Lext Cit Scos
Emoy Hank
Dr. Nakia Hardy, Superintendent
Lexington City Schools
1010 Fair St.
Lexington, NC 27292
The Lexington City Schools Employee Handbook is maintained and updated by the LCS Human Resources
department. For questions, inquiries or updates, please e-mail: humanresources@lexcs.org.
Equal Employment Opportunity
Lexington City Schools does not discriminate in the recruitment, employment, and promotion of individuals
on the basis of race, religion, gender, national origin, age or disability.
The Lexington City Schools Board of Education approved the 2024-2029 LCS Strategic Plan
on June 22, 2024. The 2024-29 Lexington City Schools strategic plan presents a
comprehensive roadmap to driving positive student outcomes and enhancing our district’s
operational efficiency over the next five years.
To prepare every student to achieve their aspirations in a rapidly changing world.
To empower every student to thrive socially, emotionally, and academically in a safe and
inclusive environment.
1. Whole Child Focus and Culture
2. Empowering, Equipping, and Investing in our Staff
3. Instructional Excellence
4. Equitable and Transparent Operations
5. Family Engagement and Community Partnerships
1. Wellness & Safety: LCS is committed to the physical and mental safety and wellbeing of
every student and staff member.
2. Equity & Excellence: LCS is committed to overcoming opportunity gaps by providing the
highest quality education that addresses every student’s needs.
3. Access & Opportunity: LCS is committed to providing every student with diverse
experiences that will prepare them for the real world.
4. Integrity & Fiscal Stewardship: LCS is committed to operating responsibly and honestly
in all areas to earn the public’s trust and confidence in their investment.
updated July 2024
Dear Lexington City Schools Staff,
Welcome to the Lexington City Schools family. This manual has been thoughtfully crafted
to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of our district’s policies and
procedures. I extend my warmest greetings and heartfelt appreciation to each of you.
Effective communication and a thorough understanding of our operational procedures are
fundamental aspects of our shared mission to provide the highest quality education to our
students. As a united team, each of us plays a crucial role in maintaining our dedication to
excellence within the diverse array of responsibilities and roles we fulfill.
Should you find yourself with questions about any section within this handbook that
pertains to your role, I encourage you to reach out to your immediate supervisor. It is our
priority to provide you with the necessary support and guidance. Should further
clarification be required, please do not hesitate to connect with the Executive Director of
Human Resources.
As a vital part of our school community, your dedication, passion, and hard work make
a tangible difference in the lives of our students. I am humbled and honored to serve as
your Superintendent, and I eagerly anticipate the collective accomplishments we will
achieve together.
In the spirit of unity, let us approach each day with a renewed sense of purpose and an
unwavering commitment to the education of our students. Thank you for being an
integral part of this remarkable journey, and I look forward to the incredible achievements
that await us.
Warm regards,
Dr. Nakia Hardy
updated July 2024
Chairman: Brent Wall (Ward 3)
Vice-Chairman: Edwin Phillips (Ward 6)
Darrick Horton (Ward 1)
Kathy Hinkle (Ward 2)
Lisa Hathaway (Ward 4)
Angela McDuffie (Ward 5)
Debra Verdell (At-Large)
Dr. Nakia Hardy, Superintendent
Ms. Leigh Jones, Chief Academic Officer
Dr. Bruce Carroll, Executive Director of Human Resources
Ms. Lisa Jones, Executive Director of Finance
Mrs. April Thompson, Senior Director of CTE, Student Services and Special Programs
Ms. Terrie Holshouser, Director of Technology
Dr. Ray Horton, Director of Exceptional Children
Mrs. Beth Felts, Director of School Improvement, Research & Accountability
Dr. Kim Britt, Director of Community Engagement and Special Projects
Mrs. Katelyn Brown, Director of School Nutrition
Mr. Dan Barringer, Director of Transportation
Mr. Tim Curry, Director of Building Services
Ms. Evenlyn Foster, Director of Safety & Security
Ms. Marcella Elliott, Public Relations Coordinator
Mrs. Melissa Hunt, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent and Board of Education
Lexington Senior High School Lexington Middle School
Dr. Jermaine Porter, Principal Mr. Joe Stone, Principal
Mr. Marc Houlihan, Asst. Principal Mr. Sylvester Hairston, Asst. Principal
Ms. Cynthia Mosley, Asst. Principal Ms. Lakeisha Wilson, Asst. Principal
Mr. Rod Pitt, Asst. Principal Ms. Monique Wells, Asst. Principal
Dr. Kendra White, Asst. Principal
Charles England Elementary School Pickett Elementary School
Mr. Sean Gaillard, Principal Dr. Judy Richards, Principal
Ms. Katiana Desgrottes, Asst. Principal Ms. Darrica Waller, Asst. Principal
Southwest Elementary Global Academy South Lexington School
Ms. Jihan Harvey, Principal Dr. Gena Crews, Principal
Mrs. Elizabeth Younger, Asst. Principal Mrs. Melissa Blackburn, Asst. Principal
updated July 2024
About this Handbook
This handbook should answer many of your questions about employment-related matters,
benefits, and compensation. Please take time to read it carefully and keep it handy for
future reference.
