Terms of Reference of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP)
March 2012
1. The STAP is established as an advisory body to the GEF. STAP shall provide objective,
strategic scientific and technical advice on GEF policies, operational strategies, programs and
on projects and programmatic approaches; and, maintain a database of institutions, networks
and individual scientists to provide the necessary expertise and advice for the GEF. STAP's
activities shall be coordinated with the activities of the GEF Secretariat and the Implementing
and Executing Agencies (GEF Agencies
) and be consistent with GEF processes and
procedures approved by the Council.
2. The STAP shall interact in a complementary manner with other relevant scientific and technical
bodies, particularly with the subsidiary bodies of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the UN
Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Convention to Combat Desertification and the
Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants. For focal areas in which the GEF is
not operating as a convention's financial mechanism, the STAP shall advise on the
development of scientific and technical criteria and provide scientific and technical advice on
priorities for GEF funding. The STAP shall provide expert scientific advice to inter-agency task
forces and bodies handling other GEF processes, when such advice is requested.
3. Pursuant to this mandate, STAP shall report to each regular meeting of the GEF Council and, if
requested, to the GEF Assembly on the status of its activities.
4. UNEP shall provide STAP's Secretariat and operate as its liaison with the GEF.
5. UNEP shall monitor the STAP’s performance, which shall be measured against agreed
deliverables, targets and indicators to be specified in the STAP’s program work.
6. The Executive Director of UNEP, in consultation with UNDP, the World Bank, the Executing
Agencies and the GEF Secretariat, upon approval of the GEF Council shall appoint six
members of STAP and shall also appoint a Chairperson. The members shall ordinarily be
appointed for a term of two years renewable for a further two years. Members may be removed
by the Executive Director of UNEP only for cause.
7. The STAP shall provide scientific and technical advice relevant to the GEF and the Trust Funds
it manages, including GEF Trust Fund, the Lease Developed Countries Fund (LDCF), the
Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), and other trust funds as approved by the GEF Council.
The composition of STAP shall reflect:
(a) Recognized leadership in specific relevant fields in the GEF focal areas of Biological
Diversity, Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Adaptation, International Waters,
Ozone Depletion, Persistent Organic Pollutants, and Land Degradation and with an
ability to bridge scientific, technological, economic, social and policy issues;
(b) Geographical and gender balance;
(c) Experience in the management of science and with knowledge of issues in the
implementation of complex international initiatives;
The Implementing Agencies consist of UNEP, UNDP and the World Bank. Executing Agencies include the FAO, UNIDO, IDB, ADB, AfDB,
EBRD, IFAD. Beginning in GEF-4, all agencies are allowed access to GEF resources
(d) An understanding of the organizational and operational setting of the Implementing and
Executing Agencies, particularly the context of program and project development and
implementation; and
(e) Knowledge about the scientific processes required for the implementation of relevant
conventions in developing countries and familiarity with relevant international
8. To avoid any potential conflicts of interest, members who hold positions in Government, non-
governmental organizations, or who are working in, or have any contractual arrangement, as
consultants or otherwise, with an Implementing or Executing Agency or the GEF Secretariat,
shall disclose this information to the Executive Director of UNEP. Potential conflicts of interest
with agencies or individuals involved in individual projects should be disclosed to the
Chairperson of STAP. At the discretion of the Chairperson, members may be excluded from
attending Panel discussions in which he/she has a personal interest or has had significant
involvement in any capacity.
9. Panel Members will work collaboratively on issues of relevance to multiple focal areas. Panel
Members will help keep other Panel Members abreast of emerging science as it relates to
their areas of engagement.
10. Concerning the Panel’s work on issues of climate change adaptation, the Climate Change
Adaptation Panel Member will provide operational and strategic advice on the GEF’s
adaptation project portfolio that is funded through the Lease Developed Countries Fund
(LDCF) and Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF). Other STAP Panel Members will also
provide advice on such projects as they relate to their focal areas and areas of expertise. In
the context of climate change adaptation and resilience in projects and programs in focal
areas funded by the GEF Trust Fund, the Climate Change Adaptation Panel Member will
provide input to other STAP Panel Members and identify possible areas of synergies.
