Letter from Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton
During the R3 Programs inaugural year, we faced unprecedented challenges while navigating the
implementation of a groundbreaking program to address generational harm caused by the war on drugs.
Meanwhile, the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated inequities across Illinois and shied the R3 Program Board
(the Board) decision-making process to center the needs of disinvested communities. On January 21, 2021,
the Board awarded $31.5 million in grant funding to 80 organizations and their collaborative partners. Funded
programs oered evidence-based and innovative restorative practices within the R3 Programs priority areas of
civil legal aid, economic development, reentry, violence prevention, and youth development.
On June 22, 2022, the second round of R3 Program funding granted $45 million to 148 agencies focusing on
service delivery, community planning, and capacity building. Since embarking on our partnership, we have
introduced various summer violence prevention funding opportunities and created sustainability for service
providers to continue programming for up to three years. In total, we have invested approximately $244 million
to deliver transformational justice to communities across Illinois.
As Chair of the R3 Program Board, I would like to thank my fellow Board members, Delrice Adams, Executive
Director of the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) and her team, and the Justice, Equity,
and Opportunity (JEO) Initiative within my oce for their steadfast leadership and focus in fortifying the
infrastructure required to ensure equitable access to state grant funding. I would also be remiss if I didnt
mention that this work would not have been achieved without the wisdom and collaboration of the communities
that have been impacted the most.
As we prepare for the third round of R3 Program funding, we continue to prioritize supporting small
organizations and community groups working directly with individuals. In January 2023, ICJIA launched a new
capacity-building hub entitled the Institute 2 Innovate (i2i). e R3 Program will require more enhancements
to ensure organizations of all sizes have the tools to access and submit a successful application. It is my esteemed
honor to lead the charge as we create a model for the nation. Together, we can create equitable practices to
address decades of disinvestment, over-incarceration, and trauma caused by the war on drugs.
Juliana Stratton
Lieutenant Governor of Illinois
Chair of the Restore, Reinvest, and Renew Program Board
Table of Contents
I. Legislative Background .........................................................3
II. R3 Program Board ...................................................................4
a. Composition ......................................................................5
b. First Round Developments......................................................6
c. Second Round Developments ...................................................7
d. ird Round Developments....................................................10
III. Capacity Building ...........................................................11
IV. R3 Program Site Visits ........................................................13
VI. Appendix ...................................................................17
R3 Program Cohort 1............................................................17
R3 Program Cohort 2............................................................19
I. Legislative Background
e Illinois 100th General Assembly passed the Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act (CRTA) during the 2019
legislative session. Governor JB Pritzker signed the CRTA into law on June 25, 2019, legalizing adult-use
cannabis in Illinois on January 1, 2020. e Act also established the Restore, Reinvest, and Renew (R3) Program
which allocates 25% of adult-use cannabis state tax revenues to address the harm caused to communities by
economic disinvestment, violence, and the war on drugs.
Per the statute, funds appropriated for R3 Program grants are required to address at least one of the following
priority areas: economic development, violence prevention, youth development, reentry, and civil legal aid. On
January 13, 2020, a working group of research experts from around the state identied eligible neighborhoods
for R3 Program funding based on rates of gun injuries, child poverty, unemployment, and incarceration in
those areas. In their nal analysis, these experts examined data provided by state agencies and the U.S. Census
Bureau. e eligible communities amounted to approximately 500 census tracts in Illinois. Of the eligible census
tracts, 48% were designated as “high need,” indicating that these census tracts fell in the top quartile of the above
II. R3 Program Board
In collaboration with the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA), the Lieutenant Governor’s
Justice, Equity, and Opportunity (JEO) Initiative oversees the administration of the R3 Program Board and
funding aligned with the program. e R3 Program Board, chaired by the Lieutenant Governor, manages the
program. Board members include Illinois ex-ocios, elected ocials, community-based providers, violence
prevention experts, people who live or work in R3 eligible areas, and most importantly, people with lived
experience in the criminal legal system.
Under the CRTA, the R3 Program Boards responsibilities are to:
1. Develop a process to solicit applications from eligible R3 Areas;
2. Develop a standard template for both planning and implementation activities to be submitted by R3
Areas to the State;
3. Identify resources sucient to support the full administration and evaluation of the R3 program,
including building and sustaining core program capacity at the community and State levels;
4. Review R3 Area grant applications and proposed agreements and approve the distribution of resources;
5. Develop a performance measurement system that focuses on positive outcomes;
6. Develop a process to support ongoing monitoring and evaluation of R3 programs; and
7. Deliver an annual report to the General Assembly and the Governor to be posted on the Governor's
Oce and General Assembly websites, as well as provide the public with an annual report on the R3
programs progress.
First convened in October 2019, the R3 Program Board has been intentional about listening to the wisdom
held within communities across Illinois to guide improvements following each round of R3 Program funding.
e Board expanded educational and technical assistance opportunities to prioritize smaller organizations that
work directly with community members. Repairing the harm across Illinois begins with accessible and equitable
practices in grant funding so organizations can submit successful applications.
a. Composition
Name (Last, First) Position Title
Marchiori, Ray Ex-Ocio Acng Director of the Illinois Department of Employment Security
Adams, Delrice Ex-Ocio
Execuve Director of the Illinois Criminal Jusce Informaon Authority,
or their designee.
Brown, Dagene Ex-Ocio
Director of the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services,
or their designee.
