AS OF 12-18-23
AS OF 12-18-23
This unedited draft is provided for attendees
planning purposes. An updated final schedule will
be released about February 1, 2024.
We recognize that typos, missing affiliation
information, and similar errors may exist. Full
editing will be done prior to the final schedule’s
release. We appreciate your understanding.
We will not change your presentation time from
this draft without contacting you.
Direct all questions/concerns to Kathleen Lacey,
AS OF 12-18-23
How to view the schedule in the CMS:
1. The schedule (updated in real time) can be viewed in the Conference Management System (CMS)
at https://register.southwestpca.org/
2. Log in and click on “Registration Options” and then “Conference Schedule.”
3. The schedule interface shows panel/session titles, but if you type a last name (or first name but
just one) in the search box, the page will filter to panels with a presenter or moderator with that
4. Click on the green plus sign to the left of the session information to expand. The expanded info
will display paper titles and presenter names for the session.
The Conference App:
1. An app will be released before the conference. It is not yet available and will be a few days before
the conference begins. We will send out information at a later time and details will be in the final
version of the program released in early February.
Overview of Schedule:
Time Slot
Wed 2/21
Thur 2/22
Fri 2/23
Sat 2/24
Breakfast Events
area chairs only
students only
Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent Sessions
Evening Events
opening reception
student dine out
Late Night Networking
Key events:
1. Check-in will begin before sessions each day, beginning mid-morning on Wednesday. Signage
with specific times will be posted on site.
2. The Annual Reception, Keynote Address, and Awards Ceremony is Thursday evening, 6:30-
8:00 in the Grand Ballroom. Plan to attend! (NB: travel award winners are expected to attend
and be recognized; grad student paper awards will be announced at the event; applicants must be
present to win).
3. The Exhibitors & Vendors room is open Wednesday afternoon through Saturday morning.
Several presses will be in attendance, as well as local artisans!
4. We have several Professional Development, Networking, and Social activities including:
a. Editor’s Panel, Thursday 2/22, 8:15-10:00pm
b. Publishing with McFarland, Thursday 2/22, 1:15-2:45pm
c. Publishing with Academic Presses, Friday 2/23, 1:15pm-2:45pm
d. Student Breakfast, Friday 2/23, 8:00-9:30am
e. Student Dine Out, Friday 2/23, 6:30-8:00pm
f. 10
Annual Game Night, Thursday 2/22, 8:15-10:00pm
g. Pop Culture Pub Quiz, Friday 2/23, 8:15-10:00pm
h. Post-conference Wrap Up, Saturday 2/24, 4:30-6:15pm
AS OF 12-18-23
Adaptation 1: Adaptations for the Stage
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Amy Fatzinger, University of Arizona
The Haunting of M. Butterfly: Using Adaptation Theory to Investigate Song's True Gender
Allison Duque, USF
"Be More Chill" and Adapting Queerness in Young Adult Media
Crys Pikarski, Temple University
New Wine in Old Wineskin: Tragedy of Displacement in "Song of the Pharoah" Theatre Production,
Directed by Sarah Dorgbadji
Stephen Oppong, University of British Columbia
Creative Writing 1: Prose I
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: James Buckingham, Independent Scholar
Fairy, Furry, and Furies: Folklore for the 21st Century
Rayshell Clapper, Diablo Valley College
"The Hero's Fool": An Excerpt from Chapter One
Joshua Kampe, Friends University
Game On!
Jane Holwerda, Independent Scholar
"Beowulf: The Song of the North," The Canterbury Codex (Grendel)
James Buckingham, Independent Scholar
Cultural Heritage Institutions 1 : Institutional Architecture and Oral History
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Acoma
Moderator: Suzanne Stauffer, Louisiana State University
Rosenwald Rural School Libraries in Louisiana
Suzanne Stauffer, Louisiana State University
Tracing Culture through an Historic Building: Malonga Casquelourd Center for the Arts, Oakland
Selena Chau, University of California Santa Barbara
The Intersection of Oral History and Architectural Restoration: Recognition and Implementation of
Forgotten Techniques
Nasim Shiasi, Sapienza University of Rome
Collaborative Archive Construction in the Classroom: Oral History, Media Research, and Public
Robert Peaslee, Texas Tech University
AS OF 12-18-23
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 1: Roundtable: Witchcraft, Apocalypse,
and Occult Knowledge: Wormwood, Watchers, and Women of Mystery
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: Noah Jampol, Bronx Community College, The City University of New York
Shane Trayers, Middle Georgia State University
Kachine Moore, University of Glasgow
Jacob Mcelroy, Independent Scholar
Emma Cieslik, Independent Scholar
Gabriela Bezakova, Independent Scholar
Thisroundtableuncovers and explores the occult roots and forbidden fuits of the secret apocalyptic
knowledge about witchcraft and the mysteries of the Watchers, revealed in prophetic visions, cinematic
visions, tele-visions, or the world-wide wyrds shared in the timeless, sleepless sabbatic doom-scroll of the
Web, with its interconnected, interwoven web-links being even more characteristic of witchcraft than no-
longer-clandestine meetings at the X-roads and the virtual covens of WitchTok.
Food and Culture 1: Food and Narrative
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon J
Moderator: Lexey Bartlett, Fort Hays State University
Allergy Analyzation: An Exploration of Misrepresentations of Food Allergies in Films and Television
Grace Hepner, Friends University
A Lil’ Taste of the Synesthetic in Morrison and Alternative Epistemologies in "Song of Solomon"
Ahlam Jaber, Saint Louis University
Seeding the Future: Commensality and Collective Values in Butler's "Parable of the Sower"
Lexey Bartlett, Fort Hays State University
From Cather’s "My Ántonia" to Hasek’s "The Good Soldier Svejk": The Acceptance and Celebration of
Bohemian Food Past and Present
Mary-lynn Chambers, Elizabeth City State University
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 1
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Santa Fe
Moderator: Ryan Moeller, Utah State University
Loving Lorcana: Investigating the Hype behind Disney’s Trading Card Game
Jessica Jalufka, University of Texas at Dallas
Melodramatic Sound and the Feminization of "The Legend of Zelda"
Mickey Randle, GSU
"The Hole in Your Room Is a Hole in You": The Sentient Haunted House in "Control"
Jessica Armendarez, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
AS OF 12-18-23
Grateful Dead 1: Forging Deadhead Identity: Gender, Journey, and Gen-X
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Cimarron
Moderator: Chaone Mallory, University of Southern California
The Secular Eschatology, Generation X, the Apocalypse, and the Grateful Dead: This Darkness Got to
Tyson Goldfisch, Independent Scholar
Golden Wisdom from the Grateful Dead
Charles Beard, Independent Scholar
"When It’s Done and Over, a Man Is Just a Man”: Dead Masculinities (and the Possibilities for a New,
Gender-Inclusive Future)
Chaone Mallory, Lewis & Clark School of Law
Literature (General) 1: Dystopias and Trauma
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon I
Moderator: Samantha Lay, Meridian CC
A Critical Craft Essay: How to Fashion and Form Symbolism in a Gothic Story
Jarrett Kaufman, Oklahoma Panhandle State University
Contours of a Wound a Lacapraean Reading of Chuck Palahniuk's "Lullaby"
Halilcan Sap, National Defence University
"Almost Worthwhile": Vonnegut and Bringing Children into a Broken World
Jonathan Schreiber, Vernon College
"Alice's Adventures in Wonderland": A Dystopian Underworld
Jazmine Keeton, Texas State University
Music 1: Get Swifty!
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Taos
Moderator: Elissa Stroman, Texas Tech University
"Chasing That Fame": A Feminist Perspective of Taylor Swift’s "Midnights"
Jennalee Carter, Southern Utah University
Taylor Swift: "Mastermind" or "Anti-Hero"?
Megan Stewart, Southern Utah University
Nothing New?: Taylor Swift’s Acceptance and Transcendence of Female Pop Star Traditions
Elissa Stroman, Texas Tech University
Reclaiming the Voice by Securing the Body: Embodied Writing in Taylor Swift’s "Miss Americana"
Juliette Holder, Texas Woman's University
AS OF 12-18-23
Supernatural (TV Series) 1: Eating, Fighting, Reading, and Surviving in
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Jennifer Love, University of Michigan
Shadow-Stalkers and Backroads: "Supernatural" As Extension of "Beowulf" Canon
Abigail Mahoney-cloutier, University of New Mexico
“Demons I Get. People Are Crazy!”: The Dynamics of Aggression in "Supernatural"’s “The Benders”
Lugene Rosen, Fullerton College
From the Health Quake Salad Shake to Pig ‘N A Poke: "Supernatural" Cookbooks and the Intersections
of Fan and Food Cultures
Jennifer Love, University of Michigan
The Angel's Fall: Castiel and the Exploration of Religious Trauma in "Supernatural"
Elizabeth Talbert, Winthrop University
The Last of Us 1: Televisual Immersion: Exploring Play, Creativity, and
Music in HBO's "The Last of Us"
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon F
Moderator: Adrienne Domasin, Claremont Graduate University
“Alone And Forsaken”: An Eco-critical Analysis of Fear and Hope in the Soundtrack of the HBO TV
Series "The Last of Us"
Kristina Klungnes, University of Oslo, Norway, Department of Musicology
The Importance of Creativity in a Post Apocalyptic World
Fara Bakare, Student
Play across Media in "The Last of Us"
Nathan Altice, UC Santa Cruz
Hope For a Better (Zombie) Future: New Utopian Socialism in HBO's "The Last of Us"
Alexandra Petrus, University of Southern California
Theater and Performance Studies 1: Notions of In/Exclusion
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon H
Moderator: Kathleen Potts, The City College of New York
"Sweat": The Plight of the American Blue-Collar Worker
Kathleen Potts, The City College of New York
"Empathy in Motion": Little Amal's Global Journey as a Theatrical Beacon for Refugee Awareness
Ginger Franklin, Independent Scholar
Notions of Latinx In/Exclusion in the Pan-Ethnicity of "In the Heights"
Alexander Paredes-ruiz, University of Illinois, Chicago
AS OF 12-18-23
Visual Arts 1: Future Tense: Art, Complexity, and Discovery
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon G
Moderator: Aaron Krone, Friends University
Breathing New Life into Old Media
Dennis Schmickle, Lindenwood University
Life in Motion: The Power of Motion Blurs vs. Stagnant Poses
Aaron Krone, Friends University
Lesser-known Aspects of Islamic Sculpture: Figures Modeled in Stucco at Khirbat al-Mafjar (7th-8th s.)
Siyana Georgieva, Università degli studi UniToscana
War and Culture 1
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon E
Moderator: Deborah Deacon, Arizona State University
Selling the War: World War II in Japanese Popular Culture, 1931-1945
Deborah Deacon, Arizona State University
How the Brigadier Saved Napoleonic War: Humor and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Great Comic Soldier
Gary Hoppenstand, Michigan State University
Apocalypse, Dystopia, and Disaster in Culture 1: History, the Past, and the
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Acoma
Moderator: Shane Trayers, Middle Georgia State University
The Past, the Present, and the End of the World in Jordan Peele’s "Us" (2019)
Chelsea-mae Yuipco, UC Riverside
An Analysis of Representation in Jason Rothenberg's "The 100": Post-Apocalypses as a Setting for
Colonialism and Oppression
Miranda Williams, Northern Michigan University
Winston, A “Flaw in the Pattern” or a Product “Worth” the Trouble: A Foucauldian Reading and Analysis
of Orwell’s 1984
Jovan Virag, California State University Sacramento
Britain’s Ghastly Past as Contemporary Apocalypse in "Lockwood & Co."
Shane Trayers, Middle Georgia State University
AS OF 12-18-23
Creative Writing 2: Poetry I
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: Christine Casson, Emerson College
Jim verses the Machine
James Bell, Northwestern Oklahoma State U
Between the Checkboxes, a Strange Land
Daniel Ooi, Abilene High School
Selections from "Project/Object"
Amanda Scott, Texas State University
Needle's Eye
Christine Casson, Emerson College
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 2: Roundtable: Esoteric Explorations and
Rituals in Sacred Spaces of Horror and the Apocalypse in Dark Occulture
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: Danielle Herget, Fisher College
Elizabeth Sanderson, Trinity Christian College
Noah NoahJampol, Bronx Community College, The City University of New York
Kachine Moore, University of Glasgow
Sho Mcclarence, University of Denver/ Iliff School of Theology
Bintang Handayani, Independent Scholar
Linyan Zheng, Rice University
Matthew Cangiano, Gnostic Technology
Thisroundtablewill explore the esoteric significance and apocalypticsymbolism of sacred spaces of horror,
ranging from holy places that evokenuminous awe and terror, to sites endowed with sacred dread due to
thehorrors with which they are associated, and finally to sites sacred within thegenre of horror itself.
Film and History 1: Female White Nationalism, Conspiracy Culture, and
Erotic Tropes
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Payton Mccarty-simas, Columbia University
"One Step Short of Crazy": "National Treasure" and the Landscape of American Conspiracy Culture
Payton Mccarty-simas, Columbia University
Talking Heads and Hard Bodies: Romantic and Erotic Tropes in the American War Film
Hervé Picherit, University of Texas at Austin
Female White Nationalism and the Horror of the Long Take in "Soft & Quiet"
Tara Heimberger, Georgia State University
AS OF 12-18-23
Food and Culture 2: Food, Action, and Social Change
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon J
Moderator: Kelsi Matwick, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Culinary Diplomacy of the Sonoran Hot Dog
Kelsi Matwick, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Literary Gastronomy: An Integrated Approach to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy through Nutrition and
Amanda North, Independent Scholar
A Queer Diet to Save the World
Khori Eubanks, New York University
Candy, Chemistry, and the Home Kitchen
Ami Comeford, Utah Tech University
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 2
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Santa Fe
Moderator: Marc Ouellette, Old Dominion University
TV Shows can be Nationalistic but Games Can’t: The Absence of Nationalistic Chinese Video Games
Yanchen Zhang, University of Arizona
What Kind of Cop Are You?: "Disco Elysium," Agency, and Player Subjectivity
Kevin Cosby, University of California, Berkeley
Haunting, Loss, and Gothic Healing in "Geist: The Sin-Eaters"
Harold Bosstick, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
"We're More Ghosts Than People" : "Red Dead Redemption II," Immersive Politics, and People Stuck in
a White Racial Frame
Kristen Spaeth, University of Texas at Arlington
Grateful Dead 2: Documenting the Dead: History, Legacy, and Imagery
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Cimarron
Moderator: Jeremy Berg, University of North Texas
Flunking the Acid Test: Misinformation and Confusion Regarding the March 12th(?), 1966 Grateful Dead
Jeremy Berg, University of North Texas
Tim Truman and Grateful Dead Comix
Stewart Brower, University of Oklahoma-Tulsa
"Dupree’s Diamond Blues" and the Legacies of the Grateful Dead
Nicholas Meriwether, Center for Counterculture Studies
AS OF 12-18-23
Mothers, Motherhood, and Mothering in Popular Culture 1: Horror,
Monstrosity, and Scorn in Maternal Pop Culture Narratives
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Taos
Moderator: Renae Mitchell, University of New Mexico, Los Alamos
Hell Hath No Fury Like a Daughter Scorned: The Evolution of Mother-Daughter Media Portrayals
Through "Carrie"
Emily Birtwistle, University of Arkansas
Motherhood and Monstrosity in Fantasy Fiction
Nicole Morning, New Mexico Highlands University
Primal Scream: Motherhood in Covid Popular Culture
Agnes Howard, Valparaiso University
Music 2: Music In Its Place
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Colt Chaney, Dallas College
The Children's Music of They Might Be Giants, 2002-2009
Christopher Smith, Trinidad State College
Afrobeats in the Modern-day Nigerian Music Industry: Origin, Evolution, Didactic, and Satirical Impacts
and Global Significance
Omolola Dorcas Ayegboyin, New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, New Mexico.
The Gulf and Western Sound: Jimmy Buffett to Charley Crockett
Colt Chaney, Dallas College
Northern Attitude: Noah Kahan and the Rise of the New Americana
Alexandra Perlow, University of Vermont
Native American/Indigenous Studies 1: Thrivance, Storytelling, Futurity, and
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon I
Moderator: Perry James, Western New Mexico University
“‘You are Our Tomorrow": "Bones of Crows" as Dene Storytelling Autonomy for Restoration and
Renae Watchman, McMaster University
Healing Historical/Collective Trauma through Mythology and Tribal Storytelling in Leslie Marmon
Silko’s "Ceremony"
Xiaoqiu Qiu, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
What is American Indian Studies?
Spintz Harrison, Kansas State University
The Metatextual Survival of Cultural Storytelling: A Look at Leslie Marmon Silko's Creation of Modern
Damian Yazzie, UCSB
AS OF 12-18-23
Religion 1
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon H
Moderator: Cori Knight, University of California-Riverside
The Power of the Christian Individual: New Testament Teachings in "Little Dorrit"
Claudia Zaunz, NC State University
"Persecution Tomorrow": "God's Not Dead 2" (2016) in the Historical Context of American
Aidan Scully, Harvard College
Light and Dark and Religious Dualism in "Jane Eyre" and "Wuthering Heights"
Sally Giesbrecht, West Texas A&M University
The Last of Us 2: Meaningful or Inconsequential?: Exploring the Diversity of
Culture and Gender Identities in "The Last of Us"
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon F
Moderator: Adrienne Domasin, Claremont Graduate University
Whose Apocalypse Is It Anyways: Examining the Futures Presented in "The Last of Us"
Jay Rutter, New Mexico State University
Bill and Frank’s Excellent Life: Queer Adaptation and Fan Reaction in HBO’s "The Last of Us"
Rhiannon Bury, Athabasca University
Rasquache, Holmes: A Transmedia Rereading of Joel in "The Last of Us"
Carlos Kelly, Rice University
Visual Arts 2: Identity and Visibility in Contemporary Art
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon G
Moderator: Sara Ishii Bear, Texas Woman's University
Cao Fei and the Emancipation of the Spectator
Aimee Mcbride, Midland College
A Politics of Visibility in Contemporary East Asian American Women’s Art
Sara Ishii Bear, Texas Woman's University
Exploring Identity & Bridging Communities Asian American Self-Representation & the Visual Culture of
the Asian American Movement in New York
Emily Merrill, Bowling Green State University
The (In)Visible Elephant On The Street: Paradoxes in Vietnamese Law through the Case Study of Graffiti
Tien Nguyen, Fulbright University Vietnam
AS OF 12-18-23
Apocalypse, Dystopia, and Disaster in Culture 2: Roundtable: AI and
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Acoma
Moderator: Shane Trayers, Middle Georgia State University
George Sieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Jessica JessicaCharles, Independent Scholar
Eric Millikin, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Aubrey Dickens, Brigham Young University
Karin Valis, Gnostic Technology
From Westworld’s “hosts” to Terminator’s Skynet to Star Trek’s The Borg to Battlestar Galactica’s
Cylons and beyond, we have been worried about artificial intelligence overthrowing or surpassing
humanity since the beginning of computers. Now with the rise of ChatGPT and other AI, concerns about
its effect on the workforce, academia, and other areas of human life, this roundtable will focus on AI and
the end of the world.
Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul 1
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Taos
Moderator: Nick Gerlich, West Texas A&M University
A Hopi Inspiration for “Breaking Bad”
Marc Valdez, Independent Scholar
Here Be Monsters: Sympathy for the Devil and Animalistic Others in "Breaking Bad"
Lisa Weckerle, Kutztown University
Transnational Imaginary and the Narcocorrido: Myth-Making, Cultural Essentialism, and Fear of the
Other in "Breaking Bad"
Ramon Guerra, University of Nebraska at Omaha
The Masculine Metamorphosis: Deconstructing the Walter White Paradox in "Breaking Bad"
Deep Acharya, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Creative Writing 3: Prose II
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: Tisha Marie Reichle - Aguilera,
An Excerpt from Novel in Progress, "The Breed"
Philip Baruth, University of Vermont
Kathleen Lacey, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
"Blood State": Chapter Reading
Raluca Balasa, Independent Scholar
"Breaking Pattern": A YA novel
Tisha Marie Reichle - Aguilera,
AS OF 12-18-23
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 3: As Wise As Serpents: Shamanism,
Shakti, Sophia
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: Alana Eisenbarth, Washington University
"Just Effort, Just Perception, and Maybe Just Magic": Buddhist and Shamanic Practices in N. K. Jemisin's
Broken Earth Trilogy
Christopher Kocela, Georgia State University
Gnosticism and the Fourth Way
Jason Degray, Universal Butterfly Publishing
Christianity, Kundalini, and Shamanism: A Few Notes
Andrew Chen, Minnesota State University Moorhead
Antinomianism, Esotericism, and Possession: The Omitted Tantric Undercurrents of Modern Yoga
Klara Hedling, University of New Mexico
Film Studies 1: International Cinemas and Influences
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Xinkai Sun, boston university
Ontologically Evaluating the Gaze of the Camera in Documentary Production in Kashmir
Mehvish Rather, Queens University
A Very Brief Relation of the Black Legend in US Film
Jeremy Vaughan, Independent Scholar
A Temporal Approach to Chinese Postwar Cinema
Xinkai Sun, boston university
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 3
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Santa Fe
Moderator: Yasheng She, University of California, Santa Cruz
“No. That Can’t Be the Ending”: Beacon Pines as a Weird/Eerie Bildungsroman
Jessica Stanley, Old Dominion University
“Forge Your Punishment and Nail It Deep”: Catholic Playgrounds and the Gate-Keepers of the Magic
Circle in "Blasphemous"
David Prihoda, Old Dominion University
Shocking Team Star: Assimilating Queer Utopias in Pokemon Scarlet/Violet
Michael DeAnda, DePaul University
Analyzing Fallout: A Social Commentary on Post-Apocalyptic Marxism
Kelley Wood,
AS OF 12-18-23
Grateful Dead 3: Learning from the Dead: Innovation, Praxis, and Theory in
Grateful Dead Pedagogy
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Cimarron
Moderator: Timothy Ray, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Pedagogy of the Dead: K-12 Pedagogy inspired by the Grateful Dead
Nataly Goldfisch, SUNY New Paltz
Drums and Space: Resonance and Dissonance, Divergence and Convergence in Pedagogical Approaches
to Teaching (about) the Grateful Dead
Timothy Ray, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
Literature (General) 2: Women's Issues: Domesticity and the Fight for Social
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon I
Moderator: Laurie Lowrance, Cisco College
Womanhood as Wifehood: The Perpetuation and Dissension of Louisa May Alcott
Noelle Rudolf, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Obituaries: Victorian Consumptive Woman Dies Wretchedly All While Saying “Everything’s fine, truly,
I’m alright. Can I get you some tea?” to Avoid Becoming the Monstrous Other in "Dracula" and
Obituaries of Late Nineteenth-Century Massachusetts
M Andrews, Old Dominion University
Uncovering the Domestic in Captivity of the Oatman Girls
Laurie Lowrance, Schreiner University
Music 3: Lyrical Influences and Legacies
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: John Chappell, Webster University
The Beatles Lyrical Poetry
Susan Peterson, none
Neil Young, Jackson Browne and the Decade of the American Singer-Songwriter
Gary Tandy, George Fox University
“I’ll Be Your Mirror”: The Gaze and Self-Constitution Lou Reed's "Street Hassle" and "The Bells"
Joshua Ward, UNC Chapel Hill
I Still Hear the Drummin': The Enduring Influence of CSN&Y's "Ohio"
John Chappell, Webster University
AS OF 12-18-23
The American West 1
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon J
Moderator: Larry Van Meter, Blinn College
Reinventing the Frontier: Jackrabbit Homesteaders as New Pioneers
Julie Haltom, California State University, Long Beach
Aesthetics of the Forgotten Frontera: Retrieving Lost Adobe
Amy Von Lintel, West Texas A&M University
In the Land of Winnetou: American West and Native Americana in German Identity Since 1945
Andrei Znamenski, University of Memphis
"Killers of the Flower Moon" and the Ambience of Erasure
John Rose, Independent Scholar
Theater and Performance Studies 2: Notions of Wellness
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon H
Moderator: Kathleen Potts, The City College of New York
Performer Wellness Between Roles
Troy Coleman, University at Buffalo SUNY
“All the Feels…?”: Complexities of Meisner Acting in Post-Pandemic Academe
Carrie Klypchak, Texas A&M University - Commerce
Affective Expressivity and the Assembly of Reality, Trauma, and Identity
Carly Amber Shaw, University of California, Irvine
Visual Arts 3: Us, Them, We: Identity in Contemporary Culture
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon G
Moderator: Jeremy Schulz, Boston University
Gender Deconstruction in North American Art, from 1960 to 1990
Theo. Triandos, State University of New York: University at Buffalo
Crafting Community: Using the Photo-Voice Method to Illuminate Identities, Practices of Fiber Artists at
Craft Markets in Tucson, Arizona
Gabriella Shriner, School of Information, University of Arizona
The Spiritual Art of Drag
Jeremy Schulz, Boston University
Lived Experience Expressed through Art
Elizabeth Gonzalez, Texas Southmost College/Our Lady of the Lake
AS OF 12-18-23
Alfred Hitchcock 1: Hitchcock and Adaptability
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Michael Howarth, Missouri Southern State University
(Re-)interpreting "Psycho": Understanding Hitchcock's Masterpiece through a Postmodern Reading of
Bloch's Novel
Mayank Kejriwal, University of Southern California
Minor(itizing) Hitchcock: Towards a Critical Study of Race in the Hitchcockian Ouevre
Sebastien Quach, USC
Self Promotion and Biographical Legends: The Legacy of Alfred Hitchcock in Shaping the Public Image
of Dario Argento
Marco Chiaretti, Universidad de Murcia (PhD Student)
One Story, Six Men: Where Authorship, Auteur, and Schreiber Theory Converge in Roald Dahl’s
Rosie Gailor, Queen Mary University of London
Apocalypse, Dystopia, and Disaster in Culture 3: Religion and the Apocalypse
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Acoma
Moderator: Jordan Grunawalt,
Apocalypse and Post Apocalypse in Saeed Kazmi’s play "The Muslim Vanishes"
Tanisha Shokeen, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
“I Believe In Peace, Bitch": How "Good Omens" (2019) Provides a Framework for an Optimistic
Jordan Grunawalt, Illinois State University
Death by Thirst, Our Virgin Guadalupe Was Cursed
Kalista Peña, Fort Lewis College
Building a Home: Agency and Religion in Apocalyptic Fiction
Sophia Ellingham, Indiana University
Biography, Autobiography, Memoir, and Personal Narrative 1
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon J
Moderator: Melinda McBee, Dallas College
Douglas Stuart and the (Auto)Remixing of Narrative and "Truth"
Jay Griffin, University of Texas at Dallas
My Life as School-Carl Wade Thompson
Wade Thompson, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma
Autohistoria-teoría, Conocimiento, and the Coatlicue State: Embodied Narrative and Spirituality as
Therapeutic Method(s)
Christine Gilfrich, Texas Woman's University
Pop Culture References in Memoir: Shifting Narrative Distance
Dustin Hodge, SNHU
AS OF 12-18-23
Children’s/Young Adult Culture 1: Roundtable: “Let’s Do Things Differently
This Time”
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: Diana Dominguez, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
"Let's Do Things Differently This Time": Building Curricular Connections via Adolescent Superhero
Henry Cody Miller, SUNY Brockport
Rene ReneRodriguez-astacio, California State University Fresno
Christian Hines, Texas State University
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 4: Roundtable: The Significance of
Esoteric, Occult, and Magical Influence and Reflection in Art
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: Emily Leon, Duke University
Candy Minx, The Cormac McCarthy Society
Eric EricMillikin, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Kachine Moore, University of Glasgow
Deana Craighead, Panhandle Plains Historical Museum
Sho Mcclarence, University of Denver/ Iliff School of Theology
Matthew Cangiano, Gnostic Technology
Jonathan Revett, West Texas A&M Univeristy
Thisroundtablewill examine esoteric, occult, and magical influences andexperiences in connection with
the creation of art and the impact of art. Byextension, the association and reciprocal relationship between
art and suchparadigms reaching broader audiences will be explored. Ideas that considerhistorical aspects
in addition to contemporary popular culture factors in the contextof art being involved with or integral to
esotericism, occultism, and magic arewelcomed.
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 4
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Santa Fe
Moderator: Michael DeAnda, DePaul University
Quest for Representation: The Game Industry's High Score Challenges with the Representation of Black
Kiy Benton, NC State University
Microsoft as a Microcosm: Intersections of Controller Design and Gamer Identity
Victoria Braegger, Purdue University
Lara Croft, White Savior, and Settler Colonial theory in "Shadow of the Tomb Raider"
Marco Rodriguez, Old Dominion University
Black Women Are Not Your Props: How "Resident Evil 5" Reinforces BIPOC Bodies as Tools of White
Dayana Calle, University of New Mexico
AS OF 12-18-23
Grateful Dead 4: Roundtable: Women's Identities and Power in Grateful
Dead Communities
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Cimarron
Moderator: Elizabeth Carroll, Appalachian State University
Rhoney RhoneyStanley, Independent Scholar
Brendaliz Guerrero-gallagher, Independent Scholar
This roundtable of women will discuss our experiences with power and identity in Grateful Dead
communities. Reflecting on our experiences and observations, we will consider how, where, and why
women have found empowerment and liberation in the frequently-sexist world of the Grateful Dead. As a
diverse group of women, we will consider how our perspectives are informed not only by gender but also
by age, race, class, sexuality, nationality, and religion. Using feminist standpoint and intersectionality
theories as lenses, we explore the dynamic interactions between identity and power that inform
experiences of difference in Grateful Dead communities.
Horror 1: Horror International
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon E
Moderator: Sean Woodard, The University of Texas at Arlington
"Meander," "Oxygen," and "The Deep House": How Recent French Horror Films Went from Survival to
Emmanuelle Ben Hadj, Purdue University
The Signification of Murder in Dario Argento’s "Sleepless" (2001)
Sean Woodard, The University of Texas at Arlington
The Monstrous Feminine in the 60s and 70s Japanese Horror Film : A Representation of Japanese
Anxieties About the Feminine Through A Kristevan Analysis
Abdul Rafay, DePaul University
Embodied Precarity in Korean High-School Horror: The Origin
Andrew Lee, University of Pittsburgh
Lawyers and the Legal Profession in Popular Culture 1
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Taos
Moderator: Stacy Fowler, St. Mary's University
Mis(sed) Representation: DEI in Legal Reels and Reality
Stacy Fowler, St. Mary's University
Slippin' Jimmy Lives
Shannon Demuth, Eastern New Mexico University
Judging the Appropriateness of Law & Literature
Stephen Bishop, University of New Mexico
AS OF 12-18-23
Music 4: Does This Belong Here??
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Brad Klypchak, Texas A&M University-Commerce
"Rockstar": Examining Dolly Parton’s 2023 Release through Rock and Metal Discourse
Brad Klypchak, Texas A&M University-Commerce
K-Pop and Masculinity: The Appeal of Boy Bands
Sophie Lee, Texas Tech University
From "Johnny B. Goode" to "Jonee, you're bad": The Pessimistic Legacy of the Johnny Song
Skyler Jones, University of Arizona
A Historian Looks at the Pythagorean Concepts Found in Cat Stevens’1975 Album "Numbers"
David Leinweber, Oxford College of Emory University
Native American/Indigenous Studies 2: Home and Identity
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon I
Moderator: Angela Specht, Athabasca University
Maintaining the Circle: Culture in Place of Race Is the Key to Achieving Diversity
Stephen Sachs, Indiana University Purdue University-Indianapolis
Returning to our Original Placed-Based Home and Environment to Learn our Language and Identity
Perry James, Western New Mexico University
Decolonizing the Family: The Masks We Wear for Survival
Paula Neeley, Metropolitan State University
Religion 2
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon H
Moderator: Cori Knight, University of California-Riverside
Catholicism and the St. Patrick's Battalion in Popular Culture
Brett Hendrickson, Lafayette College
Wandering Mirror: The Case of the "Mirror of Martyrs"
Benjamin Harder, University of California, Riverside
Prophetic Emotions in the Quran
Alaa Aldeen Kayali, Harvard University
How to Manage an American Zion: Understanding the Influence of Latter-Day Saint Culture on Utah
Land Policy
Emily Mclean, Claremont Graduate University
AS OF 12-18-23
The Last of Us 3: Beyond the Joystick: Crafting Ethics, Aesthetics, and Genre
Dynamics in "The Last of Us" Gameplay
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon F
Moderator: Adrienne Domasin, Claremont Graduate University
Butchering and Boosting: Care Ethics and Rejection of Radical Utility in "The Last of Us"
Philip Baillargeon, Stanford University
"The Last of Us": An Embodied Shift of Ethics through Game Design
Ahu Yolac, Assistant Prof. of Game Design at LTU
The Last of Us and the Capitalist Anthropocene: Disintegrations of Humanity in a Neo-Feudal Landscape
Nicholas Andriani, The University of Missouri
"The Last of Us Part II" and the Postapocalyptic Western
Mauricio Ortiz Zaragoza, UNLV
Visual Arts 4: Visualizing Decolonization
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon G
Moderator: Sandra Williams, University of Nebraska Lincoln
Chip Thomas: Counternarratives to Settler Colonialism and the American Picturesque
Sandra Williams, University of Nebraska Lincoln
Decolonizing the Heteronormative Gaze: Gender in Contemporary Indigenous Photography
Sarah Greenwell Scott, University of Arizona
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 5: Roundtable: Gnosis, Gnosticism, and
Neo-Gnosticism in American Popular Culture: Optimizing the Red Pill for the
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 8:15 pm - 10:00 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: George Sieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Candy Minx, The Cormac McCarthy Society
Alana AlanaEisenbarth, Washington University
Jason Degray, Universal Butterfly Publishing
Kachine Moore, University of Glasgow
Jacob Mcelroy, Independent Scholar
Michael Barros, Boise Classical Academy
Matthew Cangiano, Gnostic Technology
Thisroundtableseeks to examine the variety of interpretations related to thesignificance of the
mainstreaming of these gnostic attitudes as they presentthemselves in American popular culture. This may
include engagement withparticular historical and/or (counter) cultural influences and movements
inAmerica, ranging from spirituality to entertainment, to specific works of fiction ofthe past and present,
to influential voices and figures. We may also considerGnostic and Neo-Gnostic movements that have
flourished in the Westernhemisphere, including variations of late nineteenth and early twentieth century
Gnostic revivals, lineages, priesthoods, magical orders and so forth, as well asmajor figures such as
Bishop Stephan Hoeller and Samael Aun Weor.
AS OF 12-18-23
Supernatural (TV Series) 2: Screening: "Supernatural" Meets "Starsky &
Hutch" Screening and Prize Raffle
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 8:15 pm - 10:00 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Mandy Taylor, California State University, San Bernardino & Susan SusanNylander,
Barstow College
Join us for an evening of buddy show fun and prizes. We will be screening the pilot episodes
ofSupernaturalANDStarsky & Hutch! Attendees are eligible to win prizes before, during, and after
the episode screenings.
Film Noir Night!
Wed, 02/21/2024 - 8:15 pm - 10:00 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Matthew Kelley, Shelton State Community College
Another SWPACA tradition returns with Noirscreeningnight! This year’s film is 1946'sThe Stranger with
Edward G. Robinson, Orson Welles, and Loretta Young. Featuring an original screenplay by academy
award nominee Victor Trivas and directed by Welles, the film invites<br>audiences to go once more
"down these mean streets". Your host, Dr. Matthew Kelley, will have some introductory remarks, and
there will be a general discussion and fun trivia contest to follow withnoirthemed prizes! Please join us
for what promises to be another interesting<br>evening as we return with the “usual suspects” at
SWPACA 2024 to investigate the place ofNoirin popular culture.
Area Chair Breakfast and Business Meeting
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 8:00 am - 9:30 am, Acoma
Moderator: Executive Team, SWPACA
Business meeting and breakfast for SWPACA Area Chairs, hosted by the Executive Team. All Area
Chairs are encouraged to attend.
Adaptation 2: Adapting Death & the Devil
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon C & D
Moderator: Amy Fatzinger, University of Arizona
The Political Assassination Film as Genre
Richard Vela, University of North Carolina at Pembroke
I Wanna View Bad Things with You: Adaptation, Rhetorical Refusal, and Gothic-Horror Tropes in "True
Rene Hoff, Texas Woman's University
Falling from Grace, Again and Again: Contrasting Satan in Milton’s "Paradise Lost" and Hackford’s "The
Devil’s Advocate"
Sutton Welch, Abilene Christian University
AS OF 12-18-23
American Studies and American History 1: The Evolution of Western and
Rural Identities
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon G
Moderator: Deborah Marinski, Ohio University - Southern Campus
A Friendship of Scoundrels: The New Madrid Scheme of George Morgan and Thomas Hutchins, 1788-
Timothy Hemmis, Texas A&M University Central Texas
The Rural Man Paradox
Connor Rakes, East Central University
Mark Twain’s "Roughing It": Encompassing the Disparities of West and East
Sean Williams, University of West Florida
Chican@ Literature, Film, and Culture 1: Film & Media
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon H
Moderator: Veronica Caro, San Francisco State University
A Filmmaker’s Journey: Severo Perez and the Making of a Classic Chicano Film
Steven Davis, Wittliff Collections-Texas State University
“Speaking Non-English”: Language Strategies to Communicate with Hispanic and Latino/a/x Audiences
in the Post-Digital Age
Nancy Garcia, West Texas A&M University
Stomping on Machismo Culture: The Rise and Celebration of Queer Latinx Communities in North
American Media
Veronica Caro, San Francisco State University
Creative Writing 4: Poetry II
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Carlsbad
Moderator: Terri Cummings, Independent Scholar
Drift Migration: A Poetry Reading
Danielle Dubrasky, Southern Utah University
New Poems / Poems About Poets
Joseph Chaney, Indiana University South Bend
Vessel: Poetry of Immersion
Alissa Simon, Harrison Middleton University
Poems for the Growth Mindset
Terri Cummings, Independent Scholar
AS OF 12-18-23
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 6: Roundtable: Witchcraft, Sexuality, and
Eroticism in Cultural Representation and Practice
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon A & B
Moderator: Alana Eisenbarth, Washington University
Elizabeth Sanderson, Trinity Christian College
George GeorgeSieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Kachine Moore, University of Glasgow
Sho Mcclarence, University of Denver/ Iliff School of Theology
Emma Cieslik, Independent Scholar
Isak Arnold Niehaus, Brunel University London
Karin Valis, Gnostic Technology
Conceptions and representations of the witch and witchcraft haveintersected with experiences, beliefs,
and projections concerning sexualityand the erotic throughout the development of the witch-figure and its
antecedents. Concurrently in various instances, all of this has influencedand been influenced by the
practice of witchcraft, which encompasses verydiverse traditions and currents that have enormously
varying approaches tosexual and erotic experiences and practices. Thisroundtablewill examineand explore
the subject from a variety of perspectives, identifying commonalities as well as divergences within
popular and historicalrepresentations and within witchcraft paradigms.
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 5
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Santa Fe
Moderator: Chris Hanson, Syracuse University
The Explorable Psyche: Videogame Space as Metaphor for Self
Saramanda Swigart, San Francisco State University
Gaming the Past: Representations of Ancient "Greek" Female Sexuality and Gender in "Assassin’s Creed
Grace Mitchell, University of British Columbia
Designing The Second Place: Using Dark Game Design to Explore White Collar Labor
Nicholas Coffman-price, Depaul University
Penelope's Web 3.0: Old and New Inequalities in the Fashion of the Future
Michele Varini, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano
Grateful Dead 5: Issues and Themes in Grateful Dead History
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Cimarron
Moderator: Daniel Pinti, Niagara University
Matthew Fox’s Original Blessing: The Creation Theology of Jerry Garcia’s “Outlaw Priest”
Daniel Pinti, Niagara University
He's Not Dead; He's Driving That Train; Head On Collisions between Warren Zevon and Jerry Garcia
Michael Nadler, Albuquerque Academy
Jon McIntire: A Deadicated Grateful Dead Manager
Barry Barnes, Independent Scholar
AS OF 12-18-23
Horror 2: Roundtable: The Year in Horror: 2023
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon E
Moderator: Steffen Hantke, Sogang University
Danielle Herget, Fisher College
Hans HansStaats, Cedars Academy
Andrew Lee, Drew University
This roundtable will give the panelists and the audience an opportunity to reflect back on important
events, figures, and developments in the horror genre across all media, how they affect the current
perception of horror’s trajectory within and across the culture, and presage horror’s development in the
year/s to come. What was popular, and what fell out of favor? Who were the rising stars, what were the
significant industry trends, and where does the genre stand in its ability to articulate current issues, and
keep itself relevant?