11. STAP may convene ad-hoc working groups to address particular issues or questions which
arise and to obtain specialized technical opinions as needed. The ad-hoc working groups may
also be designed as resource groups for the GEF Agencies on specific technical aspects of
project design and provide advice on technological options, cost-effectiveness and related
social issues.
12. The Chairperson of STAP shall act as the spokesperson in various meetings, and may
assign members to represent STAP at meetings. The Chairperson shall be provided adequate
financial support in carrying out these responsibilities.
13. STAP shall advise the GEF Council regarding contemporary issues of the global environment
and how to address them; provide a forum for integrating expertise on science and
technology, including their social, economic and institutional aspects; function as an important
conduit between the GEF and the natural and social science communities and relevant
technologists, and, synthesize, promote and galvanize relevant and up to date contributions
from them. In carrying out this role, STAP's advice will complement ongoing activities within
the GEF-related conventions.
14. STAP's role in providing strategic advice to the GEF and the trust funds that it manages shall
be as follows:
(a) Advise on the state of scientific, technical and technological knowledge related to each
focal area, or area of engagement of the GEF, highlighting policy and operational
implications for the GEF;
(b) Advise on the scientific and technical aspects of specific strategic matters such as cross-
cutting issues; scientific coherence of GEF operational strategies and programs, and their
consistency with GEF policies and objectives; and integration of national and global
benefits in GEF interventions;
(c) Advise on research by identifying applied/targeted research which would improve the
design and implementation of GEF programs and projects, and by reviewing the research
work of the GEF Agencies and the GEF Secretariat.
15. As part of its strategic role, STAP shall provide a number of specific products on a regular
basis, including:
(a) Thematic Briefing Documents that summarize the available scientific knowledge and
technological know-how within selected specific themes, and translates this knowledge
into actionable advice for the GEF. The Briefing Documents also identify controversies
and knowledge gaps, and suggest needs for further research, technology development
and capacity development.;
(b) Triennial reports to the GEF Assembly on the broad scientific and technical issues that
emerged during the preceding phase of the GEF and on emerging issues and gaps as an
outlook for the subsequent replenishment period of the GEF;
(c) Reviews of the scientific and technical aspects of GEF operational and focal area
strategies and programs;
(d) Papers of a scientific and technical nature relevant to GEF strategies and programs; and
(e) A STAP Annual Work Program information paper for the GEF Council.
16. STAP will contribute to the identification of, their design, structure and periodic review of
programming strategies in all areas of engagement, in consultation with the GEF Secretariat
and the GEF agencies. STAP will commission reports on scientific needs and demands in the
program being considered, including recommended indicators and targets. These reports will
include sections on the scientific literature supporting the need for a Strategic Program,
scientific assessments of geographic locations identified for assistance, advice on appropriate
scientific approaches and methodologies, advice on analytical techniques including scientific
aspects of M&E, and scientific dissemination and communication strategies.
17. STAP will contribute to ensuring the scientific soundness and technical quality of GEF
projects through the provision of tools to the GEF Secretariat to apply in screening project
concepts, enabling independent reviews and provision of objective scientific and technical
advice, including responding to requests, from the GEF Secretariat and the GEF Agencies, to
enhance the quality of projects at any stage during project development. STAP's activities
shall be integrated into the processes and timing set out in the GEF Project Cycle, conducted
in close cooperation with the GEF Agencies and the GEF Secretariat, and based on the
standard documentation provided by the GEF Agencies during various phases of the GEF
Project Cycle. Decisions regarding project clearance, approval or endorsement at various
steps in the project shall be consistent with procedures approved by the Council.
18. STAP, after identifying and documenting a need, may propose to a GEF Agency in
consultation with the GEF Secretariat, the development of a specific Programmatic Approach,
to be entered into the Project Cycle as a concept for evaluation under the Programmatic
19. STAP shall convene a Research Committee to advise the GEF CEO on each Targeted
Research proposal received.
20. STAP shall maintain a database of institutions and networks, to enable access to
internationally-recognized specialists which will be quality assured by STAP Panel members
in the scientific and technical areas relevant to the GEF operations, and STAP will assure
independence of project reviews, through STAP selection of reviewers.
