MV88plus -- MV88+ Video Kit
General Description
The Shure MV88+ is a professional quality condenser microphone that plugs directly into a mobile device using a
Lightning or USB-C connector. Two microphone capsules in a Mid-Side configuration provide an adjustable
stereo image, suitable for capturing a variety of sources, including music and speech. The Shure MOTIV app al
lows you to customize your sound with digital signal processing (DSP), preset mode selection, gain adjustment,
compression, and stereo width control.
Mid-Side Stereo
Supports the classic mid-side stereo recording technique. Uses coincident cardioid and bidirectional capsules to
adjust the stereo width while providing excellent mono capability.
Plug-and-Play Operation
Compatible with iOS, Android, PC and Mac devices.
Note: See https://xwww.shure.com/MOTIVcompatibility (https://www.shure.com/MOTIVcompatibility) for informa
tion on recommended Android devices.
Compact and Durable
Lightweight, all-metal construction and small enough to carry anywhere. Like all Shure products, ensures reliability
in the field.
Flexible Recording Control with the Shure MOTIV App
The Shure MOTIV recording app controls microphone settings, such as gain, stereo width, and preset modes, and
includes the following features:
Landscape or portrait record options
Basic audio editing
Markers for keeping track of audio
Dark theme for low-light recording situations
Support for all MOTIV microphones
Five band equalizer
Live streaming capability
Dropbox™, AirPlay and Bluetooth support
Factory and custom user presets
Multiple bit depth and sample rate options
® ®
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Quick Setup
Mounting the Microphone
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Note: Use the knob on the back of the phone clamp to keep the cable in place and out of the way of the camera.
Recording Audio with the Shure MOTIV app.
Use the MOTIV app to change microphone settings and to record and edit your audio.
1. Adjust your microphone settings.
Select a preset mode that matches your recording situation. Set mic gain and stereo width to optimize audio
recordings. See "Aiming the Microphone" for mic placement information and "The Shure MOTIV App" for infor
mation on adjusting compression, equalization, and more.
2. Set your device to Airplane Mode and Do Not Disturb.
This allows you to record with no audio interruptions from phone calls or app notifications.
3. Test your settings.
Make a test recording. Listen to playback and adjust your settings as needed. Once you start recording, only
mic gain can be adjusted.
4. Press the red Record button to begin recording.
The microphone retains settings from the last time you used the Shure MOTIV app.
The MV88+ Microphone
The MV88+ features two capsules: one capsule has a cardioid pattern and picks up sound directly in front of the
microphone. The other is bidirectional and captures sound from the left and right sides.
Microphone Cartridge
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Microphone Orientation
Rotate the microphone barrel in the mic clip to ensure that your stereo recordings are accurate. Point the front of
the microphone toward the sound source. For landscape (horizontal) recording, position the L and R indicators to
the right and left. For portrait (vertical) recording, simply rotate the microphone barrel in the mic clip.
Note: The app has a Left-RightChannelSwap to flip the audio channels.
MV88+ Outputs
3.5mm monitor output for connecting to headphones and earphones
Send audio to your recording device using the micro-B USB port
MV88+ LEDs
iOS Android/Mac/PC
Green: Mic active, audio flowing Green: Power is on
Amber: Error
Flash Amber: Firmware is updating
Red: Microphone is muted
Flash Red: Audio is clipping
Aiming the Microphone
The following suggestions are for typical use cases. Keep in mind that there are many effective ways to record a
source. Experiment to find what works best for you. The MV88+ fits into a standard A25D mic clip. So, you can
place it anywhere that you can put a mic stand.
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Tip: For correct stereo orientation, ensure that the Shure name is clearly visible on the top of the microphone. If
the name is not visible, adjust the microphone accordingly.
Audio Recording
Position your recording device so you can monitor the recording. Aim the front of the microphone toward the
source, with left and right sides of the microphone barrel facing the appropriate directions.
Landscape (Horizontal)
Aim the front of the microphone toward the source. Ensure that the left and right sides of the microphone barrel
are facing the appropriate sides.
