COMBINED (Usury Act & National Credit Act)
Effective Date: 1 September 2012
These terms and conditions form part of the agreement which govern the use of the credit card and credit card facility and further
regulate the relationship between the Bank, Business client and the cardholder. The use of the credit card and/or the credit card
facility will be deemed as acceptance of all the terms and conditions governing the agreement. These terms and conditions are ap-
plicable to all business accounts.
Section A: Credit Card and Credit Card Facility
Conditions of Use
Section B: Account Charges and Fees
Section C: Value-Add Services
Section D: eBucks the Reward Programme
Section A:
Credit Card and Credit Card Facility Conditions of Use
1 Issue of the credit card
1.1 The issue of the credit card and grant of the credit card facility are
subject to the terms and conditions of our credit card and credit card
facility as published and amended by us from time to time.
1.2 The credit card remains our property and you must return it to us
immediately on our request.
1.3 The credit cards are Visa-branded cards, issued by us under license of
1.4 Your credit card facility is hosted in Johannesburg and all transactions
are processed in Johannesburg.
2 Acceptance of these terms and conditions
2.1 The use of the Credit Card and/or Credit Card Facility by the Business
Client or the cardholder will be deemed as the Business Client’s
acceptance of all the terms and conditions governing the agreement.
2.2 Should the Business Client have entered into this agreement
electronically, telephonically or in writing such mechanisms utilised to
enter into this agreement shall be valid, binding and undisputed.
2.3 These terms and conditions are applicable to all Business customers
and cardholders save where the headings indicate otherwise.
3 Use of the Credit Card and Credit Card Facility
3.1 General obligations when you use the Credit Card and
Credit Card Facility
3.1.1 Only the cardholder may use the credit card. The Business Client and
the cardholder must ensure that no one else uses the credit card.
3.1.2 When the cardholder receives the credit card, he/she must sign the
back of the credit card in ink immediately.
3.1.3 When the credit card is issued to the cardholder, the cardholder may be
given a PIN, which the cardholder may change at his/her discretion at
any FNB ATM or FNB branch.
3.1.4 When a credit card has been reissued to the cardholder, the PIN (if
issued) the cardholder used for his/her previous credit card will still be
valid. The cardholder may change this PIN at any FNB ATM. Should
your new or re-issued credit card be a chip credit card, you will have to
utilise the services at an FNB branch to change your PIN.
3.1.5 The cardholder must keep the credit card safe and the PIN (if issued)
secret and separate from the credit card.
3.1.6 The PIN will enable the cardholder to draw cash, transfer funds (where
applicable), make local deposits, make purchases (if required by the
merchant) and otherwise operate the credit card at ATMs..
3.1.7 The cardholder must only use the credit card during the period stated
on the front of the card, unless it is cancelled before the expiry date
in terms of Clause 13. After this period the credit card will be invalid.
3.1.8 The Business Client and the cardholder must not use the credit card
for any illegal transactions. It is the responsibility of the Business Client
and the cardholder to determine that a transaction is lawful before the
cardholder uses the credit card.
3.1.9 The Business Client and the cardholder must not use the credit card
facility to participate in online gambling activities and purchase online
foreign lottery tickets.
3.1.10 When the credit card is used to buy goods or services from a merchant,
the cardholder must sign a transaction voucher and/or apply his/her
PIN, as required by the merchant.
3.1.11 The cardholder must sign a cash withdrawal voucher when using the
credit card to draw cash other than from an ATM.
3.1.12 If the transaction takes place by mail order, telephone order or other
access channel the cardholder will be asked for certain card related
information before he/she may use these channels to transact.
3.2 Credit Card
3.2.1 The cardholder may purchase goods and services with the credit card
at merchants that accept Visa or Visa Electron branded credit cards (as
applicable depending on the card type) and we will subsequently debit
your credit card facility. You must repay us for all debits, fees and
interest made to your credit card facility.
3.2.2 The cardholder may, at the discretion of the merchant, use the credit
card for fuel and fuel-related purchases in South Africa.
3.2.3 The Visa Electron credit card is for electronic use only, which means
that it can be used at an electronic point of sale device and at an ATM.
3.2.4 If the cardholder uses the credit card outside the Common Monetary
Area, the Business Client and the cardholder must comply with
applicable Exchange Control Regulations.
3.2.5 The Business Client and cardholder warrants to the Bank that
the granting of and the use of the credit card facilities will not in any
way be a contravention of the Exchange Control Regulations or any
similar regulations promulgated from time to time and that you will
comply with all relevant Exchange Control requirements. In addition,
you are reminded that Exchange Control Regulations currently stipulate
thatCardholders” in whose name one or more bank credit and/or debit
cards have been issued, may be permitted to make permissible foreign
exchange payments for small transactions, e.g. imports over the
Internet, by means of such credit and/or debit cards. Online payments
are limited to R20 000 per transaction. It should be brought to the
attention of cardholders that this dispensation does not absolve them
from ad valorem excise and custom duties or from complying with the
requirements imposed by Customs”.
3.2.6 We must report transactions that occur outside the Common Monetary
Area to the South African Reserve Bank.
3.2.7 Any transaction or payment in a currency other than South African Rand
(“Rand”) will be converted to Rand at Visa’s prevailing rate of exchange
on the date of posting the transaction to the cardholder account. The
transaction will appear on the Business Client control account statement
in Rand. The merchant may not process the transaction at the date of
sale. We will convert all currency to Rand on the date it is processed.
This can result in exchange rate differences which you will be liable for.
3.2.8 Use of the credit card to access and transact over our other delivery
channels like electronic banking or cellphone banking is subject to the
terms and conditions of such other channels.
First National Bank – a division of FirstRand Bank Limited.
An Authorised Financial Services and Registered Credit Provider.
Company Reg. No. 1929/001225/06 NCA. Reg. No. NCRCP20
FNB Business Credit Card and Facility Terms and Conditions – September 2012
3.2.9 Should a merchant manually override the processing of a transaction,
you will be liable for the transaction.
3.3 Petro Card
3.3.1 The Petro Card Account will be linked to a control account in the name
of the Business Client.
3.3.2 The cardholder may only use the Petro Card, at selected merchants,
to purchase fuel and fuel-related products (including petrol, diesel,
oil, additives and lubricants) and motor vehicle spares, parts and
3.3.3 The cardholder may also use the Petro Card to pay for motor vehicle
repairs, vehicle maintenance services and toll fees.
3.3.4 The cardholder may only use the Petro Card in the Common Monetary
3.4 Lodge Card
3.4.1 The Lodge Card is issued for use by the Business client at its
nominated agent only and must remain lodged with the agent.
3.4.2 The Lodge Card may only be used for the specied purpose as stated
in the application for this card.
3.4.3 It is the responsibility of the Business client to ensure that the Lodge
Card remains lodged with the agent and that the card is used for the
intended purpose, as agreed between the Business client and the
3.4.4 Lost Card Protection is not available on the Lodge Card and the
Business client will be held responsible for any unauthorised
transactions, which take place on the Lodge Card.
3.4.5 The Business Client acknowledges that the nominated agent is not
our agent and will at all times indemnify and hold harmless the Bank
against any and all claims or legal actions, demands, losses and
liabilities including all attorneys fees and expenses of whatsoever
nature incurred by the Bank arising out of the agents use of the card.
3.4.6 The Business Client accepts all liability for all transactions made
through the use of the lodge card and all fees/charges related to the use
of the lodge card.
3.5 Aviation Card
3.5.1 The Aviation Card is a Visa credit card. We recommend that the card
only be used to purchase aviation fuel, oils and lubricants and other
goods and services related to the operation and maintenance
of an aircraft.
3.5.2 The Aviation Card may be used for a specic aircraft, in which case
the aircraft’s registration details will be embossed on the card.
Alternatively, the card may be used for any aircraft as advised by the
Business client in the application for the card.
3.5.3 The Aviation Card may only be used by:
The pilot whose signature appears on the reverse thereof, or
Any person nominated by the Business client from time to time,
provided the card is embossed with the words “Any Pilot”.
3.6 General information
3.6.1 We will not be liable if a merchant refuses to accept or honour the credit
3.6.2 It is our decision to authorise a transaction. We will not be liable if we do
not authorise a transaction.
