Mendham Township Middle School
Student/Parent Handbook
Administrator Title
Dr. Salvatore Constantino Superintendent of Schools
Mrs. Donna Mosner School Business Administrator
Dr. Patrick J. Ciccone Principal, Middle School
Mr. Robert Koroski Director of Special Services
Ms. Julianne Kotcho Principal, Elementary School
Mrs. Margaret Hogan Director of Transportation
Mr. Brian Jendryka, President
Mr. Aadithya Thayyar, Vice President
Mrs. Heather Fraser
Mrs. Gretchen Holquist
Mr. Fion Wood
Mr. Richard Gondek
Mrs. Jocelyn de Grandpre
Mr. Robert Koroski Director of Special Services
Mrs. Michele Ippolito Psychologist (Office in MTMS)
Ms. Kelly Bravo Social Worker
Ms. Micheline Cote LDTC
Table of Contents
Middle School Staff Contact Information------------------------------------------pg 5
Bell Schedules: Early Dismissal / Delayed Opening------------------------------pg 5
2018-2019 Academic Course Offerings (RETENTION)------------------------pg 6
The Grading System--------------------------------------------------------------------pg 7
(Report Cards / Honor Roll / Standardized Testing / Mathematics Placement)
Homework Procedures / Online Posting Guidelines-----------------------------pg 8
Communication ------------------------------------------------------------------------pg 10
(Chain of Command / Staff E-mail / Telephone / Conferences / Oncourse Portal)
Attendance / Tardy Guidelines------------------------------------------------------pg 11
(Welfare checks / Early Dismissal / Tardiness)
Safety Drills: Fire / Lock Down / Evacuation -----------------------------------pg 13
Standard Procedures------------------------------------------------------------------pg 13
(Building Access / Restricted Parking/ Student Arrival & Dismissal / Hall Pass / Visitors / Lunchroom / Recess /
School Property /
Rules of Conduct / Discipline Levels & Responses -----------------------------pg 16
(E-cigarettes & Vaping / Zero Tolerance for Guns Act / Cyberbullying / Incidents occurring away from school)
Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation/Electronic Devices------------------------pg 21
Dress Code------------------------------------------------------------------------------pg 21
Bus Transportation Rules of the Road------------------------------------------pg 22
Extra-Curricular Activities Eligibility
(Good Standing) ----------------------------pg 23
Interscholastic Sports / Team selection / Priority ------------------------------pg 23
Band / Orchestra / Chorus / School Production --------------------------------pg 24
Support Services ----------------------------------------------------------------------pg 25
(School Counselor / New Student Screening / 2NDFLOOR / Special Services / 504 / Affirmative Action)
Health Services-------------------------------------------------------------------------pg 26
(State Mandated Testing / Physicals / Medications / Emergency Cards / Physical education excuses)
Technology Facilities / Acceptable Use Policy ----------------------------------pg 27
Gifted and Talented: Quest ---------------------------------------------------------pg 38
Fundraisers-----------------------------------------------------------------------------pg 30
An MTMS staff directory is located on the school’s webpage here
Full-Day Schedule:
Students enter
AM Announcements - Homeroom
First Period
Second Period
Third Period
Fourth Period
Fifth Period
Sixth Period
Seventh Period
PM Announcements - Eighth Period
Ninth period
Early Dismissal Schedule:
Students enter
First Period
Second Period
Third Period
Fourth Period
Fifth/Sixth Period
Seventh Period
Eighth Period
Ninth Period
Delayed Opening Schedule:
Mendham Township Middle School
2018-2019 Academic Course Offerings
Curriculum, state standards, and online books available on our web page
Detailed Curriculum by Subject
Fifth Grade Offerings: Sixth Grade Offerings:
Mathematics 5 Mathematics 6 (One Accelerated Section)
Problem Solving (1 period /week) Problem Solving (1 period /week)
Math Computations (1 period /week) Math Computations (1 period /week)
Language Arts Language Arts
Integrated Science Science
Social Studies Social Studies
Health/Physical Education Health / Physical Education
General Music (1/3 yr. related art) General Music (1/3 yr. related art)
Art (1/3 yr. related art) Art (1/3 yr. related art)
Academic Lab (2 periods/week) Academic Lab (2 periods /week)
Computer Class (1/3 yr. related art) Computer Class (1/3 yr. related art)
Spanish (3 periods/week) Spanish (3 periods/week)
Advisory Program (1 period /week) Advisory Program (1 period /week)
Basic Skills Support / Enrichment / Quest Enrichment / Quest
Law Enforcement Against Drugs (L.E.A.D.)
Seventh Grade Offerings: Eighth Grade Offerings:
Mathematics 7 (two Accelerated Sections) Mathematics 8
Problem Solving (1 period /week) Problem Solving (1 period /week)
Honors Algebra Honors Algebra
Quest Honors Geometry
Language Arts Language Arts
Science Science
Social Studies Social Studies
Health / Physical Education Health / Physical Education
General Music (1/3 yr. related art) General Music (1/3 yr. related art)
Art (1/3 yr. related art) Art (1/3 yr. related art)
Computer Class (1/3 yr. related art) Computer Class (1/3 yr. related art)
Spanish (5 periods/week) Spanish (5 periods/week)
Spanish for Daily Use (2 periods/week) Spanish for Daily Use (2 periods/week)
Academic Lab (3 periods/week) Academic Lab (3 periods/week)
Please note the following with regard to 5
and 6
grade Health / Physical Education Program:
1. Fifth and Sixth graders will not ‘change’ for physical education;
2. Fifth and Sixth graders will earn pass or fail rating on marking period report cards for health;&
3. The ‘Advisory Program’ during period 6 contributes to Health instruction in 5
& 6
RETENTION: The underlined courses above are considered academic subjects. A pupil in
grades 5-8 who fails two academic subjects for the school year shall be retained, unless the
Superintendent of Schools grants a waiver. Where appropriate the pupil will be notified no
later than 3 weeks prior to the end of the school year. (Policy Regulation 5410)
The grading system is the means by which the school reports students’ academic progress to
their parents. Teachers use numerical grades and/or letter grades to report progress in all
academic classes and related arts.
Grading System
A+ 96.5 - 100 C+ 76.5 – 79.4
A 93.5 – 96.4 C 73.5 – 76.4
A- 89.5 – 93.4 C- 69.5 – 73.4
B+ 86.5 – 89.4 D+ 66.5 – 69.4
B 83.5 – 86.4 D 63.5 – 66.4
B- 79.5 – 83.4 D- 59.5 – 63.4
F Below 59.5
E excellent S satisfactory
N – needs improvement U unsatisfactory
Exceptional Grading Conditions
I Incomplete
P Pass
F Fail
Report Cards / Progress Reports
Report cards are officially issued via in digital format at the
conclusion of each marking period. The Oncourse portal also provides ongoing academic
progress reports for both parents and students to review. Usernames and password for the portal
are provided at the beginning of each school year for new students. Letter grades are used on all
official report cards. A single grade in a subject usually encompasses homework, daily
assignments, test/quiz grades, and special projects. In addition to a letter grade, teachers may
utilize an “Explanation of Grades”. These comments serve to clarify the traditional letter grade
by giving parents additional information about school performance.
