution.
Helps with local problem resolutions and questions and, when necessary, refers units to the
appropriate POC for specific assistance.
m. Ensures that intermediate command levels have access to information systems that
contain transaction data from their subordinate units. In coordination with those commands,
develops standard reports or queries to allow the commands to monitor purchases by units within
their commands.
n. Oversees the use of the private label fuel card used by GFC program participants for
overseas programs where the DoD Fleet Card® or U.S. Government AIR Card® are not
3.4. A/OPC. Participating Agencies using a DLA Energy-sponsored fuel charge card are
required to provide an A/OPC (command or equivalent) who will report to the CPM. The CPM
determines how many A/OPCs and at what level they should be. The CPM and the A/OPC
could share these duties. However, if the A/OPC function remains separate, the A/OPC will
provide support and oversight to all participants in the program and ensure that periodic program
management reviews are performed.
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a. DoD Components and Participating Agencies will forward all nominations for A/OPCs,
AOs, or COs to their respective CPM in accordance with applicable internal guidelines.
(1) May not be contract support employees.
(2) In accordance with Chapter 33, Volume 5 of the DoD Government Charge Card
Guide Book, must be either federal military personnel or federal civil service personnel.
(3) Must comply with the guidance in the DoD Government Charge Card Guidebook if
they are foreign nationals or direct hires.
b. DoD Components and Participating Agencies may identify different people for different
accounts, such as the U.S. Government AIR Card®, SEA Card®, Swipe SEA Card®, or DoD
Fleet Cards.
c. The A/OPC:
(1) Ensures that local program is executed in accordance with OMB Circular No. A-123,
and the DLA Energy and CPM-sponsored fuel charge card requirements as stated throughout this
(2) Establishes effective internal management controls to ensure appropriate
management, operation, and oversight of the Service or Participating Agency local fuel card
program whether it is a U.S. Government AIR Car, SEA Card®, Swipe SEA Card®, or DoD
Fleet Card.
(3) Ensures that personnel requesting DLA Energy-sponsored fuel charge cards for
official mission requirements receive proper training, while further ensuring cards are issued to
authorized government aircraft, vehicles, vessels, and equipment.
(4) Enhances program integrity by establishing a proper separation of functions.
(5) Notifies the command, installation, or unit A/OPC of suspected fraudulent or
improper use of DLA Energy-sponsored fuel cards for further investigation.
(6) Ensures that appropriate administrative and disciplinary actions are taken and
documented when fraudulent, improper, or abusive U.S. Government AIR Card®, SEA Card®,
Swipe SEA Card®, or DoD Fleet Card transactions are found. The command, installation, or
unit A/OPC must provide a memorandum to the card user’s chain of command, local official
investigative agency, and the GFC PMO. The A/OPC will follow-up to ensure appropriate
actions are taken and documented.
(7) Establishes local guidance and procedures to ensure card users are aware of proper
card use, any limitations on use, and where and when to turn in transactions receipts.
(8) Maintains detailed knowledge and understanding of policies and procedures
regarding the DoD Fleet Card, U.S. Government AIR Card®, SEA Card®, and Swipe SEA
DoDM 4140.25, Volume 3, March 2, 2018
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Card® programs and communicate this information to AOs, managers, and other responsible
(9) Establishes and ensures execution of the local program in accordance with OMB
Circular No. A-123 requirements, local procedures, and DLA Energy-sponsored fuel charge card
(10) Ensures that U.S. Government AIR Card®, SEA Card®, Swipe SEA Card®, and
DoD Fleet Card users are trained in accordance with Section 3.4 of OMB Circular No. A-123.
Ensure Alternate A/OPCs, AOs, and COs are trained before appointment and complete refresher
training, at a minimum, every 3 years.
(11) Maintains a complete list of accounts and POC information (name, e-mail address,
telephone number, and fax number) for financial matters and notifies the CPM and the charge
card contractor of any changes that affect management, reporting, or billing.
(12) Maintains all account establishment information, including identification and
address of unit or office, DoD activity address code (DoDAAC) or other office identification,
accounting data, vehicles, aircraft, or vessels for which cards will be issued, and POC
information. Notifies the CPM and charge card contractor of changes that affect management,
reporting, or billing.
(13) Receives, verifies, and issues DLA Energy-sponsored cards as appropriate.
(14) Takes appropriate action when local reviews reveal non-compliance, misuse, or
abuse and follow-up with the CPM, who notifies the DLA Energy-QEVK.
(15) Uses the Automated Information Systems reports to monitor program activity
associated with the individual card program.
(16) Specifies appropriate authorization limits and restrictions for fuel card accounts or
specific cards when applicable.
(17) Understands the policies and procedures posted on the DLA Energy Website
regarding the use of the DLA Energy-sponsored fuel charge cards.
(18) Ensures, as directed by the applicable CPM, that all U.S. Government AIR Card®
and DoD Fleet Card users sign a statement of understanding (SOU) that outlines the unit
authorizations before the initial card use. An example SOU and user instructions are available
on the DLA Energy Website at Notifies the charge card contractor
no later than 60 days before the expiration date of any cards that will not be renewed or reissued.
(19) Immediately notifies the CPM, the local chain of command, and command security
manager when any investigation is initiated involving suspected fraud, misuse, or abuse of DLA
Energy-sponsored fuel charge cards by personnel under their command. Additionally, ensures
that documented disciplinary actions are reported to the CPM on all fraudulent transactions.
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(20) Ensures that local agency procedures include the cancellation of the U.S.
Government AIR Card®, SEA Card®, or DoD Fleet Card upon the disposal of the subject
government-owned or leased equipment from service.
3.5. ALTERNATE A/OPCS. Alternate A/OPCs will comply with the responsibilities of an
3.6. CO. The CO follows the procedures in Volume 3, Chapter 8 and Volume 5, Chapter 33 of
the DFARS and:
a. Serves as the primary focal point for receipt of invoices and obligation of funds.
b. Validates and initiates payment from an operations and maintenance account paid through
the unit home station payment office or equivalent finance office for federal agencies.
3.7. AO. The AO supports the certification of payment vouchers and documents for vendor
payment. AOs:
a. Sign and are responsible for charge cards and ensure fuel cards are distributed for use only
to authorized government aircraft, vehicles, equipment, and card users.
b. Ensure that a system of internal procedures and controls is in place to minimize erroneous
c. Comply with OMB Circular No. A-123 and all applicable DoD regulations or equivalent
agency regulations, policies, and procedures, including local standard operating procedures.
d. Support the respective CO with timely and accurate data and information to ensure proper
payments, (i.e., payments that are supportable, legal, and computed correctly).
e. Request advice from a CO concerning any doubtful matters with certification of:
(1) An entitlement to payment;
(2) A document for payment; or
(3) Other information or data associated with payment.
f. Respond quickly to inquiries initiated by a review official about possible or actual
erroneous payments.
g. Cannot perform the duties of the CO.
h. Remind their commands that new officials need to be appointed when they are reassigned
or leave their AO positions and that records must be updated to reflect their departure.
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3.8. CARD USERS. All card users are financially liable for any unauthorized purchases. Card
a. Use U.S. Government AIR Card®, SEA Card®, Swipe SEA Card®, and DoD Fleet Card
only for authorized purchases.
b. Follow the DLA Energy Fuel Card Program’s Customer Resources guidance for contract
support personnel using fuel cards on the DLA Energy Website at
c. Maintain all log data required by the respective DoD Component or applicable federal
d. Use self-service fuel pumps whenever available.
e. Use only regular grade (87 octane or lower) unleaded gasoline unless otherwise specified
by the vehicle or equipment manufacturer.
f. Separate payment for purchases of authorized non-fuel items which are the responsibility
of the card user’s command or authorized agency. Ensure that the charge card contractor bills
separately, and the unit home station payment office pays for purchases of the authorized non-
fuel items which are the responsibility of the card user’s command or authorized agency.
g. Retain all purchase receipts and use them to validate fuel and non-fuel charges.
h. Whenever possible, use military installations fuel resources and related services due to
significant cost savings.