4 Unauthorised use of the Credit Card and Credit Card Facility
4.1 The Business Client and the cardholder must take all reasonable steps
to prevent any unauthorised use of the credit card facility, credit card
and PIN (if a PIN has been issued).
4.2 In the event of your credit card being stolen, lost or unreturned by
an ATM, or where your credit card details or your PIN have been
compromised, you must notify FNB Credit Card immediately by calling
the Lost Card number.
4.3 Lost Card Protection (LCP) is included in the annual card fee and
will protect the Business Client and the cardholder against unauthorised
and fraudulent use of the card, except for PIN-based transactions, if the
card is lost or stolen.
4.4 LCP will protect the Business Client and cardholder against
unauthorised and fraudulent use of the card. This excludes PIN-based
transactions, if the credit card is lost or stolen.
4.5 If the Business Client or the cardholder is negligent in safeguarding the
credit card or in reporting the credit card lost or stolen, the Business
Client will be liable for unauthorised and fraudulent transactions that
occur on the card as a result of the loss or theft, except for PIN based
4.6 If either the Business Client or the cardholder is negligent in reporting
the credit card lost or stolen or in safeguarding the credit card, they will
not be covered under LCP and will be responsible for all unauthorised
and fraudulent use of the credit card and credit card facility.
4.7 Any delay in reporting the credit card lost or stolen, will be regarded as
negligence and the Business Client or the cardholder will have to prove
to us that they were not negligent.
4.8 Any unauthorised transaction made using the card and PIN will not
be covered by us and will be the sole responsibility of the Business
Client and the cardholder.
4.9 The Business Client and the cardholder indemnify FRB and accept full
liability for all specic and related losses as a result of any fraudulent
activity in the event that the Business Client and cardholder refuse or
decline a request by FRB to have a card cancelled and reissued for
whatever reason at FRB’s sole discretion.
5 System Malfunctions
5.1 We are not liable for any loss suffered by the Business Client and/or the
cardholder arising from any malfunction, failure or delay in any ATM,
electronic point of sale device, access channel or shared networks.
6 Authority to debit the cardholder account
6.1 Each time the cardholder uses the credit card or the card details to
access your credit card facility to transact, we will debit the cardholder
account with the amount of the purchase or cash withdrawal and/or
transfers, whether or not a transaction slip or cash withdrawal voucher
has been signed.
6.2 Transactions reected on the cardholder account will be transferred
to the Business Client control account, monthly, on the billing date
applicable to the Business Client control account.
6.3 All payments we have made to a merchant for any transaction are nal
and irreversible, unless a reversal is allowed by the Visa rules and
regulations, as published by Visa from time to time.
6.4 A dispute between the Business Client and/or cardholder and any
merchant will not affect our right to debit the cardholder account with
any transaction, transfer the transaction amount to the Business Client
control account and receive payment of the transaction amount.
6.5 All transactions that result in a debit to your credit card facility are
processed in Johannesburg.
7 The credit limit on the Business Client control account
7.1 We decide the credit limit on the Business Client control account.
7.2 The Business Client and the cardholder must ensure that they do not
exceed the limit allocated to the credit card.
7.3 The Business Client must ensure that it does not exceed the limit
allocated to the Business Client control account.
7.4 The Business Client may apply for an increase in the credit limit on the
cardholders account.
7.5 The Business Client must instruct us on how to allocate the Business
Client control account credit limit to the cardholder(s).
7.6 The Business Client and the cardholder are responsible for managing
the credit card’s credit limit.
7.7 We may refuse to authorise any transactions if the cardholder has
exceeded the credit limit on the credit card facility or credit card.
7.8 If we accept a transaction that results in the cardholder exceeding his/
her credit limit, it does not mean that we have extended or increased
the credit limit on the credit card or credit card facility. This may result in
a fee being charged to your account, which is not reversible.
7.9 Where the Business Client applies for an increase to the credit limit an
affordability assessment will be conducted. We may also approach
you from time to time with regards to increasing your credit limit, an
affordability assessment will be conducted.
7.10 We may, at our discretion and at any time, reduce the credit limit on
the control account. We will notify you at least 5 (ve) business days
before we reduce your liability in terms of this agreement. However, in
certain circumstances, at our discretion, we will reduce your liability and
provide notice of the reduction simultaneously.
7.11 The Business Client will be liable for any spend (utilisation) on the credit
card facility, regardless of the type of spend.
7.12 If the Business Clients or the cardholder exceeds the credit limit, we
may charge an excess limit fee.
8 Interest
8.1 Any change to the interest rate of your credit card facility does not
constitute a novation of the original credit agreement, unless expressly
stated otherwise.
8.2 Interest on accounts, which have an interest-free period:
(All Business card accounts have an interest-free period, unless
specically excluded in this document or in product marketing
8.2.1 The Business Client will not be charged interest on purchase
transactions during the interest-free period, being the period from the
FNB Business Credit Card and Facility Terms and Conditions – September 2012
date of the purchase transaction until the due date for payment, as
reected on the Business Client control account statement.
8.2.2 The Business Control account statement will show amongst others:
The full outstanding amount which the Business Client owes us
The due date by which this amount must be paid.
8.2.3 The Business Client must pay the full outstanding amount reected on
the Business Client control account statement.
8.2.4 If the Business Client pays the full outstanding amount on or before
the due date shown on the Business Client control account statement,
no interest will be charged on the Business Client control account,
except for those transactions set out in clause 8.7, where interest will be
charged from date of transaction.
8.2.5 If the Business Client does not pay the full outstanding amount on or
before the due date shown on the Business control account statement,
the Business Client will be charged interest on the statement balance,
as reected on the Business Client control account statement, from
the date of each transaction made with the credit card, and on any new
purchase transactions made on the credit card.
8.2.6 This means that if the Business Client does not pay the full outstanding
amount by the due date shown on the Business control account
statement, the interest-free period will be suspended and interest will
continue to be charged from the date of each transaction made with the
credit card, until the Business Client has settled the full outstanding
amount owed to us.
8.2.7 When the Business Client has settled its full indebtedness to us, we
will restore the balance of the interest-free period, that is the period from
date of full settlement until the due date for payment as reected on the
Business Control account statement.
8.3 Interest on accounts that do not have an interest-free period
8.3.1 If an interest-free period is not available on the Business Control
account, interest will be charged immediately from the date of each
transaction, unless there is a credit balance on the account sufcient to
settle the full transaction amount.
8.4 Debit interest calculation
8.4.1 Debit interest will be calculated daily, and capitalised and charged to the
Business Control account and cardholder account monthly.
8.5 Debit interest applicable to NCA Customers
8.5.1 Debit interest will be calculated, capitalised and charged to your account
monthly at the rate as set out in the Quotation and will not exceed the
maximum permissible interest rate allowed under the NCA.
8.6 Debit interest applicable to Usury Act Customers
8.6.1 Debit interest will be calculated daily at the rate decided by us from time
to time as shown on the Business Control account monthly statement,
but will not exceed the maximum permissible annualnance charge
rate allowed under the Usury Act.
8.6.2 Debit interest will be calculated daily and capitalised and charged
monthly at the maximum permissible annual nance charge rate
allowed under the Usury Act when this agreement ends and/or the
Business credit facility ends.
8.7 Transactions that will always attract interest immediately.
8.7.1 Interest will be charged immediately, from the transaction date, for the
following transactions, unless there is sufcient credit balance in the
cardholder account to settle the transaction amount:
Cash withdrawals;
Travellers cheque and certain forex transaction purchased with the
credit card;
Electronic funds transfers which result in a debit balance on
the cardholder account or the Business Control account (as
Fuel or fuel-related transactions with the Petro Card.
Any transaction whereby the credit card is not swiped at a point of
sale device and considered to be a cash transaction.
8.8 Credit interest on the cardholder account and the Business
Control account
8.8.1 Business Clients will not earn credit interest on any credit balance on
the Business Control account and the cardholder account, this may be
reviewed at our discretion.
8.8.2 The credit interest can be changed at any time at our discretion.
9 Product Base Rate
9.1. Product Base Rate is the rate that your personalised interest rate is
derived from – which is the Repo rate. The Product Base rate can be
changed at any time at out discretion.
