The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
Choosing Grounded Theory
Barney G. Glaser, PhD, Hon. PhD
This book deals simply with choosing classic grounded theory (CGT) as the methodology to
use mainly for doing the dissertation. CGT stands alone as a separate method, not as a
competitive method in conflict and controversy with all the QDA (qualitative data analysis)
methods jargonized as a type of GT. The PhD candidate (herein called novice) simply
chooses the method that he/she wants as best fit for him. This reader provides a myriad of
CGT properties to consider in choosing it as the method to use. There will be no competitive
arguments with other methods offered here. It is designed to have CGT chosen on its merits
for the user, not better or worse.
Other GT methods are just different, not better or worse. So to competitively
compare them violates the Glaser purpose here to no advantage. Privately many novices
may choose CGT over other methods for personal reasons, such as preferring emergence,
autonomy, coding and no preconceptions, etc. but the choice is private, not better or worse.
Also CGT is not to be mixed with other methods. The choice of CGT is solo pure.
This reader focuses on choosing, not doing, CGT. There are many articles, readers
and books on “how to” do CGT, but only a few articles on why choose CGT before doing.
Only a few articles exist that help the novice formulate his decision to use the CGT version
for his dissertation. The novice will have to formulate his decision on which version of QDA
or GT to use, usually to a degree that will convince a committee of his choice. This reader
will help this decision formulation in many ways I will discuss below. The large volume of GT
readers and articles publishing generated grounded theories support the choosing of CGT for
the dissertation.
In comparing methodologies this reader is not designed by conflict to discredit or
malign other methodologies, it is designed to show how CGT stands on its own as a very
legitimate methodology to use. Thus CGT is a no better or worse than other methodologies.
CGT is just worthy of use as designed and not to be changed by misunderstandings of its
procedures or by imposing other method procedures on it. Nor do the CGT procedures have
to be argued for, especially by a novice. It should be simply chosen for how it is applied and
its resultant worthy product as shown throughout the work in journals and books. Thus
novices can “just do it”; that is do CGT without being questioned on its procedures or the
worthiness of its generated theory. This reader answers for the novice the typical committee
question “Why choose CGT?” by reference to the appropriate chapter(s) herein and
shows the chapter to the committee and or his supervisor.
This reader prints several articles available on choosing CGT. There are many
GT/QDA versions of qualitative methods, and the novice will have to form a personal
decision on which to use and then will have to usually convince a committee of his choice. If
his choice is CGT over the other versions, it is usually necessary to argue this choice to his
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
committee. Which committee is usually as yet QDA oriented among senior faculty. And the
committee has the social structural strength to put strong pressure on the novice to use a
QDA approach and to not use CGT.
This problem is increasing given the worldwide spread of CGT with the result of many
novices calling for help in explaining choosing CGT as well as initially doing the research.
The novices need to formulate for themselves why they choose CGT for doing a dissertation
since it is so fateful a life choice. And they often need help from a mentor in arguing and
convincing a supervisor and a committee steeped in QDA procedures that do not apply to
This reader supplies many reasons to choose CGT that the novice can use personally
to assure his attraction to CGT. But also under one cover, this reader contains many “why”
articles by well known CGT researchers. Thus the novice PhD candidate can just show his
supervisor and committee this legitimating CGT reader and let them read for themselves the
“why” CGT, since most superiors have read little or nothing about CGT and read some
wrong arguments confusing the CGT version with other so called GT versions.
A major goal of this reader is to anchor in the work of experienced GT researchers
and senior academics the decisions of choosing to use CGT for the dissertation. I emphasize
choosing,not doing CGT, in this reader since there are many articles and books on doing GT
and CGT, but just a few scattered articles on choosing CGT for the dissertation
methodology. There are many journals and readers showing over 100 grounded theories
that are good examples of doing products. But how the authors go about choosing CGT
methodology for doing their product is most often left out. How to choose is not offered in
most articles.
The attraction of CGT is great and spreading worldwide. I can tell from the sale of
Sociology Press books. Choosing to use methodology for dissertation is very fateful in time,
expense of life, professional belonging and future in academic work. Mastering the
arguments in this reader will be very helpful for making “Why CGT choices and then
convincing others of this choice, especially senior PhD committee members, not in tune with
CGT. This reader will especially help the beginning novice who wants to use CGT for his
dissertation but is not sure how to argue for his decision and how to explain to self and
others his personal decision and commitment. In this reader we confront the academic merit
of choosing CGT over other GT versions or simply QDA, and it is the merit of CGT in contrast
to other methods or versions called GT that the novice has to argue about to supervisors
and PhD committees. I trust this reader will help their travail.
It is the academic legitimacy of the CGT product that has to be approved by senior
members of PhD committees. As CGT spreads throughout the world the increase in novices
captured by the grab of CGT autonomy and discovery and attraction to what is really
“going” on is increasing also. And then to be ok’d by a PhD committee to use CGT is a
travail they are not yet trained for and often fail to achieve. This reader will help the novice
solve this problem and have the legitimacy to use CGT in anticipation and before doing the
dissertation by an educated choosing to use it.
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
This reader is not meant to scientize choosing to use CGT. It is not meant to get the
novice to scientize an argument for his choice beyond his training level. He or she just
chooses without winning or losing the rhetorical wrestle. There is no answer to best
methodology based on rigor and other scientific requirements. This reader is just meant to
show to seniors that the choice of CGT has well founded scientific principals and is quite
legitimate as set forth in its procedures. It should convince the “worried” or doubtful novice
or senior and committee of the merit of CGT procedures that have yielded hundreds of
published CGT theories.
