Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
Code Book
The regulations in this Code Book are hereby adopted by the Arkansas State
Game and Fish Commission under authority of Amendment 35 to the
Constitution of the State of Arkansas. All laws, rules, regulations, or orders in
conict with the regulations in this Code Book are hereby repealed by the
Arkansas State Game and Fish Commission.
As of June 8, 2022
03.00 License Regulations
03.01 License And Permit Requirements
03.02 Fishing License Requirements
03.03 Resident Hunting License Requirements
03.04 Nonresident Hunting License Requirements
03.05 State Migratory Waterfowl Hunting Stamp Requirements
03.06 Nonresident Illegally Possessing Resident License
03.07 Possession Of License Of Another
03.08 Lending License Prohibited
03.09 Counterfeiting License Prohibited
03.10 Acceptable Proof Of License, Permit, Stamp, And Education Certicate
03.11 Falsifying Information Prohibited
03.12 License Dealer Permit Required To Sell AGFC Licenses
03.13 Charging Unauthorized License Fees Prohibited
03.14 Resident Guide License Requirements
03.15 Nonresident Guide License Requirements
03.16 Hunter Education Certicate Requirements
03.17 Boater Education Certicate Requirements
03.18 Guiding While Intoxicated Or Under The Inuence Prohibited
03.01 License And Permit Requirements
It is unlawful to hunt or sh when and where a license, permit, tag or stamp
is required without having on the person the appropriate license, permit,
tag or stamp. It also is unlawful for any person to fail to comply with the
terms of any Commission-issued license, permit, tag, or stamp (Addendum
PENALTY: Class 1
As of June 8, 2022
03.02 Fishing License Requirements
It is unlawful to sh in any manner in Arkansas without possessing on the
person the appropriate Arkansas shing license as provided herein:
Arkansas Resident (16 years of age and older) – Resident Fisheries
Conservation License; Resident 3-Day Trip Fishing License; Lifetime
Resident Combination Sportsman's License and Permit; Resident 65
Plus Lifetime Fishing License (or Resident 65 Plus Lifetime
Combination License); Resident 65 Plus Annual Fishing License (or
Resident 65 Plus Annual Combination License); Disabled Lifetime
Fishing License (or Resident Disabled Lifetime Combination License);
Resident Disabled Fishing 3-Year License (or Resident Disabled
Combination 3-Year License); or Resident Disabled Military Veteran
Lifetime Fishing License (or Resident Disabled Military Veteran
Lifetime Combination License or Resident Disabled Military Veteran
Lifetime Combination License and Permit).
Nonresidents (16 years of age and older) – Non-Resident Annual
Fishing License; Non-Resident 3-Day Trip Fishing License or
Nonresident 14-Day Trip Fishing License.
Persons must possess a valid Commercial Fishing Permit and
Sportshing License (CFS) to purchase tags for commercial tackle or
to operate commercial tackle. A CFS holder may purchase a Helper
Permit, which will allow the permitted helper to operate the CFS
holder’s tackle. Tackle tags may not be purchased with the Helper
Permit. The Helper Permit does not confer sport-shing rights.
Youths and individuals 65 years of age or older are required to
purchase a Junior/Senior Commercial Fishing Permit.
In lieu of an Arkansas Nonresident Fishing License, Missouri resident
shing license holders, age 16 or older, are required to purchase a
White River Border Lakes License (Addendum
H1.04), in compliance
with the White River Lakes License Agreement.
EXCEPTION: Persons shing in put-and-take pay lakes licensed by the
PENALTY: Class 1
As of June 8, 2022
03.03 Resident Hunting License Requirements
It is unlawful for a resident to hunt wildlife by any means in Arkansas
without possessing on the person the appropriate Arkansas hunting license
as provided herein:
To hunt alligator, deer, turkey, bear or elk, the hunter must have
physical possession of a valid Arkansas hunting license. A temporary,
internet license or a conrmation/authorization number from a
telephone license order is not valid for hunting these species.
