ASGI Documentation
Release 3.0
Sep 30, 2024
1 Introduction 3
2 Specifications 5
3 Extensions 25
4 Implementations 31
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) is a spiritual successor to WSGI, intended to provide a standard inter-
face between async-capable Python web servers, frameworks, and applications.
Where WSGI provided a standard for synchronous Python apps, ASGI provides one for both asynchronous and syn-
chronous apps, with a WSGI backwards-compatibility implementation and multiple servers and application frame-
You can read more in the introduction to ASGI, look through the specifications, and see what implementations there
already are or that are upcoming.
Contribution and discussion about ASGI is welcome, and mostly happens on the asgiref GitHub repository.
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
ASGI is a spiritual successor to WSGI, the long-standing Python standard for compatibility between web servers,
frameworks, and applications.
WSGI succeeded in allowing much more freedom and innovation in the Python web space, and ASGI’s goal is to
continue this onward into the land of asynchronous Python.
1.1 What’s wrong with WSGI?
You may ask “why not just upgrade WSGI”? This has been asked many times over the years, and the problem usually
ends up being that WSGI’s single-callable interface just isn’t suitable for more involved Web protocols like WebSocket.
WSGI applications are a single, synchronous callable that takes a request and returns a response; this doesnt allow for
long-lived connections, like you get with long-poll HTTP or WebSocket connections.
Even if we made this callable asynchronous, it still only has a single path to provide a request, so protocols that have
multiple incoming events (like receiving WebSocket frames) cant trigger this.
1.2 How does ASGI work?
ASGI is structured as a single, asynchronous callable. It takes a scope, which is a dict containing details about the
specific connection, send, an asynchronous callable, that lets the application send event messages to the client, and
receive, an asynchronous callable which lets the application receive event messages from the client.
This not only allows multiple incoming events and outgoing events for each application, but also allows for a background
coroutine so the application can do other things (such as listening for events on an external trigger, like a Redis queue).
In its simplest form, an application can be written as an asynchronous function, like this:
async def application(scope, receive, send):
event = await receive()
await send({"type": "websocket.send", ...})
Every event that you send or receive is a Python dict, with a predefined format. It’s these event formats that form the
basis of the standard, and allow applications to be swappable between servers.
These events each have a defined type key, which can be used to infer the event’s structure. Here’s an example event
that you might receive from receive with the body from a HTTP request:
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
"type": "http.request",
"body": b"Hello World",
"more_body": False,
And here’s an example of an event you might pass to send to send an outgoing WebSocket message:
"type": "websocket.send",
"text": "Hello world!",
1.3 WSGI compatibility
ASGI is also designed to be a superset of WSGI, and theres a defined way of translating between the two, allowing
WSGI applications to be run inside ASGI servers through a translation wrapper (provided in the asgiref library). A
threadpool can be used to run the synchronous WSGI applications away from the async event loop.
4 Chapter 1. Introduction
These are the specifications for ASGI. The root specification outlines how applications are structured and called, and
the protocol specifications outline the events that can be sent and received for each protocol.
2.1 ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) Specification
Version: 3.0 (2019-03-20)
2.1.1 Abstract
This document proposes a standard interface between network protocol servers (particularly web servers) and Python
applications, intended to allow handling of multiple common protocol styles (including HTTP, HTTP/2, and Web-
This base specification is intended to fix in place the set of APIs by which these servers interact and run application
code; each supported protocol (such as HTTP) has a sub-specification that outlines how to encode and decode that
protocol into messages.
2.1.2 Rationale
The WSGI specification has worked well since it was introduced, and allowed for great flexibility in Python framework
and web server choice. However, its design is irrevocably tied to the HTTP-style request/response cycle, and more
and more protocols that do not follow this pattern are becoming a standard part of web programming (most notably,
ASGI attempts to preserve a simple application interface, while providing an abstraction that allows for data to be sent
and received at any time, and from different application threads or processes.
It also takes the principle of turning protocols into Python-compatible, asynchronous-friendly sets of messages and
generalises it into two parts; a standardised interface for communication around which to build servers (this document),
and a set of standard message formats for each protocol.
Its primary goal is to provide a way to write HTTP/2 and WebSocket code alongside normal HTTP handling code,
however; part of this design means ensuring there is an easy path to use both existing WSGI servers and applications,
as a large majority of Python web usage relies on WSGI and providing an easy path forward is critical to adoption.
Details on that interoperability are covered in the ASGI-HTTP spec.
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
2.1.3 Overview
ASGI consists of two different components:
A protocol server, which terminates sockets and translates them into connections and per-connection event mes-
An application, which lives inside a protocol server, is called once per connection, and handles event messages
as they happen, emitting its own event messages back when necessary.
Like WSGI, the server hosts the application inside it, and dispatches incoming requests to it in a standardized format.
Unlike WSGI, however, applications are asynchronous callables rather than simple callables, and they communicate
with the server by receiving and sending asynchronous event messages rather than receiving a single input stream
and returning a single iterable. ASGI applications must run as async / await compatible coroutines (i.e. asyncio-
compatible) (on the main thread; they are free to use threading or other processes if they need synchronous code).
Unlike WSGI, there are two separate parts to an ASGI connection:
A connection scope, which represents a protocol connection to a user and survives until the connection closes.
Events, which are messages sent to the application as things happen on the connection, and messages sent back
by the application to be received by the server, including data to be transmitted to the client.
Applications are called and awaited with a connection scope and two awaitable callables to receive event messages
and send event messages back. All this happening in an asynchronous event loop.
Each call of the application callable maps to a single incoming “socket” or connection, and is expected to last the
lifetime of that connection plus a little longer if there is cleanup to do. Some protocols may not use traditional sockets;
ASGI specifications for those protocols are expected to define what the scope lifetime is and when it gets shut down.
2.1.4 Specification Details
Connection Scope
Every connection by a user to an ASGI application results in a call of the application callable to handle that connection
entirely. How long this lives, and the information that describes each specific connection, is called the connection
Closely related, the first argument passed to an application callable is a scope dictionary with all the information
describing that specific connection.
For example, under HTTP the connection scope lasts just one request, but the scope passed contains most of the request
data (apart from the HTTP request body, as this is streamed in via events).
Under WebSocket, though, the connection scope lasts for as long as the socket is connected. And the scope passed
contains information like the WebSockets path, but details like incoming messages come through as events instead.
Some protocols may give you a scope with very limited information up front because they encapsulate something like
a handshake. Each protocol definition must contain information about how long its connection scope lasts, and what
information you will get in the scope parameter.
Depending on the protocol spec, applications may have to wait for an initial opening message before communicating
with the client.
