Prepared on behalf of SSE Generation Ireland Ltd,
to accompany a Planning Application for a ten-
year permission for a proposed 170MW (electrical
output) Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) Power
Plant, at Carranstown and Caulstown, Platin,
Duleek, Co. Meath
Submitted to: Meath
County Council
Floor, 24-26 Ormond Quay Upper, Dublin 7
August 2023
Planning Report for Platin 170 MW OCGT for Power Plant Document Number: AOS120723-SSE-002
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1 PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................. 3
2 ENVIRONMENTAL REPORT SUMMARY ....................................................................................... 3
3 LAND USE PLANNING RISK ASSESSMENT SUMMARY ................................................................. 4
4 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 5
5 BACKGROUND TO THIS PLANNING APPLICATION ....................................................................... 5
5.1 SSE PLC AND SSE GENERATION IRELAND LTD IN IRELAND .................................................................... 5
5.2 STRATEGIC CONTEXT OF PLATIN OCGT FOR IRELAND .......................................................................... 6
5.3 PROJECT RESPONSE .............................................................................................................. 10
5.4 THE PROJECT TEAM .................................................................................................................... 10
5.5 PRE-PLANNING CONSULTATION .................................................................................................... 11
5.6 PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT ................................................................................................................. 12
6 DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................... 13
6.1 PLANNING CONTEXT ................................................................................................................... 13
6.2 SITE LOCATION AND CONTEXT....................................................................................................... 13
6.3 MAIN FEATURES ........................................................................................................................ 16
6.4 TECHNOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 18
6.6 HVO STORAGE AND TRANSFER .................................................................................................... 19
6.7 ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND GRID CONNECTION .................................................................................. 21
6.8 WATER SUPPLY AND TREATMENT .................................................................................................. 22
6.9 WASTE WATER TREATMENT......................................................................................................... 23
6.10 PLANT OPERATION ..................................................................................................................... 23
6.11 OTHER RELEVANT STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................ 24
6.12 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION .............................................................................................................. 24
7 PLANNING HISTORY OF SITE & SURROUNDS ............................................................................ 27
7.1 PARENT PERMISSION .................................................................................................................. 27
7.2 AMENDMENT PERMISSION ........................................................................................................... 28
7.3 PLANNING REG REF SA100263 ................................................................................................... 28
7.4 PLANNING REG REF LB 19/0031 & REG REF. PL 305028.19 .......................................................... 29
7.5 SURROUNDING AREA .................................................................................................................. 30
8 PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS .................................................................................................. 35
8.1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 35
9 ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS ................................................................................................ 55
9.1 COMPLIANCE WITH STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 55
9.2 DOCUMENTS ACCOMPANYING THIS APPLICATION ............................................................................ 56
10 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................... 59
APPENDIX A - COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT AND COMMUNITY BENEFIT ......................................... 61
Planning Report for Platin 170 MW OCGT for Power Plant Document Number: AOS120723-SSE-002
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AOS Planning, in conjunction with Project Management Group (PM Group) have been
commissioned by SSE Generation Ireland Ltd (hereafter referred to as SSE) to prepare planning
and environmental reports for a Planning application for a Proposed 170MW (electrical output)
Open Cycle Gas Turbine (OCGT) Power Plant at Carranstown and Caulstown, Platin, Duleek,
County Meath (hereafter referred to as the Proposed Development).
The overall Development comprises two separate developments at this location (the Site). This
report pertains to the OCGT Power (Peaker) Plant generation component (Proposed
Development) which is now seeking consent from Meath County Council (MCC). While the
second component is for a 110kV substation which comprises a 4 bay Air Insulated Switchgear
(AIS) 110kV Transmission Substation component, and was previously consented as a separate
Strategic Infrastructure Development (SID) by An Bord Pleanála (Planning Ref. Number ABP-
303678-19), as per the requirements of Sections 182A and 182B of the Planning and
Development Act, 2000, as amended (the PDA).
This Planning Report, prepared by AOS Planning, identifies, and considers the existing policy
support for the Proposed Development in the context of relevant national, regional, and local
planning strategy, plans and policy documents, and provides an assessment of the potential
impact of the Proposed Development in respect of relevant planning policies and objectives.
2 Environmental Report Summary
The Proposed Development has been assessed in the context of mandatory thresholds for
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as set out in Schedule 5 Parts 1 and 2 of the Planning
and Development Regulations, 2001, as amended (the Planning Regulations). It is considered
that the Proposed Development does not exceed the thresholds or meet the classes of
development as defined in Schedule 5 of the Planning Regulations. Further assessment has
been completed considering the criteria for sub-threshold EIA as set out in Schedule 7 of the
same Planning Regulations. It is concluded that an Environmental Impact Assessment Report
(EIAR) is not required as part of the planning application. This assessment is documented in
the EIA Screening Report (PM Group Report no IE0312377-22-RP-0017) included with this
However, in line with best practice, an Environmental Report (PM Group Report no
IE0312377-22-RP-0016) has been prepared to address appropriate and relevant
environmental matters and issues, in accordance with the principles of good practice when
preparing the application, and to address any potential environmental concerns of Meath
County Council and any other interested parties.
The Environmental Report describes the Proposed Development and the potential impacts on
relevant surrounding environmental media. These are examined in separate sections, including
Population and Human Health; Landscape and Visual; Traffic and Transportation; Land and
Soils; Biodiversity; Noise and Vibration; Water and Wastewater; Air Quality; Waste
Management; Material Assets; Archaeology, Architecture and Cultural Heritage and Climate.
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Appropriate Assessment Summary
Following an examination, analysis and evaluation of all the relevant information and in view
of best scientific knowledge, and applying the precautionary principle, the Appropriate
Assessment Screening (Scott Cawley Report no IE0312377-94-0008 SSE Platin AA
Screening) concluded that there is the possibility for significant effects on the following
European sites, in the absence of mitigation either arising from the project alone or in
combination with other plans and projects, as a result of habitat degradation as a result of air
quality and hydrological impacts: River Boyne and River Blackwater SAC (002299), River
Boyne and River Blackwater SPA (004232), Boyne Estuary SPA (004080), Boyne Coast and
Estuary SAC (001957), River Nanny Estuary and Shore SPA (004158).
Therefore, it is the professional opinion of the authors of this report that the application for
consent for the proposed development does require a Stage Two Appropriate Assessment in
respect of the above listed European sites and the preparation of a Natura Impact Statement
Natura Impact Statement
It is the professional opinion of the authors of the NIS (Scott Cawley Report no IE0312377-
94-0008 SSE Platin_NIS) has examined and analysed, in light of the best scientific
knowledge, with respect to those European sites within the zone of influence of the proposed
development, the potential impact sources and pathways, the manner in which these could
potentially impact on the European sites’ QIs/SCOs and whether the predicted impacts would
adversely affect the integrity of River Boyne and River Blackwater SAC, River Boyne and River
Blackwater SPA, Boyne Coast and Estuary SAC, Boyne Estuary SPA, River Nanny Estuary and
Shore SPA. There are no other European sites at risk of effects from the proposed
3 Land Use Planning Risk Assessment Summary
It is the professional opinion of the authors of the Land Use Planning Risk (Byrne Ó Cléirigh,
Report no 544-23X0154 R3) that the Proposed Development qualifies as a lower tier
establishment under the scope of the S.I. No. 209/2015 Chemicals Act (Control of Major
Accident Hazards Involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations, 2015 (the COMAH
Regulations) due to the quantities of Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) stored at the Site,
which will be in excess of the lower tier thresholds from Schedule 1 of The COMAH
There are no developments on Site or off site which are presented with a level of individual
risk which exceeds the HSA’s LUP criteria, as set out in the LUP guidance. Appendix 2 of the
LUP Guidance sets out the approach in more detail but, in outline, the criteria are as follows:
Sensitivity Level 1: People at work; car parks.
Sensitivity Level 2: Developments for use by the general public.
Sensitivity Level 3: Developments for use by vulnerable people.
Sensitivity Level 4: Very large and sensitive developments.
There are no developments on site or off site which are presented with a level of individual
risk which exceeds the HSA’s LUP criteria, as set out in the HSA’s
Guidance on Technical Land
Use Planning Advice for Planning Authorities and COMAH Establishment Operators.
The levels of societal risk presented by the activities on Site are also in accordance with the
HSA’s criteria. Aggregating the risks to all persons exposed to risks from the development,
the EV is calculated be much less than the threshold for broadly acceptable risk. Referring to
the guidance, in cases like this, the HSA’s approach is not to advise against the development,
Planning Report for Platin 170 MW OCGT for Power Plant Document Number: AOS120723-SSE-002
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but the HSA would advise of this risk so that the planning authority could take it into account
in the planning decision.
The Proposed Development aims to provide strategic, sustainable electricity generation
infrastructure and capacity, which the country requires for the proper functioning of society
and the economy’
. The development of new conventional generation has been identified as
a ‘national priority’ by Government
. The nature of OCGT (Peaker) plants, and the integrated
design of this Proposed Development will allow for operational flexibility in order that it can
cater for high demand and respond quickly to fluctuations on the electricity grid with high
efficiency to assist with electricity security of supply in the transition to Net Zero. The planning
and environmental reports detail the key planning and environmental issues that have been
considered by the Project Team in the preparation of this planning application.
SSE plc and SSE Generation Ireland Ltd in Ireland
SSE Generation Ireland Ltd is an SSE Thermal Generation Holdings Limited company, wholly
owned by SSE plc. SSE plc’s purpose is to provide energy needed today while building a
better world of energy for tomorrow. SSE plc is a leading generator of renewable electricity
in the UK and Ireland and one of the largest electricity network companies in the UK. SSE
plc develops, owns, and operates low carbon infrastructure to support the zero-carbon
transition. This includes onshore and offshore wind, hydro power, electricity transmission
and distribution grids, and efficient conventional generation, alongside providing energy
products and services for businesses and homes. SSE plc plans to invest up to £40bn over
the next decade, to deliver cleaner, secure, and more affordable energy.
SSE plc is UK listed, is accredited under real Living Wage and Fair Tax Mark and in Ireland
holds the Business Working Responsibly mark. SSE plc entered the Irish market in 2008
through the acquisition of Airtricity and has expanded through organic growth and a number
of acquisitions, now employing almost 1,000 people on the island of Ireland and a key
participant in the all-island Single Electricity Market.
SSE’s activities in Ireland include:
- SSE Renewables owns 784MW of onshore wind capacity across 22 windfarms on the
island, and operates a total of over 1,000MW. This includes Galway Wind Park,
Ireland’s largest and best performing onshore wind farm (co-owned with Greencoat
Renewables). SSE Renewables is currently constructing additional onshore wind
capacity in Ireland, and is actively developing solar and battery projects, as well as
additional onshore and offshore wind projects
- SSE Airtricity supplies electricity and gas to over 700,00 home and business customers
across the island and delivers home energy upgrades through our one stop shop, the
Generation Green Home Upgrade, which aims to deliver 50,000 home energy
upgrades by the end of the decade.
- SSE Generation Ireland Ltd is an SSE Thermal Generation Holdings Limited company,
wholly owned by SSE plc. SSE Thermal operates an industry-leading fleet of flexible
generation and energy storage assets, with over 600 direct employees across Ireland
Government of Ireland, Policy Statement on Security of Supply, November 2021 205779_2cead2c2-
Planning Report for Platin 170 MW OCGT for Power Plant Document Number: AOS120723-SSE-002
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and the UK. SSE Thermal believes flexible and efficient thermal energy will play a
critical role in the transition to a net zero future, complementing renewable generation
and maintaining security of supply.
In terms of thermal power generation assets, SSE Generation Ireland Ltd operates an industry-
leading fleet of flexible generation assets in Ireland:
1. 620MW Tarbert Power Station (oil) is situated on the Shannon Estuary in Tarbert, Co.
Kerry. The station comprises two 60MW and two 250MW oil-fired turbines. The existing
units are required to cease generation by the end of 2023 in line with the station’s
Industrial Emissions Licence.
2. Great Island Power Station is a 464MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) (gas),
located on the shores of Waterford Harbour at Great Island, Co. Wexford. The gas-fired
station entered commercial operation in 2015, replacing the former oil-fired station at
the site. It is now one of the cleanest and most-efficient power stations on the island of
Ireland, generating enough electricity to power half a million Irish homes.
3. Rhode Power Station is a 104MW OCGT plant (gas/oil) situated at Rhode, Co. Offaly, in
the heart of the Bog of Allen. It commenced commercial operation in 2004.
4. Tawnaghmore Power Station is a 104MW OCGT (gas/oil) plant situated south of Killala
in Co. Mayo. It commenced commercial operation in 2003.
SSE’s vision is to become the leading provider of flexible thermal energy in a net-zero world,
and therefore has an important role in accelerating the transition to net zero. SSE Generation
Ireland Limited are looking at opportunities to decarbonise and enable the transition to net zero
across the SSE thermal assets in Ireland.
Strategic context of Platin OCGT for Ireland
This Proposed Development is a critical power generation asset required to address Ireland’s
security of supply shortfall, while delivering on policies to reduce carbon emissions from the
electricity sector as a whole.
From a policy point of view, Platin OCGT provides capacity, flexibility, fuel diversity and reduces
the carbon emission profile of thermal generation, all of which deliver on Ireland’s energy
This is demonstrated through the award of a
Reliability Obligation
capacity market contract for
the Proposed Development as part of the Single Electricity Market. These capacity auctions are
a key element of the all-island wholesale electricity market and are designed to deliver a reliable
electricity supply.