Honor Roll
Superior effort and academic achievement are valued goals for our students. The Middle School
recognizes the academic accomplishments of students in grades six through eight with an Honor
Roll and during awards assemblies held throughout the year. At this time, certificates of
achievement are presented to students who meet the following criteria.
High Honors A- or above in all academic subjects
B or above in all related arts
Honors B or above in all academic subjects
B or above in all related arts
Honorable Mention Acknowledgment for students who have clearly
demonstrated achievement but have not attained honor roll
status due to the receipt of a B- in one subject only.
Academic subjects include language arts, math, science, social studies, and world language.
Related arts include health, computers, art, music, and physical education.
Standardized Testing PARCC
Standardized tests help us to determine student progress each year and assist in determining the
efficacy of our programs. Students in grades 5-8 are scheduled to participate in Common Core
tests (PARCC) in mathematics and language arts from 5/6/19- 5/23/19. This is a computer-based
test. Students grade 5 and 8 will participate in the NJSLA-S Science test in late May. More
information about PARCC is located at HERE (NJDOE).
Mathematics Placement / Eligibility Requirements for 2019-2020
2018-2019 Fifth and Sixth Graders: All students in fifth and sixth grades will
participate in mathematics placement tests in May/June 2019, to determine eligibility for
accelerated mathematics. The placement tests are part of a matrix including teacher
recommendations and ‘end-of-year’ mathematics grades, which are used to determine
eligibility into accelerated mathematics in grades 6 (one section) and 7 (two sections).
All accelerated and non-accelerated sections are heterogeneously grouped. Eligibility
questions should be directed to Dr. Ciccone.
2018-2019 Seventh Graders: At this point in time, it appears we will be facilitating two
sections of Grade 8 Math and three sections of Honors Algebra 1 in the 2019-2020 school
year. The following criteria will be used to determine 8th grade mathematics placement;
- Who is eligible for Honors Algebra 1?
1. Students who are currently taking Accelerated Math 7 AND earn a
‘year-end math average’ greater than or equal to 79.5%.
2. Students who are currently taking Math 7 and earn a ‘year-end math average’
greater than or equal to 93.5%.
- Who is eligible for Grade 8 Math?
1. Students who are currently taking Accelerated Math 7 who earn year-end math
average’ below 79.5%.
2. Students who are currently taking Math 7 and earn a ‘year-end math average’
below 93.5%.
Homework is an important part of each school day. It extends educational experiences beyond
the classroom and reinforces learning by giving children an opportunity to practice without the
pressure of time. Homework teaches students to be responsible, to organize time, to work
independently, to practice good study skills and to develop self-discipline. Homework is one of
the links between home and school that enables the parent to become more involved with his/her
child’s education. All MTMS classroom teachers will post all homework, test, quiz, and project
due dates on the Middle School home page. Parents can check the status of their child’s
homework completion each Friday via the online Oncourse portal at,
as well as on the Middle School homepage under Academics then choosing Homework
Calendars & Posting guidelines from the drop-down menu.
Fifth graders are required to use the agenda books issued by the Middle School at the beginning
of the school year. Any seventh or eighth grade teacher may also require for students to utilize
the agenda book. A stand-alone 5
and 6
grade homework guide is part of the summer
welcome back documents and will be followed by all grade 5 and 6 teachers.
Homework must be legible, neat, and accurate in form and content and must be completed on
time. Late assignments may not be accepted for credit and may negatively impact a student’s
grade point average. Teachers’ expectations are to be clearly expressed to the students.
In cases of a documented absence due to illness, the following procedures will be followed:
One day or single classes: Students are expected to retrieve assignments online, and/ or
contact friends for assignments, class notes, notices, and to be prepared for class activities
the following day.
Two or more days: Parents and students should retrieve homework assignments online
from the Middle School web page. Missed assignments should be completed as soon as
possible following the student’s return to school. It is generally recommended that the
number of days absent is the number of days a student requires to make up missed
Students who have missed classes or assignments because of attendance at school-sponsored
activities are responsible for all missed homework and class work.
Online Posting Guidelines
1. Teachers will reproduce in-class ‘homework board’ online every day that school is in
session. If there is no homework, the teacher will post “no homework” or “none” will be
2. Homework, quizzes, and special projects will be placed online via links from the Middle
School home page. Tests will be posted on the homework assignment calendars as soon
as the teachers are aware of the dates. Unannounced assessments obviously will not be
3. All homework / assignments that are due on the next school day will be posted by the
teacher by no later than 3:30 pm. For example, assignments due on Tuesday will be
posted by no later than Monday afternoon at 3:30 pm. If it is not posted, a student will be
given an extra day to complete the assignment if necessary.
4. Once an assignment is written on the homework board and the students leave the
classroom at the end of the period, the teachers will not alter or adjust the assignment
online in any way. If circumstances arise and this does occur, see number 6 below.
5. Students in 7
and 8
grades are encouraged, but not required, to utilize their agendas in
class to write down homework assignments. However, Internet outages, webpage
outages, or lack of internet access will never suffice as an excuse for missed assignments.
Students in 5
and 6
grades will still be required to maintain a paper agenda book.
6. If there is a ‘conflict’ between what is written on the classroom homework board and
what is posted online, students will be permitted an additional day to complete the
assignment ONLY if he/she successfully completes one of the assignments. It is not
permissible for students to identify the ‘conflict’ as the reason for not completing either
7. Teachers will not post documents that require students to have online access in order to
successfully complete an assignment. If circumstances arise and this does occur, students
without online access shall be granted an additional day to complete the assignment.
The Middle School years are developmentally challenging for students during their pre-
adolescence and adolescence. These are years of academic challenges, physical changes, and
social pressures. Effective and frequent communication between home and school becomes an
essential component of each student’s Middle School program. Barring serious emergencies,
administration does not require staff to return messages left on any devices other than official
email accounts and or District voicemail.
Chain of Command
The chain of command needs to be followed when discussing topics specific to your child. The
perspective of a student, parent, or teacher on any particular topic may afford a different
interpretation, and it is important that communication among all three occur prior to reaching the
principal’s office. Without knowing the specifics from all three parties, it is difficult for the
principal to respond appropriately. The principal can only generalize and make assumptions, if
he/she does not have feedback from everyone. The Middle School faculty currently uses the
following procedures to communicate with parents, many of which require ‘working’
technology. Please note that the building principal monitors and regulates each of the
communication procedures detailed below and therefore, issues of inefficiency should be
immediately reported to the building principal.
Daily Homework Posting
All MTMS classroom teachers will post all homework, test, quiz, and project due dates located
on the Middle School page and or Oncourse portal at Students will
be given an additional day to complete all assignments that are not posted online.
Official Staff Email Accounts
All MTMS staff members have an official email account ending in “”
Teachers are encouraged to respond to all email by the close of the school day; but are required
to do so within 24 hours.
All MTMS staff members have District voicemail that can be accessed by calling the main
number at 973-543-7107 anytime of day. MTMS staff is encouraged to respond to all phone
calls by the close of the school day; but are required to do so within 24 hours.
Back to School Night - 9/13/18 @ 7pm
Each fall, the Middle School invites parents to spend an evening at school. The faculty presents
an overview of their instructional programs including classroom rules and procedures. Parents
are encouraged to participate in the evening’s activities and to familiarize themselves with their
child’s daily routine.
