Policies and Procedures Manual
This is a CLIA-waived system.
Approval date ____________ Approved by _______________________________
Date By whom Title
Roche Diagnostics
9115 Hague Road
Indianapolis, IN 46256
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Dispatch is a registered trademark of Caltech Industries, Inc.
Vacutainer is a registered trademark of Becton, Dickinson and Company.
All other product names and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
2007-2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 05021499001(04)
Table of Contents
POLICIES AND PROCEDURES................................................................................................... 1
Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 1
Principle of Operation ................................................................................................................. 2
Roche Diagnostics Technical Service Center ............................................................................. 2
Test Strip Storage and Handling ................................................................................................. 3
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................... 3
POLICY—Test Strip Storage and Handling ........................................................................... 3
Coding the Meter with the Test Strip Code Chip ....................................................................... 4
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................... 4
POLICY—Coding the Meter with the Test Strip Code Chip ................................................. 4
PROCEDURE—Matching Code Chip to Test Strip .............................................................. 4
PROCEDURE—Inserting the Test Strip Code Chip .............................................................. 5
Setting up the CoaguChek XS Plus System ................................................................................ 6
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................... 6
POLICYSetting up the System ........................................................................................... 6
PROCEDURESetting up the System .................................................................................. 7
Patient Preparation ...................................................................................................................... 8
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................... 8
POLICYPatient Preparation ................................................................................................ 8
PROCEDUREPatient Preparation ...................................................................................... 8
Specimen Collection and Handling ............................................................................................ 9
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................... 9
POLICYSpecimen Collection and Handling ...................................................................... 9
POLICYRejecting Specimens ............................................................................................. 9
POLICY—Blood Application ............................................................................................... 10
PROCEDUREDirect fingerstick and capillary tube sample collection ............................ 10
Testing a Patient Sample ........................................................................................................... 12
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................. 12
PROCEDURETesting a Patient Sample ........................................................................... 13
Interpreting Test Results ........................................................................................................... 16
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................. 16
POLICYInterpreting Test Results ..................................................................................... 16
PROCEDUREInterpreting Test Result ............................................................................. 17
Documenting Test Results ........................................................................................................ 18
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................. 18
POLICYDocumenting Test Results .................................................................................. 18
PROCEDUREDocumenting Test Results ........................................................................ 18
Quality Control Testing ............................................................................................................ 19
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................. 19
POLICY—Liquid Quality Control Testing ........................................................................... 19
POLICY— Liquid Control Storage and Handling ................................................................ 21
POLICYDocumenting Liquid Quality Control Testing Results ....................................... 21
PROCEDURE—Preparing a Liquid Quality Control ........................................................... 22
PROCEDURELiquid Quality Control Testing ................................................................. 22
Calibration and Calibration Verification .................................................................................. 25
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................. 25
POLICYCalibration and Calibration Verification ............................................................ 25
Evaluation Protocol ................................................................................................................... 26
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................. 26
POLICY—Evaluation Protocol ............................................................................................ 26
POLICY—Testing Precision Using Liquid Controls ........................................................... 26
PROCEDURE—Testing Precision Using Liquid Controls .................................................. 27
PROCEDURESteps to Calculate QC Precision ............................................................... 28
POLICY—Method Comparison ........................................................................................... 29
PROCEDURE--Method Comparison Using Direct Fingerstick or Capillary Tube Samples 32
PROCEDURE--Performing the Method Comparison Using Venous Blood ........................ 33
POLICYProficiency Testing ............................................................................................. 35
Limitations of the Method ........................................................................................................ 36
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................. 36
LIMITATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 36
Cleaning the Meter .................................................................................................................... 37
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................. 37
POLICYCleaning and Disinfecting the Meter .................................................................. 37
PROCEDURE - Cleaning/disinfecting the meter housing (the exterior of the meter) ......... 38
PROCEDURE - Cleaning/disinfecting the meter test strip guide ......................................... 39
Recommendations for Operator Certification/Recertification .................................................. 40
PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................. 40
POLICYRecommendations for Operator Certification and Recertification ..................... 40
Additional Facility policy ..................................................................................................... 40
References ................................................................................................................................. 41
OPERATOR IN-SERVICE CURRICULUM ............................................................................... 42
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 42
Training Materials ..................................................................................................................... 43
Supplies ..................................................................................................................................... 44
Class Orientation ....................................................................................................................... 46
Training DVD ........................................................................................................................... 47
Understanding the System ........................................................................................................ 48
Reviewing Operating and Storage Conditions .......................................................................... 51
Setting Up the System ............................................................................................................... 52
Test Strip Code Chip ................................................................................................................. 53
Set-up Options .......................................................................................................................... 54
Preparing for the Test ................................................................................................................ 55
Testing a Patient Sample ........................................................................................................... 57
Patient Test Results stored in memory ...................................................................................... 60
Responding to Results............................................................................................................... 61
Practicing and Confirming ........................................................................................................ 62
Optional Quality Control Testing ............................................................................................. 63
Control Test Results stored in memory..................................................................................... 67
Cleaning the System .................................................................................................................. 68
POLICYCleaning and Disinfecting the Meter .................................................................. 68
Review the following policy for cleaning and disinfecting the meter. ................................. 68
Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................ 70
Concluding the Session ............................................................................................................. 71
Knowledge Test ........................................................................................................................ 71
Certificate of Completion ......................................................................................................... 71
Log Sheets ................................................................................................................................. 72
Operator Certification Log .................................................................................................... 73
Instrument Log ...................................................................................................................... 74
Reagent Log .......................................................................................................................... 75
Patient Test Log .................................................................................................................... 76
Quality Control Log .............................................................................................................. 77
Quality Control Chart............................................................................................................ 78
Quality Control Chart............................................................................................................ 79
Preventive Maintenance Log................................................................................................. 80
Temperature Log ................................................................................................................... 81
Skills Checklist ..................................................................................................................... 82
Performance Evaluation ........................................................................................................ 83
Knowledge Test .................................................................................................................... 84
Precision Data Log for Liquid QC ........................................................................................ 86
Method Comparison Log ...................................................................................................... 87
For use with the CoaguChek XS Plus System.
The CoaguChek XS Plus System measures blood-clotting time (prothrombin
time, or PT) for people who are taking anticoagulation medications, such as
or warfarin. The CoaguChek XS Plus System measures blood-
clotting time using blood from the fingertip or whole blood from a vein
(nonanticoagulated venous whole blood).
The CoaguChek XS Plus System quantitatively measures prothrombin
(blood-clotting) time (PT/Quick value/INR). INR is a measure of the rate at
which blood clots. A low INR can increase the risk of blood clots, while a
high INR can increase the risk for internal bleeding.
The patient’s physician will determine the best INR range for that patient,
depending on why the patient is taking anticoagulants and how the patient
reacts to them. The doctor will also determine how often the patient needs
blood testing.
The system includes the CoaguChek XS Plus meter, CoaguChek XS PT test
strips and optional liquid CoaguChek XS Pro PT Controls. The meter guides
you through the test step by step using the symbols and instructions in the
display. Each box of test strips has its own code chip that you insert into the
meter. The code chip contains lot-specific information about its test strips,
such as the expiration date and calibration data. Controls are made available
to assist with regulatory compliance requirements as applicable to this
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments 1988 (CLIA ’88)
As of September 2012, the CoaguChek XS Plus System is CLIA waived.
Intended use
Roche Diagnostics is pleased to present CoaguChek XS Plus System Policies
and Procedures to assist you in developing policies and procedures to ensure
quality care with prothrombin testing and in implementing regulations of
CLIA ’88 in your own facility.
Principle of Operation
The CoaguChek XS PT Test strip, used as directed with the CoaguChek XS
Plus meter, provides accurate blood PT values.
Test principle
The CoaguChek XS PT Test, used as directed with the CoaguChek XS Plus
meter, will provide an electrochemical measurement of prothrombin time
following activation of blood coagulation with human recombinant
thromboplastin. In simple terms, blood works with the chemicals in the test
strip to make a small electric current in the test strip that measures blood
clotting time.
WHO reference
In 1983, the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted this calibration
system and made recommendations for its implementation to allow all
thromboplastins of varying sensitivity in any laboratory for oral
anticoagulant control to be calibrated against a reference thromboplastin of
human brain with an ISI of 1.0.
Roche Diagnostics Technical Service Center
If you have questions, please contact your account manager, or call Roche
Diagnostics Technical Service Center at 1-800-428-4674, available 24 hours
a day, 365 days a year. We offer assistance in Spanish and many other
Test Strip Storage and Handling
The following policy is intended to help operators with correct strip handling
and storage. If you are new to the CoaguChek XS Plus System, watch the
CoaguChek XS Plus System DVD and read the CoaguChek XS Plus System
Getting Started Guide before testing.
Each CoaguChek XS PT test strip contains reagent (human recombinant
thromboplastin 1.5 U), stabilizers, preservatives, and additives.
POLICYTest Strip Storage and Handling
Strips are intended for in vitro diagnostic use only.
Exercise normal precautions when handling laboratory reagents. Follow your
facility’s infection control guidelines.
Store the test strips in their container with the cap closed.
You can store the test strips at room temperature or in the refrigerator (36°F to
86°F or 2°C to 30°C).
When stored properly, the test strips can be used until the expiration date printed
on the test strip container.
When you are ready to test, open the test strip container and remove one strip
from the container. Immediately close the container. Make sure it seals tightly.
Dispose of the test strips if they are past their “Use By” date.
Use the test strip within 10 minutes after removing it from the container.
Do not open a vial of test strips or touch a test strip with wet hands or gloves.
This may damage the test strips.
Close the container tightly.
Coding the Meter with the Test Strip Code Chip
The following procedures provide instructions for matching the code chip to
the test strip lot and changing the test strip code chip. The test strip code chip
provides the meter with important information that it needs to perform the
coagulation test. The chip contains information about the test method, the lot
number and the expiration date.
POLICYCoding the Meter with the Test Strip Code Chip
The test strip code chip is required when a new test strip container is opened to
store the lot information about the test strips in the meter.
The CoaguChek XS Plus meter stores the data from up to 60 code chips.
Use the test strip code chip that was supplied with each new test strip container
before you perform the first test.
Leave the code chip in the meter to protect the electrical contacts in the meter
from becoming dirty.
Each code chip belongs to a particular lot of test strips. Only remove the code
chip when you are testing with test strips taken from a new pack (with a new
code chip).
Protect the code chip from moisture and equipment that produces magnetic
PROCEDURE—Matching Code Chip to Test Strip
1. Before each test, make sure the correct code chip is in the meter.
2. The 3-number code on the test strip container must match the
3-number code on the code chip.
3. To install the code chip, follow the instructions below. Have the code
chip ready.
PROCEDURE—Inserting the Test Strip Code Chip
1. Be certain the meter is OFF.
2. Remove the old code chip if there is one inserted in the meter. Store
the code chip with appropriate strip lot.
3. Insert the code chip into the code chip slot in the meter with the
printed side facing UP until it snaps into place.
Always compare the code number you see on the display
with the number that is printed on the test strip container
you are using. If the two code numbers do not match, insert
the correct code chip in the slot in the meter.
If the code chip is missing or incorrectly inserted, error
messages appear in the display. (Please refer to the chapter
Error Messages in the CoaguChek XS Plus System User
Setting up the CoaguChek XS Plus System
The following policy and procedure provides instructions for setting up the
CoaguChek XS Plus system.
POLICYSetting up the System
The setup of the CoaguChek XS Plus meter is the responsibility of
___________________________________________________ (who? lab
manager, nursing supervisor, qualified operator, etc.)
The following set up selections are established when setting up the meter:
(Select box(es) below by right clicking, then select properties. Then select
Checked under Default Value.)
Contrast (0-10)
Result Units
Language Selection
Date (format)
Time (format)
Sort—display results by
Date and Time Patient ID
Beeper Tone
Off On Low Medium High
Key Click
On Off
Auto Off
Off (meter never turns itself off.)
Time until meter turns itself off (minutes)
Computer (connection requires optional software)
Active Inactive
ID Setup
Operator ID
Patient ID
No Optional Mandatory
Alphanumeric Numeric
Max Length (1-20) Characters
Operator Lockout (only available with optional software)
New Code Yes No
No Weekly Monthly Every three months
Every six months Annually
Quality Control
No Daily Weekly Monthly
One level Two levels
PROCEDURESetting up the System
The procedures for setting up the meter can be found in the CoaguChek XS
Plus System User Manual.