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Audio Interview (Tabletop)
Attach the mic clip directly onto the Manfrotto mic stand. Select the MONOBIDIRECTIONAL polar pattern in the
Shure MOTIV app. Point one side of the microphone barrel toward the subject and the other toward the interview
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Video Interview
To record audio from on-camera audio only, select the CARDIOID polar pattern and point the microphone to
ward your subject.
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To capture the voices of both the on-camera subject and the off-camera interviewer, select the MONO 
BIDIRECTIONAL polar pattern in the app. Position the microphone with the left and right sides facing each per
Handheld Recording
The legs collapse to create a portable hand-held stand.
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The Shure MOTIV App
Use the Shure MOTIV app to change microphone settings and to record, edit, and share audio. The device stores
the most recently used settings for quick setup each time you record.
Tip: Turn on Airplane Mode and Do Not Disturb to prevent interruptions to the recording caused by phone calls,
text messages, or alerts.
Mic Setup
Tap MicSetup on the navigation bar to access microphone controls
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Lock Mode Toggle between Locked and Unlocked settings to prevent accidental changes to settings when
handling your device during recording. When mic settings are Locked, the setting screen is grayed out.
Mic/Record Status When the app is recording, a red dot flashes next to the name of the connected micro
phone. The icons display the effects are in use.
Input Meter Displays the strength of the input signal and whether that signal is mono or stereo. The loudest
peaks should reach within the target range (indicated by the shaded region between -12 and 0 dB).
Microphone Gain/Monitor Mix Button Adjust the mic gain slider to set the volume of the sound source. Tap
the button to access monitor mix settings. See "Monitor Mix Blend" on monitor adjustment.
Preset Modes Set stereo width, equalization, and compression for specific applications. See "Preset Modes"
for more information.
Polar Pattern Selection Swipe to choose your pick-up pattern. Use the handles to adjust the width of the
stereo image.
Tip: Consider the location of the microphone and the size of the sound source when adjusting the width. For ex
ample, a large orchestra or ensemble recording benefits from a wide stereo image, which increases separation be
tween instruments. Speech benefits from a narrow width, which improves clarity and rejects ambient (room)
Stereo Width Handles Use the dots to quickly set stereo width.
Advanced Features Fine tune your audio recording with limiter and compressor controls, high pass filter, left-
right swap, and equalization settings.
Navigation Bar Tap to access MicSetup, Record, and MyRecordings screens.
Preset Modes
Five selectable modes optimize settings for gain, stereo width, equalization, and compression. Set the microphone
level and try the modes to find which sounds best. Preset modes can affect the strength of the input signal, so ad
just the microphone level as needed after changing presets.
Mode Application Characteristics
speech Narrow stereo width to reject background noise, equalization that empha
sizes clarity and fullness, and gentle compression.
solo or group vocal
Medium stereo width with subtle equalization to add richness and clarity
for a natural sound.
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Mode Application Characteristics
any An unprocessed signal (no equalization or compression settings used).
Adds flexibility when processing the audio after recording.
acoustic instruments
and quiet music
Medium stereo width with transparent compression to smooth out volume
spikes and bring out quiet passages. The equalizer setting emphasizes
detail and an overall natural sound.
live performance and
louder sources
Wide stereo to increase separation between sources. Equalization further
improves definition by reducing frequencies that can make the instrumen
tation sound crowded.
Polar Pattern Selection (Stereo and Mono Settings)
The following demonstrates microphone capsule pick-up patterns. When operating in a mono mode, stereo width
is not adjustable.
Stereo Front = On
Sides = On
Mono Cardioid Front = On
Sides = Off
Mono Bidirectional Front = Off
Sides = On
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Raw Mid-Side Front = On
Sides = On
See "Raw Mid-Side Output" for
more information.
Raw Mid-Side Output
For increased post-processing flexibility, use the RawMid-Side setting. This records signal a 2-channel signal with
a stereo image that can be adjusted even after the tracks have been recorded:
Left: Cardioid (front)
Right: Bidirectional (sides)
Use the RawMid-Side setting with audio recording applications that have a mid-side stereo matrix decoder. Or use
the manual decoding instructions to adjust the stereo image of the recorded tracks.