6 Chapter 2. Specifications
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
ASGI decomposes protocols into a series of events that an application must receive and react to, and events the ap-
plication might send in response. For HTTP, this is as simple as receiving two events in order - http.request and
http.disconnect, and sending the corresponding event messages back. For something like a WebSocket, it could
be more like receiving websocket.connect, sending a websocket.send, receiving a websocket.receive, and
finally receiving a websocket.disconnect.
Each event is a dict with a top-level type key that contains a Unicode string of the message type. Users are free to
invent their own message types and send them between application instances for high-level events - for example, a chat
application might send chat messages with a user type of mychat.message. It is expected that applications should be
able to handle a mixed set of events, some sourced from the incoming client connection and some from other parts of
the application.
Because these messages could be sent over a network, they need to be serializable, and so they are only allowed to
contain the following types:
Byte strings
Unicode strings
Integers (within the signed 64-bit range)
Floating point numbers (within the IEEE 754 double precision range; no Nan or infinities)
Lists (tuples should be encoded as lists)
Dicts (keys must be Unicode strings)
ò Note
The application format changed in 3.0 to use a single callable, rather than the prior two-callable format. Two-
callable is documented below in “Legacy Applications”; servers can easily implement support for it using the
asgiref.compatibility library, and should try to support it.
ASGI applications should be a single async callable:
coroutine application(scope, receive, send)
scope: The connection scope information, a dictionary that contains at least a type key specifying the protocol
that is incoming
receive: an awaitable callable that will yield a new event dictionary when one is available
send: an awaitable callable taking a single event dictionary as a positional argument that will return once the
send has been completed or the connection has been closed
The application is called once per “connection”. The definition of a connection and its lifespan are dictated by the
protocol specification in question. For example, with HTTP it is one request, whereas for a WebSocket it is a single
WebSocket connection.
Both the scope and the format of the event messages you send and receive are defined by one of the applica-
tion protocols. scope must be a dict. The key scope["type"] will always be present, and can be used to
2.1. ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) Specification 7
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
work out which protocol is incoming. The key scope["asgi"] will also be present as a dictionary containing a
scope["asgi"]["version"] key that corresponds to the ASGI version the server implements. If missing, the ver-
sion should default to "2.0".
There may also be a spec-specific version present as scope["asgi"]["spec_version"]. This allows the individual
protocol specifications to make enhancements without bumping the overall ASGI version.
The protocol-specific sub-specifications cover these scope and event message formats. They are equivalent to the
specification for keys in the environ dict for WSGI.
Legacy Applications
Legacy (v2.0) ASGI applications are defined as a callable:
Which returns another, awaitable callable:
coroutine application_instance(receive, send)
The meanings of scope, receive and send are the same as in the newer single-callable application, but note that the
first callable is synchronous.
The first callable is called when the connection is started, and then the second callable is called and awaited immediately
This style was retired in version 3.0 as the two-callable layout was deemed unnecessary. Its now legacy, but there are
applications out there written in this style, and so it’s important to support them.
There is a compatibility suite available in the asgiref.compatibility module which allows you to both detect
legacy applications and convert them to the new single-protocol style seamlessly. Servers are encouraged to support
both types as of ASGI 3.0 and gradually drop support by default over time.
Protocol Specifications
These describe the standardized scope and message formats for various protocols.
The one common key across all scopes and messages is type, a way to indicate what type of scope or event message
is being received.
In scopes, the type key must be a Unicode string, like "http" or "websocket", as defined in the relevant protocol
In messages, the type should be namespaced as protocol.message_type, where the protocol matches the scope
type, and message_type is defined by the protocol spec. Examples of a message type value include http.request
and websocket.send.
ò Note
Applications should actively reject any protocol that they do not understand with an Exception (of any type). Failure
to do this may result in the server thinking you support a protocol you don’t, which can be confusing when using
with the Lifespan protocol, as the server will wait to start until you tell it.
Current protocol specifications:
HTTP and WebSocket
8 Chapter 2. Specifications
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
It is possible to have ASGI “middleware” - code that plays the role of both server and application, taking in a scope
and the send/receive awaitable callables, potentially modifying them, and then calling an inner application.
When middleware is modifying the scope, it should make a copy of the scope object before mutating it and passing
it to the inner application, as changes may leak upstream otherwise. In particular, you should not assume that the copy
of the scope you pass down to the application is the one that it ends up using, as there may be other middleware in
the way; thus, do not keep a reference to it and try to mutate it outside of the initial ASGI app call. Your one and only
chance to add to it is before you hand control to the child application.
Error Handling
If a server receives an invalid event dictionary - for example, having an unknown type, missing keys an event type
should have, or with wrong Python types for objects (e.g. Unicode strings for HTTP headers) - it should raise an
exception out of the send awaitable back to the application.
If an application receives an invalid event dictionary from receive, it should raise an exception.
In both cases, the presence of additional keys in the event dictionary should not raise an exception. This allows non-
breaking upgrades to protocol specifications over time.
Servers are free to surface errors that bubble up out of application instances they are running however they wish - log to
console, send to syslog, or other options - but they must terminate the application instance and its associated connection
if this happens.
Note that messages received by a server after the connection has been closed are generally not considered errors unless
specified by a protocol. If no error condition is specified, the send awaitable callable should act as a no-op.
Even if an error is raised on send(), it should be an error class that the server catches and ignores if it is raised out of
the application, ensuring that the server does not itself error in the process.
There are times when protocol servers may want to provide server-specific extensions outside of a core ASGI protocol
specification, or when a change to a specification is being trialled before being rolled in.
For this use case, we define a common pattern for extensions - named additions to a protocol specification that are
optional but that, if provided by the server and understood by the application, can be used to get more functionality.
This is achieved via an extensions entry in the scope dictionary, which is itself a dict. Extensions have a Unicode
string name that is agreed upon between servers and applications.
If the server supports an extension, it should place an entry into the extensions dictionary under the extensions name,
and the value of that entry should itself be a dict. Servers can provide any extra scope information that is part of the
extension inside this value or, if the extension is only to indicate that the server accepts additional events via the send
callable, it may just be an empty dict.
As an example, imagine a HTTP protocol server wishes to provide an extension that allows a new event to be sent back
to the server that tries to flush the network send buffer all the way through the OS level. It provides an empty entry in
the extensions dictionary to signal that it can handle the event:
2.1. ASGI (Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface) Specification 9
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
scope = {
"type": "http",
"method": "GET",
"extensions": {
"fullflush": {},
If an application sees this it then knows it can send the custom event (say, of type http.fullflush) via the send
Strings and Unicode
In this document, and all sub-specifications, byte string refers to the bytes type in Python 3. Unicode string refers to
the str type in Python 3.
This document will never specify just string - all strings are one of the two exact types.
All dict keys mentioned (including those for scopes and events) are Unicode strings.