Note: If you have not set the date (after turning the meter on for the first time or
because the batteries were removed from the meter for more than 10 minutes),
you cannot perform a test. In that case, turning on the meter takes you
immediately to the SETUP mode, where you must set the date and time.
Once the date and time are set, the meter automatically moves to the main menu,
where you can start a test or enter more settings. The next time you turn the
meter on, the date and time will remain and you will automatically go to the
main menu.
Patient Preparation
The following policy and procedure provides instruction for preparing a
patient for testing on the CoaguChek XS Plus System.
POLICYPatient Preparation
Before performing the test, the operator explains to the patient the purpose and
steps of the procedure.
Observe universal precautions based on the compliance program of this facility.
Exercise precautions required for handling all blood specimens and laboratory
Operators must wash hands before and after testing.
Operators must wear disposable gloves when collecting blood samples or
performing tests.
If possible, have patients wash hands prior to testing.
Dispose of used test strips, lancets, and venipuncture supplies in the appropriate
designated biohazard or sharps containers.
PROCEDUREPatient Preparation
1. Explain the purpose and steps of the testing procedure to reassure the
2. Wash your hands and put on disposable gloves prior to testing.
3. Collect blood sample following the procedure in the Specimen
Collection and Handling section below.
Specimen Collection and Handling
The following policies and procedures provide instructions for collecting,
handling, and rejecting patient test specimens.
POLICYSpecimen Collection and Handling
The CoaguChek XS Plus System test may be performed with fresh capillary
whole blood from a fingerstick or fresh venous whole blood drawn in an
anticoagulant-free plastic syringe.
The results are unaffected by heparin concentrations up to 0.8 U/mL.
The CoaguChek XS PT Test is insensitive to low molecular weight heparins
(LMWH) up to 2 IU anti-factor Xa activity/mL.
The test strip must be used within 10 minutes of removing from it from the
The meter should display the flashing test strip and blood drop symbols prior to
sample collection.
Capillary sample must be applied to the strip within 15 seconds of the
Minimum sample size is 8 µL of blood.
Use of single-use CoaguChek Lancets (REF 04348150001), available from
Roche Diagnostics, is recommended.
POLICY—Rejecting Specimens
Plasma or serum CANNOT be used as a testing sample.
Sample size CANNOT be less than 8 µL.
Venous sample CANNOT be collected in a syringe containing anticoagulant.
Sample must be USED IMMEDIATELY after collection.
Glass tubes or glass syringes CANNOT be used (only use plastic).
Additional blood sample CANNOT be added to the test strip once testing has
When a patient is on intravenous infusion therapy, sample CANNOT be
collected from arm receiving the infusion line.
See the package insert for additional limitations to the procedure.
POLICY—Blood Application
Apply directly from the finger to the test strip or use the CoaguChek Capillary
Tubes/Bulbs (REF 11621173001), or apply directly from the needle of a plastic
syringe filled with blood sample.
Read the testing instructions in the CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual
and the CoaguChek XS Plus PT Test Insert before collecting the sample.
PROCEDUREDirect fingerstick and capillary tube sample collection
1. Gather the following:
CoaguChek XS Plus meter
CoaguChek XS PT Test strips and matching code chip
CoaguChek Lancet or other lancet device
Alcohol wipe or soap and water
Gauze or cotton ball
2. Prepare lancet device according to manufacturer’s instructions. Set it
aside until fingerstick is needed.
3. If using the CoaguChek Capillary Tubes/Bulbs (REF 11621173001),
prepare capillary collection device by firmly inserting the capillary
tube into the capillary bulb. Set aside until needed
4. Warm the hand. Have the patient hold it under his or her arm, use a
hand warmer, or wash with warm water.
5. Have the patient let that arm hang down by his or her side before
lancing a finger.
6. Massage the finger from its base DO NOT MILK THE FINGER.
7. Clean the selected finger with alcohol wipe or use soap and warm
water. Allow to air dry completely.
8. When the meter displays the flashing test strip and blood drop
symbols, with the hand still down, stick the side of finger with a
DO NOT puncture the finger until the flashing test strip
and blood drop symbols appear on the meter screen.
9. Immediately after lancing, massage gently along the side of the finger
to obtain a good blood drop without pressing or squeezing too hard.
10. While the flashing test strip and blood drop symbols appear on the
display, apply the first drop of blood (within 15 seconds) as outlined
in Testing a Patient Sample.
Hold the blood drop to the strip until the meter beeps
(providing beeper is set to ON).
DO NOT apply a second drop or disturb the strip while
11. If using the CoaguChek Capillary Tubes/Bulbs, touch the capillary
tube to the blood drop. Keep tube level and allow it to fill halfway by
capillary action. Put finger over hole in the capillary bulb. Hold
capillary tube directly over sample target area. While the test strip
and blood drop symbols are flashing on the display, apply the sample
within 15 seconds of the puncture as outlined in Testing a Patient
Note: Avoid getting air bubbles into the sample. Do not touch the bulb during
sample collection. If blood gets into the capillary bulb during sample collection,
discard the bulb.
PROCEDUREVenous Sample Collection
1. Prepare a plastic syringe that is free of anticoagulants. Syringe needle
should be 23 gauge or larger. A 21-gauge or larger needle is
2. When the meter displays the flashing test strip and blood drop
symbols, perform the venipuncture.
3. Draw venous sample into the plastic syringe.
4. While the meter displays the flashing test strip and blood drop
symbols, apply sample as outlined in Testing a Patient Sample.
Testing a Patient Sample
Note: Medical staff and other persons using the CoaguChek XS Plus meter to
perform tests on more than one patient must be aware that any object coming
into contact with human blood is a potential source of infection (See: Clinical
and Laboratory Standards Institute: Protection of Laboratory Workers from
Occupationally Acquired Infections; Approved Guideline -Third Edition; CLSI
document M29-A3, 2005). Refer to the user manual for guidance on the cleaning
and disinfection of the meter system.
The following policy and procedure provides instructions for testing a
patient sample.
POLICY—Testing a Patient Sample
Only a certified operator may perform a test with the CoaguChek XS Plus
Tests are performed with the CoaguChek XS Plus System only in response to
written or electronic requests from an authorized person.
Oral requests are permitted only if the facility obtains written authorization for
testing within 30 days.
Because of the hazards of handling blood products, wear disposable gloves when
collecting specimens and performing test procedures.
Observe and use universal precautions for all blood specimens. Handle at
Biosafety Level 2 as recommended for any potentially infectious material in the
Centers for Disease Control/National Institutes of Health manual, Biosafety in
Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 1999.
Refer to this facility’s infection control procedures for proper disposal of blood-
contaminated items in compliance with OSHA and CDC regulations for
universal precautions.
PROCEDURE—Testing a Patient Sample
1. Prepare the lancet device or venipuncture supplies according to the
manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Place meter on a flat surface, free of vibrations. Or hold it in your
hand horizontally until you see the test result. Do not move the
meter around during testing.
3. Take a test strip out of the container. Close the container tightly.
4. Hold the test strip so the lettering “CoaguChek XS PT” is facing
5. Slide the test strip into the test strip guide in the direction indicated
by the arrows.
6. Slide the test strip in as far as it will go. This turns the meter ON. A
beep tone indicates that the meter has detected the test strip
(provided the beeper is turned on in the settings).
For alternative ways of turning on the meter, please refer to
the CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual.
7. Check the battery level. If there are no bars left in the battery
symbol, you cannot perform any more tests.
8. Check that the date and time are correct. Correct any wrong entries
as described in the CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual.
If a lockout (OP. or QC Lockout) is displayed instead of
PATIENT TEST, you must run a quality control before
you can perform a test. (Refer to Quality control in the
User Manual.) When the meter is in lockout status, a test
cannot be performed.
9. Enter your operator ID (if required). See CoaguChek XS Plus System
User Manual.
10. Touch [OK] to log on and move to the main menu.
12. Select or enter Patient ID (if required). See CoaguChek XS Plus
System User Manual for information on Operator lists.
13. Touch [OK]. An hourglass symbol indicates the test is warming
14. Confirm that the code number displayed on the meter matches the
number on the test strip container.
The meter automatically checks to see if you have the right
test strip code chip. The 3 digit code on the test strip vial
must match the number on the test strip code chip before a
test can be run.
15. The blood drop symbol flashes to indicate that the meter is ready to
perform the test and is waiting for blood to be applied. The
180-second count down begins.
DO NOT “perform fingerstick” until the flashing drop of
blood appears on the display. Strip must be used within ten
minutes of removing it from the container.
16. Identify the sample target area on the test strip.
17. Collect the fingerstick or venous blood sample as outlined below.
Fingerstick sample DO NOT wipe away the first drop of
blood. Apply the first drop of blood to the top or side of
the target area within 15 seconds of puncture. Hold the
blood drop to the test strip until you hear a beep (provided
the beeper is set to ON ).
Using the Capillary Tube – Touch the CoaguChek
Capillary tube to the blood drop. Keep tube level and allow
it to fill halfway by capillary action. Put finger over hole in
the capillary bulb. Hold capillary tube directly over sample
target area and expel sample within 15 seconds.
Note: Use the first drop of capillary blood. Avoid getting air
bubbles into the sample.
Venous SampleExpel the first four drops of blood
from the syringe or syringe needle. Then, immediately
place one drop of blood (at least 8 μl) directly onto the
target area of the test strip, being sure not to introduce air
bubbles into the sample.
Note: Expel the first four drops of venous blood.
18. Apply the blood directly to the semicircular, transparent sample
application area of the test strip.
19. You hear a beep tone when you have applied enough blood
(provided the beeper is turned on). The blood drop symbol
disappears and the test starts.
Note: DO NOT add more sample. DO NOT touch the test strip or move the
meter until the result is displayed.
20. The meter automatically performs a two-level, on-board quality
control test on the test strip before it displays the test result. “QC”
appears in the display.
21. Following a successful outcome of the quality control test, a check
mark appears after “QC.
22. You must WAIT for results—this takes about one minute
23. The result is displayed in the unit of measure you chose when setting
up the meter. It is automatically saved to memory.
24. Read and record results.
25. After the test results are displayed, a strip and arrow symbols appear
on the screen, prompting you to remove the strip. If you would like
to add a comment to the result, you must do so BEFORE you
remove the test strip from the meter.
26. Remove the test strip from the measurement chamber.
27. Turn meter OFF.
28. Dispose of all biohazardous material in the appropriate designated
biohazard or sharps container.
Note: Use a new fingerstick from the opposite hand and a new test strip if you
must retest. DO NOT add more blood to the first test strip.
Interpreting Test Results
The following policies and procedures assist you with interpreting test
results. Before interpreting the result, please also read the test strip package
insert carefully.
POLICYInterpreting Test Results
Any unexpected results should always be followed up with an immediate
call to the attending physician. A Panic Value is a PT INR result that is
above or below the Immediate Follow-up Values set by the physician.
Panic Values should always be followed up with an immediate call to the
Expected Results:
The CoaguChek XS Plus meter displays test results in units equivalent to
laboratory plasma measurements.
Results may be displayed in three ways:
International Normalized Ratio
(INR=(PT/Mean Normal PT))
INR/SEC (Seconds)
INR/% Quick (a unit used mainly by healthcare
professionals in Europe).
Each lot of test strips is calibrated to a reference lot that is traceable to the WHO
International Reference Preparations. Normal INR levels vary from person to
For the purpose of providing universal INR results, the Mean Normal
Prothrombin Time (MNPT) has been established as 12 seconds and the ISI for
the system has been established as 1.0.
The physician must determine the best INR level depending on the reason for
anticoagulant treatment and how each individual responds to treatment (based on
Prothrombin Time).
Each physician should establish expected values for his or her patient population
or individual patients.
Differences in reagents, instruments, and pre-analytical variables can affect
prothrombin time results. These factors should be considered when comparing
different prothrombin time test methods.
Experience comparing results obtained
using the CoaguChek XS Plus System to those obtained using common clinical
laboratory reagents shows that the CoaguChek XS Plus System correlates well
with the following clinical laboratory reagents: Dade Innovin, Ortho
Recomboplastin, and Dade Thromboplastin C+.
Note: It’s possible other clinical laboratory reagents may not consistently
correlate with the CoaguChek XS Plus System as well as the recommended list
Unusual Results:
Certain drugs may affect results by interfering with warfarin pharmacology. The
potential effect of a drug interaction with warfarin or the effect of underlying
diseases (e.g. liver disease, congestive heart failure) must be considered when
interpreting a result.
Changes in the patient’s diet can cause unusually low or high results.
