June 2022
Registration Policy
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This document is provided pursuant to the disclaimer provided on the last page.
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The purpose of this policy is to describe:
the requirements for registering a domain name in the TLD;
the technical requirements for the composition of a domain name;
what domain names may be reserved or restricted by us;
our policy on domain name pricing, including:
Domain name creation and renewal;
Premium Domain Names;
Application fee for domain names; and
Auction fees.
information about a domain name that is displayed publicly in the Registration
Data Directory Service; and
how the Zone File for the TLD may be accessed.
We have developed this policy with reference to applicable industry standards, ICANN
mandated requirements, and to meet our operational requirements for the TLD.
All domain names in the TLD are subject to this policy and all other policies issued by us.
Further policy and procedure in relation to the TLD can be found at the following link:
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1 Definitions ............................................................................................................ 1
2 Registration Standards and Rules ........................................................................... 3
2.1 Transferring a Domain Name to Another Person or Entity .................................... 3
2.2 Monitoring and Review ...................................................................................... 3
2.3 Our Rights and Responsibilities .......................................................................... 4
3 Requirements for the Composition of a Domain Name ............................................. 5
3.1 Composition Requirements ................................................................................ 5
3.2 Internationalized Domain Names ........................................................................ 6
3.2.1 Composition Requirements ................................................................................ 6
3.2.2 Languages and Characters Available for Domain Names ...................................... 7
3.2.3 Variants ............................................................................................................ 7
4 Reserved and Restricted Domain Names ................................................................. 8
Our use of Reserved and Restricted Labels ................................................................... 8
4.1 Reserved Labels ................................................................................................ 8
4.1.1 Amending the List of Reserved Labels ............................................................... 10
4.1.2 Status of Reserved Labels in the Service ............................................................ 10
4.2 Restricted Labels ............................................................................................. 10
4.2.1 Registering a Domain Name that includes a Restricted Label .............................. 10
4.2.2 Status of Restricted Labels in the Service .......................................................... 10
5 Domain Name Pricing ........................................................................................... 11
Our Pricing and the Obligations of the Registrar ......................................................... 11
5.1 Pricing of Domain Names ................................................................................. 11
6 Registration Data Directory Service (RDDS) ........................................................... 13
6.1 Data Accuracy ................................................................................................. 13
6.2 Preventing Misuse of RDDS Data ...................................................................... 14
7 Zone File Access .................................................................................................. 15
7.1 Submitting a Request for Zone File Access ........................................................ 15
7.2 Credentialing Requirements and Agreement ..................................................... 15
7.3 Grant and Revocation of Access ....................................................................... 15
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7.4 Term of Use .................................................................................................... 16
8 Definition and Review ........................................................................................... 17
Appendix A Domain Name Lifecycle ............................................................................. 18
Registration Periods .................................................................................................. 18
Operations on a Domain Name .................................................................................. 18
States a Domain Name may be Assigned .................................................................... 19
Grace Periods ........................................................................................................... 21
Transitions Between States ........................................................................................ 24
Locks on Domain Names ........................................................................................... 26
Notes on the Update Command and Delegation to the DNS ......................................... 27
Special Considerations .............................................................................................. 27
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1 Definitions
Allocation means the method by which a domain name is created and assigned to an Applicant;
Allocated shall have a corresponding meaning.
Applicant means a natural person, company or organization in whose name an Application is
Application means the complete and technically correct request for a domain name, which
complies with this policy and any other policy issued by us, or ICANN.
Claims Notice means a notice provided to an Applicant indicating that the applied for Label is a
Trademark Match to a Trademark Record in the Trademark Clearinghouse.
Claims Services means the services that collectively provide:
applicants with a Claims Notice; and
Trademark Holders, with a corresponding Trademark Record, with notice that a
Label that is a Trademark Match to the Trademark Record is Allocated.
Customer Registration Agreement means an agreement between a Registrar and a customer.
ICANN means the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, its successors and
Label means a string of characters used to form part of a domain name.
Premium Domain Name means any domain name so designated by us.
Published Policies collectively means:
those specifications and policies established and published from time to time by us
or any of our designated representatives; and
any ICANN Temporary Specifications or Policies and Consensus Policies or any
Rights Protection Mechanisms and associated rules, policies, requirements and
procedures (as defined in our agreement with ICANN).
Registrant means a natural or legal person, company or organization in whose name a domain
name is Allocated in the TLD.
Registrar means an entity that is authorized to offer domain name registration services in
relation to the TLD.
Registration Data Directory Service (RDDS) means either, or both of, the WHOIS Service and
the Registration Data Access Protocol (RDAP) Service.
Registry means the systems used to record, store and maintain details of domain names in the
Service means the services that we provide in relation to the TLD.
