From: "Barlow, Blake L"
To: "Albertson, Courtney" <[email protected]>
1/3/2019 4:59:55 PM
Subject: RE: Agent Agreement Prior to Enrollment
Thank you.
Fr om : Albert son, Cour t ney [ mailt o:cal ber t son@ncaa.or g]
Se n t :
Thur sday, Januar y 3, 2019 3: 58 PM
Bar low , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar low @at hl et i cs. ut>
Su b j e c t : RE: A g e n t A g r e e m e n t Pr i o r t o En r o l l m e n t
Hello Blake,
Thank you f or co nt act i ng t he el i gi bi l it y cent er .
Fo r f u t u r e r e f e r e n ce , p l e ase f e e l f r e e t o p h o ne o ur Cu st o m e r Se r v i c e St af f at 8 77 - 5 4 4- 2 9 50 an d o r em a i l
for general inquiries.
Here ar e some t hi ngs t o consi der movi ng f or war d:
When the prospect registers wit h t he eligibilit y center, t hey should include information relative t o any agent and/ or advisor relationships.
Once t he pr ospect i s r egi st er ed, pl ease pr oact i vel y emai l t he co py of t he si gned agr eement t o
wit h the st udents name and ID# for t he eligibilit y cent er to include in t he prospect s
account as t he review begins.
The EC st af f d oes n ot t ypi cal l y communi cat e gui del ines r el at i ve t o agent act i vi t y p ri or t o any deci si on b ei ng r en der ed, as addi t i onal i nf o rmat i on m ay b e r equest ed f r om t h e st uden t , agen t o r member
institution prior to finalizing a decision as you noted below.
However , at any t ime t he member i nst it ut ion can seek general guidel ines by cont act ing t he nat ional off ice AM A st af f vi a t el ephone 317-917-
I also located the following link online (and attached the PDF version if that is easier to view)
http:/ / reinstatement/ student-athlete-reinstatement
(bot t om right-hand side
under the section Pre-Enrollment Amateurism Guidelines) to what appears to be the current guidelines available for DI awareness.
I hope this helps!
Si n c e r e l y ,
Co u r t n e y A .
Co u r t n e y A l b e r t s o n
Assi st ant Direct or of Cust omer Service, El i gibilit y Cent er
Fr om : Bar low , Bl ake L < Bl ake. Bar l ow @at hl et i cs. ut exas. ed u
Se n t :
Thur sday, Januar y 3, 2019 2: 00 PM
ACP Pr ocessing <
Su b j e c t :
Agent Agr eement Pr i or t o Enrol lment
My institution is recruiting a PSA who has presented us wit h a copy of an agreement he signed wit h an agent.
The PSA has i ndi cat ed t o our coaches t hat he never accept ed an y b en ef i t s f r om t he agen t
and t he agreement has since been t erminat ed; of cour se, t his informat ion woul d have t o be ver if i ed t hrough t he amat eurism r evi ew process. The PSA has not yet regist ered wit h t he EC at t his point .
My question is: does the EC staff have some general case review and/or penalty guidelines related to PSAs who have entered into representation agreements with agents prior to collegiate enrollment? I assume
this is a fairly common issue in so would like to give our coaches some guidance on what they can expect from a penalty standpoint if they continue recruiting this PSA.
Bl ake
Bl ake Bar l ow | Assi st an t At hl et i cs Di r ect o r, Ri sk M an agement an d Comp li an ce Ser vi ces | The Uni ver si t y of Texas
Of f ice 512-471-9778 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 7.818 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 | Twi t t er : @TexasCompl i an ce | Texas Co mpl i ance o n TexasSp or t s. co m
Winning with Integrity
Page 1
From: "Hammond, Lori V"
To: "Smith, Alex" <[email protected]>
CC: "Barlow, Blake L" <[email protected]>
"Marques, Jobrina" <[email protected]>
"Vaughn, Jerry" <[email protected]>
Date: 1/23/2019 5:32:58 PM
Subject: Re: Timely Issue
Let’s plan to talk tomorrow at 9am cst / 10am est. what number should I call?
Thanks for the timely response.
Lori Hammond
Senior Associate Athletics Director, Risk Management and Compliance Services
The University of Texas at Austin
512-471-7285 - O / 512-232-4361 - F
Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 23, 2019, at 5:04 PM, Smith, Alex <
I'm back at the national office but have openings in my schedule 9-10:30 a.m., noon-1 or 2-3 p.m. tomorrow. All ET.
Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7 active, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
-------- Original message --------
From: "Barlow, Blake L" <[email protected]>
Date: 1/23/19 5:18 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: "Smith, Alex" <[email protected]>
Cc: "Hammond, Lori V" <[email protected]>
Subject: Timely Issue
Lori and I wanted to see if we could schedule a call with you, ideally tomorrow, to discuss a
timely issue involving a student-athlete who is
currently unable to make her rent payments due to . We are exploring possible
ways to help and wanted to get the staff’s perspective on any precedent, interpretive or other, that could lead us to a solution.
I’m actually in Orlando right now for Convention, so if you are here I can find you at some point tomorrow. Of course feel free to refer me to
another source on staff if that is more appropriate.
Thanks in advance.
Page 1
"Hammond, Lori V"
Date: 1/25/2019 4:56:54 PM
Waiver follow up
Attachments: voice.wav
Thanks f or l ooki ng i nt o t hi s mat t er f ur t her . We ar e wor ki ng on what we can do i nst i t ut i onal l y and wi l l keep you i nf or med shoul d
we decide to move forward with a waiver.
Best ,
Lo r i H a m m o n d | Se n i o r A sso c i a t e A t h l e t i c s D i r e ct o r , Ri sk M a n a g e m e nt a nd Co m p l i a n c e Se r v i ce s | I n t e r co l l e g i a t e A t h l e t i c s | T h e U n i v e r si t y o f
Main Office 512-471-7285 | Direct Office 512-471-5569 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 5.576 | Campus Mail Code E2400 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 | Twit t er:
@TexasCompliance | Texas Compliance on
Winning with Integrity
Fr om:
Gal l o w ay, Lo r e n K <Lo r en . Gal l o w ay @at h l et i cs. u t exas. ed u >
Se n t :
Fr i d ay, Jan u ar y 25 , 201 9 1 : 09 PM
Hammond, Lor i V <lhammond@ut>
Sub j e ct : FW: New Co m p l i an ce Vo i ceM ai l
The at t ached voi cemai l i s f or you f r om Al ex Smi t h at t he NCAA.
