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01 July, 2024
Dear Club Secretary/ Team contact,
National Cadet & Junior League season 2024/25
Please find the season details for 24/25, and kindly note the following:
Team entry, player registration and payments will now be online via the TT Leagues platform. This
functionality is accessible to designated administrators of your club, once they have logged-in.
Administrators for your club can be managed via your club’s profile in TT Memberships
Video tutorials have been produced for the same processes which already exist in British League,
and which are largely consistent with NCL/ NJL:
1. and
These serve as an introduction to the entry functionality, and provide an overview of how to submit
your team entries, player registrations, and make payment online.
Full payment of £100 per team will be required with entry
Please note that clubs must be affiliated to Table Tennis England as a Premier, Associate or
Registered Club/ Team. As of 01 August (new membership year), all Club details for each team will
be validated and checked against the Table Tennis England membership database. Your entry will
remain incomplete until this time, and may be rejected if not completed as required
During entry, teams will be required to indicate if the team is mixed/boys or girls
During entry, teams will be required to register a minimum of 3 eligible players
Please see the separate note on Player Licensing below
Please also note that all players must be individually affiliated in TT Memberships to the Club/
Team the player wishes to represent (in the same way as for local leagues). Players will not be able
to be registered or selected for your club in the TT Leagues platform if this is not the case. Players
can check and update their affiliations by logging-in to their membership and checking under ‘Club
& League Info’. Clubs admins can also check which players are already affiliated to their club in TT
During entry, teams will be required to specify their preferred geographical venue, plus their
preferred alternative(s)
Girls’ divisions will be formed if sufficient girls team entries are received at local level, or a division
can be consolidated across a region. For this reason, it is particularly important to specify
alternative preferred venues during the entry process for girls teams
The Committee will endeavour to place all teams in an appropriate geographical playing venue,
based on their indicated preferences. Clearly, given the number of teams applying from certain
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areas, this is not always possible. Applications for entry are therefore made in the knowledge and
full acceptance that some travelling may be required.
Once your entry/ payment is complete, your club/ team player ranking order can also be managed
via a ‘drag and drop’ process in the online entry system. To assist with this process, please see the
following illustrative video tutorial guide:
Fixtures, leagues, results and stats for National Cadet & Junior Leagues will continue to use the TT
Leagues platform
We appreciate that this is a new process and some clubs will require support to complete the
requirements please do contact us on or for assistance as required
We very much look forward to seeing you at an NCL/NJL event this season!
Best wishes,
Neil Rogers
Head of Competition & Events
On behalf of the British Club Leagues Committee
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Season 24/25 dates:
Online entry, player registration & payment open: 28 June 2024
Club affiliation details renewed/ validated: as from 01 August
New season player ratings released: mid-August
NJL Online entry, player registration & payment deadline: 16 Sept
NJL Online team ranking process opens: 23 Sept
NJL host allocations finalised: by end-Sept
NJL Online team ranking process deadline: 12 Oct
NJL core playing dates (Saturdays): 19 Oct 2024, 23 Nov, 01 Feb 2025, and 15
March (with some local variations below)
NCL Online entry, player registration & payment deadline: 04 Nov
NCL Online team ranking process opens: 11 Nov
NCL host allocations finalised: by mid-Nov
NCL Online team ranking process deadline: 22 Nov
NCL core playing dates (Sundays): 08 Dec 2024, 19 Jan 2025, 02 March & 30
March (with some local variations below)
NCL hosts
Local Date
NJL hosts
Local Date
Birmingham TT
Academy (Nishkam
W Midlands
Day 4 will be on
23 March
Birmingham (Fortis
Academy )
Bury St Edmunds^
One date
remains TBC
Bury St Edmunds^
One date
remains TBC
North London
Fusion TTC
East London
Fusion TTC
East London
Greenhouse Centre
Sundays 27 Oct,
17 Nov, 15 Dec,
16 Mar
Halton, Widnes
North West
Saturdays PM
on 07 Dec, 25
Jan, 08 Mar,
29 Mar
Highfield TTC
Saturdays 7
Dec, 18 Jan, 8
Feb, 29 Mar
Halton, Widnes
North West
Day 1 will be on
1 December
Horsham (9 tables)
Sundays 17 Nov,
15 Dec, 26 Jan,
16 Mar
Highfield TTC
Day 3 will be on
9 February
North East
Day 2 will be on
30 November
Horsham (9 tables)
Day 3 will be on
9 February
(Waterside TTC)
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London Academy
West London
Day 3 will be on
23 Feb & Day 4
on 23 Mar
South West
South West
Venue/ dates
Day 1 will be on
19 Jan & Day 2
on 09 Feb
Tunbridge Wells
North East
Day 2 will be on
9 February
(Waterside TTC)
South West
South West
Venue/ dates
^ Different players required for NCL/ NJL at these venues
Player Licensing:
Please note that all players will require a Table Tennis England Player Compete membership for season
24/25 prior to their first fixture. New memberships start as of 01 August. However, if you are
registering a player in June-July 2024 for the sole purpose of your entry, any membership category
including Club Play will suffice for the purposes of this process
Home Countries players (those with season 24/25 affiliations with table tennis associations in Ireland,
Scotland, Wales, Jersey, Guernsey or Isle of Man) or International Players (those with season 24/25
affiliations with table tennis associations outside the home countries) will be issued a free-of-charge
reciprocal registration upon production of evidence to the TTE office. This is the full responsibility of the
player/ team concerned, and is valid only until 31 July each season
Contact the Table Tennis England membership department
Fixtures in which a team fields ineligible or non-registered players, or field players in the incorrect
playing order, may be forfeit
The Table Tennis England Official Ball Supplier for season 24/25 will be confirmed shortly.
Further Information:
Table Tennis England website:
NCL/ NJL fixtures & results: TBC for each host venue
Contact details: