Technical white paper
Getting Around in
HP Web Jetadmin
Table of contents
Overview 3
Top menu bar 3
File menu 3
View menu 5
Tools menu 6
Help menu 7
Left navigation menu and right-click menu features 8
Device Management view 10
Overview 10
All Devices 10
Groups 11
Discovery 12
Configuration 13
Alerts 15
Firmware 16
Reports 17
Storage 19
Solutions 20
Print Management view (32-bit server OS only) 21
Application Management view 21
Overview 22
User Security 22
HP Web Jetadmin Management 23
HP Web Jetadmin is an imaging and printing device-management solution capable of discovering
many different device models from various manufacturers. It includes a broad set of menu features
and convenient drop-down lists that make it easy to efficiently manage devices.
Top menu bar
The top menu bar is always present. It changes depending on the application view, presence of plug
ins, and version of HP Web Jetadmin. This makes it easy for users to find functionality without having
to change to a different view.
Across the top menu bar are the following choices:
File: Use this menu to add new roles, users, templates, groups, print queues, and device
preconfigurations. You can also preconfigure drivers or exit HP Web Jetadmin.
View: Use this menu to customize interface settings based on the user’s credentials, including
column layouts, filters, task modules, and preferences.
Tools: Use this menu to access several wizards, manage global settings, export device attributes,
discover devices, view logs, synchronize multiple installations, and configure settings for each
Help: Use this menu to access the online Help for HP Web Jetadmin.
File menu
The following options are available from the File > New menu (Figure 1).
Figure 1: File > New menu options
Role: Starts the Create Role wizard. A role is a set of permissions for HP Web Jetadmin features.
After a user is assigned to a role, that user has access to the features defined by the role. For
more information, see the online Help: Application Management > User Security > Roles.
User: Starts the Assign User Role wizard. If you have permission to manage users in HP Web
Jetadmin, you can add users to a role. A user can be added to a role with all of its permissions or
with only a subset of its permissions. For more information, see the online Help: Application
Management > User Security > Users.
Discovery template: Starts the Create Discovery Template wizard. Discovery templates, like other
templates in HP Web Jetadmin, store predefined settings that can be retrieved later. Discovery
settings for both PC-connected and network-connected printers can be stored in templates. After
a discovery template is created, it can be accessed through the normal discovery launch in
HP Web Jetadmin or it can be added to a discovery schedule. For more information, see the online
Help: Device Management > Discovery > Discovery Templates.
Group: Starts the Create Group wizard. A device group is set of devices on your network. After a
group is created, you can manipulate all the devices in that group. You can set up device groups
so that device membership is either determined manually (manual group) or automatically based
on specified criteria (automatic group). For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Groups > Create a New Device Group.
Alert template: Starts the Create Alert Subscription Template wizard. Alert templates store
settings that can be reused. When an alert subscription template is applied to a device as a linked
subscription, the subscription is updated if the associated template is changed. The Default
Alerts Template is preconfigured when HP Web Jetadmin is installed and contains a combination
of Supplies, Service, and Media Path alerts. For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Alerts > Create Alert Subscription Templates.
Configuration Template: Starts the Create Device Configuration Template wizard. Device
configuration templates store device settings and can be applied to one or more devices. These
templates can help keep device configurations consistent and make it easy to apply a common
set of settings on a regular basis. Templates are an easy way to change the settings for regularly
scheduled configurations without having to re-create the entire schedule. Templates can also be
used to save many settings from a device, either for backup purposes or for applying to similar
devices. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Configuration >
Configuration Templates.
Print queue: Starts the Create Queue wizard. Use this wizard to build Windows® print queues on
remote systems for a specific device in HP Web Jetadmin. For more information, see the online
Help: Print Management > Create Print Queue.
Data collection template: Starts the Create Data Collection Template wizard. Before a report can
be generated, data must be collected. Data collection templates help you set up more than one
data collection type. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Reports >
Data Collection.
Report template: Starts the Create Report Template wizard. A report template contains a set of
criteria, including the report type, devices, and report format. After a report template is created,
you can easily generate a report. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management
> Reports > Report Generation > Create a Report Template.
Driver pre-configuration: Starts the Driver Pre-configuration wizard. After drivers are available in
the Available Drivers list, they can be preconfigured to contain settings such as duplex-on or
grayscale. For more information, see the online Help: Print Management > Pre-configure Driver.
View menu
The features in the View menu (Figure 2) can be used to customize interface settings based on the
user’s credentials.
