Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
FNB Zambia International Travel Insurance Policy Wording
Date this document was first published:
1. International Travel Insurance
1.1. Product Description
International Travel insurance is insurance intended to cover the insureds medical expense,
trip cancellation, lost luggage, flight accident and other limited losses incurred (as defined in
the policy) while travelling outside the borders of Zambia.
1.2. Understanding your policy
1.2.1. The Insurer/We/Our/Us is Sanlam Life Insurance Zambia Limited, Company Registration No.
44704) whose principal office is at Sanlam Life House, Corner of Ituna & Nasser Roads, Lusaka,
ZAMBIA, , a registered and licensed Insurer that underwrites the Funeral Benefit as well as other
Optional Benefits under the Funeral Plan. FNB is the administrator of the Policy.
1.2.2. Interpretation: A master certificate is issued to First National Bank Zambia for Embedded cover
and t the certificate together with this Policy is one document and the following terms,
definitions, conditions, exclusions and benefits apply. It is important that you read and
understand it. If any word or expression has been given a specific meaning it shall have the same
meaning wherever it appears. Headings have been inserted to help you find the information You
need. They must not be taken to affect the interpretation of the Policy. Should there be any
conflict in interpretation between the contents of the printed Policy and the contents of the
Schedule of Benefits, the Schedule of Benefits shall be given precedence.
1.3. Eligibility
1.3.1. Insured person/You: The Insured Person means an individual not exceeding the Age Limit, who is
covered by this Policy and accepted by Sanlam Life as the Insured Person. All Insured Person’s
international air ticket from/back to Zambia (airfare and taxes) must be purchased with an FNB
Zambia credit card and/or transactional account. The Insured Person/s must have been a
permanent resident of Zambia for at least 6 months before the insurance policy is issued.
1.3.2. Who qualifies for the cover: The International Travel insurance benefit shall be provided to the
card holder himself, the card holder’s spouse as well as any child travelling on the same itinerary
as the Card Holder, inclusive of up to 4 children under the age of 21 years. To be covered, the Insured must be healthy and fit to travel during the travel period; Pre-existing medical conditions: Cover is provided for the pre-existing medical
conditions listed in section 4.1.7 only. The policy does not cover any claim relating to
any pre-existing medical condition not listed below; The insurance will NOT cover you when: travelling against the advice of a Medical Practitioner;
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank travelling with the intention of obtaining medical treatment or consultation
abroad; have any undiagnosed symptoms that require attention or investigation in the
future (that is symptoms for which you are awaiting investigations /
consultations, or awaiting results of investigations, where the underlying cause
has not been established); Pregnancy and Childbirth: Cover under this policy is provided for unexpected
complications related to pregnancy which occur before the 26th week of pregnancy.
Please refer to the Meaning of Words Section: “Complications of Pregnancy and
Childbirth”, and each Section of cover to establish whether You are covered.
1.4. Period of Insurance
1.4.1. Cancellation cover will commence when you purchase your international return ticket from/back
to Zambia using your relevant FNB card.
1.4.2. All other sections: Coverage will commence when You pass through passport control from Your
Country of Residence (including local connection flights).
1.4.3. Cover terminates on the earliest of the following dates: the Master Policy is cancelled, or Your return Home, or You reached the maximum age limit for the cover selected, or the 91st day since date of departure.
1.5. Age Limits
1.5.1. Personal Accident: cover ceases on your 65
1.5.2. Medical & Related Expenses (except as exclusions below): cover ceases on your 71
birthday Cardio , cardio vascular , , cerebra vascular illness ,conditions or sequelae thereof,
cover ceases on Your 65
1.6. Authorisation of expenses
1.6.1. Medical Emergency: Accident & emergency department (A&E), emergency room (ER) or
casualty department. You, Your travel companion or someone designated by You must phone + 27 (0) 11 991
8610 immediately when Your condition has been stabilised in the emergency
department. Standard rates apply. Our liability will be limited to $ 1,000 if You don’t contact us for authorisation to be
admitted as an inpatient.
1.6.2. The following conditions are covered whilst you are being treated in the A&E, ER or casualty
department: Anaphylaxis (airway constricted). Bone fracture.
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank Burns. Cardiac Arrest. Choking / blockage of the airway. Diving disorders or drowning. Heat stroke. Hair tourniquet (where a hair or other thread becomes tied around a toe or finger
tightly enough to cut off blood flow). Heavy bleeding. Hyperglycemia (diabetic coma) and Hypoglycemia (insulin shock). Hypothermia, or Exposure Insect and animal bites and stings. Joint dislocation. Poisoning. Seizures, or a malfunction in the electrical activity in the brain. Stroke. Wounds, including lacerations, incisions and abrasions, Gastrointestinal bleeding, avulsions and Sucking chest wounds.
1.6.3. Medical Emergency: Inpatient and outpatient treatment (not in the emergency department). You must phone +27 (0) 11 991 8610 prior to receiving any treatment where the cost
is more than $ 1,000. If You are unconscious Your travel companion must contact us within 24 hours of your
admission. If You are travelling alone You must contact us within 24 hours of regaining
consciousness. Our liability will be limited to $ 1,000 if You do not contact us for authorisation within
the prescribed time limits.
1.7. Important notice
1.7.1. Terms and conditions are the rules You have to comply with in order for the policy to be valid for
example, that all jewellery must be kept locked away in a safe.
1.7.2. You can only claim for items in which you have an insurable interest i.e. items which, if lost or
damaged, cause You to be worse off financially. Example: You cannot claim for the loss of items
that do not belong to You.
1.7.3. This policy is NOT a Medical Aid, and does not provide cover for procedures that can be carried
out in Your country of residence after repatriation.
1.7.4. Sports and Activities: Your policy contains restrictions regarding the participation in sports. Please
refer to section 4.1.8 for details of covered activities.
1.7.5. Trip Limits: Trips must commence and end in Your Country of Residence and a return ticket must
have been booked prior to departure date.
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
1.7.6. We use an appointed emergency assistance provider: Europ Assistance S.A. They can be contacted
on +27 11 991 8610 (South Africa). Standard rates apply
1.7.7. Territorial limits: The cover in this policy is valid for travel outside the territorial limits of Your
Country of Residence. We don’t provide cover for travel to a country where the United Nations
Armed Forces are present and active, or where the British and Commonwealth Office and/or the
local department of foreign affairs has issued a travel warning.
