Having Your Cake and Eating It: An Analysis of Concession-Abuse-as-a-Service
Zhibo Sun
, Adam Oest
, Penghui Zhang
, Carlos Rubio-Medrano
Tiffany Bao
, Ruoyu Wang
, Ziming Zhao
, Yan Shoshitaishvili
, Adam Doupé
, Gail-Joon Ahn
Arizona State University,
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi
Rochester Institute of Technology,
Samsung Research
{zhibo.sun, aoest, penghui.zhang, tbao, fishw, yans, doupe, gahn}@asu.edu
Concession Abuse as a Service (CAaaS) is a growing scam
service in underground forums that defrauds online retailers
through the systematic abuse of their return policies (via social
engineering) and the exploitation of loopholes in company
protocols. Timely detection of such scams is difficult as they
are fueled by an extensive suite of criminal services, such
as credential theft, document forgery, and fake shipments.
Ultimately, the scam enables malicious actors to steal arbitrary
goods from merchants with minimal investment.
In this paper, we perform in-depth manual and automated
analysis of public and private messages from four large
underground forums to identify the malicious actors involved
in CAaaS, carefully study the operation of the scam, and
define attributes to fingerprint the scam and inform mitigation
strategies. Additionally, we surveyed users to evaluate their
attitudes toward these mitigations and understand the factors
that merchants should consider before implementing these
strategies. We find that the scam is easy to scale—and can
bypass traditional anti-fraud efforts—and thus poses a notable
threat to online retailers.
1 Introduction
In concession abuse attacks, scammers leverage social
engineering techniques to exploit the return policies of
targeted merchants and obtain a concession (in the form
of a refund or a replacement item) without returning any
originally purchased products. Recent news of Amazon being
scammed out of
300,000 and $1.2M in 2017 and 2019 in
two targeted concession abuse attacks reveals the tremendous
(and growing) damage that such attacks can cause [
These attacks become particularly heinous when scammers
obtain such refunds using stolen accounts that belong to
legitimate customers. Once successful, scammers monetize
the refunds (often gift cards or replacement goods from
the retailer) through services in the underground economy.
Because offering concessions to appease distressed customers
is a crucial business practice for retailers, these scams place
companies in the difficult position of choosing between scam
mitigation and the happiness of legitimate customers.
A perception by vendors who fall victim to concession
abuse may be that these attacks are isolated incidents and
can thus be resolved in an ad-hoc fashion. However, through
a comprehensive analysis of underground forums and a
concession abuse provider, we find that such attacks operate
at scale, target merchants across multiple industry sectors,
involve complex coordination between different underground
actors, and overcome current industry best practices and
mitigations to reliably yield success for the criminals.
In this paper, we show that concession abuse is, in fact,
a prevalent criminal business service to which even unso-
phisticated cybercriminals can subscribe and subsequently
profit with minimal investment. We refer to this ecosystem as
Concession Abuse as a Service (CAaaS). The unsophisticated
customers of CAaaS (scam initiators) request that attackers
(service providers) engage with a targeted merchant to execute
the scam. The scam initiator’s ultimate goal is to obtain money
from a purchased order via a concession from the merchant
after paying a nominal commission to the service provider.
Despite its surface simplicity, CAaaS is a sophisticated
online criminal industry that coordinates a diverse range of
parties to facilitate key stages of the scam. An end-to-end
supply chain of illicit services underpins CAaaS and provides
components such as stolen account credentials [
], forged
documents [
], and reshipping services [
]. Given the fact
that existing mitigation approaches cannot effectively protect
merchants from CAaaS [
], and the wide range of threat
actors that the scam entails, the research community must seek
systematic and proactive mitigations to stop concession abuse
across the entire ecosystem. To propose such mitigations, we
first carefully study CAaaS to understand the economics and
implementation of the attacks, and then conduct a survey as
a preliminary evaluation of the proposed mitigations.
To this end, we performed an in-depth analysis of criminal
communications on four popular underground forums, where
we discovered 2,251 service providers of CAaaS scams
who, collectively, target 264 merchants. Both scammers and
targeted merchants are distributed globally, and we found
that CAaaS has not only remained active but is becoming
more prevalent in recent years, despite the evolution of retailer
return policies to prevent fraud. We identified underground
communities in which users discuss scam questions, share
their success and failure experiences, and even post tutorials
for beginners. We found that these resources help train
ill-intentioned users to become CAaaS service providers
within months. Additionally, we joined a private discussion
group run by a service provider and found the provider helped
refund at least $81,159.27 over three months.
Prior work has examined social engineering skills [
and their applicability to traditional web-based phishing
attacks, as well as persuasion techniques that manipulate
people into performing actions or divulging confidential
information [
] and the phenomenon of criminal
reshipping services [
]. General exploitation of merchants’
return policies was studied in an offline context [
], and
CAaaS combines and enhances these areas of cybercrime to
target a unique part of the attack surface against retailers.
By performing the first such study of CAaaS, we help
identify ways to disrupt the economics of the scam and
empower vulnerable retailers to implement proactive defenses.
Our contributions are thus as follows:
We present the first study of the operations of an emerging
threat, Concession Abuse as a Service, by examining the
wide range of actors and supporting services involved in
the scam and its economics.
We characterize techniques that allow CAaaS to effectively
defraud merchants, as well as failure cases and limitations
of such techniques.
We identify attributes to fingerprint CAaaS, propose mit-
igation approaches usable by merchants, and evaluate these
approaches through merchant interviews and a user survey.
2 Overview
Concession abuse is a type of cybercrime that typically
targets online merchant services.
In such scams, a malicious
customer seeks to receive a concession—a free replacement or
a refund—from a targeted merchant by socially engineering
the Customer Service Representative (CSR) and exploiting
the return process. If the scam succeeds, the criminal will get a
free replacement or a refund, either of which can be monetized
through additional intermediaries (see Section 3.4).
Concession abuse has evolved from ad-hoc scams into a
service that has grown both in its complexity and effectiveness.
In this transition, each scammer’s role has expanded amid an
environment in which attacks can occur on a large scale, and
where individual cybercriminals can quickly gain expertise
in their specific roles. Consequently, the barrier to entry has
Although traditional concession abuse can also target brick-and-mortar
merchants, in this paper we focus solely on merchants with an online presence,
as offline attacks do not have the same scaling potential and are addressable
through physical security approaches [19].
been greatly lowered such that even unskilled criminals can
leverage and profit from concession abuse.
In this paper, we study the ecosystem of concession abuse as
a service (CAaaS). In particular, we investigate the following
research questions:
How does concession abuse work as a service (Section 3)?
What are the characteristics of CAaaS, and on what scale
does it operate (Section 4)?
What do criminals do to execute concession abuse
successfully, and when do certain scams fail (Section 5)?
How can merchants prevent concession abuse from
succeeding at scale (Section 6)?
Analysis Approach.
We used a qualitative approach for
Question 1, a quantitative approach for Question 2, and hybrid
approaches for Questions 3 and 4. For clarity, we describe
each approach in its respective section.
Data Sources
We base our analysis of CAaaS on four
distinct data sources discussed throughout the remainder
of this paper: threads and posts from underground forums,
messages in private criminal groups, interviews with two large
(undisclosed) US-based merchants, and a user survey about
possible mitigation strategies.
We sought to identify underground forums with a significant
focus on topics related to retail scams (the presence of which
might imply the respective community’s interest in concession
abuse). We started with a large forum that had recently suffered
a database breach: Nulled.io [
]. Using this database, we could
analyze public threads and private messages. We then crawled
all the URLs therein to compile a list of candidate forum URLs.
We manually analyzed each publicly accessible forum on
this list, and for each that was still online and had at least
100 threads in scam-related sections, we (1) exhaustively
crawled its public content and (2) recursively applied the
same process to discover other candidate forum URLs. We
ultimately identified and crawled four forums suitable for our
analysis: Nulled.io (NULLED), SocialEngineered.net (SENet),
Sinister.ly (SIN), and MPGH.net (MPGH). We summarize
the relative popularity of these forums, at the time of our data
collection in early 2019, in Table 1.
Given the fact that commoditized criminal services cater
to less sophisticated criminals [
], we believe that our choice
of clearnet forums was appropriate for the analysis of CAaaS.
We proactively addressed ethical concerns by
working closely with our Institutional Review Board (IRB)
to obtain their approval and to develop an accepted ethical
protocol for this study. First, we do not attempt to identify users
from the collected datasets and use anonymous expressions
to represent corresponding sensitive information in this paper.
Since our purpose is to analyze CAaaS, we do not focus on
particular users in the underground forums.
Second, using leaked or crawling publicly available datasets
is an acceptable practice in the study of the underground
ecosystem [
]. Since purchasing services from
underground forums to collect data with limited affecting other
Table 1: Popularity statistics for the forums we analyzed.
Forum # Threads # Posts # Users Data Covered
NULLED 121,486 3,495,593 599,085 Jan 2015 May 2016
MPGH 325,626 3,614,061 323,772 Dec 2005 Feb 2019
SENet 55,560 468,659 15,433 May 2011 Feb 2019
SIN 56,352 499,257 14,583 Aug 2008 Dec 2018
Figure 1: The steps and actors in CAaaS.
users is also acceptable in the research community [
we pay for upgrading our accounts to access VIP sections of
forums to collect more data.
3 Anatomy of Concession Abuse as a Service
To understand the steps and actors involved in Concession
Abuse as a Service, we first conduct a manual qualitative study
on the crawled forum threads, artifacts (e.g., attachments and
tutorials), and private messages. Due to the high number of
forum threads, we randomly selected 4,000 threads (1,000
from each forum) for our analysis. We exhaustively reviewed
all of other types of data. We then synthesized our findings
to gain a thorough understanding of CAaaS.