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TLD means Top Level Domain and for the purpose of this policy means any of the TLDs
operated by us:
We, us and our means Registry Services, LLC or its designated representatives.
You and your means the person or entity accessing the Service.
Zone File means the file containing information about domain names that are active in the TLD
and as further described in section 7.
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2 Registration Standards and Rules
In order to register or renew a domain name in the TLD the Applicant or Registrant must
warrant that:
It will be the intended beneficiary of the domain name registration;
Where the domain name is a two letter Label that corresponds to a country code
described in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard, the Registrant will not misrepresent
or falsely imply that the Registrant or its business is affiliated with a government or
country code manager if such affiliation, sponsorship or endorsement does not
exist; and
The domain name and its use will be consistent with:
the mission and purpose of the TLD;
applicable laws, government rules or requirements and the Published
An Applicant or a Registrant:
Must provide true and accurate details and information about itself at the time of
Application for, and registration of, the domain name and make those warrants as
described in the Published Policies; and
Must provide to their Registrar updated details and information as soon as practicable
when information about the Registrant changes, and in any case no greater than 14
days from such change.
If the Registrant ceases to be eligible at any time in the future or the warrants made are untrue,
we may cancel, lock, place on hold, transfer or delete the domain name in our absolute
2.1 Transferring a Domain Name to Another Person or Entity
A domain name may only be transferred to another party that meets the requirements of this
and our other policies, and the receiving party must also warrant that it meets the registration
requirements and would be entitled to register the domain name if it were applying for it in its
own right.
2.2 Monitoring and Review
At any time during the lifecycle of the domain name we may take certain steps to substantiate
whether you continue to meet the requirements described in our policies.
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We will take reasonable steps to investigate and respond to reports from governmental
agencies and country code Top Level Domain operators of conduct by any Registrant of a two
letter Label that causes confusion with a corresponding country code.
Where we believe that the information provided with regard to your registration and use of the
domain name is out of date, incorrect, or requires further clarification, we may contact you.
Where we have contacted you in regard to the information that you have provided in respect of
your domain name, you must respond to us within 14 calendar days confirming, updating or
explaining the information that is the subject of our request.
Where you are unable to provide confirmation of the information, provide updated information,
or we receive no response to our request, we may suspend or terminate your use of the domain
Where you are able to provide confirmation of the information, or the requested updated
information, you have 14 calendar days to contact us or the Registrar and provide the
information. Should you not contact us or the Registrar and provide the update, then we may
suspend or terminate your use of the domain name.
2.3 Our Rights and Responsibilities
We reserve the right to deny any request for, or Application for, a domain name, or cancel,
lock, place on hold, transfer, delete, or take any other action on any domain name or
transaction that we deem necessary, in our sole discretion:
to protect the integrity and stability of the Service;
to comply with our obligations to ICANN;
to comply with any applicable laws, government rules or requirements, requests of
law enforcement, or in compliance with any dispute resolution policies or process;
to avoid any liability, civil or criminal, on our part, as well as our affiliates,
subsidiaries, officers, directors, employees and subcontractors;
to ensure compliance with the Published Policies;
to stop or prevent any violations of any terms and conditions of the Customer
Registration Agreement;
for the non-payment to us of any fee; or
to correct mistakes made by us, any Registrar or any of our service providers in
connection with an Application for a domain name, or a domain name.
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3 Requirements for the Composition of
a Domain Name
The purpose of this section is to describe the elements that make up a domain name, how those
elements are commonly described, and the technical requirements for those elements.
General information about domain names
example name.TLD or
Labels that may be used to make a domain name are subject to composition requirements
described in this policy.
Levels of domain names
name.TLD; and a; and so on.
3.1 Composition Requirements
We validate that all domain names created in the TLD meet the technical composition
requirements described in this section.
All domain names must conform to certain requirements. Each label in the domain name must:
have a minimum of 1 character, and a maximum of 63 characters;
only contain letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9) and hyphens (-), or a combination of
begin with a letter or a digit and end with a letter or a digit;
neither begin with, nor end with a hyphen (-);
not contain hyphens (-) in the third and fourth positions (e.g. www.ab - - cd.TLD);
not include a space (e.g. www.ab cd.TLD).
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3.2 Internationalized Domain Names
A domain name consisting of characters other than those in basic Latin ASCII characters (upper
and lowercase letters A-Z and numbers 0-9) is called an Internationalized Domain Name or
represented technically in the DNS. These two forms exist to allow the introduction of IDNs
whilst maintaining backwards compatibility with legacy infrastructure and software. This is due
to the fact that much of the infrastructure of the Internet assumes domain names consist of only
Latin characters.