The importance of new flexible generation is core to Government, regulator and system
operator policies and can be seen within key energy policy documents, including:
1. Government of Ireland,
Policy Statement on Security of Electricity Supply
2. Commission for the Regulation of Utilities,
Security of Electricity Supply Programme of
Actions Update
, February 2023
3. EirGrid and SONI,
Ireland Capacity Outlook 2022-2031
, October 2022
4. Government of Ireland,
National Energy Security Framework
, April 2022
Government of Ireland,
Climate Action Plan 2023,
December 2022
6. Government of Ireland,
Sectoral Emissions Ceilings,
September 2022
7. Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources,
Ireland’s Transition to
a Low Carbon Energy Future 2015-2030
, 2015
Planning Report for Platin 170 MW OCGT for Power Plant Document Number: AOS120723-SSE-002
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Government of Ireland, Policy Statement on Security of Electricity Supply (November
The Policy Statement on Security of Electricity Supply (Policy Statement) highlights the key
challenges to ensuring security of electricity supply such as having adequate electricity
generation capacity, storage, grid infrastructure, interconnection, and system services to meet
both average and peak demand. It is recognised that security of energy supply needs to
maintained while transitioning to the target of up-to 80% of electricity consumption from
renewable sources by 2030, with overall target of Net Zero Emissions for Ireland by 2050.
The Policy Statement highlights that ‘Electricity is vital for the proper functioning of society and
the economyand that maintaining security of supply is a national priority. Ensuring adequate
generation capacity is recognised as a challenge to electricity security of supply, and flexible
conventional generation is stated to be necessary to support a renewables-led
system. It is set out that this generation should progressively decarbonise in order to
achieve net zero emissions. The Policy Statement recognises the need for significant
investment in additional flexible conventional electricity generation, electricity grid
infrastructure, interconnection, and storage in order to ensure security of electricity supply.
The Policy Statement provides that the development of new conventional generation (including
gas-fired and gasoil/distillate-fired generation) is a national priority and should be permitted
and supported in order to ensure security of electricity supply and support the
growth of renewable electricity generation’.
EirGrid and SONI, Ireland Capacity Outlook 2022-2031, October 2022
This document provides the most up to date Generation Capacity Statement for both Ireland
and Northern Ireland and is a vehicle for signalling future needs and requirements to the
energy market. It forecasts capacity deficits in Ireland for the entire 10-year outlook, but
provides that ‘in later years the deficits are expected to reduce as new capacity comes forward
through the SEM capacity auctions.
The report identifies that new capacity is needed, and cleaner flexible conventional
plant (which is ‘renewable gas ready) is necessary to support renewable targets,
particularly for periods of low wind and solar generation, and to deliver on Ireland’s carbon
budget. Demand growth is an additional driver for new capacity.
The report concludes that the measures contained in the CRU’s Programme of Work (discussed
below) help to bring the generation adequacy position back to the standard set by the CRU.
Commission for the Regulation of Utilities, Security of Electricity Supply Programme of
Actions Update, February 2023
On 29 September 2021, the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) published a
programme of work to increase generation capacity to provide additional stability and resilience
to the Irish energy system over the following four or five years. A first update on this was
published in July 2022, and a second in February 2023. The programme of work was in
response to EirGrid’s identification of a potential capacity shortfall, if no action was taken, from
2021 to 2026.
EirGrid_SONI_Ireland_Capacity_Outlook_2022-2031.pdf (
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The Programme includes the delivery, through the all-island capacity auctions, of over
2,000 MW of enduring flexible gas fired generation capacity by 2030, to provide for
growing demand, replace retiring generators and support additional penetration of renewables
in order to meet our 2030 policy goals, and the development of a policy statement to underpin
this capacity.
Government of Ireland,
National Energy Security Framework,
April 2022
In April 2022, the Government published the National Energy Security Framework. The
Framework provides a policy response to Ireland’s energy security needs in the context of the
war in Ukraine. The Framework highlights that the review of Ireland’s electricity and natural
gas security of supply is a key priority, with the Department of Environment, Climate and
Communications to review the diversification of fossil fuel supplies and electricity
security of supply. To inform this review, DECC carried out a consultation in September
2022. The outcome of this review is anticipated in 2023.
Government of Ireland,
Climate Action Plan 2023,
December 2022
Climate Action Plan 2023 (CAP23) implements the carbon budgets and sectoral emissions
ceilings. Furthermore, CAP23 provides a roadmap for taking decisive action to halve Ireland’s
emissions by 2030 and ultimately reach net zero by 2050.
The Plan sets out several measures needed to decarbonise the electricity sector. Successful
integration of renewables into the power grid is key to achieving this.
CAP23 recognises that the scale of the challenge for the electricity sector is immense.
The Plan sets a range of targets across the electricity sector including:
Accelerate the delivery of onshore wind, offshore wind, and solar through a
competitive framework to reach 80% of electricity demand from renewable energy by
Deliver in the order of 2 GW of new flexible gas-fired power generation and lower
carbon thermal generation;
Phase out and end the use of coal and peat in electricity generation;
System operators to transform the flexibility of the electricity system through changes
to policies, standards, services, and tools, funded and incentivised through regulatory
price controls;
As an urgent priority, establish the investment framework and competitive market
arrangements needed to deliver zero carbon system services;
Delivery of at least three new transmission grid connections or interconnectors;
Explore further interconnection potential, including hybrid interconnectors.
The Table below sets out the Key performance Indicators (KPIs) to deliver abatement in the
Electricity Sector:
5 - National Energy Security Framework (
6 - Climate Action Plan 2023 (
Planning Report for Platin 170 MW OCGT for Power Plant Document Number: AOS120723-SSE-002
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Table 5-1 Statement in Electricity (
Source: Table 12.5, CAP23
Government of Ireland,
Sectoral Emissions Ceilings, September 2022
Climate and Low Carbon Development Act 2015
provides for legally binding carbon budgets
for overall emissions in Ireland; it also provides for the Minister for Environment, Climate and
Communications to propose sectoral emissions ceilings to deliver that overall budget, to be
7 - Sectoral Emissions Ceilings (
Planning Report for Platin 170 MW OCGT for Power Plant Document Number: AOS120723-SSE-002
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approved by Government. The sectoral ceiling for electricity requires a ~40% reduction in
emissions by 2025 and a ~70% reduction by 2030 (both versus 2018 baseline).
Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Ireland’s Transition to
a Low Carbon Energy Future 2015-2030, 2015
Ireland’s renewable energy targets and carbon emissions targets have increased since the
publication of this White Paper. The paper recognises that An uninterrupted supply of energy
is vital to the functioning of society and the economy. The paper talks about the need to move
to lower emissions fuels, and ultimately away from fossil fuels altogether’. With respect to
security of supply, the paper encourages the diversification of energy supplies, to avoid over-
dependency on any particular fuel, supplier, route, or region.
Project Response
It is evident that the Proposed Development is aligned with the strategic policy framework
above, as it provides:
- Capacity to address the security of supply deficit faced by Ireland in the coming years;
namely the need for 2GW of flexible generation capacity.
- Flexibility to increase the levels of renewables which can be supported on the system,
and to respond to peaks in demand, system stress events and difficult operational
- Fuel Diversity, in that Ireland’s system is predominantly reliant on wind power and gas
generation. Biofuels represent a diversification as supported by policy.
- Reduced Carbon Emissions: Through the use of biofuels, which is a lower carbon
alternative to gas or distillate, and the potential of the units to be converted to
Hydrogen when a Hydrogen economy develops; the Proposed Development
contributes to Ireland’s carbon emissions targets, and achievement of the Electricity
Sector’s Emissions Ceiling.
The Proposed Development has been awarded a Reliability Obligation (RO) Contract in the
latest Capacity Remuneration Mechanism (CRM) T-4 auction, for delivery in 2026/27 Capacity
Year. This RO contract forms part of the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU) published
Security of Electricity Supply - Programme of Actions.
The Proposed Development represents a c.€160m investment by SSE and will create
approximately 40-60 jobs during construction. This project will contribute to ensuring
the government target is reached and emissions are reduced.
The Project Team
The reports have been prepared by specialist consultants as follows:
1.Planning Report
AOS Planning
2.Planning Documentation
AOS Planning
3.Land Use Planning Risk Assessment (COMAH/
Byrne Ó Cléirigh Consulting
4. Environmental Report
PM Group
5.Planning Drawings
6. Natura Impact Statement
Scott Cawley
Planning Report for Platin 170 MW OCGT for Power Plant Document Number: AOS120723-SSE-002
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Pre-Planning Consultation
Pre-planning consultation meetings have taken place with officials of Meath County Council on
2nd May 2023. At these meetings, the Project Team provided the Meath Planning Department
with an overview of the Proposed Development. Arising from these meetings, the Meath
Planning Department advised that An Bord Pleanála (ABP) previously refused grant of planning
on the basis of high Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from use of distillate oil, therefore the
Proposed Development would need to justify the chosen the fuel type. In addition, Meath
Planning Department advised that the justification for the environmental assessment approach
should be clearly set out, and also advised that a visual assessment should be undertaken
Historical pre-application meetings in relation to the previously refused distillate oil fuelled OCGT
Generating Plant at this site has taken place with An Bord Pleanála (ABP Ref. PL17. 302052)
and Meath County Council (Reg Ref LB19/0031) have helped to inform the Proposed
With regard to the fuel type, it is proposed to use Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) which is a
biofuel. HVO sourced for the Proposed Development will originate from 100% waste feedstocks,
the raw materials for which are grown on a seasonal basis so there is no long-term “carbon
debt” resulting in lower net greenhouse gases than traditional fossil fuel. Supplied HVO will
comply with the Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11
December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (recast) which
provides specific sustainability criteria and the carbon intensity of individual biofuels, including
an assessment of the feedstocks used and the emissions from its production, processing, and
supply, and will be certified accordingly by a third party.
Chapter 14 of Environmental Report includes a detailed GHG emissions assessment and
concludes that the likely impact of the Proposed Development will be not be significant. Use of
HVO results in lower net GHG emissions compared to other fuel types such as natural gas or
distillate oil. Use of HVO, as a fuel, results in lower net GHG emissions; using natural gas for
1800 hours per year would result in direct GHG emissions in the order of 173,214 tonnes CO2eq
despite having lower transport embodied carbon as there is a gas pipeline adjacent to the
project site. Use of distillate oil in the previous 2019 application was calculated at 267,368
tonnes CO2eq direct emissions for a 208MW plant operating for 1500 hours. These calculations
for natural gas and distillate oil are inclusive of transportation emissions and exclude the
embodied carbon emissions from processing and refinement
The Proposed Development has been assessed in the context of mandatory thresholds for EIA
(see PM Group EIA Screening report, document reference IE0312377-22-RP-0017) as set out
in Schedule 5 Parts 1 and 2 of the Planning and Development Regulations. It is considered that
the Proposed Development does not exceed the thresholds or meet the classes of development
as defined in Part 1. As the development is within a class of development in Part 2 of Schedule
5 but falls below the relevant threshold, further assessment has been completed considering
the criteria for sub-threshold EIA as set out in Schedule 7 of the same regulations. It is
concluded that an EIAR is not required as part of the planning application, however it is noted
that Meath County Council is the competent authority for making such a determination.
However, in line with best practice, this non-statutory Environmental Report for the Proposed
Development has been prepared to:
- Provide information on the project stakeholders;
- Explain the need for the proposed development;
- Describe the legislation regulating the proposed development;
- Address potential environmental concerns, so far as is practicable, associated with the
construction and operation of the proposed development.
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With regard to the visual assessment for the similar 60MW development proposal (Reg.Ref.
SA100263) granted in 2010 and 208MW application (Reg Ref LB19/0031) granted in 2019 by
Meath County Council, photographs from Knowth, Dowth and Newgrange were requested by
the Planning Authority to be included as part of the Visual Assessment of the Proposed
Development. These viewpoints were again specifically requested by MCC and have been used
in order to better facilitate any comparative assessment and in order to assess the potential
impacts on views scheduled for protection by the Meath County Development Plan, in particular
those in the vicinity of the Brú na Bóinne UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Previous consultations with Irish Water have confirmed that there is sufficient capacity
for the to be connected to public water and wastewater services. The Proposed
Development will therefore include connection to public water and wastewater provision
supplied by Irish Water.
All of the previous consultations and advice from the Planning Authority have been taken
into consideration for this planning application as detailed in Planning Report and the
Environmental Reports.
Public Engagement
SSE held a community engagement evening in the Sage and Stone Coffee Shop,
Newlanes, Duleek on Thursday 11
May 2023 in order to provide information about the
Proposed Development for the 170MW OCGT (Peaker) Plant at Platin.
The event was pre-promoted in local press as well as via a newsletter circulated to local
residences and sent electronically to local political stakeholders.
Approximately 50 members of the public attended the community engagement evening,
including two local politicians and a local environmental group, among others. A wide
range of questions were asked by the public. The Project Team and expert consultants
were available to address any queries raised. Questions asked covered topics such as
emissions, community benefit, noise, traffic, fuel type and supply chain.
SSE has taken these queries and concerns into account and is in close contact with the
community on a regular basis. Further details with regard to public engagement is
included in Appendix A of the planning application documentation.
The dedicated website for the Proposed Development has been set up and can be found
at the following link.: Platin Power Station | SSE Thermal
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Chapter 2 of the Environmental Report accompanying this Planning Report and the
planning application, provides a comprehensive and detailed description of the Proposed
Development and its component parts. The section below however, provides a brief
overview of the Proposed Development.