10. Liability
10.1 Business Client liability
10.1.1 The Business Client is liable to pay us any and all amounts debited
to the Business Control account and/or the cardholder account,
irrespective of the account structure.
10.2 Cardholder liability
10.2.1 In the event the Business client does not discharge its indebtedness to
us in full, each cardholder, where the necessary affordability has been
completed on the cardholder, will be jointly and severally liable, as co-
principal debtor, together with the Business client, for the amount owing
in respect of the cardholder’s use of the card(s) issued to the cardholder.
10.2.2 The transaction(s) performed by the cardholder will reect on the
cardholder account and will be transferred to the Business Control
account on account billing date. The cardholder will also be liable for
interest levied on the said transaction amount(s) and applicable fees/
11. Statements, Payments, Deposits
11.1 Monthly statement
11.1.1 We will send the Business Client a monthly Business Client control
account statement that will show amongst others:
Each cardholder’s transactions for the month;
Any interest, fees and charges;
The full amount owed to us and
The due date by which this amount must be paid.
11.1.2 Unless the Business Client lets us know, in writing, within thirty (30)
days of the statement date that there is an error on the monthly
statement issued to the Business Client, the
statement sent to the Business Client will be nal and binding.
11.1.3 Should the Business Client not receive its monthly Business Client
control account statement, the Business Client must bring this to the
attention of our FNB Credit Card Division, otherwise it is deemed to
have been received.
11.1.4 If any transaction is disputed, interest will accrue in the normal course
on the transaction amount, in so far as the dispute is correctly disputed.
11.1.5 When this agreement and/or the Business Client credit facility ends, the
Business Client will no longer receive its monthly statement.
10.3 Suretyship
10.3.1 We may, within our discretion and at any time, request the directors
or members (as applicable) of the Business Client to sign a deed of
suretyship, undertaking personal liability for amounts debited to the
Business Control account and the cardholder account.
11.2 Payments and Deposits
11.2.1 The full outstanding amount on your credit card facility is always due
and payable at the payment due date. Alternatively, if applicable, you
may defer this right and pay the outstanding balance over an extended
period, by paying at least the minimum monthly amount by the due date
shown on the monthly account statement.
11.2.2 Payment may not reach us on the same day as it is made, due to
possible delays and the time it takes to be processed. We consider the
payment to have gone through only once we receive the funds at FNB
Credit Card’s Division in Johannesburg and the funds are reecting as a
credit on your credit card facility, as evidenced by our systems. The
Business client should allow for time delays when making payment.
11.2.3 All payments we receive will be credited as applicable, rst to expenses
incurred by us in collecting any amount owed, then to charges and fees,
then to interest, and lastly to the transaction amount(s).
11.2.4 If a payment is sent to us by post, we will only be obliged to credit
the Business client control account when we receive the funds at
FNB Credit Card’s Division and they reect on our systems in
Johannesburg. The risk of the postal payment being intercepted, lost or
stolen whilst in transit to us remains the risk of the Business client or
the cardholder (as applicable depending on the payer) until the payment
is received at FNB Credit Card’s Division in Johannesburg.
11.2.5 If a cheque is deposited into the Business client control or the
cardholder account, the proceeds of the cheque will only be available
as cleared funds when the drawer bank has honoured the cheque
irrespective of the cheque clearance period. If the cheque proceeds are
made available on these accounts prior to the cheque being honoured,
we are entitled to debit the account with the amount of the cheque
proceeds and any associated interest if the cheque is subsequently
dishonoured by the drawer bank for whatever reason.
11.2.6 Should your account be in arrears for 30 (thirty) days or more, you are
not allowed to transact on your credit card facility.
11.2.7 You must always use the control account number as a reference when
making payments into the credit card facility. You payment will only be
FNB Business Credit Card and Facility Terms and Conditions – September 2012
considered to be received as per clause 11.2.2 above.
11.3 Auto Payment
11.3.1 In terms of the Auto Payment authorisation you have the option of
paying your account with the full amount only, as indicated on your
monthly account statement between the statement date and your
selected due date.
11.3.2 Your Auto Payment authorisation can be obtained in writing duly signed
by authorised signatories.
11.3.3 In terms of the Auto Payment, we will deduct, monthly, on the payment
due date, the full amount, in respect of the amounts due on your credit
card account. Should your Auto Payment be returned unpaid, we
will make further attempts to debit your account thereafter to ensure a
successful payment, which costs you will be liable for.
11.3.4 Where you have an existing Auto Payment wherein you specied
the date on which the Auto Payment is to be deducted from your
account provided, we will continue to deduct monthly on the specied
date. Should your Auto Payment be returned unpaid, we will
make further attempts thereafter to debit your account to ensure a
successful payment, which costs you will be liable for. Should your Auto
Payment be unpaid in the consecutive month we will suspend your Auto
Payment and proceed with our collections process.
11.3.5 You conrm that the banking details that appear on your Auto Payment
authorisation are correct.
11.3.6 Missed Auto Payments will not result in the cancellation of the Auto
Payment, it might result in it being temporarily suspended.
11.3.7 You authorise the Bank to verify the banking details as provided by
you for the purposes of effecting the Auto Payment.
11.3.8 The account provided for this purpose is compliant with the Financial
Intelligence Centre Act (“FICA”).
11.3.9 Should a payment be received (direct deposit or electronic transfer)
before the Auto Payment is scheduled to run, the Auto Payment will not
be processed for that month.
11.3.10 If the Bank account from which your Auto Payment is processed is
closed by you at any time and your Auto Payment is returned unpaid,
then the Bank will be entitled to cancel your credit card facility unless
alternate Auto Payment arrangements have been made for the payment
of your credit card facility. Refer to section 13 for ending this agreement.
12 Amendments to these terms and conditions
12.1 The Business Client and the cardholder may not amend any of these
terms and conditions unilaterally.
12.2 We will inform the Business Client of any amendments by sending
it a notice of amendment or the amended terms and conditions or by
setting out the amendments on the Business Client control account
statement via statement messages.
12.3 It is the responsibility of the Business Client to inform the cardholder(s)
of the amendments.
12.4 We may inform the Business Client of the amendment(s) electronically
in which case we will give the Business Client details of how to access
the amended terms.
12.5 The amendments will be binding on the Business Client and each
cardholder and will form part of these terms and conditions twenty one
(21) days after we have sent the Business Client the amendments.
12.6 If the Business Client is dissatised with the amendments, it has the
right to end this agreement before the end of the twenty one (21) day
period, in which case, the provisions of clause 13.4 shall apply.
12.7 The use of your credit card and/or credit card facility after the effective
date of the amendment would be regarded as your acceptance of the
amended terms and conditions.
13 Ending this Agreement
13.1 We may, within our discretion, end this agreement and/or the
cardholder’s right to use the credit card and/or the Business Client credit
facility. We will inform the Business Client of the reason for ending this
agreement and/or the cardholder’s right to use the credit card and/or the
Business Client credit facility.
13.2 Our right to act under clause 13.1 will typically be exercised if the
Business Client fails to pay us any amount due on time or at all, if the
Business Client breaches any term of this agreement, if there is fraud
or we suspect there may be fraud on the Business Client control or
the cardholder account, if the Business Client is provisionally or nally
liquidated or placed under judicial management or if we are compelled
to do so by law.
13.3 The Business Client may, at any time, end this agreement.
13.4 When this agreement and/or the Business Client credit facility and/or
the cardholder’s right to use the credit card ends:
The full indebtedness of the Business Client and the cardholder will
immediately become due and payable;
The Business Client and the cardholder must pay us (in terms of
the liability clause in this agreement) any amounts outstanding
under this agreement;
The Business Client will be solely responsible for destroying all the
credit cards issued in the name of the Business Client or specic
credit cards, as requested by us. Please note that when destroying
the credit card, the Business Client must cut through the magnetic
stripe and card number so the credit card cannot be used again.
13.5 Apart from other valid reasons to end your agreement, where there is
fraud or we suspect there may be fraud on your account or if we are
compelled to do so by law we will suspend your account without notice.
