Housing (Standards for Rented Houses)
Regulations 2019, came into operation 01 May
These regulations specify requirements in relation to:
Structural Condition
Sanitary Facilities
Heating Facilities
Food Preparation and Storage and Laundry
Fire Safety
Refuse Facilities
Gas, Oil and Electricity Installations
Structural Condition
“proper state of structural repair”, This requirement has been
expanded and requires a private rented house to be “sound,
internally and externally, with roof, roofing tiles and slates,
windows, floors, ceilings, walls, stairs, doors, skirting boards,
fascia, tiles on any floor, ceiling and wall, gutters, down pipes,
fittings, furnishings, gardens and common areas maintained in
good condition and repair and not defective due to dampness or
The Regulations have strengthened the Structural Condition
requirement with the addition of restriction on the opening of a
window “where a window has an opening section through which
a person may fall, and the bottom of the opening section is
more than 1400 mm above external ground level, suitable
safety restrictors shall be fitted. Safety restrictors shall restrain
the window sufficiently to prevent such falls.”
Safety restrictors should operate so that they:
1. Limit the initial movement of an opening section so that a
clear opening of not more
2. than 100mm is achieved at any point;
3. Are releasable only by manipulation not normally possible
by a child under 5 years;
4. Are readily identifiable and capable of being released by an
adult (without prior instruction) on windows suitable as a
means of escape in case of fire;
5. Re-engage automatically when an opening section is
returned to the initial restricted opening position, or to a
closed position (whether latched or not);
Are not lockable by a removable key or other device on windows
suitable as a means of escape in case of fire.
The Regulations ensure that in the rented property that adequate
provision shall be made to prevent harbourage or ingress of pests
or vermin.
Sanitary Facilities
Each house must have access to its own sanitary
accommodation. This means that sanitary facilities cannot be
shared between different rented lettings. In effect, this will result
in the phasing-out of the traditional bedsit by requiring every
letting or rental unit to have their own sanitary facilities
The sanitary facilities must be provided in a room separate from
other rooms and contain separate ventilation
The sanitary accommodation must consist of:
A toilet with a dedicated wash hand basin supplied with hot
and cold water
A fixed bath or shower, supplied with hot and cold water
Heating Facilities
Every room used or intended for use by the tenant as the habitable room and
any bathroom, or shower-room shall contain a heat emitter, heat distribution
system, or heat producing appliance, capable of providing adequate heating
and be shall a permanently fixed, that are properly installed and are
maintained in good working condition. Each habitable room any bathroom, or
shower-room must have:
A permanently fixed heat emitter, heat distribution system, or
heat producing appliance, capable of providing adequate heating
Shall be so installed that there is an adequate supply of air to it for
combustion, to prevent overheating and for the efficient working of
any flue pipe or chimney serving the appliance.
The tenant must be able to independently control the operation of
the heating appliance.
Each house shall contain, where necessary, suitably located devices
for the detection and alarm of carbon monoxide
A habitable room means a room “habitable room” means a room used for
living or sleeping purposes but does not include a kitchen having a floor
area of less than 6.5 square metres
The house must contain suitably located device(s) for the detection and
alarm of carbon monoxide. A carbon monoxide alarm is to be provided in the
room where the appliance(s) are located and either inside each bedroom or
within 5m (16ft) of the bedroom door.
The carbon monoxide alarm must carry the CE mark and must comply with
Technical Guidance Document J and I.S. EN50291-1:A1; 2012 standard or
BS EN50291-1:A1. The carbon monoxide alarm should be fitted in
accordance with manufactures’ instructions
It is recommended that carbon monoxide monitors fitted with a 10
year sealed in long life battery are fitted.
Please refer to this link for further information
Food Preparation and Storage and Laundry
a sink with hot and cold water and a draining board. The cold water
supply to the kitchen sink must be taken directly from the rising main
a 4-ring hob with oven and grill
a microwave oven
adequate number of kitchen presses
a fridge and freezer or a fridge-freezer
Suitable facilities for the effective and safe removal of fumes to
the external air by means of a cooker hood or extractor fan
Washing Clothes
a clothes washing machine must be provided within each
letting or there must be access to a communal clothes washing
machine facility within the curtilage of the building
Drying Clothes
where the house does not contain a garden or yard for the
exclusive use of that house, a clothes dryer (vented or
circulation type) or access to a
communal dryer facility must be provided
All houses that are let or available for letting need adequate ventilation
in order:
To replace moist, stale air with fresh clean air.
