FRN Status Tool
FRN Status Tool
The FRN Status Tool provides funding request data related FCC Form 471, FCC Form 470,
commitments, FCC Form 486, invoicing, and disbursements for FY2016 and forward. To obtain funding
request data for Funding Years 1998 to 2015, you must use the Data Retrieval Tool (DRT). The FRN
Status Tool offers two separate options for data including the “standard” and “detailed” report.
Further details about the standard and detailed report data fields are shown below.
Step 1: Enter the criteria for your data search
Required Criteria
Choose the Funding Year for which you are requesting data. The FRN Status Tool includes data for
FY2016 and forward.
Choose at least one:
o The state associated with Billed Entity physical location for the FCC Form 471 and
FRN o BEN (Billed Entity Number) associated with the FCC Form 471 and FRN
o SPIN (Service Provider Identification Number, also known as the service provider 498 ID)
for the service provider associated with the FRN
o CRN (Consultant Registration Number) for the consulting firm associated with the FCC
Form 471 and FRN
Optional Criteria
FRN Service Type (by default all service types are selected)
Applicant Type for the BEN (by default all applicant types are selected)
471 Application Number result will include all associated FRNs for the FCC Form 471 number you
FRN Number
Wave Number enter a three-digit number (Example: for Wave 4, enter "004")
Appeal Wave Number enter a three-digit number (Example: for Appeal Wave 5, enter "A05")
Step 2: Select Your Data Points
You can then download the “standard report” based on your search criteria. If you wish to select and
download additional data fields, select the checkbox for “Select Data Points.” You will then have the
option to select all data points, or you can individually select data points that will be included in your
download file.
Step 3: Download data file
Select the download format for your file. If your report format is Excel, the file will download to your local
computer as a CSV (comma separated value) file. If you click on the CSV file it will automatically open in
Excel. If your report format is XML, the file will download to your local computer as well.
FRN Status Tool
1. If an FCDL (Funding Decision Commitment Letter) has not been issued for an FRN, the following
conditions apply:
a. The Committed Amount will be blank.
b. The Wave, FCDL Date, and FCDL Comment fields will also blank.
c. You will only see the original version of each data field based on the certified FCC Form 471
as submitted by the applicant. The current version for each of the appropriate fields will be
2. If an FCDL has been issued for an FRN, commitment data will appear one day after the date of the FCDL.
3. If an applicant has not yet submitted an FCC Form 486 to USAC, the "486 Service Start Date”
field will be blank. (NOTE: USAC must also review and approve the submitted form.)
4. The database used by this tool contains only non-canceled applications that meet the window
filing requirements for that funding year.
5. The data request will show by funding request number (FRN) the total amount of funding that
has been AUTHORIZED FOR DISBURSEMENT to date. It is possible that an authorization for an
amount was approved, but no disbursement has yet been processed for that amount.
6. If the total disbursement amount is greater than the committed amount for a specific FRN, this
indicates that USAC reduced the funding commitment after it had authorized an amount for
disbursement. If funds were disbursed in excess of the adjusted commitment for that FRN, USAC
will seek recovery of those funds.
Search Field Names & Descriptions
Required Criteria
Field Name
Funding Year
Funding Year for the FCC Form 471
State where the Billed Entity is located
Billed Entity Number associated with the FCC Form 471
Consultant Registration Number if a consulting firm is listed on the FCC
Form 471
Service Provider Identification Number for the service provider for the
FRN listed on the FCC Form 471
Additional Search Criteria
Service Type
The service type for the FRN
Applicant Type
The applicant type for the BEN on the FCC Form 471
Optional Criteria
471 Application Number
Form 471 Application Number assigned by USAC
Funding Request Number assigned by USAC on the FCC Form 471
Wave Number
The wave number in which the funding decision was issued
Appeal Wave Number
If the FRN was appealed, the appeal wave number in which the revised
funding decision was issued
FRN Status Tool
Standard Report Data Fields
Data Field
Column Header in CSV
Output File
471 Application Number
471 Application
Unique # assigned by USAC for the FCC Form
471. Note: the first two digits specify the
Funding Year associated with the form.
471 Review Status
471 Review Status
The form status for the FCC 471 during the
review process.