Any unusual result can be followed up with inquiries to define the cause of the
unusual result. If the result does not match the clinical symptoms, repeat the
patient test to rule out procedural error.
PROCEDUREInterpreting Test Result
1. If the meter displays a message other than a result, refer to the Error
Messages section of the CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual.
2. If a < 0.8 INR or > 8.0 INR is displayed, the test result could not be
measured or the result may be outside the measuring range for the
particular lot of test strips. Repeat the test with a new strip and a
new fingerstick. Refer to this facilitys policy on Unusual Results.
Note: In rare cases, an error message can occur in patients with long
coagulation times (> 8 INR). If this error message appears again when
the test is repeated, the result must be checked using another method.
3. If the meter displays an unusual test result (other than an error
message), check the following items:
Check that the correct code chip is in the meter. The
3-number code on the test strip container must match the
3-number code on the code chip.
Check that the meter is set up with the correct date and
time. The expiration date of the strips is programmed into
the code chip, and is compared to the date on the meter.
Therefore, it is important that the date and time be
programmed correctly on the meter.
4. Debris on the test strip guide can cause problems with results.
Clean the meter as recommended in the CoaguChek XS Plus System
User Manual.
Do not use a spray to clean the guide or any part of the
Do not let liquid enter the meter
5. See the test strip package insert for the measurement range of the
system and Limitations of Procedure.
Documenting Test Results
The following policy and procedure provides instructions for documenting test results.
The test result is displayed in the unit of measure you chose when setting up the meter.
It is automatically saved to memory. If the memory is full when you perform a test, the
oldest result is automatically deleted. The most recent result is always saved. In the
memory display, you can scroll through additional results or return to the main menu.
POLICYDocumenting Test Results
The date, time, initials of the operator, patient name, patient ID (if required) and
result are examples of data that can be recorded on the patient chart or the
appropriate log for your facility. The appropriate log and data to record for this
facility is ____________________________________________ .
Test requisitions, test authorizations, and test results are retained for a minimum
of __________________________________________________ years.
Linking the patient test with the appropriate CoaguChek XS Plus meter and test
strip lot number creates an audit trail. A Patient Test Log is available at the back
of this manual.
PROCEDUREDocumenting Test Results
1. Record data per this facility’s policy on the patient chart or other
appropriate log.
2. Any unusual result can be followed up with inquiries to define the cause
of the unusual result. If the result does not match the clinical symptoms,
repeat the patient test to rule out procedural error.
Quality Control Testing
Your CoaguChek XS Plus system performs many types of quality control tests
A check of the electronic components and functions every time the meter is
turned on.
A check of the expiration date and lot information on the test strip.
A quality control function is incorporated into the test strip.
A two-level, on-board quality control test and patient result determination within
a single test chamber.
The following policies and procedures provide instructions for performing
and documenting optional liquid quality control testing. Roche Diagnostics
has made available optional liquid quality controls for the CoaguChek XS
Plus System. These controls are made available to assist with regulatory
compliance requirements as applicable to this facility. These instructions
should be read thoroughly before using the liquid controls.
Each control bottle contains non-human plasma with varied levels of
coagulation factors, stabilizers, and preservatives. Each diluent-filled
dropper contains a calcium chloride solution with preservatives.
POLICYLiquid Quality Control Testing
Read control instructions thoroughly before using the controls.
If you are using test strips from a new unopened container, you will need to
change the test strip code chip. (The meter recognizes only those test strips that
match the test strip code chip.)
NOTE: The meter automatically checks to see if you have the right test strip
code chip. The 3 digit code on the test strip container must match the number on
the test strip code chip before a test can be run. To install the test strip code chip,
follow the instructions in the CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual.
Refer to the CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual for more details about the
components and procedures of the CoaguChek XS Plus System
The CoaguChek XS Plus meter displays the control range and the result. The
reading is automatically saved in the memory of the CoaguChek XS Plus meter.
Acceptable CoaguChek XS Pro PT Controls ranges are displayed on the meter
when each Quality Control test is run.
The system is working properly and all handling has been done correctly when
the test results obtained are within the acceptable control range.
If a quality control test result is within the acceptable control range, it is
appropriate to proceed with patient testing.
Unacceptable Control Results:
An out-of-range result is indicated by an arrow. An arrow pointing up means the
result is too high. An arrow pointing down means the result is too low. To
resolve out-of-range results or error messages, check for the following:
Controls may be expired or stored improperly.
The control may not have been used within 30 minutes of
You may not be doing the test correctly. Repeat the control test,
using a new test strip. Carefully follow the instructions in the User
Make sure you run the test within 10 minutes of removing the test
strip from its container.
If you follow all these guidelines and your results are still unacceptable, call
Roche Diagnostics Technical Service at 1-800-428-4674.
The appropriate quality control frequency for this facility is (be sure to meet all
standards of your regulatory agencies) ____________________ .
Additional Facility policy
(You may insert your facility’s guidelines here and on the following pages.)
POLICYLiquid Control Storage and Handling
For in vitro diagnostic use. Do not take internally.
Exercise the normal precautions required for handling all laboratory reagents.
Store controls in refrigerator at 36°F to 46°F (2° to 8°C). DO NOT FREEZE.
Unopened, lyophilized controls that are stored in the refrigerator are good until
the expiration date.
Discard any outdated controls.
Controls are stable for 30 minutes after adding the diluent.
Additional requirements by the appropriate licensing or accrediting body should
be incorporated into the quality control program. In this facility additional
requirements are ______________________________________ .
POLICYDocumenting Liquid Quality Control Testing Results
Liquid quality control records are retained __________________ years,
according to this facility’s policy.
All quality control results, along with any corrective action to restore that result
to the acceptable range, are recorded on a quality control log. This log includes
the test strip lot number and expiration dates, control solution lot number and
expiration dates, meter serial number, control ranges, operator identification, and
date the test was performed.
An appropriate authority or an appointed individual reviews the liquid quality
control log for completeness, and notes any trends that indicate potential
problems. Such trends include: gradual drifting of values, sudden shifts in
control values while using the same lot of strips, and differences in operator
The liquid quality control log is reviewed __________________ (When?
Weekly, monthly, quarterly).
An audit trail links the liquid control test with the appropriate CoaguChek XS
Plus meter, test strip lot, and control solution lot used for quality control testing.
Quality control testing information is also traceable to patient test results.
Additional Facility policy:
(You may insert your facility’s guidelines here and on the following pages.)
PROCEDURE—Preparing a Liquid Quality Control
1. Gather Supplies
CoaguChek XS Plus meter
CoaguChek XS PT Test strip(s) with matching test strip
code chip
CoaguChek XS Pro PT Controls: Level 1 and/or 2 with
matching quality control code chip
Diluent dropper(s): one for each control to be run
2. Insert the quality control code chip into the meter. This tells the meter the
acceptable ranges for this box of controls.
3. Remove the screw-cap and rubber stopper from the quality control bottle.
Label the bottle with the date and time that you reconstitute it.
4. Using scissors, cut off the tip of the dropper at the end of the stem. Hold
the dropper a safe distance from your face.
CAUTION: To avoid loss of diluent, hold the dropper by the stem; do not
squeeze the bulb of the dropper while cutting the tip.
5. Invert the dropper and place the tip into the bottle.
6. Gently squeeze the bulb to dispense all of the contents of the dropper
over the dried material. Do not allow the dropper to touch the dried
IMPORTANT: Make sure you dispense ALL the diluent.
7. Remove the dropper from the bottle. DO NOT discard the dropper.
Replace the cap first and gently swirl the bottle to dissolve the quality
control. Do not shake or invert the quality control. Make sure that all
control material is completely dissolved before you test it.
8. Use the reconstituted quality control within 30 minutes from the time the
diluent is added.
PROCEDURELiquid Quality Control Testing
1. Place the meter on a flat surface, free of vibrations. Or hold it in your
hand so it is roughly horizontal. Do not move the meter during testing.
2. When you are ready to test, remove one test strip from the container
and immediately close the container. Make sure it seals tightly.
IMPORTANT: Do not open a container of test strips or touch a test strip with
wet hands or gloves. This may damage the test strips.
3. Use the test strip within 10 minutes of removing it from the
container. Otherwise, you may get an error message and you will
have to repeat the test.
4. Hold the test strip so the lettering is facing upward.
5. Slide the test strip into the test strip guide in the direction indicated
by the arrows.
6. Slide the test strip as far as you can into the meter. This turns the
meter ON. A beep tone indicates that the meter has detected a test
strip (provided the beeper is turned on in the settings).
For alternative ways of turning on the meter, please refer to
the CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual.
7. Check the battery level. If there are no bars left in the battery symbol,
you cannot perform any more tests.
8. Check that the date and time are correct. Correct any wrong entries as
described in Meter setup/Setting the date of the CoaguChek XS Plus
System User Manual.
10. The meter automatically checks to see if you have the right test strip
code chip. The three-digit code on the test strip container must match
the number on the test strip code chip before the test can be run.
11. If you are using a new test strip lot and have not inserted the test strip
code chip yet, you must do so now.
12. Select the code already stored for your current control solution, or
touch NEW CODE to use a new control solution.
Note: When you first run your control, the QC TEST screen will not display.
This screen will display the next time you use the control.
13. If you are using a new control solution, remove the code chip from
the meter and insert the code chip that came with the control solution
14. Select level for this control test measurement. (L1 or L2)
15. The hourglass symbol shows that the test strip is warming up.
16. The dropper symbol flashes to indicate that the meter is ready to
perform the test and is waiting for the control solution to be applied.
A 180-second countdown begins.
You must apply the control sample within this time.
Otherwise, you will receive an error message.
17. When the meter is ready for the sample, gently swirl the control
bottle once or twice to mix the control solution. DO NOT mix the
solution with the dropper.
18. Draw control solution into the dropper and put one drop of the liquid
on the top of the target area (clear area of the test strip). DO NOT add
more control. DO NOT touch or remove the test strip while the test is
in progress.
19. The flashing dropper symbol changes to an hourglass symbol when
the meter detects a sufficient sample. You hear a beep tone when you
have applied enough control solution (provided the beeper is turned
on). The dropper symbol disappears and the test starts.
20. You must WAIT for results—this takes about one minute.
21. The result of the quality control is displayed. It is automatically saved
to memory.
22. The acceptable range of results for the liquid control is displayed
below the current result.
23. If any control remains in the dropper after you dose the test strip,
return the remaining control material to the control bottle. Save extra
control until after the test result is obtained, in case the control test
needs to be repeated.
24. Record the result. After you verify the validity of the control result,
discard the test strip, dropper and the reconstituted bottle of quality
25. If the quality control test fails, an up arrow (too high) or down arrow
(too low) flashes on the display.
26. If you need to repeat a test, use a new test strip.
27. Remove the quality control code chip and store it with the opened
box of controls. Re-insert the test strip code chip if necessary.
28. Turn the meter OFF.
Calibration and Calibration Verification
The following policy provides information on calibration for the CoaguChek
XS Plus System.
Calibration is the process of “setting” the instrument to provide correct
answers. This is usually done by analyzing known standards supplied by the
Linearity testing defines the limits of accuracy, which is known as the
reportable range. This is usually tested with another series of known
standards with a wide range of values.
Calibration verification was introduced by CLIA ’88 and is defined as, “The
assaying of calibration materials in the same manner as patient sample to
confirm that the calibration of the instrument, kit, or test system has
remained stable throughout the reportable range for patient test.” (CFR 42
Section 493.1217). This calibration verification process determines the
reportable range so it replaces the concept of linearity testing.
POLICY—Calibration and Calibration Verification
CoaguChek XS Plus System users are already in compliance with CLIA ’88
calibration requirements because the code chip supplied with each box of test
strips automatically calibrates the meter for that particular lot of strips. The code
chip provides specific performance characteristics information to the meter so it is
calibrated for use with its corresponding specific lot of test strips and controls.
The manufacturer establishes the performance characteristics based on testing of
specimens from donors on warfarin therapy. Each code chip is verified to show
that it will produce expected results. In addition, every time the meter is turned
on, it goes through a series of self-diagnostic checks.
Roche Diagnostics tests extensively to be sure calibration data provides
analytical values that correspond to established reference methods. The
CoaguChek XS Plus System calibration is traceable to the WHO International
Reference Preparations.
The CoaguChek XS Plus System cannot be adjusted externally to fit a certain
linearity curve.
Additional facility policy:
(You may add any additional policies and procedures for this facility here.)