1.7.8. The policy is subject to Zambian law.
1.7.9. All claims (except for Medical) are only payable in Zambian kwacha.
1.7.10. In the event of a valid claim, You shall furnish Us with certified copies of Your travel documents.
1.7.11. Currency: We shall use the rate at the due date of settlement, should Your expenses incurred be
in a foreign currency. The monetary limits are deemed to be Zambian Kwacha.
1.7.12. The medical standards, sanitary conditions, reliability of telephone systems and facilities for
urgent medical evacuations differ from country to country. Responsibility for any loss, medical
complication or death resulting from any factor reasonably beyond Our control cannot be
accepted by Our emergency assistance provider or Us.
1.7.13. Automatic Extension: The period of insurance shall automatically be extended due to the
occurrence of an event giving rise to a legitimate claim under Section 1 (Medical expenses and
Repatriation) occurring after the commencement of Your Trip.
1.7.14. Medical Repatriation: We will use Your return ticket towards Our costs for repatriation.
Repatriation mean Your return to Your Country of Residence.
1.7.15. Rights of others: This policy gives rights to You only. Any extension of Our liability for the losses
of any other person gives no right to that person to claim from Us.
1.7.16. Consent to Disclosure of Private Information You acknowledge that the sharing of information for underwriting and claims purposes
is in the public interest, as it will enable insurers to underwrite policies and assess risks
fairly and reduce the incidence of fraudulent claims with a view to limiting premiums. On Your behalf and on behalf of anyone You represent herein, You hereby waive any
right to privacy with regard to any underwriting and claims information in respect of
any insurance policy or claims made or lodged by You, or on Your behalf. You consent to such information being stored in the shared database and used as set
out above. You also consent to such information being disclosed to any insurer or its agent. You further consent to any underwriting information being verified against legally
recognised sources or databases. You agree that this consent clause will survive the Termination for whatever reason of
the Policy, including its cancellation or lapsing.
1.8. Your responsibilities All Sections
1.8.1. Your duty of disclosure: You have a duty of disclosure to Us when it is relevant to Our decision
whether to insure You, and, if We do, on what terms whenever You apply for, or change an
insurance policy.
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
1.8.2. Avoid fraudulent acts. All dealings concerning this policy must be done honestly and in good faith.
If You are found to have engaged in fraudulent or dishonest behaviour, You will lose all rights to
claims and premiums. Examples of fraudulent behaviours are: Providing false information (claim or risk profile); Making a claim that You know to be false, fraudulent or exaggerated; Obstructing the outcome of a legal matter.
1.8.3. No admission, statement, offer, promise, payment or indemnity may be made by You without
Our prior consent in writing.
1.8.4. You must provide all information, documentation and assistance required by Us to obtain
indemnity from other parties.
1.8.5. Observe all terms and conditions, which are the rules You have to stick to in order for the policy to
be valid. If You do not it may result in Us refusing to pay You for a claim/s and your premium/s.
1.8.6. Communication of Material Changes: Any changes in Your circumstances must be communicated
to Us in writing immediately and if possible before such changes occur to ensure continuous cover.
Provided that the changes are acceptable to Us, they will be effective from the date agreed upon,
subject to Our terms and conditions being complied with. We will confirm these changes by sending
You an updated Schedule.
1.9. Claims
1.9.1. How a claim benefit is calculated: When We pay a claim, We consider a number of aspects in
calculating the amount payable. These can include: The amount of financial loss; The excess; The maximum benefit limits and sub-limits; The terms and conditions of the policy
1.9.2. How much we pay is always based on the value of the item at present time, and not the
sentimental or other value You may hold.
1.9.3. You cannot claim more than the actual loss. For example, by claiming under two different sections
of this policy. Similarly, if an insured event is covered by another insurer, airline or operator, then
the amount payable by such insurer, airline or operator will become the Excess of this policy.
1.9.4. Third party liability claims: We may finalise the claim by paying You the limit of liability, or any
lesser amount for which the third-party claim may be settled. This will release Us from any further
liability for the claim.
1.9.5. You cannot claim more than the sum insured, even if Your financial loss was greater.
1.9.6. If You have more than one policy underwritten by Us, the maximum We will pay an amount that
shall not exceed the sum insured of whichever policy has the highest sum insured. Example, if one
policy covers baggage up to $ 5,000 and the second up to $ 7,000 the maximum we will pay is $
1.9.7. In approving Your claim, We may decide to repair, replace or pay in cash, subject always to the
Sum Insured or Limit of Indemnity stated in the Schedule and subject to deduction of the First
Amount Payable.
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
1.9.8. We do not pay interest unless ordered to do so by a Zambian court of law.
1.9.9. You have to sign a release in Our favour before We will settle a claim.
1.9.10. The pay-out is always reduced by the excess. For every valid claim, You will always have to pay
the first amount, also known as the excess. For example, if there is an excess of $ 500 on a $ 10,000
claim, then You will receive a payout from us of $ 9,500. The excess is listed in the Certificate. The
excess applies per person to any claim from a separate event.
1.9.11. Don’t dispose of damaged property, until We have agreed that You may do so.
1.9.12. How to claim: Tell us right away no later than 30 days after Your date of return. Do not admit liability or make misleading promises to anyone, such as: Make any statements (unless required by law) Offer payments to anyone Negotiate with anyone claiming from You.
1.9.13. Submit a claim form with your Insurer: Sanlam
1.9.14. Help Us with any legal proceedings against a party responsible for the loss. Note that any such
legal action may be taken in Your name.
1.9.15. The entire claims procedure is at Your own expense, including the
cost to obtain all reports We may require, or if You are required to submit
to a medical examination.
1.10. Time limits you must adhere to
1.10.1. Immediately: You MUST contact Us before incurring expenses in excess of (one thousand US Dollars)
$1,000. If You are physically prevented from contacting Us immediately, You or someone
designated by You must contact Us within 24 hours. If You don’t contact us for
authorisation, We may provide no cover or reduce the amount We pay. Notice of death must be given immediately, within 24 hours; to Us. Baggage loss/damage caused by the Carrier: You must report the loss immediately to the
relevant Carrier, before leaving the baggage area
1.10.2. 48 Hours: Inform the local police immediately, but not later than 48 hours after
theft/mugging/event, and take all reasonable steps to recover any stolen property.
1.10.3. 30 Days: Send Us the following within 30 days: Completed claim form Details of any other policy covering the claim Any other documentation We think is necessary to handle the claim (such as
death certificates, receipts, medical reports, invoices or a police report).
1.10.4. 365 days
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank Your claim will no longer be valid after 365 days, unless You have started legal action
against Us, or the claim concerns Your legal liability towards a third party.
If You go beyond any of these time limits, Your right to payment of the claim will lapse.
2. Meaning of words
Wherever the following words and phrases appear in this policy they will always have these meanings:
Accidental Bodily Injury: A sudden, violent, external, unexpected specific event, which occurs at an identifiable
time and place, which solely and independently of any other cause results, within 12 months, in the death, Loss
of Limb, Loss of Sight or the Permanent Total Disablement of an Insured Person.
Accompanying Travel Companion: A person or persons with whom you have coordinated travel arrangements,
shares the same accommodations as You and intend to travel with during the Trip.
Carrier Accumulation limit: The maximum amount we will pay in the aggregate under this policy in respect of
insured persons travelling in the same Carrier at any one time.
Carrier: A scheduled or chartered aircraft (excluding all non-pressurised single engine piston aircraft),
land (excluding any hired motor vehicle and motorcycles) or water conveyance licensed to carry passengers for
hire and in (or on) which You are travelling as a fare paying passenger.
Cash: Foreign currency (not Zambian Kwacha) obtained from a foreign exchange dealer to be used whilst on your
Children/Child: Your natural or adopted child (son/daughter) not in full-time employment, under the age of 18
years, unmarried, not pregnant, without children and primarily dependent on Your maintenance and
Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth: For the purposes of this Policy ‘Complications of Pregnancy and
Childbirth’ shall only be deemed to include the following unexpected events occurring more than 15 weeks prior
to the expected delivery date: toxemia, gestational hypertension, pre- eclampsia, ectopic pregnancy,
hydatidiform mole (molar pregnancy), post-partum hemorrhage, retained placenta membrane, placental
abruption, hyperemesis gravidarum, placenta previa, stillbirths, miscarriage, medically necessary emergency
Caesarean sections and any premature births.
Close Relative: Spouse or Common Law Partner, parent, parent-in-law, step-parent, legal guardian, children
(including legally adopted and step-children, and daughter/son-in-law), sibling (including step-siblings and
sister/brother-in-law), grandparent, grandchild, or fiancé(e) of an Insured Person under the age of 70 years,
and resident in Your Country of Residence.
Country of Residence: Zambia.
Family: The main Insured Person, his/her spouse, and/or their dependent children under 21 years of age (in full-
time education and residing with them).
Geographical Limits: Worldwide, except those countries or parts of countries where the foreign &
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
Commonwealth Office (FCO) has advised against travel.
Home: Your principal place of residence, used for domestic purposes in Zambia.
Inpatient: A hospital patient who receives lodging and food as well as treatment.
Injury: A bodily injury or physical trauma resulting from an Accidental Bodily Injury.
Illness: Any fortuitous sickness, illness or Disease originating, contracted, commencing or manifesting itself
during Your Trip.
Limits of Cover: Unless stated to the contrary, Our maximum liability in any one Period of Insurance is limited to
the amount stated in each Section, per Insured Person.
Loss of Limb: Loss by physical severance, or the total and irrecoverable permanent loss of use or function of, an
arm at or above the wrist joint, or a leg at or above the ankle joint.
Loss of Sight: Total and irrecoverable loss of sight in one or both eye(s); this is considered to have occurred if
the degree of sight remaining after correction is 3/60 or less on the Snellen scale.
Medical emergency: An acute injury or illness that poses an immediate risk to a person's life or long-term health.
Treatment is provided in an accident & emergency department (A&E), emergency room (ER) or casualty
Medical Practitioner: A legally licensed General Practitioner, recognised by the law of the country where
treatment is provided and who, in rendering such treatment is practicing within the scope of his/her license and
training, and who is not related to You or any travelling companion.
Outpatient: A person who goes to a doctor's office or hospital for treatment but who does not spend the night
Permanent Total Disablement: Permanent Total Disablement which, having lasted for a period of at least 12
consecutive months from the date of occurrence will, in the opinion of an independent qualified specialist,
entirely prevent You from engaging in, or giving any attention to any, and every business or occupation for the
remainder of Your life.
Policy Excess: The first amount, per Insured Person, each and every incident, each and every section of cover,
where the Policy Excess applies.
Pre-existing Medical Condition:
Any past or current Medical Condition that has given rise to symptoms or for which any form of
treatment or prescribed medication, medical consultation, investigation or follow-up/check-up has been
required or received during 6 months prior to the commencement of cover under this policy and/or
prior to any Trip: and
Any cardiovascular or circulatory condition (e.g. heart condition, hypertension, blood clots, raised
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
cholesterol, stroke, aneurysm) that has occurred at any time prior to the commencement of cover under
this policy and/or prior to any Trip.
Prepaid: Payment before your departure from Zambia.
Strike or Industrial Action: Any form of Industrial Action, whether organised by a trade union or not, which is
carried on with the intention of preventing, restricting or otherwise interfering with the production of goods or
the provision of services.
Temporary Resident: Working in a country of which You are not a citizen or permanent resident for more than
6 months contract period.
Travel Documents: Travel tickets, accommodation and other redeemable travel vouchers, Green Card, driver
license and passport.
Trip: When travelling in a direct and uninterrupted manner on an International Journey, outside the borders of
Your Country of Residence, commencing when You pass through passport control from Your Country of
Residence and ending when You pass back through passport control into Your Country of Residence (including
local connecting flights) as per the Period of Coverage.
Unattended: When You cannot see and are not close enough to Your property or vehicle to prevent
unauthorised interference or theft of Your property or vehicle.
Valuables: Cameras; photographic, video and associated equipment of any kind; games consoles (PlayStation,
Gameboy, Nintendo, etc), accessories and games; personal organisers; mobile telephones; televisions; portable
audio equipment (DVD, CD, mini-disc, MP3 players, i-pods, etc.) and all associated discs and accessories;
spectacles; sunglasses; telescopes; binoculars; jewelry; watches; furs; leather articles; perfumes; precious stones
and articles made of or containing gold, silver or other precious metals.
Weather: The state of the atmosphere with respect to wind, temperature, cloudiness, moisture and pressure
which causes the cancellation of flights by air traffic control. Examples: rain, snow, storms, wind, fog, or
undesirable temperatures.
