Case: STUDIO-K Hair Salon in Vietnam
Degree programme in International
Bachelor’s thesis
Autumn 2014
Vuong, Ha Phuong
Lahti University of Applied Sciences
Degree Programme in International Business
VUONG, HA PHUONG Practical marketing plan for a hair beauty
Case: Studio-K hair salon in Vietnam
Bachelor’s Thesis in International Business 81 pages, 2 pages of appendices
Autumn 2014
Beauty has been seen as a significant element in life among other ultimate values
like goodness, truth, and justice. Hence it is a universal desire of people to take
good care of their beauty and appearance in any occasion. Consequently, it creates
huge opportunities for entrepreneurs within the beauty industry all over the world.
In Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, the beauty-care service industry is one of the most
flourishing industries with the growing number of beauty-conscious women.
There is a wide range of beauty care services like skin care, color cosmetics,
fragrances. Hair care is also one of them.
This thesis aims at analyzing the hairdressing market in Ho Chi Minh and the
marketing process to make a practical marketing plan for the case company. Since
the case company is in its first year of business as a startup company; a
comprehensive marketing plan is necessary to ensure profitability and success.
In this study, the author applies deductive approach with qualitative research
method. Data is collected from a variety of sources such as published texts in the
theoretical part; the Internet, interviews, the author’s own observations and other
unpublished sources in the empirical section.
The research structure is divided into two parts: the theoretical framework and the
empirical findings. In brief, the theoretical framework contains theories about
market analysis, customer segmentation, marketing plan and marketing mix. In
the empirical section, the author begins with the overview of the targeted hair
beauty market followed with the case company analysis. Correspondingly, a
marketing plan is generated to help the company to attain its overall strategic
objectives. Moreover, the author puts a major concentration on the marketing mix,
the set of tactical marketing tools to establish a strong positioning of the case
company in the market. The plan is based on the theory that has been presented in
the theoretical framework.
The hair dressing business is seen as a start up idea for the entrepreneur in terms
of financial risks because even in economic downturns, people still have to get
their hair done. With this concentrated marketing plan, the case company is
expected to enhance its visibility and gain profit in the first year of a start-up
Key words: marketing process, marketing mix, hair salon industry, Ho Chi Minh
City, Vietnam
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Thesis Objectives and Research Questions 2
1.3 Research Methodology and Data Collection 3
1.4 Thesis Structure 7
2.1 Understanding the marketplace and organizational insights 9
2.1.1 External analysis 10
2.1.2 Internal analysis 17
2.2 Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy 18
2.2.1 Customer segmentation 18
2.2.2 Market positioning 19
2.3 The marketing plan 21
2.4 Marketing mix 22
2.4.1 Product 24
2.4.2 Price 25
2.4.3 Place 26
2.4.4 Promotion 27
2.5 Marketing implementation 28
2.6 Marketing control 30
3.1 Overview of the market 32
3.1.1 Salon and spa industry in general 32
3.1.2 Hair beauty industry in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 35
3.1.3 Porter’s Five Forces analysis in hair-beauty industry of Ho
Chi Minh City 37
3.2 Case company 40
3.2.1 Overview 41
3.2.2 Staff 42
3.2.3 SWOT Analysis of the Case Company 42
3.3 Developing Marketing Strategy 43
3.3.1 Customer segmentation 44
3.3.2 Positioning 46
3.3.3 Contents of a Marketing Plan 48
3.4 Constructing a marketing mix 50
3.4.1 Products and services 50
3.4.2 Price 51
3.4.3 Place 54
3.4.4 Promotion 56
3.5 Implementation 59
3.6 Marketing control 61
4.1 Findings 62
4.2 Limitations and further suggestions 63
4.3 Reliability and Validity 65
Figure 1: Research Process ...................................................................................... 3
Figure 2: Deductive approach (Trochim 2006) ....................................................... 4
Figure 3: Data collection methods (Kumar 2005, 118) ........................................... 6
Figure 4: Thesis structure ........................................................................................ 7
Figure 5: Theorectical Framework .......................................................................... 8
Figure 6: Marketing process (Kotler & Amstrong 2012) ........................................ 9
Figure 7: Porter's Five Forces Model (Hanlon 2013) ............................................ 11
Figure 8: High and low industry profit characteristics (Ovidijus 2013) ................ 12
Figure 9: SWOT model (Koppel 2014) ................................................................. 17
Figure 10: Repositioning in a segmented market. Adapted from (Doyle, 2002)... 21
Figure 11: 4Ps to 4Cs (Kotler, et al. 2012, 76) ...................................................... 23
Figure 12: The four Ps of marketing mix (Kotler, et al. 2012) .............................. 24
Figure 13: Comparison of conventional distribution channel with vertical
marketing system (Kotler & Amstrong 2012) ....................................................... 27
Figure 14: Return on Marketing Investment (Kotler 2012, 82)............................. 30
Figure 15: Marketing control (Kotler & Amstrong 2012, 77) ............................... 31
Figure 16: Employment-based salons and spas in comparison with private sectors
(Professional Beauty Association 2013) ................................................................ 33
Figure 17: Salon industry establishment and sales over the last decade
(Professional Beauty Association 2013) ................................................................ 34
Figure 18: Porter's Five Forces of Hair- beauty industry in Ho Chi Minh City .... 38
Figure 19: On-street hairdresser ............................................................................ 39
Figure 20: Possible value propositions (Kotler, et al. 2012, 238) ......................... 46
Figure 21 : Value-based pricing (Kotler, et al. 2012, 316) .................................... 51
Figure 22 : Cost-based pricing (Kotler & Amstrong 2012, 316) ........................... 52
Figure 23: Studio K's location ............................................................................... 54
Figure 24: Hair salon design samples (Archpart 2013) ......................................... 55
Figure 25: Hair salon floor plan sample (Archpart 2013) ..................................... 56
Figure 26: Facebook page of a hair salon (Peagler 2014) ..................................... 57
Figure 27: Instagram account of a hair salon (Peagler 2014) ................................ 58
Figure 28: Blogspot sample of a beauty blogger (Beautifyinglife 2014) .............. 58
Figure 29: Client loyalty card sample .................................................................... 59
Table 1: Distinctions between quantitative and qualitative research (Padgett 1998,
3) .............................................................................................................................. 5
Table 2: Example of barriers ................................................................................. 13
Table 3: Bargaining power of customers (Anthony 2011) .................................... 14
Table 4: Analysis the threat of substitute (Pratt 2014) .......................................... 16
Table 5: Customer segmentation ........................................................................... 45
Table 6: Marketing plan for Studio-K ................................................................... 48
Table 7: Sample of Studio K's Price List ............................................................... 52
Table 8: Gantt chart for marketing implementation .............................................. 60
Table 9: Findings of the study ............................................................................... 62
Table 10: Contingency plan for Studio K .............................................................. 64
DIY Do It Yourself
EUR Euro
GDP Gross Domestic Product
MROI Marketing Return On Investment
ROI Return On Investment
VND Vietnam Dong
This chapter aims to present the main idea of the study and the trigger for the
chosen topic. Firstly, section 1.1 is the background information of the study.
Secondly, research objectives and questions are conducted in section 1.2 while an
overview of the research methodology is explained in section 1.3. Lastly in
section 1.4, thesis structure and theoretical framework are described with a clear
1.1 Background
Before leaving the house each day, people have a tendency to undergo a persona-
lized beautification ritual. Included in that ritual are the daily shower and shave,
the weekly nail trim, and the monthly haircut. (Sena 2014)
According to Lopaciuk & Loboda (2013), the beauty industry has been expanding
dramatically over decades. Therefore, it offers a diverse range of opportunities for
the interested entrepreneurs. As a women, just like the other women in the world,
the author always keeps in mind the importance of taking care of herself and a
good appearance. As a business student, she is among entrepreneurs-to-be who
has much interest about the beauty industry. Especially during her third year
studying in university, she took part in an exchange program in South Korea, a
country where beauty industry is acknowledged as a hub for cosmetic innovation
in Asia and is fast becoming a role model for the global cosmetics industry (In-
cosmetics Asia 2013).
During six months in South Korea, the author had a chance to observe and study
many innovative cases of start-up companies competing and striving in the
Korean beauty industry. It became a remarkable trigger to boost the author taking
action for her ambition as an entrepreneur. Therefore, she decided to cooperate
with her friend to open a start-up hair salon in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in
2015. Although the business plan has been done already, a concentrated marketing
strategy is necessary to assist the business in a competitive market. Hence, as a
co-founder, the author attempts to conduct a marketing plan for her small start-up.
By definition, a marketing plan is a business document created with the purpose
of describing the current market position of a firm and its strategy for the period
covered by the marketing plan, from one to five years (Duermyer 2014). This
study acts a short-term plan for the case company and will be updated
This thesis study plays a key role for the establishment of her new start-up, which
provides the analysis and requisites needed from the firm to enter a competitive
market. It is the first stone of the foundation for a dream, which may be sparkling
in the future but surely requires hard-working at first.
1.2 Thesis Objectives and Research Questions
This study aims at searching for the best marketing strategies for a small business
getting into a competitive market. The research will focus on analyzing the target
market, the case company and effective marketing activities to acknowledge the
case company in the targeted market. In consequence, the following research
question is formed:
What is an effective marketing strategy for a new beauty hair salon in a
competitive market of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam?