Evaluation Protocol (Optional)
The following policies and procedures provide information on this facility’s
evaluation protocol for accuracy and precision using method comparison and
liquid controls.
POLICY—Evaluation Protocol
If desired, or if required by an accreditation agency, verify the performance
specifications of the CoaguChek XS Plus system
If an evaluation is performed, results must meet the standards of the facility. In
this facility:
Acceptable precision (%CV) is ____________ .
Acceptable mean bias in INR for method comparison is ______ .
POLICYTesting Precision Using Liquid Controls
A within-run precision study can be performed using 20 control samples (ten of
Level 1 and ten of Level 2, tested on the CoaguChek XS Plus meter with test
strips from the same lot).
Before testing, set the meter to report the results in both INR and Seconds.
Because the meter does not report liquid control results in seconds, it is
necessary to run the precision study as patient samples in order to report in
seconds. You have the option of storing them with a unique ID that distinguishes
them from actual patient results in the meter’s memory (e.g. 123ABC). In
addition, the letter “C” will appear after the number to distinguish it as a control.
All results obtained from each QC run must be within the specified acceptable
QC range. Refer to the QC range for the specific lot of controls that are being
Any QC out of range should be repeated to confirm the result.
Use a new vial of control solution for each precision test unless you are dosing
multiple meters at the same time.
Acceptance Criteria: %CV is less than or equal to the total CV published in the
package insert for the control level (1 or 2) you are using. Each QC result must
be within the assigned range. (See instructions below for Steps to Calculate QC
PROCEDURETesting Precision Using Liquid Controls
1. Set the meter to report the results in INR and SEC (seconds).
2. Prepare the controls according to Preparing the Control procedure in
the Quality Control Testing section.
3. Slide the test strip as far as you can into the meter. This turns the
meter ON. A beep tone indicates that meter has detected a test strip
(provided the beeper is turned on in the settings).
4. Prepare the CoaguChek XS Plus meter and log on according to
Testing a Patient Sample procedure.
6. The meter automatically checks to see if you have the right test strip
code chip. The 3-digit code on the test strip container must match the
number on the test strip code chip before the test can be run.
7. The hourglass symbol shows that the test strip is warming up.
8. The test strip and blood drop symbol flashes to indicate that the meter
is ready to perform the test and is waiting for the control solution to
be applied. A 180-second countdown begins.
You must apply the control sample within this time.
Otherwise, you will receive an error message.
9. When the meter is ready for the sample, gently swirl the control
bottle once or twice to mix the control solution. DO NOT mix the
solution with the dropper.
10. Draw control solution into the dropper and put one drop of the liquid
on the top of the target area (clear area of the test strip). DO NOT add
more control. DO NOT touch or remove the test strip while the test is
in progress.
11. The flashing test strip and blood drop symbols change to an hourglass
symbol when the meter detects sufficient sample. You hear a beep
tone when you have applied enough control solution (provided the
beeper is turned on). The dropper symbol disappears and the test
12. You must WAIT for results—this takes about one minute.
13. The result of the quality control test followed by a “C” is displayed. It
is automatically saved to PATIENT RESULT memory.
14. Record the control value in seconds on the Precision Data Log for
Liquid Quality Control, which is found in the log sheet section of this
15. Properly discard the used test strip according to this facility’s
infection control policy.
16. Run control tests using a new bottle of control solution for each of
the remaining Level 1 and Level 2 controls for a total of 10 tests for
each level. Record results.
17. Properly discard control vials according to this facility’s infection
control policy.
18. Calculate the mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variation
(%CV) in seconds. You may use standard calculators or spreadsheet
programs for this calculation, or you many use the Steps to Calculate
QC Precision section of this manual.
PROCEDURESteps to Calculate QC Precision
1. Repeat any tests where the QC result was outside the acceptable
2. On the Precision Data Log for Liquid QC, calculate and record the
mean for Level 1 in Column B.
3. Subtract the mean (Column B) from each value in Column A and
record this difference in Column C.
4. Square each difference and record in Column D.
5. Sum the squared differences and record.
6. Divide the sum of the squared differences by the total number of
7. Find the square root of the sum of step 6.
Note: This is a pooled standard deviation (SD) that should represent the
amount of variability that you would expect between replicates done on the
same patient.
8. Divide the SD from step 7 by the mean from step 2. This is the %CV
that should represent the amount of variability that you would expect
between replicates done on the same patient, expressed as a
percentage. Record this value.
9. Repeat steps 1-8 for Level 2 CoaguChek XS Pro PT Controls.
POLICY—Method Comparison
Method comparison is not a CLIA requirement for waived test systems, but may
be performed in order to compare test results from a new method to a previous
Controls must be within acceptable range before running patient samples.
Reference method controls must also be within the range specified by the
manufacturer or laboratory.
Specimens consist of 40 samples total—30 from patients on warfarin therapy
evenly distributed with as broad a PT as possible, and 10 from healthy patients
who fit the following criteria:
not on warfarin
not on aspirin or any other medication that affects clotting
Note: For method comparison, we recommend that no patients whom are on heparin
therapy be enrolled in the study.
A minimum of 40 data points is necessary for a correlation study.
CoaguChek XS Plus System results will be compared to a laboratory reference
method. Differences in reagents, instruments, and pre-analytical variables can
affect PT results. These factors should be considered when comparing different
prothrombin time test methods.
Experience comparing results obtained using
the CoaguChek XS Plus System to those obtained using common clinical
laboratory reagents shows that the CoaguChek XS Plus System correlates well
with the following clinical laboratory reagents: Dade Innovin, Ortho
Recomboplastin, and Dade Thromboplastin C+.
NOTE: It’s possible other clinical laboratory reagents may not consistently
correlate with the CoaguChek XS Plus System as well as the recommended list
When performing method comparison testing, it is important to ensure proper
technique is followed in testing with both methods.
When the study is complete, please fax results to the attention of Roche
Diagnostics Technical Service at 1-800-858-8075. The results will be calculated
and returned within three business days.
A reference lab should be certain to follow appropriate PT testing guidelines.
Some common sources of error include:
Specimen collection:
Incorrect volume, type, or concentration of anticoagulant in
the collection tube. The anticoagulant used should be 106
to 109 mmol/L, 3.13% to 3.2% of the dihydrate form of
trisodium citrate, buffered or nonbuffered. Other
anticoagulants are unacceptable.
Overfill or under fill of collection tubes. Improper filling
may interfere with the correct ratio of blood to the sodium
citrate dehydrate anticoagulant.
Failure to correct the citrate volume for persons with high
(>.55) Hematocrit.
Transport, processing, and sample storage:
Specimen storage at incorrect temperature. Specimens
should be kept at 15°C to 24°C.
Excessive time between collection and testing. The
specimen should be tested within 4 hours of the time of
specimen collection.
PT results from both the CoaguChek XS Plus System and the laboratory
reference should be reported in the International Normalized Ratio (INR).
The Mean Normal PT (MNPT) for the CoaguChek XS Plus System has been
predetermined through the calibration process for all strip lots. The meter
automatically gives results in INR based on that calibration.
The reference laboratory will need to establish MNPT for their system before
method comparison may begin. The MNPT should NOT be taken directly from
the package insert.
Fill out the top portion of the Method Comparison Log before collecting any
blood samples. The information for the CoaguChek XS Plus meter and the
laboratory instrument is important to assess the correlation, and can help solve
Blood may be applied to the test strip in the following way:
Directly from the finger to the test strip
Dosing the test strip with the CoaguChek Capillary
Tubes/Bulbs (REF 11621173001)
Directly from the plastic syringe
The following definitions are provided for reference:
INR = The patient PT value divided by the MNPT of the lab raised to the power of the
INR = Prothrombin time (PT) in seconds
ISI = The International Sensitivity Index (ISI) is the sensitivity of a prothrombin time
system (instrument and thromboplastin). Thromboplastins manufactured today usually
list the ISI of each lot for use with optical and electromechanical instruments.
Sensitivities of thromboplastins in the U.S. vary from 1.0 - 2.8 ISI.
Not all optical
instruments are identical. There may be some error in assuming an ISI is that of the
package insert.
Ratio = The ratio of the patient PT value in seconds divided by the mean normal PT.
Mean Normal PT (MNPT) = The mean value is derived by testing a minimum of 30
healthy, non-warfarinized patients over a period of several days on a given prothrombin
time system.
WHO Reference = In 1983, the World Health Organization (WHO) adopted this
calibration system and made recommendations for its implementation to allow all
thromboplastins of varying sensitivity in any laboratory for oral anticoagulant control to
be calibrated against a reference thromboplastin of human brain with an ISI of 1.0.
PROCEDURE--Method Comparison Using Direct Fingerstick or Capillary Tube
1. Prepare the lancet device according to the manufacturer’s
2. Perform PT test according to steps outlined in Testing a Patient
Sample/ Fingerstick Sample or Using the Capillary Tube.
3. Dispose of all biohazardous material in the appropriate designated
biohazard or sharps container.
4. Record the result on the Method Comparison Log along with the
initials of the operator.
5. Collect venipuncture supplies. Set aside until needed.
6. Clean the venipuncture site with an alcohol swab and allow it to dry
7. Draw the venous sample using a butterfly collection set (Vacutainer
Blood Collection Set 21g #6251) with a 3.2% citrate blue top
Vacutainer tube installed (make sure you have the correct adapter on
the end of the butterfly tubing.) Fill to the appropriate fill line. Any
under filling or overfilling can affect test results. If a tube is not
filled correctly, discard and redraw.
8. After filling the Vacutainer tube, remove the tube from the adapter,
gently mix the contents and set aside.
9. Send the venous tubes to the lab for testing. Roche Diagnostics
recommends testing within four hours.
10. If the venous tubes cannot be tested within four hours, spin the
samples according Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI)
guidelines. Pipette off the plasma without disturbing the cell layer
into an appropriately labeled tube. Your lab may also require the
original blue top to accompany the plasma.
11. Record the results from the lab on the Method Comparison Log.
Note: For the purpose of this study, it is recommended that any CoaguChek XS
Plus System result greater than 4.0 INR be confirmed immediately with another
fingerstick from the opposite hand. Record the second result in the comment
sections of the Method Comparison Log.
PROCEDURE--Performing the Method Comparison Using Venous Blood
Note: The venous blood for the CoaguChek XS Plus System must be from the
same venipuncture as the blood collected in the 3.2% sodium citrate blue top
Vacutainer tube (below) for the laboratory PT reference. Use a butterfly
collection set.
1. Prepare venipuncture supplies. Use a butterfly collection set
(Vacutainer Blood Collection Set 21g #6251) with a 3.2% citrate
blue top Vacutainer tube installed (make sure you have the
correct adapter on the end of the butterfly tubing). Set aside until
Note: The butterfly collection set should be fitted with the adapter for
collection of the venous sample into the Vacutainer tube first. A 3cc
plastic syringe should be available for collecting the blood sample for
dosing the meter immediately afterward.
2. Clean the venipuncture site with an alcohol swab and allow it to
dry thoroughly.
3. Prepare the CoaguChek XS Plus meter and log on according to
steps outlined in Testing a Patient Sample.
Note: DO NOT obtain sample until the flashing test strip and drop of blood
appears on the display. Strip must be used within ten minutes of removing it
from the container.
4. Draw the venous sample using a butterfly collection set into the
3.2% citrate blue top Vacutainer tube. Fill to the appropriate fill
line. Any under filling or overfilling can affect test results. If a
tube is not filled correctly, discard and redraw.
5. After filling the Vacutainer tube, remove the tube from the
adapter, gently mix the contents and set aside.
6. While carefully pinching the tubing, remove the adapter and
attach the 3 cc syringe and continue to draw the desired quantity
of blood.
7. Collect about 1 cc of blood into the syringe. Pinch off the tubing
or close the luer lock and remove the syringe.
8. Expel the first four drops of blood from the syringe. Then place
one good drop of blood (at least 8 µl) from the syringe directly
on the sample target area.
9. Record result on Method Comparison Log along with the initials
of the operator.
10. Send the venous tubes to the lab for testing. We recommend
testing within four hours.
11. If the venous tubes cannot be tested within four hours, spin the
samples according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
(CLSI) guidelines. Pipette off the plasma without disturbing the
cell layer into an appropriately labeled tube. Your lab may also
require the original blue top to accompany the plasma.
12. Record the results from the lab on the Method Comparison Log.
Expected Results
The CoaguChek XS Plus System was compared against the Sysmex Analyzer. The
following accuracy data was obtained.