Literature (General) 3: Social Change and the Effects of Editing and
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon I
Moderator: Samantha Lay, Meridian CC
Poetics of Myths of James Fenimore Cooper: Structure, Semantics, and Problems of Translation into
Russian and Kazakh Languages Based on Translations of the "Leatherstocking Tales"
Nurgul Saparkhojayeva, UIUC; Al-Farabi Kazakh National University; Satbayev University
Sketches from Memory: A Sense of Place in the Mexican Stories of Dorothy Tefft
Nathaniel Racine, Texas A&M International University
The Beginning of an End: Exploring the Psychological Fear of Social Change in 18th-Century Spanish
Nkosilathi Moyo, Louisiana State University
Music 5: Evolution of the Art and Performance
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Taos
Moderator: Katie Rios, Mercer University
"A Mask Won’t Hide Who You Are Inside": Shadows, Puppets, and Ventriloquy in Kendrick Lamar’s
Big Steppers Tour (2022)
Katie Rios, Mercer University
Before Bootsy: James Brown’s Early Electric Bassists and the Development of Funk
Brian Wright, University of North Texas
"Back on 74": Art of the Music Video
Phoebe Charpentier, University of Arizona
“La La La, I’m Not Listening (but I Really Am ): Exploring the Use of “La La La” in Mainstream Music
to See If It’s More Than Just a Rhythmic Hook
Carl Knauf, University of Alabama
AS OF 12-18-23
Pedagogy and Popular Culture 1: Roundtable: Creating Media Literacy
Lessons for Current Debates on AI, Coloniality and Muslim Women
Stereotypes, Climate Change, and Data Activism
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon F
Moderator: Ilia Rodriguez Nazario, University of New Mexico
This roundtable centers on the need to develop media literacy lessons on current trends and pressing
issues affecting our global, multicultural society. It places emphasis on media literacy lessons that address
current debates and issues shaping public understanding AI, coloniality and gender stereotypes of Muslim
women, climate change, and data activism. From diverse positionalities, the presenters bring forth
different dimensions of a critical reading of mediated popular culture and illustrate how to enrich media
literacy lessons with experiential knowledge, relevant texts, and culturally grounded understandings.
Psychology and Popular Culture 1: Psychology In and Out of the Classroom
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon J
Moderator: Matthew Kelley, Shelton State Community College
A Chat about Mental Illness in Children’s Television Programming
Sophie Spruce, University of Texas at Arlington
Why So Serious?: Identifying Trauma and Coping Skills in "Steven Universe"
Makenzie Morrison, Abilene Christian University
Applying Carl Rogers's Person-centered Counseling Theory to the University Music Classroom
Christopher Meerdink, West Texas A&M University
Cloyce Kuhnert, WTAMU
Exploring Pareidolia: Finding Faces in Everyday Objects
Heehyun Kim, Chung-Ang University
Supernatural (TV Series) 3: Women in "Supernatural"
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Las Cruces
Moderator: Susan Nylander, Barstow College
Amara: the Patriarchy, Voice, and Subsumption
Susan Nylander, Barstow College
“And You Call Yourselves Nerds?”: Charlie Bradbury and Queer Nerd Identity
Gina Hanson, California State University, San Bernardino
We Need to Talk about Kelly Kline
Mandy Taylor, California State University, San Bernardino
Ruby’s "Supernatural" Snacking: Dualism, Selfhood, and Performative Materiality
Fiona Harris, Bloomfield College
AS OF 12-18-23
Creative Writing 5: Prose III
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: Anthony Patricia, Concord University
Air Force One
Kathleen Blackburn, University of Chicago
Excerpt from Novel-in-progress "The Emissary"
Danny Peters, Texas State University
Reading from the Literary Thriller "Gigantic"
Candace Nadon, Fort Lewis College
When First We Practice to Deceive
Anthony Patricia, Concord University
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 7: Belief and its Construction: The
Natural, the Supernatural, and the Preternatural
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: George Sieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Avenging Angels, Caped Crusaders, and Mad Monks: A Survey of the Supernatural in "Batman" Comics
Jacob Mcelroy, Independent Scholar
Someone Warned Us Down: A Bilateral Exploration of the Phenomenon and Call for an Engaged
Alana Eisenbarth, Washington University
Beyond Belief: Examining Constructions of Evidence in UFO and Extraterrestrial Encounter Narratives
Carleigh Davis, Missouri University of Science and Technology
The Conception of Witchcraft through Differentiation from Natural Magic in Early Modern Europe and
the American Colonies
William Eamon, New Mexico State University, Emeritus
Film and History 2: Barbenheimer, Los Alamos, and Holocaust Horrors
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Jennifer Jenkins, University of Arizona
Captive Audiences: Moviegoing at Los Alamos during the Manhattan Project
Jennifer Jenkins, University of Arizona
Little Shop of Holocaust Horrors
Shannon Townsend, West Texas A&M University
The Impact of the Movie “Oppenheimer," “Barbenheimer,” and the Complexities of Historical Memory:
Transforming Perceptions of the Manhattan Project and Los Alamos
Tomoko Masumoto, Kansai University
AS OF 12-18-23
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 6
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Santa Fe
Moderator: Jason Thompson, University of Wyoming
Games in the Art of Meditation
Andrew Kissel, Old Dominion University
From Escaping Reality to Enacting Brutality: How Youth Describe Their Play
Jessica Campbell, York University
How "Metroid Fusion" and "Us" Portray a Violent Hegelian Dialectic as a Requirement for Becoming a
Better Self
Zachary Roybal, Colorado State University - Pueblo
Artistic Response as Collaborative Design Methodology: Creating Video Game Artifacts from Personal
Catherine Pearce, Simon Fraser University
Graphic Novels, Comics, and Popular Culture 1: Critical Studies on the Big
Two: Emerging Considerations of Marvel and DC Properties
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon H
Moderator: Ben Quail, University of Glasgow
Spider-Man's Vietnam: Critically Analysing the Wall-Crawler at War
Ben Quail, University of Glasgow
Crisis, Secret Wars, and the Poetics of the Comic Event
Bradley Schauer, University of Arizona
Bound by History: Exploring Bondage Discourse in Feminist Rhetorical Texts and the "Wonder Woman"
Danielle Brady, Tarleton State University
Segesser, Batman, and Tyranny of Chronology
Kevin Scott, University of West Florida
Grateful Dead 6: Musical Contexts of the Grateful Dead
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Cimarron
Moderator: Jason Gallagher, University of Missouri-St Louis
The Speed of Space: The Grateful Dead, Grayfolded and Plunderphonics
Jason Gallagher, University of Missouri-St Louis
The Genealogical Shape of Liveness
Noah Franken, West Texas A&M University
Bo Diddley’s Rhythm of Equanimity
Dennis Rothermel, California State University, Chico
AS OF 12-18-23
Horror 3: Roundtable: Horror and the Apocalypse
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon E
Moderator: Shane Trayers, Middle Georgia State University
Noah Jampol, Bronx Community College, The City University of New York
Megan Elizabeth Megan ElizabethBoothby, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Though humanity occasionally does go gently into that good night, fictional depictions of the end of the
world tend to favor by a large margin tropes of horror. From zombies and extradimensional monsters to
pandemics and plagues, the apocalypse has been a staple of the horror genre for a long time. This
roundtable will delve into this convergence, reaching back to early examples and assessing where horror
fits in with the contemporary imagination’s penchant for the end of everything being a horrific event.
Music 6: The Political and Social
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Taos
Moderator: Carl Warmuth, University of New Mexico
Anti-Police Country Music
Carl Warmuth, University of New Mexico
Riot Grrl and the Feminist Evolution of Punk Rock
Pamela Hunt Kirk, University of West Georgia
Perry Kirk, University of West Georgia
The Radical Politics of Post-Eighties Music: A Structural Diagnosis of Synthwave and Vaporwave
Matthew Tuozzo, University of Arizona
Native American/Indigenous Studies 3: Gardens and Parks
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon I
Moderator: Margaret Vaughan, Metropolitan State University
“That’s the World I Want to Live in”: Gardening, Reciprocity, Responsibility, and Change
Angela Specht, Athabasca University
The Intercollegiate Wild Clay Symposium at Parkin Archeological State Park
Lisa Floryshak, Arkansas State University
Reclaiming the Iknimaya: The Consumption, Appropriation, and Erasure of the ‘Indigenous Alien’ at
Disney’s Pandora – The World of Avatar
Natasha Loving, University of Wyoming
AS OF 12-18-23
Pedagogy and Popular Culture 2: Film & Television
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon F
Moderator: Michelle Vannatta, Dominican University
How Real is Reality TV Glassblowing? What Do Beginning Glassblowers Learn (or Not) about
Glassblowing Techniques and Processes in the Netflix series "Blown Away"
Jonathan Lillie, Loyola University Maryland
Michelle MichelleJones-lillie, Jacksonville University
"I Learned from that Show that Vampires Are Real": Teaching College Students about Reality vs.
Fictional Media in the Criminology Classroom
Michelle Vannatta, Dominican University
Translanguaging and Digital Humanities: Stand Alone Units from the Global Martial Arts Cinema
Classroom to Foster an Organic, Collaborative, Multi-lingual, Cross-Cultural, and Pluralistic Discourse
Jean Amato, Fashion Institute of Technology, State University of New York
Universal Design for Learning and Silent Film Pedagogy
Elizabeth Haas, University of Bridgeport
Psychology and Popular Culture 2: Psychology in Technology and the
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon J
Moderator: Matthew Kelley, Shelton State Community College
Manufacturing Belonging: Celebrity Culture, Consumerism & Psychology in the Digital Age
Iris Gildea, University of Toronto
Games and Grieving: How Video Games Can Heal Through Story
Sophia Mccann, Friends University
Introverted, Influential, and Intersectional: Mythbusting Perceptions of Introversion through Black
Female Introverts in Pop Culture
Jacqueline Shaulis, National Center for Intersectional Studies
Adolescent Algorithm Addiction
Canyon Skare, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
AS OF 12-18-23
Supernatural (TV Series) 4: Roundtable: All Roads Lead to "Supernatural":
Navigating the Male Buddy Show Rabbit Hole
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Susan Nylander, Barstow College & Mandy Taylor, California State University, San
Supernatural is a quintessential buddy/brother show. It both borrows from some of the buddy/brother
shows that came before it and serves as a cultural time capsule for its 15-year run. This roundtable
explores a selection of male buddy/brother shows (Alias Smith &amp; Jones, Starsky &amp; Hutch, and
Simon &amp; Simon), their relevance as cultural time capsules, and their echoes, tropes, and parallels
that we can see in Supernatural. Join us to discuss the ways in which what was “old” is made new again.
War and Culture 2: Roundtable: War and/as Adventure
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon G
Moderator: Steffen Hantke, Sogang University
Deborah Deacon, Arizona State University
Gary GaryHoppenstand, Michigan State University
If media coverage of ongoing conflicts is to be believed, there is nothing remotely enjoyable about war.
And yet, past warsremembered by survivors and preserved for the public record by historiansoften
receive different treatment. Popular culture continues to generate narratives in which war appears as a
form of adventure, framed positively as an escape from tedium, an opportunity for self-realization, or a
righteous crusade. This roundtable will examine representations in popular culture of war as seen through
the lens of adventure, trying to assess where and how cultural production shapes popular perceptions of
war and thus contributes to the political framing of military conflict.
Zombie and Pandemic Culture 1
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Acoma
Moderator: Brandon Kempner, New Mexicoo Highlands University
A “Memory of What They Used To Do”: The Black Ghoul as History and Film’s Consumable Product in
Halperin and Romero
Samantha Cinelli, UC Berkeley
Fungal Futures: The Pandemic, "The Last of Us," and Spore Horror
Emma Bacak, University of Arkansas
Zombie Literature, College Students, and Foreign Language and Cultural Knowledge Development
David Shook, Georgia Institute of Technology
The Long Afterlife of "The Walking Dead"
Brandon Kempner, New Mexicoo Highlands University
AS OF 12-18-23
American Studies and American History 2: Unveiling Power and Progression
Through Politics, Medicine, and Civil Rights
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon G
Moderator: Deborah Marinski, Ohio University - Southern Campus
As Best They Could: Civil Medicine and the Advancement of Trauma Associated with War
John Williams, Collin College
Aristocratic Conspiracies: John Taylor of Caroline on the Power Elite
Horace Fairlamb, University of Houston-Victoria
“Free Huey”: The Alliance of White Radicals and the Black Panther Party and its impact on FBI Director
J. Edgar Hoover
James Jones, Prairie View A&M University
Apocalypse, Dystopia, and Disaster in Culture 4: Roundtable: Alternative
History in Apocalypse and Dystopia
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Acoma
Moderator: Shane Trayers, Middle Georgia State University
George Sieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Noah NoahJampol, Bronx Community College, The City University of New York
Alexandra Nakelski, University of Amsterdam
Chelsea-mae Yuipco, UC Riverside
Thuy Cam Van (Annie) Luong, York University
Scott Ryan Maybell, Independent Scholar
Alternative histories that rewrite our reality are common in dystopian and apocalyptic works. The Man in
the High Castleby Philip K. Dick contemplates a world where the other side won WWII. Dread Nation, an
alternative history of the US that includes zombies. The Handmaid’s Tale depicts a society overrun by a
religious authority that forces women into pre-determined roles, often sexually abusive roles. These are
just a few examples of works that use an alternative history in their apocalyptic or dystopian worlds. This
roundtable would examine how creating an alternative history functions in this genre.
AS OF 12-18-23
Children’s/Young Adult Culture 2: Thinking Far Outside the Box
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Cimarron
Moderator: Diana Dominguez, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
sMothering-ExtrAUordinary Stories
Nicoletta Lamarca-sacco, SUNY-Binghamton
Bridging Realms: Empowering Marginalized Voices through Magical Realism in Laura Ruby's "Bone
Rachel Rosen, Wake Forest University
Reimagining Greek Gods, Mermaids, and Witches: Exploring User-Generated ESL Young Adult Fiction
on Wattpad
Swara Shukla, University of Muenster
Computer Culture 1
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon J
Moderator: W Jude LeBlanc, Georgia Institute of Technology
Hot Girls Have IBS: An Analysis of the Use of Meme Culture to Cope with an Illness Primarily Affecting
Angelica Cabral, San Francisco State University
Trash People Doing Trash Things on the Internet
Delores Phillips, James Madison University
A Wynn is a Win: Contrapoints' Meta Approach to Internet Communication
Marley Williford, Pikes Peak Community College
Evolution of the Digital Architecture of Frank O. Gehry
W Jude LeBlanc, Georgia Institute of Technology
Creative Writing 6: Poetry III
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: Stephen Benz, University of New Mexico
Angels & Iterations: Echoes & Emanations
John Michael Yozzo, Independent Scholar
Last Poet in the Woods
Steven Schneider, University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley
Reassembling Dust
Fred Alsberg, Retired
Route 66 Poems
Stephen Benz, University of New Mexico
AS OF 12-18-23
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 8: Fantasmal Femininities: Spiritualists,
Seances, and Sapphism
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: Elizabeth Sanderson, Trinity Christian College
The Haunted Sapphic: Depictions of Doomed Lesbianism in Mike Flanagan's Horror Trilogy "The
Haunting of Hill House," "The Haunting of Bly Manor," and "Midnight Mass"
Karolina Kowalska, University of Warsaw
The Mysticism of True Womanhood
Mary Ann Scott, University of West Florida
Channeling the Past to Connect with the Present: Séances and Mediums in Neo-Victorian Fiction
Leah Larson, Our Lady of the Lake University
Film Studies 2: Film Noir and Friends
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Kelly Stith, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Exploring Voyeurism and Female Vulnerability in Alfred Hitchcock's "Psycho" (1960)
Natalie Gutierrez, Florida International University (FIU)
The Utopian Vision in "V for Vendetta"
Fereshteh Majdi, Kansas State University
Sinners on Their Knees: Redemption and Justice in Neo-Noir Film
Claire Meyer, West Texas A&M University
Trauma and Repression in David Lynch's "Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me"
Kelly Stith, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Graphic Novels, Comics, and Popular Culture 2: New Studies on Non-Fiction
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon H
Moderator: Loredana Bercuci, West University Timisoara
MulitSociality and Comics: An Exploration of Duncan Tonatiuh and Methods as Social Justice Praxis
Robert Watkins, Idaho State University
Visuality and Trauma in GB Tran’s "Vietnamerica" and "The Best We Could" by Thi Buy
Loredana Bercuci, West University Timisoara
John Lewis: The Chicken Preacher and Life Force of "March"
Cliff Marks, University of Wyoming
AS OF 12-18-23
Harry Potter Studies 1: Creating Our Own Hogwarts: How the Magic of
"Harry Potter" Helped Change the Culture of an Entire High School
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Santa Fe
Moderator: Ramona Burns, United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians (UKB)
Addison AddisonSmith, United Keetoowah band of Cherokee Indians (UKC)
Arik Duncan, United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians (UKB)
Ashley Miller, UKB
This presentation will look at how using Harry Potter’s house and points system created community and a
common purpose among a rebellious eleventh grade class. We will explore how the same ideas were put
into place school wide the next year as a way to change the culture of an entire high school. Meet us at
platform 9 ¾. We’ll show you the way!
Horror 4: Abject Horror
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon E
Moderator: Jacob Brewer, Tarleton State University
In the Hills, Abjection
Jacob Brewer, Tarleton State University
The Horror of Grief
Ramzi Nimr, McGill University
Motherhood and Horror in Contemporary Cinema
Diyasha Chowdhury, Miami University
Hive Mind, Body, and Soul: The Posthuman Fungal Chimera
Jennifer Sams, California State University Northridge
Sarah Gay, California State University Northridge
AS OF 12-18-23
Mothers, Motherhood, and Mothering in Popular Culture 2: Roundtable:
Motherly Witchcraft and Witchy Mothers
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Taos
Moderator: Renae Mitchell, University of New Mexico, Los Alamos
Andrea AndreaDekeseredy, University of Alberta
Payton Mccarty-simas, Columbia University
Motherhood and witchcraft have often been viewed as intertwined in the West—from the “enigma”
surrounding the birthing process and the diabolical midwives who facilitate the process, to the growing
Pagan belief systems that call to mothers today. The increasing acceptance of intersectional forms of
motherhood(s) has led to cries against the descent of conventional parenting and fear of a rise of fluid
pronouns and books that promote the acceptance of a child’s various and varying identities. The fear of
women who carry out motherhood in a manner deemed deviant by those in power in their social context
has historically garnered these women the title of witch and is reflected in popular culture. Join three
women from distinct academic backgrounds who will discuss recent and historical themes on the
intersection of motherhood and witchcraft through their work and interests.
Professional Development: Publishing with McFarland
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon F
Moderator: Layla Milholen, McFarland & Company
Join McFarland representative Layla Milholen for a discussion about publishing with McFarland.
The Last of Us 4: Roundtable: From Pixels to Plots: A Roundtable on
Adapting "The Last of Us" to a Television Series
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Adrienne Domasin, Claremont Graduate University
From Pixels to Plots: A Roundtable on Adapting "The Last of Us" to a Television Series
Adrienne Domasin, Claremont Graduate University
In the realm of academic exploration at the intersection of media studies and narrative adaptation, this
roundtable event explores the fascinating adaptation of The Last of Us video game into a television series.
The Last of Us, a critically acclaimed and emotionally immersive video game, has captivated audiences
with its rich storytelling, complex characters, and post-apocalyptic world. This roundtable seeks to dissect
the challenges, creative decisions, and potential impacts on transmedia storytelling when adapting
interactive experiences into linear narratives.