Planning Context
The Proposed Development was previously granted permission for a 400MW Combined Cycle
Gas Turbine (CCGT) generating plant in 1999 by both the MCC (Reg Ref 99/2490) and ABP (Reg
Ref PL17.118993). This permission was amended in 2004 and again approved by both the MCC
(Reg Ref SA30213) and ABP (Reg Ref PL17.204321). In 2010, Meath County Council granted
permission (Ref. SA100263) for a 60MW OCGT generating plant. More recently, in 2019 the
MCC approved (Reg Ref LB19/0031) a 208MW OCGT generating plant which was then refused
by the Board (Reg Ref PL19.305028) on the basis that the plant’s 208MW OCGT primary source
of fuel would
“add to the current unsustainable levels of greenhouse gas emissions arising from
electricity generation within the State
”, and as such would be contrary to national, regional, and
local policy. However, the Board did note in its Direction, published on 10/12/2019, that
use of the subject site for electricity generation would be fully consistent with the proper
planning and sustainable of the area”
. Therefore, the use of the Site for electricity generation is
clearly acceptable and consistent with policy. The primary fuel source of the Proposed
Development on this Site is the main planning issue of contention. This is reflected further in
the Board’s Direction, published on 10/12/2019, where it is stated that
“a proposal entailing the
use of natural gas, or other fuel source and where distillate oil is not required or would perform
a contingency function only, is warranted”.
The Proposed Development has been planned having regard to the appropriate national,
regional, and county development plans and associated policies and objectives, namely:
1. Project Ireland 2040- National Planning Framework’
2. ‘Project Ireland 2040- National Development Plan 2021 2030’
3. Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) 2019-2031
4. Meath County Development Plan 2021 2027.
Site Location and Context
The Subject Site is located in the townlands of Carranstown and Caulstown at Platin in
Co. Meath, approximately 4km north-east of the village of Duleek, and 4km south-west
of Drogheda, as indicated in
Figure 6.1
. Duleek Business Park is situated c.2.1km to the
south-west of the Site.
The c.10.5hectares (ha) Site lies on the south side of the R152 road, and is currently in
agricultural use. The surrounding rural area is characterised as a ‘cluster’ of heavy industry
with the specific rural area undergoing significant change. Existing developments/ land uses
include a number of industrial developments such as the adjacent cement works and quarry
(Irish Cement Ltd.) which are located along the R152 road, the Car Service Station next to the
Site and a number of other light industrial/ warehouse uses including 3 no. car repair/ motor
factor workshops which are situated to the immediate north on the same side of the R152. The
Indaver Ireland Waste to Energy facility is also within close proximity of the Site, to the north-
west on the opposite side of the R152.
The Planning History of the Indaver Site for the period 2015-2023, is summarised as follows:
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Permission granted by ABP on 30 March 2022 for Strategic
Infrastructure Development (SID) for an increase in annual total waste for treatment
from currently permitted 235,000 tonnes to 250,000 tonnes, increase in annual amount
of hazardous waste from currently permitted 10,000 tonnes to 25,000 tonnes,
development of a aqueous waste tank farm, hydrogen generation unit, bottom ash
storage building, development of a single storage warehouse, new concrete yard,
weather canopy, demolition and rebuilding of an existing single storey modular office
and ancillary site works.
: Permission granted by ABP on 3 April 2019 for Strategic
Infrastructure Development (SID) for alterations to the terms of PA0026 to allow annual
tonnage of waste accepted for treatment at the facility to be increased from 220,000
TPA to 235,000 TPA on a permanent basis.
: Permission was granted by Meath County Council on 12 April 2018 for a
single-storey modular office building of stated area of 387m2.
PM 0007
: Permission granted by ABP on 4
February 2013 for Strategic Infrastructure
Development (SID) for f a pre-treatment process plant (a solidification plant) to facilitate
the pre-treatment of flue gas and boiler ash residues.
The Highfield Solar farm is also located within close proximity of the site, to the west on far side
of Duleek and on opposite side of the road.
The planning history of the Solar farm is summarised as follows:
Permission granted by ABP on 8 March 2019 for Construction of solar
farm to include 2 electrical substations, transformer, inverter station and storage
modules, solar panels, access roads and associated site works.
LB/160898: Permission granted by Meath Council on for Construction of solar farm to
include 2 electrical substations, transformer, inverter station and storage modules, solar
panels, access roads and associated site works.
The accompanying substation and associated 110kV and MV infrastructure which was the
subject of a separate planning application and granted permission later in 2019 (MCC Reg
Ref. LB16.0898, ABP Reg Ref. PL17 .303568).
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Figure 6-1 Site Location Source: Open Street Map OpenStreetMap
The Platin Substation is located 400m to the north-west of the Site, whilst the Navan
Drogheda railway line which runs in a generally north/ south- west direction, is located
c.350m to the north-west.
The UNESCO World Heritage Site at Brú na Bóinne lies c.4km northwest of the Subject
Site (to the north of the River Boyne), with footpath access from the visitor centre located
to the south of the River. The Battle of the Boyne Visitor’s Centre at Oldbridge, also lies
c.4.5km to the north of the Site. The application Site lies within the wider area that forms
part of the Boyne Valley Scenic Drive (see Figure 6.2 below), although the drive itself
does not use public roads in the immediate vicinity of the Site.
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Figure 6-2
Boyne Valley Scenic Drive. Source:
Main Features
The Proposed Development will comprise a 170MW (electrical output) Open Cycle Gas Turbine
(OCGT) Power Plant. The Proposed Development will comprise an electricity generating plant
which will use Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) as fuel and will be connected to a previously
permitted 110kV substation and associated site works and improved access from the R152. The
development comprises the following elements:
Three gas turbine buildings (each 990m2) each housing 1 no. turbine, 1 no. generator and
auxiliary equipment with a total of 269 MWth (thermal output) generating capacity all on
concrete plinths.
The power plant will have three exhaust stacks (25m in height), one exhaust stack per OCGT.
Therefore, each OCGT will comprise a standalone Large Combustion Plant. The power plant
may need to utilise, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) (c.18m high, 4.5 width, 14m length) for
NOx abatement.
The Proposed Development will comprise the following elements:
a) Three gas turbine buildings (each 990m2) each housing 1 no. turbine, 1 no. generator
and auxiliary equipment with a total of 269 MWth generating capacity all on concrete
b) The power plant will have three exhaust stacks (25m in height), one exhaust stack per
OCGT. Therefore, each OCGT will comprise a standalone Large Combustion Plant. The
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power plant may need to utilise, selective catalytic reduction (SCR) (18m high, 4.5
width, 14m length) for nitrogen oxides abatement.
c) Water treatment plant comprising:
a 275m2 Deionising Building (6m high x 11m wide x 25m long)
a raw water treatment tank of 2,262m3 ( 12.8m high)
a deionised water tank (max. volume of 3,925m3). 15.4m high
a processed water tank of 450m3 (9m high)
1 no. 20m2 firefighting water tank of 45m3 (.2m high)
1 no. 25m2 firewater module (4m high x 5m wide x 5m long)
1 no. 41m2 sanitary foul water cesspool tank of 79m3 located underground (1.98m
high x 2.5m wide x 16m long)
a bulk chemical storage area (4.75m wide x 7.75m long)
d) 2 no. HVO tank (max. storage of 2300 m3 of HVO per tank), 13m high with a
diameter of 15m and associated fuel pumping and filtering equipment and pipework,
within a 43.5m L x 45.5m W x 1.5m Bund capacity is 2970m3.
e) 1 ammonia tank 1.8m high x 3.5m length with bund 2.5 m x 5 m with a height of 1.5
f) 1 no. fuel polishing system (3m high x 6m wide x 24m long).
g) 2 no. 110 kV transformers each 160m2, and each measuring (5m high x 10m wide x
15m long). 3 no. Lightning Masts (18m in height) and kiosks, cable gantry connection
to the adjoining consented 110 kV Substation.
h) A 520m2 services building (6m high x 13m wide x 40m long).
i) A 160m2 Switchgear (MV) building (5m high x 6.1m wide x 26.3m long).
j) All other miscellaneous and ancillary site works, including: 12 no. Car parking spaces
and 1 No. fuel unloading bay, one lowered site platform area, new internal roads and
hard and soft landscaping including material berms (1.2m to 2m high), a temporary
construction compound, temporary security building, and associated fencing.
k) New road markings, including deceleration lane approaching the site, on the R152.
The proposed development will include connection to public water mains which will be supplied
by Uisce Éireann. There is no sewer connection required as foul and process waste will be
collected in a sealed tank and emptied by a specialist waste service provider.
The Proposed Development will connect to a previously consented 110 kV substation (ABP-
303678-19) which will be located adjacent and to the south-west of the proposed OCGT Power
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In addition to the OCGT Generating Plant, the Proposed Development will include the provision
of a water treatment plant on Site which includes a deionising building. Deionisation of the
water will take place on site using an ion exchange plant in the Deionisation Building. This
process is in widespread industrial use for water purification. The ion exchange process is based
on the principles of chemical adsorption whereby synthetic solid resin beads are used to attract
ions in solution and to exchange these for ions such as hydrogen and hydroxyl ions. The
adsorption sites on the resin heads are progressively occupied by target ions so that the ion
removal efficiency of the resin is reduced.
There will also be sanitary foul waste water generated from the site office building which will
be stored in a 79m3 underground tank pending collection by an appropriately licensed waste
services provider for treatment off site. The anticipated volume of sanitary foul waste water to
be produced is c. 1m3 per day therefore a maximum of 1 tanker per month would be required
to collect this waste. Proposed Site Operations are described in more detail in Section 2.2 of
the Environmental Report.
The application relates to a development which is for the purposes of an activity requiring an
Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) licence, and a separate application for an IED licence will
be made to the EPA to the Environment Protection Agency (EPA).
This is a Site which the Chemical Act (COMAH) Regulations 2015 (S.I. 209 of 2015) applies.
The Proposed Development consists of three OCGTs units; each unit comprising a combustion
turbine driving a common generator and having a rated electrical output of c 57 MW. Each unit
has one exhaust stack (25m in height), for the combustion turbine. Each unit also has a control
and switchgear enclosure which contains electrical switchgear at 11KV and 400VAC level for
controlling the unit as well as a protection systems and control system / Human Machine
Interface (HMI) for operating the units.
The Proposed Development will be subject to an Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) Licence.
6 . 5
Summary of Power Generation Process / Description of the Plant
The following provides a summary of the main processes and operation of the Proposed
Development. Full details on the activities from the Proposed Development can be seen in
Chapter 2 of the Environmental Report accompanying this planning application.
Normal operation of the OCGT plant will be as a peaking plant, i.e., it will be used to cater for
peaks in national electricity demand. Electricity demand is at its highest during the evening peak
from around 6pm during the winter months, particularly between November and February.
However, this plant will be on standby for use at any time throughout the year, as it may be
required to cover electricity supply shortages or maintenance outages of other plant. Plants of
this type are commonly in use throughout the world to support peak demand.
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Operation over extended periods is not foreseen. The number of individual units in operation
at any one time will depend on the size of the peak load experienced. Units will be brought on
load progressively as required. It is envisaged that each combustion turbine will typically
operate for about 1,800 hours each year.
The major components of each combustion turbine consist of an air compressor, a combustion
chamber, a turbine, and an electricity generator coupled together.
Water injection will be the primary method for nitrogen oxide (NO
) suppression. This
involves the
injection of demineralised water from the water treatment plant into the
combustion chamber. This reduces the combustion temperature and so reduces the
formation of
thermally-produced NO
. During some operational conditions e.g., during
low load aqueous ammonia will also be used to control NOx known as
Catalytic Reduction (SCR)
SCR uses injected ammonia vapour and catalyst material to reduce NO and NO2 in the
flue gas to N2 and H2O. Tempering air fans provide ambient air to lower the flue gas
to an appropriate reaction temperature. The system consists of reagent storage, a
reagent preparation unit, an ammonia injection grid, and an SCR catalyst.
Combustion air is drawn through air filters and into the compressor (LPC) where it is
compressed and delivered to the combustion chamber. In the event of over
pressurisation of the air in the compressors, the air will vent safely to atmosphere via
a dedicated relief vent. The compressed air is mixed with a controlled amount of the
fuel and water mixture, and is then heated to a high temperature by the direct
combustion of the fuel. The heat produced causes an expansion of the gases.
These exhaust gases are expanded back to atmospheric pressure across the gas
turbine producing motive power. A part of the power output is used to drive the
compressors, and the excess of power is used to drive the electrical generator which
produces electricity. The exhaust gases from the gas turbine will be at a high
temperature of circa 450 C, and will be discharged to atmosphere through a 25m high
The plant will be designed for largely automatic control from a central control room,
with the majority of plant functions being initiated and monitored from the here. The
operating characteristics of the plant are inherently flexible (e.g., fast starting plant and
ramp-rate etc.), and the control system is designed to provide for flexible operation.
HVO Storage and Transfer
HVO will be delivered by road tanker. There will be one fuel unloading point onsite.
This area will be appropriately bunded in accordance with best practice (Storage and
Transfer of Materials for Scheduled Activities, EPA Guidance Note, 2013) to 110% of
the storage tank capacity. The HVO will be stored in two aboveground oil storage tanks
with a maximum volume of fuel stored onsite of 4,600m3. The tanks will incorporate
a vent which will be fitted with an oil vapour trap.
The HVO undergoes polishing in the fuel polishing skid on Site. This fuel polishing
system is required to maintain the HVO within specification acceptable to the
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generation units. The system operates by extracting fuel oil from the tank sump,
passing it through a series of filters to remove particulates and water before returning
it to the tank. The separated water and particulates are stored in a separate small
plastic tank for off-site disposal as required.
. (accessed June
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Electrical Systems and Grid Connection
Two 11kV/110kV step-up transformers will be required on the Site. One of the
transformers will be a dual winding transformer connected to two generating units,
while the second transformer will be connected to the other generating unit. These
transformers will step up the voltage of power generated by the units to 110kV for
export to the national grid. These transformers will be appropriately bunded to the
required capacity as per best practice.
The electricity will be exported to the national grid via the 110kV line currently
traversing the Site at the 110kV substation.
Each generating unit has a control and switchgear enclosure which contains the
electrical switchgear at 11kV and 400VAC level for controlling the unit as well as a
protection systems and control system / HMI for operating the units.