Accuracy: 811 venous samples were collected from 412 outpatients at three
external sites. The INR of each sample was compared to the INR of a venous
plasma sample measured on a Sysmex Analyzer using Dade Innovin (ISI =
1.02). The patient clinical conditions included (number of patients): not on
warfarin (61), atrial fibrillation (163), valve repair/replacement (44),
stroke/TIA (5), DVT (75), pulmonary embolism (22), cardio vascular
accident (15), other heart-related disorders (9), other clotting disorders (13),
other (5).
The results are as follows:
Venous Data:
Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
All 811 1.090 -0.2 0.974
Accuracy: 822 capillary samples were collected from 413 outpatients at three
external sites. Capillary blood samples were assayed on the CoaguChek XS
Plus meter with the CoaguChek XS PT Test and venous samples were
measured on a Sysmex Analyzer with Dade Innovin (ISI = 1.02).
The results are as follows:
Capillary Data:
Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
All 822 1.075 -0.1 0.972
Recommended therapeutic range
There are two recommended therapeutic ranges: a less intense range of
2.0-3.0 INR and a more intense range of 2.5-3.5 INR for patients with
mechanical heart valves.
The physician determines the appropriate
therapeutic range
POLICYProficiency Testing
For a list of current proficiency testing programs, contact your Account
Manager or Roche Diagnostics Technical Service at 1-800-428-4674.
Limitations of the Method
The following are limitations of the CoaguChek XS Plus System. Refer to the CoaguChek XS
Plus PT Test Strip Insert for the most current information.
The CoaguChek XS Plus System should not be used for patients being treated with any
direct thrombin inhibitors –including Hirudin, lepirudin, Bivalirudin and Argatroban.
The CoaguChek XS PT Test uses only fresh capillary or non-anticoagulated venous
whole blood. Plasma or serum cannot be used
Use only plastic syringes without anticoagulants or additives. Glass tubes or syringes
must not be used.
The blood drop must be a minimum of 8 μL in volume. Low sample volume will cause
an error message.
Never add more blood to test strip after test has begun or perform another test using the
same fingerstick
When a patient is on intravenous infusion therapy, do not collect sample from arm
receiving the infusion line.
Hematocrit ranges between 25-55% do not significantly affect test results. A “c” by
patient test result may indicate hematocrit outside range. HCT should be checked.
Testing performed with the following in vitro spiked samples or native blood samples
(Triglycerides) indicated no significant effect on test results:
Bilirubin up to 30 mg/dL
Lipemic samples containing up to 500 mg/dL of triglycerides
Hemolysis up to 1000 mg/dL
The results are unaffected by heparin concentrations up to 0.8
The CoaguChek XS PT Test is insensitive to low molecular
weight heparins (LMWH) up to 2 IU anti-factor Xa activity/mL.
Clopidogrel up to 20 mg/dL
Fondaparinux up to 5 mg/L
The presence of anti-phospholipid antibodies (APAs) such as Lupus antibodies (LA)
can potentially lead to prolonged clotting times, i.e., elevated INR values. A
comparison to an APA-insensitive laboratory method is recommended if the presence
of APAs is known or suspected.
In rare cases, patients with long clotting times (>8 INR) may receive an error message
on the meter display. If this error message appears again when the test is repeated, the
result must be checked using another method.
Cleaning the Meter
The following policies and procedures provide instructions for cleaning and
disinfecting the CoaguChek XS Plus meter.
POLICYCleaning and Disinfecting the Meter
It is important to keep the meter clean. Clean the meter whenever it looks dirty,
or if you prefer, clean on a regular schedule.
In this facility the meter is cleaned ________________________ .
Check the test strip guide regularly for signs of soiling. If the test strip guide has
become soiled with blood or any other material, you must clean this area.
In this facility the test strip guide is cleaned _________________ .
Follow the procedures outlined below to clean and disinfect the meter. Failure to
follow these procedures may cause malfunction of the meter.
o Do not use sprays of any sort.
o Ensure that swab or cloth is only damp, not wet.
Wear disposable gloves when cleaning and performing preventive maintenance.
Follow this facility’s infection control policy when cleaning and performing
preventive maintenance.
The CoaguChek XS Plus meter may potentially be infectious. It should therefore
be decontaminated before disposal.
PROCEDURE - Cleaning/disinfecting the meter housing (the exterior of the meter)
Use only the following items for cleaning/disinfecting the CoaguChek XS or
CoaguChek XS Plus meter housing for a contact time of >1 minute:
o 70% isopropyl alcohol
o 10% Sodium hypochlorite solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts de-
ionized water, made fresh every 24 hours)
o NOTE: Do not use any other disinfectants/cleaning solutions on
the meter housing.
Ensure that the blue test strip guide cover remains tightly closed while cleaning
the housing.
1. With the meter powered off, wipe the meter’s exterior clean.
Apply cleaning agent for a contact time of >1 minute (refer to the
corresponding product labeling
Do not let liquid accumulate near any opening. Make sure that no
liquid enters the meter.
2. With a lint-free tissue, dry the meter.
Wipe away residual moisture and fluids after cleaning the
Ensure the meter is completely dry before performing a test.
PROCEDURE - Cleaning/disinfecting the meter test strip guide
Use only 70% isopropyl alcohol or 10% bleach to clean and disinfect the
CoaguChek XS or CoaguChek XS Plus test strip guide.
Do not use any other cleaning/disinfecting solutions on the test strip guide.
Use of other cleaning/disinfecting solutions could result in damage to the
1. With the meter powered off, use your thumbnail to open the cover of
the test strip guide by pressing its front edge upward. Move the cover
safely away from the meter. Then rinse the cover with water or wipe
it clean.
2. To clean the test strip guide:
Hold the meter upright with the test strip guide facing down
Clean the easily accessible areas with a cotton swab
o Ensure the swab is only damp, not wet.
o Apply cleaning agent for a contact time of >1 minute (refer to
the corresponding product labeling
o Wipe away residual moisture and fluids.
Caution: Do not insert any objects into the test strip guide. Doing so could
damage the electrical contacts behind the test strip guide.
3. Let the inside of the test strip guide dry for at least 10 minutes.
4. Close the test strip guide cover and make sure it snaps into place.
Recommendations for Operator
The following policy provides recommendations for operator certification
and recertification to perform tests using the CoaguChek XS Plus System.
POLICYRecommendations for Operator Certification and Recertification
All operators should be certified to perform tests using the CoaguChek XS Plus
Additional Facility policy
On the following lines, write in or insert your facility’s policy for performance and
documentation of operator certification and recertification.
Loeliger EA, van den Besselaar AMHP and Lewis SM., “Reliability and Clinical Impact of the
Normalization of the Prothrombin Times in Oral Anticoagulant Control.” Thromb Haemostas, 1985; 53:
Hirsh J MD FCCP Chairman, et al, Oral Anticoagulants Mechanism of Action, Clinical Effectiveness, and
Optimal Therapeutic Range.” Chest.1995; 108(4): 231S-246S.
3 Moll S and Ortel TL. “Metering Warfarin Therapy in Patients with Lupus
Anticoagulants.” Annals of Internal Medicine 1997; 127: 177-185.
In-service training
In-service training with small groups is often the best way to provide initial
instruction and practice when teaching staff to perform PT tests. Whenever possible,
make in-services mandatory.
The following curriculum outline is provided to help you develop a CoaguChek XS
Plus System in-service program for your facility.
Support materials
A Knowledge Test, Skills Checklist, and Training Certificate are included in the last
section of this manual for documenting proficiency in PT testing.
Class guidelines
The following guidelines have been developed to help you plan training time and
determine class size. Optimal conditions are particularly important for the practice
portion of the training. It is critical that there be sufficient space, time, and one-on-one
coaching during this part of the training session.
Training facilities
Training facilities should be free of distractions and should have adequate space for
operators to take notes, to practice with the meters, and to see the video screen. If you
are planning to use an overhead projector, make sure there is sufficient space for it,
The suggested training time is two hours. This may be a single session or two one-
hour sessions--an educational session and a practice session.
Coordinate the in-service with a staff meeting or provide a weekend session for staff
It is important to allow plenty of time for operators to practice the testing procedure
and to ask questions.
Class size
In-service classes should be small so that each operator can receive individual
attention during the practice session if needed.
The instructor may be a Roche Diagnostics account manager/trainer, a nursing
supervisor or quality assurance nurse, or another designated individual who has been
trained on the CoaguChek XS Plus System.
It may be helpful to have one or more assistants, especially during the practice
session. They can answer any questions and help complete the Skills Checklist,
allowing the in-service leader to maintain class momentum.
Training Materials
Roche Diagnostics has developed several materials specifically for you to use in
training operators to test with the CoaguChek XS Plus System. Repeated exposure to
a consistent message and hands-on practice are keys to successful training.
Available materials
You may copy selected training materials for class distribution or to make
transparencies to facilitate discussion. Appropriate materials include the class outline
and key sections of the CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual.
It is strongly recommended that you utilize the training materials listed below in your
in-service session:
CoaguChek XS Plus System Training DVD. This program runs
approximately 15 minutes, provides step-by-step instructions for
setting up the meter, preparing for and performing a blood test, and
cleaning the meter. This DVD is intended to be the basis of the
training session.
CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual. This is a reference guide
for CoaguChek XS Plus operators. During training, familiarize the
operators with its content and structure.
CoaguChek XS Plus System Getting Started Guide. This is an easy
resource for operators. During the in-service, familiarize the
operators with its contents and structure.
Package Inserts. The test strips, controls, and lancet devices all have
informative package inserts with information about proper storage
and use. During the in-service, familiarize the operators with their
contents and structure.
Customized materials
You may wish to develop customized training materials for your facility. You may
develop these materials as handouts, flip charts, or transparencies.
Ordering training materials
To order additional copies of these training materials, or to make comments or
suggestions about the training materials, contact Roche Diagnostics Technical Service
at 1-800-428-4674.
Before beginning each training session, make sure that you have all the necessary
supplies and that all equipment is operational, including the individual meters.
System supplies
You should have at least one complete set of CoaguChek XS Plus System supplies for
demonstration purposes.
CoaguChek XS Plus meter
4 AA batteries
CoaguChek XS PT Test, including:
CoaguChek XS PT Test strips, code chip, and CoaguChek XS Plus
PT Test Strip Insert
CoaguChek XS Pro PT Controls and package insert
CoaguChek Capillary tubes and bulbs for capillary samples
Anticoagulant-free plastic syringes and needles for venous samples
Supplies for drawing venous samples (optional)
Approved cleaning supplies as listed in the user manual
CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual and Getting Started
CoaguChek XS Plus System Policies and Procedures Manual
Note: Before the in-service begins, program the meter with the time, date, and result
format (INR, INR/ seconds, or INR/% Quick).
Medical supplies
Have sufficient medical supplies for each operator and for demonstrations.
CoaguChek Lancet or other lancet device
Biohazard waste and sharps containers
Alcohol wipes
Cotton balls or tissue
Disposable gloves
Teaching supplies
Organize your teaching supplies and test all electronic equipment before the in-
service begins. You need:
CoaguChek XS Plus System Training DVD
DVD player
Copies for each operator of:
Class outline, Skills Checklist, Knowledge Test, Certificate of
Completion, the Error Messages section and other key sections of
the CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual
A pen or pencil for each operator
OPTIONAL: An overhead projector and transparencies of:
Class outline
Customized materials (copies of your facility’s quality control,
maintenance, and patient result logs)
Class Orientation
Familiarizing class members before training with the CoaguChek XS Plus System can
greatly enhance the effectiveness of the in-service session. They will know what to
expect and what is expected of them. Providing class members with the opportunity to
ask questions before the training begins can alleviate any unnecessary concerns for
Class outline
This outline was developed to provide a clear structure for the class.
If training is conducted in two separate sessions, you may wish to amend the outline
to reflect the activities for Day One and Day Two.
This outline will help your operators know what to expect and help you know how to
pace the class. You may wish to distribute it as part of your introduction.
Topic Time to present
Introduction and overview
5 min.
CoaguChek XS Plus System Training DVD
15 min.
Test kit, meter and components
10 min.
Operating guidelines
5 min.
Performing the test
35 min.
• Setting up the system
• Preparing for the test
• Collecting a sample
• Applying the sample
• Reading, responding to, and recording results
• Practicing and confirming
Liquid quality control testing
15 min.
Cleaning the system
5 min.
5 min.
Knowledge Test
10 min.
5 min.
5 min.
