February 2016
Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center
Understanding Visual Studio
Standard subscriptions (MSDN
2 | Understanding Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (MSDN Subscriptions)
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Benefits and limitations ........................................................................................................................ 3
Inventory your pre-production environment ..................................................................................... 4
Visual Studio Standard subscription administration for large teams and
external contractors .............................................................................................................................. 5
Internal teams ......................................................................................................................................................................... 5
External contractors and partners .................................................................................................................................. 6
Track user assignment changes and process orders on schedule ..................................................... 6
High watermark of usage .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Open License and Open Value ........................................................................................................................................ 6
Enterprise Agreements ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Microsoft Products and Services Agreement ............................................................................................................. 7
Resources for Visual Studio Standard subscription administrators ................................................. 7
Using the MSDN Subscription Administration portal ........................................................................ 8
Access the MSDN Subscription Administration portal ....................................................................... 9
Set up your MSDN Subscription Administration access ........................................................................................ 9
Go to the MSDN Subscription Administration portal........................................................................................... 10
Search for a Visual Studio subscription using agreement information ......................................................... 10
Search for a Visual Studio subscription using subscriber information.......................................................... 11
Access the MSDN Subscription Administration portal using the subscriptions
option .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Viewing subscriber details .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Open the Subscriber Search tab ....................................................................................................................................... 14
For more information ....................................................................................................................................................... 15
3 | Understanding Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (MSDN Subscriptions)
This guide was created to help Visual Studio administrators better manage and
understand their Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (formerly known as MSDN
Subscriptions). It describes the Visual Studio administrator roles and responsibilities,
and provides tools and information to help fulfill them.
A Visual Studio administrator has four primary responsibilities:
1. Understand the benefits and limitations of Visual Studio Standard
subscriptions. Correctly understanding your benefits can enable you to
eliminate hardware costs by using cloud services, and reduce software costs
with per-user licenses for pre-production environments.
2. Assign Visual Studio subscriptions to specific, named individuals. Your
contract requires that Visual Studio subscriptions be assigned to specific
individuals. Use the Volume Licensing Services Center (VLSC) website to
manage users and provide them with access to their subscription benefits.
3. Accurately inventory your pre-production environment. This is essential to
ensure that all users who interact with Visual Studio-licensed software have
appropriate licenses with their own Visual Studio Standard subscription.
4. Track user assignment changes and acquire additional licenses on
schedule. Microsoft Volume Licensing Agreements give you flexibility in how
you use and assign Visual Studio Standard subscriptions. In return, you are
expected to track changes to software usage and user assignments and process
orders for additional users on the schedule outlined in their agreement.
If you have questions or need help, please contact Microsoft Volume Licensing
support for assistance.
Benefits and limitations
Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (formerly MSDN Subscriptions) allow
development team members to install and use software to design, develop, test,
evaluate, and demonstrate other software. Visual Studio software is not licensed for
production environments.
The following table provides detail on when Visual Studio Standard subscriptions
may be used:
MSDN OS, MSDN platforms, and all levels of
Visual Studio with MSDN are licensed on a per-
user basis. Each development team member that
will interact (install, configure, or access) with the
software included with these products requires
their own Visual Studio subscription.
4 | Understanding Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (MSDN Subscriptions)
Each licensed user may install and use the
software on any number of devices to design,
develop, test, evaluate, and demonstrate software.
The exception is Microsoft Office, which is licensed
for one desktop. Visual Studio-licensed software
can be installed and used at work, home, school,
and on devices at a customer’s office or on
dedicated hardware hosted by a third party.
Visual Studio software is not licensed for
production environments, including any
environment accessed by end users for more than
acceptance testing or feedback, an environment
connecting to a production database, supporting
disaster recovery or production backup, or used
for production during peak periods of activity.
Exceptions to this include specific benefits for
subscription levels, outlined on the Visual Studio
subscriptions website.
When a user leaves a team and no longer requires
a license, you may reassign the license if 90 days
have passed since the time of the original
user exception
At the end of a software development project,
users typically review an application and, through
user acceptance testing (UAT) determine whether
it meets the criteria for release.
