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Colorado State University Traffic Regulations
Colorado State University Police Department (CSU PD) moving violations have been approved by
the Colorado State Board of Governors and are in accordance with the authority of CRS 23-5-108.
Since traffic violations are the primary cause of many serious injury accidents, it is
beneficial to both the university and the community to address traffic violations. The high volume
of vehicular and pedestrian traffic on and around the university makes traffic enforcement
essential to reduce accidents, prevent injuries, and decrease property loss.
One way the CSU PD promotes public safety is through education and enforcement of the
traffic code. The enforcement of state traffic laws and municipal ordinances on university property
is another tool that enables CSU PD to better serve the community.
All motorized vehicles that operate on Colorado state roadways must be properly licensed
and operated by a driver possessing a valid driver's license that is accepted in the state of
Colorado. Police officers employed by the CSU PD may use discretion in determining whether a
University Notice of Violation summons or a Municipal or County traffic summons will be issued. If
a University Notice of Violation is issued to a violator on the Colorado State University campus, it
will not result in points on the operator's driver's license, nor will the violation be reflected on the
operator's permanent driving record. Issuance of a Municipal or County traffic summons may
result in both.
The University Notice of Violation provides officers with an alternative method to educate
drivers on the Colorado State University campus and enforce traffic violations less punitively.
Once a citation has been issued, the fine will double if it has not been paid or appealed as provided
for in these regulations within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of issuance on the Notice of
Violation. Please do not ignore moving violations received while driving on campus. Delinquent
citations can result in additional fines, a hold being placed on your transcripts, and your obligation
being referred to state collections.
All officially designated roadway areas are posted. The posted signs regulate the speed,
direction of travel and overall movement of motor vehicles while on the campus of Colorado State
University. All regulations apply to every street, alley, sidewalk area, driveway, park, and to every
other public way or public place or public parking area while operating on any property owned or
leased by Colorado State University, the use which the university has jurisdiction and authority to
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The following definitions supplement those described in the Fort Collins City Traffic
Ordinances, which also apply to the Colorado State University regulations.
Every device propelled solely by human power upon which a person can ride. This includes
tricycles, recumbent, unicycles, and tandems.
All property owned and/or under the control of Colorado State University.
Color Code
Paint on the street or curbing used as a traffic control device:
Red No parking, stopping, or standing
Yellow - No parking, except when authorized by posted signs
White - Parking permitted
Emergency Vehicle
Ambulance, fire, or police vehicles only.
Motor Vehicle
Any vehicle that is self-propelled. (No distinction is made among federal, state, and privately-
owned vehicles.)
A motor vehicle designed to travel with not more than three wheels in contact with the ground,
except tractors. Includes all motorcycles, motor scooters, mopeds, and motorized bicycles.
Notice of Moving Violation
A citation issued by a uniformed Colorado State University police officer for a moving violation or
other infraction of the Fort Collins City Traffic Ordinances or the State of Colorado Traffic Code,
which is disposed of by the university and not the city of Fort Collins.
Leaving a vehicle standing, whether occupied or not, whether running or not.
Parking Summons
A citation issued by an authorized employee of the University for a violation of the University
Parking Regulations which is disposed of by the
University Parking Services.
Semester Break
Days between the end of one semester and start of the next semester.
Service Vehicles
Vehicle used by CSU Facilities that are actively engaged in service or maintenance of the buildings
and grounds, or vehicles owned or operated by commercial establishments actively engaged in
servicing the campus.
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Traffic Education and Enforcement Program.
A citation issued by a uniformed police officer for a moving violation or other infraction of the Fort
Collins City Traffic Ordinances which is disposed of by the city and not by the university.
Traffic Ticket or Court Summons
Those days officially declared holidays by the university during which all offices are closed.
University Holidays
University Working Days
Refers to all days the university is open (e.g., all days except Saturdays, Sundays, and university
designated holidays.)
Application of City and State Codes
All applicable Fort Collins municipal and Colorado State traffic laws pertaining to the regulation,
control, and enforcement of moving vehicular traffic are enforced on campus streets at all times.
Speed Limits
Campus speed limits are 20 MPH on streets and 10 MPH in parking lots.
Driving on Sidewalks
Driving on sidewalks, bike paths, or service drives are prohibited except by service vehicles on
official university business driving in a manner that would not endanger bicycle or pedestrian
traffic. Motorized vehicles are not authorized on fields and grounds of the university not primarily
designated as routes of normal travel for motorized traffic unless prior authorization is obtained
from the Colorado State University Police Department.
