Twitter: Businesses Increasing Their
Revenues 140 Characters at a Time
BY Adekemi O. Oyalabu
Stanley Baran
ubmitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation
with honors in the Bryant University Honors Program
APRIL 2012
Table of Contents
Abstract .................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 2
The Marketing of Social Media ............................................................................................. 2
Red Bridge Marketing Study ................................................................................................. 4
The Report of Social Networking in the United States – August 2011 ................................. 8
The Report of Social Networking in the United States with a Focus on Media and Financial
Services – April 2010 .......................................................................................................... 12
What is Twitter? .................................................................................................................... 18
Literature Review.................................................................................................................. 20
“Is Twitter a Viable Commercial Use Platform for Small Business? An Empirical Study
Targeting Two Audiences in the Small Business Community ............................................ 20
“Twitter Time: How Companies are Using and Responding through the Social Networking
Tool” .................................................................................................................................... 21
“Cashing In on Tweets” ....................................................................................................... 22
Twitter Power 2.0: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time ......................... 24
Twitter Marketing: Promote Yourself and Your Business on Earth’s Hottest Social
Network ............................................................................................................................... 25
Methodology .......................................................................................................................... 27
Case Study: FM Global ....................................................................................................... 27
Computer-Mediated Communication .................................................................................. 30
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 31
Appendices ............................................................................................................................. 36
Appendix A – (Interview Questions with Head of Communication at FM Global) ........... 37
Appendix B – (FM Global Twitter Profile as of March 2012) ............................................ 38
Appendix C – (IRB Proposal Exemption Form) ................................................................. 39
References .............................................................................................................................. 40
Twitter: Businesses Increasing Their Revenues 140 Characters at a Time
Senior Capstone Project for Adekemi O. Oyalabu
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With the consumer market becoming more competitive by the day, businesses must find
innovative yet cost effective means of reaching their target markets and steadily increasing
their revenues. While businesses compete with one another to remain the best, they must have
a strategic market plan that differentiates their products and/or services from their
competitors. In an effort to do this, many businesses have begun using social networking sites
such as Facebook, MySpace, and LinkedIn as a means of reaching their target markets. Such
sites have opened businesses to a new level of advertising where they reach consumers faster,
have the ability to be more innovative, and spend less money than they would with
conventional means of advertising. In addition to these social networking sites, Twitter has
emerged, gaining interest from businesses looking to get their products and/or services out to
consumers through a new medium. With the number of users increasing daily and the ease of
passing information along from one user to the next, businesses have begun to see their new
found means of advertising on Twitter as the way to increase their revenues 140 characters at
a time. This project highlights how the understanding of the benefits of social media
marketing is essential to businesses venturing into the use of Twitter. This understanding
allows businesses to frame the use of Twitter to successfully fit their business strategies, while
the Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) shows the connection between the use of
social networking sites by businesses and how it relates to the manner in which consumers are
receptive to the information such sites provide. Various studies conducted on the use of
Twitter by companies along with a case study on FM Global, a mutual insurance company,
highlight how Twitter can be used by businesses as a marketing tool for branding purposes
and increasing revenues.
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With the need to stand out, businesses are looking for inexpensive yet innovative means of
pushing out their products or services to consumers while building up an extensive market. As
businesses work to expand their means of marketing, the topics of communication and how
they can better communicate their products and/or services to consumers through platforms
begin to surface. While communication occurs on various levels, social media has gained a lot
of popularity as its pros greatly outweigh its cons. As with the creation of social networking
sites such as Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn, Twitter is the newest social networking site
that businesses are beginning to use as part of their marketing strategy. But how effective and
useful has the use of Twitter as a marketing strategy been for businesses? Have companies
been able to better communicate their products and services to consumers while increasing
their revenues?
This study aims to look into the rising use by companies of social media as a marketing
strategy to reach both current and potential customers. How such companies communicate
with consumers is important as it highlights the way in which they brand themselves. How
receptive consumers are to the products and/or services provided by these companies reflects
how successful such companies are in their branding and marketing initiatives. As companies
are looking to revamp their marketing strategies, this study will take a look at how they are
including Twitter as part of such strategies and how its inclusion has assisted companies in
increasing their revenues. Understanding the advances in the marketing of social media, the
usage and existence of Twitter, information gathered from businesses that have success stories
with Twitter, and claims of its immense benefits will serve to show how a post containing
only 140 characters can build the financial earnings of a business.
Social networking sites have grown extensively over the past few years, attracting a more
engaging audience whose focus includes taking interest in the profiles of its favorite
companies. Social media marketing is a form of marketing that occurs over the Internet using
social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter as its marketing tool. These
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social networking sites create an online community that brings together individuals who share
common interests, goals, aspirations, and/or hobbies. These sites offer opportunities for users
to interact with one another and facilitate communication through mediums such as instant
messaging, blogs, newsfeeds and e-mail.The goal of using social media marketing by
companies is to produce content for their users on their social network of choice that will help
them increase brand exposure and broaden customer reach. This goal and many others can be
met by companies if they study current social networking sites, understand how they operate,
and take note of the usage patterns of individuals on such sites. When users join these social
networking sites they create a profile that describes their activities, interests, and other
information they are eager to share with other users. This is essential to businesses as it allows
them to connect with all consumers of different ages and preferences, and offers a unique
opportunity to focus marketing strategies on specific target groups. Consumers are looking for
attention, especially on these social networking sites as they want to connect with those who
value how they feel, understand their needs, and take the time to hear what they have to say.
Because of this it is important that companies who look into marketing themselves on social
networking sites understand that their inability to connect with both potential and current
customers on these sites could lead to the loss in clientele. Financially, customers are essential
to the forward movement of a company, and therefore the use of social networking sites can
aid in listening to what customers want. Companies can do this by looking at those who visit
their social networking site, what they search for on the site, and what they post on their own
pages or blogs. The ability to allow interaction between customers and companies with the
opportunity to voice complaints or ask questions is known as social customer relationship
management(Band, Moore, & Leggett, 2011). This serves as a cost effective and time
efficient way for companies to intrigue consumers to support their initiatives and
communicate information about their products and/or services to them.
One of the key components of social media marketing is Social Media Optimization (SMO),
which like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), is a strategy that is used to draw new and
unique visitors to a website. Social media optimization can be used in two manners: (1)
promoting activity on social networking sites by updating tweets, statuses and/or blog posts or
(2) adding links to content that one would like to publish and link to the company’s social
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networking sites, such as sharing buttons and RSS feeds (Sterne, 2010). Tweets are status
updates of 140 characters or fewerwhere users are able to inform others of what they are
doing, thinking about or taking part in. A RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed is a data
format that syndicates news and other contenttogether; people that subscribe to a RSS feed
will be notified every time content is updated on the site in which the feed is available for. All
in all, these approaches assist companies in getting direct feedback from customers in an
interactive manner and highlight the need for companies to venture into the usage of social
networking sites.