Gordon-Booth, Jehan
Ex-Ocio State Representave
Hughes, Latoya Ex-Ocio Illinois Department of Correcons Designee
Quintero, Dulce Ex-Ocio Secretary of the Illinois Department of Human Services
Senator Lighord, Kimberly Ex-Ocio State Senator
Dr. Janice Phillips Ex-Ocio Designee for Illinois Department of Public Health
Mueller, Heidi Ex-Ocio Director of Juvenile Jusce, or their designee.
Perez, Christelle Ex-Ocio Aorney General, or their designee.
Estrada, Rebecca Ex-Ocio Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity Designee
Lieutenant Governor
Straon, Juliana
Lt. Governor, or their designee.
Windhorst, Patrick
Ex-Ocio State Representave
Arthur, Jalon Member
Community-based provider or community development organizaon, within Cook
Crowder, Donna Member
Community-based provider or community development organizaon, outside of
Cook County.
Hubbard, Michael Member
Community-based provider or community development organizaon, outside of
Cook County.
Puente, Sylvia Member
Community-based provider or community development organizaon, within Cook
County. Also has immigrant populaon experience.
Dr. Bocanegra, Kathryn Member Expert in the eld of violence reducon.
Chamberlain, Marlon Member Formerly Incarcerated -- Over 24 years of age.
Lile, Bethany Member Formerly Incarcerated -- Over 24 years of age.
Montoya, Anthony Member Formerly Incarcerated - 17-24 years of age.
Mayor Ali, Rita Member
Mayor of Peoria - Public ocial of a municipal geographic jurisdicon in the State
that include an R3 Area, or their designee.
Mayor McNamara, Tom Member
Mayor of Rockford - Public ocial of a municipal geographic jurisdicon in the
State that include an R3 Area, or their designee.
Clerk Valencia, Anna Member
City Clerk of Chicago - Public ocial of a municipal geographic jurisdicon in the
State that include an R3 Area, or their designee.
Alderman Hall, William E. Member
Public ocial of a municipal geographic jurisdicon in the State that include
an R3 Area.
b. First Round Developments
R3 Program Board Approves Development of Equitable NOFOs
On March 3, 2020, the R3 Program Board voted to approve the development of equitable Notice of Funding
Opportunities (NOFOs) based on the recommendations of the Grantmaking Working Group. e two separate
R3 Program NOFOs included:
y Service Delivery: Funding organizations that provide direct services in one or more of the ve R3
Program priorities.
y Planning and Assessment: Funding organizations to develop strategy for service grants in one or more
of the ve R3 Program priorities.
R3 Program Board Approves First Round NOFOs
On May 18, 2020, e R3 Program Board voted to approve the public release of two NOFOs. ICJIA and
the Oce of the Lieutenant Governor executed a statewide outreach eort as early as January of 2020 for
organizations to be made aware of the R3 Program grant opportunity. Due to the COVID-19 pandemics onset
in March of 2020, the agencies pivoted to conduct the robust community engagement strategy virtually, ensuring
equitable access through the following avenues:
y ICJIA created a website to centralize all information relating to the R3 Program.
y Townhalls with Legislators: e Oce of the Lieutenant Governor conducted outreach to legislators to
notify them about the R3 Program grant opportunity and requested that they share the information with
their constituents. In partnership with ICJIA, Lieutenant Governor Stratton and the JEO Initiative hosted
and participated in several virtual townhalls with legislators to discuss the R3 Program and answer
questions from attendees.
y Technical Assistance: ICJIA hosted virtual technical assistance trainings developed for organizations
interested in applying for the R3 Program as well as other state funding opportunities. ere were over
500 attendees to these trainings.
y Community Meetings: In partnership with ICJIA, Lieutenant Governor Stratton and the JEO Initiative
hosted several virtual community meetings to promote the R3 Program to potential applicants and
answer questions from attendees. e community meetings were attended by hundreds of individuals
across the state.
R3 Program Board Awards $31.5 Million in Grant Funding
On January 21, 2021, the R3 Program Board voted to award $31.5 million in grant funding to 80 organizations
and their collaborative partners. On average, less than 100 applications are received for any grant opportunities
managed by ICJIA. e R3 Program received over 400 unique applications during its inaugural year. Holistic
community engagement, technical assistance, an extended deadline, and a need for community healing resulted
in a staggering number of R3 grant applications.
R3 Program Board Increases for Collaborative and Designates Summer Violence Prevention Pilot Program
On May 7, 2021, the R3 Program Board voted to increase grant funds for the collaboration between
Comprehensive Community Solutions, Inc. and Beautiful Beginnings. is collaborative originally received
a fraction of the funding that they requested. ICJIA worked through the budget and program design of the
organization and found that only one component of the collaborative would be viable with a reduced award,
which would defeat funding purposes. Additionally, the Board designated $3 million in funds for a summer
violence prevention pilot program.
R3 Program Board Increases Summer Violence Prevention Pilot Program Funding, Approves Pilot Program
Grantees, and Extends Funding for Qualied First Round Awardees
On June 24, 2021, the R3 Program Board voted to increase summer violence prevention pilot program funds
from $3 million to $11 million. e Board then voted to approve 21 organizations outside of the original R3
Program grant recipients for the pilot program funding. Moreover, the Board extended funding for qualied
rst round grantees to have continuous funding throughout the summer of 2021 and summer of 2022.
c. Second Round Developments
R3 Program Board Establishes NOFO Working Group and Grants ICJIA Permission to Release Another NOFO
On September 15, 2021, the R3 Program Board voted to establish the R3 Program NOFO Working Group. e
Board voted to approve the NOFO fact sheet granting ICJIA authority to release a 2nd NOFO.