Figure 2: View menu options
Column Layouts: Starts the Column Layout Manager wizard. Use this wizard to create custom
views by identifying the columns displayed in any device list. For more information, see the online
Help: Device Management > Device Lists > Columns for Device Lists.
Filters: Starts the Filter Manager wizard. Use this wizard to create and manage filters. For more
information, see the online Help: Device Management > Device Lists > Filters and Device Lists.
Task Modules: Opens the Task Module Docking Area. Task modules are flexible blocks of specific
functionality designed to help a user quickly perform a task or obtain feature information. Task
modules can be found in many of the workspace pages or in the Task Module Docking Area. In
either case, administrators can enable or disable task modules on a per-user basis. For more
information, see the online Help: Introduction to HP Web Jetadmin > Getting Around in HP Web
Jetadmin > Page Layout in HP Web Jetadmin > Task Modules.
Preferences: Displays the Preferences window. Use this window to manage the data displayed in
device lists. There are two options:
Device Filters (Figure 3): Select which device lists or filters are displayed in the All Devices list
in the Device Management navigation pane. To make choices, move the filters from Available
filters column to the Selected filters column. For more information, see the online Help:
Introduction to HP Web Jetadmin > Getting Around in HP Web Jetadmin > Top Menu Bar >
Device Filters.
Figure 3: View > Preferences > Device Filters page
Device Identification (Figure 4): Select which columns are displayed in the list pages for device
lists, device groups, and Status tab. To make choices, move the column types from the
Available fields column to the Selected fields column. Space on device lists can be limited, so
choose the columns to include carefully. Users can customize device lists to reflect only the
device information that is important to them. For example, one user might want to see the
asset number detail and another user might only need to see the IP address and IP hostname.
Figure 4: View > Preferences > Device Identification page
For more information, see the online Help: Introduction to HP Web Jetadmin > Getting Around
in HP Web Jetadmin > Top Menu Bar > Device Identification.
Tools menu
The Tools menu (Figure 5) provides access to several important wizards and global settings.
Figure 5: Tools menu options
Export devices: Starts the Export Devices wizard. Use this wizard to export data representing
device attributes to a file, and store the file on a disk or send it via email through SMTP. For more
information, see the online Help: Device Management > Device Lists > Exporting Device Data.
Device Discovery: Starts the Device Discovery wizard. Use this wizard to locate network-
connected and PC-connected devices. For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Discovery > Discover Devices (the Device Discovery wizard).
Application Log: Displays the Application Log window. Users can edit the log settings and clear the
log. For more information, see the online Help: Introduction to HP Web Jetadmin > Getting Around
in HP Web Jetadmin > Top Menu Bar > Application Log.
Data Synchronization: Starts the Data Synchronization wizard. After devices are discovered, use
this wizard to synchronize the device details on other HP Web Jetadmin installations with the
device details on the HP Web Jetadmin installation that performed the discovery. The devices
themselves and user-selected attributes are added to the local All Devices list. For more
information, see the online Help: Application Management > HP Web Jetadmin Management >
Data Synchronization.
Options: Displays the Options window. Use these options to manage configuration settings for
each view (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Tools > Options window
For more information, see the online Help:
Introduction to HP Web Jetadmin > Shared Configuration Options for all Views
Introduction to HP Web Jetadmin > Application Management Configuration Options
Introduction to HP Web Jetadmin > Device Management Configuration Options
Help menu
The Help menu provides access to the online help for HP Web Jetadmin (Figure 7).
Figure 7: Help menu options
Context help: Opens the online Help pertaining to the current page displayed in HP Web Jetadmin.
Contents: Opens the Contents tab of the online Help regardless of which page is displayed in
HP Web Jetadmin.
Index: Opens the Index tab of the online Help.
Search: Opens the Search tab of the online Help. Currently, the Search feature only handles one-
word searches.
HP Web Jetadmin online: Starts a browser and takes you to the HP Web Jetadmin support page.
Feedback: Allows you to send feedback directly to HP. Complete your name, email address, and
your message.
About: Provides version and license information about HP Web Jetadmin.
Left navigation menu and right-click menu features
HP Web Jetadmin has a navigation pane on the left side of the user interface that displays a tree for
the current view.
Device Management (Figure 8)
Figure 8: Collapsed left navigation menu for Device Management view
All Devices
Print Management view
Application Management view (Figure 9)
Figure 9: Collapsed left navigation menu for Application Management view
User Security
Product Update
HP Web Jetadmin Management
The tree breaks up the view’s functionality into organized parts. The Device Management view (Figure
10) contains most of the HP Web Jetadmin functionality and, therefore, has the most complex tree.