3. What we do not cover All sections
The following General Exclusions apply to the entire Policy:
3.1. Any person who has reached the age limit.
3.2. Medical expenses incurred after 12 months of the loss occurring, or the sickness first manifesting itself.
3.3. Loss, damage or expense which at the time of happening is insured by or would but for the existence
of this policy, be insured by any other existing policy. This exclusion shall not apply to Personal
Accident benefit.
3.4. Costs which would have been payable if the event being the subject of a claim had not occurred (for
example, the cost of meals which You would have paid for in any case).
3.5. Any consequential loss (not listed under the headings “You are covered for”). Examples of losses We
will not pay for include costs of telephone calls or faxes, meals (except under the Travel Delay benefit),
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
taxi fares (with the sole exception of the taxi costs incurred for the initial journey to a hospital abroad
due to Your illness or injury), interpreters’ fees, inconvenience, distress, loss of earnings, loss of
enjoyment of holiday, time-share fees, holiday points and any additional travel or accommodation
costs (unless pre-authorised by Us or part of a valid claim)
3.6. Any deliberately reckless act or omission by You.
3.7. Any claim arising or resulting from Your own illegal or criminal act.
3.8. Needless self-exposure to danger except in an endeavour to save human life.
3.9. Any claim arising directly or indirectly from a Pre-existing medical condition not included under
section 4.1.7;
3.10. Any claim arising directly or indirectly from:
3.10.1. An Insured Person being under the influence of alcohol with more than the legal limit of alcohol
in his blood, 80mg per 100ml of blood, or
3.10.2. An Insured Person being under the influence of drugs or narcotics unless such drugs or
narcotics were administered by a Medical Practitioner or unless prescribed by and taken in
accordance with the directions of a Medical Practitioner; or
3.10.3. An Accident occurring whilst an Insured Person was driving a motor vehicle with more than the
legal limit of alcohol in his blood or breath; or
3.10.4. Alcohol abuse, alcoholism, substance abuse, solvent abuse, drug abuse or addictive conditions
of any kind.
3.11. Any claim arising or resulting directly or indirectly from Your suicide, attempted suicide, intentional
self-injury, mental disturbance or disorders, insanity, psychiatric, psychological, emotional or
nervous conditions.
3.12. Sexually transmitted diseases.
3.13. Myalgia.
3.14. You (being the driver of a motor vehicle or motorcycle) not being in possession of a valid/legal
license, or travelling as a passenger when you know the driver is not in possession of a valid/legal
3.15. You are engaging in Manual Work in conjunction with any profession, business or trade during the
Trip unless the Insured Company paid the additional premium and We agreed in writing to provide
the cover.
3.16. Cover for the intention of emigrating (travelling on a one-way ticket).
3.17. Adventure Sports & Activities: This policy specifically excludes participating in or practicing for sports
and activities not listed under section 4.1.8.
3.18. Flying or sea travel of any kind, except:
3.18.1. On a flight arranged by Us (Repatriation and Evacuation);
3.18.2. As a fare paying passenger on a Carrier (not as a member of the crew).
3.19. War (whether War be declared or not), Hostilities, Invasion or Civil War. For Personal Accident
and Medical Expense benefits only this exclusion is amended as follows: This Policy does not cover
death or disablement in any way caused or contributed to by war, whether war be declared or not,
hostilities or any act of war or civil war when the Insured Person is taking an active part therein.
3.20. Radioactive Contamination, whether arising directly or indirectly.
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
3.21. Engaging in occupational activities requiring the use of explosives.
3.22. Being in the service of any military or police force, or militia or paramilitary organisation.
3.23. You travelling to a country or specific area or event to which the Foreign and Commonwealth Office
has advised persons not to travel.
3.24. Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Terrorism: this Policy does not cover any claim(s) in any way caused
or contributed to by an act of terrorism involving the use or release or the threat thereof of any
nuclear weapon or device or chemical or biological agent. For the purpose of this exclusion an act of
terrorism means an act, including but not limited to the use of force or violence and/or the threat
thereof, of any person or group(s) of persons, whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection
with any organisation(s) or government(s), committed for political, religious, ideological or ethnic
purposes or reasons including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public, or
any section of the public, in fear.
3.25. Any loss or damage directly or indirectly caused by the provision of, or any delay in providing the
medical (or medical related) services to which the cover under this policy relates, whether provided
by Us or by anybody else (whether or not recommended by Us and/or acting on our behalf).
3.26. Cover for the fulfilment of any ransom demands.
3.27. Pregnancy of You or any other person where the problem arising is not defined under Complications
relating to Pregnancy and Childbirth before the 26th week of pregnancy.
3.28. Baggage freight costs.
3.29. Participation as a professional sportsperson receiving payment for each appearance (other than
sponsorship only);
3.30. Contraceptive devices, prosthetic devices and/or crutches, a brace of any kind, new/replacement
spectacles, new/replacement dentures and crutches.
