East Los Angeles College Student-Athlete Transfer Tips 2021-22
1 10/28/21
If you plan to play at a Division I school, you have five-calendar years in which to play four seasons of competition. Your
five-year clock starts when you enroll as a full-time student (12 units or more) at East Los Angeles College. Thereafter,
your clock continues, even if you spend an academic year in residence as a result of transferring; decide to red shirt, if
you do not attend school or even if you go part-time during your college career. If you are unsure of this rule, contact
your coach or Athletic Counselor BEFORE enrolling as a full-time student.
If you are a Qualifier:
1. Complete at least one full-time semester at East Los Angeles College (summer does not count as a semester)
2. Complete an average of 12 transferable units for each full-time semester attended*
3. Earn a minimum GPA of 2.50 in those transferable units*
*No more than 2 units of PE activity courses can be used to meet the transfer degree credit or GPA requirements
If YES to all of the above, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship and compete as soon as you transfer
If NO to any of the above, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship, but you cannot compete until you sit out for one academic year
If you are a Non-Qualifier or an Academic Redshirt (or a qualifier who does not meet the above):
1. Graduate from East Los Angeles College (25% of total units must be completed at East Los Angeles College)
2. Complete at least three semesters as a full-time student at East Los Angeles College (summer does not count as a semester)
3. Complete a minimum of 48 transferable units toward a degree and the transferable units MUST include*;
English - 6 semester units, Math - 3 semester units, Science - 3 semester units
4. Must earn a minimum GPA of 2.50 in transferable units*
*No more than 2 units of PE courses can be used to meet the transfer degree credit or GPA requirements
If YES to all of the above, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship and compete as soon as you transfer
If YES TO 1, 2, 3 and NO to 4 (2.00-2.49 GPA), you can practice, get a scholarship, but you cannot compete until you sit out for one academic year
If NO to any of the above, you cannot practice, get an athletics scholarship, or compete until you sit out for one academic year
*Summer Unit Limitation - Students entering a Division 1 college may not earn more than 18 semester units of transferable
coursework during the summer and only 9 semester units of transferable degree credit may be earned during the summer
immediately before transfer.
Progress-Toward-Degree requirements are designed to guide student-athletes toward graduation. The standards help
student-athletes take the appropriate steps toward earning their degree. As an example, prior to the third year of
enrollment and you attended 4 full-time semesters, athletes transferring from East Los Angeles College must have 40%
(approximately 48 units) of the designated degree completed at the transferring institution. Student-athletes who do
not meet the requirements are not eligible for competition. Visit the following link for more information about Division 1
Progress-Toward-Degree requirements; https://www.ncaa.org/student-athletes/current/staying-track-graduate
Refers to an athlete who is enrolled full-time (12 units or more) at East Los Angeles College, practices with the team,
but does not play for an entire academic year for the sole purpose of saving a season of competition. Clock has started.
Refers to an athlete who is enrolled part-time (11 units or less) at East Los Angeles College, practices with the team and
does not play for an entire academic year for the sole purpose of saving a season of competition. Clock has not started.
Disclaimer: Your academics and athletics eligibility must be certified by the athletics department’s compliance staff at the NCAA school you are transferring to.
East Los Angeles College Student-Athlete Transfer Tips 2021-22
2 10/28/21
If you plan to play at a Division II or III school, you have the first 10 semesters in which you are enrolled as a full-time
student (12 units or more) to complete your four seasons of competition. You use a semester any time you attend
class as a fulltime student. You do not use a term if you only attend part-time (11 units or less) with no competition
or are not enrolled for a term.