Choosing CGT may appear like an immediate firm decision, but actually its firmness
varies with the learning curve of the researcher and usually increases with the
conceptualizing experience when doing CGT productively. However, several aspects of the
learning curve can disillusion the choice of using CGT. Some are unfavorable impressions of
autonomy. The initial confusion that comes with conceptualizing is lack of experienced
mentoring, giving constant negative advice all pressuring to use routine QDA procedures of
Tolerating the initial stages of the learning curve as it proceeds and having a
supportive knowledgeable mentor, however infrequently, and joining a CGT network etc. all
on the other hand firm up and support the decision to use CGT. As confusion starts
changing to emergent conceptualizations CGT procedures start to make good sense
relieving impressionistic initial decisions. The decision to choose CGT firms up solidly and
becomes less sabotagable by others. Of course the novice always has the option of
retreating to standard QDA or a non GT jargonized version if the learning curve becomes
too much to bear. More frequently the opposite occurs leaving behind the over collecting of
QDA for the growing excitement of an emerging CGT. So choosing CGT can be complex and
takes time and can yield doubts as well as excitement on the way to a grounded theory PhD
The initial draw to choosing CGT for a dissertation is expressed nicely by Hans
Thulesius, MD, PhD, a very experienced CGT researcher. He says: “Classic GT draws the
attention especially to novices who are attracted by the promise of being able to develop by
discovery theory directly from the data and not having to deal with existing theoretical
assumptions in a field that has started to interest them. So choosing CGT becomes a matter
of fit. The researcher reads about the CGT method and recognizes a fit with his/her way of
thinking about how to work scientifically.”
Most novices starting with CGT that I have met and coached in doing CGT have
chosen this method based on the impressionistic impact of CGT when initially reading about
it. This starts the CGT learning curve, which competes better and better over time with
other GT versions. It is important that the novice be in a PhD program that allows the time
to support the curve.
Novice CGT researchers are increasing in numbers through the world as CGT is
spreading. Senior CGT researchers who mentor novices are constantly being asked the
following type of questions, to quote Angel Zamani of Iran, “It would be highly appreciated
if you would kindly help me persuade the committee that it is worth it to explore the main
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
concern of a population.” Dealing with committees is a big problem (see section on
committees below). My trouble-shooting seminars dealing with such doing questions are
jammed. Unanswered doing questions or answers that do not satisfy the committee put the
choosing decision for novices in jeopardy in favor of QDA method. A firm why choose CGT
provided by this reader will tend to end this instability for many novices.
This reader will help receive for novices the following good news like the following
from Angel: “The good news is that the proposal got approved by the committee at last.
Instead of applying some of their superficial changes, I gave them a paper authorized by
you explaining why CGT is not constructionist.” This reader will also answer this question
and much more. It will help resolve problems like that expressed by Tommy Hund: My
supervisor even dominates my direction in doing data analysis alone by constant requests
for discussion about it. It undermines my confidence in doing analysis alone. What should I
do?” Enough said. I can quote many novices letters to me about supervisor pressure
problems. This reader will, in essence, speak for the novice with authority to the dominating
I now turn to four topics in some depth touched upon above: mentors, committees,
rhetorical wrestle and choosing patterns.
There is a growing worldwide network of grounded theorists for CGT many of whom have
become peer mentors. Finding them has become easier through the GT Institute yet many
from many foreign countries are still looking for mentors. This growth continues and users
of CGT increases despite the confusion in choice brought on by the multi-GT versions
wrestle. Given the autonomy from the strong hold on conjectural extant theory is a property
of CGT that continues to attract many new CGT users. Add to autonomy the prospect of
discovering a theory clinches the decision to use CGT for many novices. This decision is
backed up by my method books, which are a form of written mentoring.
Mentoring can take many forms and all are going on as we read this. And
competence in doing CGT research is thereby increasing from this mentoring. Minus
mentorees seldom do as well as the mentored novice. One reason being that they are easily
subject to wrong advice by supervisors who do not know CGT. Looking to the literature for
some advice is a bit dangerous as much GT literature is in fact not CGT but just jargonized
as GT. All methods have mentors of some sort, so the novice CGT researcher should be
careful in the choice of mentor. It is important that the CGT mentor have had CGT research
experience since learning the inductive CGT approach is highly experiential.
Also the novice should choose a mentor who provides psycho-social support during
using CGT, which is necessary to handle the initial confusions as well as the free floating
poor advice by others. Breaking with a mentor in order to give up on CGT is very real also,
if the mentoree novice cannot take the CGT as too confusing or the mentor gives poor, not
helpful advice. Mentoring and being a mentoree takes continual work, often years.
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
Mentoring works if the parties both work at it. It is not one sided. Mentoring is binary. Peer
mentoring works well also; that is helping each other.
The best mentors are those who are more advanced in their own CGT research and
thus have the experience the mentoree needs as well as knows the psycho-social support
they need. Thus it is wise for novices to join CGT networks in which people help each other.
This other oriented help and empathy is surely grounded in somewhat recent CGT
experience. Moment mentoring, complementary mentoring and multiple mentoring are
increasing on the internet as CGT spreads in use throughout the world. Collaboration
emerges and minus mentorees are rescued when needed. The GT Institute helps foster
these relationships as needed.