To provide a sufficient answer to the above question, these sub-questions are
What are the objectives of the case company when entering the
targeted market ?
How competitive is the target market?
How the company differentiates and positions itself in the competitive
What is the suitable marketing strategy for the case company?
What are the promotional tools needed for the marketing strategy?
1.3 Research Methodology and Data Collection
In this session, the process of research methodology adopted in the thesis is
First of all, the information needs for analyzing this topic have been defined by
the author are: the company information like background, current situation, and
problem occurs and cost analyses; and market information.
Secondly, all the information acquired can be tracked from the three main sources:
Theoretical framework:
o Primary data: interviews
o Secondary data: books, journals, internet, articles, etc.
o Tertiary data: abstracts, dictionary, etc.
Empirical framework:
o Primary data: interviews, questionnaires sent via emails, etc.
o Secondary data: internet, newspapers, books, company reports,
Thirdly, the research process of this study is shown in the figure 1 below:
Figure 1: Research Process
Formulating the
research topic
Defining research
Choosing the
research approach
Choice of research
Data Analysis
Findings and
In any research project, research methodology is the crucial part of all theses. It
explains how writers come up with the thesis topic and step by step build up the
research. Mark Saunders Philip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill (2009, 144)
recommended that there are two approaches that based on the reasoning that we
chose: deductive and inductive. In deductive approach, theory often starts first,
and then a research strategy is designed to test that theory. In a contrary, if
collected data and statistics are used for generating a new or adapting an existing
theory, inductive is used. In this thesis, because the author will start with logical
thinking about the hair beauty market in order to analyze the present trend and
find a good marketing plan for the case company. Therefore, deductive is applied
as a research approach, which is indicated in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Deductive approach (Trochim 2006)
Beside research approach, methodological choice is very important as well. There
are two main methods which are quantitative and qualitative research.
Quantitative research is to find a reliable statistical result by collecting numerical
data through surveys like online, phone, paper and audits (Amora 2010); while
qualitative data refers to non-numeric data, which can be obtained through
interviews and written reports. People are doing research to understand what, how
and why things happen. If people only need to know what happened, quantitative
satisfies this purpose. However, qualitative research goes further than that; it is
used to explore deeper inside people’s awareness, understanding and motivation.
According to Saunders (2009), in qualitative research, the aim is not to measure
statistically but to understand and interpret the reasons and meanings of the
phenomenon. Since this study is primarily processed based on unstructured
interview and desk research to answer the research questions, qualitative research
method is employed.
Table 1: Distinctions between quantitative and qualitative research (Padgett 1998,
Naturalistic, in vivo
Uncontrolled conditions
Open systems
Holistic, thick description
Dynamic reality
Researchers as instrument of Data
Categories result from data analysis
Scientific method, decontextualizing
Controlled conditions
Closed systems
Stable reality
Standardized data collection instrument
Categories precede data analysis
In order to develop a fuller understanding of the research, multiple literature
sources are essentially applied (Saunders et al. 2009, 68). There are two main
categories of information sources named primary and secondary which are shown
in Figure 3 below.
Figure 3: Data collection methods (Kumar 2005, 118)
In the theoretical part, secondary literature sources are mainly used. These sources
consist of published books, articles, journals and previous studies by other
On the contrary, primary sources are mainly used to conduct the empirical part.
The analysis of the targeted market and the case company is attempted thanks to
the confidential information gathered from the interviews with the case company
owner and Mr. Hoang Long Le, currently working as a hairstylist professor at
JBart Hair Academy. Due to the time constraint and the geographical distance, all
the interviews were done via emails and messenger chatting devices. Structure of
the interview including lists of questions can be found in the appendices.
Moreover, the author’s observation while studying in Korea is applied during the
process of creating the marketing strategies and implementation plan.
1.4 Thesis Structure
The following figure illustrates the structure of this thesis:
Figure 4: Thesis structure
Thesis objectives
Research questions
Market & Case
and Evaluation
The thesis has five chapters in total which is showed in figure 4. It is structured in
two main parts which are theoretical and empirical.
The theoretical part of this thesis is based mainly on literature relating to
marketing process. Some related issues like company’s internal and external
analysis, marketing strategy and marketing mix. After that marketing
implementation and control will be explained more in the section. In figure 5, the
author is giving a more detailed theoretical framework.
The second section is empirical part, which is based on desk-research information
and semi-structure interviews and surveys of some key people. These people are
those will be participating in marketing and management process of the case
company. Chapter three acts as external and internal analysis for target market and
the case company respectively.
Marketing Mix
Internal analysis
External analysis
Marketing control
- Customer
- Positioning
- Marketing Plan
(Action plans)
For the marketing
Figure 5: Theorectical Framework
Marketing is defined as a process where companies create value for customer and
build strong customer relationships in order to get value from customer in return.
In this chapter, the marketing process will be demonstrated in five steps:
understanding the marketplace and organizational insights, designing marketing
strategies and constructing marketing programs.
Figure 6: Marketing process (Kotler & Amstrong 2012)
2.1 Understanding the marketplace and organizational insights
It is important to understand customer needs, wants and demands in order to build
want-satisfying market offerings and building value-laden customer relationships.
This increases long-term customer equity for the firm. (Jethani 2013)
Analysis of internal factors and external conditions is important to drawing out a
specific strategy. The analysis has to be carrying out at both an internal level and
at an external level in order to discover all opportunities and threats of the
external environment as well as the strengths and weaknesses of the companies.
To make it short, in order to understand the market place and organization
insights, it is necessary to conduct an internal and external analysis of the
company and the industry.
Market analysis
Implementation plan
2.1.1 External analysis
An external analysis can be defined as the process of scanning and evaluating an
organizations various external environmental sectors to determine positive and
negative trends that could impact organizational performance. (Coulter 2005, 66)
There are a number of factors have an influence on a companys strategic
decisions. The external environment is among those things and should be
frequently observed. It is helpful for analyzing by answering the following
questions: What should be awarded of when examining environment factors? Are
they the trends of the market, customers preferences or the competition in the
industry? Moreover, technological developments and even political changes might
affect your strategic plan, especially in this new media age. Being able to see
changes early and act accordingly is a vital competitive factor. Therefore, an
external analysis is a must in any strategic plan.
In detail, the benefits of an external analysis are that it helps to generate profits,
support changes, cut costs, increases knowledge and supports learning.
(Nordmeyer 2014)
There are numbers of models and tools that can be applied to analyze a companys
environment. For examples: Porter’s Five Forces, PEST(EL) analysis, Porter’s
cluster framework and SWOT analysis. (Farrell 2014)
According to Fox (2009), strategic analysis is a core step in the Strategic Learning
Cycle. Every strategist should have a toolbox of analytical models at her disposal.
Just as having the right tools will not necessarily make you a good mechanic, but
they will help a good strategist get the job done more effectively. For this study,
Porter’s Five Forces will be applied for the external analysis since it is a simple
framework for analyzing and evaluating the threats and opportunities within an
industry and business strategy development (Vaneeva 2014).
Porters Five Forces Analysis
Understanding the dynamic of the external environment will help the company
effectively compete in the marketplace (Vaneeva 2014). Porter's Five Forces
include threat of new entrants, threat of substitutes, industry competition,
bargaining power of suppliers, and bargaining power of buyers. (Porter's Five
Forces Analysis 2014)
Porter suggested that the intensity of competition is determined by the relative
strengths of these forces. (Vaneeva 2014)
Figure 7: Porter's Five Forces Model (Hanlon 2013)
These forces determine an industry structure and the level of competition in that
industry. The stronger competitive forces in the industry are, the less profitable it
is. An industry with low barriers to enter, having few buyers and suppliers but
many substitute products and competitors will be seen as very competitive. And
thus, the other one is not so attractive due to its low profitability. In the figure 8,
high and low industry profits are described with the recognizable characteristics.
(Ovidijus 2013.)
Figure 8: High and low industry profit characteristics (Ovidijus 2013)
Furthermore, five forces are explained in detail to give a full understanding of the
model invented by Porter.
Threats of new entrants
In an industry, a new business or entrant is a threat to existing businesses.
Therefore, existing companies often attempt to discourage potential competitors
from entering the industry because the more companies that enter, the more
difficult for existing companies to protect their shares of the market and make
profits. (Anthony 2011, 69)
If the risk of new entrants is high, the profitability of established companies is
being threatened. But if there is a low risk, established companies could take
advantage of this opportunity to increase prices and earn greater income. (Singh
Barriers to entry means the existence of obstacles that prevent new competitors
from easily entering an industry. If there are barriers to entering the market, the
position of existing companies is protected and the threat of new entrants will be
low, and vice versa. (Riley 2012)
In the table 2 below are some successful barriers demonstrated by Riley (2012)
Table 2: Example of barriers
Investment cost
High cost will prevent entrants.
High capital requirements might mean that only
large businesses can compete.