There will also be a separate balance of plant electrical switchgear building which will
contain the 11kV and low voltage (LV) electrical supplies for the Site. This will also
contain the control, protection and metering panels for each generating unit and a
supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system for remote operation of the
The Proposed Development also includes an electrical switchgear (MV) building and
two transformers proposed onsite. A Site office/administration building and a workshop
are also proposed.
The transformers will connect to the on-site switchyard, a fenced compound that will
contain electrical switchgear and circuit breakers. The switchyard compound and all
equipment within the compound will be owned by ESB and EirGrid will ensure the
maintenance of same. This will loop into the adjacent substation as permitted by the
Board in 2019 (ABP Reg Ref 303678-19). The previously permitted AIS substation
comprised of the following:
(a)The construction of a four bay Air Insulated Switchgear (AIS) 110kV transmission
substation in a compound area (approximately 15,673 m2), under the existing
Corduff Platin 110 kV overhead line and the looping into the proposed substation
of said overhead line;
(b) A Substation Control Building with floor area of 375 m2, measuring 25 metres by
15 metres and 6 metres high;
(c) The removal of a 500-metre length of the 110kV overhead line and the diversion
of this line by means of underground cables along the western and northern
boundaries of the Site;
(d) The installation of two number line to cable interface masts (LCIM) approximately
16 metres in height in the north-east and south-west corners of the Site to convert
the overhead line into an underground cable;
(e) All other Site and ancillary works, including widened and upgraded entrance from
the R152, internal road, temporary construction compound, landscaping, palisade
fencing, and the erection of seven number 18-metre-high lightning protection
(f) New road markings, including deceleration lane approaching the Site on the R152.
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The permitted Substation permission (Reg Ref 303678-19) also includes the following
temporary works to assist in the programmed diversion of the overhead line to facilitate
construction works:
(g)Restringing of the Overhead Lines (OHL) between the existing 110kV pole set and
new LCIM at the south-western side of the Site. At the north-eastern side of the Site,
restringing of the OHL conductor between the existing angle mast and the new LCIM.
The addition of a new underground 110kV cable and fibre optic cable (circa. 500 metre)
between the new LCIMs along the northern and western side of the Site.
(h) Removal of 2 no. 110kV pole sets and the removal of the 3 no. spans of OHL
(i) Temporary works for the diversion will include erecting temporary stays on the
110kV pole set to the south west of the Site, and the temporary rerouting of the fibre
optic cable from the existing 110kV angle mast to the north-east of the Site to the
110kV pole set to the south-west of the Site via 12 number 38kV wood poles located
along the eastern and southern boundary of the Site.
The electricity generated will be exported to the national grid via the existing 110kV
line currently traversing the Site as altered by the grant of planning permission of the
Board for the adjacent substation (Reg Ref PL17.303678), and is required on the
following basis:
1. With the increase of wind power on the grid the Proposed Development will
provide additional stability to the electricity supply in the region and help to
balance the overall electricity transmission network;
2. The OCGT plant will be designed for flexible operation and rapid response to load
changes on the grid which is a key requirement in the coming years to support
the fluctuating supply associated with the significant increase in wind power
generation capacity.
Water Supply and Treatment
The principal water usage requirements of the OCGT plant can be summarised as
1. Potable water
Water for injection to control NO
formation during the combustion process
3. Water for fire-fighting purposes.
Water will be supplied from Irish Water mains supply. The proposal for the supply of
water to the Site has been confirmed to be available by Irish Water.
The water treatment plant will produce deionised water for use in a water injection abatement
system within the OCGT units to minimise nitrogen oxide (NOx) air emissions during fuel
combustion. Deionisation of water will be produced using ion exchange plant. This process is
in widespread industrial use for water purification, and is further outlined in the Environmental
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Waste Water Treatment
Matters relating to wastewater, and associated with the Proposed Development, are
outlined in Chapter 9 of the Environmental Report which accompanies this planning
The Proposed Development will not include a direct waste water connection to any public
sewer. Waste water produced at the Site will be managed as follows;
1. Process Waste Water: The operation of the proposed OCGT generating plant requires water
to control pollutant emissions to atmosphere from the combustion process. The formation of
NOx is controlled by injection of water into the combustor which reduces the peak flame
temperature which will in turn reduce the formation of NOx. Water for the process will be
potable water supplied from Irish Water. Before water can be used to control NOx levels, it
must be treated for the removal of natural salts in a Water Treatment Plant (WTP).
Waste water from the WTP will contain dissolved salts removed from the potable water supply.
This waste water stream is neutralised and stored onsite in a 450m3 processed water storage
tank. The amount of waste water produced will depend on the operational hours of the
Proposed Development which will be governed by electricity demand.
2. Foul Waste Water: Foul water produced is anticipated to be less than 1m3 per day from the
Services building sinks/toilets and will be stored in a separate c. 79m3 underground tank
(subject to detailed design) pending collection by an appropriately licensed waste collector for
treatment off-Site. With 1m3 of waste being produced each day it is estimated a maximum of
1 tanker per month should be adequate to remove the foul waste water from the Site.
All waste water storage tanks will be supplied by a specialist manufacturer and installed with
a concrete surround to the manufacturer’s specification. The waste will be transported by a
specialist waste contractor to a suitable licensed waste facility for treatment.
Plant Operation
A complete control and instrumentation system will be provided to achieve effective
control and monitoring of the plant operation both onsite from a central control room
(CCR), and from a remote location. From Monday to Friday, it is envisaged that up to
4 people will be on Site carrying out routine management, security, and maintenance
with personnel “on call” as required.
The operation lifetime of the Proposed Development is expected to be 20 years. The impacts
expected and mitigation measures required in the decommissioning phase are expected to be
similar to those of the construction phase. Decommissioning of the proposed development
would be subject to grant of approval by Meath County Council. A designated Decommissioning
Management Plan will be developed which will outline the mitigation measures required, which
will be similar to those outlined in the Construction Environmental Management Plan and will
be submitted to MCC Council for approval.
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Other Relevant Statutory Requirements
The Proposed Development is subject to various other consents, permits and licences.
A brief outline of these is provided as follows:
Industrial Emissions Directive Licence [IED License]
The operation of the previously approved permission (Reg Ref
PL17.204321) was subject to obtaining an Integrated Pollution
Prevention Control License [IPPC] from the EPA. This licence was
granted in September 2004 based on a power output of 400MW.
The Industrial Emissions Directive (Directive 2010/75/EU) ((IED) is the
successor of the IPPC Directive and the main EU instrument regulating
pollutant emissions from industrial installations. The IED will be applied
for and also as the original license has never been acted upon and has
now expired.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit
SSE will be required to obtain a permit from the EPA for GHG emissions.
This will be done once planning permission has been obtained. This
permit provides authorisation to the holder to carry out named activities
which result in emissions of carbon dioxide from certain emission points.
It also includes requirements that must be met with regard to such
emissions, including reporting and monitoring requirements.
Connection Agreement to the National Electricity Grid
Early discussions with EirGrid have confirmed the feasibility of
connecting the Proposed Development to the transmission grid. A formal
application will be made in due course.
Generator Licence from the CRU
To connect to the electricity network, a generator who wishes to connect
must hold an Authorisation to Construct or Reconstruct a Generating
Station and a Generator Licence. The CRU is responsible for assessing
these permits. SSE will apply for same post planning consent.
Project Justification
Project Context
Electricity demand in Ireland is forecast to increase significantly due to the expected expansion
of many large energy users.
It is necessary to have a mix of base load and flexible energy generation plant to provide a stable
transmission system to meet the high levels of energy demand in Ireland.
The 2021 - 2030 National Energy and Climate Plan for Ireland sets a target to increase electricity
generated from renewable sources to 70%. In June 2019, the Minister of Communications,
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Climate Action and Environment committed to raise the amount of electricity generated from
renewable sources to 70% by 2030 with no generation from peat and coal in the Climate Action
Plan 2023.
The Government of Ireland, Policy Statement on Security of Electricity Supply was published in
November,2021 and states that ‘the development of new conventional generation (including gas-
fired and gasoil/distillate-fired generation) is a national priority and should be permitted and
supported in order to ensure security of electricity supply and support the growth of
renewable electricity generation’.
The Meath County Council Climate Action Strategy 2019-2024 published in September,2019 to
address both adaptation and mitigation of climate change. Areas of focus to deliver the plan
include ‘Planning’ and ‘Clean Energy’. Under ‘Planning’ the strategy recognises the need to use
planning policy to promote clean energy and energy efficiency. Under ‘Clean Energy’ the strategy
recognises the need to increase renewable energy usage.
The Meath County Council Climate Change Strategy is linked to the County Development Plan and
is intended to cover the period from 2021-2027. Key targets include:
- Reducing CO2 emissions of the county by at least 40% by 2030.
- Increasing our resilience by adapting to the impacts of climate change
Wind energy is the main source of renewable electricity generated in Ireland, making up 28% of
all electricity in Ireland in 2021, second only to natural gas. As of September 2022, the total
installed wind capacity in Ireland as 4,417 MW.
Project Need
The proposed OCGT Generating Plant is an integral part of the drive to increase the use of
renewable energy in Ireland, in particular wind energy.
Electricity supply must always operate to meet demand, though this can vary considerably. The
minimum requirement is called the ‘base load’. Increased demand can occur quite quickly, so the
grid also needs to include some power sources that can supply at very short notice. Such sources
are sometimes called ‘peaking power plants. These generally run only when there is a high or
‘peak’ demand for electricity.
The proposed OCGT Generating Plant is a peaking plant that needs a fuel that provides the
flexibility and speed of delivery that meets this need. It will only be operated when user demand
in the region cannot be supported by the combination of base load plants and renewable energy
This type of plant is increasingly needed to address the issue of the ‘intermittency’ of renewable
sources such as wind and solar, by meeting the critical need to adapt quickly and flexibly to
changing inputs from renewables, especially during periods of high demand. This facilitates the
types of stable electrical system needs by an advanced economy.
As an OCGT Generating Plant its purpose is to support the production of renewable wind energy
by providing an alternative energy supply that can react quickly to the electricity grid during periods
of low wind energy availability and high user demand. Unlike base load plants it can be turned on
and off within minutes so it is only operational during these periods.
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Previous Planning Application
A previous planning application for a peaking plant on this site was refused by An Bord Pleanála
on the grounds of the types of fuel employed [Planning Reference Planning Register Reference
Number: LB/190031/ ABP Reg Ref. PL 305028.19]. The Board ruled that that the Proposed
Development in, on account of its reliance on the use of distillate oil, would conflict with national
obligations relating to greenhouse gas emissions set out under the EU Renewable Energy
Directive, would be contrary to national policy relating to the need for decarbonisation of the
electricity sector, would not be supportive of the relevant provisions of the Meath County
Development Plan 2013-2019, and through the specific use of distillate oil, would constitute an
unsustainable approach in relation to the provision of energy infrastructure to address
intermittency in renewable power generation.
Proposed Lowest Available Emitting Option
The transition to net-zero will be renewables-led, but “on-demand” low-carbon flexible generation
is required as back-up to support the system when it is not windy or sunny.
To provide the lowest available emitting option required to implement national policy, the applicant
has complied with the Board’s direction for of ‘the use of natural gas, or other fuel source’. To do
this they have chosen the lowest available emitting option that will deliver reliable and consistent
with lower CO2 equivalent emissions compared to other fuel types such as natural gas or distillate
This plant will only operate when there is additional demand on the electricity grid, so fuel
consumption is lower than a conventional power station. This is expected to occur during peak
energy usage hours in morning and evening, in autumn, winter and spring.
Operational hours are anticipated to be 4-6 hours per day during high demand periods (e.g., winter
months). It is anticipated that each of the turbines will operate for between 500 and 1,800 hours
each per year, with higher operating times during winter months.
Fuel Type: Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO)
The proposed station in Platin will run on Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), which is a type of
biofuel that is produced by processing waste oils to create a fossil-free alternative to distillate-oil
in accordance with EU sustainability standards.
HVO Biofuel is fossil free as it is derived from vegetable crops which have been converted to fuel.
It is not excavated from the earth like fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas or petroleum.
Justification for Selection of Fuel Type
HVO Biofuel is low carbon in comparison to traditional fossil fuels and has a lower CO2 equivalent
emissions compared to other fuel types such as natural gas or distillate oil. See also Section 5.3
HVO biofuel emissions are lower because it is sourced from waste vegetable oil that would
otherwise be disposed of as a waste product. It is primarily comprised of used cooking oil. It would
not involve any food displacement and has a lower greenhouse gas emissions profile across its
lifetime when compared to alternatives such as diesel combustion.
HVO derived from a secondary source is lower carbon than biofuel that is derived from virgin crops,
which have been grown for the purpose of biofuel generation only and consequently have higher
embodied carbon in the supply chain.
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Based on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions assessment further detailed in Chapter 14, the
likely impact of the Proposed Development will be not be significant. Use of HVO as a fuel, results
in lower net GHG emissions; using natural gas for 1800 hours per year would result in GHG
emissions in the order of 173,214 tonnes CO2eq despite having lower transport embodied carbon
as there is a gas pipeline adjacent to the project site. Comparatively, use of HVO for 1800 hours
per year would result in direct GHG emissions in the order of 1,218 tonnes CO2eq.
Thus, the use of HVO as a fuel type is a step beyond the Board’s recommendation to use natural
gas in its 2019 determination of the site. SSE have complied with the Board’s determination of ‘the
use of natural gas, or other fuel source’ and chosen the lowest available emitting option that will
deliver reliable and consistent performance.
The Government’s Climate Action Plan 2023 makes no fewer than 17 references to biofuels and
notes their important role as a transitionary fuel. In the Climate Action Plan 2023 particular
emphasis is placed on their role in reducing transport emissions a transitional measure for the
medium-term reduction of GHG emissions.