3.1 Scam Actors
At a high level, CAaaS involves two parties: the Scam Initiator
and the Service Provider. A scam initiator is the customer of
CAaaS who wants to receive a free concession, and a service
provider is a scammer who sells concession abuse as a service.
In addition to scam initiators and service providers, other
criminal agents play various supporting roles to improve the
scam’s chances of success and to hide the scammers’ identities.
We divide the process of CAaaS into three steps: preparation,
execution, and monetization, as shown in Figure 1.
In the following sub-sections, we describe each step along
with the actors involved. To better illustrate the actors in CAaaS,
we also show a representative set of their discussions in Table 2.
3.2 Preparation
In the preparation step, a scam initiator and a service provider
make a deal for an order or a merchant. For a scamming order,
the scam initiator provides to the service provider a placed
order and the corresponding information.
To obtain sufficient information and scale up the CAaaS
business, a service provider may ask scan initiators to fill out
a service form, as addressed in their advertisements “submit
Table 2: Quotes from criminals involved in CAaaS.
I will be offering my refund service after learning
and having successful refunds of my own on many stores.
I will list stores that I am the most comfortable refunding ...
Scam Initiator
I need someone who can replace
items from cracked UK amazon accounts, need to be trusted...
Account Seller
I am selling an amazing Amazon account today, lots of past orders
and very easy to get refunds from. I will start the bid at 15$...
Service Agent
I’m selling everything you need to start cracking and everything
you need to make your own combos, I’m cracking for over
2 years now and i cracked many sites and made nice amount of
money, now I’m here selling everything you need for cracking ...
Service Agent
you will know me for my SE Guides and HQ Posts on this
forum well today I am offering middleman services via Paypal ...
Service Agent
I am also now offering general photoshop
work, (utility bill, bank statement, etc.) PM me for rates ...
Service Agent
Most boxing is $10 – $15, depending on weight and packaging
requested. Amazon boxing starts at $15 for under 5 lb, Amazon
boxing 5 lb 10 lb is $20. Want a box with a little weight? ->$12...
VCC Agents
I’m Selling VCCs for amazon These VCCs have at 2 bucks on it,
so they aregood for SEing 10 bucks for 1 VCC Add me on skype...
Service Agent
I am offering my email bombing service for
w/e you needs, i can offer 200 / 50cents I will only accept BTC...
Scam Initiator
Since my last deal feel through i am selling
the 4 xboxs i have at my reship. I believe they are all start wars.
LOCATED IN U.S.A. We reship
your packages to anywhere in the world! Prices start at $29.99
and up. Package receiver or sender must pay for shipping ...
Goods Reseller
I have an ebay account with 100% positive feedback. Looking
for someone to supply me with products that I can resell. I have
done this before with a few members here with great results ...
Gift Card
Looking to buy AGC, can pay via PP or BTC Looking for 70%.
the refund form if your order is already delivered. The form
includes detailed questions regarding the order, account,
and the expected outcome (e.g., refund or replacement). For
example, if a scam initiator places an order, they need to
provide the type of payment, preferably “the last 4 digits
of the card”, and clarify if they have “received or signed for
the delivery. For more information, we present a real-world
service form in Table 7 in Appendix A.
Scam initiators or service providers typically prefer not to
use their own accounts for better anonymity. Account Sellers
provide compromised accounts, and Hacking Service Agents
provide account attacking toolkits. Furthermore, Middleman
Service Agents moderate the process, keeping both parties
anonymous and avoiding scams in the service.
3.3 Execution
After the deal is made and the initial order is placed, service
providers contact the targeted merchant and attempt to deceive
the CSR into providing a concession. In the conversation
between the service provider and the CSR, there may be
conditions that prevent the concession abuse scam from suc-
ceeding. In these conditions, the service provider may leverage
the services provided by supporting agents. We list these
conditions with the associated supporting agents in categories
below, and we will elaborate on each category in Section 5.2.
Extra Proof.
The CSR may require extra proof for the
issued merchandise. A Forgery Service Agent helps by
providing forged proof such as edited photos.
Return Requirement.
The CSR may require the original
goods to be returned prior to issuing the concession. A
Boxing Service Agent helps to craft an otherwise empty
shipping box with the weight expected by the merchant.
In the case of high-value items, the box may instead be
filled with counterfeit goods.
Credit Card Requirement.
The CSR may issue a concession
before the original product returns yet to ask the service
providerfor a credit card number as collateralto ensure the
return. In such a case, a Virtual Credit Card (VCC) Agent
is able to furnish a valid credit card number that would be
accepted by the merchant with few dollars balance.
Accountholder Notifications.
After the concession is
processed, the CSR may send a notification to the
accountholder via e-mail or SMS. This increases the
risk of being detected if the service provider uses a com-
promised account. In an attempt to minimize suspicion,
an E-mail/SMS Bomb Service Agent will help flood the
accountholder’s e-mail or SMS inbox with messages to
drown out alert messages from the targeted merchant.
3.4 Monetization
Recall that a scam initiator chooses either refund or replace-
ment. However, the CSR may not provide what the scam
initiator wants, and thus the scam initiator must convert the
attack outcome to their actual needs. There are three possible
scenarios as follows:
Once a service provider succeeds, they will request a refund
via an e-gift card or a replacement sent to a specific address.
Replacement to Cash.
If the concession is a replacement
item, it may be shipped to a Reshipping Agent who
supplies a third-party address. It is worth pointing out
that scammers take advantage of both legal reshipping
companies and drops [
] as the reshipping agents. The
scam initiator can then resell the goods directly (e.g., by
advertising them in underground forums) or hire a Goods
Reseller with a trusted reputation in online marketplaces
(e.g., eBay). Once the goods are sold, the reshipping
agent will mail the goods to the buyer, who may be
unaware of their fraudulent origin.
By using reshipping agents and goods resellers, the scam
initiator is isolated from both the merchant and the buyer,
and can therefore remain safe from detection. Reshipping
agents are favored as they often offer free storage for
a generous period, which lowers costs for the initiator
because they do not need to pay for warehousing.
E-gift Card to Cash.
To quickly cash out an e-gift card, the
scam initiator can employ a Gift Card Exchanger to
exchange it for digital wallet balance or cryptocurrency
such as Bitcoin. However, this method generally carries
higher fees (e.g., 30%, see Table 2) due to added risk.
To avoid such fees, some initiators will instead use the
One legal reshipping company frequently discussed by scammers
(Reship.com) provides 60 days of free storage.
e-gift card to order an item and then resell it using the
aforementioned method.
CAaaS for Buying Discounted Goods.
Interestingly, we
observe that some service providers even behave as third-party
dealers of arbitrary goods. A scam initiator reaches out to the
service provider and pays them a heavily discounted price for a
specific product (chosen by the initiator). The service provider
then uses unrelated orders to obtain one or more refunds from
a target merchant that sells this product. Finally, the provider
uses the refund(s) to purchase the designated product for the
initiator. As a result, the scam initiator gets a product at a price
substantially below retail value, and the service provider gets
payment for the service.
4 Analysis of CAaaS Features and Scale
As an emerging threat, CAaaS has a number of unexplored
aspects, therefore we focus on the following questions:
1. Which merchants and goods do scammers target? 4.2)
2. How much do providers earn from the service? 4.3)
What is the geolocation of concession abuse scammers and
their targeted merchants? 4.4)
4. Does the scam operate at scale? 4.5)
How difficult is it for newcomers to learn this scam? (§ 4.6)
6. Is the financial loss significant? 4.7)
What is the overlap between the concession abuse
scammers and other types of scammers? 4.8)
4.1 Analysis Approach
To draw insights about large-scale activity in underground
forums that extend beyond the qualitative manual analysis
described in Section 3, we train a machine learning classifier
and apply it to the whole dataset. Our approach is composed
of three steps.
Step 1: Data Sampling.
We randomly sampled 4,000 threads
(1,000 in each forum) from the crawled forum data using
Stratified Random Sampling [
], and we manually labeled
each thread based on its content.
Step 2: Sampled Data Labeling.
We designed three separate
types of labels for answering the seven questions posed in
Section 4, and we synthesized the labels based on the empirical
analysis on the 4,000 samples.
CAaaS Topic.
We classified threads by four CAaaS topics:
Advertisement, Purchasing Request, Discussion and
Support, and CAaaS-unrelated. These labels help to
identify CAaaS-related posts and actors and will be used
to answer all the questions.
Scamming Experience.
For Question 5, we classified CAaaS-
related threads by scamming experience: Successful,
Failed, and Neutral experiences. These labels help to
identify the conditions and the time that a scam succeeds
or fails.
Forum Activity.
For Question 7, we classified underground
forum activities by Monetization, Hacking, Scam,
and Other, and we specified common scams by Email
Table 3: CAaaS topic statistics for the forums.
CAaaS Topic # Threads # Posts # Users
Advertisement 13,433 280,434 27,089
Purchase Req. 13,817 65,590 9,131
Discussion & Support 30,033 278,590 29,988
CAaaS-Unrelated 501,741 7,452,956 642,167
Figure 2: Top ten targeted merchants advertised by CAaaS
Compromise, Data Breach, Denial of Service, Phishing,
and Ransomware referred by common underground
forum structures and FBI Internet Fraud definition [11].
Step 3: Data Classification.
For each label type, we used the
labeled samples to train a well-performing machine learning
model and applied the model to the full dataset. We performed
three steps to process the raw data [39, 44]:
We first converted text to vectorized features with Term
Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency after the threads are
converted into tokens and stemmed with Natural Language
Toolkit [
]. Each thread is represented as a 108,741-dimension
vector. We then applied 5-fold cross-validation, training on
four folds and testing on one fold for five repeated times, and
synthesized and computed the F1 score for all three classifiers.