In some countries CGT is way out of step with senior supervisors pushing
preconceptions and QDA descriptive requirements. So novices in these countries must go
global and seek a mentor in another country where CGT has blossomed. Ireland is one such
country. Many seniors from Ireland support correct CGT. Novices bloom with excitement
under such mentoring and easily turn to peer mentoring to fellow other novices still caught
in local QDA. Mentorees find that a little teaching of others teaches oneself. Yet until they
have finished generating a grounded theory, peer mentors can be a bit premature in advice
as they have not yet fully experienced CGT completeness. Premature peer mentoring is
frequent based on the excitement of the emerging experience resulting in firm decisions to
choose CGT for the dissertation. Student peer mentoring meetings stimulate moment
mentoring which confirm yet again the choosing of CGT.
Most minus mentorees are quite alone, but survive it because of their natural affinity
to the autonomy, openness and their ability to conceptualize, which is a great draw to
choosing and doing CGT. Choosing CGT comes naturally. Their only choice to recant may be
down the road under the pressure of a senior supervisor requiring routine QDA procedures.
Peer mentoring others based on the powerful grab and expression of CGT properties
yielding discovery keeps the CGT decision confirmed when facing QDA pressures to recant
at the same time. Also mentorees require a level of maturity to handle the initial confusion
and autonomy that comes in starting a CGT research. Most novices soon to become
mentored are 30 years old or older, with many in their 40s and 50s. Also mentors can at
times yield to other QDA versions jargonized as GT and may shift their research advice a bit
e.g. start pre-conceptualizing, or engage in worrisome accuracy. Mentorees should be alert
to these shifts.
Simply put novices finally choose CGT because they have found a good mentor. If
they cannot find one, they likely do not choose CGT or give up their choice already made.
For many it is too scary to work CGT alone and feel they are doing it correctly. When alone,
confusion takes over and they become lost and QDA is retreated to for safety.
Mentoring is a needy process. Premature choosing CGT is “grabby” but when
confusion sets in there is a cry for help. When none is found the decision for CGT becomes
unstable. A student wrote me “I am a student in South Africa. Do you know of someone in
Africa or the Middle East that can help me? Physical accessibility is not necessary. The
internet is only connection I need.” Another student from Iran wrote me a long paragraph
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
about the ineffectiveness of her local mentor and said, “But in order to avoid toxic mistakes
I am in desperate need of professional help.” So even positive supervisor help may not be
enough if the supervisor is not practiced in doing CGT and many are not. This reader should
help in not drifting back to QDA for want of needed training in doing CGT. The desperate
need for good mentors is increasing as CGT spreads.
One source of mentor candidates are those novice who did not know CGT and
learned it with doing the CGT learning curve and then succeeded in their dissertation
defense. They often become excited to share their experience like an accomplished mentor
to motivate novices to fully decide to choose CGT for their dissertation research. Their
energy and excitement and success foster an attitude that can convince other novices to
choose CGT and support the initial confusion, autonomy and conceptual challenges. The
newborn mentor easily mentors the learning curve he was just in thus is able by example to
help firm up the decision of the new novice.
Being a minus mentor is not easy and can easily result in not choosing to use CGT.
And there are many minus mentorees in the world. Good mentors are hard to find since
CGT is so individually autonomous. And whatever mentors may appear they can easily give
unknowingly altered, modified GT advice because of the impact of the multi GT versions.
Misunderstanding the CGT methodology comes easy in the face of QDA rigor and rules for
complete descriptions that are hard to forgo but necessary for choosing to use CGT. The
long and lonely minus mentoree research has its benefits if the only available mentor is not
fully CGT accomplished. Since minus mentorees usually have no knowledge of the meaning
of CGT vocabulary, it is easy for them to choose the wrong mentor. Then it is easy for them
to be forced into preconceptions, forced interviewing, not allowed to memo, etc. This
strangling has a positive outcome if the mentoree subsequently finds an experienced CGT
mentor. Then the mentoree becomes thrilled to at last become liberated and autonomous
and yielding to the emergent, which strongly confirms the decision to use CGT
I have engaged in many moment mentorings. A request for one conversation with
me can resolve some confusion and clinch the decision for choosing CGT. Some are
desperate as the time to decide method can be scheduled by the school or PhD committee.
Many travel afar around the world to discuss their decision with me. The quest for solid
advice is very strong and sometimes funded by the novice’s school. I am used as the
legitimator when going to one’s supervisor or committee. Frequent topics are type of data
collection and literature review that are causes of confusion and need to be stated clearly.
They need to be mentored by me to be procedurally trusted.
My well-known troubleshooting seminars have convinced many novices to make a
firm decision to choose CGT for their dissertation. At the seminar they listen to others
solving similar research problems and they get help with their problems. They network out
their loneliness and join the CGT worldwide spread. At the seminar they become convinced
of the power of several CGT procedures and with joy the resulting conceptual level analysis.
The mentoring collegial help is wonderful. This type of seminar is springing up all over the
world by my advanced students. They are strongly convincing to firmly choose CGT. They
encourage “just do it” “not knowing beforehand” being open” emergent research. It
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
changes their world view from preconception to emergent discovery. Participants literally
come from all over the world.
The PhD Committee
A major factor in deciding to choose CGT for the dissertation is the dissertation committee.
They have the social structural power to quash a decision to use CGT and often do. Taking
on a negative oriented committee to CGT is often too much for the novice. He/she is not
ready for such an argument. The powerful strong pressure of a dissertation committee to
not use CGT is increasing in the world with the spread of CGT. It is challenging the routine
QDA requirements of worrisome accuracy, full description, preplanned interviews etc, that
many committee members are well versed in. They defend their knowledge and skills. So
again, many novices are calling for help as they formulate such a fateful life choice to bring
to committee. They need help on taking on these seniors with such fateful power. They
have to be convincing.