Economies of scale
available to existing
Lower unit costs make it difficult for smaller
newcomers to break into the market and compete
Regulatory and legal
Each restriction can act as a barrier to entry E.g.
patents provide the patent holder with protection, at
least in the short run
Product differentiation
(including branding)
Existing products with strong USPs and/or brand
increase customer loyalty and make it difficult for
newcomers to gain market share
Access to suppliers and
distribution channels
A lack of access will make it difficult for newcomers
to enter the market
Retaliation by
established products
E.g. the threat of price war will act to discourage new
entrants. But note that competition law outlaws actions
like predatory pricing
An industry can have one or more barriers. And, barriers to entry are very
important in determining the threat of new entrants.
Bargaining power of suppliers
The bargaining power of suppliers comprises one of the five forces that determine
the intensity of competition in an industry. The presence of powerful suppliers
reduces the profit potential in an industry. Suppliers increase competition within
an industry by threatening to raise prices or reduce the quality of goods and
services. As a result, they reduce profitability in an industry where companies
cannot recover cost increases in their own prices. (Bargaining Power of Suppliers
Suppliers find themselves powerful when the number of large suppliers is small;
the resource they supply is rare; the switching cost to another supplier is high; the
product is easy to differentiate and loyal clients are hesitant to switch. (Anthony
2011, 72)
Bargaining power of customers
In general, industries are more attractive when buyers have little power to set the
terms and conditions under which they will buy. Powerful buyers put pressure on
industry profits. (Bargaining Power of Customers 2007.)
Table 3 demonstrates some scenarios of bargaining power of customers
concerning other factors in the market.
Table 3: Bargaining power of customers (Anthony 2011)
Buyer Power is High/Strong
Buyer Power is Low/Weak
• Buyers are more concentrated than
• Buyer switching costs are low
• Threat of backward integration is high
• Buyer is price sensitive
• Buyer is well-educated regarding the
• Buyer purchases product in high
• Buyer purchases comprise large
portion of seller sales
• Product is undifferentiated
• Substitutes are available
• Buyers are less concentrated than
• Buyer switching costs are high
• Threat of backward integration is low
• Buyer is not price sensitive
• Buyer is uneducated regarding the
• Buyer purchases product in low
• Buyer purchases comprise small
portion of seller sales
• Product is highly differentiated
• Substitutes are unavailable
When the differentiation between products is small and the features of the product
are standard, buyers will have bargaining power such as being able to negotiate
for discounts. On the contrary, companies will strongly compete to each other by
reducing their prices in order to get the sale and keep the customer from switching
to another supplier. (Porter's Five Forces Analysis 2014)
Threat of substitute products or services
A substitute product is an alternative choice that meets the same need. Substitute
products become a competitive pressure to a company when the cost of the
substitute product and the customer's switching cost are significantly low. This
threat will reduce both the power of suppliers and the attractiveness of the market.
Therefore, the firms need to improve the performance of their products by
reducing costs and by differentiation. (Anthony 2011, 73)
The threat of substitute is the level of risk that a company will be displaced by
another company with similar products or services. The more standard a product
is like milk, gasoline, etc, the less power individual companies have to set the
price. For more specific items like clothing brands, the company has more control
in setting prices. (Threat of Substitutes 2011.)
Table 4 is the description of the analysis criteria for the threat of substitute of a
product or a service in the market.
Table 4: Analysis the threat of substitute (Pratt 2014)
Analysis Criteria
The relative price
performance of
Refers to the cost effectiveness of the substitute products (Total
supply chain costs).
Alternative products that provide overall savings to your
customers, without impacting the quality of your customer’s
products or services are more likely to be viewed favorably for
Switching costs
Refers to any cost incurred by your customers to switch to an
alternative product
Does your customer incur any costs to switch to a substitute
These costs could be legal review of new contracts, change in
spare parts and change in ordering systems. These may also be
intangible costs such as risk.
Buyer propensity
to substitute
Refers to your customers loyalty to your product or service
How do your customers react to substitutes, do they trial them or
are they loyal to your industry?
It would also pay to identify the things that need to change for your
customers to change their propensity to trial substitute products.
Intensity of rivalry
According to Porter’s 5 forces framework (figure 7 in page 11), the intensity of
rivalry among firms is one of the main forces that shape the competitive structure
of an industry. The intensity of rivalry in an industry refers to the competitiveness
level between existing businesses. If entry to an industry is effortless, competitive
rivalry will expected to be high. Additionally, if it is easy for customers to find
substitute products, there will be high rivalry also. In case rivalry is severe,
competitors are trying to steal profit and market share from one another. This
reduces profit potential for all firms within the industry. (Competitive Rivalry
2.1.2 Internal analysis
For internal analysis of the study, the author makes a decision to choose SWOT
analysis as a tool to examine internal factors.
SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats involved in a business venture or
business start-up. (Koppel 2014)
Figure 9: SWOT model (Koppel 2014)
The Internal Analysis of strengths and weaknesses focuses on internal factors that
give an overview about certain advantages and disadvantages of the company
when preparing to participate in its target market. (Olsen 2010)
Strengths refer to core competencies like capabilities, resources, etc. of the firm.
As long as the strengths of a company are recognized, they can be emphasized
when implementing the marketing program. Any analysis of company strengths
should be market oriented or customer focused because strengths are only
meaningful when they assist the firm in meeting customer needs. (SWOT
Analysis 2014.)
Weaknesses refer to any limitations a company faces in developing or
implementing a strategy. Weaknesses should also be examined from a customer
perspective because customers often perceive weaknesses that a company cannot
see. Weaknesses of a company are defined with the intention of helping marketer
to avoid centering a marketing and advertising strategy on those weaknesses.
(SWOT Analysis 2014.)
Being market focused when analyzing strengths and weaknesses does not mean
that non-market oriented strengths and weaknesses should be forgotten. Rather, it
suggests that all firms should tie their strengths and weaknesses to customer
requirements. Only those strengths that relate to satisfying a customer need should
be considered true core competencies. (Olsen 2010.)
Opportunities and threats are considered as parts of an external analysis.
Opportunities and threats exist outside the market. They typically occur within the
competitive, economic, political, technological or social cultural environment.
(Lorette 2013)
2.2 Designing a customer-driven marketing strategy
In order to design a customer-driven marketing strategy, there are two
considerations: customer segmentation and market position.
2.2.1 Customer segmentation
Customer segmentation is the practice of dividing a customer base into groups of
individuals that are similar in specific ways relevant to marketing, such as age,
gender, interests, spending habits, and so on.
Customer segmentation allows a company to target specific groups of customers
effectively and allocate marketing resources to best effect. Traditional
segmentation focuses on identifying customer groups based on demographics and
attributes such as attitude and psychological profiles. Value-based segmentation,
on the other hand, looks at groups of customers in terms of the revenue they
generate and the costs of establishing and maintaining relationships with them.
(Rouse 2014.)
Customer segmentation procedures include: deciding what data will be collected
and how it will be gathered; collecting data and integrating data from various
sources; developing methods of data analysis for segmentation; establishing
effective communication among relevant business units (such as marketing and
customer service) about the segmentation; and implementing applications to
effectively deal with the data and respond to the information it provides. (Rouse
The only way to answer the question of how to best segment your customers is to
first define what your objective is for the segmentation. In other words, you must
first define what you want the segmentation to "do for your business". Examples
of common segmentation objectives include:
Develop new products
Create segmented advertising and marketing communications
Develop differentiated customer servicing & retention strategies
Target prospects with the greatest profit potential
Optimize your sales-channel mix
(Customer Segmentation 2014)
2.2.2 Market positioning
Business has been shown how it can offer superior value by strategies that add
value or reduce costs. The other way to enhance its competitiveness is by
positioning itself more effectively. Positioning strategy is the choice of target
market segment, which determines where the business competes, and the choice
of differential advantage, which dictates how it competes.
A product or business unit may be inadequately positioned for three reasons. First
of all, the targeted segment might become unattractive because it is too small,
declining, too competitive or otherwise unprofitable. Secondly, positioning might
be inadequate because the quality and features of the product do not appeal to the
segment to which it is targeted. Thirdly, it might be wrong because the product’s
costs are too high to allow it to be priced competitively.
Figure 10 illustrates the structure of typical market made up of four segments. In
this figure, Product X is inadequately position because it is too costly for the mass
market and has inadequate perceived quality to appeal to the premium or luxury
segments. The business has several repositioning options as below. The first two
might be termed ‘real’ repositioning; the remainders are psychological
repositioning strategies.
Introduce new brand
Change existing brand
Alter beliefs about the brand
Alter beliefs about competitive brand
Alter attribute importance weights
Introduce new or neglected attributes
Find a new market segment
2.3 The marketing plan
It is essential to formalize these decisions into a marketing plan. The plan
communicates the objectives and strategy to the management team and permits a
rational debate about the potential and chances of success. Marketing plans should
be made at several levels in the business: for the company as a whole, for the
divisions, for the business units, and at the product and market levels. This section
discusses about the marketing plans for the individual products or target market
segments. A marketing plan consists of seven integrated components:
Figure 10: Repositioning in a segmented market. Adapted from (Doyle,
Product X
Integrated Components
Background situation
a. Current performance
b. Background analysis
c. Opportunities and options
Marketing objectives
a. Marketing objectives
b. Financial objectives
Marketing strategy
a. Target market segments
b. Differential advantage
Marketing mix
a. Product
b. Price
c. Promotion
d. Distribution
e. Services
f. Staff
Action plan
Specify the details of
Projects the revenues, expenditures,
profits and cash flow over the
planning period
Organizational implication
(Kotler, et al. 2012.)
