Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early
Literacy Skills
8th Edition
Composite Score Calculation Guide
July 2020
University of Oregon (2020). 8th Edition of Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS®):
Composite Score Calculation Guide Supplement. Eugene, OR: University of Oregon. Available: https://
Contributing Authors
Gina Biancarosa, Ed. D.
Associate Professor and Ann Swindells Chair in Education
Department of Educational Methodology, Policy, and Leadership
College of Education, University of Oregon
Patrick C. Kennedy, Ph.D.
Research Associate and Director of Data Management and Analysis Group
Center on Teaching & Learning
College of Education, University of Oregon
Sunhi Park
Graduate Research Assistant Fellow
Center on Teaching & Learning
College of Education, University of Oregon
Janet Otterstedt, M.S.
Research Assistant and Project Coordinator
Center on Teaching & Learning
College of Education, University of Oregon
Brian Gearin, M.Ed.
Research Assistant and Project Coordinator
Center on Teaching & Learning
College of Education, University of Oregon
Christopher Ives
Graduate Research Assistant Fellow
Center on Teaching & Learning
College of Education, University of Oregon
Contributing Editors
Maureen Warman, M.S.
Senior Research Assistant I and DIBELS Data System Manager
Center on Teaching & Learning
College of Education, University of Oregon
University of Oregon would also like to acknowledge and thank our partner Amplify
Education for their work on copy editing and formatting.
Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Discontinue and Gating Rules Composite Score Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Composite Score Calculation Worksheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Table of Contents
Composite Score Calculation Guide Supplement
4 | DIBELS 8th Edition
© 2020 University of Oregon. All rights reserved.
This document supplements the DIBELS 8th Edition Administration and Scoring Guide.
The Administration and Scoring Guide contains in depth information about the DIBELS
8th Edition Composite Score and includes an Appendix with values for all grades K-8.
The Administration and Scoring Guide can be downloaded from the DIBELS Materials
This supplement includes special instructions for use when calculating a composite
score in cases where discontinue and gating rules are utilized. This guide also includes
composite score calculation worksheets that can be used to manually calculate the
composite score.
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Discontinue and Gating Rules Composite Score Calculation
Special rules apply to calculate the DIBELS 8 composite score when a discontinue or gating
rule has been used and a student has not been administered all available subtests for their
grade. In these cases a constant is used in place of the missing raw scores. The steps are the
same as when calculating a regular composite score with the additional step of substituting
a constant for the missing values. Example calculations are provided after the tables on the
following pages.
Discontinue Rules
There are three discontinue rules that impact calculation of a composite score. In all cases,
when a measure is discontinued a score of zero is given for that measure and the remaining
measures are not administered.
Grade K: Beginning of Year (BOY) - If PSF is discontinued, do not administer NWF and WRF.
Enter zero for PSF. Do not enter scores for the remaining subtests: NWF and WRF.
Grade K: Middle of Year (MOY) - If NWF is discontinued, do not administer WRF. Enter zero for
NWF. Do not enter scores for the remaining subtest: WRF.
Grade 1: Beginning of Year (BOY) - If WRF is discontinued, do not administer ORF. Enter zero
for WRF. Do not enter scores for the remaining subtest: ORF
Gating Rules
There are eight time periods across three grades where a gating rule impacts calculation of a
composite score. In these cases, when a measure is not given because a student's scores are
in the blue negligible risk category on the specied measures, a constant value can be used to
calculate a composite score.
Grade 1: Middle of Year (MOY) and End of Year (EOY) - If the student scores in the blue range
on NWF-CLS, then you do not have to administer LNF or PSF. Leave those scores blank if not
Grade 2 and 3: Beginning of Year (BOY), Middle of Year (MOY), and End of Year (EOY) - If the
student scores in the blue range on ORF-WRC, then you do not have to administer NWF or
WRF. Leave those scores blank if not administered. Always give Maze.
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Apply the following steps, in order:
1. For each subtest raw score, multiply the students raw score by the Weight listed in the table
on the next page, rounding the result to the 100ths place.
If a student does not have a subtest raw score due to the Discontinue or Gating
Rules, use the constant from the table below for the missing subtest scores.
2. Sum the resulting weighted scores across all applicable subtests.
3. From that sum, subtract the Mean for the appropriate grade from the table on the next page.
4. Divide the result by the standard deviation (SD) for the appropriate grade in the table on the
next page and round to the 100ths place.
5. Multiply the result by 40 and round to the ones place.
6. Add the scaling constant corresponding to the grade and season in which the student was
tested from the table on the next page. The result is the composite score.