Figure 10: Expanded left navigation menu for Device Management view
Many parts of the navigation tree have right-click functionality. For example, right-click Discovery ,
and then selecting Discover devices.
Other parts of the tree, such as Groups, have drag-and-drop functionality enabled. When devices are
selected in device lists in the workspace and dragged to Groups in the navigation pane, the selected
devices are added as group members. Many top-level nodes in the hierarchy invoke summary pages
in the workspace. When a top-level node is selected, such as Alerts, the workspace in the right-hand
portion of the interface displays a summary of the Alerts features. The feature summary page can be
customized by selecting or deselecting the task modules that are important to you. For more
information, see the “Task Modules” item in
View menu on page 5.
Device Management view
Figure 10 shows a completely expanded left navigation menu for the Device Management view. The
Device Management view provides many features that help you configure and manage devices on
your network.
The Overview page displays all of the features in Device Management in the form of various task
modules. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management.
All Devices
Expand All Devices to see all of the device lists you chose to display. Use View > Preferences > Device
Filters (see the “Preferences” item in
View menu on page 5)on the top menu bar to define the device lists displayed. For more information,
see the online Help: Device Management > Device Lists.
Right-click functionality for the All Devices list includes:
Discover devices: Starts the Device Discovery wizard. For more information, see the online Help:
Device Management > Discovery > Discover Devices.
Customize Filters: Displays the Preferences window. For more information, see the online Help:
Device Management > Device Lists > Columns for Device Lists.
Edit group policies: Starts the Edit Group Policies wizard. Use this wizard to define the device
properties that determine which devices are members of the group. For more information, see the
online Help: Device Management > Groups > Edit Device Group Policies.
The Groups feature can be used to separate devices into subsets (or device groups) to make them
more manageable. You can then use device groups to configure multiple devices at the same time.
You can add and delete groups, name or rename them, and add or remove devices from existing
groups. Expand Groups to see a list of all the groups that have been added to HP Web Jetadmin. For
more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Groups.
Right-click functionality for Groups includes:
Search: Use the Groups Search window to search HP Web Jetadmin for a specific group.
New group: Use the Create Group wizard create a group and set up the group so that device
membership is either determined manually by the user (manual group) or determined
automatically based on specific criteria (automatic group). For more information, see the online
help: Device Management > Groups > Create a New Device Group.
Edit group: After a device group is created, use the Edit Group wizard to change its name, the
devices in the group, how the devices are assigned to that group (manually or automatically), or
any of its properties. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Groups >
Edit a Device Group.
Add devices to group: Use the Add Devices wizard to add devices to a group and manage all of
the devices in that group at the same time. You can only add devices to a group that is identified
as a manual group. Devices that are automatically added to any group based on filter criteria are
identified as an automatic group. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management
> Groups > Add Devices to a Group.
Remove devices from group: Use the Remove Devices wizard to delete devices from a group that
is identified as a manual group. Removing devices deletes them from the group, but they remain in
the All Devices list. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Groups >
Remove Devices from a Manual Group. (To remove devices from an automatic group, you must
change the device so that it does not match the filter criteria.)
Delete group: Use the Delete Group wizard to delete groups that are no longer needed. For more
information, see the online Help: Device Management > Groups > Delete a Device Group.
Edit group policies: Use the Edit Group Policies wizard to make changes to device group policies.
Policies are applied to groups for the purpose of applying settings to a device when it becomes a
member or when it is removed from a group. For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Groups > Edit Device Group Policies.
Import groups: Use the Import Groups wizard to import device groups from an XML file. The
format of the XML file must match the format of the file created by the Export Group and Policy
Associations wizard. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Groups >
Import Device Groups and Policy Associations.
Export groups: Use the Export Group and Policy Associations wizard to export device groups to an
XML file. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Groups > Export Device
Groups and Policy Associations.
Expand all: Use this option to display all the items in the Groups left navigation menu.
Collapse all: Use this option to collapse all the items in the Groups left navigation menu.
The Discovery feature finds devices and adds them to device lists. Administrators often have
information about the network that can be used in discovery settings, but you can use some
discovery features to search for devices without networking details. For more information about the
various types of discoveries that are available, see the online Help: Device Management > Discovery.
Expanding Discovery displays these items:
History: Displays the discovery history. For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Discovery > View Discovery History.
