Canadian Family Physician
Le Médecin de famille canadien
Clinical Review
Bisphosphonates for treatment of osteoporosis
Expected benets, potential harms, and drug holidays
Jacques P. Brown MD Suzanne Morin MD MSc William Leslie MD Alexandra Papaioannou MD Angela M. Cheung MD PhD
Kenneth S. Davison PhD David Goltzman MD David Arthur Hanley MD Anthony Hodsman MD Robert Josse MD
Algis Jovaisas MD Angela Juby MD Stephanie Kaiser MD Andrew Karaplis MD David Kendler MD
Aliya Khan MD Daniel Ngui MD Wojciech Olszynski MD PhD Louis-Georges Ste-Marie MD Jonathan Adachi MD
Objective To outline the efficacy and risks of bisphosphonate therapy for the management of osteoporosis and
describe which patients might be eligible for bisphosphonate “drug holiday.”
Quality of evidence MEDLINE (PubMed, through December 31, 2012) was used to identify relevant publications for
inclusion. Most of the evidence cited is level II evidence (non-randomized, cohort, and other comparisons trials).
Main message The antifracture efficacy of approved first-line bisphosphonates has been proven in randomized controlled
clinical trials. However, with more extensive and prolonged clinical use of bisphosphonates, associations have been reported
between their administration and the occurrence of rare, but serious, adverse events. Osteonecrosis of the jaw and atypical
subtrochanteric and diaphyseal femur fractures might be related to the use of bisphosphonates in osteoporosis, but they are
exceedingly rare and they often occur with other comorbidities or concomitant medication use. Drug holidays should only be
considered in low-risk patients and in select patients at moderate risk of fracture after 3 to 5 years of therapy.
Conclusion When bisphosphonates are prescribed to patients at high risk of fracture, their antifracture benefits
considerably outweigh their potential for harm. For patients taking bisphosphonates for 3 to 5 years, reassess the
need for ongoing therapy.
ostmenopausal osteoporosis is characterized by
accelerated loss of bone mass and deterioration
of bone architecture, leading to increased frac-
ture risk.
Osteoporotic fractures decrease personal
increase morbidity,
and shorten
; thus, their prevention is paramount.
Aminobisphosphonates (alendronate, risedro-
nate, and zoledronic acid) are first-line therapies for
the prevention of fracture in high-risk individuals.
Aminobisphosphonates might also increase survival
in ways at least partially independent of their contri-
bution to decrease in fracture incidence.
While the
antifracture efficacy and relative safety of the ami-
nobisphosphonates have been well established in
clinical trials,
there have been concerns that pro-
longed use of these drugs might increase the risk of
rare, but serious, adverse events.
Clinical vignette
Your 71-year-old patient, Mrs Jones, saw you today
to review her bone mineral density (BMD) report.
She has been well and compliant with alendronate
(70 mg once a week), in addition to vitamin D (1000
IU/d) and adequate dietary calcium intake, for the
past 6 years. However, her friends have told her
• The absolute risk of bisphosphonate-associated atypical
subtrochanteric and diaphyseal femur fracture is between
2 and 78 cases per 100 000 person-years. The absolute risk
of bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw
is approximately 1 case per 100 000 person-years when
bisphosphonates are administered for osteoporosis treatment.
• Bisphosphonate drug holidays can be considered for
patients who have persisted with bisphosphonate therapy for
3 to 5 years and for those at low risk of fracture.
• High-risk patients with osteoporotic bone mineral density
or history of fragility fracture (including prevalent vertebral
fracture) are not candidates for bisphosphonate holiday.
This article is eligible for Mainpro-M1 credits.
To earn credits, go to www.cfp.ca and click on the Mainpro link.
This article has been peer reviewed.
Can Fam Physician
La traduction en français de cet article se trouve à www.cfp.ca dans
la table des matières du numéro d’avril 2014 à la page e197.
Canadian Family Physician Le Médecin de famille canadien
Bisphosphonates for treatment of osteoporosis |
Clinical Review
that she should discuss stopping her bisphosphonate
therapy with you because she has been taking it long
enough and it might cause her serious harm. She
sought your opinion.
In reviewing her file, you noted that you first
ordered a BMD measurement when she was 65 years
old in order to assess her fracture risk. At that time,
her BMD T-score was -2.8 at the lumbar spine and
-2.5 at the femoral neck. She had never sustained a
fragility fracture nor used glucocorticoids. She was
healthy, except for hypertension, which she con-
trolled by taking ramipril and hydrochlorothiazide.
She had never smoked, only consumed alcohol occa-
sionally, and had no family history of osteoporosis
or fractures. On examination, you determined she
had lost as much as 5 cm in height since she was 25
years old. Five years ago, her 10-year absolute risk of
fracture was defined as moderate according to the
current Osteoporosis Canada guidelines (10% to 20%
probability of a major osteoporotic fracture). You
decided to order a lateral spine x-ray scan to rule out
vertebral fractures.