4. Coverage
4.1. Overseas Medical Expenses You are covered for
The treatment of your unexpected illness, injury or death whilst on your trip. The policy
will pay the following costs, up to the Limit of Liability as set out in your Schedule of
Benefits, for:
4.1.1. Medical Practitioner’s fees;
4.1.2. In-patient treatment authorized by us related to your unexpected illness or injury;
4.1.3. Specialist treatment authorized by us upon referral from a medical practitioner;
4.1.4. Outpatient treatment below $1,000;
4.1.5. Outpatient treatment in excess of $1,000 if authorized by us;
4.1.6. Ambulance charges or a taxi for your initial trip to the nearest hospital;
4.1.7. Pre-existing medical conditions: Inpatient treatment when you are hospitalised for more
than 48 hours relating to the following medical conditions you already have: Allergies limited to Rhinitis, Chronic Sinusitis, Eczema, food Intolerance, hay
fever Asthma, providing that you have no other lung disease, and are younger than
60 years of age at the date of policy purchase Bell’s palsy Benign positional vertigo
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank Carpal tunnel syndrome Coeliac disease Congenital blindness Congenital deafness Diabetes (Types I and II) provided you were diagnosed over 12 months ago and
has no eye, kidney, nerve or vascular complications. Do not suffer from a
known cardiovascular disease, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia or
hypercholesterolemia and you are younger than 65 years at the policy
purchase date DVT provided you do not suffer from a cardiovascular condition Epilepsy provided there has been no change to your medication regime in the
past 12 months Flu provided the symptoms are not accompanied by shortness of breath, chest
pain, sudden dizziness or confusion Folate deficiency Gastric reflux Hiatus Hernia Hypercholesterolemia (High Cholesterol) provided you do not also suffer from
a known cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes Hyperlipidaemia (High Blood Lipids) provided you do not also suffer from a
known cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) provided you do not also suffer from a
known cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes Impaired Glucose Tolerance Incontinence Insulin Resistance Iron Deficiency Anaemia Meniere’s disease Menopause Migraine Osteopenia Osteoporosis Pernicious Anaemia Pregnancy: for a single, uncomplicated pregnancy, where your trip ends on or
before 26 weeks gestation, which does not arise from services or treatment
associated with an assisted reproductive program, including but not limited to
in vitro fertilisation Raynaud’s disease Sleep apnoea
4.1.8. In-patient and Outpatient (as per the authorisation limits) for treatment related to your
unexpected injury whilst participating on a non - professional basis in the Sports and
Activities listed below:
o Abseiling
o Acrobatics
o Aerobics
o American football
o Amateur Athletics
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
o Archery
o Badminton
o Banana boat rides
o Baseball
o Basketball
o BMX cycling (exclude racing and competition)
o Blackwater rafting, cave tubing
o Boating, sailing
o Bowling (lawn & ten pin)
o Boxing (training / no contact)
o Bungee jumping using a body harness as a back-up
o Camel riding for a day or if you are on a camel trek
o Canoeing (inland or 10km coastal waters limit)
o Canyon swing
o Clay pigeon shooting
o Cricket
o Curling
o Cycling (exclude racing and competition)
o Dancing (ballroom, salsa, Capoeira, ballet, contemporary, jazz, hip hop)
o Dirt boarding
o Dragon boating
o Dune buggy
o Elephant riding for an hour, a day or overnight
o Fencing
o Fishing (deep sea, angling, fly fishing, on a river, boat, or standing in a lake: exclude ice fishing or
commercial fishing)
o Fly by wire
o Football
o Go karting (recreational)
o Golf
o Gym - including weights, Pilates, aqua aerobics, yoga
o Gymnastics
o Handball
o Hiking (under 6,000 meters altitude / organised tours / clearly marked routes. Exclude solo treks,
mountaineering and helicopter rescue)
o High diving (less than 10 meters)
o Hockey (field or indoor / exclude ice hockey)
o Horse riding (leisure, on a tour with a licensed tour operator, non-competitive / exclude polo,
hunting and jumping)
o Hot air ballooning (exclude racing and competition)
o Husky sledge driving (exclude endurance and racing)
o Ice skating (indoor and outdoor rinks / exclude racing)
o Jet boating
o Jet skiing
o Jogging
o Kayaking - white water, sea, river, lake
o Kite boarding
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
o Kite surfing (exclude racing, competition and surfing during a storm)
o Land surfing
o Marathons
o Martial arts (training, exclude contact)
o Moped, scooter (Zambian and local license for operating this class of vehicle required; must be
wearing a helmet)
o Motor experience as a passenger only (excluding racing)
o Motorcycle riding (touring, independent, organised tour / Zambian and local license for
operating this class of vehicle required / Must be wearing a helmet / exclude off- road, racing
and competition)
o Motorcycle riding (as a passenger you must be wearing a helmet)
o Mountain biking (exclude racing and competition)
o Netball
o Paint ball
o Parasailing over water
o Quad biking (not exceeding 250 cc / exclude racing and competition)
o Racquetball
o Roller skating
o Roller blading/inline skating
o Rowing/sculling, surf boat rowing (inland or 10km coastal waters limit)
o Rugby
o Running or jogging, including half-marathon or less, marathon and ultra-marathon distances
o Safari tours (exclude hunting/guns)
o Sail boarding/wind surfing
o Sailing
o Sandboarding/sand skiing
o Scuba diving (when an open water diving license is held and diving with a buddy diver, or diving
with a licensed instructor / maximum depth 30m)
o Shark cage diving
o Segway tours
o Skateboarding
o Skiing (glacier / exclude racing, competition and black slopes for first time skiers)
o Skidoo
o Snorkelling
o Snowboarding
o Soccer
o Softball
o Speed boating (as a passenger on a licensed carrier)
o Squash
o Stand-up paddle surfing/paddle boarding
o Surfing (exclude competition)
o Swimming
o Swimming with whales/whale sharks/dolphins
o Tennis
o Tobogganing (exclude racing and competition)
o Tuk Tuk as a passenger (excludes Tuk Tuk racing)
o Volleyball
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
o Wakeboarding (exclude competition)
o Wall climbing (artificial / Proper harness wear and usage / exclude racing and competition)
o Water polo
o Water skiing (exclude competition)
o White water rafting (grades 1 to 4)
o Windsurfing (exclude competition)
o Yachting (inside territorial waters / exclude racing and competition and being a member of the
o Yoga
o Zip line
o Zorbing (exclude racing and competition)
4.2. Medical & Related Expenses - You are covered for:
4.2.1. Burial or cremation of a deceased Insured Person abroad; or alternatively transportation
costs of returning Home an Insured Person’s body or ashes.
4.2.2. Emergency Dental and pain-stilling treatment limited to dental treatment up to the limits
on the Schedule of Benefits.
4.2.3. Additional flights and accommodation: On condition that You contact Us first, we give
authorisation for the expense and We make all the travel arrangements: In the event of a
valid claim for overseas medical expenses under Section 4.1, We will pay up to the Limit
of Liability on the Schedule of Benefits per Trip for: Your medical repatriation as per your “fit-to-fly” report from the treating
medical practitioner to your home country. The medical repatriation must be
arranged by us. We will pay for the cost of a medical escort if considered
medically necessary. We have the right to demand that you are repatriated in
order to receive treatment as per the “fit-to-fly” recommendation. If our
medical officer advises a date when it is feasible and practical to repatriate
you, but you choose instead to remain abroad, all expenses incurred thereafter
in respect of the occurrence will be for your own account. Your medical evacuation (transfer) to the nearest adequate medical facility. Accompanying travel companion: We will pay for the additional flight expenses
(economy class) and accommodation costs (three star hotel) incurred by one
person to stay with you and accompany you on the Trip Home. Visit by any one person: A return journey air ticket (economy class) plus
reasonable accommodation costs (three star) arranged by Us for one person
required, on medical advice, to fly out to You. The benefit is only activated
upon your 5
day as an in-patient. Child repatriation: We will pay for the flight expenses (economy) arranged by
us to repatriate any children (up to 4 children) accompanying You on Your
journey, where there is no other adult to accompany them to Their Country of
Residence, in the unfortunate event of your Illness, Injury or death. Your additional accommodation: If you need to return to your home country
on a different date than your booked date as per the “fit-to-fly”
recommendation from the treating doctor following your treatment as an
inpatient, we will pay for your additional accommodation (3 star) arranged by
us until we have booked a suitable flight for your medical repatriation.
