School of Business Journal List
*The School of Business Journal List is utilized to determine Faculty Qualification only
**Updated 2/2023
Premier Journals
Superior Journals
Major Journals Practice Focused Journals
Academy of Management Annals
Academy of Management Discoveries
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Learning & Education Academy of Management Perspectives
Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal
Academy of Management Review
Accounting and Business Research Accounting & Finance
Academy of Business Research Journal
Accounting, Organizations and Society
Accounting Forum
Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal
Academy of Management Learning & Education
Administrative Science Quarterly
Accounting Horizons Advances in Accounting Behavioural Research
Academy of Management Perspectives
Contemporary Accounting Research Advances in Accounting Advances in Developing Human Resources
Academy of Marketing Studies Journal
American Economic Review: Insights
Advances in Management Accounting Accounting and Business Research
IEEE Transactions on Communications
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting Accounting and Finance Research
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
Behavioral Research In Accounting
Advances in Taxation Accounting Education: A Journal of Theory, Practice and Research
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering
British Accounting Review
AMS Review
Accounting Education: An International Journal
IISE Transactions
California Management Review Annals of Finance
Accounting Educators’ Journal
Information Systems Research
Communications of ACM Annals of Operations Research
Accounting Enquiries
INFORMS Journal on Computing
Computers in Human Behavior Annual Review of Financial Economics
Accounting Historians Journal
Journal of Accounting & Economics
Consumption Markets & Culture Applied Financial Economics
Accounting Horizons
Journal of Accounting Research
Corporate Governance: An International Review Arts and the Market
Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal
Journal of Applied Psychology
Decision Sciences
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics
Accounting, Management and Information Technologies
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Decision Support Systems
ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research Advances in Accounting
Journal of Consumer Research
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice British Journal of Management
Advances in Accounting Behavioural Research
Journal of Finance
European Accounting Review
Computers & Industrial Engineering Advances In Consumer Research
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
European Financial Management Computers & Operations Research
Advances in Developing Human Resources
Journal of Financial Economics
European Journal of Information Systems Corporate Governance Advances In International Marketing
Journal of International Business Studies
European Journal of Marketing
Critical Perspectives On Accounting Advances in Management Accounting
Journal of Management
European Journal of Operational Research
Cross Cultural and Strategic Management
Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting
Journal of Management Information Systems
Financial Analysts Journal
Current Issues in Auditing Advances in Taxation
Journal of Marketing
Financial Management (USA) Current Opinion in Psychology African Finance Journal
Journal of Marketing Research
Foundations and Trends in Finance Emerging Markets Review Agricultural Finance Review
Journal of Operations Management
Global Strategy Journal Finance Research Letters AMA Educators' Conference Proceedings
Journal of Retailing
Harvard Business Review Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments American Journal of Information Technology
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Human Relations Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal Annals of Finance
Management Science
Human Resource Management Global Finance Journal Annual Review of Financial Economics
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
IEEE Transactions On Engineering Management Global Journal of Accounting and Finance Applied Computing Review
Marketing Science
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation Government Information Quarterly Applied Financial Economics
MIS Quarterly
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems Group & Organization Management Asian Academy of Management Journal
Naval Research Logistics
Industrial and Corporate Change Health Care Management Review Asia-Pacific Financial Markets
Operations Research
Industrial Marketing Management Human Resource Management Review
Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics
Organization Science
Information and Management IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing
ATA Journal of Legal Tax Research
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Interfaces INFOR Information Systems and Operational Research
Behavioral Research In Accounting
Production and Operations Management
International Journal of Accounting
Information Systems and eBusiness Management British Actuarial Journal
Review of Accounting Studies
International Journal of Electronic Commerce Information Systems Frontiers British Journal of Management
Review of Finance (formerly European Finance Review)
International Journal of Healthcare Finance and Economics Information Technology and Management Business & Society
Strategic Management Journal
International Journal of Operations & Production Management International Business Review Business Horizons
The Accounting Review
International Journal of Production Economics
International Journal of Auditing
Business Process Management Journal
The Quarterly Journal of Economics
International Journal of Production Research International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance California Management Review
The Review of Financial Studies
International Journal of Research in Marketing International Journal of Business and Emerging Markets Case Research Journal
International Marketing Review International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics China Finance Review International
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
International Journal of Central Banking Communication Research
Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance
International Journal of Conflict Management Communications of the Association for Information Systems
Journal of Advertising
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance
Corporate Communications: An International Journal
Journal of Advertising Research International Journal of Finance & Economics Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society
Journal of Banking and Finance International Journal of Forecasting Corporate Ownership and Control
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Corporate Reputation Review
Journal of Business Ethics International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management Cost Management
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting
International Journal of Logistics Management
CPA Journal
Journal of Business Research International Journal of Managerial Finance Critical Finance Review
Journal of Business Venturing International Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management
Critical Perspectives On Accounting
Journal of Corporate Finance International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management
Current Issues in Auditing
Journal of Economic Psychology International Journal of Project Management Customer Needs and Solutions
Journal of Economic Theory International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance Economics and Finance Research
Journal of Empirical Finance International Review of Financial Analysis Electronic Markets
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Issues in Accounting Education
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Journal of Financial Econometrics
Journal of Accounting Education
Finance Research Letters
Journal of Financial Intermediation
Journal of Accounting Literature Financial Accountability & Management
Journal of Financial Markets
Journal of Applied Accounting Research
Financial Analysts Journal
Journal of Financial Reporting
Journal of Applied Statistics Financial Management
Journal of Financial Services Research Journal of Asset Management Foundations and Trends in Finance
Journal of Financial Stability Journal of Brand Management Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research BCERC Proceedings
Journal of Governmental & Nonprofit Accounting
Journal of Business Logistics Global Finance Journal
Journal of Housing Economics Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing Group & Organization Management
Journal of Information Systems
Journal of Cleaner Production Harvard Business Review
Journal of Information Technology Journal of Consumer Marketing Health Marketing Quarterly
Journal of Interactive Marketing
Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics
Human Relations
Journal of International Accounting Research
Journal of Economic Studies Human Resource Management
Journal of International Marketing Journal of Economics and Business Human Resource Management Review
Journal of International Money and Finance Journal of Electronic Commerce Research Human Resources Development International
Journal of Macromarketing Journal of Emerging Market Finance ICT Express
Journal of Management Accounting Research
Journal of Entrepreneurship IEEE Computer
Journal of Management Studies Journal of Financial Education IEEE Software
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking Journal of Forecasting Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice
Journal of Organizational Behavior Journal of Heuristics Industrial Management & Data Systems
Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing Information and Computer Security
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting
Information Economics and Policy
Journal of Product Innovation Management Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money Information Technology for Development
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing Journal of Management Education Institute of Management Accountant's Educational Case Journal
Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics Journal of Management Inquiry Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management
Journal of Risk Journal of Managerial Issues
Internal Auditing
Journal of Risk and Insurance Journal of Manufacturing Systems
Internal Auditor Magazine
Journal of Service Research Journal of Marketing Education
Internal Revenue Service-Statistics of Income Bulletin
Journal of Services Marketing Journal of Marketing Management International Business Review
Journal of Strategic Information Systems Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal
Journal of Supply Chain Management Journal of Multinational Financial Management
International Journal of Accounting
Journal of the American Taxation Association
Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing
International Journal of Auditing
Journal of the Association for Information Systems Journal of Pension Economics & Finance International Journal of Bank Marketing
Journal of Vocational Behavior Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management International Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance
Journal of World Business Journal of Product and Brand Management International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics
Land Economics Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management International Journal of Business Research
Long Range Planning Journal of Quality Technology International Journal of Central Banking
Marketing Letters Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services International Journal of Consumer Studies
National Tax Journal
Journal of Scheduling International Journal of Cross Cultural Management
Neural Networks
Journal of Service Management
International Journal of Disclosure and Governance
Organization Studies Journal of Small Business Management International Journal of Information Management
Organizational Research Methods Journal of Social Issues International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising
Personnel Psychology Journal of Social Marketing International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance
Psychology & Marketing Journal of Strategic Marketing International Journal of Management and Business
Real Estate Economics Journal of Strategy and Management International Journal of Managerial Finance
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Journal of the Operational Research Society International Journal of Market Research
Risk Analysis
Management Accounting Research
International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing
Technological Forecasting and Social Change Management International Review International Journal of Organizational Analysis
The Journal of Industrial Economics Managerial Auditing Journal International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
The Leadership Quarterly Managerial Finance International Journal of Services Technology and Management
Transportation Science Marketing Intelligence and Planning International Journal of Technology Management
Marketing Theory International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance
MIT Sloan Management Review International Review on Public and Nonprofit Marketing
Omega International Tax and Public Finance
Operations Research Letters Investment Management and Financial Innovations
Organization Theory ISACA journal
Organizational Dynamics
Issues in Accounting Education
Organizational Psychology Review Journal Financial Economic Policy
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School of Business Journal List
*The School of Business Journal List is utilized to determine Faculty Qualification only
**Updated 2/2023
Premier Journals
Superior Journals
Major Journals Practice Focused Journals
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal
Journal of Accountancy (major articles)
Production Planning & Control
Journal of Accounting and Public Policy