The radiology report confirmed
grade 2 (25% to 40% reduction in vertebral height)
compression fractures in the thoracic vertebrae T10
and T11, moving her into the high-fracture-risk cat-
egory. After discussion, you had initiated weekly alen-
dronate along with supplemental calcium and vitamin
D. Since then, she has not suffered any recurrent frac-
tures and has been taking an appropriate dose, has
tolerated the medication well, and has had no further
height loss. She also started a walking program 3
times per week.
Quality of evidence
MEDLINE (PubMed) was searched using combinations of
the key words alendronate, risedronic acid, zoledronic acid,
etidronic acid, bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of
the jaw, atrial fibrillation, esophageal neoplasms, renal insuf-
ficiency, chronic, atypical, femoral fracture, drug holiday, and
discontinuation, for all dates to December 31, 2012. The
search was limited to human studies published in English.
Additional relevant investigations were gathered from the
reference sections of reviewed articles and from survey-
ing Canadian osteoporosis experts. Abstracts from the
American Society for Bone and Mineral Research annual
meetings for the years 2008 to 2012 were also searched for
relevant investigations. Relevant studies addressing the pri-
mary questions were retained and reviewed for inclusion.
The level of evidence was primarily level II, and to a lesser
extent level I, as most publications were observational stud-
ies or case reports (Table 1).
Main message
Unique characteristics of aminobisphosphonates.
Bisphosphonates, potent inhibitors of osteoclast-mediated
bone remodeling, bind to bone and have prolonged res-
idence in the skeleton. Bisphosphonates can remain
bound to bone for many years; those with greater bind-
ing affinities (zoledronic acid > alendronate > ibandro-
nate > risedronate > etidronate) possess longer skeletal
Consequently, after bisphosphonate discon-
tinuation, bound bisphosphonate provides residual phar-
macologic action for many years,
in contrast to other
antiresorptive therapies in which activity is quickly lost
after discontinuation (ie, denosumab, estrogen, raloxi-
fene, and calcitonin).
Safety of long-term bisphosphonate use. As osteo-
porosis is a chronic disease, antifracture therapy could
conceivably continue for the rest of a patient’s life.
While there are non-bisphosphonate therapies available
to decrease fracture risk in high-risk individuals, many,
other than denosumab, do not have evidence of effi-
cacy comparable to that for the aminobisphosphonates
at vertebral, nonvertebral, and hip sites. Unfortunately,
there are few data to guide use of any osteoporosis ther-
apy for more than 3 to 5 years.
The phase 3 trials for bisphosphonates assessed rela-
tively small patient populations (1000 to 8000 patients)
for short durations (usually 3 years) and excluded up
to 80% of patients who might seek osteoporosis ther-
apy in actual clinical practice.
Postmarketing reports
based upon millions of patient-years
and long-term
(longer than 5 years) clinical administration have sug-
gested associations between some previously unknown,
rare adverse events and bisphosphonate use—including
osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ), atypical subtrochanteric
and diaphyseal femur fractures (AFF), atrial fibrillation
(AF), and esophageal cancer.
Osteonecrosis of the jaw. Osteonecrosis of the jaw is
defined as the presence of exposed bone in the max-
illofacial region that does not heal within 8 weeks of
identification by a health care provider, in the absence
of radiation therapy.
Osteonecrosis of the jaw is not
just “jaw pain” and is easily assessed with conservative
measures. At the present time, evidence suggests that
there is a dose-response relationship between bisphos-
phonate use and the development of ONJ.
Table 1. Literature grading scale
Level I At least 1 properly conducted randomized
controlled trial, systematic review, or
Level II Other comparison trials; non-randomized,
cohort, case-control, or epidemiologic
studies; and preferably more than 1 study
Level III Expert opinion or consensus statements
Canadian Family Physician
Le Médecin de famille canadien
Clinical Review |
Bisphosphonates for treatment of osteoporosis
the current consensus accepts a causal relationship
between bisphosphonate exposure and ONJ, the patho-
logic mechanism or mechanisms have yet to be eluci-
dated. Furthermore, in a clinical trial involving breast
cancer patients treated with high-dose denosumab
(120 mg monthly administered subcutaneously) over 3
years, 2.0% of patients developed ONJ, which was simi-
lar to the incidence observed in patients who received
monthly high-dose intravenous zoledronic acid (1.4%).
The development of ONJ with denosumab administra-
tion demonstrates that ONJ is not specific to bisphos-
phonates, but more likely a characteristic of potent
antiresorptive agents.
In a recent survey of Canadian physicians, the cumu-
lative incidence of bisphosphonate-associated ONJ was
0.4% (400 in 100000) for cancer patients but only 0.001%
(1 in 100000) for osteoporosis patients.
This ONJ inci-
dence with the relatively lower-dose osteoporosis treat-
ment is similar to that reported by the American Society
for Bone and Mineral Research task force, estimated
to be between 1 in 10000 and less than 1 in 100000
patient-treatment years.