13.6 Even if this agreement ends, we will be entitled to rely on the rights
acquired under this agreement before it ended.
13.7 Applicable to Companies in terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008
Once a business commences Business Rescue proceedings, this
will be deemed to be a default by the Business of its obligations under
this agreement, and the business credit card facility will be suspended
immediately and the full outstanding amount will become due and
payable. The Business is not permitted to access or use any balance
that may be available on the business credit card facility, unless
the Business Rescue Practitioner and the Bank have concluded an
agreement, in writing, to the contrary.
14 Where and how we may contact the Business Client
14.1 We may send the Business Client necessary account information by
post, fax, e-mail, SMS message or other similar technology.
14.2 The Business Clients control account statement will be sent to the
Business Client’s chosen postal address or e-mail address as supplied
to us on application or during the currency of this agreement.
14.3 The Business Client must supply us with its correct contact details,
trading address, postal and/or e-mail address at all times. We will not
be responsible if any statement and other related information is sent to
the wrong address.
14.4 Formal legal notices and summonses will be served at the trading
address of the Business Client as supplied on application or during the
currency of this agreement, which address the Business Client and
the cardholder choose as their domicilium citandi et executandi. The
Business Client is responsible for ensuring that FNB Credit Card
Division has the correct trading address as per clause 14.3 at all times.
14.5 The Business Client and/or the cardholder should send all formal
legal notices and summonses to us at the following address which we
choose as our domicilium citandi et executandi:
FNB Credit Card Legal, 1 First Place, BankCity, Corner Jeppe and
Simmonds Streets, Johannesburg, 2001.
14.6 If any of the addresses set out on the card application change, the
Business Client must notify us immediately of such change, in writing,
on a Business Client letterhead, duly signed by an authorised
14.7 Any correspondence sent to the Business Client via post will be
considered to have arrived within seven (7) days of posting.
14.8 Any correspondence sent to the Business Client by fax or by
e-mail will be considered to have arrived on the day that it was
sent. Where this day is a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday, the
correspondence is considered to have arrived on the next Business day.
14.9 Should the domicilium address of the Business Client change, either
party can inform the other in writing.
15 Information consent
15.1 The Business Client and the cardholder agree that we may:
Perform a credit search on their credit prole with a registered
credit bureau when assessing the granting of credit facilities to the
Business Client;
Check their payment behaviour, at any time, by researching their
prole at one or more registered credit bureaux;
Disclose and record the existence of the Business Client control
account and how the Business Client has conducted its account
with one or more registered credit bureaux. Other credit grantors
may access this information when assessing the Business Client’s
credit application with them.
16 Request for Information
16.1 The Business Client may request information in respect of only the
Business Client’s card control and cardholder account(s) from us either
in writing or by calling our Card Division on the telephone number as
shown on the monthly statement.
FNB Business Credit Card and Facility Terms and Conditions – September 2012
17 Marketing consent
17.1 The Business Client will only be sent marketing material from us
in circumstances where you have consented to the receipt of the
material and/or consented to your personal details and address being
used by or on behalf of FNB Credit Card, to offer and send you
information on services and products from business units and divisions
within FirstRand Bank (e.g. FNB, WesBank, RMB) or external
companies to FirstRand Bank whether credit related or non-credit
related, as the case may be.
18 Usury Act of 1968, as amended
18.1 The Transitional Provisions of the NCA applicable to Usury Act
customers indicated in Schedule 3 of the National Credit Act can be
obtained from our call centre on (011) 369 2832 or viewed on our
website, www.fnb.co.za.
19. Other important terms
19.1 The Business Client must keep us informed of any changes to its
nancial situation.
19.2 We may in law set off any amount that the Business Client owes us, or
that appears as a credit in any account the Business Client has with us
(FirstRand Bank Limited), against any amount that the Business Client
owes us at any time.
19.3 The Business Client may not refuse to pay any amount owing to us in
respect of the Business Client control account and/or the cardholder
account on the basis that the Business Client may have another claim
against us.
19.4 The cardholder may not refuse to pay any amount owing to us in
respect of the cardholder account on the basis that the cardholder may
have another claim against us.
19.5 If we need to take legal action against the Business Client and/or the
cardholder to recover any amount they owe us, one of our managers
or ofcers will produce a certicate to the Court, recording the amount
owed to us and that this amount is due and payable. If the Business
Client or the cardholder disagrees with this certicate they will need
to prove to the Court that the certicate is incorrect. We do not need to
prove the appointment of our manager or ofcer.
19.6 If the Business Client control account goes into arrears, the Business
Client and/or the cardholder will be liable for all legal fees and
expenses, on the attorney and own client scale, including collection
commission and tracing fees.
19.7 We are obliged by law to regularly update the Business Client’s and
the cardholder’s personal particulars. We may contact the Business
Client and the cardholder from time to time in this regard and the
Business Client and the cardholder will be obliged to provide us with the
information requested.
19.8 The Business Client and card holder information will be kept condential
within the FirstRand Group and will not be disclosed by us to any third
party unless we are required to do so by law or for the purposes of legal
action in the event of your default.
19.9 A concession that we may give the Business Client and/or the
cardholder, will not affect our rights against the Business Client and/or
the cardholder in terms of this agreement.
19.10 South African law will govern this agreement.
19.11 These terms and conditions, as amended by us from time to time,
together with any application form signed by the Business Client and the
cardholder or the application information supplied to us telephonically or
by fax or by e-mail, together with the eBucks rewards programme (if
applicable) and value-add services’ terms and conditions, form the
whole agreement between us.
19.12 The headings in this agreement will not affect the interpretation of it.
19.13 The Business Client and/or the cardholder shall not be entitled to
defer payment or refuse to make payment of any amounts payable
by the Business Client and/or the cardholder in respect of the Business
Client control account and/or the cardholder account, on the basis
that the Business Client and/or the cardholder has a claim or query
regarding any of the services provided for in Sections C and D of this
19.14 FNB Credit Card reserves the right to impound your credit cards, which
costs you will be liable for.
20. Submitting a credit card related complaint
20.1 If you wish to lodge a complaint or compliment, you may contact us in
writing on the following -
fax to 011 632 2317
e-mail to care@fnb.co.za
via www.fnb.co.za under Contacts & Tools tab / Compliments and
20.2 On receipt, your written compliment will be acknowledged in writing.
20.3 On receipt your written complaint will be acknowledge and a reference
number will be issued to you.
20.4 If you do not get a response within 5 (ve) working days from submitting
a complaint, please contact the FNB Complaints department on 087
575 9408 to check whether your complaint has been received.
20.5 FNB Credit Card Complaints department will investigate any complaints
received. The complaints resolution process is available from your
branch, callcentre or website.
20.6 If the complaint is resolved and you are satised with the
outcome, the procedure is concluded and the reference number will be
20.7 If your complaint is unresolved within (6) six weeks of receipt or not
resolved to your satisfaction, FNB Credit Card will provide you with
an explanation and reasoning for the decision taken, in writing. FAIS
prescribes that you may then submit your complaint to the FAIS
Ombudsman or Ombudsman for Banking Services in writing within 6
months, with the supporting documentation and the reference number
20.8 Alternate dispute resolution
20.8.1 You have the right to resolve a complaint by way of alternate dispute
resolution by ling your complaint with the National Credit Regulator
or making an application to the National Consumer Tribunal. You may
The National Credit Regulator on 0860 627 627 or visit the website
at www.ncr.org.za;
The National Consumer Tribunal on 0860 627 627 or visit the
website at www.ncr.org.za; and
The Banking Ombudsman on (011) 838 0035 or 0860 800 900 or
visit the website at www.obssa.co.za
Section B:
Account Charges and Fees
21 Charges and fees
21.1 Apart from the credit related charges to the Business control account,
the account will be debited for non credit related charges.
21.2 The Business Client may obtain a copy of our pricing guide
from any FNB Outlet, or by contacting our Credit Card Division, or on
our web site, www.fnb.co.za.
21.3 Fees and charges are reviewed annually or at any time at our
discretion in which event the Business Client will be notied as per
clause 14.
21.4 Once debited to the account, fees and charges are non-refundable and
will not be reversed.
