September 2022
Dear Christmas with Epworth Partner,
As fall approaches and we are beginning to move away from the heat of the summer, we are looking forward to the
events that fall brings. Of course, this also means that the holidays are right around the corner! We are geng excited
about cooler temperatures, holiday sights and sounds, twinkling lights, decorang the tree, baking cookies, church
events and acvies, and opening gis on Christmas morning. Because of your kindness and generosity, year aer
year, our children have wonderful holidays lled with excitement and love as they experience Christmas in their home
here at Epworth. Thank you for helping us to create warm holiday memories for the children who we serve.
It may seem a tad early but Christmas will be here before we know it! Here at Epworth, the coage sta and foster
families are already collecng wishes from the children so that they will be ready for you on October 3rd when the
wish list goes live on the website. Each year, the childrens wishes and other necessies populate a master wish list in
SignUp Genius to simplify communicang the wishes to you. Also included in the wish list are items for use for the oth-
er 364 days of the year, days like arrival day. When children come to Epworth, they receive a welcome basket lled
with a comforter, sheets, towels, clothing, pajamas, shoes, undergarments, toiletries and school supplies. Arrival day is
like Christmas to our children as they generally arrive with nothing but the clothes on their backs. While placement day
for children placed with foster families looks a bit dierent, foster children are also remembered with First Night Bags
and other things as needed in the early days of their placement. Your generosity allows Epworth to provide for children
we serve all year long, especially during the holidays, on transion days and on their birthdays.
On October 3rd, the wish list will go live and can be found at Enclosed is an infor-
maon sheet that explains the process for Christmas with Epworth, how to choose wishes from the wish list on SignUp
Genius, packaging, drop o instrucons as well as informaon on making nancial contribuons. Please do not hesi-
tate to contact me if you have any quesons. You may reach me at 803-681-0304 or by email at I will be delighted to talk with you.
Again, thank you for helping us to make Christmas extra special for the children here at Epworth. Blessings to you and
yours as we approach this special me of year and celebrate the birth of our Savior.
Beth C. Robinson
Volunteer Coordinator
P.S. The Columbia Drop O locaon will be held at the Maintenance Building on our Millwood Campus. If supporng
another oce within the state, nocaon with locaon address, mes, and instrucons will be shared with you by
email aer compleng the online sign up for the designated program area you wish to support.
2900 Millwood Avenue, Columbia, South Carolina 29205 | 803-256-7394 |
Look, the virgin shall conceive and
bear a son, and they shall name him
Emmanuel,which means,
God is with us.