Length: 1 page is recommended for most undergraduates or individuals with less than four years of professional experience
Font size: 10-12 pt. (no smaller than 10 pt.). Your name may be larger (14 pt.)
Bold/Italics: Be consistent (i.e. all organization/company names in bold and titles in italics)
Margins: Between .5 1 all sides
Bullet points: Use bullet points under each of your experiences at the beginning of each descriptive phrases
Use of periods: Avoid using periods at the end of bulleted accomplishment statements
Accomplishments: When an accomplishment runs onto a second line, make sure the lines are balanced rather than having one
long line and just a few words on the following line
Images: Logos, pictures and graphics are not recommended (exception may be made for graphic design students)
Grammar: Use proper spelling and grammar throughout (in addition to using spellcheck, have someone proof a hard copy of the
resume and read it out-loud to find hidden typos). Eliminate the use of personal pronouns (i.e. I, my, me, our)
Templates: Use Microsoft Word or Pages to write your resume instead of using a resume template
References: These are not necessary, unless an employer asks you to include this information on your resume. References are
usually listed on a separate page and provided when requested by the employer
Personal information
Name: Your name should be larger (14 pt) and may be in all caps
Address/Phone: List only one address (or just city and state) and list one phone number at which you can be reached
E-mail: While you are a student, use your school e-mail address; upon graduation switch to a professional e-mail address
LinkedIn: Your URL may be added if you have a complete profile. You can also add a website portfolio link if applicable
Objective/Summary/Profile (OPTIONAL)
Use this section as an opportunity to tell the employer what you are looking for, what you can offer, and to introduce your skill
Leave off your high school information (first year students may include this information based on relevance to objective)
If you are completing two majors, consider saying dual or double majors in X and Y
List all certificates and minors on the line below the major. Study abroad experiences can also be listed
Include graduation date as month, year--no a dae ange; i i no necea o a eeced o aniciaed
GPA can be listed if it is above a 3.0, it is not recommended to include a GPA under 3.0
If you transferred to SHU and wish to include your prior school, it should be set up in same format as Seton Hall University
Honors & Awards
Create a separate Awards section if you have three or more awards; otherwise, include under appropriate heading (i.e. list
cholahi o Dean Li in the Education section)
An award should only be listed in one section (i.e. Dean Li hold be in eihe Awards or Education sections, not both)
Include dates to indicate when you received the award and/or current involvement
This section can include all experiences relevant to the position, organization, or industry regardless of whether they are paid or
unpaid (i.e. work experience, volunteer opportunities, internships, professional association/club involvement, leadership/on
campus roles, community leadership)
Descriptive phrases should begin with action verbs (i.e. Managed, Created, Updated) and end with outcomes or results
Use consistent verb tenses past experiences should be in past tense; present experiences in present tense
Put positions in reverse chronological order (i.e. start with most recent)
Seton Hall University, School (if applicable) South Orange, NJ
Bachelor of Arts OR Bachelor of Science in [insert major] May 20xx
Major [insert] Minor [insert] GPA 3.5; Dean Li (ee emee)
Leadership Development Honors Program Fall 20xx - Present
Recipient of Seton Hall University Academic Scholarship, annual award Fall 20xx
List multiple positions from one employer under one heading (there is no need to list the employer name multiple times)
Include city and state only, not ee adde; inclde aing and ending dae a monh, ea (o Peen if cen)
Leadership Experience and/or Memberships and/or Volunteer Experiences
Combine these sections or list them separately depending on the amount of information, relevance, and space available
Bullet points can be added if you want to showcase a key accomplishment in a descriptive phrase
Include computer, language, certifications/licenses, laboratory, graphic design, and social media if related to the position
Do no li onl Micoof Office; ell o Micoof Ecel, PoePoin (all one word), Word, Access, Publisher
Only list language skills if you are fluent and confident speaking or writing the language at a proficient level
Avoid including attributes such as hardworking, motivated, etc. or skills such as analytical, planning or interpersonal
Optional Sections
(may be listed separately or combined depending on the amount of information)
List 6-9 courses that are relevant to the position you are applying to
Classroom or club projects are a great way to show your skills, especially if you have little or no work experience
To develop a draft or critique of your resume, please call The Career Center at 973-761-9355
or stop by 209 Bayley Hall to schedule an appointment with your career advisor.
LT Apparel Group New York, NY
Marketing Intern September 20xx - Present
Reeach eb ie of comeio and make ecommendaion o enio managemen o enghen he coman online
presence and boost sales
Participate in brainstorming sessions to create new campaigns for clients
Assist with the planning and communication during photo shoots to ensure all parties are on site when needed
Seton Hall University South Orange, NJ
Peer Adviser (Student Instructor), Freshman Studies September 20xx - May 20xx
Co-instructed 3 sections of an academic success course focused on successful transition from high school to college
Poided indiidal menoing o gide and enhance den ocial, educational, and cultural development
Barnes and Noble Clifton, NJ
Bookseller/Cashier June 20xx - August 20xx
Worked with a team to meet or exceed sales goals, demonstrating extensive product knowledge and using strong customer
service skills to encourage repeat business
Handled cash and credit transactions with a high level of accuracy
Trained five new employees to ensure positive customer service and awareness of company policies and procedures
Alpha Phi International Sorority, Director of Marketing September 20xx - Present
Created an award-winning website and design promotional brochure to increase membership
Seton Hall Varsity Baseball, Captain 20xx - Present
Assist with coordinating conditioning schedules, planning team meetings, and mentoring new players
The Setonian (weekly school newspaper), Sports Writer January 20xx - May 20xx
Contributed weekly articles to the Sports section that included game highlights, summaries, and previews
Computer: Microsoft Office Excel, PowerPoint, Word; Qualtrics
Programming: C++, HTML, Mathematica, Dr. Racket, Bash Scripting
Language: Fluent in Spanish (written and oral)
Social Media: Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Hootsuite, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, WordPress
Laboratory Skills: NMR Spectrometry, Column-Thin Layer and High Pressure Chromatography, Microwave-Assisted synthesis,
Data Processing and Visualization, Infrared and Electronic Spectroscopy
Graphic/Web Design: Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver, Weebly
Business Writing Principles of Marketing Managerial Accounting
Sport Management Business Law Financial Accounting
Advertising Analysis Course, College of Arts & Science Fall 20xx
Researched Estee Lauder product including current market position, competition, and budget
Created a comprehensive media plan and advertising campaign, presented plan to a panel of experts
Bayley Hall 209 973-761-9355