Reconciling Long-term Education Policy Goals with
Short-term School Accountability Models:
Evidence and Implications from a Longitudinal Study
By Jim Soland, Yeow Meng Thum, and Gregory King
The Collaborative for Student Growth at NWEA Working Paper series is intended to widely disseminate and make easily accessible
the results of researchers’ latest findings. The working papers in this series have not undergone peer review or been edited by
NWEA. The working papers are widely available, to encourage discussion and input from the research community before publication
in a formal, peer-reviewed journal. Unless otherwise indicated, working papers can be cited without permission of the author so long
as the source is clearly referred to as a Collaborative for Student Growth at NWEA working paper.
Soland, J., Thum, Y.M., & King G. (2019). Reconciling long-term education policy goals with short-term school accountability
models: Evidence and implications from a longitudinal study. (The Collaborative for Student Growth at NWEA Working Paper).
Schools are increasingly held accountable for their contributions to students’ academic growth in
math and reading. Under The Every Student Succeeds Act, most states are estimating how much
schools improve student achievement over time and using those growth metrics to identify the
bottom 5% of schools for remediation. These growth determinations are often based on student
test scores from two to three years of data. Yet, many objectives ascribed to schools under
federal and state policy involve improving much longer-term student outcomes, including
preparing students for college. To date, little research has investigated the implications of this
discrepancy for school accountability. We begin to close that gap by examining how much rank
orderings of schools change when basing estimates of student growth on short- versus long-term
timespans. Our results indicate that estimated school effectiveness is highly sensitive to the
timespan, suggesting that short-term accountability policies may be generating unintended
consequences relative to long-term goals like preparing students for college.
Keywords: school effectiveness, growth modeling, accountability, program evaluation,
college and career readiness
Reconciling Long-term Education Policy Goals with Short-term School Accountability Models:
Evidence and Implications from a Longitudinal Study
Federal and state accountability policies increasingly hold teachers and schools
accountable for contributing to student academic growth in math and reading. At the school
level, under The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015, nearly every state plans to use
student growth as an accountability indicator in elementary and middle school, oftentimes
weighting growth more than achievement estimates (ESSA Plans, 2017). The law also requires
states to identify and intervene in the bottom 5% of schools (Council of Chief State School
Officers, 2016; Klein, 2016). Oftentimes, these school-level growth estimates (and, therefore,
the accountability determinations based on them) model student gains over the course of two to
three years (ESSA Plans, 2017). Thus, accountability policies tend to emphasize student
academic growth over relatively short time periods.
By contrast, many policies around instruction, curriculum, standards, and assessment
emphasize long-term student growth. In particular, college and career readiness is a primary
goal under federal and state policy (Conley, 2010). The Common Core State Standards, which
are the foundation for assessment and accountability under ESSA in many states, place a high
premium on giving students the skills they need to succeed upon college entry (Rothman, 2012).
Under ESSA itself, the same law incenting many states to use short-term growth estimates to
hold schools accountable, includes provisions emphasizing college and career readiness. Malin,
Bragg, and Hackmann (2017) studied provisions under ESSA and provided evidence that the law
enacted policies with potential to increase postsecondary preparation.
Thus, state and federal laweven provisions within the same lawresult in schools
being held accountable for student growth in the short-term, yet the primary educational
objectives for those same schools involve growth and development of students over the long-
term. To date, few studies examine the consequences of this discrepancy, including implications
for which schools are identified as low-performing. We begin to close that gap in the literature
by comparing estimates of school contributions to student growth based on (a) fall and spring
test scores from a single school year, (b) three years of testing data, and (c) test scores from
second grade through the end of elementary school. To help ensure the comparability of the
samples used for each set of estimates, we employ the Compound Polynomial (CP) model, which
is designed to jointly estimate within- and between-year growth, including school contributions
to that growth (Authors, 2018; Thum & Bhattacharya, 2001; Thum & Carl Hauser, 2015; Thum
& Matta, 2016). In so doing, we can produce estimates of (a)-(c) using a single model with a
consistent set of students.
Our study therefore allows us to investigate two primary research questions about how
much estimates of school contributions to student growth differ when:
1. Using fall-to-spring test scores from a single year versus fall-to-spring scores
from second through sixth grade?
2. Using fall-to-spring test scores from second through fourth grade versus second
through sixth grade?
By answering these two questions, we attempt to show whether accountability policies might
produce different results if using longer-term student trajectories (here, grades two through six)