The Proposed Development complies with national government policies as contained in Project
Ireland 2040 (NDP, NSS) and the CAP 2023. The Plan has outlined several key measures for the
energy sector including:
- Contribute to a reduction in annual sectoral emissions to 3 Mt CO2eq by 2030 (75% reduction
from 2018 levels);
- Accelerate and increase the deployment of renewable energy to replace fossil fuels. This
includes increasing the delivery of onshore wind, offshore wind, and solar to achieve 80% of
electricity demand from renewable energy by 2030;
- Target 6 GW of onshore wind and up to 5 GW of solar by 2025;
- Target 9 GW onshore wind, 8 GW solar, and at least 5 GW of offshore wind by 2030 (and an
additional 2 GW offshore wind for green hydrogen production);
- Deliver and accelerate a flexible system to support renewables, with a minimum of 2 GW of
new flexible gas-fired power generation by 2030;
- Manage electricity demand growth. Deliver a Demand Side Strategy to ensure 20-30% demand
side flexibility by 2030; and
- Achieve further emissions reduction through the electrification of other sectors, such as
transport and heating.
There have been five previous planning applications made in the recent past relating
to the development of a power generation station on the Site one was refused with
a subsequent amended proposal being granted permission, another was refused and
is the subject of this planning application. There is thus a precedent of three previous
grants of permission for such a Peaking Plant at this Site and further detail of these is
provided below.
Parent Permission
Meath County Council Register Reference 99/2490
, full planning
permission was granted for the development of a 400MW electricity generation plant
subject to a number of conditions. This decision was appealed by third parties to An
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Bord Pleanála
ABP Register Ref: PL17.118993
with the Board upholding MCC’s
decision to grant.
Under that final grant of permission, SSE and Marathon Ireland were granted full
planning permission in
September 2000
for a development comprising:
a 33,000m
400MW gas fired combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) electricity
generating plant.
a turbine building in the centre of the Site measuring 76m in length by 33m in
width by 22.5m height.
7m diameter stack would be the highest structure on the Site at 49.9m.
A two-storey administrative block totalling 2,000m
in area.
One row of 15m high hybrid water cooling towers containing 6 cells located in
the eastern portion of the Site.
A water treatment building 18m in height.
Two raw water storage tanks, one de-mineralized water tank and two distillate
storage tanks, each with a capacity of 4,500m
, measuring 18m in diameter and
18m in height.
Amendment Permission
Meath County Council Register Reference SA30213
, alterations to the previously
approved generating plant were granted permission. Again, following a third-party
appeal to An Bord Pleanála
ABP Register Ref PL17.204321
, the decision to grant was
Under that permission, SSE were granted full planning permission in
January 2004
the Board for a development comprising of alterations to a previously approved (as per
planning register reference Meath County Council 99/2490 and An Bord Pleanála appeal
number PL 17.118993) but un-built development consisting of 400 MW electricity
generating plant and associated structures, plant, and equipment at the Subject Site.
The principal alterations that were the subject of the amendment permission application
1. the replacement of the approved water-cooling system with an air-cooled
condenser (approximate dimensions 70 metres by 70 metres by 34.5 metres
high); and
2. increase in the size of the approved surface water attenuation pond (by
approximately 530m
); and
3. the relocation of some associated equipment and structures including the
approved pumphouse.
In 2003 the Commission for Energy Regulation (CER) (now known as the Commission
for Regulation of Utilities (CRU)) the Irish Energy Market Regulator identified the
requirement for new generation capacity in Ireland from 2005-2006 onwards. A
capacity competition for between 300 MW and 531 MW of new capacity was run in
2003. Tynagh Energy Limited and Aughinish Alumina were the only two projects
awarded preferred bidder status in November 2003 and removed the need for a CCGT
plant of 400MW in County Meath. For this reason, the above projects did not proceed.
Planning Reg Ref SA100263
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In 2010, an application for permission to develop a 60MW OCGT power generation plant
was applied for. It consisted of the following:
1. a 663m
gas turbine building [approx. 17m wide x 41m length x 7m high]
housing a fully enclosed and roofed turbo generator annexed with a similarly
enclosed maintenance bay
2. associated exhaust gas stack [approx. 20m high x 2.8m diameter] and other
associated stacks and vents [not exceeding 13m in height]
3. an associated air filter [approx. 15.5m high x 6.8m wide x 7.67m length]
4. a compound adjacent to the gas turbine building containing a main and an
auxiliary transformer and a firewater module
5. a 316m
office and ancillary services building [approx. 11m wide x 31m length x
5m high]
6. 2 no. 750m³ volume fuel oil tanks with concrete bund [approx. 7.5m high]
7. 2 no. 560m³ volume raw and treated water storage tanks [approx. 7.5m high]
8. a new foul sewer pipe connecting to the Duleek sewer system and a new water
9. 6 no. car parking spaces and misc. site works including an upgraded and
relocated access from the R152 and internal circulation road and hard and soft
Planning permission for the above project was not implemented due to the economic
downturn which resulted in reduced commercial viability.
Planning Reg Ref LB 19/0031 & Reg Ref. PL 305028.19
In 2019, MCC approved an application for a 208MW (electrical output) OCGT generating plant
at this Site (Reg Ref LB19/0031). This was then appealed to the Board by a third party and the
decision of Meath County Council was overturned (Reg Ref PL17.305028) on the basis that a
more climate-friendly primary source of fuel was both viable and achievable. The development
itself consisted of the following:
1. 4 no. containerised peaker plant units (each 248m
and c. 8m wide x 31m long x 3.5m
high), each housing a fully enclosed and roofed turbo generator comprising of 2 no.
turbines with a common generator, all on a concrete plinth of 615m
2. Each unit has two exhaust stacks (15m in height) one for each turbine
Water treatment plant comprising:
Water Treatment (Demineralisation) Building (6m high x 11m
wide x 25m long)
a 120m
raw water treatment tank of 1000m
(c. 10m high)
a 315m
deionized (treated water) water storage tank (max. volume of
) c. 16m high
hydrochloric acid tank (5m
) c.3m high
sodium hydroxide tank (2.5m
) c.2m high
waste water storage tank (40m
) (c. 2.5m high)
Firewater Module measuring 5m wide x 5m length x 5m high
Foul water pump station (slab area of 121m
3. 2 no. Fuel storage tanks to each hold a maximum volume of 4,900m
per tank (each
c.16m high), and associated fuel pumping and filtering equipment and pipework, all
within a 2350m
concrete bund
4. 3 no. Waste Storage Containers, each 80m
(c. 3m wide x 26m length x 4m high)
5. Diesel Generator with floor area of 32m
(c. 4m wide x 8m length x 4m high)
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6. 2 no. transformers each 160m
, and each measuring c. 8m wide x 10m length x 9m
7. an 830m
Office and ancillary services building (c. 20 wide x 47 length x 6m high)
8. a 570m
Switchgear (MV) building (c. 13 wide x 54 length x 5m high)
9. all other miscellaneous and ancillary site works, including: 12 no. Car parking spaces
and 3 no. unloading bays, widened, and upgraded entrance from the R152, two
lowered site platform areas, and internal circulation road and hard and soft
landscaping, a temporary construction compound, and palisade fencing.
10. New road markings, including deceleration lane approaching the site, on the R152.
Despite overturning the decision of Meath County Council to permit this application, ABP (the
Board) noted, in its Direction and Order dated the 18
December,2019, that the use of the site
for electricity generation is fully consistent with the proper planning and sustainability of the
area; Effectively rendering the principle of development of an OCGT Generating Plant
acceptable at this site.
Surrounding Area
In addition to the above on-site applications, a review of all relevant planning
applications for development in the vicinity of the Subject Site was also conducted using
Meath County Council’s online planning enquiry system. Outline details of relevant
planning applications are set out in Table 7.1 below:
Table 7-1 Planning History of Surrounding Area
The Proposed Development will consist of an uprate
of the existing Gorman to Platin 110 kV Overhead line
(OHL) (19.76 km long and comprising 109no.
supporting structures between the existing Gorman
substation in the townland of Causetown, Co. Meath
and the existing Platin 110kV substation in the
townland of Platin, Co. Meath). The proposed project
is located within the townlands of Graigs,
Ardmulchan, Dollardstown, Dunmoe, Carranstown,
Platin, Haystown and Carnuff, Stackallan,
Harmanstown, Causetown, Garballagh, Commons,
Downestown, Gillinstown, Longford, Rathdrinagh,
Painestown, Thurstianstown, Knockcommon,
Drumman, Laugher, Newtown and Platin.
Decision pending June
The Proposed Development will consist of an uprate
of the existing Drybridge to Platin 110 kV Overhead
line (OHL) {approximately 5.6 km long and
comprising 33no. structures (excluding LCIM 13a and
LCIM 14 which are consented under separate
planning application) and 2no. gantries between the
existing Drybridge 110 kV substation in the townland
of Tullyallen, Co. Louth and the existing Platin 110kV
substation in the townland of Platin, Co. Meath).
Granted by Meath County
Council in February 2023
Highfield Solar
Council to amend the lifetime of the approved
development (Planning ref: LB/160898) which
comprises consent for the development of a solar
farm on a site of approximately 131.37 hectares at
Garballagh, Thomastown, Gillinstown, Duleek, Co
Meath. Permission was sought to amend the
operational lifespan of the consented development
from 25 years to 35 years.
Granted by Meath County
Council in May 2023.
The Proposed
Development connects
directly to the Drybridge-
Baltrasna 110kV line by
way of a looped in/out
connection, and therefore
will have no
impact/connection to the
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proposed OCGT
Generating Plant or
approved 110kV
Substation at the SSE
Boann Distillery
Construction of a whiskey maturation warehouse
facility. The Proposed Development includes the
construction of 1 no. warehouse building of c. 3246
sq.m for whiskey maturation and a machinery shed
with solar photovoltaic (PV) panels on both buildings.
The development also fire water retention pond,
sewerage treatment unit and associated
infrastructure, a new vehicular access to the Platin
Road (R152), car parking, hard and soft landscaping,
and all associated site development works.
Granted by Meath County
Council in September
Irish Cement
Permission for extension of 811.50sqm gross floor
area to an existing bulk materials storage shed and
ancillary site works. The maximum height of the
extension will be circa 14m, which is the same height
as the existing building. The 1,868sqm development
is located within the existing Cement Works at Platin,
County Meath. The application relates to Platin
Cement Works, which is subject to an Industrial
Emissions License (IE License No. P0030-60).
Granted by Meath County
Council in February
Tunis Properties
The Proposed Development consists of the following:
construction of a two storey (with mezzanine levels
at both storeys) data storage facility building with a
maximum overall height of c. 25 metres, containing
data halls, associated electrical and mechanical Plant
Rooms, a loading bay, maintenance and storage
space, office administration areas, screened plant,
and solar panels at roof level, all within a building
with a total gross floor area (FGA) of c. 28,566 sq.m.
The proposed data storage facility building will be
located to the north of the data storage facility
building previously permitted under Reg. Ref:
LB/191735 and to the south of the gas insulated
switchgear substation compound proposed under An
Bord Pleanála Ref: 308628-20.
Granted by Meath County
Council in June 2021
Paul Kavanagh
Test Centre Ltd
For a development comprising: (i) part-demolition
(totalling 390sq.m) of existing 972.5 sq.m Test
Centre; (ii) construction of 1 no. single storey building
(totalling 639sq.m) comprising of a new testing area
with ancillary staff and customer facilities; (iii)
provision of 24 no. new car parking spaces, 5 no. LCV
parking spaces and 5 no. HGV parking spaces; and
(iv) all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the
development including drainage and site works.
Granted by Meath County
Council in June 2021.
Irish Cement
20-year permission for a 13.5-hectare extension to
existing Overburden Management Facility The
application is accompanied by an Environmental
Impact Assessment Report (EIAR). The application
requires an Industrial Emissions Directive (IED)
Licence and the facility operates pursuant to an
existing IED Licence (EPA Ref No. P0030-05.
Granted by An Bord
Pleanála in July 2021
Irish Cement
Pre-Application Consultation with the Board:
Proposed overburden management facility
Decision: Is not a Strat.
Indaver Ireland Ltd
Single storey maintenance store with mezzanine
Granted by ABP in April,
Indaver Ireland Ltd
Single storey modular office building (389.7sqm)
Granted by ABP in April,
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Indaver Ireland Ltd
12.15 m high, single storey extension (includes 2 no.
Maintenance access platforms) to North(rear) of
existing facility
Granted by ABP in June,
Irish Cement
10-year permission to facilitate further replacement of
fossil fuels and allow for the introduction of alternative
raw materials in the manufacturing of cement
Granted by ABP in April,
Paul Kavanagh
Test Centre Ltd
Development consists of the following: Building 1:
Retention permission for a 1m wide external corridor
to rear elevation, 4no. Exit doors and a 2.4sqm porch
to the front of building together with permission for
minor alterations to rear elevation. Building 2;
Retention permission for extension of motor factors
building including for tyre store and fitting area. Total
floor area to be retained = 399sqm. Together with
permission for alterations to front elevation,
consisting of the provision of a new exit door. Building
3; Retention of new storage & workshop building.
Total area to be retained 315sqm. Retention
permission is also being sought for an extension to
the existing car parking area together with permission
for alterations to the internal site traffic management
arrangements as well as the traffic management
arrangements to the R152 boundary
Granted by Meath County
Council in January 2018
Highfield Solar
Permission to build a solar farm on a site which was
split into two sites to the northeast and southwest of
the Downestown Road at Garballagh, Thomastown,
Gillinstown and Downestown, Duleek, Co. Meath.
Meath County Council
granted permission. The
decision was
subsequently appealed.
ABP granted permission
for the larger western
solar array in the
townland of Garballagh,
Thomastown and
Gillinstown, and refused
permission for the
smaller eastern solar
array in the townland of
development is
4.9km to the
south-west of
the subject site.