All educators also have a responsibility to make themselves familiar with, and abide by, the
laws of the state as these affect their work, the policies of the board, and the regulations
designed to implement them. Principals, the Executive Director of Human Resources, and
the Superintendent are available should any educator have questions related to a
personnel issue
It is important to note that the handbook is both selective and general in its coverage of
school system policies and procedures. As an employee, you are responsible for
familiarizing yourself with the policies of the Lexington City Schools Board of Education
and for complying with said policies. The Lexington City Schools Board of Education Policy
Manual is accessible to employees in each school, or at www.lexcs.org. Although this
handbook summarizes many detailed provisions about employment, benefits, and other
related matters, the official policies, regulations, and procedures will always govern when
questions arise. Additionally, nothing in this handbook is intended to create or imply any
contract rights.
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I. School Board Policies
II. Employee Benefits
III. Employee Compensation and Leave
IV. Employment Guidelines and Professional Responsibilities
V. Employee Workdays
VI. Technology and Media Information
VII. Who to Call
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The following section includes links to several policies from the Lexington City School Board of
Education Handbook. The listing is not intended to replace or fully represent the all LCS
Board Policies. As stated in Policy 3.2, “all personnel are responsible for knowing and
complying with all policies contained in the Lexington City Schools Policy Manual.
3.2 - Knowledge of Policies and Procedures
3.5 - Staff-Student Relations
3.6 - Employee Dress & Appearance
3.7 - Employee Responsibilities
3.10 - Absences & Leaves of Absences
3.15 - Drug & Alcohol-Free Workplace
3.17 - Conflicts of Interest/Political Activities
3.18 - Discrimination and Harassment Prohibited by Federal Law Relating to Personnel
3.18.1 - Title IX Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex
3.18.2 - Title IX Sexual Harassment
3.18.3 - Bullying and Harassment Behavior Prohibited
3.18.4 - Discrimination and Harassment in the Workplace
3.18.5 - Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Process
3.20 - Personnel Internet Use
updated July 2024
Local Salary Supplemental/Bonus
A local supplement was approved by the Board of Education in May 2023. The
supplement is paid in 2 payments (November and May). The certified local supplement
is based on years of experience and degrees earned. Classified employees will receive a
2% bonus, also divided into 2 payments (November and May).
DSSF End of Year Bonus
Certified staff who are employed under a teacher contract will receive a 1.5% DSSF
bonus, which will be paid on the last teacher workday of the 10-month contract
Health Insurance
All full-time employees are eligible for health insurance provided by the State of
North Carolina. Employees must enroll for health insurance within 30 days of
employment, and must re-enroll annually. For questions about the NC State Health
Plan, please contact the Finance Department.
Life Insurance
A $10,000 Life Insurance policy is provided by the Lexington City Schools Board of
Education for all permanent, full-time employees. Optional dependent coverage is
also available, as well as supplemental coverage for employees, via the Cafeteria
Benefits plan.