AS OF 12-18-23
Theater and Performance Studies 3: Notions of Performance
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon I
Moderator: Kathleen Potts, The City College of New York
Lions, Tigers, and Zebras, Oh My!: Exploring the Performance of Exotic Hunting in Texas
Aj Villarreal, TAMU
An Analysis of Matatu Performance: Linguistic, Behavioural, and Iconographic Subversion in Matatu’s
Archive and Repertoire
John Musyoki, University of Alberta
Writer on the Beach: Performing Research into Slow Disaster
Karen Wall, Athabasca University
Alfred Hitchcock 2: Hitchcock and Sexuality
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Michael Howarth, Missouri Southern State University
Always Rebecca: Queerness in "Rebecca" and its Adaptation
Lucas Kurmis, Northern Michigan University
“With all due respect to Oedipus”: Unpacking Gender and Sexuality in Hitchcock’s "The Birds"
Erin Mahoney, California State University Sacramento
The Real Blonde Bombshell: Alfred Hitchcock’s Treatment of Women’s Mental Health in Film
Rachel Harvey, Friends University
Apocalypse, Dystopia, and Disaster in Culture 5: Narrative, Revision, and the
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Acoma
Moderator: Thuy Cam Van (Annie) Luong, york university
Alone in the Alps: Revising the Post-Apocalyptic Survival Narrative in "Die Wand" (2012)
Steffen Hantke, Sogang University
Industrialism, War, and the Apocalypse: How Tove Jansson and Hayao Miyazaki Teach Children about
the End of the World
Miranda Johnsen, New York University
Remakes and the Multiverse: "The Flash" Mediating the Paradox Between Gen X's Liminal Identity and
Millennial Postmodern Simulation
Alexandra Nakelski, University of Amsterdam
Blood, Fire, Sand, Water, and Eden in "Mad Max: Fury Road"
Thuy Cam Van (Annie) Luong, york university
AS OF 12-18-23
Asian Popular Culture/Asian American Experiences 1: Racial Melancholy,
Afro-Anime Initiative, and Hedonism
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon G
Moderator: Elaine Cho, American University
Scarring, Repetition, and National Melancholia in "Avatar: The Last Airbender"
Jered Mabaquiao, University of Texas, Arlington
Love and Lies: Platforming Affection and Affliction in Neo-Marcosian Disco Inferno
Jose Santos Ardivilla, Texas Tech University School of Art
An Examination of Neo-Marxist Themes in the Film "Crazy Rich Asians"
Christopher Rawlins, Southern Utah University
The Afro-Anime Initiative: Growing Similarities Between East-Asian and Afro-centric Comic Aesthetics
Oluwafunmilayo Akinpelu, Graduate Student, University of Alabama
Buffy and Beyond 1: Money & Misogyny
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Taos
Moderator: Tamy Burnett, Southwest Popular/American Culture Association
#Me Too, Him Too: A Look at Shakespeare’s play and Joss Whedon’s Film Adaptation of "Much Ado
About Nothing"
Doris Barkin, City College of New York
Finding Jim Profit in the Whedonverse
Anastasia Hyden, DePaul University
Reclaiming Cordelia Chase
Kathrina Knepper, Independent Scholar
Children’s/Young Adult Culture 3: Let’s Talk About Gender, Romance, and
Culture in YA Literature
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Cimarron
Moderator: Ashley Johnson, University of Texas at Arlington
The Riordanverse Community
Ali Cortez, Nicholls State University
Young Adult Contemporary Romances: Is Sarah Dessen the Queen of the Genre?
Rachel Geiger, Marshall University
Manly as a Mouse: Gender Representation in Children's Literature Using "The Tale of Despereaux"
Alyssa Johnson, Friends University
Women, Tea, and Steamy Forbidden Romance: Examining Femininity Through the Eyes of a Tomboy in
Judy I. Lin’s "A Magic Steeped in Poison"
Declan Roberts, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador
AS OF 12-18-23
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 9: Roundtable: Down the Rabbit-Hole,
Through the Looking Glass, and Over the Hedge: Changeling Tales, Fairy
Stories, and Esoteric Transitions
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: Elizabeth Sanderson, Trinity Christian College
George Sieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Alana AlanaEisenbarth, Washington University
Kachine Moore, University of Glasgow
Jacob Mcelroy, Independent Scholar
Jake Fee, Gnostic Technology
Despite the rapid proliferation of occult and magical motifs throughout all media of popular culture, fairy
tales remain the most common form ofesotericwriting that people encounter; they offer opportunities to
explore insensible ways of encountering the world that ring true to our innermost selves.Lewis Carroll
described three states of being in regard to fairy tales: in state A we have know consciousness of fairies,
in state B, we are aware of both the sensible world and the presence of fairies, and in state C, we have left
this world and understand only the fairy world, which Carroll calls the “actual world.” Overtime, we have
come to think of fairy tales as largely moral lessons, but many fairy tales do not offer any reasonable
moral lesson—Carroll’s Alice tales are an example of this—but rather offer a new perception. In what
way do modern day fairy tales—like Apple TV+’s recentThe Changelingreflect these characteristics?
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 7
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Santa Fe
Moderator: Judd Ruggill, University of Arizona
Colonization Simulations: Exploring Appropriation and Control as Gameplay and Narrative Themes in
Video Games
Claudia Garza, Tecnológical de Monterrey
“Think Backwards:” Romantic Antiquarianism as Ludic and Narrative Praxis in "King’s Quest"
Kevin Moberly, Old Dominion University
Arachnogogy: The Pedagogy of Insomniac's Spider-Man Franchise
Kanak Manav Gupta, CSU Fullerton
Sculpting with Pictures: Landscape and Identity in Viewfinder
Caleb Ward, Georgia State University
AS OF 12-18-23
Graphic Novels, Comics, and Popular Culture 3: What's Old is New Again:
Re-engaging 90s and Early 2000s Comics Culture
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon H
Moderator: Amaris Ketcham, University of New Mexico
Crafting Connections: The Handmade Comics Revival
Amaris Ketcham, University of New Mexico
Nora NoraHickey, University of New Mexico
Where’s My Jet Pack?: Cyborgs and Dystopian Futures in "Doktor Sleepless"
Tamara Banbury, Carleton University
“Natural Things Would Make More Sense”: "Black Hole" as Antipastoral
David Williams, University of West Florida
Horror 5: Roundtable: Mike Flanagan: The Fall of the Haunting of the
Midnight Club of Horror
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon E
Moderator: David Scott Diffrient, Colorado State University
Megan Elizabeth Boothby, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Alexandra AlexandraFranke, Montclair State University
Cementing his status as a significant figure within horror with the adaptation of The Fall of the House of
Usher in 2023, Mike Flanagan has carved out a niche for himself as creator of horror film and television
that delights both popular audiences and reviewers. This roundtable is devoted to Flanagan’s varied and
extensive work in horror on the large and the small screen.
AS OF 12-18-23
Pedagogy and Popular Culture 3: Culture, Context, and Critical Thinking:
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Using Popular Culture in Small Liberal Arts
College Classrooms
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon F
Moderator: Mark Boulton, Westminster College
Trying That in a Small Town: Navigating Difficult Local Histories in the Classroom and in Public
History Through the Story of "Celia, A Slave"
Mark Boulton, Westminster College, Fulton Missouri
Nichol NicholAllen, Westminster College
Lyrical Leadership: Engaging Students in Leadership Studies Through the Analysis of Music, Lyrics, and
Social Movements
Ashley Dodson, Westminster College, MO
The Changing Memory of WWII: Exploring WWII Through Film at a SLAC
Heather Mcrae, Westminster College
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Engaging Students in Paleontology through Popular Culture and
David Schmidt, Westminster College
Psychology and Popular Culture 3: Psychology in Film and Literature
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon J
Moderator: Matthew Kelley, Shelton State Community College
“Blood and Revenge are Hammering in My Head”: Memory and Trauma in "Titus Andronicus"
Lindsey Surratt, University of Texas Arlington
“I Would Have Really Liked Just Doing Laundry and Taxes with You”: Harmful Effects of the American
Dream on the Family Structure as seen in Arthur Miller’s "Death of a Salesman" and the Daniels’
"Everything Everywhere All at Once"
Sarah Blankenship, Abilene Christian University
Psychology, Pop Culture, and the Power of Picture Books
Valerie Williams-sanchez, St. John's University
Mysterious Personality Variables: Need for Cognition and Fair Play
Matthew Kelley, Shelton State Community College
Religion 3
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon I
Moderator: Cori Knight, University of California-Riverside
Q Age: Conspirituality and authority at Disclosurefest and Conscious Life Expo
Indra Chapman, Claremont Graduate University
Your Own, Personal Jesus
Jessica Hughes, George Fox University
RPG-ing the Interreligious Encounter
Greg Jones, Duquesne University
AS OF 12-18-23
Television 1: Shifting Queer Representations in Genre Television
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Erin Giannini, Independent Scholar
Mesmeric Revelation: The Troubled Representation of Gender and Desire in the "Friday the 13th": The
Series Episode “Mesmer’s Bauble”
Kristopher Woofter, Dawson College
Dare to Defy?: "Legends of Tomorrow" and the CW’s Rewriting of the WB’s Problematic Queer Rep
Erin Giannini, Independent Scholar
You Can Lead a Bisexual to Water But You Can't Make Him Twink: Inconsistencies in Queer
Representation in "Teen Wolf"
Stephanie Graves, Vanderbilt University
Friendship in Fly-Over Country: Prismatic Relationships in "Somebody Somewhere"
Tanya Cochran, Union College (NE)
Women, Gender, and Sexuality 1: Woman's Perspective of Otherness
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: Serena Richards, Collin College
The Roles of Native Tribal Women and the Importance Those Roles Serve in Tribal Communities
Mindy Morin, Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa
Mulan the Hegemonic Hero: A Cultural Feminist Perspective
Madison Stauffer, Southern Utah University
Muslim Women Leaders in the U.S. Stand against Enduring Stereotyping: A Media Literacy Lesson
Saiqa Shahzadi, University of New Mexico
American Studies and American History 3: "Resisting Settler Colonialism
and Maintaining Cultural Identities"
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon G
Moderator: Deborah Marinski, Ohio University - Southern Campus
Defending Sacred Sites: Arizona Protests
Roger Nichols, University of Arizona Emeritus
Multilingual America: Oral Histories of Students and Faculty at the University of Denver
Kamila Kinyon, University of Denver
Fantastic Transfer: Settler Literature and the Production of an “Exo-Indigenous Self”
Daniel Uncapher, University of Utah
AS OF 12-18-23
Apocalypse, Dystopia, and Disaster in Culture 6: Dystopias
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Acoma
Moderator: Aubrey Dickens, Brigham Young University
“Do Not Go Gentle”: Marxist Apparatuses in "Matched" by Ally Condie
Kelsea Abston, Abilene Christian University
Immigration and Dystopia in "District 9" (2009)
Rhituparna Basu, Arizona State University
Breastmilk, Homelander, and Eugenics: Reproductive Dystopia in Amazon Prime’s "The Boys"
Aubrey Dickens, Brigham Young University
Chican@ Literature, Film, and Culture 2: Narratives of Empowerment
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon H
Moderator: Christopher Carmona, Our Lady of the Lake University
The Dismemberment of Latinx Bodies Exposed Through Narrative and Environmental Racism
Stephanie Hernandez, University of Texas at Arlington
"The Storm at Valley State" and the "Unrest": Visualizing Counter-Narratives to Empower Chicana/o/xs
in a Public Speaking Classroom
Jose Amaro, California State University, Northridge
Palimpsest of the Borderlands: Telling the Story of the Borderlands through Estéfana Cavazos de Cortina
[La Patrona] and Hermilla Cuellar [Bootlegger]
Christopher Carmona, Our Lady of the Lake University
Children’s/Young Adult Culture 4: Children’s Literature as Catalysts for
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Cimarron
Moderator: Diana Dominguez, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Picture Books as the Catalyst for Social and Emotional Learning
Natalia Umaña, University of Denver
"It's Just a Little Fog": Picturing the Slow Violence of Climate Change in Kyo Maclear and Kenard Pak's
The Fog
Heather Snell, University of Winnipeg
The Rabbit Hole Is Too Tight
Julia Tirro, Binghamton University
Cushman’s Medieval Girls: Transforming Children’s Literature Pedagogy through Stories of Medieval
Ashley Johnson, University of Texas at Arlington
AS OF 12-18-23
Crime and Culture 1: Criminals, Cons and Killers in Literature Through the
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon I
Moderator: Melissa Tackett-Gibson, University of Colorado, Denver
Societal Trauma and the Serial Killer Genre
Katelyn Tener, University of West Florida
Marriage as Long Con: Louisa May Alcott’s Jean Muir and Amy March
Jill Jones, Rollins College
Hygge and Gore. The Politics of Scandinavian Noir
Ovio Olaru, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 10: Esoteric, Occult and Magical Art:
Liminal Transformation, Spiritual Aesthetics, and Symbolic Symbiosis
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: George Sieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
The Dark Naiveté of Gisella Loeffler
Deana Craighead, Panhandle Plains Historical Museum
Sigils and Self-Writing: Foucault, Anzaldua, and Austin Osman Spare
Michael Cerliano, Texas Woman's University
Speculations on the Expression of Plant-Human Entanglement and Consciousness in the Visual and
Material Culture of Spiritualism
Emily Leon, Duke University
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 8
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Santa Fe
Moderator: Carly Kocurek, Illinois Institute of Technology
Interactive Language Learning Adventure: Bridging the Gap for Gen Z in Italian Education
Francesca Beretta, The University of Kansas
Anna Marie Anna MarieHinton, The University of Kansas
Ad Hoc Arcades for Learning
Rafael Fajardo, University of Denver
What Do We Want This To Look Like? Safety Tools in Tabletop Roleplaying Games for the Classroom
Raegan Harvey, Texas Woman's University
"Buddy Abroad" Postmortem
Jes Klass, DePaul University
AS OF 12-18-23
Horror 6: Roundtable: The New Media Age of Horror: Reddit Rabbit Holes,
Creepypastas, and Backrooms
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Andrew Lee, Drew University
Danielle Herget, Fisher College
Jennifer JenniferSams, CSUN
Sarah Gay, California State University Northridge
In recent years, the emergence of digital media and user-generated content has generated a multitude of
unique, and immersive, horror experiences. Creepy subredditsboth fiction-based and notpresent new
and interactive horror narratives, urban legends redevelop and abound through collaborative storytelling
within Creepypastas, and artists, writers and musicians explore the “Backrooms” of the world—liminal
horrors in a digital frame. Horror, in the new media age, has democratized and become community-
centered and generated. This roundtable will explore these new realms of online horror, and discuss
where they “fit” within the more traditional academic discourse.
Linguistics 1: Narrative Discourses
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon J
Moderator: Lisa Wagner, University of Louisville
Voices of Love: Accentedness and Intelligibility in the Narratives of Lx Couples
Mahdi Duris, Iowa State University
Linguistic Feminism in Adichie’s "The Thing Around Your Neck"
Omolade Bamigboye, Ekiti State University, Nigeria
Learning English with the Novels of Cormac McCarthy: a Corpus Linguistic Analysis
Katie Weiss, Texas Tech University
Discourses of Healing: The Courtroom Narratives of USA Women Elite Gymnasts in the Trial of Larry
Lisa Wagner, University of Louisville
Spy Culture 1: Spies in Fiction
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Taos
Moderator: Darrell Hamlin, Fort Hays State University
Bureaucratic Cool: Len Deighton’s Early Spy Fiction
Jonathan Naito, St. Olaf College
Espionage in Faulkner's "The Sound and the Fury": Covert Catalyst for Feminist Empowerment
Michelle Storer, Western Washington Unviersity
Charles McCarry and Spook Theory on the JFK Assassination
Darrell Hamlin, Fort Hays State University
AS OF 12-18-23
Television 2: Real People, Real Audiences
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Melanie Cattrell, Blinn College
Cooking Up Connections with Rachael Ray: How the Talk Show Host Engages Her Audience through
Parasocial Interaction
Darrell Roe, Eastern New Mexico University
Love Island and the Age of Surveillance: Analyzing the Effects of the Filming Process of Romance-
Based Reality Television Shows on Participant Behavior, on Viewers, and as a Tool for Cross-Cultural
Merilyn Arikkat, Virginia Commonwealth University
Yes, Bitch: How Netflix's "The History of Swear Words" Can Help Students Better Understand Language
Meg Mcguire, University of Delaware
Black Beasts, Korean Zombies, and Mexicutioners: The Role of Race and Identity in the Promotion of
Professional Mixed Martial Arts
Robert Perez, University of California, Riverside
Women, Gender, and Sexuality 2: Roundtable: Trends of BIWOC
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: Precious Yamaguchi, Southern Oregon University
Jacqueline JacquelineShaulis, National Center for Intersectional Studies
Marta Collier Youngblood, Independent Scholar
In recent years we have seen an increasing trend of BIWOC academics launching into the world of
entrepreneurship to expand earning potential or side step the glass ceilings that prohibit advancement
within higher education hierarchies. But have we counted the cost of the “academic side hustle” or the
“abandon ship” tactics and what they mean for our personal and professional development? This
roundtable will discuss some of the revelations and lessons learned from BIWOC academics who dabble
and deal in the wonderful world of entrepreneurship.
Opening Reception: Peter C. Rollins Book and Student Awards Ceremony
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm, Grand Ballroom
Moderator: Executive Team, SWPACA
Come join our Executive Staff as we celebrate the official opening of the 45th annual meeting of the
Southwest Popular/American Culture Assocation. Hosted by the Executive Team to honor our conference
attendees, light refreshments and beverages will be available. Immediately following the Opening
Reception, the winners of the 2024 Peter C. Rollins Book Award and our 2024 Graduate Student Paper
and Travel Awards will be announced. We welcome all presenters to attend, congratulate these scholars,
and recognize their achievement and scholarly contributions to the study of popular and American
AS OF 12-18-23
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 11: Roundtable: The Esoteric
Filmography, Occult Cinema, and Magical Grail-Quest of Nicolas Cage
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 8:15 pm - 10:00 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: George Sieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Noah Jampol, Bronx Community College, The City University of New York
Kachine KachineMoore, University of Glasgow
Jacob Mcelroy, Independent Scholar
Payton Mccarty-simas, Columbia University
In thisroundtable, speakers will discuss the recurring themes of esotericism, occultism, conspiracy theory,
and the supernatural inCage's filmography, from conspiratorial mysteries likeKnowingandNational
Treasure,occult supernatural horror films likeColor Out of Space, Mandy,andGhost Rider,to overtly
magical adventures likeSeason of the WitchandThe Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Film Studies 3: Roundtable: Ask the Filmmakers!
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 8:15 pm - 10:00 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Eric Howerton, Oklahoma State University
Jessica JessicaMcgaugh, SDSU
Andrew Bateman, CU Denver
Dezbaa' , Northern New Mexico College
This roundtable discussion features writers and filmmakers with ties to New Mexico, Colorado,
Oklahoma, and California. With an ability to offer guidance and advice on issues of production,
cinematography, editing, directing, script writing, location scouting, casting, and acting, these educators
have experience juggling creative pursuits with real-world limitations. Conference attendees interested in
turning their own artistic visions into films may learn tips for writing screenplays, scheduling shoots, and
even promoting and releasing work.
10th Annual SWPACA Game Night!
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 8:15 pm - 10:00 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: Kurt Depner, New Mexico State University - Dona Ana
For the tenth year in a row, we will get our “geek on” in style for our annual Southwest Popular/American
Culture Association GAME NIGHT! The hosts of this session are expert geeks and will provide some
fun, challenging, but easy-to-learn games that are anything but traditional, including European games of
the year and Mensa award winners. Multiple tables will be available for social, “party” style games and
quieter, more strategic fare, so the more the merrier. Snacks will also be provided. Come out and enjoy an
evening of camaraderie with your fellow conference attendees!
AS OF 12-18-23
Professional Development: Editors Panel
Thu, 02/22/2024 - 8:15 pm - 10:00 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Lynnea Chapman King, SWPACA
Janet Croft, University of Northern Iowa
Layla Milholen, McFarland & Company
Elise Mchugh, University of New Mexico Press
Join book and journal editors, as well as representatives from presses, as we discuss academic publishing.
There will be a Q&amp;A period after the talk.