2.1.5 Version History
3.0 (2019-03-04): Changed to single-callable application style
2.0 (2017-11-28): Initial non-channel-layer based ASGI spec
2.1.6 Copyright
This document has been placed in the public domain.
2.2 HTTP & WebSocket ASGI Message Format
Version: 2.5 (2024-06-05)
The HTTP+WebSocket ASGI sub-specification outlines how to transport HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2 and WebSocket connec-
tions within ASGI.
It is deliberately intended and designed to be a superset of the WSGI format and specifies how to translate between the
two for the set of requests that are able to be handled by WSGI.
2.2.1 Spec Versions
This spec has had the following versions:
2.0: The first version of the spec, released with ASGI 2.0
2.1: Added the headers key to the WebSocket Accept response
2.2: Allow None in the second item of server scope value.
2.3: Added the reason key to the WebSocket close event.
10 Chapter 2. Specifications
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
2.4: Calling send() on a closed connection should raise an error
2.5: Added the reason key to the WebSocket disconnect event.
Spec versions let you understand what the server you are using understands. If a server tells you it only supports version
2.0 of this spec, then sending headers with a WebSocket Accept message is an error, for example.
They are separate from the HTTP version or the ASGI version.
2.2.2 HTTP
The HTTP format covers HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2, as the changes in HTTP/2 are largely on the transport
level. A protocol server should give different scopes to different requests on the same HTTP/2 connection, and correctly
multiplex the responses back to the same stream in which they came. The HTTP version is available as a string in the
Multiple header fields with the same name are complex in HTTP. RFC 7230 states that for any header field that can
appear multiple times, it is exactly equivalent to sending that header field only once with all the values joined by
However, for HTTP cookies (Cookie and Set-Cookie) the allowed behaviour does not follow the above rule, and also
varies slightly based on the HTTP protocol version:
For the Set-Cookie header in HTTP/1.0, HTTP/1.1 and HTTP2.0, it may appear repeatedly, but cannot be
concatenated by commas (or anything else) into a single header field.
For the Cookie header, in HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1, RFC 7230 and RFC 6265 make it clear that the Cookie
header must only be sent once by a user-agent, and must be concatenated into a single octet string using the
two-octet delimiter of 0x3b, 0x20 (the ASCII string “; “). However in HTTP/2, RFC 9113 states that Cookie
headers MAY appear repeatedly, OR be concatenated using the two-octet delimiter of 0x3b, 0x20 (the ASCII
string “; “).
The ASGI design decision is to transport both request and response headers as lists of 2-element [name, value] lists
and preserve headers exactly as they were provided.
For ASGI applications that support HTTP/2, care should be taken to handle the special case for Cookie noted above.
The HTTP protocol should be signified to ASGI applications with a type value of http.
HTTP Connection Scope
HTTP connections have a single-request connection scope - that is, your application will be called at the start of the
request, and will last until the end of that specific request, even if the underlying socket is still open and serving multiple
If you hold a response open for long-polling or similar, the connection scope will persist until the response closes from
either the client or server side.
The connection scope information passed in scope contains:
type (Unicode string) "http".
asgi["version"] (Unicode string) Version of the ASGI spec.
asgi["spec_version"] (Unicode string) Version of the ASGI HTTP spec this server understands; for ex-
ample: "2.0", "2.1", "2.2", etc. Optional; if missing assume "2.0".
http_version (Unicode string) One of "1.0", "1.1" or "2".
method (Unicode string) The HTTP method name, uppercased.
2.2. HTTP & WebSocket ASGI Message Format 11
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
scheme (Unicode string) URL scheme portion (likely "http" or "https"). Optional (but must not be empty);
default is "http".
path (Unicode string) HTTP request target excluding any query string, with percent-encoded sequences and
UTF-8 byte sequences decoded into characters.
raw_path (byte string) The original HTTP path component, excluding any query string, unmodified from the
bytes that were received by the web server. Some web server implementations may be unable to provide this.
Optional; if missing defaults to None.
query_string (byte string) URL portion after the ?, percent-encoded.
root_path (Unicode string) The root path this application is mounted at; same as SCRIPT_NAME in WSGI.
Optional; if missing defaults to "".
headers (Iterable[[byte string, byte string]]) An iterable of [name, value] two-item iterables, where name
is the header name, and value is the header value. Order of header values must be preserved from the original
HTTP request; order of header names is not important. Duplicates are possible and must be preserved in the
message as received. Header names should be lowercased, but it is not required; servers should preserve header
case on a best-effort basis. Pseudo headers (present in HTTP/2 and HTTP/3) must be removed; if :authority
is present its value must be added to the start of the iterable with host as the header name or replace any existing
host header already present.
client (Iterable[Unicode string, int]) A two-item iterable of [host, port], where host is the remote hosts
IPv4 or IPv6 address, and port is the remote port as an integer. Optional; if missing defaults to None.
server (Iterable[Unicode string, Optional[int]]) Either a two-item iterable of [host, port], where host
is the listening address for this server, and port is the integer listening port, or [path, None] where path is
that of the unix socket. Optional; if missing defaults to None.
state Optional(dict[Unicode string, Any]) A copy of the namespace passed into the lifespan corresponding
to this request. (See Lifespan Protocol). Optional; if missing the server does not support this feature.
Servers are responsible for handling inbound and outbound chunked transfer encodings. A request with a chunked
encoded body should be automatically de-chunked by the server and presented to the application as plain body bytes;
a response that is given to the server with no Content-Length may be chunked as the server sees fit.
Request - receive event
Sent to the application to indicate an incoming request. Most of the request information is in the connection scope;
the body message serves as a way to stream large incoming HTTP bodies in chunks, and as a trigger to actually run
request code (as you should not trigger on a connection opening alone).
Note that if the request is being sent using Transfer-Encoding: chunked, the server is responsible for handling
this encoding. The http.request messages should contain just the decoded contents of each chunk.
type (Unicode string) "http.request".
body (byte string) Body of the request. Optional; if missing defaults to b"". If more_body is set, treat as start
of body and concatenate on further chunks.
more_body (bool) Signifies if there is additional content to come (as part of a Request message). If True, the
consuming application should wait until it gets a chunk with this set to False. If False, the request is complete
and should be processed. Optional; if missing defaults to False.
12 Chapter 2. Specifications
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
Response Start - send event
Sent by the application to start sending a response to the client. Needs to be followed by at least one response content
Protocol servers need not flush the data generated by this event to the send buffer until the first Response Body event
is processed. This may give them more leeway to replace the response with an error response in case internal errors
occur while handling the request.
You may send a Transfer-Encoding header in this message, but the server must ignore it. Servers handle
Transfer-Encoding themselves, and may opt to use Transfer-Encoding: chunked if the application presents a
response that has no Content-Length set.