As a result of needing to use these two forms, some additional steps are required to ensure that
IDNs both function correctly in the DNS and that the domain names are meaningful to end
Labels that may be used to internationalize domain names have composition requirements in
addition to those specified for Latin only domain names. These additional requirements are also
explored in this section.
3.2.1 Composition Requirements
We validate that all domain names created in the TLD meet the technical composition
requirements described in this section.
In the case where only one of the forms (User Form or DNS Form) is requested, then its
corresponding form will be determined automatically by the Service; both forms must meet the
following composition requirements of this policy.
Each label in the DNS Form of the domain name must:
Begin with xn - -;
Contain between 5 to 63 characters;
Consist only of Latin characters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9) and hyphens (-); and
Not end with a hyphen (-).
Each label in the User Form of the domain name must:
Contain a minimum of one character;
Not contain any Diacritics;
Only use the characters described in this policy;
digits (۰-۹);
Not contain both Western Arabic digits (0-9) and Eastern Arabic digits (۰-۹);
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Neither begin with, nor end with a hyphen (-);
Not contain hyphens (-) in the third and fourth positions;
Be the equivalent of a valid DNS Form.
3.2.2 Languages and Characters Available for Domain Names
We may allow IDNs in a number of languages, which will be as described for the TLD at the
following link:
All IDN registrations must include a language tag. The language tag is an important part of the
process of creating an IDN and must be present. Only one language tag per domain name is
3.2.3 Variants
To reduce confusion that may be caused by certain characters that are similar to one another,
we use Variants. The form of the domain name in the characters selected at the time of
registration is known as the Primary Domain Name.
Creating a domain name may not result in a Variant, however where it does the Variant will be
associated with the Primary Domain Name throughout the lifecycle of that domain name. Our
domain name lifecycle is described in this policy.
Where a Variant exists it will have the same domain name information as the Primary Domain
Name and the Variant will follow the same domain name lifecycle as the Primary Domain Name.
In effect the Primary Domain Name and all associated Variants are one registration and are
treated as such within the Service.
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4 Reserved and Restricted Domain
The purpose of this section is to describe the various types of Labels in the TLD that may be
meaning that they may be available for registration as a domain name under certain conditions.
Where a Label is both reserved and restricted then reserved status shall take precedence.
Our use of Reserved and Restricted Labels
Subject always to ICANN mandated requirements, a reserved or restricted Label may be
Allocated or registered to us.
4.1 Reserved Labels
The Labels that may be reserved in the TLD fall into the following categories; these are Labels
that are reserved:
for technical operations;
that represent country and territory names;
that represent names of intergovernmental organizations;
which are certain Labels composed of two characters;
that represent names of the International Olympic Committee, and those of the
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement; and
those that are reserved by us.
Technical Operations
The following Label(s) are reserved in all levels of the TLD:
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Country and Territory Names
The following Label(s) may be reserved in all levels of the TLD:
The short form (in English) of all country and territory names (including the
European Union) contained on the ISO 3166-1 list
Country and territory names described in the United Nations publication:
Technical reference manual for the standardization of geographical names, part
ef%20manual_m87_combined.pdf) as published by the Group of Experts on
Geographical Names.
The list of United Nation member states, in each of the official United Nations
languages described in the United Nations publication:
List of Country Names ( as
submitted by the Working Group on Country Names of the United Nations Group
of Experts on Geographical Names to the United Nations Conference on the
Standardization of Geographical Names.
Two-character Labels
Certain Labels composed of two characters may be reserved in all levels of the TLD.
Names of Intergovernmental Organizations
Names of intergovernmental organizations may be reserved at the second level of the TLD.
These Labels can be found at the following link:
Names of the International Olympic Committee, and those of the International Red
Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Names of the International Olympic Committee and those of the International Red Cross and
Red Crescent Movement may be reserved at the second level of the TLD.
These Labels can be found at the following link:
Reserved by us
Labels that are reserved by us are determined at our absolute discretion. Labels may be
reserved by us for our exclusive use, at any level of the TLD.
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We may release reserved Labels for registration to another person or entity at any time at our
sole and absolute discretion.
4.1.1 Amending the List of Reserved Labels
We may at our absolute discretion from time to time, subject always to applicable industry
standards, and ICANN mandated requirements:
add to, delete from and generally amend or modify the list of Labels which are and
the level at which they are reserved or restricted;
allow a domain name containing a reserved Label to be registered; or
delete a domain name containing a Label which is reserved.
4.1.2 Status of Reserved Labels in the Service
Unless otherwise Allocated according to this policy, the response to a WHOIS query for a
domain name containing a reserved Label includes a message indicating that the domain name
is reserved.
4.2 Restricted Labels
We have identified certain Labels that will be restricted in the TLD.
The Labels that are restricted are determined at our absolute discretion, and will not be
4.2.1 Registering a Domain Name that includes a Restricted Label
We will consider proposals to register or renew a domain name that includes a restricted Label.