In this study, the author will mainly focus on the marketing mix component. This
part will be more examined in the next chapter.
2.4 Marketing mix
The marketing mix is the set of actions that a company uses to promote its brand
or product in the market. It has been named as the four Ps, which are product,
price, place and promotion. Moreover, nowadays, the marketing mix increasingly
includes several other Ps like Packaging, Positioning and People - which, now,
has become the extended marketing-mix with the seven Ps, altogether. (Now We
Have Four Plus Three Seven Ps of Marketing Mix 2013)
Otherwise, there has been a concern that the four Ps concepts take the sellers
view of market, not the buyer’s view. From the buyer’s point of view, in this age
of customer value and relationships, the four Ps of the marketing mix can be
reinterpreted as the four Cs. They put the customer’s interests (the buyer) ahead of
the marketer’s interests (the seller), which is described in figure 11. (Kotler, et al.
2012, 76)
Figure 11: 4Ps to 4Cs (Kotler, et al. 2012, 76)
Thus, whereas marketers see themselves as selling products, customers see
themselves as buying value or solution to their problems. And customers are
interested in more than just the price; they are interested in the total cost of
obtaining, using and disposing of a product. Customers want the product and
service to be as conveniently available as possible. Finally, they want two-way
communication. Marketers would do well to think through the four Cs first and
then build the four Ps on that platform. (Kotler, et al. 2012, 77.)
Marketing mix has many benefits and hence it is popularly used in every
organization. An effective marketing program blends each marketing mix element
into an integrated marketing program designed to achieve the companys
objectives by delivering value to customers. The marketing mix constitutes the
company’s tactical tool kit for establishing strong positioning in target market.
(Kotler, et al. 2012, 76)
In this thesis, the author will use Marketing Mix 4Ps. As being mentioned above,
the four Ps are stand for: product, price, place and promotion. The figure 12 shows
the marketing tools under each P.
Figure 12: The four Ps of marketing mix (Kotler, et al. 2012)
2.4.1 Product
Product is the goods and/or services offered by a company to the target market.
Product entails product variety, quality, design, features, brand-name, packaging,
sizes, services, warranties and returns. (Marketing Mix 2014)
According to Bhasin (2014), the first thing you need, if you want to start a
business, is a product. Therefore, product is also the first variable in the marketing
mix. Product decisions are the first decisions you need to take before making any
marketing plan. A product can be divided into three parts: The core product, the
augmented product and the tertiary product. Before deciding on the product
component there are some questions which you need to ask yourself.
What products are you selling?
What would be the quality of your product?
Which features are different from the market?
Whether the product will be branded as sub brand or completely new?
Based on these questions, several product decisions have to be made. These
product decisions will in turn affect the other variables of the marketing mix.
(Bhasin 2014)
2.4.2 Price
Price is the amount of money charged for a product. Nowadays, even though non-
price factors have increasingly gained importance, price still remains to be one of
the most important elements that determine a firm’s market profitability.
Price is the only elements in the marketing mix that produces income, and other
elements represent costs. Price is also a very flexible element. Unlike product
features and channel elements, prices can be changed quickly. Although pricing
has been concerned as the number-one problem or a big headache, smart
managers could use pricing as a key strategic tool for creating and capturing
customer value. (Kotler & Amstrong 2012, 314.)
Moreover, in order to achieve pricing objectives, several pricing methods are
employed such as cost-plus pricing, target return pricing, value-based pricing and
psychological pricing. (Price 2013)
Cost-plus pricing is to set the price at the production cost plus a certain
profit margin.
Target return pricing is the method that set the price to accomplish a target
Value-based pricing is the setting of a product or service's price, based on
the benefits it provides to consumers.
Psychological pricing uses the customer's emotional response to encourage
(Price 2013)
Beside the methods, pricing strategy is very important for product marketing
campaigns. There are four kinds of strategy which are a full price strategy,
competitive pricing, discount pricing or a mix of these. Competitive pricing is
usually used when selling high-quality products in a retail setting. A full price or
skim pricing strategy, which is suitable for specialty and exclusive products, often
results in fewer sales with higher profit. Last but not least, businesses use discount
pricing to sell low-priced products in large quantities. With this strategy, it is
important to cut costs and stay competitive. Occasional discounts and discounts
that reward loyal customers are effective. Discounts using too often could harm
your capability to sell the product at full price. (Watkins 2014)
2.4.3 Place
After product and price, the third ‘P’ of the marketing mix is place. Usually, this
element is called distribution. Distribution management is the set of decision and
process concerned with the flow of products or services from producer to
consumer (Doyle 2002, 311). The company must distribute the product to the user
at the right place at the right time. Efficient and effective distribution is important
if the company is to meet its marketing objectives. If an organization
underestimate demand and customers cannot purchase products because of it,
profitability will be affected. (Place 2014.)
Figure 13: Comparison of conventional distribution channel with vertical
marketing system (Kotler & Amstrong 2012)
Channel arrangement is very important in distribution management and often
divided into two types. A conventional distribution channel consists of one or
more independent producers, wholesalers, and retailers. Each is a separate
business seeking to maximize its own profits. No channel member has much
control over the other members, and no means exists for resolving channel
conflict. In contrast, a vertical marketing system (VMS) consists of producers,
wholesalers and retailers acting as an incorporated system. One channel member
owns the others, has contracts with them so that they must cooperate. The VMS
can be dominated by the producers, the wholesalers or the retailers. (Kotler &
Amstrong 2012, 369)
2.4.4 Promotion
Promotion is the last component of the four Ps marketing mix. Promotion means
the activities organization use to spread the word about the products or services
and persuade target customers to buy it. There are five major promotion tools,
which are defined as follow:
Advertising is a promotion of ideas, goods, or services by a well-known
sponsor. For example: broadcast, prints, internet and other form.
Personal selling is a personal presentation by the firms sales for the
purpose of selling products and building customer relationships, which
includes sales presentation, trade shows, etc.
Sales promotion is a short-term event in order to courage the purchase or
sale of a product or service. For instance, discounts, coupons, displays, and
Direct marketing is a directly communication with targeted individual
consumer to get an immediate answer and create lasting customer
relationships, such as: catalogs, telephone marketing, kiosk, the internet,
mobile marketing.
Public relations (PR) is a kind of marketing tools in which the company
builds good relations with target customers by strengthening a good
corporate image, stories, events and knowing how to handle unfavorable
rumors. For example: press releases, sponsorships, special events and web
(Kotler & Amstrong 2012, 432)
2.5 Marketing implementation
Planning a good strategy does not make the business win in the market; it is just a
start toward successful marketing. Marketing implementation is the process that
turns marketing plan into marketing actions to accomplish strategic marketing
objectives. (Kotler & Amstrong 2012, 78). While marketing planning addresses
the what and why of marketing activities, implemenation mainly addresses the
who, where, when and how.
According to Lautenslager (2005), in order to implementing marketing strategy
successfully, the company should pay attention to these rules such as coordinating
activities effectively and efficiently who is doing what and by when, focusing
on the tasks at hand and determining where your time is best spent, paying
attention to details and doing what you do best or outsourcing.
Moreover, there are several potential components that should be taken into
consideration when implementing marketing strategy, for examples:
Go-to-market strategy
New product launch strategy
Channel conflict manament
Return on marketing investment
Comparison of strategic marketing service providers
(Kotler, et al. 2012.)
Among those above elements, the case company pays more attention to the return
on marketing investment. Therefore the author is going to examine more deeply
about this factor. (Kotler, et al. 2012.)
Return on marketing investment (or marketing ROI) is the net return from a
marketing investment divided by the cost of marketing investment. Below is the
calculation for marketing ROI:
It is a calculation used by marketer to measure the profit generated from
marketing activities. In a simple sense, a single product is purchased and then the
company tries to measure the productivity gained from that purchase. However, in
reality, it is tough to measure the impact of marketing activities; for examples,
advertising. It takes a leap of faith to come up with a number. (Kotler, et al. 2012,
Nevertheless, Kotler (2012, 81) suggests that a company can access marketing
ROI based on the marketing performance criteria such as brand awareness, sales,
market shares or customer satisfaction. In figure 14, a profitable customer
relationship is the result of marketing ROI.
Figure 14: Return on Marketing Investment (Kotler 2012, 82)
In the figure, it is clearly seen that marketing investment results in improving
customer value and satisfaction, or customer attraction and customer retention. In
the end, customer lifetime value and customer equity are the winning point of the
2.6 Marketing control
While implementing the marketing plan, there would be some problems happen
surprisingly. Therefore, marketers must continuously focus on marketing control,
which is the process of evaluating the results of marketing process and then taking
corrective action to make sure that the goals are managed. (Kotler & Amstrong
2012, 80.)
According to Kotler (2012, 77), there are three steps in marketing control
measuring, evaluating and taking corrective action - which is shown in figure 14.