Note that ORF Accuracy should be represented in these calculations as a proportion of words
correct (e.g., .99), rather than percent correct (e.g., 99).
Composite score constants for use when discontinuing or gating benchmarking
Grade Time Period LNF PSF
BOY (fall) 0 0 0
MOY (winter) 0
First BOY (fall) 0 0
MOY (winter)
66 56
EOY (spring)
68 60
BOY (fall)
85 24 49
MOY (winter)
102 35 62
EOY (spring)
116 38 69
BOY (fall)
120 33 59
MOY (winter)
137 45 64
EOY (spring)
140 44 69
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Composite Score Calculation Values K-3
Grade Subtest score Weight Mean SD
LNF BOY 35.44 729 630 289 364 398
PSF 4.13
NWF-CLS 14.93
NWF-WRC 3.56
WRF 5.62
LNF 10.72 3371 2251 360 400 440
PSF 2.13
NWF-CLS 23.13
NWF-WRC 7.79
WRF 13.51
ORF-WRC 25.36
ORF-ACC 0.25
NWF-CLS 32.74 7085 3811 360 400 440
NWF-WRC 10.95
WRF 21.26
ORF-WRC 35.36
ORF-ACC 0.15
MAZE 4.28
NWF-CLS 40.02 10051 4349 360 400 440
NWF-WRC 11.80
WRF 19.83
ORF-WRC 39.42
ORF-ACC 0.09
MAZE 4.79
Composite Score Calculation Guide Supplement
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Discontinue Example
For a kindergarten student with Beginning of Year (BOY/fall) DIBELS 8 scores of 10 for LNF, 0
for PSF, and no scores for NWF-CLS, NWF-WRC, or WRF due to the discontinue rule, we would
calculate this student’s composite score as follows.
Step 1: Multiply each subtest raw score by the corresponding weight listed in the table. Use a
zero for the missing subtest/s score/s.
Subtest score Raw score Weight Weight score
LNF 10.00 * 35.44 = 354.40
PSF 0.00 * 4.13 = 0.00
NWF-CLS 0 * 14.93 = 0.00
NWF-WRC 0 * 3.56 = 0.00
WRF 0 * 5.62 = 0.00
Step 2: Sum the resulting weighted scores across all applicable subtests:
354.40 + 0.00 + 0.00 + 0.00 + 0.00 = 354.40
Step 3: Subtract from that sum the mean of the weighted scores for the appropriate grade:
354.40 – 729 = -374.60
Step 4: Divide that value by the standard deviation for the appropriate grade:
-374.60 / 630 = -0.59
Step 5: Multiply that score by 40 and round to the ones place:
-0.59 * 40 = -24
Step 6: Add the scaling constant corresponding to the season in which the student was tested
to obtain the nal composite score:
-24 + 289 = 265
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Gating Example
For a second grade student with Beginning of Year (BOY/fall) DIBELS 8 scores of 93 for ORF-
WRC, 0.99 (99%) ORF-ACC, 11.5 for Maze Adjusted, and no scores for NWF-CLS, NWF-WRC,
or WRF due to the gating rule, we would calculate this students composite score as follows.
Step 1: Multiply each subtest raw score by the corresponding weight listed in the table. Use
the constant values for the missing subtest/s score/s.
Subtest score Raw score Weight Weight score
* 32.74
= 2782.90
* 10.95
= 262.80
* 21.26
= 1041.74
ORF-WRC 93.00 * 35.36 = 3288.48
ORF-ACC 0.99 * 0.15 = 0.15
Maze 11.50 * 4.28 = 49.22
Step 2: Sum the resulting weighted scores across all applicable subtests:
2782.90 + 262.80 + 1041.74 + 3288.48 + 0.15 + 49.22 = 7425.29
Step 3: Subtract from that sum the mean of the weighted scores for the appropriate grade:
7425.29 – 7085 = 340.29
Step 4: Divide that value by the standard deviation for the appropriate grade:
340.29 / 3811 = 0.09
Step 5: Multiply that score by 40 and round to the ones place:
0.09 * 40 = 4
Step 6: Add the scaling constant corresponding to the season in which the student was tested
to obtain the nal composite score:
4 + 360 = 364
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Composite Score Calculation
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DIBELS 8th Edition Composite Score Calculation Worksheet
Step 1. Multiply each subtest raw score by the weight listed.
Subtest Raw score Weight Weighted score
x 35.44 if Beginning of year
x 8.86 if Middle or End of year
= ____________
x 4.13
= ____________
x 14.93
= ____________
x 3.56
= ____________
x 5.62
= ____________
Step 2. Sum the weighted scores from Step 1. Total = _______________
Step 3. Subtract the mean of the weighted score from the sum of the weighted scores.