Note that this is not the same as Content-Encoding, which the application still controls, and which is the appropriate
place to set gzip or other compression flags.
type (Unicode string) "http.response.start".
status (int) HTTP status code.
headers (Iterable[[byte string, byte string]]) An iterable of [name, value] two-item iterables, where name
is the header name, and value is the header value. Order must be preserved in the HTTP response. Header
names must be lowercased. Optional; if missing defaults to an empty list. Pseudo headers (present in HTTP/2
and HTTP/3) must not be present.
trailers (bool) Signifies if the application will send trailers. If True, the server must wait until it receives a
"http.response.trailers" message after the Response Body event. Optional; if missing defaults to False.
Response Body - send event
Continues sending a response to the client. Protocol servers must flush any data passed to them into the send buffer
before returning from a send call. If more_body is set to False, and the server is not expecting Response Trailers this
will complete the response.
type (Unicode string) "http.response.body".
body (byte string) HTTP body content. Concatenated onto any previous body values sent in this connection
scope. Optional; if missing defaults to b"".
more_body (bool) Signifies if there is additional content to come (as part of a Response Body message). If
False, and the server is not expecting Response Trailers response will be taken as complete and closed, and any
further messages on the channel will be ignored. Optional; if missing defaults to False.
Disconnected Client - send exception
If send() is called on a closed connection the server should raise a server-specific subclass of OSError. This is not
guaranteed, however, especially on older ASGI server implementations (it was introduced in spec version 2.4).
Applications may catch this exception and do cleanup work before re-raising it or returning with no exception.
Servers must be prepared to catch this exception if they raised it and should not log it as an error in their server logs.
2.2. HTTP & WebSocket ASGI Message Format 13
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Disconnect - receive event
Sent to the application if receive is called after a response has been sent or after the HTTP connection has been closed.
This is mainly useful for long-polling, where you may want to trigger cleanup code if the connection closes early.
Once you have received this event, you should expect future calls to send() to raise an exception, as described above.
However, if you have highly concurrent code, you may find calls to send() erroring slightly before you receive this
type (Unicode string) "http.disconnect".
2.2.3 WebSocket
WebSockets share some HTTP details - they have a path and headers - but also have more state. Again, most of that
state is in the scope, which will live as long as the socket does.
WebSocket protocol servers should handle PING/PONG messages themselves, and send PING messages as necessary
to ensure the connection is alive.
WebSocket protocol servers should handle message fragmentation themselves, and deliver complete messages to the
The WebSocket protocol should be signified to ASGI applications with a type value of websocket.
Websocket Connection Scope
WebSocket connections scope lives as long as the socket itself - if the application dies the socket should be closed,
and vice-versa.
The connection scope information passed in scope contains initial connection metadata (mostly from the HTTP request
line and headers):
type (Unicode string) "websocket".
asgi["version"] (Unicode string) The version of the ASGI spec.
asgi["spec_version"] (Unicode string) Version of the ASGI HTTP spec this server understands; one of
"2.0", "2.1", "2.2" or "2.3". Optional; if missing assume "2.0".
http_version (Unicode string) One of "1.1" or "2". Optional; if missing default is "1.1".
scheme (Unicode string) URL scheme portion (likely "ws" or "wss"). Optional (but must not be empty);
default is "ws".
path (Unicode string) HTTP request target excluding any query string, with percent-encoded sequences and
UTF-8 byte sequences decoded into characters.
raw_path (byte string) The original HTTP path component unmodified from the bytes that were received by
the web server. Some web server implementations may be unable to provide this. Optional; if missing defaults
to None.
query_string (byte string) URL portion after the ?. Optional; if missing or None default is empty string.
root_path (Unicode string) The root path this application is mounted at; same as SCRIPT_NAME in WSGI.
Optional; if missing defaults to empty string.
headers (Iterable[[byte string, byte string]]) An iterable of [name, value] two-item iterables, where name
is the header name and value is the header value. Order should be preserved from the original HTTP request;
duplicates are possible and must be preserved in the message as received. Header names should be lowercased,
14 Chapter 2. Specifications
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
but it is not required; servers should preserve header case on a best-effort basis. Pseudo headers (present in
HTTP/2 and HTTP/3) must be removed; if :authority is present its value must be added to the start of the
iterable with host as the header name or replace any existing host header already present.
client (Iterable[Unicode string, int]) A two-item iterable of [host, port], where host is the remote hosts
IPv4 or IPv6 address, and port is the remote port. Optional; if missing defaults to None.
server (Iterable[Unicode string, Optional[int]]) Either a two-item iterable of [host, port], where host
is the listening address for this server, and port is the integer listening port, or [path, None] where path is
that of the unix socket. Optional; if missing defaults to None.
subprotocols (Iterable[Unicode string]) Subprotocols the client advertised. Optional; if missing defaults to
empty list.
state Optional(dict[Unicode string, Any]) A copy of the namespace passed into the lifespan corresponding
to this request. (See Lifespan Protocol). Optional; if missing the server does not support this feature.
Connect - receive event
Sent to the application when the client initially opens a connection and is about to finish the WebSocket handshake.
This message must be responded to with either an Accept message or a Close message before the socket will pass
websocket.receive messages. The protocol server must send this message during the handshake phase of the Web-
Socket and not complete the handshake until it gets a reply, returning HTTP status code 403 if the connection is denied.
type (Unicode string) "websocket.connect".
Accept - send event
Sent by the application when it wishes to accept an incoming connection.
type (Unicode string) "websocket.accept".
subprotocol (Unicode string) The subprotocol the server wishes to accept. Optional; if missing defaults to
headers (Iterable[[byte string, byte string]]) An iterable of [name, value] two-item iterables, where name
is the header name, and value is the header value. Order must be preserved in the HTTP response. Header names
must be lowercased. Must not include a header named sec-websocket-protocol; use the subprotocol key
instead. Optional; if missing defaults to an empty list. Added in spec version 2.1. Pseudo headers (present in
HTTP/2 and HTTP/3) must not be present.
Receive - receive event
Sent to the application when a data message is received from the client.
type (Unicode string) "websocket.receive".
bytes (byte string) The message content, if it was binary mode, or None. Optional; if missing, it is equivalent
to None.
text (Unicode string) The message content, if it was text mode, or None. Optional; if missing, it is equivalent
to None.
Exactly one of bytes or text must be non-None. One or both keys may be present, however.
2.2. HTTP & WebSocket ASGI Message Format 15
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
Send - send event
Sent by the application to send a data message to the client.
type (Unicode string) "websocket.send".
bytes (byte string) Binary message content, or None.
Optional; if missing, it is equivalent to None.
text (Unicode string) Text message content, or None.
Optional; if missing, it is equivalent to None.
Exactly one of bytes or text must be non-None. One or both keys may be present, however.