Arkansas Residents (16 years of age and older) – Small Game:
Resident Wildlife Conservation License; Resident Sportsman’s
License; Big Game: Resident Wildlife Conservation License (permits
residents to harvest one legal deer during any deer season); Resident
Sportsman's License; Furbearer (Hunting): Any valid hunting
license. Furbearer (Trapping): Any valid hunting license and a
resident trappers permit. All game: Holders of the following licenses
are entitled to hunt all game, except if taking waterfowl an Arkansas
Resident Waterfowl Stamp, Federal Waterfowl Stamp, and Harvest
Information Program (HIP) are required: Resident 65 Plus Lifetime
Sportsman's Hunting License (or 65 Plus Lifetime Combination
License); Resident 65 Plus Annual Hunting License (or Resident 65
Plus Annual Combination License); Resident Disabled Lifetime
Sportsman's Hunting License (or Resident Disabled Lifetime
Combination License) Resident Disabled Hunting 3-Year License (or
Resident Disabled Combination 3-Year License); Resident Disabled
Military Veteran Lifetime Hunting License; or Resident Disabled
Military Veteran Lifetime Combination License. All game: Holders of
the following license are entitled to hunt all game, including
waterfowl with a Federal Waterfowl Stamp and Harvest Information
Program (HIP): Lifetime Resident Combination Sportsman's License
and Permit; or Resident Disabled Military Veteran Lifetime
Combination License and Permit.
Residents hunting on a licensed game bird shooting resort in
compliance with regulations (Code
In compliance with Code 04.04 and Addendum B1.14.
PENALTY: Class 1
As of June 8, 2022
03.04 Nonresident Hunting License
It is unlawful for a nonresident, 16 years of age or older, to hunt wildlife by
any means in Arkansas without possessing on the person the appropriate
Arkansas hunting license as provided herein:
To hunt deer, turkey, bear or elk, the hunter must have physical
possession of a valid Arkansas hunting license. A temporary, internet
license or conrmation/authorization number from a telephone license
order is not valid for hunting these species.
Nonresidents hunting small game only (excluding deer, elk, turkey
and bear). Requirements: Nonresident Annual Small Game License, or
Nonresident 5-Day Small Game License for a period of said license,
and Nonresident Trapper Permit if trapping furbearers. Small game
may also be taken on the Nonresident All Game Licenses. If hunting
waterfowl, an Arkansas Nonresident Waterfowl Stamp, Federal
Waterfowl Stamp and Harvest Information Program (HIP) are
Nonresidents hunting deer, elk and/or wild turkey. Requirements:
Nonresident Annual All Game License (provides holder all applicable
tags for deer, bear and turkey); Nonresident 1-Day All Game License
(provides holder 1 game tag); Non-Resident 3-Day All Game License
(provides holder 2 game tags); or a Nonresident 5-Day All Game
License (provides holder 3 game tags) and a Nonresident Trapper
Permit if trapping furbearers.
Nonresidents hunting bear. Requirements: Nonresident Annual All
Game License.
Nonresidents are ineligible to obtain public land permits through the
permit draw process for hunting elk or alligators.
Nonresidents hunting on a licensed game bird shooting resort in
compliance with regulations (Code
In compliance with Code 04.04, Addenda B1.14, H1.01, H1.03.
Nonresidents who possess a Resident Lifetime License for either
hunting or combination hunting-and-shing (Addendum D1.01)
obtained prior to September 1, 2021, while a bona de Arkansas
resident (Code
01.00-C, RESIDENT) are eligible to obtain public land
permits through the permit draw process for hunting elk or alligators.
PENALTY: Class 2
As of June 8, 2022
03.05 State Migratory Waterfowl Hunting
Stamp Requirements
It is unlawful to hunt migratory waterfowl without having purchasing the
appropriate Arkansas Resident or Nonresident Migratory Waterfowl
Hunting Stamp, as indicated by holding a valid universal license form issued
by the Commission or its representative, coded DSR or DSN (Addendum
Persons possessing a valid Lifetime Hunting and Fishing Sportsman's
Persons possessing a valid Resident 65 Plus Lifetime Waterfowl
In compliance with Code
04.04 and Addenda B1.14, H1.03.
PENALTY: Class 1
03.06 Nonresident Illegally Possessing
Resident License
It is unlawful for any nonresident to possess while hunting, shing or
guiding any resident license, permit, tag, or stamp issued by the
Commission, or at any time to represent a resident license, permit, tag, or
stamp as his own.
Former residents who possess a valid Resident Lifetime License for
hunting, shing, or combination hunting-and-shing, or possess a
Resident Lifetime Permit for trout or waterfowl (Addendum
PENALTY: Class 4
03.07 Possession Of License Of Another
It is unlawful while hunting or shing to possess any license, permit, tag, or
stamp issued by the Commission to any other person, or at any time to
represent the license, permit, tag, or stamp of any other person as his own.
PENALTY: Class 1
As of June 8, 2022
03.08 Lending License Prohibited
It is unlawful to lend to any other person any license, permit, tag, or stamp
issued by the Commission.