___________________ - 729 = ___________________
(Total from Step 2)
Step 4. Divide value from Step 3 by standard deviation.
___________________ ÷ 630 = ___________________
(Value from Step 3)
Step 5. Multiply value from Step 4 by 40 and round to the ones place.
___________________ x 40 = ____________________(round to ones place)
(Value from Step 4)
Step 6. Add the scaling constant for the season in which the student was tested to obtain the
nal composite score.
Constants: Fall/Beginning = 289, Winter/Middle = 364, Spring/End = 398.
_________________ + ___________________ = _______________________
(Value from Step 5) (constant) (nal composite score)
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DIBELS 8th Edition Composite Score Calculation Worksheet
First Grade
Step 1. Multiply each subtest raw score by the weight listed.
Subtest Raw score Weight Weighted score
x 10.72
= ____________
x 2.13
= ____________
x 23.13
= ____________
x 7.79
= ____________
x 13.51
= ____________
x 25.36
= ____________
x 0.25
= ____________
Step 2. Sum the weighted scores from Step 1. Total = _______________
Step 3. Subtract the mean of the weighted score from the sum of the weighted scores.
___________________ - 3371 = ___________________
(Total from Step 2)
Step 4. Divide value from Step 3 by standard deviation.
___________________ ÷ 2251 = ___________________
(Value from Step 3)
Step 5. Multiply value from Step 4 by 40 and round to the ones place.
___________________ x 40 = ____________________(round to ones place)
(Value from Step 4)
Step 6. Add the scaling constant for the season in which the student was tested to obtain the
nal composite score.
Constants: Fall/Beginning = 360, Winter/Middle = 400, Spring/End = 440.
___________________ + ___________________ = _______________________
(Value from Step 5) (constant) (nal composite score)
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DIBELS 8th Edition Composite Score Calculation Worksheet
Second Grade
Step 1. Multiply each subtest raw score by the weight listed.
Subtest Raw score Weight Weighted score
x 32.74
= ____________
x 10.95
= ____________
x 21.26
= ____________
x 35.36
= ____________
x 0.15
= ____________
x 4.28
= ____________
Step 2. Sum the weighted scores from Step 1. Total = _______________
Step 3. Subtract the mean of the weighted score from the sum of the weighted scores.
___________________ - 7085 = ___________________
(Total from Step 2)
Step 4. Divide value from Step 3 by standard deviation.
___________________ ÷ 3811 = ___________________
(Value from Step 3)
Step 5. Multiply value from Step 4 by 40 and round to the ones place.
___________________ x 40 = ____________________(round to ones place)
(Value from Step 4)
Step 6. Add the scaling constant for the season in which the student was tested to obtain the
nal composite score.
Constants: Fall/Beginning = 360, Winter/Middle = 400, Spring/End = 440.
___________________ + ___________________ = _______________________
(Value from Step 5) (constant) (nal composite score)
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DIBELS 8th Edition Composite Score Calculation Worksheet
Third Grade
Step 1. Multiply each subtest raw score by the weight listed.
Subtest Raw score Weight Weighted score
x 40.02
= ____________
x 11.80
= ____________
x 19.83
= ____________
x 39.42
= ____________
x 0.09
= ____________
x 4.79
= ____________
Step 2. Sum the weighted scores from Step 1. Total = _______________
Step 3. Subtract the mean of the weighted score from the sum of the weighted scores.
___________________ - 10051 = ___________________
(Total from Step 2)
Step 4. Divide value from Step 3 by standard deviation.
___________________ ÷ 4349 = ___________________
(Value from Step 3)
Step 5. Multiply value from Step 4 by 40 and round to the ones place.
___________________ x 40 = ____________________(round to ones place)
(Value from Step 4)
Step 6. Add the scaling constant for the season in which the student was tested to obtain the
nal composite score.
Constants: Fall/Beginning = 360, Winter/Middle = 400, Spring/End = 440.
___________________ + ___________________ = _______________________
(Value from Step 5) (constant) (nal composite score)
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DIBELS 8th Edition Composite Score Calculation Worksheet
Fourth Grade
Step 1. Multiply each subtest raw score by the weight listed.
Subtest Raw score Weight Weighted score
x 36.42
= ____________
x 0.06
= ____________
x 6.29
= ____________
Step 2. Sum the weighted scores from Step 1. Total = _______________
Step 3. Subtract the mean of the weighted score from the sum of the weighted scores.
___________________ - 4563 = ___________________
(Total from Step 2)
Step 4. Divide value from Step 3 by standard deviation.