We evaluated six models: Support Vector Machine (SVM),
Naive Bayesian, Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors,
Multi-Layer Perceptron, and Random Forest. We chose SVM
ultimately as it outperformed other models, having F1 scores
of 0.88 for the CAaaS topic classifier and forum activity
classifier and 0.90 for the CAaaS experience classifier, which
are sufficient for cybercriminal ecosystem analysis, as defined
by Bhalerao et al. [4].
Table 3 shows CAaaS topic statistics for the forums. Note
that many users do not have any activity but reading after
joining forums, so they are not classified into any category.
4.2 Targeted Merchants and Goods
To understand what targeted merchants are advertised, we
used Standford NER [
] to tag “ORGANIZATION” tokens
in the results labeled CAaaS Advertisements, and then
manually reviewed all extracted organizations to remove
mistagged ones. By comparing the merchants identified via
such an approach with our manually extracted merchants from
200 randomly selected advertisements, the semi-automatic
merchant extraction approach can identify 97.8% of targeted
merchants. We identify 264 targeted merchants from all
advertisements using this semi-automatic approach.
To determine the most popular merchants, we count each
merchant’s number of times was mentioned in a provider’s
advertisement. The results show that 1,031 out of the 2,251
service providers explicitly advertise merchants. Figure 2
shows the ten most targeted merchants explicitly advertised
by the 1,031 service providers.
By manually analyzing 100 randomly selected providers
who never mention merchants, we found that: (1) such service
providers do not advertise targeted merchants but request to
be contacted privately for details (e.g., “if you are interested
pm me”), (2) they only mentioned the types of goods (e.g.,
“items can consist of electronics and jewelry”), and (3) they
put the prior positive experience from other members in their
advertisements and leave contact information.
Case Study.
We analyzed a service list from a well-known
scam service provider in the SENet forum as a case study. The
provider has been active since 2017 and holds a top 1% repu-
tation rating. The provider groups the targeted merchants into
eight categories and lists Amazon as one dedicated category
because of its popularity. For brevity, we show one category
of the services in Table 4, and the full service list in Table 14 in
Appendix D. Because there are 157 merchants in the original
list, we list five of the highest Limit merchants in each category.
As shown in Table 4, we notice that the payment method im-
pacts the service. Scam providers are more confident in work-
ing on high-value orders paid by PayPal than by credit or debit
cards because of the higher Limit, although refunding PayPal
orders takes a longer time. Buyer protections offered by third-
party payment processors may provide scammers additional
avenues for getting refunds. Also, according to one of the com-
panies we collaborated with, some merchants do not actively
engage in investigations or disputes from third parties, enabling
scam providers to bypass merchants when getting refunds.
Each provider’s service list reflects their experience in
scamming different merchants, so the Limit, Items, Region and
Average Time can vary between providers. For example, the
scam service provider of Table 14 can work on Walmart orders
with multiple goods and a $30,000 price limit, but another
scam service provider can only refund one item in an order
from Walmart with a $600 limit. Note that providers also offer
to scam merchants that are not in their service lists.
Targeted Goods.
From a service provider’s perspective, as
shown in Table 14, the provider cares more about the store,
payment methods, order value, region, and the number of items
than the goods themselves. From a scam initiator’s perspective,
they either want a refund for orders in compromised accounts
(in which case they cannot arbitrarily choose the good), or they
use their account and will accept any high-value good. There-
fore, scam initiators do not have particular targeted goods; in-
stead, they accept all kinds of goods, from high-value electron-
ics to clothes, food credits, or even baby products (e.g., “lots
Table 4: Partial concession abuse service list for a top service provider.
Store Category Payment Method Store Limit ($/e )
Pay Rate (%) Region Avg Time
Credit/Debit Card
Abercrombie & Fitch No Limit Multiple 25% World Wide 1 Day
Macys No Limit One 25% USA 1 Day
Hollister No Limit Multiple 25% World Wide 1 Day
Zappos incl Luxury 30,000 Multiple 25% USA 1 Day
Armani 3,000 Multiple 25% World Wide 10 Day
Stone Island No Limit Multiple 15 – 25% World Wide 2 – 3 Weeks
StockX No Limit One 15 – 25% World Wide 2 – 3 Weeks
YOOX No Limit Multiple 15 – 25% World Wide 2 – 3 Weeks
Dolce Gabbana No Limit Multiple 15 – 25% World Wide 2 – 3 Weeks
Mr Porter No Limit Multiple 15 – 25% World Wide 2 – 3 Weeks
Figure 3: Geographical distribution of concession abuse
scammers from the NULLED forum.
of free food (got a $150 store credit for Pizza Hut one time that
was amazing) and free diapers when my kids were babies.).
4.3 CAaaS Service Fee
By studying a randomly selected set of 100 service providers
from the four underground forums, we discover that service
providers will either charge a percentage of the order value
(i.e., the requested refund amount), or a minimum fee,
whichever is greater. For example, the provider referenced by
Table 4 will charge 15% to 25% or a $35 minimum. The fees
primarily depend on the merchant, order price, and original
payment method: “Clothing Store PayPal Claims: 25% under
5,000, 20% under $/
7,000, and 15% above $/
Additionally, there is no significant difference in the fee per-
centage and minimum fees between service providers in our
data. We conclude this by analyzing these randomly selected
providers while considering three factors: (1) their Reputation,
(2) the number of Likes, and (3) Post Time of first service adver-
tising. Reputation and Likes are peer-rated indicators as social
proof of a provider’s trustworthiness and contribution to the
underground forum, whereas the Post Time reveals the service
starting time. Our results shows that regardless of the rank
of providers’ Reputation, Likes, or Post Time, each provider’s
minimum and maximum rates are nearly 15% and 30%, respec-
tively. Also, their minimum fees vary between $30 and $50.
4.4 Geolocation of Scammers and Merchants
We extracted 15,450 IP addresses of members engaged in
CAaaS threads from the NULLED database. Then, we used
the IP2Location service [
], which is accurate at the country
level [35], to determine the country of CAaaS scammers.
At the time of the study, we identify 1,674 (10.8%) anony-
mous IP addresses (e.g., VPN services, open proxies, Tor exits,
hosting providers) by using the IP2Proxy database [
]. While
there may be additional unknown proxies not identified by
Figure 4: Trends in new scammer registrations and total forum
members, monthly from 2006 to 2018.
IP2Proxy, using IP2Proxy can provide insights into scammers’
geographical distribution by excluding popular and public
anonymous IP addresses.
As shown in Figure 3, the remaining IP addresses are glob-
ally distributed, and the US, UK, and Canada are the top coun-
tries, accounting for 43.3% of these addresses. Also, most ser-
vice providers (84.8%) are in Europe and North America, and
only 11.7% of providers hide their IP addresses in underground
forums using an anonymous IP address known to IP2Proxy.
Additionally, targeted merchants are distributed worldwide.
Table 14 shows the service provider targets, which include
merchants in Europe, Asia, and North America, such as
YOOX, Lenovo, and Microsoft. Also, scammers target large
merchants who have a presence in multiple countries, such
as Amazon. In Table 14, the provider explicitly demonstrates
his capability of scamming Amazon in seven countries. The
provider can refund the highest value orders from Amazon
US and take the shortest time from Amazon Netherlands.
4.5 Scam Scale
In this section, we studied the scale of the CAaaS community.
We counted the number of newly registered scammers
and overall members within a 30-day sliding window by
the forum to compare their registration patterns. We used
probability density to normalize the count and demonstrated
the pattern differences of newly registered scammers and
overall members, as shown in Figure 4.
In general underground forums, MPGH and SIN, where
CAaaS is not the main content, the number of new CAaaS
scammers has been increasing, but the number of new overall
members has not increased significantly, and even declined
since 2016. Because SENet is a forum primarily for CAaaS,
the patterns of new scammers and overall members are
very similar, showing an increasing trend since 2017. For
Figure 5: Trends in newly created scam threads and total
threads, monthly from 2006 to 2018.
another general hacking forum, NULLED, we do not observe
significant pattern differences. One possible reason could be
that the data in NULLED is between 2015 and May 2016.
We also studied the activity of users discussing CAaaS in
underground forums. We considered the number of newly
created scam threads and overall threads in each forum (as
opposed to the number of replies) because new threads are
indicative of new instances not previously discussed. To
compare the thread patterns effectively, we normalized the
count and depicted the probability density of new scam threads
and overall threads over time by forum in a 30-day sliding
window, as shown in Figure 5.
We observe significant climbing trends of new scam threads
in MPGH, SIN, and NULLED forums, while overall threads
have stable or even decreasing trends. Although there is a
slightly increasing trend since 2017 in the SENet forum,
fewer threads were started compared with earlier. A possible
explanation for these threads could be an active rumor within
the underground communities, which states that the SENet
forum was taken down by law enforcement, and it now is a
trap for scammers.
4.6 From Novice to Seasoned Scammer
Based on our manual analysis of the four forums, we notice the
significant amount of resources for novices helps them learn
and become expert scammers within a short period of time.
Scam tutorials are widespread in underground forums. For
example, Table 8 in Appendix B shows a scammer advertising
about tutorials of the concession abuse scam, where customers
can buy the core book plus any other selective tutorials from
the scammer. These books can lower the learning curve and
provide full-service guidance for scammers from learning
scam tricks to running their scam services.
Scammers share their scamming experience to inspire and
support other scammers as well. For example, one scammer
shares that “It was pretty easy, I ordered a laptop from DX and
I contacted them I didn’t got it so they sent a new one., and
another group of scammers provide suggestions as shown in
Figure 6.
To understand the difficulty of learning to perform
concession abuse scams, we measured the time a novice
needs to succeed in their first scam based on their post date
Support seeker: ... I've been trying to SE a google pixel xl 2
... both times everything went well until they asked for a proof
of purchase. ... I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing wrong ...
Support provider 1: Gift/Giveaway doesn't
work too well anymore for UK. I'm assuming you're trying UK.