(1) When military resources are unavailable, use DLA Energy into-plane and ships’
bunkering contracts for fuel support.
(2) For flight crews and vessel operations, restrict fuel and service purchases to DLA
Energy into-plane and shipsbunkers’ contracts at commercial locations where available.
(3) Purchase fuel and services from any available source when no DLA Energy into-
plane or ships’ bunkers’ contract exists at the commercial locations.
(4) Use U.S. Government AIR Card®
merchants for aviation fuel purchases where
3.9. BILLING OFFICES. Billing offices:
a. Review all charges to ensure that billed items were ordered and that obligations are
adjusted when appropriate in accordance with Chapter 3 of Defense Logistics Manual
b. Match each disbursement to detail-level obligation and promptly record them in
accordance with Section 110301, Chapter 11, Volume 3 of the DFARS.
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3.10. MANAGEMENT CONTROLS. DoD Components and Participating Agencies:
a. Establish coordinating processes to manage the GFC programs.
b. Retain delivery receipts and invoice-supporting documentation for accountability
purposes in accordance with Schedule 3, Paragraph 3.1(1) and 3.1(2) of the U.S. National
Archives and Records Administration Records Schedule 1.
c. Ensure that all fuel card statement transactions or Military Standard Billing System
transactions are legitimate. Compare and validate all fuel card statement transactions to the
applicable delivery receipts.
d. In accordance with OMB Circular No. A-123, ensure that GFCs are properly secured at
all times, especially when not in use. Before issuing fuel charge cards, ensure card users and unit
personnel have received training within the specified timeframe.
e. Ensure DoD Fleet Cards are assigned a unique driver identification number (DIN) to
reduce the potential for fraudulent use. To guard against unauthorized use, do not write or etch
the DIN into the card or invoices. Do not use U.S. Postal Service ZIP codes as DINs.
f. Ensure that the AO assignment to number of cards ratio is manageable and reasonable.
The AO will ensure the accuracy of transactions; therefore the number of transactions to be
reviewed must be kept to an amount that allows for a comprehensive and thorough validation.
g. Ensure that separation of A/OPC, AO, CO, ordering officer (OO), and card user functions
are properly established and not performed by the same individual. Complete official
documentation reflecting the changing of A/OPCs in a timely manner as part of every in-
processing or out-processing action.
h. Ensure that established single purchase limits and monthly purchase limits for assigned
cards are aligned with organizational needs. Purchase limits will not exceed the assigned vehicle
or equipment type and use requirements. All DoD Fleet Card transactions are limited to the
micro- purchase threshold of $3,500 but the transaction is not higher than the simplified
acquisition threshold of $150,000 in accordance with Subparts 213.270 and 213.301 of the
i. Ensure non-fuel invoices are paid within 30 days from the invoice date. Card holding
activities must aggressively manage and resolve delinquent accounts.
j. The DoD Government Charge Card Guide Book provides expanded guidelines for the
management controls of GFC programs.
3.11. FRAUD. It is the responsibility of each individual related to the use or management of the
GFC programs to ensure that cards are used appropriately, and that transaction records are
reviewed and maintained to ensure that highest integrity of the GFC programs. In addition, each
individual will ensure the appropriate administrative and disciplinary action is taken and
documented when fraudulent fuel card transactions are found. The AO will provide a
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memorandum to the card user’s chain of command of the infraction and follow up to ensure that
appropriate actions are taken and documented, including:
a. Reporting any documented disciplinary actions to the respective CPM on all fraudulent
b. Establishing local guidance and procedures to ensure that card users are aware of proper
card use, limitations on use, and when and where to turn in transaction receipts.
c. Notifying the respective CPM when an investigation for alleged or suspected fraud,
misuse, or abuse of the DLA Energy-sponsored fuel charge cards is initiated.
3.12. POCS.
a. The DLA Energy-QEVK GFC PMO e-mail addresses and website are included in
Table 1.
Table 1. DLA Energy-QEVK GFC PMO E-mails and Website
DLA Energy Website
b. The assigned CPMs are listed in Table 2.
Table 2. CPMs
Military Service or Agency Assigned CPM
Navy and United States Marine Corps,
all fuel cards
Navy Consolidated Card Program Management
Division, Naval Supply Systems Command
Army, all fuel cards Headquarters Army, G4
Air Force, U.S. Government AIR
Air Force/A3, Operations
Air Force DoD Fleet 441st Vehicle Support Chain Operations Squadron
Coast Guard Department of Homeland Security for all fuel cards
Other Agencies
Contact non-DoD account manager for CPM
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4.1. GENERAL. This section provides administrative and operating controls, procedures, and
data instructions for the DoD Fleet Card Program. As the PMO for the DoD Fleet Card
Program, the DLA Energy-QEVK establishes procedures in DLA Energy P-8 and has direct
oversight for fleet card issues for the DoD. The DoD Component heads:
a. Ensure that fleet cardholders use the GSA Fleet Card, not the DoD Fleet Card, for GSA-
leased vehicles operating under wet lease terms.
b. Ensure that cardholders do not use the DoD Fleet Card to purchase aviation fuel.
4.2. AUTHORIZED SUPPLIES AND SERVICES. The DoD Fleet Card is the primary card
authorized by DoD for obtaining fuel and authorized supplies and services from commercial
service stations according to the procedures outlined in Enclosure 4 of DLA Energy Policy-8.
a. The use of an alternate card is not in violation of this manual if any of these apply:
(1) The unit is stationed outside the continental United States.
(2) The unit does not have reasonable access to DoD Fleet Card-accepting service station
(3) The unit only possesses minor equipment, e.g., lawnmower, snow blower.
b. DoD Components:
(1) Consult the DLA Energy Website at for:
(a) Service stations that accept the DoD Fleet Cards and are identified at the point of
sale (POS).
(b) Information on current charge card contractors’ websites.
(c) A complete list of companies including Army and Air Force Exchange Service
and Navy Exchange Service Command stations that accept the card.
(2) Use the DoD Fleet Card to purchase authorized supplies and services:
(a) Fuels:
1. Gasoline.
2. Gasohol.
3. Regular unleaded.
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4. Premium unleaded.
5. Special unleaded.
6. Diesel or diesel marine fuel.
7. Utility fuels.
8. Liquid petroleum gas.
9. Compressed natural gas.
10. Ethanol.
11. Methanol.
12. E85.
13. Bio-diesels.
(b) Lubricating services and lubricants (includes differential and transmission fluids).
(c) Antifreeze (ethylene glycol).
(d) Air and oil filters and servicing.
(e) Batteries and battery charging.
(f) Tires and tire and tube repairs.
(g) Washing and cleaning.
(h) Mounting and dismounting snow tires and chains.
(i) Replacement of spark plugs, fan and generator belts, windshield wiper arms and
blades, and lamps.
(j) Collision repair and painting not exceeding the micro-purchase threshold.
(k) Emergency roadside service including towing.
(l) Small boats, tugs, or barges, as authorized by the activity, and not to exceed the
micro-purchase threshold.
(3) Use refueling facilities located on a military installation as the primary fuel source
for DoD-owned non-tactical vehicles and equipment and GSA-leased non-tactical vehicles
operating under a dry lease.
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c. DoD Components may use DoD Fleet Cards at commercial service stations, including
selected domestic Army and Air Force Exchange Service or Navy Exchange Service Command
a. DoD Components prevent any unauthorized use of the cards and maintain administrative
control over the use of the cards.
b. DoD Fleet Card users:
(1) Ensure that fuel and any authorized supplies or services purchased with the card are
for official use only.
(2) Report lost or stolen account numbers and cards immediately to the charge card
contractors Client Services Center, which accepts calls 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
Consult the DLA Energy website for the Client Services Center contact information at
(3) Immediately destroy replaced fuel cards, including those previously reported as lost
and subsequently found.
(4) Notify the contractor regardless of the card replacement status.