Student Breakfast
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 8:00 am - 9:30 am, Acoma
Moderator: Executive Team, SWPACA
Join us for the Annual Student Breakfast, hosted by the SWPACA Executive Team. All graduate and
undergraduate students are welcome to attend; bring a friend, enjoy a light breakfast, and network with
other emerging scholars.
Adaptation 3: Adapting Jane Austen
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon C & D
Moderator: Amy Fatzinger, University of Arizona
“... Leaving Silence and Shadows Behind”: Adapting 19th Century Death-Bed Scenes in Cinema
Megha Mazumdar, PhD scholar, English at Shiv Nadar University, Delhi NCR, India
Reimagined Race(y) Regency: The Imagined Worlds of "Bridgerton," "Mr. Malcolm’s List," and Austen
Cassandra Yatron, UTA
Failure to Adapt (No Joke): "Wide Sargasso Sea"
Lisa Yarnell, Eastern Florida State College
Chican@ Literature, Film, and Culture 3: Rudolfo Anaya and Chicanx
Literature: The Legacy of a Forefather
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon H
Moderator: Michael Trujillo, University of New Mexico
Atomic Aztlán: Constructing the Antinuclear Terrorist in Rudolfo Anaya’s Detective Series
Myrriah Gomez, University of New Mexico
Censorship and Cultural Resilience: Interrogating the Legacy of "Bless Me, Ultima" in Chicanx Studies
Bilgenur Aydin, University of New Mexico
Rudolfo Anaya, Angelico Chavez, and the Politics of New Mexican Indigeneity
Michael Trujillo, University of New Mexico
AS OF 12-18-23
Cormac McCarthy 1: Narration, Language, and Structure
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Cimarron
Moderator: Rachel Griffis, Spring Arbor University
The Missing Narrator of Stella Maris
Todd Womble, Abilene Christian University
The Power of the Unwritten Word: The Extended Universe of "The Road"
Aaron Capelouto, Cormac McCarthy Society
Wheels Within Wheels: Adventures in Reading Cormac McCarthy's "Blood Meridian" or the Evening
Redness in the West
Kelly James, The Cormac McCarthy Society
“No Prayer for Such a Thing”: Cormac McCarthy at the Limits of Language
Noemi Fernandez Labarga, University of Notre Dame
Creative Writing 7: Prose IV
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Carlsbad
Moderator: Michael Palmer, Western Governors University
How it All Ends
Greg Rohloff, West Texas A&M University
Creating Creative Communities: A Reflection on TheWRITEaddiction and the Impact of Technology
Platforms on Part-Time Writers
Marta Collier Youngblood, Independent Scholar
Ghost-Flashes: 2 Very Short Stories
Amy Gottfried, Hood College
Bad Host
Michael Palmer, Western Governors University
Eco-Criticism and the Environment 1: Manifesting the Environment:
American Environmental Literature
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Las Cruces
Moderator: Keri Stevenson, University of New Mexico-Gallup
The Deep Roots of American Eco-Poetry
Steven Schneider, University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley
Everything You Never Knew About Whaling, and More! Freakonomics Podcast on Whaling and Moby
Matthew Hawk, Baylor University
Strings of "Shiny Syllables": A.R. Ammons and the Language of Ecopoetry
Christine Casson, Emerson College
Environmental Desolation, Hope, and Despair in Cormac McCarthy’s "The Road"
Diane Thiel, University of New Mexico
Constantine Hadjilambrinos, University of New Mexico
AS OF 12-18-23
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 12: Roundtable: The Mainstreaming of
Witchcraft: A Magical Transformation
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon A & B
Moderator: Sho Mcclarence, University of Denver/ Iliff School of Theology
Elizabeth Sanderson, Trinity Christian College
Andrew AndrewChen, Minnesota State University Moorhead
Kachine Moore, University of Glasgow
Jacob Mcelroy, Independent Scholar
Emma Cieslik, Independent Scholar
Gabriela Bezakova, Independent Scholar
While association with diverse new religious movements such as neo-paganism and wicca, as well as
feminist causes, social media (WitchTok),and a spectrum of capabilities spanning the intellectual, moral,
empathic,and physical/carnal realm, is indicative of the witch's enduring power andappeal, the uncanny
rapidity and variety of the witch's metamorphosesinvite further exploration, cunning inquiry, and
investigative craft. Join theconversation with this circulartableof the art: it is not only the time and
theseason, but also the age and the moment of the witch.
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 9
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Santa Fe
Moderator: Jennifer deWinter, Illinois Institute of Technology
Destruction, Rebirth, and Ambivalence: Nuclear Power in Japanese Video Games
Yasheng She, University of California, Santa Cruz
Dinosaurs, Mecha, & Time Travel: Sci-fi Representations of the Atomic Bombings in Japanese Video
Games Before & After Fukushima
Ryan Scheiding, Georgia Institute of Technology
Petrol, Plugs and Pylons: Fossil Fuels and ‘Nuclear’ Energy in "Final Fantasy XV"
Rachael Hutchinson, University of Delaware
Citizen Designers in Japan: Videogame Design, Nuclear Memory, and the Politics of the Everyday
Keita Moore, UCSB
Horror 7: Mike Flanagan
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon E
Moderator: Alexandra Franke, Montclair State University
Everything Old is New Again: Mike Flanagan’s Creative Reimagining of Horror Classics
Antoinette Winstead, Our Lady of the Lake University
"Screaming Meemies": Supernatural Realism and the Female Protagonist in Netflix’s "The Haunting of
Hill House"
Alexandra Franke, Montclair State University
New Fears of Capitalism in Netflix’s "Fall of the House of Usher"
Erika Rodriguez, US Military Academy
AS OF 12-18-23
Mothers, Motherhood, and Mothering in Popular Culture 3: Intersectionality,
Feminism, and Maternal Mirth in Popular Culture
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Taos
Moderator: Renae Mitchell, University of New Mexico, Los Alamos
Understanding the "Barbie" Movie: A Matricentric Feminist Critique
Andrea Dekeseredy, University of Alberta
Patricia PatriciaDekeseredy, West Virginia University
Moms for Liberty: The Real Housewives of Christian Nationalism
Melanie Springer Mock, George Fox University
“Sorry Honey I Burned the Casserole… But Why Does Being a Mom Include Cooking for You?”:
Maternal Representation in Housewife Humor
Nicole Keating, Woodbury University
Intersectional Motherhood and the Work of Civil Rights
Renae Mitchell, University of New Mexico, Los Alamos
Pedagogy and Popular Culture 4: Computer Culture
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon F
Moderator: John Wegner, Angelo State Univesity
Best Frenemies: AI & Online Literature Courses
John Wegner, Angelo State Univesity
Asteroids Meets Snake: Facing New Design Challenges When Mashing Up Old Video Games
Jeremy Johnson, St. Edward's University
GIFs in the Margins: Increasing Student Engagement with Perusall Annotation Software
Gretchen Busl, Texas Woman's University
"Beware; for I Am Fearless, and Therefore Powerful": Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom
Alexis Melson, Oklahoma State University
Poetry and Poetics (Critical) 1
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon I
Moderator: Christos Kalli, University of Pennsylvania
Terrance Hayes, the Poem-Portrait, and the Writer as Art
Christos Kalli, University of Pennsylvania
Heroic Observation and Description in the Poetry of Amy Clampitt
Finnur Windle, University of York
Frank O’ Hara Pop Poetics
Brooks Lampe, George Fox University
AS OF 12-18-23
Shakespeare in Popular Culture 1: Influence and Adaptation
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon J
Moderator: Stephanie Lim, California State University, Northridge
Grandfather or Godfather: Contrasting Crime Families in Taymor’s "Titus" to Coppola’s "The
Abby Marshall, Abilene Christian University
Mamlet: Young Hamlet in the 21st Century
Julia Griffin, Georgia Southern University
Adapting Bodies to Violence: Ravenscroft’s and Taymor’s Take on Shakespeare’s Bloody Revenge Plot
Mary Womack, Abilene Christian University
"Good for Her": Reflections on the Evolution of the Shrew Trope
Kat Abdallah, Oklahoma State University
In 1972 Francis Ford Coppola won the Academy Award for best picture for his filmThe Godfather. A
little over twenty-five years later, Julie Taymor’sTitus,an adaptation of Shakespeare and Peele’sTitus
Andronicus graced movie screens in 1999. The film timelessly and artistically explores the Roman
tragedy with special interest in familial ties and revenge. While these two critically acclaimed films seem
only to have violence and gore in common, I posit that through ideas of puppetry and familial
responsibility, the two films offer commentary on how pride and revenge thwart personal identity.
Stardom and Fandom 1: The Many Faces of Celebrity and Parasocial
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon G
Moderator: Julie Willett, Texas Tech Univeristy
Sports Star to Superhero: MS Dhoni, Indian Cricket and the Graphic Novel
Anuranj Ck, Research Scholar, VIT, India
Knock, Knock, Dr. Glaucomflecken: Using Fandom and Humor to Speak Truth to Power in the Name of
Patient Care
Julie Willett, Texas Tech Univeristy
Dylan Mcbee, Baylor College of Medicine
“You Know Who I Am, Don’t You?” Serial Killers, Fandom, and the Question of Celebrity
Melissa Lambert, Texas Tech University
When a Fan Mourns: Exploration into the Display of Grief in "Furious 7," "Black Panther: Wakanda
Forever," and "Top Gun: Maverick"
Marissa Betts, Independent Scholar
AS OF 12-18-23
Cormac McCarthy 2: Intertextual McCarthy
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Cimarron
Moderator: Richard Russell, Baylor University
Joycean Hospitality and Friendship in McCarthy's "Suttree"
Richard Russell, Baylor University
Bruegel’s Allegories of Madness, Folly, and Death Triumphant and McCarthy’s Aesthetic Design for
"Blood Meridian"
Dianne Luce, Midlands Technical College, Emerita
The Ruined Aviator and Meaning Making across Three McCarthy Works
Bryan Giemza, Texas Tech University
Creative Writing 8: Poetry IV
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: Diane Thiel, University of New Mexico
My Mother Makes Potions
Jessica Isaacs, Seminole State College
As If Place Matters
Paul Juhasz, Seminole State College
Moviehouse Poems: Travel in a Dark Room: Part 2
Mark O'Hara, Stephen T. Badin High School; Miami University
Poetry Reading and Presentation from Recent Book, "Questions from Outer Space," and Latest Work
Diane Thiel, University of New Mexico
Eco-Criticism and the Environment 2: Making Peace with the Wild:
Human/Nature Entanglements
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Keri Stevenson, University of New Mexico-Gallup
Making Peace with the Ground: Extraction and Ecofeminsm in the Paintings of Hannah Yata
Kayla Kruse West, Texas Woman's University
Shattering Illusions: An Ecological Reading of Tolkien’s Wetlands
Grace Humphreys, University of Arizona
Re-Wilding Community: Lily Brooks-Dalton’s Cli-Fi Vision
Susan Tyburski, Independent Scholar
The Poor Hero's Rewilding: "Born Free" and Its Politics of Conservation and Colonization
Keri Stevenson, University of New Mexico-Gallup
AS OF 12-18-23
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 13: Witchcraft and Sexuality: Anxiety,
Accusation, and Affirmation
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: Sho Mcclarence, University of Denver/ Iliff School of Theology
Blood, Ancestors, Witches: Rethinking Lineages in the South African Lowveld
Isak Arnold Niehaus, Brunel University London
Religious Rebellion and Rebirth: Documenting a Folk Catholic Renaissance in the United States
Emma Cieslik, Independent Scholar
Aster’s Complaint or Witchcraft, Sexuality, Jewish Anxiety, and the Works of Ari Aster
Noah Jampol, Bronx Community College, The City University of New York
Wicca and Sexuality
George Sieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Fashion, Style, Appearance, and Identity 1: Fashion and Media
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon J
Moderator: Lauren Sperandio Phelps, University of Texas at Arlington
Between Worlds: Latino/a Representation, Identity, and Fashion in the Disneyverse
Amanda Gomez, El Paso Community College
Are We in a Simulation? Postmodern Fashion, NPCs, and the Subversion of Sexual Identity
Melissa Boyce, Midland College
Play, Style, and Liberation: Exploring the Uncharted Realms of Fashion and Identity in Gaming
Alisha Harris, University of Denver, Emergent Digital Practices
Film and History 3: Overlooked Trailblazers, Censorship, and Contact Points
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Brad Duren, Tulsa Community College
“The Real Star of Cinema”: Remembering John Trevelyan in the British Press
Jocelyn Rockhold, University of Vermont
The Short Films of Bryan Foy
David Sedman, Southern Methodist University
Geographical Contact Points between Two Koreas in "Inshallah," "Joint Security Area," and 645
Aryong Choi-hantke, Independent Scholar
AS OF 12-18-23
Folklore Studies 1
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon H
Moderator: Helen Mccourt, Collin College
Brer Rabbit to Bugs Bunny: Tricksters Lost in Translation
Charla Strosser, Southern Utah University
Curanderismo in the Classroom: How Traditional Practices Can be Transmitted in Untraditional Ways
Patricia Gaitely, Middle Tennessee State University
Diversity of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity? Or Homogenization?
Lee Seung-soo, Chung-Ang University
Bridging the Jinns with the Prets: A Semiotic Structuralist Analysis of the Bengali Folklore Spirits and
Their Cultural Implication.
Fardun Ali Middya, Student
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 10
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Santa Fe
Moderator: Josh Zimmerman, University of Arizona
Looking for Utopia in Utopia
Rebekah Shultz Colby, University of Denver
Unnecessarily Native: A Brief History of Forgotten Games
Wendi Sierra, Texas Christian University
How Do We Preserve Satirical Games?
Richard Colby, University of Denver
Game Movies in the US and China
Douglas Eyman, George Mason University
Horror 8: Roundtable: Queerness and Psychoanalysis in Horror
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon E
Moderator: Jennifer Paul, University of Chicago
Sean Woodard, The University of Texas at Arlington
Aleksandra AleksandraSocha, University of Warsaw
Abdul Rafay, DePaul University
Alexandra Franke, Montclair State University
This roundtable considers the role of sexuality and gender in horror, with special emphasis placed on
queer theoretical and psychoanalytic frameworks. How does horror unsettle gender expectations? How
are villains and heroes sexed or gendered in horror, and to what end(s)? How does the erotic intertwine
with the horrific? How does horror challenge, play with, or fundamentally alter cisgender and
heterosexual identities and politics? This roundtable may discuss topics including but not limited to queer
affect, phallic and feminine jouissance, gender play and performance, and the relationship between
abjection and eroticism.
AS OF 12-18-23
Pedagogy and Popular Culture 5: Roundtable: Aerosmith to Zombies: Using
Pop Culture to Engage Students in First-Year Writing
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon F
Moderator: Yasminda Choate, Seminole State College
Paul Juhasz, Independent Scholar
Kelli Mcbride, Seminole State College
Andrew Davis, Seminole State College
Many students arrive to first-year composition courses with low confidence in their writing skills and
lower interest in the subject of writing! This roundtable discussion with four veteran composition
professors will discuss how we engage students in the writing process using a pop culture lens.
Philosophy and Popular Culture 1: Barbenheimer
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Taos
Moderator: Tama Weisman, Dominican University
Barbie's Republic: Woman's Creation of Justice
Hayley Cisney, Gettysburg College
No Room for Thoughtlessness: The Barbie Liberation Organization as a Precautionary Tale
Tama Weisman, Dominican University
Memory and Meaning: Temporality and Identity in the Films of Christopher Nolan
Karen Hoffman, Hood College
Sociology of Popular Culture 1: Mirrors and Echoes: Mimesis and Simulation
in Popular Culture Studies
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon I
Moderator: Michelle Schmidt, Eastern New Mexico University
Bul’s Eye: Mimesis, Simulation and Indigenous Game Logic.
Erik Stanley, Eastern New Mexico University
William Gibson’s Peripheral Novels and the Metaphysics of Gaming
Ben Fuqua, Eastern New Mexico University
It's All Fair in Love & Musicals: Relationship Mimesis in Musicals
Grace Mesarchik, Eastern New Mexico University
Bobbie Juarez, Eastern New Mexico University
Lift up Thy Cares! History, Performance, and Simulacra in the American Renaissance Festival
David Sweeten, Eastern New Mexico University
AS OF 12-18-23
Stardom and Fandom 2: Celebrity, Community, and Queer Subculture in
Music Fandom
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon G
Moderator: Allison Wilson, University of Colorado Boulder
Taylor Swift, “Blank Space” and Public Perception: How We See Women in Comedy
Hazel Walker, Texas Tech University
“I Just Want to Stay in That Lavender Haze”: Queering and Community in the Gaylor Fandom
Allison Wilson, University of Colorado Boulder
"The Story of Us" (Twitter’s Version): Exploring Online Fandom, Community, and Identity in the Era of
Taylor Swift
Elizabeth Thomae, Indiana University
“That’s Me!”: Emo Fandom, Idol Worship, and the Formalization of Queer Desire
Ella Martini, Pacific Northwest College of Art
Women, Gender, and Sexuality 3: Politically Speaking: Women in the
Political Arena
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Acoma
Moderator: Jane Caputi, Florida Atlantic University
In Support of "Nasty Women" Politics: How Second Wave Feminism Foreshadowed Alt-Right Women
David Corwin, George Mason University
"Serious Balls": Trump as Cult Figure and Phallic Symbol in Pop Paraphernalia
Jane Caputi, Florida Atlantic University
Curating the Fruits Basket (No Homo): How Mainstream Media Reflect Progression and Regression in
Gender Politics
Kisa Schultz, California State University Northridge
Animation Studies 1: Slow In and Slow Out
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon I
Moderator: Francisco Ortega-Grimaldo, Texas Tech University
The Animated Chimera: Performing Human/Animal Hybridity
Colin Wheeler, Kennesaw State University
Exploration of Automatism in Experimental Digital Animation
Sandee Chamberlain, Kennesaw State University
Singing Our Own Song: Dimensions of History in Animated Form
Charles Dacosta, Queensland University of Technology
AS OF 12-18-23
Apocalypse, Dystopia, and Disaster in Culture 7: "The Last of Us" as
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Acoma
Moderator: Brandon Kempner, New Mexicoo Highlands University
Shane Trayers, Middle Georgia State University
George GeorgeSieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Miranda Williams, Northern Michigan University
Jennifer Sams, California State University Northridge
Sarah Gay, California State University Northridge
This roundtable will discuss all aspects of the television show and video game as a post-apocalypse. The
game/show takes a different approach to the zombie genre by using Zombie Ant-fungus or Cordyceps as
inspiration for a different kind of zombie. We can discuss all aspects of this post-apocalyptic world in the
game or the show.
