Travel Insurance Consultants FirstRand Bank Limited 2005: 2006 1
FSB Licence Number: 15592
Persons up to the age of 75 (not yet 76)
We will insure You in terms of the conditions and exclusions as detailed in this policy and
Schedule of Insurance whilst on a Journey when the full cost of Your Public Conveyance
ticket has been debited to a valid credit card issued by FirstRand Bank Limited (which has
been specifically nominated to by the Bank). Where You have purchased Your Public
Conveyance tickets by redeeming points earned against a First National Bank Credit Card
You qualify for the free cover provided that the cost of the ticket is acquired in this manner
Payment is limited to the amount appropriate to the benefit shown on Your Schedule of
Insurance. We have the option to either pay, replace or repair (or any combination of these)
when compensating You. In respect of Section 5, Sub Section 5.1 cover commences on the
date of issue of Your policy.
If You require emergency medical treatment as a result of accidental bodily injury, illness or
disease, We will reimburse You for Reasonable and Customary Medical Expenses
including hospital and out-patient treatment and prescription medication, when deemed
necessary by a registered medical practitioner.
If You require emergency dental treatment (to Sound Natural Teeth) We will reimburse
You for Reasonable and Customary Dental Expenses for the immediate relief of pain and /
or emergency repair to restore dental function.
If as a result of accidental bodily injury, illness or disease You require medical
transportation as determined and agreed by the Assistance Company, We will pay
for Your transfer to a medical facility to obtain necessary treatment and / or
repatriation to Your Country of Residence.
If You are travelling alone and are hospitalised We will pay for reasonable additional
accommodation and travelling expenses (but excluding telephone calls, meals, taxis
and beverages) necessarily incurred by Your Spouse or next of kin who, on the
advice of a medical practitioner appointed by Us travels to and remains with You
until You are fit to resume the Journey or return to Your Country of Residence,
whichever occurs first.
If Your Accompanied Children are left stranded in the event of Your
hospitalisation, repatriation or death, We will arrange and pay for their transportation
back to their Country of Residence with a qualified escort if necessary, provided
they are also insured by Us.
If Your Travelling Companion is left stranded in the event of Your hospitalisation,
repatriation or death, We will arrange and pay for their transportation back to their
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FSB Licence Number: 15592
Country of Residence with a qualified escort if necessary provided they are also
insured by Us.
In the event of Your death, We will pay the reasonable costs in respect of funeral,
burial or cremation expenses in the country where Your death occurred or the
reasonable costs of returning Your body or Your ashes to Your Country of
If You are away from Your Country of Residence whilst on a Journey and You are
hospitalised for at least 24 hours We will pay You a daily inconvenience benefit for
each complete 24 hours You remain in hospital.
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FSB Licence Number: 15592
We will not pay for any claim arising from:
a. pregnancy, childbirth, abortion, miscarriage, obstetrical procedures or any sequalae
thereof other than as a consequence of Accidental Bodily Injury;
b. treatment or advice that You or the person who is the subject of the claim are
receiving at the date of departure or any recurring, chronic or continuing illness or
condition or costs associated to conditions or treatment or advice received during the
six months prior to departure;
c. treatment that Your medical advisors are aware will arise during the Journey or
where Your medical advisor has advised against travel;
d. You traveling abroad to seek medical treatment;
e. cardiovascular, vascular, cerebrovascular or cardio respiratory or respiratory
conditions if You have received medical advice and / or treatment (including
medication) for hypertension in the six months prior to departure or where You have
attained an age of 65 years;
f. investigatory treatment that is not specified by a medical practitioner appointed by Us
as immediately necessary;
g. or relating to contraceptive devices, prosthetic devices, medical appliances and / or
artificial aids;
h. specialist medical fees unless authorised by the Assistance Company;
i. physiotherapy/ chiropractic charges exceeding R 1000 unless You are hospitalised for
at least 24 hours;
j. expenses We are prohibited by law from paying in terms of any current legislation;
k. out-patient medication unless prescribed by a medical practitioner;
l. treatment given or prescribed by a relative;
m. emergency dental treatment as a result of an accident whilst on a Journey more that
30 days after the accident;
n. any procedures relating to dental or oral hygiene;
o. medication unless prescribed by a medical practitioner;
p. the first R2 000 of each and every international medical claim.
a. You must obtain Our or the Assistance Company’s prior authorisation before
incurring any expenses over R 2 000. Failure to do so will result in Our liability
being limited to R 2 000.
b. Should the Assistance Company determine that You are capable of being repatriated
to Your Country of Residence and You choose not to be repatriated then all
expenses from that date onwards, will be for Your own account.
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FSB Licence Number: 15592
c. In the event of any transport or repatriation arranged by Us We reserve the right to
utilise Your original travel tickets and any refund from unused tickets belongs to Us.
If You require emergency medical treatment as a result of a pre-existing illness or disease,
We will reimburse You for Reasonable and Customary in-hospital Medical Expenses
when deemed necessary by a registered medical practitioner.
If as a result of, illness or disease You require medical transportation as determined and
agreed by the Assistance Company, We will pay for Your transfer to a medical facility to
obtain necessary treatment and / or repatriation to Your Country of Residence.
We will not pay for any claim arising from:
a. pregnancy or childbirth from the 1
day of the 26
week of pregnancy;
b. treatment that Your medical advisors are aware will arise during the Journey or
where Your medical advisor has advised against travel;
c. investigatory treatment that is not specified by a medical practitioner appointed by Us
as immediately necessary;
i. expenses We are prohibited by law from paying in terms of any current legislation;
j. cardiovascular, cerebrovascular or cardio respiratory or respiratory conditions where
You have attained an age of 70 years;
k. any person who has attained the age of 75.
a. You must obtain Our or the Assistance Company’s prior authorisation before
incurring any expenses over R2 000. Failure to do so will result in Our liability being
limited to R2 000.
b. Should the Assistance Company determine that You are capable of being repatriated
to Your Country of Residence and You choose not to be repatriated then all
expenses from that date onwards, will be for Your own account.
c. In the event of any transport or repatriation arranged by Us We reserve the right to
utilise Your original travel tickets and any refund from unused tickets belongs to Us.
d. You must be hospitalised as an in-patient for 48 hours in order to claim under this
e. Reimbursement for Pre-Existing Medical Cover is in excess of any other valid and
collectable bond, policy, insurance, benefit or compensation, Medical Aid Fund or
Medical Insurance.
3.1 Medical Referral
The Assistance Company will endeavour to arrange for medical attention and
hospitalisation if necessary.
3.2 Medical Monitoring
The Assistance Company will endeavour to provide continued medical monitoring
of Your condition if necessary.
3.3 Emergency Medicine
Travel Insurance Consultants FirstRand Bank Limited 2005: 2006 5
FSB Licence Number: 15592
If special medicines are unobtainable locally, the Assistance Company will
endeavour to assist You with obtaining and despatching these medicines.
3.4 Evacuation
When medical facilities are not available locally, the Assistance Company will
endeavour to arrange emergency evacuation under constant medical supervision by
whatever means necessary to the nearest facility capable of providing the required
3.5 Repatriation
In the event of Your repatriation home, the Assistance Company will endeavour to
make all necessary arrangements.
3.6 Return of Mortal Remains
In the event of Your death, the Assistance Company will endeavour to assist with
obtaining clearances and arrangements for the return of the remains.
3.7 Transmission of Urgent Messages
The Assistance Company will endeavour to transmit urgent messages on behalf of or
to You in the event of a medical or travel problem.
3.8 Embassy Referral
The Assistance Company will endeavour to provide You with relevant details of
diplomatic representatives wherever possible.
3.9 Emergency Travel and Accommodation Arrangements
The Assistance Company will endeavour to provide all reasonable, possible and
practical assistance in arranging for emergency alternative accommodation and
onward or return transportation if necessary.
3.10 Legal Assistance:
The Assistance Company will endeavour to locate a source of legal counsel and if
necessary an advance of funds for bail. The bail funds or bonds are Your
3.11 Bail
The Assistance Company will endeavour to assist with the posting of bail on Your
behalf from funds provided by You or Your representative for this purpose, subject
to foreign exchange approval.
