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Effective Date:
Effective Date is defined in Paragraph 23 of this Agreement
1. PARTIES: This Agreement is made between ______________________________________________
(hereinafter called "Buyer") and the Maine Department of Transportation (hereinafter called "Seller").
2. DESCRIPTION: Subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, Seller agrees to sell and Buyer agrees
to buy the property situated in municipality of ___________, County of _____________, State of Maine, which is
a part of property located at __________________________ as described in in a deed recorded at __________
County Registry of Deeds in Book _____, Page ___. If "part of see Other Conditions (paragraph 26) for
3. FIXTURES: The Buyer and Seller agree that, if applicable, all fixtures, including but not limited to existing
storm and screen windows, shades and/or blinds, shutters, curtain rods, built-in appliances heating
sources/systems including gas and/or kerosene-fired heaters and wood stoves, sump pump and electrical fixtures
are included with the sale except for the following:
Seller represents that all mechanical components of fixtures will be operational at the time of closing except: The
property is being sold as is, where is.
5. PURCHASE PRICE: For such conveyance Buyer is to pay the total purchase price of
$_____________________. The Buyer will deliver to the Sellers agent, concurrent with this offer, a deposit of
earnest money in the amount of $___________________. If said deposit is not delivered simultaneously with this
offer, this offer shall be void and any attempted acceptance of this offer in reliance on the deposit being delivered
will not result in a binding contract. The remainder of the purchase price shall be paid by a certified or cashiers
check upon delivery of the Deed. All payments shall be made payable to the Treasurer, State of Maine
This Purchase and Sale Agreement is subject to the following conditions:
6. EARNEST MONEY/ACCEPTANCE: Sellers agent shall hold said earnest money and act as escrow agent until
closing. This offer shall be valid until 5:00 p.m. on the fifth business day after the minimum 2 week advertising
period has expired, or for 5 business days from the effective date of the offer. In the event of non-acceptance, this
earnest money shall be returned promptly to Buyer. In the event that the Agency is made a party to any lawsuit
by virtue of acting as escrow agent, Agency shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys fees and costs which
shall be assessed as court costs in favor of the prevailing party.
7. TITLE AND CLOSING: A Governors Deed shall be delivered to Buyer and this transaction shall be closed and
Buyer shall pay the balance due and execute all necessary papers within 30 days of the time the deed has been
fully executed, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties. Seller makes no representations or
warranties concerning title to the Premises. Buyer shall have 30 calendar days from the Effective Date of this
Agreement to conduct a title examination. If Buyer, in their sole discretion, is not satisfied with the results of such title
examination, then Buyer may elect, by giving written notice to Seller on or before the expiration of such 30 day period to
terminate this Agreement.
8. DEED: The property shall be conveyed by a Governors Deed without warranties or covenants of title.
9. POSSESSION, OCCUPANCY, AND CONDITION: Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, possession and
occupancy of premises, free of tenants and occupants, shall be given to Buyer immediately at closing. Said
premises shall then be broom clean, free of all possessions and debris, and in substantially the same condition as
at present, excepting reasonable use and wear. Buyer shall have the right to view the property within 24 hours
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prior to closing for the purpose of determining that the premises are in substantially the same condition as on the
date of this Agreement.
10. RISK OF LOSS, DAMAGE, DESTRUCTION AND INSURANCE: Prior to closing, risk of loss, damage, or
destruction of premises shall be assumed solely by the Seller. If the premises are damaged or destroyed prior to
closing, Buyer may terminate this Agreement and be refunded the earnest money.
11. FUEL / UTILITIES / PRORATIONS: The following items, where applicable, shall be prorated as of the date of
closing: rent, association fees, or other similar incomes and expenses. Metered utilities such as electricity, water and
sewer will be paid through the date of closing by Seller. Fuel in the heating fuel tank shall be paid by the Buyer at the
cash price as of the date of closing of the company that last delivered the fuel. Buyer will pay their share of the
transfer tax as required by State of Maine. Seller is exempt from transfer tax and municipal real estate tax.