Manual Decoding and Stereo Width Adjustment
If your digital audio workstation software (DAW) has no midside decoder, use these steps to adjust and manipu
late the stereo image:
1. Extract the left and right audio signals from the 2-channel RawMid-Side file as individual mono tracks.
2. Create 3 blank audio tracks:
First track Use the audio signal (front/cardioid) from the left channel only as a mono
track, panned to the center.
Second track Use the audio signal (side/bidirectional) from the right channel only as a
mono track, panned all the way to the left.
Third track Copy the side/bidirectional signal from the second track. Pan this track all
the way to the right and reverse the phase.
3. Group the right and left side tracks, and set the volume at the same level for simultaneous adjustment. Increas
ing the volume of the grouped tracks increases the stereo width, while decreasing their volume narrows the
Advanced tip: Using compression with a fast attack setting on the grouped tracks keeps transients (the first part
of a sound, such as when a drum stick strikes a cymbal) toward the center of the stereo image and allows them to
expand within the stereo field as the sound decays.
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Manual Decoding of Raw Mid-Side Audio
Monitor Mix Blend
Tap the MonitorMix button to view monitoring controls.
Use the monitor mix slider to determine how much of each input you hear. For best results, start monitoring at the
midpoint and adjust.
Move the slider towards the microphone icon (MIC) to hear more of the currently recorded audio.
Move the slider towards the device icon (PLAYBACK) to hear more of the previously recorded audio.
Left-Right Channel Swap
For stereo recordings, use Left-RightSwap to flip the left and right audio channels to match the stereo image to
the video. For example, when using video to record yourself.
Tip: Use the L and R indicators on the microphone barrel. This way you can set Left-RightSwap before you start
to record.
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Equalizer, Limiter, and Compressor
Fine tune your equalizer, limiter, and compressor settings. Change the preset modes to hear the DSP changes,
and adjust individual settings to dial in your sound.
Note: Equalization within presets will not be displayed. However, the EQ icon in the Mic Setup screen displays
user-selected equalization.
EQ persists between preset mode changes.
Choose no compression, or select light, medium, or heavy settings.
Selecting Low-Frequency Response
A threeposition switch on the back of the microphone lets you adjust the lowfrequency response. Use the lowfre
quency filter to reduce wind noise, room noise, or proximity effect.
Flat response. Provides the most natural sound in most applications.
Low frequency cutoff. Provides a 6 dBperoctave cutoff at 75 Hz. Helps eliminate floor rumble and lowfrequen
cy room noise from heating and air conditioning systems. This setting may also be used to compensate for proxim
ity effect or to reduce low frequencies that make an instrument sound dull or muddy.
Low frequency rolloff. Provides a 6 dBperoctave rolloff filter at 150 Hz. Use this to compensate for proximity ef
fect or to reduce low frequencies that could make an instrument sound dull or muddy.
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Demo Mode
Demo mode allows you to try out the functionality of all devices in the MOTIV series. Explore their features in the
Shure MOTIV app without a microphone plugged in.
Note: Settings in demo mode are for demonstration and are not saved within the app. Demo mode is only avail
able when there is no microphone plugged in to the device.
Tap Record on the navigation bar to access the record button and timeline.
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Record Settings
Connected Device Status
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Status displays the MOTIV device or whether audio is received from the builtin microphone. Red flashing dot indi
cates that recording is in progress.
Settings Status
Displays the icons for currently enabled advanced settings.
Microphone Gain
Adjust the volume of the sound source. Keep levels in the target range (indicated by the shaded region of the input
Timeline Display
Displays the waveform of the sound while recording.
Stereo Recording: A complete waveform is shown.
Mono Recording: Half of the waveform is shown.
Record Time Remaining
Bit Depth and Sample Rate
Use the dropdown menu to select your bit depth and sample rate. See "Bit Depth and Sample Rate" for more in
Track Information
Displays the name, file type, and size of the current recording.