Official Parent / Teacher Conferences (November 5-7 / March 6-8)
Parent conferences are scheduled twice a year, in the fall and the spring. Although teachers have
priority in requesting conferences, parents may also initiate them. As each teacher teaches all
students at each grade level, it is not possible to schedule a conference for every child. Often, a
team of teachers will meet with parents to economize time. Students may be invited to attend
these conferences, as well as all other conferences. This strategy has proven to be successful in
involving students in the problem-solving process regarding their school performance.
Daily Parent / Teacher Conferences
Teachers frequently schedule conferences with parents as the need arises. These may be held
during or after school. Telephone conferences are another viable form of communication.
Parents are invited to schedule conferences with grade levels teams on a mutually agreed upon
day during the following times: 5
grade @ 12:40 PM / 6
grade @ 10:29 AM / 7
grade @
9:46 AM / 8
grade @ 8:20 AM. The homeroom teacher is the point of contact for ‘team
Online Grade Reporting Oncourse Portal -
ALL MTMS families have access to our Oncourse portal online reporting program via Oncourse
Connect. This portal provides parents with on-demand access to students’ most recent and
cumulative Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, World Language, and Language Arts grades.
Homework completion for each week will be updated every Friday. Tests, quizzes, essays, and
other graded projects will be posted to “Live Grades” immediately after the teacher completes
the grading process. *Note that lengthy assignments, exams, projects, and essays might take up
to a week to post to Oncourse. At the beginning of each school year, parents will receive
directions, a username and a password in order to access the portal.
Getting Messages to Students During the School Day
In order to maintain an orderly, safe, and productive school environment, the office staff will
strive to minimize classroom interruptions. PA Announcements will ONLY be made two times
per day: during homeroom and at the beginning of period 8:
1. Students are permitted to use the office telephone only in the event of an emergency
(forgetting homework does not constitute and emergency);
2. Students are responsible for checking in at the office to collect ‘dropped off’ items;
3. Classrooms will not be interrupted to summons individual students to the office to
collect items ‘forgotten’ at home and delivered to school;
4. Students are not permitted to use their cell phones to call/text parents during school
5. Parents should refrain from texting/calling students on their cell phones during the
school day.
Attendance Policy 5200 / Promotion Retention 5410R
It is extremely important that each student attends school regularly and arrives on time.
Absences because of illness, death in the family, quarantine, sudden extreme emergencies, and
religious holidays will be excused. Absences from school for purposes of accompanying
family members or others on vacations or trips are not considered excused absences.
Students are expected to make up all work missed due to school or class absences.
A pupil with fewer than 165 days attendance in grades PreK-8 will not be promoted to
the next grade level. Extenuating circumstances as determined by the Building Principal
can waive promotion requirements for grades PreK-8. The Principal will review each
case and in consultation with the teacher render a final decision. Classroom teachers
shall provide input to the Principal who makes the final decision concerning the
promotion or retention of each pupil. - Board of Education policy # 5410R.
Reminder: Students must be in attendance for 4 hours in order to participate in after school
Absences / Student Welfare Checks
Please remember that it is mandatory to inform the office each day that your student is not in
homeroom by 8:10 am, that your students is either absent for the day, or will be tardy. Parents
may leave messages in the general delivery mailbox at any time to report student absences or
tardiness. A Student Welfare Check will be performed by the Mendham Township Police
Department for any student not accounted for by 8:40 am.
It is important that students try to keep up with their daily assignments when they are absent. It
is expected that students will be prepared for classes upon their return to school whenever
possible. Assignments for a single day’s absence should be obtained from friends and or the
online homework page. Parents may call the school for work if their child will be out for more
than one day due to illness only. Assignments will be available by 3:00 P.M. on the second day
of an excused absence.
Upon the student’s return to class, any additional assignments should be noted in an assignment
pad with the date due. Work must be made up as soon as possible following the student’s return
in accordance with each teacher’s classroom rules.
Early Dismissal
Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds during the day unless written permission
has been secured from home and approved by the administration. If a student leaves before the
close of the school day, the parent making the pick-up must sign out the student in the main
office, in the presence of school personnel.
Tardiness - Policy 5240
Tardiness to school or class that is caused by a pupil's illness, an emergency in the pupil's family,
the observance of a religious holiday, a death in the pupil's family, or by the pupil's compliance
with a request or directive of an administrator will be considered justified and is excused. All
other incidents of tardiness will be considered unexcused.
All MTMS students are required to be in their homerooms by no later than 8:10 am. When a
student enters homeroom after 8:10 am, he/she is considered tardy. The following procedures
will be utilized to manage habitual tardiness; to keep parents informed; and to “impose a
response that will effect a change in behavior” (Policy 5240 R):
1. Parents will be notified via telephone when a student earns 6 tardy marks. A follow up letter
will also reiterate the conversation and these guidelines.
2. Upon earning a 9
tardy mark, a student will be required to serve a recess detention for each
subsequent tardy.
3. Upon earning a 12
tardy mark (and each subsequent tardy), a student will be required to
serve an after school detention until 3:30 pm and will not be permitted to participate in extra-
curricular activities on days he/she is tardy. In this instance, absences from athletic or play
practices are considered unexcused. Additionally, a corrective action plan will be developed
with the guidance counselor and must be approved by the principal.
During the corrective
action plan meeting parents will be informed that the 24
tardy will justify an in-school
suspension and permanent removal from extra-curricular activities.
4. Upon earning the 24
tardy mark, a student will be required to serve an in-school suspension
and will be deemed ineligible to participate in extra-curricular activities and or field trips.
5. Continued tardiness will lead to additional consequences including, not limited to out-of-
school suspension, community service, and suspension from extracurricular activities.
If you have any questions about these procedures and or you ever find yourself in a position
where circumstances impede your ability to get your child to school on time, please contact the
principal immediately. Perhaps we can help!
As prescribed by NJ State Law, schools are required to conduct one
fire drill and on safety drill per month.
Fire Drills
The drills are for the purpose of preparing the student body to meet any emergency that might
require a rapid evacuation of the building. When evacuating the building during fire drills and
other emergencies, the following rules are to be followed:
a. Leave the building through the nearest exit.
b. Walk rapidly, but do not run.
c. Do not talk; listen for instructions.
Safety Drills
On a regular basis, students will participate in lock down drills, evacuation drills, shelter in place
drills, suspicious package drills etc… which are designed to quickly secure the school building in
an effective and efficient manner in case of an emergency.
Evacuation Drills
Periodically, students will practice evacuating the school building and perhaps the premises to
prepare for such events as fires, gas leaks, and natural disasters. These drills are coordinated
with the transportation department as some evacuations would require the mobilization of our
buses. A plethora of scenarios are practiced to signal the drills (ie… suspicious package / active
shooter / weather emergency etc…)
Building Access / Restricted Parking
1. Non-emergency items including lunches, athletic equipment, and schoolwork shall not be
dropped off by parents between the hours of 8:05 am and 3:05 pm, as non-emergency items will
not be delivered to students during the school day. The school will provide “I owe you” lunch
vouchers for students who forget their lunches. There will be a “drop off grace period” between
9 am and 10 am.