Support provider 2: So get a POP and give them fake receipt
Support provider 3: Fake Amazon POP's work. If you want
to be safe you can crop out the order number so they can't verify it
Figure 6: Support received from experienced scammers.
Figure 7: The growth of scammers over time while learning.
and joined date extracted from the raw HTML files. We first
identified novices by finding the accounts that initiate a CAaaS-
Discussion & Support thread (to seek help), do not provide
any services. Then, we leveraged the scamming experience
classifier 4.1 to find scammers who share both failed and suc-
cessful scamming experience, and the first failed experience
date should be earlier than the first successful experience date.
Through this method, we identified 94 novice scammers that
matched this description. Note that there are more novices in
underground forums, and we only select those who share their
scamming experience. To ensure these identified scammers
are indeed novices, we manually analyzed all of their posts
in the underground forums: the posts are either learning scam
skills or asking for help. Moreover, none of them attempt
sophisticated techniques such as starting a scam-related
business, based on our manual analysis of their posts.
We then identified the amount of time it took them to post
about their first failed scamming experience since joining the
forum and their first successful scamming experience. The
top figure (“Novice”) in Figure 7 shows the growth of novice
scammers over the time of their experience.
We find out that 50% and 80% of these novice scammers
posted their first failure within 10.6 and 72.4 days, posted their
first success within 46.7 days and 293.1 days, and took an
average of 16.7 and 99 days to success after their first failures,
respectively. Note that scammers may share their experience
later than the actual date, and failed experience are more
likely to be shared because they are looking for help from
sophisticated scammers.
We also discovered instances in which scam initiators
become directly entangled in the underground economy
by evolving into service providers. We identified 116 scam
initiators who begin with posting “CAaaS Purchase Request”
and later become service providers, starting “CAaaS Advertise-
ment” threads. The bottom figure (“Role-switcher”) in Figure 7
Joining In
Underground Forum
Scammed Goods
Buying Scam
Buying Forging
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Service Help
Scam Services
Figure 8: Timeline of the activities of a scammer who
eventually switched roles and became a service provider.
shows the growth of these 116 scammers over time: 50% of
such service buyers take 67 days to start their business after
first buying scam services, and 80% of them take 259 days.
To understand these role-switchers, we present a case study
of one concession abuse scammer’s journey from a novice to an
expert. Figure 8 depicts a timeline of this scammer’s activities.
The scammer made a request for scam-obtained goods six days
after engaging in several scam discussions, and they attempted
to hire a service provider 33 days later. Then, after learning
about the scam, the scammer started to defraud merchants
directly: As evidence, they attempted to buy a forged image
and sought help for scamming 51 days and 93 days after
joining the underground forum, respectively. Ultimately, they
became a service provider 142 days after joining the forum.
4.7 Financial Loss
It is impractical to directly estimate the financial loss caused
by CAaaS solely based on the posts in underground forums
because: (1) scam initiators do not frequently vouch for
service providers, (2) while some shared screenshots show the
refund amount, many of them redact the amount, and (3) some
screenshots of proofs are reused by multiple service providers
in their advertisements.
However, we notice service providers prefer that scam
initiators contact them through external messaging platforms
(for privacy reasons), and 17.6% of providers manage groups
on external platforms (such as Telegram) in which scammers
can discuss concession abuse, making it possible to estimate
the financial loss caused by individual service providers.
To this end, we joined the Telegram group of a well-known
provider introduced in Section 4.2. We collected all public
messages, pictures, and member profiles visible in this
Telegram group.
Due to the popularity of CAaaS, the provider
converted the group to a supergroup (maximum 100,000 mem-
bers, from the default of 200) on November 16, 2019. We thus
collected data from November 16, 2019 to February 28, 2020.
We found 1,076 members posted 17,898 messages within
this period and noticed that the provider is the only service
provider in the group. Members are only allowed to advertise
their businesses or post links if approved by the provider: for
example, certain vetted members offer cash-out services to
monetize scam initiators’ refunded e-gift cards. Therefore, all
CAaaS related vouchers are for the provider’s service.
Because the feedback from scam initiators often includes
screenshots of refund confirmation, we collected all such
screenshots in the group and extracted the text using OCR [
Our observational study underwent the IRB review and received approval.
Table 5: The number of CAaaS scammers participating in
other illicit activities (total CA actors: 49,720).
(a) Non-scam Activities
Content Category Scammers Ratio
Hacking 6,377 12.83%
Monetization 3,249 6.54%
Stolen Credential 12,827 25.80%
(b) Non-Concession Abuse Scams
Scam Type Scammers Ratio
Email Compromise 174 0.35%
Data Breach 150 0.30%
Denial of Service 253 0.51%
Phishing 67 0.14%
Ransomware 7 0.01%
We manually verified the results for merchant names. We
identified 25 merchants from 227 screenshots, five of which
were not listed in the provider’s advertisements (see Table 14).
Hence, the provider is able to defraud other merchants as
requested by initiators.
85 of these screenshots contained refund amounts (the
remainder were redacted or incomplete). The provider helped
refund the equivalent of $81,159.27 ($41,076.71,
and £7,393.29) over three months through scamming mer-
chants in North America and Europe. Because not all screen-
shots had a refund amount, and not all scammers provide feed-
back, it is likely that the provider refunded a far higher amount.
Although we cannot definitively conclude the authenticity
of all collected screenshots, we collaborated with two major
(undisclosed) US merchants who confirmed several instances
of successful scams. For example, one merchant confirmed
that a $374.30 order was refunded to someone who claimed the
goods were not delivered. The other confirmed that numerous
high-value items were refunded, but would not provide specific
details. This feedback from merchants, combined with the high
level of activity in this scammer’s Telegram group, allows us to
conclude that CAaaS has a real financial impact on merchants.
4.8 Scammer Overlap
Next, we analyze the actions of CAaaS actors to see if they are
involved in other cybercriminal activity (as evidenced by their
observable actions on the underground forums in our dataset).
As a recap for the analysis approach, we classified underground
forum activities into Monetization, Hacking, Scam, and Other.
We then further divided Scam into five primary types, based
on the FBI Internet Fraud definition [
]. Finally, we label all
the posts of CAaaS actors by these activities.
Table 5 shows the number and ratio of CAaaS actors in
non-scam activities and in non-CAaaS scams. We observe
a reasonable proportion of CA scammers involved in
non-scam activities, specifically Hacking (12.83%) and Stolen
Credential (25.80%). These activities are closely related
to CAaaS: For example, CAaaS may require compromised
online merchant accounts, so it is likely that CAaaS actors are
involved in the stolen credential activity.
However, few CAaaS actors are involved in other types of
scams. This may be because concession abuse shares little in
common with other scams and requires a different skillset.
5 The Success and Failure of CAaaS
In this section, we study the tricks that CAaaS scammers
use to succeed and as well as cases in which they fail. To
perform our analysis, we first leveraged the classifier that
labels the successful and failed scam experience 4.1) to
randomly select 1,000 threads with each respective label.
Then, we manually analyzed these threads and aggregated
the various tricks and causes of success or failure. We include
representative scammer quotes throughout this section.
5.1 Preparing for the Scam
Choosing merchants to target.
CAaaS service providers
typically prefer large merchants because they have robust
customer service departments and are more willing to risk
a financial loss in exchange for customer satisfaction. Such
merchants are, therefore, more prone to being tricked into
providing concessions; one scammer’s advice was to “just
refund big companies, not small shops that can’t afford the
loss.Moreover, many service providers caution “DO NOT
refund small businesses and individuals (such as on eBay ).
Choosing accounts.
Service providers prefer to carry out
their scams using shopping accounts with a long order
history and few refund or return claims, because such
accounts closely resemble those of loyal customers. Sellers
of compromised accounts emphasize these characteristics in
their advertisements in underground forums: “this is a great
account to do the Amazon refund with, because it has a such
a good history with no disputes or anything.
Choosing orders.
Because refund requests for recent orders
appear routine to CSRs, such requests avoid unnecessary
scrutiny and scammers, therefore, actively seek compromised
accounts with recent orders: “I’m willing to pay for cracked
amazon accounts with good recent orders yo hit me up.
Additionally, high-value orders are less desirable as they may
trigger extra investigations. Therefore, many service providers
set an order value limit for each merchant (see § 4.2).
5.2 Tricks During Scam Execution
5.2.1 Contact Method
There are three typical ways to contact a CSR: phone, live chat,
or e-mail. Scammers prefer phone calls for two reasons: First,
a phone call gives a CSR much less time to respond and, thus,
decreases the chance that a CSR will sense unusual behavior.
Second, speaking enables a service provider to effectively use
social engineering to manipulate the conversation, through
which the provider can influence a CSR’s decision, or even
“lead the CSR into asking the questions the scammer wants.
5.2.2 Deception Strategies
Expressing pity and urgency.
Service providers fabricate
stereotypical stories to evoke feelings of pity and urgency to
influence CSRs’ decisions. For example, a service provider
could request a refund for “an undelivered gift that was for
her sick son’s birthday. Such a story attempts to make a CSR
sympathetic with the goal of convincing the CSR to approve
an immediate refund.
Being polite.
CAaaS service providers usually behave
politely when interacting with CSRs. They call CSRs by
their names, express understanding of the mistakes, and
show appreciation for their help: “Fear or threats are not
recommended for scamming”, as a tutorial says “Be somewhat
charismatic and do not have an attitude with the reps.
Expoliting legal regulations.
Service providers may cite
legal regulations to avoid returning the merchandise. For
example, a CAaaS service provider may complain about a
battery leakage in a purchased laptop and state that he cannot
return it due to the 49 CFR 173.185 U.S. Lithium Battery Reg-
ulation. The service provider might also first agree to return
the merchandise, and later state that they cannot do so because
the shipping carrier rejected the shipment. If successful, the
provider will receive a concession without returning the goods.
Exploiting incomplete communication between CSRs.