versus short-term trajectories. While growth between 2
and 6
grade is by no means the same
as estimating school contributions to student growth between Kindergarten and 12
grade when
students could be headed to college, this timespan nonetheless helps show how much estimates
of elementary school effectiveness differ when using data from all years that the school serves
the student versus only a sample of those years. If different sets of schools are identified as low-
performing, then policymakers may need to ask themselves whether accountability policies
based on short-term growth are creating incentives that jibe with their broader goal of college
and career readiness.
In this section, we briefly describe ways in which federal policies set college and career
readiness as a primary goal of the educational system while simultaneously holding schools
accountable for short-term growth. Particular emphasis is provided to ESSA given its centrality
in the federal accountability landscape.
Policy Emphasis on Long-term Student Outcomes
College and career readiness is increasingly the emphasis of local, state, and federal
education policy (Conley, Drummond, de Gonzalez, Rooseboom, & Stout, 2011). The stated
aim of the Common Core State Standards, which are used by many states as the basis for their
assessment and accountability plans under ESSA, is to define the knowledge and skills students
should achieve in order to graduate from high school ready to succeed in entry-level, credit-
bearing academic college courses and in workforce training programs (Common Core State
Standards Initiative, 2010). According to a study by Conley et al. (2011), students deemed
proficient on the Common Core Standards will likely be ready for a wide range of college
courses, and that range will widen as students attain proficiency on additional standards.
ESSA itself also emphasizes long-term student outcomes related to college and career
readiness (Klein, 2016; Malin et al., 2017). Malin, Bragg, and Hackmann (2017) studied
provisions under ESSA and found a strong emphasis on postsecondary readiness, though there is
variability in practice due to the high latitude granted to states in implementing the law.
According to Malin, Bragg, and Hackmann,
we discern within ESSA a prominent focus and shift toward [college readiness]
as a policy goal. Importantly, this lawwhich historically focused solely on
K-12 educationin many ways now connects K-12 to the higher education
sector, including to community colleges. This shift is historically significant
and has been underemphasized in the scholarly literature and the media. (2017, p. 828)
Several states are also enacting additional policies related to fostering college and career
readiness, in some cases as part of local legislation to implement ESSA (Klein, 2016; Malin et
al., 2017).
College and career readiness is not the only long-term outcome emphasized in education
policy, either. For example, there are also myriad policies that hold schools accountable for
whether students complete high school with the goal of reducing dropout rates (Reardon, Arshan,
Atteberry, & Kurlaender, 2010; Roderick, 1994). Further, an aim of many federal education
funding streams is to close achievement gaps between white and racial minority students (Lee &
Reeves, 2012; Reardon & Robinson, 2008). Oftentimes, the emphasis of related policies is on
closing gaps that are present in Kindergarten as students move through school (Quinn, 2015), i.e.
on how schools contribute to long-term changes in relative achievement over time.
Short-term Accountability Policies
These long-term student trajectories are not typically mirrored in the policies that hold
schools accountable for student achievement (at least in how they are implemented). As the
primary federal law governing accountability policy, ESSA gives states much more flexibility to
incorporate student growth in achievement into accountability plans than under prior federal law
(Klein, 2016). States have largely responded to this increased flexibility by incorporating growth
into school accountability models. Under ESSA, 47 states plan to use student growth as an
accountability indicator in elementary and middle school, and 33 states weight student growth
the same or more than achievement estimates (ESSA Plans, 2017).
While ESSA does not preclude focusing on long-term growth for accountability
purposes, the majority of states estimate school contributions to student growth using test scores
from only two years. In most cases, these estimates are produced using traditional value-added
models (VAMs), which regress current test scores on a vector of lagged test scores from one or
two years prior. Only a handful of states use multiple years of growth beyond two years. For
example, Missouri uses a three-year growth model (Missouri State ESSA Plan, 2017) while
Arkansas uses a longitudinal model that incorporates as many years of test scores for each
student as are available (Arkansas State ESSA Plan, 2017). However states measure growth and
weight it relative to static achievement, ESSA requires that states develop a system to identify
and improve low-performing schools (generally those deemed to be in the bottom five percent of
all schools in the state).
To date, few studies consider how much rank orderings of schools based on estimates of
student growth might change depending on the number of years used in the models. Some
studies have examined long-term effects of schools on certain student subgroups like English
learners (Thomas & Collier, 2002) or the effects of programs like early childhood education on
long-term achievement (Barnett, 1995). Studies have also considered contributions of individual