2. Stopping or Standing (parking) in the circle directly in front of the school is prohibited
between the hours of 8:05 am and 3:05 pm. Visitors to the school who park in the circle will be
required to move their vehicles prior to entering the building.
Student Arrival
Students walking to school or being driven by a parent should not arrive before 7:45 a.m. In
inclement weather, students may enter the building before 8:05 a.m. However, students are not
permitted to travel beyond the front foyer of the building. Students are not permitted access to
their lockers, the locker room, or classrooms prior to 8:05 a.m.
Student Dismissal
Students will be dismissed at 2:50 p.m. Upon dismissal, students should walk to their buses and
line up. If a bus has not arrived, students should line up where the bus usually stops. Students
should always stand behind the yellow line. Students being met by parents should cross the
driveway in front of the main door area and wait near the flagpole. Students should be picked up
in the parking lot - not in the driveway in front of the school.
Hall Pass
At all times during the school day - All students are required to secure a hall pass from their
teacher or supervising staff member in order to walk through the hallways. Students without hall
passes will be returned to their classroom. Habitual offenders may lose privileges and or are
subject to disciplinary action.
ALL visitors are required to utilize the Lobby Guard computer system located inside the front
doors. The Lobby Guard will generate visitor’s badge, which must be worn at all times. Visitors
are NEVER permitted to go to any classroom to see a student or teacher without
permission from the school principal. We ask that parents and guardians cooperate with
these rules in order not to disrupt instruction and to ensure the safety of the children. Relatives,
siblings, friends, and neighbors, who are not officially enrolled in MTMS, may not attend
classes, lunch/recess, or enrichment with an enrolled student. Prospective students and or their
guardians may schedule an appointment to tour the building with the school’s counselor.
Students who eat before recess must go to lunch prepared for recess. They may not return to
their lockers after eating. Students must remain seated during lunch except when they are
purchasing food or cleaning up. Students will behave appropriately. They are expected to
converse in moderate voices, eat in a mannerly fashion, and be courteous to each other, as well
as to supervising staff. No one may use the lavatory without a pass and the supervising staff
member’s permission. Students will be dismissed from the lunchroom when tables, floors, and
benches are clean. The students at a table share collective responsibility for policing their own
table/floor areas. No food or drink will be allowed to leave the lunchroom.
Students going to recess will meet the recess teacher by the gymnasium near the boys’ locker
room. Following dismissal from recess, they will return to class/lunch through the side door near
the girls’ locker room. If it is above 32 degrees and the fields will permit, middle school students
are afforded the opportunity to go outside for recess.
Students who eat before recess must go to lunch prepared for recess. They may not return to
their lockers after lunch. Those who have recess before lunch must take their lunches to recess.
They may not return to their lockers before eating.
There is no excuse for being late unless the student has a pass from a teacher. If a student needs
to leave for any reason, the supervising teacher must give permission and a HALL PASS, and the
student must check in upon return.
General Guidelines for Recess:
All recess rules have been made to promote the safety and well-being of the students. Students
should understand that non-observance of these guidelines, participating in any unsafe activity,
or roofing a ball might result in losing the privilege of recess. Students must return all
equipment to the rack before dismissal. Specifically, students may NOT
Eat food at recess Bring their own equipment to recess
Throw balls at other students Tackle
Kick a ball, except when involved in a structured activity with teacher approval
Shove or push Roof balls
Care of School Property
Mendham Township Middle School is a very well-equipped and well-maintained building.
Students are expected to take pride in the appearance of their school and to assume responsibility
for maintaining it. They will be required to pay for any deliberate damage to the building or
equipment and for damaged or lost textbooks / laptops. All textbooks must be covered with
suitable materials. “Contact” or other sticky materials are not to be used.
Book fines will be assessed for excessive damage. A general rule of thumb is to assess students
approximately 20% per year for severely damaged books. For example, a one-year-old book that
is severely damaged would be assessed at 80% of its current catalog value. Students who return
damaged books that can no longer be utilized the following year must pay the full current
replacement value (new book price).
Care of Personal Property / Lockers
Each student must accept responsibility for the care and safety of his/her personal belongings.
The hallway locker may be locked (optional), but students MUST secure their gym locker.
Students should never bring large sums of money, valuable jewelry, or expensive equipment to
school. The school cannot assume responsibility for the safety of such items.
The following are expectations for the use of the school lockers:
1. All lockers and desks are school property and therefore, are subject to inspection by
school administration if the school official has reasonable suspicion of concealed
contraband (this statement is read for the first 2 weeks of school during morning announcements)
2. Students should respect the rights and property of others. They should not go into any locker
other than their own.
3. Students may visit their lockers before each period.
4. Bringing expensive electronic devices to school is highly discouraged as they are often lost
or damaged, and the school is not responsible for the safe return of these devices. If you
choose to send your child to school with an electronic device, it may be worthwhile to utilize
a lock on your child’s locker so that the device is secured. All lock combinations must be
provided to the front office on the day the lock is in use.
5. Students should not be storing valuables and or large sums of money in their lockers.
7. Students may not share lockers or switch locker assignments without permission from the
8. For reasons of health, safety, and order, students should expect the principal or principal’s
designee to routinely inspect all lockers.
9. Students should keep lockers free of all writing, stickers, and adhesive materials.
10. Lockers must be cleaned out periodically.
11. “Master” locks (combination, not key) are to be brought in by each student to secure his/her
gym locker. “Master” lock combination locks may now also be utilized on hallway lockers at
the students’ discretion; however, a copy of the combination must be submitted to the
main office. It is the student’s responsibility to see that the lock is fastened securely at all
12. Students should check the “Lost and Found” for any lost items.
13. Students are asked not to bring backpacks to classrooms, as they create potentially hazardous
Rules of Conduct
(Policy 5600R)
The following is taken directly from Mendham Township Board of Education Policy Regulation
5600R. Please note that Policy 5600R, along with all Mendham Township Board of Education
Policy is available on our District webpage. Students are expected to comply with all rules of
conduct and administrative responses as follows:
Rules of Conduct
1. All pupils are bound by law, policies of the Board of Education, and the administrative
regulations of this school district.
2. In addition, pupils shall not:
a. Be insubordinate to teachers or other school staff members or disregard their
instructions or demonstrate lack of respect for their authority;
b. Create disorder or disruptions on school premises;
c. Use, threaten, or incite the use of physical force against other pupils, staff members, or
visitors to the school
d. Steal, damage, or deface the property of other pupils, staff members or the district;
e. Engage in sexual harassment of pupils or staff members;
f. Violate codes of conduct adopted for organizations of pupils;
g. Possess or use weapons or any implement intended to harm others;
h. Use foul, abusive, derogatory, or demeaning language, including sexual, racial and ethnic
i. Convey information about other pupils or staff members known to be false;
j. Act so recklessly as to endanger the safety of others;
k. Procure the property of others by threat or intimidation;
l. Enter the school premises or any specific portion of the premises without permission and
without authority;
m. Vandalize school property, real or personal;
n. Create litter on school property;
o. Be truant from school or class;
p. Cheat or otherwise engage in academic dishonesty;
q. Persistently refuse to complete homework and other assignments;
r. Engage in gambling;
s. Smoke on school premises (including vaping / e-cigarette);
t. Falsify an excuse or any school document;
u. Set fire to or cause a fire in any way on school premises;
v. Possess or explode a firecracker, stink bomb, or other explosive device on school premises;
w. Sound or cause to be sounded a false alarm for fire, bomb, or other condition or
circumstance hazardous to others;
x. Possess, use, or distribute a substance in violation of Policy No. 5131.6;
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y. Join a secret society prohibited by law; or
z. Engage in any other activity expressly prohibited by a school staff member in authority.