Team members such as a business sponsor or a
product manager can act as proxies for end users.
End users who do not have a Visual Studio
subscription may access the software for UAT if
use of the software otherwise complies with all
Visual Studio licensing terms. It is rare that
someone whose primary role is designing,
developing, or testing the software would also
qualify as an “end user.”
Inventory your pre-production
Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (formerly known as MSDN Subscriptions)
simplify asset management by counting users rather than devices.
NOTE: Visual Studio administrators must assign Visual Studio subscriptions to
specific, named individuals. Naming conventions such as Dev1 or Dev2 are not
Here are some ways to simplify the process of inventorying your pre-production
5 | Understanding Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (MSDN Subscriptions)
Review your user assignments. The Microsoft MSDN Subscription
Administration Portal helps you track Visual Studio Standard subscription
(formerly MSDN Subscription) assignments. This portal is within the VLSC.
This guide will show you how to access it.
Use Active Directory to list users. If you use Active Directory to manage
user access, you may be able to identify development and test users by their
directory membership.
Use automated tools to inventory systems. You may also need to use a
software inventory tool to help manage your software assets and distinguish
pre-production environments from production ones. Customers using
Microsoft System Center create naming conventions to help automate this
part of the inventory process.
Get help with manual reconciliation. Enlist your staff to help reconcile
your development and test users with your development and test
Visual Studio Standard subscription
administration for large teams and
external contractors
Visual Studio administrators are responsible for ensuring that each user who
interacts with Visual Studio software is appropriately licensed with their own Visual
Studio subscription.
Internal teams
Typically, modern software organizations include stakeholders from several groups.
Identify contacts from each group who can help you keep track of user inventory
and changes.
Every organization is different, but a typical list of teams involved in development
might include:
Software engineering teams.
Business teams, including product owners and business analysts.
Project management teams.
Quality teams, including QA staff and manual testers.
IT operations, including pre-production and lab infrastructure managers.
6 | Understanding Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (MSDN Subscriptions)
External contractors and partners
External contractors may bring licenses to engage with your Visual Studio-licensed
environment. Microsoft Certified Partners may receive a number of free Visual
Studio subscriptions for their internal use. However, these subscriptions do not
cover revenue-generating activities such as developing custom software for a
customer. Ask partners to send you a certified letter that explains the licenses they
are providing and those that you need to procure.
Track user assignment changes and
process orders on schedule
Visual Studio administrators are expected to track Visual Studio Standard
subscription usage and process orders for any increases in usage on the schedule
outlined in their Microsoft Volume License Agreement.
High watermark of usage
Your company's obligation to purchase Visual Studio subscriptions takes effect
immediately when:
A license is assigned to a user.
A user interacts with Visual Studio software.
Your complete purchase obligation is determined by the high watermark of usage.
This watermark is the high point either in daily user assignments or in users
interacting with Visual Studio software, whichever is higher.
1. Visual Studio administrators may increase the high watermark of usage by
assigning Visual Studio subscriptions to individuals.
2. Visual Studio administrators may reassign Visual Studio Standard subscriptions
from one subscriber to another if 90 days have passed since the time of the
original assignment. To avoid an artificially high watermark, always do this by
removing the existing subscription before adding the new one.
3. Visual Studio administrators may change the assigned subscription level for an
individual, which would constitute a decrease in one assignment and an
increase in another. When you lower a subscriber’s assigned subscription level,
the individual must immediately stop using and uninstall anything that is in the
higher-level subscription.
Open License and Open Value
You may be assigning subscriptions through another Microsoft Volume Licensing
program like Microsoft Open License or Open Value. If so, then you must process
7 | Understanding Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (MSDN Subscriptions)
your order for additional users during the month in which users (employees or
external contractors) begin interacting with Visual Studio-licensed software.
Enterprise Agreements
Microsoft Enterprise Agreements (EA) give you flexibility in how you use and license
Visual Studio software over time. Visual Studio administrators must make an annual
True-Up order to bring their software licenses up to the high watermark of usage
established during the EA period.