teachers to long-term educational achievement (Chetty, Friedman, & Rockoff, 2011). One
reason for the sparseness of this literature is likely that modeling student growth using a range of
different timespans often results in different samples of students being used due to attrition,
student mobility, and other factors (Bates, 2010).
In this section, we describe our analytic sample, measures used, and modeling strategy,
including details of the CP model.
Analytic Sample
We obtained data from a cohort of students in a Southern state that administers tests in
math and reading during the fall and spring each year. Table 1 provides descriptive statistics on
the students in our sample, who ranged from roughly 86,000 to 139,000 in number depending on
the term. Students began in second grade and finished in sixth. We limited the sample to these
grades in order to estimate the contributions of schools to students growth during all of
elementary school (excluding Kindergarten and first grade, which are infrequently tested by
states). To that end, we assigned students to their modal elementary school. Though a cohort
design is employed, the cohort is not intact: students move in and out of the sample so long as
they have at least one valid test score.
Figure 1 shows plots of mean achievement by subject and test administration. The
purpose of this figure is to illustrate the saw-tooth pattern of achievement. This pattern typically
occurs because students see gains in achievement during the school year followed by declines in
the summer, often referred to as summer learning loss (McEachin & Atteberry, 2017). Thus, a
model designed to estimate trends in fall and spring test scores over time would likely need to
account for those seasonal patterns of gain and decline in order to fit the data well (Thum &
Hauser, 2015).
We estimated school contributions to student growth for 570 schools altogether. For
modeling purposes, we excluded schools serving fewer than 10 students at a given test
administration. While our models can be estimated when enrollment is below 10 students, such
schools are often anomalous in terms of their students and curricular model. For instance, some
of these schools educate students with disciplinary infractions, and may use the test as a
placement screener.
One disadvantage of our data considered in the limitations section is that we do not have
student covariates often used in the VAM literature. In particular, while we have each student’s
race, gender, and achievement scores, we do not have socioeconomic, special education, or
English learner status. School-level covariates were more complete because we were able to
merge our data with those form the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). Thus, our
models included the same covariates as those used by McEachin and Atteberry (2017), including
school proportions of white, black, Hispanic, and free or reduced price lunch students. Our
models also controlled for total enrollment and whether the school is urban or rural.
Measures Used
In the state we used, virtually all of the students take MAP Growth, an assessment of
math and reading. Scores are reported on the RIT scale, which ranges from approximately 120
to 290 and is a transformation of the logit-based Rasch model estimates of student achievement.
The tests are vertically scaled, allowing for certain types of growth models to be estimated.
MAP Growth was administered in fall and spring, allowing for estimates of fall-to-spring
(within-year) and spring-to-spring (between-year) growth. MAP Growth is also computer-
adaptive, which means students should receive content matched to their estimated achievement,
helping avoid situations where students receive content that is too difficult or easy for them.
Altogether, these attributes of MAP Growth mean we can estimate student growth on a
consistent and comparable scale for all time periods in the study.
Using the CP Model
To help address problems of shifting samples of student test takers over time, we used the
CP model to simultaneously estimate fall-to-spring (within-year) and spring-to-spring (between-
year) growth over five years using a single model. Thus, we were able to compare fall-to-spring
growth from a single year to spring-to-spring growth over the course of a student’s entire
elementary school career, as well as between-year growth using only two years of data (a
common practice under ESSA) versus all five years. We relied on properties of conditional
multivariate distributions to produce Z-scores that were the basis for our comparisons of school
effectiveness, a key element in our strategy to avoid shifts in sample size by timespan being
used. Below, we describe the CP design matrix, model, and procedures for estimating
conditional Z-scores. These methods are also described in greater detail in prior studies
(Authors, 2018; Thum & Bhattacharya, 2001; Thum & Carl Hauser, 2015; Thum & Matta,
The CP Design Matrix. The biggest difference between the CP and a more traditional,
between-year polynomial growth model is the design matrix used. The CP design matrix
includes within- and between-year design matrices. To model spring-to-spring between-year
growth, the within-year design matrix,
, is equal to
Where is an instructional time interval (e.g., ¾ of a calendar year) that elapses between fall and
spring. The between-year design matrix (spring to spring growth),
, is the same as that of a
traditional growth model where
, there are five rows, one for each year of data, and three columns for the intercept, linear
growth term, and polynomial growth term.
Next, we define a 5 x 5 identity matrix, , and calculate the Kronecker product of that
matrix with
to produce our first CP matrix, CP1. That is
  