(5) Coordinate with the charge card contractor to request a replacement card for
damaged cards using the procedures and contact information for ordering replacement fuel cards
on the DLA Energy Website at
(6) Notify the contractor immediately of changes to a user’s account, including telephone
numbers, addresses, POCs, COs, DoDAACs, and so forth.
(7) Provide the charge card contractor with a forwarding address for any unpaid invoices
if the user’s unit is disbanded or relocated. If disbanded, the user’s unit is responsible for proper
disposition of the cards and DINs to prevent unauthorized use or fraudulent activity.
(8) Do not divulge the DIN associated with each DoD Fleet Card to unauthorized
(9) Contact the charge card contractor immediately for card cancellation or resetting of
the DIN when compromised.
c. The charge card contractor prepares invoices and forwards them to the designated billing
office or posts the invoice on the WEX Bank website For the
DoD Fleet Card, the designated billing officer is the CO.
d. Payment terms and conditions for the DoD Fleet Card are in accordance with the Prompt
Payment Act in Section 1315 of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations. The CO ensures all non-
DoDM 4140.25, Volume 3, March 2, 2018
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fuel invoices are paid as stipulated in Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations. All disputed
transactions must be immediately reported to the charge card contractor. DLA Energy retains
the right to deny reactivation of suspended accounts, and may refuse to reissue DoD Fleet Cards
on accounts repeatedly suspended due to delinquent payments. DLA Energy may issue “fuel
only” cards for repeatedly suspended accounts.
account, the DoD Components will:
a. Complete the web-based training and application process on the DLA Energy Website at
b. Complete a DD Form 577, “Appointment/Termination Record - Authorized Signature,” in
accordance with the procedures in Chapter 5, Volume 5 of DoD 7000.14-R. The DD Form 577
may be found on the DoD Forms Management Program website at
Provide AO nomination information and DoD Fleet Card account information to establish an
account as listed on the DLA Energy Website at
c. Send requests for DoD Fleet Card accounts with the DD Form 577, AO nomination
information, vehicle set up information, and training certificate by fax to 703-767-8746 or e-mail
to [email protected]. Include vehicle card set up information:
(1) Unit name and mailing address.
(2) Unit DoDAAC.
(3) Unit POC with phone number (Defense Switched Network (DSN) and commercial).
(4) Billing address to forward invoices (fuel or non-fuel), or a fax number to forward the
non-fuel bills.
(5) Sub-account code (account processing code, job order number (JON), type
equipment code (TEC), organizational code), if applicable.
(6) Fund code.
(7) Signal code.
(8) Supplemental DoDAAC, if required by the signal code.
(9) Billing office POC with phone number (commercial number).
(10) Vehicle information.
(11) Addresses of other offices to receive information copy of invoices (optional).
(12) E-mail address of unit or activity POC.
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d. Ensure that both the AO and his or her supervisor sign the DD Form 577 before sending it
to [email protected] or fax to 703-767-8746.
Components will:
a. Obtain new or replacement cards by e-mailing the vehicle card set-up information to or fax it to 703-767-8746.
b. Cancel a card by faxing the cancellation request to 703-767-8746 or via e-mail to
[email protected]. The request must include the unit DoDAAC, DoD Fleet Card account
number, and card number.
contact of record, or other contact of record within the same hierarchy up to and including the
DLA Energy-QEVK:
a. Immediately contacts the charge card contractor customer service to initiate disputes for
fuel or non-fuel items, including all related items purchased during the same transaction.
b Supplies all pertinent information regarding the disputed transaction, e.g., the receipt of the
c. Resolves the dispute for the most common dispute types:
(1) For duplicate charges:
(a) The charge card contractor reviews both charges to verify a duplicate transaction
has occurred.
(b) The charge card contractor requests the commercial fuel vendor provide ticket
receipts whenever a duplicate charge is not obvious.
(c) The commercial fuel vendor provides the requested ticket receipts within 60 days
to the charge card contractor, who will review both transactions to determine if a duplicate
transaction occurred.
(d) Pending the official decision, the customer is not obligated to make the payment
for the disputed transaction.
(2) For questionable or unknown charges.
(a) The commercial fuel vendor requests the Defense fuel supply point or on-site
personnel an examination of the challenged transaction to determine if the purchase record is
either manual or electronic.
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(b) Does not dispute electronic purchases at pump card readers except when the card
has been reported lost, stolen, or there is evidence of fraudulent activity before the sale.
(c) Asks the commercial fuel vendor to provide a copy of the purchase ticket receipt
to verify customer signature on the transaction, when necessary.
(d) Allows the commercial fuel vendor 60 days to provide copy of the purchase
receipt slip to the charge card contractor. Comparison of the challenged transaction receipt slip
against a previously validated purchase slip provides a method to validate signature authenticity.
(3) For suspected fraud:
(a) The AO immediately notifies the charge card contractor, the DLA Energy-
QEVK, and the CPM to cancel a DoD Fleet Card whenever a card is lost, stolen, or suspected of
being used for unauthorized purchases.
(b) The customer is not liable for fraudulent transactions and must notify DLA
Energy QEVK and the CPM immediately to avoid further fraudulent transactions.
(c) The AO coordinates with the charge card contractor regarding the:
1. Research of transactions that occurred before card cancellation to validate POS
device identification, card purchase patterns, and purchase receipt signatures.
2. Forwarding of the challenged transaction receipt slips to the AO for driver
signature authentication.
(d) The charge card contractor reviews disputed transactions and may issue a ticket
request to the merchant, which is subject to the same process for resolution as if initiated by an
AO or the DLA Energy-QEVK.
(4) For incorrect coding requiring a transaction diversion request, the AO:
(a) Notifies the charge card contractor, the DLA Energy-QEVK, and the CPM when
a valid purchase is incorrectly coded for fuel or non-fuel.
(b) Initiates the transaction diversion request only for the purposes of correcting
product code assignments associated with the transaction to facilitate correct billing and taxation
(c) Provides evidence of the product miscoding by faxing or scanning and e-mailing
a copy of the original receipt displaying the correct product type and gallon quantity.
(d) Corrects miscoded transactions:
1. Submits a copy of the fuel receipt to the charge card contractor if the receipt
accurately reflects fuel purchased, but the transaction charged is billed as a non-fuel purchase.
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The charge card contractor prepares a transaction diversion request, crediting the non-fuel charge
from the unit account and reposting the transaction as the proper fuel product.
2. Requests that the merchant correct the transaction before processing if the
receipt reflects a non-fuel product, but the transaction should reflect fuel. Annotates the actual
product on the receipt if the merchant cannot or will not correct the transaction, including
number of gallons and unit price. Requests the merchant or sales clerk initial or sign the receipt
or provide a written declaration along with the receipt to the AO upon return to the home station.
The declaration of receipt correction must contain the verbiage in Figure 1 with the name
printed, signature, and date along with the reason for altering the receipt.
Figure 1. Declaration of Receipt Correction
Reason for altering the receipt. __________________________________
Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1746, I declare under penalty of perjury the
foregoing is true and correct.