21. STAP shall standardize the types of information needed in the technical review process and
establish generic guidelines for the terms of reference for external technical reviewers, in
consultation with GEF Secretariat and the GEF Agencies. STAP shall continuously update its
networks and shall advise the GEF Council on GEF technical review procedures.
22. STAP shall develop and keep under review criteria, which will be reviewed and approved by
the Council, for the Panel to initiate additional reviews of projects on a selective basis. STAP
shall have the discretion and initiative to selectively review, in accordance with the criteria
approved by the Council, any project proposal, after notifying the Chief Executive Officer.
23. STAP shall inform the GEF Agencies of its requirements for minimum documentation to be
made available to its members for all projects throughout the project cycle so that it has a
complete perspective on GEF operations. These requirements shall be based on the GEF
Agencies' standard documentation as it applies throughout the GEF Project Cycle
24. STAP will provide timely and relevant advice on scientific and technical matters related to
monitoring and evaluation activities. The Chairperson of STAP takes part in relevant meetings
and consultations on monitoring and evaluation in the GEF.
25. STAP will provide advice on the work program of the GEF Evaluation Office related to
evaluations with components on science and technology, and suggestions on such subjects
to evaluate. It may also provide opinions on the evaluability of scientific aspects and related
methodologies for measuring global environmental impacts, in response to evaluation
approach papers, Terms of Reference or reports. STAP members may also be called upon to
support directly an evaluation, while respecting the independence of both STAP and the GEF
Evaluation Office.
26. The Panel will also support, on request, monitoring of scientific and technical aspects of the
GEF, through knowledge management and information sharing; for scientific and technical
evaluation of the portfolio. STAP supports the GEF Secretariat in the development and use of
scientific indicators to measure impact at national and portfolio levels.
27. STAP and its ad-hoc working groups shall be served by a Secretariat. This Secretariat shall
be provided by UNEP. The Secretary of STAP shall be responsible for the Secretariat
functions. Under the guidance of the Chairperson, these functions shall include:
(a) Making arrangements for sessions of STAP and its working groups and providing them
with services as required;
(b) Preparing the budget and reporting on its status;
(c) Ensuring the necessary coordination, liaison and involvement with the GEF Secretariat,
the GEF Evaluation Office, Implementing and Executing Agencies, Conventions,
subsidiary bodies and other relevant bodies;
(d) Ensuring the necessary coordination, liaison and involvement with UNEPs Management
Team, and UNEP’s scientific and technical focal points.
(e) Entering, in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of UNEP, into such
administrative and contractual arrangements as may be required by STAP for the
effective discharge of its functions;
(f) Maintaining, keeping under review and constantly updating the database of institutions
and independent experts;
(g) Drafting policy, strategy and operational papers for Panel Members and assisting in their
timely transmission to the GEF Council and other bodies of the GEF;
(h) Preparation of documents, reviews and reports, including reports on the performance of
STAP and its Secretariat; and
(i) Performing such other support functions as may be assigned by STAP.
28. Appropriate budgetary procedures shall be instituted to ensure the independence of the
operations of STAP
29. STAP's activities shall be considered complementary to and take into account the work done
by the subsidiary bodies on scientific, technical and technological advice of the Conventions
on Biological Diversity, Climate Change, Desertification and Persistent Organic Pollutants,
and the Panels of Inter-governmental Assessments. STAP will contribute especially in cross-
cutting issues, through its ability to review and synthesize scientific and technical information
relevant to the objectives and strategies of the GEF. In carrying out its mandate, STAP shall
interact with these bodies in a collaborative and cooperative manner reflecting their relative
mandates and roles.
30. Cooperation and coordination between STAP and these bodies may be enhanced through a
variety of arrangements, including reciprocal participation in meetings and other activities
including in working groups. The Chairpersons of the subsidiary bodies and assessment
panels may be invited to participate in meetings of STAP and/or its working groups.
31. STAP shall establish practical working arrangements for meeting and consulting with the
subsidiary bodies of the Conventions, advisory and assessment panels as well as with
relevant research bodies.
32. The disclosure of information related to STAP's activities shall be conducted according to the
Policy Procedures related to Public Availability of Documentary Information on GEF
Operations of UNEP
33. The GEF Council may approve amendments to the present arrangements.