Lo r e n Gal l oway | Ad mi n i st r at i v e Pr ogr am Co or d i n a t o r , At h l e t i c s Ri sk M an a g em e nt & Co m pl i an c e Ser v i c e s | T h e U ni v e r si t y o f T e x a s
Of f ice 512-471-7285 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 7.800 | Campus M ail Code E2400
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 2139 San Jacinto Blvd, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 | @TexasCompl iance | TexasSpor t
Winning with Integrity
Fr om:
UTVM-Administ rat or@aust in.ut
UTVM-Administ rat or@aust in.ut>
Se n t :
Fr i d ay, Jan u ar y 25 , 201 9 1 : 07 PM
Gal l o w ay, Lo r e n K < Lor en.Gal l o way@at hl et i cs. ut exas. edu >
Sub j e ct : New Compliance VoiceMail
Page 1
"Rohlman, Anne" <[email protected]>
To: "LeClere, Jenna" <[email protected]>
Date: 2/15/2019 4:04:44 PM
No. 127 Foreign Competition
Attachments: No 127 Foreign Competition.pdf
After a quick discussion with a colleague, we tend to agree with Iowa’s interpretation.
I believe the rationale supports it.
If you want, you can enter it
into RSRO.
Anne Rohlman
Associate Director of Academic and Membership Affairs
317-917-6748 |
P.O. Box 6222, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222
This email and any attachments may contain NCAA confidential and privileged information. If you are not the
intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return email, delete this message and destroy any
copies. Any dissemination or use of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is
unauthorized and may be illegal.
Page 1
Page 2
"Hammond, Lori V"
"Cooper, Shep" <[email protected]>
2/17/2019 1:35:23 PM
Re: Phone Call
Sounds good! Thanks in advance!
Lori Hammond
Senior Associate Athletics Director, Risk Management and Compliance Services
The University of Texas at Austin
512-471-7285 - O / 512-232-4361 - F
Sent from my iPhone
On Feb 17, 2019, at 11:52 AM, Cooper, Shep <
Lo r i :
3 p.m. Tuesday should work.
Ju s t g i v e m e a c a l l u s i n g m y w o r k n u m b e r ( b e l o w ) .
I’ll put it on my calendar.
Shepard C. “Shep CooperDirector, Office of the Committees on Infractions
w: 317-917-6951
f: 317-917-6565 |
700 West Washington Street, Indianapolis, IN 46204
Post Office Box 6222, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222
packages:1802 Alonzo Watford Sr. Dr., Indianapolis, IN 46202
Fr om :
Hammond, Lor i V <>
Se n t : Fr i d a y, Fe br u ar y 1 5, 2 01 9 1 1: 4 7 PM
Co o p e r , Sh e p <
scooper @ncaa.o r g>
Su b j e c t :
RE: Ph o n e Ca l l
Sh e p :
How about Tuesday at 2p cst / 3pm est . If t hat doesn t w or k we can t ry t o be f lexibl e. Let me know w hat number is best t o cal l.
En j o y y o u r w e e k e n d a n d I h o p e y o u a r e a b l e t o r e l a x a s w e l l .
Best ,
Lo r i H a m m o n d | Se n i o r A sso c i a t e A t h l e t i c s D i r e ct o r , Ri sk M a n a g e m e n t a n d Co m p l i a n c e Se r v i c e s | I n t e r c o l l e g i a t e A t h l e t i cs | T h e U n i v e r si t y o f T e x a s
Main Office 512-471-7285 | Direct Office 512-471-5569 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 5.576 | Campus Mail Code E2400 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 |
Twit t er : @TexasCompl iance
| Texas Compliance on TexasSport s. com
Winning with Integrity
Fr om :
Co o p e r , Sh e p <
scooper @ncaa.o r g>
Se n t :
Fr i d ay , Feb r u a r y 1 5, 20 1 9 2 : 42 PM
Hammond, Lor i V <>
Cc :
Bar l ow , Bl ake L <
Bl ake. Bar l ow @at h let i cs.u t exas.ed u>
Su b j e c t :
Re : P h o n e Ca l l
Lo r i :
I’ve been out of town since Wednesday and traveling today. Monday or Tuesday would work. Just email to me me a date and time and I’ll put it on my planner.
Have a rel axing weekend.
Sh e p
Se n t f r o m m y i P h o n e
On Feb 15, 2019, at 11: 11 AM , Ham mo nd , Lor i V <>
Sh e p :
I wanted to see if you had some time today or early next week to discuss some quest ions we have related to the applicat ion of show cause orders for a specific scenario. I do not think it would take more than 15-20 minutes. Thank you in advance for your time.
Best ,
Lo r i H a m m o n d | Se n i o r A sso c i a t e A t h l e t i c s D i r e ct o r , Ri sk M a n a g e m e n t a n d Co m p l i a n c e Se r v i c e s | I n t e r c o l l e g i a t e A t h l e t i cs | T h e U n i v e r si t y o f T e x a s
Main Office 512-471-7285 | Direct Office 512-471-5569 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 5.576 | Campus Mail Code E2400 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 |
Twit t er : @TexasCompl iance
| Texas Compliance on TexasSport s. com
Winning with Integrity
Page 1
"Rohlman, Anne" <[email protected]>
To: "LeClere, Jenna" <[email protected]>
Date: 2/21/2019 10:58:51 AM
RE: No. 127 Foreign Competition
Appreciate the heads up.
Feel free to say you already discussed with me.
LeCl er e, Jenna <Jenna.LeCl er e@at hl et i cs. ut exas. edu >
Se n t :
Thur sday, Febr uar y 21, 2019 11: 53 AM
Ro h l m a n , A n n e < a r o h l m a n @n c a a . o r g >
Su b j e ct : RE: N o . 1 2 7 Fo r e i g n Co m p e t i t i o n
Ro h l m an ,
Our spor t budget s f or 2019-20 wer e j ust i ssued t o coaches so we al r eady have anot her quest i on on t hi s. Just a heads up t hat
were going to enter it in RSRO so we have a formal response.
Yo u r e t h e b e st ,
Ro h l m a n , A n n e <
Se n t :
Fr i d ay, Fe br u ar y 15 , 201 9 4 : 0 5 PM
LeCl er e, Jenna <
Je n n a . Le Cl e r e @ a t h l e t i c s . u t e x a s . e d u >
Su b j e ct : No. 127 Foreign Compet it ion
After a quick discussion with a colleague, we tend to agree with Iowa’s interpretation.
I believe the rationale supports it.
If you want, you can enter it
into RSRO.
Anne Rohlman
Associate Director of Academic and Membership Affairs
317-917-6748 |
P.O. Box 6222, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222
This email and any attachments may contain NCAA confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended
recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return email, delete this message and destroy any copies. Any
dissemination or use of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is unauthorized and may be illegal.
Page 1
"Hammond, Lori V"
To: "Smith, Alex" <[email protected]>
"Barlow, Blake L" <[email protected]>
Date: 2/27/2019 12:47:47 PM
TIMELY: Financial Aid Question
Alex/ Jobrina:
I’m sorry to make an emergency on our campus your emergency, but I’ve been asked to have some initial conversations with the
NCAA t o clarify t he applicat ion of NCAA rules wit h changes being made inst it ut ionally t o our on-campus meal plan st ruct ure. Do
eit her of you have t ime t o talk today, if possible, before 3pm cst/ 4pm est ? If not before then, as soon as possible as
conversat ions are ongoing with our At hlet ics Direct or and campus officials about t he impact on our st udent -at hlet es before final
decisions are made.