Peter Curran
To construct an agricultural shed/grain store and all
site works
Irish Cement
Pre-Application Consultation with the Board:
Proposed Development to allow further replacement
of fossil fuels with alternative fuels and use of
alternative raw materials at existing cement works
Decision: Is considered
as a SID.
Donal O'Kane &
Elizabeth Molony
The development will consist of the following: 1.
Construction of 2 no. single storey extensions to rear
of existing dwelling. 2. Construction of new bay
window to side of existing dwelling. 3. Renovations to
existing dwelling. 4. Construction of new car port. 5.
Existing septic tank to be decommissioned and new
proprietary waste water treatment system and
percolation area installed. 6. All associated site works
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Board Of
Mount Hanover
National School
Development consists of the demolition of existing
prefabs and the construction of a new detached (GP)
General Purpose Room, a new site entrance and
associated car parking and all associated site works
Irish Cement
Development will consist of the installation of a Flue
Dust Portland Cement Silo at Kiln 3. The
development will include the provision of a silo of
circa 40m in height and 12m in diameter, together
with filter, access gantries, bucket elevator and truck
loading facility all on an application site of circa 0.75
hectares located within Platin Cement Works. This
application relates to an activity for which an
Industrial Emissions Licence applies under the
Environmental Protection
Register Number P0030-04) (Screening for
Appropriate Assessment)
Irish Cement
The development will consist of the installation of a
waste heat recovery facility on Kiln 3 of the cement
works. The development will include the fitting of 2
heat exchangers to Kiln 3 and the provision of cooling
towers, a turbine/generator building and associated
ancillary plant all on an application site of circa 3.0
hectares located within Platin Cement Works. This
application relates to an activity for which an
Industrial Emissions Licence applies under the
Environmental Protection Acts 1992 as amended (IE
Licence Register Number P0030-04). (An
Assessment Report has been submitted with this
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Irish Cement
The development will consist of the installation of plant
and associated structures, including a storage bay,
intake hopper, conveyors, a 24.2m high stack and an
electrical switch room all for the drying of granulated
blast-furnace slag on an application site of circa 0.48
hectares located within Platin Cement Works (report
for Screening for Appropriate Assessment submitted)
Irish Cement
development will consist of the demolition of the
previously decommissioned Kiln 1, its associated
preheater tower, and related structures on an
application site of circa 0.63 hectares located within
Platin Cement Works. This application relates to an
activity for which an Industrial Emissions Licence
applies under the Environmental Protection Acts 1992
as amended (IE Licence Register Number P0030-04)
(Screening for Appropriate Assessment
Irish Cement
Extension of existing quarry with an increase in
extraction area by 40.5 ha. to a depth of 20 metres
below OD and the demolition of 3 no. uninhabited
dwellings, farmhouse, and agricultural buildings.
John McGuinness
To construct (1) Refrigerated Potato Store. (2)
Grading, Packing and distribution store. (3) Covered
bunded Diesel storage facility. (4) Spray storage shed
and all associated site works. Significant further
information/revised plans submitted on this application
Gerry Curran
To construct an agricultural shed/grain store and all
site works. Significant further information/revised
plans submitted on this application
Irish Cement
variation to existing planning permission SA/803066 at
Platin Cement Works, Duleek, County Meath. The
existing permission allows for the co-firing, with
traditional fuels of up to 90,000 tonnes per annum of
solid recovered fuels, 40,000 tonnes per annum of
meat and bone meal and 30,000 tonnes per annum of
chipped used tyres. The co-firing of these 3 alternative
fuels is subject to a maximum permitted total of
120,000 tonnes per annum for all alternative fuels used
in combination. The proposed application seeks to
allow for the co-firing of up to 120,000 tonnes per
annum of solid recovered fuels. No change is proposed
to the existing permitted maximum total of 120,000
tonnes per annum for all alternative fuels used.
Likewise, no change is proposed to the existing
permitted maximum quantities of 40,000 tonnes per
annum for meat and bone meal or 30,000 tonnes per
annum for chipped used tyres. No new buildings,
structures, or other works are proposed. No changes to
existing buildings, structures or processes are
proposed. No processing of alternative fuels will take
place on site and no residues will arise from their use.
The application area extends to 0.602 hectares. This
application relates to an activity for which an
Integrated Pollution Prevention Control Licence applies
under the Environmental Protection Acts
1992 to 2011 (IPPC Licence Register Number P0030-
McGuinness (Jnr)
a change of site layout from that previously granted
under SA/101350 and as described the development
will consist of (1) Domestic Garage (2) One and a half
storey style residence, Oakstown BAF sewerage
treatment system and percolation area.
And all associated site works
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J.P. Collins
Retention of a constructed dwelling house and access
lane to same, revised site boundaries and site layout
including completion of all works. Permission sought
for wastewater treatment unit and percolation area to
serve dwelling and all associated site works
David McGuiness
Construction of 3 number polytunnels (total area 270m
sq), for landscape business, Storage shed (total area
230m sq) ancillary to landscaping business, including
staff accommodation, surfaced yard, staff car parking,
utilizing the existing adjacent site entrance,
wastewater treatment system and
percolation area and all associated site works
John McGuinness
Construction of a two-storey dwelling house, detached
domestic garage including proprietary wastewater
treatment plant and percolation area new site entrance
and all associated site works
Indaver Ireland
Construction of proposed main process building and
alteration to the previously approved tipping hall and
administration block of the waste to energy plant
Indaver Ireland
Construction of proposed pump house building
Indaver Ireland
Construction of proposed ESB substation building
Indaver Ireland
Construction of proposed gate house building
Indaver Ireland
Increase in annual total waste for treatment from
currently permitted 235,000 tonnes to 250,000 tonnes,
increase in annual amount of hazardous
The Proposed Development has been reviewed for compliance with National, Regional
and Local Planning policies. The Meath County Development Plan 2021 - 2027
is the
prevailing County Development Plan (CDP) for the area wherein the Proposed
Development is located.
Compliance with Meath CDP Planning Policies
Zoning and Existing Land Use
The Site is located within the administrative area of Meath County Council and is
subject to the Meath County Development Plan, 2021-2027 (CDP). The site is located
on the northern boundary where the CDP Landscape Character Area 8. LCA 6 - Central
Lowlands meets the LCA 7 - coastal plain. It is classified as having a Medium Landscape
Sensitivity. This unit is described, inter alia as having ‘Medium potential capacity to
accommodate overhead cables, substations, and communication masts due to the
complexity of the area, which has a variety of land uses and a robust landscape
Physical Landscape Character Policy 01 of the Appendix 5 of the CDP seeks to
recognise, protect, and enhance the unique sense of place provided by every landscape
character area and to promote appreciation of landscape character through local
design initiatives such as advertising and publication of information in the public (e.g.,
this Landscape Character Assessment). Whilst the Site is located outside of the buffer
zone around the Brú na Bóinne world Heritage Site as indicated on Map 8.1 of the CDP,
it is visible from the Brú na Bóinne World Heritage Site.
Heritage Policy 06 of the CDP
seeks to protect the Outstanding Universal Value of the UNESCO World Heritage Site
of Brú na Bóinne in accordance with the relevant guidelines and national legislation,
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so that its integrity, authenticity, and significance are not adversely affected by
inappropriate development or change.
Notwithstanding the above, and as can be noted from section 7 of this Planning report,
the Site is however located in an area that has been subject to a number of decisions
to permit the clustering of large-scale industrial activities.
As previously advised, there is an existing cement works in the area which has been
noted by An Bord Pleanála Inspector (reference Inspector’s Report PA17.307433 re
development of a Waste to Energy facility by Indaver Ireland) as comprising
approximately 20 hectares of
‘heavy industrial facilities’
and which is classed as
constituting a
‘significant heavy industrial land use’
. It is noted that there are extremely
tall structures on that Site namely several storage bins averaging 40m in height; and
two emission stacks in excess of 100m tall.
The previously consented electricity substation is also located to the south of the Irish
Cement factory, and is served by overhead powerlines (110kV) served by powerlines
from the south, east and north.
Immediately west of the cement factory, lies a large limestone quarry. Extensive areas
of rock have been quarried from this area, with the overall quarry area estimated at 30
The Indaver Ireland Waste to Energy facility is also situated within proximity of the
proposal Site. Permitted by both Meath County Council and An Bord Pleanála following
third party appeals, this facility comprises a significant industrial land use in the area
consisting of a significant number of buildings, industrial plant and a 65m high stack.
In the granting of permission for this facility (ABP Ref.307433-20), An Bord Pleanála
had regard to the established nature and character of the surrounding area.
Specifically, under reason (e) the Board cited that due to “the location of the Proposed
Development in an area where there is an established and permitted industrial land-
use pattern”, the development was acceptable.
Subsequent permissions/ changes to both the Indaver facility and Irish Cement Plant
have occurred since 2018 and these are detailed in the Table 7-1 above.
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Meath CDP Sectoral Policies
Economic Development Policy
Chapter 4 of the CDP sets out the Economic Development Strategy for the county.
Within the context of the Meath CDP, statements included within section 4.10 (Green
Economy), are considered noteworthy. These include:
The Council recognises the significant role the ‘Green Economy’ has to play in the
competitiveness of the County and the country as a whole.20 The growing
international emphasis on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving
resource efficiency presents a major opportunity for indigenous enterprises to
grow and export innovative products and services
The geographical location of the County adjacent to the national Gateway and the
proximity of the routes, through which significant energy transmission networks
(electricity and gas) traverse, present potential for future economic development
in the County.”
In addition to the above statements, this section of the CDP also includes a number of
associated policies, some of which are applicable to the Proposed Development and
are identified as follows:
Meath County Council shall positively consider and assess development
proposals for the expansion of existing authorised industrial or business enterprises in
the countryside where the resultant development does not negatively impact on the
character and amenity of the surrounding area. In all instances, it should be
demonstrated that the proposal would not generate traffic of a type and amount
inappropriate for the standard of the access roads. This policy shall not apply to the
National Road Network
Project Response:
It can be concluded that both the County Council and the Board have acknowledged
that a power generating station at this site location is appropriate and is therefore a de
facto approved land use. In addition, a number of recent planning grants in the area
(including Indaver) have further developed the idea that this location is a ‘cluster’ of
industrial type activities and these new developments, have referred to the previous
permissions on this site in their planning documentation, associated EISs and IPPCs
(See Section 7 above).
It is submitted therefore that the context for this site, and the subject application, is
for the development of an infrastructural / industrial activity in an unzoned area which
has been developed as a de facto land use industrial area, characterised by heavy
industrial activities. It is submitted that the appropriate clustering of these activities is
wholly compatible with good land use planning practice and policy, and is supported by
strong planning precedent.
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Energy Infrastructure Policy
Chapter 6 of the CDP discusses the topic of Infrastructure. Policy INF Policy 43 Section
6.15 (Renewable Energy) of the CDP confirms that it is the policy of Meath County
Council: -
To promote sustainable energy sources, locally based renewable energy
alternatives, where such development does not have a negative impact on the
surrounding environment (including water quality), landscape, biodiversity,
natural and built heritage, residential or local amenities
This chapter of the CDP also outlines policies and objectives for the sustainable
development of energy infrastructure in County Meath, which can be seen to be
relevant to the Proposed Development and are inserted below:
To seek a reduction in greenhouse gases through energy efficiency and the
development of renewable energy sources utilising the natural resources of the County
in an environmentally acceptable manner consistent with best practice and planning
To support the implementation of the National Climate Change Strategy
and to facilitate measures which seek to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases.
To encourage the development of wind energy, in accordance with Government
policy and having regard to the Landscape Character Assessment of the County and the
Wind Energy Development Guidelines (2006) or any revisions thereof.
To support the identification, in conjunction with EMRA, of Strategic Energy Zones,
areas suitable to accommodate large energy generating projects within the Eastern and
Midlands Regional area.
The Proposed Development itself does not necessarily entail renewable energy
development. However, it does in fact facilitate the functionality of the use of energy
from renewable sources, such as that of wind, through the prompt production of
supplementary energy required at times when downfalls occur in energy production
from renewables, and therefore ensures that such ‘renewable’ generation can be viably
utilised on the national grid.
The proposed peaker plant represents a significant contributor in enabling security of
supply within the electrical transmission network, and will therefore support the
maintenance and growth of economic development in the local and wider region.
An Environmental Report has been prepared for the Proposed Development and
accompanies this application. This report assesses topics, such as traffic, population
and human health, biodiversity etc. in relation to the subject proposal.
Project Response:
The Proposed Development site is located adjacent to heavily industrialised lands
containing a large-scale cement works factory, a waste to energy facility, and existing
transmission infrastructure. The proposal is of a significantly smaller scale than that of
the existing industrial development within the surrounding environs of the subject site
and will therefore will not detract from the character and amenity of the surrounding
area (this is discussed more detail within Section 6.2 of this Planning Report).
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To support Ireland’s renewable energy commitments outlined in national policy
by facilitating the development and exploitation of renewable energy sources such as solar,
wind, geothermal, hydro and bio-energy at suitable locations within the County where such
development does not have a negative impact on the surrounding environment (including
water quality), landscape, biodiversity or local amenities so as to provide for further residential
and enterprise development within the county.
To seek to reduce reliance on fossil fuels in the County by reducing the energy
demand of existing buildings, in particular residential dwellings
To promote the generation and supply of low carbon and renewable energy
alternatives, having regard to the opportunities offered by the settlement hierarchy of
the County and the built environment.
Project Response:
The Proposed Development will support and reinforce the existing electricity network
which spans across a wide area in the eastern region and which includes a number of large
settlements identified for economic growth. It will also provide for security of supply of
electricity in the wider area.