21.5 Charge-backs will only be allowed if they are done in accordance with
the Visa Rules and Regulations as published from time to time.
Section C:
Value-add Services
22 Comprehensive Global Travel Insurance
Comprehensive Global Travel Insurance is included on the credit
card where applicable and should be used in the case of medical
22.1 Benets Summary
22.1.1 This is a summary of the terms, conditions and exclusions of the Travel
The Travel Policy is available on our web site, www.fnb.co.za, or you
may contact the Global Travel Helpdesk and they will send the Travel
Policy to you. If anything is unclear, please contact the Global Travel
Insurance Help Desk on 0861 490 100.
22.1.2 The benets under the Travel Policy are automatically available when
the Business Client/cardholder buys a departure and return public
conveyance travel ticket in South Africa using their FNB Business
Credit Card, by purchasing travel tickets in South Africa (or other
specied countries as detailed in the Policy) at full fare on the FNB
Business Credit Card, prior to the departure.
22.1.3 This offer only applies if the cardholder is a resident of South Africa,
Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and/or Swaziland up to and including the
age of 71 (seventy one) years and purchases their departure and return
travel tickets in South Africa (or other specied countries as detailed in
the Policy) with a valid FNB credit card. Please obtain a copy of the
Travel Policy prior to travelling and ensure you fully understand the
22.1.4 As certain credit card products may be excluded from the benets
FNB Business Credit Card and Facility Terms and Conditions – September 2012
under the Travel Policy, the Business Client must contact the Global
Travel Helpdesk prior to the purchase of the travel ticket with the card,
tond out which products are excluded.
22.1.5 If the cardholder is between 71 and 85 years of age, we can offer the
cardholder another travel insurance option. You can learn more about
our other options by calling our call centre on 0861 490 100.
22.1.6 The benets under the Travel Policy are available to cardholders up to
and including the age of 70 (seventy) years.
22.1.7 You qualify for the travel insurance, if you are the cardholder and/or an
Immediate Family Member and/or Travel Companion of the cardholder
of the FNB credit card.
22.1.8 The maximum number of travellers per cardholder, per journey is 10
22.1.9 The benets under the Travel Policy will be available for the rst
ninety (90) days of the cardholder’s journey or until the cardholder
reaches the nal destination set out on his/her travel ticket, whichever
22.1.10 Europ Assistance provides emergency assistance while you are
travelling overseas. If the cardholder needs assistance they may contact
Europ Assistance on the telephone number +27 11 991 8409. The
cardholder may “reverse-charge” the call to Europ Assistance from
anywhere in the world.
22.1.11 Europ Assistance must approve medical expenses when they are
22.1.12 The maximum accumulation of any benets payable in respect of any
one accident or series of accidents under the policy shall be limited to
R10 000 000 (10 million Rand) per travel ticket debited to a valid credit
card issued by FirstRand Bank Limited (which has been specically
nominated by the Bank).
22.1.13 The benets for children under 16 (sixteen) years old are limited under
the Personal Accident Section of the Travel Policy.
22.1.14 The maximum accumulation of any benets payable in respect of any
one accident or series of accidents under the Personal Accident section
shall be limited to R1 000 000 (one million Rand) per valid credit card
issued by FirstRand Bank (which has been specically nominated by
the Bank).
22.1.15 The benets are summarised in the table of benets below. These
benets are subject to change on reasonable notice to the Business
22.2 Medical Conditions excluded under the Travel Policy
22.2.1 Pre-existing illness if the cardholder received medical advice or
treatment six months prior to starting his/her journey.
22.2.2 Chronic, recurring or continuing illness.
22.2.3 Acute or chronic psychiatric, psychological or emotional conditions,
suicide, self-inicted injury, alcohol, drugs and narcotics abuse.
22.2.4 Cardiac, cardiovascular, vascular and cerebro vascular illness for
persons over the age of seventy (70) years.
22.2.5 Physiotherapy and chiropractic charges over R1 000.00 (one thousand
Rand), except while the cardholder is in hospital.
22.2.6 Sexually-transmitted diseases.
22.2.7 Human Immunodeciency Virus (“HIV”) positive or have Acquired
Immune Deciency Syndrome (“AIDS”) and any derivative, variation or
HIV related illness, however caused including but not exclusive to the
- Kaposi’s Sarcoma;
- Pneumocystis Jirovecii;Tuberculosis;
- Cytomegalovirus (C.M.V.);
- Cryptococcal Meningitis;
- Disseminated Herpes and/or Shingles Human
22.2.8 Pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, obstetrical procedures.
22.3 Other Travel Policy exclusions
22.3.1 If the cardholder travels in a public conveyance as a non-
fare paying passenger.
22.3.2 If the cardholder’s journey is for emigration purposes.
22.3.3 If the cardholder’s loss, damage, death, injury, illness, disablement or
expense is caused by:
Participation in professional sports or as a national representative
in competitive sporting activities;
Participation in dangerous activities, hobbies, interests or sports as
set out in the Travel Policy;
War, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be
declared or not), acts of terrorism, civil war, rebellion, revolution,
uprising, military or usurped power, civil commotion or riot.
Any Luggage claim that has not been reported to police or transport
carrier immediately and for which a written police or irregularity
report has not been obtained.
Luggage/Personal Effect – Any single item in excess of R1 000
(one thousand Rand).
22.3.4 Claims for treatment by homeopaths, naturopaths, reexologists, or any
other alternative medicine.
22.3.5 If the cardholder incurs expenses for travelling abroad to seek medical
22.3.6 If the cardholder incurs medical expenses after completion of his/her
22.3.7 No consequential loss cover is available under the Travel Policy.
21.3.8 Flying or air travel other than on a fully licensed passenger carrying
23 AA Emergency Roadside Assistance
(Automatically included on the Petro Card)
23.1 Benets summary
23.1.1 The AA Emergency Roadside Assistance benets (“the benets”) are
available to valid Petro Card holders.
23.1.2 If the Business Client control account is in arrears, we will suspend the
benets until the Business Client restores its account to an acceptable
23.1.3 The benets apply to motor cars, four-by-four vehicles and light
commercial vehicles with a carrying capacity of not more than 1.5 tons.
23.1.4 The benets are available in the Republic of South Africa only.
23.1.5 The benets are not transferable.
23.1.6 The benets are available if the vehicle breakdown is caused by
mechanical or electrical failure only. If the vehicle is involved in an
accident, the cardholder may contact our dedicated AA call centre
number but all services rendered by the AA will be for the account of the
Business Client or the cardholder.
23.2 How the benets work
23.2.1 The benets must be arranged through our dedicated AA call centre
telephone number only.
23.2.2 The AA will tow the vehicle concerned to the nearest repair centre.
Towing benets are limited to a maximum ofve hundred Rand (R500).
23.2.3 When the breakdown happens more than one hundred (100) kilometres
away from the cardholder’s home or the Business Client’s trading
address, the AA will pay for one of the following costs up to a maximum
ofve hundred Rand (R500):
Vehicle hire charges to the approved hirer for costs the cardholder
incurs in reaching his/her destination or home;
Alternate accommodation;
Repatriation costs for the cardholder to collect his/her vehicle.
23.2.4 When the hired car is kept longer than the initial period authorised by
the AA, the Business Client or the cardholder must enter into a new
contract with the car hire company for the extended period and must
pay the extra charges incurred.
23.2.5 The choice of car and car hire company is subject to availability. Car
hire is subject to all the requirements of the car hire company, including
deposits for collision damage waiver, insurance and fuel.
23.2.6 Accommodation or repatriation benets are available only when the
breakdown happens more than one hundred (100) kilometres from the
cardholder’s home or the Business Client’s trading address.
23.2.7 The choice of hotel accommodation is subject to availability. The AA
will only be responsible for accommodation costs. The Business
Client or the cardholder must pay for any extra costs incurred, such as
laundry, mini-bar, videos and meals directly to the hotel before leaving.
23.2.8 The AA will pay for locksmith services up to two hundred and fty Rand
(R250) if your keys are locked in your car. The AA will not pay for
locksmith services to repair and replace locks, ignition switches or for
cutting keys.
23.2.9 The AA will not pay for storage fees, replacements parts or their
transport, vehicle repairs, charges for help arranged directly by the
Business Client or the cardholder and charges for help arranged directly
by you or charges for help given to you by a private person.