3.12 Return in case of death or imminent death of a close relative
The Assistance Company will endeavour to provide all reasonable, possible and
practicable assistance in arranging for the amendment of Your Public Conveyance
tickets for You to return to Your Country of Residence.
3.13 Loss of travel documents
The Assistance Company will endeavour to provide all advice regarding the
replacement of Your lost or stolen credit cards, travel and other documents required
to continue with Your Journey.
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FSB Licence Number: 15592
3.14 Cash Advances
When, as a result of theft, loss, accident or illness You require funds to pay for travel
and accommodation We will (subject to foreign exchange regulations and a surcharge
of 10%) advance You the funds provided by Your representative for this purpose.
If You suffer bodily injury by accidental, external, violent and visible means which directly
and independently of any other cause, results within twelve months in Death or Permanent
Disablement (as detailed in the schedule below) We will pay the appropriate compensation to
You, Your estate or nominated beneficiary in accordance with the Schedule of Benefits.
If You suffer an injury or die as a direct result of exposure to the elements of nature, resulting
from a mishap to the conveyance in which You are travelling, We will pay the appropriate
compensation to You, Your estate or nominated beneficiary.
If You disappear and it is reasonable for Us to believe that You may have died due to
accidental bodily injury, We will pay the appropriate compensation to Your estate or
nominated beneficiary. Payment is conditional upon a waiting period of 12 months and will
only be made once the person or persons to whom such sum is to be paid have signed an
undertaking to refund such sum to Us if You are subsequently found to be living.
Percentage of Limit of Liability
a. Death 100%
b. Loss by physical separation at or above the wrist or ankle of one or more limbs
c. Total, permanent and irrecoverable loss of hearing in both ears 100%
d. Total, permanent and irrecoverable loss of sight in both eyes 100%
e. Permanent Total Disablement 100%
f. Permanent and total loss of speech 100%
a. Permanent total loss of use of a limb shall be treated as loss of a limb.
b. In the event of compensation becoming payable under more than one benefit, the total
amount payable shall not exceed 100% of the Limit of Liability for each Insured
c. In the event of travel in any chartered aircraft with more than 20 seats, the Limit of
Liability is restricted to 25% in respect of each Insured person.
d. In the event of the death of a minor child under the age of 16, the benefit payable will
be subject to the current amount legislated by law at the time of death but will never
exceed 20% of the Limit of Liability stated on the Schedule of Insurance.
e. The maximum known accumulation in respect of any benefits payable in respect of
any one accident or series of accidents under this section shall be limited to R 5 000
000 (five million rand) per valid First Rand Bank Credit Card.
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FSB Licence Number: 15592
We will not pay for any claim resulting from:
a. airline crew during the course of their employment;
b. travel in any single engine aircraft;
c. travel in any helicopter unless when utilised as a connecting flight by a scheduled
If You cancel Your Journey prior to departure as a result of:
a. unexpected death or sudden illness or injury of You, Your Travelling
Companion, a member of Your Immediate Family or Business Associate
and as deemed necessary by a medical practitioner appointed by Us;
b. the non availability of the person that is in charge of Your minor or disabled
children due to such person’s unexpected death, illness or injury within 30 days
prior to the date of the insured journey;
c. a Traumatic Event;
d. accidental damage or burglary to Your main residence likely to result in a loss
in excess of R 50 000;
then We will pay for, or reimburse You the non refundable portions of travel and/or
accommodation arrangements paid by You or for which You are legally liable.