So y o u h a v e a l i t t l e b ac k g r o u n d , w e a r e e sse n t i a l l y g o i n g f r o m a d e c l i n i n g d o l l a r s m e a l p l a n t o a r e q u i r e d u n l i m i t e d m e a l p l a n
with $600 declining dollars and based on our understanding of the application of NCAA rules this is going to financially impact our
on-campus student-athletes fairly significantly. I’d like to discuss the following:
1) Is it possible within NCAA rules for our on-campus scholarship SAs to “opt out of the unlimited meal plan and provide
our SAs the value of the unlimited meal plan plus $600 declining dollars as a board stipend. If so, does the ability to “opt
of the meal plan have to be available to students in general as well or can it be specific to student-athletes?;
Does t he unl i mit ed meal plan el i minat e t he need t o deduct t he val ue of t he t raining t able meal si nce t hey ar e alr eady
paying for unlimited meals at institutional dining facilities?
Thank you,
Lor i
Applicable NCAA Rules &
15.2.2 Room and Board.
An inst it ut ion may provide a st udent -at hlet e financial aid t hat includes t he cost of room and board,
based on the official allowance for a room as listed in the institution's official publication (e.g., catalog) and
a board allowance
that consists of three meals per day or the institution's maximum meal plan that is available to all students, whichever is greater.
(Revised: 10/ 28/ 99 effective 8/ 1/00, 1/ 18/14 effective 8/ 1/14) Room and Board Stipend.
An inst it ut ion may provide t he st udent -at hlet e an amount equal t o t he inst it ut ion's off icial on-
campus room allowance as list ed in it s cat alog, t he average of t he room costs of all of its st udent s living on campus or t he cost
of room as calculated based on its policies and procedures for calculating the cost of attendance for all students.
The i nst i t ut i on
also may provide t he st udent -at hlet e an amount t hat is equivalent t o t he value of t he maximum meal plan t hat is available t o all
st udent s or t he cost of meal s as calcul at ed based on i t s poli cies and pr ocedur es f or calcul at ing t he cost of at t endance f or all
st udent s, excluding t hose meals provided as par t of t he t r aini ng t abl e. M eal s pr ovided on t he t raini ng t abl e shall be deduct ed at
the regular cost figure from such a student-athlete's board allowance.
(Revised: 1/ 10/ 92, 11/12/ 97, 10/ 28/ 99 effective 8/ 1/00, 4
Page 1
/27/06 effective 8/1/06, 1/18/14 effective 8/1/14)
Official Int erpret ation
Providing Board Cost s Through Declini ng Balance Syst em (I )
Division: I
Date Published: Se p t e m b e r 0 6 , 2 0 0 0
Item Ref:
Interpretation: The subcommi t t ee cl ar if i ed t hat i f an i nst i t ut i on pr ovi des f i nanci al ai d t o cover t he cost of meal s t hr ough a
declining meal balance system (e.g., debit card system) rather than through a meal plan consisting of a specific number of meals
(e.g., 17-meal plan, 21-meal plan), it is permissible for an institution to provide a student-athlete with a dollar amount for meals
that is equivalent to the maximum board allowance for all students as calculated by the financial aid office and published in the
institution's catalog. [References: Bylaws 15.2.2 (room and board), (off-campus room and board stipend) and
(determination of off-campus board costs)]
Official Int erpret ation
Providing St i pends t o St udent -At hlet es for M eals Not Received in I nst it ut ional Dining Facilit ies (I )
Division: I
Date Published: Se p t e m b e r 3 0 , 1 9 9 9
Item Ref:
Interpretation: 4. Providing Stipends to Student-Athletes for Meals Not Received in Institutional Dining Facilities: (I) A student-
at hlet e who resides on- or off-campus and receives a board plan as part of a grant -in-aid may be provided a cash st ipend in an
amount equal t o t he on-campus value of meals covered by t he student -at hlet e's board plan t hat are not received at t he
institution's dining facility, provided institutional policy would permit any student at the institution who receives a board plan to
receive such cash stipend. In determining the amount of the cash stipend, the institution must adhere strictly to its own policies
for calculating the value of the meals received at institutional dining facilities (i.e., if it categorizes and assigns different values to
its breakfast, lunch and dinner meals). For example, if a student-athlete is awarded a 21-meal board plan but elects to receive a
14-meal board plan that specifically includes seven lunch meals and seven dinner meals, then the cash stipend must be
calculat ed based on t he act ual on-campus rat e for t he seven breakfast meals t he st udent -at hlet e would not be receiving at
institutional dining facilities. If the institution does not categorize or assign different values to the meals to be received under
the 14-meal board plan (i.e., the student-athlete is not restricted to receiving a specified number of breakfast, lunch and dinner
meals), the institution may provide a cash stipend equal to the difference between the cash value of the full 21-meal board plan
and t he cash value of t he 14-meal board plan. [Ref erences: Bylaws (full grant -in-aid) and 15.2.2 (room and board)]
Ed u ca t i o n a l Co l u m n
Proposal No. 2013-28 Financi al Ai d -- Element s of Financial Aid -- Room and Board -- M aximum M eal Plan (I )
Division: I
Date Published: April 03, 2014
Item Ref:
Ed u ca t i o n a l Co l u m n :
Page 2
Ed i t o r ' s N o t e : Th i s ed u c a t i o n a l c o l u m n i s r e f l e c t i v e o f t h e Qu e s t i o n a n d A n s w e r D o c u m e n t i n e f f e c t a s o f t h e a d o p t i o n o f t h e
proposal January 19, 2014.
Thi s document cont ai ns quest i ons and answer (s) t o assi st t he NCAA member shi p i n i t s under st andi ng of Pr oposal No. 2013-28
(room and board -- maximum meal plan).
Quest ion No. 1:
May a student-athlete's meal plan provide for unlimited meals and any benefits that extend beyond the
provision of meals (e.g., additional campus dollars that may or may not be restricted to dining facilities only, a limited number of
"guest" access passes t hat allow a student t o dine accompanied on occasion).
Answer: Ye s , p r o v i d ed t h e m e a l p l a n i s a v a i l a b l e t o a l l s t u d en t s .
16.5.1 General Rule. [A]
An inst it ut ion is required t o apply t he same housing policies t o st udent -at hlet es as it applies t o t he st udent body in general.
