Memorandum of Agreement
Needham Public Schools/Needham Education Association
Unit A Contract 2023-2026
May 30, 2023
The Needham School Committee and Needham Education Association agree to a new Unit C Collective
Bargaining Agreement with the following provisions:
Article and
FY20-23 Contract Language:
FY24-26 Contract Language:
Article 1,
Section 1
The Committee recognizes the Needham Education
Association as the exclusive bargaining agent of all
full-time and regular part-time instructional assistants,
tutors, METCO assistants, program assistants, special
education program assistants, certified occupational
therapy assistants, speech language assistants, and
teaching assistants, excluding school office assistants
and all managerial, confidential, and casual employees,
and all other school employees.
The Committee recognizes the Needham Education
Association as the exclusive bargaining agent of all
full-time and regular part-time:
Instructional Assistants, including:
General Education Teaching Assistants
Kindergarten Teaching Assistants
Special Education Teaching Assistants
Library Support Assistants
Media Support Assistants
504 Assistants
Intensive Special Education Teaching
Non-Credentialed Program Specialists:
Science Center Program Specialists
DaVinci Program Specialists
Credentialed Paraprofessionals, including:
Special Education Program Specialists
Certified Occupational Therapy
Assistants (COTAs)
Physical Therapy Assistants (PTAs)
Speech Language Pathology Assistants
Board Certified Assistant Behavior
Analysts (BCaBAs)
Certified American Sign Language
(ASL) Interpreters
excluding school office assistants and all managerial,
confidential, and casual employees, and all other school
Article 7,
Section 6
By June 30, 2021, a committee of three (3) NEA
members and three (3) administrators will convene to
revise and update the evaluation tool for Unit C. Once
completed, the tool will be used for FY22 and FY23.
No later than January 30, 2023, the School Committee
and NEA team will meet to review the committee’s
By June 30, 2024, a committee of three (3) NEA
members and three (3) administrators will convene to
revise and update the evaluation tool for Unit C. Once
completed, the tool will be used for FY25 and FY26.
No later than January 30, 2026, the School Committee
and NEA team will meet to review the committee’s
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work and determine the new tool’s efficacy for
ratification in the following contract.
work and determine the new tool’s efficacy for
ratification in the following contract.
Article 9,
Section 1
Part-time employees working less than twenty hours per
week are not entitled to paid sick leave
Article 11,
Section 6
The Sick Leave Bank shall be administered by a Sick
Leave Bank Committee consisting of five (5) members.
Two (2) members shall be designated by the School
Committee to serve at its
discretion, and two (2) members shall be designated by
the Association. The fifth member shall be selected by
the NEA or NSC on an alternating basis and shall vote
only to break ties. For the 2020-2021 year, the NSC will
choose the fifth person whereas in 2021-2022, the
choice will be that of the NEA. The NSC will choose
the fifth person in the 2022-2023 school year.
The Sick Leave Bank shall be administered by a Sick
Leave Bank Committee consisting of five (5) members.
Two (2) members shall be designated by the School
Committee to serve at its discretion, and two (2)
members shall be designated by the Association. The
fifth member shall be selected by the NEA or NSC on
an alternating basis and shall vote only to break ties. For
the 2023-2024 year, the NEA will choose the fifth
person whereas in 2024-2025, the choice will be that of
the NSC. The NEA will choose the fifth person in the
2025-2026 school year.
Article 12,
Section 1
Section 1 - Full-Time Employees (32.5 hours per week
or more) Full-time employees will receive longevity
payments as follows:
After 5 years $450
After 10 years $650
After 15 years $900
After 20 years $1150
Section 1 - Full-Time Employees (32.5 hours per week
or more) Full-time employees will receive longevity
payments as follows:
After 5 years $600
After 10 years $800
After 15 years $1200
After 20 years $1650
Article 13
The following holidays shall be recognized as paid
holidays when these holidays fall within the employees’
regular work year. Employees who are out of work on
unpaid absence either the workday immediately before
or immediately after the holiday are not eligible for
holiday pay.
Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day
after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day,
Martin Luther King Day, President’s Day, Patriot’s Day,
and Memorial Day
Beginning in 2018-2019 school year, in any year in
which staff are required to report to work prior to
Labor Day, Unit C employees will be paid for the
holiday of Labor Day
Effective in the 2023-2024 school year, members will
have equalized pay checks (Article 24).
Article 14
Section 1
Vacation days are earned on the day the vacation is
assigned as articulated in Section 2. One (1) day is equal
to one-fifth (2) of the employee’s regularly-scheduled
Section 2
Each employee scheduled for twenty hours or more per
Effective in the 2023-2024 school year, members will
have equalized pay checks (Article 24).
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week will be paid a total of 9.5 vacation days in the
2020-2021 school year, 10 vacation days in the
subsequent years. All vacation days must be taken
during designated school vacation weeks. For the
school year, 4 vacation days will be paid in December, 3
vacation days during the February vacation and 2.5
vacation days during the April vacation week. Beginning
in the 2021-2022 school year, 4 vacation days will be
paid in December, 3 vacation days during the February
vacation and 3 vacation days during the April vacation
week. "Days" are equal to one-fifth (1/5) of the
employee's regularly-scheduled workweek.
Article 15,
Section 1
See * below
See ** below
Article 15,
Section 2
The work year for employees in Categories 1, 2, 3a, 5
and 6 shall be 183 paid days; Category 3b,191 paid days;
and Category 4, 193 paid days including the day before
school opens and one professional day. Specific hours
for these positions are detailed in the salary scales on
pages 23-25.
Replace this section in its entirety with the following:
A. Effective July 1, 2023, the base work year for
bargaining unit members shall be 183 work days
(the “teacher work year”) including the two days
before school opens and one professional day.
B. Unit C members' school break schedule will follow
the district calendar.
C. Members working in the Media Centers are entitled
to work up to 8 additional per diem days annually at
their regularly scheduled number of hours per day.
Members working in the Science Center are entitled
to work up to 10 additional per diem days annually
at their regularly scheduled number of hours per
D. Effective July 1, 2023, newly hired employees
covered under this Agreement shall receive up to
one (1) full-day of paid, job specific
pre-employment training prior to the opening day
of the school year. In the event an employee is
hired after the beginning of the school year, they
will be required to attend the paid pre-employment
training prior to the following school year.
Subsequent training shall be paid according to this
section or Article 18.
E. Whenever school is canceled because of snow,
inclement weather or other emergency situations,
such time will be made up and worked by all Unit C
members, based on the school calendar. If school is
closed early or has a delayed start, Unit C members
are expected to work the modified schedule for that
day. If members are dismissed early or asked to
delay their start time, they will be paid for their
regular hours.
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Article 15,
Section 5
While every effort will be made to find substitute
coverage for classrooms without using classroom
assistants, if K-5 teaching assistants are required to
substitute teach a classroom they
will be paid $35.00 for a full day and $17.50 for a
half-day. This will be effective in the 2017-2018 school
year, beginning on January 1 of each fiscal year.
While every effort will be made to find substitute
coverage for classrooms without using classroom
assistants, if K-5 teaching assistants are required to
substitute teach a classroom they will be paid $35.00 for
a full day and $17.50 for a half-day. This will be
effective in the 2017-2018 school year, beginning on
January 1 of each fiscal year. Effective in the 2023-2024
school year, the annual effective date of the coverage
payment shall be the first day of the student year.
Unit C members covering teacher absences of more
than twenty consecutive days in the same classroom
shall be paid at the higher of their cur rent rate of pay or
the long-term substitute teacher rates, as established by
the District.
Article 15,
Section 9
The NEA will meet with the Superintendent twice a
year to discuss minimizing the use of teaching assistants
to cover classrooms in the absence of the regular
teacher or substitute. The first meeting will occur before
November 1, 2008 to discuss the issue and plans to
address it. A second meeting will be held before May 1,
2009 to discuss data for the current year. Meetings will
be held In the fall and spring each year thereafter.
Strike Article 15, Section 9
Article 15,
Section 11
The Committee may require all teaching assistants to
work up to three (3) extra days for the purpose of
professional development. In the event a teaching
assistant will be required to work, the committee will
give such teaching assistant notice other than newly
hired teaching assistants no later than January 15 of each
year. A teaching assistant working extra days will receive
his or her hourly rate as assigned in that fiscal year.