If the Journey is curtailed as a result of:
a. unexpected death or sudden illness or injury of You, Your Travelling
Companion, a member of Your Immediate Family or Business Associate
and as deemed necessary by a medical practitioner appointed by Us;
b. the non availability of the person that is in charge of Your minor or disabled
children due to such person’s unexpected death, illness or injury within 30 days
prior to the date of the insured journey;
c. a Traumatic Event;
d. accidental damage or burglary to Your main residence likely to result in a loss
in excess of R 50 000;
then We will pay for or reimburse You the non refundable portions of travel and/or
accommodation arrangements paid by You or for which You are legally liable and the
reasonable additional travel and accommodation expenses (three star accommodation
and economy class travel expenses) incurred by You to return to Your Country of
We will not pay for any claim arising from:
a. disinclination to proceed or financial circumstances or government prohibition;
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FSB Licence Number: 15592
b. the inability of any tour operator or wholesaler to complete arrangements for a group
due to a deficiency in the number of persons required to commence or complete any
part of the tour;
c. default of any transport or accommodation provider, travel agency or tour
operator, or any person acting as an agent of Yours ;
d. pregnancy , childbirth, abortion, miscarriange, obstetrical procedures or any sequalae
e. costs of resuming the Journey ;
f. non-admittance into any country by the authorities;
g. cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, respiratory or cardio respiratory conditions if You,
or the person who is the cause of the claim, have received medical advice and / or
treatment (including medication) for hypertension in the six months prior to departure
or where You, or the person who is the cause of the claim, have attained an age of 65
h. any illness or physical infirmity for which You or the person who is subject of a
claim is receiving at the date of issue of this policy or whose medical advisors are
aware will arise during the Journey;
i. costs associated with treatment that You or persons described in Section 4 are
receiving at the date of issue of this policy or whose medical advisors are aware will
arise during the Journey;
j. the cancellation of the Journey on request of Your Spouse, parent or employer;
k. weather conditions;
l. You not having the required and / or valid and /or correct travel documents, or visas;
m. treatment or advice that You, Your Travelling Companion, a member of Your
Immediate Family or Business Associate are receiving at the date of departure or
any recurring, chronic or continuing illness or condition or costs associated to
conditions or treatment or advice received during the six months prior to departure;
n. the first R 500 claimed.
If the scheduled departure of Your Public Conveyance transport is delayed for at least 12
hours, due to any fortuitous cause outside Your control, We will reimburse You for
reasonable expenses incurred for meals, drinks, travel costs, accommodation and the like if
your carrier does not provide them. You must provide Us with receipts for all purchases when
making a claim under this Section.
If You become legally liable for accidental death, accidental bodily injury, illness of any
person or loss or damage to property, We will pay for claims made against You for any
event/s caused by the original occurrence. This amount includes any legal costs recoverable
from You by the claimant/s and other expenses incurred with Our consent.
We will not pay for any claim arising from:
a. liability arising from Your wilful, malicious or criminal activity;
b. liability for damage to property which is in Your care, custody or control;
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FSB Licence Number: 15592
c. any liability where indemnity is provided under any other insurance;
d. liability for death, bodily injury or illness of any member of Your family, Travelling
Companion, Business Associate or an employee (or deemed by law to be an
employee) of You or Your business;
e. liability arising from the conduct by You of any profession, trade or business or the
use or ownership by You of any mechanically propelled vehicle, aircraft or
waterborne craft;
f. liability that arises under a contract or agreement entered into by You, but not
excluding liability which would have attached in the absence of such an agreement;
g. liability for fines, penalties or punitive damages
No admission, offer, promise or payment shall be made by You without Our written consent.
We shall be entitled, if We so desire, to take over and conduct in Your name, the defence
and/or settlement of any claim, or to prosecute in Your name, for Our own benefit, any claim
for indemnity or damages or otherwise against any person and shall have full discretion in
conducting such proceedings or in settling any claim. We may at any stage of the proceedings
pay to You the full amount of Our liability under this policy in respect of any claim and shall
thereupon not be responsible for any loss alleged to have been sustained in consequence of
any action or omission in connection with the prosecution of such claims or proceedings.
If a Public Conveyance in which You are travelling is hijacked or if You are held hostage or
if You are held in wrongful detention We will pay You an inconvenience benefit.
We will not pay for any claim arising from:
You being held hostage or being wrongfully detained by any member of Your family or
Travelling Companion or Business Associate, employer or employee.
If You are imprisoned or threatened with imprisonment, We will assist You in locating and
appointing legal counsel and pay for legal expenses incurred by You.
We will not pay for any claim arising from:
a. legal practitioners not licensed or authorised to provide counsel;
b. the pursuit of a claim against a tour operator, travel agent, Assistance Company,
conveyance carrier, Us or any agent of Ours or Our Assistance Company;
c. legal advice or expenses incurred as a result of a legal action brought against You, or
Us by a relative, Business Associate or employee of Yours ;
d. any criminal or illegal act intentionally committed by You.