Cafeteria Benefits
Lexington City Schools offers Cafeteria Benefits to all full-time employees. These
benefits are offered through the Pierce Group. Cafeteria Plan options and the
Supplemental Retirement Income Plan of North Carolina are offered for all employees.
For more information about Cafeteria Benefits, please contact the Human Resources
Tuition Reimbursement
Educators who are enrolled in an approved advanced degree program in their current
field of assignment are eligible to receive one-half tuition reimbursement in an
amount equal to one-half the highest tuition charged by a state-supported institution
of higher learning (UNC system) for up to nine credit hours.
Teacher assistants pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in education are eligible to receive
one-half tuition reimbursement in an amount equal to one-half the highest tuition
charged by a state-supported institution of higher learning (UNC system).
Teachers taking coursework required to meet licensure requirements and teachers
adding a license area in a shortage area approved by the superintendent are eligible to
receive full tuition reimbursement for courses taken at an NCDPI-approved Educator
Preparation Program, provided the teacher commits to remaining in a teaching role
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with LCS for at least 3 years after completing the licensure program.
LCS will not provide tuition reimbursement for courses leading to licensure as a
principal or superintendent. Tuition proposal request for reimbursement should be
completed and approved prior to the start of coursework to ensure funds are available
for reimbursement. Reimbursement must be requested within 90 days of course
completion and the request must include a receipt detailing payment of tuition as well
as documentation of a grade of “C” or better.
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Pay Dates
All employees will be paid on the 25th of each month. When the pay date falls on a
weekend or regularly scheduled annual leave day or holiday, checks will be issued on
the last school day preceding this date. All inquiries regarding salary and pay should be
directed to Human Resources or Finance Departments.
Pay Periods
Payroll and absence reporting periods for the different payroll groups are posted on the
district webpage. Employees who complete additional duty or extended employment
opportunities on an hourly basis must turn in timesheets for the payroll period unless
otherwise noted on the additional duty contract.
Direct Deposit Payroll
Direct deposit is required for all full-time employees.
Requests for Leave
All employee hours are expected to follow school-based processes when reporting to
work and leaving for the day. When an employee is absent from work, employees should
complete their leave request in LINQ in advance when possible, or directly after
returning to work in the event of a sudden absence.
Employees who require a substitute teacher should also enter the absence into the
Frontline system as soon as possible. If the reporting of the absence is later than the
system allows, please contact your school administrator.
Annual/Vacation leave
Permanent school employees working at least 20 hours per week earn annual leave at
the same monthly rate as all state employees. A permanent employee is one who meets
one of the following conditions:
Employed, other than on an interim basis, to fill a position which is to be
permanent if present needs and funds continue, or
Employed for at least six months within one contract, to replace one or more
employees who are on leave of absence without pay.
Annual leave is advanced to employees on a month-by-month basis. The rate of
earnings is based on the length of aggregate service to North Carolina.
Part-time employees earn and may use annual leave in proportion to the part of the day
for which they are employed. Teachers with less than two years of service will earn
one day per month annual leave. These days will be used on the leave days
designated on the school calendar, which is a total of 10 annual leave days per
After two years of employment, teachers will accrue additional days per month with the
choice of using these days on optional, non-instructional days during the year.
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State regulations, along with local school board policies, govern when annual leave may
be taken. All annual leave taken will be upon the authorization of the educator’s
immediate supervisor. The minimum annual leave time which may be taken is
one-half of one day in any given workday.
Instructional personnel (G.S. 115C-325) cannot take annual leave when students are
scheduled to be in attendance. Annual leave may be used by instructional personnel in
lieu of sick leave when students are not scheduled for attendance. Annual leave may be
used in lieu of sick leave at any time for other educators. Annual leave may be used for
absences caused by adverse weather conditions when schools are closed.