Absences will be excused only in a case of unforeseeable
circumstances which create unreasonable hardship.
The Committee may require members to work up to
three (3) extra days for the purpose of professional
development. In the event a member will be required to
work, the committee will give such member notice
other than newly hired members no later than January
15 of each year. A member working extra days will
receive his or her hourly rate as assigned in that fiscal
year. Absences will be excused only in a case of
unforeseeable circumstances which create unreasonable
Article 18,
Add Section 4
Effective July 1, 2025, the School Committee agrees
to fund an annual tuition reimbursement account for
approved courses of $10,000. Content of all coursework
shall be within the parameters of the requirements for
state licensure, degree completion, or job-related
certification/advancement/skill development.
Reimbursement of each member’s first approved course
shall be fulfilled up to $500. After members’ first
courses are reimbursed, any money that remains in the
tuition reimbursement account shall be applied to those
members seeking reimbursement for additional
approved courses in subsequent rounds of $500 per
approved course until funds are exhausted. No member
shall be reimbursed for more than three (3) approved
courses in any one fiscal year unless a balance remains
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in the tuition reimbursement account.
The appropriate pre-approval for m is available from
school/department offices or from the Human
Resources Office and shall be submitted prior to the
course start date. Documentation of payment(s) and
course transcript(s) (when applicable) should be
attached to the reimbursement application and sent as a
complete package to the Human Resources Office.
Reimbursement will be made after all appropriate
documentation is received and reviewed. The deadline
to submit completed reimbursement applications will
be June 25of each year. Failure to submit by this
deadline will result in forfeit of reimbursement.
Reimbursement checks will be sent no later than the
date of the last paycheck in September.
If the amount of money requested exceeds the funds
available or in the event there are excess monies, a
Tuition Reimbursement Committee consisting of the
Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and
two Needham Education Association designees will
determine how to disburse the funds equitably among
all the applicants.
Article 24,
Add new
Equalized Pay
Effective July 1, 2023, 10-month Unit C members
working greater than twenty (20) hours per week will
receive compensation for their base wages (for 183
days) in 42 equal pay checks, from September June,
paid on a weekly basis. This equalized pay will be based
on the employee’s regularly scheduled number of work
hours over 183 days. All members will submit regular
timesheets. An employee working more or less than the
scheduled number of hours during a pay period shall
have their pay for that period adjusted accordingly.
Employees who separate from their position before the
end of the school year shall have their pay adjusted in
their final paycheck according to the time worked.
Employees who are entitled to be paid for additional
per diem days under Article 15.2 shall be paid for those
per diem days on a supplemental basis in the applicable
pay period(s) for which the additional time is reported.
Article 25,
Section 1
Salaries for bargaining unit members shall be increased
as follows.
The salaries for all categories and steps shall be
increased by .5% on July 1, 2020.
The salaries for all categories and steps shall be
increased by .75% on July 1, 2021.
A. Effective in the 2023-2024 school year, adopt the
salary schedules below, prior to implementation of
any cost-of-living adjustment. The salary
schedules include the addition of a new 2% top
step 7 for the ASA and ASB classifications,
effective in the 2025-2026 school year. See ***.
B. Immediately upon implementation a 2% COLA
shall be applied to the FY24 scale, to create the
following salary schedule below:****
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The salaries for all categories and steps shall be
increased by .75%; on July 1, 2022.
In addition the attached salary scales include the
following adjustments:
Step 1 will be deleted from all salary schedules in effect
prior to July 1, 2020 and the
steps will be renumbered 1-6.