Microsoft Products and Services Agreement
The Microsoft Products and Service Agreement (MPSA) is a licensing agreement that
provides a consolidated licensing agreement for all your software, online services,
and Software Assurance purchases. MPSA replaces the Select Plus licensing program
(retired July 1, 2015). Although no new agreements can be created on Select Plus,
you retain all licensing rights and Software Assurance coverage for the products
purchased under your current Select Plus agreement.
Customers with an MPSA agreement:
Must use the Microsoft Volume Licensing Center to manage their volume
Can still use the Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC) to manage volume
licensing under other Microsoft agreements.
Have access to a new portal for administering Visual Studio Standard
For additional information on understanding and managing Visual Studio Standard
subscriptions under an MPSA, see the MPSA MSDN Administrator Guide.
Resources for Visual Studio Standard
subscription administrators
Here are additional links and resources for Visual Studio Standard subscription
Manage non-MPSA licenses: Sign in to Volume Licensing Service Center
Visual Studio (formerly MSDN) Licensing
Visual Studio subscriptions overview
Compare Visual Studio subscription benefits
Visual Studio subscriptions (formerly MSDN) help
8 | Understanding Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (MSDN Subscriptions)
For a complete explanation of licensing requirements for common deployment
scenarios, see the Visual Studio 2015 Licensing White Paper.
Using the MSDN Subscription
Administration portal
The MSDN Subscription Administration portal gives you a central location for
managing your Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (formerly MSDN Subscriptions)
and allows you to:
Assign Visual Studio Standard subscriptions to your organization’s end users
Change benefit assignment and contact information
View summaries of license and benefit assignments
Change Visual Studio subscription levels for your users
Allocate, track, and manage media assignments
NOTE: The MSDN Subscription Administration portal is a section within the VLSC.
Keep this in mind when you use the MSDN Subscription Administration portal:
Visual Studio subscriptions are licensed per user. Each subscriber can use
the software on as many computers as needed for development and testing.
Leave all the component benefits (Subscriber Downloads, Technical
Support incidents, Priority Support in MSDN Forums, and MSDN Online
Chat) selected when assigning a subscription. If you make Subscriber
Downloads unavailable, subscribers cannot access the Visual Studio
subscriptions portal. This will prevent them from downloading software or
accessing e-learning, Microsoft Azure, Visual Studio Team Services, and
other benefits that may be included with their subscription.
Assign only one subscription level for each subscriber, corresponding to
the Visual Studio subscription your organization purchased. If you have
subscribers with more than one subscription level assigned to them, edit
their settings so that they only have one.
A subscriber’s subscription level will need to be updated when the
subscription is upgraded (after the purchase of a “step-up” license) or
renewed at a lower level.
Do not share subscriptions between subscribers. You must assign a
subscription to anyone who uses all or part of the subscription benefits
(software for development and testing, Microsoft Azure, e-learning, etc.).
9 | Understanding Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (MSDN Subscriptions)
Access the MSDN Subscription
Administration portal
To access the portal, your organization’s VLSC Online Administrator must assign a
Subscription Manager role to you. Your Administrator must assign permissions to
your business email address before you attempt to register for access to the VLSC
site. If you are a VLSC Online Administrator, you will automatically be able to use the
MSDN Subscription Administration portal.
Questions? See VLSC Frequently Asked Questions.
Set up your MSDN Subscription Administration access
You can skip this step if you are already registered on VLSC and have the correct
permissions. If this is the first time you are accessing the VLSC, then you will see a
registration screen asking you to provide your business email address.
1. Go to the VLSC.
2. To begin the registration process, select Sign In.
3. Type your Microsoft account and password, and then select Sign In.
4. Type your business email address, confirm the Business E-mail fields, and then
select Submit.
IMPORTANT: You must type the exact business email address that your Online
Administrator associated with your VLSC Subscriptions Manager permissions.
5. You will see a screen that acknowledges receipt of the business email address
you provided. Follow the on-screen instructions to validate your email address.