Asian Popular Culture/Asian American Experiences 2: It's More than Just
Food: Cultural Diversity, Power, and Intersectionality
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon G
Moderator: Elaine Cho, American University
The Intersections of Culture, Health, and Visual Communication Through the Pandemic in Thailand
Precious Yamaguchi, Southern Oregon University
Worapron WorapronWorawongs Chanthapan, Cal State University, Long Beach
Where's the Beef: Food as Agency in the Netflix series "Beef"
Valerie Cato, Augusta University
Burgers Today, Bánh Mì Tomorrow? Vietnamese American Foodways from Vit Nam to Houston
Roy Vu, Dallas College, North Lake Campus
Heterogeneity in the Chinese American Family Life
Xiaotian Liu, Dartmouth College
AS OF 12-18-23
Children’s/Young Adult Culture 5: The Mirrors and Windows of
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Santa Fe
Moderator: Ashley Johnson, University of Texas at Arlington
The Ethics of Visible Race in the Middle Grade Graphic Novel New Kid
Jani Barker, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Thinking Monstrously: Queering Anthologised YA Short Stories as Spaces for Creative Monstrosity
Chloe Bond, University of British Columbia
Imagining Chicana Futurity: How Donna Barba Higuera’s "The Last Cuentista" Centers Petra Peña’s
Storytelling as a Decolonizing Praxis in Chicanafuturist Children’s Literature
Kendell Leigh Centeno-wilkerson, San Diego State University
Studying Asian American Girlhood Abroad
Tracy Fuentes, New York University
Creative Writing 9: Prose V
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: Denise Tolan, Northwest Vista College
Of Destination
Dibakar Pal, University of Calcutta
San Marcos Mermaid Story
Clayton Bradshaw, University of Cincinnati-Blue Ash College
Italian Blood
Denise Tolan, Northwest Vista College
(Not) Belonging: Essays and Poems
Nicoletta Lamarca-sacco, SUNY-Binghamton
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 14: Queering Esotericism: Liminal
Boundary and Uncanny Affect in the Formation of Identities
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: Emma Cieslik, Independent Scholar
Mystical within the Queer: Félix González-Torres “Untitled: Portrait of Ross in LA
Sho Mcclarence, University of Denver/ Iliff School of Theology
"Bloodchild" and the Affect of Aliens
Elle Yurkin, Clemson University
Deacon-Sacerdotes and Scarlet Women: Queering Crowley and The OTO
Kahlo Smith, University of Nevada, Reno
AS OF 12-18-23
Film Studies 4: U.S. Film and Media in the 21st Century
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Erin Heath, Wayland Baptist University
Write What you Know: Asteroid City as the Disillusion and Deifying of Hollywood
Erin Heath, Wayland Baptist University
Negotiating the East the West: An Individual among the Collective
Andrea Tran, Claremont Graduate University
“All Eyes on Me”: Compulsive Performativity and Fractured Perspectives in "Bo Burnham: Inside"
Jeremy Laughery, Texas Tech University
Horror 9: Roundtable: Horror and/versus the Academy
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon E
Moderator: Steffen Hantke, Sogang University
Danielle Herget, Fisher College
Emmanuelle EmmanuelleBenhadj, University of Pittsburgh
Hans Staats, Cedars Academy
Sean Woodard, The University of Texas at Arlington
Gary Hoppenstand, Michigan State University
Once upon a time, the study of horror would not get you tenure. But times have changed. This roundtable
aims to explore horror’s changing relationship to academic and professional capital, and its gradual
elevation to the status of respectability within academic studies. How do weas academicsframe and
evaluate horror texts? How does academic discourse separate itself from increasingly sophisticated non-
professional publishing? How does the profession, increasingly limited by social, ideological, and
professional orthodoxies, deal with what is truly offensive, transgressive, and subversive in horror?
Medievalisms 1: Engaging the Medieval on the Screen and Page
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon J
Moderator: Julie Pace, The Westminster Schools
Escape, Enclosure, and Medieval Asynchrony in Netflix's "The Old Guard"
No Bones About It: Ívarr the Boneless, Embodied Narratives, and Post-Medieval Depictions of Disability
Erin Benton, University of Aberdeen
Depictions of Dragons and Wyrms and the Fault of Feminine Power in C.S. Lewis’ "The Chronicles of
Claire-Elise Baalke, University of New Mexico
Searching for Dante’s Paradiso in Television and Film
Amber Dunai, Texas A&M University - Central Texas
AS OF 12-18-23
Mystery/Detective Fiction 1: New Approaches to Classic Texts
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon H
Moderator: Lexey Bartlett, Fort Hays State University
The Immoral Sherlock Holmes: The Famous Detective and Situational Ethics
Martin Wukasch, Austin Community College
Interrogating Visual Methodologies in Detective Fiction: Dashiell Hammett’s "The Maltese Falcon" and
Ross Macdonald’s "The Chill"
Kory Wein, University of Wisconsin Platteville
Douglas Adams, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Family Secret in the Country: Ladies' Bane and "The Adventure of the Copper Beeches"
Chiho Nakagawa, Nara Women's University
Rap and Hop Hop Culture 1: Culture, Fatherhood, and Sexual Expression
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Taos
Moderator: Robert Tinajero, University of North Texas-Dallas
Promoting Pan-Americanism vis-a-vis U.S. Cultural Imperialism: As Exemplified by Rapper Residente’s
2022 Track "This Is Not America"
Armin Langer, University of Florida
French Rap and the Deconstruction of French Universalism
Ali Touilila, Yale University
Rappers Delight in “The Message” about Papa Going Crazy: Fatherhood Narratives in 80s Hip-hop
Jessie Adolph, Georgia State University-Perimeter College
Millennial Black Women’s Sexual Expression and Hip-Hop Music
Shalisa Sproles, Texas A&M University
Television 3: Roundtable: Paranormal Paranoia: Reflections on Paranormal
and Pseudoscience TV
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Erin Giannini, Independent Scholar
Stephanie StephanieGraves, Vanderbilt University
Will Dodson, University of North Carolina Greensboro
Kristopher Woofter, Dawson College
This roundtable focuses on the potentially productive paranoia of paranormal and pseudoscience TV from
the 1950s to the present. Across a wide variety of applications of the “reality TV style,” the presenters
examine the sometimes implicit, sometimes shockingly upfront critical potential of this “low” form.
Series discussed include Alcoa Presents: One Step Beyond (1959-1961), Beyond Belief: Fact or Fiction
(1997-2002, 2021-present), Ancient Aliens (2009-present), and Hulu's Living for the Dead (2023).
AS OF 12-18-23
Professional Development: Publishing with Academic Presses
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon F
Moderator: Elise Mchugh, University of New Mexico Press
From a revised dissertation to a senior scholar’s latest book, memoirs and novels to guidebooks,
university presses are an important part of the publishing world but can seem difficult to navigate. Elise
McHugh, humanities editor at the University of New Mexico Press, will demystify the process of what
UNM Press and university presses in general are looking for, how to submit your proposal, and what
to<br>expect when working with an academic publisher.
Adaptation 4: Indigenous Adaptations
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Amy Fatzinger, University of Arizona
Revisiting the Windigo: Possession and Eco-Horror in "Antlers"
Yingwen Yu, Texas Christian University
Translating Narratives and Navigating Identities: Envisioning a Filmic Adaptation of Louise Erdrich’s
"The Sentence"
Dilan Erteber, The University of Arizona
Shadow Art and Inuit Transformations of Space
Faraz Saberi, University of Arizona
Re-Visioning the Culture-Text of Peter Pan: Cherie Dimaline’s "Tiger Lily and the Secret Treasure of
Amy Fatzinger, University of Arizona
African American/Black Studies 1
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon J
Moderator: Melvin Hill, U of Tenn., Martin
Faith. Unites. Communities: Unpacking the Communal and Spiritual Bonds in the Music of Kendrick
Iris Lancaster, Texas Southern University
Deprived and Devalued: Black Subjectivity in Naughty Dog's "The Last of Us" Remastered and "The
Last of Us Part II"
Melvin Hill, U of Tenn., Martin
Indigenous Anioma Music and Its Contemporary Relevance to Anioma Youths
Mary Okocha, Wenzhou-Kean University
AS OF 12-18-23
Animation Studies 2: Secondary Action
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon I
Moderator: Jorgelina Orfila, Texas Tech University
Identifying the Target Audience for Anime Artistic Style in American Advertising
Teresa Thompson, Southern Utah University
Understanding the Portrayals of Incest in Anime
Enggar Mohammad, BINUS University
Classical Representations in Popular Culture 1: Ancient Books, Modern Lives
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon G
Moderator: Richard Oehling, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
BT (Before Tartt): Pamela Dean’s Tam Lin
Sophie Mills, University of North Carolina Asheville
Plato's Teaching Philosophy: Dissecting Love and Madness as Pedagogy in the Phaedrus
Steven Pedersen, East Central University
Popular Culture on the Roman and Brazilian Stages: Representation of Otium and Laziness in Plautus’s
and Ariano Suassuna’s Comedies
Vanessa Dias, UNICAMP
A Tale that Transcends Time Itself: A Comparison of Themes of Feminism and Mother-Daughter
Relationships in Ancient and Modern Tales of Persephone
Dani Hoots, Arizona State University
Consumerism and Culture 1: Magic, Martha and the Commodification of the
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Taos
Moderator: Melissa Tackett-Gibson, University of Colorado, Denver
The Role of Popular Culture in the Relationship between Japan and the United States: How the Exchange
of Consumer and Cultural Objects Has Shaped the US-Japan Relationship Post World War-II
Abigail Walter, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Rossellin RossellinGaitan, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Qiwen Jiang, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Tomomi Kakegawa, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
David Jones, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
At Home Yet at Large: Martha Stewart and the Aesthetics of Domestic Fantasy
Jillian Viveiros, Texas Woman's University
Magic, Market, and Modernism: Exploring the Role of Advertisement in the Construction of
"Modernism" as a Literary Phenomenon and its Subsequent Effects on the Process of Commodification of
the Arts
Indranuj Ray, Student
Shalai Tue: Sex, Commodity Fetishization, and Sino-African Relations in a Ghanaian TV Ad
AS OF 12-18-23
Cormac McCarthy 3: Philosophy and Science in the New Novels
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Cimarron
Moderator: Rachel Griffis, Spring Arbor University
Quantum Solution to The Passenger
Rick Wallach, Nova Southeastern University (Retired)
The Deep Foundation of the World: McCarthy's Passengers in Time
Vernon Cisney, Chair, Associate Professor, Gettysburg College
"The Passenger" and "Stella Maris": Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Love
Liana Andreasen, South Texas College
Spectral Entanglement: Eidolons and Revenants in the Work of Cormac McCarthy and Jon Fosse
Robin Andreasen, South Texas College
Disability Studies 1: Representations of Disability in Fantasy and Horror
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon H
Moderator: Lexey Bartlett, Fort Hays State University
Not so "Crazy" After All: Disability's Role in the Final Girl and Enduring Woman Formula
Kassia Krone, Friends University
Scheming and Subverting Disability Tropes: Analyzing Disability Representation in "Six of Crows"
Kylie Olson, Friends University
Positioning Disability: The Implications of the Disability Representation in NBC’s "Hannibal"
Alec Jordan, Florida State University
Eco-Criticism and the Environment 3: Roundtable: Experiential Learning
and the Natural Environment
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Keri Stevenson, University of New Mexico-Gallup
Bryan Giemza, Texas Tech University
Robert RobertPeaslee, Texas Tech University
Jerod Foster, Texas Tech University
Olivia Raymond,
In this roundtable, we discuss recent experiences traveling, documenting, and engaging with a variety of
natural environments and cultural contexts through Texas Tech University experiential learning programs,
including both domestic and international locations. Presenting the perspectives of student, teacher, and
administrator, the goal of the roundtable is to synthesize these experiences and spur discussion on the
value of storytelling for preserving natural environments, stewarding the land, and improving resiliency
and mental health outcomes for students.
AS OF 12-18-23
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 15: Esoteric Codes: Synchronous,
Symbolic, Sigilic, Subconscious
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: Noah Jampol, Bronx Community College, The City University of New York
Using the Dream as Life Informant
Jules Kennedy, Southern New Hampshire University
“A Life’s Base Lie, Rewritten into Truth”: Synchronicity and Paranoia in Thomas Pynchon’s "The Crying
of Lot 49"
Kyle Hayes, Texas State University
Algorithmic Alechemy: Sigil Magic in the Digital Age
Nicholas Shadle,
“Through Our Desolation,/Thoughts Stir, Inspiration Stalks Us/through Gloom”: H.D.’s Mystic Hope
Sara Sheiner, Independent Scholar
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 11
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Santa Fe
Moderator: Kevin Moberly, Old Dominion University
The Complicated Ecopolitics of "Dave the Diver"
Chris Morrow, Tarleton State University
Halcyon Daze: Documenting and Interpreting the Galactic Starcruiser
Carly Kocurek, Illinois Institute of Technology
The Pike and Prejudice: Gaming Spaces and Urban Transformation in Long Beach, California
Sean Smith, California State University, Long Beach and the CSULB Center for the History of Video
Games, Technology and Critical Play
District 6: Public Views of Safe Game Spaces in Long Beach, CA
Jeffrey Lawler, California State University Long Beach
Horror 10: Literature and Music
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon E
Moderator: Heather Salus, Chicago Math and Science Academy
"What Strange Claws Are These?”: The Use of Monstrosity in Florence and the Machine’s "Dance Fever"
Heather Salus, Chicago Math and Science Academy
From Gothic Bloodsucker to Gothicized Serial Killer: The Vampire-Priest in the First Romanian Vampire
Anca Simina Martin, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu
Life Squeezes Us and These are the Noises We Make: Understanding the Horror Domain
Hans Staats, Cedars Academy
AS OF 12-18-23
Pedagogy and Popular Culture 6: Special Session; Opening Doors to
Communities: Self-Discovery in XR
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon F
Moderator: Dawn Armfield, Minnesota State University, Mankato
Shadow ShadowArmfield, Northern Arizona University
James Ingram, Northern Arizona University
Andrew Oxley, Northern Arizona University
In this presentation, presenters discuss how storytelling is used to discover agency for young adults with
intellectual disabilities in a transition program. Working with a team of teachers, para-professionals,
practicum students (from a special education program at a nearby university), and the researchers, the
young adults created extended reality (XR) stories that are instruments of self-advocacy, demonstrations
of their experiences, and training tools for future students using public transportation and engaging in job
training. Attendees of this presentation will see how different approaches to constructing agency,
especially for marginalized students, within multimodal environments can be used in the classroom.
Science Fiction and Fantasy (General) 1: Body, Mind, and Trauma
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: Janet Croft, University of Northern Iowa
The Soldier's Stigmata: Habitus and Messianicity in Lois McMaster Bujold's "Borders of Infinity"
Andrew Hallam, Denver Public Schools/Community College of Denver
Thirdspace Traumas: Reconciling Reality through Spatial Narratives and the Animated Fantasy
Otherworld(s) of RWBY
Nia Ramsey, University of Oklahoma
Something Wicked Plagues Man: H.P. Lovecraft and Madness
Gabby Mcfey, Temple University
Parallel Worlds, Necropolitics, and Disability in Micaiah Johnson’s "The Space Between Worlds"
Sam Weiss, University of Illinois - Chicago
Women, Gender, and Sexuality 4: Roundtable: Feminist Border Arts
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Acoma
Moderator: M. Catherine Jonet, New Mexico State University
L. Anh L. AnhWilliams, New Mexico State University
This presentation explores Feminist Border Arts (FBA), an interdisciplinary humanities collaborative
initiative housed in the academic program for Gender and Sexuality Studies at New Mexico State
University. Introducing FBA's role at the intersection of film &amp; media, academic research, and
creative practice, we highlight a range of projectsfrom curated film festivals to digital and comics
zinesbefore screening a 60 minute program of short films drawn from the Feminist Border Arts Film
Festival 2023. Serving as a hub for multidisciplinary collaboration, FBA is committed to fostering social
justice and transformative change, traversing borders that are both literal and conceptual.
AS OF 12-18-23
Classical Representations in Popular Culture 2: Swords, Sandals, and other
Res Romanae
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon G
Moderator: Benjamin Howland, Grand Valley State University
A Realistic Simulation? Altered Representations of Society in Ancient Rome Themed City-Building
Egidio Incelli, Independent Scholar
Cicero’s Cato in the Death & Rebirth of Batman
Henry Maravilla, Yale University
Spartacus, “The Gladiator” and Rome as Site of Abolitionist Exemplarily
Benjamin Howland, Grand Valley State University
Surviving Latin: An Analysis of Latin Quotes in Popular Media
Tashi Treadway, Johns Hopkins University
Cormac McCarthy 4: Biblical and Theological Readings
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Cimarron
Moderator: Olivia Ojeda, The Cormac McCarthy Society
Lester Ballard as (Failed) Redeemer in Cormac McCarthy's "Child of God"
Courtney Tremblay, University of Regina
Biblical Allusions and Imperialism in Cormac McCarthy’s "Cities of the Plain"
Rachel Griffis, Spring Arbor University
“Things Which God Will Not Permit": Concupiscence and Original Sin in Cormac McCarthy's "The
Passenger" and "Stella Maris"
Travis Mcdonald, Front Range Community College - Westminster
Eco-Criticism and the Environment 4: What Is Left, What Remains:
Ecocritical Perspectives in Spanish-Speaking Spaces
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Keri Stevenson, University of New Mexico-Gallup
Post-growth Scenarios in Rural Spain: The Case of "As Bestas"
Alessio Piras, University of New Mexico
Postgrowth Imaginaries and the Empty Spain in "Los Asquerosos" by Santiago Lorenzo
David Martinez, George Fox University
Walking with Sheep, Drinking from Glaciers, A Peru-Borne Defense of the Commons
Charli Beck, Pacific Northwest College of Art
AS OF 12-18-23
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 16: Roundtable: Limitless Realities and
Infinite Worlds in the Mythic Mirror: Esotericism and Gnosticism in
Speculative Fiction
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: Michael Barros, Boise Classical Academy
Elizabeth Sanderson, Trinity Christian College
George GeorgeSieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Kachine Moore, University of Glasgow
Jacob Mcelroy, Independent Scholar
Jake Fee, Gnostic Technology
Linyan Zheng, Rice University
Scott Ryan Maybell, Independent Scholar
Thisroundtablewill explore various perspectives regarding the influence ofesotericism and gnosticism on
speculative fiction in its sense as a super-genre, aswell as its more restricted senses of alternative
histories, hypothetical futures,counterfactual scenarios, parallel worlds, and secondary worlds. Similarly,
we willdiscuss the representation of esoteric and gnostic worldviews within speculativefiction as well as
speculative fiction's reciprocal influence on contemporaryexpressions of such worldviews.
Film and History 4: Representation, Iteration, and Recrafting Myth
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Thomas Prasch, Washburn University
"A Christmas Carol" on Screen
Dewar Macleod, William Paterson University
“Bring Me His Cojones”: The Mythical West of Fred Schepisi’s "Barbarosa" (1982)
Thomas Prasch, Washburn University
Political Campaigns in 1960s Hollywood Cinema
Jim Burton, Salisbury University
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 12
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Santa Fe
Moderator: Rolf Nohr, Braunschweig University of Art
Game History: The COIN Game "Fire on the Lake" as Counterfactual
Jason Thompson, University of Wyoming
Wii Bowling Alone: Games and the Loneliness Epidemic
Jennifer deWinter, Illinois Institute of Technology
"Oh S***. Here We Go Again": Backstage Play and Metacognition in Pandemic Gaming (with Kids)
Marc Ouellette, Old Dominion University
Reflections on the Past: Revising an Ethnography of the God of War Subreddit
Mario Sanders, Southern Illinois University
AS OF 12-18-23
Horror 11: Monstrous Femininity
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon E
Moderator: Kristine Larsen, Central Connecticut State University
“She Tore a Hole in Our Universe”: "Event Horizon" and the Monstrous-Feminine
Kristine Larsen, Central Connecticut State University
Witch of the Future: Horror, Gender and Technology in eXistenZ
Han Yu, Florida State University
Misogyny, Murder, and Mayhem: An Analysis of “Scream” as an Allegory for Gendered Violence
Elizabeth Cobb, Independent Scholar
Myth and Fairy Tales 1: Reinterpreting Female Characters in Myth and
Fairy Tales
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon H
Moderator: Sheila Dooley, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
The Subversive Force of Capitalism on Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Little Mermaid”
Jenna Carey, University of Arkansas
The Devouring of Powerful Women: The Public Surge for Mythical Retellings About Greek and Roman
Lydia Sharpe, University of Arkansas
Tricking Her Way into Power and Fortune: Inanna as the Earliest Female Trickster Model
Diana Dominguez, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
Feminism and Contemporary Greek Mythology Retellings
Louise Schulmann, Auburn University
Pedagogy and Popular Culture 7: Roundtable: Between Two Scholastic
Worlds: Teaching, Blogging, & Podcasting
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon F
Moderator: Daniel Dissinger, University of Southern California
Jen JenSopchockchai Bankard, University of Southern California
P. T. Mcniff, University of Southern California
With the increasing prevalence of podcasts, affiliated and independent scholars alike have the potential to
enrich pop culture discourse. Such participation, however, challenges them to exist between two worlds:
academia and nerdom. Reflecting on that challenge, this roundtable discussion between University of
Southern California Writing Professors Daniel Dissinger (co-host of The Nostalgia Test Podcast; host of
Writing Remix), Jen Sopchockchai Bankard (creator of The Long Take Review Substack; cohost of The
Long Take Review Podcast), and P.T. McNiff (co-host of The Long Take Review Podcast) will discuss
toxic fandom, nostalgia, phenomena like Barbenheimer, deepening pop culture studies, and more.
