The Wendy P. and Dean E. Painter Jr. Career Center
(919) 962-6507 | | uc[email protected]
COPYRIGHT© 2018 UNC Chapel Hill University Career Services
Resumes highlight the specific, tangible and transferable skills and attributes you have to offer. You typically have one
page to share what you have learned and accomplished while at UNC. Your goal should be to communicate your
qualifications for the position and the value you will add to the organization.
Formatting Basics
A resume that is formatted well is easier to read and more likely to be given another glance. Use this checklist to catch
the reader’s eye:
Margins: should be balanced on opposite sides with even tabs and spacing between lines and sections
Font: size is between 10-12 (except your name), font type is consistent and easy to read
Length: maximum of 1 page if you have limited work experience
Headings: use capitalization, bold, or italics to highlight parts of headings. Be sure to remain consistent
Reverse chronological order
Don’t include personal information such as weight, height, marital status, social security number, age, race,
religion, or political affiliation
Don’t use graphics or pictures (unless you are applying for a graphic/visual design position)
No spelling, grammatical or punctuation errors
Resume Sections
Includes: name, address, phone number, and email
Name should stand out (bold, 14-20 size font)
Be sure your answering machine message and
email address are business-appropriate.
If you have roommates or if someone else might
answer your calls, make sure they use proper
etiquette and relay the message to you.
Begin with most recent education
Include: university name in full, degree earned,
expected date of graduation, GPA
Add courses as an option.
List any study abroad or other colleges attended
The emphasis on your GPA will vary by
employer. If your GPA is a 3.0 or higher, we
recommend that you include it on your resume. If
your GPA is lower than a 3.0, then you may want
to consider omitting it from the resume. Some
students will list only their major GPA if it’s higher,
rather than their overall. Contact a UCS
counselor if you have specific questions about your
Include academic honors such as the Dean's List,
scholarships, and honor societies.
Honors may be listed under a separate heading or
as a subsection under Education.
Possible Section
Relevant Experience
Leadership Experience
Work Experience
Additional Experience
Include any employment, internships, significant
campus leadership offices, volunteer work, and
relevant class/research projects.
Include title, name of organization, location, and dates
for each position.
Emphasize duties, responsibilities, skills, abilities, and
accomplishments appropriate to the position for
which you are applying.
Use phrases beginning with action verbs
Do not use pronouns in your job descriptions.
You do not need to restrict this category to paid
Foreign languages, computer skills, and other relevant
skills should be included.
List level of fluency/proficiency with
languages/computer skills.
List college-related activities including student
government, fraternities / sororities, student clubs,
sports activities, etc. not mentioned elsewhere.
Be sure to note offices held and committee
The Wendy P. and Dean E. Painter Jr. Career Center
(919) 962-6507 | | uc[email protected]
COPYRIGHT© 2018 UNC Chapel Hill University Career Services
Writing Strong Bullet Points
Your bullet points should convey a concise yet complete description of your story: your experiences, transferable skills,
and your accomplishments. You can follow this process:
1. Start by listing your responsibilities for each experience:
Example (Camp Counselor): I led a meeting with my team of 4 people every other week to plan our learning
objectives and activities for the week ahead
2. Turn each responsibility into a bullet point by answering these questions about your experience
Always start with…
… then answer at least one of these questions
What did you do?
What was the purpose
of it?
What was the result?
Who was your
1) Led bi-weekly
meetings with 4 team
To plan learning
objectives and
activities for the
3. Create a bullet point out of the information in the boxes:
Example: Led bi-weekly meetings with 4 team members to plan learning objectives and activities for the week
Additional Tips for Bullet Points:
Quantify duties when possible
Use active voice (i.e., managed) rather than passive (i.e., managing)
Use short phrases that convey a positive, concise description of your accomplishments; don’t exaggerate your
Check the spelling of every word; make sure grammar and punctuation are correct
Don’t use words such as I, me, or my on your resume
Don’t start phrases in experience section with "Responsible for" or “Duties include”
Don’t state salary or hours worked
Don’t use abbreviations without spelling out what they stand for
Submitting a Resume
If submitting a resume electronically, always submit it as a PDF document to avoid any formatting issues when the reader
opens your resume. If submitting a hard copy of your resume to an employer, print it out on resume quality paper.
This is a heavier quality bond paper that can be purchased at any office supply store. Use a conservative, professional
color, such as off-white or crème.
Get Your Resume Reviewed by Family and Friends, Mentors and UCS!
The Wendy P. and Dean E. Painter Jr. Career Center
(919) 962-6507 | | uc[email protected]
COPYRIGHT© 2018 UNC Chapel Hill University Career Services
Keisha R. Brown
Cary, NC 27519 | [email protected]du | (919) 000-0000
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill May 20xx
Bachelor of Arts: Media and Journalism - Broadcast and Electronic Journalism Concentration, GPA: 3.24
Related Coursework: Audio, Video, Film Production and Writing, Narrative Production, Interactive Media
Honors: Dean’s List (all semesters)
Social Media Intern, Myth Marketing, San Antonio, TX May 20xx-August 20xx
Assisted startup company with establishing online presence utilizing Web 2.0 technology
Created and maintained daily blog and Twitter account to promote marketing services and increase visibility to
potential clients; added over 500 new Twitter followers in 3 months
Collaborated with 2 other interns to research current social media trends in technology and presented findings
to management
Business Development Intern, MarketUp, Raleigh, NC May 20xx-August 20xx
Managed a database of 50 potential clients to document meeting discussions and bid milestones
Forecasted revenues for existing clients using Excel and reported results on a weekly basis
Performed research on potential clients to communicate their needs, existing business lines, and major
marketing campaigns to supervisor
Technology Chair, Design for America, UNC Chapel Hill August 20xx-Present
Created chapter web page to communicate the organization’s upcoming events and member information
Advised on technological tools such as Adobe and Dreamweaver for project development
Provided technical and overall input to the executive board
Cashier, North Carolina Museum of Life and Science, Durham, NC April 20xx Sept 20xx
Assisted with customer relations and sales through prompt and efficient service in high volume gift shop
Balanced register of $4,000 cash volume nightly and ensured accuracy of deposits
Youth Counselor, Child and Family Services, Raleigh, NC June 20xx August 20xx
• Assisted students with completing academic assignments and ensured their timely completion
• Demonstrated creativity in maintaining a conducive and learning-rich environment for 15 students
• Facilitated bi-weekly meetings with 4 counselors to strengthen teamwork and define learning objectives for
UNC-CH Ballroom Dance Team, Member and Lead Dancer, Fall 20xx Present
MASALA Multicultural Organization, Member, Fall 20xx Present
Technology: SQL, Dreamweaver, Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite
Languages: Conversational in Spanish, Beginner in Arabic