Red Bridge Marketing Study
A study conducted by Red Bridge Marketing in 2008 to further examine the marketing of
social media discovered that users share their opinions and make recommendations about
products and/or services via the social networking sites that they are on. As a result of what
users share and recommend, other users seeking input use that information when considering
purchasing those particular products and/or services. The study found that 78% of consumers
say they trust and believe the recommendations they find on these social networking sites
more than any other forum because they portray the personal experiences of individuals who
have actually used the products and/or services of the company(ies) (Red Bridge Marketing,
2008). Users on social networks both supply and consume the content found on these sites,
which is a powerful avenue for companies to impart information about products and/or
services to consumers directly from their stable. Users in turn can make such information viral
by sharing the information with other users in their networks; this also assists companies with
cutting advertising costs and promoting their products and/or services as pleased users share
their experiences with others.
In its findings, Red Bridge Marketing also looked into the benefits of using social networks as
a marketing tool whose pros outweigh its cons. The group named the following as benefits:
increase product and brand awareness, increase web traffic, improve Search Engine
Optimization, increase customer loyalty and increase success of new product launches(Red
Bridge Marketing, 2008):
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Increase Product and Brand Awareness – Companies that use social networking sites
to market their products and/or services will increase the awareness users have of their
offerings because of the increased online presence of their brand. An iProspect Search
Marketer Social Networking Survey revealed that 48% of marketers are actively
placing information on their social networking sites to help drive more traffic and
create brand awareness(Red Bridge Marketing, 2008). A company’s ability to create
its presence on social networking sites creates an opportunity to bring the company’s
branding to consumers and encourage them to interact with the company’s site. There
is a greater chance the information posted by companies on their sites will be received
by users as they chose which groups they join and which profiles they add to their
Increase Web Traffic - Companies that use social networking sites to market their
products and/or services will witness an increase in web traffic to their sites when
others mention them in various forms of recommendations, communications, and
other postings. These postings often include web links that allow users to visit
company sites and inadvertently help them drive traffic. Due to the setup of these
sites, the web links target current and potential customers that are interested in the
companies, their products and/or services.
Improve Search Engine Optimization – Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is defined
as “the process of making a website appear prominently or frequently in the results of
web searches. Search engine optimization is a strategy used by site owners to increase
revenue by increasing the number of visitors to their site. It often involves changes to
the website itself, especially adding common search terms. Sometimes other tactics are
used, including the creation of links to the site from other sites”(,
2006). When a company and its product and/or service are mentioned, it is often
connected to web links; the more web links connected to the mentioned content the
greater the company’s ranking in search engine results will be, which will result in a
higher number of individuals reading the content. Search engines measure the value of
each web link in the released content of the company and relate it to the company’s
website. This then gives social networking sites more value because as users share
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content with others they believe is valuable, the ‘sharing moment’ gets linked back to
the content that was posted. This serves as a less expensive alternative for companies
and adds greater value compared to web links they actually pay for.
Increase Customer Loyalty – Using a social networking site to promote a company, its
products and/or its services can help enrich customer loyalty if its use of the site is
consistent and honest, adds value to the current and potential customers with useful
content, and indicates the company’s drive to create a personal connection between the
customers and its business. Such actions will help to build trust and credibility
between the company and the customer while enriching the reputation of the company.
Increase Success of New Product Launches – With the array of various opinions on
social networking sites from their millions of users, companies are at an advantage
with the ability to tap into what users have to offer. Companies can survey users about
their wants and needs and use the information to go back, revamp current products
and/or services and improve them to include what customers feel is imperative for an
enjoyable experience with the company’s products and/or services. If companies
facilitate continuous interaction and feedback between themselves and customers on
these social networking sites, customers can be part of a continuous product
development phase that allows them to have a voice in a process that could increase
customer loyalty and guarantee more success in the launching of a new product.
The findings of this study further support the benefits of using social networks as marketing in
that Red Bridge Marketing also noted approximately 1/3 of the companies in the life science
industry plan on integrating some form of social networking into their company’s 2009
marketing plan. This finding represents more than a 100% increase from companies who used
some form of social networking as part of their company’s 2008 marketing plan (Red Bridge
Marketing, 2008). The following figures show the results of the findings of the survey
conducted and indicate that the growth in use of social networks as a marketing tool by
companies is as a result of their understanding the valuable benefits that await them (Figures 1
and 2).
Twitter: Businesses Increasing Their Revenues 140 Characters at a Time
Senior Capstone Project for Adekemi O. Oyalabu
Social Media Marketing Trends
Source: Red Bridge Marketing
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Already part of
our marketing
Don't Know
Do you plan on incorporating social media marketing into your
marketing plan for 2009?
Figure 1. Percentage of life sciences marketing professionals using social media marketing
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%
Increase sales
Increase brand awareness
Deliver product information to
Customer support
Product research
Customer research
What are the business goals for your social media plan?
Figure 2.Business goals of social media marketing.
The Report of Social Networking in the United States – August 2011
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The rapid evolution of social networking sites has led to a great increase in the number of
users who can be found on these sites, and with such an increase ad revenues were projected
to reach $3.1 billion by the end of 2011(Mintel Oxygen, 2011). The success that companies
have witnessed with the use of social networking sites as advertising tools has led to a 705%
increase in the use of social networking sites from 2006-2011(Mintel Oxygen, 2011). Teens
(ages 12-17) and young adults (ages 18-34) serve as the largest demographic on these sites,
and the growing use of smartphones, laptops and tablets has made it easier for this age group
to be connected to these sites on daily basis. This analysis is supported by the report released
by Mintel which looks to analyze the attitudes toward social networking and the use of social
networking. The report further focuses on how consumers interact with the brands they are
presented with on social networking sites and the features on these sites that aid its users
(companies) in representing themselves well in the eyes of customers.
Despite the economic downturn that has affected many sectors, spending on social media
advertising has continued to grow. As previously stated, the revenues from the usage of social
media advertising are projected to reach $3.1 billion by the end of 2011 and of that amount
Facebook would account for $2.2 billion or 71%(Mintel Oxygen, 2011). Spending on social
media advertising has also grown by 425% from 2006-2010, supporting the fact that more and
more businesses are taking their advertising efforts to social networking sites(Mintel Oxygen,
2011). At the same time, social networking sites have made it possible for businesses to more
easily advertise their products and/or services due to the manner in which the sites are
structured. Facebook has become a platform for retailing with catalogs and e-stores by
offering “narrative-based marketing sponsored stories” that incorporate into ads the “likes”
the businesses receive on their profiles (Mintel Oxygen, 2011). MySpace has allowed
businesses to attract customers through TV ads, while LinkedIn has focused on allowing
businesses to reach out to customers based on job title, seniority, age, and other information
on the user’s site. Twitter in its own manner has allowed tweets sponsored by businesses to be
integrated into the timelines and newsfeeds of the site’s users. With the opportunities that
these social networking sites offer, 36% of social network users use such sites for gaming,
while 25% use them to learn/enter into sweepstakes; 19% use them to learn/acquire samples,
and 18% use them to learn about how to receive virtual gifts (Mintel Oxygen, 2011). These
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social networking sites are also widely used to learn more about brands offered by various
business; 32% of users visit the pages of various brands while 22% visited the websites of
various brands after they had learned about them on the social networking sites (Mintel
Oxygen, 2011). The report from Mintel also noted how interests of users determine which
brands they become attracted to. Women aged 18-24 and users from the highest-income
households of $150,000+ were more likely than others to “like, fan, or friend” all types of
business, celebrity or fan pages(Mintel Oxygen, 2011).Those aged 18-34 used the functions of
social networking sites to share with others their interest, learn about their favorite musicians,
movies, and fictional characters; this age group is also the most active users on Twitter. This
usage creates an opportunity for business entities to connect with users based on their interests
and the content in which they like, fan, or friend.