Figure 15: Marketing control (Kotler & Amstrong 2012, 77)
It is very important to control marketing plans since resources are inadequate and
costly. Control involves setting standards. The marketing manager will than
compare actual progress against the standards. Corrective action is then taken. If
corrective action is taken, an investigation will also need to be undertaken to
establish precisely why the difference occurred. (Frisener 2014.)
In this chapter, the author is going to demonstrating the research information
collected about the targeted market, the case company and especially the specific
marketing mix is designed as well.
3.1 Overview of the market
The cornerstone of creative and effective marketing strategies is good
information. Information about the customers, the competitors, and the
environment, gathered continuously and organized to support decision making,
allows the business marketing manager to base decisions on the realities of the
marketplace rather than on hunch and intuition. The result is improved marketing
performance. (Hutt, et al. 1995)
Firstly indicated in the empirical section is the insight about the industry and the
targeted market that the case company is performing its business.
3.1.1 Salon and spa industry in general
In USA, The Great Recession of the late 2000s took a significant toll on the
nations private sector. At the depth of the recession, the national economy was
losing tens of thousands of businesses each quarter. Between the fourth quarters
of 2008 and 2009, the national economy experienced a net loss of more than
92,000 private-sector business establishments a decline of 1 percent.
Growth in the States salon and spa industry also outstripped the overall economy
in 2012. Between the fourth quarters of 2011 and 2012, the salon and spa
industry added more than 1,700 locations a 1.9 percent gain and the largest four-
quarter expansion in more than five years. (Professional Beauty Association
In the figure 16 is the comparison between salon industry and other private sectors
during the recession era of the 2000s.
Figure 16: Employment-based salons and spas in comparison with private sectors
(Professional Beauty Association 2013)
It is clearly seen from the figure 16 that salon and spa industry outperformed the
private sector during and since the recession. Moreover, another hasty conclusion
has been drawn out is that the salon and spa industry was an engine of job growth,
even when many other industries were shedding jobs during that period of time.
Also, it was stated that the salon and spa industry registered steady growth over
the last decade, with the strongest gains seen in non-employer sector. The number
of non-employer salon and spa establishments increased 92 percent in the last
decade, while their sales jumped 99 percent. In comparison, the number of
employment-based salon and spa establishments increased 16 percent over the last
decade, with their sales rising 39 percent. (Professional Beauty Association 2013.)
A non-employer establishment is a business entity that has no paid employees.
Examples of non-employer establishments in the salon industry could include: a
small salon business owned and operated by one individual or a salon business of
any size that does not have regular paid employees. (Professional Beauty
Association 2013.)
Figure 17: Salon industry establishment and sales over the last decade
(Professional Beauty Association 2013)
During the downturn of the economy, it is said that a skill can make it easier for a
person to earn a living rather than a college or university diploma, which can, to
some extent; explain the situation represented in the figure 17. More or less, it is
the similar situation causing the establishment of the case company, which will be
indicated in more detail in section 3.2.
Beside the United States industry, the hair beauty industry in Asia, especially in
South Korea, is increasingly popular not only to Asian people but also to
foreigners from other countries in the world.
South Korea is a hotbed of beauty, as well as cultural, innovation, particularly for
other Asian countries. Everything from pop stars to food trends are translating
across Asian countries’ borders. Much has been said about Asia being at the
forefront of beauty in terms of both consumer taste and product innovation.
(Emond 2014.)
According to Emond (2014), the total sales for hairdressing reached 2.5 trillion
won in 2011, when the number of hair salons totaled 81,600 across the nation with
148 thousand employees. The beauty industry is said to have a significant
Non-Employer Sales
economical effects. Compared to other industries, it has a high added-value
inducement effect due to its production activity. Moreover, as a labor-intensive
industry, it contributes employment significantly to boosting domestic demand
and the Korea Employment Information Service shares that workforce
requirements of this beauty industry will continue increasing. In particular, the
beauty industry is a primary career for women; therefore, women in the beauty
industry comprise more than 90 percent of the workers. (Emond 2014.)
Despite providing profits to the domestic economy, Korean beauty industry is also
evaluated as an export item with a high competitive. This is because Korean
people have excellent beauty treatment skills. Hence, currently some salons
operating in foreign countries and overseas are on the increase. In addition, salons
and wholesalers are taking part in the distribution of hair care products and
consequently, distribution is playing an important role in the hair care industry.
(Emond 2014)
Moreover, in recent years ‘hallyu wave is becoming the hottest issue not only in
Korea but also in other Asian countries. The interest in Korean celebrity looks in
China, Japan and Southeast Asian countries increasingly grow, makes a positive
effect to the domestic hairdressing business. Consequently, beauty service, when
developed as a tourist or export factor, will contribute to attracting foreign tourists
into overseas markets. (Emond 2014.)
3.1.2 Hair beauty industry in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Status quo of Ho Chi Minh City
Ho Chi Minh City, formerly named Saigon, is the most populous city as well as
the most important economic, cultural and educational centre of Vietnam. The city
is divided into 19 inner districts and 5 suburban districts. Most shopping malls,
administrative and business centers are located in District 1 and 3.
As the center of commerce and business in Southern of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh
City attracts a lot of migrators from all other regions to come, work and live.
According to 2009 Census, there were more than 7,1 million people residing in
Ho Chi Minh City; nevertheless, because of rapid urbanization and growth in
economy that requires a large number of labors, many people are now
immigrating and living illegally in the city. Therefore, the researcher highly
believes that the real number should be higher than 7,1 million. (Ho Chi Minh
Population 2011.)
The city is located in a tropical-climate area of Vietnam. It has specifically a
tropical wet and dry climate, with an average humidity of 75 per cent. The climate
is normally divided into two different seasons. The rainy season, with an average
rainfall of about 1,800 millimeters annually (about 150 rainy days per year),
begins in May and ends in late November. The dry season is from December to
April with the average temperature is 28°C, and the highest temperature
sometimes reaches 40°C around noon in late April, while the lowest may fall
below 16°C in the early mornings of late December (Vietnamwiki 2014).
Ho Chi Minh has been known as the leader of the countrys economy hub
nowadays. The economy of the city has constantly been developing from years to
years and contributing the highest to the Gross Domestic Products (GDP) growth.
(Stoxplus 2014)
Spa and salon situation in the market
Our early findings indicate that Vietnam is emerging as a highly enticing market,
ranking second in terms of growth. Along with major local players, global giants
such as LOréal, Procter & Gamble, and Henkel are also seeing positive growth
rates in Vietnam. (Tocdep 2014.)
According to a Vietnamese website (Tocdep 2014), there have been a lot of barber
shops in Ho Chi Minh City until now. However, in recent years, the difference
betweenbarber shop” and ‘hair salon is classified more specifically. Presently,
‘barber shop’ is the word conjures up images of small shops in alleys with low-
price service and ordinary surface; while ‘hair salon refers to a service shop,
which offers professional and a variety of beauty scale with beautiful and
attractive exterior and interior design. Unfortunately, so far, the industry has hair
carnival clubs, with a lot of rising artists, but there is still no research or official
statistics in this largest city of the country about how manyhair salons’ and
‘barber shops’ there are.
Among all of hair salons, based on criteria of technology, scale, skill and
investment, there is a level-classification. Also depending on those criteria, each
hair salon has different oriented development, target customers and income.
Nowadays, hair salon, which is operated by companies, international corporations
associating with local firms in Ho Chi Minh growing into branches throughout the
country, can be considered a brand new industry contributing to the era of
"industrialization" of hair industry in Vietnam. (Tocdep 2014)
3.1.3 Porter’s Five Forces analysis in hair-beauty industry of Ho Chi Minh
Understanding the dynamics of competitors within an industry is of importance
for many reasons. Firstly, it may help to realize the potential opportunities for the
company. Also, it can be seen as critical steps for the company to differentiate
itself to outperform others that offer similar products and services. (Berry, 2014)
Therefore, in order to examine the competitiveness of the hair-beauty industry of
Ho Chi Minh City, the author makes use of the Porter’s Five Forces technique,
which is illustrated in figure 18 and continuing with detail analysis afterward.
Figure 18: Porter's Five Forces of Hair- beauty industry in Ho Chi Minh City
Threat of new entrants
In the Hair Beauty sector, economies of scale are not very important; though
visibility and number of outlets can be a significant barrier to overcome when for
example a high-street location is considered. (Bros 2014)
In Ho Chi Minh City, anyone can start up his or her own beauty salon as long as
that person has been trained and equipped with enough knowledge to manage one
properly. Because, there is no legal requirement or single, national accreditation
scheme to follow and the initial costs are not very high. A scene of a street salon
and a skilled barber is quite strange and interesting towards visitors from foreign
countries. However, it is a common occupation for middle and low-class
breadwinners in Vietnam. (Figures 19)
Rivalry Among Existing
Threat of New
Bargaining Power
of Buyers
Threats of Substitutes
Bargaining Power of
Figure 19: On-street hairdresser
Power of suppliers
In this sector, LOreal is the biggest and best-known supplier. Although, there are
many other competitors such as Wella, Schwarzkopf, Tigi or Macadamia, LOreal
is always the first choice of hair-dressers especially for the hair-dyes products.