Record Control Bar
The Marker button, a Record/Pause button, and the Done check mark button.
Note: The maximum file size for a recording is 2GB, approximately 2 hours of record time. This limitation maxi
mizes app performance. Continuous recording for more than 2 hours will generate a second file.
Bit Depth and Sample Rate
Find the Bit Depth and Sample Rate settings in the drop-down menu on the right side of the record window. Select
a lower sample rate when it is useful to have a smaller file, for example, when recording speech or a podcast for
download. Select a higher sample rate for music and dynamic recordings.
If no alternate is selected, MOTIV will record audio at 24/48 kHz. However, the following bit depths and sample
rates are supported.
Bit Depth Sampling Rate
24 48 kHz
24 44.1 kHz
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Bit Depth Sampling Rate
16 48 kHz
16 44.1 kHz
Recording Tips
Turn On Airplane Mode and Do Not Disturb
When you plug a MOTIV device into your iOS device, a warning message prompts you to enable Airplane Mode
and Do Not Disturb mode. It's important to do this to avoid recording interference from phone calls, messages, and
various notifications. Tap X to dismiss this warning message.
Note: Leave Airplane Mode off to add geolocation information to your audio file.
Use Lock Mode to Lock In Your Sound
When you've tested your audio and have found the levels that you like, turn on Lock mode to prevent accidental
adjustment, and ensure that your audio quality remains consistent.
Record in Mono
Record in mono to increase your available record time or when recording a single source, like vocals, that would
benefit from less ambient noise. Select the MonoCardioid or MonoBidirectional polar pattern and audio from all
capsules are summed to a single channel. The input meter will indicate mono recording by displaying the top half
of the waveform. MOTIV supports third-party microphones with mono recording.
Record in Stereo
Rotate the MV88+ barrel in the mic clip to accommodate portrait or landscape recording. L and R are labeled to
show stereo orientation of the microphone. The stereo image is accurate if the Shure logo is facing upward.
Use the Dark Theme
Select the Dark appearance option to change the app from light gray to dark gray. The darker display is ideal for
discreet recording in low-light situations.
You can access the Dark setting by going to Menu > Settings > Appearance > Dark .
Capture the Complete Performance
To ensure that you capture the entire sound source, start your recording before the performance starts and edit the
recording later to trim any silence.
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Note: If your microphone accidentally becomes disconnected during recording, MOTIV will automatically stop the
recording. The save file dialog will appear, prompting you to name and save your audio.
Monitor your Recordings
To make sure that your recordings sound great, plug headphones directly into the headphone output on your
MOTIV device.
Keep Screen Awake During Recording
Select the Keep Awake While Recording option so you can continuously monitor gain levels during longer record
ing sessions without the screen going dark.
You can access the Keep Screen Awake option by going to Menu > Settings >
KeepScreenAwakeDuringRecording .
Note: Disabling sleep mode will affect battery time while recording.
Keep equipment connected during updates
Keep the MV88+ connected to your mobile device when updating DSP to ensure that there are no update issues.
Using MV88+ with your Mac and PC
MOTIV microphones do not require special drivers and are compatible with most Mac or PCs. The MV88+ settings
(except for mic gain) cannot be adjusted via computer, however, the microphone does retain its last settings as
configured by the MOTIV app.
Note: USB-A cable is not included.
My Recordings
Tap MyRecordings on the navigation bar to play and edit your recorded tracks.
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My Recordings Playlist
Track List
Displays your list of recorded tracks.
Select Button
Use the Select button to choose one or multiple recordings to convert, share, or delete.
Audio Player Bar
Tap the Edit icon to access the Editor. Play and pause recordings. Tap the three dots to access renaming, sharing,
audio conversion or delete options.
Converting Multiple Files
Shure MOTIV allows you to convert, share, or delete multiple files at a time. Only WAV files can be converted.