Dur ing t he academi c year , t he i nst it ut ion may not house st udent -at hl et es i n at hl et ics dor mit ories or at hl et ics bl ocks wi t hin
institutional or privately owned dormitories or apartment buildings (when the institution arranges for the housing) on those
days when institutional dormitories are open to the general student body. [R] (Adopted: 10/ 1/01 effective 8/ 1/02, Revised: 8/ 7
Lo r i H a m m o n d | Se n i o r A sso c i a t e A t h l e t i c s D i r e ct o r , Ri sk M a n a g e m e nt a nd Co m p l i a n c e Se r v i ce s | I n t e r co l l e g i a t e A t h l e t i c s | T h e U n i v e r si t y o f
Main Office 512-471-7285 | Direct Office 512-471-5569 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 7.804 | Campus Mail Code E2400 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 | Twit t er:
@TexasCompliance | Texas Compliance on
Winning with Integrity
Fr om:
Bar l ow , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar low@at hlet i cs.ut>
Se n t :
Tuesday, Febr uar y 26, 2019 3:27 PM
Sm i t h , Al e x <a sm i t h @n c a a . o r g >
Cc: Hammond, Lor i V <lhammond@ut>
Sub j e ct : Fi n an ci al Ai d Qu est i o n
I have another financial aid question that I’d like to get your feedback on before submitting anything formally through RSRO. This
one is regarding and unlimited meal plans for on-campus residents. Do you have time for a quick call on Thursday or
Fr i d ay of t h i s w eek ?
Bl ake
Page 3
Bl ake Bar l ow | Assi st ant At hlet ics Di rect or , Ri sk M anagement and Compl i ance Ser vi ces | The Uni versi t y of Texas
Of fi ce 512-471-9778 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 7.818 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 | Twi t t er :
@TexasCompl iance | Texas Compl i ance on TexasSpor t
Winning with Integrity
Page 4
"Hammond, Lori V"
To: "Barlow, Blake L" <[email protected]>
"Lipscomb, Gordon L" <[email protected]>
Date: 2/27/2019 2:41:47 PM
RE: TIMELY: Financial Aid Question
I made notes below based on Alexs response so please confirm accurate from your understanding and also feel free to
incorporate anything else as well.
Lo r i H a m m o n d | Se n i o r A sso c i a t e A t h l e t i c s D i r e ct o r , Ri sk M a n a g e m e nt a nd Co m p l i a n c e Se r v i ce s | I n t e r co l l e g i a t e A t h l e t i c s | T h e U n i v e r si t y o f
Main Office 512-471-7285 | Direct Office 512-471-5569 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 7.804 | Campus Mail Code E2400 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 | Twit t er:
@TexasCompliance | Texas Compliance on
Winning with Integrity
Fr om:
Sm i t h , Al e x <a sm i t h @n c a a . o r g >
Se n t :
Wednesday, February 27, 2019 12:56 PM
Hammond, Lor i V <lhammond@ut>; M arques, Jobrina <j mar>
Cc: Bar low , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar l ow @at hl et i cs.ut>; Ri char dson, Kr is <kr i char dson@ncaa.or g>
Sub j e ct : RE: TI M ELY: Fi n a n c i a l A i d Qu e s t i o n
I can be open for a call at 3pm ET
Alex Smith
Associate Director of Academic and Membership Affairs
317-917-6596 |
317-966-6764 |
P.O. Box 6222, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222
Fr om:
Hammond, Lor i V <>
Se n t :
Wednesday, February 27, 2019 1:48 PM
Sm i t h , Al e x < asmit
>; Marques, Jobrina <>
Cc: Bar low , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar l ow @at hl et i cs.ut>
Sub j e ct : TIM ELY: Financi al Ai d Quest i on
Alex/ Jobrina:
I’m sorry to make an emergency on our campus your emergency, but I’ve been asked to have some initial conversations with the
Page 1
NCAA t o clarify t he applicat ion of NCAA rules wit h changes being made inst it ut ionally t o our on-campus meal plan st ruct ure. Do
eit her of you have t ime t o talk today, if possible, before 3pm cst/ 4pm est ? If not before then, as soon as possible as
conversat ions are ongoing with our At hlet ics Direct or and campus officials about t he impact on our st udent -at hlet es before final
decisions are made.
So y o u h a v e a l i t t l e b ac k g r o u n d , w e a r e e sse n t i a l l y g o i n g f r o m a d e c l i n i n g d o l l a r s m e a l p l a n t o a r e q u i r e d u n l i m i t e d m e a l p l a n
with $600 declining dollars and based on our understanding of the application of NCAA rules this is going to financially impact our
on-campus student-athletes fairly significantly. I’d like to discuss the following:
1) Is it possible within NCAA rules for our on-campus scholarship SAs to “opt out of the unlimited meal plan and provide
our SAs the value of the unlimited meal plan plus $600 declining dollars as a board stipend. If so, does the ability to “opt
of the meal plan have to be available to students in general as well or can it be specific to student-athletes?;
A.Smit h: NCAA legislat ion doesnt override inst it ut ional policy. If inst it ut ional policy requires t he unlimit ed meal plan
for all students on campus, the same would have to be applied to SA’s, thus, an opt out
option must be available to
st ud ent s i n ge ne r al and not i sol at ed t o SA’ s ot h er w i se yo u w oul d be l ooki n g at an ext r a be ne f i t i ssue i n t ha t i t ’ s bei ng
provided to SAs when not generally available to other students.
Does t he unl i mit ed meal plan el i minat e t he need t o deduct t he val ue of t he t raining t able meal si nce t hey ar e alr eady
paying for unlimited meals at institutional dining facilities?
A.Smit h: You would not have t o deduct t he training t able cost for on-campus st udent -at hlet es on full board who have
the unlimited meal plan. However, you would need to determine a meal cost and deduct it for those not on full board
sch ol a r shi p or f or of f - ca mpus SA s on f u l l boa r d, bu t no t payi n g f or an unl i mi t ed me al pl a n.
Thank you,
Lor i
Applicable NCAA Rules &
15.2.2 Room and Board.
An inst it ut ion may provide a st udent -at hlet e financial aid t hat includes t he cost of room and board,
based on the official allowance for a room as listed in the institution's official publication (e.g., catalog) and
a board allowance
that consists of three meals per day or the institution's maximum meal plan that is available to all students, whichever is greater.
(Revised: 10/ 28/ 99 effective 8/ 1/00, 1/ 18/14 effective 8/ 1/14) Room and Board Stipend.
An inst it ut ion may provide t he st udent -at hlet e an amount equal t o t he inst it ut ion's off icial on-
campus room allowance as list ed in it s cat alog, t he average of t he room costs of all of its st udent s living on campus or t he cost
of room as calculated based on its policies and procedures for calculating the cost of attendance for all students.
The i nst i t ut i on
also may provide t he st udent -at hlet e an amount t hat is equivalent t o t he value of t he maximum meal plan t hat is available t o all
st udent s or t he cost of meal s as calcul at ed based on i t s poli cies and pr ocedur es f or calcul at ing t he cost of at t endance f or all
st udent s, excluding t hose meals provided as par t of t he t r aini ng t abl e. M eal s pr ovided on t he t raini ng t abl e shall be deduct ed at
the regular cost figure from such a student-athlete's board allowance.