Further, a recent Scottish sur-
vey of 900000 patients concluded that the incidence of
bisphosphonate-associated ONJ was about 4 per 100000
Therefore, bisphosphonate-associated
ONJ is very rare in the context of treatment of post-
menopausal osteoporosis. Nonetheless, it is suggested
that patients should complete any invasive dental pro-
cedures before initiating bisphosphonates to minimize
the already small risk; however, those taking bisphos-
phonates should not delay emergency dental procedures
or dental implants. Factors associated with the develop-
ment of ONJ include poor oral hygiene and administra-
tion of high-dose antiresorptive treatment in oncology
patients. A recent study in a rice rat model of periodon-
titis (development of periodontitis promoted through the
administration of a high-sucrose and casein diet) com-
paring vehicle, alendronate, and low- and high-dose
intravenous zoledronic acid showed that only high-dose
zoledronic acid induced ONJ-like lesions in the man-
dibles of rice rats after 18 and 24 weeks of treatment.
Atypical subtrochanteric and diaphyseal femur frac-
ture. The defining characteristics of AFF include
location in the subtrochanteric region or femur shaft,
minimal or no trauma, transverse or short oblique frac-
ture line, absence of comminution, and a medial spike
with complete fracture.
These fractures can be com-
plete or incomplete, and are often bilateral (in up to two-
thirds of cases). Minor features often include prodromal
thigh pain,
cortical thickening, periosteal reaction in
the lateral cortex, delayed healing, comorbid conditions,
and concomitant drug exposures including bisphospho-
nates, glucocorticoids,
and proton pump inhibi-
Presence of prodromal thigh pain should trigger
x-ray scan of the full-length femurs or radioisotope bone
scan to investigate for signs of AFF.
Subtrochanteric and shaft fractures account for 4% to
10% of all femur fractures,
and of these only a minority
are AFFs. Little is known about the factors associated with
the development of AFFs. Concern has arisen that long-
term bisphosphonate use might increase the risk of these
fractures through a number of putative mechanisms.
Long-term clinical trial data (10 years for alendro-
7 years for risedronate,
6 years for zoledronic
) have not demonstrated an increase in AFF inci-
dence with prolonged bisphosphonate exposure, but
such studies are too small to detect rare events. To bet-
ter address this concern, Black and colleagues
several phase 3 clinical trials of aminobisphosphonates
and found no increased incidence of AFF with bisphos-
phonate use. However, the limited population size, short
duration of exposure, and lack of access to the radio-
graphic images in these trials might have limited the
ability of the review to identify these very rare fracture
To date, there has been no direct causal evidence
linking the use of bisphosphonates to the occurrence
of AFF, although the number of case reports, case
series, and cohort analyses demonstrating an associa-
tion between the 2 is growing.
Up to
half of AFFs occur in people not exposed to bisphos-
phonates, complicating estimates of bisphosphonate-
associated incidence.
Further complicating the
understanding of AFF occurrence is that they might be
more associated with the presence of osteoporosis than
with exposure to bisphosphonates.
Most (80% to 85%)
bisphosphonate-associated AFFs occurred while taking
likely reflective of its earlier availability
and more widespread use as opposed to other amino-
bisphosphonates (risedronate, pamidronate, ibandro-
nate, zoledronic acid).
Two large studies have provided radiographically
adjudicated incidence estimates of bisphosphonate-
associated AFFs. Schilcher et al
assessed all hip frac-
tures that occurred in Sweden in 2008 (12777 hip frac-
tures, 59 AFFs) and linked these to individual prescription
data. Although the age-adjusted relative risk (RR) of AFF
with use of any bisphosphonate was 47.3 (95% CI 25.6
to 87.3), the absolute difference between users and non-
users was 5 cases (95% CI 4 to 7) per 10000 patient-
years (50 cases per 100000 patient-years). The risk of
AFF, which appeared in this study to be independent of
comorbid conditions and medication, increased with lon-
ger duration of use (odds ratio [OR] = 1.3, 95% CI 1.1 to
1.6, per 100 prescribed daily doses), with a 70% reduction
in risk for every year following discontinuation (adjusted
OR = 0.28, 95% CI 0.21 to 0.38). Dell et al
identified all
nontraumatic subtrochanteric and femur shaft frac-
tures that occurred in patients in a large US population
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Bisphosphonates for treatment of osteoporosis |
Clinical Review
(2.6 million patients) between 2007 and 2009 (approxi-
mately 15000 femur fractures). Bisphosphonates were
taken by 97 of the 102 AFF patients for an average of
5.5 years. The risk of an AFF increased with duration of
bisphosphonate use from 2 cases per 100000 patient-
years for 2 years of treatment to 78 cases per 100000
patient-years for 8 years of treatment. While the finding
of increasing risk of subtrochanteric and diaphyseal frac-
ture risk with increasing duration of bisphosphonate use
has been corroborated by other investigations that did
not have radiographic adjudication,
not all investiga-
tions have found this association.
While AFFs appear to be associated with bisphos-
phonate use, this risk needs to be put into perspective.