. (1)
This new matrix, CP1, is a 10 x 10 matrix that is equivalent to a piecewise, within-year design
matrix with each 2 x 2 diagonal block accounting for a year in the data. We then produce our
second CP matrix, CP2, using the following Kronecker product with our between-year design
. (2)
This function produces a 10 x 6 matrix, CP2.
Last, the final CP design matrix is produced by multiplying CP1 and CP2:
CP = CP1 * CP2 =
 
  
  
   
In this matrix, the first three columns represent the intercept, linear growth, and quadratic growth
terms for the spring-to-spring portion of the model. Similarly, columns four through six
represent the intercept, linear, and quadratic growth terms for the fall-to-spring model. The final
CP design matrix used in our study can be found in Table 2.
One should also note that the CP design matrix can be adjusted to center growth at a
different grade. For example, as a point of comparison when examining within-year growth
estimates to those using all test scores in the data, we centered time in the design matrix at fourth
grade (the design matrix presented in Table 2 centers time at second grade). This re-centering is
accomplished by subtracting two from the linear spring-to-spring growth column in Table 2 and
adjusting the subsequent columns accordingly.
Using the CP Model to Estimate School Effectiveness. The CP model expands
traditional growth models to include within-year (fall-to-spring) growth components using the
design matrix just described. Given our sample, the CP model allows us to jointly fit between-
year growth curve models spanning grades two through six, as well as fall-to-spring gains for
each of those years. In our models,
is the kth CP growth term for time t within student i
and school j:
 
. (4)
The level-2 model for student i within school j then becomes
 
 
 
 
 
 
Finally, the level-3 model for school j is
 
 
 
 
 
In the CP model, the first three parameters are comparable to those from traditional
growth models.
is the predicted spring score in second grade,
is the mean school-level
linear growth for spring scores, and
is the quadratic growth in spring scores across grade
levels. The other terms, meanwhile, capture within-year growth.
is the predicted fall-to-
spring growth in second grade,
is how much fall-to-spring growth changes linearly across
years, and
is the quadratic term for that growth. Thus, the model tells us not only how
much within-year growth occurs in the centering grade, but also how we might expect that slope
to change as students move through school.
We fit the model in multiple ways treating different coefficients as fixed and random.
After testing model fit, (Bentler, 1990; Fieuws & Verbeke, 2006) our preferred model treats all
coefficients as random at both the student and school level except for
, which is fixed at the
school level. Thus, at the school level, or model consists of six parameters, five random and one
Comparing Estimates of School Effectiveness based on Different Timespans. Using
a post-estimation strategy, we were able to estimate school contributions to student growth over
different time periods but using the same CP model. We accomplished this objective by
employing contrast matrices. For example, to explore the relationships amongst within- and
between-year gains in our study, we could use the following contrast matrix
Using a
matrix of observed RIT scores from spring of second grade, fall of third grade, and
spring of sixth grade for student , the contrast matrix yields:
  
 
 
 
. (7)
A similar contrast matrix can also be multiplied with the desired rows from the design matrix
CP. For example, we can create a new matrix, 
, that limits CP to rows one, two, and ten
from Table 2 corresponding to the design matrix for fall of second, spring of second, and spring
of sixth grade. We can pair this new subset design matrix with fixed effect estimates from
Equation 6 (
) to produce model-based estimates of the above quantities:
  