1. Tap Select in the top-right corner of My Recordings.
2. Select all the files that you want to convert. A blue check mark will appear next to selected files.
3. Tap SaveAs to display conversion options. Converting the files adds the new files to the My Recordings list.
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Double-tap the track name in the audio player to access the Playback window.
Track Information
Information of the currently playing track is displayed, including title, file format, bit depth, sample rate, and
whether the track is in stereo and mono.
Track Artwork
Keep the MOTIV artwork. Or customize your artwork with images from the photos in your device. See "Customize
Track Artwork".
Recording History
Displays the time and date that the track was recorded and the microphone that was used.
Playback Timeline
See where you are in the track as it progresses. The time elapsed and time remaining are displayed below the
Playback Controls
Edit, Rewind, Play/Pause, Fast-Forward, and Loop your track.
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Editing Your Audio
Tap Edit to access editing controls for each track.
The MOTIV Editor allows you to polish your recordings before sharing them with friends or online.
There are two edit mode options:
SplitMode allows you to split a long audio file into one or more separate tracks. This is useful when you've
recorded a long performance and want to be able to listen to different sections individually.
TrimMode lets you trim the start and end of your recorded track.
Navigating The Timeline
There are three ways to move around the timeline.
Double tap the timeline to bring playhead to current view.
Use the markers to move the playhead to a specific point.
Tap and drag the red playhead bar to a new point in the timeline.
Press Play to begin playback from that selected point.
Pinch two fingers together to zoom out. Pinch apart to zoom in.
Use Landscape mode in the Editor to view more of the waveform.
Creating A Loop
Create a loop to isolate and repeat a selection of audio.
Select the Loop button to select the entire track. The waveform in the highlighted blue area will be looped.
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Select and drag the markers on the timeline to adjust your loop.
Press Play to hear the loop and adjust until you find the best sound.
Markers are audio bookmarks that allow you to return to specific points in your recording. They do not affect play
back start and stop points but are useful for reference. When used in Split mode, the marker placement deter
mines the split point for the file. Markers are identified by hour, minute, second, and millisecond (00:00:00:00),
however they cannot be placed closer than two seconds apart from one another.
Markers in Record Mode
Adding a marker: Tap the Marker button to insert a marker at the playhead location.
Markers in Edit Mode
The marker list opens with Start and End markers for your audio track.
Playback from a specific point: Tap any marker to begin playback from that marker point.
Adding a marker: Press the plus sign to insert a marker at the playhead location.
Moving a marker: Press and drag an existing marker to a new location on the timeline.
Using the marker list: Tap the marker in the list to move the playhead to that location.
Renaming markers: Press and hold the marker label in the list.
Deleting markers: Swipe left on the marker in the list to reveal the delete option.
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Timeline Display
See your entire timeline. Zoom in for precise editing.
Trim / Split Select
Select your edit mode.
Marker List
All recordings begin with Start and End markers. See "Markers" for more information.
Add Markers
Click to add a marker at the playhead position.
Editing in Trim Mode
Trim mode is used to trim the extra space from the Start and End of your audio track.
1. Go to MyRecordings to select the audio file that you would like to edit.
2. Select the Edit icon to open the Editor.
3. The blue lines represent the Start and End points of your track. Select and drag the blue line to adjust Start and
End times.
4. Select Loop to have the loop play in a circle and allow you to hear your track before committing to edits.
Tip: To undo the last action on your iOS device, just shake the device. You will receive a pop-up asking you to Un
do the last action or Cancel.
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Editing in Split Mode
Timeline Display
See your entire timeline. Zoom in for precise editing.
Trim / Split Select
Select your edit mode.
Playback Controls
Loop, Rewind, Play/Pause, or AddBookmarks to your track.
Marker List Item
Displays name and position in hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.
Use Split Mode when you have a long audio file that you'd like to divide into smaller audio files. Create new edited
files while keeping your original file intact.
1. Go to MyRecordings to select the audio file that you would like to edit.
2. Select the Edit icon to open the Editor.
3. Place a marker at the point where you want to split the audio.
4. Select Split.
5. Keep the original file format or select a new one.
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6. MOTIV uses the file name but adds numbers to the names of your new, separated tracks. In Split mode, when
you divide a track in half, My Recordings now displays three tracks. The original track remains intact and the
first and second tracks that were created with the Split edit.