District Wide Discipline Level System
The intent of these levels is to implement a discipline procedure that relates to the severity of the
action. The procedure is not intended to be punitive but to impose a response that will effect a
change in behavior. It will not always be clear that a particular infraction is a specific level;
therefore, it will be up to the teacher or administrator involved to determine the appropriate
response. Teachers and administrators will use professional judgment and will consider age,
grade level and the nature of the infraction when selecting the response. The examples of
misbehaviors listed here are not inclusive, but serve as guidelines. Examples are labeled A for
“Classroom Oriented Infractions”; B for “Campus/Bus Oriented Infractions”; C for “Personal
Behavior Infractions”; and D for “Behaviors Involving Others”.
All students who are removed from a classroom during academic instruction will serve no
less than two days after school detention.
Misbehavior on the part of the student, which impedes orderly classroom procedure or interferes
with the safe operation of the school. These misbehaviors refer to first offenses.
A-Classroom or school disturbance A-Food, drink or gum chewing in the classroom
A-Tardiness A-Inappropriate use of computers
A-Breaking Acceptable Use Policy A-Backpacks in class (Middle School only)
A-Unprepared for class A-Leaving class without permission
B-Bus disturbance B-Cafeteria/hallway misbehavior
C-Minor dress code violations C-Use of electronic devices during school hours
D-Disrespectful language D-Lack of respect
These acts can usually be handled by an individual staff member but sometimes require the
intervention of other school support personnel. Some or all of the following responses maybe
used depending on the severity of the inappropriate behavior:
Frequent or serious misbehavior that tends to disrupt the learning climate of the school and
requires the intervention of an administrator because the application of Level 1 disciplinary
options has failed to correct the situation. Included in this level are misbehaviors which do not
represent a direct threat to the health and safety of others but whose educational consequences
are serious enough to require corrective action on the part of the administrator.
Continuation or escalation of Level 1 misbehavior
A-Disruptive classroom behavior that impedes learning
A-Cutting class
A-Forged notes/excuses
Grades 5 - 8
Loss of points
Verbal reprimand
Written or verbal warning
Separation (seating)
Teacher detention
Phone conference with parent/guardian
Student behavior contract
Written or verbal apology
Loss of privilege – social, athletic, cafeteria, classroom
Meeting with grade level team
B-Misbehavior/talking during a emergency drill
C-Offensive or obscene slogans on clothing
C-Purposeful mess-making
C-Inappropriate language
C-Throwing objects
D-Inappropriate displays of affection
D-Misbehaving for a substitute
D-Insubordination/defiance **
D-Abusive or disrespectful behavior toward any staff member
** The penalty for insubordination in any class in which it occurs shall be suspension for a
period deemed appropriate in the circumstances.
These acts are usually the result of the continuation of Level 1 behaviors and will be handled by
the administration and staff. Some or all of the following responses may be used depending on
the severity of the inappropriate behavior:
Grades 5 - 8
Loss of Points
Written or verbal warning
Parent teacher conference
Phone conference with parent/guardian
Parent administrator conference
Long-term or permanent separation
Lunch detention
Morning detention
In-school suspension
Suspension from transportation
Suspension from athletic participation
Suspension from social or extracurricular
Suspension of other privileges
Meeting with counselor
Acts directed against persons or property but whose consequences do not seriously endanger the
health or safety of others in the schools.
Continuation or escalation of Level 1 or 2 misbehavior
A-Plagiarism/copyright violations
A-Cheating (zero earned for 1
offense / 2nd includes “response”)
B-Willful destruction of property
B-Leaving school without permission/authority
C-Obscene activity, language or gestures
C-Smoking / Vaping (including possession)
D-Physical contact with another student
D-Menacing or violent behavior
D-Gross disrespect
These acts most frequently can be handled by the disciplinary mechanism in the school.
Corrective measures, which the school should undertake; however, depend on the extent of the
school’s resources for remediation of the situation in the best interest of all students. Those acts,
which violate the law, will be referred to the appropriate law enforcement office.
Some or all of the following responses may be used depending on the severity of the
inappropriate behavior:
Grades 5 - 8
Referral to law enforcement agency
Temporary removal from class
Parent teacher conference
Parent administrator conference
Suspension from transportation
Suspension from athletic participation
Suspension from social or extracurricular
Suspension of other privileges –
including school trips
Suspension: In school or out of school
Restitution of property or repair of
damage by the student
Peer Mediation
Meeting with counselor
Acts which result in violence to another person’s property, or which pose a direct threat to the
safety of others in the school, or which cause serious disruption to the education process.
Continuation or escalation of Level 1, 2, or 3 misbehavior
B-Damage to facility that interferes with functioning of school or threatens well-being of
B-False alarms
B-Wrongful entry
C-Drug, alcohol or weapon possession
C-Membership to Unauthorized Organization
D-Violence against peer and/or staff member
D-Sexual harassment
These acts are so serious that they always require administrative actions and will often result in
the removal of the student from school and in some instances, the intervention of law
enforcement authorities and action by the Superintendent.
Grades 5 - 8
Suspension from transportation
Suspension from athletic participation
Suspension from social or
extracurricular activities
Suspension of other privileges -
including school trips
Suspension longer term Out of
Restitution of property or repair of
damage by the student
Referral to law enforcement agency
most infractions require PD notification
Referral to counseling/evaluation
E-Cigarette / Vaping
The use of electronic cigarettes (vaping) has found its way to our middle school students. The
juices used in these electronic 'smoking' devices can contain natural substances, nicotine, and
even illegal substances/drugs. Regardless of the substance used in the electronic cigarettes,
please note that using a vaping device and or possession of a vaping device or vaping juice
directly violates MTBOE Policy "Pupil Smoking" 5533.
Students caught in possession of vaping devices / juices, and or using vaping devices at school,
on the bus, or at any school sanctioned event will earn an in-school suspension for the first
offense (level 3 offense), and an out-of-school suspension for a second offense. In addition, if
school officials suspect that the vaping juice contains illegal substances/drugs', we will move
forward in accordance with the MTBOE "Substance Abuse Policy," which will include an
immediate medical examination. Students found to be selling or distributing related martials will
be suspended and the incident reported to the police.
Zero Tolerance Guns Act
Possession of a firearm is a serious offense. In accordance with the Zero Tolerance for Guns Act
and Board of Education Policy 8467, a student found in possession of a gun shall be immediately
removed from the school’s regular education program pending a hearing to remove the student
from the regular education program for a period of not less than one calendar year. The final
decision is subject to modification on a case-by-case basis by the Chief School Administrator.
For further details, reference BOE Policy 8467.