From 1996 to 2007, age-adjusted US hip fracture inci-
dence declined by 31.6% in women (from 1020.5 to 697.4
per 100000 women) while bisphosphonate use increased
(from 3.5% in 1996 to 16.6% in 2007); however, age-
adjusted rates of subtrochanteric and femur shaft frac-
ture incidence increased by 20.4% in women (from 28.4
per 100000 women in 1999 to 34.2 per 100000 in 2007).
When using age-adjusted rates, the authors of this study
estimated that “for every 100 or so reduction in typical
femoral neck or intertrochanteric fractures, there was an
increase of 1 subtrochanteric fragility fracture.”
For high- and moderate-risk individuals, the risk of an
AFF is greatly overshadowed by the antifracture benefit
gained from bisphosphonate therapy; the lifetime risk
of hip fracture is 1 fracture in 8 Canadian women,
aminobisphosphonate therapy in high-risk individuals
decreases this risk by 20% to 50% over 3 years of ther-
If aminobisphosphonates are provided to high-risk
patients (eg, with previous vertebral fracture), approxi-
mately 1000 nonvertebral and 2300 clinical vertebral
fractures would be prevented per 100000 person-years
of treatment.
For a moderate-risk population (femoral
neck BMD T-score < -2.0) there would be approximately
700 nonvertebral and 1000 clinical vertebral fractures
prevented per 100000 person-years with treatment.
However, for the patient with a low risk of fracture, the
risk-to-benefit ratio supports the recommendations of
supplementing with calcium and vitamin D and lifestyle
modification only.
In their review released in December 2011, Health
Canada concluded:
Although the risk is higher with bisphosphonate
use, it is still extremely small. The benefits of using
bisphosphonate drugs in preventing fractures associ-
ated with osteoporosis outweigh the risk of an atypi-
cal femur fracture.
Figure 1
provides a comparison of the absolute
risks of bisphosphonate-related ONJ or AFF compared
with the risk of suffering major osteoporotic fracture
in untreated postmenopausal women of low, moderate,
and high fracture risk.
Atrial fibrillation. The first trial to suggest an associa-
tion between AF and bisphosphonate use was the pivotal
3-year phase 3 trial for zoledronic acid in which there
was an increased risk of AF requiring hospitalization in
patients provided zoledronic acid compared with pla-
cebo recipients (1.3% vs 0.5%, P < .001).
Following this, a
small case-control study reported an 86% (95% CI 9% to
215%) increased risk of AF with alendronate use (2.67%
absolute risk difference between cases and controls).
However, recent large database analyses
and a
have concluded that there is no associa-
tion between the use of bisphosphonates and the inci-
dence of AF, with 1 study even suggesting a protective
Therefore, at this time, the weight of the evi-
dence would suggest no association between bisphos-
phonate use and AF.
Esophageal cancer. Exposure of the esophagus to
bisphosphonates has been suggested to be a risk factor
in the development of esophageal cancer.
Green et al
analyzed the UK General Practice Research Database
cohort and reported that regular use of oral bisphos-
phonates over an approximately 5-year period dou-
bled the risk of esophageal cancer in 60- to 79-year-old
patients (from 1 case per 1000 patients to 2 cases per
1000 patients with 5 years of use). However, Cardwell
et al
performed an analysis of the same database and
found no association between oral bisphosphonate use
and esophageal cancer, with a hazard ratio of 1.07 (95%
CI 0.77 to 1.49). Different study designs, observation
lengths, and underlying study populations might par-
tially explain the divergent findings of these 2 trials.
recent Danish register-based, open cohort study found
no increase in esophageal cancer deaths or incidence
between 36606 alendronate users and 122424 matched
At this time, there is no consistent indication
of elevated risk of esophageal cancer with oral bisphos-
phonate use, but more data are needed.
Renal function and bisphosphonates. In patients with
poor renal function (estimated glomerular filtration rate
of less than 35 mL/min), bisphosphonates are contrain-
dicated. Recently, the US Food and Drug Administration
updated the drug label for zoledronic acid to state that
it is contraindicated in patients “with creatinine clear-
ance less than 35 mL/min or in patients with evidence
of acute renal impairment” and further recommended
that physicians screen patients for such impairments
before initiating treatment with zoledronic acid.
It is
important that all patients be well hydrated before initi-
ating infusions, which should occur over a minimum of
15 minutes.
Canadian Family Physician
Le Médecin de famille canadien
Clinical Review |
Bisphosphonates for treatment of osteoporosis
In patients with osteoporosis complicated by con-
comitant diseases or conditions (eg, renal failure) or
their respective medications (eg, biologics in patients
with rheumatoid arthritis), referral to a specialist should
be considered.
Bisphosphonate drug holiday. With increased safety
concerns surrounding the long-term use of bisphos-
questions have arisen regarding the
applicability of “drug holidays” to minimize long-term
bisphosphonate exposure and avoid potential adverse
events while maintaining some degree of antifracture
efficacy through the residual antiresorptive activity of
retained bisphosphonate.