Name _______________________________________________________
Signature ___________________________________________________
Date ________________________________________________________
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5.1. GENERAL. The DoD SEA Card®
Program, sponsored by the DLA Energy-QEVK:
a. Is used by the DoD Components and Participating Agencies to procure commercial ship
propulsion fuels and ancillary services at commercial ports worldwide.
b. Is not a standard charge card.
c. Provides a secure and efficient Internet-based ordering mechanism at DLA Energy bunker
contract locations listed in the Open Market module in the DoD SEA Card® Program.
d. Allows an electronic capture of the actual fuel type and quantity delivered by facilitating a
more efficient and timely payment method.
e. Allows the DoD SEA Card® program contractor to reimburse merchants directly for non-
contract fuel and authorized ancillary charges, for example, demurrage and backhaul.
f. Allows direct billing to the vessel home station for ancillary charges incurred during a fuel
g. Provides DLA Energy, the DoD Components, and Participating Agencies reporting and
audit capability.
h. Provides a mechanism for the designated primary and alternate OO and AO for each
vessel to execute all transactions which are electronically processed.
i. Allows merchants to submit price quotes against DoD and Participating Agencies fuel
requests through the Open Market module where a DLA Energy bunker contract is not in place.
a. DoD Components and Participating Agencies use the DoD SEA Card® Program to
acquire fuel in situations where government fuel sources are unavailable.
b. CPMs determine when to use the Open Market DoD SEA Card® Order Management
System for local purchases.
c. The DoD SEA Card® Program is required for all lifts using a DLA Energy Bunker
d. DoD Components and Participating Agencies use the manual DD Form 1155, “Order for
Supplies or Services,” process only when a vessel has no internet connectivity and has been
unsuccessful in contacting the DoD SEA Card® Customer Support Team to assist in placing an
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a. DLA Energy pays bunker and non-contract fuel charges, then bills the DoD Components
or Participating Agencies.
b. The vessel or home station payment office will receive bills directly from the charge card
contractor for bunker contract ancillary service charges such as backhaul, demurrage, and
overtime, boom fee, wharfage, and laytime and fuel surcharges.
c. Vessel AOs are the approval authority for all ancillary non-fuel charges and will provide
information or data to the CO or disbursing official in support of the payment process.
a. Account numbers are assigned to vessels and require establishment of a specified
hierarchy structure of responsible personnel for each vessel.
b. Vessel OOs, AOs, and other designated personnel are assigned individual login
identification numbers and passwords to obtain access to the DoD SEA Card® Program.
c. Open Market Contracting Officers (KOs) are warranted OOs. The Coast Guard and Army
use their own warranted OOs. The Navy and Military Sealift Command use the DLA Energy
bunker KO for their Open Market award support.
d. To nominate a primary and alternate OO, AO, and A/OPC and to register a vessel for
DoD SEA Card
accounts, the Navy and Coast Guard will provide the CPM with the:
(1) Role of the OO (warranted or non-warranted), AO, and A/OPC.
(2) Rank.
(3) First and last name.
(4) Address if different than vessel address.
(5) Commercial and DSN phone and facsimile numbers.
(6) E-mail address.
(7) Last 4 digits of social security number, in accordance with DoD Instruction 1000.30.
(8) Training date.
(9) Vessel information:
(a) Unit name or department.
(b) Vessel name.
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(c) Vessel number or hull number.
(d) DoDAAC or unit identification code (UIC).
(e) Mailing address.
(f) City.
(g) State.
(h) ZIP code.
(i) Signal code.
(j) Fund code.
(k) Supplementary DoDAAC (if applicable).
(l) Financial office name, address, and phone number for ancillary billing.
(m) Line of accounting for ancillary charge.
(n) Fuel capacity of vessel.
e. To nominate a primary and alternate OO, AO, and A/OPC and to register a vessel for
DoD SEA Card® accounts, the Army provides the CPM with the:
(1) Role of the OO (warranted or non-warranted), AO, and A/OPC.
(2) First and last name.
(3) Address.
(4) Commercial and DSN phone and facsimile numbers.
(5) E-mail address.
(6) Last 4 digits of Social Security number, in accordance with DoD Instruction 1000.30.
(7) Vessel information.
(a) Army service.
(b) Vessel.
(c) Hull.
(d) Type vessel.
(e) Address.
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(f) City.
(g) State.
(h) ZIP code.
(i) Class.
(j) DoDAAC.
(k) Fuel type.
(l) Operator.
(m) Homeport.
(n) Fleet.
(o) UIC, A/OPC, or JON.
(p) Signal code.
(q) Fund code.
(r) Supplementary DoDAAC.
(s) Fuel capacity of vessel.
(t) Financial office name, address, and phone number for ancillary billing and line of
accounting for ancillary charge.
f. CPMs forward the data to the charge card contractor to complete vessel registration.
g. The Army, Navy, and Coast Guard will immediately notify the DoD SEA Card® Program
charge card contractor and CPM when vessels are decommissioned or account information is
changed, including telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, POCs, DoDAACs, and lines of
a. For DLA Energy contract award orders:
(1) The AO initiates the dispute within the DoD SEA Card® Program, and the DLA
Energy bunker contract merchant and the DLA Energy bunker KO or specialist instantaneously
receive e-mail notification that a dispute is forthcoming.
(2) The DLA Energy bunker KO:
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(a) Mediates dispute resolution when the AO and DLA Energy bunker contract
merchant contractor are unable to mutually resolve a delivery dispute.
(b) Requests a copy of the delivery receipt notice from the DLA Energy bunker
contract merchant.
b. For Open Market orders:
(1) The AO initiates a dispute within the DoD SEA Card® Program, providing instant
notification e-mails to the warranted OO and the Open Market merchant.
(2) The warranted OO:
(a) Mediates a dispute resolution when the AO and Open Market merchant are
unable to mutually resolve a delivery dispute.
(b) Requests a copy of the delivery receipt notice from the Open Market merchant.
(3) The AO prepares and processes a DD Form 1155, or Standard Form (SF) 1449,
Solicitation/Contract/Order for Commercial Items,” through the DoD SEA Card® Program to
pay the DLA Energy bunker contract merchant or Open Market merchant the undisputed portion
of the invoice.
(4) The DLA Energy KO resolves the dispute outside of the DoD SEA Card® Program
based on the claim to recover the disputed portion of the invoice submitted by the DLA Energy
bunker contract merchant or Open Market merchant.
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6.1. GENERAL. DLA Energy sponsors the Swipe SEA Card®
Program. The DoD
Components and Participating Agencies use the Swipe SEA Car:
a. As a gas-and-go swipe charge card for small vessels with worldwide acceptance.
b. For the purchase of fuel for vessels where the purchase price exceeds the micro-purchase
c. For vessels that cannot meet the minimum lift quantity or when the minimum order
delivery time cannot be met due to operational need on DLA Energy bunker contracts.
d. For purchases up to the simplified acquisition threshold as authorized by the SEA Card
and Aircraft Ground Services procedures in Section 213.306 of the DFARS.
e. When using the GSA SmartPay® 2 contracting vehicle under solicitation number FCXC-
G1-060001-N with exceptions to the defaults in a DLA tailored task order.
6.2. AUTHORIZED PURCHASES. DoD Components and Participating Agencies may only
purchase fuel using the Swipe SEA Card®
Program to purchase fuel. Purchases for items other
than fuel will not be tolerated and cardholders will lose card privileges.
a. DoD Components and Participating Agencies:
(1) Nominate personnel as primary or alternate AOs or as A/OPCs at the unit level by
completing the appropriate appointment forms.
(2) Appoint a CO to ensure that fuel charges are obligated.
b. Each nominee must complete DLA Energy or Service-specific role based training before
an account can be established.
c. Upon completion of nomination and training, the AO or A/OPC may request an account
by following the DLA Energy account setup procedures and providing the account or vessel
information to the CPM.
d. CPMs convert the information to the auto-enroll file and forward the file to the DLA
Energy account managers for approval.
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a. Cardholders must sign an SOU and complete role-based training. Training certificates
and signed SOUs will be kept on file by the AO or A/OPC.
b. Transactional controls are required to validate purchases.
(1) Cardholders:
(a) Validate the information is accurate on the receipt before signing. After signing
the receipt, cardholders will document purchases on a fuel card purchase log.
(b) Give the receipts and fuel log to the AO upon return to the base or unit. If a fuel
receipt is missing, cardholders must document the purchase information with an explanation
regarding the missing fuel receipts in accordance with the procedures on the DLA Energy
Website and submit the information to the AO upon return to the base or unit.
(2) AOs:
(a) Validate purchases against transactions recorded in bank system, bank invoice,
and DLA Enterprise Business Systems.
(b) Ensure that obligations cover the cost of the fuel. Swipe SEA Card® transactions
are billed at the DLA Energy standard price.
(c) Use the template of merchant category codes (MCCs) assigned to the cards to
reduce the possibility of non-fuel purchases.
(d) Allow for locations where smaller vessels may purchase fuel at locations other
than marinas.