Cyberbullying / Bullying / Digital Harassment
Away from School
Please remind your children that bullying and or cyberbullying occurring away from school and or after
school hours, which impedes the school’s mission to provide a positive and highly effective learning
environment for all students, staff, and administrators, will be dealt with by the principal as a Level 3 /
Level 4 offense as delineated in our online student handbook. Harassing, intimidating, or threatening
behaviors whether in person or via a digital medium, such as but not limited to Facebook, texting, and
emails, which result in the deprivation of a positive learning environment shall carry a consequence of an
in-school suspension to a 10 day out-of-school suspension based upon the severity of the infraction. There
is no place in our school community for bullies!
Bullying / Harassment / Intimidation (Policy 5512 R)
Mendham Township Middle School expects pupils to treat each other with civility and respect,
and will not tolerate acts of bullying, harassment, or intimidation either in person or via an
electronic device. Whether during the school day or not, if a student creates, sends, forwards, or
possesses slanderous or demeaning electronic communications, rumors, or pictures that degrade
our school learning environment, then he/she will be considered to be in violation of Policy
5600. This type of bullying is delineated in Policy 5600 R as a “Level 3” infraction and imposes
a response that will effect a change in behavior through, but not limited to, at least a one day out-
of-school suspension and permanent loss of in-school cell phone privileges.
Bullying, harassment or intimidation is defined as any gesture or written, verbal or physical act
that is reasonably perceived as being motivated either by any actual or perceived characteristic,
such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity
and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory handicap, or by any other distinguishing
characteristic, that takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function or on the
school bus. Students who retaliate against students who report incidents of bullying / harassment
/ intimidation are subject to escalated consequences set forth in Policy 5512 R. Incidents
occurring off school grounds that have a negative effect on the school learning environment are
subject to the principal’s review as well. Derogatory use of the words, “gay, queer, or homo”
is never acceptable and will trigger an immediate HIB investigation. Anonymous reports of
bullying can be made by using the form on the school’s webpage.
Cell Phone / Electronic Devices (ED) Privileges
MTMS students are permitted to bring cell phones/ ED to school under the following conditions:
1. Cell phones / ED must remain off from 8:05am until 2:50pm.
2. Cell phones / ED will be confiscated if powered on and or in use … on first offense.
3. Confiscated cell phones / ED will be returned only to a parent / guardian.
4. Third confiscation warrants permanent loss of cell phone privileges
5. If a cell phone or any other electronic device is used to bully, harass, intimidate, or spread
‘rumors’ another person shall result in permanent loss of cell phone privileges.
Dress Code (Policy 5511 R)
Students of Mendham Township Middle School are expected to wear clothing that reflects
respect for our schools and community. Pupils are expected to avoid extremes in clothing that
might jeopardize the health or safety of the pupil or other pupils.
Except for extreme cases, students will receive one warning for a dress code violation,
where he or she will return to class while appropriate clothing is obtained. Following the
first violation, students will not be permitted into class with a dress code violation.
Parents/Guardians will be contacted to bring appropriate clothing to school if necessary. The
student may elect to change into his/her gym clothing to gain compliance with the dress policy.
The following represents appropriate attire in school and/or at school-sponsored events:
1. Pants/shorts/skirts must be worn at the natural waist line and be securely fastened.
2. Shorts and skirts must adhere to the fist length as a rule of thumb. (Fist length: The place
on the thigh where an individual’s fist come to rest when standing with arms relaxed by
their side.)
3. Clothing must completely cover midsections, cleavage, back, and sides of the body when
sitting, standing, or bending.
4. Spandex, leggings, and or tights must not be sheer or see-through and are permitted if
worn with a top that covers the buttocks and hangs in a uniform fashion around the body.
5. Ripped or torn clothing are not permitted.
6. Tops (shirts, blouses, dresses, tank tops) must have straps, and cannot be see-through.
7. Clothes that fosters the intolerance of others, supports the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco,
violence, profanities and obscenities or that implies sexual connotations are not
8. Footwear (beach or shower type and excessively high heels or platform shoes) that is
considered unsafe is not permitted. In addition, students who wear footwear to recess
that is considered unsafe for physical education cannot actively participate in recess. All
shoes must have ankle strap or a back.
9. Outdoor jackets, coats, nonprescription sunglasses, and headwear (with the exception of
head coverings required by an organized religion or prescribed by a physician for medical
reasons) within the building are not permitted.
10. Underwear bottoms/boxer shorts that are visible are not permitted.
11. Athletic uniforms worn to school must conform to dress code.
Bus Transportation Rules of the Road
Riding the school bus is a privilege that imposes certain responsibilities on students. The
following rules have been devised for the safety and general well-being of all our students.
Pupils assigned to a school bus must obey all school rules delineated in Policy 5600R:
2. Show respect for the driver at all times;
3. Enter and leave the bus in an orderly manner;
4. Ride only the bus to which they have been assigned, except in cases when written permission
has been provided by the parent or legal guardian and approved by the Transportation
Department -
Passes will not be issued after 1 p.m. except in the case of an extreme
5. Be and remain in assigned seats while the bus is in motion;
6. Avoid reckless and boisterous activity at all times, including during waits at pickup points;
7. Talk in a reasonable tone of voice and avoid loud noises;
8. Extend no portion of the body or other object out a bus window;
9. Keep aisles clear at all times;
10. Refrain from bringing animals or bulky, unmanageable projects onto the school bus;
11. Refrain from smoking, eating, and drinking on the bus;
12. Possess, use, or distribute no substance in violation of Policy No. 5530 R; and
13. Not damage or deface any part of the school bus.
***If a student accumulates 3 formal ‘conduct reports’ related to inappropriate behavior on our
buses, a ten day bus suspension will be initiated. Parents will receive written warning prior to
the third offense.***
Extra-Curricular Eligibility Requirements (Policy 2430 R)
Students must be in both GOOD ACADEMIC and DISCIPLINARY standing in order to be
eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities. The Extra-Curricular Activities Policy
#24300 R is available in its entirety on our webpage.
GOOD ACADEMIC STANDING: All students will be eligible for activities which begin during
the first marking period, but are subject to review at the mid-point of that marking period. Eligibility
shall be determined at the conclusion of marking periods 1, 2, and 3 for each succeeding marking
As delineated in Mendham Township Board of Education Policy #6145, any student who
earns two grades below 69.5% (D+) or one F on the first marking period report card (or any
marking period thereafter) is ineligible to participate in (or tryout for) extra-curricular activities
such as interscholastic sports teams and the ‘school play.’ A student’s eligibility status will be
reinstated if a review of the mid-term progress report or end of marking period report card
(whichever comes first) reveals that he/she has met academic standards. Participation in
academically related coaching or tutoring takes precedent over scheduled extracurricular activities.
GOOD DISCIPLINARY STANDING: Good disciplinary standing shall mean that a pupil is
adhering to and respectful of all school rules, classroom procedures, and teachers’ behavioral
A. When a pupil already participating in an extracurricular activity is reported for an
infraction of the rules for pupil conduct, the principal shall appoint a staff committee to consider
whether the pupil shall be removed from any or all extracurricular activities.
B. If a pupil was in bad disciplinary standing the previous term, the principal shall refer the
matter to a staff committee to determine whether the pupil shall be permitted to participate during the
current term. A pupil will not be allowed to participate in an extracurricular activity if he/she did not
attend school on that day. An exception to this rule may be made by the principal in unusual
. C. A pupil will not be allowed to participate in an extracurricular activity if he/she did not
attend school on that day for at least 4 hours. This includes individual events such as Student/Faculty
Basketball Game etc… An exception to this rule may be made by the principal in unusual
circumstances. Please contact the Principal to discuss circumstances you believe may be “unusual.”