Table 1: Current use of features, by age, June 2011
“Which of the following features or services are ways that you use Facebook, Twitter, or
other social networks?”
All 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-65 65+
Base: internet users 18+
with at least 5 friends
ona social networking
1,376 235 280 243 245 171 202
% % % % % % %
I do this now:
Play a game
36 44 36 38 36 32 26
Use an app
28 43 38 33 24 15 9
with prizes
25 22 26 27 27 28 18
Sign up to receive a
sample product
19 18 20 19 23 20 12
Receive a virtual gift
18 20 22 21 20 14 7
Give a virtual gift
17 19 20 20 18 14 7
Source: Mintel
Overall advertising sales on the social networking sites has steadily increased by 50% from
2006-2010 despite the dip that was seen in 2009 in response to the recession. Table
2highlights the growing interest and willingness of businesses to invest in advertising their
brand, products, and/or services via social networking sites.
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Table 2: Total U.S. internet ad spend, 2006-11
$million %
16,880 - 100 59
21,210 25.7 126 74
23,450 10.6 139 82
22,600 -3.4 134 80
26,000 14.7 154 91
28,500 9.6 169 100
* 2011 estimate from eMarketer (May 2011), 2006-10 figures from IAB’s 2011
Full Year Results Report (April 2011)
Source: Mintel/IAB/eMarketer
In order to continue the growth in revenues and make it beneficial for businesses to use the
social networking sites as a marketing tool, these sites are focusing heavily on making the
usage of its sites more attractive to users. Twitter, which is known for requiring limited time
investment from its users, focuses on keeping its audience’s presence on the site longer
through a redesign that features the ability to communicateon a wall-like function similar to
that of Facebook (design seen in 2011). Although Twitter was created in 2007, it had not been
redesigned until November 2010. The new look was designed to make people stay longer and
visit the site more often which benefits those who use the social networking site as a means to
advertise and reach out to consumers daily. With the new look the screen was split into two
panels; one side contained the 90 million tweets that were posted daily, while the other
focused on displaying pictures that were posted (Mintel Oxygen, 2011). In 2011 Twitter
released yet another redesign hoping that the wall-like function similar to that of Facebook
would make it easier for users to communicate with one another. This ability allows users to
reply to other users through a text field that would appear on the other user’s Twitter page;
this function allowed user to share links and pictures more easily.
Twitter is a micro-blog where users have the ability with 140 characters or fewer to let others
know what they are doing, thinking aboutor taking part in Twitter allows its users to follow
public tweets that are posted by other users, which varies from what occurs on Facebook;
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users on Facebook communicate directly only if both users have agreed to be in each other’s
network. Twitter has become a haven where musicians, organizations, celebrities, and
political groups broadcast news to the millions of people who follow them;Table 3 displays
what active users follow on Twitter. For example, in April 2011, President Obama used
Twitter to announce that the beginning of his reelection campaign. Twitter is also known as a
place to get the top news stories; for example, the news that the United States forces had
killed Osama bin Laden was first broken through Twitter. Twitter has also been seen as an
effective communication tool for those in various parts of the world organizing social actions
and protests. As of April 2011, Twitter was estimated to have more than 200 million active
users with the hope that by the end of 2012 the number would have reached between 250
million to 300 million active users (Mintel Oxygen, 2011). These active users together post
about 155 million tweets a day, which was up by 282% from April 2010 (Mintel Oxygen,
2011).An article from International Business Times April 2011 noted that, according to
Sysomos, 42% of tweets are made by nonofficial apps that have more features than Twitter
such as UberSocial, Echofon, TweetDeck, and Seesmic. This percentage indicates that more
than 155 million tweets are sent per day by active users but are unaccounted for in Twitter
statistics because they are sent by nonofficial apps. With the number of tweets sent out on a
daily basis by active users of Twitter it can be seen that there is a market for businesses that
use Twitter as an avenue to reach out to both potential and current customers who are already
on this social networking site.
Table 3: Follow brands, products, or entertainment on Twitter, by age, June 2011
“Are you friends with or fans of any of the following on a social networking site or do you
follow any of these on Twitter?
All 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-65 65+
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Base: internet users 18+
with at least 5 friends on a
social networking profile
1,376 235 280 243 245 171 202
% % % % % % %
9 20 14 7 7 2 -
Brand or product
7 14 12 5 5 1 2
Movie, video, game, book,
or TV show
5 9 9 3 3 2 -
Social cause or nonprofit group
5 8 10 3 4 4 1
School or college group
4 8 8 5 2 2 1
Fictional character from a
movie, video game, or book
3 6 6 2 2 1 -
Other type of group
3 7 4 2 4 1 1
Source: Mintel
The Report of Social Networking in the United States with a Focus on Media and Financial
Services – April 2010
According to the consumer research conducted by Mintel in 2010, the use of social
networking sites is increasing rapidly with 57% of Internet users now having a profile on at
least one social networking site; this number is up by 41% from 2009 (Mintel Oxygen, 2010).
About 51% of these users visit the social networking sites on a daily basis, which is important
for financial service companies who are beginning to look into using social media as a
marketing tool (Mintel Oxygen, 2010). Among the age group of 18-24, 68% are daily users,
while the demographic profile of users on these sites consists of more women and skew
toward those with higher incomes; this demographic is pleasing to markets who are interested
in targeting these groups of individuals (Mintel Oxygen, 2010).The accessibility of Internet
via personal computers and smartphones has assisted in the increasing numbers of users on
social media networking sites. From 2003 to 2009 there has been an increase of home
ownership of personal computers from 62% to 72%, with the average hours of use at home
per week increasing by an hour each week since 2003 to 7.24 hours (Mintel Oxygen,
2010).Twitter is most popular among 23-34 year olds with 25% of them being weekly users;
the large ownership of those with smartphones allows for Twitter’s popularity to be great as
this social networking is often accessed via its user’s smartphones.
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The report conducted by Mintel focuses on how the use of social networking sites can benefit
financial services entering the social media market as a way to reach out to consumers. The
majority of social networking site users state that they use social networking mostly as a form
of connecting with family and friends. The report found that those under the age of 45, along
with a household income of more than $100,000, are most likely to use social networking
sites for uses beyond connecting to family and friends. It is perceived that this demographic
would be more receptive to the information that entities offering financial services would
provide via Twitter. About 43% of users on social networking states stated that these sites
allowed them to exchange interesting ideas with those they care about, which emphasizes the
importance of interactivity in the social marketing of financial services; Table 4 highlights
how social networking sites were used during 2010 (Mintel Oxygen, 2010). A total of 22% of
users stated that social networking sites assist them in making decisions about purchases,
while the same percentage stated that social networking sites assist them in making good
decisions about their lives. With this realization it is noted that these users are likely to be
more receptive to receiving tips and advice for making financial decisions as a result of social
Table 4: How social networking sites function for the users, by age, January 2010
Base: 596 adults (18+) with internet access who visit social networking sites
“Please indicate how well each of the following words or phrases describe the blogs,
discussion groups, and social networking sites that you regularly visit?”