While the rst round of funding incorporated equity, the second round of grant funding would add additional
equity considerations, such as:
y Incorporating in the merit-based review and clearly identifying in the NOFO a new equity score card
giving an additional 10 points to organizations that demonstrate equity in their stang or service
y A new tiered application process aimed at increasing access to smaller, hyperlocal organizations (Tier
1 organizations had operated for less than two years, Tier 2 organizations had been in operation for
less than two years with an annual budget of less than $2 million, and Tier 3 organizations had been
functioning for more than ve years with a budget of more than $2 million); and
y Enhanced technical assistance eorts and a statewide outreach plan to assure information and access was
granted to organizations statewide.
R3 Program Board Approves Development of Equitable NOFOs
On October 25, 2021, the R3 Board approved two separate R3 program NOFOs for the second round of R3
y Service delivery NOFO to fund organizations who provide direct services in one or more of the ve R3
program priorities.
y Planning and capacity-building NOFO to fund community planning processes in R3 areas and/or assist
smaller or newer organizations in building their organizational capacity.
Second Round NOFOs are Released
On December 15, 2021, Governor JB Pritzker, Lieutenant Governor Juliana Stratton, and ICJIA Director Delrice
Adams announced the release of the second R3 Program NOFOs at a press conference in Chicagos South
Lawndale community.
R3 Program Board Convenes for First Quarterly Meeting
On January 31, 2022, the R3 Program Board convened and received a presentation from ICJIA about rst
round grant extensions, second round funding updates, and a timeline of the R3 Program. e presented
information came as a result of ICJIA hosting live webinars with over 200 people in attendance. e webinars
provided information covering budget creation, collaborative applications, and the AmpliFund system, as well as
performance goals and outcomes. Recorded technical assistance sessions were made available on the R3 website
for individuals who were not able to attend the live webinars. ICJIA described how it cultivated its NOFO
reviewer pool, which included volunteers that live in R3 communities, program stakeholders, and others who
work across the criminal legal system.
R3 Program Board Convenes for Second Quarterly Meeting
On June 7, 2022, the R3 Program voted to provide additional funding for rst round grantees. e $4.4 million
in summer violence prevention funds were made available for 27 organizations to expand existing programs.
e service delivery NOFO addresses youth development, violence prevention, and reentry services. Lieutenant
Governor Stratton noted that an additional meeting had been scheduled for the Board to discuss and vote on the
proposed grantees for the second round of R3 Program funding.
R3 Program Board Awards $45 Million in Grant Funding
On June 16, 2022, the R3 Program Board voted to approve recommended applicants for the R3 Programs second
round of funding awards and distributions. On June 22, 2022, ICJIA announced the award of $45 million in
grant funding to 148 organizations and their collaborative partners. ICJIA received 512 completed applications
for its second round of funding. Grassroot organizations with operating budgets of less than $2 million
were prioritized during this round to encourage equitable access to funds, in addition to the tiered approach
where similarly sized organizations competed amongst each other. [is priority helped level the playing
eld with larger, more established organizations that are heavily resourced compared to the smaller emerging
R3 Program Board Extends Funding for Qualied First Round Grantees and Increases Funding for Qualied
2nd Round Grantee
On October 27, 2022, the R3 Program Board voted to extend rst round funding for R3 Program grantees into
a 3rd and nal year program period. Language in the initial NOFO allowed for annual grant extensions of up to
two years, for a total of 36 months of funding support, the maximum allowed under the Grant Accountability
& Transparency Act. Funding extensions for rst round grantees were contingent upon the terms of their
contractual agreement and satisfactory meeting their performance measures.
R3 Program Board Establishes Eligible Areas Working Group
On January 18, 2023, the R3 Program Board voted to establish the Eligible Areas Working Group to advise
ICJIA on the recalculation of eligibility data pertaining to R3 Areas. Per statute, ICJIA is required to recalculate
the R3 Programs eligibility data every four years, submit its analysis and identication of eligible R3 Areas to
the Legislative Audit Commission, and make their ndings publicly available. On an annual basis, ICJIA must
indicate if data covering any R3 Area or portion of an R3 Area has, for four consecutive years, substantially
deviated from the average of statewide data on which the original calculation was made to determine the R3
Areas, including disinvestment, violence, gun injury, unemployment, child poverty rates, or commitments to or
returns from the Illinois Department of Corrections.
R3 Program Board Extends Funding for Qualied Second Round Grantees
On April 19, 2023, ICJIA presented a plan to extend grant funding and an additional 24 months to the R3
Program Board. e Board voted to extend funding for qualied second round grantees. e motion included
an extension of the program period and a corresponding increase to grant amounts for an additional two years,
providing consistent programmatic support for qualied organizations for the maximum 36 months allowed by
the Grant Accountability & Transparency Act.
R3 Program Board Convenes for ird Quarterly Meeting
On July 18, 2023, the R3 Program Board convened. e Board received a status update relating to ICJIAs
budget of $613 million. Included in ICJIAs budget is the R3 Program, with a current budget of $206 million.