To help prevent condensation, dampness and mould growth.
To remove cooking odours and fumes
All habitable rooms must have adequate ventilation with all
windows and extract systems maintained in good repair and
working order.
Kitchens and bathrooms must have adequate ventilation that is
capable of removing water vapour
All habitable rooms must have adequate natural ligting
All rooms (including common areas such as the hall, stairs and
landing) must have adequate means of artificial lighting
The windows of every room containing a baht and/or shower and
a toilet must be suitably screened to ensure privacy
Fire Safety
The 2019 Regulations make a distinction between a
“house” and a house in a “multi-unit building”.
A house in a “multi-unit building” means a building that contains
2 or more houses that share a common access. An apartment
complex or pre 63 building converted into Flats are an example
of such
Single House
In a single house the following provisions for fire safety are required:
There must be a suitably located fire blanket provided.
There must suitable self-contained fire detection and alarm
Multi-Unit Building
In a house in a multi-unit building the following provisions for
fire safety are required:
1. Each house in a multi-unit building should contain, but not
limited to, the following:
A suitably located smoke alarm in the ground floor hallway
(or room in open plan design) and each upper floor
landing of the stairway, where applicable
Smoke alarms are either mains wired with battery back
up or 10year self-contained battery operated
Each smoke alarm must carry the CE marks comply
with I.S. EN 14604:2005 Smoke Alarm Devices and
should be installed as per the manufacturer’s
Each Smoke alarm should be in working order and be
within its ‘end of life’ indicator.
2. There is an emergency evacuation plan displayed in each
3. A notice containing the following information, should be
displayed in each house:
The action to be taken in the event of fire, discovering a
fire or hearing the fire alarm
The procedure for calling the fire brigade
A floor plan of the building providing the following
The location of all relevant escape routes from the
The location of fire alarm call points (break glass units)
and fire alarm control panel
The location of firefighting equipment in the building
4. Each multi unit building should have a suitable common fire
detection and alarm system in the building. The common fire
detection and alarm system in the building should consist of:
A control panel with suitably located smoke
detectors and sounders at each level of the
stairway and in each circulation space.
A heat detector and sounder inside each unit
within the building, located in the entrance
hallway, where provided.
5. A manual fire alarm call point (break glass unit) at each floor
level and at each final exit from the building is required.
6. The fire detection and alarm system should meet the
requirements of a Type L3X system installed and maintained
in accordance with I.S. 3218.
7. The common areas in a multi-unit building are to be provided
with an emergency lighting system installed and maintained in
accordance with I.S 3217:2013. Emergency lighting should be
provided throughout all common escape routes, i.e. Corridors,
lobbies and stairways.
8. There is a fire blanket located in the kitchen in each house in a
multi-unit building. The fire blanket must be securely wall
mounted in a prominent location and provided with clear
instructions on its use. The fire blanket should be a light duty
blanket, complying with IS 415:1988. Preferably, the fire blanket
should be 1.2m by 1.8m in size.
Fire detection and alarm systems and emergency lighting systems
required shall be maintained in accordance with current standards
“current standards” means standards produced by the National
Standards Authority of Ireland for Fire Detection and Fire Alarm
Systems in Buildings and for Emergency Lighting;
Any requirement, in this correspondence, under Regulation 10 of
the Housing (Standards for Rented Houses) Regulations, 2019,
does not relieve landlords of their responsibilities to comply with
the Fire Services Acts, 1981 and 2003, and the guidance
document: “Guide to Fire Safety in Flats, Bedsitters and
Suitable and sufficient refuse facilities that are pest and vermin proof
and are adequate for the needs of the occupants, must be provided
and maintained
Gas, Oil and Electricity Installations
All houses that are let or available for letting must be ensure that the
installations for the supply of gas, oil and electricity including
pipework, storage facilities and electrical distribution boxes shall be
maintained in good repair and safe working order
Where there are concerns, landlords will be required to provide:
An Electro-Technical Council of Ireland Periodic Inspection
Report by a registered electrical contractor for the electrical
installations, which shows that no remedial works are required.
A current Declaration of Conformity for an IS813 annex E
inspection by a registered gas installer for the gas installations
A current Periodic inspection Report from a suitably competent person
(e.g. OFTEC registered technician) that the oil installation in the house is
safe and in proper working order.
Sufficient information shall be provided to the tenant about the
rented property, the fixed building services, appliances and their
routine maintenance requirements so that the occupant can
operate them correctly