AS OF 12-18-23
Politics 1: Identifying Political Expression
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon I
Moderator: Darrell Hamlin, Fort Hays State University
Uncovering Effective Digital Ad Design Within Political Advertising
Blaine Hawkes, Independent Scholar
Vikings in the Blue and the Gray: An Examination of the Use of Popular Norse Images in the U.S.
Slavery Debate
Kathleen Gurnett, University of California, Riverside
"Divisive Concepts," Right-Wing Authoritarianism, and Hostile Interrogations of Black Identity: The
Case for a Crisis Pedagogy in Post-Secondary Education
David Jones, Professor
Get With the Programmers: A Discursive Study of Andrew Yang’s Failed Presidential Candidacy and its
Implications for Political Communication Strategies About Artificial Intelligence
Maegan Carberry, University of New Mexico
Rhetoric and Technical Communication 1
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon J
Moderator: Robert Galin, Independent
Tactics, Tales and Entertainment: Exploring Tactical Technical Communication in YouTube Gaming
Kevin Van Winkle, Colorado State University Pueblo
Strategies for Teaching Web Writing in the Age of Content Management Systems
Nicole St. Germaine, Angelo State University
Epideictic Death Practices of Memorial: Curated Grief as Activism
Robin Murphy, East Central University - Oklahoma
Teaching about Plagiarism and Authorship: A Cross-Educational Approach to Writing with Large
Language Models.
Alice Wilson, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Science Fiction and Fantasy (General) 2: Dystopias and Utopias
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: Janet Croft, University of Northern Iowa
The Fishbowl And the Terrarium: Ecologies of Survival in Becky Chambers, Casey McQuiston, and
Katherine Howe
Kathleen Therrien, English Dept, Middle Tennessee State University
Feminist Solutions to Dystopian Worlds: Intersubjective Imaginings in the Works of Octavia Butler, J.K.
Jemisin, and Toni Morrison
Cassandra Fetters, University of Cincinnati Clermont
Observer’s Ethics for a Dystopian World: Dissecting Dystopian Imagery in the Strutgatsky Brothers’
"Hard To Be a God"
Nishant Upadhyay, University of Texas at Austin
AS OF 12-18-23
Women, Gender, and Sexuality 5: Women on Screen
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Acoma
Moderator: Lauryn Angel, Collin College
"Don't You Tell Me to Smile": Feminism and The Marvels
Lauryn Angel, Collin College
"Promising Young Woman": The Post-#MeToo Rape-Revenge Film
Lillian Wadding, CU Denver
Genre Anarchy and the Women Who Subvert in "Everything Everywhere All at Once"
Elizabeth LeDoux, Bentley University
Female Empowerment in the "Titus" (1999) and "Barbie" (2023) films
Ryanne Ross, Abilene Christian University
Science, Technology, and Culture 1
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm, Taos
Moderator: Aaron Adair, MIT
AI Alignment and Media Mentalities
Aaron Adair, MIT
Strava: Sport, Social Expression, and Surveillance - How Running and Cycling Became a Social Media
Don Colley Iii, Oklahoma State University
The Underwater Cultural Heritage and Blue Economy
Bishnu Pada Bose, Swami Vivekananda University, Kolkata, India, 700121
2nd Annual Student Dine Out!
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm, Foyer
Moderator: David Corwin, George Mason University & Ashley AshleyJohnson, University of Texas at
Join us for our second annual Student Dine Out! Hosted by first-year Michael K. Schoeneck Institute
Fellows, you'll get to network and chat with other student presenters at the conference. Undergraduate and
graduate student presenters are welcome to meet in the foyer by the Registration Desk and from there,
folks will split up into groups and walk to local eateries for dinner.
AS OF 12-18-23
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 17: Special 50th Anniversary Panel for 2-
3-74: The Esoteric Gnostic Experiences of Philip K. Dick
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 8:15 pm - 10:00 pm, Acoma
Moderator: George Sieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Time is Key: The Temporal Metaphysics of Philip K. Dick
Michael Barros, Boise Classical Academy
After Sophia: Compassion, Madness, and the Esoteric Ethic
Scott Ryan Maybell, Independent Scholar
Philip K. Dick and I-Ching: The Simulation of a Gnostic Experience in "The Man in the High Castle"
Linyan Zheng, Rice University
Horror 12: Roundtable: Social Analysis of Horror: How Horror and
Apocalyptic Studies Can Confront “Real World” Problems
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 8:15 pm - 10:00 pm, Salon E
Moderator: Sean Woodard, The University of Texas at Arlington
Kristine Larsen, Central Connecticut State University
Danielle DanielleHerget, Fisher College
Megan Elizabeth Boothby, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Jennifer Paul, University of Chicago
As previously imagined horrors pervade our daily lives with increased frequency, those of us with
scholarly interests in the horror genre find ourselves confronting these issues within our daily lives, both
within and outside the classroom. This roundtable will examine how we can, and in factdo,use horror as
cultural analysis in the academic setting, confronting latent societal concerns, economic insecurity,
environmental fears, and other more ambiguous threats in order to investigate the symbolic “monsters” of
real life.
MST3K Screening: "The Giant Spider Invasion" (1975)
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 8:15 pm - 10:00 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Brad Duren, Tulsa Community College
Join your fellow MSTies for our annual gathering as we tackle the film that examines the pressing
question of "what would happen if giant spiders from outer space invaded 1970s Wisconsin?" Area Chair
and diehard MSTie Brad Duren will provide an introduction to the film and other scholarly observations
with audience discussion to wrap up the session. Expert sarcasm and good-natured ribbing are guaranteed.
AS OF 12-18-23
Pop Culture Pub Quiz!
Fri, 02/23/2024 - 8:15 pm - 10:00 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: Kurt Depner, New Mexico State University - Dona Ana
Think you're a master of all things pop culture? Come to our Pop Culture Pub Quiz to find out! Each team
(up to a maximum of 6) will compete to see who has the most knowledge about popular culture of the last
30 years! Prizes will be awarded for the 1stand 2ndplace teams as well as best wrong answer and best
team name. Join us for some after hours revelry to prove you have what it takes to be a Pop Culture Trivia
Adaptation 5: Historical & Biographical Adaptations
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon C & D
Moderator: Amy Fatzinger, University of Arizona
Ontology Adaptation of Myth: Nicomachean Ethics and the Rise of Shahmaran in Kurdish Culture
Emeer Hassanpour, University of Southern California
From Self-Presentation in Graphic Novel Form to Self-Representation in Filmic Medium
Caglar Erteber, The University of Arizona
“You Have Been Found Wanting”: Contentious Scholarship on Anachronism in A Knight’s Tale
Lauren Bridgeman, Abilene Christian University
Real and Eternal: Historiophoty as Adaptation in Pablo Larraín’s "Neruda"
Amreen Moideen, Birla Institute of Technology & Science Pilani, Hyderabad Campus
Cormac McCarthy 5: Gender and Economics
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Cimarron
Moderator: Rachel Griffis, Spring Arbor University
The Economics Behind Cormac McCarthy’s "No Country for Old Men"
Tessa Townsend, Midland College
The Sound Of A Circle: Turn on Tune in Drop out
Candy Minx, The Cormac McCarthy Society
Silent, Serving, Sexualized, and Scapegoated: The Women of Cormac McCarthy’s "All The Pretty
Nicole Hamblin, University of Regina
AS OF 12-18-23
Disability Studies 2: Disability in Our Everyday: Across Ages and Places
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon H
Moderator: David Corwin, George Mason University
Post-Secondary Education (PSE) and Academic Libraries: Programming for those with Intellectual
Disability (ID)
Matthew Conner, University of California, Davis
Leah LeahPlocharczyk, Florida Atlantic University
Getting Old Is beautiful, Inside but Not Outside: A Critical Analysis of Media Depiction of Aging
Disabilities and Cultural Misperceptions
Essien Essien, Drexel University
Disability Is Dynamic: The Intersectional Experiences of Disability in India
Arpita Sarker, University of Iowa
Eco-Criticism and the Environment 5: Earth's Atmosphere: Effect, Emotion,
and Materialism
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Las Cruces
Moderator: Keri Stevenson, University of New Mexico-Gallup
The EcoGothic: Haunting Nature in Victorian Literature
Mariam Khan, North Carolina State University
The Figure of the Tourist in Mabel Dodge Luhan’s "Winter in Taos"
Matt Johnson, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
Glitter Me This: Atmospheres of Affect and Ecodread
Claire Spaulding, Pacific Northwest College of Art
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 18: Monstrous Creations and Occult
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon A & B
Moderator: George Sieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Cinematic Ouroboros: Parallelism through Magic and Film
Kachine Moore, University of Glasgow
Elizabeth Sanderson, Trinity Christian College
Devotion and the Devoted: Jack Crawford’s Question
Emma Sanderson, University of New Mexico
Demonology and Deepfakes: AI Approaches to Exploring and Experimenting with the Alien and the
Eric Millikin, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
AS OF 12-18-23
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 13
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Santa Fe
Moderator: Rafael Fajardo, University of Denver
The War for Talent: Computer Game Companies, Content Creators, and Fan Recruitment
Josh Zimmerman, University of Arizona
Saving Progress…: Roberta Williams and the Adventure Game from "Colossal Cave Adventure" to
"Colossal Cave"
Chris Hanson, Syracuse University
Five Pillars of Independent Game Developer Culture
Robin Haislett, Weber State University
Outcomes, Playfulness, and Innovation: The Unintended Consequences of Outcomes-Oriented Structures
within the University
Bill Carroll, Abilene Christian University
Horror 16: Haunted Hills and Houses
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon E
Moderator: Christina Lunsford, Tarleton State University
Bare Life in the Basement: A Political Critique of the Architecture in Pascal Laugier's "Martyrs"
Jennifer Paul, University of Chicago
Clive Barker's Short Fiction and Monster Envy
Christina Lunsford, Tarleton State University
Ruined Landscapes and Eco-Horror in the Early Films of Wes Craven: "Last House on the Left," "The
Hills Have Eyes," "Deadly Blessing," and "Swamp Thing"
Michael Stock, Southern California Institute of Architecture
Pedagogy and Popular Culture 8: Art and Poetry
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon F
Moderator: Christopher Malone, Northeastern State University
The Painted Page: Using Art in the Literature Classroom
Roxie James, Northwestern Oklahoma State University
The Extra-Ordinary: Teaching Poetry through Jim Jarmusch’s "Paterson"
Matthew Lambert, Northwestern Oklahoma State University
Creating a Course on Diverse Futurism and Alternative Worlds that Includes the Art of Diné Painter,
Ryan Singer
Margaret Vaughan, Metropolitan State University
Towards a Beat Pedagogy: Reading Ourselves into “Howl”
Christopher Malone, Northeastern State University
AS OF 12-18-23
Philosophy and Popular Culture 2: Media and Identity
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon J
Moderator: Emily Lyons, University of Arizona
The Real Bruce Wayne is Batman
Alan Baily, Stephen F. Austin State University
Inheritances of Grief
Sophia Pavlos, George Mason University
Surviving an Existential Crisis in the Digital Age: Prescriptions Found in Works by A24
Marian Cuevas, SDSU
MrBeast and the Ethics and Aesthetics of Stunt Philanthropy
Emily Lyons, University of Arizona
Poetry and Poetics (Critical) 2
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon I
Moderator: Zahra Barzegar, York University
"We Parted - Breath - and I": The Scene of Drowning in Whitman and Dickinson
Matthew Mcdonald, Roane State Community College
Following the Nature’s Patterns in Indigenous Poetry
Zahra Barzegar, York University
Wallace Stevens's Solipsism Revisited: Consciousness, Self-Consciousness, and Playfulness
Joon-soo Bong, Seoul National University
Science Fiction and Fantasy (General) 3: Gender, Identity, Sexuality
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Carlsbad
Moderator: Janet Croft, University of Northern Iowa
"They Are NOT Butterfly People!": Posthumanism and Becoming-Animal in Star Trek: Discovery
Alyson Buckman, California State University, Sacramento
Merfolk Resilience: Visual Rhetoric Phenomena
Holly Shelton, George Fox University
“Science Fiction Lesbians with a Side of Bondage”: Grant Morrison and Yanick Paquette Reimagine
Amazon Sexuality in "Wonder Woman: Earth One"
Lewis Call, California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo
Short for Mistress: Kink Praxis and Performative Feminism in Steven Moffat's "Doctor Who"
Joey Call, CSUN
AS OF 12-18-23
Stardom and Fandom 3: Ethics, Identity, Representation, and Queering
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Salon G
Moderator: Nicola Govocek, Temple University
“Feral Comradery”: An Analysis of Fan Reactions through Tumblr Posts
Elizabeth Jendrzey, Purdue University
Breaking Containment: Revisiting the Omegaverse Litigation Scandal through the Lens of Cultural
Appropriation and Coleman’s “New Ethics” of Slash Fan Fiction
Nicola Govocek, Temple University
Writing Our Own Endings: The Death of the Author in the Post-Modern Age
Alyssa Grimley, Texas Woman's University
Queering the Wizarding World: Fanfiction as Ethical Inquiry
Shelby Kutev, Texas Woman's University
Women, Gender, and Sexuality 6: Women in Literature: Poetry, Fantasy, and
the Girl Detective
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 9:45 am - 11:15 am, Acoma
Moderator: Anastasia Kulpa, Concordia University of Edmonton, University of Alberta
The Gothic and the Girl Detective: Unpacking the Queer(ed) Signification of Nancy Drew
Dorothy Calabro, Auburn University
Octavia Butler: Busting up the Binary
Tiziana Friedman, University of New Mexico
A Career to Conjure By: Women's Academic Careers in Fantasy Novels
Anastasia Kulpa, Concordia University of Edmonton, University of Alberta
How To Be Haunted: Sympathetic Little Monster and the Work of Encountering Your Ghosts
Kaplan Trudo, Brown University
Adaptation 6: Adaptations in the Digital Age
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Amy Fatzinger, University of Arizona
Beyond Words and Screens: Memes as Vehicles of Adaptation
Karan Vora, Presidency University
Conversations with Artificial Intelligence: No Libido, No Memory, No Friends
Jillian Saint Jacques, Oregon State University
My StarsThey're Full of Gods: The Cosmic Gate Textual Network in "2001: A Space Odyssey," "The
Expanse," and "Eclipse Phase"
Washington Pearce, Brigham Young University
Vlogs as True Life Adaptations: Analyzing "The Fifty Project" from Adaptation Studies Perspectives
Monika Raesch, Suffolk University
AS OF 12-18-23
Cormac McCarthy 6: Influences and Forms
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Cimarron
Moderator: Rachel Griffis, Spring Arbor University
"Blood Meridian" as a Work of Magical Realism
Winona Doubrava, Texas Tech University
American Romanticism in Cormac McCarthy's "The Passenger" and "Stella Maris"
Terra Kirkland, Independent Scholar
Screenplay. Novel. Film: The Evolution of Cormac McCarthy’s "No Country for Old Men"
Brett Lewis, Baylor University
Hell, or Something Worse?: An Examination of “Outer Darkness” in Baldwin’s "Go Tell It on the
Mountain" and McCarthy’s "Outer Dark"
Payton Herring, Abilene Christian University (ACU)
Eco-Criticism and the Environment 6: Eco-Viewing: Film and Environmental
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Keri Stevenson, University of New Mexico-Gallup
The Politics of Consumption in "Mad Max: Fury Road"
Kendall Mallon, University of Colorado Denver
"I Grew It!": "Silent Running," Anthropocentrism, and the Ecological Auteur
Joshua Imken, Texas Tech University
Reimagining Spaceship Earth through Bong Joon-ho's "Snowpiercer" (2013)
Richard Boyechko, University of WashingtonSeattle
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 19: Gnostic Technology
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: George Sieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
A Presentation on the Image-Form Meditation (A Technology to Explore the Pure Immateriality of the
Matthew Cangiano, Gnostic Technology
The Devil in My Language Model
Karin Valis, Gnostic Technology
Games, Play, and the Structure of Magical Realities
Jake Fee, Gnostic Technology
Spirituality, Magic, and Psychosis
Gabriela Bezakova, Independent Scholar
AS OF 12-18-23
Fashion, Style, Appearance, and Identity 2: Fashion, Identities, and Social
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon J
Moderator: Lauren Sperandio Phelps, University of Texas at Arlington
An Analysis of Millennials Using Secondhand Clothing as a New Fashion Trend
Patricia Sumod, NIFT
You Must Be Beautiful Inside and Out: Constructing the Fashionable Christian Woman
Alexandra Nelson- Tomlinson, University of Texas at Austin
Avoiding Cultural Appropriation in the Fashion Industry: Lessons from Indigenous Jewelry Designers in
the Northwest Coast
Jelisa Marshall, Independent Scholar
Thriftfluencers, Sustainable Fashion, and Dressing for the Digital Age
Emily Thomas, University of Arizona
Folklore Studies 2
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon H
Moderator: Helen Mccourt, Collin College
The Pandharpur Wari: Caste in the Folk Movement and the Role of the Revolutionary Sant Chokhamela
Mukta Kher, Shiv Nadar University, India
Food from Another World: A Look into Fairy(Faerie) Food
Caitlyn Gorman, Independent Scholar
The History of Sitayanas: A Comparative Study of "Chandrabati Ramayana" and "Sita's Ramayana"
Mohua Dutta, Indian Insitute of Technology Kanpur
"Monstrum" in the Classroom: Using Supernatural Creatures to Teach Students Communication's
Matthew Petrunia, Fashion Institute of Technology, SUNY
Nurhayat Bilge, State University of New York-Fashion Institute of Technology
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 14
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Santa Fe
Moderator: Bill Carroll, Abilene Christian University
Gamer Presidents: Deepfake Videos as Political and Gaming Discourse
Mirek Stolee, University of Central Florida
Reflexivity and Involvement in Environmental Serious Games and Interactive Documentaries
Tobias Conradi, Leibniz Institute for Educational Media, Braunschweig // HSLU Lucerne School of
Design, Film and Art
Simulating Documentary? Parallels and Differences of Games and Documentaries
Florian Krautkraemer, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
Game Aesthetics as a Montage Strategy in Interactive Documentary
Vanessa Zallot, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
AS OF 12-18-23
Horror 14: Affect and Effect
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon E
Moderator: Han Yu, Florida State University
Betwixt and Between: The Uncanny Prominence of Liminality in Recent Horror Media
Danielle Herget, Fisher College
From the Drone in the Sky to The Hole in the Ground: A24’s Literally Elevated Horror
David Scott Diffrient, Colorado State University
Startling Figures: Horror, Violence, and Revelation
Thomas Jacobs, New York University
Un-thinking Horror: Generic Negations and Reversals of Fear
Allysha Vineberg, York University
Pedagogy and Popular Culture 9: Activism
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon F
Moderator: Jennifer Judd, Texas Woman's University
Ubuntu Cyphers and Freestylin' Anti-Fascism: Disrupting the Death Knell of Neoliberal Despondency
Anne Grass, University of Missouri-St. Louis
Data Activism: Navigating the Digital Realm with Media Literacy
Amanda Gyesi, Universtiy of New Mexico
Breathing Room: Embodied Writing and Belonging as Resistance in the First-Year Composition
Jennifer Judd, Texas Woman's University
Science Fiction and Fantasy (General) 4: Knowledge is Power: Preserving and
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: Janet Croft, University of Northern Iowa
The Librarians of Time and Space: The Librarian-Hero in Contemporary Speculative Fiction
John Doherty, Northern Arizona University
The Worlding of Worms: A Posthuman Reading of Knowledge Production and Empire in "The Blazing
World" of Margaret Cavendish
Sarah Snyder, University of Minnesota
The Force of Gifting: An Analysis of Gift Theory in the Star Wars Universe
Jill Davis, Tarleton State University
AS OF 12-18-23
Sociology of Popular Culture 2: The Power in Representation
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon I
Moderator: Bruce Day, Central Connecticut State University
We Create Our Own Demons: Representation as Resistance and the Illusion of Progressivism in the MCU
Alex Yost, The University of Texas at Arlington
“Will You Accept This Apology?” A Content Analysis of Public Apologies Issued by “The Bachelor”
Mckenzie Stauffer, Southern Utah University
007 Economics: Economic Trends Inspired by the Character of James Bond
Alissa Simon, Harrison Middleton University
“Hey! What Are Some ‘Must-Sees’ on Route 66?”: Social Media, Crowdsourcing, and Overtourism along
America’s Main Street
John Mitrano, Central Connecticut State University
Bruce Day, Central Connecticut State University
Stardom and Fandom 4: Communities, Identification, and Participation
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Salon G
Moderator: Vicki Ronn, Friends University
"Everything Changes, but Nothing is Truly Lost": Generational Evolution in the Sandman fandom
Michele Malach, Fort Lewis College
Showing the Love? BTS Youtube Reactors: Critics, Fans, or Birgers?