(Revised: 1/ 10/ 92, 11/12/ 97, 10/ 28/ 99 effective 8/ 1/00, 4
/27/06 effective 8/1/06, 1/18/14 effective 8/1/14)
Page 2
Official Int erpret ation
Providing Board Cost s Through Declini ng Balance Syst em (I )
Division: I
Date Published: Se p t e m b e r 0 6 , 2 0 0 0
Item Ref:
Interpretation: The subcommi t t ee cl ar if i ed t hat i f an i nst i t ut i on pr ovi des f i nanci al ai d t o cover t he cost of meal s t hr ough a
declining meal balance system (e.g., debit card system) rather than through a meal plan consisting of a specific number of meals
(e.g., 17-meal plan, 21-meal plan), it is permissible for an institution to provide a student-athlete with a dollar amount for meals
that is equivalent to the maximum board allowance for all students as calculated by the financial aid office and published in the
institution's catalog. [References: Bylaws 15.2.2 (room and board), (off-campus room and board stipend) and
(determination of off-campus board costs)]
Official Int erpret ation
Providing St i pends t o St udent -At hlet es for M eals Not Received in I nst it ut ional Dining Facilit ies (I )
Division: I
Date Published: Se p t e m b e r 3 0 , 1 9 9 9
Item Ref:
Interpretation: 4. Providing Stipends to Student-Athletes for Meals Not Received in Institutional Dining Facilities: (I) A student-
at hlet e who resides on- or off-campus and receives a board plan as part of a grant -in-aid may be provided a cash st ipend in an
amount equal t o t he on-campus value of meals covered by t he student -at hlet e's board plan t hat are not received at t he
institution's dining facility, provided institutional policy would permit any student at the institution who receives a board plan to
receive such cash stipend. In determining the amount of the cash stipend, the institution must adhere strictly to its own policies
for calculating the value of the meals received at institutional dining facilities (i.e., if it categorizes and assigns different values to
its breakfast, lunch and dinner meals). For example, if a student-athlete is awarded a 21-meal board plan but elects to receive a
14-meal board plan that specifically includes seven lunch meals and seven dinner meals, then the cash stipend must be
calculat ed based on t he act ual on-campus rat e for t he seven breakfast meals t he st udent -at hlet e would not be receiving at
institutional dining facilities. If the institution does not categorize or assign different values to the meals to be received under
the 14-meal board plan (i.e., the student-athlete is not restricted to receiving a specified number of breakfast, lunch and dinner
meals), the institution may provide a cash stipend equal to the difference between the cash value of the full 21-meal board plan
and t he cash value of t he 14-meal board plan. [Ref erences: Bylaws (full grant -in-aid) and 15.2.2 (room and board)]
Ed u ca t i o n a l Co l u m n
Proposal No. 2013-28 Financi al Ai d -- Element s of Financial Aid -- Room and Board -- M aximum M eal Plan (I )
Division: I
Date Published: April 03, 2014
Item Ref:
Ed u ca t i o n a l Co l u m n :
Ed i t o r ' s N o t e : Th i s ed u c a t i o n a l c o l u m n i s r e f l e c t i v e o f t h e Qu e s t i o n a n d A n s w e r D o c u m e n t i n e f f e c t a s o f t h e a d o p t i o n o f t h e
proposal January 19, 2014.
Page 3
Thi s document cont ai ns quest i ons and answer (s) t o assi st t he NCAA member shi p i n i t s under st andi ng of Pr oposal No. 2013-28
(room and board -- maximum meal plan).
Quest ion No. 1:
May a student-athlete's meal plan provide for unlimited meals and any benefits that extend beyond the
provision of meals (e.g., additional campus dollars that may or may not be restricted to dining facilities only, a limited number of
"guest" access passes t hat allow a student t o dine accompanied on occasion).
Answer: Ye s , p r o v i d ed t h e m e a l p l a n i s a v a i l a b l e t o a l l s t u d en t s .
16.5.1 General Rule. [A]
An inst it ut ion is required t o apply t he same housing policies t o st udent -at hlet es as it applies t o t he st udent body in general.
Dur ing t he academi c year , t he i nst it ut ion may not house st udent -at hl et es i n at hl et ics dor mit ories or at hl et ics bl ocks wi t hin
institutional or privately owned dormitories or apartment buildings (when the institution arranges for the housing) on those
days when institutional dormitories are open to the general student body. [R] (Adopted: 10/ 1/01 effective 8/ 1/02, Revised: 8/ 7
Lo r i H a m m o n d | Se n i o r A sso c i a t e A t h l e t i c s D i r e ct o r , Ri sk M a n a g e m e nt a nd Co m p l i a n c e Se r v i ce s | I n t e r co l l e g i a t e A t h l e t i c s | T h e U n i v e r si t y o f
Main Office 512-471-7285 | Direct Office 512-471-5569 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 7.804 | Campus Mail Code E2400 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 | Twit t er:
@TexasCompliance | Texas Compliance on
Winning with Integrity
Fr om:
Bar l ow , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar low@at hl et i cs.ut>
Se n t :
Tuesday, Febr uar y 26, 2019 3:27 PM
Sm i t h , Al e x < asmit>
Cc: Hammond, Lor i V <>
Sub j e ct : Fi n an ci al Ai d Qu est i o n
I have another financial aid question that I’d like to get your feedback on before submitting anything formally through RSRO. This
one is regarding and unlimited meal plans for on-campus residents. Do you have time for a quick call on Thursday or
Fr i d ay of t h i s w eek ?
Bl ake
Bl ake Bar l ow | Assi st ant At hlet ics Di rect or , Ri sk M anagement and Compl i ance Ser vi ces | The Uni versi t y of Texas
Of fi ce 512-471-9778 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 7.818 |
Page 4
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 | Twi t t er :
@TexasCompl iance | Texas Compl i ance on TexasSpor t
Winning with Integrity
Page 5
"Hammond, Lori V"
To: "Barlow, Blake L" <[email protected]>
ATH-Compliance <[email protected]>
3/8/2019 5:14:04 PM
RE: Iron - 3rd party tested
Lor en:
Pl e ase sav e t h i s i n i n t er p s f o r f u t u r e r ef er e nce.