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FSB Licence Number: 15592
We will pay the reasonable travel costs for a replacement employee to complete the
assignment for which You were originally sent as the result of a valid claim under Section 1,
Section 3 and / or Section 4 where You are unable to complete the assignment for which You
were originally sent.
We reserve the right to utilise Your original travel ticket/s.
If Your luggage, clothing and / or Personal Effects are accidentally lost, stolen or damaged
We will indemnify You by payment, replacement or repair (at Our option) subject to the
1. there is a limit of R 1000 for any single item. Where an item is valued at more than R
1 000 such items should be insured more specifically elsewhere and are not covered
in terms of this policy;
2. a camera, it’s lenses and fittings and the camera case shall be deemed to be a single
3. a mobile phone / satellite phone and its fittings (including photographic fittings) shall
be deemed to be a single item and is limited to R1 000;
4. a laptop, palmtop or similar personal computer and any fittings and/or accessories
including software and software disks shall be deemed to be a single item;
5. golf clubs, golf bags and golf equipment will be deemed to be a single item;
6. spectacles, sunglasses, contact lenses are limited to R1 000 per pair.
We will not pay for any claim arising from:
a. delay, detention, destruction or confiscation by customs officials or other authorities;
b. the contractual obligations resulting from the loss of a mobile or a satellite phone;
c. loss or damage to a mobile or satellite phone and its fittings, unless personally carried
with You;
d. jewellery and / or money unless carried upon You or lodged in a safety deposit box;
e. theft from an unattended motor vehicle unless such property is securely locked in the
boot and entry to the vehicle is gained by visible, violent and forcible means;
f. loss of trade samples;
g. wear and tear, mildew, rust or corrosion, the action of insects, moth or vermin or
whilst clothing or Personal Effects are being cleaned, dry-cleaned, dyed, altered or
h. loss or damage to fragile or brittle articles (other than cameras, binoculars and
spectacles) unless caused by fire or accident to the transport in which they are being
Travel Insurance Consultants FirstRand Bank Limited 2005: 2006 11
FSB Licence Number: 15592
i. mechanical or electrical breakdown or derangement;
j. loss or damage to bonds, stamps, negotiable instruments, manuscripts, deeds,
securities or any kind or bullion;
k. loss or damage to sporting equipment or tools of trade whilst in use;
l. any claim that has not been reported to the police or transport carrier immediately and
a written police or irregularity report obtained;
m. loss or damage to unaccompanied luggage;
n. the first R500 claimed.
If Your luggage has been delayed, misdirected or temporarily misplaced for a period in
excess of 12 hours, We will reimburse the cost of purchasing emergency essential items of
clothing and Personal Effects.
Written proof of delay from the transport provider must be submitted with any claim along
with receipts in support of the purchase of emergency, essential items of clothing and
Personal Effects.
We will not pay for any claim arising from:
a. Your failure to check in Your luggage according to the scheduled times;
b. delay, detention, destruction or confiscation by customs officials or other authorities;
c. delayed luggage at Your final destination.
We will reimburse You in respect of accidental loss of or damage to personal Cash (meaning
bank and currency notes and, coins), and non-refundable accommodation vouchers, prepaid
and non refundable entertainment tickets, the reissuing cost of existing travel tickets,
traveller’s cheques, credit cards, visas, passports and vouchers. In respect of money secured
for the purpose of the Journey, cover shall commence 72 hours prior to the start of Your
Journey or at the time of collection from the bank (whichever occurs latest) and shall
continue for 72 hours after the termination of Your Journey.
We will not pay for any claim arising from:
a. delay detention, destruction or confiscation by customs officials or other authorities;
b. wear and tear, mildew, the actions of insects, moth or vermin;
c. loss or damage to bonds, stamps, negotiable instruments, manuscripts, deeds,
securities of any kind or bullion;
d. any claim where You have not immediately reported the loss to the police and
obtained a written police report;
e. theft of Your travel documents, travelers cheques or credit cards by Your travelling
companion or a relative;
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FSB Licence Number: 15592
f. the first R500 claimed.