Additionally, Director Adams announced that the rst cohort of ICJIAs technical assistance capacity building
hub, also known as the Institute 2 Innovate or “i2i, graduated on July 17, 2023. i2i is exclusively comprised of
local and grassroots organizations. Director Adams closed by requesting the participation of members in the
Boards Eligible Areas Working Group, which looks at current improvements on the R3 Programs maps. Director
Adams also requested recommendations for formerly system-impacted individuals to serve on ICJIAs Board.
e R3 Program Board was then provided information on the legislative context of the Eligible Areas Working
Group. Bob Lane, Executive Director of Jobs Partnership provided a presentation about the organizations
workforce development program that is being supported by R3 funds.
R3 Program Board Convenes for Fourth Quarterly Meeting
On October 18, 2023, the R3 Program Board convened. Lieutenant Governor Stratton, Executive Director
Adams, and ICJIA sta provided updates to Board members about the third round of funding and ICJIAs
capacity building initiatives. e R3 Program Boards agenda also included a vote to give ICJIA the authority to
release a funding opportunity in 2024. e Board was not able to establish quorum and all substantive motions
were moved to the next meeting. Jonathan and Nikki Romain, co-founders of ART, Inc., presented to the Board
about their organization and how R3 funding has supported programming. ART, Inc. provides aer-school care,
spring and summer camps, and arts workshops, as well as eld trip programs, to Illinois’ children and youth
regardless of their ability to pay. R3 funding provided ART, Inc. with the opportunity to hire 20 youth leaders
and develop its Change the Narrative initiative which educates participants on how to identify and stop engaging
in harmful behaviors.
d. ird Round Developments
Over the next few months, the Oce of the Lieutenant Governor and ICJIA will work in partnership with
legislators, R3 Board members, and community-based organizations to execute a statewide outreach plan
informing communities about the R3 Program and the technical assistance resources that ICJIA oers to help
organizations successfully apply for R3 Program state grant funding. Technical assistance resources about GATA
and pre-qualication for state grants can be accessed through the R3 Programs website,
R3 Program Board members and attendees from the general public convened on October 18, 2023. Jonathon and
Nikki Romain, Founders of Artists ReEnvisioning Tomorrow, Inc., provided the Board with a presentation on their
organization and how second round R3 grant funds impacted their community.
III. Capacity Building
e ICJIA Institute 2 Innovate (i2i) Capacity-Building Program is a transformative initiative aimed at
empowering hyperlocal grassroots organizations throughout Illinois. Its primary objective is to strengthen
the infrastructure, enhance sustainability, and address the capacity needs of these organizations. By doing so,
i2i endeavors to support grassroots organizations in maximizing their eectiveness, eciency, and long-term
impact on the communities they serve.
At the core of the i2i Program is a commitment to addressing the historical disinvestment that has plagued
grassroots organizations in the state. ese organizations, oen the lifeblood of their communities, have faced
capacity challenges that render them vulnerable and at risk of dissolution. i2i is actively working to support the
eorts of these types of hyperlocal, new and emerging organizations, helping them bolster their capabilities for
long-term organizational sustainability. is collaborative initiative directly addresses challenges identied by
these organizations, such as the need for sta training, lack of experience in grant management, limited nancial
expertise, and time constraints, particularly in the grant application process. R3 organizations experiencing
challenges may obtain a referral to an i2i grants coach who will provide another level of engagement and
support. i2i coaches spend additional hours providing a hands-on approach that addresses the needs of each
referred organization.
ICJIA Executive Director, Delrice Adams (center), Lieutenant Governor Strattons Deputy Chief of Sta and
Director of the JEO Initiative, Yaacov Delaney (right), and ICJIA Sta pose with i2is rst graduating cohort.
By tailoring its support to the specic needs of these organizations, i2i aims to ensure they are adequately
providing community services aligned with the R3 Program Priorities. e collaborative eort demonstrates
i2i's commitment to fostering the growth of emerging organizations and underscores its dedication to building
a resilient network within the community. is strategic collaboration seeks to empower organizations to
overcome challenges to enhance essential community service delivery.
i2i stands as a beacon of hope for community-based organizations across Illinois. By investing in their
organizational capacity, i2i aims to amplify their impact, fostering thriving communities and lasting positive
change around the circumstances of violence. It represents a commitment to equity, fairness, and opportunity,
ensuring that grassroots organizations are empowered to continue their vital work and create a brighter future
for all. e i2i Program is not merely a capacity-building initiative but a catalyst for transformation, forging a
path toward a more equitable and sustainable Illinois.
IV. R3 Program Site Visits
Heavens View Community Development Corporation
Heavens View Community Development Corporation is a faith-based program that provides mentoring,
job-readiness, and life skills training for system-impacted people. e program helps participants
rewrite personal narratives and create lasting change through economic development and job placement
A Knock At Midnight, NFP
A Knock At Midnight empowers individuals, enhances life skills, and builds stronger communities
through IT training, conict resolution, and job placement sessions to help young people as well as their
families. A Knock At Midnight collaborates with schools, non-prots, and community organizations to
provide essential services and education.
Proviso-Leyden Council for Community Action, Inc.
Proviso-Leyden Council for Community Action provides families across Proviso and Leyden Townships,
Chicagos Near West Side, and Lynwood, as well as Chicago Heights, with education, training, and support
services. eir collaborative partnerships provide daycare, aer-school programs, housing, mental health,
and utility bill support.
College Mentoring Experience
College Mentoring Experience provides resources to help youth enter and graduate college through
college tours, scholarships, tutoring, and mentorship. College Mentoring Experience partners with
community, educational institutions, mentors, and volunteers to ensure participating students are
prepared to not only arrive at college, but to succeed in higher education.