When schools are closed for students and instructional staff (10-month employees), due
to inclement weather, the instructional day may be rescheduled in the calendar. If school
is closed for students due to inclement weather, but designated as an optional workday,
instructional personnel may take annual leave if they do not report to work. All 11-month
and 12-month employees may take annual leave on all days schools are closed for
inclement weather, if the employee does not report to work.
Unused annual leave can be accumulated and a maximum of 30 days carried forward the
next fiscal year which begins on July 1. On June 30 of each year, any accumulated days of
annual leave in excess of 30 are converted to sick leave days.
Leave balance will be forwarded to the employee’s new district or government entity, or
annual leave payouts will be disbursed up to 30 days as outlined in the State Benefit
Sick Leave
Educators who earn annual leave also earn sick leave. Full-time employees earn one day
per month. Part-time employees earn and may use sick leave in proportion to the part of
the day for which they are employed.
Sick leave may be used for temporary disability which prevents an employee from
performing his or her usual duties, illness in the employee’s immediate family, medical
appointments which require the employee’s attendance, and death in the immediate
family. The immediate family for sick leave includes the employee’s spouse, children,
parents, and any other dependents living in the employee’s household, including the step
relationships. For a death in the immediate family, this includes the employee’s spouse,
children, parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, grandchildren, and step, half, and
in-law relationships.
Employees must take sick leave in minimum units of one-half or whole workdays. Sick
leave is accumulated indefinitely. The superintendent may require a statement from a
medical doctor or other acceptable proof that the employee was unable to work to the
end that there will be no abuse of sick leave privileges.
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Employee leave is outlined in Board Policy 3.10. The expectation is that employees will
be in regular attendance at work in the best interest of student learning. A principal
may request documentation for sick leave. In the event of absences in excess of 5
consecutive days, employees should contact Human Resources.
Extended Sick Leave (teachers only)
If teachers or media specialists who require a substitute teacher have exhausted all sick
leave days and need additional sick leave days for personal illness, extended sick leave can
be requested by contacting Human Resources. Teachers absent for this reason shall
receive full salary during the days absent a deduction for substitute teacher pay of $50
daily. Documentation from a medical provider may be requested for documentation and
to support continued use of Extended Sick Leave.
Personal Leave (teachers only)
Teachers receive two days of personal leave each year, and can accumulate up to five days.
These days may be used in whole or half-day units on student or professional days. There
will be no deduction in pay if a reason is provided. A teacher or media specialist who
requires substitute teachers will accrue personal leave. Requests must be made at least 5
days in advance and substitutes must be available. This leave is at the discretion of the
principal based on instructional needs but not the reason for the request.
On June 30, personal leave in excess of five days is converted to sick leave so that a
maximum of 5 days are carried forward to July 1. Upon retirement, any personal leave
may also be converted to sick leave.
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
All eligible employees will be provided with leave as required by the federal Family and
Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) and applicable state laws and State Board of Education
policies. The Board strictly prohibits interfering with, restraining or denying the ability of
any employee to exercise any right provided by the FMLA. The Board also strictly prohibits
any type of discrimination against or discharge of any employee who has filed a complaint
in regard to the FMLA.
Lexington City Schools will grant unpaid leave for up to 12 weeks to employees who have
been employed for at least 12 months and have worked at least 1,250 hours during the
previous 12-month period for:
The birth of a child of the employee and in order to care for the child;
The placement of a child with the employee for adoption or foster care;
Taking care of the spouse, child or parent of the employee, if the spouse, child or
parent has a serious health condition; or
A serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the functions
of the employee’s position.
Paid Parental Leave (PPL)
updated July 2024
Employees who have been employed for a year may PPL for the following events:
Maternity - 8 weeks of paid leave
Paternity - 4 weeks of paid leave
Placement of a Child - 4 weeks of paid leave
The state paid parental leave may be used in addition to, in conjunction with, or in lieu of
FMLA listed above. Additionally, the leave may be used interimentally during the 12 month
period if approved by the employee and Human Resources. Please contact the Human
Resources department for additional information.
updated July 2024
Types of Employment
Licensed or Classified
You are licensed if your position requires that you hold a North Carolina
teaching or administrative license. Teachers, assistant principals, counselors,
media coordinators, principals and many administrators are licensed.