As already previously highlighted, whilst the Proposed Development itself does not
necessarily entail renewable energy development, it does in fact facilitate the functionality
of the use of energy from renewable sources, such as that of wind, through the prompt
production of supplementary energy required at times when downfalls occur in energy
production from renewables, and therefore ensures that such ‘renewable’ generation can
be viably utilised on the national grid.
The Environmental Report which has been prepared for the proposal assesses both traffic
and potential flood risk relating to the Proposed Development.
In terms of protected sites, a Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared for the
proposal and accompanies this application. This concludes that there will be no adverse
impact on the integrity of the any European sites.
The subject site and the associated landscaping context are discussed in detail within
chapter 4 of the Environmental Report
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Climate Change Strategy
In addition to economic and energy related policy, Chapter 10 of the CDP sets out Meath
County Council’s Climate Change Strategy and the following the policies are also
deemed to be applicable to the Proposed Development:
To promote sustainable land use planning measures which facilitate
transportation efficiency, economic returns on transport investment,
minimisation of environmental impacts and a general shift towards the greater
use of public transportation throughout the County
. (MOV POL 3).
To require the use of sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) to minimise and limit
the extent of hard surfacing and paving and require the use of sustainable
drainage techniques where appropriate, for new development or for extensions
to existing developments, in order to reduce the potential impact of existing and
predicted flooding risks
. (INF OBJ 25)
Duleek Written Statement
The Duleek Written Statement (part of the County Development Plan) recognises that
There is a notable business and industrial base operating within Duleek Business Park,
on the eastern environs of the town, benefitting from proximity to the Drogheda
Environs on the M1/E1 International Corridor. There are a number of other significant
employers located outside of the town boundary, in the Carranstown/Platin area off
the Drogheda Road (R152), which provides significant employment to Duleek and the
surrounding area.’
In the context of the Proposed Development, the location was
chosen primarily due to its proximity to the M1 Motorway (Dublin-Belfast Corridor).
Furthermore, the Duleek Written Statement references the significant volumes of
traffic through Duleek town centre. In the context of the Proposed Development, the
traffic associated with its operation, is minimal 13 no. HGVs visiting the site per day,
and only when the plant is running at capacity which will only be at certain times of the
year. In addition, traffic was a matter highlighted at the public information event, and
Project Response:
In terms of Climate change, Chapter 14 of the Environmental Report concludes that
through design and required mitigation measures, the proposed development will
withstand the potential forecasted impacts of climate change.
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SSE have committed that it will be written into any supplier contract that fuel deliveries
to the Site will not go through Duleek, but will approach/ leave the site from/ towards
the north/ M1 direction.
Archaeological, Architectural and Cultural Heritage Policy
County Meath contains a vast amount of cultural heritage consisting largely of
archaeological and architectural features, some of which are of international
significance. Chapter 8 of the CDP is therefore also considered applicable to the
Proposed Development. With regard to the protection and maintenance of such
features, the CDP outlines the following policies and objectives:
HER POL 2: To protect all sites and features of archaeological interest discovered
subsequent to the publication of the Record of Monument and Places, in situ (or at a
minimum preservation by record) having regard to the advice and recommendations
of the National Monuments Service of the Department of Culture, Heritage and the
Gaeltacht and The Framework and Principles for the Protection of the Archaeological
Heritage (1999).
HER POL 6: To protect the Outstanding Universal Value of the UNESCO World Heritage
Site of Brú na Bóinne in accordance with the relevant guidelines and national
legislation, so that its integrity, authenticity and significance are not adversely affected
by inappropriate development or change.
HER POL 5: To seek guidance from the National Museum of Ireland where an
unrecorded archaeological object is discovered, or the National Monuments Service in
the case of an unrecorded archaeological site.
Project Response:
In terms of traffic, the estimated amount of traffic to be generated during the
construction and operational phases of the development is not considered significant
and therefore the development is not predicted to have any significant adverse impact
on traffic levels on the surrounding road network.
Flooding is considered in Section 9.2 of the Environmental Report and it is noted that
southern edge of the site is approx. 1.4km north of the River Nanny and at an elevation
approx. 15m above the ground level at the river and is therefore not subject to Fluvial
flooding from this source. The OPW flood mapping allows for climate change- the site
has no flood risk in this model.
Slight pluvial flooding occurs along part of the eastern boundary of the site.
Notwithstanding this, no past flood event, comprising either a single flood event or
recurring flood event, has been recorded on the site according to the OPW Flood Maps
website ( In addition to this, the various
components of the Proposed Development are situated outside the area subject to
pluvial flooding which is located to the eastern boundary of the site.
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HER POL 27: To protect, conserve and enhance the County’s biodiversity where
Archaeological Heritage Objectives:
HER OBJ 2: To ensure that development in the vicinity of a Recorded Monument or
Zone of Archaeological Potential is sited and designed in a sensitive manner with a
view to minimal detraction from the monument or its setting.
HER OBJ 3: To protect important archaeological landscapes from inappropriate
HER OBJ 11: To protect the ridgelines which frame views within and from the UNESCO
World Heritage Site of Brú na Bóinne from inappropriate or visually intrusive
Architectural and Cultural Heritage Policies:
HER POL 14: To protect and conserve the architectural heritage of the County and
seek to prevent the demolition or inappropriate alteration of Protected Structures
Architectural Heritage Objectives:
To review and update the Record of Protected Structures on an on-going
basis and to make additions and deletions as appropriate.
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Landscape and Visual Assessment
The landscape and the visual impact of the proposed development has been assessed within
chapter 4 of the Environmental Report accompanying this planning application. The assessment
outlines the location of the proposal in the context of the Landscape Character Areas identified
within the Meath County Council Landscape Character Assessment, and also highlights relevant
landscape policy and objectives from the Meath County Development Plan 2021-2027. These
provisions are therefore not repeated in this Planning Report.
To protect the Outstanding Universal Value of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Brú
na Bóinne in accordance with the relevant guidelines and national legislation, so that
its integrity, authenticity and significance are not adversely affected by inappropriate
development or change.
To protect and enhance the quality, character, and distinctiveness of the landscapes
of the County in accordance with national policy and guidelines and the
recommendations of the Meath Landscape Character Assessment (2007) in Appendix
5, to ensure that new development meets high standards of siting and design.
To discourage proposals necessitating the removal of extensive amount of trees,
hedgerows and historic walls or other distinctive boundary treatments.
Project Response:
Archaeological, Architectural and Cultural Heritage has been assessed relating to the
proposed development, which is outlined in Chapter 13 of the Environmental Report.
An Archaeological Impact Assessment was undertaken by qualified Consultant
Given the existence of an embanked enclosure (ME027-078) in the northwest corner
of the land owned by SSE and the exposure of a number of features of potential
archaeological significance during the test excavation undertaken at these lands in
2019, the adjacent Proposed Development lands are considered as being of high
archaeological potential. The greatest potential impacts on archaeological heritage will
arise therefore during ground works at the initial construction phase as this type of
disturbance using heavy plant machinery is inherently destructive to archaeological
sites that have no surface expression.
Chapter 13 of the Environmental Report recommends Pre-Construction Mitigation,
Operational Phase Mitigation to safeguard the archaeological heritage of the study
In terms of Architectural and Cultural heritage, There are no protected structures (RPS)
within the study area and the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage (NIAH) does
not list any upstanding buildings or structures for the lands. There will therefore be no
direct impact on any known architectural and cultural heritage sites.
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The Meath County Development Plan 2021-2027 (CDP) contains the following
objectives that are relevant to this assessment:
To support the aims and objectives of the European Landscape Convention by
implementing the relevant objectives and actions of the National Landscape Strategy
2015-2025 and any revisions thereof.
To ensure that the management of development will have regard to the value of the
landscape, its character, importance, sensitivity, and capacity to absorb change as
outlined in Appendix 5 Meath Landscape Character Assessment and its
To require landscape and visual impact assessments prepared by suitably qualified
professionals be submitted with planning applications for development which may have
significant impact on landscape character areas of medium or high sensitivity.
To preserve the views and prospects listed in Appendix 10, in Volume 2 and on Map
8.6 and to protect these views from inappropriate development which would interfere
unduly with the character and visual amenity of the landscape.
The LVIA concludes that no designated or significant landscape resources will be affected.
Locally, the development will be perceived as an intensification of an established pattern of
non-agricultural use and development.
In the wider landscape, the Proposed Development will give rise to no impacts or
imperceptible impacts on the wider landscape. There will no visibility from any of the protected
Views and no visibility from any of the sites or view points within the Brú na Bóinne complex.
With regard to protected structures, the LVIA concludes that there will be no significant
effects visual impacts from or towards the protected structures. No part of the development
will be visible from the Core Area of the UNESCO designated World Heritage Site,
Archaeological Ensemble of the Bend of the Boyne, (Brú na Bóinne). The adjacent site of
archaeological potential is subterranean and its context and setting will not be materially
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Built and Natural Heritage
County Meath contains a significant amount of built and natural heritage. However, the
Proposed Development is not located in an area that has been identified for either of
these features in the CDP.
Figure 8.1
below illustrates the Natural Heritage Areas in
the vicinity of the Site. As can be seen however, they are not related in any way to the
Subject Site.
Project Response:
The proposed development site is located in an area that was noted as being a heavily
industrialised area and thus will be part of a cluster of similar activities within the
The visual impact can be mitigated through the location of the main buildings and
structures, the selection of uniform colours and the provision of perimeter landscape
screening are the principal measures utilized to limit the landscape effects of the
proposed development.
The LVIA concludes that the Proposed Development in conjunction with the previously
consented 110 kV substation will further extend the intensification of development and
urbanisation of the metropolitan urbanised fringe between the outskirts of Drogheda and
The photomontages in Appendix B and Chapter 4 of the Environmental Report demonstrate
how the landscape in this area is unlikely to change with the addition of the Proposed
Development due to it being significantly smaller in scale than existing and approved
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Figure 8-1
Natural Heritage Areas (Map 8.3) Source Meath County Development Plan
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Figure 8-2
Architectural Conservation Areas (Map 8.2) Source Meath County Development
Figure 8.2
identifies the location of the Architectural Conservation Areas
(ACAs) in County Meath. As can be seen there are no ACAs in the vicinity of the Site.
Appendix 6 of the CDP, provides a full Record of Protected Structures (RPS). The RPS
recognises the status of Protected Structures as sites of architectural merit and all are
afforded legal protection. Appendix 6 of the CDP and Chapter 13 of the Environmental
Report both confirm that there are no protected structures either within or in the
general environs of the proposed development site.
Figure 8.3 below illustrates that there are no Registered Monuments in the vicinity of
the Proposed Development. Notwithstanding this, based on the recent drought and
photo images of previously unknown archaeological features which were evident within
the wider area of the Site, and illustrated in various news items, SSE adopted the
approach of undertaking a full archaeological desk-top assessment. Whilst this
returned no result, feedback from the public information event generated information
which SSE followed up on, and which resulted in the confirmation of a previously
unrecorded archaeological enclosure through a recent LIDAR (Light detection and
radar) imagery taken of the Site. This image shows an existing archaeological
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enclosure footprint located to the west of the Site which can be seen on the Figures
below. This feature is also discussed in Chapter 13 of the Environmental Report.
Figure 8-3 Recorded archaeological sites in the environs of the Proposed Development
(proposed site boundary outlined in red)
Image taken from Historic Environment Viewer, National Monuments Service, Department of Arts,
Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Powered by ESRI Ireland, Annotated by Margaret
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Figure 8-4 LiDAR image showing substantial embanked enclosure extending into the
northwest side of the lands for Proposed Development (courtesy of Dr Stephen Davis).
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Figure 8-5 Location of Archaeological Enclosure in relation to the Proposed Development
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Brú na Bóinne
The Brú na Bóinne World Heritage Site is located in Meath. It is one of only three such
sites in Ireland. The Council have developed policies and objectives to ensure the
protection of this World Heritage Site. A Map has been produced by Meath County
Council to establish a ‘Core Area’ and a ‘Buffer Zone’.
Figure 8-6 below is a copy of the Meath County Council ‘Map 8.1 Brú na Bóinne World
Heritage Site’. As can be seen the subject proposal is outside of both the Core Area
and the Buffer Zone. The Core Area is outlined in Yellow and the Buffer Zone is outlined
in Red.
To further assist MCC, photomontages have been prepared to illustrate the visual
impact of the Proposed Development from the general Brú na Bóinne area. The
relevant photos (Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth) and the associated locations are
shown in Appendix B. As can be seen from the photomontages attached as Appendix
B the subject proposal will not have any impact on Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth as
the proposal will be screened from existing vegetation and structures, also due to
location of the Site within the landscape.
Project Response:
The Proposed Development will not affect any Protected Structure nor is it located
within the vicinity of any Architectural Conservation Area or Natural Heritage Area.
Therefore, the Proposed Development is unlikely to have any impact on the Natural or
Built heritage of County Meath.
In terms of Registered Monuments, as previously stated, a geophysical survey
combined with LiDAR (Light detection and radar) technology has shown that the
eastern half of an embanked enclosure of presumed prehistoric date survives in the
north-west corner of the Proposed Development site. The Department of Culture,
Heritage and the Gaeltacht was previously notified of the results of the geophysical
survey and the monument has been registered as an Embanked Enclosure (ME027-
078).The Archaeology, Architecture and Cultural Heritage chapter of the Environmental
Report undertaken for the Proposed Development outlines a number of mitigation
measures for the protection of this feature, including avoidance of the feature and the
establishment of a 25m buffer zone around the enclosure. An archaeologist shall be
present to establish the buffer zone around the embanked enclosure in advance of site
preparation works
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Figure 8-6
Brú na Bóinne Core and Buffer zones (Map 8.1) Source Meath County Council
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Compliance with the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy
The Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Eastern and Midland
Regional Assembly, was adopted on 28
June, 2019. The strategy identifies a number
of elements including pressures and opportunities, and regional assets, and sets out
appropriate policy through Regional Policy Objectives. It also provides a framework for
investment in order to better manage economic development and spatial planning in
the region.