Disconnect - receive event
Sent to the application when either connection to the client is lost, either from the client closing the connection, the
server closing the connection, or loss of the socket.
Once you have received this event, you should expect future calls to send() to raise an exception, as described below.
However, if you have highly concurrent code, you may find calls to send() erroring slightly before you receive this
type (Unicode string) "websocket.disconnect"
code (int) The WebSocket close code, as per the WebSocket spec. If no code was received in the frame from
the client, the server should set this to 1005 (the default value in the WebSocket specification).
reason (Unicode string) A reason given for the disconnect, can be any string. Optional; if missing or None
default is empty string.
Disconnected Client - send exception
If send() is called on a closed connection the server should raise a server-specific subclass of OSError. This is not
guaranteed, however, especially on older ASGI server implementations (it was introduced in spec version 2.4).
Applications may catch this exception and do cleanup work before re-raising it or returning with no exception.
Servers must be prepared to catch this exception if they raised it and should not log it as an error in their server logs.
Close - send event
Sent by the application to tell the server to close the connection.
If this is sent before the socket is accepted, the server must close the connection with a HTTP 403 error code (Forbidden),
and not complete the WebSocket handshake; this may present on some browsers as a different WebSocket error code
(such as 1006, Abnormal Closure).
If this is sent after the socket is accepted, the server must close the socket with the close code passed in the message
(or 1000 if none is specified).
type (Unicode string) "websocket.close".
code (int) The WebSocket close code, as per the WebSocket spec. Optional; if missing defaults to 1000.
16 Chapter 2. Specifications
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
reason (Unicode string) A reason given for the closure, can be any string. Optional; if missing or None default
is empty string.
2.2.4 WSGI Compatibility
Part of the design of the HTTP portion of this spec is to make sure it aligns well with the WSGI specification, to ensure
easy adaptability between both specifications and the ability to keep using WSGI applications with ASGI servers.
WSGI applications, being synchronous, must be run in a threadpool in order to be served, but otherwise their runtime
maps onto the HTTP connection scopes lifetime.
There is an almost direct mapping for the various special keys in WSGI’s environ variable to the http scope:
REQUEST_METHOD is the method
SCRIPT_NAME is root_path
PATH_INFO can be derived by stripping root_path from path
QUERY_STRING is query_string
CONTENT_TYPE can be extracted from headers
CONTENT_LENGTH can be extracted from headers
SERVER_NAME and SERVER_PORT are in server
SERVER_PROTOCOL is encoded in http_version
wsgi.url_scheme is scheme
wsgi.input is a StringIO based around the http.request messages
wsgi.errors is directed by the wrapper as needed
The start_response callable maps similarly to http.response.start:
The status argument becomes status, with the reason phrase dropped.
response_headers maps to headers
Yielding content from the WSGI application maps to sending http.response.body messages.
2.2.5 WSGI encoding differences
The WSGI specification (as defined in PEP 3333) specifies that all strings sent to or from the server must be of the str
type but only contain codepoints in the ISO-8859-1 (“latin-1”) range. This was due to it originally being designed for
Python 2 and its different set of string types.
The ASGI HTTP and WebSocket specifications instead specify each entry of the scope dict as either a byte string or
a Unicode string. HTTP, being an older protocol, is sometimes imperfect at specifying encoding, so some decisions of
what is Unicode versus bytes may not be obvious.
path: URLs can have both percent-encoded and UTF-8 encoded sections. Because decoding these is often done
by the underlying server (or sometimes even proxies in the path), this is a Unicode string, fully decoded from
both UTF-8 encoding and percent encodings.
headers: These are byte strings of the exact byte sequences sent by the client/to be sent by the server. While
modern HTTP standards say that headers should be ASCII, older ones did not and allowed a wider range of
characters. Frameworks/applications should decode headers as they deem appropriate.
2.2. HTTP & WebSocket ASGI Message Format 17
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
query_string: Unlike the path, this is not as subject to server interference and so is presented as its raw byte
string version, percent-encoded.
root_path: Unicode string to match path.
2.2.6 Version History
2.0 (2017-11-28): Initial non-channel-layer based ASGI spec
2.2.7 Copyright
This document has been placed in the public domain.
2.3 Lifespan Protocol
Version: 2.0 (2019-03-20)
The Lifespan ASGI sub-specification outlines how to communicate lifespan events such as startup and shutdown within
The lifespan messages allow for an application to initialise and shutdown in the context of a running event loop. An
example of this would be creating a connection pool and subsequently closing the connection pool to release the con-
Lifespans should be executed once per event loop that will be processing requests. In a multi-process environment
there will be lifespan events in each process and in a multi-threaded environment there will be lifespans for each thread.
The important part is that lifespans and requests are run in the same event loop to ensure that objects like database
connection pools are not moved or shared across event loops.
A possible implementation of this protocol is given below:
async def app(scope, receive, send):
if scope['type'] == 'lifespan':
while True:
message = await receive()
if message['type'] == 'lifespan.startup':
... # Do some startup here!
await send({'type': 'lifespan.startup.complete'})
elif message['type'] == 'lifespan.shutdown':
... # Do some shutdown here!
await send({'type': 'lifespan.shutdown.complete'})
pass # Handle other types
18 Chapter 2. Specifications
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
2.3.1 Scope
The lifespan scope exists for the duration of the event loop.
The scope information passed in scope contains basic metadata:
type (Unicode string) "lifespan".
asgi["version"] (Unicode string) The version of the ASGI spec.
asgi["spec_version"] (Unicode string) The version of this spec being used. Optional; if missing defaults
to "1.0".
state Optional(dict[Unicode string, Any]) An empty namespace where the application can persist state to be
used when handling subsequent requests. Optional; if missing the server does not support this feature.
If an exception is raised when calling the application callable with a lifespan.startup message or a scope with
type lifespan, the server must continue but not send any lifespan events.
This allows for compatibility with applications that do not support the lifespan protocol. If you want to log an error
that occurs during lifespan startup and prevent the server from starting, then send back lifespan.startup.failed
Lifespan State
Applications often want to persist data from the lifespan cycle to request/response handling. For example, a database
connection can be established in the lifespan cycle and persisted to the request/response cycle. The scope["state"]
namespace provides a place to store these sorts of things. The server will ensure that a shallow copy of the namespace
is passed into each subsequent request/response call into the application. Since the server manages the application
lifespan and often the event loop as well this ensures that the application is always accessing the database connection
(or other stored object) that corresponds to the right event loop and lifecycle, without using context variables, global
mutable state or having to worry about references to stale/closed connections.
ASGI servers that implement this feature will provide state as part of the lifespan scope:
"scope": {
"state": {},
The namespace is controlled completely by the ASGI application, the server will not interact with it other than to copy
it. Nonetheless applications should be cooperative by properly naming their keys such that they will not collide with
other frameworks or middleware.