If you are a Qualifier who attended only one full-time semester (Never attended a 4-year):
1. Complete ONLY one full-time semester at East Los Angeles College (summer does not count as a semester)
2. Complete an average of 12 transferable units (or more) for the semester you attended at East Los Angeles College*
3. Earn a minimum GPA of 2.20 in normally transferable units (2.00 GPA if began college prior to August 1, 2016)
4. Earn at least 9 transferable units from your one full-time term of enrollment
*No more than 2 units of PE activity courses can be used to meet the transfer degree credit or GPA requirements (after August 1, 2016)
If YES to all of the above, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship and compete as soon as you transfer
If NO to 1, 2, or 3, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship, but you cannot compete until you sit out for one academic year in residence
If NO to only 4, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship, but cannot compete until you complete 9 units during a full-time term
If you are a Qualifier, Partial/Non-Qualifier who attended more than one full-time semester (Never attended a 4-year):
1. Complete a minimum of two full-time semesters at East Los Angeles College (summer does not count as a semester)
2. Complete an average of 12 transferable units per full-time semester, earning a 2.20 GPA and units must include;
English - 6 transferable semester units, Math - 3 transferable semester units, Science - 3 transferable semester units
3. Earn at least 9 transferable units from your last full-time term of enrollment
*No more than 2 units of PE activity courses can be used to meet the transfer degree credit or GPA requirements (after August 1, 2016)
Qualifiers/Partial Qualifiers
If YES to all of the above, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship and compete as soon as you transfer
If NO to 1 or 2, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship, but you cannot compete until you sit out for one academic year in residence
If NO to only 3, you can practice, get a scholarship, but cannot compete until you complete 9 units during a full-time term
If YES to all of the above, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship and compete as soon as you transfer
If NO to 1 or 2, you cannot practice, get an athletics scholarship, or compete until you sit out for one academic year in residence. If you
meet all the requirements, but your GPA is between a 2.00 and 2.199, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship, but you cannot
compete until you sit out for one academic year
If NO to only 3, you can practice, get a scholarship, but cannot compete until you complete 9 units during a full-time term
If you are a Qualifier, Partial/Non-Qualifier who GRADUATED from East Los Angeles College (earned a degree):
1. Complete a minimum of two full-time semesters at East Los Angeles College (summer does not count as a semester)
2. Earn at least 25% of the units needed to fulfill the degree requirements from East Los Angeles College
3. Earn at least 9 transferable units from your last full-time term of enrollment
If YES to all of the above, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship and compete as soon as you transfer
If NO to only 2, you must meet all of the above requirements for a Qualifier, Partial Qualifier or Non-Qualifier who attended more
than 2 full-time semesters
If NO to only 3, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship, but cannot compete until you complete 9 units during a full-time term
Additional progress-toward-degree rules from the NCAA, the conference, or the school, may affect whether you can play.
Baseball and Basketball athletes cannot transfer mid-year. See the NCAA guidelines for more information.
Division II Progress-Toward-Degree - https://www.ncaa.org/student-athletes/current/staying-track-graduate
Disclaimer: Your academics and athletics eligibility must be certified by the athletics department’s compliance staff at the NCAA school you are transferring to.
East Los Angeles College Student-Athlete Transfer Tips 2021-22
3 10/28/21
If you have never attended a four-year school and you:
1. Competed at East Los Angeles College.
If YES, you can compete immediately after transfer only if you would have been eligible had you remained at East Los Angeles College
If NO, you can compete immediately after transfer to the Division III school
If you attended a four-year school and now attend East Los Angeles College and:
1. You would have been eligible if you transferred directly to the certifying Division III school without attending East Los Angeles
2. You have completed at-least 2 full-time semesters AND completed 24 units at East Los Angeles College
If YES to either 1 or 2, you can compete immediately after transfer
If NO to both 1 and 2, you are not eligible to compete for a Division III school, until you sit out for one academic year in residence
Additional progress-toward-degree rules from the NCAA, the conference, or the school, may affect whether you can play.
Division III Progress-Toward-Degree - https://www.ncaa.org/student-athletes/current/staying-track-graduate
If you originally enrolled at a four-year college and now attend East Los Angeles College, and then wish to transfer to
Division I or II NCAA school, there is a separate set of rules you must meet in order to compete immediately at the
Division I or II school.