Proposals to register or renew such domain names must be approved by us. In considering your
proposal we may require that you provide additional information including such things as the
grounds for which you believe that you should be able to register the Label, and your intended
use of the domain name.
Our decision to grant or decline such requests will be at our absolute discretion, and we will not
communicate the reason for making such determination.
4.2.2 Status of Restricted Labels in the Service
The response to a WHOIS query for a domain name containing a restricted Label will return
information if we have allowed the domain name to be registered, or where the domain name is
not registered no data will be returned.
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5 Domain Name Pricing
Our Pricing and the Obligations of the Registrar
All domain names must be purchased and managed using a Registrar; they are the retail
channel for the TLD. We have an agreement with all of our Registrars which amongst other
things details the fees associated with domain name transactions. While we set the fees for
domain name transactions to Registrars, they are free to retail those domain names based on
their service offering and delivery models.
It is our intention however that when an end user enters into an agreement with a Registrar,
that they are made aware of the fees associated with the domain name including the fees for
creation and renewal of the domain name.
5.1 Pricing of Domain Names
Creation and Renewal
Our agreement with ICANN to operate the TLD includes a number of obligations with regard to
the price that we may set for domain name creation and renewals. Subject always to that
agreement we may from time to time revise the fees that we charge to Registrars.
All domain names are subject to our policies and may be restricted or reserved as described in
this policy.
Premium Domain Names
We may, at our absolute discretion at any time, identify certain desirable domain names as a
Premium Domain Name. A Premium Domain Name may have a higher than standard fee for
creation and renewal.
Where a Premium Domain Name is not registered, subject always to applicable industry
standards and ICANN mandated requirements, we may:
Add to, delete from and generally amend or modify the list of Premium Domain Names;
Modify the pricing of any un-registered Premium Domain Names; or
Allow a Premium Domain Name to be registered.
Where we make a Premium Domain Name available for registration, that domain name may be
subject to a Claims Period as it is described in our Launch Policy which can be found at the
following link:
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Application Fees
At certain times domain names will not be issued on a first come, first served basis, this
includes during the Sunrise Period (as described in our Launch Policy) and this may also occur
when we make a Premium Domain Name available for registration.
During such times:
A domain name may be subject to multiple Applications;
Where there are multiple Applications, contention between Applications will be
resolved as described in the relevant policy, which may include auctions;
There may be a fee for Application for the domain name, which is separate to any fee
for creation and renewal, or auction fee.
Auction Fees
Auctions may occur where there are multiple Applications for a domain name. Where a domain
name is subject to an auction, any auction fees charged are for the right to register the domain
name and not for the domain name registration itself. The fee for creation will still apply.
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6 Registration Data Directory Service
Who collects the information that is shown in the RDDS?
Our agreement with ICANN requires that when a domain name is registered or renewed, we
include certain information to be displayed in the Registration Data Directory Service.
During the procedure of making an Application to register or renew a domain name, the
requestor is asked to enter into an agreement, acknowledging and authorizing the collection
and use of the information in the provision of the Registration Data Directory Service.
What information is returned from a RDDS query?
When a user queries the WHOIS Service and where information exists, a response will be
returned and may contain details relating to the domain name, Registrar, and name server data.
6.1 Data Accuracy
Registrant Responsibilities
renewing a domain name is complete and accurate. Additionally the Registrant is required to
update their information with the Registrar if a change has occurred to the information
What we may do to Promote Data Accuracy
We or the Registrar may attempt to verify the information provided. An Application to register a
domain name may be rejected where incomplete information is provided, or where verification
During the term of registration of the domain name we, ICANN or the Registrar, may:
perform audits of the information that has been provided; or
attempt to contact the nominated entities associated with the domain name,
requesting the review of the information that has been provided and if required
request that the Registrant contact the Registrar to make adjustments.
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What happens if RDDS data is inaccurate?
Where it is determined that information provided in relation to a domain name is false, incorrect
or outdated; we, ICANN or the Registrar may suspend or cancel the domain name.
6.2 Preventing Misuse of RDDS Data
The use of the Registration Data Directory Service provided by us is subject to our Acceptable
Use Policy which can be found at the following link: We also
may impose limits on the number of queries a user may make to the Service.
No user of the Registration Data Directory Service is permitted to utilize automated and/or
electronic processes that send high volume to the Registration Data Directory Service.
Query Limits
To protect the privacy of registrants, and the integrity of the service, we have imposed limits on
the number of queries that may be made.
For general use of the Registration Data Directory Service, the following limit will apply, up to:
100 queries per hour from the same IP Address.
Please note however that we may amend these limits at any time.