D. Scheduled detentions for disciplinary purposes take precedent over meetings of
extracurricular activities.
Students who are habitually late to school will forfeit eligibility to participate in
extra-curricular activities on the days they are late. If this situation occurs, parents will be
notified in advance of a student’s ineligibility.
Interscholastic Sports: Athletics Web Page
Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth grade students who are in Good Standing as defined above and by
Board of Education Policy #2430 are encouraged to try out for interscholastic athletic teams.
The Middle School offers students the opportunity to participate in the following:
Fall Sports: Girls’ Field Hockey, Boys’ Soccer, Girls’ Soccer, Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country
Winter Sports: Boys’ Basketball, Girls’ Basketball, Boys' and Girls' Volleyball, Cheerleading
Spring Sports: Softball, Baseball, Girls’ Lacrosse, Boys’ Lacrosse
Team Selection Guidelines
Team members will be selected on the basis of ability with the following exceptions:
1. A sixth grade student will not be selected over a seventh or eighth grade student
unless in the athletic department staff’s professional judgment, that sixth grade
student will receive a significant (50% or more) amount of playing time.
2. Whereas a seventh or eighth grade student is comparable in ability to a sixth grade
student, the seventh or eighth grade student will have priority in selection over the
sixth grade student.
Before giving permission for their child to participate in interscholastic sports, parents must
realize that all sports carry the potential for injury. Therefore, students must have (and submit
to the school nurse) a physical exam form by their own personal physician before they will
be allowed to try out, attend practice sessions, or play in any games. For physicals
completed more than 90 days prior to tryouts, an additional health history update form
must be completed by parents. Please note that a “Sudden Cardiac Death in Young Athletes”
form must also be signed and returned, and will be kept on file in the Health office.
To ensure the safety of our students, if you have any questions about your child’s eligibility,
please contact the Health Office at 973-543-7107.
Each team member must make the Mendham Township Middle School team his/her first
priority. Participation on an outside team is permissible; however, in fairness to the other
students, Mendham Township Middle School teams must be the first priority in the event of
conflicts. Students must attend all games and practice sessions. In the event of illness or a
family emergency, a written excuse from the parent is required.
Students may be dismissed from a team for the following reasons:
1. Two or more unexcused absences from games or practices.
2. Failure to obey the school rules and procedures at home games and when visiting
other schools. Fighting, obscene gestures, profanity, or rudeness to coaches or
officials will result in immediate suspension from the team.
Students must arrange for transportation home following practice sessions and games. Parents
will be provided with a schedule of practice session times and anticipated times for the end of
games. Parents must realize that coaches are required to stay until their last player has been
picked up. Please be as prompt as possible. Failure to pick up a child in a timely manner could
preclude him/her from participating in after school activities.
School Production
Auditions for the school production are open to all Middle School students. Students may also
work on scenery and stage crew. Some enrichment period time may be allotted for this activity,
but it requires an afterschool time commitment of between two and four afternoons each week
for approximately ten weeks. Eligibility to participate in extra-curricular activities requires
a student to be in good academic standing as defined by Board of Education Policy #2340R.
Band, Orchestra, and Chorus
Students have the opportunity of joining the Middle School band, orchestra and or chorus.
Students interested in participating in the school band/orchestra are scheduled for individual
and/or small group lessons on a rotating basis during the school day. Fifth and sixth graders
must report to their regularly scheduled classroom FIRST before going to a lesson. Seventh and
eighth graders will report directly to lessons. At all grade levels, students attending lessons are
responsible for making up all missed work without exception. Students must NEVER be
penalized for missing class to attend a scheduled music lesson. Fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth
grade students participating in the band, orchestra and or chorus are scheduled for practice
during a “performing arts” period prior to homeroom at 7:22 am. The district is providing
busing for this activity. Fifth graders participating in the band, orchestra and or chorus are
scheduled for practice during period six enrichment. Students participating in the band and/or
chorus have the opportunity to perform at the holiday concert, competitions, the spring concert,
and graduation.
School Counselor (web-page)
The contemporary school counseling program focuses on the developmental needs of all students
and is an integral component of the school’s instructional program.
The school counselor serves as a liaison for administrator, staff, and parents to help every child
to reach his/her fullest potential. Through the counseling department, programs are developed
which address students’ academic, social, and emotional needs during their middle school years.
The counselor also utilizes intervention strategies to correct existing problems and prevent their
escalation. Additionally, crisis intervention is provided when the need exists.
Counseling programs that emanate from the counseling office are designed to help students grow
personally and socially, to assist students in education planning, and to teach decision-making.
Therefore, an effective school counseling program permeates the school environment.
The School Counselor’s Office: The school counselor’s office can be reached by calling the
school phone number, 973- 543-7107. Its primary function is to accommodate the needs of
individuals and groups of individuals within the larger context of the school system. The school
counselor works with students and their families to ensure that each child has a positive school
experience. The guidance office often functions as the liaison between home, school and the
administration in order to design guidance programs that are appropriate for our students.
New Student Screening and Adjustment
The school counselor facilitates the new student orientation process and well as screening. New
students may be given standardized tests to determine academic levels of proficiency if their
cumulative records from their sending school districts do not contain sufficient placement
information. Students entering grades six through eight might take a math placement test.
2NDFLOORNew Jersey’s Youth Helpline
The New Jersey Youth helpline, 2NDFLOOR, is a toll free, anonymous and confidential helpline
available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per year to all New Jersey young people, ages
10 to 24. Youth can call 2NDFLOOR at 1-888-222-2228 to speak with professionals and trained
volunteers who listen attentively, non-judgmentally, and compassionately to issues and problems
they are facing. Visit for more information or to read/post to the message
Special Services Department:
Mendham Township Middle School has a reputation for creative problem solving. Special
education in New Jersey also has that philosophy. That is why almost every year the rules and
regulations governing special education are modified changed and improved. Educators and
parents are constantly looking for new and better ways to meet the needs of students who have
learning differences. We, at the Middle School, are refining and improving the programs that are
available to our students. Please contact Mr. Robert Koroski with questions about Special
Services at 973-543-7107; extension 223.
Resource Centers are available in all grades depending upon individual student needs.
Special education teachers teach academic subjects in the Resource Center and also
provide academic support within the regular classroom. In-class support exposes the
student to the in-depth knowledge of the content area teacher while providing learning
strategies from the special educator and modifications as needed.
504 Procedures
A 504 plan is a legal document falling under the provisions of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. It
is designed to plan a program of instructional services to assist students with special needs who
are in a regular education setting. If you believe that your child has a physical or emotional
disability, or is recovering from a chemical dependency or impairment that restricts one or more
major life activities, please contact Dr. Ciccone at 973-543-7107.
Affirmative Action
In compliance with the state mandated Comprehensive Equity Plan, which Mendham Township
School District has on file, all educational programs within the Mendham Township Schools are
accessible to all students regardless of gender, race, religion or handicap. A grievance procedure
covering these issues is available through the School Business Administrator at
[email protected] or 973-543-7107. Inquiries involving handicap access (Section 504)
should be addressed to the building principal at 973 – 543 – 7107.