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
4.3. Personal Assistance Services - You are covered for:
We will provide assistance in arranging the following services whilst you are on your trip:
a) Consular Referral - We will provide you with the relevant contact details of diplomatic
representatives wherever possible.
b) Emergency travel and accommodation arrangements not covered under any
other section - We will provide You with all reasonable, practical and possible
assistance in arranging alternate emergency accommodation and onward or
return transportation. You will be responsible for the payment of all costs
incurred, and You should make arrangements to pay Us or the service provider
at the time the cost is incurred.
c) 24 Hour Nurse Assist - Our 24-hour helpline on +27 11 991 8610 provides access to a
professional medical assistance service to assist You with any health query.
d) Legal Assist - We will provide You with guidance and information on legal matters.
e) Replacement of Travel Documents - We will assist you should you need to replace lost
or stolen tickets and Travel Documents and refer You to suitable travel offices.
f) Trauma Assist - We will provide assistance in the case of assault, hijacking, child abuse,
medical emergency and most other forms of trauma.
g) Urgent Message Relay - We will transmit urgent messages to a nominated close
relative in your home country following your illness, injury or travel delay problems.
4.4. Cancellation & Curtailment - You are covered for:
We will reimburse up to the Limit of Liability in the Schedule of Benefits per Insured Person under this
policy for the financial loss You suffer, being the published penalties and unused non-refundable prepaid
expenses for flights, accommodation, ski school fees, ski rental and ski lift pass You do not use because of
Your inability to start Your Trip or complete the Trip due to one of the listed reasons on Your Schedule of
4.4.1. Cancellation cover applies if You have booked a Trip to take place within the Period of Insurance,
but You are forced to cancel Your travel plans before You depart from Zambia because of one of
the reasons listed on Your Schedule of Benefits, affecting You, Your travel companion or a Close
Relative which is beyond Your control, and of which You were unaware at the time You booked
the Trip.
4.4.2. Curtailment cover applies if You are forced to cut short a Trip You have already started, and
return to Your Home Country, because of one of the reasons listed on Your Schedule of Benefits
affecting You, Your travel companion or a Close Relative which is beyond Your control, and of
which You were unaware at the time You booked the Trip.
4.4.3. Note - Section 4.4: The maximum amount We will pay under Section 4.4 in total for Cancellation
and Curtailment claims is the Limit of Liability as set out in your Schedule of Benefits which is
limited to one cancellation or curtailment reason per booked trip.
4.4.4. Cancellation & Curtailment - Your responsibilities: You must obtain a medical certificate from the Medical Practitioner prior to Cancelling
Your Trip. The Medical Practitioner must certify that You are unfit to travel or
continue with Your original Trip. In the event of Curtailment, You must contact Us first and allow Us to make all the
necessary travel arrangements. If, at the time of requesting Our assistance in the event of a Curtailment claim,
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
satisfactory medical evidence is not supplied in order to substantiate that the claim is
due to an unforeseen illness, injury or death of You, a Close Relative or travelling
companion, all necessary arrangements will be at Your own cost. You must notify the Carrier or Travel Agent immediately when You know the Trip is to
be cancelled or curtailed, to minimize Your loss as far as possible. If You fail to notify
the Carrier or Travel Agent immediately it is found necessary to cancel the Trip, Our
liability shall be restricted to the cancellation charges that would have applied had
failure not occurred. If You cancel, curtail or interrupt Your Trip because Your presence is required by the
Police in connection with accidental damage, burglary, flooding or fire affecting Your
Home during Your Trip, You must produce to Us written documentation from the
Police confirming that the loss or damage occurred during the Trip - otherwise no
claim will be paid. Curtailment claims will be calculated from the date of return to Your Home Country to
determine the unused, non-refundable loss.
4.4.5. Cancellation & Curtailment You are NOT covered for: Any claim where the transportation or accommodation was cancelled by the Carrier or
provider. Withdrawal from service of the aircraft, sea vessel, coach or train on which You are
booked to travel, by order or recommendation of the regulatory authority in any
country. You should direct any claim in this case to the transport operator involved; Failure by the provider of any part of the booked Trip to supply the service or
transport (whether as the result of error, insolvency, omission, default or otherwise)
unless the event is specifically covered by this policy. You should direct any claim in
this case to the provider involved; Any disinclination to travel or continue travelling, unless Your change of travel plans is
caused by one of the circumstances listed in Your Schedule of Benefits; Any claim arising directly or indirectly from a known Pre-existing Medical Condition
affecting You. Cancellation caused by pregnancy or childbirth where the cause is not listed as a
medical complication under the Meaning of Words: Complications of Pregnancy and
Childbirth, or where you are more than 25 weeks pregnant during Your Trip; Any costs in respect of any unused prepaid travel costs when We have paid to
repatriate You; Any costs relating to airport taxes or air passenger duty. You should obtain a refund
from Your carrier for such charges; Any claim will be deemed to be in excess of the cover provided by any other
policy/policies of insurance or credit card or statutory insurance; Supplier Financial Default; Any costs in respect of unused prepaid travel costs when We have paid to repatriate
You; The Policy Excess; The cost of this policy; Additional travel and accommodation; Anything mentioned in the General Exclusions.
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
4.5. Travel Delay - You are covered for:
Example of a Travel Delay: You are booked to depart from London to Zambia at 13:00. Your flight is delayed,
and departs at 23:00 due to one of the reasons listed below.
If the departure of Your prepaid flight forming part of a booked Trip and specified on Your ticket, is
delayed for more than 6 hours beyond its scheduled departure time as a direct result of Strike, Industrial
Action, severe Weather conditions, failure of air traffic control systems, or mechanical breakdown of a
scheduled carrier:
4.5.1. We will reimburse you for reasonable expenses incurred whilst the Carrier is delayed for meals,
drinks, taxi fare and accommodation if your carrier does not provide them, up to the Limit of
Liability in the Schedule of Benefits per Insured Person per Trip.