RDDS Restrictions
Where the query limits have been exceeded, the IP address will be prevented from making
additional queries for a period of 24 hours.
Query Exemptions
We may consider exemptions to the query limits described in this section for parties with a
legitimate need, such as law enforcement, government agencies, or regulatory bodies, subject
always to the Published Policies.
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7 Zone File Access
The purpose of this section is to describe how access to the Zone File may be granted.
ICANN requires that we in our management of the TLD follow the stated requirements to allow
access can be found on the ICANN web site at the following link:
7.1 Submitting a Request for Zone File Access
All requests to access the Zone File for the TLD must be submitted through the Centralized
Zone Data Service found at the following link:
7.2 Credentialing Requirements and Agreement
Access to Zone File data for the TLD may be available to users subject to verification of the
d agreement by the user that the data will only be used for lawful purposes.
In order to grant access to the zone file for the TLD, we will request, through the Centralized
Zone Data Service, each user to provide the reason for which it seeks access and information
sufficient to correctly identify and locate the user.
A user will be required to enter into an agreement that will govern the access to our zone file
data and its use. The agreement will be standardized, facilitated and administered by the
Centralized Zone Data Access provider.
7.3 Grant and Revocation of Access
On approval, we or ICANN will grant the user a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to
access our Zone File data. The method of access will be defined by us and this method will be
communicated to you at the time of application.
The Centralized Zone Data Access provider may reject the request for access of any user that
does not satisfy the credentialing requirements. In addition, we may reject the request for
of any user that does not provide correct or legitimate credentials; or
where we reasonably believe that the user will use the data in a manner that
contravenes the Published Policies.
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On approval, we or ICANN will grant the user a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to
access our Zone File data. Such access will be facilitated by the Centralized Zone Data Service.
We may, at any time, revoke access of any user where we have evidence to support that the
Use of Data by the User
We will permit the user to use the Zone File data for lawful purposes, provided that:
1 the user takes all reasonable steps to protect against unauthorized access to, and
use and disclosure of, the Zone File data; and
2 the user under no circumstances uses the Zone File data to:
a allow, enable or otherwise support the transmission by email, telephone or
facsimile of mass unsolicited, commercial advertising or solicitations to
b enable high volume, automated, electronic processes that send queries or
data to our systems, or that of any Registrar.
7.4 Term of Use
Use of the Zone File data will be for a limited time and we or ICANN may require the user to
renew the grant of access.
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8 Definition and Review
This document has been prepared and published to represent our policy regarding the
administrative and technical management of the TLD.
All domain names in the TLD are subject to the Published Policies. It is your responsibility to
ensure that you read and understand these policies as they apply to you. We may discontinue
or amend any part or the whole of this policy from time to time at our absolute discretion.
Further policy and procedure in relation to the TLD can be found at the following link:
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Appendix A Domain Name
The purpose of this section is to describe the lifecycle of a domain name in the TLD. This
section includes:
the length of time that a domain name may be registered for;
the operations that may be performed on a domain name;
the various states that a domain name may be in;
the grace periods that are given to a domain name;
how a domain name transitions between states; and
locks that may be placed on domain names.
Registration Periods
The maximum validity period for domain names is 10 years. Domain names may be created
with, or renewed in, one year increments up to the maximum period.
Operations on a Domain Name
Throughout the lifecycle of a domain name, certain operations may be performed on the
domain name. The outcome of those operations may differ depending on the state the domain
name is in.
The operations applicable to a domain name are as follows.
A Create operation produces a domain name in the Registry. While technically this is not an
operation on a domain name, it is included here for completeness.
delegation information.
A Renew operation may be performed on a domain name by the sponsoring Registrar in order
to extend its validity period.
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A Transfer operation moves a domain name from the sponsorship of one Registrar to another.
Transfer operation options are:
Transfer (request): the Registrar which will take sponsorship of the domain name
(gaining Registrar) requests the Transfer.
Transfer (approve): the Registrar which will lose sponsorship of the domain name
(losing Registrar) explicitly approves the Transfer request.
Transfer (reject): the Registrar which will lose sponsorship of the domain name
rejects the Transfer request.
Transfer (cancel): the gaining Registrar cancels the Transfer (request).
A Transfer (request) is automatically approved by the Registry after five days if a Transfer
(approve) or Transfer (reject) operation is not received from the losing Registrar, and the
Transfer (request) has not been cancelled by a gaining Registrar.
The sponsoring Registrar requests that the domain name be removed from the Registry Service
by using the Delete operation.
After a Delete operation a domain name may be reinstated using the Restore operation. Restore
operations are:
Restore (request): the sponsoring Registrar requests that a domain name be
Restore (report): the sponsoring Registrar provides a report regarding a domain
name for which it has previously issued a Restore request.