Nurse’s Corner Web Page
The school nurse is available for any student with a personal health concern, illness or injury
during the school day. The nurse is a team member to turn to when a student’s welfare may be
influenced by a health factor. A student’s physical well-being is as important to us as his/her
academic success. The school nurse is responsible for keeping all student health records and
forms. The nurse should be notified of communicable diseases, updated immunizations and
health concerns.
All children must be fever free for 24 hours, without antipyretic (fever reducing)
medication, in order to return to school.
State Mandated Health Testing: Health screening information.
New Jersey law recommends measuring height and weight, as well as screening blood pressure
for all students annually. Biannual scoliosis screening is done in the 5
and 7
grade. Hearing is
screened in the 7
grade, vision screening is done in the 6
and 8
grade. The Middle School
complies with state recommendations.
Physicals: Physical Forms / Information
Physicals are required for new students and all fifth and seventh grade students. Any student
interested in trying out or participating in the interscholastic sports program must have a physical
conducted annually (every 365 days). Required physical examinations must be done by a family
physician. The results (and related forms) of any athletics’ physical completed by a family
physician will then be reviewed by the school physician and a letter of determination’ will be
sent to each student’s parents. If a physical exam expires during an athletic season, a new one
will be necessary in order for the athlete to continue to participate.
Medications (Prescription Medication Form / Health Form)
Occasionally parents request that the school nurse administer medications to children in school.
To comply with Mendham Township Board of Education policy, the following procedures will
be followed:
1. A note with date and signature must accompany ALL medications, stating the dosage to be
given, the time, how long this will continue and the reason for administration (forms are
2. All medications MUST be brought to the nurse.
3. For prescription medications, current written orders from the physician are to be provided to
the school nurse. The information should detail the diagnosis or type of illness, the name of
the medication, dosage and time of administration.
4. The medication must be in the original labeled container supplied by the pharmacy with the
child’s name, date, medication, etc. If necessary, please request that two containers are
prepared when the prescription is filled.
5. The use of non-prescription medications such as Tylenol, Advil, etc. is discouraged. Such
medication, while not requiring a physician’s note, may be administered only when the
medication is sent to the nurse in its original container and is accompanied by a signed note
from the parent.
This information will contribute to the safety of your child and avoid errors when medication
must be taken at school. Additionally, the school nurse should be advised of any medications
being taken by your child at home, which may in any way affect performance at school.
Emergency Cards (Blank Forms)
An emergency card is kept for each student. It is most important that each card is updated. The
school nurse must be notified of any changes of a parent’s employer, telephone number, doctor,
and emergency contact person. Students will not be permitted to attend classes beyond
September 7, 2018, if a completed emergency card is not submitted to the office.
Physical Education Excuses
If a student needs to be excused for more than two days, the school nurse must be provided with
a note from the student’s physician stating the reason for the excuse and the expected duration of
the restriction. The note from the physician should indicate the date the student may resume
physical education activities. Physical education excuses for one or two days require a note from
the student’s parent/guardian, which should be handed directly to the school nurse.
ImPact Concussion Baseline Testing
All MTMS students in grades 6 and students new to MTMS in September will participate in
ImPact baseline concussion testing during the first week or so of school. The school health
teachers and athletic director oversee administration of this computer based process. Your
physician may ask for ImPact baseline results to assist in treating your child’s concussion.
Should you child need the baseline results, please contact the school nurse at 973-543-7107 and
provide your physician’s contact formation. The school nurse provides the information directly
to the doctor. More information is located here.
Library Media Center: (web page)
The library media center is an integral component of the Middle School educational program,
embodying the school’s philosophy of implementing, developing, enhancing, and promoting
basic processing skills and information literacy. The center contains extensive, diverse materials
in all formats, including print, multimedia, and electronic. The media specialist, in concert with
the classroom teachers, provides assistance to individuals and small groups, as well as entire
classes. With the quantity of information doubling every few years, students cannot be expected
to acquire all the facts of a given subject. Rather the media center can be instrumental in
teaching students how to locate and process information, utilizing technology as a tool. In order
to maximize the use of the media center, it is recommended that students observe the following
1. The library is open from 8:05 A.M. to 3:05 P.M. When visiting as an individual during class
periods, a signed pass is required.
2. Students should become familiar with the procedures for charging out and returning
materials, with the location and organization of the collection, and with proper use of the
audio-visual equipment.
3. All books, except reference and reserve books, may be borrowed for four weeks and renewed
4. Periodicals, reference and reserve books must be signed out during enrichment period
returned before 8:10 A.M. the following day.
5. Although fines are not levied on overdue materials, borrowing privileges can be suspended.
6. Fines will be assessed for lost and/or damaged materials.
7. Students should browse and work quietly so that others are not disturbed.
Computer Labs
The computer labs (Room 224 and in the Media Center) each contain approximately twenty-five
computers with internet access, scanners, networked printers, and Smart Board Technology.
Computers Acceptable Use Policy
Parents and students are required to sign an Acceptable Use Policy governing Internet access and
use of computer hardware and software. Held on file in the main office, this AUP will remain in
effect for the student’s Middle School career. Students who do not abide by this policy will
initially not be permitted to access the school computers.
The Mendham Township Middle School offers a Quest programs through Gifted and Talented
Services. The Quest programs are a continuation of the elementary programs. Students work
collaboratively to propose and implement solutions to real life phenomena through logic-based
simulations. Students continue to develop effective oral and written communication skills,
however, developing effective ‘cooperation skills’ are paramount to producing successful
projects as students move through the grades. In addition, there is an increased focus on
authentic ‘building’ and creative problem solving in grade 7 and 8.
Quest 5 and 6 classes meet weekly during enrichment periods and are open only to those students
who meet the eligibility requirements outlined below. Quest 7 and 8 classes meet at least once
per week during enrichment but may meet more frequently based on the complexity of the units
or activities. Quest activities may include field trips, competitions, and or special presentations.
For questions regarding Gifted and Talented Services, please contact Dr. Ciccone.
Grade 5 Quest Eligibility Process for Grades 6-8
All students found eligible for Quest in grade 2 will remain eligible through grade 8
CogAt administration in grade 5
Grade 5 students who earn in the 96
percentile (CogAt) Composite or Non-Verbal will
be added to the Quest rosters for grade 6.
In grades 7 and 8, Quest services will be available to all Middle School students based
upon interest. However, eligibility may be contingent upon successful completion of a
lengthy summer project.
All fundraisers for the 2018-2019 school year were pre-approved by the Board of Education
prior to the start of the school year. Any additional fundraisers that take place in school or at
school functions must be sponsored by a Mendham Township Board of Education staff member
and a student organization such as the student council, peer leaders, or soccer team etc…
Requests for fundraisers must be submitted in writing by the sponsoring staff member to Dr.
Ciccone and must include the name of the sponsoring student group, a detailed description of the
fundraising activity including dates of operation, and the anticipated recipients of the donations.
If approved by Dr. Ciccone, the request must then be approved by the Superintendent of
Schools and Board of Education. Dr. Ciccone will notify the requesting staff member once the
request is approved. It is very likely that the approval process will take up to 30 days.