Note: Double tap on the timeline to zoom in to a location. The closest possible zoom length is two seconds. After
you reach the closest zoom, the double-tap will zoom out.
Sharing MOTIV Recordings
Save to Camera Roll
Convert your audio into a video file that can be easily shared to social media from your iOS device Camera Roll.
1. In My Recordings, select the file you want to convert.
2. Select the Share button.
3. Select SavetoCameraRoll.
4. The conversion will happen automatically. Large files will take longer to convert.
Note: The first time you save to Camera Roll you will be asked to grant permission for file sharing between
apps. If you accidentally dismiss permissions, you can always change access in the iOS device settings. Grant
ing permission creates a MOTIV folder inside the Camera Roll.
5. When the conversion process is complete, you will receive a notification letting you know that the save to Cam
era Roll was successful and your track is available for sharing.
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Customize Track Artwork
You have the option to add an image to your recording.
1. In the My Recordings tab, select the file that needs artwork.
2. Tap the three dots next to the file name.
3. Select AddArtwork to view available image files.
4. Select a photo. If you decide to change the artwork, repeat the process and select another image.
Save to Dropbox
Save your MOTIV files to Dropbox to store backup copies, free up space on your iOS device, or share to social
1. Open the MOTIV app and go to My Recordings.
2. Tap the Select button to choose one or multiple files.
3. Select share and choose Dropbox.
Note: You may need to grant access between MOTIV and Dropbox. Selecting "Allow" creates a MOTIV folder
inside Dropbox and links the apps.
4. When the file successfully uploads, the file saved notification appears.
Note: Large files may take longer to upload.
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Now that your file is uploaded to Dropbox, you can store backup copies of your recordings or share them on social
AirDrop with MOTIV
MOTIV supports the ability to AirDrop WAV files to selected contacts.
1. Open the MOTIV app and go to My Recordings.
2. Tap the Select button to choose one or multiple files.
3. Select Share and then More to see your AirDrop contacts.
Save to iTunes
Use iTunes to easily transfer audio files between your desktop computer and iOS device.
1. Connect your iOS device to a computer and open iTunes.
Note: The most current version of iTunes is recommended.
2. Select your device icon and then select "Apps" from the settings column.
3. Select MOTIV from the file sharing section at the bottom of the screen. You might need to scroll all the way to
the bottom using the far right scroll bar. This will display your MOTIV documents.
4. Highlight the recordings you'd like to save and choose the "Save to" button.
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Note: Large files may take longer to upload.
Now that your files are downloaded to your computer you can add them to the iTunes library or import them into
any audio editing program.
Note: Use the add file button to upload audio from your computer to the MOTIV app.
Issue Solution
Microphone is plugged in,
but the volume meter does
not register a signal.
Edit the privacy setting for your recording device under SETTINGS > PRIVACY
> MICROPHONE to give the app permission to use the microphone.
Microphone is plugged in,
but not detected.
Unplug and reconnect the cable connectors so that the app recognizes the mi
crophone. You'll know that the connection is secure when you see the micro
phone name visible in the status bar.
You hear no audio despite
LEDs and the volume meter
responding as if audio is
Check the MonitorMix blend to ensure that audio is passing and you can moni
tor playback. Move the MonitorMix slider to the center to hear audio that is be
ing currently recorded and previously recorded audio.
Audio sounds bad or dis
To ensure that you are receiving audio from the attached microphone and not a
builtin microphone; unplug and reconnect the mic. You'll know that the connec
tion is secure when you see the microphone name visible in the status bar.
Audio is distorted Use the audio meter to ensure that volume peaks are within the target range
(the gray area). If the level reaches the red peak indicator of the input meter,
turn the gain down.
Left/right stereo channels
do not match video
Depending on the orientation of the recording device, it may be necessary to en
gage the Left-Right swap in MOTIV settings. If the audio has already been
recorded, you can switch the left and right channels in most audio editing soft
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Note: It may be useful to reset the app to restore functionality. Perform a hard reset by unplugging and re-plugging
the microphone.