Some CAaaS service providers call a merchant multiple times
and lie to the latter CSR about an agreement with the previous
CSR. For example, a scammer states in a tutorial that if they
make two calls a few minutes apart, they are usually connected
to a different CSR in the second call. They then lie to the
second CSR that the previous call was dropped while the first
CSR was processing the refund. In this way, they may receive
a concession from the second CSR without needing to provide
any concrete justification.
5.2.3 Reasons for Requesting a Refund
Package never delivered.
Failure of a package to arrive is the
most common fictitious claim used by scammers in concession
abuse. Scammers usually contact the CSR a few days after the
package is actually delivered, because some online merchants,
such as Amazon, require the customer to contact 24 hours
after delivery to open a claim. During the conversation, they
follow the instructions of the CSR to build rapport and trust.
For example, CSRs may ask if the scammer can ask their
family members and neighbors or check both front and back
doors. Scammers respond: “Yeah, I asked my parents, they
didn’t see it. But I haven’t checked with my neighbors. Can
you wait a minute and I can ask them.Then a few minutes
later, they tell the CSRs that the neighbors do not see it.
Empty box.
Claiming an empty box is a popular and straight-
forward pretext to request a concession: “I opened my package,
there was nothing in it but some packaging paper, styrofoam
and my invoice. When CSRs receive such complaints in the
absence of other risk factors, they have to issue the concession
unless records show that the mailed package is obviously
heavier than an empty box. Therefore, as long as the goods
are not significantly bulky, these claims can be effective.
Missing item.
Scammers may buy multiple goods in one order
and lie that some items are missing. For example, one scammer
shared, “I ordered keyboard and mouse mat, then contacted
amazon live chat. Said they were birthday gifts and only re-
ceived the mouse mat, so I was given a refund for the keyboard.
Wrong items.
A service provider may claim that they were
sent the wrong item, which is of similar weight but lesser value
compared to the ordered item. If a return is requested, they
will mail back a cheaper alternative and keep the actual item,
as a scammer says “I ordered a ralph lauren polo on zalando.
Received the item, and returned an old polo and pretend I got
the wrong item.
Broken items.
A service provider may claim that they
received a broken item. For example, they may deliberately
buy a specific item together with liquid goods and claim that
the item was damaged due to a leak and cannot be returned:
“I received the box and it was leaking everywhere with this
profusely smelling liquid and it looked like some of it had
dried. It was doing this when you guys shipped it and I threw it
immediately out to make sure my family didn’t get hurt by this.
5.2.4 Dealing with Return Requests
Standard shipping.
This is the return policy adopted by
most merchants, including Amazon. Per this policy, the
merchant issues the concession only after receiving the return.
If the targeted merchant uses this policy, the CAaaS service
provider will send an empty box back and claim the returned
item was stolen in shipment. In fact, many merchants will
immediately issue the concession once the warehouse scans
the box. Because shipping carriers typically measure the
weight and size of the box, criminals often add junk totaling
the same weight as the original item. Scammers may also
deliberately seal the box poorly to help convince merchants
that the box was opened in transit. The preparation of empty
return shipments can be outsourced to Boxing Service Agents:
criminals who specialize in such services.
Per this policy, merchants send out replace-
ments once they see that the prepaid shipping label for the
return is scanned by the carrier. Criminals adopt similar
approaches to standard shipping, and the boxing service is
widely used. Because criminals do not need to explain the
empty box before receiving the concession, reshipping agents
or drops are frequently employed to shield the scammer.
Advance replacement.
Some companies have a policy under
which they ship replacement products before the return ship-
ping label is scanned, as long as their customers provide valid
credit card information. In this case, the scammer will provide
a Virtual Credit Card (VCC) purchased from VCC agents. One
scammer advised: “you will need a VCC with a dollar or two on
it. Once the company you’re SEing has your VCC, they will usu-
ally charge you the amount of the item once they ship it out.
5.3 Monetization Tactics
Scammers who use compromised accounts prefer refunds via
e-gift cards over the original payment method because e-gift
cards enable them to cash out. Additionally, if a scammer
employs a reselling agent 3.4) to monetize the refund, they
would buy goods that can be shipped quickly. For example,
the scammer will buy goods sold by (or at least fulfilled by)
Amazon and select the fastest shipping option to minimize
potential delays. Therefore, even if merchants notice the scam
later and flag the e-gift card, scammers will have already spent
the balance and monetized the refund.
To improve safety and convenience, many scam initiators
leverage Bitcoin shopping websites (such Purse.io, which is
frequently discussed by scammers in underground forums)
to monetize their refunds without wasting time on advertising
and sharing profits with individual resellers. Such a strategy
work as follows: (1) a user posts a shopping list on the website,
along with a discounted price they are willing to pay; (2) if
the refund is similar to the cost of the shopping list, and the
discounted price is acceptable, then the scam initiator will
accept the order; (3) the user sends the discounted amount
in Bitcoin to the website, and then the scam initiator starts to
purchase the products and make the merchants ship them to
the user; and (4) after the package is delivered, the website
will release the Bitcoin to the scam initiator. In this way, scam
initiators safely exchange their e-gift card balance to Bitcoin.
5.4 Failure Causes
The most-discussed failure cases involve
investigations by reshipping agents and merchants: (1) Legal
reshipping companies that are abused by scammers may
verify the receiver’s identity and confirm the goods received
with suppliers when there is a high volume of packages
sent to the same account. Also, such reshipping agents may
contact merchants to verify if these goods can be shipped
internationally if the reshipping address is not domestic.
(2) Merchants investigate cases of fraud using internal
systems and external parties, such as shipping carriers.
For example, a merchant could use “geocode timestamp,
information at the point of delivery, and package weight and
condition” to validate if the package is delivered.
Value of goods.
High-value goods are more likely to trigger
investigations, which is why service providers explicitly list
price limits in their advertisements. If the goods are too valu-
able, a scammer may fail because of an automatic investigation.
Account activity.
Unusual activity on the merchant accounts
may attract scrutiny and subsequent investigation. Therefore,
scammers seek to ensure that such accounts have a clear
history of legitimate activity. We observed failures for three
main reasons: (1) scammers attempt to use accounts having
concession abuse claims, (2) scammers use an account linked
to other accounts which were closed for abuse, and (3) account
owners notice unusual account activity and report it.
Insufficient or unconvincing documentation is another
key cause of failed scams. There are two types of failures
related to proof: (1) scammers cannot provide the requested
proof, which may happen if the CSR requests a video or
other type of evidence that is difficult to forge (scammers
also try to avoid interaction with law enforcement, so they
prefer not to provide police reports), and (2) certain forged
evidence fails a verification check. For example, scammers
may make mistakes when forging documents; also, they may
reuse certain types of proof, such as order receipt templates.
Moreover, merchants may verify proof with other parties,
which could disrupt scammers.
Scammers prefer to avoid risks, and some have
therefore reported failures if they are asked to reveal their real
identities or be seen in-person to receive the goods (i.e., when
a signature or local post office pickup is needed).
Returning goods.
Although scammers have tricks to avoid
returning goods to merchants even though a return is required,
they sometimes fail because either their return packages are
inspected, or they would be forced to reveal their identities.
For example, some merchants may either request that goods
be returned to a local store, or they may send someone to pick
them up, causing the scam to fail because the goods could then
be inspected and the scammers would need to show their faces.
6 CAaaS Mitigation
We understand that merchants deploy numerous operational
protocols to mitigate scams (e.g., issuing a refund only after re-
ceiving the returned goods and launching investigations when
needed). However, concession abuse scammers seek to dis-
cover loopholes in these mitigations and work to bypass them.
For example, Amazon was scammed out of
300,000 by a
single person [
] who returned dirt multiple times; the scam
likely succeeded due to the lack of inspection of returned goods
or detection of compromised accounts, despite the fact that
Amazon issues refunds only after receiving the returned goods.
6.1 Analysis Approach
We synthesize key merchant and ecosystem weaknesses that
scammers abuse and propose possible mitigation solutions
that address these weaknesses. We define criteria that
determine the suitability of each mitigation, though we cannot
effectively evaluate suitability without merchant data. We
divide mitigations into thee different areas: Account Abuse
Detection Principles (AADP), CSR Operational Protocols
(CSR-OP), and Merchant Operational Protocols (MER-OP).
We then interviewed two large merchants to discuss the
proposed mitigations. Although they confirmed to suffer
from concession abuse scams, one merchant voiced concerns
about “an easy customer experience for legitimate customers.
Therefore, we also conducted a survey to more thoroughly
evaluate defense solutions that could affect a customer’s
shopping experience. Our survey consisted of two general
sections and six scenario-based sections that aimed to gauge
Table 6: Overview of participants’ attitudes toward our
security protocols.
Security Protocol
Willingness to
Continue Shopping
Investigation | CRS-OP (2) 93.2% 90.2%
Providing Proof | CRS-OP (3) 75.4% 68.6%
ID Verification | CRS-OP (5) 94.9% 93.6%
Local Return | MER-OP (3) 80.1% 86.0%
Separate Shipping | MER-OP (4) 94.5% 93.6%
PIN for E-gift Card | MER-OP (5) 92.8% 92.4%
Secondary Contact | MER-OP (6) 86.9% 87.7%
user attitudes toward such mitigations in practice. Although
participants’ attitudes in the survey and real-world behavior
or preferences might differ, the results can still reveal their
concerns and comfort levels with the proposed mitigations.
Table 6 shows an overview of the participants’ attitudes
towards our security protocols. The “Non-negative Attitude”
column shows the percentage of participants who neither mind
nor strongly mind the security protocol. Both studies (merchant
interviews and user surveys) received approval from our IRB.
6.2 Account Abuse Detection Principles
Because criminals commonly leverage CAaaS to profit from
compromised accounts, proactively detecting compromised
accounts can prevent concession abuse at an early stage,
potentially well before merchants are contacted by scam-
mers. Furthermore, identifying accounts being accessed by
scammers can help mitigate the damage caused by CAaaS.