  =
. (8)
From there, one can use conventional results for expectations of random variables to
estimate the school-level variance-covariance matrix of mean achievement in second grade and
of the two growth estimates. Those variances can, in turn, be converted to standard deviations.
Thus, for all three rows in the above matrix (Equation 8), one can standardize the observed
achievement or growth for a given school (Z score) by subtracting off the model-based estimate
of that achievement or growth and dividing by the relevant standard deviation. That is, for a
given school:
. (9)
This approach is directly comparable to how many achievement and growth norms are
produced (Thum & Hauser, 2015). One can even generate these Z-scores conditional on the
school’s mean RIT in the fall of second grade (or any other starting point). Correlations of these
Z-scores then provide information on how much rank orderings of schools change dependent on
the timespan used to estimate student growth, all without using a different sample or model.
Appendix A provides more detail on how these Z-scores are estimated.
Beyond reporting correlations among these Z-scores based on differing timespans, we
also attempted to determine the practical significance of those correlations in an accountability
context like ESSA. To do so, we relied on Koedel and Betts (2010), who showed that
correlations between VAM estimates lower than .90 will likely result in changes in rank
orderings of teachers or schools that alter determinations of effectiveness, including identifying
low-performers. Thus, we used .90 as a cutoff for determining practical significance with lower
correlations likely indicating changes in which schools might be held accountable under ESSA.
Before turning to results for the two research questions posed, we will first describe the
CP model results more generally. Figure 2 presents model-based estimates of RIT scores for
each test administration, including spring-to-spring growth trends across those time points. As
the figure shows, the saw-tooth pattern in mean test scores generally matches the one shown in
Figure 1. Table 3 provides school-level fixed effects estimates from the CP model in math and
reading. To make the model parameters clearer to readers, we will interpret the coefficients from
math centered at Grade 2 (column 1). Students end second grade with an estimated spring MAP
Growth score of 190.6 RIT. Those scores in math are estimated to grow linearly from spring to
spring at a rate of roughly 15 RIT per year, though that growth rate slows as students progress
through school (quadratic term of -1.78).
Thus far, the three estimated parameters largely match those from a traditional
polynomial growth model based only on spring test scores. By contrast, column one also
indicates that students increase their test scores between fall and spring of second grade by an
estimated 13.4 RIT. However, that within-year growth from year one slows as students move
through school at a rate of roughly 1.4 RIT per year. Thus, in practical terms, students tend to
make the largest within-year gains during second grade, after which those gains slow, on
Question 1. How Much Do Estimates of School Contributions to Student Growth Differ
When Using Fall-to-Spring Test Scores from a Single Year Versus Fall-to-Spring Scores
from Second through Sixth Grade?
Figure 3 shows plots of mean achievement scores by test administration and subject
based on estimated parameters from the CP model. Brackets have been added to these plots to
indicate the time spans being used to estimate school contributions to student growth (Z scores)
that are being compared. For example, fall-to-spring growth in grades three and four are being
compared to spring-to-spring gains from second to sixth grade (the duration of a student’s
elementary school career for which there are available test scores). As the figure shows, the
correlations between within-year growth and estimated growth over the course of elementary
school are very low (rho grade 3 and rho grade 4 in the figure). In math and reading, the
correlations between Z scores for short- and long-term growth are highest for third grade with
estimates of roughly .095. These results indicate that the gains attributable to schools within a
single year are only tenuously associated with growth produced during elementary school.
Question 2. How Much Do Estimates of School Contributions to Student Growth Differ
When Using Fall-to-Spring Test Scores from Second through Fourth Grade Versus Second
through Sixth Grade?
Figure 4 is the same as in Figure 3, but instead compares estimated student growth
between spring of second and fourth grade to growth between second and sixth. One should note
that, even though these estimates are considering growth between spring scores, these estimates
are still based on CP model parameters, which also account for within-year growth. Here, the
correlations are .584 in math and .556 in reading. While these correlations are by no means
small, they also likely have consequences for which schools would be deemed low-performing
under ESSA. As pointed out by Koedel and Betts (2010), VAM-based estimates of teacher and
school effectiveness differ in practically meaningful ways under many accountability policies
when correlations between estimates dip below .90. Thus, the correlations from our models
suggest that results under ESSA will be very different for schools depending on whether two
years or four years of growth are used.
A conundrum underlies much of state and federal education policy: whereas the aims of
many policies are for schools to prepare students for long-term success like finishing high school
and obtaining postsecondary training, those same schools are often held accountable for their
contributions to student growth over very discrete time periods. To date, little research considers
the implications of this conundrum, especially for holding schools accountable for student
growth under statutes like ESSA. One reason for this gap in the literature is that there are not
many statistical models available that can be used to (a) simultaneously compare long- and short-
term growth, including comparing within- and between-year growth, and (b) make such
comparisons without shifts in the sample of students being used in estimation.
We begin to close this gap in the literature by employing the CP model, which is
specifically designed to be able to jointly estimate between- and within-year growth, including
describing trends in the latter. Therefore, we can examine questions relevant to how much rank
orderings of schools change depending on whether they are held accountable for short- versus
long-term growth. To that end, we produce a few relevant findings.
First, we show that estimates of school contributions to student growth based on fall-to-
spring test score gains from a single year are only correlated with estimates of student growth
between spring of second and sixth grade at .10 or below. In practical terms, we find little
relation between how much a school contributes to within-year growth for a single schoolyear
and growth over the course of elementary school. While fall-to-spring growth estimates are not
the most common timespan under school accountability law, they are used in some contexts. For