The 2010 Osteoporosis Canada guidelines state that
“Individuals at high risk for fracture should continue osteo-
porosis therapy without a drug holiday [grade D].”
since these guidelines were published, additional data have
become available to further guide our decision making. The
US Food and Drug Administration has recently published
guidance in this regard.
Questions about drug holidays
Are there risks associated with bisphosphonate drug
holidays? An important question to pose when con-
sidering bisphosphonate drug holidays is whether such
holidays are associated with unacceptable risks. There
are few data to guide recommendations, but 2 random-
ized controlled trials with placebo comparator groups,
both extensions of pivotal phase 3 trials, have provided
some important insights: the FLEX (Fracture Intervention
Trial Long-term Extension)
trial with alendronate and
the HORIZON (Health Outcomes and Reduced Incidence
with Zoledronic acid Once Yearly) extension trial with
zoledronic acid.
In the FLEX trial, patients who had
persisted with 5 years of alendronate therapy were
0 500
Bis-ONJ* 1.03
Bis-AFF (8 y)
Bis-AFF (2 y)
Death by murder
Fatal MVA
Major osteoporotic fracture in
low-risk women
Majors osteoporotic fracture in
moderate-risk women
Major osteoporotic fracture in
high-risk women
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Figure 1. Risks of major osteoporotic fracture and other rare events
Bis-AFF—bisphosphonate-associated atypical subtrochanteric and diaphyseal femur fracture, Bis-ONJ—bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw,
BMD—bone mineral density, FN—femoral neck, FRAX—Fracture Risk Assessment Tool, MVA—motor vehicle accident.
*Data from Khan et al
(Canadian data).
Data from Dell et al
(American data).
Data from Statistics Canada
(Canadian data).
Data from Transport Canada
(Canadian data).
The 10-year risk of major osteoporotic fracture in a low-risk woman by Canadian FRAX (65-year-old woman, weighing 60 kg with a height of 168 cm; BMD FN T-score -1.2).
The 10-year risk of major osteoporotic fracture in a moderate-risk woman by Canadian FRAX (65-year-old woman weighing 60 kg with a height of 168 cm; parent hip fracture history;
BMD FN T-score -2.0).
The10-year risk of major osteoporotic fracture in a high-risk woman by Canadian FRAX (65-year-old woman weighing 60 kg with a height of 168 cm;
parent hip fracture history; previous fracture; BMD FN T-score -2.6).
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Bisphosphonates for treatment of osteoporosis |
Clinical Review
re-randomized to either continuing alendronate or
receiving a placebo for a further 5 years, whereas in the
HORIZON extension trial patients who previously had
3 years of yearly zoledronic acid infusions were then
re-randomized to either continuing zoledronic acid or
receiving placebo infusions for 3 more years. In both tri-
als, the groups that continued therapy had maintenance
or small increases of BMD and continued bone turnover
marker suppression, whereas there were declines in hip
BMD and gradual increases in markers of bone turnover
in the groups that discontinued therapy (total hip BMD
in the FLEX trial returned to the pretreatment Fracture
Intervention Trial baseline after 5 years of discontinua-
tion). In the FLEX study, fracture incidences were simi-
lar between the 2 groups, with the exception of clinical
vertebral fractures (those that came to clinical attention),
which were significantly lower after 5 years in the group
that continued alendronate compared with the group
that was switched to placebo (RR = 0.45, 95% CI 0.24 to
0.85) (Table 2).
In the HORIZON extension trial, after
6 years, the group that continued zoledronic acid for a
total of 6 years had a significantly lower incidence of
radiographically adjudicated vertebral fracture (OR = 0.51,
95% CI 0.26 to 0.95) compared with the group that dis-
continued zoledronic acid after 3 years.
Thus, these
trials demonstrated that for some patients there was an
increased risk of vertebral fracture as early as 3 years
after discontinuation. In patients who received 3 years
of risedronate therapy and who were then followed for a
year after discontinuation, there was a mean loss of BMD
back to baseline levels, although significant antifracture
efficacy remained at the spine as compared with placebo
(RR = 0.54, 95% CI 0.34 to 0.86).
It bears noting that none
of these extension studies were designed or powered
to evaluate efficacy on vertebral or nonvertebral frac-
tures; these trials were designed to evaluate safety and
collected fracture events as safety parameters—thus the
importance of the fracture data collected in these studies
needs to be viewed in light of this.
Curtis et al
evaluated the risk of hip fracture after
discontinuation of bisphosphonates after at least 2 years
of active therapy. They found that those women who
continued taking bisphosphonates had a significantly
lower risk of hip fracture compared with those who dis-
continued (4.67 vs 8.43 versus per 1000 person-years,
respectively; P = .016), but that the difference in risk was
diminished by either longer duration of bisphosphonate
administration or by high compliance to therapy.
When and for whom should bisphosphonate holidays
be considered? There are few data to suggest the opti-
mal treatment duration or the optimal time to consider a
bisphosphonate holiday. As some studies have reported
that the incidence of AFFs might increase after 5 years
of bisphosphonate use,
it seems reasonable to sug-
gest that consideration of a drug holiday be made after
this time point in patients who are thought to be at
lower risk of fragility fractures.