This reader gives many reasons to choose CGT that the novice can personally use in
their argument to choose CGT. But also under one cover this reader gives many “why”
arguments by well known GT researchers to ground and legitimate their arguments. Also
the novice can give this reader to his committee to read for themselves the “why” choose
CGT, since most are steeped in QDA and have read little or nothing on CGT methodology.
This reader will help the novice receive the following good news as Angel wrote me, “The
good news is that my proposal was approved by the committee at last. Instead of arguing
some of their changes, I gave them a paper authored by you explaining why CGT is not
Do not underestimate the problem of getting approval from a committee wedded to
another method as their research identity is challenged. Respected mentors who are not in
the department, if available, can save the day and get approval if they are senior enough.
They exist but are not many. Many supervisors cannot even read or learn a bit about CGT
as there is too much conflict with their current perspective. They can only confuse the
choice for the novice. These seniors can easily force the naive novice to make the “wrong”
decision into preconceptions and literature review before research etc. They can demand a
long chapter on methodology that is totally QDA for the proposal, which is ignorant of CGT.
Thus choosing CGT as the method to use for a dissertation can open the novice up to
many pressures, some hard and some easy to handle. The hard ones can potentially
sabotage the decision to use CGT when they should not. For example “why take on such a
difficult, constant conflict and argument with seniors who think they know best? The multi-
version view of GT causes this conflict with various levels of pro and con procedures
applicable and not applicable to doing CGT. The novice does not know all the answers yet
and the senior cannot listen anyway. Taking on such confusion is not conducive to a good
CGT dissertation and time is too valuable to enter the conflict. The negative pressure can be
debilitating. Sometimes it is best to “obey” and get the PhD degree and then do a good CGT
out of the collected data for future publication and jobs.
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
Choosing CGT often breeds a loyalty and stand for the method that can become excessive in
the face of demands from the socially structured, vested fictions of committee members.
The excessive loyalty can harm or distort. Stop, do not demand CGT procedures to this
degree in pursuing the CGT method procedures in the face of such vested interests. Taking
on the conflict with a contrary department committee is not worth the time and possible
damage to one’s research or even career. The CGT method lives on intact elsewhere. Under
this condition reserve the pure method for post PhD research.
Writing up the CGT method for a proposal in this situation is probably a waste of
time. Senior committee members are often learned non-learners. Teaching teachers is not
an easy activity. Yet, if they wish, they can read my books and this reader. Thus forcing the
novice to write up the CGT method before research is pre-conceptive. He cannot really write
up convincingly what he has not done yet. Doing CGT is a learning experience waiting to
happen, then write up. Writing before research is done yields often just beating on the same
old QDA and multi-GT version issues. Yet further mentor rescuing from supervisor tyranny
subsequently can lead to excitement and unwavering devotion to CGT.
In sum, a long chapter on why choose CGT will often enough not get very far in a
contrary department. And taking on the ignorance of a committee or department questions
ad infinitum will just confuse all involved. Lofty perspective arguments on many research
issues, however right or wrong, can make doing CGT almost impossible to do correctly. I
turn now to discussing the rhetorical wrestle between methods.
The Rhetorical Wrestle
There is no winning the rhetorical wrestle. The rhetorical wrestle is comparing to see what is
best between the features and procedures of QDA methods and so call jargonized
remodeled GT version with CGT. The arguments between the methods can go on forever.
They are just different. The novice does not have to win a better, say a generalization or
interview technique etc etc. He just chooses and uses the method he chooses. He likes one
method over the other for essentially personal abilities, skills and reasons. A method has
grab for him. If he does not choose he will be lost in the many conflicts of the wrestle. Lost
in not knowing what to do or which way to go.
A student from Nepal sent me his paper in which he laboriously compared all the GT
jargonized versions. He came to a one-sentence conclusion. He says, “After studying this
literature on GT versions, I came to the conclusion that what is not grounded theory rather
than what is.” So much for the result of one wrestle. He could not choose CGT as too
confusing a commitment.
Lets look a little closer to ground some of the wrestle and why there is no sure
answer, just differences. Tony Bryant, an experienced GTer demonizes CGT as positivist
with lofty jargon. He severely discredits the positivism that he accuses CGT as using. He
wants people to discard positivism that allows interviewers to pick and choose the data he
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
believes. He trashes generating concept procedures. It is hard to know what he is talking
about, but how could a novice choose CGT in the face of such accusation by a highly
experienced GTer. Trying to base a decision to choose or CGT based on positivism is a
waste of time. The literature continues the argument continually to no solution. This debate
is not an argument for the novice to worry about. His worry is to do well whatever method
he chooses for the dissertation. Theoretical debates come much later in the academic
Students write me asking how to give CGT a perspective and how to write it up
compared to other methods. They think perspectives legitimate research results. I write
back to not perspectivize CGT. Just generate concepts that name patterns. The perpetual
debate over which different perspectives are best in various methods is a waste of time and
not solvable. Strauss used to say GT has no perspective, just a style.
When choosing CGT is based on one’s philosophy of research compared to the
philosophy of the method, the novice must have both which many do not have yet. So the
wrestle between the two, and even other method philosophies, becomes too much to
understand so arguments are faulty and often a bit empty. So the novice is forced to take a
philosophy stand with his choice of method irrespective of true merits. He must advocate
arguments against all attacks irrespective of his level of understanding. The choice of CGT
becomes a stand rather than an educated decision when forced to argue for a philosophy.