All other positions are classified and do not require a license or they fall in certain
classifications for salary purposes.
Full-Time vs Part-Time Employment
Employees are considered full-time if their regular work week is 30 or more
hours. The standard work week for full-time, classified employees is 40 hours.
Employees are considered part-time if they regularly work less than 30 hours per
Interim Employment
An interim contract is issued to a teacher or administrator who is filling a
vacancy for the permanent teacher or administrator who is on leave of absence
with or without pay. When the time period exceeds six months, the interim
contract carries full benefits including annual leave, sick leave, personal leave,
retirement, and health insurance.
Temporary Interim
A temporary interim contract allows a teacher to fulfill the duties of a teacher on
leave without pay for less than six months. This contract does not carry benefits.
Holiday pay is provided. A temporary interim teacher is not eligible for retirement
benefits or health insurance paid by the State.
Contract Types
Teacher Contracts
Contracts are issued to a certified person, as defined in G.S. 115C-325, who has not
obtained career status and whose main responsibility is to teach or supervise
teaching. This person is to fill a full-time, permanent position. This contract carries
full benefits including annual leave, sick leave, personal leave, retirement, and
health insurance. Contracts can be issued for 1-year, 2-years or 4-years.
Career Teacher
A Career teacher is a teacher who obtained career status as provided in G.S.
115C-325. The probationary period is 4 years. This contract carries full benefits,
including annual leave, sick leave, personal leave, retirement, and health
Staff Development and CEUs
updated July 2024
Staff development is necessary to the professional growth of all educators. Lexington City
Schools supports and encourages attendance at various staff development activities.
All certified educators are required to obtain 8 CEUs within their licensure renewal
cycle. Each type of license carries various CEUs requirements, which can be accessed on
the Lexington City Schools webpage under Human Resources.
Certified employees are responsible for submitting their CEUs for approval in LINQ.
Submitted CEUs will be reviewed and approved by the Human Resources department.
All Lexington City Schools employees who are required either to hold a license in
compliance with the provision of the law or in accordance with the regulations of the State
Board of Education are required to keep the license current.
The superintendent’s copy of the teaching license must be on file in the Human Resource
Office prior to signing your teaching contract. It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure
that they take the courses necessary to renew or complete the teaching license as
required by the State Board of Education.
Renewal credit is required to assure that licensed educators periodically update their
professional knowledge and technical competency. Renewal or reinstatement of a license
is based on a requirement of 8 CEUs. Renewal credits are recorded according to their
value in continuing education units. Renewal activities must be directly applicable to the
teaching assignment or areas of licensure. The Human Resources Office maintains the
official record of renewal credits. Teachers can check their credits on the LCS website
under LINQ.
Personnel Files
Lexington City Schools Board Policy 3.3 and North Carolina General Statutes
115C-319, 320, 321, and 325 explain personnel files regulations.
When a letter is received by the superintendent, it is placed in the employee’s personnel
file, per the requirements of LCS Board Policy. If a letter of commendation or concern is
written to a person or a copy notated to a supervisor of the educator, the supervisor
should send the letter to the superintendent. An employee is always alerted that an item
will be placed in his/her personnel file five days beforehand.
No board member or supervisor may look at a personnel file unless approved by the
Superintendent. The only way a personnel file may be shared is if the employee puts in
writing that a certain person or persons may review his/her file or if there is a court
subpoena for the file.
Personnel files are not forwarded to their school systems or employers after an
employee leaves Lexington City Schools. The only records forwarded will be sick leave,
annual leave, personal leave, contract, license, and health form as appropriate to the
new employer. An employee may request to see his/ her file in the personnel office by
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appointment during normal working hours.
Each educator will be evaluated annually by his/her immediate supervisor or
principal. This evaluation is a process in which judgments are made regarding the
educator’s job performance. The evaluation is a confidential, cooperative, and
continuing process for the purpose of identifying strengths and areas of needed
improvement of the individual and improving the quality of the employee’s work.