Any agree: All 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55+
% % % % % %
Helps me connect with
people who I care about
62 56 69 67 61 55
Lets me exchange
interesting ideas
43 51 50 49 34 27
Gives me things to talk
41 44 54 45 33 21
Makes me feel included
40 43 56 43 31 21
Helps me meet people
like myself
36 43 45 41 32 17
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Helps me to make good
decisions about what I
22 34 27 26 13 7
Helps me to make good
decisions about my life
in general
22 31 30 22 16 8
Source: Mintel
The use of social media to advertise offers to consumers is a form of “pull” marketing. “Push”
marketing refers to ads that are pushed onto the view by advertisers,for example banner ads
and television ads found on websites. On the other hand, pull marketing involves users
seeking out the marketing themselves; for example, a potential bank customer will not be able
to witness a bank’s Twitter feed that includes valuable information to customers unless he/she
accesses the bank’s Twitter profile on his/her own free will. Using social networking sites as a
marketing tool cannot be approached in the same manner as are other marketing strategies. In
order for companies offering financial services to be taken seriously by users and not ignored,
they need to offer extra values and deals to both potential and current customers on these
social network sites. Companies offering financial services must also continue daily
maintenance of their profiles to make sure that they are keeping users up-to-date. The
following scenarios highlight the use of Twitter by several financial service companies
turning to social media as a way of interacting and reaching out to consumers:
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ustomer service tool where users can contact
nd as of March 2012 has
Bank of America uses Twitter as a c
customer service representatives directl
on Twitter to help with any of their
questions and concerns; as of March 20
Bank of America’s profile, @BofA_Help,
had 23,000 plus followers (Twitte
users “tweet” the bank by updating their own profile, including th
tag “@BofA_Help” within the post, with a question or concern. O
its own profile page the bank replies by tagging the original poster
and asking users to send them a direct message with contact
information so that they can be contacted offline. Bank of
America’s usage of Twitter allows a more direct customer
experience for both its users and the company; customers can
escape having to call Bank of America, wait to be placed on ho
and stop the feeling that his/her concerns are unimportant to the
individual he/she is conversing with. Bank of America works to
establish an emotional connection between it and its users over
Twitter. The fact that its customer service representatives have
pictures of themselves beside their names on the Twitter page he
make the company seem more personably to its users (Figures 3 and 4).
Wells Fargo’s Twitter page has been operati
since March 2009 a
Figure 4: Bank of America Twitter Profile
Figure 3: Bank of
America Twitter Profile
almost 20,000 followers (Twitter).It follows a
similar model as that of Bank of America with
@Ask_WellsFargo profile that is actively
monitored during business hours by a person who
is able to answer users’ banking questions
(Figures 5 and 6).
Figure 6: Wells Fargo Twitter Profile
Figure 5: Wells Fargo Twitter Profile
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One uses it Twitter profile,
Citibank uses its Twitter page, @Citi_Forward, t
promote the Citi Forward credit card to users
while sending updates with links containing
financial advice, encouraging individuals about
financial decisions and sharing about their iPhone
application available for download. Citibank also
uses its Twitter page, @AskCiti, as a tool where a
customer service representative searches Twitter
during business hours for instances when other
users mention the bank’s name. These discussions
usually are of tweets from users displeased about
an experience they had. The customer service
representative “tweets” back to the displeased user with an apology and sends him/her
a direct message to discuss the bad experience the user has. Citibank’s @AskCiti page
had about 7,500 followers as of March 2012, while its @Citi_Forward page had
almost 2,000 followers (Twitter)(Figures 7 and 8
Figure 7: Citi Twitter Profile
Figure 8: Citi Twitter Profile
@TeachingMoney, as an educational tool
designed to help parents and teachers talk t
children about handling money, along with
tips and links that providing such teaching
material. Capital One updates its profile
roughly 20 times per month, and as of Ma
2012 has 700 plus followers, while its
@AskCapitalOne profile has almost 4,0
followers(Twitter)(Figures 9 and 10).
Figure 10: Capital One Twitter Profile
Figure 9: Capital One Twitter Profile
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She focuses on tweeting about American
popular with its followers, reaching
The above financial service entities display how the use of Twitter for some of its operations
he use
American Express’s Twitter account,
@AmericanExpress, was written by
Leslie Berland the company’s Vice
President of Online Communications.
Express news, exclusive offers
events going on, while responding to
tweets that the company is tagged
These efforts have made the profile
332,000 plus as of March 2012 (Twitter). The company’s customer service account,
@AskAmex, focuses on answering questions about customer’s cards and offering
support on specific account issues; this profile as of March 2012 had almost 17,000
followers (Twitter)(Figures 11 and 12).
Fidelity’s Twitter account, @Fidelity,
Figure 12: American Express Twitter Profile
Figure 11: American Express Twitter Profile
focuses on offering educational links an
news to its investors while answering
tweets from its users. This occurs durin
normal work hours, and as of March
2012 the company’s account has 40,000
plus followers (Twitter) (Figure 13).
Figure 13: Fidelity Investment Twitter Profile
has been a tremendous help in reaching out to customers, helping them solve issues, listening
to customers’ needs and wants, and also growing the numbers of followers interested in their
business. The successes of these companies with Twitter usage highlights the possible
revenue opportunities for businesses and also paves the way for my later discussion of t
of Twitter by another reputable financial entity.
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Twitter, which has been gaining steady popularity over the years, was introduced in July 2006
by its creators Evan Williams, Jack Dorsey, and Biz Stone. Williams was an entrepreneur who
had founded a company called Pyra Labs that made project management software; the
software from this company went to become Blogger, a free blogging service, which was later
bought by Google. In 2004, Williams left Google to form Odeo, a podcasting company, and
then two years later created Obvious with Biz Stone. Biz Stone was a programmer who had
joined Blogger after its acquisition by Google. Odeo was then bought by Obvious, which was
later sold to a company called Sonic Mountain which now focuses on Twitter. The original
idea for Twitter came from Dorsey who had been an Odeo employee at the time; Twitter had
been created to serve as a fun way to communicate with others. Twitter was launched
officially in October 2006 and was awarded a South by Southwest Web (SXSW) Award in
March 2007 for leading the blog category in innovation. By April 2007 Twitter was a separate
entity headed by Dorsey (Comm, 2010).
Twitter is a free social networking site that offers micro-blogging services to users who are
able to send updates to one another through what are called “tweets”. These “tweets” are text-
based posts that hold up to 140 characters and are shown on the profile page of the user who
created the posts. Individuals who subscribe to that specific user’s profile, known as
“followers”, also have access to see these posts but can be restricted from certain posts if the
user restricts which of his/her follows can see posts he/she makes. The accessibility of Twitter
because of technological advances has allowed users to send and receive tweets via the
Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or text messages as it is referred to by some,
or other external applications(, 2012).The continuing sections of this report will take a
closer look at Twitter, its uses, and how various companies have been able to use the social
networking site to meet their daily marketing and advertising needs.
What sets Twitter apart from other social networking sites is its simplicity and critical mass.
Although Twitter has added various tools and add-ons to its site to create more functions for
users, it still remains true to its original functionality by serving as a way for users to describe
what they are doing in no more than 140 characters. The hardest part of creating a social
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networking site is introducing it to the market and gaining enough interest from individuals
comfortable enough to become users on the site. Twitter’s SXSW award gave the site the
boost it needed, and as long as it has that critical mass it will serve to be the micro-blogging
service to beat (Comm, 2010).