Lo r i H a m m o n d | Se n i o r A sso c i a t e A t h l e t i c s D i r e ct o r , Ri sk M a n a g e m e nt a nd Co m p l i a n c e Se r v i ce s | I n t e r co l l e g i a t e A t h l e t i c s | T h e U n i v e r si t y o f
Main Office 512-471-7285 | Direct Office 512-471-5569 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 7.804 | Campus Mail Code E2400 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 | Twit t er:
@TexasCompliance | Texas Compliance on
Winning with Integrity
Fr om:
Bar l ow , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar low@at hl et i cs.ut>
Se n t :
Fr i d ay, M ar ch 8 , 20 19 3: 2 4 PM
ATH-Compliance <Compliance@at hlet ics.ut>
Sub j e ct : FW : I r o n - 3 r d par t y t est ed
Fr om:
Dur den, LaGwyn []
Se n t :
Fr i d ay, M ar ch 8 , 20 19 2: 4 9 PM
Amy R Culp <Amy.Culp@at hlet ics.ut>; Barlow, Blake L <Bl ake.Bar low @at hl et i cs.ut>; Hardin, Allen <
Allen.Har din@at hlet ics.ut>
Sub j e ct : RE: I r o n - 3 r d p a r t y t e st e d
Hi Amy and Happy Fr iday,
Thanks f or br ingi ng t hi s back t o my at t ent i on. Yes, I have hear d back and i t ’ s as w e di scussed. Ther e i s no wi ggl e r oom. If a
supplement has an imper missi bl e i ngr edi ent (even at t r ace amount s) t he inst i t ut ion i s not per mit t ed t o pr ovide t o i t s SAs. Let
me know if you have any other questions.
En j o y y o u r w e e k e n d .
Fr om:
Amy R Culp <Amy.Culp@at hlet ics.ut>
Se n t :
Wednesday, March 6, 2019 5:59 PM
Page 1
Bar l ow , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar low@at hl et i cs.ut
>; Durden, LaGwyn <>; Hardin, Allen <
Allen.Har din@at hlet ics.ut>
Sub j e ct : RE: I r o n - 3 r d p a r t y t e st e d
Hi LaGwyn,
Hope you r e well. Cu r i o u s t o s e e i f y o u v e h ear d a n y t h i n g b a c k ab o u t t h i s ?
Fr om:
Bar l ow , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar low@at hl et i cs.ut>
Se n t :
Tuesday, Febr uar y 5, 2019 8: 00 PM
Amy R Culp <Amy.Culp@at hlet ics.ut>
Sub j e ct : RE: I r o n - 3 r d p a r t y t e st e d
Per f ect , t h an k s.
Fr om:
Amy R Culp
Se n t :
Tuesday, Febr uar y 5, 2019 7: 55 PM
Bar l ow , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar low@at hl et i cs.ut>
; Hardin, Allen <
Allen.Har din@at hlet ics.ut>
Sub j e ct : Re : I r o n - 3 r d p a r t y t e s t e d
LaGw yn cal l ed me t hi s even i ng an d sai d she i s goi ng t o r un i t by AM A f or an ot her poi n t of vi ew . Sh e s out of t he of f i ce un t i l next
week though.
Se n t f r o m m y i P h o n e
Amy Culp, RD, CSSD, LD
Assist ant AD - Per f ormance Nut r it ion
The Uni ver si t y of Texas
On Feb 5, 2019, at 7:48 PM , Bar l ow , Bl ake L <
Bl ake.Bar low@at hl et i cs.ut> wrote:
LaGw yn,
Page 2
Ch i m i n g i n h e r e f r o m a c o m p l i a n ce s t a n d p o i n t we thought it would be more appropriate for this quest ion to go to
your side of the NCAA first inst ead of the AMA interpretive cont acts given your understanding of the actual
applicat ion of t he NCAA supplement guidelines. We can cert ainly re-rout e t his t hrough AMA if t hat is t he proper
Thanks f or your i nput . Hope you ar e doi ng w el l !
Bl ake Bar l ow | Assi st ant At hlet ics Di rect or , Ri sk M anagement and Compl i ance Ser vi ces | The Uni ver si t y of Texas
Of f i ce 512-471-9778 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 7.818 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712
| Twi t t er : @TexasCompl i ance | Texas Compl i ance on TexasSpor t
<image002.j pg>
Winning with Integrity
Fr om:
Amy R Culp
Se n t :
Tuesday, Febr uar y 5, 2019 4: 57 PM
Har din, Allen <
Allen.Har din@at hlet ics.ut>; Barlow, Blake L <Bl ake.Bar l ow @at hl et i cs.ut>
Sub j e ct : Iron - 3rd party tested
Hi LaGwyn,
I hope you’re well!
Thi ngs ar e r ol l i ng al ong her e!
I need your feedback on a wall I’m running into.
I have been working to change all the OTC dietary supplements (Vitamin D, calcium, etc.) we provide to
tested products.
I have been unsuccessful in finding an iron that is 3
party tested and provides the iron we need to provide.
product we have given for years comes from the UT pharmacy, but is not 3
party tested.
The onl y one I can f i nd t hat i s 3
party tested has trace amounts of leucine as an ingredient. https:/ / iron-bisglycinate
I was told this is used in processing for binding/ flow vs other agents that can impact absorption. It is a trace
amount of leucine, significant ly under what would be required t o t urn on mTOR, which was t he int ent ion of t he
rule for no individual amino acids.
Also, t he pr oduct is not promot ed as a muscle building supplement , it s clearly
marketed as an iron supplement.
Is this a product that we could provide for our SAs to provide increased assurance of safety and decreased risk of
cont aminat ion of banned substances knowing t hat t he amount of leucine is t oo low t o st imulat e muscle prot ein
synt hesi s?
Thank you f or your i nsi ght . Pl ease l et m e kn o w of qu est i o n s.
Page 3
Thank you!
Amy Culp, RD, CSSD, LD | Assistant Athletics Director, Performance Nutrition | Intercollegiate Athletics | The University of
Texas |
|Office 512-232-3856 | Cell 512-517-7624 | Fax 512-232-5054 | NEZ B1.061 | Campus Mail
Code E2400 |
| Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 Overnight/Delivery
Address (Olympic Sports/Central Receiving): 2139 San Jacinto Boulevard, NEZ B1.061, Austin, TX 78712
Winning with Integrit y ™
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If you are not the intended recipient, you are
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<Nutritional Supplements.pdf>
Page 4
From: "Rohlman, Anne" <[email protected]>
To: "Mabry, Lisa" <[email protected]>
Date: 4/2/2019 11:08:20 AM
RE: Varsity Squad Limit
I totally agree!
I apologize that I was confusing financial aid legislation and the new voluntary withdrawal language.
As your SA did withdraw prior to the first scheduled contest, the situation does
meet the existing exception.
Thanks much for doing the extra work.
Fr om: Mabry, Lisa <>
Se n t : Tuesday, Apr il 2, 2019 11: 54 AM
To: Ro h l m a n , A n n e < a r o h l m a n @n c a a . o r g >
Su bj e c t : Varsit y Squad Limit
Thank you agai n f or di scussi ng o ur case t hi s mor ni ng! I w ant ed t o f ol l ow up because i n l ooki ng a l i t t l e mor e cl osel y at t he l egi sl at i on whi l e pr epar ing our
waiver request, I am not so sure a waiver is needed. Specifically, the below exception, that went into effect this year, allows us to replace a counter (see
at t ached proposal with rationale) wit h a non-scholarship at hlet e. Here are a f ew f act s relat ed t o t he SA’s wit hdrawal.