Templates: Lists all of the discovery templates that have been saved. For more information, see
the online Help: Device Management > Discovery > Discovery Templates.
Right-click functionality for Discovery includes:
Discover devices: Use the Device Discovery wizard to launch or schedule any type of active
discovery method. The wizard ends with a Results page that can be monitored or hidden. For
more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Discovery > Discover Devices (the
Device Discovery wizard).
Schedule discovery: Use the Device Discovery wizard to launch specific discoveries at specified
dates and times. Multiple schedules can be created and maintained, which gives the
administrator the flexibly of launching different discoveries in different time zones and with
different settings. Both PC-connected and network-connected device discoveries can be
scheduled. Many discovery schedules can be run as a one-time event or as recurring events. For
more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Discovery > Schedule Discoveries.
Create discovery template: Use the Create Discovery Template wizard to create a template with
a set of specific discovery settings (see the “Discovery template” item in File menu on page 3).
After a discovery template is created, it can be accessed through a normal discovery launch via
the Device Discovery wizard or added to a discovery schedule. For more information, see the
online Help: Device Management > Discovery > Discovery Templates > Create a Discovery
Run discovery template: After a discovery template is created, use the Device Discovery wizard
to run a discovery using the template settings. For more information, see the online help: Device
Management > Discovery > Discovery Templates > Run Discoveries by Applying Discovery
Edit discovery template: Use the Edit Discovery Template wizard to change the settings in a
discovery template. The steps are the same as for creating a discovery template. For more
information, see the online Help: Device Management > Discovery > Discovery Templates > Edit
Discovery Templates.
Delete discovery template: Use the Delete Discovery Template wizard to delete any discovery
template created in HP Web Jetadmin. For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Discovery > Discovery Templates > Delete Discovery Templates.
Copy discovery template: Use the Copy Template wizard to make a copy of a discovery template
and edit the settings without affecting the original template. For more information, see the online
Help: Device Management > Discovery > Discovery Templates > Copy Discovery Templates.
View discovery history: Opens the Discovery History page. After discoveries have been run, users
can review the history, consider the effectiveness of the discoveries, and tailor future discoveries
based on these statistics. Three types of data are gathered:
Discovery summary data: Allows users to compare the effectiveness of different discoveries,
separated by discovery method. The summary includes the original discovery settings.
Detailed discovery data: Shows which discovery methods discovered which devices. This
summary includes a Unique field that shows how many devices were discovered only by that
PC-connected device discovery data: Allows users to gauge the reliability of PC-connected
device discoveries.
For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Discovery > Discovery History.
Many device settings can be viewed and configured through HP Web Jetadmin. Device configuration
works differently depending on whether a single device or multiple devices are selected.
If a single device is selected, the configuration options in the Config tab are shown with the current
device settings. If multiple devices are selected, configuration options in the Config tab are shown
with unspecified or blank settings. The list of configuration options varies depending on the devices
selected. If multiple devices are selected, all the configuration options that are available might not
apply to all the selected devices. Some options might be repeated multiple times because different
settings are supported on different devices. If it is not clear which device or device model a particular
setting applies to, hold the mouse over the configuration option name to display a tooltip with a list of
devices that support the configuration option.
The availability of configuration options depends on the device model, network card, and firmware
version. For example, one model might support a configuration option for the digital send functionality
while another model does not support the functionality. Any configuration option that is set in HP Web
Jetadmin is applied only to the device models that support the option.
For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Configuration.
Expanding Configuration displays these items:
History: Displays the configuration history. All the device configuration results are added to this
history. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Configuration > View the
Configuration History.
Templates: Lists all of the configuration templates that have been saved. For more information,
see the online Help: Device Management > Configuration > Configuration Templates.
Right-click functionality for Configuration includes:
Configure devices: Use the Configure Devices wizard to configure devices without using a
configuration template. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management >
Configuration > Configure Devices.
Create configuration template: Use the Create Device Configuration Template wizard (see the
“Configuration Template” item in File menu on page 3) to create a template that defines specific
settings. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Configuration > Create
Configuration Templates.
Apply configuration template: Use the Apply Device Configuration Template wizard to configure
one or more devices with the settings stored in a device configuration template. For more
information, see the online Help: Device Management > Configuration > Apply Configuration
Templates to Devices.
Edit configuration template: Use the Edit Device Configuration Template wizard to make changes
to a configuration template after it is created. For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Configuration > Edit Configuration Templates.
Delete configuration template: Use the Delete Device Configuration Template wizard to delete a
device configuration template. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management >
Configuration > Delete Configuration Templates.