Although general account fraud protection systems have
been developed [
], such systems may not effectively prevent
concession abuse on their own.
Therefore, we propose additional Account Abuse Detection
Principles (AADP) to enhance such systems to protect against
concession abuse scams.
AADP (1): Compromised account alerts.
Scams involving
compromised accounts may fail if the actual owner of the
account is notified in a timely manner. Therefore, proactive
monitoring and securing accounts sold in underground
communities or in known data breaches can help prevent
subsequent fraud [43].
AADP (2): Account history.
Per our failure case analysis
(Section 5.4), the use of accounts with abnormal historical
activity is one of the primary reasons that a scam attempt
might fail. Hence, the frequency of refund requests, especially
for non-returnable claims, the dates of recent requests, and the
number of attempts to refund the same order can determine the
riskiness of an individual account. Moreover, if a compromised
account is used in a scam, then it is difficult for attackers to
ensure that the account has a very recent order (e.g., there is
an average 7-day delay between credentials being phished and
appearing in dumps [
]), so the date of the placed order can
be a notable risk factor.
AADP (3): Account age.
When unable to obtain compro-
mised accounts, scammers may use newly created accounts
to avoid placing their main accounts at risk while defrauding
merchants. Therefore, a concession request from a new
account with a short order history should be considered for
Furthermore, if a fresh account is linked to an account
closed due to a scam, merchants should flag this new account
and treat its concession claims as suspicious because they are
likely tied to the same attacker.
AADP (4): Customer authentication.
Our analysis of chat
logs in underground forums suggests that most answers to
CSRs’ questions can be found in the corresponding account
profiles, such as verifying the customer’s address. Therefore,
technical authentication schemes can be used to mitigate
attackers’ use of compromised accounts, such as two-factor
authentication for accessing account profile data or comparing
the IP address and location of the user accessing the data with
those of the accountholder.
AADP (5): E-gift card abuse detection.
Detecting e-gift
card abuse is another approach for finding compromised
accounts that are being monetized via CAaaS. For example,
if the time between the refund deposit into the e-gift card
and the spending of the balance is short, and the purchased
goods are shipped to a new address (especially to a known
reshipping agent), then it is more likely that the account has
been exploited by scammers.
6.3 CSR Operational Protocol
Deceiving CSRs into believing the pretexts is an essential
step to successfully defrauding the merchant through
concession abuse. To protect CSRs and mitigate such scams,
we propose additional CSR Operational Protocols (CSR-OP).
Implementing some protocols (CSR-OP 2, 3, and 5) may
influence customers’ shopping experience, so we surveyed
users and show their feedback in Table 6.
CSR-OP (1): Maintain clear customer service logs.
taining clear and complete customer service logs will help
representatives better understand each request and more
effectively synthesize any relevant historical context. In
particular, the log should include any prior decisions made
by other CSRs to avoid attackers’ exploitation of gaps in
information between CSRs, as discussed in Section 5.2.2.
CSR-OP (2): Investigations for high-value goods.
should initiate investigations when customers request a
concession without returning goods above a certain value
threshold. This will help mitigate the loss of high-value items.
CSR-OP (3): Extra proof when original goods not re-
Merchants should require customers to provide extra
proof if they are not going to return the original goods. Because
scammers routinely forge proof, merchants should require
proof that is difficult to forge, such as a video of the product
with a handwritten reference number (which is currently
known to be difficult to forge, as discussed in Section 5.4).
Additionally, scammers wish to avoid law enforcement
involvement, so requesting a police report can stop some
scammers using the “package not delivered" pretext.
According to our user survey, this protocol had the most
negative attitudes because participants think providing extra
proof is inconvenient and that their moral character is being
questioned. In general, 24.6% of participants either mind or
strongly mind providing proof. However, we notice that if
the proof does not require excessive effort, then 25.9% of
participants who mind providing proof would still be willing
to provide it for valuable goods.
CSR-OP (4): Verification of proof.
Merchants need to ade-
quately verify the proof provided by the customer before issu-
ing the requested refund or replacement. To balance the cost of
the required information and inconvenience upon potentially
innocent customers, merchants can use automatic verification
first, which is fast yet might be less precise than a comprehen-
sive manual verification. For example, if a customer provides a
police report to claim a refund, then two possible automatic ver-
ification processes could be: (1) verifying that the same proof
does not already exist in the merchant’s database (because
scammers often reuse proof shared in underground forums, dis-
cussed in Section 5.4), and (2) using image analysis techniques
to check if the metadata of the photo matches the customer’s
profile, such as the city, and whether the photo was edited or
otherwise tampered with. If any red flags are raised by the auto-
mated system, then a manual analysis could be performed, such
as contacting the police station to verify the authenticity of a
police report or asking the customer for additional evidence.
CSR-OP (5): Limiting changes to shipping address.
should not change the shipping address for replacement
items unless the new address is confirmed by accountholders
through two-factor authentication. Verifying the identity of
the customer is important because scammers frequently try
to send items to reshipping agents or drops.
The primary concern about this protocol is that it is a time-
wasting inconvenience. However, most survey participants
expressed a willingness to use this protocol to secure their
6.4 Merchant Operation Protocol
To have comprehensive mitigations, we design a Merchant
Operation Protocol (MER-OP) that can be used by merchants
to help CSRs avoid being deceived. The MER-OP is designed
to apply to general merchant operations, instead of a specific
customer or request, as in the case of CSR-OP. We show partic-
ipants’ corresponding attitudes (MER-OP 3, 4, 5, 6) in Table 6.
MER-OP (1): Intelligence support for CSRs.
should provide a dashboard of the caller and accountholder in-
formation side-by-side. In the meantime, a risk score indicating
possible account abuse should be shown to help CSRs verify
the authenticity of the caller. Moreover, CSRs operational pro-
tocols and other scam detection tools, such as image analysis
tools, should be available in the dashboard. Also, the prior chat
records of the same order should be shown to help CSRs have a
comprehensive understanding of the claim. Therefore, this pro-
tocol also supports our AADP and CSR-OP recommendations.
MER-OP (2): Taking pictures during packaging.
pictures of the goods placed in the box during packaging is a
straightforward yet effective approach for mitigating malicious
Missing item, Wrong item, and Empty box refund claims. Such
evidence would significantly reduce the believability of such
claims compared to what is possible based solely on knowing
the weight of the package, as discussed in Section 5.4.
MER-OP (3): Local returns for special items.
can supplement online returns with an offline return policy to
avoid return tactics used by scammers for high-value goods. In
offline returns (i.e., processed in-person at the merchant’s store
or with a partner retailer), goods can be directly inspected, and
the accountholder’s identity can be verified.
19.9% of participants either mind or strongly mind offline
returns due to inconvenience (e.g., “I am in a rural area and
would have to drive a long ways.) Upon deeper analysis,
these participants may have misunderstood that they must
return goods to merchants’ local stores. Customers could
bring the goods to a shipping carrier and let the staff there pack
them (e.g., one participant said “I already bring the item to
UPS store when I return something, so there’s no difference.).
Hence, we believe that the implementation of selective offline
returns remains feasible.
MER-OP (4): Separating shipments of high-value goods.
Placing high-value goods in separate packages, especially
when multiple expensive items are included in a single order,
helps defend against tactics such as Missing items, Empty box,
and Broken items, as discussed in Section 5.2.3.
Merchants should consider participants’ concerns, however,
such as wasting packaging materials or increasing overall
shipping costs.
MER-OP (5): Extra checks for e-gift card refunds.
chants should ask customers to use enhanced authentication
(e.g., a PIN) for their e-gift card payments to counter scammers’
monetization methods discussed in Section 5.3.
Some participants said they would be annoyed if they had
to remember more than one password, though most were
satisfied with this protocol to secure their gift cards.
MER-OP (6): Securing contact information.
contact information, such as email addresses and phone num-
bers, should be hidden in the system and differentiated from
their publicly disclosed information to ensure accountholders
can receive notifications about account activity even if the
accounts are breached by attackers. Alternatively, customers
could provide a secondary email address or phone number for
such notifications, which would be different from the email
or username used to log in.
According to the survey, some participants do not want
to provide a secondary notification contact because they
neither have a secondary email address nor want to share their
private email addresses. However, 81.8% of participants had
a secondary email address that they could use as a secondary
notification contact.
MER-OP (7): Collaboration with payment processors.
Merchants should positively engage in any investigations or
disputes from third parties, because scammers may attempt
to bypass merchants’ own anti-fraud systems by filing a
fraudulent claim with a payment processor to get their refund
or replacement. If ignored, such requests could also damage
the merchants’ reputation.
6.5 Survey of Customers’ Attitudes to Pro-
posed Defenses
To better understand the inconvenience that shoppers might
experience from the aforementioned security measures,
we surveyed users’ attitudes and concerns using Amazon
Mechanical Turk (MTurk) [24, 34].
We categorized the defense schemes that involve
customers and designed a survey with eight sections. In the first
two survey sections, we collect: 1) participants’ demographic
information, and 2) general security experience related to
online shopping. Six sections follow, each corresponding
to a scenario with mitigations against concession abuse: 1)
investigations and requests for proof following a claim, 2)
identity verification for changing the shipping address, 3)
local store returns for high-value goods, 4) separate shipments
for high-value goods, 5) payment PIN for e-gift cards, and 6)
secondary contact information for security notifications. The
six scenario-based survey questions can be found in Table 13
in Appendix C. We measured user attitudes on five-point
Likert scale ranging from strongly not mind (the user approves
of the mitigation) to strongly mind (the user does not).
To obtain reliable survey data, we must recruit
an appropriate set of participants. To this end, we conducted
two pilot surveys: the first pilot was open to any MTurk worker
from North America with at least 1,000 approved HITs, or a
HIT approval rate higher than 95%, which indicates attentive
participation [
]. The second pilot was open to Master
Workers from North America (users recognized by Amazon
for the reliability of their work) [16].