23.3 Other important information
23.3.1 The AA accepts no liability for loss or damage to the vehicle or any of
its parts or accessories while it is unattended, or while it is in the care or
under the control of any contractor or garage or its employees or any
other person. We similarly do not accept this liability.
23.3.2 The AA will help in any way possible to resolve disputes with AA
appointed contractors where loss or damage occurred while the vehicle
was in the care or control of these contractors.
23.3.3 Where the vehicle is towed, the AA accepts no responsibility for the
safekeeping or transport of the load, which will have to be removed from
the vehicle before towing.
FNB Business Credit Card and Facility Terms and Conditions – September 2012
23.3.4 The AA reserves the right to refuse any service or benet where the AA
service is being abused, used fraudulently or is no longer valid.
24 inContact
(Optional service available on the credit card and Petro Card)
24.1 inContact is a messaging service, which enables the Business Client to
track nancial transactions made through the use of the card.
24.2 The Business Client will receive real-time conrmation by SMS and/or
e-mail of deposits into the Business Client control or cardholder
account, electronic transfers, withdrawals and purchases, which will be
sent to the Business Client’s nominated cellphone number and/or e-mail
24.3 The Business Client is responsible for ensuring that we have its correct
cellphone number and/or e-mail address at all times.
24.4 We will not be held responsible if an SMS and/or e-mail is sent to the
incorrect number or address, if the Business Client has not updated its
records with us.
24.5 We cannot guarantee the accuracy or arrival time of an SMS and/or
e-mail, as we are dependant on external service providers who are
responsible for the delivery of the information.
24.6 The inContact messaging service will only cater for transactions that
have a value of R100.01 or greater.
24.7 You have 24 hours from the time an inContact message is sent to
query any unauthorised transaction on your account. If you do not
query the unauthorised transaction, if will be deemed that you have
authorised the transaction and you may be liable for the transaction23.8
Whilst we will use our best endeavours to ensure the integrity and
content of any SMS and/or e-mail sent to the Business Client, the
Business Client’s monthly account statement will remain the sole record
of its account transactions.
24.8 We accept no liability whatsoever, and you indemnify the Bank
against any loss, expense, claim or damage, whether direct, indirect
or consequential, arising from the use of this service, or arising from
any delay or failure by us to send and e-mail or SMS. We make no
representation or warranty, whether express or implied, as to the
operation and functionality of the service.
24.9 By using inContact, you acknowledge and agree to be bound by these
terms and conditions.
24.10 These terms and conditions apply to inContact-Pro, which is an
enhanced form of inContact. By using inContact-Pro you agree to be
bound by these terms and conditions.
25 SLOW in the City Terms and Conditions
Domestic and International SLOW Lounge:
Access to SLOW in the City is only available from 06h00 to 21h00
on business days, which excludes Saturdays, Sundays and Public
Holidays.services of the SLOW Lounge.
25.1 Access for all Business Credit Card holders
(Private use of SLOW in the City)
25.2 All FNB Business Credit Card holders are allowed to access and utilise
the services of SLOW in the City as Eligible Guests.
24.3 All FNB Business Credit Card holders will be allowed access for the
cardholder and guests accompanying them into SLOW in the City, in
terms of the Pricing Schedule for SLOW in the City*.
25.4 General Rules
25.4.1 The card of the cardholder is the access mechanism which will allow
access into SLOW in the City, and the cardholder will be required to
conrm certain contact information in order to be granted access.
25.4.2 Qualifying Criteria: Access into SLOW in the City is dependent on
whether you qualify in accordance with the qualifying conditions, as
determined by FNB from time to time, and are the following:
Must be an FNB Business Credit Card holder whose account is in
Good standing;
The credit card must be present in order for the cardholder to gain
The credit cardholder agrees to pay the applicable fees in terms
of the access packages, and additional services chosen, and in
accordance with the Pricing Schedule for SLOW in the City and
tariffs charged.
25.5 FNB reserves the right to revoke access to any cardholder and to
amend the qualifying criteria as it deems necessary from time to time.
25.6 FNB is not liable for any damage, loss or claim of any nature that
arises while the FNB qualifying cardholder, and/or guest utilises
the services of SLOW in the City. The cardholder conrms that this
provision has been drawn to its attention and that an adequate
opportunity has been afforded for it to receive and comprehend
the provision.
25.7 Subject to availability and at SLOW in the City’s Manager’s discretion,
access for additional guests will be charged in accordance with the
Pricing Schedule for Slow in the City*.
25.8 Eligible Guests will select an access package, which determines what
Services they will be allowed to use.
25.9 Additional services, over and above the Eligible Guests access
packages, may also be purchased by the Eligible Guest on the day.
25.10 The access packages and additional Services will
be charged in accordance with the Pricing Schedule for Slow in the City*.
25.11 All expenses incurred will be billed. Thereafter, the invoice will be
generated and the cardholder will settle the bill prior to departure from
SLOW in the CITY. Note: the bill can be settled by credit card only. All
bills have to be settled before departing SLOW in the City.
25.12 Eligible Guests will have limited use of meeting rooms (restricted to a
maximum of 9 people), subject to the availability of the meeting rooms
and in accordance with the following criteria:
Eligible Guests must reserve the meeting room.
SLOW in the City will charge the Eligible Guest for the use of the
meeting room based on the actual duration of usage and according
to the tariffs applicable in terms of the Pricing Schedule for SLOW
in the City*.
A cancellation fee may be charged if the Eligible Guest does not
utilise a booking and/or fails to cancel any booking made, within
the specied timelines.
Eligible Guests can make use of any unreserved meeting room or
private study for no additional fee, as long as the number of people
in using the room does not exceed 6.
25.13 Event Booking: Access applicable to all FNB credit cardholders
FNB credit cardholders will be entitled to book to hold and cater for
business functions and meetings at SLOW in the City’s conference and
meeting room facilities as Clients.
A Client must make an Event Booking at SLOW in the City.
SLOW in the City will provide the Client with a quotation for the
Event based on the requirements and Services requested by the
Acceptance of the quotation will only be valid if the quotation is
signed by the Client, and on acceptance of the signed quotation, a
booking will be made.
A cancellation fee will be charged if the Client does not utilise a
booking and/or fails to cancel any booking made.
On receipt of the signed quotation, SLOW in the City shall issue
an invoice, and the Client will be liable to pay the full amount as
per the invoice.
If the Client uses any additional services during the Event that are
not included in the quotation, an additional invoice will be issued,
for which amount the Client will be liable to pay in full, and must be
settled by the Client on the day of and prior to leaving the Event.
For details regarding invoicing and payment, kindly contact
SLOW in the City on 084 777 7569 and/or refer to the Terms and
Conditions for Event Bookings*.
Only credit card payments and EFTs are accepted. No cash
payments shall be accepted.
No third party may issue instructions relating to the booking on
behalf of the Client.
The Client must disclose to SLOW in the City the purpose for which
the Event is being held and the names and number of attendees.
The Client and its Attendees are only permitted to use the Services
that have been booked and additional services requested, and are
not permitted to use the general Lounge facilities before, during or
after the Event.
SLOW in the City reserves the right to refuse to accept any booking
at its sole discretion.
The Client and its Attendees must vacate SLOW in the City
immediately after the end of the Event or at any time, on the
request of the SLOW Lounge manager.
SLOW in the City reserves the right to charge the Client an
additional fee if the Client overruns the agreed scheduled end time
of the Event, which will be added to the Client’s invoice.
SLOW in the City shall provide Services as specied in the
quotation for the Event. If for any reason any Services are not
available, SLOW shall attempt to provide alternate Services.
The Client shall use the Services required for the Event as provided
by SLOW in the City and its designated suppliers. The Client must
obtain permission in writing from SLOW to use any third party in the
management or supply of any equipment and services associated
with the Event.
FNB Business Credit Card and Facility Terms and Conditions – September 2012
25.14 General Rules of SLOW in the City: (Applicable to Eligible Guests,
Companions, Clients and Attendees)
You shall not bring any food or drink into SLOW in the City for
consumption on the premises without the prior written permission
from the SLOW Lounge manager.