PENALTY: Class 1
03.09 Counterfeiting License Prohibited
It is unlawful for any person to counterfeit, backdate, or alter any
license, permit, tag, stamp, or hunter education or boater education
certicate issued by the Commission.
It is unlawful for any person knowingly to possess, sell, or oer for
sale any counterfeited, backdated, or altered license, permit, tag, or
stamp issued or purportedly issued by the Commission.
PENALTY: Class 4
As of June 8, 2022
03.10 Acceptable Proof Of License, Permit,
Stamp, And Education Certicate
When any Commission regulation requires a person to carry a
Commission-issued license, permit, stamp, or hunter education or
boater certicate “on the person,” possession of any of the following
will be suicient to establish compliance:
a physical or an electronic copy of said Commission-issued
license, permit, stamp, or hunter education or boater
educationcerticate; or
a Commission-issued Conservation Card that is linked to the
required license, permit, stamp, or huntereducation or boater
education certicate.
For purposes of this regulation, “electronic copy” shall mean an
electronic image produced on a person's own cellular phone or other
type of portable electronic device that clearly displays and accurately
reproduces all of the information found on a Commission-issued
license, permit, stamp, or hunter education or boater education
For a state migratory waterfowl hunting stamp, an electronic copy of
a person’s Commission-issued hunting license coded DSR or DSN, or a
Commission-issued Conservation Card linked to same, will be
suicient to establish compliance with Code 03.05
For Federal Migratory Bird Hunting E-Stamp, an electronic copy of a
person's Commission-issued hunting license coded FDE, or a
Commission-issued Conservation Card linked to same, will be
suicient to establish compliance with Code
03.10 for up to 45 days
from the date of purchase of the Federal Migratory Bird Hunting E-
For a Snow, Blue, or Ross's Goose Registration Permit, the following
will be suicient to establish compliance with Code
an electronic copy of a person's Commission-issued hunting
license coded with the Snow, Blue, or Ross's Goose Registration
Permit number;
separate electronic copies of both a person's Commission-issued
hunting license and a person's Commission-issued Snow, Blue,
or Ross's Goose Registration Permit;or
a Commission-issued Conservation Card linked to one of the
previous options.
The presentment of proof of an electronic copy of a Commission-
issued license, permit, stamp, or hunter education or boater education
certicate does not:
Authorize a search of any other content of an electronic device
without a search warrant or probable cause; or
Expand or restrict the authority of a wildlife law enforcement
oicer to conduct a search or investigation.
As of June 8, 2022
Neither a Commission-issued Conservation Card nor electronic proof
of tags shall be suicient to establish compliance with any
Commission regulation requiring a person to carry a Commission-
issued tag “on the person.”
Neither a Commission-issued Conservation Card nor electronic proof
of a Federal Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp coded DFS shall be
suicient to establish compliance with Code
10.03. A Federal
Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp coded DFS must be possessed on the
person in its original form and signed before harvesting waterfowl.
See Code
Neither a Commission-issued Conservation Card nor electronic proof
of a Federal Migratory Bird Hunting E-Stamp coded FDE shall be
suicient to establish compliance with Code
10.03 beyond 45 days
from the date of purchase. After 45 days from the date of purchase,
the Federal Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp must be possessed on the
person in its original form and signed to continue harvesting
waterfowl. See Code
Neither a Commission-issued Conservation Card nor electronic proof
shall be suicient to establish compliance with Chapter
09.00 or Code
03.11 Falsifying Information Prohibited
It is unlawful to furnish, record or provide any false information on
any form, license, stamp, tag, permit, aidavit, or application,
electronic or otherwise, furnished to or used by the Commission.
It is unlawful to obtain by false application any license, permit, tag,
stamp, or hunter or boater education certicate issued by the
It is unlawful for an AGFC License Dealer knowingly to accept or
input into the AGFC License System any false information.
PENALTY: Class 4
As of June 8, 2022
03.12 License Dealer Permit Required To Sell
AGFC Licenses
It is unlawful to sell or oer for sale any license, permit, tag, or stamp
issued by the Commission without rst obtaining a valid AGFC
License Dealer Permit from the Chief Fiscal Oicer of the Commission
D1.02). Permits shall be nontransferable and may be
issued only to natural persons or business entities licensed to do
business in the state(s) and locality(ies) where the license dealer will
sell licenses, permits, tags, or stamps issued by the Commission.