SA r e t u r n e d b o o k s p r i o r t o t h e st a r t o f sp r i n g t e r m
SA o f f i c i a l l y w i t h d r e w f r o m c o u r se s o n t h e
Institution began interpretive process on counter status for spring term to determine if aid could be re-awarded
Institution did not consider or discuss roster status and continued to count against 35
The l egi sl at ion does not speci f y t hat t he r epl acement must occur pr ior t o t he f i rst schedule cont est , onl y t hat t he r epl aced SA mu st w it hdr aw pr ior t o t he
first scheduled contest. Would you agree the timing is not an issue? Also, we did not have the SA sign a voluntary withdrawal form as he withdrew from
classes and t ransferred t o . The legislation does not apply to those who have requested PTC (or indicated intent to transfer), but in this
case t he SA act ually did t ransfer. Exception -- Voluntary Withdrawal.
An inst it ut ion may r eplace a var sit y squad member who vol unt ar il y (on his own init iat i ve) wit hdraws f rom t he t eam for personal r easons bef or e t he i nst it ut ions f ir st
schedul ed compet i t ion i n t he champi onshi p segment . A st udent -at hlet e' s r equest f or wr it t en per mi ssi on t o cont act anot her f our -year col l egiat e i nst i t ut ion r egarding a
possible transfer does not constitute a voluntary withdrawal. The student-athlete selected as a replacement shall not have previously received athletically related financial aid
and must have par t icipat ed wit h t he t eam during t he fall t erm. (Adopt ed: 4/ 25/ 18 ef fect ive 8/ 1/ 18, Revised: 10/ 12/ 18)
Li sa M abr y | Asso ci at e Di r ect or , Ri sk M an agemen t an d Co mpl i ance Ser vi ces | Th e Un i ver si t y o f Texas
Of f i ce 512-471-8065 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 5.572 | Campus M ai l Code E2400 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 2139 San Jacinto Blvd, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 | Tw it t er : @TexasCompl i ance |
Texas Compl i ance on
TexasSpor t
Winning with Integrity
Page 1
From: "Barlow, Blake L"
To: EC-Amateurism <[email protected]>
1/3/2019 2:35:35 PM
Subject: RE: Preenrollment Agent Agreement
Thi s i s ver y h el pf ul . Thank you Ashl ey!
Bl ake Bar l ow | Assi st an t At hl et i cs Di r ect o r, Ri sk M an agement an d Comp li an ce Ser vi ces | The Uni ver si t y of Texas
Of f ice 512-471-9778 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 7.818 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address:
403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206
, Austin, TX 78712 |
Tw it t er : @TexasCompl i an ce | Texas Co mpl i ance o n TexasSp or t s. co m
Winning with Integrity
From: EC- A m a t e u r i s m [ m a i l t o : e c - a m a t e u r i s m @ n c a a . o r g ]
Se nt :
Thur sday, Januar y 3, 2019 2: 10 PM
Bar low , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar low @at hl et i cs. ut exas. ed u>
Su b j e ct : RE: Pr e e n r o l l m e n t A g e n t A g r e e m e n t
Bl ake,
Happy New Year !
Bel ow i s a l i nk t o t he pr e-enr ol l men t amat eur i sm st uden t -at hl et e r ei nst at ement gui del i nes t hat w il l gi ve you a st ar t i ng poi nt i n t er ms of t he possi bl e p en al t y t hi s young could be facing.
Li ke yo u sai d b el o w , t h er e ar e a l o t of f act o r s t h at
coul d
impact the final decision such as the nature of the agreement, how/when it was terminated, what actions the agent took on the PSA’s behalf, etc.
I would
also advise you t o speak wit h Brad Rochman on t he SAR staff.
He will be able t o pr ovide you wi t h more clar it y t han I can in t erms of t he r ei nst at ement process.
http:/ / default/ files/ May2018DIACP_Guidelines_20180723.pdf
Pl e ase l e t m e k no w i f yo u h av e an y q u e st i o n s as t h i s PSA s ce r t i f i c at i o n pr o g r e sse s.
Ashl ey
Ashley Thornburg
Associate Director of Amateurism Review, NCAA Eligibility Center
317-223-0759 |
P.O. Box 6222, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222
From: Bar l ow , Bl ake L < Bl ake.Bar low @at hl et i cs. ut exas. ed u
Se nt :
Thur sday, Januar y 3, 2019 1: 22 PM
To: EC- A m a t e u r i s m <
Su b j e ct : Pr e en r o l l m e n t Age n t Agr e em e nt
My institution is recruiting a PSA who has present ed a copy of an agreement he signed wit h an agent .
The PSA has i ndi cat ed t o our coaches t hat he never accept ed an y b en ef i t s f r om t he agen t and
the agreement has since been terminated; of course, this information would have to be verified through the amateurism review process.
My question is: does the EC staff have some general case review and/or penalty guidelines related to PSAs who have entered into representation agreements with agents prior to collegiate enrollment? I assume
this is a fairly common issue in so would like to give our coaches some guidance on what they can expect from a penalty standpoint if they continue recruiting this PSA.
Bl ake
Bl ake Bar l ow | Assi st an t At hl et i cs Di r ect o r, Ri sk M an agement an d Comp li an ce Ser vi ces | The Uni ver si t y of Texas
Of f ice 512-471-9778 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 7.818 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 | Twi t t er : @TexasCompl i an ce | Texas Co mpl i ance o n TexasSp or t s. co m
Winning with Integrity
Page 1
"Barlow, Blake L"
To: "Rochman, Brad" <[email protected]>
Date: 1/11/2019 3:25:08 PM
RE: Preenrollment Agent Agreement
Will do. Thanks.
Ro c h m a n , Br a d [ m a i l t o : b r o c h m a n @n c a a . o r g ]
Se n t :
Fr i d ay, Jan u ar y 11 , 201 9 3 : 19 PM
Bar l ow , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar low@at hl et i cs.ut>
Su b j e ct : RE: Pr e e n r o l l m e n t A g e n t A g r e e m e n t
On my calendar. You can call my office if that works for you: 317-917-6744.
Have a great weekend.
Brad Rochman
Associate Director of Academic and Membership Affairs
317-917-6744 |
317-917-6736 |
P.O. Box 6222, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222
Bar l ow , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar low@at hl et i cs.ut>
Se n t :
Fr i d ay, Jan u ar y 11 , 201 9 4 : 17 PM
Ro c h m a n , Br a d <>
Su b j e ct : RE: Pr e e n r o l l m e n t A g e n t A g r e e m e n t
How about 2:00 cent ral t ime on M onday?