10 | Understanding Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (MSDN Subscriptions)
6. Go to your inbox and open the message from the VLSC.
7. Select the link in the message to confirm your ownership of the business email
Go to the MSDN Subscription Administration portal
1. Go to the VLSC.
2. To begin the registration process, select Sign In.
3. Type your Microsoft account and password, and then select Sign In.
From the VLSC homepage, there are two ways to access the MSDN
Subscription Administration portal. When you select Subscriptions in the top
navigation menu, two choices appear on the submenu: MSDN Search and
Search for a Visual Studio subscription using agreement information
1. On the main navigation menu, select Subscriptions.
2. From the Subscriptions drop-down menu, select MSDN Search. The MSDN
Subscription Administration search page appears.
11 | Understanding Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (MSDN Subscriptions)
IMPORTANT: Some fields will only return search results if the input you provide is an
exact match for the information they contain. On the Agreement search screen,
Agreement number and Public Customer Number each require an exact match.
However, neither of these fields is required.
3. To search for an agreement, select the Search by agreement information
4. Select Search.
5. When the results from your search appears, select an Agreement # or Public
Customer # to view detailed subscription information for the agreement.
The agreement information will display in the Agreement area of the MSDN
Subscription Administration portal.
Search for a Visual Studio subscription using subscriber information
1. On the main navigation menu, select Subscriptions.
2. From the Subscriptions drop-down menu, select MSDN Search. The MSDN
Subscription Administration search page appears.
12 | Understanding Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (MSDN Subscriptions)
IMPORTANT: Some fields will only return search results if the input you provide is an
exact match for the information they contain. On the Subscriber search screen,
Subscriber ID and Email Address each require an exact match. However, none of these
fields is a required field.
3. To search for an agreement using subscriber information, select the option to
Search by subscriber information.
4. Select Search.
5. When the results of your search appear, select an Agreement # or Public
Customer to view the detailed subscriber information for the agreement.
The agreement information will display in the Agreement area of the MSDN
Subscription Administration portal.
NOTE: When you search using subscriber information, the portal will display up to a
maximum of 5,000 agreements in the search results.
Access the MSDN Subscription Administration portal using the
subscriptions option
1. After you sign in to the VLSC Home page, select Subscriptions.
2. Select Subscriptions from the drop down menu.
3. Go to the section titled MSDN Subscriptions. Select Click here to visit the
Relationship Summary and select a License ID to manage your MSDN
13 | Understanding Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (MSDN Subscriptions)
4. The Relationship Summary page opens. Select a Licensing ID with the Visual
Studio subscriptions you want to manage.
5. After the License Details page opens, select the link next to Manage MSDN
6. The MSDN Subscription Administration portal opens.
NOTE: The MSDN Subscription Administration portal is a section within the VLSC. It is
not a separate website.
14 | Understanding Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (MSDN Subscriptions)
NOTE: If you previously purchased either Visual Studio Premium with MSDN or
Visual Studio Ultimate with MSDN, you will see a notice indicating the change to
Visual Studio Enterprise with MSDN.
Viewing subscriber details
Once you have selected an agreement, you can use the Subscriber Search tab to
view details about individual subscribers. The Subscriber Search tab is collapsed by
Open the Subscriber Search tab
1. After you select an agreement, select the Subscriber Search tab.
2. The Subscriptions page appears with the Search area hidden. To open the
Search area, select the arrow
15 | Understanding Visual Studio Standard subscriptions (MSDN Subscriptions)
3. From this screen, you can:
View and edit the subscriber’s details by selecting the subscriber’s last
Remove a subscriber by selecting the check box next to the subscriber(s),
and then selecting Remove Subscribers.
Resend an email invitation to the subscriber by selecting the box next to the
subscriber’s name, and then Resend Invitation. More details about the
invitation email are in step 8 of the “Assign a Subscription from an
Agreement” section in the Managing Visual Studio subscriptions (MSDN
Subscriptions) guide.
View other subscribers that are not visible by doing one of the following:
o Export the entire subscriber list to a CSV file
o Sort your search results within the subscriber list
o Use the Search area to narrow the search results
For more information
For more information about how to use the MSDN Subscription Administration
portal, see the guide titled Managing Visual Studio subscriptions (MSDN
Subscriptions) on the VLSC training and resources page.