Funding request number
FRN Status
FRN Status
Status of the FRN including pending (under
review), funded, canceled, or denied
Billed entity number associated with the FCC
Form 471
Billed Entity Name
Billed Entity Name
Billed entity name associated with the FCC
Form 471
Type of Application
Type of 471 Application
Applicant type based on the BEN associated
with the FCC Form 471 (School District, School,
Library System, Library, Consortia)
FRN Service Type
FRN Service Type
Service type for the FRN (Voice, Data
Transmission and/or Internet Access, Internal
Connections, etc.) as entered by the applicant
on the FCC Form 471
Applicant State
Applicant State
The state in which the BEN is located
Service provider identification number
associated with the FRN
486 Service Start Date
486 Service Start Date
Service Start Date on the 486 for approved
486s; this will be blank if there is no approved
Fund Year
Fund Year
Fund Year for the FRN
Original Requested Amount
Original Requested
Requested amount for the FRN based on the
FCC Form 471 as submitted and certified by the
applicant (NOTE: This figure does not include
any RAL modifications)
Committed Amount
Committed Amount
Total amount committed by USAC for the FRN
Total Disbursement Amount
Total Disbursement
Total authorized amount for disbursement to
date by USAC
FRN Status Tool
FCC Form 471 Review Statuses
15 Day Expired
The time allotted to respond to PIA’s request has expired. The applicant should
respond to PIA’s request immediately and/or contact the PIA reviewer.
15 Day Notice
PIA has posted questions to the applicant’s EPC portal that need to be answered.
24 Hour Notice-
An incomplete response was submitted to PIA. The applicant must provide a
Incomplete Response
complete response within 24 hours. If a complete response is not provided, PIA
will continue the review using the information available.
Applicant Documentation
The applicant responded to its PIA questions and PIA is reviewing the
Application Wave Ready
Review of the FRN has been completed and an FCDL will be generated in the next
wave. An application may sometimes be removed from a wave if additional
review is necessary.
Assigned to IR
The application has been assigned to initial review. PIA may have additional
questions for the applicant if so, the applicant will receive an EPC notification to
log in and respond to those inquiries.
Awaiting Initial Review
Application has not yet been assigned to a PIA Initial Reviewer.
Certified-Out of Window
Application was certified outside of the FCC Form 471 filing window. Applications
certified outside of the filing window will not be considered for funding unless
the applicant requests and receives a waiver of the filing window deadline from
the FCC.
Escalation to Manager
The PIA Initial reviewer has referred the application to his or her manager.
Escalation to Services
The PIA Initial Reviewer has referred the application to the eligible services team
for review.
FCDL issued
A Funding Commitment Decision Letter (FCDL) has been issued for the FRN.
Final Review
Application has gone through initial review and is now in final review. The
application may proceed to application wave ready status or may be returned to
the PIA reviewer for additional review.
First Extension
A seven day extension of the PIA deadline for responding to inquires has been
granted automatically.
Incomplete Response
An incomplete response was provided to PIA. The applicant must respond with
all information requested by PIA.
QA Review
The application has been selected for Quality Assurance review. This review
verifies the accuracy of the reviewer’s work.
Returned for Additional
Application was returned from a higher level of review (e.g., final review, QA
review) to the PIA initial reviewer for additional work.
Summer Deferral
Applicant has indicated that he or she is not available to respond to PIA inquiries
during the summer. PIA will not send requests for additional information
required to complete review of the application until the end of the summer
deferral period (generally the Friday after Labor Day).
Two or More Extensions -
Applicant made more than one request for an extension of the deadline to
respond to PIA inquiries and the additional requests were denied.
Waiting for Heightened
One or more additional review steps must be completed before USAC can make a
funding decision.
FRN Status Tool
Detailed Report Data Fields
Data Field
Column Header in CSV
Output File
Identifying Data
Funding Request Number (FRN) assigned by
USAC on the FCC Form 471
FRN Nickname
FRN Nick
Name selected by Applicant for the FRN
FRN Status
FRN Status
Status of the FRN including pending (under
review), funded, canceled, or denied
471 Application Number
471 Application
Unique # assigned by USAC for the FCC Form
471. Note: the first two digits specify the
Funding Year associated with the form.