A post hoc analysis of the HORIZON extension trial
identified an osteoporotic femoral neck BMD at discon-
tinuation (ie, T-score ≤ -2.5), a history of fragility frac-
ture, or prevalent vertebral fracture as being associated
with increased risk of fracture after zoledronic acid dis-
Based on these findings, together with
similar results from the FLEX study,
high-risk patients
with osteoporotic BMD or history of fragility fracture
(including prevalent vertebral fracture) should not be
candidates for bisphosphonate holiday, as was also rec-
ommended by Black et al
in a recent position paper.
Patients at low risk of fracture should usually discon-
tinue bisphosphonate therapy,
and many who are at
moderate risk might also be candidates for drug holiday.
Table 3 summarizes some empirical guidelines to help
determine which patients might be considered for drug
holidays from bisphosphonates.
Monitoring during the drug holiday. There are no data
to suggest the most appropriate time to reinitiate ther-
apy once a bisphosphonate holiday has been initiated.
Monitoring a holiday with annual BMD or bone turnover
markers might not be an adequate reflection of antifrac-
ture efficacy, as changes in these measures after dis-
continuation are only weakly correlated with changes
in fracture risk.
Therefore, their use to monitor a drug
holiday is currently not recommended on an annual
basis. Measurement of BMD could be considered 2 or 3
years following discontinuation to detect if rapid losses
in BMD have occurred. Monitoring with bone turnover
markers could also be contemplated in locales where
such testing is currently available, but there are no spe-
cific recommendations on target values or testing inter-
vals. Consider reevaluation of fracture risk after 2 years.
Because it is difficult to monitor a drug holiday with
current measures, it might be best to provide predefined
holiday durations based on each bisphosphonate’s
respective bone affinity: alendronate and zoledronic acid
have high affinity and longer binding durations; rise-
dronate has lower affinity and shorter binding dura-
tions. Data from the FLEX and HORIZON extension trials
would suggest that for some patients 5 years off of alen-
dronate and 3 years’ holiday from zoledronic acid was
safe, but for some it was too long and resulted in a sig-
nificant increase in vertebral fracture risk.
It should
be noted that many women in the FLEX study were
actually of low to moderate fracture risk at the out-
In another trial, after 3 years of risedronate ther-
apy there was a loss of BMD back to baseline levels after
only a year of discontinuation, although significant anti-
fracture efficacy remained at the spine as compared with
placebo (RR = 0.54; 95% CI 0.34 to 0.86).
For etidro-
nate, still a mandated first-line option in many provinces,
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Le Médecin de famille canadien
Clinical Review |
Bisphosphonates for treatment of osteoporosis
Table 2. Drug holiday studies
Watts et
RIS vs PBO 3 1 • Previous RIS group (1-y holiday)
had 46% lower risk of
morphometric vertebral fracture
(RR = 0.54, 95% CI 0.34 to 0.86)
compared with previous PBO
• Nonvertebral fractures were 5.0%
in previous PBO group and 4.8% in
previous RIS group (NS)
• In the previous RIS group, BMD
signicantly decreased at the LS (-0.83%,
95% CI -1.30 to -0.35) and FN (-1.23%,
95% CI -1.87 to -2.19), but remained
above baseline
• BTM after 1 y returned to baseline levels
Black et
ALN (10 y) vs
ALN (5 y) then
PBO (5y)
5 or 10 5 • No signicant differences between
groups for all clinical fractures
(19.9% with ALN, 21.3% with PBO;
RR = 0.93, 95% CI 0.71 to 1.21)
• No signicant difference between
groups for nonvertebral fractures
(18.9% with ALN, 19.0% with PBO;
RR = 1.0, 95% CI 0.76 to 1.32)
• No signicant difference between
groups for morphometric vertebral
fractures (9.8% with ALN, 11.3%
with PBO; RR = 0.86, 95% CI 0.60
to 1.22)
• Signicant difference between
groups for clinical vertebral
fractures (2.4% with ALN, 5.3%
with PBO; RR = 0.45, 95% CI 0.24
to 0.85)
• Post hoc analyses demonstrated NS
increases in the risk of clinical
vertebral and nonvertebral fracture
in those PBO patients with low
baseline BMD or prevalent fracture
• ALN mean TH BMD decline of 1.02% vs
3.38% for PBO (mean difference of
2.36%, 95% CI 1.81 to -2.90, P < .001)
• ALN mean LS BMD increased by 5.26%
vs 1.52% for PBO (mean difference of
2.36%, 95% CI 1.81 to -2.90, P < .001)
• At all sites, BMD after 10 y of ALN
therapy was signicantly (P < .05) greater
than for those given 5 y ALN and then
PBO for 5 y
• BTM in those who continued on ALN
were unchanged, whereas those who