2.3.2 Startup - receive event
Sent to the application when the server is ready to startup and receive connections, but before it has started to do so.
type (Unicode string) "lifespan.startup".
2.3. Lifespan Protocol 19
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
2.3.3 Startup Complete - send event
Sent by the application when it has completed its startup. A server must wait for this message before it starts processing
type (Unicode string) "lifespan.startup.complete".
2.3.4 Startup Failed - send event
Sent by the application when it has failed to complete its startup. If a server sees this it should log/print the message
provided and then exit.
type (Unicode string) "lifespan.startup.failed".
message (Unicode string) Optional; if missing defaults to "".
2.3.5 Shutdown - receive event
Sent to the application when the server has stopped accepting connections and closed all active connections.
type (Unicode string) "lifespan.shutdown".
2.3.6 Shutdown Complete - send event
Sent by the application when it has completed its cleanup. A server must wait for this message before terminating.
type (Unicode string) "lifespan.shutdown.complete".
2.3.7 Shutdown Failed - send event
Sent by the application when it has failed to complete its cleanup. If a server sees this it should log/print the message
provided and then terminate.
type (Unicode string) "lifespan.shutdown.failed".
message (Unicode string) Optional; if missing defaults to "".
20 Chapter 2. Specifications
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
2.3.8 Version History
2.0 (2019-03-04): Added startup.failed and shutdown.failed, clarified exception handling during startup phase.
1.0 (2018-09-06): Updated ASGI spec with a lifespan protocol.
2.3.9 Copyright
This document has been placed in the public domain.
2.4 ASGI TLS Extension
Version: 0.2 (2020-10-02)
This specification outlines how to report TLS (or SSL) connection information in the ASGI connection scope object.
2.4.1 The Base Protocol
TLS is not usable on its own, it always wraps another protocol. So this specification is not designed to be usable on its
own, it must be used as an extension to another ASGI specification. That other ASGI specification is referred to as the
base protocol specification.
For HTTP-over-TLS (HTTPS), use this TLS specification and the ASGI HTTP specification. The base protocol spec-
ification is the ASGI HTTP specification. (See HTTP & WebSocket ASGI Message Format)
For WebSockets-over-TLS (wss:// protocol), use this TLS specification and the ASGI WebSockets specification. The
base protocol specification is the ASGI WebSockets specification. (See HTTP & WebSocket ASGI Message Format)
If using this extension with other protocols (not HTTPS or WebSockets), note that the base protocol specification must
define the connection scope in a way that ensures it covers at most one TLS connection. If not, you cannot use this
2.4.2 When to use this extension
This extension must only be used for TLS connections.
For non-TLS connections, the ASGI server is forbidden from providing this extension.
An ASGI application can check for the presence of the "tls" extension in the extensions dictionary in the connection
scope. If present, the server supports this extension and the connection is over TLS. If not present, either the server
does not support this extension or the connection is not over TLS.
2.4.3 TLS Connection Scope
The connection scope information passed in scope contains an "extensions" key, which contains a dictionary of
extensions. Inside that dictionary, the key "tls" identifies the extension specified in this document. The value will be
a dictionary with the following entries:
server_cert (Unicode string or None) The PEM-encoded conversion of the x509 certificate sent by the server
when establishing the TLS connection. Some web server implementations may be unable to provide this (e.g. if
TLS is terminated by a separate proxy or load balancer); in that case this shall be None. Mandatory.
2.4. ASGI TLS Extension 21
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
client_cert_chain (Iterable[Unicode string]) An iterable of Unicode strings, where each string is a PEM-
encoded x509 certificate. The first certificate is the client certificate. Any subsequent certificates are part of the
certificate chain sent by the client, with each certificate signing the preceding one. If the client did not provide a
client certificate then it will be an empty iterable. Some web server implementations may be unable to provide
this (e.g. if TLS is terminated by a separate proxy or load balancer); in that case this shall be an empty iterable.
Optional; if missing defaults to empty iterable.
client_cert_name (Unicode string or None) The x509 Distinguished Name of the Subject of the client cer-
tificate, as a single string encoded as defined in RFC4514. If the client did not provide a client certificate then it
will be None. Some web server implementations may be unable to provide this (e.g. if TLS is terminated by a sep-
arate proxy or load balancer); in that case this shall be None. If client_cert_chain is provided and non-empty
then this field must be provided and must contain information that is consistent with client_cert_chain[0].
Note that under some setups, (e.g. where TLS is terminated by a separate proxy or load balancer and that device
forwards the client certificate name to the web server), this field may be set even where client_cert_chain is
not set. Optional; if missing defaults to None.
client_cert_error (Unicode string or None) None if a client certificate was provided and successfully
verified, or was not provided. If a client certificate was provided but verification failed, this is a non-empty string
containing an error message or error code indicating why validation failed; the details are web server specific.
Most web server implementations will reject the connection if the client certificate verification failed, instead of
setting this value. However, some may be configured to allow the connection anyway. This is especially useful
when testing that client certificates are supported properly by the client - it allows a response containing an error
message that can be presented to a human, instead of just refusing the connection. Optional; if missing defaults
to None.
tls_version (integer or None) The TLS version in use. This is one of the version numbers as defined in the
TLS specifications, which is an unsigned integer. Common values include 0x0303 for TLS 1.2 or 0x0304 for
TLS 1.3. If TLS is not in use, set to None. Some web server implementations may be unable to provide this (e.g.
if TLS is terminated by a separate proxy or load balancer); in that case set to None. Mandatory.
cipher_suite (integer or None) The TLS cipher suite that is being used. This is a 16-bit unsigned integer that
encodes the pair of 8-bit integers specified in the relevant RFC, in network byte order. For example RFC8446
section B.4 defines that the cipher suite TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 is {0x13, 0x01}; that is encoded as a
cipher_suite value of 0x1301 (equal to 4865 decimal). Some web server implementations may be unable to
provide this (e.g. if TLS is terminated by a separate proxy or load balancer); in that case set to None. Mandatory.
2.4.4 Events
All events are as defined in the base protocol specification.
2.4.5 Rationale (Informative)
This section explains the choices that led to this specification.
Providing the entire TLS certificates in client_cert_chain, rather than a parsed subset:
Makes it easier for web servers to implement, as they do not have to include a parser for the entirety of the x509
certificate specifications (which are huge and complicated). They just have to convert the binary DER format
certificate from the wire, to the text PEM format. That is supported by many off-the-shelf libraries.
Makes it easier for web servers to maintain, as they do not have to update their parser when new certificate fields
are defined.
Makes it easier for clients as there are plenty of existing x509 libraries available that they can use to parse the
certificate; they dont need to do some special ASGI-specific thing.