• Follow-up information
• Certificate of Completion
Introduce the class
At the onset of any in-service session, it may be helpful if you review what operators
will learn, what will be expected of them, and how they will be evaluated.
Action plan
The action plan contains the key points you should include in your introduction.
1. Ask each operator to sign in as they enter the room.
2. Begin the class by introducing yourself and your assistants, and asking your
operators to introduce themselves.
3. Explain the importance of regular PT testing.
4. Review the outline for the training session.
5. Review the criteria for completing the course:
Skills Checklist
Knowledge Test
6. Show operators the Certificate of Completion.
7. Ask for questions.
Training DVD
The CoaguChek XS Plus System Training DVD provides an overview of the
system, setting up the meter, running controls, testing procedure, and
maintenance. These topics will be covered in depth during the remainder of
the training session.
Show the CoaguChek XS Plus System Training DVD.
When the DVD is over, ask for questions. Address any concerns that will not
be explicitly covered in class. If operators ask questions about material that
will be covered, respond briefly, and assure them that they will get a detailed
answer later.
Understanding the System
Before learning to perform tests with the CoaguChek XS Plus System, operators
should be familiar with the components and operating conditions.
CoaguChek XS Plus System Care Kit components
This chart supplies a description of each component of the CoaguChek XS Plus
System. Review the Care Kit components.
Component Description
CoaguChek XS Plus meter A portable coagulation meter for prothrombin
time testing.
Power adapter and 4 AA
The meter’s power source options.
CoaguChek Lancets with
Devices used to obtain fingerstick blood
sample for testing.
CoaguChek XS Plus Training
A DVD that provides an overview of the
CoaguChek XS Plus System
User Manual
A detailed resource manual for CoaguChek
XS Plus System operators.
CoaguChek XS Plus System
Getting Started Guide
A resource of key information for CoaguChek
XS Plus System operators.
CoaguChek XS Plus System
Policies and Procedures
A detailed operational guide for evaluation
and use of the CoaguChek XS Plus System.
Warranty card Must be filled out and mailed to register the
CoaguChek XS Plus System with Roche
CoaguChek XS Plus Meter Elements
This chart supplies a description of each element of the CoaguChek XS Plus meter.
Show each of the following elements on an actual meter:
Code chip slot
Insert code chip here
Connection socket for
power supply unit
Plug in the power adapter here
Contacts for optional
base unit
Charges battery pack when connected to base unit
Infrared interface
Used for data communication
Touch screen
Shows results, information, symbols and results
recalled from memory. To select any of the screen
prompts, touch the prompt lightly, holding until
the prompt is selected.
ON/OFF button
Press and hold until the meter turns on or off.
Test strip guide
Insert test strip here.
Test strip guide cover
Remove to clean the test strip guide.
Battery cover
Covers the battery compartment (4 AA batteries or
rechargeable battery pack).
Battery cover tab
Press tab to slide cover off.
Roche Diagnostics
Technical Service
Center 1-800-428-4674
Call for technical service 24 hours a day, 7 days a
CoaguChek XS PT Test Strip
This chart supplies a description of each component of the CoaguChek XS PT Test
Show each of the following components:
CoaguChek XS PT Test
Provides a platform for the blood and reagents to
Target area of the test
Apply blood sample here.
CoaguChek XS PT Test
strip code chip
Calibrates the system for each new box of test
CoaguChek XS Plus PT
Test Strip Insert
Provides important reference material on how to
use and store the test strips.
CoaguChek XS Pro PT Controls (If applicable for your facility)
This chart supplies a description of each component of the CoaguChek XS Pro PT
Show each of the following components:
Level 1 and Level 2
quality control plasma
Made available to assist with regulatory
compliance requirements as applicable to this
Diluent-filled droppers
Used for mixing and applying control solutions.
Quality control code
Code chip tells the meter the acceptable ranges and
expiration dates for each box of controls.
Reviewing Operating and Storage Conditions
To ensure accurate test results, operators must be aware of the proper operating
conditions for the CoaguChek XS Plus System. They must also be careful to store test
strips in the appropriate environmental conditions.
Note: Stress the importance of this information. Be certain that operators understand that
test results may not be accurate if they do not strictly adhere to these conditions.
Meter operating conditions
The meter should be operated:
At temperatures between 59°F and 90° F (15°C and 32°C).
Within 10% to 85% relative humidity without condensation.
In artificial light or indirect sunlight. (Avoid bright sunlight.)
On a flat, level surface, free of vibrations.
At altitudes no higher than 14,000 feet (4,300 meters).
Away from strong magnetic fields, such as a microwave oven. This
may interfere with the meter’s proper operation.
Test strip conditions
Store the test strips in their container with the cap tightly closed.
Do not freeze test strips. Store the test strips at room temperature or
in the refrigerator (2°C to 30°C or 36°F to 86°F).
When stored properly, the test strips can be used up until the
expiration date printed on the test strip container. Dispose of the
test strips if they are past their “Use By” date.
Liquid control storage and handling
For in vitro diagnostic use. Do not take internally.
Exercise the normal precautions required for handling all laboratory
Store controls in refrigerator at 36°F to 46°F (2° to 8°C) DO NOT
Unopened, lyophilized controls that are stored in the refrigerator are
good until the expiration date.
Discard any outdated controls.
Controls are stable for 30 minutes after adding the diluent.
Package literature
Show operators where to find this information in the package inserts and User
Setting Up the System
At this point, operators should be familiar with the components. Now it is time for
them to learn how to use the system. You should spend most of the class time on this
Before the CoaguChek XS Plus System can be used. The meter must be set up. It
needs to have batteries inserted. It needs to be calibrated by inserting a code chip, and
set–up options need to be selected.
Power source
The CoaguChek XS Plus meter can operate with either the power adapter provided or
a special rechargeable battery pack. The CoaguChek XS Plus meter uses four AA
batteries. The recommended batteries, alkaline-manganese batteries, should last for
approximately 60 tests depending on the type of battery used.
When you turn the meter on, the display shows the battery symbol. The battery
symbol is divided into four segments. With new, fresh batteries in the meter, the
battery symbol shows all four segments.
When only one segment appears, replace the batteries. When only one segment
appears you can still access results stored in the meter’s memory. If you insert new
batteries within 10 minutes of removing the old batteries, the date and time settings
will remain in memory. But if you do need to reset the date and time, refer to the
Meter Setup section in the CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual.
To save battery power, the CoaguChek XS Plus meter has the option to turn itself off,
based on your set up selections, unless a screen prompt has been pressed or a new test
strip has been inserted. Even when the batteries are removed, the test results are saved
in memory.
Battery placement
Operators should follow these steps to install the batteries.
1. With the meter OFF, press the battery compartment cover release tab and
slide cover off.
2. Insert four (4), AA batteries as indicated by the diagram inside the battery
3. Slide the battery compartment cover back onto the meter and close it
Operators should practice inserting and removing the batteries under supervision.
Skills checklist
While operators practice, complete the appropriate portion of the Skills Checklist.
Package literature
Show operators where to find this information in the User Manual.
Test Strip Code Chip
Each box of test strips comes with its own code chip. The code chip provides the
meter with information such as the lot number and expiration date of the test strips.
Matching to test strip
Have operators follow these steps to match the code chip to the test strip.
1. Before each test, make sure the correct code chip is in the meter.
2. The 3-number code on the test strip container must match the 3-number code
on the code chip.
3. To install the code chip, follow the instructions below. Have the code chip
Inserting the code chip
Have operators follow these steps to insert the test strip code chip.
1. Be certain the meter is OFF.
2. Remove the old code chip if there is one in the meter. Store the code chip
with the appropriate strip lot.
3. Insert the code chip into the code chip slot with the printed side facing UP
until it snaps into place.
4. Power the meter on.
Always compare the code number you see on the display with the
number that is printed on the test strip container you are using. If the
two code numbers do not match, insert the correct code chip in the
slot in the meter.
If the code chip is missing or incorrectly inserted, error messages
appear in the display. (Please refer to Error Messages in the
CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual.)
Operators should practice inserting the code chip under supervision.
Skills checklist
While operators practice, complete the appropriate portion of the Skills Checklist.
Package literature
Show operators where to find this information in the User Manual.
Set-up Options
The CoaguChek XS Plus System has several programming options. The meters are
preset with recommended formats.
Recommended formats may be altered, and these procedures may be reviewed at this
in-service at your discretion, though specific in-service guidelines have not been
provided. If necessary, refer to Meter Set up in the CoaguChek XS Plus System User
Result formats
The meter has three display options for primary results units:
International Normalized Ratio (INR)
INR and Seconds (SEC)
INR and % Quick
INR units are calculated from a mathematical formula that is designed to compensate
for differences in reagents, thereby standardizing PT results from different systems.
The CoaguChek XS Plus meter performs INR calculations automatically. The
formula is as follows:
INR = (PT result/Mean normal PT)
ISI = International Sensitivity Index. This is a numerical value assigned to the
reagent used in the test strip.
Seconds (SEC)
This displays the length of time, in seconds, that a blood sample takes to coagulate
(PT time).
% Quick (%Q)
This unit of measure is used primarily by European health care providers.
Package literature
Show operators where to find this information in the User Manual.
Preparing for the Test
Gather supplies and make the following preparations prior to conducting the test. This
section will review the steps required to perform a capillary fingerstick. If your
facility will be performing venous draws, you may want to address that information in
this section too.
The following supplies are needed to perform the fingerstick test:
CoaguChek XS PT Test strip
Correct CoaguChek XS PT Test strip code chip
CoaguChek Lancet or other lancet device
CoaguChek XS Plus Meter
Alcohol wipes
Cotton balls or tissue
CoaguChek Capillary Tubes/Bulbs (optional, REF 11621173001)
Disposable gloves
Review the steps necessary to prepare for the test:
1. Explain the purpose and steps of the testing procedure to reassure the patient.
2. Wash your hands and put on disposable gloves prior to testing.
3. Prepare lancet device according to manufacturer’s instructions. Set it aside
until finger puncture is needed.
4. If using the CoaguChek Capillary Tubes/Bulbs, prepare capillary collection
device by firmly inserting the capillary tube into the capillary bulb. Set aside
until needed.
5. Warm the hand. Have the patient hold it under his or her arm, use a hand
warmer, or wash with warm water.
6. Have the patient let that arm hang down by his or her side before lancing a
7. Massage the finger from its base
8. Clean the selected finger with alcohol wipe or use soap and warm water.
Allow to air dry completely.
9. When the meter displays the flashing test strip and blood drop symbols, with
the hand still down, stick the side of finger with a lancet.
DO NOT puncture the finger until the flashing test strip and blood
drop symbol appears on the meter screen.
10. Immediately after lancing, massage gently along the side of the finger to
obtain a good blood drop without pressing or squeezing too hard.
11. While the flashing test strip and blood drop symbols are flashing on the
display, apply the first drop of blood (within 15 seconds) as outlined in
Testing a Patient Sample(below).
Hold the blood drop to the strip until the meter beeps (provided
beeper is set to ON).
DO NOT apply a second drop or disturb the strip while testing.
12. If using the CoaguChek Capillary Tubes/Bulbs, touch the capillary tube to
the blood drop. Keep tube level and allow it to fill halfway by capillary
action. Put finger over hole in the capillary bulb. Hold capillary tube directly
over sample target area. Apply the sample within 15 seconds of the puncture.
Note: Avoid getting air bubbles into the sample. Do not touch the bulb during sample
collection. If blood gets into the capillary bulb during sample collection, discard the bulb.
Package literature
Show operators where to find this information in the User Manual and Getting
Started Guide.
Testing a Patient Sample
Getting a clean, sufficient sample is critical to the success of the fingerstick test. The
following instructions will help you guide your operators in collecting their samples
and running a patient test.
Testing a patient sample
Review the necessary steps for collecting and testing a fingerstick blood sample.
1. Prepare the lancet device according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Place meter on a flat surface, free of vibrations. Or hold it in your hand
horizontally until you see the test result. Do not move the meter around
during testing.
3. Take a test strip out of the container. Close the container tightly.
4. Hold the test strip so the lettering is facing upward.
5. Slide the test strip into the test strip guide in the direction indicated by the
6. Slide the test strip in as far as it will go. This turns the meter ON. A beep
tone indicates that the meter has detected the test strip (provided the beeper is
turned on in the settings).
For alternative ways of turning on the meter, please refer to the
CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual.
7. Check the battery level. If there are no bars left in the battery symbol, you
cannot perform any more tests.
8. Check that the date and time are correct. Correct any wrong entries as
described in the CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual.