471 Nickname
471 Nick
Application Nickname selected by Applicant
471 Application Status
471 Application Status
Status of FCC Form 471 (Canceled, Incomplete,
Complete, Certified)
471 Review Status
471 Review Status
The form status for the FCC Form 471 during
the review process. See table above for a
detailed list of the statuses and their definition
Establishing FCC Form 470 Number
470 Application
Form 470 Application Number assigned by
USAC for forms in EPC
Establishing FCC Form 470 Status
470 Form Status
Form Status of FCC Form 470 (Canceled,
Incomplete, Complete, Certified) in EPC
User Entered Establishing FCC
Form 470 Number
User Entered Establishing FCC Form 470
Form 470 Number
Number for forms not stored in EPC
Billed Entity Information
Billed entity number (BEN) associated with the
FCC Form 471
Billed Entity Name
Billed Entity Name
Billed entity name associated with the FCC
Form 471
Applicant Type
Applicant Type
Applicant type for the BEN including school,
school district, library, library system or
Applicant Street Address 1
Applicant Street
Applicant physical street address information
FCC Form 471
Applicant Street Address 2
Applicant Street
Optional field for the applicant physical street
address information from the FCC Form 471
Applicant City
Applicant City
Applicant physical city for the BEN
Applicant State
Applicant State
Applicant physical state for the BEN
Applicant Zip Code
Applicant Zip Code
Applicant physical zip code for the BEN
471 Contact Name
471 Contact name
Contact name for the FCC Form 471
471 Contact E-mail
471 Contact E-mail
Contact email address for the FCC Form 471
BEN Urban/Rural Status
Urban / Rural Status
Urban / Rural status for BEN used to calculate
the discount rate
BEN Account Administrator
Billed entity account administrator from EPC
FRN Status Tool
Data Field
Column Header in CSV
Output File
BEN Account Administrator Email
BEN AA Email
Billed entity account administrator’s email
State LEA Code
State LEA Code
Local education agency code for the school
State School Code
State school code
Code assigned by the state for a school
Library Locale Code
Library Locale Code
Code assigned by the Institute for Museum and
Library Services (IMLS) that identifies the
population density of the library’s location.
Libraries that are located in the IMLS locale
code of 11-City, Large, 12-City, Midsize, or 21-
Suburb are eligible for a pre-discount budget of
up to $5.00 per square foot over five years. All
other libraries are eligible for a pre-discount
budget of up to $2.30 per square foot over five
Library FSCS Key
Library FSCS Key
The library Federal-State Cooperative System
Code (FSCS) code is an identification code
assigned by IMLS for each library
Library Square Footage
Library Sq. Footage
Total size / square footage of the library
Library FSCS SEQ
Library FSCS SEQ
Library FSCS sequence code is a unique 3-digit
suffix that distinguishes outlets associated with
a library system
Consultant Information
471 Consultant Registration
CRN (Consultant Registration Number) for the
consulting firm(s) associated with the FCC
Form 471
471 Consulting Firm Name
Consulting Firm Name
Name of the consulting firm(s) associated with
the FCC Form 471
Service Provider
Service Provider Name
Service Provider Name
Legal name of the service provider for the FRN
Service Provider Identification Number (SPIN)
assigned by USAC
SPAC Filed?
SPAC Filed?
Has an FCC Form 473 Service Provider Annual
Certification (SPAC) been filed yet for the
Funding Year associated with the FCC Form
471? A SPAC must be filed each fund year for
each service provider prior to starting invoicing
for the FRN. If the SPAC has not been filed for
the service provider, the invoice will be denied.
FRN Status Tool
Data Field
Column Header in CSV
Output File
Applicants Funding
Request Related Data
Fund Year
Fund Year
Funding Year for the FCC Form 471 and FRN
486 Service Start Date
486 SSD
Service Start Date (SSD) for the FRN on
approved FCC Form 486; the date will be blank
if there is no approved 486 for the FRN.
Contract Award Date
Contract Award Date
Date contract was created and signed for the
Contract Expiration Date or Service
Contract Exp or Svc End
If the FRN is associated with a contract this
End Date
field displays the contract expiration date. If
the FRN is for a tariff or month-to-month
service this field displays the service end date.