For further information refer
States a Domain Name may be Assigned
The states that a domain name can exist in are:
Pending Create
Pending Transfer
Pending Restore
Pending Delete
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The following section describes the states a domain name may be in.
Domain status
means the status information that will be available to Registrars, and in
some cases displayed in the WHOIS output.
means the associated name server records (and glue records if any) are
published in the DNS.
Domain status
ok, or varied status values noted by the absence of pendingTransfer or
Allowed operations
Update, Renew, Transfer (request) and Delete
What it means for a domain name
The default state of a domain name. There are no pending operations and
the domain has not been deleted.
Length of time in this state
Pending Create
Pending Create
Domain status
Allowed operations
What it means for a domain name
We have received a request from a Registrar to register a domain name
matching an entry on the list of restricted labels for the TLD. Subsequent
attempts to register the same domain name will not be queued whilst in
this state. Approval of the request is at our discretion. This state is not
used for Applications for domain names made during the Sunrise and
Claims Notice Periods as described in our policy.
Length of time in this state
This state applies for a maximum of 5 calendar days.
Pending Transfer
Pending Transfer
Domain status
Allowed operations
Transfer (cancel, reject, approve)
What it means for a domain name
A Registrar has requested a Transfer of the domain name and it is not yet
completed. All operations that would transform the domain name, other
than those to cancel, reject, or approve the Transfer are rejected.
Length of time in this state
This state applies for a maximum of 5 calendar days.
Domain status
Allowed operations
Restore (request)
What it means for a domain name
The sponsoring Registrar has requested that the domain name be
Deleted. The sponsoring Registrar may perform a Restore operation to
reinstate the domain name. The domain name continues to be withheld
from the DNS unless it is reinstated. All operations that would transform
the domain name, other than to Restore are rejected.
Length of time in this state
This state applies for 30 calendar days.
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Pending Restore
Pending Restore
Domain status
Allowed operations
Restore (report)
What it means for a domain name
A Restore request is pending. The sponsoring Registrar must submit a
Restore report. The domain name is in the DNS. All operations that would
transform the domain name, other than the Restore report are rejected.
Length of time in this state
This state applies for a maximum of 7 calendar days.
Pending Delete
Pending Delete
Domain status
Allowed operations
What it means for a domain name
The Redemption Grace Period has lapsed and the domain name is
pending being removed from the Registry Service. This state prohibits the
sponsoring Registrar from the Update, Restore operations or modifying
the domain name. At the end of this period the domain name is removed
from the Registry Service and may become available for registration.
Length of time in this state
This state applies for 5 calendar days.
Grace Periods
There are five grace periods that are applicable to domain names:
Add Grace Period
Renew Grace Period
Auto-Renew Grace Period
Transfer Grace Period
Redemption Grace Period
The following describes each of the domain name grace periods and how these may affect
operations in relation to the domain name. The grace period states described in this section are
additional to those described in the preceding section.
The following section describes the grace periods a domain name may be in.
Add Grace Period
Add Grace Period
Domain status
Effect on operations
Subject to the following, the Add Grace Period does not have any impact
on other operations.
Domain status
means the status information that will be available to Registrars, and in
some cases displayed in the WHOIS output.
Effect on operations
means the effect that this grace period will have on various operations.
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The sponsoring Registrar, who must have created the
domain name, may Delete the domain name. The operation
occurs with immediate effect and the domain name may
become available for registration.
The sponsoring Registrar may Renew the domain name.
The total period for the domain name is the sum of the
initial period specified when the domain name was created
and any renewal term, subject to the 10 year maximum.
A Transfer may not occur during the Add Grace Period, or
at any other time in the first 60 calendar days after the
initial creation, or approved transfer of the domain name.
The Registry Service will prevent such a transfer from
What it means for a domain name
Allows for no-cost cancellation of a domain name registration resulting
from typographical or other errors by Registrars and registrants. Once
cancelled the domain name may become immediately available for
Length of time in this period
This state applies for 5 calendar days after the domain name is
Registered. Note the Add Grace Period does not apply to Pending Create.
Renew Grace Period
Renew Grace Period
Domain status
Effect on operations
Subject to the following the Renew Grace Period does not have any
impact on other operations.
The sponsoring Registrar, who must have initiated the
Renew operation, may Delete the domain name. The
extension to the registration period caused by the
preceding renew is reversed and unless the domain name is
also in the Add Grace Period, the domain name enters the
Redemption state. If the domain name is also in the Add
Grace Period it is removed from the Registry with
immediate effect and may become available for
The sponsoring Registrar, who must have initiated the
Renew operation, can subsequently Renew the domain
name, causing a second independent Renewal Grace Period
to start. The total registration period for the domain name
is extended by the renewal term, limited to the 10 year
An approved transfer ends the current Renew Grace Period
without a refund and begins a Transfer Grace Period.