He must stand strong against attacks and the typical confusion. There is no winning the
combat. There is just being endorsed sufficiently by a department and its seniors to use a
chosen method. And given the multi-version view of GT, there is only one version of CGT no
matter the argument. Taking a multi-view from all GT versions ends in a jargonized
confusion resulting in description, not conceptualization. The only rational decision is to
choose either doing conceptualization or description. Novices can go for CGT with all its
clear rigorous procedures in order to transcend description with conceptualization theory.
CGT generates a substantive theory to be used to explain and abstractly account for
a pattern of behavior. It is to be modified based on comparative data, not proven. It does
not deal with multiple realities as QDA does and the so-called jargonized versions of GT. It
is based on an integrated set of concepts explaining the continued resolution of a main
concern. There may be more than one main concern in a problem area and CGT can do a
theory of each, but only one is necessary for a dissertation, however overlapping they may
be. For example heart attack victims are concerned with both cutting back and super-
normalizing and also the moral claim to infirmity. Generating a substantive theory of one of
these concerns is enough. A substantive theory about one main concern has general
implications for other areas of behavior. For example super-normalizing in football is a big
issue. The wrestle of which GT version to use does not get to this abstract level. The wrestle
conflict is usually over what is “accurate” data for a description with a perspective, not over
the abstract power of explanation that emerges using CGT procedures, which many
academics cannot grasp. The ontological and epistemological issues of varied theoretical
perspectives, such as symbolic interaction, are not relevant for CGT, just grounded
conceptualizations of patterns in whatever data is used is relevant for CGT. “All is data” in
which the patterns are conceptualized for CGT. The contest between social versions of GT is
empty. CGT is a version in its own right and of course all research methods are grounded
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
some way. And there is no stopping the CGT jargon from being used for talking about
different QDA and GT methods.
For example, in CGT all is data, but the wrestle asks the question what is data?
Depending on the version the answer can be objective, symbolic, positivist, interpreted,
constructed, interviews, descriptions etc, etc. Answering the question is discouraging for the
novice since none is correct. The answer is irrelevant for choosing CGT. There are patterns
in all data, so the novice need only cite what kind of data he is using. Most often it is open
non-structured interview data using no preconceptions.
Much remodeling of CGT with descriptive lofty talk based on worrisome accuracy and
a full description and conceptual description demands are plentiful and unknowledgeable.
For the novice this kills the excitement motivation of discovery for the novice .Why choose
CGT and enter into this mess? The novice should avoid these arguments and “just” choose
CGT on its merits of conceptualization and generation. Sounding learned in these contests is
a waste of time to get no answer and lose sight of the joy of discovery. The only rational
decision for choosing is to choose conceptualities using the rigorous procedures of CGT on
whatever data obtains OR choose a descriptive version of GT or QDA. Researchers like CGT
since it transcends the descriptive by conceptualizing abstract patterns and it has clear
procedures for generating emergent conceptual theory.
Suddaby wrote an article on “What GT is Not.” It is about the profound
misunderstanding between CGT, other versions of GT and QDA. This article should help the
novice in his choice of a methodology for his dissertation and particularly CGT. He writes
about how the literature is filled with serious misconceptions that of course affect the
novice’s choice to stop the confusion. His article starts out detailing how CGT freed
researchers from the assumptions of grand theory and its positivism when testing
preconceived hypotheses. CGT freed us to see how social actors in real situations produce
their meanings From this, theory could be generated about what is actually going on using
CGT methodological procedures. Fine, but he addresses the question: which version of GT to
choose? To arrive at an answer he lists six “nots” which CGT is not. He works on the
distinction between interpretive reality and objective meaning. Again choice is up in the air
on which data to prefer to choose.
Suddaby’s “nots are: CGT is not an excuse to ignore the literature. CGT is not
descriptive or phenomenological. CGT does not test extant hypotheses whether qualitative
or quantitative. GT is not a simple application of procedures all at once. Procedures go on
sequentially, simultaneously, and subsequently in ongoing interest with the data and
emerging conceptualization. CGT procedures are not perfect. They are readily modifiable not
wrong when warranted. Lastly, doing CGT is not easy as a step-by-step methodology. All
goes on at once often initially in confusion. Its apparent simplicity is a misperception. Doing
CGT is rigorous and tightly procedural however modifiable. It is not an “anything goes”
Judith Holton, a well known grounded theorist and former editor of the Grounded
Theory Review, wrote me a direct, simple, accurate reasoning for choosing CGT which
avoids all the lofty talk, method messing and scholarly arguing in the rhetorical wrestle. She
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
says “CGT’s particular value is its ability to provide a conceptual overview of phenomenon
under study: what is actually going on. It focuses on the participant’s perspective and gives
them the opportunity to articulate their thoughts about issues with understanding, reflection
and insights they consider important. GT provides the conceptual overview with grounded
interpretation, explanation impacts, underlying causes and effect and so forth. GT provides
a conceptual compliment to the descriptive finding of QDA and Quantitative research. GT is
not superior, just complementary to in-depth description.” This is a clear, correct, simple
scholarly approach to choosing CGT. She does not offer any combat for or against CGT with
other methodologies.
Judy makes the further point that the traditional concern over rigor and credibility to
yield validity is built into the procedures of CGT methodology. Not to worry if following CGT
procedures. Conceptualization makes auditing data unnecessary as auditing is descriptive
and conceptualization is abstract as its critique is over validity of grounded pattern naming.