All educators should be oriented to the evaluation system and questions pertaining to
the process should be referred to the immediate supervisor or to the Human Resources
updated July 2024
Work Schedule
Teachers are required to work a minimum of 7 ½ hours per day. Principals develop a
work schedule which best meets the needs of each school. The principal has the authority
to require teachers to arrive earlier or depart later than the published schedule,
depending on the needs and activities of the school.
Teacher assistants and secretaries are required to work an eight-hour day. The beginning
and ending hours are determined by each individual principal. If the assistant or
secretary stays in the building and is subject to being called if needed during lunch, then
lunchtime is included as a part of the workday. If their lunchtime is unencumbered, or if
they leave the building, then this time is not included in their workday.
If school is dismissed early because of snow or ice, staff members may leave after the
building is cleared of students or at the principal’s discretion.
Inclement Weather
Announcements on whether to close or delay the opening of school due to ice or snow will
be made by 6 a.m.; unless the ice, snow or other inclement weather conditions begin in the
early morning. In this case, the decision to close or delay school will be made as soon as
possible. The announcement will be aired on all local radio and television stations.
Employees and families will also be notified via phone call.
If schools are closed for students and instructional personnel, the day may be
rescheduled in the calendar. This applies to teachers, teacher assistants, bus drivers,
and child nutrition employees. All other employees will work, use earned leave, take the
day without pay, or make up time.
When school is closed for students and an optional non-instructional day is designated,
employees (with the exception of bus drivers and school nutrition employees) have the
following options: report to work, use earned leave, take a day without pay, or make-up
time. Bus drivers and school nutrition employees may use earned leave or take a day
without pay. Teachers can use personal leave at no cost only if a non-instructional
(Non-required) day is designated. If you have any questions, please contact your
immediate supervisor.
Non-Instructional Days
Within each year’s calendar, there are non-instructional, non-required or optional teacher
non-instructional days. On these days, educators may take earned annual leave if they
choose not to report to work. At the time of the non-instructional day, the educator must
have already earned or accrued the annual leave day. Employees can not take leave
they have yet to earn. In addition to optional days, the calendar will contain required
workdays. All educators must report to work, unless they are sick. The educator may use
sick leave on a required work day if he or she is too sick to report to work.
updated July 2024
Technology Department Support Staff:
Terrie Holshouser, Director of Technology
Kevin Pope, Supervisor/Project Manager
Ty Swicegood, Network/Systems Engineer
Sykith (Kit) Teup, Level 2 Technician
Dylan Coley, Level 1 Technician
Media Coordinators:
Terence Fernung, K-8 Digital Teaching & Learning Curriculum & MC (Lead), Pickett
Amy Ralph, Southwest Elementary
Marcie Treadway, South Lexington School & Developmental Center
Mary Kathryn Patterson, Charles England Elementary School
Cynthia Shoaf, Lexington Media School
Phillip Hudson, Lexington Senior High School
www.lexcs.org; Technology & Media Services Link is found under the District
Information>Departments link from the District Webpage.
Tech Troubleshooting - Support Tier Steps:
1. Media Coordinator (If the Media Coordinator is unable to resolve your issue, then
go to step 2.)
2. Submit a Help Ticket: https://lexcs.incidentiq.com (A technician will be assigned to
your ticket.)
3. For Device Repairs, technicians will determine if the device is under warranty.
Depending on the type of repair, Technician and Director will determine if a loaner
device is issued.
Employee Email
LCS is a Google District and uses Gmail as our email provider. Email/Apple ID Account
example: jdoe@lexcs.org. Google 2-Step Authentication is required for all employees. For
password changes or reset, go to: https://password.lexcs.org/PasswordReset
School Data Managers will provide you access to Homebase/Powerschool.
Technology Devices Issued to School Employees
The goal of Lexington City Schools is to provide opportunities to enhance learning and
improve communication within the school community and with the larger global
Teachers will be given a device and additional equipment to support teaching and learning.