Bl ake Bar l ow | Assi st ant At hlet ics Di rect or , Ri sk M anagement and Compl i ance Ser vi ces | The Uni ver si t y of Texas
Of f i ce 512-471-9778 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 7.818 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 | Tw i t t er :
@TexasCompl iance | Texas Compl i ance on TexasSpor t
Winning with Integrity
Ro c h m a n , Br a d []
Se n t :
Fr i d ay, Jan u ar y 11 , 201 9 1 : 49 PM
Bar l ow , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar low@at hl et i cs.ut>
Su b j e ct : RE: Pr e e n r o l l m e n t A g e n t A g r e e m e n t
Page 1
Thanks for your email. New Orleans was great, and that was quite a game. Bevo setting the tone early on was the key!
I’m happy to discuss starting points for analysis in these types of cases. Next week I’m pretty available Monday afternoon and Thursday morning.
Either would work. Let me know what date/time is good for you and I’ll get it on my calendar so I make sure I’m available.
Brad Rochman
Associate Director of Academic and Membership Affairs
317-917-6744 |
317-917-6736 |
P.O. Box 6222, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222
Bar l ow , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar low@at hl et i cs.ut>
Se n t :
Fr i d ay, Jan u ar y 11 , 201 9 1 : 41 PM
Ro c h m a n , Br a d <>
Su b j e ct : FW : Pr een r o l l m en t Agen t Agr e em en t
Br ad,
I assume you have recovered from your time in New Orleans by now? Hope you had a great time.
Ashley Thornburg ref erred me t o you t o t alk t hr ough a r einst at ement issue involving a pot ent ial PSA. Our st aff is
considering f urt her recruit ment of t his PSA but has asked f or more informat ion relat ed t o any pot ent ial wit hholding condit ions
is facing because of an agreement with an agent . I understand that t hese scenarios are very fact-specific but Id like to get
some gener al t hought s f r om you on t his case.
Let me know w hat your avai l ab i l i t y l oo ks l i ke next w eek.
Bl ake
Bl ake Bar l ow | Assi st ant At hlet ics Di rect or , Ri sk M anagement and Compl i ance Ser vi ces | The Uni ver si t y of Texas
Of f i ce 512-471-9778 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 7.818 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 | Tw i t t er :
@TexasCompl iance | Texas Compl i ance on TexasSpor t
Winning with Integrity
Page 2
EC- A m a t e u r i s m []
Se n t :
Thur sday, Januar y 3, 2019 2:10 PM
Bar l ow , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar low@at hl et i cs.ut>
Su b j e ct : RE: Pr e e n r o l l m e n t A g e n t A g r e e m e n t
Bl ake,
Happy New Year !
Bel ow i s a l i nk t o t he pr e-enr ol l ment amat eur i sm st udent -at hl et e r ei nst at ement gui del i nes t hat wi l l gi ve you a
st ar t i ng point i n t er ms of t he possibl e penalt y t his young coul d be f aci ng.
Li ke yo u sai d bel ow , t her e ar e a l ot of f act o r s t hat
could impact the final decision such as the nature of the agreement, how/when it was terminated, what actions the agent took
on the PSAs behalf, etc. I would also advise you to speak with Brad Rochman on the SAR staff.
He wil l be able t o provi de you
with more clarity than I can in terms of the reinstatement process.
http:/ / sites/ default/ files/ May2018DIACP_Guidelines_20180723.pdf
Pl e ase l et me kn ow i f yo u h ave an y q u est i o n s as t h i s PSA s cer t i f i cat i o n p r o gr esses.
Ashley Thornburg
Associate Director of Amateurism Review, NCAA Eligibility Center
317-223-0759 |
P.O. Box 6222, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222
Bar l ow , Bl ake L <Bl ake.Bar low@at hl et i cs.ut>
Se n t :
Thur sday, Januar y 3, 2019 1:22 PM
EC- A m a t e u r i s m <>
Su b j e ct : Pr een r o l l m en t Agen t Agr eem en t
Hel lo,
My institution is recruiting a PSA who has presented a copy of an agreement he signed wit h an agent . The PSA has
indicated to our coaches that he never accepted any benefits from the agent and the agreement has since been terminated; of
course, t his informat ion would have t o be verified t hrough t he amat eurism review process.
Page 3
My question is: does the EC staff have some general case review and/or penalty guidelines related to PSAs who have entered
into representation agreements with agents prior to collegiate enrollment? I assume this is a fairly common issue in so
would like to give our coaches some guidance on what they can expect from a penalty standpoint if they continue recruiting this
Bl ake
Bl ake Bar l ow | Assi st ant At hlet ics Di rect or , Ri sk M anagement and Compl i ance Ser vi ces | The Uni ver si t y of Texas
Of f i ce 512-471-9778 | Fax 512-232-4361 | NEZ 7.818 |
Mailing Address: PO Box 7399, Austin, TX 78713 | Overnight/Delivery Address: 403 DeLoss Dodds Way, RMRZ B.206, Austin, TX 78712 | Tw i t t er :
@TexasCompl iance | Texas Compl i ance on TexasSpor t
Winning with Integrity
Page 4
Robert S Davis
From: Barlow, Blake L
Thursday, January 31, 2019 1:01 PM
Capehart, Emily
RE: Case 1044104: University of Texas at Austin
Idothinkitwouldbehelpfultoincludetheredac tedletterasareferenceforthecommittee.
Office5124719778|Fax5122324361|NEZ7.818|[email protected]
Winning with Integrity
From:Capehart,Emily[mailto:[email protected]]
To:Barlow,BlakeL<[email protected]>
uldyoumind/likeforstafftoincludearedactedversionofthetransferreleasefrom If
not,we’llleaveitoutandjustreferencethelang uageusedjustwantedtocheckwithyoubeforewewenteither
Emily Capehart
ssociate Director of Academic and Membership Affairs
w: 317-917-6753 |
P.O. Box 6222, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222
From:Barlow,BlakeL<[email protected]>
Cc:ATHCompliance<[email protected] du>;Capehart,Emily<[email protected]>
Office5124719778|Fax5122324361|NEZ7.818|[email protected]
Winning with Integrity
From:Capehart,Emily[mailto:[email protected]]
To:Barlow,BlakeL<[email protected]>
Emily Capehart
ssociate Director of Academic and Membership Affairs
w: 317-917-6753 |
P.O. Box 6222, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222
From:Barlow,BlakeL<[email protected]>
To:Capehart,Emily<[email protected]>
Office5124719778|Fax5122324361|NEZ7.818|[email protected]
Winning with Integrity
From:Capehart,Emily[mailto:[email protected]]
To:Barlow,BlakeL<[email protected]>
Emily Capehart
ssociate Director of Academic and Membership Affairs
w: 317-917-6753 |
P.O. Box 6222, Indianapolis, IN 46206-6222
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