To analyze the response quality, we compare the participants’
attitudes toward our security protocols with their short answers
explaining their reasons. We found that Master Workers per-
formed better than workers screened by approved HITs or HIT
approval rates because 60% of responses in the first pilot were
illogical or appeared rushed. For example, some participants in
the first pilot indicated that they strongly minded one protocol
while explaining that they did not mind in the short answer.
We, therefore, recruited only Master Workers from North
America in our main survey and paid $1 for participation.
In total, 247 workers participated in our survey. After remov-
ing low-quality responses and duplicate participants, we were
left with the 236 responses upon which we based our analysis.
The detailed survey results can be found in Ap-
pendix C. Table 9 and Table 10 show the demographics and the
general security experience of our participants, respectively.
Table 12 summarizes participants’ attitudes toward the
security protocols. In Table 11, we show representative short
answers to highlight participants’ key concerns about different
scam prevention approaches.
7 Limitations
Because CAaaS is an emerging attack technique and an under-
ground service industry, it is challenging to study. This section
discusses these challenges and encourages future researchers
to investigate these aspects of the underground economy.
Ground truth from merchants.
In our conversations with
merchants, we found that they are reluctant to share ground
truth data about attacks that they experienced or to closely
collaborate on the development and evaluation of preventative
mitigations. Thus, we based our study on crawled and
leaked data from underground forums, relying on strategies,
successes, and failures self-reported by cybercriminals in
communications with each other.
Of course, there is no guarantee of the veracity of such
information or the real-world effectiveness of our suggested
intervention protocols. However, we provide the first look into
the supply chain of CAaaS. Additionally, we acknowledge that
participants’ attitudes in the survey and real-world preferences
might differ, which can be further studied in the future.
Ground truth from cybercriminals.
Cybercriminals are, un-
derstandably, a secretive group, which increases the difficulty
in studying their activity. Our forum data is an approximation of
the behavior of cybercriminals, and its veracity is impossible to
quantify. While we could add additional underground forums
to our dataset (anecdotally, recent observation of underground
forums revealed an increase in sub-forums dedicated specifi-
cally to concession abuse), the data on which we base this paper
presents a clear picture of the structure and impact of CAaaS.
We cannot be certain in our estimate of the difficulty of
learning how to perform concession abuse scams. Because our
time interval analysis is based on scammers’ post timestamps,
and scammers may not immediately (or always) share their
experiences, we can only make estimates of these intervals.
Similarly, without ground truth from retailers, it is impos-
sible to verify the actual financial loss caused by the scam. We
hope that as CAaaS continues to impact merchants financially,
they will evaluate and implement potential mitigations.
8 Related Work
Underground forum analysis.
Underground forums are
used as rendezvous locations for cybercriminals who want to
exchange information and sell illicit products and services [
Our research builds on several techniques used in prior work,
including studies of the economics of cybercrime based on
criminals’ discussions in underground forums [
] and stud-
ies that analyze forum user structure and interactions [
Motoyama et al. evaluated how inherent distrust among
criminals in underground communities affects their mutual
interactions [
]. Afroz et al. tried to identify anonymous
forum posters by analyzing their writing styles [
]. Also,
Zhao et al. proposed an approach for mining evidence in
underground forums to expose the social dynamics among
adversaries involved in Internet-based attacks [47].
Specific cybercrime services in underground forums were
also studied. Hao et al. studied reshipping services, which were
found to contribute as much as $1.8 billion to overall reship-
ping scam revenue [
]. Researchers have analyzed phishing
kits and services in underground forums [
] to
reveal phishing service costs, operational steps, actors, and rea-
sons for profitability. Karami et al. analyzed DDoS-as-Service
in underground forums to show the internal operations, usage
patterns, and attack infrastructure [21, 22].
Social engineering.
Scammers use social engineering tactics
to manipulate victims into sharing confidential information
or performing specific actions. Atkins et al. and Ferreira
et al. studied the persuasion techniques used in social
engineering [
]. By analyzing 74 scenarios, Bullée et al.
showed which persuasion principles are most effective for
social engineering attacks [
]. Irani et al. studied reverse social
engineering attacks that deceived people to visit malicious
websites by abusing social networks, without the need for
direct contact with victims [
]. Researchers also conducted
studies of web-based social engineering attacks that trick users
into downloading malicious software [20, 29].
9 Conclusion
In this paper, we identify and describe CAaaS, an emerging
scam threat fueled by the underground economy. Through
manual and automated analysis of crawled and leaked data
from four underground forums, we describe different types of
actors involved in CAaaS, the anatomy of the scam and service
itself, tricks used to increase the likelihood of success, and
the potential victims (as advertised by actual scammers them-
selves). Our analysis shows that CAaaS impacts numerous
online merchants globally and is becoming more prevalent in
underground forums. Moreover, given the wealth of resources
and services available in these forums, 50% of novices learn
how to successfully defraud merchants within 47 days or less.
Additionally, we analyzed attackers’ tactics and failure
cases to identify potential limitations, and we proposed several
defenses—which could be adopted directly by merchants and
payment processors—to detect and mitigate instances of this
scam. Moreover, we surveyed users to evaluate their attitudes
and understand their concerns toward the proposed mitigations.
We thank our shepherd, Paul Pearce, and the anonymous
reviewers for their helpful suggestions. We also thank the two
industry organizations for their valuable insights and collab-
oration. This work was supported by Institute for Information
& Communications Technology Promotion (IITP) grant
funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (No. 2017-0-00168,
Automatic Deep Malware Analysis Technology for Cyber
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A Service Form in Preparation Stage
Table 7: Service form questions.
No. Question
1 Which store do you need a refund on? Mention with domain (com/de/uk)
2 When did you place the order?
3 When did you receive your order?
4 Provide the carrier/tracking number?
5 Price of the item?
6 Your order number?
7 Name on your account?
8 The email address used for your account/order?
9 The billing address on the account? (including country & zip code)
10 The shipping address on the account? (including country & zip code)
Was a refund already
attempted on your order? If yes, What method did you use and what did they say?
12 What type of payment? Example "Master Card" last 4 digits of the card used
13 What do you need, Refund/Replacement?
14 How do you want to pay me?
15 Did you sign for it? or was it left somewhere outside?
What was the item you want to get refunded? (Please paste links. In case of multiple
items in your order, please include links to all and individual costs of each item)
17 Provide your telegram/discord you used to contact me.
18 Phone Number on the order/account?
19 Anything more about the order/account? Anything important that I should know?
B Scam Tutorials
Table 8: Tutorials for Concession Abuse.
Book Name Book Type Price Introduction
E-Book Core e 69.00
Introduction; Information; Q&A;
Common refund methods; Amazon
System explained; Internal/External
Investigation explained; How
to profit from refunding; Tips; Support
Fake TID method Selective e 119.90
Best and most effective method of most
shops; Step-by-step guide for Amazon
PayPal refunds
up to 15,000 EUR
Selective e 179.90
New and easy way of refunding
through Paypal, even if the seller
is replying to your dispute. It comes with
nearly 100% success rate for any store.
bonus methods
Selective e 19.90
Detailed step-by-step
guide on how to refund Amazon
with exclusive methods. It allows you
to refund on Amazon (.com/.co.uk); How
to get an instant advanced replacement
for cracked accounts on Amazon.de
refundable stores
Selective e 39.90
A simple and extremely powerful
way of finding new stores to refund
refunding group
Selective e 14.90
Come and join us! Exchange your ideas
and experience with others. Connect with
each other and improve your knowledge!
your own service
Selective e 49.90
Information for your future refund
service including how to start, prepare,
improve and maximize your business.
1-ON-1 mentorship Selective e 449.90
Providing you help to complete with
ongoing refunds and giving extra tips.
C The Survey Results of Customers’ Attitudes
to Proposed Defense
Table 9: Demographics of participants.
Metric Percentage of Participants
Female 53.8%
Male 44.9%
No Answer 1.3%
18 29 years 12.3%
30 49 years 62.7%
50+ years 25.0%
Up to H.S. 10.1%
Some College 31.8%
B.S. or above 58.1%
Num of shopping acct
0 0.8%
1 3 35.2%
4 6 31.8%
7+ 32.2%
Freq. of shopping per month
0 0.4%
1 3 60.2%
4 6 21.6%
7+ 17.8%
Expense of shopping in 2019
<= $200 7.6%
$201 $500 22.9%
$501 $1,000 29.7%
$1,000+ 39.8%
Table 10: General security experience and attitude.
of Participants
Account Hacked (or suspected to be hacked)
Yes 40.3%
No 59.7%
Financial Loss
Yes 3.4%
No 96.6%
Adopt Security Measure
1 (Strongly disagree) 0.8%
2 3.4%
3 11.0%
4 32.6%
5 (Strongly agree) 52.2%
Table 11: Participants’ concerns about security approaches.
Scenario Concern Quote
Invest & Proof
I don’t like being further inconvenienced
to prove that I’ve been inconvenienced.
Hard to prove
Hard to proof the absence of something, like a
delivery. This feels like an additional burden.
moral character
I would not be dishonest
in such a case and would be outraged that my
honesty would be in question in such a case.
Not always
It depends on how
much proof they need and how easily i can get
it to them. also how long they take to respond
Annoying Inconvenient and annoying and time-wasting.
I live too far from these types
of places for it to be remotely convienent.
Not always
It depends on how
close the store is, whether this would work.
Shipping delay If it delays my shipment I would mind.
Resource waste
It seems like a waste of packaging and
we already waste a lot on packaging/shipping.
Hard for me to remember regular
passwords as it is but now I would have
to remember a separate one for the gift cards.
This is a pain. I don’t want to
main two email addresses for online shopping.