(3) The CPM or A/OPC may authorize an MCC not on the template to permit a
transaction to process by using the electronic access system or when conferring with the charge
card provider’s customer support.
(4) AOs may submit requests for additional MCCs to be added to the template on a
permanent basis to the DLA Energy GFC PMO.
(5) Approved MCCs are listed in Table 3.
MCC Merchant Category
4225 Public Warehousing and Storage
4468 Marinas, Fuel Services
4900 Utilities
5085 Industrial Supplies - Not Elsewhere Classified
Table 3. MCCs
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Table 3. MCCs, Continued
MCC Merchant Category
5172 Petroleum
5399 General Merchandise
5499 Miscellaneous Food Stores
5541 Service Stations (with or without services).
5542 Fuel Dispenser, Automated
5551 Boat Dealers
5941 Sporting Goods Stores
5983 Fuel Dealers
5999 Specialty Retail
7011 Lodging - Hotels, Motels, Resorts - Not Elsewhere Classified
7033 Park or Campground
7399 Business Services
7991 Tourist Attractions and Exhibits
7999 Recreation Services - Not Elsewhere Classified
9399 Government Services
(6) Cardholders will not use the card to access cash at an automated teller machine or
from a merchant.
c. Sampling controls are required to ensure that purchases are for fuel only.
(1) DLA Energy performs random sampling to ensure that purchases are for fuel only.
(2) If purchases for non-fuel items transactions are identified, the CPM will notify the
activity or unit that non-fuel purchases are in violation of policy and, if repeated, the activity or
unit may lose the privilege of having a DoD Swipe SEA Card® account.
a. When a question arises as to whether a transaction actually occurred or was the result of a
purchase by a valid DoD card user, DLA Energy:
(1) Electronically reconciles the invoice.
(2) Notifies the contractor of any items in dispute. This notification of transaction
dispute may occur via e-mail, telephone, or any other means (e.g., facsimile, mail) but must be
followed up in writing if required by the contractor.
(3) Initiates a dispute within 90 calendar days from the date that the transaction was
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b. In a transaction dispute, DoD card users can expect the contractor to take actions as
specified in the contract, e.g.:
(1) Provide immediate temporary credit to the account.
(2) Provide sufficient transaction data to identify the charge.
(3) Promptly investigate disputed items and use best efforts to resolve transaction
disputes, including working with merchants and the transaction dispute office.
(4) Provide a copy of the charge in dispute, if required.
(5) Provide a copy of all the contractor correspondence regarding disputed items, if
(6) Charge back the merchant where appropriate.
(7) Provide details about the disputed charge in accordance with the terms of the
(8) Where appropriate, re-bill allowable charges in the subsequent billing period and
include complete transaction data for the re-billed charge if available.
c. The AO will initiate a dispute by contacting customer service by e-mail or by the phone
number on the back of the contractor card designated for account questions.
d. Dispute reasons are:
(1) Suspected duplicate transactions.
(2) Suspected fraud.
(3) A request to validate signature on the purchase ticket.
(4) Questionable transaction activity (not including incorrect product code or billing
e. Disputes are not allowed based on signature for transactions with MCC 5542, as this
represents an automated fuel dispenser where no signature is taken.
f. Disputes apply to the total transaction and will be identified on the invoice. If the receipt
does not reflect the actual purchase, then the vessel cardholder needs to initiate corrective action
or provide a written declaration of the actual transactions that transpired pursuant to Section
1746 of Title 28, United States Code, and under penalty of perjury.
g. Only authorized individuals may initiate a dispute, if their authorization cannot be
verified, they will be directed by the Customer Service department to contact their CPM or DLA
Energy account manager.
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h. The AO must:
(1) Supply all pertinent information for the disputed transaction, e.g., DoDAAC, vessel
name, hull number, unit, location, card number.
(2) Initiate a dispute for reasons listed in Paragraph 6.5.e. when there is a:
(a) Duplicate Charge. Upon being notified of a possible duplicate charge, the
contractor reviews both charges to verify if in fact a duplicate transaction has occurred. The
contractor requests the card merchant to provide ticket receipts whenever a duplicate charge is
not obvious.
(b) Suspected Fraud. The AO will immediately notify the contractor, DLA Energy,
and the CPM to cancel a Swipe SEA Card® whenever loss, theft, or unauthorized card use is
(c) Questionable or Unknown Charge. The AO will notify the contractor to examine
the challenged transaction to determine if the purchase record is either manual or electronic.
Electronic purchases at island card readers are not disputable unless the card has been reported
lost or stolen or the fraudulent activity occurred before the sale.
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7.1. GENERAL. DoD Components and Participating Agencies use the U.S. Government AIR
purchase aviation fuel, authorized fuel related supplies, and ground services. The
merchant electronically transmits sales data to the charge card contractor. When connectivity
presents an issue, the merchant mails or faxes legible sales data (i.e., invoices) to the charge card
contractor. The charge card contractor electronically forwards fuel invoices within 24 hours of
receipt to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service-Columbus (DFAS-CO) for payment.
The charge card contractor bills non-fuel purchases to the home station payment office.
a. U.S. Government AIR Cards® are:
(1) Issued to the aircraft, not to personnel.
(2) Authorized for aviation fuel purchasing and authorized ground services only.
(3) Used as a payment mechanism for non-contract refuelers where the charge card
contractor acts as an agent or clearinghouse for DLA Energy contractors.
(4) Used to purchase fuel or ground services at military installations, DLA into-plane
contract locations, and card accepting locations.
b. The card user’s home station units receive the fuel invoices and bills for ground services
from the charge card contractor.
c. The unit commander will provide individualized supplemental guidance to the unit’s
aircrews regarding authorized ground or ramp service purchases.
d. For the complete listing of contract locations and available services see the DLA Energy
or charge card contractor website.
e. Personnel authorized to use U.S. Government AIR Cards® are:
(1) Pilots, flight commanders, aircraft commanders, or crew chiefs (military or
government personnel) or contractors (in accordance with the provisions of their contract).
(2) KOs.
f. Card users may direct questions regarding authorized customers of the U.S. Government
AIR Card®
to the DLA Energy-QEVK. The most common categories of authorized into-plane
contract customers are:
(1) DoD military aircraft.
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(2) Participating Agencies.
(3) U.S. Government-sponsored foreign military sales aircraft.
(4) Other aircraft with written program manager authorization.
(5) Special mission and obscured identity aircraft with written KO authorization.
g. The card users may address questions to their AO, CPM, or the DLA Energy-QEVK
regarding authorized purchases using the U.S. Government AIR Card®. Examples of the fuel
products and authorized ground services authorized for purchase with the U.S. Government AIR
Card® are:
(1) Aviation fuel.
(2) Callout fees.
(3) Flowage fees.
(4) Overtime charges.
(5) Rapid or hot refueling fees.
(6) Authorized ground and ramp services:
(a) Aircraft cleaning.
(b) Aircraft landing fees.
(c) Aviator breathing oxygen.
(d) De-icing service.
(e) Defuel and re-service fees.
(f) Ground equipment fees such as passenger stairs, auxiliary power unit, and ground
power unit.
(g) Hydraulic fluids.
(h) Lube oils.
(i) Parking fees and ramp fees.
(j) Security services.
(k) Block or slot time fees.
(l) Pilot supplies (i.e., charts, maps, and navigational aids).
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(m) Catering for passenger flights only (i.e., food and non-alcoholic beverages for
non-per diem passengers only).
h. DoD aircraft must pay the federal leaking underground storage tank tax. DoD is exempt
from the federal excise tax (FET) levy on aviation fuel, but federal agencies are not FET exempt.