A pattern holds however it is named. She says: “Ontological and epistemological issues of
theoretical perspective which are part of the multi-version conflict are not relevant for CGT.
Just grounded conceptualization is relevant on whatever data is used. CGT has no
predetermined pre-conceptual philosophy given in lofty words. CGT is just ‘all is data’
whatever is used and whose patterns are conceptualized. Contests between so-called
versions of GT are empty and jargonized with GT vocabulary.”
As said above, CGT is not for testing extant hypotheses. The constant comparative
method produces emergent patterns which continual constant emergence from the data is
self-testing of their grounding in the data. The patterns relate to each other as conceptual
theory and how they are presented depends on the emergent theoretical code used.
Doing CGT is not a simple mechanical application of its procedures. It is the creative
application of them all at once with the data as the emergent theory generates
conceptually. Confusion and ambiguity, even fear of failure, at the beginning soon change to
clear conceptualization as the researcher constantly compares and theoretically samples
toward saturation. CGT methodology is not a pure step-by-step method. CGT methodology
is itself a theory. Thus CGT is not an easy seamless clear methodology done step by step. It
goes on all at once as the substantive theory develops; so contesting with other QDA and
GT versions is messy and goes nowhere. The apparent simplicity of the CGT method is a
misperception. So the novice should just decide and join the learning curve if CGT is the
choice. Doing CGT can go fast, taking only six months or so, but many extend the research
a few years as they tackle the conceptualization, confusions, to the end product.
Read my books on CGT methodology and the reader will see that CGT methodology
is a well-formed bona fide methodology, not an excuse for not having one. It is rigorous and
tightly procedural from start to finish. Selection and identifying participant’s ongoing issues
that they are continually resolving emerge. They ARE NOT conjectured “ should have” issues
preconceived by the researcher to do a study of however lauded they may be in other fully
preconceived studies.
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
The rhetorical wrestle will never stop. It has gone on for over 40 years since the
publication of Discovery of GT. It is too academic to give up sounding lofty. And academics
get career rewards for the effort. But the novice should leave the combat and legitimating
to the experienced GT researchers like Olavur Christiansen, Isabelle Walsh, Judy Holton and
Odis Simmons (see their papers in this book) and just do good CGT research and get the
PhD degree for it. Let the experienced GT’er take on the Strauss/Corbin advocates,
Charmaz/Bryant and Gibson/Hartman people to mention a few. The method literature is
replete with their bewildering wrestle.
I think by now the reader gets the idea of the rhetorical wrestle leading nowhere. I
could go on, but there is no best method” answer to the wrestle between methodologies.
The volume of books and papers showing CGT products and methodology value is immense
and a great and sufficient indicator of the value of generating a CGT theory for the
dissertation. I warn: do not get involved in the lofty analysis of all the issues facing the
multi versions of QDA methods. They will confuse the choosing decision. There is only
preference not solution. The conflict over multi versions never gets to the abstract level
about conceptual theoretical emergence which CGT produces and which many cannot grasp.
Choosing CGT can be seen as a stand facing bureaucracy rather than a fully educated
decision. Dr. Andy Lowe, a well-known CGT researcher for over 20 years, advises the
following in dealing with committees. He writes, “The essence of survival within the
bureaucratic system for the researcher is to always allow the bureaucracy to believe its own
rhetoric. Always avoid direct confrontation and instead always use their own rule etc, to
achieve your goal of intellectual autonomy”. This is a bit too sophisticated for the novice,
but it works well.
I turn now to a discussion of actual choosing, many ideas of which have already been
Choosing CGT: Final Thoughts
I have said much up to this point on choosing CGT firmly as a “grabby” preference, not a
better or best method. I turn now to what often goes on in the novice’s learning curve when
making the choice of CGT for doing a dissertation in the department context. Needless to
say it is a vital valued choice, and whether firm on the spot or gradual it is subject to the
CGT research learning curve.
Choosing CGT takes a sufficient self contained maturity, which few young novices yet
have. Most novice minus mentorees, soon to be mentored are in their 30s or older. The
autonomy, “not knowing” beginning requirement and initial confusion using the constant
comparative method to conceptualize takes some age maturity to handle. It can become
fearful to cope with. Novices have to be careful to not yield to mentoring advice that shifts
them out of CGT methods, for example shifting them to preconception to reduce initial
confusion. This can take some age maturity.
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
Novices choose CGT for the grab, the excitement of discovery and to claim autonomy
when doing the dissertation. The grab is individual and atomized through out the world.
There is also a desire to be in the “among” wherever the CGTer individuals may be. They
look for CGT networks by computer. They search for compatible departments and mentors.
Those doing CGT may be forced to study a professional problem, rather than an
emergent main concern. This can kill the choice of CGT for switching to a preconceiving
version of GT. Preconceive structuring up a QDA research solves this ambivalent problem of
having to please the committee. The pressure to comply with a shift away from CGT can be
quite strong and scary to resist since their academic career is at stake. Trying to get started
and references travel fast. Hopefully this reader will help relieve the superior/committee
interference problem by showing it to them to at least scan. Tommy Hung, a PhD candidate
from Portugal says, as is so typical of novices, “I struggle in doing open coding data analysis
and even in asking questions during forced preformed interviews as my supervisor
interferes, even dominates my direction in doing data analysis alone by requests like please
discuss with me your data analysis. And please write a conference paper from your data etc.