4.5.2. Travel Delay - Your responsibilities: Cover and eligibility to claim under the Travel Delay section only applies
to passengers who eventually travel. If you suffer delays you must obtain written confirmation from the Carrier
stating the period and reason for delay. You must provide receipts for the expenses incurred
4.6. Missed connection at a transfer point You are covered for:
Example of a missed connection at a transfer point: You are booked to travel from Zambia to London via
Dubai. London is your final destination. Dubai is a transfer point. Your flight departing from Zambia arrives
late in Dubai, resulting in you missing your flight to London.
If your flight arrives more than 1 hour after the scheduled arrival time due to severe weather conditions,
Strike or Industrial Action or mechanical breakdown, or accident and you miss your connecting flight at the
transfer point as a direct result of the late arrival:
4.6.1. We will pay for additional flight and accommodation expenses incurred to reach Your booked
destination by the most direct alternative route and/or flight, up to the Limit of Liability in the
Schedule of Benefits per Insured Person.
4.6.2. Missed connection Your responsibilities You must take every reasonable step to commence and complete the journey to the
departure point and check in for the flight or cruise on time. You must obtain written confirmation from the Carrier stating the period and reason
for delay as well as whether they have compensated you for any expenses. You must allow a minimum of 4 hours connecting time, or ensure you connect within
the IATA approved minimum connecting time.
4.6.3. Missed connection You are NOT covered for Claims without receipts as proof of expenses; Claims arising from planned Strike or Industrial Action which was common knowledge
at the time You made travel arrangements for the Trip; Meals and drinks unless specified under the Benefit; Claims due to You not allowing sufficient time to complete Your journey to the
departure point (if the minimum connecting time was less than 4 hours, or as defined
by IATA); Withdrawal from service of the aircraft or cruise ship on which You are booked to
travel, by order or recommendation of the regulatory authority in any country. You
should direct any claim to the transport operator involved;
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank Claims where You have not obtained written confirmation from the Carrier stating the
period and reason for delay; Additional costs where the scheduled public transport operator has offered reasonable
alternative travel arrangements; Anything mentioned in the General Exclusions.
4.7. Baggage - You are covered for:
4.7.1. If, in the course of your trip, your Personal Baggage is damaged by the Carrier, or lost by the
Carrier (and not recovered), or stolen we w i l l cover you up to the Limit of Liability as stated in
the Schedule of Benefits.
4.7.2. If, in the course of your trip, your Cash and/or you passport is stolen whilst on your person or
locked in a safety deposit box, we will cover you up to the Limit of Liability as stated in the
Schedule of Benefits. Note: Loss of passport: We will cover the cost of an emergency passport and taxi
costs to the nearest Embassy/Consulate to obtain the emergency passport.
4.7.3. Baggage delay - If Your Baggage is certified by the Carrier to have been misplaced on your arrival
outside the borders of Zambia for a period in excess of 6 hours from time of arrival , we will
cover you up to the Limit of Liability in the Schedule of Benefits per Insured Person for the
purchase of clothing and toiletries whilst your bag is delayed. Note: Such sums will be refundable to us if the Baggage or any part of it proves to be
permanently lost and/or a claim is made under the Personal Baggage Section.
4.7.4. Baggage Your responsibilities Cash, passports and Valuables must be carried on Your person, or lodged in a safety
deposit box at the time of loss. When baggage damage or loss occurs due to an airline’s mishandling, We act as a
secondary insurance to the airline. The primary coverage is provided by the airline. A
claim must be filed with the airline. The amount not reimbursed by the airline may then
be directed to Us. If You can provide proof that You have taken all reasonable and
necessary steps to claim from the airline, We will pay a pro-rata portion of the
indemnity. Our liability will be reduced by the amount for which We consider the airline
to be liable. If the airline denies your claim based on the fact that you did not file a claim or that the
claim was not filed in time, We will also deny your claim since We are secondary to the
airline. We have the option to either pay You for the loss, or replace, reinstate or repair the
items concerned. Claims are paid based on the value of the goods at the time that they are lost. You must take suitable precautions to secure the safety of Your Personal Baggage, and
must not leave it unsecured or Unattended or beyond Your reach at any time in a place
to which the public have access.
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank If claiming for Your goods that were stolen or lost by the Carrier You should produce
proof of purchase of the original goods by way of receipts, credit card or bank
statements, as failure to do so may affect the assessment of the claim. Within 24 hours of the discovery of the incident, You must report the theft of Personal
Baggage, Cash or Passport to the local Police, or to Your hotel or accommodation
management. Damage or loss to Personal Baggage in transit must be reported to the Carrier before
You leave the baggage hall and a Property Irregularity Report (PIR) must be obtained). You must produce to Us written documentation from the appropriate parties listed
above confirming that the loss or theft occurred during the Trip - otherwise no claim
will be paid. You must produce to Us evidence of the withdrawal of bank notes or currency notes -
otherwise no payment will be made.
4.7.5. Baggage You are NOT covered for Any item loaned, hired or entrusted to You; Any loss, theft of, or damage to Personal Baggage left in an Unattended motor vehicle
if: the items concerned have not been locked out of sight in a Secure Baggage
Area; no forcible and violent means have been used by an unauthorised person to
affect entry into the vehicle; and no evidence of such entry is available. Theft of cash and Valuables from an Unattended motor vehicle; Loss, theft of, or damage to cash and Valuables from checked-in Baggage left in the
custody of a Carrier and/or cash and Valuables packed in Baggage left in the baggage
hold or storage area of a Carrier; Theft of cash and Valuables not carried on Your person, or lodged in a safety deposit
box at the time of loss; Electrical or mechanical breakdown or derangement of the article insured; Wear and tear, damage caused by water, moth or vermin or any process of dyeing or
cleaning; Damage (denting or scratching) not resulting in the complete destruction of the article; Loss, damage, cost or expense directly or indirectly arising from permanent or
temporary dispossession resulting from detention, confiscation, forfeiture, impounding
or requisition legally carried out by customs, police services, crime prevention units or
any lawfully constituted officials or authorities; Dentures; bonds; securities; stamps or documents of any kind, including driving licenses
and passports; musical instruments; typewriters; glass; china; antiques; pictures; pedal
cycles; hearing aids; coupons; vehicles or accessories; samples or merchandise or
business goods or specialized equipment relating to a trade or profession, unused
mobile telephone rental charges or pre-payments;
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank Damage to fragile, perishable or brittle items; Cracked screens; Forgotten or mislaid items; Liability in respect of a Pair or Set of articles where We shall be liable only for the value
of that part of the Pair or Set which is lost or damaged; Sports gear whilst in use; Loss or theft of or damage to Money (please refer to Loss of Cash section); Losses from a roof or Baggage rack; Claims for loss, theft or damage to anything being shipped as freight or under a Bill of
Loading; Loss or damage to baggage not accompanying You on the same flight. The Policy Excess; Anything mentioned in the General Exclusions
4.8. Legal - You are covered for:
If in the course of a Trip You become legally liable for accidental bodily injury to, or the death
of, any person and/or accidental loss of or damage to a third party’s property, then on
condition that there is no other insurance in force covering the loss, the material damage or
Your liability, We will cover You (or in the event of Your death, Your estate) against;
4.8.1. All sums which You shall become legally liable to pay as compensation; and
4.8.2. All legal costs awarded to any claimant or incurred in the defense of any claim that is contested
by us or with our consent.