12. DUE DILIGENCE: Seller does not make any warranties regarding the condition, permitted use or value of Sellers
real or personal property, or any representations as to compliance with any federal, state, or municipal codes, including,
but not limited to fire, life safety, electrical and plumbing. Buyer is encouraged to seek information from professionals
regarding any specific issue or concern. Seller makes no warranties regarding the condition, permitted use or value of
Sellers real or personal property. This Agreement is subject to the following inspections, with results being
satisfactory to Buyer:
All investigations will be done by persons chosen and paid for by Buyer in Buyers sole discretion. If the result of any
investigation or other condition specified herein is unsatisfactory to Buyer, Buyer will declare the Agreement null and
void by notifying Seller in writing within the specified number of days, and any earnest money shall be returned to
Buyer. If the result of any inspection or other condition specified herein is unsatisfactory to Buyer, and Buyer wishes to
pursue remedies other than voiding the Agreement, Buyer must do so to full resolution within the time period set forth
above; otherwise this contingency is waived. If Buyer does not notify Seller that an inspection is unsatisfactory within
the time period set forth above, this contingency is waived by Buyer. In the absence of inspection(s) mentioned above,
Buyer is relying completely upon Buyer's own opinion as to the condition of the property.
Type of Inspection
Reported to
Type of Inspection
Reported to
a. General Building
j. Lead Paint
b. Chimney
k. Arsenic Treated
c. Environmental
l. Pest
d. Sewage Disposal -
m. Pool
e. Water Quality -
n. Zoning
(including but not limited to radon, arsenic, lead, etc.)
o. Habitat Review /
f. Water Quantity
p.. Flood Plain
g Air Quality - -
q. Code
(including but not limited to radon, arsenic, lead, etc.)
r. Insurance
h. Square Footage
s. Lot Size /
i. Mold
t. Coastal
Shoreland Septic
u. Other _______
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13. FINANCING: This Agreement _______is or ____is not subject to financing. If subject to Financing:
a. This Agreement is subject to Buyer obtaining an approved conventional mortgage of not less than________ % of
the purchase price, at an interest rate not to exceed ________% and amortized over a period of _______ years.
b. Buyer to provide Seller with letter from lender showing that Buyer has made application and, subject to
verification of information, is qualified for the loan requested within 14 days from the Effective Date of the
Agreement. If Buyer fails to provide Seller with such letter within said time period, Seller may terminate this
Agreement and the earnest money shall be returned to Buyer.
c. Buyer to provide Seller with loan commitment letter from lender within 30 days of the Effective Date of the
Agreement. If Buyer fails to provide Seller with this loan commitment letter within said time period, Seller may
deliver notice to Buyer that this Agreement is terminated three days after delivery of such notice unless Buyer
delivers the loan commitment letter before the end of the three-day period. If the Agreement is terminated under
the provision of this sub-paragraph, the earnest money shall be returned to Buyer.
d. Buyer hereby authorizes, instructs and directs its lender to communicate the status of the Buyers loan
application to Seller or Seller's agent.
e. After (b) and (c) are met, Buyer is obligated to notify Seller in writing if the lender notifies Buyer that it is
unable or unwilling to proceed under the terms of financing. Any failure by Buyer to notify Seller within 48
hours of receipt by Buyer of notice from the lender shall be a default under this Agreement.
f. Buyer agrees to pay no more than ___points. Seller agrees to pay no points and none of the Buyer's closing
g. Buyers ability to obtain financing ____ is or ____is not subject to the sale of another property.
h. Buyer may choose to pay cash instead of obtaining financing. If so, Buyer shall notify Seller in writing and the
Agreement shall no longer be subject to financing, and Sellers right to terminate pursuant to the provisions of
this paragraph shall be void.
14. BROKERAGE DISCLOSURE: Buyer and Seller acknowledge they have been advised of the following relationships:
Seller’s Agent:
Buyer’s Agent:
There are no other known Licensees associated with this agreement.