We will not pay for any claim arising from;
a. Your participation in motor cycling except as a driver of a motor cycle with an
engine capacity of 200cc or less, provided that You hold a current legal motor cycle
driver’s licence. When You are the passenger, the driver must hold a current legal
motor cycle licence and cover is limited to motor cycles with an engine capacity of
200cc or less;
b. Your participation in underwater diving involving the use of any artificial breathing
apparatus, unless You hold an open water diving certificate or are diving under the
supervision of a qualified instructor;
c. Your participation in any hazardous or professional sport or activity including
hunting, racing (other than on foot), any organised bodily contact sport, football,
rugby, hang gliding, skydiving/parachuting, white water rapid rafting, ski jumping,
guided glacier walking, mountaineering using ropes, crampons, ice axes or guides
and potholing or where You are required to acclimatize to altitude;
d. consequential loss, loss of enjoyment or financial loss or expense not specifically
covered in this policy;
e. acute and chronic psychiatric or psychological or emotional illness of any kind,
suicide, attempted suicide, deliberate self-injury, insanity, depression, stress or any
similar syndrome;
f. the effect and influence of alcohol, drugs, narcotics upon You unless administered by
a member of the medical profession ;
g. sexually transmitted disease;
h. human Immunodeficiency Virus (H.I.V) or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
(A.I.D.S) or any condition related thereto;
i. flying or air travel of any kind other than
i. on a flight arranged by the Assistance Company or;
ii. flying as a passenger in any fully licensed passenger carrying aircraft (but not as a
member of the crew) and not for purpose of undertaking any trade or technical
operation therein;
j. any child born whilst on a Journey;
k. manual work in connection with a business or a trade;
l. any unlawful act committed by You or You not being honest and frank with all
answers, statements and submissions made in connection with any claim on this
m. Your exposure to or active participation in war, invasion, act of foreign enemy,
hostilities (whether war be declared or not), riot, civil commotion, civil war,
rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power or any foreseeable act of
any person acting on behalf of or in connection with any organisation with activities
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FSB Licence Number: 15592
towards the overthrow by force of any Government (whether with legal authority or
not) or any foreseeable act of Terrorism or violence;
n. loss or destruction of, or damage to, any property whatsoever or any loss or expense
whatsoever resulting or arising there from or any consequential loss or other loss
directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to or arising from ionising radiation or
contamination by radio activity from nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the
combustion of nuclear fuel. For the purpose of this exclusion only, combustion shall
include any self sustaining process of nuclear fission;
o. or in any way caused or contributed to by an act of War or Terrorism involving the
use or release or the threat thereof of any nuclear weapon or device or chemical or
biological agent;
p. any person who has attained the age of 76;
q. You travelling with the intention of emigrating;
r. You engaging in or taking part in armed forces service or operations
s. Your deliberate exposure to exceptional danger (except in an attempt to save human
Exclusion “M” does not apply in respect of War and Terrorism Medical Expenses and
Personal Accident provided (as stated on the Schedule of Insurance) where Your
exposure (as defined in exclusion m) is not willful.
It is a condition precedent to liability that:
a. You must be healthy and fit to travel. You will not be insured when You are
travelling against medical advice or when You are travelling with the intention of
obtaining medical treatment abroad;
b. The maximum known accumulation in respect of any benefits payable in respect
of any one accident or series of accidents shall be limited to R 10 000 000 per
travel ticket debited to a valid credit card issued by FirstRand Bank Limited
(which has been specifically nominated by the bank);
c. You shall:
i. always exercise reasonable care for the safety, security and supervision of
property at all times and must not leave property in an unattended public place,
unlocked building or unattended unlocked vehicle;
ii. take all reasonable precautions to minimise any loss and not to abandon any
damaged property;
iii. attempt to make a recovery from the airline and never leave an airport with a
damaged suitcase that has not been reported and a written report obtained;
d. claims must be notified promptly and submitted no later than 60 days along with the
requested supporting documentation after return to Your Country of Residence. The
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costs of submitting claims and obtaining supporting documentation as We may
require shall be borne by You;
e. all claims other than Medical Expenses are only payable in the Republic of South
Africa in South African Rand on Your return to Your Country of Residence;
f. the maximum liability for each Section under this policy shall not exceed the relevant
Limit of Liability specified in the Schedule of Insurance;
g. You must observe all of the policy conditions insofar as they relate to anything to be
done by You;
h. In the event of the death of Accompanied Children the amount payable will be
subject to Article 53 of the Short-term Insurance Act, 1998.