Copy configuration template: Use the Copy Template wizard to make a copy of a device
configuration template and change the settings without affecting the original template. For more
information, see the online Help: Device Management > Configuration > Copy a Configuration
Schedule configuration: Use the Schedule Device Configuration wizard to set up a schedule for
configuring devices on a specific day and time. Like other scheduling in HP Web Jetadmin,
configuration schedules can define the following flexible settings:
Name: Allows flexible naming of the scheduled task.
Start time: Specifies when the task launches.
Allow start time to occur between the specified hours of: Limits the initiation of the task to a
specified window of time. The task runs only if it is able to do so during the specified time
period. This is useful for tasks that should occur only during low traffic times, such as at night.
Once: Limits the task to one initiation during the specified schedule.
Daily: Recurs once per day or once per weekday depending on the setting.
Weekly: Recurs every
weeks depending on the setting.
Monthly: Recurs once every
months on
day depending on the setting, or recurs on a
specified day pattern depending on the setting.
For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Configuration > Schedule
Device Configuration.
View configuration history: Displays the Configuration History. For more information, see the
online Help: Device Management > Configuration > View the Configuration History.
Alerts are one of the most important features of HP Web Jetadmin, allowing administrators to
proactively manage large printing fleets. For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Alerts.
Expanding Alerts displays these items:
History: Displays the alerts history. For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Alerts > Alert History.
Templates: Lists all of the alerts templates that have been saved. For more information, see the
online Help: Device Management > Alerts > Alert Subscription Templates.
All Subscriptions: Displays the following information about alerts:
Device Model: Model of the device that received the alert.
IP Hostname: IP Hostname of the device that received the alert.
IP Address: IP Address of the device that received the alert.
Advanced Settings: Any advanced settings for the device.
Notification Type: How you are notified about the alert (logging or email and logging).
Subscription Type: General alerts (detailed), Supplies solution, and or Mission critical solution.
Linked to Template: Indicates whether the device is linked to a template. Any future changes
to that template affect the alert settings for the device.
For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Alerts > View All Alert
Right-click functionality for Alerts includes:
Subscribe: Use the Create Alert Subscription wizard to define alerts for one or more devices. For
more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Alerts > Create Alert Subscriptions.
Create subscription template: Use the Create Alert Subscription Template wizard (see the “Alert
template” item in File menu on page 3) to define alert settings that can be reused. For more
information, see the online Help: Device Management > Alerts > Create Alert Subscription
Apply subscription template: After an alert template is created, use the Apply Alert Subscription
Template wizard to apply the template to specific devices. For more information, see the online
Help: Device Management > Alerts > Apply an Alert Subscription Template.
Edit subscription template: After a subscription template is created, use the Edit Subscription
Template wizard to edit the settings. For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Alerts > Edit Alert Subscription Templates.
Delete subscription template: Use the Delete Alert Template wizard to delete subscription
template. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Alerts > Delete an
Alert Subscription Template.
Copy alerts template: Use the Copy Template wizard to make a copy of an alerts template and
edit the settings without affecting the original template. For more information, see the online Help:
Device Management > Alerts > Copy an Alert Subscription Template.
View alerts history: Opens the Alert History window and displays the alerts history. For more
information, see the online Help: Device Management > Alerts > Alert History.
View alerts subscriptions: Opens the View Alert Subscriptions window with a list of all the alerts
subscriptions that have been saved. For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Alerts > View all Alert Subscriptions.
Both HP imaging and printing devices and HP Jetdirect device firmware can be updated from HP Web
Jetadmin. A firmware image file can be downloaded to the HP Web Jetadmin application. If the
version of the image is newer than the version on the device, an upgrade is possible. By default,
HP Web Jetadmin cannot be used to downgrade firmware, except by manually updating a
configuration file. Firmware updates can be scheduled to occur at any time. Firmware update retry is
also available in cases where an update failed or a device was not on the network. For more
information, see the
Upgrading Firmware Using HP Web Jetadmin
white paper or the online Help:
Device Management > Firmware. The white paper is available on the HP Web Jetadmin support page.
Expanding Firmware displays this item:
Repository: Opens the Repository page with a list of firmware images that are available. Use one
of the following options to access the HP Jetdirect and printer firmware images that are available
on www.hp.com:
HP Web Jetadmin can contact www.hp.com and display the firmware images that are
The user can manually obtain and upload image files to HP Web Jetadmin by using the Upload
button on the firmware Repository page.