example, New York State bases teacher effectiveness determinations on fall-to-spring growth
and the effectiveness of several programs have been evaluated using within-year growth (Jensen,
Rice, & Soland, 2018).
Second, while correlations between estimated school contributions to student growth
based on two years of data versus all five are much higher (generally around .50), they are still
low enough that accountability determinations under ESSA would likely look different
dependent on which timespan was used. As Koedel and Betts (2010) suggest, determinations
made under accountability policies like those under ESSA designed to identify extremely low-
and high-performing teachers or schools are likely to differ when estimates correlate below .90.
Thus, our correlations of .50 are low enough that different schools would likely be identified as
low-performing under ESSA when using short-term growth versus growth during the entire span
of elementary school.
Together, our findings suggest that a broader conversation among policymakers about
how to hold schools accountable may be warranted. Under federal policy, helping students
finish high school, preparing them for college, and closing achievement gaps between white and
racial minority students are primary aims of the educational system (Conley, 2010; Klein, 2016;
Lee & Reeves, 2012; Malin et al., 2017). All of those goals involve contributions of schools to
the long-term growth of their students. While we could not estimate school contributions to
student growth between Kindergarten and 12
grade, we were able to estimate contributions to
growth over all tested grades in elementary school. The associations between those estimates
and the ones based on shorter-term growthi.e., the durations typically used under ESSA
differed in statistical and practical significance.
On one hand, holding schools accountable for growth rather than statistic achievement (a
frequent occurrence under ESSA) is likely to support efforts around college readiness (Reardon,
2016). As Reardon (2016) shows, rank orderings of districts are different when based on
achievement versus growth. Further, research suggests that growth is often a better predictor of
college readiness than static achievement (Thum & Matta, 2016). On the other, our results
provide evidence that the discrepancy between the long-term goals of policy and the short-term
nature of accountability may be producing unintended consequences that undermine efforts to
prepare students for their futures beyond school walls.
This study has several limitations that bear mention. First, our sample is from one state,
therefore results may not generalize to the United States. While nearly every student in the state
took MAP Growth, there may also be slight differences between our sample and the state’s
population. Thus, results may not generalize to other states or to the nation as a whole.
Second, MAP Growth is a low-stakes assessment. In the state we used, educators use
MAP Growth to monitor student progress and set goals for growth, which can be meaningful for
students, yet are not the same as using the score to hold students, teachers, or schools
accountable. Therefore, one cannot be sure the same findings would apply to high-stakes
contexts. Despite the low-stakes nature of MAP Growth, there is reason to believe that
disengagement among students is not primarily responsible for results. Kuhfeld and Soland
(2018) showed that estimates of school effectiveness using MAP Growth data change little when
results use achievement test scores that correct for rates of disengaged responses among
examinees, and Jensen, Rice, and Soland (2018) find little evidence that disengagement on MAP
Growth biases estimates of teacher effectiveness.
Finally, comparable to McEachin and Atteberry (2017), we do not have a complete set of
student covariates used in much of the VAM literature. In particular, we do not have student-
level information on socioeconomic status like free- and reduced-price lunch status. Therefore,
we cannot be sure if adding those covariates would change our findings.
There is a conundrum underlying federal education policy: while a primary objective of
schools under the law is to prepare students in the long-term for college and career, school
accountability determinations are based on short-term growth in achievement. Our results
indicate that the schools held accountable using short timespans like those often used under
ESSA would likely be quite different if longer timespans were used to estimate school
effectiveness. We show this using the CP model, which can jointly model between- and within-
year growth, as well as be used to compare estimates of school contributions to that growth using
very different timespans. That is, we largely remove concerns that results are due to different
sets of students tested across time periods because we base all estimates on a single model with a
consistent sample. Our results likely have implications for policymakers, who may wish to
engage in a conversation on how best to hold schools accountable for the long-term goals
established under law, as well as whether the current emphasis on short-term growth is
producing unintended consequences relative to those long-term goals.
Barnett, W. S. (1995). Long-term effects of early childhood programs on cognitive and school
outcomes. The Future of Children, 2550.
Bates, J. K. R. D. (2010). Cross-classified models in the context of value-added modeling.
Bentler, P. M. (1990). Comparative fit indexes in structural models. Psychological Bulletin,
107(2), 238.
Chetty, R., Friedman, J. N., & Rockoff, J. E. (2011). The long-term impacts of teachers: Teacher
value-added and student outcomes in adulthood. National Bureau of Economic Research.
Conley, D. T. (2010). College and career ready: Helping all students succeed beyond high
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Table 1
Analytic Sample Descriptive Statistics
Race & Gender Proportions
Mean Achievement
(RIT Scale)
Table 2
Spring to Spring Cumulative Polynomial Design Matrix Centered at Grade 2
Design Matrix: Spring to
Spring Growth
Design Matrix: Fall to Spring
Table 3
Fixed Effects Estimates from CP Growth Models
Centered at
2nd Grade
Centered at
4th Grade
Centered at
2nd Grade
Centered at
4th Grade
1. Intercept - between year
2. Linear - between year
3. Quadratic - between year
4. Intercept - within year
5. Linear - within year
6. Quadratic - within year
Figure 1. Scatterplots of mean RIT scores by test administration and subject.
Figure 2. Model-based plots of estimated RIT scores by subject and test administration.
Figure 3. Plots of time intervals used to compare school contributions to within-year growth and school contributions to growth
during elementary school.
Figure 4. Plots of time intervals used to compare school contributions to growth between spring of second and fourth grade with
contributions to growth between spring of second and sixth grade.
Appendix A. Generating Z-scores Based on Random Effects Distributions
Suppose that student receives pre-test and post-test scores
. Following the
development of prediction results for the multilevel growth model given by Thum and Hauser
(2015), we can define a contrast matrix such that:
 (A1).
Using this contrast matrix, we can produce
 