i. We may at Our expense and in Your name, pursue any actions available to obtain a
claim recovery;
j. if any claim under this policy is covered by any other policy or policies of insurance
or medical aid schemes, We will never contribute more than Our equitable share of a
claim which will never exceed the Limit of Liability. This condition does not apply to
Section 3;
k. where You have purchased additional policies from Us, Our maximum payment will
never be more than the maximum Limit of Liability as stated on the policy with the
highest benefits;
l. in all cases the monetary limits shown in the policy are deemed to be South African
m. this policy excludes all persons to whom a terminal prognosis has been given;
n. You reimburse Us within 30 days of receiving a written request to defray any
expense for which We are not responsible;
o. this insurance shall be governed by the Laws of the Republic of South Africa whose
Courts shall have sole jurisdiction in any dispute arising hereunder;
p. any summons, notice or process to be served upon Us for the purpose of instituting
any legal proceedings against Us in connection with this insurance must be served
upon Travel Insurance Consultants (Pty) Ltd, Ground Floor, Norfolk House, Norwich
Close, 5
Street, Sandown, 2196 who have authority to accept notice on Our behalf;
q. You are a resident of the Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia and
/ or Swaziland You may be insured in terms of this policy;
r. You are not aware of any reason why the Journey should be cancelled or abandoned;
s. cover cannot be granted for a period in excess of 90 days.
For the purpose of this policy the following definitions apply:
Accompanied Children: Your dependent children not in full-time employment and under
the age of 21 years or under the age of 25 provided they are in full time education who are
travelling with You on the Journey.
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FSB Licence Number: 15592
Assistance Company: Shall mean the Company whom We have authorised to Assist,
Coordinate and Negotiate Claims.
Business Associate: A partner or director.
Country of Residence: Your place of usual domicile.
Immediate Family: Spouse, parent, legal guardian, step parent, grandparent, grandchild, in-
law (son, daughter or parent), natural or adopted child, brother, sister, step brother or step
Journey: Means a trip which begins during the period of insurance and commences when
You go through passport control from Your Country of Residence and continues for a
period of 90 days from the date of departure or until You enter passport control on Your
arrival back in Your Country of Residence, whichever occurs first. In respect of a local
Journey the trip begins during the period of insurance and commences when You board a
Public Conveyance Carrier and continues for a period of 90 days from the date of Your
embarkation or until You return to the original point of embarkation, whichever occurs first.
Permanent Total Disablement: Shall mean disablement which entirely prevents You from
following Your usual occupation or any other occupation for which You are fitted by
knowledge and training, which lasts 12 months and at the end of that period is beyond hope of
improvement, or You being permanently bedridden.
Reasonable and Customary Medical / Dental Expenses: means the charges which:
a. are medically required for treatment of a covered illness or injury;
b. do not exceed the charges normally levied for similar treatment, supplies or medical
services in the locality where the expenses are incurred;
c. do not exceed the charges for treatment that would have been made if no insurance
Personal Effects: Spectacles, dentures, purses, wallets, cosmetics and other Personal Effects
normally carried on the person.
Public Conveyance: Means a scheduled or chartered conveyance licensed to carry
passenger’s for hire in which You are travelling as a fare-paying passenger but excluding any
taxis, motorcycles, hired motor vehicles and any single engined aircraft (including
Sound Natural teeth: Shall mean natural teeth, unaffected by any deterioration and / or
decay and will exclude teeth with precious metals or any artificial fillings, caps or crowns.
Schedule of Benefits: Means the sections of cover as shown on Your Schedule of Insurance
to be applicable to Your policy.
Spouse: Your husband or wife or common-law husband or wife or partner (the person who
has been residing with You and who has been publicly represented by You as Your husband
or wife or partner).