In addition to complying with Commission regulations, license dealers
shall comply with the terms and conditions of the AGFC License
Dealer Application, the AGFC License Dealer Agreement, and the
AGFC License Dealer Permit.
EXCEPTION: An AGFC License Dealer Permit shall not be required in
order for the Commission to sell or oer for sale licenses, permits, tags, or
stamps issued by the Commission.
PENALTY: Class 3
03.13 Charging Unauthorized License Fees
It is unlawful for a license dealer to directly or indirectly charge,
collect, or receive for any Commission-issued license, permit, tag,
stamp, or other privilege an amount less than or in excess of the price
established by the Commission for such Commission-issued license,
permit, tag, stamp, or privilege.
For the purposes of this code section, an excess cost, price, or charge
includes but is not limited to a cash fee, convenience fee, credit card
usage fee, service charge, surcharge, sales tax, or the requirement to
rent or purchase goods or services as a condition of purchasing a
Commissionissued license, permit, tag, stamp, or other privilege. For
purposes of this code section, a decient cost, price, or charge
includes, but is not limited to, a discount on face value, a rebate or a
discount for goods or services oered by the license dealer in
exchange for the purchase of a Commission-issued license, permit,
tag, stamp, or other privilege.
License dealers who violate this Code
03.13 shall have their permits
suspended as set forth in Addendum D1.03.
PENALTY: Class 3
As of June 8, 2022
03.14 Resident Guide License Requirements
It is unlawful for any resident to guide, aid or assist another person, for pay
or other consideration, in the taking of any species of wildlife by any means
in Arkansas without possessing on the person the appropriate Arkansas
guide license as provided herein:
To guide, aid or assist another person, for pay or other consideration,
in hunting in Arkansas, the guide must have physical possession of a
valid Arkansas Resident Guide License/Hunting.
To guide, aid or assist another person, for pay or other consideration,
in hunting on WMAs, the guide must also have physical possession of
a valid Arkansas Resident Special Guide License.
To guide, aid or assist another person, for pay or other consideration,
in shing in Arkansas, the guide must have physical possession of a
valid Arkansas Resident Guide License/Fishing.
PENALTY: Class 2
03.15 Nonresident Guide License
It is unlawful for any nonresident to guide, aid or assist another person, for
pay or other consideration, in the taking of any species of wildlife by any
means in Arkansas without possessing on the person the appropriate
Arkansas guide license as provided herein:
To guide, aidor assist another person, for pay or other consideration,
in hunting on land not owned or leased by the Commission, the guide
must have physical possession of a valid Arkansas Nonresident Guide
License forHunting.
To guide, aidor assist another person, for pay or other consideration,
in shing in Arkansas, the guide must have physical possession of a
valid Arkansas Nonresident Guide License forFishing.
It also is unlawful for any nonresident to exercise the rights of the
Resident Special Guide License.
PENALTY: Class 3
As of June 8, 2022
03.16 Hunter Education Certicate
It is unlawful for persons born after 1968 to hunt wildlife without having on
the person a valid Arkansas hunter education certicate.
Youths hunting under direct supervision of an adult at least 21 years
of age.
Persons possessing a valid hunting license/permit displaying the
dealer imprinted code DHE (Code
01.00-C). Requirements for a
person to be eligible to hunt with DHE-coded licenses/permits are as
Be at least 16 years of age and born after 1968 and not
huntereducation certied.
Be in the immediate presence of an adult hunter who is at least
21 years of age and possesses valid hunter education
certication, or who was born before 1969.
Not eligible if convicted of prior violation of this regulation.
Any person who has successfully completed a hunter education course
approved by another state or province and has the valid hunter
education certicate on his or herperson.
PENALTY: Class 1
03.17 Boater Education Certicate
It is unlawful for any person with a birth date after 1985 to operate a
motorboat or a personal watercraft without having on the person a valid
Arkansas boater education certicate.
EXCEPTION:Any person who has successfully completed a boater
education training course approved by the National Association of State
Boating Administrators and has on his or her person a valid boating
education certicate issued by another state.
PENALTY: Class 1
As of June 8, 2022
03.18 Guiding While Intoxicated Or Under The
Inuence Prohibited
It is unlawful for a holder of any Arkansas guide license to be guiding
another person while the licensed guide is intoxicated or under the
inuence of any narcotic drug, barbiturate, or marijuana.
PENALTY: Class 3; Suspension of guide and hunting/shing licenses as set
forth in Codes
01.00-L, 01.00-K.
As of June 8, 2022