(Vietnam Branding 2014.)
L’Oréal Professional is a global brand leader in its market, with an exclusive
presence in hairdressing salons. Though it is very simple and inexpensive
switching to another supplier, the prestige to be associated with L’Oreal brand is
too essential to be without especially it has won much credit of the hairdressers in
the region. (Vietnam Branding 2014.)
It goes without saying that, LOréal is the main player in this industry and it has a
huge bargaining power.
Bargaining power of buyers
In the hair salon industry, customers define the success of a business. A hair salon
cannot survive by selling shampoos or conditioners only. The business is alive by
producing services to satisfy precious customers. Therefore, customers’ influence
on prices and services is very powerful.
Moreover, it is very frequent for customer to switch to competitors since there is
always competition about the prices and standard of the services in same market.
Thus, updating the needs of customers and having a good positioning and
marketing strategy is at the centre of any success.
Threat of substitutes
Sharing the health and beauty treatment market with hairdressing sector is Health
Spa or Fitness Club. However, what is offered from a hair salon is unique since no
one come to a spa or fitness club to get a hair-cut.
Nowadays, the awareness of sustainability is rising which open more potential for
DIY products and activities. Especially, hair-dressing service is often branded as
“luxury(Bros 2014); there may be chances that people will have a DIY hair cut
at home when they are becoming more and more price-conscious.
Competitive Rivalry
As discussed in the “Threat of new entry” section, it is not difficult to open a new
hair beauty business. Hence, there are a high number of salons in the market. The
rivalry among existing competitors is high. Now that the basic service offered is
similar between the salon operators, the market and promotional campaigns can
make a significant competitive advantage.
Porter believes companies should thoroughly evaluate five existing forces when
entering a market or developing marketing strategies. Porter's five forces
determine a company's competitive environment, which affects profitability. The
bargaining power of buyers and suppliers affect a small company's ability to
increase prices and manage costs, respectively.
3.2 Case company
Following sub-chapters present the interview findings about the case company
and analyze the strengths, weaknesses as well as opportunities and threats by
conducting the SWOT method.
3.2.1 Overview
Studio K hair salon is a full-service beauty salon. It is dedicated to consistently
providing customers with excellent service, quality products at an acceptable
price. Also, customer relationship is well maintained between the company and
customers; from time to time, with a friendly, caring and creative work
environment. (Tran 2014.)
Studio K is planned to open in November 2014 by Kelly Tran, who is a high-
school friend of the author. During the first year in university, Kelly felt
enthusiasm towards the art and hair beauty not about the economic laws, which
was the former degree she was chasing. Then, she decided to quit laws school and
enrolled herself to a Japanese Art Hair Academy. The consequence of her three
year training hard is going to be a beautiful petite hair salon, where she devoted
all her time during a day to do art and satisfy her customers. She named her hair
salon as “Studio K because whenever people are mentioned about the word
“studio”, they will unknowingly think about artists’ workroom like music
composers, painters or photographers. At Studio K, Kelly is an artist and every
customers look is a master piece. (Tran 2014.)
The missions of Studio K:
To supply service and product that enhances clients’ physical appearance
and mental relaxation.
To guarantee customer satisfaction
The motto of Studio K is: Keep calm and let us fix your hair.” (Tran 2014.)
The vision of Studio K
The dream existing in Kellys mind is to make Studio K become one of the most
recognizable high-end hair salons of the country. It is brought nearer to reality
when Kelly met the author during the summer vacation. It was the time when they
exchanged the ideas about how to make Studio K more acknowledged in the
society. (Tran 2014.)
3.2.2 Staff
The first and foremost position needed in Studio K is a receptionist who will greet
customers and receive payment for the services and products. Also, a store
manager is hired to take care all of the expenses, bills, payroll, etc. (Tran 2014.)
There will be three hair stylists, including Kelly; and two part-time nail, facial and
massage technicians. Three or four trainees are also required to assist the three
main hair stylists. The receptionist and store manager will be contract workers,
while the others will be paid a commission based on the amount of the revenue
created. (Tran 2014.)
3.2.3 SWOT Analysis of the Case Company
The purpose of this part is to identify what the internal and external factors of
studio-K hair salon. The more carefully analysis is made and concerned, the more
successful the business can be. SWOT refers to the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats. Those key elements will help the company to know the
areas in which require improvements and adjustments. (Tran 2014.)
A variety of exclusive products: shampoos, conditioners, hair coloring,
Well-trained and professional staffs
Special machines and equipments are employed
Modern design and decoration salon
Quickly adapt new hair trends
Appropriate price with high-quality services
Convenient location: near some shopping centers, having a large parking
space and easy to get to the salon from other main districts.
Free Wi-Fi and drinks will be served in store
Magazines and comics are always available for customers and their
A startup company without any reputation
Lack of experiences in salon and spa industry
Small business premises
Financial limitations
Limited services
Large market demand
Hallyu wave’ or celebrities hairstyle in the world is on trend
Christmas, Lunar New Year and wedding season is coming
Using viral marketing and social media as free and efficient advertising
High competition threats from other hair salons
No barriers to entry
High rate of employee turnover
(Tran 2014.)
3.3 Developing Marketing Strategy
Marketing strategies differ from each and every business. Therefore, they are
designed and customized to suit the needs of the particular company. This section
is the tailor-made strategy designed for the case company studio K hair salon.
The development of this strategy involves: customer segmentation, marketing
positioning and a set of clear-cut components of a marketing plan.
3.3.1 Customer segmentation
Customers in any market have so many differences in their wants, resources,
locations or buying attitudes. Through market segmentation, companies can
divide a large market into smaller segments, which are more effectively to be
approached by specific products and services that match the unique needs of those
segments. (Kotler et al. 2012)
In table 5 below, the author lists out the characteristics of Studio K’s customers
who are the targets in the market of the case company.
Table 5: Customer segmentation
Country region
City region
Ho Chi Minh City
Urban districts like District 1, 3, 5
Between the ages of 18 and 45
Range from VND 2,000,000 to VND 20,000,000 per
Full - time
1960s 2000s
Social class
Working class
Middle class
Yolo ( You only live once)
Busy working life
Neat and clean
Looking for a salon nearby the work place, for lunch
hour services or immediately after work
Looking for reasonably priced services with a high
level of service
They like to be able to have all beauty care services
and products in one location
3.3.2 Positioning
Consumers typically choose products and services that give them the greatest
value (Kotler, et al. 2012). Therefore, it is always an urgent need for every
company to create its own competitive edge, position itself in order to be seen and
head into the overcrowded market place. Especially, today’s marketplace is no
longer responsive to the strategies that worked in the past. There are just too many
products, too many companies and too much marketing noise (Rie & Trout 2001).
Hence, it is believed that the basic approach of positioning is not to create
something new and different, but to manipulate what is already up there in the
mind, to retie the connections that already exist.
In figure 20, possible value propositions of the five winning positioning strategy
introduced by (Kotler, et al. 2012, 238) is presented. The five winning position
strategies consist of more for more strategy, more for the same, the same for less
strategy, less for much less strategy, and more for less strategy.
Figure 20: Possible value propositions (Kotler, et al. 2012, 238)
In the figure, the five green cells represent winning value propositions that give
the company competitive advantages. Nevertheless, the red cells represent losing
value propositions. The center yellow cell represents at best a marginal
proposition. As in the figure, the more for less is the winning value proposition
that every company wants to achieve. However, in the long run, companies will
find it very difficult to sustain such a best proposition. Since offering more usually
costs more. Moreover, offeringthe same for the samemay be safe in terms of
marginal profits, but it will not make any competitive edges, leaving the company
in the middle of the pack.
For the case of Studio K hair salon, two strategies are being considered to be
applied which are more for the same and more for less. More for the same
propositioning is offering better hair services with the same prices as other salons.
And more for less propositioning is conducted when Studio K decides to provide
better hair services with the lower prices compared to its competitors. It should be
noticed that the cost mentioned here is only the service cost not the hair-care
product prices. Since mentioned above in previous sectors, hair-care products
provided standard prices in all salons by suppliers. Therefore, in case Studio K
wants to reduce the service cost to attract more customers during the commencing
of its business, only the cost of hair-dressing services can be altered.
Studio K will position itself as a convenient and full-service hair salon for women
in the region. Studio K’s competitive edge is based on professionalism,
convenience and superior customer service.
Professionalism: investing time and money to train hair-dressing and other
staffs in exceptional customer services so that they are able to encounter
any problems without having to first receive permission from a supervisor.
Convenience: a wide range of hair-dressing services and branded hair care
products can be found in one stop, Studio K.
Superior customer service: satisfying customers with the best services at
the reasonable prices to targeted women customers who cannot afford for
the exorbitant charges at the high-end woman-only hair salons.
3.3.3 Contents of a Marketing Plan
After the target market and customer have been defined, the author goes on
designing a marketing plan for the case company. Table 6 is a brief content of the
plan for studio-K.
Table 6: Marketing plan for Studio-K
Executive summary
Studio K is a hair salon located in District 4, Ho Chi
Minh City, Vietnam
Studio K serves women with variable services like
hair cut, hair treatment, facial massage and
Studio K accepts appointments as well as walk-ins.