4.8.3. Note: In the event that legal proceedings are instituted against you or your authorized
representative, you must immediately inform us within 48 hours thereof failing which you will
not be entitled to claim any legal costs incurred.
4.8.4. Legal You are NOT covered for Injury to, or the death of, any member of Your family or household, or any person in
Your service; Property belonging to, or held in trust by You or Your family, household or servant; Loss of or damage to property which is the legal responsibility of You or Your family,
household or servant. (This exclusion will not apply to temporary accommodation
which You occupy and for which You assume contractual responsibility during Your
Trip); Any liability which attaches by virtue of a contractual agreement, but which would not
exist in law in the absence of such an agreement; Claims for injury, loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from: ownership or use of: airborne craft; horse-drawn, motorized, mechanically-
propelled or towed vehicles; vessels, sail or powered boat (other than row
boats or canoes); animals; firearms;
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank the pursuit or exercise of any trade, profession or gainful occupation, or the
supply of goods and services by You; the ownership or occupation of any land or building; wilful or malicious acts. Liability or material damage for which cover is provided under any other insurance; Accidental injury or loss not caused through Your negligence; Any injury, illness, death, loss, expense or other liability attributable to the transmission
of any communicable disease or virus, or to HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
and/or any HIV related illness including AIDS and/or any mutant derivatives or
variations thereof however caused; Any claim arising in connection with a Trip within Your Home Country; Liability arising from the conduct by You of any profession, trade or business; Judgements which are not in the first instance either delivered or obtained from a court
within Zambia or the country in which the event occurred; The Policy Excess; Anything mentioned in the General Exclusions.
4.9. Personal Accident - You are covered for:
4.9.1. If you suffer Accidental Bodily Injury during your trip, which within 12 months from
the date of the accident or injury is the sole and direct cause of death or Permanent
Disablement, We will pay up to the Limit of Liability in the Schedule of Benefits as per
the defined insured event below:
Expressed as a percentage
of the Limit of Liability
a) Death
b) Total, permanent and irrecoverable loss of hearing in both ears
c) Total, permanent and irrecoverable loss of hearing in one ear
d) Total, permanent and irrecoverable loss of sight in both eyes
e) Total, permanent and irrecoverable loss of sight in one eye
f) Total, permanent and irrecoverable loss of both hands or feet
g) Total, permanent and irrecoverable loss of one hand and one foot
h) Total, permanent and irrecoverable loss of one hand or one foot
i) Permanent and total loss of speech
j) Permanent and incurable paralysis
k) Permanent and total loss of four fingers and thumb of either hand
l) Permanent and total loss of four fingers or thumb of either hand
m) Permanent Total Disablement
n) Permanent Disabilities not provided for under the listed Insured Events “a
to m”
4.9.2. Personal Accident Your responsibilities
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank The diagnosis and determination of Permanent Total Disablement must be made and
documented by Our Medical Officer, and must be continuous and permanent for at
least 24 consecutive months from the onset of the disablement; Permanent total loss of use of a limb shall be treated as a loss of limb; In the event of compensation becoming payable under more than one benefit, the total
amount payable shall not exceed 100% of the Limit of Liability for each Insured Person,
not exceeding the Accumulation Limit; Notice of death must be given immediately and We will have the right to have a post
mortem examination of the body.
4.9.3. Personal Accident You are NOT covered for Injury not caused solely by outward, violent and visible means; Your disablement caused by mental or psychological trauma not involving Your bodily
injury; Disease or any physical defect, infirmity or illness which existed prior to the
commencement of the Trip; Any payment in excess of the amount legislated by law arising from death of Insured
Persons under 18 years of age; An Insured Person engaging in any Adventure Sports and Activities Personal Accident benefits will cease on Your 66th birthday; Any claim arising directly or indirectly from any type of Illness and/or bacterial infection,
except that this exclusion shall not apply to medically acquired infections or blood
poisoning which may result from an accidental cut or wound; Any claim arising If you have reached the age of 66 years. Anything mentioned in the General Exclusions.
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
Schedule of Benefits
Schedule of Benefits
Limits of Liability: International Travel Insurance
Medical Age Limit
70 Years
70 Years
Account Type and Number
Platinum Account
Private Account
1. Overseas Medical and Medical Related Expenses
1.1. Medical Evacuation/ Repatriation/ Transportation
Included in 1
Included in 1
1.2. Burial/ Cremation/ Return of Mortal Remains
Actual Expenses
Actual Expenses
1.3. Medical expenses related to Terrorism
1.4. Emergency Dental Treatment
1.5. Additional Travel and Accommodation Expenses
Refer Below
Refer Below
1.5.1. Accompanying Travel Companion & up to 4 Children
Included in 1
Included in 1
1.5.2. Visit by any one person
Included in 1
Included in 1
1.5.3. Child Repatriation
Included in 1
Included in 1
1.6. Pre-existing Medical Conditions
1.7. Adventure/ Winter Sport Extension
1.8. Hospital Daily Benefit
(US$30 per day)
(US$50 per day)
Medical Excess: In-patient
Medical Excess: Out-patient
2. Cancellation and Curtailment
3. Personal Assistance
Assistance Services
Assistance Services
4. Loss of Cash and or Passport (Additional accommodation)
Assistance Services Only
5. Personal Liability
6. Personal Accident
6.1. Permanent Disablement
6.2. Death
Refer below
Refer below
7. Hijack of Public Conveyance (Excess: 12 Hours)
Terms and Conditions apply. First National Bank Zambia is a licensed Commercial Bank
8. Carrier Accumulation Limit
Period of Cover
90 Days per trip