___________________ ÷ 1771 = ___________________
(Value from Step 3)
Step 5. Multiply value from Step 4 by 40 and round to the ones place.
___________________ x 40 = ____________________(round to ones place)
(Value from Step 4)
Step 6. Add the scaling constant for the season in which the student was tested to obtain the
nal composite score.
Constants: Fall/Beginning = 360, Winter/Middle = 400, Spring/End = 440.
___________________ + ___________________ = _______________________
(Value from Step 5) (constant) (nal composite score)
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DIBELS 8th Edition Composite Score Calculation Worksheet
Fifth Grade
Step 1. Multiply each subtest raw score by the weight listed.
Subtest Raw score Weight Weighted score
x 31.12
= ____________
x 0.03
= ____________
x 4.58
= ____________
Step 2. Sum the weighted scores from Step 1. Total = _______________
Step 3. Subtract the mean of the weighted score from the sum of the weighted scores.
___________________ - 4085 = ___________________
(Total from Step 2)
Step 4. Divide value from Step 3 by standard deviation.
___________________ ÷ 1299 = ___________________
(Value from Step 3)
Step 5. Multiply value from Step 4 by 40 and round to the ones place.
___________________ x 40 = ____________________(round to ones place)
(Value from Step 4)
Step 6. Add the scaling constant for the season in which the student was tested to obtain the
nal composite score.
Constants: Fall/Beginning = 360, Winter/Middle = 400, Spring/End = 440.
___________________ + ___________________ = _______________________
(Value from Step 5) (constant) (nal composite score)
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DIBELS 8th Edition Composite Score Calculation Worksheet
Sixth Grade
Step 1. Multiply each subtest raw score by the weight listed.
Subtest Raw score Weight Weighted score
x 40.71
= ____________
x 0.05
= ____________
x 5.03
= ____________
Step 2. Sum the weighted scores from Step 1. Total = _______________
Step 3. Subtract the mean of the weighted score from the sum of the weighted scores.
___________________ - 6087 = ___________________
(Total from Step 2)
Step 4. Divide value from Step 3 by standard deviation.
___________________ ÷ 1685 = ___________________
(Value from Step 3)
Step 5. Multiply value from Step 4 by 40 and round to the ones place.
___________________ x 40 = ____________________(round to ones place)
(Value from Step 4)
Step 6. Add the scaling constant for the season in which the student was tested to obtain the
nal composite score.
Constants: Fall/Beginning = 360, Winter/Middle = 400, Spring/End = 440.
___________________ + ___________________ = _______________________
(Value from Step 5) (constant) (nal composite score)
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DIBELS 8th Edition Composite Score Calculation Worksheet
Seventh Grade
Step 1. Multiply each subtest raw score by the weight listed.
Subtest Raw score Weight Weighted score
x 40.55
= ____________
x 0.06
= ____________
x 7.34
= ____________
Step 2. Sum the weighted scores from Step 1. Total = _______________
Step 3. Subtract the mean of the weighted score from the sum of the weighted scores.
___________________ - 6444 = ___________________
(Total from Step 2)
Step 4. Divide value from Step 3 by standard deviation.
___________________ ÷ 1960 = ___________________
(Value from Step 3)
Step 5. Multiply value from Step 4 by 40 and round to the ones place.
___________________ x 40 = ____________________(round to ones place)
(Value from Step 4)
Step 6. Add the scaling constant for the season in which the student was tested to obtain the
nal composite score.
Constants: Fall/Beginning = 360, Winter/Middle = 400, Spring/End = 440.
___________________ + ___________________ = _______________________
(Value from Step 5) (constant) (nal composite score)
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DIBELS 8th Edition Composite Score Calculation Worksheet
Eighth Grade
Step 1. Multiply each subtest raw score by the weight listed.
Subtest Raw score Weight Weighted score
x 37.69
= ____________
x 0.03
= ____________
x 6.75
= ____________
Step 2. Sum the weighted scores from Step 1. Total = _______________
Step 3. Subtract the mean of the weighted score from the sum of the weighted scores.
___________________ - 4824 = ___________________
(Total from Step 2)
Step 4. Divide value from Step 3 by standard deviation.
___________________ ÷ 1506 = ___________________
(Value from Step 3)
Step 5. Multiply value from Step 4 by 40 and round to the ones place.
___________________ x 40 = ____________________(round to ones place)
(Value from Step 4)
Step 6. Add the scaling constant for the season in which the student was tested to obtain the
nal composite score.
Constants: Fall/Beginning = 360, Winter/Middle = 400, Spring/End = 440.
___________________ + ___________________ = _______________________
(Value from Step 5) (constant) (nal composite score)