Traffic Control Devices
Every person operating a motor vehicle on university property must obey all parking and traffic
control signs and lights.
Responsibility for Violation
The person who is in control of the vehicle at the time of the moving violation will be held
responsible for any violation of these regulations in which the operation of a motor vehicle is
involved. In 'control' means the person driving the motor vehicle at the time of violation, or any
person in physical control of a motor vehicle at the time of violation.
Construction Sites
Any violation that occurs while passing through a posted construction site will acquire additional
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Appeals are heard by the University Appeals Board made up of staff and students from CSU
not affiliated with CSU PD. The Appeals Board decision constitutes the final disposition of the
appeal within the university and is binding on Colorado State University, the Colorado State
University Police Department, and the appellant.
Moving violation information must be obtained from the Colorado State University Police
Department. Incorrect information received from any other source is not considered a valid
defense of moving violations. Frivolous traffic citation appeals are discouraged. Moving violation
appeals are not granted for frustration or anger over receiving a citation, lack of knowledge of the
traffic laws of Colorado, forgetfulness, tardiness to class, or the inability to recognize the authority
of the Colorado State University Police Department.
Please refer to the State of Colorado driver handbook for additional information about
Colorado Traffic Laws.
Persons who wish to appeal a Moving Violation Citation must initiate a written appeal
within fourteen (14) calendar days of the date of the traffic citation. Failure to pay or appeal a
university Moving Violation Citation by the end of the fourteenth (14) calendar day from the date
of issuance will result in doubling of the violation fine and forfeiture of the appeal right.
Written appeals are available to persons wishing to contest a Moving Violation Citation.
Written appeal forms are available at the Colorado State University Police Department, located in
Green Hall, 750 South Meridian Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80523. All appeals must indicate the citation
number(s) for the violation(s) being appealed and provide the appellant's arguments for dismissal
of the traffic citation. The burden of proof in the appeal rests with the appellant. If the appeal is
denied and the citation upheld, the appeal board will assess an additional $15 hearing fee.
Denial of an appeal makes the designated fine due and payable by the designated deadline.
Any unalleviated fines not paid by the deadline will be declared delinquent and elevate as follows
(unless the fine has already increased under the provisions of Fines and Definitions Section III):
$40 to $80; $50 to $100; $85 to $170; $100 to $200. Delinquent violations are then sent to
Accounts Receivable for collection.
Failure to obey traffic control
Unsafe Backing
Speeding 5 to 9 over the posted
Careless Driving
Speeding 10 to 19 over the
posted limit
Unsafe Vehicle
Speeding 20 to 24 over the
posted limit
Improper Turn
Driving on lawn, sidewalk or
bike path
Failure to yield
Wrong way on a one way street
Failure to use turn signal
Other (Specify)
Driving too fast for conditions
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VII. Payment
You have 14 Calendar days from the date the ticket was issued to pay the violation fine. The
fine can be paid in person, by mail or have it billed to your student account. If paying by mail, send
check or money order only. Do not send cash. We will not accept ticket payment in loose coins.
You can also come to the TBEEP office and pay your ticket in person with cash, check, credit (not
Discover), or with your student account. Failure to pay the ticket will result in the fine doubling.
Delinquent faculty and staff fines will be deducted from an employee’s paycheck. Delinquent
student fines will be sent to Accounts Receivable for collection.
Should any section, article, or paragraph of these regulations be declared unconstitutional
or void by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of these regulations shall remain in
effect. Under such circumstances, the President of Colorado State University or his duly delegated
agent shall have the authority to establish a new section, article, or paragraph for that which has
been declared void or unconstitutional, without prior submission to the State Board of Governors
in order to give full force and effect to the intent and purpose of these regulations. Any new
section, article, or paragraph shall be submitted to the State Board of Governors for ratification as
soon thereafter as is practical.
All appropriate provisions of the state of Colorado traffic laws and of the Fort Collins City
Traffic Ordinances are applicable on the Colorado State University campus. Please refer to the
State of Colorado driver handbook for additional information about Colorado Traffic Laws or visit
the Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles. Court summonses, including municipal citations, are
deposed of at the Larimer County Justice Center, 201 LaPorte Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80521.