Vicki Ronn, Friends University
Higher Education Instructors’ Social Media and Fandom Participation: A Basic Qualitative Study
Rina Dakanay, American College of Education
Identifying as Characters: Fictionkin, Fandom, and the Construction of the Self
Isaac Morano, University of Arizona
Women, Gender, and Sexuality 7: Exploring Gender/ed Roles
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 11:30 am - 1:00 pm, Acoma
Moderator: Hayley Mccullough, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Wombs of Discontent: Unveiling Gender Abjection Through Dolls in Lucky McKee's "May”
Amylou Ahava, Texas Tech University
Interrogating Gender in Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Hayley Mccullough, New Mexico Tech
Attack on Gender Roles: An Exploration of Gender Roles in "Attack on Titan"
Chrysalis Gilmer, Friends University
"You Wear Fine Things Well": Reading Gender/ed Queerness in "Our Flag Means Death"
Oliver Richards, University of North CCarolina Charlotte
AS OF 12-18-23
Adaptation 7: Literary, Musical, and Cultural Adaptations
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Amy Fatzinger, University of Arizona
The Chains Forged in Life: Parsing "A Christmas Carol"’s Anti-Capitalist Messaging in "Iron Man 3" and
"Westworld": The New World’s Artificial Intelligence Societies
Douglas Scully, Louisiana State University
"The Lincoln Highway," "Catcher in the Rye," and the Nature of a Literary Conversation
Dennis Cutchins, Brigham Young University
Remix as Adaptation: The Intermedial Afterlives of the Indian Pop Song
Ronit Ghosh, University of Chicago
Cross-Cultural Film Adaptations: Preserving Narrative Essence across Borders
Maureen Okwulogu, University of Texas at Dallas
Classical Representations in Popular Culture 3: The Silver Screen, the
Modern Stage, and a Little Crooning
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon G
Moderator: Tashi Treadway, Johns Hopkins University
Lindsey Stirling and Artemis’ Bow Re-imagined
Georgia Irby, William and Mary
Back to the Roman New Comedy? Marty McFly as Servus Callidus and Adulescens in Robert
Zemeckis’s "Back to the Future"
Benjamin Haller, Virginia Wesleyan University
Vengeance and Violence: The Portrayal of the Erinyes in Ancient Greek Thought and the Dances of
Martha Graham
Nina Papathanasopoulou, College Year In Athens / Society for Classical Studies
The Golden Age Myth and Shakespeare's Transhistorical Poetics of Whiteness
Douglas Cavers, USC
Cormac McCarthy 7: Apocalypse and Revelation
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Cimarron
Moderator: Todd Womble, Abilene Christian University
Hinterland Horror: Geographical Extremity as Revelation in "Blood Meridian" and "At the Mountains of
Marcel DeCoste, University of Regina
Becoming Apocalyptic: US Empire’s Evolvement into the End of Days in Cormac McCarthy’s "Blood
Meridian" and "The Road"
Olivia Ojeda, The Cormac McCarthy Society
And The Judge Said, “Let There Be Gunpowder": The Judge as Anti-Christ in Cormac McCarthy’s
"Blood Meridian"
Madelaine Moynes-keshen, University of Regina
AS OF 12-18-23
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 20: Roundtable: Black Speculative
Thought and Geopolitics: Exploring Futures Beyond Contemporary
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: George Sieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
This roundtable delves into the intersection of Black speculative thought and geopolitics, providing a
groundbreaking analysis of their influence on each other and their implications for imagining post-
colonial futures. Black speculative thought, encompassing Afrofuturism, Esotericism, and speculative
fiction, has long provided a medium through which the realities of the Black diaspora, including systemic
oppression and racialized experiences, are re-envisioned and re-negotiated. This analysis underscores the
potential of Black speculative thought as a tool to challenge and redefine existing geopolitical landscapes,
traditionally shaped by colonial and neocolonial narratives.
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 15
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Santa Fe
Moderator: Andrew Kissel, Old Dominion University
Lets Play Business: The Influence of the Economic Tabletop Game on Today's Genre of Eurogames
Laijana Braun, Braunschweig University of Art
Economic Table Top Games from 1955-1975
Rolf Nohr, Braunschweig University of Art
What Do Videogames Want?: Preserving, Playing, and Not Playing Digital Games and Gameplay
James Newman, Bath Spa University (UK)
Horror 15: Roundtable: Watching Horror on Blu-rays and DVDS: Why
Physical Media (and Supplemental Materials) Still Matter
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon E
Moderator: Kristine Larsen, Central Connecticut State University
David Scott Diffrient, Colorado State University
Sean SeanWoodard, The University of Texas at Arlington
Michael Stock, Southern California Institute of Architecture
Ever since the 2010 publication of Jonathan Gray’s Show Sold Separately: Promos, Spoilers, and Other
Media Paratexts, scholars have taken seriously the role of DVDs, Blu-rays, and other consumer goods in
expanding the interpretative possibilities of cinematic and televisual texts; or, rather, in giving spectators
opportunities to go “beyond the screen” in their pursuit of knowledge, meaning, and (not the least)
pleasure as interpreting/feeling subjects. Heeding Gray’s call for “off-screen studies,” this roundtable
seeks to demonstrate why the many paratextual elements associated with these formats, from the newly
commissioned artwork gracing DVD and Blu-ray covers to the newly recorded supplementary materials
included as bonus features on the discs themselves (for instance, audio commentaries, behind-the-scenes
footage, making-of documentaries, and cast and crew interviews accessible through interactive menus),
“are still of huge significance within the contemporary context,” despite their so-called peripheral status.
AS OF 12-18-23
Mystery/Detective Fiction 2: Who Detects? New Eyes and Voices in Crime
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon H
Moderator: Lexey Bartlett, Fort Hays State University
Muslims as Detectives in Contemporary Anglophone Detective Fiction
Zainab Abrar, Jamia Millia Islamia
Investigating the Female Detective: An Analysis of Criminal and Gender Policing in Marie Belloc
Lowndes’ "The Lodger"
Buchanan Watson, Auburn University
The Truth About (Mystery) Stories: The Evolution of Thomas King's Thumps "DreadfulWater" Mystery
Mary Stoecklein, Pima Community College
Pedagogy and Popular Culture 10: Mixed Media
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon F
Moderator: Amelia Chesley, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Prescott
A New Era for Composition Courses: Teaching the Songs of Taylor Swift
Lindsey Cherry, Northwestern Oklahoma State University
If Oedipus Had a Tinder Profile: Teaching Greek Tragedy Through Hot Takes
Jamie Flathers, English Department, Washington State University
Erin Hvizdak, Washington State University
Resillency in the "Hall of Egress"
Alexis Ellsworth-kopkowski, Institute of American Indian Arts
"The Art and History of Podcasts" as a 100-level General Education Course
Amelia Chesley, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Prescott
Science Fiction and Fantasy (General) 5: The Artifical Other
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Carlsbad
Moderator: Janet Croft, University of Northern Iowa
The Frankenstein Complex: Speculative Fiction and the Evolution of the Myth of the Modern Prometheus
Margo Arruda, University of Illinois Chicago
The Politics of the Borg: From 1989-2023
Jeff Hirschy, University of Southern Mississippi
Emotion and Ethics in "Frankenstein" and "Klara and the Sun"
Jae-uk Choo, Chung-Ang University
Hybridity and Anthropomorphism in Social Thought and Karel Čapek's "R.U.R."
Alexandra Balasa, Independent Scholar
AS OF 12-18-23
Television 4: Women in Contemporary Comedy
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Larry Van Meter, Blinn College
Miranda at Midlife: Feminism, Aging, and Bisexuality on HBO’s "And Just Like That"
Katherine Lehman, Albright College
Funny Women and Dark Comedy: Maria Bamford, Hannah Gadsby, and Mental Health
Linda Hess, University of Augsburg
Counting Out a Life in Almonds: Mental Health as Queerness in Showtime’s "Work in Progress"
Donna Knaff, Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency
“I Just Thought It Would Make Good Television”: The Role of Women in BBC’s "Staged"
Melanie Cattrell, Blinn College
Women, Gender, and Sexuality 8: Roundtable: Muslim Representation in the
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 1:15 pm - 2:45 pm, Acoma
Moderator: Ilia Rodriguez Nazario, University of New Mexico
Ilia Rodriguez Nazario, University of New Mexico
Mona MonaOthman, The University of New Mexico
Despite the claims of Western societies that they protect women’s freedom and equality, mediated
messages that undermine feminism are prevalent, especially in visual messages in advertisements, news,
and films. Yet, the criticism of such representations in the U.S. media is often left to media scholars or
media literacy teachers. More often than not, U.S. media messages that criticize gender domination and
oppression of women overtly are directed to the representation of women and critique of gender relations
in non-Western societies. This is most evident and pressing in the case of U.S. media representation of
Arab and Muslim women and the criticism of gender oppression in Middle Eastern countries. Researchers
have noted that the general pattern of representation of Arab and Muslim women reduces and stereotypes
them as weak and silent objects, subjected to the authority of men (Islam, 2019). Moreover, mediated
messages often intersect gender and racial differences to present Muslim women as “others” who do not
rise to the constructed Western standards of beauty, confidence, and competence.This media literacy
lesson aims to expose feminist media illiteracy by presenting a critique of media messages about Muslim
Saudi women in the U.S. from my perspective of an Arab Muslim woman, teacher, and scholar from
Saudi Arabia. This lesson also aims to identify the radical change that media technologies have brought
about in the understanding of feminism in Western and Eastern societies alike.The lesson aims to
illuminate: (1) What are the meanings of feminism and how do these apply to women in different cultural
contexts? (2) What are the main stereotypes of Saudi women? Perpetuated in U.S. media and how do we
decode them? (3) What forms of gender activism and empowerment that are practiced by Muslim women
remain outside the dominant discourses of Western media and governments?Currently, social networking
sites have helped feminism to emerge, participate, and be effective without the need to depend on
traditional media and negative news coverage. Today, we see through social networking sites dialogue
between Arab and Western women, and we witness many examples of the emergence of what I term
“honourable feminism.”
AS OF 12-18-23
African American/Black Studies 2
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon I
Moderator: Travis Boyce, San Jose State University
Uncle Tom’s Nephew: Adaptational Black Martyrdom in David Fincher’s "Alien 3"
Sarah Wagoner, University of Wyoming
Can It Speak For All?: Interrogating Stereotypes in Popular Culture Films Spider-Man Into the Spider-
Verse and Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse
Dashiva Francois, University of Texas at Arlington
The Visual and Discursive Polemics of White Innocence and Shhole Countries
Andrea Mays, University of New Mexico
Suppression of African American/Black Works in Library Collection: Towards Discoverability Policy
Uriel Onye, Texas Tech University
Classical Representations in Popular Culture 4: Tragedy
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon G
Moderator: Valentina De Nardis, Villanova University
Christopher Marlowe, the Godfather of the Anti-Hero: Mephistopheles the Prototype for Popular Culture,
Long Love Affair with All Things Evil, Beautiful and Dark
Felicia Dz Stovall, Midland College
Ancient Themes in "Sons of Anarchy": the Tragedy and Comedy of Tig Trager
Valentina De Nardis, Villanova University
Medea is Jinga: The Controversy of Identity in a Brazilian Black Medea
Ana Azevedo Bezerra Felicio, UNICAMP
I've Changed My Mind: Women Plotting Euripides
Richard Oehling, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Cormac McCarthy 8: Roundtable Discussion: Reflections and Wrap-Up
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Cimarron
Moderator: Rachel Griffis, Spring Arbor University
Marcel DeCoste, University of Regina
Rick RickWallach, Nova Southeastern University (Retired)
Terra Kirkland, Independent Scholar
Liana Andreasen, South Texas College
Noemi Fernandez Labarga, University of Notre Dame
In this roundtable discussion, we will reflect on questions we considered during the panels on Cormac
McCarthy and wrap-up our discussions. Time will be given to continue conversations began during the
panels, such as the role of math and science in McCarthy’s work and the impact of the new novels on his
body of work.
AS OF 12-18-23
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 21: Sinister Pilgrimage, Esoteric Futurism,
and Dark Geopolitics
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: Noah Jampol, Bronx Community College, The City University of New York
African Wisdom and Magic: The Mapping of an Esoteric Mission for Black Futures
Christina Hudson, Eastern Washington University Trio McNair Scholar Program
An Autoethnographic Study of Dark Tourism's Elitist Aura
Bintang Handayani, Independent Scholar
The Black Pilgrimage to Chorazin: Metafictional Memetics as Sinister Nexion
George Sieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice 16
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Santa Fe
Moderator: Judd Ruggill, University of Arizona
This is the Game Studies, Culture, Play, and Practice Area business meeting.
Horror 13: On Not Being Well
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon E
Moderator: Max Jardon, University of Denver Colorado
More Than The Sum of Its Chills and Thrills: Mental Health in Modern Horror Cinema
Aleksandra Socha, University of Warsaw
There’s Something Wrong with Him: Beleaguered Mothers, Monstrous Children, and Horror’s Coding of
Megan Elizabeth Boothby, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Antisocial Reinscription in AIDS-Era Extreme Horror Literature
Max Jardon, University of Denver Colorado
Twisting the Narrative: How Netflix's "The Midnight Club" and the Conventions of Horror Capture the
Unspoken Side of Cancer
Laney Blevins, Purdue University Fort Wayne
AS OF 12-18-23
Medievalisms 2: Revisiting and Revising the Medieval
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon J
Moderator: Amber Dunai, Texas A&M University - Central Texas
Why We Prefer Peasants to Procopius: The Strange Reasons Medieval Tropes Exclude Their Byzantine
Julie Pace, The Westminster Schools
“Live Among the Birds”: An Ecocritical Reading of Subjectivity in Ottessa Moshfegh’s "Lapvona"
Nicole Waters, Independent Scholar
“And Forth I Lete Hire Saille”: Tracking Custance’s Mediterranean Journey in the "Man of Law’s Tale"
Gideon Vitro, UC Santa Barbara
Meet the Sky-Gods: Týr, Odin, and Thor in Part I of "Beowulf: The Song of the North”
James Buckingham, Independent Scholar
Myth and Fairy Tales 2: Confrontations with Love, Death, Abuse, and
Otherness in the Safe Space of the Fairy Tale
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon H
Moderator: Sheila Dooley, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
The Victorian Cult of Death and Grimms' Fairy Tales
Sarah Bartlett, Yolo County Historical Collection
The Alligator and Psychological Mythology in Homer Hickam’s "Carrying Albert Home"
Joanna Johnson, University of Texas Arlington
Critical Pedagogy as Resistance in Grimms’ Fairy Tales
Jay Cruz, Texas State University
A Court of Violence and Control
Haleigh Kirchenheiter, United States Military Academy
Pedagogy and Popular Culture 11: Self-Expression
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon F
Moderator: Anthony Destefanis, Otterbein University
Balancing Self-Expression and Tradition in the Pedagogy of ASL Literature
Gina Yang, Independent Scholar
Finding Direction and Connection through Narrative
Michele Zugnoni, Northwestern University
More than the Syllabus
Tiffiny Vincent, Collin College
Breaking Down the Silos: Interdisciplinary Team-Teaching Approaches to the U.S. War in Vietnam
Anthony Destefanis, Otterbein University
Shannon Lakanen, Otterbein University
AS OF 12-18-23
Television 5: Identity and Storytelling in TV Drama
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Las Cruces
Moderator: Melanie Cattrell, Blinn College
"Justified" and Gendered Violence?
Angela Nichols, Florida Atlantic University
Real Power is Something You Take!: The Masculinity Trap of TV's "Dallas"
Dustin Dunaway, Pueblo Community College
Crossover Characters and Serialized Storytelling
Kevin Morrison, Henan University
War and Culture 3: Roundtable: Nolan's War
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon C & D
Moderator: Stacy Fowler, St. Mary's University
Steffen Hantke, Sogang University
Deborah DeborahDeacon, Arizona State University
Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer, released to great acclaim in 2023, is the director’s second film, after
Dunkirk, in which war is the primary focus. With only two films in that genre so far, Nolan appears
nonetheless poised to join a small group of directors (Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg, Ridley Scott)
associated with a specific iteration of the war film. Aside from providing the opportunity to assess
Nolan’s Oppenheimer on its own terms, this roundtable will explore what Nolan’s auteurist vision of war
is, how the two war films fit into his overall body of work, and what Nolan’s work—by comparison or
contrastreveals about the current state of the war film.
Women, Gender, and Sexuality 9: The Body's Representation
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm, Acoma
Moderator: Megan Brand, Fort Lewis College
This Body, This Where: How HBO’s "Somebody Somewhere" Queers Region
Milton Wendland, University of South Florida
All That Glitters Isn’t Gold: Representations of Older Women’s Sexualities on "The Golden Bachelor"
Alex Gallin-Parisi, Trinity University
Here and Queer: Heartstopper's Growing Representation on Eating Disorders in Men
Lilly Busatti, Friends University
The Hierarchy of Marginalization: Comparing Veronica Roth’s Divergent Society to the Experiences of
the LGBTQIA+ Community
Megan Brand, Fort Lewis College
AS OF 12-18-23
Esotericism, Occultism, and Magic 22: Roundtable: I Want to Play a Game
that Leaves Nothing to Chance: The Human Mind-Puzzle-Box and Trauma as
the Key to Initiation
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon A & B
Moderator: George Sieg, Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Andrew Chen, Minnesota State University Moorhead
Noah NoahJampol, Bronx Community College, The City University of New York
Kachine Moore, University of Glasgow
Emma Sanderson, University of New Mexico
Jacob Mcelroy, Independent Scholar
Gabriela Bezakova, Independent Scholar
Thisroundtableexplores a puzzling trope that has for decades continued torepeat in novel but increasingly
specific forms across multiple genres offiction. While its fictional appearances are only occasionally
associateddirectly with the esoteric or the occult, its aesthetics frequently evoke ritualmystery as
expressed through initiatory ordeal. This is the trope ofawakening to, and liberation from, compulsion
through being subjected toinvasive, horrific, and often potentially deadly trauma; within esoteric,occult,
and magical traditions, describing one of many approaches toinitiatory transformation.
Horror 17: Roundtable: Horror Movies as Trauma Narratives
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Salon E
Moderator: Elizabeth Cobb, Independent Scholar
Antoinette Winstead, Our Lady of the Lake University
Aleksandra AleksandraSocha, University of Warsaw
Abdul Rafay, DePaul University
This panel will explore how horror can be used to understand and process trauma. Research indicates that
trauma survivors are disproportionately horror fans, and many horror fans self-report that they find
watching horror movies paradoxically soothing. Horror movies offer the viewer a safe opportunity to
understand and process extreme events. Nearly all horror movies touch on and address trauma in some
form, whether it is the driving force for the villain, motivation for the hero, or if we the viewer are
experiencing trauma along with the protagonist. For example, movies such as Teeth, Scream, or 2020’s
Invisible Man address the trauma of partner abuse and sexual violence. Movies such as Get Out explore
the trauma of racism, and Hereditary explores intergenerational trauma. Franchises such as Halloween
even allow viewers an opportunity to see how trauma affects characters years into the future. This panel
will address how these movies can allow the viewer emotional catharsis and an opportunity to understand
and process the trauma in their own lives in a productive way.
AS OF 12-18-23
Post Conference Wrap Up
Sat, 02/24/2024 - 4:45 pm - 6:15 pm, Acoma
Moderator: Executive Team, SWPACA
Please join the SWPACA Executive Team for an informal get-together to wrap up the conference. We’ll
cover the highlights of the 44th annual meeting. Come with stories and suggestions and relax for a bit!