Friends of the Children - Chicago
Friends of the Children provides youth with an innovative mentorship program, beginning at age four
and ending at their high school graduation. Friends of the Children unlocks limitless potential in youth
through collaborative relationships built on trust, empathy, and eective communication. Mentoring is
also available for families and continues even if they move to another part of Illinois.
Gardeneers enables young people in urban communities to connect with the land. Programming such as
tending to school gardens and farms teaches students the importance of agriculture, the food ecosystem,
and the environmental impact on the community. Gardeneers gives youth a unique experience and
knowledge about growing fresh nutrient-dense food.
Options For Youth
Options For Youth focuses on providing educational services and programs for rst-time adolescent
mothers and adolescent male students. Options For Youth equips youth with the knowledge to make
healthy lifestyle choices, become self-sucient, and break the cycle of poverty.
Howard Area Community Center
Howard Area Community Center provides essential resources to low-income individuals and families
in Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood and surrounding areas. Services range from job placement and
educational assistance to clinical support and housing. Howard Area Community Center is committed to
helping its clients become active and engaged community members.
Bridge to Freedom
Bridge to Freedom is an all-inclusive faith-based residential reentry program with a primary goal to
reduce recidivism. Some of the services provided is mentorship, job readiness, and life skills training.
A Just Harvest
A Just Harvest aims to ght poverty and hunger in Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago and the Greater
Chicago area. A Just Harvest operates a community kitchen and oer various programs and services,
including meal programs to combat food insecurity, community organizing initiatives, and educational
activities. A Just Harvests initiatives aim to create sustainable solutions for poverty alleviation.
Transforming Reentry Services helps formerly system-impacted residents in Chicagos South and West
Sides. e agency oers programs such as social and economic recovery services, which aid in obtaining
identication cards, securing housing, and gaining employment. Founded by Black women and system-
impacted individuals, Transforming Reentry Services empowers people and rebuilds communities.
Transforming Reentry Services
Transforming Reentry Services helps formerly system-impacted residents in Chicagos South and West
Sides. e agency oers programs such as social and economic recovery services, which aid in obtaining
identication cards, securing housing, and gaining employment. Founded by Black women and system-
impacted individuals, Transforming Reentry Services empowers people and rebuilds communities.
GRO Community
GRO Community is a specialized mental health service provider for trauma-impacted boys and men in
Black and Brown communities. is organization oers social engagement classes in anger management,
violence prevention, and provides housing for participants.
GRO Communitys Adult Re-entry Clinical Workforce Development Program engages participants in half day
sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy and screen-printing activities to develop employment skills.
Girls Inc. of Chicago
Girls Inc. of Chicago is dedicated to empowering young girls through various programs and services
focused on fostering leadership skills, promoting academic success, and encouraging healthy lifestyles.
Girls Inc.'s programs cover areas such as STEM education, condence-building, and career development
to equip girls with the tools needed for a successful future. Services include mentorship, workshops, and
community outreach initiatives to positively impact lives.
Centro Romero
Centro Romero focuses on serving the immigrant and refugee communities. Centro Romero provide
various services, including educational programs, legal assistance, social services, and community
support. Centro Romero aims to empower individuals and families through education and advocacy.
Lifehouse Recovery Organization
Lifehouse Recovery Organization provides services to men with a special focus on veterans. Lifehouse
Recovery's programming includes physical and mental health care, housing and life skills training,
substance abuse treatment, job training, and placement.
J&P Consulting Group LLC
J&P Consulting uses R3 Program funding to support the vision and dreams of entrepreneurs across
Illinois. e consulting groups Pathway to Ownership (PTO) program oers start-up, emerging, and
struggling entrepreneurs a place to receive guidance, network with peers, and interact with expert
Ladies of Virtue
Ladies of Virtues program integrates culture, one-on-one and group mentoring, leadership development,
and mental health support. Ladies of Virtue (LOV) has mentored over 400 young ladies throughout
Chicago's South and West sides. Under the leadership of Founder Jamila Trimuel, the young ladies of
LOV continue to conceive, believe, and achieve greatness
Tri-County Peoria Urban League
Tri-County Peoria Urban League improves educational, social, and economic opportunities for
individuals in McLean, Peoria, Tazewell, and Woodford counties. rough economic development, Tri-
County Peoria Urban League oers workforce programs on forkli operation, food handling, and GED
programs to help individuals strengthen their skills to become productive in society.
Artists ReEnvisioning Tomorrow, Inc.
ART Inc provides aer-school, spring & summer camp, arts workshops and eld trip programs to
children & youth regardless of their ability to pay. R3 Program funding provided ART, Inc. with the
opportunity to hire 20 youth leaders and develop their “Change the Narrative” initiative which provides
participants with the knowledge to deect from engaging in harmful behaviors.