What it means for a domain name
Allows the sponsoring Registrar to undo the operation to Renew via the
Delete operation.
Length of time in this period
This state applies for 5 calendar days.
Auto-Renew Grace Period
Auto-Renew Grace Period
Domain status
Effect on operations
Subject to the following, the Auto-Renew Grace Period does not have any
impact on other operations.
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The sponsoring Registrar, who must be the sponsoring
Registrar when the Auto-Renew Grace Period commenced,
may Delete the domain name. The registration period auto-
renew extension is reversed and the domain name enters
the Redemption state.
The sponsoring Registrar, who must be the sponsor when
the auto-renew occurred, can Renew the domain name for
another period causing an independent Renewal Grace
Period to begin. The registration period is extended by the
renewal term, limited to the 10 year maximum.
An approved transfer ends the current Auto-Renew Grace
Period, and begins a Transfer Grace Period. The
registration period auto-renew extension is reversed and
the registration is extended by the period specified in the
What it means for a domain name
Auto-Renew Grace Period allows for domain names to remain in the DNS
beyond the expiration of the registration period, to provide adequate time
domain name.
Length of time in this period
This state applies for 45 calendar days after expiry of the domain name.
Transfer Grace Period
Transfer Grace Period
Domain status
Effect on operations
Subject to the following the Transfer Grace Period does not have any
impact on other operations.
The sponsoring Registrar, who must have initiated the
Transfer, may Delete the domain name. The extension to
the registration period of the preceding transfer is reversed
and the Redemption state is entered.
The sponsoring Registrar can Renew the domain name thus
causing an independent Renewal Grace Period to begin.
The registration period for the domain name is extended by
the renewal term, limited to the 10 year maximum.
A further transfer may not occur during the 60 calendar day
period after the approved transfer of a domain name. The
Registry will prevent such a transfer from occurring. Should
a special situation require transfer back to the losing
Registrar, this is dealt with by taking into account the
unique circumstances of the situation and will require our
approval and manual intervention.
What it means for a domain name
Transfer Grace Period allows the sponsoring Registrar to undo the
registration period extension (due to an approved transfer of a domain
name) and Delete a domain name.
Length of time in this period
This state applies for 5 calendar days after completion of the Transfer.
Redemption Grace Period
Redemption Grace Period
Domain status
Effect on operations
Restore (request)
What it means for a domain name
Redemption Grace Period refers to the period of time the domain name
spends in the Redemption state, starting after a domain name is deleted.
The Redemption state description provides information on operations
that are allowed during this period.
Length of time in this period
This state applies for 30 calendar days.
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Overlap of Grace Periods
Grace periods may overlap. The four possible overlapping grace periods are:
Add Grace Period with one or more Renew Grace Periods.
Renew Grace Period with one or more other Renew Grace Periods.
Auto-Renew Grace Period with one or more Renew Grace Periods.
Transfer Grace Period with one or more Renew Grace Periods.
These are treated independently with respect to timelines however operations on domain
names are processed in a manner that takes into account the combined effects of all grace
Transitions Between States
Transitions between the various states of domain names are triggered in the Registry Service as
Available > Registered
iggered by the receipt of a
request from a Registrar to Create the domain name that does not match an entry on the
restricted list. This transition begins the Add Grace Period.
Available > Pending Create
nding Create is triggered by the receipt of a
request from a Registrar to Create the domain name where that domain name matches an entry
on the list of restricted labels. This transition does not begin the Add Grace Period.
Pending Create > Registered
Transition from Pending Create to Registered occurs on our approval of the registration
request. This transition begins the Add Grace Period.
Pending Create > Deleted
Transition from Pending Create to Deleted occurs if the request to register the domain name is
not approved by us. The domain name is removed from the Registry Service and may become
available for registration.
Registered > Pending Transfer
Transition from Registered to Pending Transfer is triggered by the receipt of a request to
Transfer the domain name. On approval the Transfer results in the extension of the domain
name registration.
Requests to Transfer the domain name within 60 days of a Create or a previous Transfer are
rejected. As described in the preceding section in relation to the Transfer Grace Period,
exceptions may apply and are dealt with on a case by case basis.
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Pending Transfer > Registered
Transition from Pending Transfer to Registered may be triggered by the following operations:
During the Pending Transfer period the gaining Registrar may cancel the Transfer by requesting
the Transfer to be cancelled. The registration period remains unchanged and all existing grace
periods at the time of Transfer request remain in effect.
During the Pending Transfer period the losing Registrar may reject the Transfer. The registration
period remains unchanged and all grace periods existing at the time of Transfer request remain in
During the Pending Transfer period the losing Registrar may approve the Transfer. If the Transfer
was requested during the Auto-Renew Grace Period, the extension to the registration period is
reversed. The registration period is extended by the amount specified in the Transfer request.