Remaining Contract Extensions
Contract Extensions
The remaining number of contract expirations
for the FRN
Last Date to Invoice
Last Date to Invoice
Last date an Invoice (BEAR or SPI) can be
received or postmarked
Discount Funding Request
Recurring charges
Monthly Pre-Discount Recurring
Orig R Monthly Cost
Pre-discount monthly recurring charges from
the FCC Form 471
Cmtd R Monthly Cost
Pre-discount monthly recurring charges after
review by USAC
Monthly Pre-Discount Recurring
Orig R Ineligible Cost
Ineligible pre-discount monthly recurring
Amount that is Ineligible
charges from the FCC Form 471
Cmtd R Ineligible Cost
Ineligible pre-discount monthly recurring
charges after review by USAC
Eligible Monthly Pre-Discount
Orig R Eligible Cost
Eligible pre-discount monthly recurring charges
from the FCC Form 471
Cmtd R Eligible Cost
Eligible pre-discount monthly recurring charges
after review by USAC
Number of Months of Service
Orig R Months of
Number of months of recurring services from
Provided During Funding Year
the FCC Form 471
Cmtd R Months of
Number of months of recurring services after
review by USAC
Annual Pre-Discount Amount for
Orig R Annual Cost
Total annual recurring charges from the FCC
Eligible Recurring Charges
Form 471
Cmtd R Annual Cost
Total annual recurring charges after review by
Non-Recurring Charges
Annual Pre-Discount Non-
Orig NR Cost
Pre-discount non-recurring charges from the
Recurring Charges
FCC Form 471
Cmtd NR Cost
Pre-discount non-recurring charges after
review by USAC
Annual Pre-Discount Non-
Orig NR Ineligible Cost
Ineligible pre-discount non-recurring charges
Recurring Amount that is Ineligible
from the FCC Form 471
FRN Status Tool
Data Field
Column Header in CSV
Output File
Cmtd NR Ineligible Cost
Ineligible pre-discount monthly recurring
charges after review by USAC
Annual Pre-Discount Non-
Orig NR Eligible Cost
Total annual non-recurring charges from the
Recurring Eligible Amount
FCC Form 471
Cmtd NR Eligible Cost
Total annual non-recurring charges after
review by USAC
Total Charges
Total Program Year Pre-Discount
Orig Total Cost
Total pre-discount charges from the FCC Form
Cmtd Total Cost
Total pre-discount charges after review by
Orig Discount
Discount percentage from the FCC Form 471
Cmtd Discount
Discount percentage after review by USAC
Funding Request Amount
Orig Funding Request
Total funding request from the FCC Form 471
Cmtd Funding Request
Total funding request after review by USAC
Other FRN related data items
FRN Service Type
Orig FRN Service Type
Service type for the FRN from the FCC Form
471 including Voice, Data Transmission and/or
Internet Access, Internal Connections, Basic
Maintenance of Internal Connections, and
Managed Internal Broadband Services
Cmtd FRN Service Type
Service type from the FRN after review by
Service Start Date as Shown on the
Orig 471 SSD
Service Start Date from the Form 471
Form 471
Cmtd 471 SSD
Service Start Date after review by USAC
Funding Decision Data
Wave Number
Wave number
Wave number in which the funding decision
was issued (examples: 001)
Date of the applicant Funding Decision
Commitment Letter (FCDL)
Date User Generated FCDL
Date User Generated
Date a user associated with the BEN clicked on
the file in the Newsfeed in EPC to generate the
FCDL Comments for 471
FCDL Comments for
Explanation of FCDL decision at the form level.
471 Application
MR: management reason; CR: cancelled
reason; DR: denial reason.
FCDL Comments for FRN
FCDL Comments for
Explanation of FCDL decision at the FRN level.
MR: management reason; CR: cancelled
reason; DR: denial reason. Two pipes (||) will be
used to separate data when there is more than
one comment.
FRN Status Tool
Data Field
Column Header in CSV
Output File
PC Wave Number
PC Wave Number
The post commitment wave number in which
the funding decision was issued. Three pipes
(|||) will be used to separate data when an FRN
has more than one post commitment wave.
Revised FCDL Date
Revised FCDL Date
Date the applicant FCDL was revised. Three
pipes (|||) will be used to separate data when
there is more than one Revised FCDL date.
Post Commitment Rationale
Post Commitment
Explanation of the post commitment
transaction. Two pipes (||) will be used to
separate data when there is more than one
comment. Three pipes (|||) will be used to
separate data when an FRN has more than one
post commitment wave.
RFCDL Comment
RFCDL Comment
Explanation of RFCDL decision at the form level.
MR: management reason; CR: cancelled
reason; DR: denial reason. Two pipes (||) will be
used to separate data when there is more than
one comment. Three pipes (|||) will be used to
separate data when an FRN has more than one
post commitment wave.
FRN Committed Amount
FRN Committed
Total amount committed by USAC
G. Invoicing Data
Invoicing Mode
Invoicing Mode
Type of invoice to be processed for FRN (SPI:
Service Provider Invoice FCC Form 474, BEAR:
Billed Entity Applicant Reimbursement Form
FCC Form 472, or NOT SET (when no form has
been received yet for the FY and therefore no
invoicing mode has been set).
Total Authorized Disbursement
Total Authorized
Authorized amount for disbursement to date