A 2011 report released by Pew Research Center Internet & American Life Project noted that
13% of online adults use Twitter, while half of Twitter users access the service “on the go”
via their mobile phones. This shows an increase from the 8% of online adults noted in
November 2010 when a similar report by the organization was conducted. The following
table, Table 5, highlights the types of users who are on Twitter, which is important in order to
understand how the structure of Twitter allows various demographics to use the social
networking site. These demographics as varying as they may be, are important as they allow
businesses that use this medium for marketing and advertising purposes to be able to reach a
wide array of individuals at a cost relatively cheaper to more conventional means. Twitter’s
demographics, what Twitter is all about, and the capabilities that it has are essential to grasp
how such factors integrate with one another. These factors will assist in further understanding
the vast array of opportunities that lay ahead for companies that use Twitter as a means of
increasing revenues due to the increase of branding on this social networking site.
Table 5: Who Uses Twitter?
% of internet users within each group who use Twitter
Allinternetusers 13%
Men 14
Women 11
1829 18*
3049 14*
5064 8*
65+ 6
White,nonHispanic 9
Black,nonHispanic 25*
Hispanic 19*
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Lessthan$30,000 12
$30,000‐$49,999 15
$50,000‐$74,999 12
$75,000+ 15
Highschoolgrad 8
Somecollege 12
College+ 16*
Urban 15*
Suburban 14*
Rural 7
Source: The Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, April 26 – May 22,
2011 Spring Tracking Survey. n=2,277 adult internet users ages 18 and older, including 755
cell phone interviews. Interviews were conducted in English and Spanish. * indicates
statistically significant difference between rows.
The following section reviews various articles and books that will be helpful in understanding
the growing popularity of social media and how social networking sites have created a cost
effect yet innovative avenue for businesses to reach consumers. While many social
networking sites are available, Twitter’s growing popularity and usage by businesses indicates
how the simple use of one idea can lead to a door of endless opportunities.
“Is Twitter a Viable Commercial Use Platform for Small Business? An Empirical
Study Targeting Two Audiences in the Small Business Community”
Patrick R. Geho, Sara Smith and Stephen D. Lewis
This journal article briefly highlights the commitment and long hours that small business
owners put into the daily operations of their businesses. As they worry about keeping up with
competitors they also face the added stress of coming up with various means of reaching and
widening their target market in terms of marketing. With the trend of using social networks as
a form of marketing, small business owners looking for an effective yet inexpensive way to
market their products and/or services are flocking to become a part of this trend. While claims
concerning social networks, especially Twitter, are stating that their usage has been very
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valuable, the authors of this article look to find empirical evidence that demonstrates the
usefulness of Twitter for marketing purposes.
In order to first understand Twitter’s usage statistics, the authors gathered some information
from; information is based on 2009 statistics.
Twitter reaches approximately 23.5 million people per month in the U.S.
54% of users are female
44% of users are between the age of 18 and 34
72% of users are Caucasian, while 14% are African American
The typical household income is between $30 thousand and $60 thousand
1% of users that are addicts contribute to 35% of the visits to the site
72% of users are “passers-by”, while only 27% are regular users
(Geho, Smith, & Lewis, 2010)
Based on this above information the authors concluded that these data motivated small
business owners to embrace social media sites as part of their marketing plan since it seemed
that they would have a large target audience to work with. In the same light small businesses
owners hope that with the ability of Twitter users to re-tweet posts, users would help them
spread the word about their products/services to other users they are connected to. This then
helps small businesses with their plans as they enter the market where other businesses are
making use of this site to reach users both locally, across the nation, and internationally.
“Twitter Time: How Companies are Using and Responding through the Social
Networking Tool”
Author: Joan Stewart
Understanding why companies are now beginning to add Twitter to their daily marketing plan
assists in highlighting the various needs companies hope to address and the benefits they hope
to receive from its usage. Twitter, for many companies, has the added advantage of also
allowing its feed to appear on those with Facebook pages, which means that consumers who
follow the company’s page could reach other consumers who are non-Twitter users via
Facebook and possibly gather more consumer interest for the company’s products or services.
With the minimal to no cost of using this social networking site, many companies who are
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using Twitter as a means of communicating with their customers. Twitter serves as a powerful
communication tool that could be used to monitor public comments about company brands
and help them push their marketing strategy. For example, some use it to spot customer
service problems immediately so that they can respond more quickly to complaints; a happy
customer means a customer who will continue to be a loyal customer and encourage others to
purchase the company’s products or services. The following serve as ways companies and
nonprofits are using the services of Twitter to their advantage:
The American Red Cross uses Twitter to announce disaster news. During the tornado
season it tweeted the location of its emergency shelters in several states, directed
followers to Flickr photos that showed tornado damage, and assisted survivors getting
back to their locations safely.
Through Twitter the Red Cross makes public service announcements, announces its
fund-raisers, and links its followers to slide shows of crises such as the California
During the June 2008 floods in the Midwest, the Red Cross used Twitter to send
followers to a Google map showing disaster response opportunities for volunteers and
public service announcements describing what to do during a flood.
H&R Block answers tax questions and responds to complaints from consumers
unhappy with service they've received. pushes news about its sales.
Southwest Airlines informs customers about flight specials and executive major media
interviews, like CEO Gary Kelly's March 7 interview with CNN to address concerns
about the safety of aircraft.
(Stewart, 2008)
“Cashing In on Tweets”
Mary K. Pratt
“It isn’t easy, but some companies are proving it’s possible to calculate the ROI of marketing
via social media” (Pratt, 2009).
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The purpose of this article was to highlight the ability of some companies to collect data that
indicates sales increase through the promotion of their business on social media sites. The first
example sites a Georgia aquarium that offered 25% to 40% off admission prices to those who
followed the business on Twitter or signed on as Facebook or MySpace fans (Pratt, 2009).
Based on the URL that the aquarium created to specifically track the promotion, it claimed
$42,000 in additional sales as a result of the promotion.
Dave Santucci, the aquarium’s Vice President of Marketing and Communication, and Beach
Clark, the aquarium’s Information Technology Vice President, stated that the promotion also
allowed the business to calculate whether the investment into social media was paying off and
how much it was really benefiting them. In terms of investment, the aquarium spent little to
no money to promote itself via the social networking sites, which then assisted it in the
maximization of its efforts. The aquarium’s promotion yield was easily noticed through its
efforts as it was able to bring in greater revenues than the year before. With promotion the
aquarium was able to see that with the minimal amount of resources the staff used to send out
information through Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter, the aquarium was bringing in an
equivalent of 2,500 admission tickets (Pratt, 2009). Both Clark and Santucci acknowledge that
return on investment (ROI) is not easy to calculate, but it is essential as it assists a business in
justifying usage of social media and whether or not more time and money should be invested
into such avenues.