If you are a Qualifier and planning to return to a Division I four-year school (4-2-4):
1. Graduate from East Los Angeles College (earned a transfer degree with 25% of units completed at the school awarding your degree)
2. Complete an average of 12 transferable units for each semester of full-time attendance
3. Earn a minimum GPA of 2.50 in those transfer units
4. One calendar year must have elapsed since your last day of enrollment at the four-year school
*No more than 2 units of PE courses can be used to meet the transfer degree credit or GPA requirements
If YES to all of the above, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship and compete as soon as you transfer
If NO to any of the above, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship, but you cannot compete until you sit out for one academic year
If you are a Non-Qualifier or Academic Redshirt and planning to return to a Division I four-year school (4-2-4):
1. Graduate from East Los Angeles College (earned a transfer degree with 25% of units completed at the school awarding your degree)
2. Complete an average of 12 transferable units per full-time semester, and MUST include the following subjects*;
English - 6 semester units, Math - 3 semester units, Science - 3 semester units
3. Must earn a minimum GPA of 2.50 in transferable units*
4. One calendar year must have elapsed since your last day of enrollment at the four-year school
*No more than 2 units of PE courses can be used to meet the transfer degree credit or GPA requirements
If YES to all of the above, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship and compete as soon as you transfer
If NO to any of the above, you can practice as soon as you transfer if you completed one academic year at all your colleges combined
If NO to any of the above, you can get an athletics scholarship as soon as you transfer if you completed one full-time term at East Los Angeles
If NO to any of the above, you cannot compete until you sit out for one academic year in residence
Additional progress-toward-degree rules from the NCAA, the conference, or the school, may affect whether you can play.
Baseball and Basketball athletes cannot transfer mid-year. See the NCAA guidelines for more information.
East Los Angeles College Student-Athlete Transfer Tips 2021-22
4 10/28/21
Disclaimer: Your academics and athletics eligibility must be certified by the athletics department’s compliance staff at the NCAA school you are transferring to.
If you are a Qualifier, Partial/Non-Qualifier, attended East Los Angeles College for ONLY one full-time semester and
planning to return to a Division II four-year school (4-2-4):
1. Graduate from East Los Angeles College (earned a transfer degree)
2. Complete only one full-time semester at East Los Angeles College (summer does not count as a semester)
3. Complete at least 9 transferable units during your one full-time semester at East Los Angeles College
If YES to all of the above, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship and compete as soon as you transfer
If NO to only 1, you must meet the same requirements as the non-graduate listed below
If NO to only 2, you must meet the same requirements as the athlete who attended AT LEAST two semesters listed below
If NO to only 3, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship, but cannot compete until you complete 9 units during a full-time term
If you are a Qualifier, Partial/Non-Qualifier, attended East Los Angeles College for AT LEAST two full-time semesters,
DID NOT graduate, and planning to return to a Division II four-year school (4-2-4):
1. Complete a minimum of two full-time semesters at East Los Angeles College (summer does not count as a semester)
2. Complete an average of 12 transferable units per full-time semester, earning a 2.20 GPA and units must include;
English - 6 transferable semester units, Math - 3 transferable semester units, Science - 3 transferable semester units
3. Earn at least 9 transferable units from your last full-time term of enrollment
*No more than 2 units of PE activity courses can be used to meet the transfer degree credit or GPA requirements (after August 1, 2016)
Qualifiers/Partial Qualifiers
If YES to all of the above, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship and compete as soon as you transfer
If NO to 1 or 2, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship, but you cannot compete until you sit out for one academic year in residence
If NO to only 3, you can practice, get a scholarship, but cannot compete until you complete 9 units during a full-time term
If YES to all of the above, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship and compete as soon as you transfer
If NO to 1 or 2, you cannot practice, get an athletics scholarship, or compete until you sit out for one academic year in residence. If you