Such requests appear constantly. I should avoid talking to my supervisor.” Hung is being
constantly pestered, but still sticks to CGT so far. The outcome I am not sure of.
Overbearing pesty supervisors are hard to take for long before giving in and going QDA.
Supervisor concerns of rigor and credibility are traditional for all methods but not
necessary for CGT. Built into the conceptualizing procedures of CGT is automatic validity of
grounded concepts. This makes auditing unnecessary as it is descriptive and CGT is abstract
conceptualization carefully generated inductively by the constant comparative method. The
concepts cannot be reified if grounding CGT procedures are followed.
Another path to using CGT is a consequence of the learning curve. Some novices
start doing QDA or descriptive versions of GT, yet try a bit of CGT. Gradual understanding of
CGT from trying conceptualization procedures reduces resistance to using CGT as mistakes
and confusion diminish, then disappear, fear fades. They then get “grabbed by the
excitement of discovery generating and autonomy and conceptualization. Thus they decide
to fully switch to CGT. What appeared as a long and lonely journey in the beginning if they
used CGT, suddenly becomes peopled by other novices using CGT as they join the CGT
networks on the internet. They make a firm decision to use CGT even if the learning curve
takes a few years. The combination of rigor and creativity growing in doing CGT reduces the
novice to a CGT advocate and true believer. The multiple QDA version mess is just left
behind with no contrary arguments interfering with being in favor of a firm CGT decision.
The “eureka moments that come with discovery of totally new concepts help convince
putting aside all the preconceptions of descriptive QDA methods. Interview guides are put
aside in favor of just letting the participants vent their concerns, face sheet data become
moot. Trust in the CGT methodology grows by the convincing yield of the generating
procedures. This learning curve path to the CGT choice is well grounded and advised for the
“seeing is believing” doubtful and fearful novices.
A very successful novice can inspire new novices to be faithful follower adherents to
CGT with devotion and no doubts. The successful novice getting the PhD awarded
seamlessly and often with the best PhD dissertation award for the year can become a
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
supermodel for beginning CGT novices. They are pointed to as proof positive of the joys and
legitimate value of a CGT dissertation. Brianna Both wrote me that she “knew Bene Brown
who produced the most powerful GT theory, so it was her work which pointed me to CGT
and you Dr. Glaser. Brene wrote in her publication Daring Greatly “I want to acknowledge
Dr. Glaser who was willing to come from California to the University of Houston to serve on
my dissertation committee. He literally changed the way I see the world.” Brianne thus
followed her model, Brene, to the nth degree and herself did a wonderful dissertation.
Referring to my input further legitimated her using Brene as her supermodel. The model
path convinced the choice of CGT for a dissertation and academic career. In these cases,
the philosophy of the CGT methodology becomes strongly the novice’s philosophy of method
and even life: not knowing beforehand becomes the root to eventual knowing from the
emergent. The approach to knowing by not knowing is liberating.
Not knowing beforehand until the data is conceptualized easily becomes a personal
way of life. This of course supports further firmness in choosing CGT for the dissertation. We
all do mini GTs for personal problem solving. We run our patterns constantly. We look at the
data and try to spot the patterns involved that explain a problem or our main concerns and
then we follow the pattern. We are constantly resolving these concerns. Thus CGT
procedures and trust in conceptualization spills over into personal life. There becomes a
reciprocal support for the method between doing CGT and solving personal problems. This
occurs naturally for many of us and thereby firms up a decision to choose CGT for the
dissertation. Again it makes the rhetorical wrestle a moot waste of time. Applying CGT
personally gives the person a level of power over his life and liberation in academic pursuit
of the PhD. Choosing CGT is automatic, like what else would one choose to find out what is
really going on. Personal life is changed from preconception to follow academic openness to
the data however slower the pace to emergence. It makes being a PhD candidate very
meaningful and grounded as opposed to the usual critique of academia that it is just lofty
rhetoric. The personal use of CGT is private and thus very seldom mentioned in the
literature. It helps dealing with life patterns such as in divorce, in marriage, in illnesses. In
child rearing, in custody fights etc, etc. Its power, if used privately, convinces the novice of
its power academically so it is chosen.
Choosing CGT may end with the completion of the PhD as no need or funds to do
future CGT. But many wish to continue if they can find the resources. Jeanette Eriksson
wrote me, “I just want to say that my journey over the doing GT has been great and I found
out how much I want to use CGT in the future.” Thus future choosing carries the motivation
to continue doing CGT, if the opportunity and resources are part of the subsequent
academic career. If not, or research interests subside after the PhD the choice may end. The
choice need not go on forever and the now PhD can turn to other methods if interested or
joining a big preplanned research project. The choice can end with the awarding of the PhD
and doing no more research.
Also the choice for CGT can come late. A lady wrote me: “After using other types of
research methods for over 20 years, I am so glad to have come across CGT. Your work is
really what we need in management research.” Quite often the choice to do more CGT after
the dissertation is done is to renew the excitement of discovery and share it. Simple
interview research can be quite inexpensive.
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
Also doing CGT can bring with it self discovery as well as personal problem
discovery, which can motivate to continue CGT research after the PhD. Staying open to the
research can keep a CGT researcher open to general self discovery. Brianna Booth’s study of
maintaining boundaries between people was a superb dissertation. Further it was directly
related to her personal approach in friending and dating. Some finished PhD students even
spiritualize the CGT staying open to data discovery. Once learned staying open with not
preconceiving can come naturally. My trouble-shooting seminars of course help get the PhD
dissertation. The seminars also stimulate the future orientation of students once it is learned
to personal staying open with no preconceptions. Students constantly talk about being
changed for life based on the full orientation of CGT. Thus their choosing CGT for a
dissertation can have and did have for students future, lasting beneficial effects for both self
and career.