Qualitative Market Research
Journal of Accounting Education
Quantitative Finance
Journal of Accounting Literature
Quarterly Journal of Finance
Journal of Applied Accounting Research
RAIRO-Operations Research
Journal of Applied Business Research
Research in Accounting Regulation
Journal of Applied Corporate Finance
Research in International Business and Finance Journal of Asset Management
Research in Organizational Behavior Journal of Banking Regulation
Review of Accounting and Finance Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance
Review of Derivatives Research Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
Service Science Journal of Brand Management
Services Marketing Quarterly Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Small Business Economics Journal of Business and Psychology
Small Group Research Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing
Strategic Organization Journal of Change Management
Supply Chain Management Journal of Computational Finance
Systems Research and Behavioral Science Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
Technovation Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
The Data Base for Advances in Information Systems Journal of Consumer Behaviour
The European Journal of Finance Journal of Consumer Culture
The Financial Review Journal of Consumer Marketing
The International Journal of Human - Computer Interaction Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior
The International Journal of Human Resource Management
Journal of Corporate Accounting & Finance
The Journal of Alternative Investments Journal of Credit Risk
The Journal of Consumer Affairs Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising
The Journal of Derivatives Journal of Customer Behavior
The Journal of Financial Research Journal of Customer Service in Marketing and Management
The Journal of Fixed Income Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
The Journal of Futures Markets Journal of Educational Computing Research
The Journal of Portfolio Management Journal of Emerging Market Finance
The Journal of Wealth Management Journal of Energy Markets
The Review of Asset Pricing Studies Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
The Review of Corporate Finance Studies Journal of Financial Education
The Service Industries Journal
Journal of Financial Reporting
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Journal of Financial Services Marketing
Journal of General Management
Journal of Global Information Technology Management
Journal of Global Marketing
Journal of Governmental & Nonprofit Accounting
Journal of Information Systems
Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application
Journal of Intellectual Capital
Journal of Interactive Advertising
Journal of International Accounting Research
Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation
Journal of International Business Studies
Journal of International Consumer Marketing
Journal of International Education in Business
Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting
Journal of International Marketing
Journal of International Taxation
Journal of Internet Commerce
Journal of Investment Management
Journal of Management Accounting Research
Journal of Management Development
Journal of Management Education
Journal of Management Inquiry
Journal of Management Studies
Journal of Managerial Issues
Journal of Marketing Channels
Journal of Marketing Communication
Journal of Marketing Education
Journal of Marketing for Higher Education
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
Journal of Multinational Financial Management
Journal of Multistate Taxation and Incentives
Journal of Operational Risk
Journal of Pension Economics & Finance
Journal of Product Innovation Management
Journal of Promotion Management
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
Journal of Relationship Marketing
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
Journal of Risk
Journal of Risk and Insurance
Journal of Service Research
Journal of Small Business Management
Journal of Strategic Marketing
Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
Journal of Taxation
Journal of Taxation of Investments
Journal of Teaching in International Business
Journal of the American Taxation Association
Journal of Theoretical Accounting Research
Journal of Transnational Management
Journal of Travel Research
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly
Learning and Performance Quarterly
Management Accounting Quarterly
Management Accounting Research
Management International Review
Managerial Auditing Journal
Marketing Education Review
Marketing Intelligence & Planning
MIS Quarterly Executive
MIT Sloan Management Review
National Tax Journal
New Accountant
Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Nonprofit Management and Leadership
North American Actuarial Journal
Operations Management Research
OR/MS Today
Organisational and Social Dynamics
Organizational Dynamics
People + Strategy
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
Personnel Psychology
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications
Production And Inventory Management Journal
Project Management Journal
Public Personnel Management
Quality Engineering
Quality Management Journal
Quality Progress
Quantitative Marketing and Economics
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School of Business Journal List
*The School of Business Journal List is utilized to determine Faculty Qualification only
**Updated 2/2023
Premier Journals
Superior Journals
Major Journals Practice Focused Journals
Real Estate Taxation
Research in Accounting Regulation
Research in International Business and Finance
Research-Technology Management
Review of Accounting and Finance
Review of Derivatives Research
Review of Development Finance
Review of Marketing Science
Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting
SIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
Social Marketing Quarterly
Social Science Computer Review
Social Science Quarterly
Software Quality Professional
Sport Marketing Quarterly
Strategic Finance
Supply Chain Management Review
Tax Law Review
Tax Notes
Taxation for Accountants
Taxes – The Tax Magazine
Telematics and Informatics
The Financial Review
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice
The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review
The International Journal of Human Resource Management
The Journal of Alternative Investments
The Journal of American Academy of Business
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
The Journal of Derivatives
The Journal of Fixed Income
The Journal of Index Investing
The Journal of Investing
The Journal of Personal Finance
The Journal of Portfolio Management
The Journal of Private Equity
The Journal of Retirement
The Journal of Structured Finance
The Journal of Trading
The Journal of Wealth Management
The Nonprofit Quarterly
The Public Manager
The Tax Adviser (major articles)
Total Quality Management & Business Excellence
VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations
VSCPA (Virginia Society of CPAs)
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