22 Chapter 2. Specifications
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
Improves interoperability as this is a simple, well-defined encoding, that clients and servers are unlikely to get
Makes it much easier to write this specification. There is no standard documented format for a parsed certificate
in Python, and we would need to write one.
Makes it much easier to maintain this specification. There is no need to update a parsed certificate specification
when new certificate fields are defined.
Allows the client to support new certificate fields without requiring any server changes, so long as the fields are
marked as “non-critical” in the certificate. (A x509 parser is allowed to ignore non-critical fields it does not
understand. Critical fields that are not understood cause certificate parsing to fail).
Allows the client to do weird and wonderful things with the raw certificate, instead of placing arbitrary limits on
Specifying tls_version as an integer, not a string or float:
Avoids maintenance effort in this specification. If a new version of TLS is defined, then no changes are needed
in this specification.
Does not significantly affect servers. Whatever format we specified, servers would likely need a lookup table
from what their TLS library reports to what this API needs. (Unless their TLS library provides access to the raw
value, in which case it can be reported via this API directly).
Does not significantly affect clients. Whatever format we specified, clients would likely need a lookup table from
what this API reports to the values they support and wish to use internally.
Specifying cipher_suite as an integer, not a string:
Avoids significant effort to compile a list of cipher suites in this specification. There are a huge number of existing
TLS cipher suites, many of which are not widely used, even listing them all would be a huge effort.
Avoids maintenance effort in this specification. If a new cipher suite is defined, then no changes are needed in
this specification.
Avoids dependencies on nonstandard TLS-library-specific names. E.g. the cipher names used by OpenSSL are
different from the cipher names used by the RFCs.
Does not significantly affect servers. Whatever format we specified, (unless it was a nonstandard library-specific
name and the server happened to use that library), servers would likely need a lookup table from what their TLS
library reports to what this API needs. (Unless their TLS library provides access to the raw value, in which case
it can be reported via this API directly).
Does not significantly affect clients. Whatever format we specified, clients would likely need a lookup table from
what this API reports to the values they support and wish to use internally.
Using a single integer, rather than a pair of integers, makes handling this value simpler and faster.
client_cert_name duplicates information that is also available in client_cert_chain. However, many ASGI
applications will probably find that information is sufficient for their application - it provides a simple string that
identifies the user. It is simpler to use than parsing the x509 certificate. For the server, this information is readily
There are theoretical interoperability problems with client_cert_name, since it depends on a list of object ID names
that is maintained by IANA and theoretically can change. In practice, this is not a real problem, since the object IDs
that are actually used in certificates have not changed in many years. So in practice it will be fine.
2.4. ASGI TLS Extension 23
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
2.4.6 Copyright
This document has been placed in the public domain.
24 Chapter 2. Specifications
The ASGI specification provides for server-specific extensions to be used outside of the core ASGI specification. This
document specifies some common extensions.
3.1 Websocket Denial Response
Websocket connections start with the client sending a HTTP request containing the appropriate upgrade headers. On
receipt of this request a server can choose to either upgrade the connection or respond with an HTTP response (denying
the upgrade). The core ASGI specification does not allow for any control over the denial response, instead specifying
that the HTTP status code 403 should be returned, whereas this extension allows an ASGI framework to control the
denial response. Rather than being a core part of ASGI, this is an extension for what is considered a niche feature as
most clients do not utilise the denial response.
ASGI Servers that implement this extension will provide websocket.http.response in the extensions part of the
"scope": {
"extensions": {
"websocket.http.response": {},
This will allow the ASGI Framework to send HTTP response messages after the websocket.connect message. These
messages cannot be followed by any other websocket messages as the server should send a HTTP response and then
close the connection.
The messages themselves should be websocket.http.response.start and websocket.http.response.body
with a structure that matches the http.response.start and http.response.body messages defined in the HTTP
part of the core ASGI specification.
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
3.2 HTTP/2 Server Push
HTTP/2 allows for a server to push a resource to a client by sending a push promise. ASGI servers that implement this
extension will provide http.response.push in the extensions part of the scope:
"scope": {
"extensions": {
"http.response.push": {},
An ASGI framework can initiate a server push by sending a message with the following keys. This message can be sent
at any time after the Response Start message but before the final Response Body message.
type (Unicode string): "http.response.push"
path (Unicode string): HTTP path from URL, with percent-encoded sequences and UTF-8 byte sequences
decoded into characters.
headers (Iterable[[byte string, byte string]]): An iterable of [name, value] two-item iterables, where name
is the header name, and value is the header value. Header names must be lowercased. Pseudo headers (present
in HTTP/2 and HTTP/3) must not be present.
The ASGI server should then attempt to send a server push (or push promise) to the client. If the client supports server
push, the server should create a new connection to a new instance of the application and treat it as if the client had made
a request.
The ASGI server should set the pseudo :authority header value to be the same value as the request that triggered the
push promise.
3.3 Zero Copy Send
Zero Copy Send allows you to send the contents of a file descriptor to the HTTP client with zero copy (where the
underlying OS directly handles the data transfer from a source file or socket without loading it into Python and writing
it out again).
ASGI servers that implement this extension will provide http.response.zerocopysend in the extensions part of
the scope:
"scope": {
"extensions": {
"http.response.zerocopysend": {},
The ASGI framework can initiate a zero-copy send by sending a message with the following keys. This message can
be sent at any time after the Response Start message but before the final Response Body message, and can be mixed
with http.response.body. It can also be called multiple times in one response. Except for the characteristics of
zero-copy, it should behave the same as ordinary http.response.body.
type (Unicode string): "http.response.zerocopysend"
26 Chapter 3. Extensions
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
file (file descriptor object): An opened file descriptor object with an underlying OS file descriptor that can be
used to call os.sendfile. (e.g. not BytesIO)
offset (int): Optional. If this value exists, it will specify the offset at which sendfile starts to read data from
file. Otherwise, it will be read from the current position of file.
count (int): Optional. count is the number of bytes to copy between the file descriptors. If omitted, the file
will be read until its end.
more_body (bool): Signifies if there is additional content to come (as part of a Response Body message). If
False, response will be taken as complete and closed, and any further messages on the channel will be ignored.
Optional; if missing defaults to False.
After calling this extension to respond, the ASGI application itself should actively close the used file descriptor - ASGI
servers are not responsible for closing descriptors.
3.4 Path Send
Path Send allows you to send the contents of a file path to the HTTP client without handling file descriptors, offloading
the operation directly to the server.
ASGI servers that implement this extension will provide http.response.pathsend in the extensions part of the
"scope": {
"extensions": {
"http.response.pathsend": {},
The ASGI framework can initiate a path-send by sending a message with the following keys. This message can be sent
at any time after the Response Start message, and cannot be mixed with http.response.body. It can be called just
one time in one response. Except for the characteristics of path-send, it should behave the same as ordinary http.
type (Unicode string): "http.response.pathsend"
path (Unicode string): The string representation of the absolute file path to be sent by the server, platform
The ASGI application itself is responsible to send the relevant headers in the Response Start message, like the
Content-Type and Content-Length headers for the file to be sent.