Studio K also sells retail hair care products to fulfill
customers’ desire for hair treatment
Current marketing
Studio K is in its first year of business as a start-up
company.( November 2014)
A comprehensive, strategic marketing plan is
required to ensure profitability and success.
Studio K offers a wide range of hair cutting services
A one-stop, convenient, hair salon that is skilled and
reasonably priced where customers can purchase
both products and services.
Targeted market
Segmented customers are women who are concerned
about getting quality haircuts and styling. (Part .3.1)
Threats and
Competition from already established chains.
A steady growing market
Increasing hair product sales opportunities
Maintain positive, steady growth each month.
Increase the amount of retail products sold by 10%
per year.
Profitability by year one.
Marketing strategy
Studio K is having a limited marketing budget due to
the location rent.
The money from the marketing budget will be spent
on the marketing initiatives like viral marketing and
social media marketing, in-store and store front
Action programs
Kelly Tran, the owner, will be primarily responsible
for the marketing activities.
Kelly may hire freelances to do some creative
Detailed of implementation plan is presented in
section 3.5
Including in unpublished documents of Studio K, the
company addresses break-even analysis, sales
forecasts, expense forecasts, and how they link to the
marketing strategy.
The break-even analysis indicates that VND
60,000,000 will be required in monthly revenue to
reach the break-even point.
Sales forecast: the first three months may be slow in
sales due to the new appearance of the Studio K in
the region; it takes time for customers to get used to
the existence of a new service. Starting from fourth
month, the sale is expecting to increase steadily.
Marketing budget: marketing expenses are to be
budgeted so that they are high during the first quarter
in order to raise visibility for the start-up
Marketing control is presented in section 3.6
There are three main areas that Studio K will
monitor from time to time to measure performance :
revenue, expense and customer satisfaction
3.4 Constructing a marketing mix
Out of many components presented in the marketing plan content, the author
focuses deeply on the marketing mix. There are practical implements about
products, price, place and promotion.
3.4.1 Products and services
Studio K will be providing both services and products to better meet the
customers’ needs.
Studio K is a full-service beauty salon. A wide range of services is offered that
Hair: cuts, relaxers, perms, colors, shampoo, conditioning, curling,
reconstructing, weaving and waving.
Nails: manicures, pedicures, polish, sculptured nails.
Skin Care: facials massages.
Hair care products
Together with providing hair services, the hair salon will also sell hair care
products. Studio K is working on an exclusive contract with LOreal to sell their
top quality products like hair dyes and hair care products. In addition we will have
other name-brand products for sale to meet customer needs, such as: Matrix, Paul
Mitchell, and Macadamia. The products will include shampoos, conditioners,
mousse, and hair spray.
All the products mentioned above are used during the hair services at Studio K. In
case, the customers would love to purchase for daily use at home, it is also
3.4.2 Price
Nowadays, there is a tough competition on the apparel market and therefore it is
important to maintain the attractive prices. At the same time the prices should be
competitive and cost-driven as well, in order to cover the expenses and bring
The pricing methods applied for the case company are both cost-based pricing and
value-based pricing.
Customer value-based pricing uses buyers’ perceptions of value, not the seller’s
cost, as the key to pricing. Costs play an important role in setting prices. But like
everything else in marketing, good pricing starts with the customer. The process is
displayed in figure 21. (Kotler, et al. 2012)
Figure 21 : Value-based pricing (Kotler, et al. 2012, 316)
needs and
Set target
price to
costs that
can be
product to
desired value
at target
The company first assesses customer needs and value perceptions. It then sets its
target price based on customer perceptions of value.
On the contrary, cost-based pricing shown in figure 22 is product driven. The
company designs what it considers to be a good product, adds up the costs of
making the product, and set a price that cover costs plus a target profit.
Figure 22 : Cost-based pricing (Kotler & Amstrong 2012, 316)
For the Studio K hair salon, customer is the core of the business. However, cost is
also taken into consideration since it does take time and much effort for stylists to
create every outstanding look; therefore, they are deserved to be pay
The service price will range from VND 200,000 to VND 2,000,000 (EUR 15
EUR 100) for different beauty treatment like hair, massage, facial, manicure, and
pedicure. In table 7, sample prices of Studio K are introduced.
Table 7: Sample of Studio K's Price List
Women's Hair Cut (trim, same style) VND 150,000
Women's Hair Cut (change of style) VND 200,00
Bang trims VND 50,000
Design a
Set price
based on
buyers of
Shampoo and Blow Dry VND 80,000
Shampoo, Cut and Blow Dry VND 250,000
Shampoo, Cut, Blow Dry and Flat Iron VND 270,000
Perms (wash, cut and blow dry incl) VND 500 900,000
Spiral Perms (wash, cut and blow dry incl) VND 350 800,000
Chemical Straightener VND 500 900,000
Color (same color all over) VND 300 900,000
Color Retouch VND 300 400,000
Color (Wash out) VND 150 500,000
Toner VND 300 900,000
Color Correction Must be seen
Highlighting (foil) VND 150 700,000
Highlighting (cap) VND 300 900,000
Highlighting, Top and Sides only VND 300 900,000
Extensions (fusion or glue only) VND 500 700,000
per layer
Extension Removal VND 300 500,000
French Braid VND 50,000
Keratin Straightening VND 500 900,000
Keratin Shampoo and Blow Dry VND 200 700,000
Keratin Shampoo, Cut and Blow Dry VND 300 900,000
Up Do’s, Wedding, Prom Styling VND 50 200,000
Eyebrow Trimming VND 50 70,000
Facial Massage and Mask VND 100 200,000
Manicure VND 40 80,000
Pedicure VND 40 80,000
Nail Coloring VND 40 60,000
Nail Art VND 10 200,000
Gel Manicure VND 250 500,000
The price list is designed based on customers’ needs and the case company
activity cost.
For the hair care products, the price will range from VND150,000 VND500,000
(EUR 5 EUR 30) depending on what kind of products and which brand
customers would like to purchase.
Basically, these costs will not be much different compared to other competitors
since there is a standard price that which suppliers offer to every salon.
3.4.3 Place
The Case Company will be located in District 4, an urban district of Ho Chi Minh
City. The place chosen is a connection among other crowded areas like the
central district (District 1), office and shopping mall area (District 3) and
residence area (District 5).
Figure 23: Studio K's location
Studio K
Because of the good location (district 4), the leasing price of shop premise is quite
higher than other areas, about VND 20,000,000 VND 25,000,000 (EUR 1000
EUR 1500). Therefore, the salons owner is intended to rent a 100m
store. The
store includes its own warehouse and staff room. Besides that, the transportation
in Vietnam mainly is motorcycle; hence, the store is locating nearby some parking
areas so it would be easy and comfortable not only for motorbike-riding
customers but also car-driving ones.
The shop appearance is very important to the image of company. The shop should
be clean, fresh in order to give customers comfortable and relaxed feeling when
using the services. Furthermore, the investment in appearance will help to attract
more passing-by customers and tourists. Figure 24 is giving some sample design
of a hair salon generally. Studio K wants a joyful, dynamic and characteristic
theme for the shop.
Figure 24: Hair salon design samples (Archpart 2013)
Figure 25: Hair salon floor plan sample (Archpart 2013)
And in figure 25, a sample of floor plan is presented. Designing a floor plan is
very crucial when building a hair salon. According to (Archpart 2013) “when you
can determine the good design for your floor, it has been a good model for you to
decorate your salon. In order to design a good floor plan, there are several things
should be taken into consideration. For examples, the size of salon space, the type
of services, the equipments and the scaled outline of beauty hair salon floor. In a
nutshell, the owner should think about them carefully so that the final plan for
salon floor will be successfully made.
3.4.4 Promotion
As being a small startup hair salon and having limited financial resources, the
company will not use any kinds of costly advertising such as TV commercial and
brochures for the marketing campaign.
For the first year, the main marketing techniques the shop using will be viral
advertising and social media marketing. When a customer leaves the shop with a
new look and satisfied feeling, she is broadcasting the salons name and quality to
her friends and relatives. Most of the new customers will be introduced by
existing customers.
Nowadays, social media is very popular all over the world such as Facebook,
Instagram, Pinterest, Wordpress, Blogspot, etc. Some of the small hair salons in
the region have the tendency to neglect the usage of those social media. On the
contrary, studio-K attempt to make use of each and every available media channel
to broadcast the image of the company widely in the region.
Facebook is the channel where the company stays in touch with customers by
sharing posts about services and products. Thanks to the “add friends” tool of
Facebook, a promising virtual customer base is formed and may be turned into
the real one in the future. Facebook is also a place where existing customers
can leave their feedbacks and ratings for the salon. Through that, the virtual
customer base is becoming more attracted. Figure 26 is a sample of Facebook
page of a hair salon.
Figure 26: Facebook page of a hair salon (Peagler 2014)
Instagram is the most trending media channel nowadays. The salon can
encourage their customers to put the hash tag “#studioK to their hair photos
whenever uploading them online. It can help to make the brand become
known beyond the region. Figure 27 is a sample Instagram account of a hair
Figure 27: Instagram account of a hair salon (Peagler 2014)
Wordpress or blogspot: this channel will act as a hair care diary written by the
case company. There will be several topics about hair styles, DIY (Do-It-
Yourself) hair care products and the most updated trends. Thanks to the time
of studying in Korea, the author knows the accesses to various links of hair
tutorials or TV beauty programs with English subtitles. Those will also be
updated in the wordpress. Figure 28 is a sample blogspot of a beauty blogger.