is the starting RIT and is the gain. The predicted achievement is
 and the
marginal predicted gain between times 1 and 2 then becomes
, where is the 
vector of school fixed effects estimates from Equation 8 and is a matrix composed of the rows
from the appropriate design matrix corresponding to the time points of interest (see Table 2).
For example, when looking at growth between fall and spring of 2
grade using spring-to-spring
between-year growth centered at grade two, would correspond to the first two rows of the
design matrix in Table 2. Conventional results for expectations of random variables give the
standard error of
We can similarly estimate the school-level variance-covariance matrix of
and gain as
 
is a selection matrix that identifies the random coefficients among
for schools with
estimated variance-covariances of
. As an example, if a model included six fixed effects but
only five random effects at the school level (as ours does),
selects from
(see Equation 4)
the terms corresponding to the five parameters with random effects.
From here, one can take the square root of
to get the standard deviation of
achievement and gain estimates.
can then be subtracted from an observed, school-level
average gain between times one and two, and that whole value divided by the standard deviation
to produce a Z-score, a growth effect size, for the gain between two time points. That is, we
estimate a Z-score for where a given school’s mean observed gain falls relative to the model
based mean and standard deviation of that gain. Those Z-scores can then be correlated across
models to determine how rank orderings of schools might change dependent on the test
administrations used to estimate growth.
One can also take the above approach and estimate the same Z-score, but do so
conditional on a given school’s starting RIT, another empirically-anchored growth effect-size
introduced as the “conditional growth index,” or CGI, in Thum and Hauser (2015). This
conditioning better accounts for the fact that school-level growth may be correlated with initial
mean achievement. The method is also more akin to various baseline VAMs that condition on
an initial pretest score. For a given school with starting RIT
, the expected conditional gain
can be expressed as
 
 
And the expected conditional standard deviation for those gains as
and 
can then be used to produce Z-scores just as before. This is the approach that we
used when producing Z-score correlations across estimates of school contributions to student
The Collaborative for Student Growth at NWEA is devoted to transforming education research
through advancements in assessment, growth measurement, and the availability of longitudinal data.
The work of our researchers spans a range of educational measurement and policy issues including
achievement gaps, assessment engagement, social-emotional learning, and innovations in how we
measure student learning. Core to our mission is partnering with researchers from universities, think
tanks, grant-funding agencies, and other stakeholders to expand the insights drawn from our student
growth databaseone of the most extensive in the world.
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