3.5 TLS
See ASGI TLS Extension.
3.4. Path Send 27
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
3.6 Early Hints
An informational response with the status code 103 is an Early Hint, indicating to the client that resources are associated
with the subsequent response, see RFC 8297. ASGI servers that implement this extension will allow early hints to be
sent. These servers will provide http.response.early_hint in the extensions part of the scope:
"scope": {
"extensions": {
"http.response.early_hint": {},
An ASGI framework can send an early hint by sending a message with the following keys. This message can be sent
at any time (and multiple times) after the Response Start message but before the final Response Body message.
type (Unicode string): "http.response.early_hint"
links (Iterable[byte string]): An iterable of link header field values, see RFC 8288.
The ASGI server should then attempt to send an informational response to the client with the provided links as Link
headers. The server may decide to ignore this message, for example if the HTTP/1.1 protocol is used and the server
has security concerns.
3.7 HTTP Trailers
The Trailer response header allows the sender to include additional fields at the end of chunked messages in order
to supply metadata that might be dynamically generated while the message body is sent, such as a message integrity
check, digital signature, or post-processing status.
ASGI servers that implement this extension will provide http.response.trailers in the extensions part of the
"scope": {
"extensions": {
"http.response.trailers": {},
An ASGI framework interested in sending trailing headers to the client, must set the field trailers in Response Start
as True. That will allow the ASGI server to know that after the last http.response.body message (more_body
being False), the ASGI framework will send a http.response.trailers message.
The ASGI framework is in charge of sending the Trailers headers to let the client know which trailing headers the
server will send. The ASGI server is not responsible for validating the Trailers headers provided.
type (Unicode string): "http.response.trailers"
headers (Iterable[[byte string, byte string]]): An iterable of [name, value] two-item iterables, where name
is the header name, and value is the header value. Header names must be lowercased. Pseudo headers (present
in HTTP/2 and HTTP/3) must not be present.
28 Chapter 3. Extensions
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
more_trailers (bool): Signifies if there is additional content to come (as part of a HTTP Trailers message). If
False, response will be taken as complete and closed, and any further messages on the channel will be ignored.
Optional; if missing defaults to False.
The ASGI server will only send the trailing headers in case the client has sent the TE: trailers header in the request.
3.8 Debug
The debug extension allows a way to send debug information from an ASGI framework in its responses. This extension
is not meant to be used in production, only for testing purposes, and ASGI servers should not implement it.
The ASGI context sent to the framework will provide http.response.debug in the extensions part of the scope:
"scope": {
"extensions": {
"http.response.debug": {},
The ASGI framework can send debug information by sending a message with the following keys. This message must
be sent once, before the Response Start message.
type (Unicode string): "http.response.debug"
info (Dict[Unicode string, Any]): A dictionary containing the debug information. The keys and values of this
dictionary are not defined by the ASGI specification, and are left to the ASGI framework to define.
3.8. Debug 29
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
30 Chapter 3. Extensions
Complete or upcoming implementations of ASGI - servers, frameworks, and other useful pieces.
4.1 Servers
4.1.1 Daphne
Stable /
The current ASGI reference server, written in Twisted and maintained as part of the Django Channels project. Supports
HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSockets.
4.1.2 Granian
Beta /
A Rust HTTP server for Python applications. Supports ASGI/3, RSGI and WSGI interface applications.
4.1.3 Hypercorn
Beta /
An ASGI server based on the sans-io hyper, h11, h2, and wsproto libraries. Supports HTTP/1, HTTP/2, and WebSock-
4.1.4 NGINX Unit
Stable /
Unit is a lightweight and versatile open-source server that has three core capabilities: it is a web server for static media
assets, an application server that runs code in multiple languages, and a reverse proxy.
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
4.1.5 Uvicorn
Stable /
A fast ASGI server based on uvloop and httptools. Supports HTTP/1 and WebSockets.
4.2 Application Frameworks
4.2.1 BlackSheep
Stable /
BlackSheep is typed, fast, minimal web framework. It has performant HTTP client, flexible dependency injection
model, OpenID Connect integration, automatic OpenAPI documentation, dedicated test client and excellent authenti-
cation and authorization policy implementation. Supports HTTP and WebSockets.
4.2.2 Connexion
Stable /
Connexion is a modern Python web framework that makes spec-first and API-first development easy. You describe
your API in an OpenAPI (or Swagger) specification with as much detail as you want and Connexion will guarantee that
it works as you specified.
You can use Connexion either standalone, or in combination with any ASGI or WSGI-compatible framework!
4.2.3 Django/Channels
Stable /
Channels is the Django project to add asynchronous support to Django and is the original driving force behind the
ASGI project. Supports HTTP and WebSockets with Django integration, and any protocol with ASGI-native code.
4.2.4 Esmerald
Stable /
Esmerald is a modern, powerful, flexible, high performant web framework designed to build not only APIs but also full
scalable applications from the smallest to enterprise level. Modular, elagant and pluggable at its core.
4.2.5 FastAPI
Beta /
FastAPI is an ASGI web framework (made with Starlette) for building web APIs based on standard Python type anno-
tations and standards like OpenAPI, JSON Schema, and OAuth2. Supports HTTP and WebSockets.
32 Chapter 4. Implementations
ASGI Documentation, Release 3.0
4.2.6 Litestar
Stable /
Litestar is a powerful, performant, flexible and opinionated ASGI framework, offering first class typing support and a
full Pydantic integration. Effortlessly Build Performant APIs.
4.2.7 Quart
Beta /
Quart is a Python ASGI web microframework. It is intended to provide the easiest way to use asyncio functionality in
a web context, especially with existing Flask apps. Supports HTTP.
4.2.8 Sanic
Beta /
Sanic is an unopinionated and flexible web application server and framework that also has the ability to operate as
an ASGI compatible framework. Therefore, it can be run using any of the ASGI web servers. Supports HTTP and
Beta /
An easy-to-use and powerful RPC framework. RPC server base on WSGI & ASGI, client base on httpx. Supports syn-
chronous functions, asynchronous functions, synchronous generator functions, and asynchronous generator functions.
Optional use of Type hint for type conversion. Optional OpenAPI document generation.
4.2.10 Starlette
Beta /
Starlette is a minimalist ASGI library for writing against basic but powerful Request and Response classes. Supports
HTTP and WebSockets.
4.3 Tools
4.3.1 a2wsgi
Stable /
Convert WSGI application to ASGI application or ASGI application to WSGI application. Pure Python. Only depend
on the standard library.
4.3. Tools 33