The salaries for Step 6 (on the revised schedules) of all
categ ories will be increased by $0.15 effective July 1,
C. All employees shall be moved to the new salary
scale as follows:
a. The following Unit C members shall
be moved to the Instructional
Assistant classification (“new ASA”)
i. General Education Teaching
ii. Special Education Teaching
iii. Kindergarten Assistants
iv. Media Support Assistants
v. Library Support Assistants
vi. ELL Assistants
vii. 504 Teaching Assistants
b. The following Unit C members shall
be placed in the Specialized
Intensive Program Assistant
classification (“new ASB”):
i. Unit C members assigned to
the District’s Intensive
Learning Center (ILC)
Prog rams (Elementary and
Middle ILC, NHS
Post-Graduate Program,
Preschool Specialized
Prog ram).
ii. Unit C members who provide
one-on-one support for
students with complex
learning profiles, including
behavioral and/or physical
challenges associated with the
prog rams listed above.
iii. Prog ram Specialists hired on
or after July 1, 2023 whose
primary assignment does not
require them to possess a
specific certification or
credential to carry out the
duties of that assignment.
These positions include, but
are not limited to new
DaVinci, Science Center and
uncredentialed Prog ram
c. The following Unit C members whose
primary assignment requires them to
possess a specific certification or
credential to carry out the duties of
that assignment shall be placed in the
Credentialed Paraprofessional
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classification (“new ASC”), including
but not limited to:
i. Special Education Program
Specialists (Credentialed)
ii. Certified Occupational
Therapy Assistants (COTAs)
iii. Physical Therapy Assistants
iv. Speech Language Pathology
Assistants (SLPAs)
d. Unit C Program Specialists hired
before July 1, 2023, whose primary
assignment does not require them to
possess a specific certification or
credential to carry out the duties of
that assignment including Media
Prog ram Specialists, Library Program
Specialists, and DaVinci Program
Specialists will be g randfathered at
their current rates and shall be placed
on “new ASD.”
e. Unit C Science Center Program
Specialists hired before July 1, 2023
shall be placed on “new ASE.”
D. All members hired before July 1, 2023 shall be
placed on the next step to which they would have
been entitled on the appropriate classification of
the new scale. Members hired on or after July 1
will be placed at the appropriate step of the new
scale, commensurate with education and
E. All members hired before July 1, 2023 shall be
held harmless, should placement on the new scale
result in an annual salary that is less than they
would have earned under the old scale (“status
quo” wage), or relative to the prior year (before
application of the subsequent year cost of living
adjustment). Effective July 1, 2023, the hold
harmless payment shall take the form of a
supplemental payment (where required). This hold
harmless payment shall continue for the duration
of the member’s employment with the Needham
Public Schools in the applicable Unit C position,
and shall be escalated by the annual cost of living
adjustment granted to Unit C members.
F. The aforementioned job classifications are subject
to change, based on the duration and nature of the
work being performed. If the Assistant
Superintendent for Human Resources or designee
determines that an employee assigned to the
Instructional Assistant classification is providing
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services that are more closely aligned to the
Specialized Intensive Program classification for
more than ten (10) consecutive days, then the
employee will be reclassified for the duration of
their assignment starting on day eleven (11).
Similarly, if an employee assigned to the
Specialized Intensive Program classification is
determined to be providing services more closely
aligned to the Instructional Assistant classification
for more than ten (10) consecutive days, then the
employee shall be reclassified for the duration of
their assignment, starting on day eleven (11).
Disputes regarding assignments and
reclassifications will be subject of the grievance
process (Article 5).
G. Effective July 1, 2024, a 2% COLA shall be
applied to the aforementioned scale to create the
following salary schedule below:*****
H. Effective July 1, 2025, a 2% COLA shall be
applied to the prior year salary scale.******
Article 24,
Add Section 6
Does not currently exist.
Effective July 1, 2023 and terminating as a benefit on
June 30, 2026, Unit C members may receive a $300
refer ral bonus for referring a prospective Unit C
candidate to the Needham Public Schools. The bonus
shall be paid out only upon successful hire into a Unit C
The workday for Unit C members is as follows:
The workday for Unit C members is as follows:
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 613DB5DB-02DC-4C9C-8F74-CAD8812952A3
Needham Education Association Negotiating
Michael Hirsh Date
Marcy Spink
Brittish Miser
Emily Garron
Meghan Stamm
Jacquelyn Hall
Jack Gately
Needham School Committee
Negotiation Team:
Connie Barr Date
Andrea Longo Carter
Alisa Skatrud
Alexandra Montes McNeil
Anne Gulati
DocuSign Envelope ID: 613DB5DB-02DC-4C9C-8F74-CAD8812952A3