VI. Appendix
R3 Program Cohort 1
Program Agency Program Title
Initial Funding
Springeld City of R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $80,000 $33,333 $113,333
1863FWD LLC R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $444,245 $185,102 $629,347
Chicago Urban League R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $182,148 $75,895 $258,043
DuSable Museum of African
American History
R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $264,600 $110,250 $374,850
Gareld Park Community Council R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $177,968 $74,153 $252,121
Girls in the Game R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $205,827 $85,761 $291,588
Black Oak Center R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $38,285 $15,952 $54,237
Kankakee Economic and
Community Development Agency
R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $28,723 $11,968 $40,691
Will County R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $151,697 $63,207 $214,904
Illinois Collaboraon on Youth R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $79,758 $33,233 $112,991
Torito Arts R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $79,723 $33,218 $112,941
Madison Police Department R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $92,291 $38,455 $130,746
Illinois Associaon of Juvenile
Jusce Councils - Centralia
R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $86,442 $36,018 $122,460
Harrisburg City of R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $25,548 $10,645 $36,193
Public Interest Law Iniave R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $29,805 $12,419 $42,224
Loyola University of Chicago -
Maywood Social Enterprise
R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $157,595 $65,665 $223,260
Monroe Foundaon R3 Cohort 1 Assessment and Planning $220,189 $91,745 $311,934
East Springeld Community
Center Commission
R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $728,093 $1,956,186 $2,684,279
Illinois Legal Aid Online R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $32,874 $37,358 $70,232
Land of Lincoln Legal Aid, Inc. R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $114,918 $521,832 $636,750
Macon County Court Appointed
Special Advocates
R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $60,212 $191,092 $251,304
Sherrod's Independent Mentoring
R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $100,387 $742,714 $843,101
Springeld Urban League R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $419,702 $839,404 $1,259,106
Communies United R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $208,316 $416,632 $624,948
First Defense Legal Aid R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $82,682 $165,364 $248,046
Local Iniaves Support
R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $501,267 $1,002,534 $1,503,801
Safer Foundaon R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $809,000 $1,618,000 $2,427,000
Program Agency Program Title
Initial Funding
Alternave Inc. R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $513,997 $1,027,994 $1,541,991
Center for New Horizons R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $1,952,403 $3,904,806 $5,857,209
Chicago Torture Jusce Center R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $231,169 $462,338 $693,507
Chicago Urban League R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $1,911,570 $3,823,140 $5,734,710
Emerald South R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $2,500,000 $5,000,000 $7,500,000
Hope Center Foundaon R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $346,519 $733,116 $1,079,635
Phalanx Community Services R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $483,013 $1,032,796 $1,515,809
St. Leonard's Ministries R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $111,877 $223,754 $335,631
Chicago Youth Boxing Club R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $40,000 $124,400 $164,400
Children’s Place Associaon R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $553,237 $1,148,684 $1,701,921
J. Blunt LLC R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $94,707 $94,707 $189,414
Law And The Fam LLC R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $838,890 $1,677,780 $2,516,670
Lawndale Chrisan Development R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $134,292 $268,584 $402,876
NAACP Westside Chicago Branch R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $1,816,615 $4,986,350 $6,802,965
St. Leonard's Ministries R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $227,143 $941,994 $1,169,137
GameTime Life Skills Foundaon
R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $378,188 $1,487,058 $1,865,246
Northern Illinois Recovery
Community Organizaon
R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $225,000 $586,800 $811,800
PRAIRIE STATE LEGAL SERVICES R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $531,675 $1,063,350 $1,595,025
Will County R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $881,700 $1,763,400 $2,645,100
Land of Lincoln Legal Aid, Inc. R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $57,486 $254,184 $311,670
The Trep School R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $255,401 $742,344 $997,745
University of Illinois at Urbana-
R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $312,883 $970,462 $1,283,345
Family Peace Center NFP R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $520,790 $1,041,580 $1,562,370
Comprehensive Community
R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $199,813 $1,538,566 $1,738,379
Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $249,345 $680,610 $929,955
Keeping Families and
Communies Together
R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $186,245 $372,490 $558,735
Prairie State Legal Services R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $193,085 $386,170 $579,255
YMCA of Rock River Valley R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $86,357 $172,714 $259,071
Marn Luther King Community
R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $245,577 $491,154 $736,731
Perfectly Flawed Foundaon R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $91,069 $182,138 $273,207
Prairie State Legal Services R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $154,508 $309,016 $463,524
Program Agency Program Title
Initial Funding
Peoria Public Schools District 150 R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $858,669 $1,717,338 $2,576,007
Prairie State Legal Services R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $216,576 $487,662 $704,238
PROJECT OZ R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $201,344 $614,452 $815,796
Urban League Tri County R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $440,747 $847,359 $1,288,106
Academic Development Instute R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $830,000 $1,958,584 $2,788,584
United Way of Greater St. Louis R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $829,240 $1,790,200 $2,619,440
Arrowleaf R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $253,906 $678,618 $932,524
Land of Lincoln Legal Aid, Inc. R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $57,640 $115,280 $172,920
Lutheran Social Services R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $228,702 $457,404 $686,106
Center for Community Academic
Success Partnerships
R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $365,000 $365,000 $730,000
Chicago Urban League R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $991,365 $1,982,730 $2,974,095
Cook County Jusce Advisory
R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $600,000 $1,200,000 $1,800,000
Cornerstone Community
Development Corporaon
R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $250,000 $755,910 $1,005,910
Knoy Luxe R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $586,301 $1,172,602 $1,758,903
Metropolitan Family Services R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $1,169,729 $2,339,458 $3,509,187
Naonal Diversity and Inclusion
Cannabis Alliance
R3 Cohort 1 Service Delivery $369,625 $879,964 $1,249,589