This begins the Transfer Grace Period.
If after 5 days, no action has been taken, the Registry Service approves the Transfer
automatically. If the Transfer was requested during the Auto-Renew Grace Period the extension
to the registration period is reversed. The registration period is extended by the amount specified
in the Transfer request. This begins the Transfer Grace Period.
Registered > Deleted
Transition from Registered to Deleted occurs on receipt of a request to Delete a domain name.
If the domain name is in the Add Grace Period, it is removed from the Registry Service and may
become available for registration.
Registered > Redemption
Transition from Registered to Redemption occurs on receipt of a request to Delete a domain
name. If the domain name is not in the Add Grace Period, it transitions to the Redemption
period state and all grace periods in effect are considered.
Redemption > Pending Restore
Transition from Redemption to Pending Restore occurs on receipt of a request to Restore a
domain name. If the Redemption Period has not lapsed, the domain name transitions to the
Pending Restore state. The domain name is provisioned in the DNS.
Pending Restore > Registered
Transition from Pending Restore to Registered during the Pending Restore period occurs when
the sponsoring Registrar completes the Restore via a Restore (report) containing the
registration data as at the time of deletion, the registration data at the time of the report, and
the reason for the Restore to occur.
Pending Restore > Redemption
Transition from Pending Restore to Redemption occurs automatically 7 calendar days after the
transition to the Pending Restore state. If a Restore (report) is not received the domain name
transitions to the Redemption state, which begins a new Redemption period. The domain name
is removed from the DNS.
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Redemption > Pending Delete
Transition from Redemption to Pending Delete occurs automatically 30 calendar days after the
transition to the Redemption state. If a Restore (request) is not received the domain name
transitions to the Pending Delete state.
Pending Delete > Deleted
Transition from Pending Delete to Deleted occurs automatically 5 calendar days after the
transition to the Pending Delete state. The domain name is removed from the Registry Service
and may become available for registration.
Locks on Domain Names
Locks may be applied to the domain name to prevent specific operations occurring. There are
may be applied independently or simultaneously.
can be combined to facilitate the enforcement of other processes, and outcomes such as those
required as part of Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP).
The available locks are as follows.
Delete Prohibited
Domain status
Allowed operations
Update, Renew, and Transfer (request)
What it means for a domain name
Requests to delete the domain name are rejected.
Domain status
Allowed operations
Update, Renew, Transfer (request) and Delete
What it means for a domain name
DNS information is not published for the domain name.
Renew Prohibited
Domain status
Allowed operations
Update, Transfer (request) and Delete
What it means for a domain name
Requests to Renew the domain name are rejected. Auto-Renew is allowed.
Transfer Prohibited
Domain status
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Allowed operations
Update, Renew, and Delete
What it means for a domain name
Requests to Transfer the domain name are rejected
Update Prohibited
Domain status
Allowed operations
Renew, Transfer (request), Delete and Update
What it means for a domain name
Requests to Update the domain name are rejected, unless the Update
removes this state.
Notes on the Update Command and Delegation to the DNS
The Update command does not impact the state of the domain name through its lifecycle;
however the command may be used to add and remove delegation information, which changes
the DNS state of the domain name.
A domain name is required to have 2 or more name servers published in the DNS.
The following status information will appear in the WHOIS Service for a domain name that is not
provisioned to the DNS:
The domain name has no name server information.
The Registrar has withheld the domain name from publication to the
We have withheld the domain name from publication in the DNS, either
due to having an insufficient number of name servers, or as a result of
another process or requirement.
Special Considerations
ICANN Approved Bulk Transfers
ICANN approved bulk transfers of domain names from one Registrar to another do not follow
the typical transfer lifecycle.
When bulk transfers are initiated existing grace periods are invalidated and no refunds are
credited to the losing Registrar. The prohibition of a transfer period on domain names created
or transferred within 60 calendar days does not apply after, and does not begin the Transfer
Grace Period.
Registry Approved Bulk Transfers
A Registry approved bulk transfer of domain names from one Registrar to another (e.g.
BTAPPA) does not follow the typical transfer lifecycle. The prohibition of a transfer period on
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domain names created or transferred within 60 calendar days does not apply after, and does
not begin the Transfer Grace Period.
Uniform Rapid Suspension
The Uniform Rapid Suspension system allows for:
the addition of one year to the registration period of a domain name, limited to the
10 year maximum; and
placing of locks to prevent transform operations being performed, other than to
restore a domain name as allowed by the URS system.
At the expiration of the registration period, a domain name is not automatically renewed, but
proceeds to the Redemption state and is not eligible for restoration.
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