The article continues by addressing how important it is for businesses to understand which of
the social networking sites best fits with the company’s business model. Cynthia Francis,
CEO of Reality Digital Inc., states that, “The idea that everyone should have Facebook and
Twitter is not true. You have to think about what people and customers want. Maybe all you
need is a blog with three people in your company blogging. Bigger companies might want to
be in all the public environments” (Pratt, 2009). Francis’ opinion indicates the need for
companies to thoroughly research what social media can do for their businesses and how such
usage can impact their daily sales. While the usage of social media has proved rewarding for
many, those reaping its benefits continuously analyze how their companies are doing, while
others such as IBM are tailoring their marketing approach to its character of innovation with
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the creation of its one version of Wikipedia, Twitter and Facebook, which are Bluepedia,
BlueTwit and Beehive respectively.
Book: Twitter Power 2.0: How to Dominate Your Market One Tweet at a Time
Author: Joel Comm
In this work online marketing expert, Joel Comm, hopes readers will use what he presents as a
guide to using Twitter to learn how to market to consumers and to encourage the
understanding of how important it is for companies to leverage the benefits of the social
networking site to reach consumers directly, increase their sales and build their brand. He also
notes the need for companies to be on top of the latest trends that can be used to integrate
Twitter into their marketing strategies, which will assist in working towards expanding
awareness of their product and/or service, creating a strong group of followers on the site, and
learning how to handle negative publicity that may occur due to displeased customers. All
these factors are important as they affect a company’s ability to make money via its use of
Twitter in its marketing strategy.Comm focuses a section of his book titled “Quick Ways to
Make Money on Twitter” to highlight how a strong business strategy is needed to help pave
the way for an opportunity to create revenue through the networking site. One approach is to
leverage a Twitter profile to its upmost advantage by placing information in tweets that will
reach out to the customer. He encourages companies to place ads (links) in these tweets that
blend well enough to the message but intriguing enough for users to click to see the ad and in
turn purchase the product and/or service that the ad is promoting. Comm’s next approach is
that businesses should offer specialized services via Twitter, and he highlights this by
introducing how CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) expert Justin Rockwell uses Twitter to his
advantage. On his profile, @ThatCssGuy, Rockwell looks on Twitter for those who need help
with their CSS problems and offers them quick solutions to help. To also help build the
number of those following him, Rockwell adds CSS tips on his profile; this allows him to
build his brand at no cost. Users who have more complex problems can click on Rockwell’s
website ( listed on his Twitter profile. This option allows users to state
their problems and pay for their solution. The payment option has a slider where the price
depends on how fast an individual wants a response; the prices start at $35 for a wait of up to
three days and go up to $135 for a two-hour service. Rockwell, who has a full time job, is able
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to bring in about $1,400 just by providing this service to customers. The presentation of these
approaches by Comm enforces the need for businesses using Twitter to stand out from the rest
of their competitors through distinction. Distinction occurs by thinking outside of the box and
creating an opportunity for customers to know that they’re needs are valued by the company
they intend to do business with.
Book: Twitter Marketing: Promote Yourself and Your Business on Earth’s Hottest Social
Author: Steve Weber
In this work, Steve Weber presents to users (businesses) of Twitter the best ways to reach the
consumer and how to get that competitive yet distinguished advantage in the market. Weber
highlights some business benefits that can be found with the usage of Twitter as it allows
companies to:
Create, reinforce, and expand their brand.
Promote their business, products, and self.
Expand their audience.
Network with customers, clients or readers.
Gather opinions on their business or products.
(Weber, 2009)
Some of these benefits are presented through several of the stories of businesses that have
used Twitter as an approach to increase their popularity and sales:
“Bakeries post a tweet when cookies are coming out of the oven, and within minutes,
customers are at the door.
True Massage & Wellness in San Francisco tweets when its masseuses have open
time, and offers discounts for same-day appointments. The spa’s owner, Mary Jenn, is
able to book each day solid.
J.R. Cohen, operations manager for Coffee Groundz Café in Houston, credits Twitter
with doubling his clientele. Soon after joining Twitter, Cohen was accepting takeout
orders online, just in time for customers zipping through the drive-through.
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Kogi Korean BBQ, a vendor of Korean barbecue takeout food in Los Angeles, has
gained thousands of new customers by tweeting the location of its food trucks, more
than 40,000. Twitter users follow the company’s updates, which broadcast real-time
locations of delivery trucks, as well as “secret menu items.”
(Weber, 2009)
Weber highlights that such success is acquired by understanding what Twitter can
offer a business and how it is a determinant of the framework the business uses to
approach its Twitter usage. Defining what the business will be tweeting about sets
the basis for what will constantly be in its news feed and what users following its
profile will see on a daily basis. Because each tweet holds only 140 characters,
businesses are forced to come up with messages that are short, straight to point but
impactful enough to carry the message to the consumer. Weber suggests that this can
be done when businesses on Twitter understand how to engage audiences and focus
on building brand enhancement and promotion. The following are Weber’s
suggestions to businesses:
Using Twitter to Engage Your Audience
1. “Ask for introductions. When you have a decent number of followers,
send weekly or monthly broadcasts asking people to introduce
themselves. Then, respond.”
2. “Poll your followers. Pick one day of a week to poll your followers
on a topic in your field.”
3. “Get feedback from your followers. And be prepared for constructive
criticism. Ask your followers their opinion on any subject relating to
your business or your product.”
4. “Have followers ask the question.”
(Weber, 2009)
Twitter for Brand Enhancement and Promotion
1. “Study your competitors. Search Twitter to find your competitors, and
take a long look at what they’re doing to promote their products or
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services. Take notes on the methods you like, especially those that
mesh with your marketing plan.”
2. “Offer free content. Offering valuable content builds loyalty with
your followers. Your audience will begin to trust you, and they’ll
bring their friends to you.”
3. “Become known as an expert. Let the Twitter universe know you are
and expert in your niche.”
4. “Keep your followers informed.
5. “Provide exemplary customer service. If your clients, customers, and
fans have questions, answer them. Troubleshoot complaints. Show
them you believe in your business by being present.”
6. “Promote to increase your brand and sales.” This can be done by
offering Twitter exclusive deals and discounts by using links to offer
deals an discounts, and to offer contests and giveaways.
(Weber, 2009)
Weber’s suggestions show that businesses that have increased their follower base
have been able to increase their revenues because they understand the benefits of
Twitter if used in the correct manner. Creating a base where a brand will be
enhanced and promoted is determined by how businesses engage with consumers
and how they are able to turn their consumers into loyal customers willing to invest
their money into purchasing the businesses’ products and/or service.
Case Study: FM Global
The information and articles reviewed up to this point have shed light on the use that
can be made of social networking sites for social media marketing and how
companies have been able to increase their revenue on these social networking sites.
While the benefits of Twitter for companies and small business owners have been
highlighted, seeing how they equate such benefits to the increase of revenues is very
imperative. In order to make the connection more understandable, a case study was
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conducted on FM Global to understand the business’ usage of Twitter and how it has
assisted the company’s efforts in the social media market.
FM Global is a mutual insurance company based in the United States but with many
offices worldwide. It specializes in loss prevention services where it mainly services
large corporations throughout the world in the Highly Protected Risk (HPR) property
insurance market sector. The company focuses on a non-traditional business model
where risk and premiums are determined by engineering analysis rather than
focusing on historically based actuarial calculations. This business approach is based
on the fact that property losses can be prevented or mitigated. FM Global
engineering personnel regularly visit insured locations to evaluate the existence of
hazards and recommend improvements that are needed to the property or work
practices in order to reduce financial and physical risks if a loss were to occur (FM
Global | Facebook, 2012). FM Global’s existence as an international property
insurance and loss prevention engineering company brings in $4.792 billion of in-
force premium, $7.3 billion policyholders’ surplus, and a clientele listing in over 100
countries (FM Global, 2012).
