The Information
& Innovation
May 2008 will mark the one year anni-
versary of the launch of Google’s “Street
View,” one of the latest features in the
Google Maps lineup. Google Maps has
evolved from a basic online map service
into a feature-rich product with driving
directions, satellite imagery, terrain over-
lays and real-time traf c ows. Contrib-
uting to its success is an open application
programming interface (API), which al-
lows developers to create their own cus-
tom map “mash-ups.” For example, USA
Today has used the API to map all of the
home foreclosures in Denver since 2006,
while websites such as WikiCrimes pro-
vide mash-ups of user-submitted crime
reports, and Virginia Techs eCorridors
application constructs maps of broadband
coverage and speeds from user-submitted
The latest feature – Street View – com-
bines thousands of street-level photo-
graphs taken by Google to create a realis-
tic, 360-degree panoramic view of various
cities. Online users can navigate through
the streets to take a virtual walk through
the city. Using Street View, home buy-
ers can check out a neighborhood, virtual
tourists can explore where to visit, and
residents can locate unfamiliar places.
Google is not the rst company to launch
this type of feature – show-
cased a similar concept in their
BlockView maps in 2005.
While most users enjoy these features, a
small but vocal group of opponents has
emerged, claiming that Google Street
View represents a threat to their privacy.
When Google rst rolled out Street View,
the New York Times published an ar-
ticle about the new program featuring a
woman in Oakland, California who criti-
cized it because it showed a photo of her
cat sitting in her living room window.
Kevin Bankston at the Electronic Fron-
tier Foundation (EFF) condemned Street
View from the start arguing, “There is a
certain ‘ick’ factor here.
In the United
Kingdom, Simon Davies, director of Pri-
vacy International argues, “This is just
the latest in a litany of privacy invasions
by Google, which they justify by claiming
openness as an excuse.”
The latest manifestation of this opposi-
tion is a lawsuit led by a couple who live
outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. They
claim that the photograph of their home
in Street View violates their privacy and
have sued Google for $25,000 in damag-
Based on legal precedent, it seems un-
likely that the plaintiffs will be successful
unless they can prove that Google tres-
passed on private property to take the
photograph in question. Google acquires
the images by driving around cities on
public streets in vehicles mounted with
digital cameras and GPS devices. The
cameras photograph no more than what
the average person would see looking out
of a car window.
Many may be quick to dismiss this lawsuit
as just a glori ed version of the infantile
complaint “Mom, he’s looking at me!” or
perhaps just a greedy attempt to shake-
down Google for a quick payoff. But if
the plaintiffs did win, the ruling would
call into question the issue of when a pho-
tographer needs to obtain consent to take
APRIL 25, 2008
I Spy a Luddite:
Why the Lawsuit over
Google Street View is Absurd
The Information Technology
and Innovation Foundation
(ITIF) is a nonprofi t, non-
partisan public policy
think tank committed
to articulating and advanc-
ing a pro-productivity,
pro-innovation and pro-
technology public policy
agenda internationally,
in Washington and in
the states.
For more information,
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Web Memo
a picture. Could a home seller no longer post pictures
of their home on the Internet if the image included
part of their neighbor’s property? Could tourists no
longer post pictures of their vacation when there are
private residences in the background? Would webcams
taking images that include public views be banned?
Given the pervasiveness of cameras in public spaces,
from security cameras to cell phone cameras, people
should expect that their activities in public may be
recorded and that these recording may nd their way
online. When Kodak released the original Brownie
“snapshot” camera, privacy advocates at the time
feared the technology and claimed that they would
no longer have any privacy when they walked down
the street. However, the consequences have not been
nearly so dire. Technological innovations do not mean
that we abandon the rule of law—that is why we have
laws against stalking and harassment.
Privacy is important, but it must be balanced against
other values. While many technologies can be misused,
they should not be banned simply because they come
with some risk. There is a clear difference between
benign tools like Google Street View and intentionally
malicious websites. For example online destinations
such as Gawker Stalker, which reports celebrity rumors
and sightings, or Juicy Campus which encourages gos-
sip, have little redeeming value.
Technology opponents often overstate privacy con-
cerns as a rationale for opposing certain innovations:
we have seen this in everything from RFID
to bio-
to electronic health records.
But what is the
real risk with Street View? In the case of the Penn-
sylvania lawsuit, there appears to be no risk. First,
StreetView lets users report inappropriate content that
they feel violates their privacy or poses a security con-
cern. Second, and wait for the irony, the Pennsylvania
couple that sued Google already has a photograph of
their property publicly available on the Internet, cour-
tesy of the Alleghany County Of ce of Property As-
But neither of these facts matters much to those who
are ideologically opposed to this technology. Over
time most of these privacy risks will be proven un-
founded but hardcore privacy zealots will still irratio-
nally denounce these innovations because of their al-
leged “ick factor.
Fortunately for the rest of us, we can avoid these pri-
vacy fanatics by using websites like RottenNeighbor.
com, a clever mash-up of Google Maps that allows
residents to identify troublesome neighbors for the
bene t of potential home buyers.
Daniel Castro is a Senior Analyst with the Information
Technolog y and Innovation Foundation.
1. See, for example, “Denver foreclosures: One hard hit neighborhood at a glance,” USA Today <
graphics/foreclosure_map/foreclose.htm>, “WikiCrimes” <>, and “eCorridtors” <
2. “Google Zooms In Too Close for Some,” The New York Times, 1 Jun. 2007: <
3. Alarm At Google’s ‘Street View’,” CBS News, 1 Jun. 2007: <
4. All-seeing Google Street View prompts privacy fears,” Times Online, 1 Jun. 2007: <
5. “Boring Couple Sues Google Over Street View,” The Recorder, 7 Apr. 2008. From <
6. Robert D. Atkinson, “RFID: There’s Nothing To Fear Except Fear Itself,” 16th Annual Computer, Freedom and Privacy
Conference (Washington, DC: May 4, 2006) <>.
7. Robert D. Atkinson, “Confronting Biometric Detractors,” 2006 Biometric Consortium Conference (Baltimore, MD: September
21, 2006) <>.
8. Daniel Castro, “Improving Health Care: Why a Dose of IT May Be Just What the Doctor Ordered,” (Washington, DC: ITIF,
2007) <>.
9. For photograph, see at Alleghany County, Of ce of Property Assessments, <>.