For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Firmware > Firmware
Right-click functionality for Firmware includes:
Upgrade firmware: After the firmware images are available on the HP Web Jetadmin host, use the
Upgrade Firmware wizard to apply them as upgrades to devices. If you choose to use only
qualified firmware images, you must certify firmware images before upgrading the firmware. The
user who qualifies firmware images in the Firmware Repository must have Manage Firmware
Images permissions set through Device Management > Device Firmware in User Security. (To
require firmware images to be qualified, access Tools > Options > Device Management >
Firmware > Firmware Repository Options, and select Use qualified firmware images.) For more
information, see the online Help: Device Management > Firmware > Upgrade Firmware.
View repository: Opens the firmware Repository page, which lists available firmware images that
are available. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Firmware >
Firmware Repository.
HP Web Jetadmin provides advanced reporting and data exporting capabilities for the devices it
Two steps are required to produce a report:
1. Collect the data: Specify which devices to poll for the report. Since this process causes network
traffic and requires database space, you must turn on data collection when you want a report. If
data collection is not turned on, the data is not included in the report when it runs.
2. Generate the report: Specify the report type, the device or group of devices to include in the
report (which might be all or some of the devices you specified in the first step), and the
timeframe for the data to be included in the report. This must be done each time you want the
report to run.
For more information about reports, see the online Help: Device Management > Reports.
Expanding Reports displays these items:
Data Collection: Data collections are groups of devices that have specific collection types
enabled. You can apply a data collection type, such as Device Utilization, to a single device,
multiple devices, or a device group. When a data collection type is first applied, HP Web Jetadmin
launches a data collection immediately to establish a data baseline. After the device is populated
under a specific data collection type, data collections occur at some interval or by way of a
trigger. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Reports > Data
Report Generation: After data collection is performed, users can generate reports. The type of
reports that can be generated is dependent on the type of data collection that was run. For more
information, see the online Help: Device Management > Reports > Report Generation.
Archived Reports: Users can save a report as an HTML document anywhere on the network.
Select Save As, and type the file name and location or browse for the location. The report is saved
automatically in HTML format. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management >
Reports > Archived Reports.
Right-click functionality for Reports includes:
Add devices to data collection: Use the Add Devices to Data Collection wizard to add devices to a
data collection. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Reports > Data
Collection > Add Devices to Data Collection.
Remove devices from data collection: Use the Remove Devices from Data Collection wizard to
remove devices from a data collection at any time. For more information, see the online Help:
Device Management > Reports > Data Collection > Remove Devices from Data Collection.
Generate report: Use the Generate Report wizard to produce a report after a data collection is
completed. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Reports > Report
Schedule report: Use the Generate Reports wizard to request a report (if data collection has been
enabled) or schedule a report to be generated at a future time. This can help control network
traffic generated, or it might give the data collection process enough time to create a meaningful
report. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Reports > Report
Generation > Schedule a Report.
Create data collection template: Use the Create Data Collection Template wizard to select one or
more data collection types, name the template, and confirm the settings. For more information,
see the online Help: Device Management > Reports > Data Collection > Create a Data Collection
Apply data collection template: Use the Apply Data Collection Template wizard to apply a data
collection template to a device or group of devices. Users can also turn data collection on and off,
which helps control the network traffic generated and the size of database tables. The flexibility
to select which data is included helps users produce useful customized reports. For more
information, see the online Help: Device Management > Reports > Data Collection > Apply a Data
Collection Template.
Edit data collection template: Use the Edit Data Collection Template wizard to change the name
and type of data collection for a specified template. For more information, see the online Help:
Device Management > Reports > Data Collection > Edit a Data Collection Template.
Delete data collection template: Use the Delete Data Collection Templates wizard to delete a
template. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Reports > Data
Collection > Delete a Data Collection Template.
Copy data collection template: Use the Copy Template wizard to make a copy of a data collection
template and edit the settings without affecting the original template. For more information, see
the online Help: Device Management > Reports > Data Collection > Copy a Data Collection
Create report template: Use the Create Report Template wizard (see the “Report template” item
in File menu on page 3). For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Reports
> Report Generation > Create a Report Template.
Apply report template: After a report template is created, use the Generate Report wizard to
apply the template and generate a report easily. For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Reports > Report Generation > Apply a Report Template.
Edit report template: After a report template is created, use the Edit Report Template wizard to
edit the settings. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Reports >
Report Generation > Edit a Report Template.
Delete report template: Use the Delete Report Templates wizard to delete a report template at
any time. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Reports > Report
Generation > Delete a Report Template.