While one can see that as a whole FM Global is successful, this case study focuses
on the Johnston, Rhode Island branch of FM Global. Here I met with the Head of
Communication to discuss the company’s use of social media for its operations and
how using networking sites such as Twitter has helped build the company’s clientele
base and increase revenues. The questions I used to conduct the interview can be
found in Appendix A. During the interview, the Head of Communication pointed out
that the usage of social media was headed by the public relations team as it is
responsible for representing the company to the public in the most accurate, ethical
and truthful manner. Because of this, social media is used as a way to present the
company’s ability and brand to those who serve as customers and potential
customers. While he notes that Twitter is effectively used by many retailers to
facilitate sales and lead to increases in revenue, it’s harder for FM Global to partake
in such measures since the company’s business structure is relatively different.
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Twitter’s usage by the company is a tool to increase awareness of what the company
does rather than that of a sales tool. Why it is difficult for FM Global to use Twitter
as a sales tool is due to the long process that goes into the closing of deals that the
company ventures into. FM Global deals with many multi-million dollar deals, and
because these agreements require so much work, it is hard to say that social
networking sites such as Twitter can really be measured as a sales tool that can
transcribe into revenues. FM Global sells insurance to big Fortune 500 companies
such as Pepsi and Johnson & Johnson that can have a policy of $10 to $12 million
over a one year period. Such sales take a long time to be completed and thus suggest
that Twitter cannot be used by the company as a means of measuring sales. Although
sales cannot be measured, the Head of Communication states that Twitter is by far an
excellent tool that assists the company in building brand awareness and informing its
clientele of what it has been doing. In as much, FM Global is also able to build a
stronger clientele base, where clients become more aware of what the company is
doing and have been exposed to a brand that interests them. This in turn can
potentially lead to a sale for the company if a follower on its Twitter profile becomes
intrigued by the company’s branding and its offerings.
Simply Twitter is used by FM Global to show both current and potential customers
who they are, what research they have conducted, and what they are good at doing,
all of which has an indirect effect on sales. The Head of Communication, also
pointed out that FM Global’s uses of social media is due to the fact that others are
using such sites as Facebook and Twitter to connect with customers. FM Global has
not bought 100% into the idea of using social media as a marketing tool because they
have been unable to fully quantify what the usage of social networking sites have
done to assist in generating sales and creating more revenue. FM Global currently
keeps the analytics of how many users they have on Facebook and Twitter; the
analytics show that the number of users following the company is increasing but the
company has not yet measured this increase in terms of the company’s successes.
The Head of the Communication shared that he believes that FM Global has such a
strong reputation that it does not depend on social media to bring in more clientele or
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assist in increases sales. But it does look to the use of social media as a tool to
enhance the message and branding that it present to the consumer and allow it to
grow its interest base. He believes that as the company begins to have more
employees from the younger generation, FM Global will become more reliant on the
use of social networking sites such as Twitter as a means of connecting to
consumers. FM Global’s use of Twitter has been to brand and package itself to the
consumer, and although it has not been able to quantify sales with its use, it has been
able to use is page as a marketing tool to stay connected with customers and keep
them interested in wanting to continue doing business with the company. The ability
for FM Global to reach out to its customers via Twitter can still offer revenue
opportunities by meeting the needs of the customer, such as those examples of other
financial institutions previously stated (Appendix B). So in the case of FM Global,
excellent brand representation on Twitter equals the opportunity to gain more
clientele, which equals customers willing to purchase insurance from the company
and later turning into a sale for FM Global.
Computer-Mediated Communication
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) “is defined as any communicative transaction that
occurs through the use of two or more networked computers. While the term has traditionally
referred to those communications that occur via computer-mediated formats (e.g., instant
messages, e-mails, chat rooms), it has also been applied to other forms of text-based
interaction such as text messaging. Research on CMC focuses largely on the social effects of
different computer-supported communication technologies. Many recent studies involve
Internet-based social networking supported by social software” (Rathore, 2011).In short,
CMC promotes communication between individuals through various forms of technology.
Because face-to-face communication has been eliminated in this “transaction”, it is important
for users who interact by CMC to make sure that they’re messages are concise enough for
individuals on the receiving end to be able to understand and decipher the message that is
passed along. This approach can be seen with Twitter as the use of 140 characters forces users
to send information to other users in a manner that is impactful yet concise. It also encourages
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users to devise innovative placing of choice words to get attention of other users. As
previously stated, users following companies want to know that they’re needs and interests
are important to the companies they are following. Therefore it is important that companies
captivate those needs, wants, interests, and requests of users in their tweets. Companies like
FM Global who are unable to necessarily get immediate sales from their Twitter profile
should use CMC to their utmost advantage. Being able to provide advice and sharing news
information with users following the company’s Twitter profile is a great avenue to encourage
more interest in that company. Users who see vital information coming from FM Global (and
any other company for that matter) stay connected, look to see what the company has to offer
and possibly share information with other users. CMC allows companies to use Twitter as an
avenue to stay connected with customers, especially when both parties cannot meet in person.
If effectively used, CMC can facilitate and handle conversations between a company and a
user that could have conducted done via a phone call or an in-person discussion. Therefore,
understanding that what is communicated to users on Twitter and the manner in which it is
communicated will determine how effective companies’ strategies with Twitter will be in
yielding sales and increases in revenue.
With the growing use of social media marketing in many strategic business plans, companies
and various businesses have been able to reach consumers in a light that they would not have
previously been able to do so. The use of social media marketing has allowed companies to
look for ways to visually and contextually draw in the interests of the consumer while still
delivering their message. The hopes of companies and small businesses venturing into social
media marketing via social networking sites is to reach customers who in this day and age are
becoming more conscious of the purchases they make when it comes to products and/or
services. It also allows companies and small businesses to create customers out of users who
follow their profiles on these networking sites because of the information that they provide
their tweets. Especially with the change in the current economy, consumers are looking for
the best product and/or service for their buck. Therefore it is important that companies and
businesses using social network sites to reach to both current and potential customers are able
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to build a strong brand presence on these sites while still delivering to the customer what he or
she is looking for. Twitter allows these businesses the opportunity to not only interact with
consumers but also the ability to be simple, effective and impactful due to the structure of the
site. The flexibility of opening several accounts (as seen by various examples previously
stated) to handle various issues like customer service, questions and answers, and general
information that may include deals and discounts, allows consumers the ability to expose
themselves to information that entices them and serves their needs. Consumers won’t feel as if
companies are feeding them with information that is overbearing and does not appeal to what
they may need. This serves as an encouraging factor for companies to make sure that their
accounts on Twitter do what they state they will do and goes above and beyond to capture that
consumer base.