Many States also provide State excise tax (SET) exemption for Federal Government purchases of
aviation or jet fuel. FET and SET information is available on the DLA Energy website for
review. Payment of FET or SET for non-fuel items is the responsibility of the purchasing unit or
organization. Units should consult DoD Directive 4500.54E for exemptions or the application of
taxes at overseas locations.
a. Aviation unit COs and AOs will exercise due diligence in managing U.S. Government
AIR Cards®
issued to assigned unit, wing, or squadron aircraft. Severe penalties are imposed for
misuse or abuse of the U.S. Government AIR Card®.
b. Aircrew meals, food, beverages, and alcohol purchases are strictly prohibited.
c. Aircrews will not accumulate or earn points or rewards for any U.S. Government AIR
Card® purchases commercially offered by merchants.
d. COs and AOs will immediately investigate and report suspected card misuse to the
appropriate local investigative office, the respective CPM, and the GFC PMO.
e. AOs will notify responsible commanders or supervisors promptly in cases of improper,
fraudulent, abusive, or negligent use of the U.S. Government AIR Card®
by subordinate
individuals or parties.
f. COs and AOs will investigate the misuse or abuse of the U.S. Government AIR Card®
when it is used:
(1) At establishments or for purposes that are inconsistent with this volume or Part 2635
of Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations.
(2) For the illegal gratuities described on the DLA Energy Website.
(3) By an unauthorized user.
(4) For fuel and ground service charges billed on a date when or at a location where the
aircraft was not deployed.
(5) For fuel quantities in excess of quantities actually serviced to the aircraft.
(6) For fuel quantities that exceed the aircraft capacity.
(7) For unauthorized fuel products and ground services.
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(8) For duplicate billings for identical fuel products or ground services to an aircraft.
(9) Any U.S. Government AIR Card®
transaction for fuel or ground services not
required for official government business.
a. DLA Energy furnishes imprinters, embossed metal station plates that reflect merchant
specific and location information, and the DD Form 1898, “Energy Sale Slip,” located at, when the merchant manually records POS data for fuel purchases
at DLA Energy into-plane contract locations that accept the U.S. Government AIR Card®.
b. DoD Components and Participating Agencies may obtain the DD Form 1898, imprinters,
and station plates by following the instructions located on the DLA Energy Website at
c. Commercial vendors may use a commercial delivery ticket in lieu of the DD Form 1898.
d. Merchants that have been supplied customized commercial U.S. Government AIR Card®
documents capture all required data. If this document is not available, any commercial charge
card form that captures the required data is acceptable. The AO may accept a manual record
from the merchant for authorized into-plane purchases when an electronic POS reader is not
e. The aircrew member collects copies of purchase receipts, the DD Form 1898, or the
commercial delivery ticket, when used, with all pertinent into-plane contract POS data. The
minimum required POS data, either printed or printed and imprinted, on the DD Form 1898 or
commercial delivery ticket will reflect the:
(1) Merchant identification number or the 4-character International Civil Aviation
Organization airport identifier.
(2) U.S. Government AIR Card® Number or aircraft tail number or nose number
(3) Purchase date reflected as the Julian date.
(4) Fuel grade.
(5) Net fuel quantity purchased in whole U.S. gallons for contract merchants.
(6) Additional charges for additives, call out fees, or applicable taxes.
(7) Overtime charges, including start and stop times annotated in fractional hours.
(8) Signature of both the merchant and the U.S. Government official.
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f. A minimum of one U.S. Government official OO must be present during aircraft servicing
to verify the accuracy of the recorded POS data and to ensure safe performance of the refueling
g. The U.S. Government official:
(1) Presents the U.S. Government AIR Card®
to the refueling personnel for imprinting
or swiping for authorized purchases of aviation fuel or services. When the U.S. Government
AIR Card® is not used as a local purchase, the home station CO or AO will process transactions.
(2) Ensures that fuel products and ground services, along with accurate dates of service,
are separately, accurately, and legibly recorded on the DD Form 1898 or commercial delivery
(3) Provides all U.S. Government AIR Card® or commercial delivery ticket purchase
receipts to the designated unit CO or AO upon return to the home station to enable validation and
obligation establishment in the financial system of record.
h. The merchant transmits POS purchase transaction data to the charge card contractor for
subsequent processing into the charge card contractor database and the DLA Energy financial
system for customer billing.
i. When the use of a U.S. Government AIR Card®
is refused at non-contract locations, flight
(1) May contact the charge card contractor for assistance and authorization for a one-
time acceptance of the U.S. Government AIR Card® at the 24/7 customer support telephone
number printed on the back of each card.
(2) May use the U.S. Government AIR Cards® at several commercial locations where
the charge card contractor has established merchant agreements.
(3) May use an SF 44, “Purchase Order-Invoice–Voucher,” for payment purposes.
official immediately notifies the home station unit CO or AO, the charge card contractor, and
respective CPM whenever a card is lost or suspected stolen.
personnel may set up a new U.S. Government AIR Card
account by providing the A/OPC with
a completed AO Nomination Form, completed training certificate, and DD Form 577.
Authorized users:
a. Complete the AO Nomination Form on the DLA Energy website with the:
(1) Unit name and mailing address.
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(2) Unit DoDAAC.
(3) Unit POC with phone number (DSN and commercial).
(4) Billing address and fax number of the CO assigned to the account.
(5) Billing DoDAAC.
(6) Sub-account processing code (account processing code, JON, (TEC, organizational
code, A/OPC)), if applicable.
(7) Fund code.
(8) Signal code.
(9) Supplemental DoDAAC, if required by the signal code.
(10) Billing office POC with phone number (commercial number).
(11) Data for each aircraft, specifically, tail number and model description series type,
e.g., AH64.
(12) Address of other office(s) to receive information copy of invoices (optional).
(13) E-mail address of unit or activity POC (optional).
(14) The supervisor’s signature on the AO nomination form.
b. Submit the AO Nomination Form with a DD Form 577 signed by the supervisor and the
AO or CO to DLA Energy at [email protected].
a. Corrective Actions at Time of Delivery. When discrepancies occur during a purchase
transaction, the cardholder:
(1) Attempts to resolve any discrepancy with the fixed base operator whenever possible.
(2) Notifies the AO of the discrepancy and advises whether the fixed base operator
corrected the discrepancy.
(3) Reviews and verifies that only valid charges appear on the delivery receipt if the
fixed base operator resolved the discrepancy at time of delivery.
(4) Immediately notifies the applicable AO, the merchant, and the charge card contractor
and requests error correction before billing, if the discrepancy was not resolved at the time of
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(5) With the notification, the AO will provide the:
(a) Delivery receipt number.
(b) DoDAAC.
(c) Transaction date (date of purchase).
(d) Explanation of the disputed charge or billing.
(e) Aircraft mission design series or type mission series.
(f) Aircraft tail number or bureau number.
(g) Military standard requisitioning and issue procedures document number if
(6) Verify the validity of all charges upon receipt of the invoice or bill.
(7) Initiate a formal dispute if billed charges are incorrect.
b. U.S. Government AIR Card® Fuel Charge Formal Dispute.
(1) The AO:
(a) Directs all questionable fuel card charges to the DLA Energy Help Desk at 1-800-
446-4950, DSN 697-6733/36/37/38 or by e-mail at
(b) Submits the information listed in Paragraph 7.7.a.(5) to the help desk to initiate a
U.S. Government AIR Card® billing dispute.
(c) Provides a copy of the invoice or delivery receipt with the invalid transaction
clearly identified.
(2) The DLA Energy Help Desk coordinates with the DLA Energy-QEVK account
managers to determine appropriate POCs and corrective action.
c. U. S. Government AIR Card® Duplicate Billing of Fuel Purchases. The DLA Energy-
(1) Coordinates with the CPM upon receipt of a DLA Energy Help Desk ticket and
required billing information.
(2) Reviews transaction details and confirms that duplicate billing has occurred.
(3) When appropriate, directs the charge card contractor to correct the billing
discrepancy via submitting a corrective transaction for processing in the DLA Enterprise
Business Systems. This applies to both contract and non-contract purchases.
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d. U.S. Government AIR Card® Erroneous Billing Due to Aircraft Transfers. The
losing and gaining aircraft organizations coordinate the transfer of funds and corrective processes
using the SF 1081, “Voucher and Schedule of Withdrawals and Credits.”
e. Incorrect Invoice Data or Information. When an invoice cites an incorrect card
number, quantity, organization, or related data, the DLA Energy-QEVK:
(1) Reviews the transaction data processed by the charge card contractor.