Teacher use of the device falls under the guidelines of the Lexington City Schools School
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Board Policy 3.26, 4.6, & 5.9 - Technology Responsible Use. Access to the Internet is
monitored through our school's content filtering software, and all rules and expectations
are applied to the use of the device. Per LCS School Board policy, all applications, activity
and documents stored on the device are the property of Lexington City Schools and subject
to regular review and monitoring.
Important Information & Reminders
1. Keep your device with you or in a secured (locked) area at all times.
2. Report loss or theft immediately to your administrator. On all Apple devices, “Location
Services” must remain enabled at all times for purposes of device recovery in the event
of loss or theft. In the event a device is lost or stolen, and it is determined that
“Location Services” was disabled prior to loss or theft, the employee will assume
financial responsibility for the device based on the current market value.
3. Remember that your device is for educational purposes.
4. Follow the LCS Technology Responsible Use policy at all times (policy 3.26, 4.6, 5.9).
5. Upon resignation, all devices and peripherals should be turned in to the administrator
or media coordinator. Failure to do so will result in the cost of replacement to be
deducted from the employee’s final salary pay.
6. Do not modify the device in any way other than instructed by the administrator or
other school technology personnel.
7. Your password should be kept confidential at all times.
8. Do not apply any permanent marks, decorations, or modifications to the device.
Failure to comply with these guidelines are addressed specifically through Lexington City
Schools School Board Policy 3.26, 4.6, & 5.9 - Technology Responsible Use. These policies
can be found on the LCS Board of Education webpage by selecting Board Policies.
Using the Device:
1. LCS is a Google for Education district and uses G Suite and other Google tools. Microsoft
Office cannot be purchased or installed on your school issued laptop due to license
2. Clean the screen only with approved cleaning towels, no chemicals.
3. Keep away from food and drink.
4. Charge the device only with the included charger. Off-brand chargers can cause
overheating or damage to internal components.
5. Keep the device in a well protected, temperature controlled environment when not in
6. Removable covers or cases are permissible and encouraged. If a case or cover is issued
with the device, it must remain on the device. If a case or cover was not provided, it is
recommended one be acquired to protect the device. Any district-provided case or
cover must be returned when the device is surrendered.
Damage, Replacement and Reporting Technical Issues
Any errors or problems with the device should be reported as soon as possible using
the district’s Tech Ticket system.
Accidental damage will be covered by the school district the first TWO occurrences per
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device or peripheral. Upon the THIRD incidence of damage to the device or peripherals,
the teacher will assume financial liability for repairs or replacement based on the
current market value.
Any malicious or negligent damage will result in the teacher assuming the financial
responsibility of the device or peripherals based on the current market value.
If a device is STOLEN, it is the responsibility of the employee to file a police report with
the local police within 24 hours. Failure to file a police report and provide that
documentation to your school administrator will result in the employee being
responsible for the cost of the item(s).
The district issued chargers and/or charging blocks must be returned. Any district
equipment not returned may result in the cost being deducted from the employee’s
MacBook Replacement Fee: $1000.00 (AC+ is included in this price)
iPad Replacement Fee: $500.00
Apple Pencil Replacement Fee: $69.00
Changing Block/Cable Replacement Fee: $40.00
iPad Pro Replacement Fee: $1199.00
Magic Keyboard: $329.00
Apple Pencil Pro: $119.00
District Cell Phone and charger: ___________ (depends on model)
Failure to Return Devices after Resignation/Termination:
This will be considered theft and criminal charges will be filed.
Employee’s name may also be placed on the NC DO NOT HIRE list.
Employe ID Badges
ID badges are to be worn at all times on any school grounds, sporting events, community
events, etc. If a replacement badge is needed, there is a $25 charge to replace. For badge
replacement or more information, contact Michelle Dalton in Human Resources.
If you have any technology questions, please feel free to contact your school’s Media
Coordinator or Technology Technician.
Who to Call
updated July 2024
LCS Contact Directory.xlsx
updated July 2024