Sharing private
email address
I use one of my emails for very close and
important emails and the other for shopping.
I would not want any store whatsoever to have
my private email under any circumstances.
Table 12: Participants’ attitudes toward security approaches.
(Strongly Not Mind)
2 3 4
5 (Strongly Mind)
Stop Buying
1 Invest 56.4% 25.4% 11.4% 4.2% 2.6% 1.71 86.9% 13.1%
1 Invest_HV 72.0% 15.7% 5.5% 3.8% 3.0% 1.5 90.2% 9.8%
1 Proof 38.6% 19.1% 17.8% 14.0% 10.6% 2.40 68.6% 31.4%
2 ID_Verif 76.3% 14.0% 4.7% 3.0% 2.1% 1.42 93.6% 6.4%
3 Local_Rtn 47.5% 17.8% 14.8% 10.2% 9.7% 2.17 86.0% 14.0%
4 Sep_Ship 81.4% 7.6% 5.5% 3.0% 2.5% 1.38 93.6% 6.4%
5 Pin_Egift 78.0% 9.7% 5.1% 4.7% 2.5% 1.44 92.4% 7.6%
6 Sec_Notif 61.9% 16.1% 8.9% 7.6% 5.5% 1.79 87.7% 12.3%
Table 13: Survey questions.
Question Answer Options
S1 (Invest & Proof)
S1: If you contact a merchant for a refund/replacement WITHOUT returning
goods because of a reason such as never receiving the package or receiving an empty package.
Q1: Do you mind if the merchant starts an investigation before issuing the refund/replacement? Five-point Likert scale.
Q2: If it is a high-value good (hundreds of dollars), do you mind the investigation? Five-point Likert scale.
Q3: If the merchant
needs to start an investigation in this scenario, would you stop buying goods from this merchant any more?
(i) Yes, I will STOP buying from
it, (ii) No, I will continue buying from it
Q4: If the merchant needs to start
an investigation on high-value goods in this scenario, would you stop buying goods from this merchant any more?
(i) Yes, I will STOP buying from
it, (ii) No, I will continue buying from it
Q5: Do you mind providing extra proof in this scenario? For example, a video
of the empty box with a handwritten reference number, or a police report if the package is stolen by someone?
Five-point Likert scale.
Q6: If the merchant
needs you to provide extra proof in this scenario, would you stop buying goods from this merchant any more?
(i) Yes, I will STOP buying from
it, (ii) No, I will continue buying from it
Q7: If you mind the investigation or providing extra proof in this scenario, please briefly explain the reason. Short Answer
Q8: If you DO NOT mind the investigation or providing extra proof, please briefly explain the reason. Short Answer
S2 (ID_Verif)
S2: To prevent criminals from buying goods using your account,
an effective countermeasure could be verifying a customer’s identity (i.e., 2-factor authentication;
answer security questions through a link) when the shipping address is requested to change.
Q1: Do you mind merchants employing this approach? Five-point Likert scale.
Q2: If the merchant employs this approach, would you stop buying goods from this merchant any more?
(i) Yes, I will STOP buying from
it, (ii) No, I will continue buying from it
Q3: If you mind the merchant employing this security approach, please briefly explain the reason. Short Answer
Q4: If you DO NOT mind the merchant employing this security approach, please briefly explain the reason. Short Answer
S3 (Local_Rtn)
S3: To ensure some high-value goods are properly packaged and avoid any unnecessary loss,
customers may be requested to return them to a local store or a shipping agent who will help pack them.
Q1: Do you mind merchants employing this policy? Five-point Likert scale.
Q2: If the merchant employs this return policy, would you stop buying goods from this merchant any more?
(i) Yes, I will STOP buying from
it, (ii) No, I will continue buying from it
Q3: If you mind the merchant employing this return policy, please briefly explain the reason. Short Answer
Q4: If you DO NOT mind the merchant employing this return policy, please briefly explain the reason. Short Answer
S4 (Sep_Ship)
S4: To track and ensure the high-value goods
can be delivered to you, high-value goods would be shipped separately with your other packages.
Q1: Do you mind merchants employing this policy? Five-point Likert scale.
Q2: If the merchant employs this policy, would you stop buying goods from this merchant any more?
(i) Yes, I will STOP buying from
it, (ii) No, I will continue buying from it
Q3: If you mind the merchant employing this shipping policy, please briefly explain the reason. Short Answer
Q4: If you DO NOT mind the merchant employing this shipping policy, please briefly explain the reason. Short Answer
S5 (Pin_Egift)
S5: To protect gift cards in customers’ accounts from
stealing, setting up a payment password/PIN for e-gift cards would be an effective security approach.
Q1: Do you mind merchants employing this approach? Five-point Likert scale.
Q2: If the merchant employs this approach, would you stop buying goods from this merchant any more?
(i) Yes, I will STOP buying from
it, (ii) No, I will continue buying from it
Q3: If you mind the merchant employing this security approach, please briefly explain the reason. Short Answer
Q4: If you DO NOT mind the merchant employing this security approach, please briefly explain the reason. Short Answer
S6 (Sec_Notif)
S6: To ensure customers can receive information about all account
activities even if the accounts are hacked, a dedicated notification approach, such as a secondary
email address, is needed. This notification approach would be undisclosed in a customer’s profile.
Q1: Do you mind merchants employing this approach? Five-point Likert scale.
Q2: If the merchant employs this approach, would you stop buying goods from this merchant any more?
(i) Yes, I will STOP buying from
it, (ii) No, I will continue buying from it
Q3: If the merchant needs your
secondary email address as the notification approach, do you have a secondary e-mail address you could provide?
(i) Yes, (ii) No
Q4: If you mind the merchant employing this security approach, please briefly explain the reason. Short Answer
Q5: If you DO NOT mind the merchant employing this security approach, please briefly explain the reason. Short Answer
D Service List of a Scam Service Provider
Table 14: A Concession Abuse service list.
Store Category Payment Method Store Limit ($/e )
Pay Rate (%) Region Avg Time
Credit/Debit Card
Abercrombie & Fitch No Limit Multi 25% World Wide 1 Day
Macys No Limit One 25% USA 1 Day
Hollister No Limit Multi 25% World Wide 1 Day
Zappos incl Luxury 30,000 Multi 25% USA 1 Day
Armani 3,000 Multi 25% World Wide 10 Day
Stone Island No Limit Multi 15 – 25% World Wide 2 3 Weeks
StockX No Limit One 15 – 25% World Wide 2 3 Weeks
YOOX No Limit Multi 15 25% World Wide 2 3 Weeks
Dolce Gabbana No Limit Multi 15 – 25% World Wide 2 3 Weeks
Mr Porter No Limit Multi 15 – 25% World Wide 2 3 Weeks
Credit/Debit Card
Walmart 30,000 Multi 25% USA 1 Day
Target 30,000 Multi 25% USA 1 Day
Google Express 12,000 One 25% USA 5 10 Days
Apple 5,000 One 25% USA 1 – 3 Days
Lenovo 5,000 One 25% USA 1 2 Weeks
Canon No Limit Multi 15 – 25% World Wide 2 3 Weeks
Dell No Limit One 15 – 25% World Wide 2 3 Weeks
Microsoft No Limit Multi 15 – 25% EU/USA/CA 2 – 3 Weeks
Google Express No Limit Multi 15 – 25% World Wide 2 3 Weeks
HP No Limit Multi 15 – 25% World Wide 2 3 Weeks
Credit/Debit Card
Sephora 3,000 Multi 15 25% World Wide 1 – 5 Days
Lancome 1,000 Multi 15 25% USA 3 – 10 Days
MAC Cosmetics 1,000 Multi 15 25% World Wide 3 – 10 Days
Urban Decay 1,000 Multi 15 25% USA 3 – 10 Days
Estee Lauder 1,000 Multi 15 25% USA 3 – 10 Days
Credit/Debit Card
Fanatics 1,000 Multi 15 – 25% USA 1 Day
NBA/NFL/NHL Store 1,000 Multi 15 25% USA/CA 1 Day
Oakley 1,000 Multi 15 – 25% World Wide 5 – 7 Days
Rayban 1,000 Multi 15 – 25% World Wide 1 3 Days
Sunglass Hut 1,000 Multi 15 25% USA 3 – 10 Days
Credit/Debit Card
Allmodern No Limit One 18 – 25% USA/CA 1 5 Days
Wayfair No Limit One 18 – 25% USA/CA 1 5 Days
Birch Lane No Limit One 18 – 25% USA/CA 1 5 Days
Joss & Main No Limit One 18 – 25% USA/CA 1 – 5 Days
Herman Miller No Limit One 18 – 25% USA/CA 1 5 Days
Pet Store
Credit/Debit Card
Chewy 1,000 Multi 15 25% USA/CA 1 – 5 Days
PetCo 1,000 Multi 15 – 25% USA/CA 1 – 5 Days
PetSmart 1,000 Multi 15 – 25% USA/CA 1 – 5 Days
Petvalu 1,000 Multi 15 25% USA/CA 1 – 5 Days
PetSupermarket 1,000 Multi 15 – 25% USA/CA 1 5 Days
Credit/Debit Card
Adam & Eve 1,000 Multi 15 – 25% USA 1 Day
Lovehoney 1,000 Multi 15 25% World Wide 1 Day
Credit/Debit Card
Amazon.com 7,000 Multi 25% World Wide 2 – 3 Weeks
Amazon.fr 5,000 Multi 25% World Wide 7 10 Days
Amazon.ca 5,000 Multi 25% World Wide 2 – 3 Weeks
Amazon.de 5,000 Multi 25% World Wide 2 – 3 Weeks
Amazon.it 5,000 Multi 25% World Wide 2 – 3 Weeks
Amazon.nl 5,000 Multi 25% World Wide 3 – 5 Days
Amazon.com.au 3,000 Multi 25% World Wide 5 10 Days