Many of the reasons companies have ventured into the use of social media marketing via
social networking sites, especially Twitter, include the desire to increase their brand presence
in the social media community and most importantly facilitate revenue growth for the
business. While several entities have been able to track revenue growth through links in their
tweets that count the clicks that turn into sales, others are unable to track revenue growth as
seen with the case of FM Global. Such companies then focus on branding themselves to the
consumer because once these consumers are able to see the total packaging of a business in a
good light, they will be more inclined to buy into the vision, the mission, and the product
and/or service that is provided. So although revenue cannot be always simply tracked by a
click on a company’s Twitter profile, branding oneself and strategically setting up one’s
profile can create revenue. Taking a look at the strategies introduced by Max Chafkin in his
article “5 Ways to Actually Make Money on Twitter” highlights how simple tactics can turn
into huge revenue opportunities for companies that successfully utilize Twitter to their
Strategy One: Turn Followers Into Creators
This strategy is highlighted by SkinnyCorp, which owns an online t-shirt retailer
called Threadless, which was founded in 2000 and is based in Chicago. It sells
approximately $30 million worth of graphic t-shirts a year by soliciting designs from a
community of hundreds of thousands of amateur designers who vote on their favorite
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designs. The CEO of Threadless, Tom Ryan, along with its founder, Jake Nickell, took
this strategy to Twitter and created a website May 2010 that would allow its Twitter
followers to go to and turn their favorite tweets into shirt designs. Users would log
into the Threadless website, enter their Twitter username and password, and then
submit tweets for consideration or to vote on tweets submitted by others. The winning
slogans would get printed on t-shirts and would be sold for $18 each. As a result of
this initiative, the company was able to trigger 100,000 submissions and 3.5 million
votes over a five month period. This led to the printing and selling of 23 designs and
resulted in hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional revenue within the first five
months; the promotion also assisted Threadless by adding one million more followers
to its Twitter profile. The Twitter Tees program, as the company calls the initiative,
also provided a revenue boost to its core business as Twitter followers who purchased
t-shirts from the initiative stayed and bought other shirts from the company.
A lesson to take away from this scenario is that asking followers for help can open up
endless doors of opportunities to create revenue for the company; asking followers for
help companies can give participants prizes. Nickell mentioned that Threadless’ most
successful tweets came when it offered followers the chance to win $100 if they
spread the news about the company’s $9 per t-shirt sales; this contest became one of
the most popular topics to trend on Twitter that day(Chafkin, 2010).
Strategy Two: Sell Products on Twitter
This strategy is highlighted by Woot, a $164 million online retailer based in
Carrollton, Texas, that operates six online shops that sell greatly discounted products;
each Woot shop sells only one product at a time for only one day. Woot was one of the
first retailers to find its way to Twitter and it uses the service to inform customers
daily about what is being sold that day. The company sends tweets around midnight to
about 1.5 million of its followers (as of December 2009). Woot sees Twitter as a site
that assists it in triggering more sales, and once it has sold 90% of its inventory for a
particular product, the company then posts a follow up tweet on its page to alert
potential and/or contemplating buyers that time is running out on purchasing the
product of the day. Woot sees these follow up messages as a way of informing
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customers that the products have been widely approved by others in the community.
As a result, tens of thousands of people click on Woot’s Twitter links every day and
conversion rates (the percentage of users who go on to buy something) are
considerably better than the company’s actual website average. From January
2007,Woot has been using Twitter to inform customers about its daily sales and since
then annual revenue has more than doubled(Chafkin, 2010).
Strategy Three: Look for Leads on Twitter
This strategy is highlighted by Rose Associates, which is an 80 year old real estate
marketing and management company based in New York City. The company has 200
employees and manages about 20,000 luxury apartment units. Bob Scaglion, the
senior managing director of residential marketing, uses Twitter to search for users who
post messages about apartment searching woes. Scaglion highlights that the
company’s clientele are young and very mobile, and the place to find them is on
Twitter. The company uses 10 key terms like New York City apartments, moving to
New York City, and no fee rentals; when an individual uses one of those phrases,
someone in the company’s marketing department sends a reply message with a link to
Rose’s apartment listings. Although Rose only has about 200 followers (as of
December 2009), it is able to generate 100 leads a month by sending a few targeted
replies to users every day. Scaglion states that half of these leads convert to actual
rentals, which is still beneficial to the company as it costs them almost nothing to use
Twitter as a marketing tool to reach out to potential customers(Chafkin, 2010).
Strategy Four: Sell Products for Twitter
This strategy is highlighted by Atebits, which is a Philadelphia based software start-up
that makes a $2.99 iPhone application called Tweetie. Its founder, Loren Brichter,
pointed out that Twitter doesn’t charge users to send and receive messages but it
doesn’t mean users won’t pay for an app that makes it easy to use Twitter on the go.
Brichter put the first version of Tweetie up for sale in November 2008, and to promote
it to others he posted it on Twitter. That promotion led Tweetie to be the most
successful iPhone app for Twitter and has been purchased by 12.7% (as of December
2009) of all Twitter users according to The release of the most recent
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version of the app made it to the top of Apple’s bestseller list within 36 hours, ahead
other popular apps such as CNN’s and Electronic Arts’ Madden 2010 iPhone
app(Chafkin, 2010).
Strategy Five: Find Customers Anywhere
This strategy is highlighted by Kogi Korean BBQ (as mentioned earlier), a Los
Angeles start-up that operates four food carts that are always on the go. Kogi uses
Twitter to tell customers where its trucks are. Although they have regular spots, the
trucks move every couple of weeks and managers might make last minute changes to
truck locations if they cannot find a good location to park. Kogi wants to cater to a
larger customer base than would be possible with a few regular locations, so it turns to
Twitter as a means of informing customers where its trucks are on any given day.
Twitter also allows the business to give customers information about specials and to
offer random jokes that give a lively attitude for their customers. The use of Twitter
has assisted Kogi with its rapid growth; within its first year of existence Kogigrew
from four employees to 60 (as of December 2009) and has gone from selling 30
pounds of meat a day to 1,000 (as of December 2009). Also, about 10% of customers
learned about the truck’s location from Twitter, which shows that the messages sent
by Kogi are reaching users and turning them into customers(Chafkin, 2010).
What one should take away from these analyses is that social media marketing is becoming
increasingly popular due to the benefits that it provides for companies at a low cost and at an
opportunity to be versatile, innovative and unique in the manner in which companies reach
out to consumers. Companies are looking for various means to increase their brand
perception in the market and in turn increase revenues through the use of social networking
sites. Twitter has been on the forefront of these sites and has served as that new and easy to
use site to meet the needs of companies. While revenue earned by companies cannot always
be measured by clicks on their Twitter profiles, businesses can increase their revenues 140
characters at a time by coming up with strategic means that draw in consumers and turn their
interest into money making opportunities.
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Appendix A – (Interview Questions with Head of Communication at FM Global)
Interview Discussion Points & Questions:
1) FM Global and the clients it serves.
2) What does the company think about social media?
3) What social media sites does the company use the most and why?
4) How has the usage of Twitter (and other social media sites) help reach out to clients,
customers, etc.?
5) What are the company's main reasons for using social media websites (especially Twitter)?
6) Has the usage in social media sites (Twitter) helped the company increase sales and bring
in more customers? Are there any studies/analysis/information gathered by the company to
prove this.
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Appendix B – (FM Global Twitter Profile as of March 2012)
Source: Twitter – FM Global
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Appendix C – (IRB Proposal Exemption Form)
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