meet all the requirements, but your GPA is between a 2.00 and 2.19, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship, but you cannot
compete until you sit out for one academic year
If NO to only 3, you can practice, get a scholarship, but cannot compete until you complete 9 units during a full-time term
If you are a Qualifier, Partial/Non-Qualifier, attended East Los Angeles College for AT LEAST two full-time semesters,
DID graduate, and planning to return to a Division 2 four-year school (4-2-4):
1. Complete a minimum of two full-time semesters at East Los Angeles College (summer does not count as a semester)
2. Earn at least 25% of the units needed to fulfill the degree requirements from East Los Angeles College
3. Earn 9 transferable units from your last full-time term of enrollment
If YES to all of the above, you can practice, get an athletics scholarship and compete as soon as you transfer
If NO to 1 or 2, you must meet the same requirements as the non-graduate listed above
If NO to only 3, you can practice, get a scholarship, but cannot compete until you complete 9 units during a full-time term
Additional progress-toward-degree rules from the NCAA, the conference, or the school, may affect whether you can play
East Los Angeles College Student-Athlete Transfer Tips 2021-22
5 10/28/21
Disclaimer: Your academics and athletics eligibility must be certified by the athletics department’s compliance staff at the NCAA school you are transferring to.
In the NAIA, a student-athlete can compete during four “seasons of competition” within the first 10 full-time semesters
in college. A season of competition is counted when you participate in one or more intercollegiate contests at East Los
Angeles College. To compete, student-athletes must be enrolled in at least 12 units every semester and be making
normal progress toward a baccalaureate degree.
If you are transferring to an NAIA school to compete:
Earn 24 units during the last two full-time semesters prior to transferring to compete*
Earn a 2.00 GPA in ALL previous college course work
For purposes of athletic eligibility, and in regards to the 24 unit requirement, units count only the FIRST TIME they
Student-athletes and repeat courses:
Example #1: If a student received an ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’ in a class and repeats it, they can count the units for the repeated
course towards the 24 units IF the class counts toward the student’s degree and/or the courses were required for
the student, graded and given credit.
Example #2: If a student received a ‘D’ in a class and repeats it, they cannot count the units for the repeated course
towards the 24 units even if they earn a higher grade**
Example #3: If a student received an F’ in a class and repeats it, they can count the units for the repeated course
towards the 24 units if they earn a higher grade
Example #4: If a student received a ‘W’ in a class and repeats it, they can count the units for the repeated course
towards the 24 units if they earn a grade of an ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ or ‘D’
Units earned in PT terms, summer terms, or intercessions can be used to meet the 24-unit rule if:
They are taken between the last two full-time semesters; or they are taken after the last two full-time
semesters, and they have not previously earned a letter grade of ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ or ‘D’.
Students are allowed to apply a maximum of 12 non term credit hours taken after the 2
most recent full
time term. Non terms are classified as: part-time terms, summer terms or intersessions.
Progress Rule (Continuing Eligibility):
In order to play the 3
season of the same sport, the student-athlete must have 48 semester units completed (all units
from transcript can be used, including repeated course work IF the classes count toward the student’s degree and/or
the courses were required for the student, graded and given credit).
See Jason for transfer rules if you transfer prior to your second season (24/48/72)
*Complete no more than 12 of the 24 units during summer or intersession
** Exception; If the ‘D’ is earned during one of the last two full-time semesters prior to transfer, and then repeated during the last
full-time semester or summer, the ‘D’ units will be counted toward the 24 NOT the units for the better grade. If the ‘D’ was earned
prior to one of the last two FT semesters, then the units will NOT count at all (of 24).
Please note: There is a difference between academic and athletic requirements
Additional progress-toward-degree rules from the NAIA, the conference, or the school, may affect whether you can play
East Los Angeles College Student-Athlete Transfer Tips 2021-22
6 10/28/21
Disclaimer: Your academics and athletics eligibility must be certified by the athletics department’s compliance staff at the NAIA school you are transferring to.