If a lockout (OP or QC Lockout) is displayed instead of PATIENT
TEST, you must run a quality control before you can perform a test.
(Refer to Quality Control Testing.) When the meter is in lockout
status, a test cannot be performed.
9. Enter your operator ID (if required). See CoaguChek XS Plus System User
Manual for information on Operator lists.
10. Touch [OK] to log on and move to the main menu.
12. Select or enter Patient ID (if required). See CoaguChek XS Plus System User
Manual for information on Patient ID and Patient lists.
13. Touch [OK]. An hourglass symbol indicates the test is warming up.
14. Confirm that the code number displayed on the meter matches the number on
the test strip container.
If the numbers are different, insert the correct code chip that came
with the test strips you are using.
15. The blood drop symbol flashes to indicate that the meter is ready to perform
the test and is waiting for blood to be applied. The 180-second count down
DO NOT obtain sample until the flashing drop of blood appears on
the display. Strip must be used within ten minutes of removing it
from the container.
16. Identify the sample target area on the test strip.
17. Collect the fingerstick blood sample as outlined below.
Fingerstick sample DO NOT wipe away the first drop of blood.
Apply the first drop of blood to the top or side of the target area
within 15 seconds of puncture. Hold the blood drop to the test strip
until you hear a beep (provided the beeper is set to ON).
Using the Capillary Tube – Touch the CoaguChek Capillary tube to
the blood drop. Keep tube level and allow it to fill halfway by
capillary action. Put finger over hole in the capillary bulb. Hold
capillary tube directly over sample target area and expel sample
within 15 seconds.
Note: Use the first drop of capillary blood. Avoid getting air bubbles
into the sample.
18. Apply the blood directly to the semicircular, transparent sample application
area of the test strip.
Note: DO NOT add more sample. DO NOT touch the test strip or move the meter until
the result is displayed.
19. You hear a beep tone when you have applied enough blood (provided the
beeper is turned on). The blood drop symbol disappears and the test starts.
20. The meter performs an automatic quality control test on the test strip before it
displays the test result. “QC” appears in the display.
21. Following a successful outcome of the quality control test, a check mark
appears after “QC.”
22. You must WAIT for results—this takes about one minute
23. The result is displayed in the unit of measure you chose when setting up the
meter. It is automatically saved to memory.
24. Read and record results.
25. After the test results are displayed, a strip and arrow symbols appear on the
screen, prompting you to remove the strip.
26. Remove the test strip from the measurement chamber.
27. Turn meter OFF.
28. Dispose of all biohazardous material in the appropriate designated biohazard
or sharps container.
Note: Use a new fingerstick from the opposite hand and a new test strip if you must
retest. DO NOT add more blood to the first test strip.
Infection control
Operators assisting with the testing procedure should wear disposable gloves and
wash hands thoroughly to prevent contact with the blood sample.
Package literature
Show operators where to find this information– including universal precautions – in
the CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual and the Getting Started Guide.
Reading Results
Results appear on the meter’s display immediately after the test. They are also stored
in the meter’s memory.
Patient Test Results stored in memory
The CoaguChek XS Plus meter has a 2,500-value memory for saving results (i.e.,
2,000 patient tests and 500 liquid quality control tests) along with the time and date. If
the memory is full when you perform a test, the oldest result is automatically deleted.
The most recent result is always saved. In addition, the meter stores up to 60 code
chip records (contents of the test strip code chips and control solution control chips).
Recalling patient test results stored in memory
Review the following steps to recall patient test results that are stored in memory.
1. Place the meter on a level, vibration-free surface or hold it in your hand so it is
roughly horizontal. Turn the meter on by pressing the ON/OFF button.
2. Wait until the main menu is displayed.
3. Touch MEMORY.
Display patient result memory
Review the following steps to display all test results for patients, sorted
chronologically or by patient ID.
1. Touch the up arrow or down arrow to display the entry of choice.
2. Touch the entry you want to open. The entry is displayed. When you touch the
Individual symbol, results for the selected patient are displayed.
Package literature
Show operators where to find this information in the User Manual.
Responding to Results
Target results
The physician determines the best PT level for the patient depending on the reason for
anticoagulant treatment and how each individual responds to treatment (based on
prothrombin time). Each physician should establish expected values for his or her
patient population or individual patients.
< 0.8 INR or > 8.0 INR message
A < 0.8 INR or > 8.0 INR message indicates that the test result is outside the
measuring range for that lot of test strips.
If the < 0.8 INR or > 8.0 INR message appears and test was performed within the
Limitations of Procedure as outline in the CoaguChek XS Plus PT Test Insert, repeat
the test. If the result is still out of range, follow your facility policy for unexpected
Any unexpected results
Unusual results should always be followed up with an immediate call to the physician
or other health care professional.
Package literature
Show operators where to find this information in the User Manual and the Getting
Started Guide.
Error messages
Review error messages, their causes, and the appropriate action with operators.
Package literature
Show operators where to find this information in the User Manual. The Skills
Checklist asks them to find this information.
Recording results
Instruct operators to record the PT result on the appropriate documentation log for
your facility. A Patient Log is available for use in the last section of this manual.
Practicing and Confirming
You have outlined the procedures essential to PT testing with the CoaguChek XS Plus
System. Your operators have followed along as you have demonstrated the proper
techniques. Now, they need to practice.
Operators should practice the entire testing process. Allow ample time for this portion
of the session. Each operator should practice running patient samples, reading and
recalling results, responding to results, recording results, preparing controls, running
controls and responding to control results.
Skills Checklist
Observe while operators practice. Complete the appropriate portions of the Skills
Checklist for each operator.
Optional Quality Control Testing
The following procedures provide instructions for performing and documenting liquid
quality control testing. Roche Diagnostics has made available optional liquid quality
controls for the CoaguChek XS Plus System. These controls are made available to
assist with regulatory compliance requirements as applicable to this facility.
Preparing liquid controls
Review the following steps to prepare the liquid controls.
1. Gather the following
CoaguChek XS Plus meter
CoaguChek XS PT Test strip(s) with matching Test strip code chip
CoaguChek XS Pro PT Controls: Level 1 and/or 2 with matching
quality control code chip
Diluent dropper(s): one for each control to be run
2. Insert the quality control code chip into the meter. This tells the meter the
acceptable ranges for this box of controls.
3. Remove the screw-cap and rubber stopper from the quality control bottle.
Label the bottle with the date and time that you reconstitute it.
4. Using scissors, cut off the tip of the dropper at the end of the stem. Hold the
dropper a safe distance from your face.
CAUTION: To avoid loss of diluent, hold the dropper by the stem; do not squeeze the
bulb of the dropper while cutting the tip.
5. Invert the dropper and place the tip into the bottle.
6. Gently squeeze the bulb to dispense all of the contents of the dropper over the
dried material. Do not allow the dropper to touch the dried material.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you dispense ALL the diluent.
7. Remove the dropper from the bottle. DO NOT discard the dropper. Replace
the cap first and gently swirl the bottle to dissolve the quality control. Do not
shake or invert the quality control. Make sure that all control material is
completely dissolved before you test with it.
8. Use the reconstituted quality control within 30 minutes from the time the
diluent is added.
Running a liquid quality control test
Review the following steps to perform a quality control test with liquid controls.
1. Place the meter on a flat surface, free of vibrations, or hold it in your hand so
it is roughly horizontal. Do not move the meter during testing.
2. When you are ready to test, remove one (1) strip from the container and
immediately close the container. Make sure it seals tightly.
IMPORTANT: Do not open a container of test strips or touch a test strip with wet hands
or gloves. This may damage the test strips.
3. Use the test strip within 10 minutes of removing it from the container.
Otherwise, you may get an error message and you will have to repeat the test.
4. Hold the test strip so the lettering is facing upward.
5. Slide the test strip into the test strip guide in the direction indicated by the
6. Slide the test strip as far as you can into the meter. This turns the meter ON. A
beep tone indicates that the meter has detected a test strip (provided the beeper
is turned on in the settings).
For alternative ways of turning on the meter, please refer to the
CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual.
7. Check the battery level. If there are no bars left in the battery symbol, you
cannot perform any more tests.
8. Check that the date and time are correct. Correct any wrong entries as
described in Meter setup/Setting the date of the CoaguChek XS Plus System
User Manual.
10. The meter automatically checks to see if you have the right Test strip code
chip. The 3-digit code on the test strip container must match the number on
the Test strip code chip before the test can be run.
11. If you are using a new test strip lot and have not inserted the Test strip code
chip yet, you must do so now.
12. Select the code already stored for your current control solution, or touch NEW
CODE to use a new control solution.
Note: When you first run your control, the QC TEST screen will not display. This screen
will display the next time you use the control.
13. If you are using a new control solution, remove the code chip from the meter
and insert the code chip that came with the control solution instead.
14. Select level for this control test measurement. (L1 or L2)
15. The hourglass symbol shows that the test strip is warming up.
16. The dropper symbol flashes to indicate that the meter is ready to perform the
test and is waiting for the control solution sample to be applied. A 180-second
countdown begins.
You must apply the control sample within this time; otherwise, you
will receive an error message.
17. When the meter is ready for the sample, gently swirl the control bottle once or
twice to mix the control solution. DO NOT mix the solution with the dropper.
18. Draw control solution into the dropper and put one drop of the liquid on the
top of the target area (clear area of the test strip). DO NOT add more control.
DO NOT touch or remove the test strip while the test is in progress.
19. The flashing dropper symbol changes to an hourglass symbol when the meter
detects sufficient sample. You hear a beep tone when you have applied enough
control solution (provided the beeper is turned on). The dropper symbol
disappears and the test starts.
20. You must WAIT for results—this takes about one minute.
21. The result of the quality control test is displayed. It is automatically saved to
22. The acceptable range of results for the liquid control is displayed below the
current result.
23. If any control remains in the dropper after you dose the test strip, return the
remaining control material to the control bottle. Save extra control until after
the test result is obtained, in case the control test needs to be repeated.
24. Record the result. After you verify the validity of the control result, discard the
test strip, dropper and the reconstituted bottle of quality control.
25. If the quality control test fails, an up arrow (too high) or down arrow (too low)
flashes on the display.
26. If you need to repeat a test, use a new test strip.
27. Remove the quality control code chip and store it with the opened box of
controls. Re-insert the test strip code chip if necessary.
28. Turn the meter OFF.
Package literature
Show operators where to find this information in the User Manual and Getting
Started Guide.
Expected control values
Acceptable CoaguChek XS Pro PT Controls ranges are displayed on the meter when
each quality control test is run
Results in range
If a quality control test result is within the acceptable control range, it is appropriate to
proceed with patient testing.
Results out-of-range
An out-of-range result is indicated by an arrow. An arrow pointing up means the
result is too high. An arrow pointing down means the result is too low. To resolve
out-of-range results or error messages, check for the following:
Controls may be expired or stored improperly.
The control may not have been used within 30 minutes of
You may not be doing the test correctly. Repeat the control test,
using a new test strip. Carefully follow the instructions in the User
Make sure you run the test within 10 minutes of removing the test
strip from its container.
If you follow all these guidelines and your results are still unacceptable, call Roche
Diagnostics Technical Service at 1-800-428-4674.
Control Test Results stored in memory
The CoaguChek XS Plus meter has a 500 liquid quality control test memory, along
with the time and date. If the memory is full when you perform a test, the oldest result
is automatically deleted. The most recent result is always saved. In addition, the meter
stores up to 60 code chip records (contents of the test strip code chips and control
solution control chips).
Recalling control test results stored in memory
Review the following steps to recall control test results that are stored in memory.
1. Place the meter on a level, vibration-free surface or hold it in your hand so it is
roughly horizontal. Turn the meter on by pressing the ON/OFF button.
2. Wait until the main menu is displayed.
4. Select QC RESULT.
Display liquid QC (Quality Control) memory
Review the following steps to display all the quality controls that were run, sorted
chronologically. The most recent results are at the top of the list.
1. Touch the up arrow or down arrow to display the entry of choice.
2. Touch the entry you want to open. The entry is displayed
Operators should practice running liquid control tests under supervision.
Skills checklist
Observe while operators practice. Complete the appropriate portion of the Skills
Cleaning the System
As with all equipment, the CoaguChek XS Plus System requires routine cleaning and
disinfecting to ensure consistent smooth functioning.
Reasons to clean the system
It is important to keep the meter clean. Clean the meter whenever it looks dirty, or if
you prefer, clean on a regular schedule.