You shall not display any signage, banners or branding inside
SLOW in the City except where approved in advance, in writing, by
SLOW in the City and may not afx any items onto the walls, oor,
ceilings or doors of any meeting and function rooms.
Smoking is prohibited in SLOW in the City. Anyone wishing to
smoke must utilize designated smoking areas outside of SLOW
in the City and must comply with all existing safety and security
legislation and regulations as communicated to you by SLOW in
the City.
You are not allowed to be intoxicated or use abusive language
while accessing and using SLOW in the City. Such behaviour will
result in your removal from SLOW in the City, and you may have
your access permanently revoked.
You must adhere to the specic Dress Code from 18:00 daily - the
minimum dress requirement is Smart Casual.
You are required at all times to comply with the reasonable
requests and/or instructions of SLOW management relating to the
use of SLOW in the City.
SLOW in the City will be entitled to expel you or deny you access to
SLOW in the City if you fail to comply with these Rules.
25.15 The Eligible Guest and Client shall compensate SLOW in the City and/
or its agents/suppliers or third parties for any loss or damage caused
by the Eligible Guest and Client or its Companions and Attendees to
SLOW in the City or any other third party making use SLOW in the City.
The Eligible Guest and Client will be responsible for the full cost of
compensation, replacement or repair of any such loss or damage, as
determined by SLOW in the City. The Eligible Guest and Client conrm
that this provision has been drawn to its attention and that an adequate
opportunity has been afforded for it to receive and comprehend the
25.3.16 a) SLOW in the City shall not be liable for any loss, death,
injury or damage, whatsoever caused, to the Eligible
Guest and Client and/or Companions and Attendees whilst
in or making use of the Facility except where such loss,
death, injury or damage is as a direct result of the gross
negligence and/or willful misconduct of SLOW in the City, its
employees or agents.
b) The Eligible Guest and Client indemnies and holds
harmless SLOW in the City against all claims, demands
or causes of action, including damages and legal fees
and expenses arising out of the purchase and use of
Services at SLOW in the City. The Eligible Guest and
Client also indemnies SLOW in the City against any claim
based on the conduct of the Eligible Guest and Client and/
or Companions and Attendees at SLOW in the City.
c) The Eligible Guest and Client conrm that this provision has
been drawn to its attention and that an adequate
opportunity has been afforded for it to receive and
comprehend the provision.
25.3.17 Contact Details
For any information and queries relating to the Services of SLOW in the
City, contact them directly on 084 777 7569 and/or email Sandton@
*The Pricing Schedule for SLOW in the City, The Terms and Conditions
for Eligible Guests at SLOW in the City and the Terms and Conditions for
Event Bookings at SLOW in the City can be found at www.slowinthecity.
co.za and can be directly accessed via our website in accordance with
the following link: https://www.fnb.co.za/cheque-accounts/slow-in-the-
Section D:
eBucks rewards programme (if applicable)
26 Participation in the programme
26.1 We are an earn-partner of the programme, which allows the Business
client to link the Business client control account to the programme and
earn eBucks on qualifying purchase transactions on the card(s).
26.2 These terms and conditions must be read together with the terms and
conditions published on the eBucks.com web site, www.ebucks.com. If
there is any conict between the two, the terms and conditions on the
eBucks.com web site will prevail.
26.3 The programme is owned, run and managed by New Bucks Operations
(Pty) Ltd, trading as eBucks.com.
26.4 To earn eBucks when the cardholder uses the card, the Business Client
must link the Business Client control account to the programme.
participation in the programme.
25.5 We may, within our discretion, include or exclude any card from
participation in the programme.
26.6 If the Business Client control account is in arrears, the Business Client’s
participation in the programme will automatically end on the date this
account becomes in arrears.
27 Earning eBucks
27.1 The Business Client will earn eBucks on qualifying purchase
transactions on the card subject to clause 25.3.
27.2 The Business Client can also purchase eBucks through the card or earn
eBucks through any of our other products, which the Business Client
has linked to the programme.
27.3 The Business Client will not earn eBucks on certain transactions
as notied by us from time to time, including ATM transactions, any
Internet and electronic banking transaction, fuel and fuel-related
purchases, travellers cheque purchases and cash withdrawals as these
transactions are excluded from the programme
27.4 The Business Client will also not earn eBucks onnance charges and
account fees or on any government tax debited against the Business
Client control or the cardholder account.
27.5 We may change the eBucks earn model (that is, how many eBucks
the Business Client will earn for each Rand spent on qualifying
transactions). We will give the Business Client reasonable notice of
such change.
27.6 We may also, within our discretion, set a “spend threshold” on the
Business Client control account. This means that the Business Client
will have to perform qualifying transactions above the threshold to start
earning eBucks.
27.7 We will display the total eBucks the Business Client has earned through
the cards under its account prole on the eBucks.com web site. This
will be the sole record of eBucks earned. The Business Client’ eBucks
prole may also be accessed through the eBucks Hotline.
27.8 The Business Client must ensure that the eBucks displayed under its
account prole on the eBucks.com web site or accessed through the
eBucks Hotline are correct.
27.9 The Business Client must bring any errors to our attention in writing
within thirty (30) days after we have displayed the eBucks earned under
its account prole.
27.10 We have the right to reverse eBucks accumulated by the Business
Client through use of the card, if the eBucks were awarded in error, or
accumulated as a result of ineligible transactions.
27.11 Should the Business account not be in Good Standing, the eBucks
earned on purchases made during the period of default will be reversed,
and the eBucks account will be frozen for the duration of the default.
28 Spending eBucks
28.1 The Business client may spend eBucks at an eBucks.com spend-
partner or at the eBucks shop on the eBucks.com web site.
28.2 When the Business client spends eBucks, the Business client will
contract directly with the spend-partner concerned and we will not be
liable for any damages the Business client may suffer due to non-
performance by the spend-partner concerned.
28.3 The Business client may transfer its eBucks to another eBucks
member, but eBucks may not be converted into cash.
29 Amendments to the programme’s terms and conditions
29.1 We may amend the programme’s terms and conditions and will give the
Business Client reasonable notice of the changes.
29.2 We will inform the Business Client of any changes either by way of a
statement message or on the eBucks.com web site or by sending the
Business Client the amended terms and conditions.
29.3 eBucks.com may also amend the programme terms and conditions.
eBucks.com will publish its changes on the eBucks.com web site.
30 End or suspension of the programme
30.1 We may end or suspend our participation as a partner in the
programme on reasonable notice to the Business Client.
30.2 The Business Client will not lose the eBucks earned up to the date we
end or suspend our participation in the programme.
31 Fee for linking the Business client to the programme
31.1 We will charge the Business Client and debit the Business Client control
account with an annual linkage fee to link the Business Client to the
FNB Business Credit Card and Facility Terms and Conditions – September 2012
SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS (Persons up to the age of 70 (not yet 71)
Limit per travel ticket purchased
Description Benet Excess
Emergency Medical and Related Expenses
Emergency Medical Expenses – Local R 175 000 R 1 000
Emergency Medical Expenses – International R 10 000 000 R 2 000
War or Terrorism – Local R 175 000 R 1 000
War or Terrorism – International R 10 000 000 R 2 000
Related Expenses
Medical Transportation, Repatriation and Evacuation Included in Emergency Medical Expenses
Visit by a family member Included in Emergency Medical Expenses
Repatriation of Children Included in Emergency Medical Expenses
Repatriation of Travel Companion Included in Emergency Medical Expenses
Burial, Cremation and Return of Mortal remains Included in Emergency Medical Expenses
Hospital Inconvenience R 200 per day – Total of R 3 000
Pre-Existing Medical Cover
Pre-Existing Medical Cover (Minimum Delay Period – 48 hours) R 100 000 48 Hours
Transportation and Repatriation Included in Pre-Existing Medical Cover
Emergency Assistance Services
Medical Referral Service Only
Medical Monitoring Service Only
Emergency Medicine Service Only
Evacuation Included in Emergency Medical Expenses
Repatriation Included in Emergency Medical Expenses
Return of Mortal Remains Included in Burial, Cremation and Return of Mortal Remains
Transmission of Urgent Messages Service Only
Embassy Referral Service Only
Emergency Travel and Accommodation Arrangements Service Only
Legal Assistance Included in Legal Expenses
Bail Service Only
Return in case of death or imminent death of a close Relative Service Only
Loss of Travel Documents Included in Loss of Cash and/or Travel Documents
Cash advances Service Only
Personal Accident
Benet Excess
Accidental Death R 250 000
Accidental Permanent Disablement R 750 000
Accidental Death and/or Accidental Permanent Disablement as a result of acts of War or Terrorism Included
Cancellation and Curtailment
Cancellation R 15 000 R500
Curtailment R 15 000 R500
Travel Delay
Travel Delay (Minimum Delay Period – 12 hours) R 2 000 12 Hours
Personal Liability R 2 500 000
Hijack, Hostage or Wrongful Detention Inconvenience R750 per day / Max R 10 000
Legal Expenses R 5 000
Replacement Personnel R 10 000
Luggage R 3 000 R 500
Maximum Single Item Limit R 1000
Luggage Delay (Minimum Delay Period – 12 hours) R 2 000 6 Hours
Loss of Cash and / or Travel Documents R 1 500 R 500
The above table is merely a summary of some of the main features of the Travel Policy. It is your responsibility to obtain a copy of the full Travel Policy prior to commencing your journey. The
terms, conditions and exclusions of the Policy are available at www.fnb.co.za or you may contact the Global Travel Insurance Helpdesk, and they will arrange for the policy to be sent to you.
FirstRand Bank Limited adheres to the Code of Banking Practice and the National Credit Act
For further information on all your rights as a consumer in terms of the National Credit Act, please visit our website on
www.fnb.co.za or visit the National Credit Regulator’s website on www.ncr.co.za
Comprehensive Global Travel Insurance
FNB Business Credit Card and Facility Terms and Conditions – September 2012
means the Automobile Association of South Africa.
“access channel
means any form of access technology including the Internet or mobile phone
technologies or Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system.
means an Automated Teller Machine.
mean the guests attending The Event Booking of the Client.
“Attorney and own client scale
means the fees which a client agrees to pay to his attorney for services rendered in
respect of a legal matter.
“Auto Payment
means an instruction given by an account holder to the bank to make regular
payments on given dates to the same payee. Reference to Auto Payment shall
include debit orders.
“Aviation Card”
means an Aviation Card issued by us in the name of the Business client and the
“Business client”
means the Business client which has applied for credit card facilities with us and to
which we have issued cards in terms of this agreement.
“Business client control account”
means the Business Client credit card control account opened by our Card Division in
the name of the Business Client.
means a Visa Credit Card or Visa Electron Credit Card or Petro Card that we issue
to you.
means the person nominated by the Business client to be issued the card.
means FNB cardholders who make an Event Booking.
“Common Monetary Area”
means South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho and Swaziland.
means the guest/s of the Eligible Guest.
“credit card”
means a Visa credit card or Visa Electron credit card issued by us in the name of the
Business Client and the cardholder.
“debt counsellor”
means a person registered in terms of the National Credit Act and who carefully
examines a consumer’s debt situation and suggests the best plan of action.
“debt review”
means a process whereby a debt counsellor reviews the collective debts owing to
various credit providers in the event that the cardholder seeks assistance from the
debt counsellor.
“Eligible Guest/s)”
means qualifying corporate credit cardholders.
means a business function or meeting for ten Attendees or more.
“Event Booking”
means a booking made by a Client in advance to hold a business function or meeting
for ten Attendees or more.
means First National Bank, a division of FirstRand Bank Limited.
“Good Standing’
means an account that is open, active and not more than one month in arrears.
“Lodge Card
means a Lodge Card issued by us in the name of the Business client and the
“Petro Card
means a Petro Card issued by us in the name of the Business client and the
means the personal identication number linked to the card.
“purchase transaction”
means the transaction processed by the supplier of goods or services purchased
using the card.
means the use of SLOW in the City’s facilities for private use which includes access
to the general Lounge, limited SLOW beverages, unreserved meeting rooms, Wi
and HP workstations, and excludes any additional services.
“Travel Policy
means the Travel Insurance Master Policy issued to us, which provides for travel
insurance for our cardholders.
“Usury Act”
means the Usury Act No. 73 of 1968, as amended.
means Visa International Services Association.
“we, us, our”
means FirstRand Bank Limited, a registered bank, registration number
FNB Business Credit Card and Facility Terms and Conditions – September 2012
Contact Details and Complaints Process
Group Company Secretarys Ofce
1st Floor, 4 Merchant Place
Corner of Fredman Drive and Rivonia Road
Physical Address
3 First Place
Cnr Jeppe & Simmonds Streets
Postal address
PO Box 1420
Tel: (011) 371 1212
Fax: (011) 352 9904
E-mail address: fnbcard@fnb.co.za
Website address: www.fnb.co.za
Physical Address
The Compliance Ofcer
3rd Floor
1 First Place
cnr Simmonds and Pritchard Streets
Postal address
First National Bank
PO Box 1153
Tel: 011 371 7953
Fax: 011 371 2192
Tel: 011 369 1115
Fax: 011 632 2317
E-mail address: ceocomplaints@fnb.co.za
Physical Address
Compliance Support at Interbank Risk & Compliance
3rd Floor
1 First Place
Cnr Pritchard and Simmonds Streets
Physical Address
28 Harrison Street
South Africa
Postal address
PO.Box 5728
Tel: 011 838 0035 / 0860 800 900
Fax: 011 838 0043
E-Mail: Info@obssa.co.za
Contact Details and Complaints Process
FAIS OMBUDSMAN (Advice-related Complaints)
Physical Address
Charles Pillai
Eastwood Ofce Park
Cnr Lynnwood Road & Jacobson Drive
Baobab House
Ground Floor
Lynnwood Ridge
Pretoria East
Postal address
PO Box 74571
Lynnwood Ridge
Tel: (012) 470 9080 / 0860FAISOM (0860 324 766)
Fax: (012) 348 3447
E-mail address: info@faisombud.co.za
Website address: www.faisombud.co.za
Physical Address
Third Floor
Sunclare Building
21 Dreyer Street
Cape Town
Postal address
Private Bag X45
Cape Town
Tel: (021) 657 5000
Fax: (021) 674 0951
E-mail address: info@ombud.co.za
Postal address
Financial Services Board
PO Box 35655
Menlo Park
Tel (Toll-free): 0800 110 443 / 0800 202 087
Fax: (012) 347 0221
E-mail address: Info@fsb.co.za
Website address: www.fsb.co.za
THE NATIONAL CREDIT REGULATOR (Regulates Creditors / Debt Counsellors/
Credit Bureau) / THE NATIONAL CONSUMER TRIBUNAL (Complaints)
Tel: 0860 627 627
Website address: www.ncr.org.za;
Transunion ITC
Tel: 0861 482 482
Tel: 0861 105 665
Expert Decision Systems
Tel: 0860 937 000
FNB Credit Card Business Customers
Tel: (011) 352 2832
FNB Business Credit Card and Facility Terms and Conditions – September 2012
FirstRand Bank Limited adheres to the Code of Banking Practice and the National Credit Act.
For further information on all your rights as a consumer in terms of the National Credit Act, please visit our website on www.fnb.co.za or visit the National Credit
Regulator’s website on www.ncr.co.za
Lost or Stolen Cards
Tel: 0800 110 132 / (011) 369 1189
Tel: 011 352 5910
Card Cancellations
Tel: 0800 110 132
Debt Collection
Tel: (011) 352 5369
Debt Review Centre
Tel: 0860 362 002
Deceased Estate Department
Tel: (011) 352 6498
Limit Increase Department
Tel: (011) 632 2212
Limit Decrease Department
Tel: (011) 632 2212
Tel: 0861 233 000
AA Emergency Roadside Assistance
Tel: 0860 706 050
Petro Card Helpline
Tel: 0860 706 050
Comprehensive Global Travel Insurance
Tel: 0861 490 100
NCA Helpline
Tel: 0860 627 627
FNB Related Enquiries
Tel: 0860 11 22 44
FNB Business Credit Card and Facility Terms and Conditions – September 2012