Phyllis Stern told students that becoming known for doing an excellent CGT as an
expert draws one into a career in meeting, boards and becoming a roving supervisor for
foreign and US PhD candidates in many countries. It becomes a worldwide ticket, I know
many of these CGT traveling experts.
CGT can be chosen for the wrong reason. It can be chosen as part of a big
preplanned study thus required to preplan data collection interview and its problems. The
choice can come with money and academic support, possibly a supervisor with a stake in
the big study. The novice might not be clear on the no preconception rule of CGT. He might
not know better and not realize he is just doing QDA description. The preplanning
undermines the procedures of CGT. It remodels CGT to conceptual description.
Also choosing not to choose CGT can be wise if done in favor of avoiding being forced
to do CGT wrong by a committee or a department which dwells on full description,
worrisome accuracy, no abstraction and lofty talk calling it all GT to make it all sound
learned. Taking on such senior pressure is not worth it. Not choosing and just going with the
departmental method becomes the rescue from a scary choosing path of a novice. Finding
an experienced mentor coupled with reading our books could be the only possible rescue.
Closely related to this poor choice is choosing CGT to test an extant hypothesis. This
requires preconceptions also. Since whatever may emerge may have no relevance to the
hypothesis, the CGT has to be “forced” to bear on the hypothesis from interviewing through
conceptualizing. If the CGT happens to question an extant hypothesis, fine, but it cannot be
forced and remain a CGT. The testing can easily be social structurally forced taking away
the freedom for discovery that was the original goal. Scholastic freedom is compromised
and lost. This loss of CGT emergence for discovery is lost in Isabelle Walsh’s mixed method
approach in which GT is used to correct quantitative findings by preplanning. Testing extant
findings is not a higher purpose of CGT. Withstanding the academic pressure to test
hypotheses when backed by the committee is not an easy pressure for the novice to cope
with. Testing verified yet erroneous hypotheses will never be stamped out in the future by
CGT biased preconceptions in using its procedures. It can only occur naturally by a freely
emergent CGT, whenever it might occur. One should not do CGT to do combat with other
methods. Corrections of other’s findings are only genuine when consequential. Wrong choice
reasons for using CGT require jargonizing.
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
Closely related to the correcting approach is doing a CGT on secondary data, usually
interviews. If the data is picked up as preplanned, say a preconceived problem, then the
CGT will be non-emergent. It will pick up the preplanned biases as real. In short, the
secondary data has to be open and non-preconceived. Hard to find, since most QDA studies
are preconceived academic “should be” problems, not emergent personal issues. The novice
does not have to know anything about the participants or field they are being interviewed
on. In fact the less he know the easier it is to let concepts emerge. He just has to know the
interviews by others emerged as true expressions of the participants. There are mountains
of unanalyzed interviews to choose from.
Professing the use of CGT also happens infrequently, but this is still too often. The
student discovers a good concept with great general implications. Their richness plus his
intellectual capacity combine to produce a conjectured CGT. I have seen three dissertations
done this way. They were beautifully conceptual and all conjectural. They were hard to spot
at first until the conjectural patterns emerged. Their theory ran thin. Conjecture (that is
think up) can never be as creative as generated concepts. Professing the use of CGT and
not really doing it is not hard to spot. It comes with excitement, but too fast without the
real work of doing CGT.
The reader can see now that choosing CGT is not simple, whether direct or gradual. There
are many paths, much advice and many variables to contend with. Whatever the
combination that obtains for a novice, there are many future career and personal rewards
for those who can make and stick with a decision to choose CGT for research for the
dissertation. Just make a firm decision without the pro and con arguments and do it. The
value of CGT research has been shown over and over. There are many CGTs, how to books,
substantive theory articles and books, CGT articles on methods and substance, journals on
CGT all to attest to the value of CGT. Use a few for exampling for self and others to show
what a worthy CGT looks like. Good examples can assure the supervisor and committee of
the CGT research outcome. The examples are legitimating and convincing of value.
However, be careful not to cite jargonized written views of QDA as CGT. As Gary
Evens said in his “walk through” the multi versions of GT, “Choose the best fit between
personal philosophy and method philosophy. Be sure to walk the talk with caution in
referencing GT writings. In spite of the fear and confusion in the beginning, have faith in the
CGT process. Hindsight will show it was the right choice. Staying open to the emergence of
conceptual fit and relevance will further confirm the choice.” These are Evans sound words
of advice. They have a long history of working well. I can only add to be careful, as said
above, of taking on supervisors who cannot tolerate the CGT perspective compared to their
own QDA perspective.
Astrid Gynnild, professor and editor of Grounded Theory Review, wrote me: “Choose CGT
for future orientation toward explanatory understanding, exploration, abstract transcending
of accurate goings on, increased awareness, inner drive to know more about people’s
behavior, general implications, skills at memoing and feeling one can contribute original
The Grounded Theory Review (2014), Volume 13, Issue 2
thought and achieve autonomy. Find an experienced mentor. Here is my brief list of positive
reasons.” As the reader can see, the list of values for choosing CGT is nonstop and varies
considerably among novices and the experienced but the product pattern is the same. They
express the joy and productivity of doing CGT. Just firmly decide to choose CGT and then
use it.