R3 Program Cohort 2
Program Agency Program Title
Faith Coalion for the Common
Good Inc
R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $57,785 $115,570 $173,355
Illinois Associaon of Juvenile
Jusce Councils
R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $57,785 $115,570 $173,355
New Direcons of Jacksonville IL,
R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $57,785 $115,570 $173,355
Northern Illinois Recovery
Community Organizaon
R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $109,071 $218,142 $327,213
Kankakee County Renewed
R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $107,526 $215,052 $322,578
New Day Employment Network R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $101,860 $203,720 $305,580
Nicasa R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $52,750 $105,500 $158,250
Program Agency Program Title
CGG Law Partners LLC R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $49,968 $99,936 $149,904
Legacy Barber College R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $64,206 $128,412 $192,618
Hermosa Neighborhood
R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $64,206 $128,412 $192,618
Just Equality Systems for Us
(JESUS Organizaon)
R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $159,106 $318,212 $477,318
Lifescore Foundaon R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $158,718 $317,437 $476,155
Connecng RJ Communies LLC R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $100,000 $200,000 $300,000
ConTextos NFP R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $305,137 $610,275 $915,412
Romes Joy Catering Company R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $296,457 $592,913 $889,370
Project SYNCERE R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $55,900 $111,800 $167,700
Phalanx R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $158,528 $317,055 $475,583
Physiohealth PLLC R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $73,510 $147,019 $220,529
New Covenant CDC R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $75,000 $150,000 $225,000
Community Educaon Network R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $124,448 $248,897 $373,345
Beyond the Ball NFP R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $49,000 $98,000 $147,000
Habilitave Systems Inc R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $73,500 $147,000 $220,500
The West Side Jusce Center, Inc. R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $73,510 $147,020 $220,530
Alpha and Omega Foundaon R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $85,000 $170,000 $255,000
Taufe-Hue Private Capital LLC R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $85,893 $171,786 $257,679
Next Move R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $165,228 $330,456 $495,684
Respond Now R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $171,906 $343,812 $515,718
Cook County Of R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $85,893 $171,786 $257,679
CHM Bible Theatre Producon Inc R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
Urbana School District 116 R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $36,000 $72,000 $108,000
Family First Inatables LLC R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $47,740 $95,480 $143,220
Rockford Area Arts Council R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $56,900 $113,800 $170,700
United Way of Northwest Illinois R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $56,970 $113,940 $170,910
GameTime Bang Club LLC R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
ADV & SAS R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $30,944 $61,887 $92,831
GameTime Bang Club LLC R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
House of Hope Peoria Inc R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
Tri-County Urban League R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $68,148 $136,296 $204,444
Nannie M Johnson Community
R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $68,148 $136,296 $204,444
Genesis Garden R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $40,834 $81,667 $122,501
Program Agency Program Title
Tidy Butler Corporaon R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
YWCA Southwestern Illinois R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $65,922 $131,844 $197,766
Mt. Sinai Development
R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $65,922 $131,844 $197,766
United Congregaons of Metro
R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $100,000 $200,000 $300,000
Planet Focus Inc R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
Spero Family Services R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
University of Illinois at Urbana-
R3 Cohort 2 Planning and Capacity Building $50,000 $100,000 $150,000
Perfectly Flawed Foundaon R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $91,069 $182,138 $273,207
Center for Community Academic
Success Partnerships
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $365,000 $365,000 $730,000
Naonal Diversity and Inclusion
Cannabis Alliance
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $369,625 $879,964 $1,249,589
SkyWalker Outreach Services Inc. R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $258,597 $517,194 $775,791
The INCSPOT LTD R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $121,010 $242,020 $363,030
Sangamon County R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $93,213 $186,426 $279,639
The Springeld Project R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $519,686 $1,039,371 $1,559,057
Mrs K Community Center R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $519,766 $1,039,532 $1,559,298
Springeld City of R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $260,033 $520,066 $780,099
MACON COUNTY R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $243,531 $487,062 $730,593
Naonal Youth Advocate Program R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $259,941 $519,883 $779,824
Real Love Ministries R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $150,000 $300,000 $450,000
GameTime Bang Club LLC R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $490,000 $980,000 $1,470,000
The Community Works Inc NFP R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $747,770 $1,495,540 $2,243,310
Greater Waukegan Development
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $404,875 $809,750 $1,214,625
Discouraging Factor Group R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $300,000 $600,000 $900,000
Urban Muslim Minority Alliance R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $118,733 $237,466 $356,199
Aurora Interfaith Food Pantry R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $250,000 $500,000 $750,000
Chicago Workers' Collaborave
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $893,870 $1,787,740 $2,681,610
SGA Youth & Family Services R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $488,789 $977,578 $1,466,367
Associaon for Individual
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $490,820 $981,640 $1,472,460
North Chicago CUSD 187 R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $112,948 $225,895 $338,843
CGG Law Partners LLC R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $287,788 $575,575 $863,363
Program Agency Program Title
GameTime Bang Club LLC R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $285,000 $570,000 $855,000
ONE Northside R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $265,010 $530,019 $795,029
Centro San Bonifacio R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $418,670 $837,340 $1,256,010
A Just Harvest R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $577,000 $1,154,000 $1,731,000
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $200,000 $400,000 $600,000
Chinese Mutual Aid Associaon R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $94,293 $188,586 $282,879
Centro Romero R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $162,268 $324,535 $486,803
Puerto Rican Cultural Center R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $282,288 $564,575 $846,863