(2) Requests a copy of the merchant invoice.
(3) Requests that the charge card contractor provide a corrected invoice or bill upon
validation of a customer dispute.
f. Payment Procedures for Non-fuel Supplies and Services. The aircraft organization
makes direct payment to the charge card contractor for non-fuel charges incurred by assigned
aircraft during the billing cycle. Fuel charges are billed separately to DLA Energy and are
therefore not charged in the invoice or billed dollar amount on charge card contractor billing
statement. For informational purposes, fuel purchase information is provided on the invoice by
contract line item number, item description (fuel type), and quantity and unit of measure (gallons
or liters). The AO:
(1) Uses the invoice information to cross-reference all charges incurred during the
(2) Contacts the specific merchant to reconcile the discrepancy for a questionable charge.
Reconciles the printed merchant name and telephone number on the U.S. Government AIR
Card® delivery ticket with the charge card contractor billing or invoice statement. The merchant
should credit the account for discrepant or erroneous billing.
(3) Immediately notifies the charge card contractor of questionable charges and requests
that the charge card contractor initiate or record an official dispute action whenever a
discrepancy cannot be resolved with the merchant.
(4) Completes the last page of the billing statement to identify both the paid charges and
disputed charges.
(5) Certifies the statement using the applicable DoD Component or Participating Agency
specific procedures or as outlined in Chapter 5 of Volume 5 of DoD 7000.14-R. Sends the
statement to the local Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) office and includes the:
(a) Printed and typed name of the authorized CO.
(b) Signature of authorized CO.
(c) Date of signature.
(d) Dollar amount for payment and the disputed dollar amount.
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(e) Disputed amount and the amount of credits to apply on the statement.
(6) Sends the billing statement to the local DFAS office with payment less any disputed
charges identified on the disputed invoice.
(7) Verifies that any credits due or withheld payments for a particular bill are reflected
on a subsequent bill to avoid a delinquent charge.
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a. Authorized users of the SF 44:
(1) Provide data necessary to record fuel purchase transactions accurately for subsequent
billing and payment.
(2) Document fuel purchases on a separate SF 44 from ground services and other
authorized products since the merchant must invoice DLA Energy for the fuel portion of the
invoice and the customer home station payment office for any non-fuel product and services.
b. The aircrew:
(1) Presents the SF 44 as the purchase invoice when a non-contract refueling or ground
service merchant refuses to accept the U.S. Government AIR Card®.
(2) Completes the SF 44 and attaches it to the merchant vendor ticket or invoice when
the merchant also declines use of the SF 44 and uses its own invoice or receipt.
(3) Provides the merchant a copy and retains copies 1 and 2 of the SF 44.
(4) Forwards copy 1 of the SF 44 and 1 copy of the merchant’s commercial invoice, if
applicable, from the merchant to:
DLA Finance J822
Energy Support Office - ESOF
1014 Billy Mitchell Blvd
San Antonio, TX 78226-1859
(5) Receives and retains copy 3 of the SF 44 and 1 copy of the merchant commercial
invoice if applicable.
(6) Presents all fuel purchase receipts to the designated aviation squadron CO or AO
upon return to home station to enable timely validation and financial obligation.
c. DLA Finance J822 Energy Support Office:
(1) Certifies and processes the merchant invoices for fuel through DFAS-CO for
merchant payment.
(2) Records the transaction to base-level support applications for tracking and customer
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d. In accordance with the Schedule 3 of Volume 4 of Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25,
DFAS-CO retains a copy of the SF 44 and all supporting documentation on file for a period of 6
years and 3 months after payment is made to the vendor. DFAS-CO only retains SF 44s for
petroleum purchases.
PAYMENT. Cash fuel purchases are only authorized when DoD Directive 4500.54E requires
cash payment or when refueling operators outside the United States refuse U.S. Government AIR
Card® or SF 44 invoicing processes. These procedures do not apply to non-fuel products or
a. Aircrews required to pay cash for aviation fuel purchases:
(1) Obtain a cash advance from the supporting DoD finance office in accordance with
Service-specific guidance before departure from their home station.
(2) Account for cash advances in accordance with Service-specific guidance.
(3) Complete the SF 44 and obtain the required annotations from the merchant on the
SF 44.
(4) Present the completed SF 44 (for non-fuel charges only) to the appropriate home
station personnel for processing, e.g., wing refueling document control officer or finance office.
b. Commanders may request reimbursement for fuel purchases from the DLA Finance
Energy Support Office (DLA Finance J822-ESO).
c. DLA Finance J8 will not approve reimbursement requests without sufficient supporting
d. Commanders provide DFAS-CO with the appropriate documentation for processing
approved DLA Energy reimbursement actions.
(1) Reimburses the applicable DoD finance office from the Defense Working Capital
(2) Processes the reimbursement and provides DLA Energy copies of the completed SF
44 and the supporting documentation for the reimbursement.
f. DLA Energy:
(1) Provides a copy of the completed SF 44 to the fuel customer indicating the
reimbursement action is completed.
(2) Processes the purchase and subsequent sale transactions into the DLA Energy system
of record.
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(3) Completes this processing to formally acknowledge the purchase and sale of product
and bills the DoD end-use customer at the DoD local purchase standard price for non-contract
commercial purchases for SF 44 purchases of ground services and other approved products (not
(4) Completes a separate SF 44 in compliance with the SF 44 data requirements in
Paragraph 8.3.
(5) Provides the merchant copies 1 and 2 of the SF 44. The merchant will use copy 1
and 1 copy of the merchant commercial invoice, if applicable, to bill or invoice the purchasing
organization directly. The SF 44 will reflect the organization name and address of the finance
office responsible for payment to the merchant.
g. The purchasing organization makes payment to the merchant upon receipt of an invoice.
a. The SF 44 is a controlled form available through the Federal Supply Service using stock
number 7540-01-152-8068. Users may contact Federal Supply customer assistance at 800-525-
8027 to order the forms.
b. Card users complete the SF 44 for fuel purchases in accordance with the DoD
Government Charge Card Guide Book and as indicated in Figure 2 with the mandatory data
(1) Date of Order. Enter the date of purchase.
(2) Order Number. Leave blank if for fuel purchase only. Units are no longer required
to provide a requisition or transaction document number since a military standard requisitioning
and issue procedures document number will be assigned by the Energy Business Systems using
the following construct: Customer DoDAAC + Julian date + (Open Market Purchase(FA)) + 2
alpha/numeric character sequence number, (e.g., FP44184145FA01). For non-fuel product and
services, enter the appropriate document serial number for the purchaser’s unit.
(3) Print Name and Address of Seller. Print fuel vendor’s name and address.
(4) Furnish Supplies or Services to. Print the wing, squadron, unit name, and complete
mailing address. Information may be pre-printed on forms by the units.
(5) Supplies and Services. Enter an itemized list of fuel or other authorized services or
products purchased. Indicate the grade of the fuel purchased (such as, Jet A-1 with fuel system
icing inhibitor, Jet A without additives, Jet B, and so forth). Document fuel purchases on a
separate SF 44 from ground services and other authorized products.
(6) Quantity. Enter the quantity of each itemized purchase item. For fuel also enter the
unit of issue (e.g., gallons or liters).
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(7) Unit Price. Unit price for each itemized purchase item and type currency (e.g., U.S.
dollar, euro, lira).
(8) Amount. Total cost for each itemized purchase item and type currency (for example,
U.S. dollar, euro, lira).
(9) Agency Name and Billing Address. Include the agency name and billing address on
each SF 44 for fuel purchases, for ground services, and for other authorized products. Complete
a separate SF 44 for:
(a) Ground services and authorized non-fuel items, entering the name and address for
the purchaser’s billing or paying office.