Copy report template: Use the Copy Template wizard to make a copy of a report template and
edit the settings without affecting the original template. For more information, see the online Help:
Device Management > Reports > Report Generation > Copy a Report Template.
View archived report: Use the Select Report window to view a report that has been generated. All
reports that have been generated are stored in Archived Reports. For more information, see the
online Help: Device Management > Reports > Archived Reports > View Archived Reports.
Email archived report: Use the Email Report wizard to send a report in HTML format via email. The
SMTP server must be configured before a report can be emailed. For more information, see the
online Help: Device Management > Reports > Report Generation > Email Reports.
Save archived report: Use the Select Report window to save a report as an HTML document
anywhere on the network. When you select Save As, you can either type the filename and location
or browse for the location. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management >
Reports > Report Generation > Save Archived Reports.
Delete archived reports: Use the Delete Archived Report wizard to delete a report that has been
archived. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Reports > Archived
Reports > Delete Archived Reports.
The Storage feature provides the ability to download and manage font and macro files on devices.
For more information about the Storage feature, see the various sections in the online Help: Device
Management > Storage.
Expanding Storage displays these items:
Repository: Stores fonts and macros. For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Storage > Storage Repository.
Templates: Lists all of the storage templates that have been saved. For more information, see the
online Help: Device Management > Storage > Storage Templates.
Right-click functionality for Storage includes:
Import fonts and macros: Use the Import Fonts and Macros wizard to import fonts and macros
into the Storage Repository. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management >
Storage > Import Fonts and Macros.
Delete fonts and macros: Use the Delete Fonts and Macros wizard to remove fonts and macros
from the Storage Repository. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management >
Storage > Delete Fonts and Macros.
Create storage template: Use the Create Storage Template wizard to create a storage template
that can be used to install selected font and macro files on a group of devices or a single device
by using a single command. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management >
Storage > Create Storage Templates.
Apply storage template: Use the Apply Storage Template wizard to install a storage template on a
single device, multiple devices, or a group. For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Storage > Apply a Storage Template.
Edit storage template: Use the Edit Storage Template wizard to make changes to a storage
template. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Storage > Edit
Storage Templates.
Delete storage template: Use the Delete Storage Template wizard to delete a storage template
that is no longer needed. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management >
Storage > Delete a Storage Template.
Copy storage template: Use the Copy Template wizard to make a copy of a storage template and
then change the settings without affecting the original template. For more information, see the
online Help: Device Management > Storage > Copy a Storage Template.
Solutions extends HP Web Jetadmin functionality to include new licensable and configurable
solutions supplied through third parties.
For more information about Solutions, see the various sections in the online Help: Device
Management > Solutions.
Expanding Solutions displays these items:
Repository: Users can manage the Solutions Repository. For more information, see the online
Help: Device Management > Solutions > Solutions Repository.
Templates: Lists all of the solutions templates that have been saved. For more information, see
the online Help: Device Management > Solutions > Solutions Templates.
Right-click functionality for Solutions includes:
Import solution: Use the Import Solutions wizard to identify a solution, import it into the repository,
and specify the properties for the solution. For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Solutions > Importing Solutions into the Solutions Repository.
Install solution: Use the Install Solutions wizard to identify a solution and then install it on one or
more devices or groups of devices. For more information, see the online Help: Device
Management > Solutions > Install Solutions on Devices.
Uninstall solution: Use the Uninstall Solution wizard to uninstall solutions from one or more
devices. For more information, see the online Help: Device Management > Solutions > Uninstall
Solutions on Devices.
Print Management view (32-bit server OS only)
The Print Management view provides control over remote print queues and drivers on 32-bit servers.
These features can be used to create, edit, and delete existing queues as well as install or update
printer drivers. HP Web Jetadmin can act as a driver repository for deploying new HP drivers onto
remote systems. In addition, HP Web Jetadmin Print Management features can deploy the HP
Universal Print Driver (UPD).
For example, you can use the Print Management view to locate a workstation or server on the
network. After this host is found, you can add administrative credentials and manage the print queue
and drivers on the remote host. Administrators can add or remove queues, change queue settings, or
change the driver (these actions require local administrator rights).
For more information about Print Management, see the online Help: Print Management.
Application Management view
Figure 11 shows the left navigation menu for the Application Management view. The Application
Management view provides many features that help you configure and manage devices on your
Figure 11: Expanded left navigation menu for Application Management view
For more information about the Application Management view, see the online Help: Application
The Overview page displays all of the features in the Application Management view in the form of
various task modules.