15. PROPERTY DISCLOSURE FORM: Buyer acknowledges receipt of Seller's Property Disclosure Form and the
information developed by the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention (formerly Maine Bureau of Health) regarding
arsenic in private water supplies and arsenic in treated wood.
16. ENVIRONMENTAL: Seller makes no representations or warranties about the environmental condition of the Premises,
including but not limited to the presence of hazardous waste, toxic materials, or any other condition or substance that may
support a claim under the common law or under any federal, state or local environmental statute, regulation, ordinance or
other environmental regulatory requirement.
17. DEFAULT: In the event that either Buyer or Seller is unable to perform their respective obligations then the
obligations of the parties shall cease, and this Agreement shall be void and neither party shall have further recourse
against the other except that Seller shall retain the Deposit if Buyer’s failure to perform occurs after the expiration of the
Due Diligence Period as set forth in Section 12. This shall not apply to any obligations existing on or after the closing
18. PRIOR STATEMENTS: Any representations, statements and agreements are not valid unless contained herein. This
Agreement completely expresses the obligations of the parties.
19. HEIRS/ASSIGNS: This Agreement shall extend to and be obligatory upon the successors and assigns of the Seller and
the heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns of the Buyer.
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20. COUNTERPARTS: This Agreement may be signed on any number of identical counterparts, such as a faxed copy,
with the same binding effect as if the signatures were on one instrument. Original or faxed signatures are binding.
21. ADDENDA: Lead Paint It is unknown by the Seller if there is any lead paint on or in any building improvements, if
any exist.
22. SHORELAND ZONE SEPTIC SYSTEM: Seller represents that the property does not contain a septic system within
the Shoreland Zone. If the property does contain a septic system located in the Shoreland Zone, Seller agrees to provide
certification at closing indicating whether the system has/has not malfunctioned within 180 days prior to closing.
23. EFFECTIVE DATE/ NOTICE: Any notice, communication or document delivery requirements hereunder may be
satisfied by providing the required notice, communication or documentation to the party or their licensee. Withdrawals of
offers and counteroffers will be effective upon communication, verbally or in writing. This Agreement is effective when
signed by both Buyer and Seller. Seller’s Agent is authorized to fill in the Effective Date on Page 1 hereof. Except as
expressly set forth to the contrary, the use of the term "days" in this Agreement, including all addenda made a part
hereof, shall mean calendar days. Deadlines in this Agreement, including all addenda, expressed as "within x days"
shall be counted from the Effective Date, unless another starting date is expressly set forth, beginning with the first day
after the Effective Date, or such other established starting date, and ending at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the last day
24. CONFIDENTIALITY: Buyer and Seller understand that the terms of this Agreement are confidential to the extent
authorized by law, but authorize the disclosure of the information herein to the agents, attorneys, lenders, appraisers,
inspectors and others involved in the transaction necessary for the purpose of closing this transaction. Buyer and Seller
authorize the lender and/or closing agent preparing the entire closing statement to release a copy of the closing statement
to the parties and their agents prior to, at and after the closing.
25. APPROVALS: This transaction is subject to approval by the Commissioner of the Maine Department of
Transportation and the Governor of the State of Maine.
26. OTHER CONDITIONS: The property offered for sale is a_______________________________________________,
____________, Maine.
A copy of this Agreement is to be received by all parties and, by signature, receipt of a copy is hereby acknowledged.
If not fully understood, contact an attorney. This is a Maine contract and shall be construed according to the laws of
Seller acknowledges that State of Maine law requires buyers of property owned by non-resident sellers to withhold a
prepayment of capital gains tax unless a waiver has been obtained by Seller from the State of Maine Bureau of
Buyer acknowledges that Maine law requires continuing interest in the property and any back up offers to be
communicated by the listing agent to the Seller.
(Signatures on the following page)
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Buyer’s mailing address is:
Seller accepts the offer and agrees to deliver the above described property at the price and upon the terms and conditions set
forth in this agreement.
Seller’s mailing address is: 16 State House Station, Augusta, Maine
SELLER: Todd Pelletier
Director Property Office
Maine Department of Transportation