Firmware is embedded software in each component that controls functionality. Periodically, new versions of
firmware are developed to incorporate additional features and enhancements. To take advantage of design im
provements, download new versions of the firmware when prompted.
Tip: For best results, before updating the DSP, make sure that the microphone is connected to the mobile device,
and that the device battery is fully charged. Do not disconnect until the update is complete.
System Requirements
System Requirements and Compatibility: iOS
iOS: iOS 11.3 and higher
iPhone: iPhone 6 and higher
iPod Touch: 5th gen
System Requirements and Compatibility: Android
Will work with any Android device that has:
Android Marshmallow 6.0 and higher
USB Host Power Requirement of ≥100 mA
USB Audio Class 1.1 support
Android is a trademark of Google Inc.
MFi Certified
DSP Modes (Presets)
Transducer Type
Cardioid (10 mm)/Bidirectional Condenser Cartridge (10 mm)
Polar Pattern
Adjustable Width Stereo/Mono Bidirectional/Mono Cardioid/Mid-Side
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Stereo Principle
Frequency Response
20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
Adjustable Gain Range
0 to +36 dB
-37 dBFS/Pa at 1 kHz
Maximum SPL
120 dB SPL
Power Requirements
Powered through USB or Lightning connector
All metal construction
Net Weight
Without Windscreen 79.0 g (2.78oz.)
With Windscreen 81.5 g (2.87oz.)
Without Windscreen 27 x 27 x 77 mm H x W x D
With Windscreen 44 x 44 x 93 mm H x W x D
1 Pa=94 dB SPL
At Minimum Gain, Flat Mode
[1] [2]
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Bit Depth Sampling Rate
24 48 kHz
24 44.1 kHz
16 48 kHz
16 44.1 kHz
Frequency Response
Furnished Accessories
MV88 Foam Windscreen AMV88-WS
MV88 Carrying Case AMV88-CC
1 15 inch USB-C cable AMV-USBC15
1 15 inch Lightning cable AMV-LTG15
Manfrotto Table Top Tripod ManfrottoTabletop
Mobile Device Threaded Clamp DeviceClamp
MV88 Plus Mic Clip with Camera Shoe MV88PlusMicClip
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Optional Accessories
Rycote Windjammer for MV88 AMV88-FUR
Information to the user
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part
15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harm
ful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Industry Canada ICES-003 Compliance Label: CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B)
Note: Testing is based on the use of supplied and recommended cable types. The use of other than shielded
(screened) cable types may degrade EMC performance.
This product meets the Essential Requirements of all relevant European directives and is eligible for CE marking.
The CE Declaration of Conformity can be obtained from: www.shure.com/europe/compliance
Authorized European representative:
Shure Europe GmbH
Headquarters Europe, Middle East & Africa
Department: EMEA Approval
Jakob-Dieffenbacher-Str. 12
75031 Eppingen, Germany
Phone: +49-7262-92 49 0
Fax: +49-7262-92 49 11 4
Shure Incorporated
Made for iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone SE, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6s,
iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPad Pro (10.5inch), iPad Pro (12.9inch) 2nd genera
tion, iPad Pro (12.9-inch) 1st generation, iPad Pro (9.7-inch), iPad mini 4, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 2, iPad Air 2, iPad
Air, iPad (6th generation), iPad (5th generation), iPad (4th generation), iPod touch.
iPad, iPhone, iPod, and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc.,registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPad
Air, iPad mini, and Lightning are trademarks of Apple Inc. The trademark “iPhone” is used in Japan with a license
from Aiphone K.K.
Dropbox and the Dropbox logo are trademarks of Dropbox, Inc.
Shure MOTIV is not affiliated with or otherwise sponsored by Dropbox, Inc.
PIXI and Manfrotto are registered trademarks of Vitec Imaging Solutions. Mini tripod maximum weight: 1Kg/2.2
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