(b) Fuel purchases only, entering the following address:
DLA Finance J822
Energy Support Office - ESOF
1014 Billy Mitchell Blvd
San Antonio, TX 78226-1859
(10) Total. Enter the total purchase cost and currency type (for example, U.S. dollar,
euro, lira).
(11) Discount Terms. Leave blank. To be completed by paying office.
(12) Date Invoice Received. Leave blank. To be completed by paying office.
(13) Ordered by. Signature of crew member acknowledging receipt of products or
(14) Purpose and Accounting Data. Enter the following purchaser line-of-accounting
(a) DoDAAC of purchasing organization.
(b) Sub-account code: Account processing code (Army); TEC (Navy); organization
code (Air Force).
(c) Aircraft Type (Type Mission Series or Mission Design Series) and tail number for
Air Force and Army, or bureau number for Navy.
(d) Fund code and signal code.
(e) Supplemental DoDAAC if other than signal code A is used (identifies bill-to
(15) Received by. Printed name of aircrew member receiving the product or service.
(16) Title. Title of aircrew member receiving the product or service.
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(17) Date. Date of signature and purchase.
(18) Seller Section, Payment Received. To be completed by the merchant.
(a) If cash payment, ensure the SF 44 indicates the total cash paid or received in the
appropriate block.
(b) Merchant representative must sign and date the SF 44.
(19) CO. To be completed by office processing the invoice.
(a) DLA Energy certify and complete this section for all fuel items, and forward the
invoice to DFAS-CO for payment to the merchant.
(b) The purchasing organization or their paying office will certify and complete this
section for non-fuel services and products.
(20) Paid by, Date Paid, Voucher Number. To be completed by the office making the
payment to the merchant.
(a) These blocks will be completed by DFAS-CO when the item is a fuel item.
(b) The purchasing organization paying office will complete this section of the form
for non-fuel services and product.
DoDM 4140.25, Volume 3, March 2, 2018
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Figure 2. SF 44 Example
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AIR Aviation Into-plane Reimbursement
AO accountable official
A/OPC agency or organization program coordinator
CARNET aircraft tail number or nose number
CO certifying officer
CPM component program manager
DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DFAS Defense Finance and Accounting Service
DFAS-CO Defense Finance and Accounting Service - Columbus
DIN driver identification number
DLA Defense Logistics Agency
DLA Energy-QEVK DLA Energy Fuel Card Program Management Office
DLA Finance J822 DLA Finance Energy Support Office
DLA Energy-PH DLA Mobility Fuels Card Programs Division
DoDAAC DoD activity address code
DSN Defense Switched Network
FET Federal excise tax
GFC government fuel card
GSA General Services Administration
JON job order number
KO contracting officer
MCC merchant category code
OMB Office of Management and Budget
OO ordering officer
PMO program management office
POC point of contact
POS point of sale
SEA Ships’ Bunkers’ Easy Acquisition
SET State excise tax
SF standard form
SOU statement of understanding
DoDM 4140.25, Volume 3, March 2, 2018
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TEC type equipment code
UIC unit identification code
G.2. DEFINITIONS. These terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this volume and
will serve as standard terminology for DoD supply chain materiel management of energy
commodities and services.
A/OPC. Manages and ensures the integrity of the card program in accordance with the
procedures in the DoD Government Charge Card Guide Book.
The Army designates its A/OPC level of responsibility. The Navy CPM designates an
agency program coordinator for the Navy hierarchy-level role of the A/OPC.
backhaul. Cargo carried on a return trip.
CARNET. The aircraft tail number or nose number.
continental United States. The States, less Alaska and Hawaii, including the District of
demurrage. A charge associated with rail and water port operations against a consignor or
consignee for holding carrier equipment beyond the allowable free time for loading and
unloading, for forwarding directions, or for any other purpose authorized and documented by the
consignor or consignee. It may also be a charge to shippers accruing from the time the container
is discharged from the vessel. Charges for demurrage are in addition to all other transportation
dispute. An event where the validity of the transaction itself is in question as to whether the
transaction actually occurred as billed or was the result of a purchase by a valid DoD card user.
DoD aircraft. Aircraft owned or operated by the DoD Components, including aircraft operated
by the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps Reserves and by the Army National Guard of
the United States and the Air National Guard of the United States.
DoD fleet. Vehicles or equipment that are owned or are under individual lease by DoD
DoD Fleet Card. A fuel charge card to provide DoD and the U.S. Coast Guard a means to
procure ground fuel, parts, maintenance, and roadside assistance worldwide at commercial
service stations while conducting official government business. The card is limited to vehicles
owned or leased by DoD. The program is managed by DLA Energy under a tailored task order
with the GSA Smart Pay®2 contract.
dry lease. A DoD Component or Participating Agency vehicle lease from GSA where the DoD
Component or Participating Agency must provide for its own fleet maintenance and maintenance
management needs.
DoDM 4140.25, Volume 3, March 2, 2018
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GFC programs. Programs that provide mechanisms for DoD Components and Participating
Agencies to purchase fuel and services from participating suppliers.
Open Market. A module in the SEA Card® Program.
POS data. Product grade, quantity, unit of issue, receipt date.
SEA Card® Program. An electronic order, receipt, and invoice system that allows the Military
Services, Coast Guard, and authorized Participating Agency vessels to purchase fuel from
commercial ship refueling merchants. Provides a secure internet-based solution to marine fuel
procurement challenges.
Swipe SEA Card®. Provides the Military Services and Participating Agencies with a charge
card to purchase fuel up to the simplified acquisition threshold of $150,000 and in support of
vessels that cannot meet the minimum quantity on DLA Energy bunker contracts. The card is
intended for use at marinas where small boats can “gas and go.”
United States. The several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealths of Puerto Rico
and the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Guam, Midway and Wake Islands, the U.S.
Virgin Islands, any other territory or possession of the United States, and associated navigable
waters, contiguous zones, and ocean waters of which the natural resources are under the
exclusive management authority of the United States.
U.S. Government AIR Card®. Provides the Military Services and Participating Agencies a
means to procure aviation fuel, fuel-related supplies, and approved ground services worldwide at
both DLA Energy contract locations and commercial airports. The card is embossed with the
aircraft tail or side number or the Navy UIC, Branch or Agency, the charge card contractor logo,
and the card number. The U.S. Government AIR Card®
can be electronically swiped (if the
facility is equipped), mechanically imprinted, or hand-scribed onto a commercial delivery ticket
or a DD Form 1898.
wet lease. A DoD Component or Participating Agency vehicle lease from the GSA that provides
the lessee (the using agency or component) with an array of fleet maintenance and maintenance
management services.
DoDM 4140.25, Volume 3, March 2, 2018
Change 2, April 3, 2019
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 5
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS), current edition
Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25, Volume 4, “Military Billing System (MILSBILLS),”
May 11, 2012, as amended
Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Establishment of the Office of the Under Secretary
of Defense for Research and Engineering and the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
for Acquisition and Sustainment,” July 13, 2018
DLA Energy P-8, “DoD Fleet Card Program,” March 2, 2014
DoD 7000.14-R, “DoD Financial Management Regulations,” dates vary by volume
DoD Directive 4500.54E, “DoD Foreign Clearance Program (FCP),” December 28, 2009, as
DoD Directive 5134.12, “Assistant Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness
(ASD(L&MR)),” May 25, 2000, as amended
DoD Instruction 1000.30, “Reduction of Social Security Number (SSN) Use Within DoD,”
August 1, 2012
DoD Instruction 4140.25, “DoD Management Policy for Energy Commodities and Related
Services,” June 25, 2015, as amended
DoD Government Charge Card Guide Book for Establishing and Managing Purchase, Travel,
and Fuel Card Programs, May 30, 2014
DoD Manual 8910.01, Volume 1, “DoD Information Collections Manual: Procedures for DoD
Internal Information Collections,” June, 30, 2014, as amended
Office of Management and Budget Circular Number A-123, “Improving the Management of
Government Charge Cards, Appendix B,” January 15, 20092
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration, Records Schedule
United States Code, Title 28
Available on the Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy website
Available at