Section 10.3 of the RSES relates to ‘Energy’, and states the following regarding energy
“A secure and resilient supply of energy is critical to a well-functioning region,
being relied upon for heating, cooling, and to fuel transport, power industry, and
generate electricity. With projected increases in population and economic
growth, the demand for energy is set to increase in the coming years”.
In addition to the above statement, the RSES also provides ‘Regional Policy
Objectives’, the following of which are regarded as being applicable to the Proposed
Development, these are:
RPO 10.20: Support and facilitate the development of enhanced electricity and
gas supplies, and associated networks, to serve the existing and future needs of
the Region and facilitate new transmission infrastructure projects that might be
brought forward in the lifetime of this Strategy including the delivery of the
necessary integration of transmission network requirements to facilitate linkages
of renewable energy proposals to the electricity transmission grid in a
sustainable and timely manner subject to appropriate environmental assessment
and the planning process.
RPO 10.22: Support the reinforcement and strengthening of the electricity
transmission and distribution network to facilitate planned growth and
transmission/ distribution of a renewable energy focused generation across the
major demand centres to support an island population of 8 million people,
Project Response:
The subject proposal will not affect the Brú na Bóinne site as it is outside the Core Area
and the Buffer Zone. The existing Irish Cement stacks at 131m and the Indaver stack
at 65m will continue to be the dominant features in the skyline. The photomontages in
Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) illustrate the subject proposals stack/s
in context it is significantly smaller than the Irish Cement and Indaver Stacks. It will
not have any negative impact on the Brú na Bóinne site. The relevant photos in
Appendix B confirm that the subject proposal will have no impact on the World
Heritage Site.
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Compliance with the National Planning Framework (NPF)
The NPF is the Government’s plan to accommodate the predicted population increase
that will be living and working in Ireland by the year 2040.
As the NPF is a strategic development framework, it sets out a long-term context for
the physical development of Ireland and related economic, social, and environmental
aspects within a national, European, and international context. The framework will be
supported by sectoral, regional, and local level policy.
Furthermore, the NPF sets out the role of the planning system in facilitating mitigation
of and adaptation to climate change and ensuring that sustainable infrastructure
networks build resilience to climate change.
In this regard, National Strategic Outcome 8 is dedicated to achieving transition to a
Low Carbon and Climate Resilient Society. This objective is key for shaping investment
choices over the coming decades in line with the National Mitigation Plan and the
National Adaptation Framework noting that new energy systems and transmission
grids will be necessary for a more distributed, renewable energy focused system,
harnessing both the considerable onshore and off-shore potential from energy sources
such as wind, wave and solar and connecting the richest sources of that energy to the
major sources of demand.
In relation to energy, the NPF identifies that
Ireland is advancing its development as
a circular economy’
and continues to state that
further developing the circular
economy will require greater efficiency with raw materials, energy, water, space and
With respect to the strengthening of the electricity network, the NPF provides the
following policy:
“National Policy Objective 47 In co-operation with relevant Departments in
Northern Ireland, strengthen all-island energy infrastructure and interconnection
capacity, including distribution and transmission networks to enhance security of
electricity supply”.
Project Response:
The Proposed Development represents a direct realisation of the CRU mitigation
measures required to address the security of supply of electricity in the region. It will
assist in achieving security in supply in the existing electricity network through the
prompt generation of additional supplementary energy required at times when
downfalls occur in energy production from other sources. It can therefore be seen that
the Proposed Development complies with National and Regional Policy Objectives, and
provisions of the Draft RSES for the Midland and Eastern Region.
Project Response:
It is submitted that the Proposed Development is wholly in compliance with the NPF
aims and objectives regarding strengthening key infrastructure, such as energy
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Compliance with the National Development Plan 2018-2027
The National Development Plan (the ‘Plan’) outlines investment priorities which will
support the NPF. It will guide planning and investment decisions at a national, regional,
and local level over two decades in order to accommodate an expected increase in
population of over 1 million people. The Plan reveals the Government’s commitment
to fulfilling Ireland’s infrastructure and investment requirements over the next ten
years, through a total estimated investment of €116 billion.
The Plan touches on Ireland
‘transitioning to a Low-Carbon and Climate-Resilient
and identifies actions to achieve this, including:
“the creation of sustainable green jobs, sustainable food production, deepening
our energy security, and making the environment healthier.”
In addition to the above measure, the National Development Plan also states that
range of major commercial state sector energy projects will be undertaken over the
period of the plan. SOEs are expected to invest in excess of €13 billion in energy related
investments, with a particular focus on investment in regulated energy network
infrastructure to provide smart reliable electricity networks to support security of
electricity supply…”
Compliance with Statutory Requirements
This planning application has been prepared and is submitted in full compliance with
the prevailing PDA and Planning Regulations as amended. It is furthermore supported
by an accompanying Environmental Report which provides an assessment of potential
environmental impacts and provides appropriate mitigation measures, and a NIS which
demonstrates that there will be no adverse impact on the integrity of any European
Sites from the Proposed Development.
Project Response:
The Proposed Development is being developed by a private company, but will comply
fully with the aims of the NDP. The Proposed Development is also being progressed at
the request of the Regulator (CRU) and EirGrid, as it will provide additional security of
electricity supply, as well as additional power to the grid at peak times thereby lessening
the chance of any reduction in supply or power outages. It will therefore serve to
enhance confidence in the country’s ability to maintain a secure supply of power in the
future and complements development of renewable energy to meet Government
Furthermore, the Proposed Development has been awarded a Capacity Market
Remuneration Reliability Obligation (RO) in the latest Capacity Remuneration
Mechanism (CRM) T-4 auction and is required to be available to provide essential
capacity to support electrical system security of supply.
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Documents Accompanying this Application
Documents submitted via Local Government online Planning Portal (as outlined in the Cover
Letter) in support of the planning application include:
1. Completed Online Application Form
2. Electronic Fund Transfer for 20,536 (Application Fee see Section 6.3
for basis of calculation)
3. Drawing Schedule
4. Planning Drawings (Total 29 Drawings)
5. Letters of Consent - Platin Power Ltd Letter of Consent & Agent Letter of
6. Statutory Public Notices:
1. Newspaper Notice
2. Site Notice
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7. Planning Application Report
8. EIA Screening Assessment
9. Environmental Report
10. Appropriate Assessment Screening Report
11. Natura Impact Statement
12. Construction and Environmental Management Plan
13. Land Use Assessment Report (Comah/Seveso)
14. Basis for Fee Calculation
Amount of Fee
Class 4
provision of
other than
within 1,2 or
€80 for each building, or €3.60
for each square metre of gross
floor space to be provided
whichever is the greater
Other Buildings
3-off Gas Turbine Enclosure
= 990m
x 3 = 2,970m
Deioninsed Building =
Offices and Ancillary
Services Building = 520m
Switchgear (MV) building =
Firewater Module = 25m
Total Area : = ~3,950m
Fees are €80 for each building,
or €3.60 for each square metre
of gross floor space to be
provided whichever is the
Total Fee = 3,950m
x €3.60 =
Class 8
provision on
in over the
land or under
land of plant
or of tanks or
(other than
buildings) for
€200 or €50 for each 0.1
hectare of site area,
whichever is the greater
Provisions of plant or other
structures for storage purposes
Firefighting water
tank = 20m
o Tank contained
within 49 m
3-off SCR, Stack and aux.
equipment external to Gas
Turbine Enclosure =
x3 = 1980m
Raw water tank = 177 m
Deionized (treated) water
storage tank = 255m
Ammonia tank = 7m
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Chemical storage bund = 36
2-off 2,300m
HVO Fuel
storage tanks = 177 m
x 2 =
o Tanks contained
within 2,020m
2-off transformers (these
are compounds and not
buildings) = 160m
x 2 =
Sanitary Tank = 41 m
Processed Water Tank =
52 m
Fuel Polishing System =
144 m
Cumulative area of all is 3,386m
(i.e., 0.3386 Ha)
Fees are €200 or €50 for each
0.1ha of site area, whichever is
the greater
i.e., €50 x (each
0.1Ha of 10.55Ha) - €5,275
not coming
within any of
€80 or €10 for each 0.1
hectare of site area whichever
is the greater
Development not coming within
any of the foregoing classes
- Parking; misc. site works,
including landscaping/ platforms,
10.55Ha/ 105500m
Fees are €80 or €10 for each
0.1ha of site area, whichever is
the greater -
i.e., €10 x (each
0.1Ha of 10.55Ha) -
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The application is for the Proposed Development of a 170MW Open Cycle Gas Turbine
Power Plant. It is accompanied by a Planning Report, an Environmental Report, a Land
Use Planning Risk Assessment (COMAH/ Seveso) and a Natura Impact Statement. The
Planning Report has outlined the planning and policy context of the Proposed
Development, and provided responses to the planning matters and issues likely to be
associated with the development proposal.
It is evident from the Policy Statement on Security of Electricity Supply (Policy
Statement) that ‘the development of new conventional generation (including gas-fired
and gasoil/distillate-fired generation) is a national priority and should be permitted and
supported in order to ensure security of electricity supply and support the growth of
renewable electricity generation.
As has also been outlined, the nearby area is characterised by industrial type activities,
and the land use as a Power Generation Plant has been previously approved by both
the MCC and An Bord Pleanála. As can be seen from section 5 of this Planning Report,
the Site has been subject to three previous applications relating to electricity generation
and associated development, all of which were granted permission. The surrounding
area of the site contains a variety of industrial and energy type/ related consented uses,
including that of a waste to energy facility, and a large- scale cement production
It is submitted, that the Proposed Development has been demonstrated to be fully in
compliance with all plans, policies, and objectives at a National, Regional and County
level, and that all relevant planning matters are appropriately addressed. All policy
documents recognise the importance of electricity infrastructure to the future
economic growth of the country. This proposal seeks to enhance the adequacy of
power supply particularly at peak times and thus meets the aims and objectives of all
policy documents.
Methods for the supply of water, discharge of emissions, road and traffic safety,
landscape and visual impacts, and the discharge of waste, have been fully and
appropriately addressed, and connection to public water has been agreed in principle
with the water services section of Meath County Council, and Irish Water.
The Proposed Development will not impact on the World Heritage Site of Brú na Bóinne.
It is outside the Core Area and the Buffer zone. The Proposed Development avoids
and takes full account of any adjacent built or natural heritage. The existing Irish
Cement Stacks of 131m and the Indaver stack under construction of 65m will continue
to be the dominant feature on the skyline.
It is submitted that the application is in compliance with the plans, policies,
and objectives for the area, and is therefore in accordance with the proper
planning and sustainable development of the area and should accordingly
be granted permission.
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Appendix A Community Engagement and Community
Community Engagement
Community engagement has been shaped by dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders,
including local political stakeholders and the wider community surrounding the site of the
Proposed Development. The principles behind our engagement were the same for all groups
i.e., to engage in open, honest, and meaningful discussion and consider all feedback,
suggestions and information brought to the Project Team.
Community Liaison Officer
A Community Liaison Officer (CLO) for the Proposed Development was appointed in February
Engagement with Political Stakeholders
Throughout the spring and early summer, local political stakeholders received several updates
regarding the Proposed Development. While the Proposed Development lies within Meath
County, it lies at the confluence of several different constituencies, 2 at national level (Meath
East and Louth) and 3 at local authority level (Laytown-Bettystown, Ashbourne, Drogheda
Urban). Therefore, SSE noted that it was appropriate to keep all political representatives in
these areas informed regarding the Proposed Development.
Meetings were offered with several local political stakeholders with virtual engagements taking
place with two political representatives.
Newsletter and Community Engagement Evening
A newsletter giving a high-level overview of the project was circulated in the vicinity of the
Proposed Development on May 3
2023. That newsletter also served to advertise an SSE
community engagement evening which took place on May 11
in the Sage and Stone Coffee
Shop, outside Duleek. Political representatives were also given advanced notice of the
community engagement evening.
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In addition to the newsletter, the community engagement evening was advertised in three local
publications, including:
The Drogheda Leader,
Duleek & District News
, and;
The Meath Chronicle.
The key aim of the community engagement evening was to keep nearby residents, community
groups and political stakeholders informed regarding the Proposed Development, provide these
stakeholders with an opportunity to meet the Project Team and allow them to provide feedback
on the project verbally in-person and via a feedback form. Pull up banners were present on
the night, providing a high-level overview of the project.
The event was attended by a mix of political stakeholders, landowners and nearby residents,
individuals from local sporting and environmental organisations and other interested parties.
Attendees were able to refer to information on pull-up banners and engage with relevant
members of the Project Team and expert consultants for follow-up queries. Feedback forms
were provided on the night and those in attendance were strongly encouraged to fill out these
forms or take them away and send their feedback directly, via email, to the CLO.
Community Benefit
Evident during the community engagement evening, from discussions with members of the
local community and key stakeholders, and via feedback received in the feedback forms
submitted to the CLO, is the desire among the local community to see a community benefit
proposal linked to the Proposed Development.
SSE is committed to the provision of a community benefit proposal linked to the Proposed
Development and will work collaboratively with the local community and key local stakeholders,
through consultation, to understand the principles around which any community commitment
should be aligned with.
The project’s dedicated CLO will engage with communities, stakeholders and those who may
be impacted by the project to establish a transparent process. SSE will ensure that any
community commitment contributes to the social, environmental, and economic well-being of
local communities over the construction and operational phases of the Proposed Development.
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Appendix B Photo Location Map and Views of Proposed
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VP 1 from R152
VP 7 from Knowth Approach
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VP 8 from Newgrange Environs
VP 9 from Dowth Environs
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