Check the test strip guide regularly for signs of soiling. If the test strip guide has
become soiled with blood or any other material, you must clean this area.
Review your facility’s schedule for cleaning the meter and the test strip guide.
The CoaguChek XS Plus meter may potentially be infectious. It should therefore be
decontaminated before disposal.
POLICYCleaning and Disinfecting the Meter
Review the following policy for cleaning and disinfecting the meter.
It is important to keep the meter clean. Clean the meter whenever it looks dirty, or if you
prefer, clean on a regular schedule.
In this facility the meter is cleaned ________________________ .
Check the test strip guide regularly for signs of soiling. If the test strip guide has become
soiled with blood or any other material, you must clean this area.
In this facility the test strip guide is cleaned _________________ .
Follow the procedures outlined below to clean and disinfect the meter. Failure to follow
these procedures may cause malfunction of the meter.
o Do not use sprays of any sort.
o Ensure that swab or cloth is only damp, not wet.
Wear disposable gloves when cleaning and performing preventive maintenance.
Follow this facility’s infection control policy when cleaning and performing preventive
The CoaguChek XS Plus meter may potentially be infectious. It should therefore be
decontaminated before disposal.
PROCEDURE - Cleaning/disinfecting the meter housing (the exterior of the meter)
Use only the following items for cleaning/disinfecting the CoaguChek XS Plus meter
housing for a contact time of >1 minute:
o 70% isopropyl alcohol
o 10% sodium hypochlorite solution (1 part bleach to 9 parts de-ionized water,
made fresh every 24 hours)
o Note: Do not use any other disinfectants/cleaning solutions on the meter
Ensure that the blue test strip guide cover remains tightly closed while cleaning the
1. With the meter powered off, wipe the meter’s exterior clean.
Apply cleaning agent for a contact time of >1 minute (refer to the corresponding
product labeling
Do not let liquid accumulate near any opening. Make sure that no liquid enters the
2. With a lint-free tissue, dry the meter.
Wipe away residual moisture and fluids after cleaning the housing.
Ensure all surfaces are completely dry before performing a test.
PROCEDURE - Cleaning/disinfecting the meter test strip guide
Use only 70% isopropyl alcohol or 10% bleach solution to clean the CoaguChek XS Plus
test strip guide.
Do not use any other cleaning/disinfecting solutions on the test strip guide. Use of
other cleaning/disinfecting solutions could result in damage to the meter.
1. With the meter powered off, use your thumbnail to open the cover of the test
strip guide by pressing its front edge upward. Move the cover safely away
from the meter. Then rinse the cover with water or wipe it clean.
2. To clean the test strip guide:
Hold the meter upright with the test strip guide facing down
Clean the easily accessible areas with a cotton swab
o Ensure the swab is only damp, not wet.
o Apply cleaning agent for a contact time of >1 minute (refer to the
corresponding product labeling
o Wipe away residual moisture and fluids.
Caution: Do not insert any objects into the test strip guide. Doing so could
damage the electrical contacts behind the test strip guide.
3. Let the inside of the test strip guide dry for at least 10 minutes.
4. Close the test strip guide cover and make sure it snaps into place.
Package literature
Show operators where to find this information in the User Manual.
Operators should practice cleaning the system under supervision.
Skills Checklist
Observe while operators practice. Complete the appropriate portion of the Skills Checklist.
Occasionally your operators may have problems with testing. Some testing problems
can be solved through referencing the User Manual, while other more extensive
problems require the help of Roche Diagnostics Technical Service.
Error message
Most problems may be identified through the error messages shown on the display.
The Error Messages chapter of the CoaguChek XS Plus System User Manual details
potential causes for each message and appropriate action.
Phone help
Help is available by calling Roche Diagnostics Technical Service at 1-800-428-4674.
Package literature
Show operators where to find this information in the User Manual.
Concluding the Session
Having reviewed and practiced all the procedures with the operators, you are ready to
conclude the session. Before awarding the Certificates of Completion, however, it is
critical to be certain that everyone is clear on every aspect of self-testing and can
perform testing on patient samples and obtain acceptable results.
Knowledge Test
The Knowledge Test helps to determine whether operators have understood key
concepts and uncovers potential areas of confusion.
At the end of the presentation and practice sessions, have each operator complete the
Knowledge Test.
1. Review any areas of confusion with the class.
2. Distribute the tests.
3. Ask operators to complete them.
4. Collect the tests.
5. Use the answer key to score the tests.
Passing score
Individual instructors determine the criteria for a passing score.
Develop a remedial lesson plan for any operators who do not perform adequately on
either the Skills Checklist or the Knowledge Test. In some cases, it may be necessary
to invite an operator to attend a second class.
Certificate of Completion
Each operator who successfully completes the class and passes both the Skills
Checklist and the Knowledge Test should be given a Certificate of Completion.
At the end of the session, give each operator who has successfully completed the class
a Certificate of Completion.
1. Complete the certificate.
2. Make a copy of the completed certificate.
3. Give the original to the operator, and file the copy with the completed Skills
Checklist and Knowledge Test in the operator’s record.
Log Sheets
Throughout this manual, we have mentioned forms to be used for documentation and
training with the CoaguChek XS Plus System. Originals are provided in this chapter,
you may copy them as needed.
The following forms are included:
Operator Certification Log — for recording the names of trained CoaguChek XS
Plus operators
Instrument Log — for recording the serial numbers of CoaguChek XS Plus meters
Reagent Log — for recording the dates of use, lot numbers, and expiration dates of
CoaguChek XS PT Test strips
Patient Test Log — for recording patient results
Quality Control Log and Control Charts—for recording quality control
Preventive Maintenance Log for recording the dates on which maintenance is
Temperature Log — for recording reagent storage temperatures
Skills Checklist and Performance Evaluation — for evaluating operator skills
while testing on the CoaguChek XS Plus System
Knowledge Test — for written documentation of operator competency
Precision Data Log Using Liquid Quality Control—for recording and calculating
precision data prior to a correlation study
Method Comparison Log — for recording data obtained for a correlation study
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 73
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Operator Certification Log
XS Plus System
Instrument/Test System ___________________________
Date of
ID No.
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 74
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Instrument Log
XS Plus System
Serial No.
Inventory No.
Date Put in Use
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 75
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Reagent Log
XS Plus System
Test Strips
Test Strips
No. of
Manufacturer’s Exp
No. of Boxes
Exp. Date
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 76
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Patient Test Log
XS Plus System
Lot No.
Patient ID
ility: ________________________________
XS Plus Meter Serial No.:
Reviewed By:
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 77
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Quality Control Log
XS Plus System
Lot Number
Exp. Date
Test Strip
Control 1
Control 2
Operator ID
Control 1
Control 2
Action if
CoaguChek XS Plus Meter Serial No.: ___________
Reviewed By:
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 78
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Quality Control Chart
XS Plus System
Control 1
Lot Number
Exp. Date
Test Strip
Control 1
Result in seconds
Result in seconds
Control Chart Control 1
Upper Limit
Mean (X)
Lower Limit
CoaguChek XS Plus Meter Serial No.:
Reviewed By:
Date: ______________________________________
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 79
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Quality Control Chart
XS Plus System
Control 2
Lot Number
Exp. Date
Test Strip
Control 2
Result in seconds
Result in seconds
Control Chart Control 2
Upper Limit
Mean (X)
Lower Limit
CoaguChek X
S Plus Meter Serial No.:
Reviewed By:
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 80
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Preventive Maintenance Log
XS Plus System
Check the box if you have performed the task. Date and initial the top of the column.
Date and
1. Adequate test
strip supply
2. Test strips within
expiration date.
3. Adequate control
4. Controls within
expiration date.
5. Visually inspect
the CoaguChek
XS Plus meter
for cracks and
6. Clean exterior of
meter with
7. Clean test strip
8. Replace
9. Correct code
chip in meter.
10. User manual
and test strip
available, if
XS Plus Meter Serial No.
Reviewed By:
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 81
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Temperature Log
XS PT Test Strips
Acceptable Range (ºC):
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 82
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Skills Checklist
XS Plus System
Trainer should check each activity as it is demonstrated or described.
CoaguChek XS Plus Meter
CoaguChek XS PT Test Strips
Code Chip
__ Control Solutions
Supplies for fingerstick or venous draw
Reviews Procedure
States when coding is needed
Turns meter off before inserting or removing
code chip
Removes old code chip if one is installed
Inserts new code chip until it snaps into
Performs Test Procedure
Washes hands and puts on disposable
facility-approved gloves
Properly prepares lancet device or plastic
Removes test strip from container and
replaces cap tightly
Inserts test strip or turns meter on
Obtains blood sample correctly
Applies blood to test strip correctly
Reads result
Records result
Properly discards used test strip and blood-
drawing supplies
Recalls Results from Memory
Correctly recalls results stored in memory
Problem Solving
Refers to Error Messages in User Manual
when a problem occurs
Liquid Quality Control Testing (if applicable)
__Checks expiration date of liquid control
__Properly prepares control solution for test
(inserts QC chip into meter, removes screw cap
and rubber stopper, label bottle with time/date,
hold dropper by stem and cut off end, invert
dropper and squeeze bulb, swirl mixture, apply
__Compares control result with range
displayed on the meter
Follows proper troubleshooting steps if
control is not in the acceptable range
Is aware of the 24-hour Roche Diagnostics
Technical Service number at
1-800-428-4674 if problem persists
States minimum cleaning frequency
Demonstrates exterior cleaning procedure
as stated in the User Manual
Properly cleans test strip guide
Battery Replacement
Demonstrates removal and replacement of
Date of Review:
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 83
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Performance Evaluation
XS Plus System
Equipment Used:
Test Strips
Lot No.: ___________________________
Exp. Date: _________________________
CoaguChek XS Plus meter
Serial No.: _________________________
Lot No.: ___________________________
Exp. Date: _________________________
Acceptable Range Control 1: _____________________________
Control 2: _____________________________
Result Control 1: _____________________________
Control 2: _____________________________
Observation _____________________________________ on ___________________________
(name) (date)
(Attach completed Skills Checklist)
Please complete your Performance Evaluation, record the results above, and return the
completed form to ________________________________ by ___________________________
(name) (date)
Date of Review:
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 84
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Knowledge Test
XS Plus System
Mark “T” if the statement is true and “F” is the statement is false.
_____ 1. When coding the CoaguChek XS Plus meter, you must use the code chip
from the same box of test strips that you are using.
_____ 2. After removing the test strip from the container, it is important to close the
cap tightly.
_____ 3. When performing a blood test, it is important to hold the finger to the test
strip until the meter beeps.
_____ 4. A venous sample must be collected in a plastic syringe free of
_____ 5. Sample must be applied to the test strip within ten minutes of removing the
strip from the container.
_____ 6. INR is a reporting format that stands for International Normalized Result.
_____ 7. When you change control lots, you must insert a new control code chip into
the meter.
_____ 8. A control is good for 10 minutes after reconstitution.
_____ 9. You will find the most up-to-date information for the CoaguChek XS Plus
System in the package inserts.
_____ 10. The CoaguChek XS Plus meter stores up to 2000 patient tests and 500 liquid
quality control tests with time and date.
11. What is used to clean the exterior of the CoaguChek XS Plus meter?
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 85
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Answer Key
1. T
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. T
6. F - International Normalized Ratio
7. T
8. F- A reconstituted control is good for up to 30 minutes.
9. T
10. T
11. 70% isopropyl alcohol or 10% bleach solution
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 86
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Precision Data Log for Liquid QC
XS Plus System
Run as a patient test to get PT/INR
Test Strip Lot No.: _______________________
Control 1 Control 2 (check one)
Control Lot No.: _________________________
Control Range: __________________________
Refer to Steps to Calculating Precision Using Liquid QC Section
Sample A
(In Sec)
Sum of squared differences (sum of column D)
Sum of squared differences/number of observations ______
SD = square root of number above _______
Mean (Column B)
SD x 100 / mean (%CV)
CoaguChek XS Plus Meter Serial No.:
Reviewed By:
Performed By:
Exp. Date:
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 87
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.
Method Comparison Log
XS Plus System
XS Plus
Reference Facility ___________________ Instrument ________________
Type of thromboplastin ____________ Reagent Lot _______________
ISI ____________ MNPT ___________________
Lot number
Control 1
Control 2
CoaguChek XS Plus Serial Number _________
Test Strip Lot Number _____________ Test Strip Expiration Date ____________
Lot number
Control 1
Control 2
© 2013 Roche Diagnostics. All rights reserved. 88
COAGUCHEK is a trademark of Roche.