Terrorism: Means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the
threat thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in
connection with any organisation(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious,
ideological or similar purposes or reasons including the intention to influence any government
and/or to put the public, or any section of the public, in fear.
Travelling Companion: The person who is sharing travel and accommodation arrangements
with You without whom such a Journey would not be possible.
Travel Insurance Consultants FirstRand Bank Limited 2005: 2006 16
FSB Licence Number: 15592
Traumatic Event: Means serious personal trauma experienced by You or a member of Your
immediate family involving kidnap, carjack, rape, armed robbery at home or violent assault.
We, Us, Our, Insurer: Travel Insurance Consultants (Pty) Ltd and/ or Santam Limited.
You, Your: Means the individual named on the Schedule of Insurance and / or the individual
named on the Public Conveyance ticket who’s Journey has been debited, in full to a valid
credit card issued by FirstRand Bank Limited(which has been specifically nominated by the
Travel Insurance Consultants FirstRand Bank Limited 2005: 2006 17
FSB Licence Number: 15592
SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS (Persons up to the age of 75 (not yet 76)
Limit per travel ticket purchased
Description Local International
Section 1
Emergency Medical and Related Expenses R 175 000 R 10 000 000
Excess R 1 000 R 2 000
War or Terrorism R 1 000 000 R 1 000 000
Excess R 1 000 R 2 000
Related Expenses
1.1.1 Medical Transportation and Repatriation Included in Emergency Medical Expenses
1.1.2 Visit by a family member Included in Emergency Medical Expenses
1.1.3 Return of Children Included in Emergency Medical Expenses
1.1.4 Return of Travel Companion Included in Emergency Medical Expenses
1.1.5 Burial, Cremation and Return of Mortal remains Included in Emergency Medical Expenses
1.1.6 Hospital Inconvenience R 200 / day Total of R 3 000
Section 2 Local International
Pre-Existing Medical Cover R 100 000 R 100 000
Minimum Delay Period 48 hours 48 hours
2.1.1 Transportation and Repatriation Included in Pre-Existing Medical Cover
Section 3
3.1 Medical Referral Service Only
3.2 Medical Monitoring Service Only
3.3 Emergency Medicine Service Only
3.4 Evacuation Refer to Section 1.1.1
3.5 Repatriation Refer to Section 1.1.1
3.6 Return of Mortal Remains Refer to Section 1.1.5
3.7 Transmission of Urgent Messages Service Only
3.8 Embassy Referral Service Only
3.9 Emergency Travel and Accommodation
Arrangements Service Only
3.10 Legal Assistance Refer to Section 9
3.11 Bail Service Only
3.12 Return in case of death or imminent death of a
close Relative Service Only
3.13 Loss of Travel Documents Refer to Section 13
3.14 Cash advances Service Only
Section 4 Local International
Personal Accident whilst on a Public Conveyance R 750 000 R 750 000
Personal Accident whilst not on a Public Conveyance R 250 000 R 250 000
Personal Accident as a result of acts of War or
Terrorism R 250 000 R 250 000
Section 5
4.1 Cancellation R 10 000 R 10 000
Excess R 500 R 500
4.2 Curtailment R 10 000 R 10 000
Excess R 500 R 500
Section 6
Travel Delay R 2 000 R 2 000
Minimum Delay Period 12 hours 12 hours
Travel Insurance Consultants FirstRand Bank Limited 2005: 2006 18
FSB Licence Number: 15592
Section 7
Personal Liability R 2 500 000 R 2 500 000
Section 8
Hijack, Hostage or Wrongful Detention Inconvenience R 10 000 R 10 000
Benefit per day R 750 R 750
Section 9
Legal Expenses R 5 000 R 5 000
Section 10
Replacement Personnel R 10 000 R 10 000
Section 11
Luggage R 3 000 R 3 000
Excess R 500 R 500
Maximum Insured Value Per Item R 1000 R 1000
Section 12
Luggage Delay R 2 000 R 2 000
Minimum Delay Period 12 hours 12 hours
Section 13
Loss of Cash and / or Travel Documents R 1 500 R 1 500
Excess R 500 R 500