User Security
HP Web Jetadmin administrators can use the Application Management view to assign user roles to
local or domain users. A role is a set of permissions to HP Web Jetadmin features. After a user is
assigned to a role, that user has access to the permissions designated by the role.
The HP Web Jetadmin security features include:
The advanced security technologies of the Microsoft® .NET platform, providing authentication and
encryption of client/server communications.
Integration with Windows Active Directory role-based user authentication, securing the
application against unauthorized usage.
Optional Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) communication between client browser and application
server, ensuring data security for file downloads.
Optional Simple Network Management Protocol v3 (SNMPv3) used on devices, providing
authentication and encryption.
An IPsec plug-in that lets users configure an IPsec policy and apply it to one or more HP Jetdirect
The ability to run under a low-privilege service account, reducing the risk of privilege escalation
Secure online update features, providing a safe and easy way to get updates and new features.
Administrators can use the User Security feature to control who has access to what in HP Web
Jetadmin. Expanding User Security displays these items:
Roles: Use role templates to create a set of access levels and apply them to users as they are
added. Administrators can create, view, edit, and delete role templates.
Users: Assign users to a role template. Administrators can create, view, edit, and delete users.
Diagnostics: View permissions as they pertain to a specific user account. This allows all
permissions settings established by Roles to appear for a user account or group.
For more information about User Security, see the online Help: Application Management > User
Right-click functionality for User Security includes:
Create role: If you have permission to manage users, use the Create Role wizard to create a role.
For more information, see the online Help: Application Management > User Security > Roles >
Create Roles.
Edit role: After a role is created, use the Edit Role wizard to change its permissions. The only role
you cannot edit is the Administrator role. For more information, see the online Help: Application
Management > User Security > Roles > Edit Roles.
Delete role: Use the Delete Role wizard to delete any role in HP Web Jetadmin except for the
Administrator role. For more information, see the online Help: Application Management > User
Security > Roles > Delete Roles.
Assign role to users: After role templates are created, administrators can use the Assign User
Role wizard to assign users to them. This lets you easily and quickly manage their set of
permissions for HP Web Jetadmin. A user can have more than one role assignment. For more
information, see the online Help: Application Management > User Security > Users > Assign Roles
to Users.
View users: Use the User Security - Users page to view all the users for each role. For more
information, see the online Help: Application Management > User Security > Users.
Edit user: Use the Edit User Roles wizard to change the user and role for an existing assignment.
For more information, see the online Help: Application Management > User Security > Users > Edit
Delete user: Starts the Remove User Role wizard. For more information, see the online Help:
Application Management > User Security > Users > Remove Users.
View permissions: Use the User Security - Diagnostics page to see the type of restriction and any
permissions set for each role. For more information, see the online Help: Application Management
> User Security > Roles > Role Templates.
HP Web Jetadmin Management
HP Web Jetadmin provides the ability to discover most versions of other HP Web Jetadmin
installations. HP Web Jetadmin can perform a unidirectional synchronization with another HP Web
Jetadmin All Devices list. This makes it easy to discover devices that have already been discovered
by other installations of HP Web Jetadmin. Both synchronization and application discovery are
valuable in a variety of scenarios:
An administrator detects other users using HP Web Jetadmin software to obtain an
understanding of printer management on the network.
An administrator detects other HP Web Jetadmin installations as a matter of security or
management policy.
An administrator is responsible for finding all devices in a distributed environment where others
are responsible for managing them in multiple areas.
Expanding HP Web Jetadmin Management displays:
HP Web Jetadmin Installations: Sometimes it is advantageous to find other HP Web Jetadmin
application installations on the network. HP Web Jetadmin provides the ability to discover most
versions of HP Web Jetadmin software and synchronize with those other installations. For more
information, see the online Help: Application Management > HP Web Jetadmin Management.
Right-click functionality for HP Web Jetadmin Management includes:
Find More Applications: Use the HP Web Jetadmin Discovery wizard to list instances of HP Web
Jetadmin for discovery, viewing, removing, and even launching. HP Web Jetadmin instances can
be found on both local and remote networks. The settings for IP Range and IP Broadcast are
identical to HP Web Jetadmin Discovery settings. In fact, these settings are shared between the
two features. For more information, see the online Help: Application Management > HP Web
Jetadmin Management > Remote Installations of HP Web Jetadmin on the Network > Discover
Remote Installations of HP Web Jetadmin.
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