Figure 28: Blogspot sample of a beauty blogger (Beautifyinglife 2014)
Beside the social marketing plan, the salon will create its own website including
some information of the salon, contacts and promotional offers and events. They
will be updated depending on special occasions and seasonal promotions such as
Christmas, New Year, etc. at that time. It will be a short-term discount price
which is offered to stimulate the sales.
Furthermore, when coming to the salon, new customers will be offered client-
loyalty cards like in the figure 29. So that the customers will have desire and
motivation for getting more points by coming to the hair salon more frequently.
Figure 29: Client loyalty card sample
Finally, in order to attract the large walk-through traffic base, there will be
displays of products in-store, eye-catching advertising banners and logo out-doors
of the Studio K.
3.5 Implementation
In this phase, a detailed implementation plan is created. The author uses the Gantt
chart to illustrate the project schedule, as it is often used in project management in
order to show activities, tasks or events displayed against time. On the left of the
chart is a list of the activities and along the top is a suitable time scale. Each
activity is represented by a bar; the position and length of the bar reflects the start
date, duration and end date of the activity (Gantt Chart 2014). Table 8 is a one-
year timeline of the marketing plan for the case company.
Table 8: Gantt chart for marketing implementation
campaign #1
campaign #2
Plan vs.
According to the timeline, the marketing plan will be finalized in the end of
September before the grande opening of the hair salon in the beginning of
November. The case company will have a one-month period (October) to do some
post-marketing activities like designing logo, banner, brochure, indoor and
frontdoor displays. Right after the opening, all the marketing campaigns will be
carried out as presented in the table. Moreover, feedbacks of the plan are updated
throughout the business operation to evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen
marketing strategy. The end of the timeline (around May to July) is the time to
review the plan and actual result to make any corrective actions if necessary for
the upcoming years of business.
3.6 Marketing control
This is the last section of the marketing process. At this stage, the company will
evaluate the marketing activities to see if any more corrective actions needed to be
taken. The marketing results are measured against the objectives have been set in
the marketing plan above. There are several major criteria could be used to
measure the effectiveness:
Revenue: the revenue of the business can be tracked from the daily
transactions. And the control of revenue should be carried out monthly and
Expenses: all the expenses should be recorded and managed monthly and
annually to keep track with the financial situation of the company.
Repeat business: having more profitable loyal customers who continue to
purchase the services and products at Studio K after the first time usage.
Customer satisfaction: maintaining good relationship by keeping contact
with the existing customers and get regular feedback on products and
In the conclusion, the author gives details about the following aspects: findings,
reliability, validity, and limitations of the study.
4.1 Findings
The main objectives of this thesis are to analyze the hairdressing market of Ho
Chi Minh City and propose a practical marketing plan to enhance the visibility of
the case company in the market. In Table 9 below, the author summarizes the key
findings correspondent to all research sub-questions mentioned in the previous
sub chapter 1.2 of the thesis.
Table 9: Findings of the study
Research questions
- What are the objectives
of the case company
when entering the
targeted market?
- To stand out in the market with the its own
competitive edges
- To be profitable in the first year
- How competitive is the
target market?
- Is highly competitive with low entry power
- How the company
differentiates and
positions itself in the
competitive market?
- Competitive prices with the best services
- Convenience stop for hair care purchasing
habit of targeted customers
- Adapted European styles in decorating the
appearance of the hair salon.
- Paying attention to maintain the repeat
business with variables type of actions like
send an email, a postcard or a catalogue
periodically to keep the customers closed and
updated with the operation of the salons.
- Convenient location: near some shopping
centers, having a large parking space and easy
to get to the salon from other main districts.
- What is the suitable
marketing strategy for the
case company?
- Viral marketing and social media (due to
limited financial)
- What are the promotional
tools needed for the
marketing strategy?
- A marketing mix is emphasized in the study.
Four elements of marketing mix: Products,
Price, Place, Promotion are deeply examined
to give the company practical overviews about
the marketing strategy.
- Unlike other small salon owners who often
neglect the importance of social media
strategies, Studio K owner attempt to make
use of various trending social media channels
like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and
Instagram to enhance the visibility of the case
4.2 Limitations and further suggestions
The emphasis area which the author wants to focus on in this marketing plan is
the marketing mix. They are the tactical actions, which are of importance for the
start-up company and which Studio K should take into consideration. Moreover,
the hairdressing market of Ho Chi Minh City is highly competitive. Therefore,
more practical marketing efforts should be made to create the visibility of the case
company in the market. Due to the limited right to use unpublished sources
gathered from the case company, the author did not indicate a more detailed
marketing budget plan for the marketing strategy.
Moreover, the author is suggesting a contingency plan for the case company to
prepare itself to cope with surprising obstacles during the business operation. In
the table below, the author presents variables risks and proposes corrective
Table 10: Contingency plan for Studio K
Problems generating enough
sales after three first month of
Evaluate marketing activities and take
corrective actions.
Create more marketing campaigns to
attract customers.
Low on cash-flow due to the
quiet of the business
Consider to gather more capital from
the regional banks or any personal
sources of the owner to pay rents,
salaries and to continue the business.
Fell to achieve customer
Continuing receive feedbacks from
customers to identify the problems of
the business.
Having a team meeting frequently
between staffs to understand the
employees and the operation of the
4.3 Reliability and Validity
To conduct this thesis study, the author uses various sources of data including
academic published resources from the internet and earlier studies. For the
theoretical framework, the primary data used by the author are mainly
unpublished resources from the case companies. Some secondary data are
exploited are books, journals and articles. Referring to the empirical part, the
analysis was done thanks to the interviews with the case company owner and one
professor who are working in the targeted industry. Therefore, the research is
considered highly reliable.
The research was carried out according to the mutual agreement between the
researcher and the case company owner. With the hope to assist the case
company, a detailed and practical marketing plan is designed. In the
implementation seen in section 3.5, the timeline to conduct the marketing
campaign for the case company is a one year period. In other words, this thesis
study is considered to be valid.
This thesis aims at analyzing the targeted hair beauty industry and creating a
realistic marketing plan for the case company. In order to accomplish the primary
purpose of the study, the author has divided the structure into two parts, theo-
retical framework and empirical section. Collected data for the theoretical
framework are mostly from published sources; and for the empirical part, the
author’s own observations and experiences are used. With the purpose of getting
more accurate information, some interviews with the case companys owner and
people related to hair beauty industry were carried out.
In the theoretical framework section, the author introduced general ideas about the
marketing process including market analysis, customer segmentation, marketing
plan. The author goes deeply into presenting the marketing mix.
In the empirical section, first of all, the targeted market was examined with the
use of Porter’s Five Forces tool. Secondly, the author gave an overview of the
case company and developed a practical marketing plan. Moreover, this thesis
mainly focuses on the main tactical tool of marketing, which is marketing mix. By
employing the theories from the theoretical framework part and gathered
information from analysis of the target market, case company and the tactical
marketing tool, the marketing plan for the case company is completed.
With this marketing plan, the author believes that the case company could get off
to an impressive start with this business and have a first profitable year in the
competitive market. In the long run, the case company is aiming to become a
high-class complex spa hair salon. It is highly advised that further research be
carried out about the spa industry and any related matters in order to achieve the
future objectives of the case company.
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Structure of the interview with Ms Kelly Truc Tran, owner of Studio K hair salon
Date: 25.08.2014
Interviewer: Ha Phuong Vuong
1. What is the interviewee’s judgment about the spa and hair salon in general?
2. What does interviewee’s point of view about the competitiveness of Ho Chi
Minh City market?
3. What is the business model of Studio K?
4. What are the competitive advantages of the Studio K?
5. Who are main customers of Studio K?
6. What kind of services does Studio K offer?
7. Does the hair salon have any additional services or activities?
8. Does Studio K also sell hair-care products or just provide hair services only?
9. How often is the training program of Studio K? Are there any?
10. How to manage the cash flow of the business effectively?
11. Are there any concerns about the financial situation of Studio K?
Structure of the interview with Mr. Hoang Long Le, professor at JBart Hair
Date: 27.08.2014
Interviewer: Ha Phuong Vuong
1. What is the major of the interviewee?
2. How long has the interviewee work in the hairdressing industry?
3. Since when did the interviewee become a profession at JBart Hair Academy?
4. What is the interview’s judgment about the hairdressing industry of Vietnam
in general and Ho Chi Minh City in particular?
5. How long has the JBart Academy established?
6. How many students are estimated to study and do training at JBart Academy
per year?
7. How often are students at JBart Academy open their own salons after training
programs at JBart?
8. Does JBart Academy provide enough knowledge and skills for a student to run
his or her own shop after the training program?
Address: 472 474 Trần Hưng Đạo P2 Q5 Tp.HCM
Phone :(08) 626.111.30
Fax :08. 62611136
Email :
Website :