started PBO after 5 y had a gradual rise
in BTM during the following 5 y but
always remained below pretreatment
• Adverse events were similar between
Black et
ZOL (6 y) vs
ZOL (3 y) then
PBO (3y)
3 or 6 3 • No signicant differences between
groups for all clinical fractures
(HR = 1.04, 95% CI 0.71 to 1.54)
• No signicant difference between
groups for nonvertebral fractures
(8.2% with ZOL, 7.6% with PBO;
HR = 0.99, 95% CI 0.26 to 0.95)
• Signicant difference between
groups for morphometric vertebral
fractures (3.0% with ZOL, 6.2%
with PBO; OR = 0.51, 95% CI 0.26
to 0.95)
• No signicant difference between
groups for clinical vertebral
fractures (HR = 1.81, 95% CI 0.53 to
6.2, NS)
• ZOL mean FN BMD change of 0.24% vs
-0.80% in PBO (mean difference 1.04%,
P < .001)
• ZOL mean LS BMD increased by 3.20% vs
1.18% for PBO (mean difference 2.03%,
P < .01)
• At all sites, BMD after 6 y of ZOL therapy
was signicantly (P < .05) greater than
for those given ZOL for 3 y and then
PBO for 3 y (except distal radius)
• Serum N-terminal propeptide of type I
collagen rose slightly in both the ZOL
(19%) and PBO (33%) groups (P < .001),
but remained substantially below
pretreatment levels
• Adverse events were similar between
groups, but there was a signicantly
larger incidence of elevated serum
creatinine > 0.5 mg/dL from baseline in
the ZOL group (n = 18) compared with
the PBO (n = 4) group (P < .01). All cases
were transient and resolved without
affecting renal function
ALN—alendronate, BMD—bone mineral density, BTM—bone turnover markers, FN—femoral neck, HR—hazard ratio, LS—lumbar spine, NS—not statistically
signicant, OR—odds ratio, PBO—placebo, RIS—risedronate, RR—relative risk, TH—total hip, ZOL—zoledronic acid.
Canadian Family Physician Le Médecin de famille canadien
Bisphosphonates for treatment of osteoporosis |
Clinical Review
there are no data available to support its long-term use
or to establish guidelines for drug holiday.
Conditions that might increase fracture risk, such as
initiation of glucocorticoid therapy or increased risk of
falls, necessitate reevaluation of the appropriateness of
the drug holiday.
Reinitiating therapy following a drug holiday. When
reinitiating therapy, the best approach might be to per-
form a full reassessment, as if that patient were previ-
ously untreated, using the 2010 Osteoporosis Canada
guidelines for estimating future 10-year fracture risk.
Estimated fracture and fall risk, remaining life expec-
tancy, and response and tolerance to previous therapies
should be considered when deciding on the best course
of action. There are no data to help determine which
therapy would be best to employ after a drug holiday.
If this reassessment leads to a decision to extend the
drug holiday, patients should be followed with hip BMD
measurement at intervals of initially 2 to 3 years and
perhaps longer.
Response to clinical vignette
If Mrs Jones discontinued her bisphosphonate, she
would experience a gradual decline in pharmacologic
benefit from the already-bound bisphosphonate and an
increase in fracture risk. Because Mrs Jones has preva-
lent vertebral fractures, she is at high risk of future
fractures and should not be offered a drug holiday. Mrs
Jones is at a very low risk of suffering from ONJ, AFF,
AF, or esophageal cancer with continued bisphospho-
nate therapy; thus, the beneficial fracture protection
afforded by the bisphosphonate would far outweigh
the potential risk of any of these rare adverse events.
Because Mrs Jones’ creatinine clearance is
45 mL/min, there are no renal concerns related to
her bisphosphonate use. However, if she did have
seriously compromised renal function, then the use of
oral bisphosphonates might also be contraindicated
and their use should be discussed with a specialist.
While aminobisphosphonates are first-line therapy for
patients at high risk of fracture, there are some rare, but
serious, adverse events that have been associated with
their use, most notably ONJ and AFF. When bisphos-
phonates are prescribed for patients at high risk of
future fragility fractures, the antifracture benefits pro-
vided by bisphosphonates far outweigh their potential
for harm. For patients persisting with bisphosphonate
therapy for 3 to 5 years (zoledronic acid or alendro-
nate), it is reasonable to reassess the need for ongoing
therapy. For those who remain at high risk of fracture,
ongoing therapy is recommended. For those who are
at moderate or low risk of fracture with therapy, a drug
holiday could be considered, recognizing that the opti-
mal duration of drug interruption is unclear and that
the appropriate agent with which to reinstitute therapy
is also uncertain.