Heaven's View Community
Development Corp
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $1,431,952 $2,863,904 $4,295,856
The Corporate Breakup LLC R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $1,378,427 $2,756,854 $4,135,281
A Knock at Midnight R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $650,000 $1,300,000 $1,950,000
Illinois Equity Stang LLC R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $1,454,944 $2,909,887 $4,364,831
GoLogic Inc R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $1,500,000 $3,000,000 $4,500,000
United African Organizaon R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $450,000 $900,000 $1,350,000
Musical Arts Instute R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $150,000 $300,000 $450,000
Ladies of Virtue NFP R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $102,003 $204,007 $306,010
Girls Inc. R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $285,860 $571,721 $857,581
West Point School of Music R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $500,000 $1,000,000 $1,500,000
Walter Mendenhall Inc. NFP DBA
Male Mogul Iniave Inc. NFP
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $75,000 $150,000 $225,000
Women in Need Recovery R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $1,499,948 $2,999,896 $4,499,844
GRO Community R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $283,263 $566,526 $849,789
Illinois Prison Project R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $1,431,000 $2,862,000 $4,293,000
Neighborhood Housing Services
of Chicago Inc
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $902,416 $1,804,832 $2,707,248
Life Impacters Foundaon R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $464,541 $929,082 $1,393,623
College Mentoring Experience R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $150,000 $300,000 $450,000
Two Five Three Two Corp NFP R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $654,147 $1,308,293 $1,962,440
Gardeneers R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $123,182 $246,364 $369,546
Bethel New Life Foundaon - dba
West Side Forward
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $317,168 $634,336 $951,504
Bridge to Freedom R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $205,000 $410,000 $615,000
Opons For Youth R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $112,800 $225,600 $338,400
Men & Women in Prison
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $306,821 $613,642 $920,463
Sankofa Safe Child Iniave R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $138,818 $277,636 $416,454
Program Agency Program Title
Jim Winner Professional Ligant
Informaon Products
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $1,110,575 $2,221,151 $3,331,726
Friends of the Children - Chicago R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $373,803 $747,607 $1,121,410
A Safe Haven Foundaon R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $659,390 $1,318,781 $1,978,171
BUILD INC R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $653,457 $1,306,914 $1,960,371
J & P Consulng Group LLC R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $661,199 $1,322,398 $1,983,597
Un Nuevo Despertar - A New
Awakening NFP
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $75,400 $150,800 $226,200
The 1937 Foundaon R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $773,575 $1,547,150 $2,320,725
NAMI Metro-Suburban Inc R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $314,857 $629,714 $944,571
Thee Chef Maria LLC R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $752,240 $1,504,479 $2,256,719
CLICK Services NFP R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $497,954 $995,909 $1,493,863
Lifehouse Recovery Organizaon R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $1,498,486 $2,996,972 $4,495,458
OAI Inc R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $365,990 $731,981 $1,097,971
Healthcare Alternave Systems
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $332,134 $664,268 $996,402
Proviso-Leyden Council for
Community Acon
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $767,635 $1,535,270 $2,302,905
Dispute Resoluon Instute Inc R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $149,797 $299,595 $449,392
STEP Recovery Center R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $212,001 $424,002 $636,003
Champaign County Chrisan
Health Center
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $150,000 $300,000 $450,000
CHM Bible Theatre Producon Inc R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $95,000 $190,000 $285,000
Urbana School District 116 R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $111,745 $223,489 $335,234
Naonal Youth Advocate Program R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $111,745 $223,489 $335,234
Faith in Place R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $37,579 $75,157 $112,736
Rockford Regional Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $144,474 $288,948 $433,422
VOICES of Stephenson County R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $115,166 $230,332 $345,498
Rockford Promise R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $395,134 $790,269 $1,185,403
Zion West Enterprise LLC R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $373,780 $747,560 $1,121,340
Naonal Youth Advocate Program R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $256,051 $512,103 $768,154
GameTime Bang Club LLC R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $87,706 $175,412 $263,118
Braveheart Children's Advocacy
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $110,448 $220,896 $331,344
GameTime Life Skills Foundaon
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $175,000 $350,000 $525,000
Project NOW, Inc. R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $129,050 $258,100 $387,150
Program Agency Program Title
Total Life Centers R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $306,667 $613,334 $920,001
Clipped Wing Global Iniave R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $91,755 $183,510 $275,265
GameTime Bang Club LLC R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $305,000 $610,000 $915,000
Bella Ease R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $200,000 $400,000 $600,000
Arsts Reenvisioning Tomorrow
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $600,000 $1,200,000 $1,800,000
Heaven's View Community
Development Corp
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $613,334 $1,226,668 $1,840,002
YWCA of McLean County R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $282,601 $565,202 $847,803
Naonal Youth Advocate Program R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $306,016 $612,031 $918,047
Truth Synergies NFP R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $296,650 $593,300 $889,950
MAC Instute of Beauty LLC R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $176,475 $352,950 $529,425
Land of Lincoln Legal Aid, Inc. R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $294,991 $589,982 $884,973
Joe W. Roberts Youth Club R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $316,889 $633,778 $950,667
Paris Union School District 95 R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $149,933 $299,865 $449,798
Spero Family Services R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $278,480 $556,959 $835,439
Teens Against Killing Everywhere R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $296,650 $1,483,250 $1,779,900
Planet Focus Inc R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $96,473 $192,946 $289,419
Cairo School District #1 R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $96,473 $192,946 $289,419
Board of Trustees of Western
Illinois University
R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $183,609 $367,218 $550,827
Carbondale United R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $192,946 $385,892 $578,838
Family Advocacy Services NFP R3 Cohort 2 Service Delivery $192,946 $385,892 $578,838
23 LGOV R3 Annual Report
Printed by Authority of the State of Illinois
12/23 IOCI 23-0907