Dr Brown works in the Department of Medicine at Laval University in Quebec
city, Que. Dr Morin works in the Department of Medicine at McGill University
in Montreal, Que. Dr Leslie works in the Department of Medicine at the
University of Manitoba in Winnipeg. Dr Papaioannou works in the Division
of Geriatric Medicine in the Department of Medicine at McMaster University
in Hamilton, Ont. Dr Cheung works in the Department of Medicine at the
University of Toronto in Ontario. Dr Davison works at the University of Victoria
in British Columbia. Dr Goltzman works in the Department of Medicine at
McGill University. Dr Hanley works in the Department of Medicine at the
University of Calgary in Alberta. Dr Hodsman works in the Department of
Medicine at the University of Western Ontario in London. Dr Josse works in the
Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto. Dr Jovaisas works at the
Ottawa Hospital in Ontario. Dr Juby works in the Department of Medicine in
the Division of Geriatrics at the University of Alberta in Edmonton. Dr Kaiser
works in the Department of Medicine at Dalhousie University in Halifax, NS. Dr
Karaplis works in the Department of Medicine at McGill University. Dr Kendler
works in the Department of Medicine in the Division of Endocrinology at the
University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Dr Khan works in the Department
of Medicine at McMaster University. Dr Ngui works in the Department of
Table 3. Guidelines for bisphosphonate holiday decisions
Low (< 10% 10-y risk) • No important clinical risk
factors for fracture
• Yes
• At low future fracture risk, should be withdrawn from
• Monitor at extended intervals (3-5 y)
Moderate (10%-20% 10-y risk) • Assess clinical risk factors for
• Assess femoral neck BMD
• Request lateral spine x-ray
scan to investigate for any
subclinical vertebral fractures
• Maybe
• If vertebral fractures are found, stratify patient as
high risk and continue bisphosphonate therapy
• If there is no previous history of fragility fracture, a
drug holiday can be considered if femoral neck BMD
T-score is > -2.5 and there are no other important
clinical risk factors
High (> 20% 10-y risk or previous
fragility vertebral or hip fracture or > 1
fragility fracture after the age of 40 y)
NA • No
• Continue bisphosphonate therapy or switch to
another proven agent such as teriparatide or
BMD—bone mineral density, NA–not applicable.
Canadian Family Physician
Le Médecin de famille canadien
Clinical Review |
Bisphosphonates for treatment of osteoporosis
Family Medicine at the University of British Columbia. Dr Olszynski works in
the Department of Medicine at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon.
Dr Ste-Marie works in the Department of Medicine at the University of
Montreal in Quebec. Dr Adachi works in the Department of Medicine at
McMaster University.
This manuscript was supported and endorsed by Osteoporosis Canada.
All authors contributed to the design and conduct of this review and contributed
to, edited, and approved the final manuscript for submission.
Competing interests
Dr Brown has received research grants, consulting fees, or speakers’ bureau
fees from Abbott, Amgen, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly, Merck, Novartis,
Pfizer, Roche, Sanofi-Aventis, Servier, Takeda, and Warner Chilcott. Dr Morin
has received research grants or consultant or speaker fees from Amgen, Eli
Lilly, Merck, and Novartis. Dr Leslie has received speaker’s fees from, received
research grants from, or participated on advisory boards for Amgen, Genzyme,
and Novartis. Dr Papaioannou has been a speaker or consultant for Amgen,
Eli Lilly, Merck, Novartis, and Warner Chilcott. Dr Cheung has been a speaker
or consultant for Amgen, Eli Lilly, Merck, Novartis, and Warner Chilcott. Dr
Davison has been a speaker or consultant for Amgen, Merck, Novartis, and
Warner Chilcott. Dr Goltzman has been a consultant for Amgen, Eli Lilly,
Merck, and Novartis. Dr Hanley has been a speaker or consultant for Amgen,
Eli Lilly, Novartis, NPS Pharmaceuticals, Servier, and Warner Chilcott. Dr
Hodsman has been a speaker or consultant for Amgen, Novartis Canada, Shire
Pharmaceuticals Canada, and Warner Chilcott Canada. Dr Josse has been a
speaker or consultant for Novartis, Sanofi-Aventis, Servier, and Warner Chilcott.
Dr Jovaisas has been a speaker and consultant for Novartis. Dr Juby has been
a speaker or consultant for Amgen, Eli Lilly, Merck, Novartis, and Warner
Chilcott. Dr Kaiser has been a speaker or consultant for Amgen, Eli Lilly, Merck,
Novartis, and Warner Chilcott. Dr Karaplis has been a speaker and consultant
for Novartis. Dr Kendler has received research grants from, been a speaker or
consultant for, or participated on advisory boards for Amgen, Eli Lilly, Johnson
& Johnson, Merck, Novartis, Roche, Pfizer, and Warner Chilcott. Dr Khan has
been a speaker or consultant for Amgen, Merck, and NPS Pharmaceuticals. Dr
Olszynski has been a speaker or consultant for Amgen, Merck, Novartis, and
Warner Chilcott. Dr Ste-Marie has been a speaker or consultant for Amgen, Eli
Lilly, Merck, Novartis, and Warner Chilcott. Dr Adachi has been a speaker or
consultant for Amgen, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche,
Sanofi-Aventis, and Warner Chilcott.
Dr Kenneth Davison, 2086 Byron St, Victoria, BC V8R 1L9;
telephone 778 430-8830; e-mail [email protected]
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